• el año pasado
El espionaje industrial chino se ha convertido en una preocupación significativa para Occidente, siendo considerado el más grande del mundo. A través de una red bien organizada, China busca acceder a conocimiento crítico en infraestructuras, tecnología e innovación. Desde finales de los años 90, el país asiático ha dirigido sus esfuerzos hacia sectores clave, comenzando con los trenes de alta velocidad, y posteriormente avanzando hacia la industria aeroespacial y otras tecnologías emergentes. Esta estrategia de espionaje no solo se basa en la recolección de información, sino también en la infiltración y el robo de propiedad intelectual, lo que ha resultado en pérdidas que ascienden a miles de millones de dólares anualmente para economías occidentales.

Es alarmante observar cómo algunos dirigentes occidentales, motivados por intereses económicos, han facilitado la transferencia de tecnología hacia China, contribuyendo inadvertidamente a la expansión de su red de espionaje. Este fenómeno plantea serias preguntas sobre la seguridad y la soberanía tecnológica de las naciones occidentales. Es crucial que los países aliados fortalezcan sus medidas de protección y vigilancia para mitigar los riesgos asociados al espionaje industrial. Comprender la magnitud de esta amenaza es vital para desarrollar estrategias efectivas que salvaguarden la innovación y el crecimiento económico en un mundo cada vez más interconectado.

**Hashtags:** #EspionajeIndustrial, #China, #SeguridadTecnológica

**Keywords:** espionaje industrial, China, tecnología, innovación, Occidente, trenes de alta velocidad, industria aeroespacial, propiedad intelectual, seguridad nacional, pérdidas económicas.


00:00Three, two, one, go!
00:05October 1st, 2049.
00:08Centenary of the People's Republic of China.
00:11A group of Chinese cosmonauts takes off on the first flight to Mars.
00:16China has followed closely the trail of the great space agencies of Russia, Europe and the United States, and has not been left behind.
00:24The Chinese government has realized very specifically what technologies, skills and information it needs to become a much more competitive power in the global economy.
00:39In the year 2049, China is the first economic and technological power of the solar system, a power acquired without any oversight.
00:48When there is a need and one is willing to pay whatever the price, the process is accelerated.
00:54And when the goal is to acquire new technologies as soon as possible, the process is doubled, and that is synonymous with the appearance of espionage.
01:03Very soon, the Chinese flag will wave in the Red Planet.
01:08It may sound like science fiction, but that image is not as unreal as it seems.
01:12China has no problem looking for the knowledge it needs on any continent.
01:20Our intelligence services believe that for several decades China has been the number one enemy in the field of economic espionage, both locally and nationally.
01:30An enemy that has almost unlimited material and human resources.
01:35China is a rich country that has become the second world economic power, and it is possible that 1,300 million Chinese have been hired voluntarily or by force to gather all the necessary information in one way or another.
01:51A Chinese prime minister once told me,
01:55Are you aware that we are as intelligent as you are and that we work more?
02:00So no matter how much you keep your secrets, we will get to your level if you do not collaborate with us.
02:07China currently has the largest network of espionage in the world.
02:12It is a gigantic dragon with thousands of heads, many of which are still unknown.
02:20China has the largest network of espionage in the world.
02:24It is a gigantic dragon with thousands of heads, many of which are still unknown.
02:46Here is the prize.
02:48It is a certificate awarded by the Chinese government to a group of foreign experts who have established a collaboration with China.
02:58I was responsible for the investigation of the mechanics of solids.
03:03We had the honor of being received by the Chinese prime minister.
03:07Here I am.
03:08Here I am.
03:14Then the president of the Republic of China invited us to dinner.
03:20Although we did not sit at the same table as him, but at adjacent tables, it was quite a privilege.
03:31Although it may seem the opposite, Siad Munni does not work in China, but in Palaisot, on the outskirts of Paris.
03:38He directs the mechanical unit of the Higher School of Advanced Techniques, a famous French school of engineers, which now also has a headquarters in China.
03:50Could you please repeat this sequence?
03:53Here, the presence of Chinese PhDs does not surprise anyone.
03:57In this laboratory, Siad Munni studies with them the properties of the structures called intelligent, such as materials with memory of form.
04:05The difficulty lies in finding the equations with which to model this strange behavior.
04:12That is, the starting point is to carry out a series of tests to find and understand this behavior,
04:18which must then be described using mathematical models, which are the laws of behavior.
04:24The works developed by Professor Munni have caught the attention of the Polytechnic School of Xi'an, in China.
04:31This center, which depends on the Chinese Ministry of Defense, expects a lot from the project,
04:36mainly with a view to the field of transport, electric cars and the space industry, going through civil and military aeronautics.
04:43Siad Munni usually visits Xi'an to supervise the training of future engineers,
04:49some of whom have been invited to work at the Parisian headquarters of the brand.
04:53This exemplary cooperation has led Siad Munni to receive the prestigious Friendship Award,
04:58which has also been awarded to 50 other world scientists of high level.
05:03It is a guarantee and an important support for the name and budget of his school.
