The Amazing Race Canada S10E10
00:00Premièrement sur l'Amazing Race Canada.
00:04Les racers se sont rencontrés et ont été battus à Guelph, en Ontario.
00:09Lauren et Nicole.
00:11J'ai besoin de notre passe express.
00:13Et Michael et Amari.
00:14Nous aimerions utiliser notre passe express.
00:15Ils ont utilisé leur passe express comme une mission d'abord.
00:19Mais c'était les joueurs, Taylor et Katie, qui sont arrivés en premier.
00:23Team numéro un.
00:27Je veux dire, si vous arrivez là-dessus, ne nous mettez pas dessus.
00:30Ils ne vont pas se battre contre vous.
00:31Une double passe a fait que Double Trouble a eu un déjà vu.
00:35C'est la seule chose que nous pouvons faire.
00:36Comme ils ont été joués par Kevin et Gurleen, encore une fois.
00:39Vous nous mettez dessus?
00:40C'est bas, c'est chaud.
00:41Non, ce n'est pas ça.
00:42Vous allez faire votre première course?
00:43Ils sont nos compétiteurs d'abord, nos amis en deuxième.
00:46C'est tellement frustrant.
00:48Je suis sûr que ses genoux font beaucoup de mal.
00:50Et alors que ça a l'air comme une blessure, Colin et Matt sont retournés chez eux.
00:53Oh, putain.
00:54Brûle, brûle, bébé, brûle!
00:55Le détour était un désastre pour Julie et Olivia.
00:59Viens, ne t'inquiète pas, encore.
01:01Je suis désolé de vous le dire, mais vous avez été éliminés de la course.
01:04J'aime nous!
01:05Nous sommes incroyables!
01:07Maintenant, six équipes restent en cours pour gagner.
01:10Le premier équipage de Chevrolet Equinox EV RS en 2024.
01:14Un voyage pour deux autour du monde de l'Expedia.
01:17Un quart de million de dollars en argent.
01:20Et le Canada de la course incroyable.
01:50Le Canada de la course incroyable
02:03Le Canada de la course incroyable
02:06C'est le Gorge de l'Aurore, au cœur de l'Ontario du Sud.
02:10Les équipes sont maintenant au point de demi pour gagner.
02:14Dans l'aventure de toute sa vie, dans le Canada de la course incroyable.
02:19Et ici, sur le territoire traditionnel et inédit de Mississauga-Anishinaabe
02:23et l'historique domicile de l'Huron-Wendat,
02:26les équipes commenceront la 7e étape de la course.
02:29C'est génial de commencer cette prochaine étape en premier lieu.
02:32Nous avons ce momentum, nous voulons le garder en cours.
02:35OK, OK.
02:36Information de route.
02:37Prenez le train pour Montréal-Québec.
02:39Une fois là-bas, faites votre chemin vers l'aéroport international de Montréal-Trudeau
02:42et recherchez le terminal principal pour votre prochaine clue.
02:44Nous allons à Montréal!
02:46Les tensions vont certainement être un peu élevées.
02:49Nous avons mis Kevin et Gurleen sur le passport.
02:52Pas de hésitation.
02:54Là, c'est bon.
02:55Et ils ont mis Lauren et Nicole sur le passport.
02:58Et maintenant, c'est juste de retourner à l'escalier.
03:01Mais tant qu'on reste à l'avant de tout le monde, ça n'a pas d'importance.
03:04Allons-y, nous sommes prêts. Allons-y, mon pote.
03:07Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
03:09Le prix est de plus en plus proche, tu sais, je peux le sentir.
03:13Nous voulons s'assurer qu'on n'aide pas les équipes autant que possible.
03:16Qu'est-ce que c'est, les gars?
03:17Des pommes de poivre à gauche.
03:19C'est plus facile si vous prenez vos vêtements, les filles.
03:21Merci beaucoup.
03:22Ce qu'il faut faire avec cette étape de la course, c'est de rester fermé.
03:24J'ai déjà été à Montréal.
03:26Ça va aller.
03:27Une autre première pour nous.
03:28Sauf que je ne parle pas le français.
03:30Nous allons à Via Rail.
03:32Pour aller à Montréal-Québec.
03:34Nous avons terminé cinq étapes en deuxième, une étape en troisième.
03:38Donc, nous voulions définitivement finir cette première étape.
03:41Cette dernière étape.
03:42Comment avez-vous trouvé ça?
03:44Kevin et Gurlien nous ont mis sur la table.
03:46C'était vraiment comme prendre un potentiel.
03:48Une victoire difficile pour nous.
03:49Ce n'était vraiment pas pour les sauver.
03:51Mais ils l'ont probablement fait pour le fait que vous aviez un pas d'express, n'est-ce pas?
03:57Oh, tu es au service aujourd'hui.
03:59Je me sens bien.
04:00Tu te sens vraiment chaud.
04:01Est-ce que mon sang me sent bien?
04:03Oui, ça le fait vraiment.
04:05Nous avons été un peu déroulés dans cette compétition.
04:07Les équipes ont été très chaudes à nous, autour de nous.
04:09L'énergie a été intense.
04:11Allons trouver un siège ici.
04:12Mais la relation qui compte dans cette compétition, c'est celle-ci.
04:16Bonjour tout le monde.
04:21Donc, il y a eu quelques passes hier.
04:25Je vais juste dire qu'on s'occupera de ça.
04:27Vous nous avez passé?
04:29C'est bon.
04:30Merci beaucoup.
04:31Ça fait du sens.
04:32Vous jouez juste le jeu.
04:33Vous voulez gagner.
04:34C'est tout bien.
04:35On ne va pas tenir un coup.
04:36Vous avez passé quelqu'un?
04:37Nous avons passé quelqu'un.
04:38Oui, nous l'avons fait.
04:39Vous êtes des amis.
04:43Oh mon Dieu.
04:44Nous jouons juste le jeu.
04:45C'est comme « Fous-nous une fois, quoi que ce soit. »
04:46« Haine sur vous. Fous-nous deux fois, haine sur nous. »
04:48Et c'est comme si on avait eu un coup dans le dos.
04:50La seule chose qui passe dans mon esprit
04:52quand Lauren et Nicole parlent,
04:54c'est honnêtement quand je vais voir mon chien d'après.
04:58Honnêtement, vous jouez un jeu émotionnel.
05:00Donc, jouez votre jeu émotionnel.
