Hotel del Luna Cap 6 en Español Latino

  • 2 days ago
Dorama en Español Latino
00:00:00Thank you so much for having me.
00:01:26I'm not leaving yet.
00:01:38Please calm down. I'm not leaving.
00:01:41Listen to me carefully. If you think you can get rid of me,
00:01:45I assure you it won't be that easy or that fast.
00:01:49And besides, I'm going to torture you every day until you dream I'm leaving.
00:01:56I promise.
00:02:26I promise.
00:02:51Sir, you can't be here.
00:02:57Sir, I know you can see me. Can't you hear me?
00:03:05Stop! Don't spit on me!
00:03:10A poor drinker.
00:03:11I'm not sure he's drunk. I think he's crazy.
00:03:15Many young people have lost their minds.
00:03:18Please, calm down and follow me.
00:03:22What a pity. Poor guy.
00:03:23Be careful, don't let him attack you.
00:03:32As I promised, your beer.
00:03:34Thank you very much.
00:03:36Your greeting. Now go to the Moon Hotel.
00:03:39You just have to follow the moon and you'll find it.
00:03:46Look who's there. Look, it's true. It's him.
00:03:51Kim Jong-hyun?
00:03:53What? I like this one a lot.
00:04:02It's 3,000 won.
00:04:05I'm his fan.
00:04:07I'm recording his show. I love his line of...
00:04:09A bite!
00:04:11Look, he's coming.
00:04:12Look, he's coming.
00:04:14Yes, yes, thank you very much.
00:04:16I can't, I don't have time.
00:04:18I'm in a hurry.
00:04:19Thank you for the program.
00:04:22Don't go with the celebrity.
00:04:24I always see him on TV. I don't miss him.
00:04:28The guy is famous, even with ghosts.
00:04:32Here they recorded eating until they burst.
00:04:35That Kim Jong-hyun ate five rice balls in one bite.
00:04:40That's what I call having talent.
00:04:47Manuel is also his admirer.
00:04:52So it's well seasoned.
00:04:54Is that how you do it?
00:04:57That's a very special flavor.
00:05:01The number four came today and she looks smart.
00:05:04She intends to be a volunteer at the hotel.
00:05:07What do I tell her?
00:05:09There's no problem for me, it's okay.
00:05:11Hyu-jung can train her to be ready.
00:05:14Mr. Chang-song left early today.
00:05:18So he told you?
00:05:21Yes, he asked us to leave early before work.
00:05:26A bite!
00:05:34Do you want something to eat, Miss Jang?
00:05:38The volunteer could bring it to you.
00:05:41No, I'm not in the mood to eat.
00:05:49Hey, did you find it?
00:05:56It wasn't me.
00:05:59I had lost it.
00:06:03And if I find it, do I win another sheet?
00:06:08I don't know.
00:06:10I don't know.
00:06:12I don't know.
00:06:14I don't know.
00:06:15Do I win another sheet?
00:06:20If I put them for him, I think I'd be in the mood to eat.
00:06:37Man-wol, how are you?
00:06:39Chang-song? I don't know.
00:06:42Aren't you going to pick me up?
00:06:43Tell him to wait for me when I get home, because I'm going to pick him up.
00:06:47In my new car.
00:06:50Chang-song might be late.
00:06:53His girlfriend arrived today.
00:07:00Who arrived?
00:07:01The girlfriend he had in the United States.
00:07:04She came a while ago in the afternoon.
00:07:06And she found him on the way out.
00:07:09What's going on?
00:07:11You got here so fast?
00:07:14Gu Chang-song has a girlfriend?
00:07:19Who is she?
00:07:23Don't tell me.
00:07:25Why are you telling me?
00:07:26I didn't ask you.
00:07:27The truth is, I don't care.
00:07:32Should I give her a message?
00:07:33If it makes you feel better to tell me, then tell me.
00:07:39Is she pretty?
00:07:43Tell me.
00:07:47I think...
00:07:48Of course.
00:07:49Of course she's pretty.
00:07:56That's not what I asked you.
00:07:59You're not answering.
00:08:02Oh, Sanchez.
00:08:03You don't understand the question.
00:08:05Or have you lost your mind?
00:08:09I asked you.
00:08:11If she's pretty.
00:08:13Tell me.
00:08:20She's very pretty.
00:08:21And smart, too.
00:08:22She's perfect for my friend.
00:08:24I have her picture.
00:08:25I'll bring it so you can see it.
00:08:31If she's really as pretty as he says,
00:08:35Sanchez will pay with his life.
00:08:43Look, I found her.
00:08:48She's gone.
00:08:52You didn't come because you're with her.
00:09:04An encounter of the past
00:09:06brings us to this day.
00:09:14I hope you take care of her.
00:09:18And that she doesn't suffer like she did before.
00:09:34I think she's still eating.
00:09:36I've never seen anything like it.
00:09:38She's eating.
00:09:44Excuse me.
00:09:46Are they recording just a bite inside?