05:08He is happy, and so are the Chinese, but in the corridors he breathes pessimism.
05:13The problem is that the people who come here, not only come to admire us, but also to learn,
05:19and if it is possible to bring the knowledge to their country of origin, and when that happens, we get a surprise.
05:24In China, the career of innovation is the priority of the regime,
05:29but in recent years the results have not been desired.
05:34This has prompted the Chinese government to open an important system of hiring foreign experts,
05:40in order to acquire knowledge and train future Chinese engineers.
05:45The most ambitious program in this field is called 1000 Talents,
05:49and its goal is to import to China about 2,000 foreign engineers in 10 years.
05:54Siad Munni is one of the chosen illustrious.
05:57In France, the number of researchers awarded with the Friendship Award and a 1000 Talents scholarship is counted with the fingers of one hand.
06:04Collaboration with us is already a reality.
06:08The Chinese analyze in detail the ideals of the professors invited to whom they hire.
06:13It is part of a focus and a scientific collaboration,
06:18in order to achieve together that science progresses.
06:23The benefit is mutual and complementary,
06:27because although we provide knowledge to the Chinese, they also provide it to us.
06:33Today, Siad Munni comes to present to Shanghai his research work carried out in the School of Chinese Engineers
06:38associated with the National School of Advanced Techniques.
06:43The exchanges have been fruitful and the French researcher cannot hide his satisfaction.
06:48He is very comfortable in a world based on the academic exchange of knowledge.
06:52In the corridors, that passion is always slightly diminished.
06:56What happens when two engineers meet?
06:59The normal thing, that is, the concept of nationalities disappears and they start talking about the trade.
07:03Then one of the two begins to speak naively of his work,
07:07of the research he is carrying out, while the other listens attentively.
07:12And that other is a Chinese.
07:14The Chinese are very patriots, which is not the same as nationalists.
07:18The patriots work for their country.
07:21And when a Chinese hears something interesting, he keeps it in good stock.
07:26Chinese students from the School of Advanced Techniques in Paris confirm this statement.
07:34We work for science and also for our country.
07:41Our research has a personal purpose, of course.
07:47But at the same time, they contribute to the development of our country and its military defense.
07:55It is necessary that we defend national innovation in all fields.
07:59And that goes through the protection of laboratories,
08:02which does not mean turning them into a military base like that of Fort Knox,
08:06or in a kind of North Korea.
08:08It is not about interposing borders or wires of thorn,
08:11but to thoroughly analyze what we must protect.
08:14And for the rest, no problem.
08:16From the point of view of national defense,
08:19Xiad Mumni is not obliged to keep a professional secret,
08:22but other researchers do not have the right to openly share knowledge.
08:26Western intelligence services have understood that Chinese homologues
08:30take advantage of these scenarios to recruit the most valuable collaborators.
08:34So the dragon must find another way to swallow them.
08:56Everyone knows that the lamprey is a type of common eel
09:00in some estuaries in certain seasons of the year.
09:03The lamprey sticks to its prey and absorbs everything it can from them
09:06to then get rid of what is left over.
09:11The first objectives of this lamprey at the end of the 90s
09:15were high-speed trains.
09:17China plans to develop its railway network,
09:19so it opens its market to foreign companies.
09:21It puts juicy contracts on the table that it will never sign,
09:25and in the meantime, it takes the opportunity to absorb
09:28Japanese, German and French know-how.
09:31What can we say?
09:33It is clear that we cannot react by saying,
09:35you have cheated us, what you have done is not right.
09:38But I prefer to say,
09:40we have been naive and we should have imagined it.
09:43Instead of thinking that our train was so fantastic
09:45that we would be able to make our way there,
09:47we should have thought,
09:48there is no locked cat here?
09:54The truth is that more than a locked cat,
09:57the Chinese prefer to talk about re-innovation.
10:01Since 2006, as stated in the government's program,
10:05their knowledge acquired civilly
10:08is disguised in a way as Chinese patents for Chinese use.
10:11A method that legalizes looting
10:13and closes the doors of the country to all those who refuse to give in.
10:17In the case of high-speed trains,
10:19this policy has worked wonders.
10:26So the lamprey devours everything that goes through the ground,
10:29but it does not disgust flying creatures either.
10:32It also knows how to seduce large birds,
10:34inducing them to nest in their own territory.
10:37This is the case of the European group Airbus.
10:40In exchange for their knowledge,
10:42China promises them happiness and prosperity in their domestic market
10:44and helps them in their race against the American Boeing.
10:49China itself acquires several hundred aircraft,
10:52but on one condition,
10:54that the A320s be assembled in the country,
10:57more specifically in Tianjin.
10:59Louis Galois, Airbus' CEO,
11:02was perfectly aware of the implications.
11:07They told us clearly,
11:09what we want is technology,
11:11and you will continue to sell aircraft in China
11:14as long as you transfer it.
11:17They were not satisfied only with the knowledge.
11:22In the assembly lines of Tianjin,
11:25the Chinese already have legal access to technologies that are not their own,
11:29and they have no intention of dispensing with them.
11:32However, their curiosity goes much further.