05:01Nous jouons un jeu stratégique.
05:02Soyez émotionnels.
05:03C'est bon. Laissez-le.
05:04Je veux dire, c'est ce que c'est.
05:05Nous allons faire notre chose.
05:06Mais oui.
05:07Passez une bonne journée.
05:13Montréal, ici nous sommes.
05:16Tous les équipes voyagent sur le même train
05:18plus de 600 kilomètres à l'ouest
05:20de Guelph à Montréal.
05:22Une fois arrivés,
05:23ils vont faire leur voyage
05:24à l'aéroport international de Montréal-Trudeau
05:26et recherchent le terminal principal
05:28pour leur prochaine clue.
05:30Le train, bébé.
05:32J'ai passé beaucoup de temps sur les trains.
05:35Les trains vous permettent...
05:36De le ralentir.
05:37Cette course amène tellement d'émotions.
05:40Donc, à chaque fois que vous vous détendez
05:42et que vous vous détendez,
05:43vous l'acceptez.
05:44Nous sommes en dessous de six équipes
05:45et, évidemment, la pression est vraiment, vraiment élevée.
05:47Il n'y a pas d'espace pour l'air.
05:48Nous devons s'assurer
05:49que nous faisons les choses correctement
05:50et permettre aux autres équipes
05:51de faire leurs erreurs.
05:53Je vois un peu de poutine du Québec.
05:58C'est la première fois que je vais sur un train.
05:59Il y a combien de trains à Newfoundland?
06:01Nous sommes tellement excités
06:02d'être en mesure de voyager
06:03à travers le Canada ensemble.
06:04Matt et moi avons été amis
06:05depuis 16, 17 ans maintenant.
06:06Et Matt était mon premier ami
06:09à qui je suis allé.
06:10Et, vous savez, c'était
06:12l'une des choses les plus difficiles
06:13pour moi dans ma vie.
06:15La dernière chose que tu veux,
06:16c'est d'avoir des gens que tu aimes,
06:17qui te traitent différemment,
06:18basé uniquement sur
06:19qui tu es attiré.
06:20J'ai hâté qu'il sentait
06:22qu'il devait y avoir
06:23un grand poids pour venir chez moi.
06:24Mais je suis heureux qu'il l'ait fait.
06:26Et, vous savez,
06:27on s'est rapprochés instantanément après ça.
06:29Tout le monde a le droit
06:30d'avoir un ami comme Matt.
06:31Il y aura des enfants qui reviendront ici.
06:33Ça va être génial.
06:39Taxi! Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!
06:40Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!
06:41Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!
06:42Katie, là-bas! Là-bas!
06:43Fanny, Fanny, viens!
06:44On va aller à l'aéroport, mon amour.
06:48Ouais, ouais, ouais!
06:49A l'aéroport, s'il vous plaît!
06:50Vite, vite, vite, s'il vous plaît!
06:51Si on pouvait arriver
06:52au terminal de l'aéroport
06:53le premier ou le second,
06:54ça serait énorme pour nous.
06:55Donc, on va partir
06:56à l'aéroport de Montréal.
06:58Racer à l'aéroport?
06:59Pas d'idée.
07:00Où sont tous les équipes,
07:01en ce moment?
07:02La course est de retour,
07:03en plein vol.
07:04C'est parti!
07:05Le plus vite possible
07:06serait génial.
07:07Un groupe d'équipes
07:08est en avant de nous,
07:09mais c'est OK.
07:10On continue de racer,
07:11on est sur le chemin.
07:12C'est au terminal principal.
07:14Merci beaucoup.
07:15Vous êtes le maître.
07:17Allez, allez, allez!
07:18Aux escaliers.
07:19Oh non, c'est là,
07:20à l'heure.
07:21Allez, allons-y.
07:22Route d'info.
07:23A l'aéroport,
07:24à droite.
07:25Ici à Aviacim,
07:26les équipes s'adapteront
07:27au deck de vol
07:28de ce simulateur
07:29et arriveront en sécurité
07:30à l'A320.
07:33Les trois premières équipes
07:34qui y arriveront
07:35gagneront leur place
07:36sur les premières
07:37de ces deux bus
07:38qui départent
07:39pour la ville
07:40de Trois-Rivières, Québec.
07:41Vous avez des expériences
07:42de vol?
07:44On a l'impression
07:45d'être dans un jeu vidéo.
07:46Voici vos instructions
07:47sur ce que vous devez faire.
07:48Vous devez mettre
07:49votre équipement
07:50avant de toucher le sol.
07:51Matt et moi sommes des joueurs.
07:52Dans un jeu vidéo,
07:53vous devez pouvoir
07:54communiquer avec
07:55les autres joueurs
07:56et vous devez être
07:57au courant
07:58des autres joueurs.
07:59Vous avez dit qu'il y avait
08:00quelques instruments
08:01qui étaient bleus.
08:02Je vais vous montrer
08:03la visiomé,
08:04la visiomie
08:05et le bas-bas.
08:06Je vais vous montrer
08:07les instruments.
08:08Tout d'abord,
08:09toutes les instruments
08:10que vous pourriez utiliser
08:11pour tous les deux approches
08:12de la mission
08:13et de l'avion.
08:14Pour ce qui est du vol,
08:15il faut que vous
08:16vous en prenniez compte
08:17et pour faire
08:18des conversions
08:19pour tous les employés.
08:20Pour les jours de vol,
08:21il faut s'adapter
08:22à la poursuite
08:23et à la visiomé.
08:24So, so, so. To the right, to the right, to the right.
08:26Up, up, up, up, up, up, up.
08:28Line up.
08:30Oh, buddy.
08:31Dude, we're in the trucks.
08:32Hold up.
08:33There you go.
08:35Where are we?
08:37Where's the runway?
08:38Is this it here?
08:39Oh, I think we passed it, man.
08:41We're going to try to land it right here on this runway.
08:44I think you're in a parking lot.
08:49So close.
08:50We just need to make sure we line up exactly on the runway.
08:54So I should bring it down a bit?
08:56Let's go, baby.
08:58You passed.
08:59Second spot on bus number one.
09:01Double trouble, baby.
09:02So there's one more spot on the bus.
09:05This will be the final one.
09:06Let's fly this thing, baby.
09:09We got to start rolling down.
09:10That'll probably be hard.
09:13Now we got to line up.
09:14Yep, lining up, lining up.
09:16We got to start cutting speed.