00:09:49Do you also want an autograph?
00:09:54For a fan.
00:09:55His girlfriend is a fan.
00:09:56I came for my mother.
00:09:57The fan is my dad.
00:10:02My boss, too.
00:10:03She's the fan.
00:10:06She's in the car.
00:10:07Let's go!
00:10:08Let's go, let's go!
00:10:09Come if you want!
00:10:13Let's go!
00:10:29If I had asked for her autograph,
00:10:32I'd be happy.
00:10:44What are you doing here?
00:10:46Did you know I was in this place?
00:10:49Of course.
00:10:51Did you meet?
00:10:53About an hour ago.
00:10:55How did it go?
00:10:58Tell me.
00:10:59He gained a little weight.
00:11:01He has rough hair.
00:11:02I could moisten it.
00:11:03Do you want to go see him?
00:11:05If we go fast,
00:11:06maybe we'll make it.
00:11:07I don't understand.
00:11:08Why do you want me to go?
00:11:09I came here to eat octopus.
00:11:10Do you understand?
00:11:14With that outfit?
00:11:15In this place?
00:11:16At this time?
00:11:17So what?
00:11:19I want to eat octopus.
00:11:20What's the problem?
00:11:25That's the earring I found.
00:11:30I bought these earrings
00:11:31to go out to dinner.
00:11:32And since you were the one
00:11:33who found them,
00:11:35you're going to have to come with me.
00:11:37Why don't you admit
00:11:38that you went out for a whim?
00:11:39You always make excuses
00:11:40when I see you.
00:11:43I already bored you?
00:11:44Tell me, I already tired you?
00:11:50To eat octopus at this time,
00:11:53we'll have to go to the market.
00:11:55Although, octopus on the west coast.
00:11:57Let's go to the beach?
00:12:01I like it.
00:12:02Let's go there.
00:12:04We can see the sunrise there, right?
00:12:06As far as I know,
00:12:07the sun doesn't come out of the west.
00:12:09Let's go.
00:12:15Then, Chang Sung,
00:12:16let's go by car.
00:12:17And we'll eat octopus
00:12:18where you say.
00:12:22But then,
00:12:23don't you mind losing
00:12:24Kim Jong-hyun?
00:12:27Kim Jong-hyun?
00:12:28Kim Jong-hyun is near here?
00:12:30But didn't you come to see him?
00:12:33They're recording over there.
00:12:35And why didn't you tell me?
00:12:39Weren't we going to eat?
00:12:42Hey, hey, Manuel!
00:12:56all that soup is over.
00:12:59I wanted to see him
00:13:00eat all that food.
00:13:03I can't believe I missed it.
00:13:07Well, but we know
00:13:08he was here.
00:13:10At least you saw where he ate
00:13:11and sat down.
00:13:13So, let's eat.
00:13:15do what he does now.
00:13:17Eat that as fast as you can.
00:13:19Now you want me to start
00:13:20imitating him?
00:13:21I'm going to eat it my way.
00:13:28This place
00:13:29is going to have a lot of customers
00:13:30now that he visited it.
00:13:32This place
00:13:33is going to do well anyway.
00:13:36Because of the baby.
00:13:41Because of the baby?
00:13:43He'll bring good fortune.
00:13:45In his past life,
00:13:46he did good deeds.
00:13:47That's why he was born
00:13:48with good luck.
00:13:49People around him
00:13:50will flourish.
00:13:52Good deeds
00:13:53bring good fortune.
00:13:57if you do the opposite...
00:13:58You'll be born
00:13:59like an animal,
00:14:00or surrounded
00:14:01by poverty.
00:14:03what will happen to you
00:14:04in your next life?
00:14:11Do you think
00:14:12I'm going to become
00:14:13a miserable rat?
00:14:15Well, I think
00:14:16it's a possibility.
00:14:17And that worries me.
00:14:19I paid my sin
00:14:20driving the Luna Hotel
00:14:21for a long time.
00:14:23But you know very well
00:14:24that you're not kind
00:14:25to guests.
00:14:26Oh, you question
00:14:27my kindness?
00:14:29All you do
00:14:30is scream,
00:14:31scam people
00:14:32just because they have money
00:14:33and buy cars.
00:14:35So I'm worried.
00:14:36You don't have to be worried.
00:14:37Don't worry.
00:14:38Oh, no?
00:14:39I said I'd take care of you now.
00:14:40And I don't want you
00:14:41to end up like an animal.
00:14:43and why do you care?
00:14:44I don't want you
00:14:45to reincarnate as a chicken
00:14:46and find yourself
00:14:47in my soup again.
00:14:48That's why I'm telling you.
00:14:51I'm tired of you!
00:14:52I lost my appetite.
00:14:56I found a spirit
00:14:57and told it to go to the hotel.
00:14:59So you could take it
00:15:00with you to the hotel
00:15:01to give it
00:15:02good attention.
00:15:06Chang Song.
