مسلسل وتبقى ليلة الحلقة 129 مترجمة

  • 2 days ago
00:00I don't think you need money, but if you don't have enough, I can break my piggy bank.
00:20Robin, we want to do this with our friends for Rehans.
00:27Because if this discussion happens between the parents, Rehans' parents will feel bad.
00:35Because they have less money.
00:41Your and your friends' thoughts and intentions are very good.
00:48It's amazing, but you know what's the problem?
00:50All the parents are confused.
00:52They naturally have a bodyguard who looks at everything with suspicion.
00:56For your safety.
00:58They don't know if you are collecting your money to watch a movie or to help your friend.
01:04If there is any chance in the future, always tell your mom the truth.
01:12Yes, Robin.
01:14I could have told my mom the truth, but...
01:17I was afraid that she might discuss it with other parents.
01:23Robin, I made a mistake. What should I do?
01:27You don't have to do anything.
01:29What's done is done.
01:31Just tell your mom the truth first.
01:33That's it.
01:34So that she doesn't worry.
02:03I will mail you some of my points.
02:08Mr. Raghuvanshi.
02:14All good?
02:20All good. It's just...
02:22I had an argument with someone yesterday.
02:24I am in a parent's group.
02:25On an app.
02:27And last night I had an argument with a student's mother about something.
02:30She was talking about giving physical punishment to children.
02:33And I immediately realized that I am so against raising hands on children.
02:39But she was also against it.
02:41She thought it was wrong, but she punishes her child by giving time out.
02:45Now I am against her too.
02:46So I started arguing with her. Generally.
02:49Maybe she took my point personally.
02:53I am feeling very bad.
02:56Because I didn't have any such intention.
02:59But maybe I have hurt her.
03:01I don't know.
03:02I know I don't know anything about parenting.
03:05But after handling Neena baby, I have understood that raising a child is not a joke.
03:11It requires a lot of work. It's effort.
03:13I wish I had kept my mouth shut.
03:16I wish I had shown a little patience at that moment.
03:24I'll be okay.
03:32For asking.
03:46Are you feeling sleepy?
03:48Are you feeling sleepy?
03:52Go to sleep.
04:03He is sleeping.
04:06Tomorrow is the anniversary of Alka and Sudhir.
04:12So tell them what gift you want to gift them.
04:16And tell them when you want to leave.
04:18Don't do like last time.
04:25I had already brought the gift.
04:27Sorry, I am not free tomorrow.
04:30You also go.
04:53Phone ringing.
05:02What's up?
05:04Hello Robin.
05:05There is a big problem.
05:06My classmate Karan.
05:08We were keeping our collection safe with him.
05:10But his parents caught him with money.
05:13And he is getting a lot of scolding.
05:15Did he tell them?
05:16Why were you collecting money?
05:18No, he must not have told.
05:19We had made a pact.
05:21He didn't even call me.
05:23His brother called me.
05:26One minute.
05:27Just one second.
05:29I don't understand.
05:30How did my son get so much money?
05:32And what was he going to do with it?
05:37I don't think your son was alone.
05:39I am sure all these kids were planning something.
05:43I don't know if it was a plan to bunk school.
05:45Movie or picnic.
05:50Don't worry.
05:51I will handle it.
05:52Thank you Robin.
06:00I don't think
06:03without knowing the truth
06:05we should conclude anything.
06:21I know
06:23this is a very
06:26serious matter.
06:34the problem.
06:46to a
07:22A con call is going to start with the new joinees.
07:24In Mr. Rehan's cabin.
07:36Good morning, sir.
07:43My husband and I will also come.
07:45We will talk about it.
07:48My husband and I will also come.
07:52We will also come on time.
07:56We will do an audio call for those who won't be able to come.
08:01Don't get me wrong.
08:02But they should come in this situation.
08:05This is not a small thing.
08:13Special thanks to my number 10.
08:16We will soon find out what's going on.
08:23Mr. Rehan and Katha are here.
08:25Before talking to them, let me tell you
08:27that whatever you are spending there
08:29I want a fixed bill for that.
08:32Hello, everyone.
08:33How is it going?
08:35How was your first site visit?
08:37I hope you are observing the minute details.
08:39Absolutely, sir.
08:42Vanya, I read your mail.
08:44Good observations.
08:45I have even replied to it.
08:47Received, sir. Thank you.
08:49Sorry, sir.
08:50Which mail?
08:51We don't know anything.
08:53Vanya, next time send your team's observations as well.
08:57And mark everyone.
08:58Keep everybody in the loop.
09:00Sure, ma'am.
09:01I will take care.
09:11Guys, I have to go somewhere.
09:12I'll be back in an hour.
09:13Okay, sir. Thank you.
09:14Take care of all the calls.
09:23Vanya, how is the weather in Lonavala?
09:26Are you enjoying it?
09:28Is Viraj with you?
09:33Stay close to your dad.
09:35You will learn a lot.
09:38Yes, mom. Absolutely.
09:39I will stay close to him.
09:42Good girl.
09:45I wanted to talk to Vanya about something important.
09:54Don't worry about mom.
09:56I am here to take care of her.
09:59Just focus on your work.
10:01Don't worry.
10:03Yes, uncle.
10:04I am fully focused.
10:06I am fully focused.
10:07I will show Vyan sir my potential.
10:10He will soon know how capable I am.
10:37I have been trying to talk to you.
10:39But you are ignoring me.
10:41Arna, Kiara.
10:42Come here, dear.
10:48What are you doing?
10:50How long will you study?
10:51Play with grandpa and Yohan for a while.
10:55Arna, go and get Jenga.
10:58Tell me.
10:59You wanted to say something.
11:01I wanted to talk to you.
11:03I have some work.
11:04Can we talk later?
11:07Let's go and play Jenga.
11:09Yes, dear.
11:12What are you doing?
11:14Whenever I come to talk to you,
11:16you hold Yohan in my lap.
11:18You call Kiara and Arna.
11:20What is going on?
11:21I saw that when kids are around,
11:23you talk softly to me.
11:25What else should I do?
11:26Should I shout in front of the kids?
11:28They get scared of my voice.
11:30Kids are sensitive.
11:31Elders are sensitive too.
11:32They also get hurt by loud voices.
11:35It hurts.
11:51Please tell me quickly.
11:52What is the matter?
11:53What will the kids do with this money?
11:55My son is not telling me anything.
11:58Yes, tell me.
11:59What is going on?
12:01Yes, tell me.
12:02What is going on between these kids?
12:03And how do you know about all this?
12:06First of all,
12:07we all have to relax.
12:10The message I sent,
12:11I am sure you all have read it.
12:13But you didn't understand it.
12:16I said that I have understood the problem.
12:20And the problem is not with the kids.
12:22The problem is with us elders.
12:23Excuse me.
12:24What are you saying?
12:26Look, I...
12:27I understand.
12:28As a parent,
12:31we all
12:32take care of our kids.
12:34We are very possessive.
12:36But just think for a second.
12:38What if your kids
12:39have collected this money for a good cause?
12:42No one thought like that.
12:45If a parent doubts,
12:46then everyone doubts.
12:50these kids
12:52want to buy basketball shoes for a classmate.
12:54That's it.
12:59This father's and son's game.
13:02For that.
13:03They wanted
13:04to give these shoes
13:05as a surprise gift.
13:11Then why didn't the kids tell us?
13:13We would have brought them.
13:15No, of course you can.
13:16But your kids don't want
13:18their friends or parents to feel poor.
13:20They want to give them this gift
13:23and the matter ends here.
13:25And what they were afraid of,
13:29The matter came out
13:31and reached here.
13:32You were doubting your kids
13:33because you were afraid
13:34that they might do something wrong.
13:35And your kids were hiding in fear
13:37that they might get scolded.
13:40That if you get involved,
13:41then their friends might get hurt.
13:44their parents might get hurt.
13:48their parents...
13:49No, they are not here.
13:51I told you,
13:52they are not here.
13:53I have confirmed it.
13:54They are actually working parents.
13:56That's why I kept this meeting
13:57at this odd time.
13:59I am happy that
14:00the kids wanted to do something good.
14:02But this
14:03method is not right.
14:06the kids can't hide anything from us.
14:09But their kids
14:10told the truth.
14:13How did you ask your kids all this?
14:15How did he reveal everything?
14:17We also scared our kids a lot.
14:19No, no, stop. Stop right there.
14:21This is not the only thing we have to do.
14:23Because of fear,
14:24the kids hide things from us.
14:26we make them comfortable,
14:28then their fear will go away.
14:29And maybe,
14:30just maybe,
14:31they will start sharing things with us.
14:33Look guys, I am not saying
14:34that we should accept
14:35every request
14:36of the kids.
14:37I am just saying that
14:38whatever we like,
14:40we should understand that too.
14:42And we should explain it lovingly.
14:48We do it every day
14:49in our workplace.
14:53Only conversation is the only way.
14:55Thank you so much.
14:57You have changed my entire perspective.
14:59No, but I am sorry
15:00that I called you all here
15:01at such an odd time.
15:03I also have to go to office now.
15:04But guys,
15:06seriously, thank you
15:07for patiently listening to me.
15:09I just have one request.
15:11Please, just please
15:12talk to your kids lovingly.
15:14They will tell you everything.
15:16Are you free on Sunday?
15:18You have understood
15:19the entire psychology of kids.
15:21Take our class next Sunday.
15:23No, no.
15:24I don't have any class.
15:25It's just,
15:26I read a lot.
15:47My neighbor now.
16:28It's good.
16:30How did you get the black salt?
16:35I just asked to impress you.
16:38I didn't make it.
16:49at least smile now.
16:54Forgive me, dude.
17:00I admit my mistake.
17:01I shouldn't have shouted
17:02and talked like that.
17:05It's not just that, Kailash.
17:07The way you spoke
17:08and whatever you said
17:11made me very sad.
17:13I felt bad.
17:16what did I say?
17:18You accused me.
17:20You told me
17:21that I hide things from you.
17:23Tell me one thing.
17:25You must be meeting
17:26a lot of people every day.
17:28I don't expect you
17:29to come and tell me
17:30everything in detail.
17:32I think
17:33if there is something
17:34to be told,
17:35you will come
17:36and tell me yourself.
17:39because I am a wife,
17:42you want me
17:43to report everything
17:44to you.
17:47You should trust me.
17:49But no.
17:50You have created
17:51a wall in your mind.
17:52A wall of thoughts.
17:54You think
17:55you know me better
17:56than me.
17:58You want to take decisions for me.
17:59You don't even listen
18:00to me.
18:03What are you saying, Kavita?
18:06Have I ever
18:07stopped you for anything?
18:08Have I?
18:12I didn't mean that.
18:15You know
18:16that I don't like that boy.
18:19I wanted to know
18:20if he is trying to
18:22get into Katha's life
18:23through you.
18:25And if there is nothing,
18:27tell me
18:28what he said.
18:32Do you trust me?
18:35Then understand one thing.
18:36That boy
18:37is not
18:38what you think
18:39he is.
18:42get to know him.
18:43Why are you
18:44giving him any advice?
18:46Why are you
18:47punishing your son
18:48for his father's deeds?
18:50Look, Kailash.
18:51Give yourself
18:52and him
18:53some time.
19:08you are hiding
19:09your anger, aren't you?
19:16I am in love
19:18and I don't want to hide it.
19:20I am proud of you.
19:23But tell me one thing.
19:24Why didn't you
19:25tell me earlier?
19:27I would have
19:28supported you.
19:34if I had told you,
19:35you would have
19:36helped me
19:38would have
19:39given him the shoes.
19:41Then everyone would have
19:42come to know
19:43and they would have
19:44sympathized with him.
19:45And we didn't want this.
19:47We wanted him
19:48to be helped
19:50and not feel poor.
19:53That's why I hid
19:54this from you.
19:56Sorry, Mom.
19:58It's okay.
19:59Don't be sorry.
20:02But why did you
20:03tell this to Robin?
20:04He is elder to you.
20:06Then why did you
20:07trust him so much?
20:14Robin and I
20:15can share
20:16anything with each other.
20:19There is
20:20an equation
20:21between us.
20:26Are you ready
20:27for your game?
20:28What will I do
20:29in the match?
20:30It's a match
20:31between dads 11
20:32and sons 11.
20:33Even I feel like
20:34playing basketball.
20:36even I don't have a dad.
20:38can we go
20:39if you want?
20:40All my classmates
20:41have gone for
20:42the match
20:43between dads 11
20:44and sons 11.
20:45So, Robin told me
20:46to meet you
20:47in the club
20:48in half an hour.
20:50can I go?
20:51You have to help me, Adi.
20:52So that
20:53this heart
20:54doesn't have
20:55any space
20:56for anyone else.
20:57For anyone else means
20:58for Priyan.