09:20I think you guys earned your wings this evening.
09:23Thank you, sir.
09:24Oh my God, they're done.
09:25Out of here, boys.
09:27We grab that final spot on the bus, Goose and Maverick out.
09:32All teams are travelling 140 kilometres east to Trois-Rivières
09:36on two buses arriving 15 minutes apart at Ranch Dupont.
09:42For almost a decade, the Dupont family have been providing sanctuary for rescued animals of all kinds.
09:48Teams will need to feed these cuddly camels to receive a key to the first ever 2024 Chevrolet Blazer EV RS
09:56that will unlock their next clue.
09:58That's not food, buddy.
10:10They're kind of chill.
10:13If we kiss it, we'll turn into Prince Charming.
10:16Good boy.
10:19I grabbed a little camel keychain that I'm going to trade in for a set of keys.
10:22Hey, buddy.
10:24Hey, thanks for the Chevrolet.
10:26Let's go, Tice.
10:29Bye, guys.
10:30It's empty.
10:31It's empty.
10:36Go, go, go.
10:38Oh, detour off the bat.
10:39Detour paper jam or poetry slam.
10:42In paper jam, teams will need to make their way to the Musée Borealis, overlooking the Saint-Maurice River.
10:48Here, teams will make paper the old-fashioned way.
10:51Racers will need to make one piece of paper that, when dry, is strong enough to hold this weight.
10:57Then, they'll drive across town and deliver a package of paper to Le Cinq-Zéro Sept, where Mariana will give them their next clue.
11:04Pour Poetry Slam, teams will need to make their way to Parc Champlain, that plays host to the world-famous Festival International de la Poésie.
11:13Teams will choose one of three love poems, written in one of three languages, Portuguese, Romanian or Arabic.
11:20Using an audio recording for guidance, racers will memorize an excerpt from their poem in English, French and its original language.
11:26This challenge will draw upon those words that they saw, as each team works steadfast to make sure.
11:33MadBuddy, I'd say paper jam is going to be very delicate, but I think we have pretty good memories.
11:38Do you want to try the poetry?
11:40Yeah, let's try it.
11:41So we're picking Poetry Slam, baby!
11:43Which one of you recites in the original language while the other recites the French translation?
11:53Oh yeah, we're right in here. Right in here, bud.
11:57Oh yeah!
11:58You are so cute!
12:01You greedy boy!
12:04A little aggressive.
12:07You want to make paper?
12:09I'm thinking paper jam.
12:10Let's do it.
12:11Let's go.
12:12We're going to go to the Poetry Slam.
12:14This car is sick. Electric, it's the future.
12:17Seems really cool, baby. But right now, I'm very busy into the maps.
12:22Fifteen minute head start is huge.
12:24If we can get to the papermaking first, that's a real big advantage.
12:29There it is.
12:30We're here to make paper.
12:33How do you form a sheet of paper?
12:34You start by thoroughly mixing the pulp in the basin.
12:38To make paper, we have to make a solid consistency.
12:41And then we have to grab our screen.
12:43We're going to make a sheet of paper.
12:44We're going to make a sheet of paper.
12:45We're going to make a sheet of paper.
12:46We're going to make a sheet of paper.
12:47We're going to make a sheet of paper.
12:48We have this really dense consistency.
12:51And then we have to grab our screen, bring it out,
12:53so there's an even set of pulp along the screen.
12:56It looks like lint out of the dryer.
12:58Then use a sponge gently to remove the excess of water
13:00by pressing down on the screen.
13:02How much water do we need to get rid of?
13:04Trial and error.
13:06What are we searching for?
13:07A table, right here.
13:09First come first served.
13:10We have three different languages, that we have to remember the lines in.
13:14And then we have to go recite them.
13:16On a l'arabe et l'arabe.
13:17On va faire l'arabe.
13:19Je vais faire l'arabe et l'anglais.
13:20Et il va prendre le difficile, le portugais.
13:24Viager dans ta peau.
13:25Découvrir le map de ma vie.
13:27Viager dans ta peau.
13:29Découvrir le map de ma vie.
13:31J'irai chercher l'étale.
13:32J'irai chercher l'étale.
13:36Oh, j'ai entendu, bébé, bébé, bébé, basket.
13:37OK, c'est bien.
13:39C'est l'arabe, bébé.
13:40Tu mémorises l'arabe.
13:42Je mémorise l'anglais et l'arabe.
13:44On arrive au détour et il ne reste plus qu'une station.
13:48Et c'est l'arabe.
13:49Une langue très difficile à apprendre.
13:52Je n'ai aucune histoire avec l'arabe,
13:54mais je connais deux langues.
13:56Hina n'a pas encore le pouvoir de l'entendre dire « je t'aime ».
14:01OK, on va essayer.
14:02Voyons voir ce qui se passe.
14:03Nous faisons une poème
14:05par l'incroyable Magda Carnici de l'Allemagne.
14:08J'étais sur tes épaules,
14:09un doigt noir tombant dans un paire à l'infini.
14:13J'étais sur tes lèvres,
14:15un point basculant dans une immensité à deux.
14:19J'ai rempli, bousé la taille,
14:21un point négro,
14:23un casin d'un trou.
14:25Non, j'ai rempli, bousé la taille.
14:29J'ai fait ça, en fait,
14:30il y a longtemps, à l'école d'élémentaire.
14:33J'ai eu la chance.
14:35Tu n'as pas voulu que la poésie tombe ?
14:36Pas du tout.
14:38Je ne veux pas dire que c'est mal d'arriver ici,
14:39mais c'est juste un jeu.
14:41Michael et Tyson sont en retard.
14:44nous reconnaissons Michael et Tyson
14:46comme un thème pour nous.
14:48Ils ont le plus de finitions de première place
14:50et, en s'éloignant sous le radar à ce moment-là,
14:53nous voulons les voir éliminés.
14:55Je vais juste l'éteindre un peu
14:57et ensuite, on va l'enfermer.
14:59Qu'est-ce que ton papier ressemble à ?
15:00Oh, mon dieu.
15:04C'est, genre, bloqué.
15:05Nous avons vraiment du mal
15:07à enlever le papier de l'écran.
15:09Nous n'avons pas assez d'eau sur le papier.
15:12C'est tellement frustrant pour nous
15:13parce que nous sommes les premiers à arriver ici
15:15et ça nous prend pour toujours.
15:19C'est horrible.