00:15:09Understand that
00:15:10you shouldn't talk
00:15:11to strangers.
00:15:12Be careful.
00:15:14It can be dangerous.
00:15:17You know that.
00:15:23but not everyone
00:15:24is dangerous, right?
00:15:25Once they start,
00:15:26they don't stop.
00:15:28These spirits
00:15:29become evil
00:15:30and harm humans
00:15:31and other spirits.
00:15:33When death captures them,
00:15:35there is no return
00:15:37and no redemption.
00:15:39They disappear
00:15:40without being able to reincarnate.
00:15:49Why didn't you tell me
00:15:50that the spirit
00:15:51of this room
00:15:52left the hotel?
00:15:53All this
00:15:54was the fault
00:15:55of the owner of the hotel.
00:15:57What can we do
00:15:58now that he escaped?
00:16:02This spirit
00:16:03is full of hatred
00:16:04towards humans.
00:16:06I warn you.
00:16:07If it harms anyone,
00:16:09the hotel will be responsible.
00:16:16This is not right.
00:16:18It is certain
00:16:19that death
00:16:20will bring it back.
00:16:21But what are we going to do
00:16:22if it hurts?
00:16:23You know what it does
00:16:24It is dangerous
00:16:25but with a sad soul.
00:16:28I hope our guest
00:16:29returns soon
00:16:30and safe.
00:16:39A new video.
00:16:45I'll take a break.
00:16:51This is
00:16:55a dream.
00:17:04Take off your clothes.
00:17:08I want to see your face.
00:17:09Your face.
00:17:24Do you like it?
00:17:34Get ready.
00:18:40Are you coming to pick me up?
00:18:43What time are you arriving?
00:18:46Can I leave the class?
00:18:50I can't believe
00:18:51he ignores me.
00:18:53There she is.
00:18:54I told you
00:18:55she's possessed.
00:18:56She looks gloomy.
00:18:59What if I throw this at her?
00:19:00Yes, throw it.
00:19:02I hope she gets mad.
00:19:03Yes, she gets mad.
00:19:06I hope she gets mad.
00:19:07She gets mad.
00:19:11Did you get a message?
00:19:13It's not me.
00:19:14Me neither.
00:19:15Me neither.
00:19:16Me neither.
00:19:17What's going on?
00:19:18But what?
00:19:29Do you really hate her?
00:19:34I'm behind you.
00:19:38I'm behind you.
00:19:54My boss agreed
00:19:55to let you volunteer.
00:19:58Let's go then.
00:20:01Everyone hates me.
00:20:02I know you've noticed.
00:20:04I should leave the school.
00:20:05at school, right?
00:20:07It's very frustrating.
00:20:09It tires me out.
00:20:11But I understand it because of
00:20:13the real Yuna.
00:20:15She was always very mean to everyone.
00:20:17That's why I think I deserve it.
00:20:25I get bored a lot here.
00:20:27Don't you think it's entertaining?
00:20:29I loved school.
00:20:31Studying and doing sports.
00:20:33I never wanted to go home.
00:20:35The servant always went to pick me up.
00:20:41I was always on the lookout
00:20:43because he was the boyfriend
00:20:45of the other servant.
00:20:47But he didn't like the driver at all.
00:20:49Love triangle.
00:20:55You had a servant,
00:20:57a servant, and a driver?
00:20:59You must have been a very rich boy.
00:21:03You ate with a gold spoon.
00:21:05It's not like that.
00:21:07It was made of silver.
00:21:09All the blankets were made of silver.
00:21:11It's a shame that the boy
00:21:13with his silver spoons
00:21:15had to die so young.
00:21:25That's why now I
00:21:27I feel very sorry
00:21:29not to go to school.
00:21:33This school is very good.
00:21:35Nice uniform.
00:21:37And they have a piano.
00:21:43It's better than the one I had at home.
00:21:47Look at you.
00:21:49So the rich boy plays the piano.
00:21:55Go ahead.
00:22:03I don't know how to play.
00:22:05But I'll listen to you.
00:22:07I think I forgot.
00:22:09Rich boy, please play.
00:22:15Who are you talking to?
00:22:19What are you saying?
00:22:21I'm just playing the piano.
00:22:27Well, play.
00:22:29Go ahead, Yuna, the great artist.
00:22:47You don't know.
00:22:49How silly.
00:23:21Stop playing.
00:23:25Let's go.
00:23:31It's not bad at all, rich boy.
00:23:33Now teach me how to play.
00:23:39I remembered it until now.
00:24:01When you grow up,
00:24:03will you want me to take you?
00:24:07I promise it will be so.
00:24:09Let's go.
00:25:21But he still has things to do in this world.
00:25:23And if he knows that the hotel can disappear,
00:25:27he'll probably stop supporting it.
00:25:29That's true.
00:25:30He needs to solve his problem.
00:25:33I'm relieved because the tree hasn't undergone any change.
00:25:45Why is he doing that?
00:25:47Because the director is angry.
00:25:49Mr. Chanson is with her.
