Drugstore Cowboy (1989) Crime Drama

  • 3 months ago
Bob Hughes, a drug addict, and his group of friends take to robbing drugstores in order to pay for their habits. However, Bob wishes to turn around and give up his addiction
00:00:00For all we know, we may never know.
00:00:28We may never meet again.
00:00:37Before you go, make this moment sweet again.
00:00:52We won't say goodnight until you're gone.
00:01:05I was once a shameless, full-time dope fiend.
00:01:09Yeah, me, Bob, the sweet mother's son.
00:01:14Me and my crew robbed drugstores.
00:01:16I had done them all, up and down the Pacific Northwest
00:01:19with pharmacies open to close.
00:01:22Didn't matter, except for technique.
00:01:26But don't get the idea it was easy.
00:01:30It's hard being a dope fiend, and it's
00:01:32even harder running a crew.
00:01:37Diane was my wife.
00:01:39I loved her.
00:01:41Man, did she love dope.
00:01:44So we made a good couple.
00:01:46Whenever I got out of the joint, I always ended up with Diane.
00:01:49We come.
00:01:51Rick was my sidekick, my muscle.
00:01:55He was no novice to the life of crime.
00:01:58His record showed a steady climb from juvenile offender
00:02:01to small-time thief.
00:02:03He was going to do just fine.
00:02:07Nadine was Rick's old lady, a counter girl he picked
00:02:10up during one of our jobs.
00:02:12She was a piece of work.
00:02:15She had no record, just a smile that caught
00:02:18us all a little off guard.
00:02:20I was the undisputed leader then.
00:02:22I carried the whole goddamn outfit on my back
00:02:25like it was my own newborn son.
00:02:29But I guess deep down, I knew he could never win.
00:02:35We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:02:47We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:02:51We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:02:55We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:02:59We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:03We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:07We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:11We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:15We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:19We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:23We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:27We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:31We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:35We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:39We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:43We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:47We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:51We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:55We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:03:59We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:03We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:07We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:11We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:15We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:19We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:23We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:27We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:31We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:35We played a game he couldn't win to the utmost.
00:04:39Do you have wintergreen gum?
00:04:43I'm sorry, I don't think we carry that.
00:04:51Hey! Come on here, this lady's having a fit!
00:04:55Hey! She's spazzing all over the place!
00:04:59Come on!
00:05:07I think she might swallow her tongue!
00:05:11Look at that! It's pretty blue!
00:05:15Excuse me, are you too busy
00:05:19to take some money to a costumer?
00:05:23Wait a minute, man, she's falling here!
00:05:35I need an ambulance.
00:05:39A woman is having an epileptic seizure.
00:05:43So how'd we do?
00:05:57Are you sure you're okay?
00:06:05Hey, let's go! Come on!
00:06:09Hurry up! I told you to walk, not crawl.
00:06:13You said walk, and that's what we did.
00:06:17Yeah, I said walk, but I didn't mean to go window shopping.
00:06:21God damn it, Bob!
00:06:25Why'd he get a fix in the car?
00:06:29Can't you wait till we get home like everybody else?
00:06:33Shut up and watch it drive.
00:06:37Oh, Christ! Look at this traffic up here, shit!
00:06:41We gotta get home. Idiot, move over!
00:06:45After any kind of drug haul,
00:06:49everyone in the crew indulged.
00:06:53I laughed to myself as I pictured blues dilaudid
00:06:57in such great amounts that the spoon would literally be overflowing.
00:07:01Upon entering my vein, the drug would start a warm itch
00:07:05that would surge along until the brain consumed it
00:07:09in a gentle explosion that began in the back of the neck
00:07:13and rose rapidly until I felt such pleasure
00:07:17that I took on a soft, lofty appeal.
00:07:21Everything was grand then.
00:07:25You were always standing with me. He wasn't so bad.
00:07:29The ants in the grass, they were just, you know, doing their thing.
00:07:33Everything he took on, the rosy hue of unlimited success.
00:07:37You could do no wrong, and as long as it lasted,
00:07:41life was beautiful.
00:07:45Oh, God damn it!
00:07:49Screw you, buddy. Evil.
00:07:53Where'd you get your goddamn license?
00:08:01All right, now everybody's just that cool.
00:08:05It's like we just got back from church.
00:08:45Hey, has anybody seen my lighter?
00:08:49So I was working for this guy, Al...
00:08:53Al Valdez.
00:08:57And, um, he had this great idea.
00:09:01He said, like,
00:09:05he'd, like, just put shit on them
00:09:09and water.
00:09:13And, like, he always got...
00:09:31Get me the same as Rick, I guess.
00:09:35I don't think so.
