• il y a 3 mois
The Amazing Race Canada S10E02


00:00♪ ♪ ♪
00:10Après 280 000 kilomètres,
00:13de côte à côte à côte et partout dans le monde,
00:17l'aventure préférée du summer est de retour.
00:20Où tout a commencé il y a une décennie.
00:24♪ ♪ ♪
00:29Pour neuf saisons, nous avons ralenti à des hautes altitudes...
00:34...et partagé des moments inoubliables
00:36pendant la course.
00:37Je ne peux pas croire que je l'ai fait!
00:41Et maintenant...
00:42♪ ♪ ♪
00:4511 nouveaux équipes sont prêtes à ralentir.
00:47♪ ♪ ♪
00:49Michael et Tyson,
00:50amis et joueurs de baseball professionnels
00:52de Vancouver.
00:54J'ai été sélectionné avec les Toronto Blue Jays.
00:56J'ai joué avec eux pendant sept ans.
00:58J'ai été sélectionné par les Seattle Manors
01:00pour jouer avec les Philadelphia Phillies.
01:05Nous avons joué un couple de tours ensemble.
01:07Nous étions des alliés pour Team Canada.
01:09♪ ♪ ♪
01:11Nous apportons pas seulement la physique,
01:14nous sommes les Mr Congenialities.
01:16Les joueurs, soyez prudents.
01:17Nous sommes venus.
01:19♪ ♪ ♪
01:21♪ ♪ ♪
01:23Kevin et Gurleen,
01:25couple de tournois de Calgary
01:27et de l'Abbotsford, en Colombie-Britannique.
01:29Je suis Kevin, j'ai gagné Big Brother Canada.
01:32Je suis Gurleen, vous me connaissez
01:34de Farming for Love.
01:35Et nous nous sommes rencontrés
01:37sur Traders Canada.
01:39Vous savez que je suis faithul.
01:41Regardez l'évidence.
01:42Comment j'ai pu jouer ce jeu en tant que trader?
01:44Je me sens juste triste
01:46que Kevin ait quitté.
01:47♪ ♪ ♪
01:49Nous avons été entre amoureux
01:51pour seulement huit mois,
01:52mais nous sommes vraiment amoureux.
01:55Kevin est devenu l'un de mes rêves,
01:57Oh mon Dieu, c'est trop.
01:58C'est trop.
02:00Eva et Tristan,
02:02meilleurs amis de Toronto.
02:03♪ ♪ ♪
02:06Eva et moi nous sommes rencontrés il y a quatre ans.
02:08Nous travaillons dans le même gym
02:10et nous avons été
02:11liés à l'épaule depuis toujours.
02:13♪ ♪ ♪
02:15Pour nous entraîner...
02:16Préparez-vous à travailler fort.
02:18Eva et moi inspirons
02:19et empowrons ceux qui nous entourent.
02:24C'est parti!
02:25♪ ♪ ♪
02:27Michael and Amari, père et fils
02:29de Thunder Child First Nation,
02:31♪ ♪ ♪
02:33J'avais 21 ans quand Amari est né.
02:35Je pense qu'il a piqué en maturité
02:37quand il m'a emmené.
02:38Je ne l'ai jamais développé depuis.
02:40Donc je suis élevé
02:42par un 20 ans toute ma vie.
02:43♪ ♪ ♪
02:45Je suis un joueur pro-basquet retiré.
02:47Je suis dans le Hall d'honneur
02:50de l'athlétisme indigène nord-américain.
02:52Quand il y a de l'argent sur la ligne,
02:54il n'y a pas un sourire sur son visage.
02:56Je ne compète pas avec mon père.
02:58Je compète avec Money Mike.
03:00Pas Magic Mike.
03:01Pas Magic, Money.
03:02♪ ♪ ♪
03:04Taylor et Katie,
03:05meilleures amies de Edmonton.
03:08Nous sommes des joueurs de freestyle.
03:10Le freestyle, c'est un sport difficile.
03:12Pratiques à 6h du matin,
03:15corps morts.
03:17L'année dernière, nous avons eu l'opportunité
03:19de quitter l'Université d'Alberta
03:20en tant qu'équipes.
03:22C'est là qu'on a reçu ces merveilleux rouleaux.
03:24Et cette année, nous voulons quitter
03:26l'incroyable compétition du Canada en tant qu'équipes.
03:28♪ ♪ ♪
03:30Dorothy et Aloos,
03:32couple marié de Calgary.
03:34Nous avons déménagé au Canada
03:35de Ligos, en Nigéria, il y a trois ans.
03:38Nous voulions représenter
03:39les gens qui sont venus au Canada
03:40avec seulement quelques boîtes
03:42et beaucoup de rêves.
03:44Regarde-nous, nous aimons les oiseaux.
03:46C'est un rêve qui nous est arrivé.
03:48Nous voulions vraiment apprendre
03:49de tous les endroits du Canada.
03:51Et il n'y a personne d'autre
03:53que Dorothy que je voudrais voyager avec.
03:57Colin et Matt,
03:58les meilleurs amis de Montpearl,
03:59Newfoundland et Labrador.
04:01Nous voulons être les meilleurs amis
04:03du Canada de l'Amazing Race!
04:05Nous avons fait des vidéos d'audition
04:06pour le Canada de l'Amazing Race
04:07depuis la saison 1.
04:09Salut, bienvenue au Canada!
04:10Yeah, Team Biscuits, yeah!
04:12Et ils sont embarrassants.
04:13Ils sont embarrassants, c'est le plus.
04:14Pas de mots meilleurs.
04:16Nous nous sommes rencontrés à l'école,
04:17et nous sommes devenus des meilleurs amis depuis.
04:19Nous sommes un peu plus âgés, un peu plus intelligents,
04:21et nous allons représenter les gens géniaux de l'Amazing Race.
04:24Oui, c'est moi!
04:28Brad et Sam,
04:29père et fille de Toronto.
04:32Je m'appelle Brad May,
04:34et j'ai joué dans l'NHL pendant 18 saisons.
04:36Mon nom Mayday
04:38vient d'un but d'ouverture en 1993.
04:40Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
04:44En tant qu'enfant de 8 ans,
04:45mon père a gagné la Coupe.
04:46C'était tellement cool.
04:47Il est mon meilleur ami, mon héros,
04:48mon plus grand supporter.