00:25:51Then he's responsible for number three.
00:25:54Well, then, I hope he gets so angry
00:25:56that all the leaves fall all at once.
00:26:06We need to get rid of some cars.
00:26:09They're my cars, and I like them all!
00:26:11As far as I know, seven of these cars
00:26:14haven't been driven all year.
00:26:16They're part of my collection.
00:26:19Look at them.
00:26:20All parked by theme
00:26:22and colors perfectly arranged in my private collection.
00:26:26This place is huge.
00:26:28Imagine if we took out some cars.
00:26:31It would look horrible.
00:26:32I won't sell them.
00:26:33Listen to me.
00:26:34You're the only one who drives apart from me,
00:26:36and you don't need all this space.
00:26:40Let's keep three cars and go to the garage,
00:26:42and then we could use this space for the guests.
00:26:48Why are you doing this?
00:26:50I won't let you sell them!
00:26:53Your financial situation is disgusting.
00:26:57You're heading to bankruptcy.
00:27:11With your current savings,
00:27:12it's going to be hard for you to pay all the bills.
00:27:15Sell the paint.
00:27:16That one stays. It's not that valuable.
00:27:18What about the gold that Yuna's family paid?
00:27:20You used it to buy another car.
00:27:23The credit card.
00:27:25I sent it back.
00:27:27That family doesn't have to pay for all this.
00:27:29They only paid for the wedding.
00:27:31Are you crazy?
00:27:32Why did you send it back?
00:27:34Because I don't want you to reincarnate as an animal.
00:27:38So from now on,
00:27:39I won't help you embezzle anyone.
00:27:41You're going to be good and cautious.
00:27:44Chansong, that's not right.
00:27:48What kind of animal would I become?
00:27:50I don't care about being an octopus.
00:27:52I don't want to end up cooked on a plate either.
00:27:55Listen to this.
00:27:56If you ever see me cooked on a plate,
00:27:58I'll tell you to put more salt on it and eat me.
00:28:01If you don't sell the cars and pay what you owe,
00:28:04I'll tell you that you won't even have money
00:28:06to buy food.
00:28:17Will I be poor again?
00:28:20I don't want that to happen.
00:28:23Chansong, that's not true.
00:28:26You're trying to scare me.
00:28:28Ms. Jiang used to have money problems.
00:28:32When I got to the hotel,
00:28:34believe me, we were having a bad time.
00:28:36Things used to be difficult.
00:28:38We didn't have a human manager.
00:28:40And she...
00:28:42She felt terrible.
00:28:53I'd kill for a soda and pickles with vinegar.
00:28:56Don't worry.
00:28:57Let's see if we can get something
00:28:59when the allies arrive.
00:29:02Our new recruit knows how to speak a little English.
00:29:05Give me a chocolate.
00:29:08Thank you very much.
00:29:12It's okay.
00:29:14You can work here.
00:29:16Thank you very much.
00:29:30I hate being poor.
00:29:33I'll eat caviar and drink champagne forever.
00:29:41She'll survive.
00:29:43It shouldn't be hard to save money.
00:29:45It'll just be a period of austerity.
00:29:49If you do that, she'll hate you.
00:29:52And she can fire you.
00:29:54Very well.
00:29:55Ms. Jiang needs it.
00:29:57I can help her with her personal debt.
00:30:00But what about the hotel?
00:30:02Is there a contingency?
00:30:04It's known that when there's a lot of chaos,
00:30:06you end up seeing more dead than alive.
00:30:08And those spirits bring resentment.
00:30:10And then the doors of the underworld open
00:30:13and fewer spirits end up coming.
00:30:16Luckily for all of us,
00:30:18we managed to leave those bad times behind.
00:30:21Thanks to you.
00:30:23No, thanks to you too.
00:30:26So I ask that now we all promise
00:30:29that we will protect this hotel
00:30:31and rest in peace, okay?
00:30:35One, two, three, promise!
00:31:01Your Majesty, it's too late.
00:31:31What do you want?
00:31:33Go away!
00:31:44That wasn't worthy of a king.
00:31:46Yes, I'm sorry.
00:31:48Let's take a break.
00:31:50I'll be right back.
00:31:52Yes, Your Majesty.
00:32:03You need to show some dignity.
00:32:05You're a king.
00:32:07Yes, a king.
00:32:26What do you want?
00:32:31It always happens.
00:32:34Who are you?
00:32:46What are you doing?
00:32:48Shut up! Get out of here!
00:32:52What happened?
00:32:54Are you okay?
00:32:56Wake up!
00:32:58Are you okay?
00:33:00Are you okay?
00:33:02Can you hear us?
00:33:04Wake up!
00:33:06He's not responding.
00:33:08Why can't anyone hear me?
00:33:11They can't hear me.
00:33:14Please wake up! Open your eyes!
00:33:42And you...
00:33:44Why are you writing?
00:33:50I'm sorry.
00:33:52I'm sorry.
