Red Dawn (1984) Action Drama

  • 3 months ago
When Soviet and Cuban paratroopers invade Colorado, a group of teenagers flee to the mountains. Left with nowhere to run, they engage in guerilla warfare with the invading forces.
00:02:52Thanks for the ride, okay, but what's the deal keep going you don't have time for breakfast
00:02:56Are you working or what? Yeah, I'll be I'll be at the station all day. So, uh, you're gonna have to hit you right home
00:03:01All right practice today
00:03:02After that man, we're a double time triple. You should be ashamed of yourself. You think they take it down. Come on, bud
00:03:09You lost a football game once yourself
00:03:11What I don't remember I do
00:03:15I think you're lying. Yeah, I'm gonna win to believe your mouth
00:03:19I like this
00:03:25Later bud
00:03:29Yeah, some of it now the great hunt would always begin
00:03:33With the army spread out in a semicircle. I would say about the size of Rhode Island
00:03:40Then they would ride forward
00:03:42Driving everything before them
00:03:49Even bugs
00:03:51Now the ends would kind of close in to form a shrinking circle and
00:03:57Everything within that circle panic to get out when the Mongols could see each other
00:04:02They had worked themselves up into a pretty good frenzy
00:04:07Now when this killing started
00:04:11It lasts for days weeks even months
00:04:17And it went on
00:04:20Until the young son of the Khan
00:04:24Asked his father that the last creature alive
00:04:33Be allowed to go free
00:04:39Well now my friend
00:04:42Well now
00:04:45All right, check it out
00:04:50Look pretty cool though. I would say they were way off course
00:04:57Very unusual
00:08:10Heard some of them speak in Spanish
00:08:14With you
00:08:23Boys get in there and get sleeping bags and food right now
00:08:27Come on
00:08:39Somebody get some lanterns special grab some toilet get that 12 can't gonna use no leaves
00:08:44So we carry a lot of that
00:08:56Get those down jackets
00:09:01Get out get out get out get down lay down
00:09:22Take care of it. All right, come on boys. Just get out of here. Come on. Don't come back here
00:09:28No matter what you see or hear don't come back. I'll come and get you soon enough
00:09:40Open the glove compartment
00:09:45Here yeah
00:09:53Already loaded
00:09:57Want these also Jeff? Yeah, put them in the pocket
00:10:05Oh Jesus Christ, oh my god, Jesus. Oh, geez, we're gonna turn off quick
00:11:08Only thing is we got one problem. We don't have any water. How about pissing in it?
00:11:19That's a good idea get up here come on get up here
00:11:22How old are you kid?
00:11:2415 and the name's Danny. That's not kid
00:11:27well when you uh
00:11:29Grow up, you know these things Danny now get up here and piss in the radiator
00:12:38Most I can say I can't get any more El Llano
00:12:40I'm a pedido casi toda la visiÃģn de noche y solo que de algunos proyectiles a tm que desparan de noche
00:12:47ponga sus mejores hombres y grupos de cazadores armados RPG
00:12:51Mantengan sin metros entre cada grupo es Carmen trincheras y esperen hasta que ellos estÃĐn bien cerca
00:12:57tienen que saber de dÃģnde les ataca luego conviene su grupo y
00:13:06Y quiero algunos antiaÃĐreos aquí estamos en casa para en esto
00:13:12Esto es todo manicomio. We have to do in your visits. Da da
00:13:17Diddy be sportive Nia and Roboccia VGT. He presented me
00:13:25The self-defeat yo voy a veto a cartÃģn de que no me importa ya o pisaÃąa o Russia
00:13:38But our families, huh, what about them, huh?
00:13:43Gotta stay up here and hide a while. I
00:13:47Just want to go home I
00:13:50Don't want to hide if I hide they'll never find me
00:13:59Check it out stop the bullet to water get to somebody
00:14:05I got these
00:14:07Those will do us a lot of good. We've got no radio. I mean, how long do you think we can survive up here on?
00:14:13olives and rice krispies
00:14:15What else we gonna do?
00:14:21This Kelly met student body president I
00:14:24Might forward the motion that we give ourselves up. I
00:14:28Said I second the motion. We can't sit here. We need stuff and sit down Danny
00:14:36You're not going anywhere it's too dangerous to go into town I say we vote on it
00:14:41No, this isn't the big game. Mr. Quarterback. He can go every once no
00:14:47Such a goddamn jock
00:14:57Go so bad here haul ass take your shit that goes for the rest of you
00:15:05This is your chance get walking it is World War three down there people are being killed
00:15:16Those could be Russians Jed, what about your family, huh?
00:15:29I don't know
00:15:32But I'm alive
00:15:34And I'm staying here my family would want me to stay alive your family will want you to stay alive
00:15:43We think you're so smart man, she's just a bunch of scared kids
00:15:52What do you think you are
00:15:56Alone I guess
00:16:00No, you're not
00:16:04Hey, bud
00:16:09What do you say
00:16:24I'm with you. All right
00:16:31Now the rest of you get going
00:16:40All right, but if you stay you're gonna do exactly what I say, okay, huh? Yeah
00:16:51So come on over here and get warm Darryl
00:17:11Do man, okay
00:17:20Matt and I have been coming up in these mountains with our dad all of our lives
00:17:24We can hunt we can fish we can stay up here a long long time
00:17:30How long Jack?
00:17:36Tell we don't hear that no more
00:18:04All right, he's still breathing never shoot twice why shoot twice they can find you
00:18:12He's dead anyway, how do you know I
00:18:19Used to
00:18:21Read a lot about Jedediah Smith and Jim Bridger
00:18:24for the Blackfeet
00:18:26If you shot twice wouldn't know right where you were
00:18:29My dad named me after Jesse
00:18:35It's your first time, isn't it?
