Ho, ho snowman

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Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00Ho, ho, snowman! On the island of Sodor, it was wintertime. Snow lay thick on the ground.
00:11One morning, Thomas and Charlie were shunting trucks.
00:16One bip, one bash, and there's never a crash. That's what Bash, Dash and Ferdinand say.
00:23That's funny, Thomas. One bip, one bash, and there's always a crash.
00:32Thomas and Charlie giggled and jiggled. The trucks rumbled and grumbled.
00:39Snow's fun, Thomas. I like snow.
00:43I like snow, but I don't like wearing my snowplough. The Fat Controller has told me I must go and put it on right away.
00:52I'll tell you a joke, Thomas. That'll make you happier.
00:56Thomas liked Charlie's jokes.
00:59Yes, please, Charlie.
01:01What does snowmen have for breakfast?
01:04I don't know.
01:07Snowflakes! Ha, ha, ha!
01:11That's funny.
01:13And Thomas chuffed away, chuckling.
01:17Henry was huffing down Gordon's hill. He was steaming very slowly. Henry wasn't happy.
01:26Hello, Henry. What's the matter?
01:29Henry heaved heavily.
01:31It's the snow. I don't like the snow. I slip, I slide, I slither. It makes my wheels wobble.
01:41Snow's fun, Henry.
01:43No, it isn't. I have to take coal trucks to Brendam. If I pull a long, heavy train, I might topple off the track.
01:54So, I'm taking a few at a time. It'll take me all day.
02:00Charlie smiled.
02:02Oh, I'll tell you a joke, Henry. Then you'll laugh all the way.
02:08No, thank you, Charlie. I have a lot to do.
02:12Charlie watched Henry puff away. Henry looked worried and wobbly. Then an idea flew into Charlie's funnel.
02:21I can show you snow is fun!
02:25Charlie clickety clacked along the tracks.
02:29I know where there's a big snowman on Henry's track to Brendam.
02:34Oh, I can puff there before Henry.
02:38Charlie puffed into a siding. Someone had built a large snowman there.
02:45I will hide here. Henry will never see me now.
02:50Then Charlie heard the slow clickety clack of Henry's wheels on the track.
02:57Charlie was excited. Henry puffed up to the snowman.
03:02Ho, ho, ho!
03:04Hello, Henry! Shall I tell you a joke?
03:08Henry stopped suddenly. Henry was surprised.
03:12Who said that?
03:14Henry looked around. He couldn't see another engine. He could only see the snowman.
03:21Ho, ho, ho! I did! What sort of ball doesn't bounce?
03:26Henry stuttered. Henry stammered. He'd never met a talking snowman before.
03:33I don't know. A snowball!
03:38The snowman laughed. Henry wobbled.
03:42Oh, me! Oh, my! A laughing snowman!
03:47And Henry steamed quickly away. Charlie was puzzled.
03:52Perhaps Henry didn't think that joke was funny.
03:56I'll wait until he puffs back for more coal trucks.
03:59I have another joke. I'm sure Henry will find that one funny.
04:04Charlie waited. Henry huffed slowly round the bend.
04:10Charlie smiled. Henry looked at the snowman. Henry looked worried.
04:17Hello, Henry! I have another joke for you.
04:21Henry gasped and gulped. He looked around. There was still no other engine there.
04:28What does snowman eat for lunch?
04:32Henry stuttered. Henry stammered.
04:35I... I really don't know. Iceburgers!
04:40The snowman laughed. Henry wobbled.
04:45Oh, me! Oh, my! This is very strange.
04:51And Henry huffed hurriedly away. Charlie sighed.
04:56I was sure Henry would find my talking snowman funny.
05:01Oh, I have another joke. When Henry chuffs back, he's sure to find that one funny.
05:08Later, Henry puffed slowly back with some more coal trucks.
05:14He peered at the snowman worried. Charlie was waiting with his best joke.
05:20Hello, Henry! How does snowman greet each other?
05:24Henry stuttered. Henry stammered.
05:28Ice to meet you!
05:30Charlie giggled and jiggled. Henry shivered and shook.
05:34Oh, me! Oh, my! A giggling, jiggling snowman! This is stranger than ever.
05:42And Henry rolled away in reverse. Charlie rolled out from his hiding place.
05:49Stop, Henry! Stop! It's me, Charlie! I was just trying to make you laugh in the snow.
05:56But Henry had already puffed away. Charlie had looked for Henry everywhere.
06:05At last, he puffed up to Tidmouth Sheds.
06:09Hello, Thomas! Have you seen Henry?
06:12Thomas was worried.
06:14He's in there, but he won't come out.
06:19Henry! It's me, Charlie! I was the talking snowman!
06:25Henry didn't make a peep or a puff.
06:29I'm sorry, Henry. I thought you'd find snowmen telling jokes funny.
06:34But I've only made you scared and late with your coal deliveries.
06:39I wanted to make you laugh to show you that snow is fun.
06:44I don't think snow is fun. It fisses my firebox and whips in my whistle.
06:51I don't think snow is fun either. I have to chuff carefully and sometimes I'm late.
06:58Charlie listened. Charlie thought.
07:02Henry, I won't try and make you have fun in the snow, but I would like to help you.
07:08Can I be your back engine? Then we can deliver your coal on time.
07:13I'll chuff very carefully with you.
07:16Henry hooted. Henry's driver opened Henry's door.
07:21Thank you, Charlie. I would like that.
07:26Henry and Charlie chuffed carefully.
07:29They puffed past children playing in the snow.
07:33Henry chuckled at their games.
07:36They puffed past some birds singing sweetly in the snow.
07:40Henry smiled at their song.
07:43Then they puffed past a tree with bright coloured lights.
07:48Henry gasped with delight.
07:51At last all the coal was delivered.
07:55Thank you, Henry. You've shown me lots of different things can be fun in the snow.
08:01Then they puffed past the snowman.
08:05Henry steamed to a stop.
08:09Charlie? Yes, Henry?
08:11I'd like to hear a joke now.
08:14Charlie beamed from buffer to buffer.
08:17Oh, of course, Henry.
08:21How do snowmen travel around?
08:25I don't know, Charlie.
08:27By icicle.
08:30And the two engines chuckled and chortled in the snow.
08:35And Henry was sure that maybe, just maybe, he saw the snowman smile.