00:33:54I'm sorry.
00:33:56I'm sorry.
00:33:58I'm sorry.
00:34:05Mrs. Echoy, did something happen?
00:34:07I heard it.
00:34:09A VVIP arrived at the hotel and is waiting.
00:34:19His Majesty has arrived.
00:34:21I'll finally have the honor of seeing him in person.
00:34:24I'm excited. Can you believe it?
00:34:27This is a great opportunity.
00:34:29Gather everyone.
00:34:31I want us to give the king our best services
00:34:33so he can feel satisfied.
00:34:49Your Majesty!
00:34:51Your Majesty.
00:34:56It's a pleasure and an honor to have you here.
00:34:59I am the owner of the hotel,
00:35:01Jean Manuel.
00:35:03I am delighted.
00:35:10He's a king?
00:35:12Taichung, Taichung, the great...
00:35:16Who is he?
00:35:18Your room, my king,
00:35:20is my room.
00:35:50Your Majesty, your dinner is ready.
00:36:07What is that?
00:36:09It's a mirror.
00:36:11It's a mirror.
00:36:13It's a mirror.
00:36:15It's a mirror.
00:36:17It's a mirror.
00:36:19What is that?
00:36:21His excuse.
00:36:23Although he's a modern man,
00:36:25he might miss sitting in it.
00:36:27That's very considerate.
00:36:29Now that I've served a king,
00:36:31I can die.
00:36:33Although I'm already dead,
00:36:35but I'd be happy to die again.
00:36:41Your Majesty.
00:36:44From now on, there are no vacancies.
00:36:46Admission is reserved.
00:36:48Come back later when the king leaves.
00:36:50Very well.
00:36:56Miss Jean Manuel,
00:36:58are you thinking of discriminating the clientele?
00:37:00Leave me alone.
00:37:02I've already made that decision.
00:37:04If you don't like it, leave.
00:37:06I was dressed as a queen,
00:37:08but what kind of king was I?
00:37:10Some kings were tyrants.
00:37:14He gave me a good vibe.
00:37:16No, I see.
00:37:18A king with good vibes?
00:37:23Why are you so distrustful?
00:37:25You always end up bothering me.
00:37:27Then you don't know.
00:37:29He must be the first king you serve.
00:37:34So you served a king in your old job?
00:37:39Although those were from Dubai.
00:37:41But yes, that's right.
00:37:43I'm very glad.
00:37:45Did you serve Mansur?
00:37:47You're wrong. It wasn't Mansur.
00:37:51I don't want you to keep showing off.
00:37:55Ah, Chansong.
00:37:57Try to sell...
00:37:59the painting, please.
00:38:01And don't come back until you sell it.
00:38:08Everyone is excited about that king.
00:38:12With such a noble guest,
00:38:14it's important to show him
00:38:16our best hospitality.
00:38:20The king's signature.
00:38:23Ah, so the name of our king
00:38:25is Li Xiong.
00:38:28Li Xiong?
00:38:31What king was his name?
00:38:33I don't remember any.
00:38:35Let's see.
00:38:37Li Do is Han Se-kyu.
00:38:39Li San is Heo Jin.
00:38:41Li Won-kyu is Yoon.
00:38:43He's a novel king.
00:38:45Like a nickname.
00:38:47Ah, it's from a novel.
00:38:49I know them.
00:38:51But Li Xiong, did you find him?
00:38:53I already found him.
00:38:55See? He exists.
00:38:57What a party.
00:38:59But he's also a king of television.
00:39:05Let's see.
00:39:07The woman who was queen.
00:39:09Ah, I get it.
00:39:11The king's name is Li Xiong
00:39:13in this novel.
00:39:15So he's a king.
00:39:19Li Xiong must be
00:39:21just a television actor.
00:39:23From novels to...
00:39:27Is it a lie?
00:39:33The drama is called
00:39:35The Woman Who Was Queen.
00:39:37It's a historical fiction
00:39:39where a queen suffers a lot.
00:39:41She is helped by a double
00:39:43who pretends to be her.
00:39:45The truth is,
00:39:47Li Xiong is the king's name in the novel.
00:39:50So who is that king?
00:39:52The one who claims to be Li Xiong.
00:39:54The identity of our guest
00:39:56is clear, the actor.
00:40:00He got his main role
00:40:02playing the role of King Li Xiong.
00:40:04Tragically, his death
00:40:06was a heart attack.
00:40:08It was a sudden death
00:40:10when he was exercising.
00:40:12It was a great loss
00:40:14for the novel.
00:40:16We all miss him.
00:40:18That is to say,
00:40:20he is not a king.
00:40:22He is just an enthusiastic actor
00:40:24pretending to be a king.
00:40:26An actor.
00:40:28But the appearance he showed
00:40:30is the appearance of a true king.
00:40:32He is a professional and committed actor.
00:40:34He played his role so passionately
00:40:36that he thinks he is a king.
00:40:44I am so ashamed of this.