00:18:38Yeah, what you got a drink if it's your first we did
00:18:45What's it taste like
00:18:47It's not too bad. I mean, it's it's it's kind of salty like a steak when you got a nosebleed, you know
00:18:52Got to do it robbery. It's the spirit of the deer
00:18:59When you drink it you'd be a real hunter
00:19:07Don't know
00:19:11Go go ahead
00:19:17Go go for it, buddy
00:19:22All right, all right
00:19:28His blood is yours, you know, my dad said that once you do that there's gonna be something different about you
00:19:38Isn't so bad
00:19:45Isn't that bad
00:20:00The last of it for the always
00:20:04You still got plenty of meat like just stuff you shot. So tell me dork. Where do you suppose hamburgers come from? Nobody shoots them
00:20:12We need food
00:20:15Need to know yeah
00:20:24All right
00:20:26We'll go into town
00:20:59There's no one here either
00:21:04Like it's been here for a thousand years
00:21:27The stores are open
00:21:29There's people everywhere. Maybe it's over
00:21:34Those aren't our troops you can't tell from here Jen
00:21:39Jesus Christ, what is that? I've never seen a tank like that before
00:21:44Yeah, but they're back. That means something
00:21:47Let's stash our stuff
00:21:49Leave it all here. Okay good idea
00:21:56That's the mayor's car they got Daryl's dad's car look at the size of that tank
00:22:10You doing
00:22:15She's scared of us
00:22:50Six toothbrushes, please. Oh
00:22:55Jed hi, how's your sister? What? Where did you come from? The mountains? We've been hiding out. Are you crazy?
00:23:01You gotta get out of here we will but first we got to find out what's going
00:23:10You don't understand they know who all of you are they're looking for you who the KGB the Russians
00:23:21Look have you seen my father? I called there was no answer. I went by the station. It was empty
00:23:27Okay, listen, I'm gonna tell you something I'm not supposed to talk about nobody is but the what
00:23:34But they took a lot of people away people that they thought were gonna make trouble for them people that had guns or things
00:23:39They wanted they just took them away where?
00:23:42Re-education camps, that's what they call it
00:23:45The drive-in I heard they took a lot of people to Jed
00:23:50I pray for you
00:23:52I pray for you
00:24:35Yeah, could you find my dad Tom Eckert, I'm Jed
00:24:43Eddie I'll go find your dad. I know right where he is
00:24:48You know Morris market out on the highway, can you see if mr. Morris is in there too? I'll look around for him, too
00:25:33Don't talk don't say anything. Let me look at you
00:25:38Yeah, I knew I was right I
00:25:42Knew it you're alive. I
00:25:45I was tough on both of you. I did things that made you
00:25:53Made you hate me sometimes
00:25:56You understand now, don't you?
00:26:00What happened dead boy, well you hear what they do doesn't matter
00:26:08One way or another
00:26:12One reason another we're all gone
00:26:15It's all gone
00:26:23Everyone used to go in the park and play
00:26:27And I used to put you on the swings and both of you were
00:26:34Damn little
00:26:41I remember I remember all of this
00:26:45Well, I ain't gonna be around to pick you up when you fall now both of you got to take care of each other now
00:26:53Never see again dad. Yes, you will. I don't want to hear that Maddie
00:26:58Have my mom
00:27:11Can't afford to be crying anymore now, I don't either one of you had ever ever cry for me again
00:27:20Whatever do it not as long as you live. Where's my dad?
00:27:29Don't know son
00:27:37Don't get going now get out before they find you
00:27:49I love you. I know you do son. I love you, too
00:28:26Love you too
00:29:17Well, we all figured you boys had headed for a baby now, what's that thing free America that's a safe zone where we
00:29:26Hell you boys is in occupied territory
00:29:29You're 40 miles behind enemy lines. That's Mac dab in the middle of World War three
00:29:39What you boys doing fooling around town anyway
00:29:42We're looking for news. Mr. Mason. We have we haven't even seen or talked to anybody since it all started
00:30:09Here this keep you boys warm
00:30:12Use it see where you're standing now
00:30:20It's all right, I got another one
00:30:23And you boys listen
00:30:26Don't go to Calumet no more. How come because there's been some attacks up there
00:30:34People waking up with their throats cut
00:30:38Where it has is it you
00:30:48What happened my dad and mom
00:30:52Daddy's dead Robert. They shot
00:30:59Russians found some guns missing so they shot him
00:31:06I mean a gorillas. He never ate anybody and we took the stuff
00:31:12They killed him
00:31:14Made him an example
00:31:17Now you boys listen to me and let that burn in real good
00:31:23Don't know where your mother is Robert
00:31:27You boys need food a bed you need anything you come here I
00:31:37Got a couple of heirlooms I want to hide with you. Thank you Jack. No
00:31:50My granddaughter
00:31:52They spent two days sneaking here
00:31:56Sons of bitches tried having their way with them
00:32:04Tony Erica, this is Matt and Jed Eckert. They're gonna take care of you
00:32:12And I don't want to know where they're going
00:32:42Take care of
00:32:52It's 1159 a radio-free America, this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn right now
00:32:58I got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone
00:33:02The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall
00:33:06John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache
00:33:10It's 12 o'clock Americans another day closer to victory and for all of you out there on or behind the lines
00:33:15This is your song
00:33:17And for all of you out there on or behind the lines this is your song
00:33:47Things are different now
00:34:10They're coming up yeah
00:34:15Let's go tell the others
00:34:47What does it say?
00:34:50You're learning English. Translate.
00:34:53American history. I know it well.
00:35:00The national battlefield of Yerevan.
00:35:04There was a great peasant uprising here in 1938.
00:35:11It was suppressed by President Theodore Roosevelt,
00:35:14who led the federal imperialists and the cowboys.
00:35:20More than 35,000 died.
00:35:25It was the greatest battle of the American West.
00:35:29Well done!
00:35:31Yuri, I took a picture of you.
00:35:39African pavilion.
00:35:42Now it's your turn.
00:35:46Come on, let's go.
00:35:52Come on, Yuri.
00:36:06Look, Yuri.
00:36:12Look, what I found.
00:36:16An arrow. An Indian arrow.
00:36:19I didn't know Indians made arrowheads.
00:36:24Of course, you fool. They made them from polyurethane.
00:36:28You're a philosopher. Maybe Indians made them from plastic.
00:36:32Idiot! It's a bone. Polyurethane.
00:36:36There must be more.
00:36:45What are you doing?
00:36:48He's got a gun.
00:36:51Stop! Stop!
00:36:59Catch him!
00:37:08Take cover!
00:37:21God help me!
00:37:25Catch him!
00:37:27I can't!
00:37:29God help me!
00:37:41God help me!