11:35At the beginning of 2007,
11:37an A320 bought from Airbus by a Chinese regional company
11:41must go for a maintenance check.
11:44However, the aircraft does not reach its destination.
11:47It disappears from the radars without leaving a trace.
11:51The aircraft ends up appearing intact
11:54on the runway of a Chinese airport.
11:57Some experts consider that it is most likely
12:00that it will be hidden in a hangar,
12:02it will be completely disassembled,
12:04it will be examined and reassembled.
12:08In this way, Beijing is gradually acquiring competition
12:11and is already preparing to enter the service
12:14of its own medium-range aircraft.
12:21In June 2015, the news is already
12:24Vox Populi in the world of aeronautics.
12:27The Chinese C-919 is very advanced.
12:30The aircraft is very similar to its European cousin,
12:33the Airbus A320.
12:36The Chinese manufacturer Comac
12:39only currently presents a model of its future monochrome aircraft,
12:42a passenger aircraft made in China,
12:45sponsored by President Xi Jinping himself,
12:48and that will end up throwing the Boeing 737
12:51and the Airbus A320 from the Chinese skies.
12:55With respect to the C-919 and the announced competition,
12:58do you worry or are you waiting for events?
13:02If I understood correctly,
13:05there is no better aircraft than the A320.
13:08Are you impatient to see the appearance of the C-919?
13:11No, not especially.
13:16There is no room for unfortunate comments.
13:19The Chinese market is the most important in the world
13:22and at the moment, with its agreements,
13:25Airbus is the beneficiary of 50% of China's aircraft orders.
13:28What does it matter if the new members of the European Consortium
13:31want to have more information?
13:36In Chinese, the same word is used
13:39to copy and learn.
13:42A good student is the one who faithfully copies his teacher.
13:45Of course, there is also some malice,
13:48but in principle, for a Chinese craftsman
13:51to manufacture the same bag as the Europeans
13:54and with the same quality is something worthy of praise.
13:57The curtain is finally raised.
14:00This aircraft is the most modern of its class,
14:02the result of the research and development
14:05of the People's Republic of China.
14:08The C-919 performs its first test flights
14:11in Shanghai at the end of 2015.
14:14The ceremony is great.
14:17All the newsstands open with martial dances,
14:20national anthems and flags.
14:23Without a doubt, it will be difficult to overcome it
14:26when the C-919 makes its inaugural flight.
14:33A few weeks later, in March 2016,
14:36Airbus announces in Tianjin
14:39the inauguration of a new assembly chain
14:42to assemble long-range aircraft this time.
14:45The A330, which will enter service at the end of 2017,
14:48will be mounted in Tianjin
14:51by virtue of the same type of agreement
14:54that enabled the assembly of the A320.
14:57During all this time, Comac has continued
14:59to develop aircraft that should look like the A330.
15:02Its C-929 should be operational in 2023.
15:05Turbulences are approaching for Airbus.
15:08The Lamprea looks more like a dragon
15:11and is insatiable.
15:23In Paris, French authorities do not want to hear about it.
15:26However, they are perfectly aware
15:29of China's strategic ambitions.
15:32The Chinese Minister of Science and Technology
15:35clearly exposed them to a plan
15:38published 15 years ago in 2006.
15:41This program was dissected by French experts
15:44of the Inter-Ministerial Delegation of Economic Intelligence.
15:47In 2010, the Elysium received
15:50a highly confidential report of 25 pages.
15:53It warned of China's illegal practices
15:56and listed the traps in which it should not fall.
15:59The charm of the swallows,
16:02experts in pillow confessions,
16:05or the appointment of false students in practice
16:08to French companies.
16:11This was the case of Lily Wang.
16:14In 2005, the police found on her computer
16:17confidential data that she had stolen in her company, Valeo.
16:20After spending two months in prison,
16:23this faithful intelligence soldier
16:26discreetly returned to China.
16:29In the meantime, the lack of attention
16:32of certain leaders blinded by the immensity of the Chinese market
16:35is especially surprising.
16:40France is totally bent on
16:43receiving 50,000 Chinese students
16:46in 2015.
16:49Invest in France.
16:52Install yourself in France.
17:00Proud to have been the first to recognize
17:03the People's Republic of China in 1964,
17:06French leaders have always shown
17:09very hospitable.
17:12Without a doubt, too much.
17:19It is undeniable that the French
17:22we are by nature somewhat innocent.
17:25On numerous occasions I have heard
17:27business executives say
17:30but please sir, how can you think that?
17:33We do not, we do not.
17:36We are ...
17:39Sure, sir, you may have studied at a great institution
17:42and have an extraordinary team,
17:45but you can be fooled like everyone else.
17:48Then there is a second element, which is arrogance.
17:51We tend to think that we are really superior to the rest,
17:54and for that reason it seems impossible to us
17:57and it is not true.
18:02On the other side of the Rhine,
18:05the misadventures of the high-speed train or Airbus
18:08are not funny to anyone.
18:11There is no innocence or arrogance here.
18:14The power relationship between Chancellor Merkel
18:17and the Chinese authorities is quite frank.