15:23Oh, mon dieu.
15:24Michael, Tyson, quand allez-vous faire votre chien ?
15:26Jusqu'ici, mon pote.
15:32C'est horrible.
15:33Je suis très frustré en ce moment.
15:35Regarde leur pièce.
15:36Mais, en regardant Taylor et Katie
15:38et Michael et Amari,
15:39je me souviens de la technique avec l'ironage.
15:41Ils ironnent comme s'ils ironnaient des vêtements
15:44pour qu'ils puissent secouer plus vite.
15:46Nous n'avons pas assez d'eau pour l'enfermer.
15:52Louis-Philippe Sarmento,
15:56Travaillez dans votre peau.
15:58Découvrez la carte de mon existence.
16:00Voyagez dans ta peau.
16:02Découvrez la carte de mon existence.
16:06Voyagez dans votre peau.
16:08Découvrez la carte de mon existence.
16:13Voyagez dans votre peau.
16:14Je suis en train de dire ça bien, je pensais.
16:16Non, tu ne le fais pas.
16:17La télé, un point negro qui s'adresse à l'intro,
16:19n'est marginal pour rien.
16:21Pouvons-nous l'essayer ?
16:22Nicole et moi, nous sommes actrices
16:24et nous avons gagné quelques compétitions
16:26en parlant en public,
16:27donc nous nous sentons confiants
16:27en présentant et en performant.
16:31Jetez sur tes lèvres
16:33un point gasculant
16:35dans une immensité à deux.
16:38Nous pouvons bouger la télé,
16:40un point negro qui s'adresse à l'intro,
16:42n'est marginal pour rien.
16:45C'est correct.
16:46Ah, merci beaucoup, merci beaucoup.
16:50Face off.
16:51Dans ce switchback de curling,
16:53jouez une fin de curling.
16:54C'est l'heure du switchback
16:57et cette fois, c'est un face off.
16:59Dans la saison 3,
17:00sur la jambe finale de la course,
17:02c'était les coasters de l'Est,
17:03Brent et Sean.
17:07Donne quelque chose, donne quelque chose.
17:08Je ne sais pas ce que ça signifie.
17:09Contre les champions de la saison 3,
17:10Gino et Jesse.
17:12Oh mon Dieu.
17:14C'est un plaisir de vous battre.
17:16Aujourd'hui, les coasters vont face off
17:18et jouer une fin de curling.
17:20Vite fait.
17:21Où les équipes vont glisser
17:22huit rochers vers l'eau
17:24pour essayer de toucher le centre,
17:25connu comme le bouton.
17:28L'équipe qui met son rocher
17:29le plus proche du bouton
17:30gagnera le face off
17:31et recevra leur prochaine clue.
17:33L'équipe perdue sera forcée
17:34à attendre une pénalité pré-déterminée
17:37avant de pouvoir continuer la course.
17:39OK, c'est parti.
17:41OK, c'est parti.
17:42On a passé Matt Conn
17:43et Kevin and Gurleen,
17:44alors je me sens bien, bébé.
17:49Cette poème est par
17:50Salah al-Hamdani d'Irak.
17:53Quand la bouche ne peut plus dire
17:55je t'aime,
17:56le plus haut niveau de la douleur.
17:59Qui n'a l'âme n'y a pas de macdourie.
18:03Femme y'a, homme y'a,
18:04couille y'a,
18:09Le plus haut niveau.
18:12Il faut reprendre
18:13presque un petit peu plus.
18:16C'est un fail.
18:19On est en train de pouvoir
18:21J'aime ce côté un peu.
18:23Un peu plus.
18:24Vérifiez, s'il vous plaît.
18:26On passe si ça garde le poids.
18:29C'est votre papier pour la livraison.
18:31C'est le papier pour la livraison.
18:32All right, let's get the hell out of here.
18:33Michael et Amari sont en train de la livrer.
18:35On a besoin de l'enfermer un peu plus.
18:37Vérifiez, s'il vous plaît.
18:42C'est bon.
18:44Merci beaucoup.
18:45On est les premiers à arriver,
18:47les derniers à partir,
18:48ce qui est effrayant.
18:49Viager dans ta peau.
18:51Découvrir le map de ma vie.
18:54dis-moi si je le dis mal.
18:56Vous avez oublié le « mine » ?
18:57Vous avez tout fait, n'est-ce pas ?
18:58C'est juste le « mine » ?
19:04Belle performance.
19:06Merci beaucoup.
19:07Merci beaucoup.
19:09Face off.
19:10Jouez une partie de curling
19:11et battez votre adversaire
19:12pour recevoir votre prochaine clue.
19:13C'est parti.
19:14Celle d'une bouche.
19:17Qui n'a la même couleur de cheveux
19:19que toi?
19:20C'est moi.
19:21C'est moi.
19:22C'est moi.
19:23C'est moi.
19:25Qui n'a la même couleur de cheveux
19:27que toi?
19:28C'est moi.
19:29Elle a bien réussi.
19:30Mais je suis en colère
19:31avec ce français.
19:32Je suis venu en française.
19:33Je suis désolé,
19:34je ne connais rien.
19:35Pouvez-vous parler anglais
19:36et français?
19:38Ok, super.
19:39On dit le français comme ça ?
19:47C'est bien.
19:48Clue haute.
19:49Obscurité A.
19:50Celle d'un bûche.
19:53qui n'a c'est.
19:56Je t'aime.
20:00Thank you.
20:01Face off!
20:03This could be good for us.
20:04I love curling.
20:05My name is Kevin Martin.
20:06Like, the best curler of all time
20:07was named Kevin Martin.
20:08So we're going to go do him proud.
20:10What do you think?
20:13The middle looks...
20:16All right, check, please.
20:19Easy on there.
20:23Thank you.
20:24Here's your paper for delivery.
20:25Thank you.
20:26Thank you.
20:28Yeah, taxi, taxi!
20:29We have a car,
20:30and we're going to be behind you in our car.
20:33We don't have phones.
20:34Well, right now, we're doing an old trick
20:36that my dad and I used to do back in my younger hockey days.
20:39Whenever we'd get lost,
20:40we would pay a taxi to just follow him.
20:43These streets are tricky, man.
20:45Everything kind of blends together
20:46when you don't speak the language.
20:49So at that building, we go left.
20:51We're heading to drop off our paper
20:53and get our next clue.
20:56Yeah, there it is.
20:57La 507, right on the corner.
