Hotel del Luna Cap 11 en Español Latino part 1/1

  • 2 days ago
Dorama en Español Latino
00:00:30Hotel del Luna.
00:00:43Capitulo once.
00:02:00Me pregunto si él fue ahí para verla.
00:02:17Ven un momento.
00:02:22Te llegó esto.
00:02:25Lo mando Manuel.
00:02:26¿De verdad?
00:02:27Te agradezco.
00:02:38No me dejes, incluso si yo me vuelvo loca o si un día desaparezco, por favor quédate
00:02:48a mi lado.
00:02:53No permitiré que desaparezcas.
00:02:56Confía en mí.
00:03:00Fue ella quien te despidió y terminó reincorporándote al final.
00:03:03Supongo que ahora quieres ser amable.
00:03:06Es por mi sinceridad.
00:03:07¿Qué es esto, un estampado de tigre?
00:03:22Asegúrate de venderlo caro.
00:03:24Si lo haces bien, te daré un traje con un estampado igual a este.
00:03:29¡Ay, esta mujer!
00:03:31Pero es de una marca de lujo.
00:03:33Se verá sexy.
00:03:34Pruébatelo, pruébatelo, por favor.
00:03:37¿Quién usa ese tipo de ropa?
00:03:39¿No crees que Manuel se decepcionará si no lo usas?
00:03:42Se ve que es caro.
00:03:43No nos decepciones.
00:03:44Quiero verte con él.
00:03:46No le he dado dinero por la pintura.
00:03:54¿Cómo hizo para comprarlo?
00:03:57Y si tuviera dinero, es extraño que me comprara algo.
00:04:03Mirándolo bien no está tan mal.
00:04:04La próxima semana Verónica llega a Corea, ¿me lo prestas para recibirla?
00:04:08Pienso que tiene estilo y un encanto salvaje.
00:04:10No lo hagas.
00:04:11La vas a asustar.
00:04:13¿Tú de verdad no sabes acerca de estar en una relación?
00:04:17Cuando estás saliendo con alguien, son necesarias las sorpresas.
00:04:20Como digas.
00:04:21Ahora veo.
00:04:22Cuando nos juntamos, Manuel dijo que tenía que ir a una tienda, supongo que lo compró
00:04:26¿Te juntaste con Manuel?
00:04:27Hace unos días.
00:04:29Me pidió que él ayudara a vender algo que recibió como herencia de su abuelo.
00:04:33¿Qué cosa?
00:04:34¿Una herencia?
00:04:39Son dos caballos pura sangre que están siendo criados en Catar.
00:04:42Escuché que hasta la familia real los quiere.
00:04:45¿Tú me podrías ayudar?
00:04:48¿Sánchez, conoces a Mansur en persona?
00:04:51¿Que si lo conozco?
00:04:52Oh, nunca lo he visto.
00:04:54Pero como los pura sangre son valiosos, estoy seguro que alguien de mi club de equitación
00:04:58los querrá.
00:04:59¡Qué buena noticia!
00:05:01Si me ayudas y los vendes a un buen precio, te compraré un traje tan blanco, como la
00:05:09¿Por qué me pides a mí, no a Chanson, que te ayude?
00:05:11No, no puedo confiarle esto.
00:05:13¿Por qué?
00:05:16Porque él ya está muy ocupado.
00:05:19Por favor, Sánchez, ayúdame.
00:05:22Si en un futuro muy lejano tienes que venir a mi hotel, te trataré muy bien.
00:05:28¿De verdad?
00:05:30¡Claro que sí!
00:05:32¡Qué bueno!
00:05:35El señor Wang.
00:05:45Yo solo vendí los caballos por ti.
00:05:48Por cierto, pagaron bastante bien.
00:05:50Así que eso era.
00:05:51Le dio unos caballos.
00:05:53No puedo bajar la guardia.
00:05:55Tengo que asegurarme de tomarla bien de las riendas.
00:06:05Señor Chanson, hemos recibido solicitudes para el servicio especial.
00:06:09Los rumores de la llamada del señor Wang han hecho que muchos huéspedes quieran hacer
00:06:13una llamada en sueños.
00:06:15Este es un servicio que la señorita Yang solo ofrece a los que pueden pagar y siempre
00:06:19lo hacen en secreto.
00:06:21¿Qué hacemos?
00:06:23Es nuestro deber dar un buen servicio.
00:06:25Me encargaré de que se haga.
00:06:40¿Qué pasó?
00:06:42¿Por qué no lo traes puesto?
00:06:44¿Qué pasa?
00:06:46¿Qué pasa?
00:06:48¿Qué pasa?
00:06:50¿Qué pasa?
00:06:52¿Qué pasa?
00:06:54¿Qué pasa?
00:06:57¿Por qué no lo traes puesto?
00:06:59Tenía muchas ganas de verte con el traje de tigre.
00:07:01No es apropiado para trabajar.
00:07:03Si tu jefa dice que está bien, no hay problema.
00:07:05Mira, incluso me compré este pañuelo para combinar contigo.
00:07:09Seríamos dos tigres.