18:20However, this does not prevent Germany
18:23from being a prisoner of the Chinese secret services.
18:25By the end of this century,
18:28the feeling of being spied on by China is such in Germany
18:31that the magazine Spiegel dedicates its cover to
18:34the young spies, students in corrupt practices,
18:37you listen to the highest level, spy software,
18:40any information is good.
18:43Intelligence experts have baptized this collection of data
18:46at all levels as the technique of the grain of sand.
18:51Suppose that on a beach
18:53the grains of sand are the information that must be collected.
18:56Western or Russian services
18:59would send someone at night with a huge container
19:02and a shovel to fill it as quickly as possible
19:05and disappear before dawn.
19:08The Chinese are totally different.
19:11They would carry out what they call a mass collection.
19:14So they would send perhaps a thousand swimmers every day
19:17with their towel and their little swimsuit.
19:20They would enjoy the day and at night,
19:23they would all go to the same corner to shake their towel
19:26to drop the grains of sand.
19:29That is a very important difference between the Western secret services
19:32and the Chinese, who use, practically,
19:35everything they have at their disposal.
19:40Like their French counterparts in Berlin,
19:43the counter-espionage services are totally normal.
19:47However, they are much more talkative.
19:54The Chinese government has very ambitious plans
19:57in terms of the economy,
20:00but also in terms of arms.
20:03To achieve their economic goals,
20:06they have to mobilize all their resources.
20:09In addition, they would have to obtain certain information,
20:12but for this they would need many years of research.
20:17It is easier and cheaper,
20:20either through cyberattacks or through spies,
20:23to reap the fruits of this arduous work.
20:26That is, to take possession of them through espionage.
20:33With the passage of time and the experience of their contracts with China,
20:37Germany has learned to minimize the damage
20:40caused by the hordes of sand thieves.
20:43However, the German intelligence services calculate
20:46that the annual cost of this looting rises to more than 50 billion euros,
20:50from the automotive sector to the tool machine,
20:53to the simplest saws.
20:56The problem is how to maintain cooperation,
21:00while ensuring that if China wants to be competitive,
21:04this competition is loyal.
21:07Another thing is that everyone competes in a loyal way.
21:24In Washington, they are also fully aware
21:27that the great danger in the matter of espionage
21:30is no longer the Soviet Union or its infiltrated agents,
21:33but, paradoxically,
21:36the first economic partner of the Americans, China.
21:39According to the FBI,
21:42economic espionage costs the United States
21:45more than $ 1 billion a year,
21:48and the US spends more than $ 1 billion a year.
21:50Economic espionage costs the United States
21:53thousands of millions of dollars and millions of jobs each year.
21:57Four out of every five investigations of the agency
22:00lead to Chinese commanding officers
22:03who are absolutely interested in everything.
22:06Health care, energy, transport, communications,
22:10financial services, retail, hospitality ...
22:14There is not a single sector of our economy
22:17in which they have not put the focus.
22:20In my opinion, it is a very serious problem
22:23that not only affects our economic security,
22:26but also our national security,
22:29since the Chinese not only go for our government agencies,
22:32but also for our private companies and people,
22:35in order to increase their competitiveness.
22:41The fight against economic espionage
22:44has become one of the priorities of the US administration.
22:47The concern is such in Washington
22:50that the FBI launched in 2015
22:53a great campaign of awareness,
22:56posting on its website a real success of the box office,
22:59The Company Man.
23:02Of course, you can not say that in the agency
23:05they walk on the branches.
23:14Robert Moore.
23:17In this short film, Robert Moore is an engineer
23:20from the University of Iowa,
23:23who designs high-tech insulating glasses.
23:26Although he dreams of making more money,
23:29he does not feel appreciated and has problems to ascend.
23:32It is then when he receives the call from a Chinese company
23:35that wants to deal with the technology that he dominates.
23:38Robert ends up meeting
23:41with two Chinese recruiters who put the cards on the table.
23:44Hello, Robert. Nice to meet you.
23:47We are prepared to offer you $ 100,000
23:50and the formula for glass insulating
23:53and another $ 100,000
23:56to help us set up the factory.
23:59I beg you to consider it.
24:02In real life, the story of Robert Moore
24:05is quite similar to that of Dejan Karabasevic,
24:08employed by a manufacturer of high-tech components
24:11of the US East Coast.
24:16Product of American innovation,
24:18American Superconductor
24:21is a company founded and managed by engineers
24:24of the legendary Massachusetts Institute of Technology
24:27and is dedicated to the design of software
24:30and electronic components for wind turbines.
24:33In 2004, American Superconductor
24:36hires Dejan Karabasevic to represent it in Austria.
24:39The US company is at that time
24:42in full global expansion
24:45and registers patents right and left.
24:48This is a superconductor unit for generators and motors
24:51that can even be integrated into wind turbines.
24:56In 2006, Daniel McGann receives the call
24:59from the Chinese group Xenobel,
25:02future giant of the wind sector
25:05and among whose partners are neither more nor less
25:08than the son of the then Chinese Prime Minister, Wen Jiabao.