00:09:39Nadine, you can't shoot no goddamn blue.
00:09:43Give her half of one, Bob. That'll keep her in the crapper all afternoon.
00:09:47God damn it. If I was in there just like you,
00:09:51I ought to get the same as everyone else, even if I can't shoot it all right now.
00:09:55That's the way things work around here, Nadine. You don't do shit.
00:09:59It's me that's taking the big risk.
00:10:07What about Diane? She didn't do anything either.
00:10:11Really? Not what you think.
00:10:15Don't give her a goddamn thing, Bob. Just kick her ass out in the street where we found her.
00:10:19No, no. Fair is fair. You want your fourth. You got it, Nadine.
00:10:23But I ain't taking on no apprentices and giving them a full hand in my thing.
00:10:27You take it,
00:10:31you get out.
00:10:35Nadine, just take your half of blue, shoot it, and go puke a while.
00:10:43Shh. All right. Everybody just act cool.
00:10:47Nadine, pick up... Come on, pick up the drugs.
00:10:51Better go pack me up.
00:10:55It's David. It's just David.
00:10:59David, what do you want? I just want to see you for a minute, Bob. Come on, let me in.
00:11:03You alone? Oh, yes, I'm alone. What, you think I brought my rat-faced granny along to hold my hand?
00:11:09David, you're an asshole.
00:11:13What the hell, Potty?
00:11:17Have you finally gone completely crazy or something, man?
00:11:21What the fuck do you want? What are you holding?
00:11:25I ain't holding diddly small fry. I was just thinking about going by your place to see if you had any speed.
00:11:29Yo, I got some speed.
00:11:37All right.
00:11:45All right. So you got speed?
00:11:49What kind of speed you got? I got crystal meth dream.
00:11:53This shit is good, man. I've been up all night on this stuff.
00:11:57Here, man, try one on the house.
00:12:01How much of this shit you got on you right now?
00:12:05I got ten grams.
00:12:09All right, let me talk to Diane. Why don't you sit back and watch a little TV?
00:12:13All right.
00:12:21Hey, baby.
00:12:25This kid out here says he's got speed.
00:12:29Goddamn speed for him. You know how ringy it makes you.
00:12:33But listen, what night is it tonight? It's Saturday night, right?
00:12:37Let's get some speed. We'll fix up. Then we'll go hit that big, fat pharmacy.
00:12:41You know the one, right next to the unemployment office.
00:12:45Baby, you know how these things go. It's like a crap game.
00:12:49When you're hot, you shoot the works. When you're cold, you lay off a bit.
00:12:53Well, right now, baby, I'm so hot, I'm burning up all over.
00:12:57You're so goddamn hot, and why don't you lay me down on the bed right now and make love to me?
00:13:01Oh, come on, Diane. You know what I mean. Yeah, I know what you mean.
00:13:05So did you watch I Spy last night?
00:13:09No, I watch Outer Limits. I'm hot to steal.
00:13:13Shit, we can do that any time. Come on.
00:13:17Besides, we got company.
00:13:21So, like, dude, do you think you could get me a TV?
00:13:25Yeah, I could get you a TV. Call it 26-inch.
00:13:29Yeah, but what could you do for me, man? I'll do it.
00:13:33How about some volume, man? Look like you could use it. 10 milligram, 60 volume.
00:13:37That's cool.
00:13:41Don't tell Bob.
00:13:45I won't tell Bob. Fuck that guy.
00:13:49Hey, twerpy, we're gonna fix you up now. Hey, man, you guys got any blues?
00:13:53Hell no. You know how hard it is to get blues these days, David.
00:13:57Now, how about some morphine? I got some good old morphine.
00:14:01What'd you get, man? Morphine sulfated. You know, you're crazy, man,
00:14:05because I can't even read a stop sign when I'm on that crap.
00:14:09My eyes get so far out of focus. Besides, I'm not trading no uptown
00:14:13crank for no downtown trash. What can I say, David?
00:14:17That's all I got. That's all I can give.
00:14:21That's bullshit, man.
00:14:25You guys think I'm dumb. I'm not as dumb as you think I am.
00:14:29Hey, David, too bad we couldn't do business, pal.
00:14:37All right, man. Fuck. I'm sorry, okay?
00:14:41I didn't mean any of that. It's all right.
00:14:45So how many quarter grains of that morphine are you gonna give me for this?
00:14:49I'll hit you with nine quarters per package,
00:14:53and that's just because I'm feeling good. And because you're a real stand-up dude,
00:14:57I'll take all ten grams from you. Ten grams? All right.
00:15:01That's nine apiece. Nine times ten is, uh...
00:15:0575. Yeah, 75. That's 90, Bob.