00:07:11Pero es de cebra.
00:07:13¿Y qué?
00:07:15¿Se ve bien?
00:07:17Es espantoso.
00:07:19¿Quién te preguntó?
00:07:21Qué mal gusto tienes.
00:07:23Bueno, si no te gustan los tigres ni las cebras, vamos.
00:07:26Te compraré algo que se adapte perfectamente a ti.
00:07:28Eso tendrá que esperar.
00:07:30Tienes que encargarte de las solicitudes de llamadas en los sueños.
00:07:40El servicio de llamada en los sueños solo se le da a los huéspedes especiales que tienen como pagar.
00:07:44Pero ya recibiste un gran pago.
00:07:48¡Lo cambiaste por caballos!
00:07:50¡Ay, ese Sánchez!
00:07:52Dejaré que lo guardes y no diré nada.
00:07:55Pero a cambio, tendrás que ayudar a los huéspedes.
00:07:59Escucha, Chanson.
00:08:01¿Crees que ellos solo dirán cosas lindas cuando aparezcan en los sueños de las personas?
00:08:03Morí por tu culpa y ahora te vengo a buscar.
00:08:05¿Qué harás si atacan a los vivos maldiciéndolos de esa manera?
00:08:13Es posible.
00:08:15Por odio.
00:08:17En otras palabras, yo siempre miro todos los casos.
00:08:19Pero solo realizo el servicio a los que me parece correcto ayudar.
00:08:21¡No lo hago solo por la plata!
00:08:25Está bien, tienes razón.
00:08:27Tenía una idea equivocada de ti.
00:08:29No lo hace solo por dinero.
00:08:31Sino que te preocupas de corazón.
00:08:33Así es.
00:08:35Hago todo por el bien de mis invitados.
00:08:37Seleccionando a los que no quieren venganza.
00:08:39¿Quién te crees que soy?
00:08:43En ese caso, yo seleccionaré las solicitudes que se adecúen a tus reglas.
00:08:48Yo gané ese dinero.
00:08:50¿Por qué él tiene que poner restricciones?
00:08:52Te diré el secreto de nuestros videos.
00:08:54Porque fuiste el trabajador más leal de nuestra tienda.
00:08:56Escucha bien.
00:08:58¿El secreto?
00:09:00Yo también quiero saberlo.
00:09:02¿Por qué?
00:09:04¿Por qué?
00:09:06¿Por qué?
00:09:08¿Por qué?
00:09:10¿Por qué?
00:09:12¿Por qué?
00:09:15Yo también quiero saberlo.
00:09:17El secreto es...
00:09:19Para mí.
00:09:21Escucha con atención lo que te voy a decir.
00:09:31De verdad estoy muy agradecida.
00:09:33Ustedes y su música fueron mi consuelo hasta el último día.
00:09:37Debe tener muchos hermanos.
00:09:39Yo sé que todas sus canciones y bailes llegarán al corazón de todo el mundo.
00:09:41No parece su hermano.
00:09:43Pero aquí dice que era su hermano.
00:09:45¡Upa! ¡Fuiste como un hermano! ¡Te amaré por siempre!
00:09:47¡Upa! ¡Fuiste como un hermano! ¡Te amaré por siempre!
00:09:59¿Te da risa?
00:10:01Pon atención en tu trabajo.
00:10:13Este huésped se va hoy.
00:10:15Y antes de hacerlo, quiere hablar con su esposa.
00:10:17¿Es verdad que se me permite hacer solo una llamada?
00:10:19Sí, es solo una.
00:10:23Si es así, quisiera llamar a otra persona.
00:10:29Yo tuve un accidente junto a mi hijo.
00:10:37Deseo poder hablar con el hombre que manejaba el camión.
00:10:40No puedes hacer un llamado para maldecir a los demás.
00:10:44No quiero llamar para maldecirlo, señorita.
00:10:48Quiero pedirle disculpas.
00:10:58Es un alivio que solo te dirán.
00:11:00Libertad condicional.
00:11:04Dos personas murieron por mi culpa.
00:11:10Esta es mi renuncia.
00:11:14Yo no puedo seguir manejando.
00:11:16Pero si no trabajas aquí, ¿cómo te ganarás la vida?
00:11:36Ustedes son los que...
00:11:42De verdad, lo siento.
00:11:44Yo merezco vivir después de lo que he hecho.
00:11:50lo sentimos.
00:11:54Fue nuestra culpa por...
00:11:56saltar de repente a la calle.
00:12:00Fue nuestro error.
00:12:02Tuvimos mala suerte.
00:12:04Pero te dejamos un dolor demasiado grande en vida.
00:12:06Lo sentimos.
00:12:09Espero que...
00:12:11tu vida no se vea arruinada por nuestra culpa.
00:12:15Siento lo que pasó.
00:12:17Y muchas gracias.
00:12:19Tu vida no se vea arruinada por nuestra culpa.
00:12:23Siento lo que pasó.
00:12:25Y muchas gracias.
00:12:43Ya me siento mucho más tranquilo.
00:12:45Hijo, vamos ahora.
