In The Custody Of Strangers (1982) Drama

  • 2 days ago
A teenage delinquent ( Emilio Estevez) who goes on a drunken joyride is left in jail overnight by his parents in the hope that he might learn a lesson. But destiny has other plans.
00:00:28Each year an estimated
00:00:30four hundred and seventy nine thousand juveniles are detained in eight thousand eight hundred and thirty three adult jails and lockups
00:00:38The characters you are about to see are fictional, but the events are based on fact
00:01:00I'm going to Indiana. No, they're going to Indiana. Only reason you're going is because they said so that's dumb
00:01:09Danny they're my parents. So what we're 16 Karen. Heck my mom married my dad when she was 17
00:01:16That was then
00:01:19If you love me you won't leave
00:01:23Danny please don't do that. I can't think
00:01:28Well, what's to think about honey Danny, please stop please
00:01:44There's got to be a way we got friends we know people we'll find a place
00:01:54We can rent a place
00:01:57To be being just a couple rooms
00:02:00Rent a place
00:02:05I'll get a job
00:02:07There are no jobs
00:02:10And they're closed up and there are no jobs
00:02:14That's why my folks are moving
00:02:27Sixteen stinking years and they closed this place
00:03:21Know I stayed over at pigs last night
00:03:23If I tell your father and you're late for picking up David, you know, Mrs. Cooper's gonna have a fit no, I don't tell dad
00:03:29That'll be a quarter
00:03:31Shouldn't smoke. Hey, did dad call?
00:03:35He's no time. He got the job right? He'll tell you himself when he gets home. Will you move?
00:03:40Darling defrost some hamburger for me. Will you and peel some potatoes? Oh and don't let David watch TV, right?
00:03:48Look I want you guys to help me with dinner when we get inside and
00:03:52Look at dad's home. Oh
00:03:55And Ohio State intercepts on the 40-yard line. He's the 45 the 50 45 all the way down the Michigan 40-yard line
00:04:03Danny you just get known. Yeah, are you supposed to have the boys here at three o'clock? You know the rules?
00:04:10Don't get my bag. We
00:04:12Go dusty. Come on tiger. Here we go
00:04:22How'd it trip go
00:04:25What trip how'd it go?
00:04:29Not bad
00:04:32Not bad at all
00:04:35Well, no was it worth the drive
00:04:39If you mean to get the job, I ain't saying anything yet
00:04:43Well, you think you got a good shot at it? I ain't saying anything anyone till they call me tonight
00:04:56Rusty how many times have I told you you want something at the table? You're supposed to ask for it's not an accident. Oh
00:05:05For crying out loud, what is wrong with you people get a man eat his supper and peace around here
00:05:13Danny get back get that Danny Rusty get back to the supper table Danny
00:05:19Hello, oh
00:05:22Hi Ted, no, no, it's just the kids, you know, sorry
00:05:28Say what? Oh
00:05:30Yeah, I understand no, no, that's all right
00:05:34Yeah, listen Ted. I really do appreciate you're trying to help me out on this
00:05:38Okey-doke. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Bye. Bye
00:05:45Ain't hiring over at the lumberyard Frank the mortgage payment
00:06:19What are you doing here? Why aren't you in school dad? I told you a hundred times school. It's out at noon now
00:06:23Why is that?
00:06:24You're having to let teachers go cuz they're low on funds. You were listening. Wait a minute. What?
00:06:31You come inside with me I don't want you hanging out in the streets
00:06:35Come on
00:07:05Well, it's a shame about the Yorktown job, but it is a long drive mr. Caldwell
00:07:12There may be some cannery work around I know that doesn't interest you
00:07:17But your extended benefits period only has one week to go
00:07:23What's that mean
00:07:2526 weeks maximum benefits 13 weeks extended benefits taking into consideration
00:07:32The odd workdays you've got last week was the 39th week one more check
00:07:41What happens then
00:07:43Well, you should start your welfare application right away it's taking longer to go through now I
00:07:51Guess they're swamped
00:07:53Now about the cannery job
00:08:2217 years at the plant
00:08:25Four years of formal
00:08:28I gotta think about welfare
00:08:35Look me back go along with you tomorrow
00:08:38for the ride
00:08:42If you want some company anything
00:08:50Yeah, that'd be fun
00:08:56Come on let's get out of here
00:09:00You're not gonna be Indiana long I tell you you probably won't even like it there Danny I'm gonna miss you so much
00:09:11Don't you worry honey, I mean
00:09:14I'm gonna find us a place to live. Okay, I'm not gonna give up on that. Mom said it's only a day's drive
00:09:19I could take the bus
00:09:22We could do it next week
00:09:24Okay, I'll find me a ride up there and find a place to stay Karen, honey. We've got to get moving now
00:09:31Will you please come and help?
00:09:34Promise to write me
00:09:46I'll see you
00:09:58Look at their son pretty sad in the world, huh? What's that people working?
00:10:11This was one swing should you work last week?
00:10:22I'm sorry. Yeah, you remember my boy Danny
00:10:46That's all folks
00:10:48Oh, wait, just a second here pal. Hey, come out of there. No dad. He's hiring the guys. He knows
00:10:56Mr. Take that kid home and buy him a candy bar
00:11:07If he ain't out of here in 15 seconds, I'm calling the boys this kid
00:11:12I'm very sorry, but
00:11:16What's the truth
00:11:23It's matter you trying to get us killed the fight man's doing the hiring you wouldn't harness we stood there all day
00:11:29How do you expect to hold a job? You can't even hold your temper. Don't you get it?
00:11:32All the fellas you hired probably friends of his they all live around here. They get drunk together. They go to church together
00:11:36That's how it is. Why'd we bother to drive 60 miles? I better idea. I wouldn't stand around there waiting for some idiot to hire me
00:11:52I started in here as an apprentice right after I got out of the army
00:11:56Me and Clyde were started together. Remember Clyde weird on you. Yeah, we started together and found it right over there
00:12:0317 years ago
00:12:04Look dad
00:12:08Well, this place was really jumping during the Vietnam War it's hiring guys right off the street then
00:12:17Seem like everyone I knew worked here then it's good people son all of them good people
00:12:26Of course even when things slacked off some they still moved me up the foreman
00:12:33Remember first time I brought you here they I made Foreman. Yeah sure do it's quite a day, wasn't it? Yeah, I
00:12:45Don't understand what's happening in this country
00:12:48Look I gotta go
00:12:51Where you going? I got some stuff to do
00:12:55Going downtown to hang out with him punk friends of yours. Are you?
00:12:59You be home for supper
00:13:30Can't blame the town man, it's the mills closing down things will get better when the mills open. Yeah, right again
00:13:36Come on, come on. I got an idea
00:14:12Hope you enjoy that
00:14:17Can I help you guys
00:14:20Yeah, I need some more recklessly later cleaner right here
00:14:42Yeah, here it is 139 good
00:14:55Okay, I think I'll take this stuff it's good. Hey go good. Hey come back here
00:15:31Steal on the radio you're a thief and you're gonna take it back first thing in the morning
00:15:34Don't say it wasn't you you were seen
00:15:37Frank Caldwell's boys seen stealing a radio
00:15:41You're headed for big trouble Danny boy, and I want to tell you something
00:15:44Don't come running to me for help cuz you won't find it here
00:15:48So what else is new you think you got problems cuz I had to take your record player back
00:15:52Let me tell you something son
00:15:53You don't know what problems are going out in the real world known your own way cuz I've had it with you
00:15:58All right, I will I'll get a job not gonna stand around waiting for some bum to hire me neither get back here
00:16:05You ain't going nowhere. Long as I'm paying the bills around here feeding your face you do like I tell you
00:16:11Don't you? Yeah, yeah me you go out that door son. You ain't never coming back. You hear me?
00:16:19Don't hear nothing but you
00:16:21Let me tell you something mom's the one that makes the payments around here and mom's the one that's feeding my face
00:16:26Did you get around to doing it? Maybe then you can tell me what to do
00:16:46Got it
00:17:06All right
00:18:06Always wanted to hold up a bank with some grenades
00:19:28What get on the bike officer
00:19:45Hey, what's the problem?
00:20:06Who is this?
00:20:08Yeah, he's my son. Who is this?
00:20:12He's drunk see all right
00:20:15Where is it?
00:20:17Danny you got drunk and hit a police car. He's all right. Thank God
00:20:21When is that boy gonna learn?
00:20:23Yes, sergeant. I'm here
00:20:26All right, sir, listen if my boy breaks the law he's gonna have to take the punishment
00:20:32You keep him down there for the night. I'll pick him up in the morning. Yes, sir. That's what I said
00:20:37Maybe a night in jail to help straighten him out son. All right. I'll be down tomorrow. Thank you sergeant. Good night
00:20:42Frank you can't leave the jail better off there if I saw him now, I'd kill him
00:20:46Well, if you're not gonna go I know you ain't now listen to me darling
00:20:50He's got to get it through his thick skull. There are rules and he's gonna have to learn to live by him
00:20:54Just like everyone else
00:20:56Then jail might do him some good. I
00:21:00Can't believe you're letting this happen
00:21:02All right, kid, let's head for the tank not me ma'am my dad's picking me up
00:21:08Listen, don't hold your breath
00:21:10Your dad says that we keep you until he's good and ready to come and get you. Let's go
00:21:15He said that come on. Let's go
00:21:32I got a 16 year old drunk driver. His father won't come and get him keep him separate from the others. Okay
00:22:17Hey kid
00:22:20Have a cigarette
00:22:24Sure use a smoke
00:22:28First time in here
00:22:34Can't sleep
00:22:37Think of what I'm gonna tell my wife tomorrow morning
00:22:41What are you in here for
00:22:45For this bar for a couple of drinks, you know on wine
00:22:49Got into it this moron I should have known better
00:22:55Hey, yeah, how old I anyway
00:22:59almost 17
00:23:02Is that right? Yeah, I would have thought you were older
00:23:07What's the matter
00:23:11Yeah, I guess I pulled something I'm getting auto wreck come here let me take a look I got a boy he plays football
00:23:18He's he's always pulling a muscle or a tendon or something like that
00:23:23What's he play?
00:23:24He's defensive halfback
00:23:27About yourself. Yeah, I played quarterback
00:23:29Yeah, right in there
00:23:59DeVries have him take young Caldwell to visiting
00:24:05Sir they told me I could take my son home today judge will decide when Dan goes home at the detention hearing tomorrow
00:24:14Detention hearing
00:24:16If the court feels that he's a menace to the community or to himself, they'll keep him. If not, they'll send him home
00:24:22Menace. No, no, he ain't that bad
00:24:25Mr. Caldwell
00:24:27Your son beat up a man so severely. He's in County Hospital with a suspected skull fracture
00:24:34You can see it for 10 minutes upstairs. Then if I were you I'd go home and get a lawyer
00:24:41Why he's just a boy wasn't even the lawyer assault matter is a serious charge. He'll need a lawyer
00:24:48Sir, I know this sort of thing is routine for you people, but see I've never been in this sir. Excuse me a second
00:25:03To call well, if you wouldn't mind stepping outside DeVries will take you to visiting
00:25:08No, you got to keep him separated from the adult prisoners, I know but he'll be in a juvenile facility or home in a couple of days
00:25:19Wait a minute
00:26:19Are you all right? Yeah
00:26:26Yeah, I'm sorry
00:26:29It's just weird this guy grabbed me and how many times I got to tell you to control your temper
00:26:34That man's in the hospital now with a busted skull and you gotta go to court tomorrow
00:26:37You understand?
00:26:58Are you ever gonna get decent job with a court record I
00:27:04Never been in a courtroom in my life
00:27:09Said I'm sorry. I
00:27:14Don't know what to do with you
00:27:21What can you get me out of here
00:27:31Use a deal
00:27:36I'll bring you some clean clothes. I'll bring your suit for you to wear because I want you to look
00:27:41neat and clean for the courtroom
00:27:45And then I will talk to the judge personally and
00:27:51We'll work everything out
00:27:54Don't worry they can be just fine, but you gotta behave yourself
00:28:06Well, I gotta go now
00:28:17See you tomorrow
00:28:21Tell mom I'm okay. Say what?
00:28:24Tell mom
00:28:26I'm all right
00:28:41Dad I don't get it
00:28:43You're bringing home I know but your brother hit a man in jail last night put him in the hospital now you have to go to court
00:28:52What how come he was there last night cause son he broke the rules gotta abide by the rules of life just like in football
00:29:02He'll be home after I talk to the judge tomorrow I'll wash up them dishes for you drop him
00:29:07That's Danny's job. Don't sass me just wash the dishes
00:29:11Don't see why we can't get something to fix that dishwasher. Shut up and wash the dishes get over here. Come on
00:29:21All right
00:29:40One two, three, four five six
00:29:50Two three
00:29:57Five six
00:30:33Hey Danny, how's it going?
00:30:35Good where are you? I'm Joel Corker and I'm your probation officer
00:30:41What I need a probation officer for well, you tell me and I tell them we get you out of here
00:30:46Just like yeah, as simple as that. Do you know as well as I do the selling dopes a violation of your probation?
00:30:52He'll put him back in the hospital or leave him on the street till 5 o'clock in the morning
00:30:58Are two counts of shoplifting and one of attempted forgery Chris is upstairs now in detention for assaulting a police officer
00:31:06Chris, who are you talking about? Betjeman, right? You're Chris Betjeman. No, no, sir. We're the Caldwell Danny's our boy
00:31:13All right
00:31:15Okay, well basically this is not a trial
00:31:19Does anybody explain this to you? Yeah. No. Yes. Well, I want to ask you a question. You're Danny's probation officer, right?
00:31:24You know, no, I just handle the corporate stuff. Somebody else has signed to Danny's case
00:31:27He should be down here in an hour's maybe an hour and a half. Wait here. He'll be down. Excuse me
00:31:36Come on, darling. How are you?
00:31:39You look good
00:31:42No, sir. I didn't do it
00:31:44Courtney says I lucked out against Judge Halloran. Oh, who's Corky?
00:31:49Call Joel Corcoran. How are you sir? Thanks case officer. I'm Frank. It's my wife Sandy. Just call well, mr
00:31:54Corkman one damn stands at Judge Howards one and really tries to look out for the kids
00:31:57Considering Danny this guy's self-defense. I don't think we got a problem. Yeah. Well, it shouldn't matter what judge he gets the boys in the wrong
00:32:03No, you're not listening you had your way long enough son this time you kept your mouth shut and paid some attention
00:32:09All we got to remember now speak up tell him what happened. It's right a truth. That's right
00:32:14You'll also tell him how sorry you are and you're gonna stay out of trouble from now on the man is talking to me
00:32:18Shut up. This man is talking to you
00:32:20Your honor. This is the matter of the continued detention or release of one Danny Caldwell a minor case
00:32:284407 b12
00:32:30It's late your honor the charges against Danny Caldwell are driving while intoxicated
00:32:36Driving without a permit an assault and battery the victim of the assault is still in the hospital
00:32:42So I'd like to request that detention be continued until our investigation of the incident is completed
00:32:48Your honor this assault was provoked by a homosexual advance. Oh, come on Corky
00:32:54They were in separate cells with bars between them
00:32:58How much of a sexual advance could there have been well how much of an assault could there have been?
00:33:02He put the man in the hospital a man. This is a boy
00:33:07I didn't stand this boy was placed in City Locker
00:33:10Your honor. It was a Saturday night
00:33:12Mr. Raines law specifically states that juveniles must not be incarcerated with adults
00:33:17Mr. Caldwell this says here that you requested Danny be detained after his initial run-in with the police
00:33:24Yes, sir, excuse me, yes, sir, I did
00:33:28Because you know, he hadn't been behaving himself lately and I thought well the night in jail might help
00:33:35Straighten him out some but sir, this
00:33:38deal here the
00:33:40Advanced things first we ever heard of it. I tried to tell you what you never listened to
00:33:45Your honor drunk driving is an offense a dangerous offense
00:33:51Furthermore whether or not the defendant overreacted in city jail
00:33:55I'd like to point out that he seems to have very little respect for the law
00:33:59Even his father agrees with that
00:34:02Therefore, I'd like to request that his detention be continued
00:34:08Mr. Ames
00:34:10Mr. Ames I
00:34:15Take it the home situation is difficult father. It's not good
00:34:22Danny I have to decide whether to let you go home or keep you in detention until your arraignment
00:34:26Which is when you plead guilty or not guilty to the charge understand
00:34:31Now you don't seem to be getting along too well with your parents
00:34:34Well, I'm not sure you're a menace to the community. I'm not sure you're not either
00:34:38So I'm gonna give you some time to think about that in here
00:34:42Mr. Ames, how's the calendar?
00:34:44Your honor. We have an opening Friday at 10
00:34:48So be it
00:34:49Danny we'll see you on Friday morning, and I want you to give some serious thought. That's the way you've been behaving
00:34:55Mr. Cobo you have a lawyer
00:35:00No, sir, can you afford one
00:35:03No problem court will appoint an attorney for Danny see that Lee Mike, right
00:35:13Don't worry hon you heard what the judge said he's gonna learn a lot from this
00:35:21I'm not gonna learn anything good in there Frank
00:35:32Come on open the door. Come on. Let's go. Let's open the door. Come on
00:35:43What's about time me on myself for hours, what is the solitary confinement
00:35:49There's a sight and sound operation called wells for your own protection
00:35:53The law says you can't go in there without a warrant
00:35:56Well, I can't go in there without a warrant. I can't go in there without a warrant
00:35:59Well, it's for your own protection
00:36:01The law says the only adults you see in this jail your parents your attorney your probation office and my staff
00:36:08That's the way I run it. There's nothing to do
00:36:11My men have got better things to do than entertain you
00:36:21Get him up
00:36:23Clean it up and do it, right, or I'll have you scrubbing this off the rest of the year
00:36:40I just want someone to talk to
00:36:54Just someone to talk to just for a few minutes, just let me talk to someone I can't take it here anymore
00:37:02Just someone to talk to just for a few minutes
00:37:04Let me talk to someone, Mr. Caruso
00:37:06Guard, somebody
00:37:14Hello? Yes, Mr. Raines
00:37:18You seen the lawyer today?
00:37:21No, my husband's in Everdeen on a job interview
00:37:26Well, yeah, I suppose I could if it's after three o'clock. His brother could babysit then
00:37:32David? Hold on a minute
00:37:35Yeah, where? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you
00:37:40Excuse me. All right
00:37:42Yeah, I'll be there
00:37:45You're certainly drunk, huh?
00:37:47And you don't have a license
00:37:51And driving into a police car
00:37:55That's funny. I always wanted to do that
00:37:59Now, the assault
00:38:02Well, Corky says I was defending myself on that one
00:38:04Yeah, that's right, and we're going to use that
00:38:06Listen, they shouldn't have put you in the tank in the first place
00:38:10And whether they do that all the time or not, it's not my fault
00:38:13They shouldn't have put you in the tank in the first place
00:38:16And whether they do that all the time or not doesn't matter
00:38:18Because we're going to make a lot of points on that
00:38:20Well, I still don't get it
00:38:22If I wasn't supposed to be there in the first place
00:38:24And I hit the guy to get him away from me, how come I got a plea guilty?
00:38:26Danny, why don't you just let Mr. Barnes finish?
00:38:28Is it okay if I smoke?
00:38:30Hold on, please, Mom
00:38:32Mom, I want to know why I got a plea guilty, okay?
00:38:34Listen, there's no problem. I know it's tough to understand
00:38:38The prosecutor is in a tough spot
00:38:41Well, you beat up on a guy when he was in the state's custody
00:38:44So what do you think I'll get?
00:38:46You're a juvenile. You got no priors
00:38:49Maybe 30 days' detention, maybe less
00:38:5130 days?
00:38:53You want me to plead guilty? You do the time, buddy
00:38:55You spend the time in there
00:38:59Mr. Barnes, we want Danny home
00:39:02Now, if he pleads not guilty...
00:39:04If he pleads not guilty, they're going to set a trial date
00:39:10Now, because he's a juvenile, you have no guarantee of bail
00:39:15The trial should be in less than 30 days
00:39:17But in reality...
00:39:21Hey, the court's backed up this far
00:39:24It's going to be a month or two months, maybe even three
00:39:27You mean that if he pleads not guilty, he could be in here longer than if he pleads guilty?
00:39:33Oh, my
00:39:35Are you sure you got this right?
00:39:38I'm afraid so
00:39:43That is just the way it is
00:39:53Look, I have a custody hearing in 10 minutes
00:39:55Mrs. Cornwell?
00:39:57Thank you for your help, Mr. Barnes
00:39:59You and Danny talk this over and let me know what you decide
00:40:06Danny, happy seeing you, huh?
00:40:18I know, darling
00:40:19Look, your dad will be home tonight
00:40:20I'll tell him first thing and he'll decide what's best
00:40:30I'm sorry
00:40:31Oh, darling, it's all right
00:40:36I'm real sorry
00:40:37I know, I know
00:40:48Whoa, Alex, I can't believe it
00:40:50No, don't tell me that
00:40:51It can't be true
00:40:52It's too good to be true
00:40:53Tell me again
00:40:54Yeah, I heard you
00:40:55I just want to hear it again
00:40:59Good deal
00:41:00I'll be there
00:41:01You can count on it
00:41:02Hey, listen, big brother
00:41:03Thanks a lot
00:41:04Okey-doke, I'll see you next week
00:41:07Thanks again, brother
00:41:08Guess what, darling
00:41:09Alex says their supervisor's retiring at the end of the month
00:41:12He's talked to Dan Graves and personnel and they want me for the job
00:41:15In Akron?
00:41:16Akron, Ohio
00:41:18Ohio State, right, Dad?
00:41:20That's right, Ty
00:41:21Ohio State Buckeyes
00:41:22Best football team there is
00:41:23Oh, it's called we're on the 20-yard line
00:41:25Fumble, fumble
00:41:26Ohio State recovers
00:41:27First down 10
00:41:30Where is Akron?
00:41:31Go get the almanac, I'll show you
00:41:34Darling, I can't believe it
00:41:35I cannot believe it
00:41:36This is a definite
00:41:38Well, you know, we gotta go through all the motions and all
00:41:41I gotta go over there next week for the appointment and everything
00:41:43But don't worry about it
00:41:45Alex says I'm in like Flynn
00:41:46You remember Don Graves, don't you?
00:41:48Big, tall, curly-haired fellow
00:41:49We used to hang around together all the time
00:41:51He and I were on the same bowling team
00:41:52You remember him
00:41:53Oh, yeah
00:41:54Oh, praise be to God
00:41:55Bless him almighty
00:41:57I can't believe this good fortune
00:41:58Best news I've had all year
00:41:59What do you say, Mama?
00:42:00I don't know
00:42:01Sure you do?
00:42:02I mean, it's wonderful
00:42:04I just, uh
00:42:05I just keep thinking about what the lawyer said about Danny
00:42:08Don't worry what the lawyer said, darling
00:42:10If he's innocent, that's the way he's gonna plea
00:42:12Yeah, but the lawyer said
00:42:13About the lawyer, nothing
00:42:14We're going to the courthouse on Friday morning
00:42:15And Danny's coming back with us home on Friday afternoon
00:42:17That's all there is to it
00:42:18Let's see that, darling
00:42:19Okay, Dad
00:42:20This is where we are
00:42:21That's right
00:42:22Now, when this case is over, and it is definitely mine
00:42:25You owe me lunch
00:42:26Well, actually, even if you think about it
00:42:28You owe me lunch
00:42:29How come there's nobody else in the court?
00:42:31I don't think they allow them, honey
00:42:34Juvenile court
00:42:37Your mom picked me up on the bus
00:42:39Are you surprised?
00:42:40You bet
00:42:41But I don't want him seeing those boys when he's off here
00:42:43We're gonna party
00:42:45At my house
00:42:46We missed you, Dan
00:42:47Yeah, I missed you guys
00:42:48It's gonna be great to get out of here
00:42:50We're gonna start all over with this boy
00:42:52We're gonna do it right this time
00:42:54None of that trashy company
00:42:56Whatever happened to that Henderson?
00:42:57Oh, Bennett sent him to state
00:42:59He's an incredible runaway
00:43:00I said, you'd be a runaway, too, if somebody beat you like that
00:43:03All rise
00:43:08Please be seated
00:43:11Mr. Raines
00:43:12Yes, Your Honor
00:43:13This is the matter of the arraignment of Daniel Caldwell
00:43:16Case number 4407B12
00:43:21Danny, I have your advice and rights acknowledgement here
00:43:23Signed by you and your mother
00:43:24You read and understood it?
00:43:26You read and understood it?
00:43:29Could you please give the court a verbal reply?
00:43:31This is being taped
00:43:32Uh, yes, I understood it
00:43:34And have you given any thought as to why you're in here in the past few days?
00:43:39Yes, sir
00:43:40And I'm sorry about what I did
00:43:43I'm glad to hear it
00:43:44Mr. Barnes, how does your client plead?
00:43:47The pleas of the court
00:43:48My client wishes to plead guilty on all three counts
00:43:51However, we wish that the extenuating circumstances be considered
00:43:56I don't want to do that
00:43:57I don't want to plead guilty
00:43:58Look, I'll say I was drunk and that's it
00:44:00No, no, no, we talked about this already
00:44:02Mr. Caldwell, I can take care of this
00:44:04I changed my mind
00:44:06Danny, you want to plead not guilty to the assault and battery charge, is that right?
00:44:10Yes, sir
00:44:13Mrs. Blake
00:44:15I have witnesses' depositions here
00:44:16But I can't seem to find the plaintiff's affidavit
00:44:20Your Honor, uh, Mr. Quinn signed himself out of the hospital yesterday
00:44:24So far we've been unable to locate him
00:44:27Since I don't anticipate that taking long
00:44:30I'd like to request that detention be continued
00:44:33Request denied
00:44:34No reason why the defendant should sit in jail
00:44:36Because the prosecutor's office loses people
00:44:38Mr. Raines, I want a trial date set within a 30-day period
00:44:42Uh, Your Honor
00:44:43And, uh, Mr. Corcoran, I...
00:44:45I'm also missing Danny's evaluation
00:44:47Oh, well, we're pretty backed up in probation right now, sir
00:44:50Danny's been available to you for five days
00:44:54Now, I want this resolved
00:44:57Your Honor, November 12th would be good
00:44:59Very well
00:45:00And, Mr. Corcoran, I'm giving you 48 hours for that initial psychological workup
00:45:04Well, Monday's a holiday, sir
00:45:06The department's closed
00:45:07And I have to check Dr. Foreman's schedule for time
00:45:10Let Dr. Foreman make time
00:45:14Excuse me, Your Honor
00:45:16Uh, when can Danny come home?
00:45:19Mr. Corwell, I'm sorry about this
00:45:21But the court requires an evaluation of Danny
00:45:23And it has been done
00:45:25Now, I'll have to stay here until this is underway
00:45:27And after he's released to you
00:45:29You must continue to see his probation officer and the doctor
00:45:33Is that understood?
00:45:35Yes, sir
00:45:41First it's one day, then it's five, now it's another week
00:45:44It's all right
00:45:45I can't sit up on that side no more
00:45:47Just take it easy, everything's gonna be all right
00:45:49I'm thinking of getting us another lawyer
00:45:51Someone older, more experienced
00:45:53Mr. Corwell, you can't do much better than Andy Barnes
00:45:55Yeah, well, I'm sorry, Mr. Corcoran
00:45:57I know you people are busy, but this just isn't good enough
00:45:59First that lady losing her witness
00:46:00And you people not doing what you're supposed to
00:46:02And he's still here
00:46:03We'll do the best we can, sir
00:46:04We're understaffed, and there's always more kids coming
00:46:09We'll see you later, son
00:46:10Danny, bye, darling
00:46:11I'll see you soon
00:46:14Bye, babe
00:46:15Can't you get him a radio or someone to talk to or something?
00:46:18It ain't right for a boy all alone in jail like that
00:46:20Well, I don't know about a radio, but he's gonna be seeing plenty of me
00:46:23The next few days, we're gonna get him out by next weekend
00:46:29Well, he's learned his lesson
00:46:37He ought to be coming home now
00:46:40Hey, how long was it before you became a trustee anyway?
00:46:42Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute
00:46:44Hey, pal, wait a minute
00:46:46You know who plays football today?
00:46:53You know what day today is?
00:46:58I don't care anyway
00:47:03I don't care anyway
00:47:05I don't care anyway
00:47:14Got to have some sounds, Corky
00:47:16Some music, you know?
00:47:18Danny, you gotta get this done, eh?
00:47:22So, uh, Pick and Roach are your best buddies, right?
00:47:27You a doper, huh?
00:47:31Nah, I used to eat cockroaches when he was a kid
00:47:36What's the ping-pong table for, huh?
00:47:38Juveniles in detention
00:47:40But you can't play it unless there's a guard supervising
00:47:42And Caruso's short-staffed now, just the same as everybody else
00:47:51Okay, so, is that your, uh, that's your girl in court?
00:47:58Is that your girl in court?
00:48:00Yeah, it's Karen
00:48:08You can handle Caruso, you can give me a radio, can't you?
00:48:10I told you I'd try, all right?
00:48:12This Karen's pretty cute, Dan
00:48:14You guys have sex?
00:48:16That's none of your business, all right?
00:48:21How about dope? You smoke dope?
00:48:25Take pills?
00:48:28Drink liquor? Drink beer on a regular basis?
00:48:32You give me a radio, I'll tell you anything you want to know, okay, Corky?
00:48:34Listen, kid, I want you out of here as bad as you do
00:48:36You think I like working 18-hour days?
00:48:38Come on, I gotta go pick up my kids
00:48:41You married?
00:48:43I used to be
00:48:47Okay, come on, let's get some answers
00:48:49You got a shrink to see
00:48:51Shrink, huh?
00:48:56I'm kind of wired, you know
00:49:00You want to talk?
00:49:10I do
00:49:26Hello, Danny
00:49:28How you been doing?
00:49:33How about you?
00:49:35Great, fine, I've never been better
00:49:39I'm sorry, I was stupid
00:49:41I meant to say...
00:49:43Yeah, I know what you meant
00:49:49You want to give us five?
00:49:52Yeah, I'll be outside the door
00:50:01Danny, none of this is your fault
00:50:04You'll be going home soon
00:50:14You seen some other guy, aren't you?
00:50:19What is he, the school jock?
00:50:21Senior? Junior? What?
00:50:24Go home, Karen
00:50:27Go on, get out of here
00:50:54I want Danny home
00:50:57I want him out of that place
00:51:00And I can't think about going to Ohio or anything else
00:51:03Until he's home
00:51:05Well, I have to think about it
00:51:07I can't afford to lose this job
00:51:09You think it feels good, me knowing you're supporting us all?
00:51:14How can you leave when he's still in there?
00:51:16I have to, darling
00:51:18Don't you understand?
00:51:20I don't have any other choice, neither one of us do
00:51:22We're going to have to start all over again
00:51:24Nothing left for us here
00:51:26Don't worry, we'll get us another house
00:51:28You know, maybe we can rent one near the family
00:51:30It's your family, Frank
00:51:32I want to stay here
00:51:34And I want Danny home
00:51:37You think I don't?
00:51:51Danny Cole, juvenile
00:51:53Eleven days in detention
00:51:55I saw him yesterday and this morning
00:51:58Look, Al, this kid's a time bomb sitting up there
00:52:02He's got to be around some people
00:52:06Wendy, he'll be out in two days
00:52:08No, three days
00:52:10Three days
00:52:11Tomorrow I'm at Malvista State, I can't finish the work up
00:52:14Do you know what three days is to a child?
00:52:17Look, I know sight and sound separation require isolation
00:52:21But if we don't find him something to do
00:52:24I'm going to have to file a report
00:52:29How about if I put him in the kitchen with Fay?
00:52:33You like that?
00:52:34The kitchen will be fine
00:52:38Thanks, Al
00:52:40You don't have to cook, okay?
00:52:43I'm the best cook in the entire state
00:52:46So you won't do no cooking
00:52:48You'll clean up the stove, you'll clean the counters
00:52:51The faucet, the pans, the sinks, the utensils
00:52:55But you don't cook, got it?
00:52:58The law says I have to keep you separate from the adult inmates
00:53:02The shrink says I have to give you something to do
00:53:05And you're not allowed to talk to anybody, understand?
00:53:08One word from you, I hear about it from Fay
00:53:11You're back in your cell
00:53:13Any questions?
00:53:22It's all yours, Fay
00:53:27You know how to wash dishes?
00:53:33Thank God for small mercies
00:53:38Go to it
00:53:45Go to it
00:54:40Kat's dishwashing
00:54:46Hey, hey, hey, hey
00:54:48Fay's got herself a new cutie
00:54:54What are you going to do, Fay? Have him for breakfast?
00:54:57Oh, he'll make an appetizer
00:55:02Fay, you're going to have to beat him up a little if you want to, uh...
00:55:05Yeah, give him some of this good food
00:55:07Hey, let's have a front view
00:55:09Hey, turn around
00:55:14He ain't even supposed to talk to you bums, Caruso's orders
00:55:17So just lay off him, starting now
00:55:20Come on, turn around
00:55:22Hey, turn around
00:55:23Turn around, boy, give him a nice slap
00:55:25Come on, let's go
00:55:27Come on
00:55:43Come on, Fay
00:55:44Come on, Fay
00:55:45Come on, Fay
00:55:46Come on, Fay
00:55:47Come on, Fay
00:55:48Come on, Fay
00:55:49Come on, Fay
00:55:50Come on, Fay
00:55:51Come on, Fay
00:55:52Come on, Fay
00:55:53Come on, Fay
00:55:54Come on, Fay
00:55:55Come on, Fay
00:55:56Come on, Fay
00:55:57Come on, Fay
00:55:58Come on, Fay
00:55:59Come on, Fay
00:56:00Come on, Fay
00:56:01Come on, Fay
00:56:02Come on, Fay
00:56:03Come on, Fay
00:56:04Come on, Fay
00:56:05Come on, Fay
00:56:06Come on, Fay
00:56:07Come on, Fay
00:56:08Come on, Fay
00:56:09Come on, Fay
00:56:10Come on, Fay
00:56:11Come on, Fay
00:56:12Come on, Fay
00:56:13Come on, Fay
00:56:14Come on, Fay
00:56:15Come on, Fay
00:56:16Come on, Fay
00:56:17Come on, Fay
00:56:18Come on, Fay
00:56:19Come on, Fay
00:56:20Come on, Fay
00:56:21Come on, Fay
00:56:22Come on, Fay
00:56:23Come on, Fay
00:56:24Come on, Fay
00:56:25Come on, Fay
00:56:26Come on, Fay
00:56:27Come on, Fay
00:56:28Come on, Fay
00:56:29Come on, Fay
00:56:30Come on, Fay
00:56:31Come on, Fay
00:56:32Come on, Fay
00:56:33Come on, Fay
00:56:34Come on, Fay
00:56:35Come on, Fay
00:56:36Come on, Fay
00:56:37Come on, Fay
00:56:38Come on, Fay
00:56:39Come on, Fay
00:56:40Come on, Fay
00:56:41Come on, Fay
00:56:42Come on, Fay
00:56:43Come on, Fay
00:56:44Come on, Fay
00:56:45Come on, Fay
00:56:46Come on, Fay
00:56:47Come on, Fay
00:56:48Come on, Fay
00:56:49Come on, Fay
00:56:50Come on, Fay
00:56:51Come on, Fay
00:56:52Come on, Fay
00:56:53Come on, Fay
00:56:54Come on, Fay
00:56:55Come on, Fay
00:56:56Come on, Fay
00:56:57Come on, Fay
00:56:58Come on, Fay
00:56:59Come on, Fay
00:57:00Come on, Fay
00:57:01Come on, Fay
00:57:02Come on, Fay
00:57:03Come on, Fay
00:57:04Come on, Fay
00:57:05Come on, Fay
00:57:06Come on, Fay
00:57:07Come on, Fay
00:57:08Come on, Fay
00:57:09Come on, Fay
00:57:15Boy, being in the kitchen is a lot better than setting up in that damn cell
00:57:20Stop cursing, Danny
00:57:22When did you start to smoke?
00:57:26Big Fay slips me one now and then
00:57:30She's a cook
00:57:31She's a cook
00:57:38So Dad's leaving for high tonight, huh?
00:57:44You going with him?
00:57:47No, honey
00:57:48I'll be right here
00:57:49I'm not gonna leave
00:57:53Danny, you know he'd be here if he could
00:57:57Lumberyard just called this morning
00:58:00Days with pay is better than nothing
00:58:04Two days left
00:58:14I'm not supposed to tell you but Rusty and David have a surprise party planned for you when you come home
00:58:20And Dave, he made you the cutest gift, I don't know what it is
00:58:22It's a dog or a cat or a hippo or something
00:58:26He tore up strips of newspaper and he made a glue out of flour and water
00:58:32You remember how you used to do in kindergarten?
00:58:34What do you call that?
00:58:36That's it, papier-mâché
00:58:39The kitchen was such a mess
00:58:42It looked like something out of those old-time movies
00:58:45Remember how you used to love to watch those movies on TV?
00:58:48You want me to look like I'm dead or something?
00:59:01Here you go
00:59:05Some candy there and some gum
00:59:15Mommy, you gotta get me out of here
00:59:18I'm not just talking to you, I'm going crazy
00:59:21I will, darling
00:59:23I promise
00:59:51He's so different
00:59:53I mean, he doesn't even sound like Danny anymore
00:59:57Yeah, well, maybe he's starting to grow up
01:00:04Anyway, he'll be back tomorrow and I think he'll settle down, don't worry
01:00:09I'll be back tomorrow
01:00:11I'll be back tomorrow
01:00:13I'll be back tomorrow
01:00:15I'll be back tomorrow
01:00:17I'll be back tomorrow
01:00:18I'll be back tomorrow
01:00:21All right, I know it's been longer than we thought
01:00:24But I don't feel like it's my fault, you know
01:00:50I've been making deals with myself like when I was a kid, you know
01:00:56If Danny comes home tomorrow, I'll quit smoking
01:00:59And if you get the job in Akron, I'll...
01:01:03You will
01:01:06I will stop being afraid
01:01:09Frank, I don't want to leave here
01:01:12I've lived here my whole life
01:01:18Hold me tight, please
01:01:21I am so scared
01:01:26Come on, honey
01:01:30Oh, baby, don't worry, everything's gonna be all right
01:01:37Oh, Mr. Caldwell
01:01:38Oh, hello
01:01:39We've got a slight change of plans
01:01:40Judge Howland's got the flu, we're gonna have to go with Judge Bennett
01:01:43Does this mean we have to wait longer?
01:01:44No, no, it's not a problem
01:01:46Judge Bennett will sign the release papers, just a formality
01:01:48Come on
01:01:50Thank you
01:02:02Is Mr. Caldwell joining us?
01:02:04No, sir
01:02:05He had to go out of state for some business
01:02:12He was waiting so long and then, because the dates kept changing, finally he just had to leave
01:02:20Mrs. Caldwell, I see from the background report that you're employed
01:02:25Yes, sir, that's right
01:02:27Well, just until Frank gets... That's my husband, Frank
01:02:30Just until he gets things straightened out
01:02:33And Mr. Caldwell is returning...
01:02:36Well, he thought on Thursday, or the weekend at the latest
01:02:41And who will be supervising Danny and the other children?
01:02:44I will
01:02:46I mean, well, I'll... I'll take off from work
01:02:53I mean, I just... I didn't think...
01:02:56You must understand
01:02:58Releasing Danny to your custody entails strict enforcement of the court's order
01:03:03And judging from this evaluation, he requires both parents, particularly Mr. Caldwell, to supervise him at all times
01:03:09No, Danny does what I tell him
01:03:12You know, I'm sorry, Mrs. Caldwell, I...
01:03:15I can't take the responsibility for your son's release until your husband comes home
01:03:22Whoa, you mean you think he's better off in jail?
01:03:25No, this is crazy, this is cruel
01:03:28It's not my intention to be cruel
01:03:31We're trying to help your son
01:03:34And I feel the best thing for him is to be kept here for now
01:03:38I'm sorry you don't agree
01:03:42Now, if you'll excuse me, I... I'm due in court
01:03:57So they figure they're keeping me away from all them bad influences at home, huh?
01:04:03Like Rusty?
01:04:12I'm gonna pop...
01:04:22So when's Dad coming home?
01:04:23Oh, I'm calling him tonight, honey
01:04:25I'm telling him to get back here right away
01:04:27And Corky's gonna try and get in touch with...
01:04:33With Judge Halloran
01:04:35Danny, I'm really sorry, honey, I know, I promise
01:04:42I know you promise, Mama
01:04:50Don't worry about it, it's only a couple more days, okay?
01:04:53It's only a couple more days, I can handle it
01:05:01Come on, don't cry
01:05:15Where's Danny?
01:05:16They wouldn't let him come home, Rusty
01:05:19Not without your father here, they...
01:05:21They just wouldn't let him
01:05:23Is Danny ever coming home?
01:05:26Who cares?
01:05:41I'm never getting out of here
01:05:45They're just gonna keep on figuring ways to make me stay
01:05:50It's unfair
01:05:52I'm not gonna tell you it isn't
01:05:56Like Karen
01:05:59She already got herself another guy
01:06:03She and I was in here for good
01:06:05Is that what she told you?
01:06:08What's the difference?
01:06:12Danny, you're not in here for good
01:06:16It's a lousy, awful thing that's happened to you
01:06:21But you will go home
01:06:28You think?
01:06:30I do
01:06:37I don't
01:08:07Give me some of them eggs.
01:08:09All right.
01:08:16Hey, watch out what you're doing.
01:08:17I'll take your face apart, punk.
01:08:20All right.
01:08:37Come on, give us some more.
01:08:40All right, let me through.
01:08:43Make it up.
01:08:44All right, all right.
01:08:45Make it up, I said.
01:08:50Listen, kid, this has got nothing to do with me, you know.
01:08:53Man gives an order, I do what I'm told.
01:08:55I can handle it.
01:09:01It's all right, man.
01:09:02I'm not going to go nuts.
01:09:03I'm not going to lose it.
01:09:05I can handle it.
01:09:21Come on, man. Get in there.
01:09:23I want to see Perusso.
01:09:24He's off for the weekend. You know that.
01:09:26Deputy Russell's in charge.
01:09:28Who's Russell?
01:09:30Come on, man. Don't throw me in there.
01:09:31Call Perusso at home, please.
01:09:42I can't breathe in here!
01:09:44Let me out of here! Come on!
01:09:49I can't breathe! It stinks in here!
01:09:55Let me out of here! Come on!
01:10:21Come on, come on. Open up.
01:10:30He's only a kid!
01:10:32I tried telling Russell I was a kid. He said to do like I was told.
01:10:35I want Russell in my office in half an hour.
01:10:37And if he's at home, get him in here!
01:10:49Hey, Danny.
01:10:51Danny, come on. Get yourself up.
01:10:53Let's get out of here.
01:10:55Come on.
01:10:57Yeah, it's Caruso. Come on. You hear me?
01:10:59Come on.
01:11:02Come on. Let's get out of here.
01:11:04Come on. Let's go. We haven't got all day.
01:11:06Come on. That's a boy. All right, come on.
01:11:08I'm okay.
01:11:10Yeah, you're okay. You're okay. Come on.
01:11:12Yeah, you're okay. You're okay.
01:11:14You're okay.
01:11:16DeVries, get him out of here.
01:11:18A hundred gallons of hot, soapy water.
01:11:20Go ahead. Get him! Go ahead!
01:11:22Let me get my shoes.
01:11:24Don't worry about your shoes.
01:11:26Don't worry about your shoes!
01:11:28Oh, you're sick!
01:11:58Hey, there he is.
01:12:00Hey, give us a hug.
01:12:02How are you doing?
01:12:04Hey, I got something for you boys all the way from Ohio.
01:12:06Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
01:12:08It's not all for you.
01:12:10Here we go. Go ahead. Share that out.
01:12:14So what?
01:12:16I got the job.
01:12:20When do you start?
01:12:22Ten days.
01:12:24Don't worry. You can make it.
01:12:26What's it like there?
01:12:28It's a lot more built up than I remember, you know.
01:12:30It's not bad. There's a lot of nice neighborhoods right around the factory.
01:12:32That's mine there. Thank you.
01:12:34Oh, isn't that great?
01:12:36Hey, I bought this for Danny. Where's he at?
01:12:38I'm sure we're going to be able to get terrific references for Stephen and Kent.
01:12:42They're both good kids.
01:12:44Mr. Corcoran, listen, I want to tell you something.
01:12:46What you did, keeping my boy here because I was out of town,
01:12:48was the worst thing you could have done.
01:12:50That judge ought to have been shot.
01:12:52Don't tell me to take it easy. I'm back now.
01:12:54All right, Mr. Corcoran, I'm going to give this to you straight.
01:12:56There was some trouble up there over the weekend.
01:12:58What sort of trouble?
01:13:00Well, your boy Danny picked a fight with another inmate.
01:13:02Oh, my God. Do you hear that?
01:13:04What is going on around here?
01:13:06Some other queer trying to make a pass at him?
01:13:08What do you people got going on here?
01:13:10The boy's in more trouble since he was arrested than he was back home.
01:13:12Will you listen to me?
01:13:14I'll tell you something. I want my boy back, and I want him back now.
01:13:16I understand, Mr. Caldwell.
01:13:18I'm sorry, but it just can't be done.
01:13:20Why is everyone telling us it cannot be done?
01:13:22We're talking about our son here.
01:13:24Now, I want to see that judge, and I want to see him right now.
01:13:26I'm sure he'll be glad to talk to you.
01:13:28You're going to have to wait for lunch recess.
01:13:30That's going to be about 20 minutes.
01:13:32Fine. We got two more kids waiting downstairs in the car right now.
01:13:34I don't know what to tell you.
01:13:36Nobody around here seems to know what to tell us.
01:13:40I understand exactly how you feel, Mr. Caldwell.
01:13:42Well, I don't know if you do, Your Honor.
01:13:44I mean, it's been real hard on everyone.
01:13:46Well, please try to see it from our point of view.
01:13:48I mean, we're not perfect.
01:13:50We make mistakes, too.
01:13:52Danny's a very angry boy,
01:13:54which isn't to say that that's abnormal for his age.
01:13:56I mean, adolescence is a tough time for everybody,
01:14:00especially parents.
01:14:02Danny has no control over his temper, Mr. Caldwell.
01:14:04Things don't go his way,
01:14:06he gets frustrated, disappointed, blows up.
01:14:10He's already injured one man, attacked another.
01:14:12I know. I try to tell him
01:14:14he's got to learn to control that temper.
01:14:16I tell him all the time, don't I?
01:14:18Well, that's exactly what we're trying to do,
01:14:20and that's why I wanted to stay here until the trial.
01:14:22I mean, he has a good relationship
01:14:24with Dr. Foreman, our psychologist,
01:14:26and I really think it's the best thing for him.
01:14:28Now, if you want to talk to her about this,
01:14:30please go ahead.
01:14:32Judge Halloran, my husband has a new job
01:14:34in another state, in Ohio,
01:14:36and we're... we're moving.
01:14:38I mean, almost right away.
01:14:40Will Danny be able to...
01:14:42We're not trying to steal your son, Mrs. Caldwell.
01:14:44I just feel it's important that he stays
01:14:46in a structured environment,
01:14:48especially if you're moving, because...
01:14:50well, until we can redirect his emotional patterns a little.
01:14:54Otherwise, I don't think this experience
01:14:56will be any worth to him.
01:14:58Can we see him now?
01:15:00Of course. I...
01:15:02I think you'd better leave it until tomorrow,
01:15:04because visiting hours are over for today.
01:15:06I appreciate your cooperation, Mr. Caldwell.
01:15:08Thank you, Hugh.
01:15:10You can't put him back in the kitchen.
01:15:12There's no way.
01:15:14Let him stay in the day room for now.
01:15:16He can have his meals in there.
01:15:18And get Dr. Forman over.
01:15:20I want her to see him.
01:15:22I want that kid out of here.
01:15:24It's enough.
01:15:26You can't put him back in the kitchen.
01:15:28There's no way.
01:15:30Let him stay in the day room for now.
01:15:32He can have his meals in there.
01:15:34And get Dr. Forman over.
01:15:36I want her to see him.
01:15:38I want that kid out of here.
01:15:40It's enough.
01:15:56This is Alfred Caruso.
01:15:58Would you have Mike Rains call me
01:16:00the minute he's out of court?
01:16:02Thank you very much.
01:16:14They've taken care of this, Danny.
01:16:20You know, your Uncle Alex says
01:16:22the school's a real good place.
01:16:24And Mike, your cousin Mike,
01:16:26is in the same grade as you, remember?
01:16:28You always used to like him.
01:16:30He'll have somebody to show you around.
01:16:32Danny, you have got to stay out of trouble in here.
01:16:34They told us you've got to talk to that doctor.
01:16:36What's her name?
01:16:40Dr. Forman.
01:16:42You've got to work with her and be as helpful as you can.
01:16:44Do you understand?
01:16:48Danny, don't look that way.
01:16:50Darling, we'll be back for you.
01:17:34Mike Rains call?
01:17:36Ten minutes ago.
01:17:38He's back in court until 5.
01:20:00I want Danny Caldwell out.
01:20:02I don't care how you do it.
01:20:04I want that kid out of my jail
01:20:06and put someplace else.
01:20:26Yeah. Uh-huh.
01:20:30Yeah, well, it'll be okay.
01:20:32Yeah, I'm sure there's enough.
01:20:41Tomorrow, 7 o'clock.
01:20:50All right, the boys?
01:20:54All right.
01:20:56I'll be here.
01:21:04You'll be okay, Al.
01:21:06You'll be okay.
01:21:08You gave him five units.
01:21:10Stitched up the artery.
01:21:12You know, it's a good thing you got him when you did.
01:21:18What'd you do, beat him with a rubber hose?
01:21:20I need a cup of coffee.
01:21:22Where can I see him?
01:21:24He's in recovery right now.
01:21:26He'll probably sleep a couple hours.
01:21:32What's he in for?
01:21:34How the hell do I know?
01:21:36We're bringing in three kids.
01:21:38They've got a head injury, looks bad.
01:21:40One internal and a girl with a steering wheel through a chest.
01:21:43Real messy, Doc.
01:21:45What's the pressure?
01:21:47We're getting it.
01:21:49I think some nights every kid in this town is on self-destruct.
01:21:54See you later.
01:21:58Hold on.
01:22:02Hold on.
01:22:26Ten days to move?
01:22:28Who would have believed it?
01:22:30But, you know, I think I'm glad we're here.
01:22:34Glad to hear you say that, honey.
01:22:37That'll be Jen.
01:22:39She's the only one that's got the number. Can you get it?
01:22:41Yeah, I'll get it, honey.
01:22:47Hello. Hi, Jenny.
01:22:49No, we just got in around seven.
01:22:51Hey, listen, thanks a lot for turning on the telephone.
01:22:53I really appreciate that.
01:22:55No, I hadn't had time.
01:22:57Why is that?
01:23:05My God.
01:23:09Is he all right?
01:23:11I said, is he all right?
01:23:18I'll tell her.
01:23:21Thank you, Jenny.
01:23:24It's Danny.
01:23:30He's in the hospital.
01:23:33They say he tried to kill himself.
01:23:47You can't blame the cops for putting him in the tank.
01:23:50What were they gonna do, toss him out on the street at one o'clock in the morning?
01:23:53If his father had come down here and picked him up that night,
01:23:55we wouldn't be sitting here talking about this right now.
01:23:59With 80 kids, I don't make a great parent either.
01:24:01Well, will Danny be out of the hospital in time for the trial,
01:24:03or should we reschedule it?
01:24:05He'll be out Friday.
01:24:07Three days enough time for the probation department
01:24:09to get his act together,
01:24:11or do we have to keep this child waiting even longer?
01:24:15Honey, do you understand that Danny Caldwell
01:24:17is potentially dangerous?
01:24:19He's assaultive.
01:24:21He's resistive to treatment.
01:24:23He doesn't need treatment.
01:24:25He needs to go home.
01:24:27He needs to be punished.
01:24:30He beat up two men in here.
01:24:32How many more did he beat up before we got a hold of him?
01:24:34What do you want to do?
01:24:36You want to toss him out on the street so he can beat up some more people?
01:24:40You think a 16-year-old kid
01:24:42can come in here
01:24:44and learn from isolation and brutalization?
01:24:53Stop. Dr. Foreman, I agree Danny's case
01:24:55hasn't been handled very well,
01:24:57and I've even admitted to very few juveniles
01:24:59not treated in their best interest,
01:25:01no matter how hard we try.
01:25:03Danny broke the law.
01:25:05I've worked in prison since I came out of the Army.
01:25:09I've seen a lot of men come and go.
01:25:12But kids?
01:25:14The lady's right.
01:25:16Jail's no place for kids.
01:25:18And I'll tell you something.
01:25:20You know what? I better keep talking.
01:25:22Because I'm damned
01:25:24if I'm going to have any more kids come into my jail.
01:25:27I'll see you later, Wendy.
01:25:43What are you doing here?
01:25:45What are you doing here?
01:25:51Oh, man.
01:25:54I don't know.
01:25:56I just wanted a way out, you know?
01:25:58I just had to get out.
01:26:02What do you care, anyway?
01:26:20Hey, Caruso.
01:26:26Thanks for coming by.
01:26:29I'll see you in jail.
01:26:33See you in jail.
01:26:37Behave yourself.
01:26:44You're a punk.
01:26:46You're a punk.
01:27:04Your Honor, this is the matter of the trial
01:27:06of Daniel Richard Caldwell,
01:27:08charged with driving without a license,
01:27:10driving while intoxicated,
01:27:12and two counts of assault and battery.
01:27:15Case number 4407B12.
01:27:19Ms. Blake?
01:27:22Your Honor, the state requests
01:27:24that the court rule only on the charges
01:27:26of drunk driving and driving without a permit.
01:27:33We've been unable to locate
01:27:35the victim of the first assault.
01:27:38We're willing to drop the charge.
01:27:41Mr. Ains, the second assault?
01:27:43Your Honor, the witness's account
01:27:45on this vary considerably,
01:27:47but Mr. Stremster returned
01:27:49to prison routine almost immediately.
01:27:52Your Honor, concerning the drunk driving
01:27:54and driving without a permit charge,
01:27:56the defense requests the court
01:27:58consider time served.
01:28:01Certainly, Mr. Barnes. I feel that 40 days'
01:28:03detention is more than reasonable punishment
01:28:05in this case. Court rules accordingly.
01:28:08Danny, you're free to go.
01:28:14Mr. Caldwell?
01:28:17I've been sitting here listening.
01:28:20I'm sorry, Mr. Caldwell. I can't hear you.
01:28:22Could you speak up?
01:28:24Yes, sir. Excuse me. I said...
01:28:27I've been sitting here listening,
01:28:31and I'd just like to say
01:28:33that there's something wrong here, sir.
01:28:35There's something awfully wrong.
01:28:38Danny was never a bad boy.
01:28:40He never liked the rules.
01:28:43Of course, you've got to have rules
01:28:45for things to run right.
01:28:48And his getting drunk
01:28:50and running into a police car,
01:28:52of course, that's not like
01:28:54assassinating his mother
01:28:56or coming home late.
01:28:58That's a serious deal,
01:29:00and I...
01:29:02I don't know what to do.
01:29:04I don't know what to do.
01:29:06And, uh, and I, uh,
01:29:08figured it was time for him
01:29:10to straighten up time to get his attention.
01:29:12And so, uh,
01:29:14I thought, uh,
01:29:16Knight and J.O. would do that,
01:29:19but I...
01:29:22I was wrong.
01:29:25Judge Halloran,
01:29:27you got a lot of important people here.
01:29:32We just don't figure Danny
01:29:34a lot from being here,
01:29:36except that he, uh, doesn't want to go on living.
01:29:39Now, you've had him
01:29:41six weeks now, almost six weeks.
01:29:44You think in that time
01:29:46that, uh, educated people like you
01:29:48could have helped him some
01:29:51with your psychologists
01:29:53and your evaluations
01:29:55and your probation officers and all.
01:29:58Uh, and what did he get out of it?
01:30:00Now, Danny was never...
01:30:02Well, sometimes he was difficult to handle,
01:30:05but he never, uh,
01:30:07hurt anybody until he got in here.
01:30:09That's right.
01:30:10And he, uh, certainly never tried to hurt himself.
01:30:13I don't know what kind of hell you put our boy through,
01:30:16but I do know one thing.
01:30:18You got no right.
01:30:20You got no right at all.
01:30:22And, uh, something is awful wrong
01:30:24when you take a child
01:30:27and you make him look like this.
01:30:31Mrs. Caldwell, everyone here has done their best for Danny.
01:30:34Well, it's not good enough.
01:30:36No, sir, it's just not good enough.
01:30:38I'm his father,
01:30:40and I know I'm the one
01:30:42that put him here in the first place,
01:30:44and God knows I'm sorry I did that, son.
01:30:49And all's I can do now is take my son home.
01:30:52But I want to tell you this,
01:30:54that you all ought to take a good hard look
01:30:56at the way you're treating kids like this.
01:30:58You just ought to take a real good hard look.
01:31:01Come on, son.
01:31:20Good luck, Danny.
01:31:54Isn't it lovely?
01:31:56You have a disposal.
01:31:58Oh, yes, the dishwasher works.
01:32:06How about this carpet?
01:32:08Hey, we got a fire!
01:32:10Danny, marshmallows!
01:32:12Looks nice.
01:32:15Uh, I quit.
01:32:19Come and see your room, darling.
01:32:22Come and see your room, darling.
01:32:45It's better than the one you had before.
01:32:47The man at the store said
01:32:49it even has a balance control
01:32:51to have, um, Dolby sound, whatever that is.
01:32:53I'm sure you know more about it than I do, honey.
01:32:58Well, you like your room?
01:33:03You can switch with David if you want.
01:33:05No, no, it's fine. It's real nice.
01:33:12it's so good to have you home again, honey.
01:33:15And we're gonna forget all of this ever happened.
01:33:18We're gonna just put it right behind us.
01:33:22I'll leave you alone.
01:33:26This one's sticky.
01:33:28What about your mother?
01:33:30You make one for your mother?
01:33:32Yeah, I made one for my mother.
01:33:34All right, let's have it.
01:33:36Ooh, that is hot.
01:33:38I got two coming up.
01:33:40Mine are getting burnt.
01:33:42Yeah, this is Mama's.
01:33:44That is sticky.
01:33:46Say ah.
01:33:50Mmm, good.
01:33:52Is this one for Danny?
01:33:54Did you make that, darling?