00:38:11I can't!
00:38:33I can't!
00:38:35I can't!
00:38:41I can't!
00:39:12They were people.
00:39:14Yeah, well, so was my dad.
00:39:18What was it like?
00:39:23It was good.
00:39:28One thing is for sure now.
00:39:31No one can ever go home again.
00:39:35And now, I'm going to go home.
00:39:37No one can ever go home again.
00:39:45Don't you make yourself useful.
00:39:48You wash it!
00:39:50We're never doing your washing again. Me and her is as good as any of you.
00:39:54So what's up your eyes?
00:39:56Shut up!
00:39:58Don't you ever say that again!
00:40:01Hear me?
00:40:03You say that again, I'll kill you.
00:40:05Hear me?
00:40:07I'll kill you.
00:40:12So what did I do?
00:40:14What you said was wrong.
00:40:37I'll kill you.
00:41:01From now on,
00:41:04all the troops
00:41:06are forbidden to travel
00:41:08in smaller groups
00:41:10than a squadron
00:41:12outside the insured areas.
00:41:15Yes, Mr. Vela.
00:41:17Then call Branschenko
00:41:19and tell him that we have Area 8
00:41:23also ineffective.
00:41:25Immediately, Mr. Vela.
00:41:27I want some interrogations done.
00:41:30Starting with the mayor.
00:41:31I'm fed up
00:41:33with his
00:41:37Consider it done, Mr. Vela.
00:42:01He's more of a politician
00:42:03like his father.
00:42:06A member of a elite paramilitary organization.
00:42:10Eagle Scout.
00:42:12Yes, but that's not military.
00:42:14Now look, Colonel, if he's alive, he's scared, he's hungry
00:42:17and he's just as anxious to avoid conflicts as you and me.
00:42:20He's not a troublemaker.
00:42:21Then who is?
00:42:27Well, let's just say it runs in some of the families.
00:42:31Hope this community is indeed fortunate
00:42:34to have a shepherd like him.
00:42:41Well, I just want to see this thing through, Colonel.
00:42:45Now, if you have any more problems,
00:42:47you call me night or day.
00:42:48Thank you.
00:42:50We're finished.
00:42:53For now.
00:44:32Oh, beautiful for spacious skies
00:44:39For amber waves of grain
00:44:44For purple mountains majesty
00:44:49Above the fruited plain
00:44:53Oh, Mary, full of grace
00:45:01Oh, Mary, full of grace
00:45:32Don't cry!
00:45:34Hold it back!
00:45:39Let it turn to something else.
00:45:43Just let it turn to something else, okay?
00:45:56Don't cry.
00:45:58Don't you ever cry again
00:45:59as long as you live.
00:46:01As long as you live, never do it.
00:46:03Do you hear me?
00:46:15They're gonna kill us!
00:46:17All of us!
00:46:19So why should we be different?
00:46:27Let it turn to something else.
00:46:29Something else, Mary.
00:46:31Let it turn.
00:46:33Let it turn.
00:47:02Get some gas.
00:47:03Let's go.
00:47:08What are you doing here?
00:47:12What are you doing here?
00:47:15Where are you going?
00:47:18I'll beat you, bitch-poo!
00:47:19I got you!
00:47:25Where are you going?
00:47:26You're a beauty!
00:47:27Where are you going?
00:47:28I'll beat you, bitch-poo!
00:47:29Where are you going?
00:47:30You're a beauty!
00:47:41Let's go!
00:47:58Run, this way!
00:48:28Let's go!
00:48:51What is that?
00:48:52What is that?
00:49:29A grenade!
00:49:54I've seen you before.
00:49:58El SÃĄbado.
00:50:02And Mexico.
00:50:05But these are mine!
00:50:21Miss, maybe you speak at me for a minute.
00:50:24I'll be right back, okay?
00:50:25You bring girlfriend?
00:50:27Okay, I'll be right here.
00:50:54Well, look.
00:50:55I've always been on the side of the insurrected.
00:50:59I have no experience in these cases.
00:51:02But it seems to me that it is necessary to gain the support of the people.
00:51:07As our opponents in Vietnam used to say.
00:51:11Win their hearts and minds.
00:51:14And they lost, Ernesto.
00:51:17That's true, General.
00:51:19Things are stopped at the border.
00:51:21Things are stopped at the border, Ernesto.
00:51:25At this moment, morality is essential.
00:51:28Keep your shoulders on the safe points and you'll see.
00:51:31How they will forget those...
00:51:38Are you okay?
00:51:39Yes, yes, yes. Look at him.
00:51:43And speak, comrade!
00:51:45Like this! Like this!
00:51:47Where's the doctor?
00:51:59Bring the doctor!
00:52:02What's going on?
00:52:16What's going on?
00:52:46What's going on?
00:53:17You American?
00:53:24What's the capital of Texas?
00:53:28No, Carmen. It's Houston.
00:53:30Come on, please, darling.
00:53:32I'm cold.
00:53:35You've seen too many movies.
00:53:38Well, are you hungry?
00:53:42I could eat, yeah.
00:53:44What kind of plane do you fly?
00:53:47Well, I did fly an F-15.
00:53:56I'm an F-15 pilot.
00:53:58And you?
00:54:00I'm an F-15 pilot.
00:54:02And you?
00:54:04I'm an F-15 pilot.
00:54:06I'm an Eagle driver.
00:54:14Hey, take this.
00:54:16You got this?
00:54:18I'm a dead Russian major.
00:54:20Major, huh?
00:54:23Well, I guess it ought to fit on, Colonel.
00:54:26You the honcho sport?
00:54:28Who are you?
00:54:30Andrew Tanner, Lieutenant, Colonel, U.S. Air Force.
00:54:34How'd you get yourself shot down, Colonel?
00:54:36It was five to one. I got four.
00:54:43I'm Jed.
00:54:45How you doing, Jed?
00:54:47Good as can be.
00:54:49I'm Jed.
00:54:51I'm Jed.
00:54:52How you doing, Jed?
00:54:54Good as can be.
00:55:04All right.
00:55:08West coast.
00:55:10East coast.
00:55:12Down here is Mexico.
00:55:15First wave of the attack
00:55:17came in disguised as commercial charter flights,
00:55:19same way they did in Afghanistan and Haiti.