00:40:46Once you finish your breakfast,
00:40:48get out of here.
00:41:00Damn it.
00:41:04So he was not a king.
00:41:06That happens when I tell you
00:41:08that I have suspicions
00:41:10and you do not listen to me.
00:41:12How smart.
00:41:14I knew from the beginning
00:41:16that he was not who he claimed to be.
00:41:18In other words, Changsheng was right.
00:41:20You are a genius.
00:41:22Do you know how I found out?
00:41:24Because he had a scar on his face.
00:41:26Did you see it or not?
00:41:28It is impossible for a king of Joseon
00:41:30to have a scar on his face.
00:41:32Have you heard of Queen Yun
00:41:34or Queen Sinthrone?
00:41:36How can I forget her
00:41:38with those horrible nails?
00:41:40This is very similar.
00:41:42You should have investigated it immediately.
00:41:44Maybe he deceived you with his performance.
00:41:46Or maybe with his good vibes.
00:41:50His performance was very good.
00:41:52An actor with passion for his role.
00:41:54His dream had always been to be a king.
00:41:56Now he finally fulfilled his dream
00:41:58and you look down on this poor,
00:42:00hardworking actor?
00:42:02Someone passionate about his job
00:42:04and you think you are better than him?
00:42:08I just realized
00:42:10that the guy was not a king.
00:42:12You are a hotelier.
00:42:14You have to treat everyone as if they were kings.
00:42:16Your guests are the same.
00:42:18They are all like kings in this hotel.
00:42:24And since when do you treat
00:42:26guests like kings?
00:42:30You are a very bad actor.
00:42:32You stink.
00:42:34You are the actor that replaced him.
00:42:36But you are a terrible actor.
00:42:40To play that role,
00:42:42one should be possessed by a spirit.
00:42:54you are a king.
00:42:56Now that I think about it,
00:42:58will it be possible?
00:43:06I was thinking
00:43:08and you are right.
00:43:10I was moved by your words.
00:43:12Everyone here is a king.
00:43:15It's good that you realized your mistake.
00:43:17That's why I want to help.
00:43:19If our guest thinks he is a king,
00:43:21I will help him.
00:43:23If our guest thinks he is a king,
00:43:25I will make him feel like one.
00:43:30As a humble hotelier,
00:43:32my duty is to help him become a king.
00:43:34Better than Mansur.
00:43:36Better than a fairy tale.
00:43:49One more.
00:43:51I think he noticed.
00:43:54As if he was enjoying it.
00:43:56One, two, three.
00:44:00What a coincidence.
00:44:02The fans of Juho ordered pizza from the Sanchez chain.
00:44:04Here you go,
00:44:06so you can enter without any problems.
00:44:09What's the point of possessing an actor?
00:44:11His face won't show up on TV.
00:44:13I think I'm going to start acting better with the pizza now.
00:44:18It's delicious.
00:44:22So we can finish this job at once.
00:44:26It's what the guest wants.
00:44:28He is very excited.
00:44:30And as a humble hotelier...
00:44:32Enough. Shut up.
00:44:35Stay here near the car.
00:44:37I'll go get the itinerary.
00:44:45Excuse me. Waiter.
00:44:47Can you bring five pizzas for the people in the changing room?
00:44:52Stop, girl.
00:44:58I don't make deliveries.
00:45:00If you want to eat pizza,
00:45:02let them come here alone.
00:45:05All right.
00:45:10Dirty mouth.
00:45:13The great king of Korea.
00:45:15If only you could act better.
00:45:21Yes, sir.
00:45:23I'm Juho.
00:45:25Is he the screenwriter who's going to get me out of the scene?
00:45:28So I'll have two weeks off?
00:45:31I don't care if the novel fails.
00:45:36Say I'm injured.
00:45:38Oh, what a pain.
00:45:41But how will there be a queen if there is no king?
00:45:45I don't need thousands of dollars.
00:45:47I just want to leave this.
00:45:51I agree that my character dies.
00:45:53Or tell them I'm dead.
00:45:55It doesn't matter.
00:46:01He could pay me.
00:46:04That's a good guarantee.
00:46:13Look, it appears very little.
00:46:18It's just a scene.
00:46:20You have to help him.
00:46:22Let the spirit possess him.
00:46:24So he will teach him how to act from the soul.
00:46:33How did the scene end?
00:46:38Get out of here.
00:46:40Let's start.
00:46:43My queen.
00:46:45You are the only woman I love.
00:46:49I'm so bad.
00:46:53You are the only one.
00:47:00I need your help.
00:47:06Wait, my queen.
00:47:08Wait, my queen.
00:47:10My queen, please.
00:47:12Help me, my queen.
00:47:24My queen.
00:47:29Hey, listen.
00:47:31Why don't you help me?
00:47:33The director doesn't love me.
00:47:35Help me get out, please.
00:47:38My queen.
00:47:46Scene 42 has a lot of emotion.
00:47:48You scared me.
00:47:53Who are you?
