Federico and the Wolf

  • 5 days ago
by Rebecca J. Gomez
illustrated by Elisa Chavarri


00:00Federico and the wolf by Rebecca J Gomez illustrated by Eliza Shavari to Jake RJG
00:21Para Marcel Me Parcho
00:25Once upon a modern time a
00:28Boy named Federico left to buy ingredients to make the perfect pico
00:34Cuidado called his mama as he pedaled toward the shops
00:38Mind a buey lows grocery list and don't make other stops
00:43Past the buildings cars and cabs young Federico scurried until he reached the marketplace where people browsed
00:52He filled the basket on his bike with Roma's herbs and limes jalapenos onions and a peck of anaheim's
00:59he added garlic pickles bread and other market goods then pedaled through the city park and deep into the woods a
01:07Fallen branch had blocked the path so Rico stopped his ride
01:11With steady force he pushed and budged the barrier aside
01:15Ola called un Lobo catching Rico unaware
01:19I see you've packed a hefty lunch
01:22You got some grub to spare
01:25Sorry, I oboe
01:27Rico said I must to be at grandpa's shop by 12 o'clock today
01:33Federico grabbed his bike and left the wolf behind
01:37Little did he know the wolf had other plans in mind
01:41La tie and ah was deserted
01:44Rico listened not a sound
01:47The sign said closed and
01:50What were those?
01:52some paw prints on the ground
01:54Fade a Rico peeked inside alarmed by what he saw a
01:59figure waved him over with a large and furry paw a
02:02Buey low whispered fade a Rico pulling off his hood
02:07Yes, it's me, but I can't see
02:10Come closer if you would a
02:13I think you need a shave
02:16Your beard has grown so thick
02:19You think so said el Lobo?
02:22Steady grooming does the trick?
02:24Your arms have gotten grande
02:27My new workouts made me strong
02:30new dentures, too
02:32They help me chew because they're sharp and
02:37By now the wolf was drooling
02:39All this chatters getting old
02:42I'm hungry, bub. I
02:44Need some grub before I pass out cold
02:49said Rico
02:50Let me see. I've brought your favorite treats
02:55whole grain bread a cabbage head a
02:58jar of pickled beets
03:01El Lobo's nose began to twitch
03:04Me no. No, here's the deal
03:06Set those yucky things aside, and I'll make you my meal
03:10He bounded from la cella with a grunting growling shout
03:15But Rico tossed some chili powder straight into his snout
03:20the wolf inhaled
03:22He sniffed
03:23He snuffled
03:25He itched and twitched and wheezed
03:28He tried to wipe his drippy nose
03:31but ah sneezed
03:34Fade a Rico ducked and dashed then rummaged through his sack
03:38Not so fast you tasty tyke I
03:42Haven't had my snack
03:44But Rico quickly plotted
03:47When the wolf's mouth opened wide
03:50He grabbed you n habanero, and he jammed it deep inside
03:54El Lobo gulped
03:56He gagged and coughed
03:59His oh-hose blazed bright red
04:02Steam was puffing out his ears. I
04:05Need to dunk my head
04:07He hurtled through La Porta with a shrieking gasping scream and dashed as fast as he could go toward the distant stream
04:15Ada cried abuelo from inside a bolted box
04:19Rico found him safe and snug in just his shorts and socks
04:26He scrambled out with shouts of pride and joy. I thought that wolf would do us in
04:33But you prevailed my boy
04:35They cleaned the mess and Gramps got dressed
04:39Then shared a bit of lunch
04:41How about we make a sauce that packs a special punch?
04:46They chopped and diced used lots of spice and simmered sauce all night then bottled their concoction
04:53wolf Spain salsa extra bite
04:56the perfect pico
04:59Pico is short for pico de gallo pico de gallo, which literally means roosters beak
05:05It is a type of fresh salsa made with Roma tomatoes onions and jalapenos
05:12Some people prefer to use anaheim peppers in place of jalapenos for a milder flavor
05:18But either way you make it this pico is perfecto
05:22one and two small onion chopped
05:25One small jalapeno seeded and finely chopped
05:30for Roma tomatoes diced
05:33one garlic clove minced
05:35pinch of salt
05:371 teaspoon lime or lemon juice
05:402 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
05:44Mix all ingredients in a medium-sized bowl
05:48chill for 15 to 30 minutes before serving
05:52Enjoy as a taco topping or with your favorite tortilla chips
05:57Can you find these Spanish words and phrases in the story?
06:02Cuidado care or caution
06:05When Federico's mama says cuidado she is telling him to be careful
06:11abuelo grandfather or grandpa
06:14Churros a stick-shaped pastry that is fried and coated in cinnamon sugar
06:22Flores flowers
06:24Hola, hello
06:26Un lobo a wolf
06:29La tienda the shop or the store la tienda is where abuelo sells his salsas
06:35De todo un poco the sign above abuelo's shop means a bit of everything
06:41Ayá an expression of surprise similar to woe
06:46grande big
06:48Menino my boy
06:50La sela the chair
06:52Un habanero a small very spicy hot pepper
06:57ojos eyes
06:59La porta the door
07:01ayuda help
07:04Gracias, thank you
07:06Rebecca J Gomez enjoy writing stories as much as she enjoys reading them
07:11When she isn't reading or writing her favorite things to do are baking
07:16Creating art and hiking through the woods with her husband and three grown children
07:21She lives in Nebraska where she grows a salsa garden every summer
07:26Rebecca jameez.com
07:29Eliza shavari is a Peruvian born, Michigan grown artist who has illustrated such books as rainbow weaver
07:36Forward slash to Gita Adele architrace, maybe mother goose and fairly fairy tales
07:42She lives in Alpena, Michigan with her husband two small kids and a big bad wolf aka Panko the dog
07:50Eliza shavari calm
07:53the end