04:50En grandissant avec mon père en jouant au hockey,
04:52ça m'a appris à être difficile.
04:54À la fin du jour, c'est Team Mayday.
04:56Tout le jour.
04:57Tout le jour.
04:58Chaque jour.
04:58Oui, mon garçon.
05:03De la hauteur de la chaleur,
05:05c'est l'heure de commencer l'Amazing Race Canada.
06:03It's happening, baby!
06:05Oh, there he is!
06:15Welcome to Niagara Falls
06:16and welcome to season 10 of the Amazing Race Canada.
06:19Let's go, Johnny!
06:25This is the very spot
06:27where this adventure started over 10 years ago.
06:31And now, it's your turn.
06:36Yeah, baby!
06:38Lauren et Nicole, first of all,
06:40how do I tell who is who?
06:42You don't, you don't.
06:44I'm Lauren.
06:46And I'm Nicole.
06:47We're bringing that twin energy,
06:49so twin-ergy.
06:51That twin telepathy, that double trouble.
06:54There's actually two different sides of us.
06:56We like to dress up, walk a red carpet.
06:58But also, we are not afraid at all
07:00to get our hands dirty, get our hair wet.
07:03Season 10 is go big or go home.
07:05And I am so excited to kick some ass
07:07with my partner in crime.
07:09Oh, yeah, baby!
07:11Julie and Olivia, what are the two of you
07:13gonna be bringing to this race?
07:14We have 10 years of being together
07:17and one year of marriage.
07:18We're here to bring it.
07:19We're bringing discipline, energy, and power!
07:23We train for endurance competitions
07:26five to six times a week.
07:28And it is a grueling activity.
07:31We swim, cycle, and run.
07:33To all the other teams, watch out.
07:35Good luck.
07:36The storm is coming!
07:38Connor and John, what are the two of you
07:41hoping to show Canadians who are watching?
07:43I'm trying to show the Canadians,
07:45not only myself, but the wonderful,
07:47inspirational community of little people,
07:49that we are not only the same as everyone else,
07:51physically, but also mentally.
07:53And there's no one here I would rather have
07:55than my best friend, Connor.
07:57Yeah, buddy!
07:59Connor and I met
08:01last week at McMaster University.
08:03First interaction we have, he's hitting on my girlfriend.
08:05And I'm like, who the hell is this guy?
08:07I ended up hitting it off with him.
08:10And now we're besties.
08:12In terms of my career, I'm an influencer.
08:15I really just make content that'll make people laugh.
08:19Having the courage to be who you are,
08:21is nothing but inspiring.
08:25Do you want to know what you're racing for?
08:32For the team that makes it to the final leg
08:34and crosses the finish line first,
08:36you will win...
08:38the first-ever 2024 Chevrolet Equinox EV RS.
08:43That's one for each of you.
08:47Because you were made to travel,
08:49our friends at Expedia will be sending you
08:51on a dream trip for two around the world.
08:56A quarter of a million dollars cash.
08:59Let's go!
09:00And the amazing Race Canada.
09:05Let's go!
09:07Are you ready to go?
09:11Your first clue is on the bags that you brought with you.
09:14Good luck.
09:16Race safe.
09:18Make Canada proud.
09:30Let's go! Let's go!
09:32Oh, they're fast!
09:34For the amazing Race Canada, baby!
09:36Here we go!
09:40Who's down to go first?
09:42In this roadblock, one racer will attempt
09:45what no ordinary human has ever done before.
09:48Go over the falls and descend 180 feet
09:52down one of four rappel lines,
09:54alongside this raging waterfall
09:57to retrieve their next clue.
10:01I'm going to go first.
10:03You are.
10:04I am.
10:06You got it, baby.
10:07Okay, I'm going first.
10:08I'll go first.
10:09Do it.
10:10You have $500 for this leg of the race.
10:11Let's go.
10:12Right here, right here.
10:13Think this way.
10:14You got the cash?
10:15Yeah, I got it.
10:16Let's go.
10:17Oh, my God!
10:18Overlooking the Horseshoe Falls,
10:19in front of the Table Rock Centre.
10:20Dad, do you know where?
10:22People are following us.
10:23Let's go.
10:24I know it's down that way.
10:25It's a bit of a run.
10:26We got this, baby!
10:28You set the pace.
10:29This is good.
10:30You set the pace.
10:31We're good.
10:32We got a lead.
10:33This is a really wet day.
10:36Do we want a taxi?
10:37I don't think there's...
10:38Should we ask someone how far away it is?
10:40Let's get a bus.
10:41To the falls, to the falls.
10:42Let's do it.
10:43First come, first served.
10:44We got to go.
10:45Okay, run.
10:46Are you going to the falls?
10:47We want to go to the outdoor observation deck,
10:49to the Horseshoe Falls.
10:51Let's go.
10:52Horseshoe Falls.
10:53Let's go.
10:54Taylor's going to be rappelling down the side.
10:56I don't know why.
10:57The adrenaline is hitting me so freaking hard right now.
10:59We're literally going to pass the other teams.
11:01We're trying to get a cab.
11:04See you!
11:06See you later!
11:10Do you have the money?
11:12I dropped it.
11:13For real?
11:15How the hell?
11:16No freaking way.
11:18No freaking way.
11:22Let's go do this.
11:23I dropped the money.
11:25Oh, boy!
11:26Outdoor observation?
11:28Table Rock Center.
11:31What a view!
11:41It's just absolutely unbelievable.
11:43This race has begun.
11:45That move to get on the bus, everybody starts running.
11:48I'm telling you, that's not how you win the race.
11:50You got to use this, baby.
11:52I think we're in first place right now.
11:54I am not nervous about heights.
11:56I'm really excited.
11:58How did they get here?
12:00Come on, man.
12:01Let's go, baby.
12:03I'm a little disappointed.
12:04I thought we were in first place.
12:05I mean, they got here quick, eh?
12:07I hate heights.
12:08I hope you know that.
12:10Not perfect.
12:11You're going to be lowering down on this rope
12:13on the side of the cliff at Niagara Falls.
12:15This is like a little gas pedal.
12:17If you pull it up, you're going to lower slowly.
12:19Okay, I can't fall, right?
12:21Is that mobile?
12:26I can hear the falls rumbling behind me.
12:32I'm absolutely terrified.
12:35She's losing her mind right now.