00:55:22Only they were crack airborne outfits.
00:55:24They took these passes into Rockies.
00:55:27So that's what hit Calumet?
00:55:29I guess so.
00:55:31They coordinated with selective nuke strikes,
00:55:33and the missiles were a hell of a lot more accurate than we thought.
00:55:35They took out the silos here in the Dakotas,
00:55:37key points of communication.
00:55:39Like what?
00:55:41Oh, like Omaha, Washington, Kansas City.
00:55:46Yeah. That's right.
00:55:47Filtrators came up illegal from Mexico.
00:55:51Cubans, mostly.
00:55:53They managed to infiltrate SAC bases in the Midwest,
00:55:56several down in Texas.
00:55:58It wreaked a hell of a lot of havoc.
00:56:00I'm here to tell you.
00:56:02They opened up the door down here,
00:56:04and the whole Cuban and Nicaraguan armies
00:56:06come walking right through,
00:56:08roll right up here through the Great Plains.
00:56:11How far did they get?
00:56:13Cheyenne, across to Kansas.
00:56:15We held them at the Rockies and at the Mississippi.
00:56:19Anyway, the Russians, reinforced with 60 divisions,
00:56:23sent three whole army groups
00:56:25across the Bering Strait into Alaska,
00:56:27cut the pipeline, came across Canada,
00:56:29a link up here in the middle,
00:56:31but we stopped their butt cold.
00:56:37Lines have pretty much stabilized now.
00:56:42What about you?
00:56:44What about Europe?
00:56:46I guess they figured
00:56:49twice in one century was enough.
00:56:55They're sitting this one out.
00:56:58I'll accept England.
00:57:00They won't last very long.
00:57:04The Russians need to take us in one piece,
00:57:06and that's why they're here now.
00:57:08That's why they won't use nukes anymore,
00:57:10and we won't either, not on our own soil.
00:57:11The whole damn thing's pretty conventional now.
00:57:14Who knows?
00:57:16Maybe next week will be sore.
00:57:19What started it?
00:57:21I don't know.
00:57:23Two toughest kids on the block, I guess.
00:57:25Sooner or later, they're gonna fight.
00:57:27That simple?
00:57:31Maybe somebody just forgot what it was like.
00:57:35Well, who is on our side?
00:57:36600 million screaming Chinamen.
00:57:39Well, last I heard,
00:57:41there were a billion screaming Chinamen.
00:57:44There were.
00:57:51You got a family?
00:57:57I don't know.
00:58:02They got caught behind the lines.
00:58:04They got caught behind the lines down in Texas.
00:58:09I like to think they're alive,
00:58:11but I hear stories about what they do to civilians.
00:58:21Colonel, get up.
00:58:25We're taking off.
00:58:27We're gonna go shoot up an armor column.
00:58:29Let's go.
00:58:31Early bird gets worm.
00:58:34Come on.
00:58:46Early bird gets worm.
00:59:05Come on.
00:59:16Watch those claymores in the trees.
00:59:28Matt, RPG.
00:59:32Yeah, all right.
00:59:34Let's go.
00:59:42Now, what do you think?
00:59:44Not bad for a bunch of kids, huh?
00:59:47Your mom would be real proud.
00:59:55You think you're tough,
00:59:57eating beans every day?
00:59:59There's half a million scarecrows in Denver
01:00:01that'd give anything one mouthful of what you got.
01:00:05They've been under siege for about three months.
01:00:09They live on rats and sawdust bread,
01:00:11and sometimes on each other.
01:00:18At night,
01:00:21the pyres for the dead light up the sky.
01:00:26It's medieval.
01:00:50All that hate's gonna burn you up, kid.
01:00:53Keeps me warm.
01:01:06Are we doing right?
01:01:32Come on.
01:01:59You made a new friend?
01:02:05She doesn't say much, does she?
01:02:10Something happened to her.
01:02:32All right, plain, plain, plain, plain.
01:02:35Cuban bunker, Russian bunker,
01:02:37munitions dump, troop tents.
01:02:39Machine gun bunkers here, here, here, and here.
01:02:43Back here by the drive-in screen
01:02:45are your political prisoners.
01:02:47All right, we'll cause a diversion over here,
01:02:49cut holes in the wire here,
01:02:51fire on all these machine gun positions.
01:02:53The B group comes across this area
01:02:55in a flanking maneuver,
01:02:57and when you reach this bunker,
01:02:59you lay down grazing fire in this defilade.
01:03:02I think that's pretty simple.
01:03:05Anybody got any questions so far?
01:03:07What's a flank?
01:03:09A defilade?
01:03:11Yeah, what's grazing fire?
01:03:13I need a drink.
01:03:15What's that?
01:03:17Step into the line of fire.
01:03:26Run, bossy, run!
01:03:34Los sofrinos!
01:03:38Nos estÃĄn atacando!
01:03:40Siganme ahora!
01:03:55Keep it low!
01:03:57Take cover!
01:03:59Take cover!
01:04:01Take cover!
01:04:10Come on, here's your chance!
01:04:14We're all gonna turn around and die!
01:04:16Die standing up!
01:05:07ÂŋDÃģnde se lo hicieron?
01:05:09Los rebeles.
01:05:11ÂŋQuÃĐ rebeles?
01:05:13ÂĄLos robles!
01:05:18Cada vez que disparo, la revoluciÃģn crece.
01:05:21Lo sÃĐ.
01:05:23Yo fui un partisano.
01:05:25ÂŋY ahora?
01:05:27ÂŋQuÃĐ eres?
01:05:29Now I'm like you.
01:05:32A militiaman.
01:05:40ÂĄBien, colonel!
01:05:44ÂĄMuy bien!
01:05:46ÂĄMuy bien!
01:05:48ÂĄMuy bien!
01:05:50ÂĄMuy bien!
01:05:53ÂĄMuy bien, chicos!
01:05:55ÂĄMuy bien!
01:05:56ÂĄMuy bien, chicos!
01:05:58ÂĄVamos, tÚ cubre a Matt!
01:06:00ÂŋEstÃĄs bien?
01:06:05ÂŋEstÃĄs bien?
01:06:09ÂĄVamos, viejo!
01:06:11ÂĄVamos aquí!
