Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.
00:00Dream on!
00:04Spencer is a very special engine from the mainland.
00:09He belongs to the Duke and Duchess of Boxford.
00:13He's very fast, very shiny and very strong.
00:20He also likes to show off.
00:24The other engines didn't like that.
00:28One day, Thomas was shunting trucks at Knapford Yards.
00:33The Fat Controller arrived.
00:35The Duke and Duchess of Boxford are coming to Showdoor with Spencer, he boomed.
00:40Spencer will be very tired after his long journey, so you, Thomas, must help him.
00:48Later, Spencer arrived.
00:51Thomas was still working.
00:53Take my carriages and shunt them away!
00:56Spencer huffed grandly.
00:58I will when I've shunted these trucks, tooted Thomas.
01:02But Spencer didn't like waiting.
01:05I'm faster, shinier and stronger than you, Thomas.
01:08You are just a little tank engine.
01:11This made Thomas cross.
01:13But he remembered the Fat Controller had told him to help.
01:17So Thomas shunted Spencer's carriages safely into the sheds.
01:27When Thomas arrived back at Tidmouth Sheds, he was very tired.
01:32Spencer was already there.
01:35Anyone can shunt trucks, wheeshed Spencer,
01:38but you have to be very special to pull the Duke and the Duchess of Boxford.
01:43This made Thomas very cross.
01:45I'll show that bossy boiler, Thomas puffed to Percy,
01:49tomorrow I'm going to be faster, shinier and stronger than Spencer.
01:56The next morning, Thomas had to collect trucks from the smelter's yards.
02:02When Thomas reached the main line, he decided he would go faster than Spencer.
02:09Thomas puffed faster and faster.
02:12He puffed faster than he'd ever puffed before.
02:16Thomas steamed past Emily.
02:18Slow down, Thomas, she whistled.
02:21You'll never get round the bend.
02:23Thomas slammed on his brakes.
02:27Tooted Thomas, terrified.
02:29Luckily, he stopped just in time.
02:33Maybe I can't be faster than Spencer, he chuffed,
02:36but I can still be shinier and stronger.
02:42Later, Thomas was at the washdown.
02:45I'd like the shiniest polish ever, he tooted.
02:49Thomas was rubbed and scrubbed until he sparkled and shone.
02:54It took a very long time.
02:57Toby pulled up next to Thomas.
02:59Look, Toby, whooshed Thomas proudly.
03:02I've never been so shiny.
03:05Toby had an urgent message for Thomas.
03:08You have to shunt stone at the quarry, he steamed.
03:12They're waiting for you now, so Thomas puffed quickly away.
03:18Thomas arrived at the quarry.
03:22My, said Mavis, you're the shiniest engine I've ever seen.
03:27Thomas was pleased.
03:29He puffed off proudly.
03:32Thomas's trucks were filled with stone.
03:35All his sparkle and shine had gone.
03:38Thomas was very unhappy.
03:40He steamed off with his trucks.
03:43Thomas came to Gordon's Hill.
03:46He had never puffed up it with such a heavy load.
03:51I may not be faster or shinier than Spencer, tooted Thomas,
03:56but I can still be stronger.
04:03The hill got steeper and steeper,
04:05and the stone felt heavier and heavier.
04:08The hill got steeper and steeper,
04:10and the stone felt heavier and heavier.
04:13Thomas's wheels started to spin.
04:16Oh no, cried Thomas.
04:20Stones tipped out of the trucks.
04:24He slid all the way to the bottom.
04:27Thomas wasn't strong enough after all.
04:31Thomas felt very, very silly.
04:34All day I've tried to be faster and shinier and stronger than Spencer, he wheezed,
04:39and I'm not.
04:41Thomas felt terrible.
04:46Next morning, Thomas knew what he was going to do.
04:50I don't want to be faster, shinier and stronger than Spencer anymore, he chuffed.
04:56I'm very happy to shunt trucks.
04:59Then the Fat Controller arrived.
05:02There is an emergency, he boomed.
05:05The Duke of Boxford has to return to the mainland on very important business.
05:11Where are his special carriages?
05:14His carriages are right at the back of the yard, sir, puffed Thomas.
05:18But don't worry, I can shunt them to the front very quickly.
05:22Well done, Thomas, said the Fat Controller.
05:25Then take them straight to Spencer.
05:33When Thomas arrived at the sheds, Spencer's boiler was still cold.
05:39You might be the fastest, shiniest and strongest engine,
05:43but you're the slowest to get fired up, Thomas tooted cheekily.
05:48Now it was Spencer's turn to feel very silly.
05:51Then the Duke arrived.
05:54Why are you not ready, Spencer?
05:56I will miss my airplane, he said sternly.
06:00Thomas, you must take me to the airport.
06:03Yes, sir, tooted Thomas.
06:07The Duke's special crest was placed on Thomas's boiler,
06:12and Thomas steamed grandly away.
06:16Thomas felt very proud as he raced to the airport.
06:24Thomas arrived just in time.
06:27Jeremy was waiting for them.
06:30The Duke was very pleased.
06:33There's nothing better than an engine you can rely on, he said.
06:37You have saved the day, Thomas.
06:42Thomas watched the Duke's plane fly away.
06:46Thomas knew he wasn't faster, shinier or stronger than Spencer,
06:51but he was certainly reliable.
06:54And that was a very useful thing to be.