12:38Oh, my...
12:40Well, here goes nothing.
12:42John's about to rappel from about 200 feet up there.
12:47Oh, that is cold already.
12:49Oh, yeah, there it is.
12:50It's cold.
12:51Oh, this is very nerve-wracking.
12:53Oh, my God.
12:55Go, go.
12:56Go, Taylor!
12:59There she is!
13:00Yes, Taylor!
13:02Hi, buddy!
13:03This is the wildest thing I have ever done in my life.
13:08We're doing it.
13:09Let's go.
13:11The tricky part with this lever
13:13is that you have to control the speed.
13:16If you go too fast, you'll go past the clue,
13:19and that will put us at the back of the line.
13:22Let's get that clue!
13:24♪ ♪
13:34I'm so proud of her.
13:37That was amazing!
13:39I just rappelled down Niagara Falls!
13:42They want me to look down.
13:44I literally haven't looked down yet.
13:46Elevator, yeah, yeah.
13:47Here, here's your plate.
13:49Number one.
13:50I did it so fast.
13:52Come on, girlie!
13:53I'm not looking.
13:58Game time or show time?
14:00Teams will make their way to the eclectic
14:02and electric entertainment district
14:04known as Clifton Hill.
14:09In game time, teams will find the Great Canadian Midway
14:12and play any of these race-marked games.
14:15Once they win 400 tickets,
14:18they'll receive their next clue.
14:21In show time, teams will recite historical facts
14:25about Niagara Falls to a group of tourists.
14:28They'll need to memorize these 77 words
14:31and perform with the corresponding props
14:34to receive their next clue.
14:36We're going to go to show time.
14:38Okay, let's go, let's go.
14:40There's only four rappel lines,
14:42so any team after that is going to have to wait.
14:44We're number one right now, number one.
14:46Let's go, Laurie!
14:48This is the first time he's done anything like this.
14:50What the hell?
14:52Oh, my God.
14:54Oh, yeah, speed up a little bit.
14:57Get the angle there.
14:59Now that you need to get down, Kevin,
15:01you better buy me a really nice ring.
15:03Okay, I got my clue.
15:05There you go, son! Good job!
15:08I'm soaked!
15:11I can't even imagine what's going through his head right now.
15:15Yes, get that clue!
15:18Yes! Yes!
15:20She got it.
15:21I hated it!
15:23You have to buy me a really big ring.
15:25Baby, I love you so much.
15:27Let's do game time. Game time. Game time.
15:29Okay, let's do it.
15:30What game are we going to play? The basketball one?
15:32I think we're going to kill that one.
15:34We're going to do game time. Let's go play some games.
15:36My leg hurts.
15:38Oh, my legs.
15:40How are you feeling?
15:41I'm tired.
15:42This is just your legs, though.
15:45I don't know whether it's because of the cold.
15:47It's just... I feel so sick.
15:50As I'm running down the boardwalk to Horseshoe Falls,
15:53something is wrong with my legs right now.
15:56Oh, my legs!
16:00Oh, my God!
16:02My legs!
16:11I know he's free.
16:13Oh, my God.
16:14I've seen a few racers come down now.
16:16I'm getting a little nervous here.
16:18Let's go! Just for a bit!
16:20Hang on!
16:22It is insane to be this close to the falls.
16:24She is moving like a little...
16:26Come on.
16:28Come on.
16:29She just got the clue.
16:30Jump, jump, jump, jump!
16:32Yes! Let's go!
16:35That was epic!
16:36Grapple, baby!
16:38One thing about Tyson,
16:40we go 1,000 miles per hour.
16:42Hey! Slow down, man!
16:46Hey! Let's go!
16:48Let's go, baby!
16:50Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
16:53The money that we dropped early on,
16:55keep your eyes peeled. They'll come in anywhere.
16:58Every time we have to run,
17:00it reminds me that we have no money.
17:02We lost our money right at the beginning.
17:04We got to get back to the starting point
17:06to find our money ASAP,
17:08or we're screwed for this rest of the leg.
17:10This sucks.
17:11Oh, God!
17:13But I will not get frustrated.
17:15Just frustration
17:18help move my body and mind.
17:21I've been challenged my entire life
17:23to face stuff that isn't made for the average little person,
17:26so I have to keep feeding myself slack.
17:28Go, Jon!
17:29I'm not going to let Conor down,
17:31and I'm definitely not going to let myself down.
17:33Yeah, Jon.
17:35Get in there.
17:37Stop the glue.
17:38Let's go, baby.
17:40Let's go!
17:42You feel that?
17:44First challenge, height.
17:46Perfect. I hate height.
17:48Want to go game time?
17:49Let's go, baby.
17:50That was super badass.
17:52Yeah. The ladies are going to love it.
17:54You got it, baby!
17:55That's it, Lauren!
17:59No more trouble in the house.
18:02Let's do showtime.
18:06Come on, Taylor.
18:07Okay, we chose showtime.
18:08We chose showtime.
18:12You must use the props as directed on the script.
18:15Welcome to Clifton Hill, otherwise known as Street of Fun.
18:18We have to memorize a script
18:21that talks about bizarre facts about Niagara Falls.
18:24All of that force can reduce 4 million kilowatts of electricity.
18:28The light bulb represents the generating of electrical power,
18:32which is what the falls do.
18:34Say, do you remember Annie Edson Taylor?
18:36She went over the falls in a barrel
18:38and survived with a cat.
18:40French acrobat Charles Blondin
18:43crossed the falls on a tightrope.
18:45Charles stopped with a stove on his back,
18:47cooked an omelette,
18:48and lowered it down to the passengers
18:50of the Maid of the Mist.
18:51Oh, my God.
18:54My legs.
18:55Oh, yeah.
18:56My legs hurt.
18:57We're almost there. Do you know we're almost there, Eve?
19:00Oh, man.
19:03Eve and Tristan are behind us at the moment, but...
19:05What? What place are you?
19:06We're 10th.
19:07Okay, so we're the last.
19:08Oh, no.
19:09Oh, no, we're not? Jeez.
19:10My legs.
19:12Okay, we're in, like, 9th place. I love it.
19:14There's the power of positive thinking right there.
19:16Way to go, Sam!
19:18Secure the clue.
19:19Q.U. is secure.
19:20Let's just get down this thing.
19:22That's my girl!
19:24Game time. We're going game time.