25:11Beijing has just enacted a law on renewable energies
25:14that favors the development of wind farms.
25:16Everything seems to be done to the extent
25:19of the immense Chinese market.
25:22Xenobel manufactures the metal structure
25:25of the wind turbines.
25:28On the other hand, American Superconductor
25:31supplies the technology.
25:34The American engineer and the Chinese money
25:37make a very good couple.
25:40However, the dragon eats with its eyes
25:43and wants to use the technology on its own.
25:46This time, an incident in a rehearsal area
25:49discovers the cake.
25:52Our team discovered that the Chinese
25:55were using a version of our software
25:58that we had not yet launched.
26:01There is no doubt, they had pirated
26:04the supposedly unviable software.
26:07However, aware of the risks,
26:10McGann had implemented a complex system
26:13of computer barriers whose key was in Austria.
26:16This proves that Xenobel has benefited
26:19from the complicity of the Serbian engineer
26:22based in Austria.
26:25Researchers discover that he has sold
26:28the source code of the software
26:31in exchange for 1.7 million dollars.
26:34Hedonist or not,
26:37the truth is that they provided him
26:40with a new life in China.
26:43House, money, women
26:461.7 million dollars.
26:49In other words,
26:52they were not only looking for help or knowledge,
26:55but they went much further and wanted to do
26:58with our intellectual property.
27:01An Austrian judge declared Karabashevich guilty
27:04of industrial espionage in favor of Xenobel
27:07and sentenced him to one year in prison
27:10and a fine of 200,000 euros.
27:13However, for American Superconductor
27:16he was acquitted and had to fire 600 people,
27:19two-thirds of his staff.
27:22And the story does not end here.
27:25Since his litigation with Xenobel,
27:28the American company has found frequent intrusions
27:31in its system.
27:34For this reason, it has turned to CrowdStrike,
27:37a company run by a former FBI computer security officer,
27:40in order to analyze the origin of the attacks.
27:43From experience, in CrowdStrike,
27:46they use their best experts
27:49to access the networks remotely
27:52and steal data that they later provide
27:55to Chinese companies,
27:58which are competitors of the Western ones.
28:01A false internal email
28:04in an inoffensive appearance
28:07reaches all computers of American Superconductor.
28:10When opening the file,
28:13a very interesting report on his former partners and Nobel,
28:16is spread by all the computers of the company
28:19an invisible virus that provides access to all their data.
28:22Very well.
28:25CrowdStrike's analyzes pull the thread
28:28and soon find a gigantic machine,
28:31the Chinese economic espionage apparatus.
28:34If we look closely at these attacks,
28:37we can point with the finger to a responsible.
28:40It is an adversary that we have called
28:42directly to the unit 61398 of China,
28:45one of the units of the People's Army of Liberation,
28:48which is responsible for much of this cyber espionage.
28:54Behind the attacks against American Superconductor
28:57is therefore the Chinese army.
29:00The collection of IP addresses
29:03and the numerous indices detected by the experts
29:06allowed to identify a Chinese military intelligence unit
29:09specialized in computer attacks
29:12located in the neighborhood of Pudong, in Shanghai,
29:15where several hundred hackers worked at the time.
29:19In charge of acting only in the United States and Canada,
29:22unit 61398 would employ several thousand people,
29:25faithful Internet soldiers
29:28who also have their weak points.
29:31That's exactly what we see through these attacks.
29:34The moment they make mistakes,
29:37either an element in a line of code,
29:39or something they forget to erase.
29:42We often observe that the activity coincides
29:45exactly with the working hours in Beijing,
29:48from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
29:51so we have deduced that these are employees who go to work,
29:54stop to eat, go home at the end of the day,
29:57and sleep peacefully, the typical bureaucratic behavior.
30:02Therefore, it would be the Chinese government
30:05that would be orchestrating directly the theft of intellectual property
30:07of hundreds of American companies
30:10for the benefit of Chinese companies.
30:13A delicate accusation from a diplomatic point of view
30:16that must be verified, substantiated and better documented,
30:19and that also requires courage to be made public.
30:22That's exactly what the Department of Justice
30:25of the United States did in May 2014.
30:28A thorough investigation allowed
30:31to identify five employees of unit 61398.
30:34The face and name of the five Chinese spies
30:37spread all over the world.
30:43We publicly accuse five members
30:46of the People's Army of Liberation
30:49of seriously attacking the security of six American companies.
30:52We must say to the Chinese authorities, enough is enough.
30:55Computer attacks
30:58and cyber espionage for the benefit of companies
31:01will have legal consequences,
31:04even when the defendants are states.
31:07China denies everything
31:10and, logically,
31:13refuses to hand over the five spies
31:16because it claims they are not.
31:19China entered the World Trade Organization in 2001
31:22and, by doing so,
31:25it became part of the civilized world trade.
31:28It is a world trade organization
31:31and it is a world trade organization
31:34and it is a world trade organization
31:37and that was cheered by everybody
31:40because it opened up a whole new market.
31:43However, the organization has some rules
31:46that include the protection of intellectual property.
31:49These rules have been adopted by all,
31:52including China.