01:06:17ÂŋQuÃĐ edad tiene tu esposa?
01:06:19ÂŋQuÃĐ edad tiene tu esposa?
01:06:24ÂŋQuÃĐ le gusta?
01:06:26El viejo, como yo.
01:06:29ÂŋQuÃĐ le gusta realmente?
01:06:34Como tÚ.
01:06:39ÂŋDÃģnde la conociste?
01:06:41ÂŋDe verdad quieres saber esto?
01:06:45La conocí en un clÃģset de una fiesta.
01:06:48No podía sostenerme al principio.
01:06:50Pero luego...
01:06:54Me enamorÃĐ tan mal que me doliÃģ.
01:06:57ÂŋAÚn te enamoras así?
01:07:02ÂŋEstÃĄs jugando o quÃĐ?
01:07:10ÂĄBien, Matt!
01:07:14Ellos trajeron a sus hijos.
01:07:16Dijeron que no tenían suficiente comida para alimentarlos durante el invierno.
01:07:19Quieren darles a ti, Jed.
01:07:22Esto es suficiente, Sr. Mason. No quiero mÃĄs.
01:07:24Eres un líder ahora.
01:07:26Ellos han oído de ti en el otro lado.
01:07:29Tal vez hasta California.
01:07:32Y hay algunos que dicen que van a darles fuerzas especiales en la primavera para ayudarte.
01:07:39Los Green Berets.
01:07:46La primavera es un tiempo lejos.
01:07:50Es un tiempo lejos.
01:07:51Es un tiempo lejos.
01:07:54Hay mucho que hablar hasta entonces.
01:08:22ÂĄEs nuestro! ÂĄEs nuestro!
01:08:25ÂŋCÃģmo puedes decir eso?
01:08:27Es nuestro.
01:09:19Tienes que cruzar.
01:09:22Solo una parte.
01:09:25Espero que nuestros hombres sigan ahí.
01:09:31Así que este es un campo de batalla.
01:09:34Es una guerra real, chico.
01:09:36EstÃĄ aquí todos los días.
01:09:40Ven conmigo, Jed.
01:09:44Puedes dejar ahora.
01:09:50No me digas esa mierda.
01:09:53Descansa en la maÃąana.
01:09:56Crece viejo.
01:10:03ÂĄMueve! ÂĄVamos! ÂĄMueve! ÂĄMueve! ÂĄVamos! ÂĄVamos!
01:10:14ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo!
01:10:19ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo! ÂĄBajo!
01:10:28ÂĄNo te vuelvas a ver!
01:10:30ÂĄCuidado, amigo!
01:10:49He's looking for us!
01:10:54He sure is.
01:11:01I can't stand it!
01:11:05Get down!
01:11:07Shut up! Get down!
01:11:25All right, run! Everybody get out of here!
01:11:27What are you doing?
01:11:29God damn it!
01:11:34They're coming up there!
01:11:46I got it!
01:11:48Get out of here, kid! There's a world of hurt coming down!
01:11:51Get out!
01:11:52I'm staying with you, Colonel!
01:11:59Take him out with your RPG, man!
01:12:01Hold on! Hold on!
01:12:03Don't let him get you, son of a bitch!
01:12:07Give me another rocket!
01:12:19I'm back!
01:12:29Eat me!
01:12:47No! No!
01:12:57Come on, buddy! It's coming down!
01:13:01Shoot straight at once!
01:13:04You army...
01:13:13He's dead!
01:13:15Go! Go!
01:13:59Never love anybody.
01:14:01I'll never love anybody again.
01:14:06If you didn't love anybody, you'd never even be here.
01:14:15Who are we gonna bury him?
01:14:18There's not much left to bury.
01:14:21Oh, God.
01:14:27These were good friends.
01:14:29Take them away from here...
01:14:32someplace safe...
01:14:35where this world never happened.
01:14:40And as we remember...
01:14:43please let them forget, oh, Lord...
01:14:50so they can be little again.
01:15:06What are you whispering for?
01:15:08It feels quiet.
01:15:10You should get some sleep.
01:15:12It's getting late.
01:15:14I'm okay.
01:15:22It's kind of strange, isn't it?
01:15:24How the mountains pass no attention at all.
01:15:27You laugh or you cry.
01:15:29The wind just keeps on blowing.
01:15:37It was bound to happen sooner or later.
01:15:41You're getting pretty lean on feelings, aren't you?
01:15:44Can't afford them.
01:15:46Even if that had been me.
01:15:52I was talking to the group, Jed.
01:15:54It doesn't look good.
01:15:56They're all talking about quitting.
01:15:58Seem like they lost stomach for it.
01:16:00Except for Robert.
01:16:03And you?
01:16:05I'm your brother.
01:16:07Just make it count.
01:16:25The enemy is on the border
01:16:30The enemy is not friendly
01:16:35The enemy is on the border
01:16:40I don't see the end of the road
01:16:44When I see the end of the road
01:16:48When I see the end of my road
01:23:05Where is it?
01:23:08Where is it?
01:23:10God damn it, where's the box?
01:23:12They made me swallow it.
01:23:14Daryl, what have you done?
01:23:16I went into town.
01:23:18And got caught.
01:23:20And went and got caught!
01:23:24Because you said we couldn't.
01:23:26You told them where we were, didn't you?
01:23:29You told them.
01:23:32My father turned me in.
01:23:36Oh, God, they did things you can't imagine.
01:23:45You son of a bitch!
01:23:48You want blindfolds?
01:23:51This is violent at the juvenile convention.
01:23:53I never heard of it.
01:23:55Dog face!
01:23:56I show you how a soldier dies.
01:23:58I've seen it before, pal.
01:24:00This isn't happening.
01:24:02This isn't happening.
01:24:03Jed, let him go!
01:24:04Shut up, Danny!
01:24:05He was one of mine!
01:24:06Shut up!
01:24:07He told them where we were!
01:24:10He did.
01:24:12Now get your rifles.
01:24:15What did you say?
01:24:17I said no!
01:24:18We're not doing it!
01:24:20Boy, say it to your friend.
01:24:22Tell him you're not alone.
01:24:24What's the difference, Jed, huh?
01:24:26I'll do it.
01:24:27Shut up, Robert!
01:24:28Tell me, what's the difference between us and them?