00:12:49Muchas gracias.
00:13:09¿Quieres dejarlos aquí por hoy?
00:13:13Solo nos quedan unos pocos casos.
00:13:15Diles que pasen.
00:13:19Ya florecieron todos los botones.
00:13:23No nos preocupemos demasiado.
00:13:25Como ya están todas florecidas,
00:13:27pueden quedarse así de hermosas por mucho tiempo.
00:13:29La anciana Makú está tratando de llevarse a la señorita Yang.
00:13:31Ella floreció...
00:13:33para marchitarse.
00:13:35Tendremos que irnos primero,
00:13:37antes que la señorita Yang.
00:13:39¡Qué cansancio!
00:13:41¿Cómo podemos hacer nada?
00:13:43¡Ya no tenemos nada!
00:13:45No podemos hacer nada.
00:13:47¡Soy toda una sola mujer!
00:13:53¡Esto no es verdad!
00:13:55¡No puedo hacer nada!
00:13:57¡No puedo!
00:13:59¿¡No podías hacer nada!?
00:14:05Yo nunca me acordé de que...
00:14:07Oh, I'm so tired.
00:14:10Do you know how exhausting it is for the dead to communicate?
00:14:17But thanks to you, a lot of people will wake up happy with the dreams of this night.
00:14:22You worked hard, so I'll make you happy.
00:14:26How? How are you going to wear the tiger suit I gave you?
00:14:31I knew it. You sent me that clothes to make fun of me.
00:14:34Hey, do you think I would waste so much money just to see you make a fool of yourself?
00:14:39I'm also trying to make you happy.
00:14:42I made a reservation at the restaurant you always want to go to, where they sell soup with rice cake.
00:14:48Let's go?
00:14:52In that place there are no reservations and I always have to wait to eat.
00:14:55When you studied at Harvard, you can do it.
00:14:57In Harvard there are rice cakes?
00:14:59The owner's son studied there.
00:15:01We have a reservation at the restaurant for an hour.
00:15:06Let's go?
00:15:11Are you going to put on a suit that fits the type of soup?
00:15:14We're not talking about any soup. This one has rice cakes in the shape of balls.
00:15:18I'll put on something that fits.
00:15:31Let's go.
00:15:59Look at me.
00:16:01No, not me. Please.
00:16:05Sanchez is three years older than me.
00:16:08So if today, like three seasons of soup, we can have a closer deal?
00:16:14Sanchez and you are like friends, right?
00:16:18Is that how you want to treat your boss?
00:16:24Well, it will be like that only if you eat 1,300 rice balls.
00:16:28Not even Kim Jong-un could eat so much.
00:16:31Don't call me Yoon-hyun.
00:16:33This is the deal.
00:16:35For each ball, you will have a year of trust.
00:16:38One for 100 years.
00:16:40Cheating manager!
00:16:42How many years do you plan to eat?
00:16:44After eating 13 cakes, I will treat you as I please.
00:16:50Okay, go ahead.
00:16:52A human does not live 1,300 years.
00:16:55I'll take a chance.
00:16:57These must be 200 years.
00:17:01I hope you know that challenge better.
00:17:03Now I will add 300 more years of luck.
00:17:12It's so beautiful now.
00:17:14Why does it have to fall?
00:17:18It's so sad.
00:17:28It will still hurt.
00:17:33Like a dream that disappears after a night's sleep.
00:17:41I'm afraid I'll forget you.
00:17:55Now there are only 300 years left.
00:17:58Are you nervous?
00:18:00I can also eat 500 more years.
00:18:02Didn't you know?
00:18:04But I can eat faster.
00:18:06It's not true, I eat much faster.
00:18:08I only have 100 years left.
00:18:10I grew 200 years more.
00:18:12In Harvard, I was known for eating fast.
00:18:14I'm already 3,500 years old.
00:18:16600 more.
00:18:18Look, 3,600.
00:18:20You can't beat me, admit it.
00:18:22I can eat up to your earrings.
00:18:28I can eat up to your earrings.
00:18:59I found the motive for the murders.
00:19:01On a page called Hello.
00:19:03Hello? Like hello in English?
00:19:07And hello means welcome to hell.
00:19:09It's a name created.
00:19:11A word game.
00:19:15And what's on the page?
00:19:17It's a community that today has more than 100,000 members.
00:19:19At first it was a place to share your problems.
00:19:21But now it has become a real hell.
00:19:23The publications are to curse and defame you.
00:19:25Turning the site into an emotional dumpster.
00:19:27A dumpster.
00:19:31The suspect posted hate messages directed at his wife.
00:19:33And I found a lot of comments, too.
00:19:35About the murdered people.
00:19:37The victims' posts had a high number of visits and comments.
00:19:40This is a post from the site.
00:19:42And your comments.
00:19:44I hope he dies.
00:19:46I want him to die.
00:19:48What people do on this site,
00:19:50is to spread hate.
00:19:51And the suspect was in charge of making his wishes come true?
00:19:54He thinks he's a executioner?
00:19:56With the exception of Lido John, who was the suspect's wife.