19:26OK, let's go!
19:27I don't know where that is.
19:28Is that not where you and Mom had your first date?
19:30No. Skyline Tower, maybe.
19:33Great Canadian Midway, Dad. It's an arcade.
19:35Sweetie, stop!
19:36I'm almost positive.
19:37Can we slow down and focus?
19:39We're very similar, me and my dad.
19:41We're both stubborn.
19:42I saw the other teams run this way.
19:44OK, fair enough.
19:46This is it. Great Canadian Midway Arcade.
19:49Sticker, sticker, sticker.
19:51Oh, yes!
19:53We've got to get 400 tickets.
19:55He's been training for this moment since he was a kid.
19:58My dad's my hero.
19:59I'm kind of following in his footsteps.
20:01I'm playing college basketball in Edmonton.
20:03Let's go, let's go. Come on, guy.
20:05Money Mike.
20:07How many was that?
20:11Yeah, we've got to find a different game.
20:13We're going to play arcade games.
20:14I play games for a living every day, baby.
20:16We're going to go smash this up.
20:17Je suis un joueur de poker.
20:18Je suis énorme dans le monde du poker.
20:20Je peux penser à des jeux de haut niveau.
20:22J'ai une très bonne stratégie.
20:24Donc, au lieu de jouer sur ce jeu,
20:26je vais le mettre ici
20:28et on va utiliser cette machine.
20:33Tu l'as, bébé. Tu l'as, tu te sens bien?
20:36Oh, on a 25.
20:37Oui, oui, oui, oui, oui.
20:38On y va, on y va.
20:40On est ici dans l'arcade
20:41en cherchant un certain jeu
20:43que nous pouvons jouer.
20:44Tu te sens tiré?
20:47Tap, tap.
20:49Julie et Olivia
20:50ont essayé d'utiliser la machine à côté de moi,
20:52mais évidemment, j'ai pris toutes les balles.
20:54Celui-là n'a pas fonctionné.
20:55Je ne pensais pas que j'allais mentir
20:56si tôt dans le jeu, bébé.
20:57Je ne peux pas m'aider.
20:58C'est tellement bien, bébé.
21:00C'est tellement bien.
21:02On a trouvé un jeu.
21:04On a l'air confiants.
21:05On a l'air qu'on peut le faire.
21:09Il y a des mots à dire
21:10que vous devez inclure.
21:11Bienvenue à Clifton Hill,
21:13aussi connu comme la rue du plaisir.
21:18Un acrobat français,
21:20Charles Blondin,
21:24s'est étiré
21:25300 fois
21:26à travers les montagnes.
21:29Charles a aussi
21:30attaché un feu à son dos
21:32et fait des omelettes.
21:35Je suis désolé, c'est incorrect.
21:37Il y a des mots à dire
21:38que vous devez inclure
21:39dans l'ordre correct,
21:40pour que nous puissions
21:41le dire correctement.
21:42Tu as ce feu.
21:43Oui, c'est là.
21:44C'est là.
21:46C'était incroyable.
21:47C'était fou.
21:48Bien joué.
21:49Je l'ai eu.
21:50On en est encore.
21:51On en est encore.
21:52Tu l'as, Charles.
21:55Dieu m'a pas donné
21:56un esprit de peur.
21:59Je peux laisser partir ?
22:01Tu y es.
22:04Mes jambes font mal,
22:06mais je dois continuer à pousser.
22:10Tu peux le faire, bébé.
22:11Tu peux le faire, bébé.
22:15Il l'est.
22:16OK, Tristan.
22:17Tu l'as.
22:20Je suis de retour.
22:21Tu l'as encore.
22:22On va faire
22:23le short time.
22:25Dorothy, l'exploreuse.
22:27Vas-y, Dorothy.
22:28Vas-y, Dorothy.
22:29Vas-y, Dorothy.
22:30Vas-y, Dorothy.
22:31C'est ça, ma fille.
22:33Oh, waouh.
22:36On est de retour au départ,
22:38où on pensait
22:39qu'on aurait peut-être
22:40perdu l'argent.
22:44Non, non, non.
22:46On n'a rien, hein ?
22:48Il y a quelque chose ici.
22:49On pensait que c'était ici,
22:50mais ce n'est pas.
22:51Faisons tout ce qu'on peut.
22:52C'est tout ce qu'on peut faire.
22:54On n'a pas de chance.
22:56on doit courir
22:57le reste de la jambe.
22:58Désastre !
23:04C'est vraiment important
23:05pour nous de sortir de là vite,
23:06car il y a de nombreux équipes
23:07qui sont déjà arrivées.
23:08C'est la location
23:09du premier défi
23:10de la première course
23:11de l'Amazing Race Canada.
23:12Bouh !
23:13Pendant ces croissants,
23:14il a attaché un feu
23:15à son dos,
23:16où il a préparé
23:17des omelettes
23:18pour les passagers.
23:19Je suis désolé,
23:20tu n'as pas compris.
23:21Oh, mon Dieu.
23:22Il y a d'autres équipes.
23:23Allons-y, Taylor,
23:24on est si proches.
23:25On est arrivés
23:26à ce détour d'abord,
23:27et on perd lentement
23:28notre lead
23:29qu'on a commencé.
23:31Il a cuisiné une omelette
23:32et l'a baissée
23:33pour les passagers
23:34sur le Maid of the Mist.
23:38Come on.
23:39I'm a little bit frustrated.
23:41Arcades are so fun.
23:42I always have a good time here.
23:43What do I do?
23:44He gets a little flustered
23:45at them, clearly.
23:46It's chaotic in there.
23:47I'm 52 years old.
23:48The noise drove me crazy.
23:50Are you doing well?
23:52I suck.
23:53God, I suck.
23:54Come on, no you don't.
23:55Yep, gotta get out
23:56of that mindset.
23:57Kevin is doing great.
23:58He's doing amazing.
23:59I love him.
24:00He's the best.
24:01Now we just have
24:02a few more rounds
24:03and we should be out of here.
24:04We have to get up to 400.
24:05That's it, it's done.
24:06We're good, we're good.
24:07And then hopefully...
24:08Oh my God,
24:09they're checking already?
24:11Let's go.
24:12Let's go.
24:13Come here, baby.
24:17What were they playing?
24:19Thank you.
24:20Make your way to...
24:21Nightmare's Fear Factory.