31:58The Americans, who are not exactly
32:01little angels in espionage,
32:03seem to have become smarter than them
32:06to the displeasure of the Chinese.
32:09Thus, in September 2015,
32:12when the new Chinese president visited Washington for the first time,
32:15his host did not hesitate to make him look bad in public.
32:19We believe that nations are more prosperous
32:22and the world progresses more
32:25when companies compete in equal conditions.
32:28China strongly combats the theft of commercial secrets
32:30and any other type of computer attacks.
32:38If Xi Jinping limits himself to feeling,
32:41there will be no diplomatic incident,
32:44but his five spies will not move from China
32:47and the companies harmed will have no choice but to regret.
32:51This is the case of American Superconductor,
32:54which finds every day that Shinobel not only stole his software,
32:57but continues with its development
33:00by sending its turbines abroad,
33:03even to the United States.
33:06The Massachusetts State Water Company
33:09has recently acquired one of these aerogenerators
33:12that has been installed on the banks of the Charles River in Boston,
33:15practically in front of the window of Daniel McGann.
33:18The dragon laughs as he calmly anticipates his next move.
33:31It is clear that China needs the secrets of the universe,
33:34but what is not so well known
33:37is that it has become at the same time
33:40a world leader in undercover propaganda.
34:01Let's take a little trip back in time.
34:04When he came to power in 2003,
34:07the President of the People's Republic of China, Hu Jintao,
34:10founded the party's political strategy
34:13on an important Confucianist principle, harmony.
34:16In this way, after staying in office for a long time,
34:19Confucianism rejoices again in favor of the Chinese ruling elite.
34:22A surprising turn, but very practical for Beijing.
34:30The consensual and peaceful tone
34:33of the long-mustached philosopher
34:36brings a thousand wonders to the party's general secretary,
34:39who wants to make Tiananmen forget
34:42about the organization of the Olympic Games in Beijing.
34:45The protective figure of Confucius
34:48is chosen as an emblem of Chinese cultural projection
34:51through institutes that bear his name.
34:54Today, there are more than 500 all over the world.
35:01All of them are controlled and directed
35:04from this building in Beijing.
35:10According to Western intelligence services,
35:13there is practically no Chinese association
35:16that does not control and direct Chinese intelligence services
35:19or in which they are not infiltrated.
35:22This influence extends to all areas of society,
35:25industrial, academic and religious, if necessary,
35:27but especially to politicians.
35:30It is present at all levels.
35:36If there is a country that has been able to read Beijing's intentions,
35:39that is Canada.
35:43Undoubtedly, the reason is in the large number of Canadians
35:46of Chinese origin who know the dragon too well.
35:52The citizens who chose to leave China
35:54are sure that Beijing wants to get its nose
35:57into their daily lives again.
36:00They have not taken long to denounce it
36:03and the media have echoed their concern.
36:12Today in China without censorship,
36:15is Chinese propaganda invading our schools?
36:18The Canadian University of McMaster
36:21has decided to cancel a controversial Chinese course.
36:24Sadly, the famous Confucius Institutes.
36:29The Confucius Institutes are soon pointed out
36:32as the Trojan horse of Chinese interventionism.
36:35The debate acquires a public dimension
36:38as it happens in October 2014 here, in Toronto.
36:42The most important academic council in the country
36:45decides to intervene.
36:48My name is Michelle Juno Katsuya
36:51and I was head of the Pacific Asia Office
36:54of the Western Agency of Counterespionage.
36:57They have concluded that the Confucius Institutes
37:00are a kind of intelligence agency
37:03run by the government.
37:06Of course, nobody is opposed
37:09to the study of foreign languages.
37:12What we do oppose
37:15is this form of foreign intervention
37:18oriented to our citizens,
37:21with or without their consent.
37:24This is against the interests
37:27or values of our nation.
37:31In 2007, the Canadian secret services
37:34warned their government
37:37about this confidential memorandum.
37:40They underlined that China wants the world
37:43to stay attached to its country and everything Chinese.
37:46And that China's soft power
37:49has a great strategic value,
37:51when it comes to detecting talented people
37:54who are useful for the expansion
37:57of companies and the government.
38:00This memorandum exposes that Beijing
38:03is looking for people loyal to the country
38:06but manipulable,
38:09which in the times of the Cold War
38:12was called useful fools.
38:15China has the imperative need
38:17to be a member of the G8,
38:20the G20 and NATO.
38:23As a first order objective,
38:26in Canada, the dragon is also very active.
38:29What distinguishes China
38:32is the volume of people it is able to deploy.
38:35The number of people who are willing
38:38to go out and serve their country,
38:41perhaps because that is precisely
38:44the only way out.
38:47This information may seem trivial
38:50to many Westerners.
38:53However, these people want this information
38:56to go to another level.
38:59The next phase may be to send someone
39:02to contact people who have sympathy for China
39:05to, ultimately, capture them
39:08and turn them into agents of influence.
39:11Therefore, these agents of influence
39:14are tremendously important.
39:17Due to surveillance and the pressure of public opinion,
39:20some Confucian institutes have had to close.