00:47:55Look at me, please.
00:47:57Your Majesty.
00:48:02Your Majesty.
00:48:08Your Majesty.
00:48:35Your Majesty.
00:48:38Who needs my queen?
00:48:43You are our king.
00:48:45Noble and powerful.
00:48:47That's right.
00:48:49I am Li Yun.
00:48:51The king.
00:49:07Your Majesty.
00:49:09I am someone else.
00:49:11Please understand.
00:49:13I am not your queen.
00:49:15Tell me.
00:49:17Is that why you wanted to leave?
00:49:19If I stay here,
00:49:21it will be dangerous, Your Majesty.
00:49:23If you hide in the forest,
00:49:25I will cut down all the trees.
00:49:27If you want to go to sea,
00:49:29I will dry them to stop you.
00:49:33Your Majesty.
00:49:38Your king is asking you
00:49:42not to leave me.
00:49:53Very good!
00:49:57Very good!
00:49:59My queen.
00:50:01You were perfect!
00:50:05Yes, very good.
00:50:07That was a good job.
00:50:09Yes, that's it.
00:50:11Very well done.
00:50:15That's how you do it!
00:50:19Very good!
00:50:23Yes, that's it!
00:50:25What happened?
00:50:31Good job!
00:50:33Congratulations to everyone!
00:50:37He did an amazing job.
00:50:51His Majesty has arrived!
00:51:13No more talk of our queen's throne.
00:51:15Your Majesty.
00:51:17Your Majesty.
00:51:19She is not a good example for the people.
00:51:21When she comes from the lowest,
00:51:23you have to think about it, my king.
00:51:25For God's sake.
00:51:27For the good of your people.
00:51:29Shut up now!
00:51:34So our guest will possess her
00:51:36until the series is over?
00:51:41And when he blows through the hill
00:51:43and the rock...
00:51:47But Mangold said he would kick him out of the hotel.
00:51:51But if he's the one who acts,
00:51:53we also win,
00:51:55thanks to his great talent.
00:52:00How was it?
00:52:02Look, after we rehearsed,
00:52:04I was able to act like never before.
00:52:06You know,
00:52:08it seems like someone
00:52:10had entered my body.
00:52:12Or if not, is he an acting teacher?
00:52:14Do you want
00:52:16to keep acting?
00:52:18Of course!
00:52:20I'll stay in your care.
00:52:22Please help me, okay?
00:52:26Let's negotiate how much it will cost.
00:52:30Of course, the money.
00:52:32I'll pay you what you need.
00:52:34How much do they pay you for each episode?
00:52:36They'll pay me more for the last two episodes.
00:52:38And in total, it's like $500,000.
00:52:40Enough for a house.
00:52:42And that's all for you.
00:52:46Now that our guest is acting,
00:52:48and they're paying you,
00:52:50everything will be better.
00:52:53Listen, I didn't know
00:52:55actors made so much money.
00:52:57Chan Song, do you want to be an actor?
00:52:59I don't have that talent.
00:53:01It's not for me.
00:53:05You don't look like an actor either.
00:53:07Now answer me.
00:53:09I want you to tell me the truth.
00:53:11When you said we didn't have money
00:53:13to buy food,
00:53:15were you serious?
00:53:17You're behind on some payments.
00:53:19But there is food.
00:53:21And for the octopus, it was enough.
00:53:23I want to eat octopus!
00:53:25Because of you, I couldn't eat before!
00:53:27Yes, yes, it's all my fault.
00:53:29It's all my fault.
00:53:33At least you accept it.
00:53:35Do you still want to go to the coast?
00:53:37Even if we don't see the sunrise,
00:53:39we can go eat octopus.
00:53:41And now?
00:53:43Why are you so good?
00:53:47Oh, it's because you realized
00:53:49I'm going to be the last guest.
00:53:51You're going to serve me like a queen.
00:53:53Well, what a distinguished hotelier.
00:53:58It's not because I'm distinguished.
00:54:00As a hotelier,
00:54:02I can't allow my feelings to interfere.
00:54:09Tell me,
00:54:11when did you intervene?
00:54:13The tree.
00:54:17Now it has two leaves.
00:54:19I can't ignore that.
00:54:26I drank too much champagne today.
00:54:30No, let's go get octopus tomorrow.
00:54:34Tomorrow I have to go to the recording set.
00:54:36You don't have to go.
00:54:38We have a volunteer.
00:54:43The woman who was queen.
00:54:51So you're the volunteer?
00:54:53Yes, you can leave your work
00:54:55with peace of mind whenever you want.
00:54:57I can take it.
00:54:59Shouldn't you be at school studying?
00:55:01I don't really like it.
00:55:03I'm trying for someone
00:55:05who wants to study.
00:55:09But since school is over today,
00:55:11you should let me go with you.
00:55:13Maybe another day.
00:55:15I'm waiting for someone.
00:55:17Do I know him?
00:55:19Is he a spirit?
00:55:21A friend. He's human.