24:23One team will win the assist
24:24by Dead Jordan
24:25for the next challenge.
24:26Okay, let's go.
24:27This is the haunted house
24:28that's on top of the hill.
24:29Okay, what is it called?
24:30Let's go.
24:31The Fear Factory.
24:32Do you want to stop
24:33and ask for directions?
24:35Can you really help us?
24:36We were hoping
24:37to get a challenge like this
24:38so we're hoping
24:39we can buy some time here.
24:40We're so ready for it.
24:41Two years ago,
24:42we moved to L.A.
24:43to pursue acting.
24:44We've had to memorize
24:45pages of scripts.
24:46Okay, we're going to try it once.
24:47We think we're ready,
24:48we're going to send it.
24:49Let's just see what happens.
24:51Oh, that's what I missed.
24:52Can you actually remember
24:53what Andi Edson-Taylor
24:54did here on October 24th, 1901?
24:55She was actually the first
24:56and oldest person
24:57to go over the falls
24:58and survive.
24:59She did it on her 63rd birthday
25:00with her cat.
25:01Meow, meow.
25:04We're not really sure
25:05what we're missing right now
25:06so it's just,
25:07it's go time.
25:08He actually cooked an omelette
25:10and he served it to his passengers
25:12on the Maid of the Mist.
25:17They just finished.
25:18It looks like they're
25:19on to their next one.
25:20Let's go.
25:24Nightmare's Fear Factory
25:25in search for your clue inside.
25:26Here, let's find a worker.
25:27Let's ask right here,
25:28where's the fear factory?
25:29Excuse me,
25:30do you know where
25:31the Nightmare's Fear Factory is?
25:32Right, Jerk?
25:33You live on a block?
25:34You live on a block?
25:35On the left-hand side.
25:36Come on, baby.
25:37Let's go.
25:38Let's go.
25:40Okay, so right...
25:42Let's go, ladies.
25:43Oh yeah, baby.
25:45While having a stove
25:46strapped to his back
25:48and fried omelettes...
25:50I'm sorry, you didn't get in.
25:52Oh my God,
25:53what are we doing?
25:57I see a few things here
25:59so I think we're like
26:00finally catching up.
26:04Nightmare's Fear Factory.
26:06We're taking it?
26:08Rude info.
26:09Brave the fright.
26:11Over the last three decades,
26:13over 180,000 people
26:16have chickened out
26:17of making it through this...
26:19Legendary haunted house.
26:23Once teams find
26:24the Nightmare's Fear Factory,
26:25they'll need to make it through
26:27the hair-raising hallways
26:28of this former coffin factory.
26:31If they survive the scare
26:32they'll need to memorize
26:33a color combination
26:34unique to each team.
26:36Then proceed to the
26:37illumination tower
26:38to light up the falls
26:39in their specific colors.
26:41Returning to the race
26:42is the Assist by Desjardins.
26:44This time,
26:45on select challenges,
26:46the Assist will be
26:47a winnable pass
26:48that one lucky team
26:50will find hidden
26:51in their clue.
26:53the Assist by Desjardins
26:54will give them
26:55a little extra help
26:56as they light up the falls.
26:57Let's go.
26:58Let's go.
26:59We gotta go in.
27:02It's okay.
27:03Memorize a sequence of colors.
27:05Have fun, okay?
27:06Good luck.
27:08I don't like this.
27:13Come this way.
27:14Come, baby.
27:15Don't leave me, baby.
27:16Please don't leave me.
27:17Baby, where are we going?
27:21Baby, it was all fake.
27:22Memorize these colors.
27:26It's so great.
27:28Oh, my God.
27:29Just say it a bunch of times
27:30over and over in your head.
27:33we are a strong team,
27:34but our memorization
27:36isn't the greatest.
27:37Just keep saying it.
27:38Purple, blue, red, green, purple.
27:44Fix my hair
27:45if you're going to touch my head.
27:48Yes, yes.
27:49Major League, Major League.
27:57Yes, thank you.
27:58Thank you.
27:59Okay, I think we have enough.
28:00Hey, no, no.
28:01Come here, come here, come here.
28:03Thank you very much.
28:04Thank you so much.
28:05Let's go, baby.
28:06Let's go, baby.
28:09Let's go.
28:11100% that we have enough tickets.
28:12Let's check.
28:15A little bit ways to go.
28:16Right here, playing baseball.
28:18Definitely helps.
28:19Tyson's just whipping it.
28:21Do you see any cabs?
28:22I'm looking for one.
28:23Let's go.
28:24Baby, I love you.
28:25Focus on us.
28:26Focus on us.
28:27Come on, John.
28:28I know, man.
28:29I'm trying.
28:30Taking the scenic settings of the butterfly conservatory.
28:37Okay, pause.
28:38Do you want to do the other one or no?
28:39What do you mean?
28:40Do you want to keep this one?
28:41I think we can do it.
28:42We can do this one?
28:43How do you feel?
28:45This area was the very first.
28:46Is it area?
28:47I went to an art school, but I majored in dance, not acting.
28:53What we have to do is we have to break it down into four different parts,
28:56and we just memorize the first couple lines.
28:58I've always been a pretty good public speaker, and I'm an English teacher,
29:01so I teach my kids how to public speak.
29:03Welcome to Clifton Hill, otherwise known as the Street of Fun.
29:09During his crossing, Charles stopped with a stove on his back, cooked an omelet.
29:13During one of his crossings, Charles stopped with a stove on his back,
29:16cooked an omelet, and lowered it down to the passengers on the Maid of the Mist.
29:25I think they just got it.
29:26Nightmare's Fear Factor, here we come.
29:29A French acrobat, Charles Blondin, tight-roped 300 times, crossed the falls.
29:37During these crossings, he also strapped a stove to his back and fried omelets.
29:42I'm so sorry, you didn't get it.
29:44Holy Hannah.
29:46Holy Hannah.
29:47Crossed the falls on a tight rope 300 times.
29:49Cooked an omelet and lowered it down to the passengers on the Maid of the Mist.
29:54What are we doing wrong?
29:59Say, do you remember what Andy Edson Taylor did here on October 24th, 1901?
30:04The very first location of the very first running race of Amazing Race Canada.
30:09Do you want to try it?
30:10I don't know the rest of the second half.
30:11Oh my gosh, Eva.