39:23In Canada, this channel of information and influence
39:26is now less useful for the dragon,
39:29but it has other resources.
39:48The information is fine,
39:51but there is nothing better than control.
39:54Beijing does not allow its opponents
39:57to express themselves, whoever they are.
40:00When the exiled Tibetans manifest in Paris,
40:03the Chinese intelligence services get nervous.
40:06It gives the feeling that they are being watched.
40:09It gives the feeling that they are being watched.
40:12It gives the feeling that they are being watched.
40:14It gives the feeling that they are everywhere.
40:17It gives the feeling that they are everywhere.
40:24The Tibetan opponents are one of the five plagues
40:27that the Chinese Communist Party considers lethal.
40:30Then there are the democrats of Hong Kong and Taiwan,
40:33who reject the annexation to the motherland.
40:36Finally, the other two plagues
40:39that terrify the Chinese Communist Party
40:41are the traditionalists of Falun Gong
40:44and the Uyghurs, Muslim independenceists from Xinjiang,
40:47very active abroad, like these Tibetans.
40:51I think China is very concerned
40:54about the risk of instability within the country.
40:57One of the main sources of instability
41:00are the minorities.
41:03Chinese authorities can easily manage
41:06the potential threats
41:08within their own territory.
41:11However, when the threats come from exiles abroad,
41:14they represent a greater risk
41:17for the stability of the country.
41:25At the foot of the Bavarian Alps,
41:28the dragon has not given up for years.
41:31Here resides the largest community
41:34of Chinese Muslim emigrants.
41:37Religious, independenceists
41:40and sometimes supporters of the armed struggle,
41:43but above all very politicized,
41:46these Uyghurs who fled Xinjiang
41:49are a headache for the Chinese authorities.
41:51For the Chinese,
41:54I am very dangerous,
41:57a separatist.
42:00The Chinese use the word terrorist.
42:05Umid Hamid is not a German citizen
42:08like any other,
42:11he is a citizen of China.
42:14He is a citizen of China
42:17and he is a terrorist.
42:19Umid Hamid is not a German citizen like any other.
42:22From Munich,
42:25he fights the Chinese central power
42:28which, according to him, is destroying his country.
42:3520 years ago, Umid lived here,
42:38in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang,
42:41the most western province of China.
42:44The Uyghurs were the majority in the city,
42:46but all that changed.
42:49China encouraged the Hans,
42:52the majority ethnic group of the country,
42:55to colonize the region,
42:58in order to suffocate by numerical superiority
43:01all the independenceists
43:04and not to lose the oil
43:07or an immense area of ​​deserts
43:10that protects it from the barbarians of the West,
43:13the Russians and the Indians.
43:16July 2009.
43:19An adjustment of accounts between the Hans and the Uyghurs is out of control.
43:22For several days,
43:25demonstrations and counter-demonstrations take place,
43:28with about 200 dead, thousands of wounded and numerous missing.
43:31The Uyghur groups radicalize
43:34and begin to commit attacks in China itself.
43:36Xinjiang is our land.
43:39Our home.
43:42Not that of the Chinese.
43:45It is our home.
43:48An unacceptable statement for Beijing.
44:06It is easy to imagine that the World Congress of the Uyghurs in Munich
44:09is a nightmare for China.
44:14Umid Jameed is fully aware
44:17that the dragon is watching him,
44:20especially when he manifests himself in front of the doors of the Chinese consulate.
44:24Chinese diplomats record us constantly.
44:27They record the demonstration from beginning to end.
44:30Then they show the recording in China
44:33in order to pressure and blackmail those who still have families.
44:36They tell them,
44:39your relatives, your children and daughters
44:42have participated in a demonstration.
44:45You have to do something to prevent it.
44:48Otherwise, you will have problems.
44:51They always do the same.
44:55Threats and blackmail are the favorite weapons
44:58of the Chinese secret services.
45:01In recent years, as a result of the pressure
45:03exerted on the relatives who remained in China,
45:06some Uyghurs have returned and provided information
45:09to the Chinese authorities.
45:12Two of them were arrested in Munich
45:15and convicted of espionage against their own community.
45:29Chinese intelligence services
45:31do not necessarily consider a threat
45:34to all the Uyghurs of the Diaspora.
45:37However, they do fear
45:40that terrorists will infiltrate their community.
45:43So, in order to catch a single fish,
45:46they are willing to empty the whole lake.
45:50Emptying a lake would not be enough for China
45:53to get rid of the worst of the five plagues that threaten it.
45:56The followers of Falun Gong,
45:58a traditionalist and spiritual movement
46:01that has already shaken the central power.
46:04Ten years after the Tiananmen massacre,
46:07President Jiang Zemin can not stand
46:10that Falun Gong does not swear loyalty to the party
46:13and orders arrests.
46:16These do not cause any surprise among the followers of the movement.
46:19In April 1999, tens of thousands of them
46:22peacefully surrounded the neighborhood of Zonnanhai,
46:25the central headquarters of the power.
46:28That day, the government is a witness
46:31of the power of the movement,
46:34which claims to have more members than the party itself.