00:19:58The other victims were murdered by someone they had never seen before.
00:20:03This person.
00:20:05It wasn't him who killed them, was it?
00:20:08Look, I told you.
00:20:10It wasn't him.
00:20:12It wasn't him.
00:20:14It wasn't him.
00:20:16It wasn't him.
00:20:18It wasn't him.
00:20:19Look, I told you.
00:20:21The owner of this car isn't the culprit.
00:20:24He even had a ghost.
00:20:26You can't say as evidence that you saw a ghost.
00:20:31Oh, a portrait.
00:20:33Like the ones they do in the research series.
00:20:36I can draw it.
00:20:38I'm very good at drawing.
00:20:42Listen, Miss John will get angry if she finds out what you're doing.
00:20:47Now tell me everything you remember about that person.
00:21:05To be honest, I didn't know any Chang Song.
00:21:08I only moved things with a student.
00:21:10That day the car broke down.
00:21:12It was very difficult.
00:21:14Do you know the name or number of that student?
00:21:17I don't have her number.
00:21:19But I know she contacted us on social media.
00:21:22Do you really work at a model agency?
00:21:25And do you want to recruit her?
00:21:27Well, she looks potent and I want to meet her.
00:21:31She can't do it.
00:21:33She's very strange.
00:21:35Why do you say that?
00:21:37She's a little crazy.
00:21:39It's not that. It's that she sees the dead.
00:21:41Yes, it's true.
00:21:43Yes, ghosts.
00:21:45No one here talks to her about that.
00:21:47How ridiculous.
00:21:49You can't make up that kind of thing.
00:21:51But it's true.
00:21:53She always talks to herself and it looks like she's following someone, but there's no one.
00:21:57So she follows the dead?
00:22:04How interesting.
00:22:08You are respected.
00:22:14Mr. Kim, I was looking at our menu and I saw that you changed the name of the drink Tears to Tears of Tears.
00:22:25Ms. Yang said it was a very striking name.
00:22:28But in English it rhymes.
00:22:30Tears and Cheers combine perfectly.
00:22:35I see that even for a Harvard graduate it was fine.
00:22:38The lady is being very demanding.
00:22:40As manager of the bar, I think I should keep working on that.
00:22:44Angel's Tears, Devil's Tears, things like that.
00:22:47You think? Angel and Devil, you say?
00:22:50I'll change the name again.
00:22:52I guess at Harvard they know how to educate their students properly.
00:23:01Hey, do you know why there are so many guests at this time of day?
00:23:05Well, it's about the people who were buried in secret.
00:23:07True, I had heard their story.
00:23:10Have you found the murderer?
00:23:12Yes, I also knew.
00:23:14But the fourth option still says it's not him.
00:23:22I don't think the man they arrested is the culprit.
00:23:25There was a ghost in this car.
00:23:28The suspect is this person.
00:23:38Yuna, you're still young.
00:23:41Don't get involved in this kind of thing.
00:23:43That's right, focus on your studies.
00:23:45But let me finish the portrait I was doing.
00:23:50When it's ready, I'll give it to you.
00:23:53If you run into any problems, please let me take care of it.
00:24:02Special Service Request.
00:24:04This is the list of requests.
00:24:08What a nuisance.
00:24:18If you've seen the flowers, why don't you say anything?
00:24:21Have they already decided to take the bus to the afterlife?
00:24:24We're getting ready for it.
00:24:26I won't...
00:24:28I'll go until I see them all dead.
00:24:31That whole family.
00:24:33You said your daughter died, right?
00:24:36For the good of that family.
00:24:42Regardless of your hurry,
00:24:45you can't do the same thing you did 42 years ago.
00:24:52If you become a vengeful spirit,
00:24:55and decide to take the bus to the afterlife,
00:24:58if you become a vengeful spirit and disappear,
00:25:03your 200 years here will be a complete waste.
00:25:09It won't be a waste if that family ends.
00:25:20A lunar eclipse is approaching.
00:25:26I heard that this time it will be covered for a long time.
00:25:30We'll be ready.
00:25:50Tell me, is there anything you need?
00:25:52I'm not thirsty.
00:25:55I'll give you something to drink.
00:25:57Come with me.
00:26:15A lunar eclipse...
00:26:22A lunar eclipse...
00:26:53Mr. Q.
00:26:55You have to come with us now.
00:27:18It's here, ma'am.
00:27:20It's here, ma'am.
00:27:26Come closer.
00:27:33Excuse me, who are you?
00:27:45I see you don't recognize me.
00:27:48I saw you in the newspaper this morning.
00:27:53I really admire your work.
00:27:55But why are you calling me?
00:27:58I heard you're the manager of a hotel.
00:28:01It's registered in the district.
00:28:06Yes, it's true.
00:28:09I want you to help me and take me to that place.
00:28:13I'd like to meet the owner.
00:28:16Do you know...
00:28:18...the owner?
00:28:20I need to see Ms. Yang at her hotel.
00:28:28I used to be...
00:28:30...the old manager of the Lunar Hotel.