30:12You got this, come on, come on, don't worry.
30:15This area has long been known as a honeymooner's paradise.
30:21Do you want to switch?
30:22Yeah, like, we're going to switch to game time.
30:25There's a lot of memorizing in that and I feel like we have to just do it faster.
30:30See look, the boys are still here.
30:34Yes, yes, perfect.
30:35This is our game right here.
30:36Tyson is like going above and beyond, killing the clown.
30:44Nightmares, fear, factory.
30:45Let's go.
30:47Just saw the boys left.
30:49Let's go, keep pushing.
30:50Locking these clowns down or like locking down the clowns in the race.
30:58Annie cooked an omelette and gave it to everyone on the Maid of the Mist.
31:02Crossed the falls on her tightrope 300 times.
31:04I don't know what we're missing, man.
31:06I need to say cooked an omelette.
31:08Oh, I keep saying fried an omelette, don't I?
31:10Yeah, you do.
31:11Cooked an omelette.
31:12It's me.
31:13Yeah, okay, let's go.
31:15We're back again.
31:17Way to Nightmares, fear, factory.
31:19The girls are still there?
31:21Charles also did this with a stove strapped to his back
31:24and cooked an omelette for the passengers down below.
31:34Make your way to Nightmares, fear, factory.
31:39A ghost.
31:45Oh God, this is how it ends.
31:51Gris, bleu, gris, rouge, purple.
31:53Okay, keep that to yourself so it doesn't bother me.
31:56Well, don't breathe them out here either.
32:00I'm pretty sure Nightmares is up here.
32:03Come on, John, it's right here.
32:05Rue de l'Info.
32:07Bande de shorts.
32:08This means you don't have to memorize the color combination.
32:10You guys are good to go.
32:11We just have to hunt.
32:12Oh yeah.
32:14Oh, he grabbed my ear.
32:17Now that is a good photo.
32:18The Illumination Tower.
32:20Yeah, we have a lot of money left.
32:21We could use a taxi at some point.
32:23If we see one, we'll grab it.
32:27We're number one.
32:28I think we're number one.
32:29Yeah, we can smell, we know we are.
32:30It's right there, this is the tower.
32:32Let's light it up.
32:36Hi, sir.
32:37Blue, purple, green, blue, red.
32:44Green, red, purple, blue, purple.
32:54Baby, take a look at this.
32:56That's amazing.
32:57Teams must now make their way to the tunnel
32:59at the Niagara Parks Power Station.
33:02Here in this former power plant,
33:04teams will learn the powerful history of the falls
33:07as they take one elevator down.
33:10We're descending down approximately 180 feet.
33:14Once they reach the bottom,
33:15they'll run through the tunnel,
33:17a 2,200-foot-long subterranean passage.
33:20This observation platform at the base of the Horseshoe Falls
33:24will act as the pit stop for the first leg of the race.
33:27The last team to check in here may be eliminated.
33:32Run, let's go, go, go, go!
33:34Cow driver, the cow's coming out!
33:35Where is he?
33:36Go, go!
33:37There's another team coming out.
33:38Power station, tunnel, do you know where that is?
33:40We want to try and get first.
33:41Let's go!
33:42Johnny, wait for us!
33:45Red, purple, blue, red, green.
33:50Purple, red, blue, green, purple.
33:56I think we might have to go back.
33:57I really hope not.
33:59Oh, there's a thing there.
34:00Did we go to that?
34:01Yeah, probably.
34:02Let me think here.
34:03I know my two outsides were the exact same.
34:06Blue, purple, red.
34:10Ladies, that was great.
34:11Yeah, thank you!
34:13Double trouble.
34:15Do you know where the Niagara Park's power station is?
34:18On the right side, big building.
34:20On the right, are we close?
34:22You're 100% sure you know where to go?
34:24Oh, yeah.
34:25We didn't see anyone leaving the challenge ahead of us.
34:27Let's go to the power station, it's right there.
34:29I see lights, I see tunnel.
34:31We could be first.
34:32Come on, John!
34:36Je sais que j'étais le purple à l'extérieur.
34:38Je sais.
34:39Je me souviens de mes couleurs, mais mon père ne se souvient pas de ses.
34:42Ouais, on repart.
34:43Mais au lieu de repartir à l'intérieur de la maison,
34:45je pense qu'on va continuer à essayer jusqu'à ce qu'on l'obtienne.
34:47Rouge, vert.
34:49Purple, bleu, rouge, vert, purple.
34:55Bien joué!
34:56Oh, mon Dieu, mec!
34:58Trouve-le, John, à ton premier arrêt.
35:00Donc, on doit aller trouver le tunnel.
35:01Je pense qu'on va juste courir.
35:02Regarde ça.
35:03Rouge, vert, bleu, gris.
35:08Bien joué!
35:09On va au tunnel à la station de puissance de Niagara Park.
35:13Taxi! Taxi!
35:15Oh, ils sont là-bas.
35:16Oh, ils sont là-bas.
35:17L'équipe s'est déplacée tout le long.
35:19Premier arrêt, frère.
35:23Saskia, pouvons-nous y aller?
35:24Ferme la porte.
35:25Ferme la porte avant que personne ne rentre.
35:27Le travail a commencé dans le tunnel en 1901.
35:29On descend maintenant à 180 mètres.
35:32Souviens-toi de ça, chérie.
35:33C'est ça.
35:34Oh, je vois le tunnel.
35:35Cours à la ligne d'arrivée, chérie.
35:38Allons-y. Allons-y.
35:40Je n'ai jamais été si excitée de voir John.
35:42Sur ce site, nous avons un château
35:44qui a dépassé 250 révolutions par minute.
35:49Merci beaucoup.
35:50Tu vas bien, chérie.
35:51Je t'aime. Viens.
35:53On est presque là.
35:59Regarde ça.
36:02Bienvenue à Niagara Falls, en Ontario.
36:06Kevin et Gurleen, vous n'êtes pas encore finies.
36:08Avant que je puisse vous voir,
36:09j'ai une question à vous poser.
36:11Si vous aviez reçu ce vase,
36:13donnez-le moi.
36:16Quand a-t-il commencé la construction
36:18de ce tunnel?
36:20Tu l'as, chérie.
36:22Kevin et Gurleen,
36:24votre équipe numéro un.
36:26Allez, chérie!
36:28On est tellement bons, chérie.