20:59Got some paper for you.
21:00There's your tool.
21:01Thank you.
21:02Thank you.
21:04We have a delivery.
21:05Oh, thanks.
21:06Thank you.
21:07There you go.
21:08Thank you so much.
21:09He's a tough guy.
21:10I'm looking forward to Knox and Brock's
21:12compete with some of these teams.
21:13We haven't really gone, like, too head-on in anything.
21:16All right.
21:18We have never curled in our lives before.
21:21Do you want me to be the brush person?
21:28Oh, these are cute.
21:29These are cute.
21:30I like it.
21:32The girls look like athletes,
21:33and the boys look like Saint by the Bell here.
21:36So this switchback challenge
21:37is an iconic challenge from season three,
21:39and I remember it being a nail-biter.
21:41Just trying to figure this out.
21:43Curling is massive in Newfoundland,
21:44so we're feeling that maybe it's in our blood
21:46and that we're gonna come in here
21:47and we're gonna crush this competition.
21:49Let's go, Colin.
21:52A little hard.
21:53A little too hard.
21:57Can you slow it down?
21:58I don't know how to slow it.
22:03Not that we are great curlers.
22:05I don't think you need to sweep.
22:06We noticed that Matt and Colin
22:07clearly aren't amazing curlers either.
22:09We just need to focus on getting some of our stones
22:12in the vicinity.
22:13Sit down.
22:15So let's get some in that zone.
22:17I don't know what I'm doing here.
22:18And then we should be good to go.
22:20It works.
22:23Last rock.
22:24All right, bud, it's up to you now.
22:26All right.
22:27You got this.
22:28If we can beat Lauren and Nicole in this face-off,
22:30that will put us in first place.
22:32Hopefully our rock can get closer to the button.
22:38All right, bud, it's up to you now.
22:39You got this.
22:40Lauren and Nicole have two rocks across the line.
22:43Hopefully our rock can get closer to the button.
22:46All right, dude, you got this.
22:50Sweep it.
22:51Sweep it.
22:58Yellow team wins.
23:01Thank you so much.
23:02Roblox, who's ready to get back on the horse?
23:06Riding a horse is hard enough sitting in the saddle.
23:08Now imagine doing it...
23:11Ha, ha, ha!
23:12Upside down.
23:13Teams must make their way to Le Col d'Ars
23:15at Questru Beaulavent.
23:18In this roadblock,
23:19one racer will saddle up
23:21and master five physically demanding aerobatic tricks
23:24that they must perform on horseback
23:28to receive their next clue.
23:32Are they real horses?
23:33I was traumatised by the horse activity in Sunshine Coast
23:36that Lauren's got to take this one.
23:39I thought it was an actual horse!
23:43Nicole's traumatised by the fake horses.
23:45I was, seriously.
23:49Can you stop showing off
23:50and show me what you're supposed to do?
23:51It's important to win this round
23:52because if we don't win this round,
23:53we have to wait for another team to arrive
23:55and we don't know how long that'll be.
24:00So Kevin's a professional curler, I see.
24:03Is that the real Kevin Martin?
24:05A little bit show-offy.
24:07Hard! Hard!
24:10I grew up in Northern Alberta
24:11where curling is like a national treasure.
24:13Sit, sit, sit!
24:15So I've thrown a lot of stones in my day.
24:20I know nothing about curling.
24:22Baby, your butt looks really good.
24:24Your guys' butts look good too.
24:28That's a good throw.
24:29Last stone.
24:30You gonna send it?
24:32I'm gonna see what I can do here.
24:33If you can hit that on the left...
24:37Oh, that's a good shot.
24:39Sweep it.
24:45Good job, guys.
24:46Good game.
24:48Who's ready to get back on the horse?
24:51I'm not doing this.
24:52Three-time defending champs.
24:56So we're going first?
24:57So we started today in first
24:58and after two face-off losses,
24:59we're now in third place.
25:01That's frustrating.
25:03We're not curlers.
25:05Right in front!
25:06Get out of the way!
25:07Get out of the way!
25:08Get over here!
25:11Turn left at the blue sign.
25:12Left at the blue sign, that's it, Laura.
25:15Are we going on actual horses?
25:17Yes, right after.
25:18There are zero other teams here right now,
25:20which I love.
25:21This is where we get first place.
25:23The double trouble curse ends now.
25:26We're gonna train five different tricks.
25:28So the first one is the salut à César.
25:30You're gonna pass this left leg
25:32over what will be the horse's butt.
25:34And you're gonna come and cross this leg
25:37with the other one.
25:40I need to perform five different tricks
25:43and all the names of the tricks are in French.
25:45But I actually find this kind of easy.
25:48We're big show skiers
25:49and we're performing, honestly,
25:51similar acts on the guy's shoulders.
25:53So I feel like I'm doing
25:54the exact same thing as show skiing,
25:56I'm just doing it on the horse.
25:57Let me run through that again
25:58just to make sure I have it.
26:02Oh yes, I like that.
26:03We're feeling a little nervous.
26:05This is by far the most competitive
26:07and athletic group of racers
26:09that the Amazing Race Canada has ever had.
26:11And we're these two regular fellows from Newfoundland.
26:13Matt and I just want to prove
26:14we can beat these teams
26:15and that we can win this race.
26:17Look, slow, slow, slow.
26:18We need to stop.
26:19Just wait, just wait, just wait.
26:25I just need to nail this out.
26:26Is that what you're gonna do?
26:27I'm gonna try.
26:29Oh, oh, oh, oh.
26:30Is he gonna curl it?
26:34Has he got it?
26:39Let's go.
26:41Who's ready to get back on the horse?
26:43I think that's calling your name.
26:44Sure, let's do it.
26:45All right, Matt's gonna do this one.
26:47This is my first time curling ever,
26:50so we're gonna see how it goes.
26:53I like it.
26:54I like it.
26:55I like it.
26:58And we're gonna start practicing.
27:02My left leg first, right?
27:06I'm from Calgary.
27:07I've done this before.
27:09Let's do it really fast.
27:11You ready for a horse show, babe?
27:13Yeah, babe.
27:14I believe in you.
27:16Hurry, hurry!
27:21Battling it at last, waiting for our opportunity
27:23to hopefully bypass one of these teams.
27:26Katie's still on the last rock.
27:28All they gotta do is sneak one in, really.
27:31Crunch it.
27:32Brush it, brush it!
