Mother Rabbit's Son Tom

  • last week
by Dick Gackenbach
00:00Mother Rabbit's Son Tom By Dick Gackenbach
00:15For Jim Murphy Hamburgers Hamburgers
00:19In sweet spring Mother Rabbit told Tom
00:24Now is the time to eat the tender dandelions I want a hamburger! said Tom
00:31With onions and ketchup and pickles on a poppyseed roll
00:36Mother Rabbit shook her head Oh dear! she said
00:41I wish I had a nickel for every pickle you eat
00:45In bright summer clover filled the fields Eat some Tom!
00:50Mother Rabbit said The sun has made it fresh and crisp
00:56But Tom wanted a hamburger with onions and ketchup and pickles on a poppyseed roll
01:02If you eat one more hamburger Mother Rabbit said
01:07Your tail will turn into an onion Autumn came and frost filled the air
01:12Mother Rabbit told Tom Have some good white corn
01:17It is ripe now No corn! said Tom
01:22I want a hamburger with onions and ketchup and pickles on a poppyseed roll
01:27Mother Rabbit looked into Tom's eyes I thought so! she said
01:34Your head is full of ketchup Mother Rabbit was worried
01:39She spoke to Tom's father Someday our son will turn into one great
01:44big hamburger Yes! said Father Rabbit
01:49And his head will look like a poppyseed roll In icy winter down under the snow
01:56Mother Rabbit made a nut and berry stew A fine dish for supper
02:02She said No thank you! said Tom
02:07I know! sighed his mother You want a hamburger?
02:12Yes! said Tom With onions and ketchup and pickles on a
02:17poppyseed roll Early one morning Mother Rabbit went to wake
02:22Tom There was a big bump in his bed
02:26What is this? she asked She peeked under the covers
02:31Father, she called Come as fast as you can
02:37Mother Rabbit hurried to Tom's bed Look! said Mother Rabbit
02:43Our Tom has finally turned into a hamburger Well! said Father Rabbit
02:50What do you think of that?
02:52I still love him though! said Mother Rabbit Oh, I do too! said Father
02:59Rabbit Even if his head does look like a poppyseed
03:03roll They both laughed
03:07And Tom laughed most of all Tom's pet
03:12Mother May I keep a dog? asked Tom
03:15No! said his mother I am sorry dog! said Tom
03:23You cannot stay here Mother
03:27Asked Tom May I keep a cat?
03:31You may not! said his mother Sorry cat! said Tom
03:38She said No May I keep a chicken Mother?
03:42Asked Tom No no no! said his mother
03:46I cannot have a chicken! said Tom Humph! said chicken
03:53How about a frog? asked Tom Please get that thing out of the house!
04:00said his mother So long! said Tom
04:05I do not think she likes frogs May I keep a dinosaur Mother?
04:11Asked Tom There are no dinosaurs! said his mother
04:17If there were dinosaurs Could I keep one? he asked
04:23Yes! laughed his mother You could keep one
05:00You could keep one You could keep one
05:04You could keep one You could keep one
05:08The End