01:24:37Because we live here.
01:24:45Don't shoot.
01:24:46Don't shoot.
01:24:47Don't shoot, Jed.
01:24:48Don't shoot, Jed.
01:25:01Oh, God.
01:25:18Oh, God.
01:25:49Oh, God.
01:25:50Oh, God.
01:25:51Oh, God.
01:25:52Oh, God.
01:25:53Oh, God.
01:25:54Oh, God.
01:25:55Oh, God.
01:25:56Oh, God.
01:25:57Oh, God.
01:25:58Oh, God.
01:25:59Oh, God.
01:26:00Oh, God.
01:26:01Oh, God.
01:26:02Oh, God.
01:26:03Oh, God.
01:26:04Oh, God.
01:26:05Oh, God.
01:26:06Oh, God.
01:26:07Oh, God.
01:26:08Oh, God.
01:26:09Oh, God.
01:26:10Oh, God.
01:26:11Oh, God.
01:26:12Oh, God.
01:26:13Oh, God.
01:26:14Oh, God.
01:26:15Oh, God.
01:26:16Oh, God.
01:26:17Oh, God.
01:26:18Oh, God.
01:26:19Oh, God.
01:26:20Oh, God.
01:26:21Oh, God.
01:26:22Oh, God.
01:26:23Oh, God.
01:26:24Oh, God.
01:26:25Oh, God.
01:26:26Oh, God.
01:26:27Oh, God.
01:26:28Oh, God.
01:26:29Oh, God.
01:26:30Oh, God.
01:26:31Oh, God.
01:26:32Oh, God.
01:26:33Oh, God.
01:26:34Oh, God.
01:26:35Oh, God.
01:26:36Oh, God.
01:26:37Oh, God.
01:26:38Oh, God.
01:26:39Oh, God.
01:26:40Oh, God.
01:26:41Oh, God.
01:26:42Oh, God.
01:26:43Oh, God.
01:26:44Oh, God.
01:26:45Oh, God.
01:26:46Oh, God.
01:26:47Oh, God.
01:26:48Oh, God.
01:26:49Oh, God.
01:26:50Oh, God.
01:26:51Oh, God.
01:26:52Oh, God.
01:26:53Oh, God.
01:26:54Oh, God.
01:26:55Oh, God.
01:26:56Oh, God.
01:26:57Oh, God.
01:26:58Oh, God.
01:26:59Oh, God.
01:27:00Oh, God.
01:27:01Oh, God.
01:27:02Oh, God.
01:27:03Oh, God.
01:27:04Oh, God.
01:27:05Oh, God.
01:27:06Oh, God.
01:27:07Oh, God.
01:27:08Oh, God.
01:27:09Oh, God.
01:27:10Oh, God.
01:27:11Oh, God.
01:27:12Oh, God.
01:27:13Oh, God.
01:27:14Oh, God.
01:27:15Oh, God.
01:27:16Oh, God.
01:27:17Oh, God.
01:27:18Oh, God.
01:27:19Oh, God.
01:27:20Oh, God.
01:27:21Oh, God.
01:27:22Oh, God.
01:27:23Oh, God.
01:27:24Oh, God.
01:27:25Oh, God.
01:27:26Oh, God.
01:27:27Oh, God.
01:27:28Oh, God.
01:27:29Oh, God.
01:27:30Oh, God.
01:27:31Oh, God.
01:27:32Oh, God.
01:27:33Oh, God.
01:27:34Oh, God.
01:27:35Oh, God.
01:27:36Oh, God.
01:27:37Oh, God.
01:27:38Oh, God.
01:27:39Oh, God.
01:27:40Oh, God.
01:27:41Oh, God.
01:27:42Oh, God.
01:27:43Oh, God.
01:27:44Oh, God.
01:27:45Oh, God.
01:27:46Oh, God.
01:27:47Oh, God.
01:27:48Oh, God.
01:27:49Oh, God.
01:27:50Oh, God.
01:27:51Oh, God.
01:27:52Oh, God.
01:27:53Oh, God.
01:27:54Oh, God.
01:27:55Oh, God.
01:27:56Oh, God.
01:27:57Oh, God.
01:27:58Oh, God.
01:27:59Oh, God.
01:28:00Oh, God.
01:28:01Oh, God.
01:28:02Oh, God.
01:28:03Oh, God.
01:28:04Oh, God.
01:28:05Oh, God.
01:28:06Oh, God.
01:28:07Oh, God.
01:28:08Oh, God.
01:28:09Oh, God.
01:28:10Oh, God.
01:28:11Oh, God.
01:28:12Oh, God.
01:28:13Oh, God.
01:28:14Oh, God.
01:28:15Oh, God.
01:28:16Oh, God.
01:28:17Oh, God.
01:28:18Oh, God.
01:28:19Oh, God.
01:28:20Oh, God.
01:28:21Oh, God.
01:28:22Oh, God.
01:28:23Oh, God.
01:28:24Oh, God.
01:28:25Oh, God.
01:28:26Oh, God.
01:28:27Oh, God.
01:28:28Oh, God.
01:28:29Oh, God.
01:28:30Oh, God.
01:28:31Oh, God.
01:28:32Oh, God.
01:28:33Oh, God.
01:28:34Oh, God.
01:28:35Oh, God.
01:28:36Oh, God.
01:28:37Oh, God.
01:28:38Oh, God.
01:28:39Oh, God.
01:28:40Oh, God.
01:28:41Oh, God.
01:28:42Oh, God.
01:28:43Oh, God.
01:28:44Oh, God.
01:28:45Oh, God.
01:28:46Oh, God.
01:28:47Oh, God.
01:28:48Oh, God.
01:28:49Oh, God.
01:28:50Oh, God.
01:28:51Oh, God.
01:28:52Oh, God.
01:28:53Oh, God.
01:28:54Oh, God.
01:28:55Oh, God.
01:28:56Oh, God.
01:28:57Oh, God.
01:28:58Oh, God.
01:28:59Oh, God.
01:29:00Oh, God.
01:29:01Oh, God.
01:29:02Oh, God.
01:29:03Oh, God.
01:29:04Oh, God.
01:29:05Oh, God.
01:29:06Oh, God.
01:29:07Oh, God.