27:38Good old Saskatchewan bond spiel.
27:41We are coming for you.
27:43There we go.
27:45Light, just over that hog line.
27:50I like that technique.
27:53That's a good first one, though.
27:54We'll take it.
27:55Put that on the board.
27:57Be careful for the head of your horse.
28:00Like this, perfect.
28:01Good job.
28:02Feels like we're kind of making our way up,
28:04and I really hope Kevin kills this challenge
28:06and we get out of here soon.
28:08You got it, babe!
28:10Okay, do you want to try it another time,
28:12or do you want to...
28:13No, let's go.
28:14Lauren's about to go for her first attempt.
28:16There is no way I'm letting Kevin and Gurleen
28:18pass us in this challenge.
28:20First place belongs to Nicole and I,
28:22and we are not letting them take that from us.
28:25No chance.
28:26Say yes, César!
28:28It looks so hard.
28:30All still.
28:32Oh, my God.
28:33My heart is beating so fast.
28:40All still.
28:42Oh, my God.
28:43Oh, here.
28:45There we go.
28:50If she passes, we get out of here in first place.
28:54Right behind Nicole and Lauren,
28:55if I can ride this young steed,
28:57we have a chance at first today.
29:01Oh, yeah.
29:06Thank you so much!
29:08Thank you!
29:09Magnifique! Parfait!
29:11Rude marker.
29:12Teams must now travel over 40 kilometres
29:15to the town of Shawinigan
29:16and locate this observation tower
29:18at la Cité de l'Energie.
29:20Here, 377 feet high above the Saint-Maurice River,
29:24teams will find the pit stop for the seventh leg of the race.
29:27The last team to check in here
29:30may be eliminated.
29:32Good job, guys.
29:33Thank you.
29:34A little bit of sportsmanship never hurt, hey?
29:36It was so freaking good to be driving to the pit stop
29:39in first place.
29:40Kevin and Gurleen are hot on our tail.
29:42They still have to do their performance.
29:44You know, we can't lose too much time here.
29:46À l'envers, sur l'encolure.
29:49Sacrifice the balls just a little bit.
30:03Thank you so much!
30:04Baby, you killed it!
30:05Let's go.
30:06Nicole and Lauren are ahead of us,
30:08but we're in Quebec.
30:09Hopefully they get lost and we can sneak into first.
30:12Can we ask a question?
30:13Do you have a phone?
30:14Do you have a téléphone, a cell phone?
30:16We're in a race.
30:17Can we type an address?
30:18So, La Cité de l'Energie.
30:20Look it up on maps.
30:24All right, T.
30:26Not bad, not bad.
30:27I like it.
30:28Good toss.
30:29Get there.
30:30Get there.
30:32That might do it.
30:33Hopefully Taylor doesn't sneak one through.
30:35Okay, Taylor.
30:36Let's put it all out there.
30:37We are very concerned
30:39that we are going to be the last team out of here.
30:41If we can get it in the circle,
30:43that would be nice.
30:45Oh, my God.
30:46Kitty, kitty, kitty!
30:48Too much!
30:49Too much!
30:52There you go, that's it.
30:53It definitely doesn't feel good, but...
30:55Rough day, man.
30:56Who's ready to get back on the horse?
30:58Let's go, Mike.
30:59That's me.
31:01Nothing we can do but wait.
31:08All right, good luck, bud.
31:09You got this.
31:11Matt's never been on a horse before.
31:12I'm sure he's a little nervous riding backwards,
31:14but he's going to crush it.
31:15So like every other sport during this race,
31:17I have minimal experience.
31:22Giddy up, boy.
31:24My dad used to be a stunt double for some old movies
31:27and his job was to ride a horse.
31:29Reminds me of the film I did back in the day with Brad Pitt.
31:33Just kidding.
31:35This is what we wanted.
31:36Please tell me the next one's a wrestling challenge.
31:39Thank you.
31:41Good luck.
31:42I'll get back on the horse.
31:44You got the clue? Let's go.
31:45We know we got some catching up to do.
31:47Another challenge where I'm doing horses?
31:49Hey, where it's meant to be.
31:50We don't give up.
31:54You got this.
31:55Is Mike's time to shine right now?
31:57Yeah, I think he's got this.
32:01Not that move.
32:03I've never ridden a horse before,
32:05and being tall and how much I weigh,
32:08to be able to keep the horse stable so he doesn't flip on me,
32:11this is a difficult challenge.
32:14I got you.
32:15Oh my God.
32:20Look at that posture.
32:23Atta boy.
32:25Let's go, Johnny boy.
32:27Merci beaucoup.
32:29I'm John at your next pit stop warning us, team.
32:31The chicken might be eliminated.
32:35I'm proud of my dad.
32:36I knew he was going to kill that challenge, and he did.
32:38I'm going to go fight John.
32:41I just cannot wait to see John.
32:42If we get this win,
32:43I will be the happiest girl in the freaking world.
32:45La City d'Energie or Observation Tower.
32:50Oh, there it is.
32:51That's the Observation Tower, right there.
32:53Our arch rivals, Lauren and Nicole, are right in front of us.
32:55I'd love to beat them.
32:57It's so much more fun playing for first than last.
33:00Apparently, when we get to this tower, there's one elevator.
33:02Let's hope this is the tower.
33:04Je ne vais pas laisser Kevin et Gurleen avancer et gagner.
33:12Je ne sais pas comment faire.
33:14Prends ton temps.
33:18Oh, mon Dieu.
33:19Je ne suis pas un vrai cheval.
33:20Curling, c'était si dur.
33:22Katie, tu l'as.
33:23Elle est prête à faire des flips sur ce cheval.
33:26Katie a déjà conduit des chevaux.
33:27Elle est en fait en train de faire ce challenge
33:29en aimant la mémoire de son ami qui a passé.
33:32Mon amie Holly est morte l'année dernière.
33:35Elle aimait les chevaux.
33:38Une grande partie de sa mort
33:40m'a encouragée à faire plus de choses.
33:43La vie est trop courte.
33:45Je sais qu'elle est en train de se calmer.
33:47Elle est si fière et heureuse
33:49que je fais ce challenge pour elle.
33:52Tu l'as, mon ami?
33:54Je l'ai, vous l'avez.
33:55On va y aller.
33:56Atta boy, Matt.
33:58On a commencé aujourd'hui en premier.
34:00On est maintenant en quatrième.