46:37Faced with this threat,
46:40a ferocious elimination policy is launched,
46:43which is maintained to date.
46:46The office 610 is in charge of applying it,
46:49which has a direct connection with the party's political office.
46:52At first, it acts throughout China,
46:55although also in other places.
46:58The goal is quite simple,
47:01to persecute and neutralize,
47:04by all possible means, the members of Falun Gong,
47:07especially those who are abroad,
47:10since they have the possibility
47:13to manifest themselves with greater force
47:16against the Chinese government.
47:22However, from the outside,
47:25these great enemies of Beijing do not seem very dangerous.
47:28In this public park of Toronto's Extra Radio,
47:31they practice a form of meditative gymnastics
47:34as ancestral as China itself.
47:37However, for the Chinese Communist Party,
47:40since the events of 1999,
47:43it is a too dangerous ideological competition
47:46that must be eradicated at any cost.
47:49In Toronto, the very Chinese Vice-Consul
47:52reacted directly against the spokesman of the movement
47:55and Canadian citizen, Joel Shipkar,
47:58this real estate agent,
48:01filed a lawsuit and won the trial.
48:04The Vice-Consul had already returned prudently to China,
48:07in order not to suffer a public scorn.
48:10We know the deep nature
48:13of the Chinese Communist Party.
48:16Since they took power in 1949,
48:19they have destroyed the Chinese culture
48:22and the spirit of the Chinese people.
48:25They want people to worship the Party
48:28as the greatest power on the planet.
48:34And anything that tries to empower the people,
48:37they eliminate.
48:40They have a real fear of losing power.
48:43In the 80 countries where Falun Gong is officially implemented,
48:47every Chinese citizen who considers himself a patriot
48:50must monitor and denounce the activities of the sect,
48:53as Beijing calls it.
48:55The Office 610 therefore has a huge army of denouncers.
49:05However, in 2005, Beijing loses a valuable collaborator.
49:09Chen Zhonglin is then located in Sydney, Australia,
49:13where he enjoys diplomatic immunity.
49:16However, he is actually part of the Office 610
49:19and has the task of monitoring the followers of Falun Gong.
49:25By means of infiltrations and follow-ups,
49:28he makes a list with the names, addresses, phone numbers
49:31and the relations of all people linked directly or indirectly
49:34to the dissident movement, whether Chinese or Australian.
49:41His documents feed for four years
49:44the powerful fighting machine against Falun Gong.
49:47His stories put the chicken skin.
49:49It is no exaggeration to compare the Office 610
49:52with the Gestapo,
49:55since it has used all kinds of methods
49:58to repress Falun Gong,
50:01from physical eliminations
50:04to psychological destruction.
50:07Directed against such a large sector of the population,
50:10one can speak of a real war against Falun Gong.
50:13The Office 610 is the only one
50:15in which the Gestapo's nickname
50:18is not exaggerated in any way.
50:31When Chen Zhonglin decides to desert,
50:34he expects everything, but not that Australia denies
50:37his request for political asylum.
50:40The moment is not the right one,
50:42because there are many gas contracts with Beijing.
50:45Chen Zhonglin's mood is not so important,
50:48so he turns to the Australian public opinion.
50:57My life is in danger.
51:04The embassy's security agents
51:07could kidnap me.
51:12Although he is closely watched,
51:15his fame and his numerous public appearances
51:18guarantee his safety.
51:21Wherever he goes, this former spy
51:24describes the Chinese espionage apparatus,
51:27the party's geopolitical ambition,
51:30and his fear that the day will come
51:33when the Chinese people will stop believing in his dream.
51:36This supposed dream of a powerful country
51:39is a totally fictitious dream.
51:42A toothless tiger.
51:45How is it going to become
51:48a great world power?
51:51A society that goes against humanity,
51:54that does not respect human rights.
51:58It is likely that Chen Zhonglin is wrong.
52:04China is taking huge steps towards its goal
52:07without fear of anything or anyone.
52:13It wants to become the world's first economy,
52:16a goal that should be achieved according to its plans in 2020.
52:20Once it achieves it,
52:23it is likely that it will not rest its dragon.
52:26There are directives,
52:29intelligence directives, and let me tell you,
52:32there are certain Chinese agents
52:35who have real shopping lists
52:38to know what to buy in Europe,
52:40once again,
52:43it is not about marginalizing the Chinese,
52:46but to protect our data and our technologies.
52:49Because what is at stake
52:52is our industry, our economy,
52:55and ultimately,
52:58our jobs.
53:01We do not want to open our eyes to Chinese reality,
53:04to that player who is a bit cheating,
53:07who does not want to play with the same rules
53:10as everyone else in the courtyard of the school,
53:13and who always ends up getting his way.
53:16And all because we depend on China on too many levels.
53:19This dependence is the reason for the impunity of the dragon
53:22and an infinite source of happiness for its masters.
53:25For several centuries,
53:28in his desire to dominate the world,
53:31the West stole without any hesitation
53:34the secrets of gunpowder and the compass to the Chinese.
53:40all these events have taken place
53:43and are very favorable to China.
