00:00 Richard Rabbit comes to play
00:03 Peppa and George are playing in their bedroom
00:06 This will be the best house ever
00:09 George! Richard Rabbit is here!
00:15 Georgie! Richard!
00:20 Barnabas! Dinosaur!
00:23 Bye bye Richard, I'll be back to pick you up later
00:29 George and Richard are best friends
00:32 George! Richard! You've knocked my house down!
00:42 Please play something not bouncy!
00:46 George has made the toy basket into a volcano
00:54 Richard is using toy trees to make a jungle
00:59 George has used the building blocks to make a river
01:03 Dinosaur! Dinosaur!
01:05 George and Richard have turned the bedroom into dinosaur land
01:09 I'm leaving, it's too noisy
01:13 I say potato and I say potato
01:17 Potato! Potato!
01:19 The good thing about rainy days is we get to watch important TV programmes
01:25 Potato! Potato! Potato! Potato!
01:28 Mummy! George and Richard have made the bedroom into dinosaur land
01:34 And dinosaur land is very noisy
01:38 George has his best friend here but I've got no one to play with
01:43 You could ask Susie Sheep to come over
01:47 Susie Sheep is Peppa's best friend
01:50 Can Susie really come over now?
01:53 Let's ring her
01:55 Hello, Susie Sheep speaking
02:04 Susie, it's me
02:07 Can you come to my house now?
02:09 Yes Peppa
02:11 Can I wear my nurse's costume?
02:14 Yes, but come quickly
02:16 Bye bye Susie, I'll be back to pick you up later
02:29 George, Richard, Nurse Susie is here
02:37 And Nurse Susie says this is not dinosaur land, it's a hospital
02:44 A hospital must be clean and tidy
02:48 The bedroom is not dinosaur land anymore, it is a hospital
02:54 I'm the important doctor
02:56 Ooh, this dinosaur looks sick
03:00 I agree doctor, he's a very greeny ill colour, he must go to bed
03:07 And this dinosaur looks a very purpley ill colour
03:12 Yes doctor, he must go into bed too
03:17 Dinosaur!
03:18 Shush, quiet in the hospital
03:22 Choo choo
03:25 The bedroom is not a hospital anymore, now it is a railway station
03:32 No no, there aren't any trains in fairy land
03:37 Ooh, now the bedroom is fairy land
03:40 Only pretty things are allowed in fairy land
03:45 What's all this crying about?
03:49 George and Richard want to play dinosaurs and trains
03:54 And we want to play hospitals and fairies
03:59 I see the rain has stopped outside
04:03 So?
04:04 So, maybe you could all play outside
04:09 We like little boys games
04:12 And we like grown up girls games
04:15 But after it's been raining in the garden, what do you normally find?
04:21 Muddy puddles!
04:24 And what are muddy puddles for?
04:27 Jumping up and down!
04:30 Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles