The Day the Teacher Went Bananas

  • 4 days ago
by James Howe
illustrated by Lillian Hoban
00:00The day the teacher went bananas.
00:13By James Howe.
00:15Illustrated by Lillian Hoban.
00:18For my mother.
00:20One day a new teacher arrived at our school.
00:24We didn't know what to call him because he wouldn't tell us his name.
00:28He just grunted a lot.
00:31When it was time for arithmetic, he showed us how to count on our toes.
00:37And we learned a new way to write.
00:40We went outside for science class.
00:44Then we went back inside for lunch.
00:47The teacher ate 16 bananas.
00:50Tomorrow, let's bring bananas for lunch.
00:54We all said wanting to be just like our new teacher.
00:58And we had art class.
01:00Our teacher taught us how to work with clay.
01:04And paper and paint.
01:06Then we studied music.
01:08Suddenly, Mr. Hornsby the school principal came into the room with another man.
01:15There has been a terrible mix up.
01:18Mr. Hornsby said.
01:20This isn't your new teacher.
01:23This is a gorilla.
01:25The man with Mr. Hornsby said, I am your new teacher.
01:29My name is Mr. Quackerbottom.
01:32I was sent to the zoo by mistake.
01:35Sadly we all waved goodbye to the gorilla.
01:39Mr. Quackerbottom said, what have you learned today?
01:44We showed him.
01:45Why, this is awful.
01:48Mr. Quackerbottom cried.
01:50You all belong in the zoo.
01:53The next day that's exactly where we went.
01:56To have lunch with our favorite teacher.
02:00The end.