00:28:46You should have gone home by now.
00:28:49I came with someone special.
00:28:58Hyun Jung.
00:29:00You're still wasting your time at work.
00:29:03Ms. Wang!
00:29:07Oh my God!
00:29:09Why did you come all the way here?
00:29:11You're not...
00:29:13...dead, are you?
00:29:15You still don't know if anyone is alive.
00:29:18You scared me.
00:29:21By the way, shouldn't you call the president now?
00:29:24I'm still a candidate.
00:29:30Mr. Kim!
00:29:32Ms. Choi!
00:29:34Ms. Wang came to visit us.
00:29:36My God, you're still here.
00:29:39Ms. Wang.
00:29:42It's been so long.
00:29:44It's good to see you.
00:29:46It's been over 30 years.
00:29:48You've gotten very old.
00:29:50You still have your direct comments.
00:29:53Do you have...
00:29:55...many guests right now?
00:29:57I can see the employees, but I can't see anything else right now.
00:30:03There are some.
00:30:06Look, there's Ms. Yang.
00:30:28Your hotel has become very big.
00:30:31All thanks to you.
00:30:33Thanks to the money you gave us, we moved here and the hotel grew.
00:30:39But you've grown too.
00:30:41I've seen you in articles.
00:30:43I saw that you will be president of something.
00:30:46I'm still a candidate.
00:30:48All thanks to you letting me go.
00:30:52Do you think I let you go because I wanted to?
00:30:55Maku thought that someone as talented as you shouldn't work here.
00:30:59And she gave you that remedy without me knowing.
00:31:01You stopped seeing ghosts and I had no choice but to leave you.
00:31:04If I had continued working here, I would have more money now.
00:31:08I could have this building in Gangama in my name.
00:31:12Thanks to the experience I had, the way I see the world has changed a lot.
00:31:22I see that it was helpful.
00:31:24And what brings you here?
00:31:27I have a favor to ask you.
00:31:31I see.
00:31:34Of course.
00:31:35Of course.
00:31:37Why else would you come?
00:31:39It's obvious that you want something from me.
00:31:44I have a gift that will go well with you.
00:31:52You shouldn't have bothered.
00:31:58Oh my God!
00:32:00How beautiful!
00:32:03What do you need?
00:32:05It's something very trivial, but very important.
00:32:10There will be an eclipse, just like the one that happened 39 years ago.
00:32:18The country was having an economic renaissance.
00:32:22And thanks to Mrs. Wang, Miss Yang was able to get out of the crisis
00:32:26and managed to create the foundations of the luxuries we have today, as you can see.
00:32:30She worked here for about eight years.
00:32:32I would never have thought that she could have worked in this place.
00:32:36That's because Miss Yang does not leave traces of the humans that pass through the hotel, sir.
00:32:44I wonder why she came so close to the elections.
00:32:50Will we have human guests? Is that possible?
00:32:54Yes, for the lunar eclipse.
00:32:56And that will make things change?
00:32:57When the moon is covered, humans can also see and enter the hotel.
00:33:01They can even see the guests inside.
00:33:05Since they can see us, many of them want to spend the night at the hotel.
00:33:09Does that mean that many humans will come?
00:33:12Of course, we must not reject them.
00:33:16Was it in the year 81?
00:33:18There was also an eclipse, and some newlyweds arrived at our hotel.
00:33:28I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was the last touch.
00:33:32Forgive me.
00:33:34Yes, I'm sorry.
00:33:35Moon Hotel
00:33:37Look, there's a hotel here.
00:33:41When will this eclipse end?
00:33:48Excuse me.
00:33:49Do you have a room?
00:33:57They came to Seoul for their honeymoon, and the Atrapultos are staying.
00:34:00If we reject them, their first night will be in a cell.
00:34:04We must help them.
00:34:09Let them stay.
00:34:27They will rest here.
00:34:31You can come in.
00:34:33Thank you very much.
00:34:34Thank you very much.
00:34:43That night, for the first time in the history of our hotel for the dead,
00:34:48a couple had their wedding night and conceived a child.
00:34:54And that child grew up to be one of the best soccer players in Korea.
00:35:14He was conceived in this place?
00:35:16That's what I heard.
00:35:17I was also very surprised when I heard it.
00:35:19Anyway, that man will be Mr. Hwang's son-in-law.
00:35:24The day the in-laws met, they couldn't believe it.
00:35:27They were surprised.
00:35:29It's like fate.
00:35:31Well, everything that happens here is incredible and unimaginable.
00:35:35I guess it's normal for the baby to be special.
00:35:38She wants her daughter and son-in-law to stay in this hotel for their wedding night.
00:35:43And let them go through the same thing.
00:35:45You mean you're going to give them the suite where the king stayed?
00:35:50They're humans.
00:35:51They must use room 404.
00:35:54Are you serious?
00:36:03But the people who enter there never leave again.
00:36:07The only way out of our hotel is by going to your other life.
00:36:10And how do they do it?
00:36:11Are you worried about humans?
00:36:17In that case, come in and see what happens.
00:36:41I'm sorry.