34:02À l'envers sur l'encolure.
34:32Bienvenue à la Cité de l'énergie
34:33dans la ville de Shawinigan.
34:34Bienvenue à la Cité de l'énergie
34:36dans la ville de Shawinigan.
34:37Merci, merci.
34:38Lauren, Nicole,
34:39votre équipe numéro un.
34:44Vous avez menacé ce top spot
34:46pour les jambes maintenant.
34:47La curse a été brisée, bébé.
34:49C'est la fin.
34:50C'est la fin.
34:51C'est la fin.
34:52C'est la fin.
34:53C'est la fin.
34:54C'est la fin.
34:55C'est la fin.
34:56C'est la fin.
34:57C'est la fin.
34:58C'est la fin.
34:59C'est la fin.
35:00La course a été brisée, bébé.
35:01Nous avons jamais fini ce deal
35:03après toutes ces jambes
35:04en deuxième.
35:05Et comme les gagnants de cette
35:06course du leg,
35:07Expedia croit
35:08que nous avons tous été
35:09créés pour voyager
35:10et ils vous envoyent
35:11en aventure
35:12pour deux
35:13à Hollande.
35:16Nous avons des familles
35:17en Hollande,
35:18en Allemagne,
35:19en Austria
35:20alors je suis tellement
35:21étonnée pour aller en Europe.
35:22Ça va être génial.
35:23Nous avons toujours eu
35:24des activités de classe
35:25ou de scénario
35:26on n'a pas vraiment eu
35:28ou l'opportunité
35:29explore places further out, so this will be so exciting.
35:32Well, it's not all.
35:33Expedia is giving you $10,000 to make this a trip
35:36that you will never forget.
35:37I feel literally on top of the world.
35:39This feels amazing.
35:41So beautiful.
35:44Oh, look at the view.
35:48Kevin, Gurleen, team number two.
35:54Fighting from the back of the pack to the front again.
35:57But we always fall through somehow.
36:00Michael and Amari, team number three.
36:03Good job, son.
36:04How did that go today?
36:05I don't even remember what we did.
36:06I'm so tired.
36:10So now it's down to two of us.
36:13Let's see if I can give this thing a go.
36:17Stand up!
36:20This definitely isn't a sport fit for his height.
36:24My goodness.
36:26I'm ready for her attempt.
36:27Let's go, buddy.
36:29À l'envers sur l'encolure.
36:30Good job, bud.
36:31Looking beautiful.
36:33Salut à César.
36:36No pass.
36:37The salut à César,
36:38it's the wrong hand you held in the air.
36:41OK, it's right hand.
36:46With how close Katie almost got the first attempt,
36:48I know she's going to pass the second attempt.
36:50I really need to make sure that I clean up
36:52what I did wrong on the first attempt.
37:07If I don't get this particular stunt done
37:10in this attempt,
37:11we're going to be eliminated.
37:18In order to get this particular stunt done,
37:21I have to put my legs in an awkward,
37:23inverted position.
37:26The only way that my heels will stay
37:28is if I hold myself in this position.
37:33I'm hoping that he did everything
37:34with the right hand and whatnot.
37:41Thank you, thank you, thank you.
37:43Thank you.
37:44I got this.
37:45OK, you got it, buds.
37:46Let's go, buddy.
37:47If she gets out of it now,
37:48we're going to be right in there with them.
37:50Got to keep fighting to the bitter end.
37:52Drive yourselves to la cité de l'énergie
37:55and go to the top of the observation tower
37:57to find John in your next pit stop.
37:59Warning, the last team to check in may be eliminated.
38:01All right, let's go.
38:02Let's go.
38:03That was a very difficult challenge.
38:05We left Katie and Taylor behind.
38:07So, here we go.
38:09On to see John.
38:11Sérieuses arts.
38:12OK, it's right hand.
38:15Good job, buddy.
38:22Thank you so much.
38:23I'm sorry.
38:25I could have had that lead
38:26if I had got it on my first attempt.
38:28It's all good.
38:29We've never left a challenge in last place.
38:31But, hey, it's not over till we reach the mat.
38:33You look like a rock star rocking that horse.
38:36Holly would be proud.
38:37Let's just get to John.
38:38Let's just get to John.
38:41We got to get to Chouin again
38:42and we got to go see John in the energy tower there.
38:45Do we know how to get there?
38:46That's the thing.
38:47We can't have any errors right now.
38:49Tyce, do we want to hit the shop?
38:51OK, OK, OK.
38:52We need to find Félicité, the energy.
38:54Yeah, we got to go quick.
38:55We got to go quick.
38:58Chouin again.
39:02Heyo, there he is.
39:04How's it going?
39:05Colin and Matt, team number four.
39:08Good job, buddy.
39:09Crushed it, man.
39:10Well done.
39:11How does that feel?
39:12Feels great, you know?
39:13Still happy to be in the race.
39:14This is the most fun we've ever had.
39:16We've been envisioning this for the last ten years.
39:18We can absolutely see ourselves in that final leg
39:21and for you to tell us that we're the winners of season 10.
39:24I just want us to figure out our direction.
39:26Let's ask these people on the road.
39:29Can we get directions?
39:30Yes, sir.
39:31This girl left the house.
39:33Speak good English.
39:34Oh, he speaks it.
39:36I just got it on my first attempt.
39:38Taylor and Katie are right behind us
39:40and we're fighting for that safe spot,
39:43that fifth place finish.
39:44It's just about survival,
39:45so that's what we're trying to do right now,
39:47to survive.
39:49Come on, baby.
39:51Come on.
39:52It ain't over till it's over.
39:53Till our feet are on the mat.
39:55Can't cry yet.
39:56Can't cry at the mat.
39:58To be out on this leg is just...
40:00If it's out, right?
40:02We never know until we get to Jaune,
40:04but I know regardless,
40:05our family and friends will be happy
40:07and proud of us.
40:13We're coming, Jaune.
40:14We're coming, Jaune.
40:15Turn right at the second light.
40:17A little worried right now.
40:20It depends on if Taylor and Katie
40:22were able to somehow
40:23get on the highway before us,
40:25but Taylor and Katie are right behind us.
40:27Right here?
40:28Park right here.
40:29Look, there's a little park
40:30that's right there.
40:32Jaune, baby!
40:33Let's go.
40:34It's been a long day.
40:35It's been a long, long day, buddy.
40:42Come on, Jaune.