01:29:08Oh, God.
01:29:09Oh, God.
01:29:10Oh, God.
01:29:11Oh, God.
01:29:12Oh, God.
01:29:13Oh, God.
01:29:14Oh, God.
01:29:15Oh, God.
01:29:16Oh, God.
01:29:17Oh, God.
01:29:18Oh, God.
01:29:19Oh, God.
01:29:20Oh, God.
01:29:21Oh, God.
01:29:22Oh, God.
01:29:23Oh, God.
01:29:24Oh, God.
01:29:25Oh, God.
01:29:26Oh, God.
01:29:27Oh, God.
01:29:28Oh, God.
01:29:29Oh, God.
01:29:30Oh, God.
01:29:31Oh, God.
01:29:32Oh, God.
01:29:33Oh, God.
01:29:34Oh, God.
01:29:35Oh, God.
01:29:36Oh, God.
01:29:37Oh, God.
01:29:38Oh, God.
01:29:39Oh, God.
01:29:40Oh, God.
01:29:41Oh, God.
01:29:42Oh, God.
01:29:43Oh, God.
01:29:44Oh, God.
01:29:45Oh, God.
01:29:46Oh, God.
01:29:47Oh, God.
01:29:48Oh, God.
01:29:49Oh, God.
01:29:50Oh, God.
01:29:51Oh, God.
01:29:52Oh, God.
01:29:53Oh, God.
01:29:54Oh, God.
01:29:55Oh, God.
01:29:56Oh, God.
01:29:57Oh, God.
01:29:58Oh, God.
01:29:59Oh, God.
01:30:00Oh, God.
01:30:01Oh, God.
01:30:02Oh, God.
01:30:03Oh, God.
01:30:04Oh, God.
01:30:05Oh, God.
01:30:06Oh, God.
01:30:07Oh, God.
01:30:08Oh, God.
01:30:09Oh, God.
01:30:10Oh, God.
01:30:11Oh, God.
01:30:12Oh, God.
01:30:13Oh, God.
01:30:14Oh, God.
01:30:15Oh, God.
01:30:16Oh, God.
01:30:17Oh, God.
01:30:18Oh, God.
01:30:19Oh, God.
01:30:20Oh, God.
01:30:21Oh, God.
01:30:22Oh, God.
01:30:23Oh, God.
01:30:24Oh, God.
01:30:25Oh, God.
01:30:26Oh, God.
01:30:27Oh, God.
01:30:28Oh, God.
01:30:29Oh, God.
01:30:30Oh, God.
01:30:31Oh, God.
01:30:32Oh, God.
01:30:33Oh, God.
01:30:34Oh, God.
01:30:35Oh, God.
01:30:36Oh, God.
01:30:37Oh, God.
01:30:38Oh, God.
01:30:39Oh, God.
01:30:40Oh, God.
01:30:41Oh, God.
01:30:42Oh, God.
01:30:43Oh, God.
01:30:44Oh, God.
01:30:45Oh, God.
01:30:46Oh, God.
01:30:47Oh, God.
01:30:48Oh, God.
01:30:49Oh, God.
01:30:50Oh, God.
01:30:51Oh, God.
01:30:52Oh, God.
01:30:53Oh, God.
01:30:54Oh, God.
01:30:55Oh, God.
01:30:56Oh, God.
01:30:57Oh, God.
01:30:58Oh, God.
01:30:59Oh, God.
01:31:00Oh, God.
01:31:01Oh, God.
01:31:02Oh, God.
01:31:03Oh, God.
01:31:04Oh, God.
01:31:05Oh, God.
01:31:06Oh, God.
01:31:07Oh, God.
01:31:08Oh, God.
01:31:09Oh, God.
01:31:10Oh, God.
01:31:11Oh, God.
01:31:12Oh, God.
01:31:13Oh, God.
01:31:14Oh, God.
01:31:15Oh, God.
01:31:16Oh, God.
01:31:17Oh, God.
01:31:18Oh, God.
01:31:19Oh, God.
01:31:20Oh, God.
01:31:21Oh, God.
01:31:22Oh, God.
01:31:23Oh, God.
01:31:24Oh, God.
01:31:25Oh, God.
01:31:26Oh, God.
01:31:27Oh, God.
01:31:28Oh, God.
01:31:29Oh, God.
01:31:30Oh, God.
01:31:31Oh, God.
01:31:32Oh, God.
01:31:33Oh, God.
01:31:34Oh, God.
01:31:35Oh, God.
01:31:36Oh, God.
01:31:37Oh, God.
01:31:38Oh, God.
01:31:39Oh, God.
01:31:40Oh, God.
01:31:41Oh, God.
01:31:42Oh, God.
01:31:45Oh, God.
01:31:47Holy shit.
01:31:48Hey, no.
01:31:49Tony, get down.
01:31:51Stay down.
01:31:52Stay down.
01:31:54I know.
01:31:56Stay down.
01:31:57Let's go.
01:31:59Get on your horses.
01:32:00Let's get out of here.
01:32:01Hold it.
01:32:02Shut up.
01:32:05Erica, come on! Get up! Come on!
01:32:07It's this way.
01:32:09Danny, let's go!
01:32:11Let's go!
01:32:13Come on!
01:32:15Get up! Come on!
01:32:21Come on! Let's go!
01:32:35Come on!
01:32:51Come on! Come on!
01:32:53Come on!
01:33:05Come on!
01:34:35Come on!
01:35:35I'll kill Jed.
01:35:43I'll let him get me.
01:35:45He'll make me talk.
01:35:55Wish you could.
01:35:59Wish you could.
01:36:01Wish you could.
01:36:03Wish you could.
01:36:07I want you to do it.
01:36:27I can't.
01:36:29I can't, Tony. I can't.
01:36:31It's okay.
01:36:33It's okay.
01:36:37Give me a grenade.
01:36:43I don't want to be too cold.
01:36:55Pull the pin for me.
01:36:57Pull the pin for me.
01:37:11I'm just gonna stay here...
01:37:13and listen to the wind around, okay?
01:38:57Agree, Comrade Pakov?
01:39:09I've only seen one.
01:39:15Well, they're all dead.
01:39:17Of course. Why not?
01:39:23What do you think?
01:39:27What do you think?