00:37:12In the next lunar eclipse, we will have guests with life.
00:37:18Very good, very good.
00:37:20They are a couple on their honeymoon.
00:37:27They already made an official reservation, so treat them well.
00:37:37We need food and decorations that are suitable for humans.
00:37:41How amazing it will be to have someone alive.
00:37:43But where is the human being who works here?
00:37:45He entered room 404.
00:37:49I see you won't be able to work tonight.
00:37:52It doesn't matter.
00:37:53I'm very happy.
00:38:05Are you in Shanghai?
00:38:07Yes, I was in a meeting and now I went out to eat.
00:38:10But I'm angry.
00:38:12Why? Why are you angry?
00:38:14I miss you too much.
00:38:16And I can't concentrate on my work because of you.
00:38:20I should scold you.
00:38:23I can't wait for you to arrive so you can scold me in person.
00:38:26I can't wait for you to arrive so you can scold me in person.
00:38:33Veronica, I found the way to be scolded by you forever.
00:38:39What's up?
00:38:40What are you going to surprise me with this time?
00:38:43I won't tell you.
00:38:44You'll know when you get there.
00:38:47Chang Song is here.
00:38:49Say hello, dear.
00:38:51Hello, Chang Song.
00:38:53Hello, Veronica.
00:38:56Hey, dear. I'll call you later.
00:38:58I love you.
00:38:59Goodbye, my Sanchez.
00:39:04Is she coming to Korea?
00:39:07She's in China now.
00:39:08But she arrives the day after tomorrow.
00:39:10That's why...
00:39:16I'm planning to do something pretty crazy.
00:39:19I would like to do it in your hotel.
00:39:23Veronica has been to thousands of hotels.
00:39:26And when I told her that you worked in a special, she wanted to meet you.
00:39:29And I want to meet you too.
00:39:31They can't. Not in my hotel.
00:39:33Chang Song, are you working in a decent hotel?
00:39:38You had to sell a painting for them.
00:39:40And Manuel was selling horses.
00:39:42Is his situation so bad?
00:39:47Yes, it's so bad.
00:39:49Oh, what a shame.
00:39:51My friend, tell me when I'm wrong.
00:39:55It's not right for you to put up with everything for someone you love.
00:39:58Do you understand?
00:40:00Of course.
00:40:02So, this is over?
00:40:06Why do they always fight?
00:40:08He must have been an enemy of that detective in the past.
00:40:11But despite the fights, he still sees him.
00:40:14What did you say?
00:40:15Are you busy?
00:40:16I'm busy too.
00:40:20Is your job everything?
00:40:21Do you believe in James Bond?
00:40:27His destiny is to fight.
00:40:32Sanchez, when Veronica arrives, let's go out to eat together.
00:40:35Did you say last morning?
00:40:38It's the eclipse day.
00:40:39That's right.
00:40:40I had thought I could see it with her at the Sky Bar you say is in your hotel.
00:40:46I'll look elsewhere.
00:40:48Forgive me.
00:40:51The living people could be scared if they see another guest around here.
00:40:55I think we should empty this floor.
00:40:57We already took that precaution and changed the rooms.
00:41:00So don't worry.
00:41:12As always, it's the best.
00:41:15The dinner menu looks good.
00:41:18And the drinks...
00:41:21Are these from here?
00:41:23I followed your advice and created my own special cocktails.
00:41:27Angel and Demon.
00:41:31Although I still don't know if humans will like the flavor.
00:41:35How about you try them?
00:41:45Put some on the tables and some in the rooms.
00:41:53It's a bee.
00:41:56It must have come with these flowers since they are real.
00:41:59I see the reason why there are no insects is because our flowers are not real.
00:42:05Do you know if there are ghost insects that look like fireflies?
00:42:10I've never seen or heard of that.
00:42:18What was that?
00:42:20A strange sound.
00:42:22A strange sound.
00:42:23I'll try to find out what it is.
00:42:25It's a bug.
00:42:26A bug?
00:42:28It's a bug.
00:42:30A bug?
00:42:32What was that?
00:42:34Should I put these in the room?
00:42:36Yes, of course. They'll look more romantic.
00:42:50I want to put this in my office.
00:42:54Let's go.
00:43:02Let's go.
00:43:14I'm tired.
00:43:26Did you have to work a lot today?
00:43:28As long as everyone is excited about some humans.
00:43:31I'm the only one who works for our true guests.
00:43:36I feel like this day has been eternal.
00:43:39Oh God, I'm tired.
00:43:44That's why I want to give you something.
00:43:51It's real, so it smells good. Look.
00:43:54We have thousands of flowers in the back garden.
00:43:57But none of them are real.
00:43:59Oh, but there is one.
00:44:01Manuel's flower.
00:44:05Your tree is full of flowers.
00:44:07They look pretty.
00:44:08Why are you showing off?
00:44:10Do you want to embarrass me?
00:44:12I'm on my right.
00:44:13They bloomed just when I hugged you.
00:44:15If I had known, I would have hugged you before buying you champagne.
00:44:23Hey, what's wrong with you?