00:55:23I don't care about humans.
00:55:25See you.
00:55:29I should have removed the ad.
00:55:31It won't work.
00:55:33Thanks for the pizza.
00:55:35Come whenever you want.
00:55:41Oh, look!
00:55:43Chang Song is inside.
00:56:01That doesn't look like friendship.
00:56:03She's his girlfriend.
00:56:09It's been a while.
00:56:25Where are you going?
00:56:27You look great!
00:56:31Beach? We have one here.
00:56:33But it's not the same.
00:56:35What's the difference?
00:56:37Well, here...
00:56:41It's for the octopus.
00:56:43We don't have it here.
00:56:45I'm going to eat octopus today.
00:56:47Can you bring it, Yuna?
00:56:49Of course not.
00:56:51I want to go get the octopus myself.
00:56:53Oh, Mr. Wu could go with you to the beach.
00:56:55He wants you to bring it.
00:56:57He'll come, no problem.
00:57:01I don't want to interrupt,
00:57:03since he's with his girlfriend.
00:57:05Yuna saw her.
00:57:07She said she was pretty.
00:57:09Mr. Wu is always with spirits.
00:57:11Sometimes he needs to be with humans.
00:57:13If not, he'd be very sad.
00:57:15He'd age, and he'd be left alone.
00:57:17He doesn't deserve it.
00:57:23Well, I'm going.
00:57:25Well, have a good time at the beach.
00:57:27Enjoy it.
00:57:29Xiong Xiong,
00:57:31please go and book the pool for me.
00:57:33I'll be there.
00:57:35But aren't you going to the beach?
00:57:37I don't feel like going.
00:57:43I'm not going to the beach.
00:57:47Do you want me to bring you octopus?
00:57:51I didn't think you'd come back,
00:57:53but here you are.
00:57:55And now that I'm here,
00:57:57do you feel guilty?
00:57:59I'm happy to see you.
00:58:01The one who came to see me seems suspicious,
00:58:03so I investigated you.
00:58:05I heard you had problems with your family because of debts.
00:58:07No, it's a lot.
00:58:09I'm a doctor. Don't worry, I'll pay them.
00:58:11Good for you.
00:58:13Listen, I don't have time, so pay me.
00:58:15You owe me $5,000.
00:58:17Don't forget it.
00:58:19It's been a long time. Let's not talk about money.
00:58:21I could have sued you,
00:58:23but I didn't.
00:58:25I don't believe you.
00:58:27I know how much you loved me.
00:58:29You never would have.
00:58:32You know,
00:58:34when you asked me to lend you $5,000,
00:58:36it was money from my scholarship in Harvard.
00:58:38I did it because I loved you.
00:58:42I want you to remember all the love
00:58:44you ever felt for me.
00:58:46I'll calculate it with what you owe me,
00:58:48the more interest.
00:58:50All right, that's enough.
00:58:52I'll pay you, but I called because I miss you.
00:58:54It's nice to see you.
00:58:56The feeling is not mutual.
00:58:58Do you still like me?
00:59:00I see.
00:59:05Don't do it anymore.
00:59:07It's going to hurt you.
00:59:09I see you haven't changed.
00:59:14I know you're not seeing anyone right now,
00:59:16and I'd like to...
00:59:34Excuse me, sir.
00:59:36One moment.
00:59:50Kim Jong-hyun?
00:59:52Yes, yes.
00:59:54His autograph?
00:59:56Ah, yes.
00:59:59But I have a problem.
01:00:02I'll use your back.
01:00:06You need to help me.
01:00:08On whose behalf?
01:00:10I don't know,
01:00:12but I'll use your back.
01:00:16On whose behalf?
01:00:18Jang Man-wol, please.
01:00:20Ah, very good.
01:00:22She's a great admirer of yours, sir.
01:00:24I send you greetings.
01:00:26Nice name.
01:00:30Are you okay? Have a nice day.
01:00:36A photo?
01:00:38If not, she won't believe it.
01:00:40Ah, she's suspicious.
01:00:42Let's take one.
01:00:44One, two, three.
01:01:01I was just about to call you.
01:01:03I ran into someone and you won't believe it.
01:01:05Jang Song.
01:01:07Please, don't come.
01:01:11So we're not going to the beach?
01:01:13There's a beach at the hotel.
01:01:15So it doesn't matter.
01:01:17You have the day off.
01:01:27For Miss Jang, I love you.
01:01:43I love you, too.
01:02:13I love you, too.
01:02:43I love you, too.
01:03:03So here you are.
01:03:05How did you find me?
01:03:07Jong-woo told me.
01:03:09If you knew a place like this,
01:03:11I think you should have told me.
01:03:13You should have shared it.
01:03:15When I want to drink,
01:03:17I come to this place.
01:03:39I love you.
01:04:09Did I feel it was destiny?
01:04:15Like the stars shining in the night sky
01:04:22Stay by my side for a long time
01:04:32Every time I think of you
01:04:38With a smile