01:39:57All right, now, listen to me.
01:39:59You two are gonna wait up here
01:40:01until the troops pull back into town, all right?
01:40:03You'll know when that happens.
01:40:05When they do, you're gonna head out for the planes.
01:40:07What about you?
01:40:09I gotta stick around.
01:40:11I'm gonna stir things up a little bit
01:40:13so you can make it out.
01:40:15We're going with you, Manny.
01:40:17No. Yeah.
01:40:19We're going with you.
01:40:21You listen to me?
01:40:23We're going with you.
01:40:25We're going with you.
01:40:27You listen to me?
01:40:29We're all that's left.
01:40:31Somebody's gotta live.
01:40:33Somebody's gotta make it.
01:40:39Me and Jed,
01:40:41we're all used up.
01:40:45I can't.
01:40:47I won't.
01:40:49I won't.
01:40:53I'm never gonna forget.
01:40:57As long as I live.
01:41:01I'll never forget.
01:41:15You're never gonna know who won.
01:41:19Who will.
01:41:23You know, we couldn't make it, Jed.
01:41:25We got a lot tougher than this before.
01:41:27We'll cause a diversion,
01:41:29get out of here, head back to the mountains.
01:41:35I love you, Manny.
01:41:39I know.
01:41:41I love you, too, Jed.
01:41:45I know.
01:42:01You know,
01:42:05it's hard being brothers, isn't it?
01:42:15Let's go.
01:42:25Let's go.
01:42:45This place is so high, so desolate,
01:42:49where there's nothing but loneliness.
01:42:55So much has been lost.
01:42:57I want to see your eyes
01:42:59and forget everything.
01:43:03Everything seems so far away.
01:43:07A warm house
01:43:09where my shadow never falls.
01:43:11Your long, black hair
01:43:13in my hands.
01:43:17There's no revolution for me
01:43:19but to see you again.
01:43:23I'm going to give you my resignation.
01:43:35Get out!
01:43:37Get out!
01:43:43Go out!
01:43:47Go out!
01:43:49Get out!
01:43:53Go out!
01:43:55Get out!
01:44:01Get out!
01:44:03Get back!
01:44:10Get back!
01:44:12Get back!
01:44:14Get back!
01:44:20Get back!
01:44:21Get back!
01:44:22Get back!
01:44:49Come on, let's go, let's go!
01:44:53Follow me!
01:44:57Stop firing!
01:44:59Over there!
01:45:01Over there!
01:45:22Give me your grenades!
01:45:30Get back!
01:45:31Get back!
01:45:34Get back!
01:45:36Get back!
01:45:38Get back!
01:45:40Come on, the third one!
01:45:45Cover the corner!
01:45:47Get out of the car!
01:45:54Follow left.
01:45:58No Liebe!
01:46:04Answer me!
01:46:09Hurry up!
01:46:45You lose.
01:47:13I'll kill you.
01:47:43Go with God.
01:48:14You can rest now.
01:48:20Just hang on, man.
01:48:27Oh, man.
01:48:28It's okay, man.
01:48:29It's okay.
01:48:30Just hang on, man.
01:48:32Daddy will be here soon, man.
01:48:34Hang on, man.
01:48:36Come on, man.
01:48:37Daddy will be here soon.
01:48:39Come on.
01:48:45It's okay.
01:48:46Come on, man.
01:48:48Come on.
01:48:56It's okay.
01:48:57Come on, man.
01:49:07I'll hold you as long as I can, man.
01:49:09I'll hold you as long as I can.
01:49:11You can lean on me.
01:49:14I'm so tired.
01:49:19I'm so tired.
01:49:43Come on.
01:50:05We're free now.
01:50:23I never saw the brothers again.
01:50:26In time, this war, like every other war, ended.
01:50:30But I never forgot.
01:50:32And I come to this place often,
01:50:34though no one else does.
01:50:38In the early days of World War III,
01:50:41guerrillas, mostly children,
01:50:44placed the names of their lost upon this rock.
01:50:48They fought here alone and gave up their lives
01:50:52so that this nation shall not perish from the earth.
01:51:11World War I
01:51:13World War I
01:51:15World War I
01:51:17World War I
01:51:19World War I
01:51:21World War I
01:51:23World War I
01:51:25World War I
01:51:27World War I
01:51:29World War I
01:51:31World War I
01:51:33World War I
01:51:35World War I
01:51:37World War I
01:51:39World War I
01:51:41World War I
01:51:43World War I
01:51:45World War I
01:51:47World War I
01:51:49World War I
01:51:51World War I
01:51:53World War I
01:51:55World War I
01:51:57World War I
01:51:59World War I
01:52:01World War I
01:52:03World War I
01:52:05World War I
01:52:07World War I
01:52:09World War I
01:52:11World War I
01:52:13World War I
01:52:15World War I
01:52:17World War I
01:52:19World War I
01:52:21World War I
01:52:23World War I
01:52:25World War I
01:52:27World War I
01:52:29World War I
01:52:31World War I
01:52:33World War I
01:52:35World War I
01:52:37World War I
01:52:39World War I
01:52:41World War I
01:52:43World War I
01:52:45World War I
01:52:47World War I
01:52:49World War I
01:52:51World War I
01:52:53World War I
01:52:55World War I
01:52:57World War I
01:52:59World War I
01:53:01World War I
01:53:03World War I
01:53:05World War I
01:53:07World War I
01:53:09World War I
01:53:11World War I
01:53:13World War I
01:53:15World War I
01:53:17World War I
01:53:19World War I
01:53:21World War I
01:53:23World War I
01:53:25World War I
01:53:27World War I
01:53:29World War I
01:53:31World War I
01:53:33World War I
01:53:35World War I
01:53:37World War I
01:53:39World War I
01:53:41World War I
01:53:43World War I
01:53:45World War I
01:53:47World War I
01:53:49World War I
01:53:51World War I
01:53:53World War I
01:53:55World War I
01:53:57World War I
01:53:59World War I
01:54:01World War I
01:54:03World War I
01:54:05World War I
01:54:07World War I
01:54:09World War I
01:54:11World War I
01:54:13World War I
01:54:15World War I
01:54:17World War I
01:54:19World War I
01:54:21World War I
01:54:23World War I
01:54:25World War I