00:44:25Do you want to hug me?
00:44:27Have you gone crazy?
00:44:29I was going to help you with the phone.
00:44:35Okay, I'll hug you.
00:44:39That's enough. Forget it.
00:44:41You are a greedy, arrogant and swindler.
00:44:48You look very pretty.
00:44:51I left new requests on your desk.
00:44:54After you rest a little, go back to work.
00:45:20I won't let you disappear.
00:45:22Trust me.
00:45:50You are real.
00:45:53You will be forgiven because you are weak.
00:46:21In the next episode
00:46:43The eclipse has begun.
00:46:45The guests are about to arrive.
00:46:48Get ready to receive them in the best way.
00:47:01Everyone looks excited.
00:47:03It's because right now they feel like the hotel is also part of the real world.
00:47:08Receiving clients who are human makes them think they are alive again.
00:47:18They feel like they are alive again.
00:47:31You have a reservation, right?
00:47:33How long ago did you die?
00:47:39How long ago did you get married?
00:47:45You got married today, right?
00:47:50Please, follow me.
00:48:02We'll take your things to your room.
00:48:05If you want, you can have dinner first.
00:48:08This is...
00:48:14An exclusive drink from our hotel.
00:48:18Tears of angels and ferocious demons.
00:48:38Why are you so happy?
00:48:41I've always hated seeing the full moon.
00:48:45But look, it's not there anymore.
00:48:48It feels so good.
00:48:50The truth is, these are the days I like the most.
00:48:58It's completely covered.
00:49:00When it comes out again, it will be a new moon.
00:49:03Kinder and more saving.
00:49:06When our guests are in their room,
00:49:08would you like to go out and see the new kind moon?
00:49:11Evil moon?
00:49:12Chang Song, do you want to die so young?
00:49:16I'll take it as a yes.
00:49:17My name means okay.
00:49:19When they say my name, it seems like everyone says yes.
00:49:22It's perfect.
00:49:24I know everyone will agree.
00:49:31Sir knows everything, Chang Song.
00:49:33Your name will be okay from now on.
00:49:36You're wrong.
00:49:37For you to know, my name in English is Andrew.
00:49:40And Chang Song wouldn't be okay in English.
00:49:42It would be agree.
00:49:43I don't care how it's said, not even in Chinese.
00:49:46For me, it will only be Mr. Okay.
00:49:53Look, the eclipse.
00:49:54It's complete.
00:50:04You're right.
00:50:21That means it's yours, right?
00:50:25That's right.
00:50:34I'll be waiting for you.
00:50:48Miss Yang,
00:50:51the guests would like to go to their room now.
00:50:58The guests would like to go to their room now.
00:51:04The eclipse is complete.
00:51:06Take them to their room.
00:51:26Once they enter, don't leave until they leave.
00:51:30I heard about this room from my parents.
00:51:34Well, enjoy it.
00:51:59A soccer player just left.
00:52:01I wonder what they have.
00:52:03Someone who died as young as you doesn't know.
00:52:05But it's not that easy to get pregnant.
00:52:07I also know it's not a matter of one night.
00:52:15And why are you laughing at death?
00:52:21I also know everything.
00:52:26Don't assume I don't know those things.
00:52:28We're talking about creating life.
00:52:30Death can't talk about that.
00:52:33Anyway, what I hope is that someone smart is born this time.
00:52:37And that he can win a Nobel Prize someday.
00:52:39It would be better if they were triplets.
00:52:41That way, they would have three prizes.
00:52:45I bet everyone in this hotel will send forces to the couple.
00:52:50Veronica hasn't arrived yet?
00:52:53I thought her plane had been delayed,
00:52:55but I called and found out it wasn't like that.
00:52:57And she doesn't answer me.
00:52:59Chang Song, do you think she's avoiding me
00:53:02because she knows I want to ask her to be my wife?
00:53:07I don't think so.
00:53:08She loves you.
00:53:09But I love her much more.
00:53:15You know, she's never done anything like this, my friend.
00:53:20Oh, wait.
00:53:21I got a message.
00:53:22It must be her.
00:53:23I'll call you later.
00:53:26Oh, wait.
00:53:27I got a message.
00:53:28It must be her.
00:53:29I'll call you later.
00:53:58Where are you?
00:54:03What do you mean, an accident?
00:54:05Veronica hurt herself, Chang Song.
00:54:07She was in a car crash in Shanghai.
00:54:10I have to go now.
00:54:11How bad is she?
00:54:13I don't know.
00:54:14I'll know when I get there.
00:54:16But she's going to be fine.
00:54:17She has to be.
00:54:18I don't know.
00:54:19I have to go now.
00:54:20How bad is she?
00:54:21I don't know.
00:54:22I'll know when I get there.
00:54:24But she's going to be fine.
00:54:25She has to be.
00:54:26I think I'll stay in China with her until she's discharged.
00:54:33Where did I leave my keys?
00:54:44See you.
00:54:45See you.
00:54:54Even if you go, she...
00:54:58She won't be there.
00:55:02Don't say that.