40:46Welcome to the City of Energy
40:47in the city of Shawinigan.
40:50Michael Tyson,
40:52your team number five.
40:56Survive, baby.
40:58We started out this leg
40:59with the ambition
41:00to get on this mat first,
41:01and we fell behind early,
41:03but we kept pushing.
41:04Do the things we overcome in life
41:06shape us?
41:08I think the adversity
41:09and the challenges
41:10and the failures
41:11that you face in your life
41:12is what builds your character.
41:14To continue to prove our weaknesses
41:16and come out here
41:17and work together,
41:19it's amazing, man.
41:20It's truly amazing.
41:25This is it.
41:26This race pulls at your heartstrings.
41:30And we're here.
41:32Long, tough day of racing,
41:33you two, eh?
41:36Taylor, Katie,
41:38I'm sorry to tell you,
41:39but you are the last team to arrive.
41:42Big reason for being here
41:43is that life's too short.
41:44You know, you need to take chances,
41:46take advantage of opportunities,
41:49you know,
41:50having my friend pass away.
41:51It's a big reason I'm here.
41:53And just goes to show
41:54life's too short.
41:55You never know
41:56when your time is going to come,
41:57so soak in every moment.
41:59And we have.
42:00We really have.
42:01Sometimes those people
42:02are looking down on us,
42:03aren't they?
42:04They are.
42:05They sure are.
42:06You know Holly was there with you.
42:08maybe Holly has a hand in this.
42:11This leg of the race
42:12is not over.
42:13You two are still racing.
42:16Here's your next clue.
42:18I don't know if I can breathe now.
42:20Travel by bus
42:21back to Montreal, Quebec.
42:23Once there,
42:24find your next clue
42:25at the Entrée Sud
42:26of Stade Saputo.
42:28double pass ahead.
42:29We got this.
42:30We got this.
42:31Let's do it, buddy.
42:32We're still in it.
42:33See you at the next stop.
42:35This is the best news
42:36we could have got today
42:37and we're a hundred times
42:39more motivated
42:40to get back in this race
42:41and make it ours.
42:43We're not out of this yet.
42:45We're not out of this yet, baby.
42:48See you.
42:50We're feeling good.
42:51The best way
42:52to start another leg
42:53is after just winning
42:54the one right before it, right?
42:55Let's go.
42:56We gotta keep going
42:57and we're still racing.
42:58Headed back to Montreal.
42:59It's already been
43:00a 12-plus hour day.
43:02There's a bus.
43:03Okay, let's go.
43:05Come join us.
43:06I thought you could get rid of us.
43:08You can't get rid of you guys.
43:09You guys,
43:11Not sure what's ahead,
43:12but we'll see.
43:15at Stade Saputo,
43:16home of Major League Soccer
43:17CF Montréal,
43:19teams will have to search
43:21almost 20,000 seats
43:22to find two matching
43:23coloured tokens.
43:24One token
43:25contains the iconic
43:26Chevrolet bowtie logo
43:27and the other,
43:28CF Montréal.
43:30Teams may only carry
43:31two tokens at a time.
43:32If they don't find
43:33two tokens
43:34with the same colour,
43:35they will have to trade them
43:36with another team.
43:37It's not easy.
43:38It's not easy.
43:39It's not easy.
43:40It's not easy.
43:41It's not easy.
43:42It's not easy.
43:43The first three teams
43:44to turn in their tokens
43:45will win seats
43:46on the early train
43:47to their next destination
43:48from CF Montréal legend
43:49Patrice Barnier.
43:52Search Stade Saputo
43:53for matching
43:54Chevrolet and CF
43:55Montréal tokens.
43:56If I was a token,
43:57where would I be?
43:59Go up here.
44:00You want me to look
44:01on that side?
44:02No, look,
44:03you look that way,
44:04you look left.
44:05OK, OK, OK.
44:07under stadium seats?
44:08If you're carrying
44:09two that are mismatched,
44:10you must trade
44:11or give it to another team
44:13Under seats?
44:14It's under seats?
44:15So I see it, yeah?
44:16No, nothing here.
44:18So it's going to be
44:19a long night.
44:20I'll look on the left side,
44:21you look on the right side?
44:22Matt and I
44:23are fans of this show
44:24and we know
44:25with a keep-on racing leg
44:26that all the teams
44:27are going to be feeling it.
44:28This is tough.
44:29People are exhausted,
44:30people are achy,
44:31people are tired.
44:32Real emotions
44:33are going to start
44:34coming out really soon.
44:35Has anybody found one?
44:39Did you look up here?
44:40Let's go up this one.
44:43We got it, baby.
44:44Let's find these things.
44:45This is a key moment
44:46of the race.
44:47There's a double pass ahead.
44:48This is now
44:49a social game
44:51with these tokens
44:52we know it's going to
44:53come down to a trade.
44:56You guys got one?
44:58You guys?
45:00It's probably good
45:01for us to work
45:02with teams together.
45:03Should we go talk
45:04to Matt and Colin?
45:05We have to talk to people
45:06to see what colors they get.
45:07You boys find anything?
45:09Any luck yet?
45:10We have zero tokens.
45:11We quickly realized
45:12with this challenge
45:13there's going to be
45:14a lot of social politics.
45:15We know that Kevin and Gurleen
45:16are smart players
45:17and everyone knows
45:18that they'll turn on you
45:19in a heartbeat.
45:20But at this point
45:21I just want to confirm
45:22our spot on the first train
45:23so we decided to work
45:24with Kevin and Gurleen.
45:25We'll let you know
45:26if we find anything, bud.
45:28You guys find anything?
45:29Nothing yet.
45:30This is definitely
45:31a needle in the haystack
45:32type situation.
45:33There's thousands of seats
45:34in this stadium.
45:35This is going to be
45:37the challenge
45:38of the freaking decade.
45:42Next time on
45:43The Amazing Race Canada.
45:44The race continues
45:45and reaches a fever pitch
45:46on the pitch.
45:47So we're screwed.
45:48Fake laughing,
45:49just cut it out.
45:50I'm f***ing pissed.
45:51It's getting heated.
45:52In Cornwall,
45:53the alpaca poo
45:54hits the fan.
45:55Oh, it's warm.
45:57Leaving racers
45:59Try again.
46:00I don't want
46:01to freaking risk it.
46:02It's game on.
46:03Some will score
46:04a semi-final spot.
46:05We're getting water.
46:06And others will sink.