36:30Parce que vous avez été créés pour voyager,
36:32nos amis à Expedia vous envoyent
36:34sur un rêve pour deux
36:36en Inde.
36:40Gurleen et moi travaillons chaque heure
36:42de chaque jour,
36:43donc pour avoir ce temps avec l'autre
36:45sur une voyage où vous venez,
36:47c'est merveilleux.
36:48Parce qu'Expedia veut faire ça,
36:50un rêve que vous n'oublierez jamais,
36:52ils vous donnent 10 000 dollars.
36:55Oh mon Dieu!
36:56C'est les meilleurs amis.
36:57Je vous aime.
36:58Lauren et Nicole,
36:59à quel point descend l'élévateur?
37:02180 pieds.
37:04En unisson,
37:05votre équipe numéro deux.
37:07Ça me fait du bien de savoir
37:08qu'il y a deux de nous,
37:09donc nous devons venir en deuxième.
37:11Et Charles a cuisiné un omelette
37:13et a donné à tout le monde
37:14le maître des rêves.
37:22Bon travail, Eva.
37:23Bon travail.
37:24Bon travail.
37:25Bon objectif.
37:28Ça vous donne des tickets!
37:29Nightmare's Fear Factory.
37:33Pourquoi je rigole
37:34dans une maison menacée?
37:35Oh mon Dieu!
37:38Je pense que si on avait un taxi,
37:39ça serait idéal.
37:40C'est l'heure
37:41où j'aimerais avoir un taxi.
37:44J'ai manqué toutes les actions.
37:46Vous n'avez pas vu
37:47le changement de couleur!
37:53C'est parti, bébé!
37:54Prêt quand tu es prêt?
37:55Je chante pour toi, bébé!
37:59Parce que nous avons l'assistance
38:00de Desjardins,
38:01tout ce qu'il nous reste à faire
38:02est de lire ces couleurs
38:03sur la carte.
38:04Rouge pour terminer.
38:05Allez, John!
38:06Il y a littéralement
38:07un habitacle
38:08de mon taille sur moi.
38:10Je dois voir Johnny Boy.
38:13On y va, John!
38:16Colin et Matt,
38:17à quel point est le chemin
38:18de l'élevateur
38:19vers la plateforme?
38:21Oh, mon Dieu!
38:22Ha! Ha! Ha!
38:232 200 mètres.
38:26Cette réponse est incorrecte.
38:27Vous devrez retourner
38:28à l'élevateur,
38:29retourner à la surface,
38:30revenir en bas,
38:31et nous pouvons essayer de nouveau.
38:33Oh, John,
38:34tu es le pire, mec!
38:36Oh, non!
38:39On va juste
38:40mémoriser les faits.
38:41On va juste mémoriser les faits.
38:42On l'a.
38:43Le travail a commencé
38:44dans le tunnel en 1901
38:45et a été terminé en 1904.
38:48C'est épique.
38:49Michael et Amari,
38:50l'élevateur s'est déplacé
38:51à combien de rpms?
38:56250 est la réponse correcte.
39:04Pourquoi je suis-je
39:05d'accord avec ça?
39:11On a vu Evan et Tristan
39:12juste derrière nous.
39:13Hey, avez-vous des maps?
39:15Nous cherchons
39:16la torre d'élimination.
39:17Non, ce n'est pas ça.
39:18Nous allons les trouver.
39:19Cliquez! Cliquez! Cliquez!
39:20Vite, s'il vous plaît.
39:21Est-ce la torre d'élimination?
39:24Donc, il y a une clé
39:25dans la torre d'élimination.
39:27J'ai vu une torre.
39:29Je vais vers celle-là.
39:30Est-ce la torre d'élimination?
39:32C'est la torre du ciel.
39:34Mon ventre tombe.
39:37Parce qu'à ce moment-là,
39:38on a l'impression d'être
39:39extrêmement perdus.
39:42C'est un long travail.
39:44Cette course n'est pas pour moi.
39:46Je suis Bankina,
39:47et je vais dépasser
39:48les autres équipes
39:49qui sont encore en marche.
39:50Tu veux prendre un taxi?
39:51Non, non, non, non.
39:52Nous essayons de sauver notre argent.
39:54Nous n'avons aucune idée
39:55d'où nous allons en ce moment.
40:03Nous sommes de retour.
40:04Nous sommes de retour.
40:05Désolé, nous n'avons pas
40:06écouté la première fois.
40:07Allons voir John.
40:08Nous allons venir
40:09à notre tunnel,
40:10qui vous amènera
40:11à une plateforme de 65 pieds.
40:12C'est épique.
40:13C'est comme un entraînement
40:14pour nos marathons.
40:15Julia et Olivia,
40:16quand a-t-il commencé
40:17cette construction
40:18sur ce tunnel?
40:201901 est...
40:23Votre équipe n°4.
40:25Essayons de nouveau, John.
40:27Quand a-t-il
40:29cette construction
40:30sur ce tunnel?
40:33C'est correct.
40:35C'est incroyable.
40:36Est-ce que cette course
40:37est comme vous l'avez
40:38jamais espéré?
40:39C'est un rêve
40:41Je suis à côté de Niagara Falls,
40:42mon meilleur ami.
40:43Tu ne peux pas demander
40:44quelque chose de mieux
40:45que ça.
40:46Nous allons atteindre
40:47un tunnel,
40:48et ce tunnel est
40:492200 pieds long.
40:52C'est génial.
40:53Merci, mon ami.
40:54Je t'apprécie, mon frère.
40:55Allez, je veux juste
40:56que les autres filles
40:57courent derrière moi.
40:58Regarde, ils sont derrière.
40:59Nous sommes dans
41:00une course de pieds maintenant.
41:01Nous descendons
41:02maintenant à 180 pieds.
41:05Michael, Tyson,
41:07la poignée a dépassé
41:09combien d'RPM?
41:132200 RPM.
41:142200 RPM est incorrect.
41:18Tu vas devoir
41:19retourner à l'élévateur,
41:20à la surface,
41:21et faire de nouveau.
41:22D'accord, merci.
41:24nous devons dire
41:25que c'est bleu-gris.
41:29De toute façon.
41:31Merci beaucoup.
41:32Regarde où ils sont.
41:33Ils sont toujours là-bas.
41:34C'est tout le long
41:35de là-bas, n'est-ce pas?