00:55:04I'm telling you, she won't be there.
00:55:11It's too late.
00:55:13What's wrong with you?
00:55:15Why do you say that?
00:55:18If I can see her.
00:55:36There's still a way.
00:55:39If you come to our hotel.
00:55:42You can see Veronica.
00:55:46What the hell are you talking about?
00:55:49Do you trust me?
00:55:50We don't have much time.
00:55:51If you don't hurry, you won't be able to see her!
00:56:13Mr. Gu.
00:56:15A guest will come after us.
00:56:18Tell him we'll be waiting for him on the roof.
00:56:21And help him change.
00:56:23Before he goes up.
00:57:09Tell me, what are we doing here?
00:57:10You'll know very soon.
00:57:12I'll tell you everything.
00:57:30How is it possible?
00:57:32This is a special hotel.
00:57:34It's for the dead.
00:57:41I don't know how to explain it to you.
00:57:44But until the eclipse is over, you'll be able to see ghosts too.
00:57:50You'll have some time.
00:57:52To say goodbye.
00:57:58Stop joking.
00:57:59How could she be in this place?
00:58:04Because she's dead.
00:58:10She's dead.
00:58:17She's here.
00:58:20Because she died today.
00:59:11I'm sorry.
00:59:14I'm sorry I came here like this.
00:59:40I'm sorry.
01:00:03Don't cry.
01:00:07It's all my fault, honey.
01:00:14I was very happy being with you.
01:00:40My beautiful called Sanchez.
01:02:11The friend of Mr. Chanson came to say goodbye to his girlfriend.
01:02:16When someone dies suddenly, those who are left alive end up with a great sorrow inside.
01:02:25I was only worried about ghosts.
01:02:29I haven't seen anyone suffer like this for a long time.
01:02:34I haven't seen anyone suffer like this for a long time.
01:03:33Come in.
01:03:46Did you enjoy your stay?
01:03:49We will never forget what we lived in this hotel.
01:03:54Thank you very much.
01:03:56It was a pleasure.
01:04:02It's like my parents said, a hotel you'll never find again.
01:04:22If we get to have a baby, let's find that hotel and have a honeymoon there.
01:05:11Veronica's funeral will be in Italy.
01:05:14Sanchez will stay there for a while.
01:05:17I'm so sorry.
01:05:20He couldn't see his girlfriend one last time.
01:05:23Or say goodbye.
01:05:25He saw her and said goodbye.
01:05:29He learned that death is not the end.
01:05:33I'm sure he can get over it.
01:05:36So he could see her.
01:05:41But how did he do it?
01:05:44Didn't it happen in Shanghai?
01:05:49This is the coffee you like. You should drink more.
01:05:52Oh, sorry. I didn't see you. I'm really sorry.
01:06:21I'm sorry.
01:06:51He really followed me.
01:07:14Why is a little girl following me?
01:07:21I'll ask her.
01:07:27I heard my children enjoyed their stay.
01:07:30I'm very grateful.
01:07:34If you ever stop working at the Moon Hotel, come find me.
01:07:38Miss Yang said you're a very suitable manager and a very good person.
01:07:45I don't think I'm going to leave that place.
01:07:49Miss Yang said you would soon stop working.
01:07:56There is a guest that Cheongsong must fire.
01:08:00Once he leaves, he will also leave this place.
01:08:09That's what she said.
01:08:11Have you come up with a new rule for the manager from now on?
01:08:15Who is the last guest you will fire from this world?
01:08:25It's a person I love.
01:08:39It will be very hard.
01:08:46It seems so.
01:08:51And now that I know there is little time left for that,
01:08:58it's painful to see her.
01:09:28What are you doing?
01:09:44Do you sleep?
01:09:48I'm awake.
01:09:50Looking for the moon.
01:09:54The moon?
01:09:56But it's daytime.
01:09:59You're right.
01:10:04It's hard to want to see something that's not there.
01:10:20Where are you?
01:10:24I'm on my way home.
01:10:26Wait for me there.
01:10:28I'm on my way to see you.
01:10:49What's up?
01:10:54I just found the car.
01:11:02Where are you now?
01:11:05Don't move from there.
01:11:34Don't move from there.
01:12:04Why the hell did you follow me here, girl?
01:12:25This is the drawing I made.
01:12:27And it looks like the owner of the car.
01:12:31Could it be the culprit?
01:12:42What's going on?
01:12:44He looks like someone I know.
01:12:58I'll take care of it from now on.
01:13:00You go home.
01:13:28I told him to wait for me, and I ended up waiting for him.
01:13:50Is anyone here?
01:14:07Hello, is anyone here?
01:14:36Is anyone here?
01:14:56Is anyone here?
01:15:16Is anyone here?
01:15:36Is anyone here?
01:15:46Is anyone here?
01:15:56Is anyone here?
01:16:06Is anyone here?
01:16:16Is anyone here?
01:16:26Is anyone here?
01:16:46Is anyone here?
01:17:06Is anyone here?
01:17:16Is anyone here?
01:17:26Is anyone here?
01:17:36Is anyone here?