41:37Peux-tu nous dire
41:38où se trouve
41:39la station de puissance
41:40de Niagara Park?
41:41Oh, c'est juste là-bas.
41:42C'est derrière.
41:44Oh, mon Dieu.
41:46C'est juste derrière nous.
41:47Il faut, Taylor,
41:48continue de venir,
41:49continue de venir.
41:50Les équipes nous passent.
41:51Oh, mon Dieu.
41:53Brad, Sam,
41:55votre question est,
41:56quand a-t-il commencé
41:58la construction
41:59sur le tunnel?
42:02C'est correct.
42:04un de ces, bébé.
42:05Oh, mon Dieu.
42:06Votre équipe numéro 6,
42:07Taylor et Katie,
42:08à quel point
42:09descend l'élévateur?
42:122200 pieds.
42:14C'est incorrect.
42:16Vous devez retourner
42:17à la surface,
42:18revenir en bas,
42:19et nous pouvons essayer de nouveau.
42:20Je suis désolée.
42:21C'était tout mon faute.
42:22Je suis désolée.
42:23Il y a encore des équipes
42:24derrière nous.
42:25Continue, Taylor,
42:26nous devons pousser.
42:27Bonne chance, les gars.
42:29c'est vraiment fou.
42:30Je sais.
42:31Nous ne pensons pas
42:32avant que nous le fassions.
42:33C'est nous qui sommes
42:34en trouble.
42:35Nous allons atteindre
42:36notre tunnel.
42:38Notre tunnel est 2200 mètres
42:43Johnny, mon gars,
42:44c'était beaucoup de cardio.
42:46Connor, John,
42:48quand a-t-il commencé
42:49la construction
42:50de ce tunnel?
42:51En 1901.
42:53Vous avez raison.
42:57Nous l'avons fait.
42:58C'est mon idée
42:59de tunnel.
43:00Nous l'avons fait.
43:01Non, jamais.
43:02Attendez, attendez, attendez.
43:03Avant de courir,
43:04nous avons...
43:06deux options.
43:07Nous y allons,
43:08nous laissons partir
43:09et nous l'avons fait
43:10une fois de plus.
43:11Nous n'avons pas besoin
43:12de courir.
43:13Tout le monde était
43:14juste derrière nous.
43:15Ce serait
43:17Oh, mon Dieu.
43:22Si nous y retournons,
43:23nous avons un problème.
43:24Nous devons y retourner.
43:25Faites-le une fois de plus,
43:26prenez les notes,
43:27et revenez.
43:29L'élevateur est ici.
43:30J'espère que nous ne serons pas
43:31les derniers.
43:32J'espère que nous ne serons pas
43:33les derniers.
43:34Je vois un signe de tunnel.
43:36Nous pouvons entendre
43:37que d'autres équipes
43:38sont en train d'arriver.
43:39C'est important
43:40que nous fassions ça.
43:41Faites attention.
43:42Nous allons atteindre
43:43notre tunnel,
43:44qui vous mènera
43:45à une plateforme de 65 pieds.
43:49ce n'est pas fini.
43:50Nous descendons
43:51environ à 180 pieds.
43:53Pas de temps comme maintenant.
43:54C'est construit
43:55en 1901 à 1904.
43:57Il a explosé
43:58250 révolutions par minute.
44:02Je suis fatiguée.
44:05C'est la journée d'aujourd'hui.
44:08Bonjour, John.
44:09Allons-y encore une fois.
44:10Combien de temps
44:11est-ce que cette plateforme
44:13de vue?
44:1465 pieds.
44:15C'est correct.
44:17Oh mon Dieu.
44:18Taylor et Katie,
44:19vous êtes l'équipe numéro 8.
44:20Bien joué, Taylor.
44:21Je suis si fière de vous.
44:22Je suis désolée.
44:23Je vous aime.
44:24Oh mon Dieu.
44:25Michael et Tyson,
44:26allons-y encore une fois.
44:27Quand a-t-il été construit
44:28le tunnel?
44:31En 1904.
44:32C'est correct.
44:33Oh mon Dieu.
44:35Vous êtes l'équipe numéro 9.
44:36Je suis juste heureux
44:37d'être impliquée en ce moment.
44:38Nous avons appris
44:39la première étape.
44:40Je devrais prendre le money.
44:43Oh, c'est trop loin.
44:44Je ne peux pas courir là-bas.
44:46Appréciez la vue.
44:48C'est fou.
44:49Je les entends.
44:50Mes jambes.
44:52Mes jambes sont blessées.
44:54Allons-y, Tress.
44:56Dorothy, Alus,
44:57la plateforme a explosé
44:59à combien de temps?
45:06C'est correct.
45:11Vous êtes l'équipe numéro 10.
45:14L'Amazing Race Canada
45:15est uniquement pour
45:16les meilleurs des meilleurs
45:17et c'est pour cela
45:18qu'on est ici.
45:20Même en 10th place.
45:23Eva, Tristan,
45:25vous êtes la dernière équipe
45:26à arriver.
45:27Je suis désolé
45:28de vous le dire,
45:29mais vous avez été éliminés
45:30de la course.
45:32Oh mon Dieu.
45:34Tristan, ce n'est pas
45:36que vous aviez hâté.
45:37Je sais.
45:38Mais étiez-vous heureux
45:39d'y arriver
45:40avec l'un de vos meilleurs, Eva?
45:41Je n'aurais pas pu faire ça
45:42avec quelqu'un d'autre.
45:43C'est le meilleur ami
45:44qu'on peut demander.
45:45À la fin du jour,
45:46on est toujours fort
45:47dans notre fraternité.
45:48C'est tout ce qui compte, ma chérie.
45:50Ecro-Magic out.
45:52La prochaine fois
45:53sur l'Amazing Race Canada.
45:54Je vous ai demandé
45:55si vous étiez sûre.
45:56Une tempête brûle
45:57sur la côte du soleil du BC.
45:58Est-ce plus loin?
45:59Je ne sais pas.
46:00C'est une beauté absolue.
46:03Au bloc de route,
46:05Michael et Tyson
46:07Si ce n'est pas ça,
46:08je ne sais pas ce que c'est.
46:10Je n'ai plus d'enfants
46:11après ça.
46:12Et la course
46:13atteint un niveau de ferveur
46:14pour Julia et Olivia.