00:15:09Yeah, Bob, that's 90.
00:15:19Hey, Bob,
00:15:23how much do you want for her? How much of this for her?
00:15:27Huh? How much of this do you want for the fuck's female?
00:15:31Hey, who do you think I am, some kind of closet pimp?
00:15:35I've never heard of such a violation of women's rights in all my life.
00:15:43just out of curiosity, how many bags of speed would you give me for this girl?
00:15:47I don't know. You little twerp. You touch me, and I'll knock your block off.
00:15:51She's mean, ma'am. All right, all right.
00:15:55Let's finish this deal. Pick up your stuff, David, and go.
00:15:59I've got some things to do. All right. Sorry, Diane.
00:16:03Here, Bob. Yeah. All right, ma'am.
00:16:07All right, thanks. All right, you guys have a good evening.
00:16:11Next time you step in the middle of one of my deals to help me with my arithmetic,
00:16:15I'll sell you the first one-eyed carnival freak I can find for a pack of chewing gum.
00:16:23Look at me, babe. I'm hysterical like you.
00:16:27Sorry, Bob.
00:16:31What was it, blouse? Blouse.
00:16:35I really don't remember.
00:16:39Remember the color?
00:16:43There's a lot of colors.
00:16:47I really don't remember.
00:16:51Remember the color?
00:16:55There's a lot of colors.
00:16:59I really don't remember.
00:17:03Remember the color?
00:17:07There's a lot of colors.
00:17:11I really don't remember.
00:17:15I really don't remember.
00:17:35Diane, what, are you going crazy or something?
00:17:39Diane, what the fuck are you doing?
00:17:45What are you on, glue or something? Diane, look.
00:17:49Look, we ought to be out working, man. I know this hospital up on the coast. I know it's a virgin.
00:17:53I know it is.
00:17:57This place has got security zero.
00:18:01I bet they got coke, ma'am. All those hospitals, they always hold big-time coke.
00:18:05You're crazy, Bob. Man, we just pulled off
00:18:09the best score we make in months, and off you trot looking for more.
00:18:13I want to take a break.
00:18:17Come on, Bob.
00:18:21You know me. I can't stand to go on forever like this.
00:18:25Come on. Let's just take me in the bedroom and just hold me for a while.
00:18:29What do you want me to hold you for? Look, Diane,
00:18:33you ought to be out cracking. I love you.
00:18:37You won't fuck me, and I always have to drive.
00:18:41We can't make it up to that hospital right now.
00:18:45Let's see if we can't make it up there before it gets daylight out.
00:18:49I mean, babe, you just, you know, flip out when you see this one, man.
00:18:53I mean...
00:18:57I can just see all those colored models of pills
00:19:01that hospital's holding for me right now.
00:19:05Oh, my God!
00:19:09Come on. Get to the wall.
00:19:13Shut up!
00:19:17Check the other room. Check the other room.
00:19:21All right, you two. Turn around. You know, I just said the other day
00:19:25it looks like Bobby Hughes has finally slowed down a little bit, and then, bang,
00:19:29you knock off another pharmacy. Bullshit, man.
00:19:33Look, man.
00:19:37Oh, my Lord, I'm sure he's trading this whole thing out.
00:19:41That looks like some music.
00:19:45Piece of shit.
00:19:49That's real nice, Bob. It's like you're hooked to the gills.
00:19:53You got a warrant? Yeah, I got a warrant.
00:19:57I got it pasted on the end of one of these slugs. Now, you give me any more shit,
00:20:01I'm gonna give you a good close look at one of them.
00:20:05Oh, heavy, man. You guys been reading too much
00:20:09Mickey Spillane or something? You don't seem to understand, Bobby.
00:20:13Hey, come on. Knock those clubs. Those are my Ben Hogan's, man.
00:20:17Why you gotta mess with the clubs?
00:20:21What are you hitting these days? I got my handicap
00:20:25down here around eight. Eight? Bullshit.
00:20:29Where do you play? Mayfield. I hit a 75 last time I was out there.
00:20:33You don't play those public courses. Mayfield is for pussies, and that's why you have an eight handicap.
00:20:37Well, how am I supposed to play? My clubs are all broke.
00:20:41Have a heart.
00:20:45Break two more and then leave the fucking clubs alone.
00:20:49All right? Thanks, man.
00:20:53Diane, you haven't gone and hid the drugs in some stupid place like the Frosted Flakes again, have you?
00:20:57I don't know what the hell you're talking about, fuckwad.
00:21:01Okay, now. Check on the bottom.
00:21:09Jesus. How old is she? Is she over 18?
00:21:1322. You're 22 years old, right? 22. 22.
00:21:17Lucky for you. Okay, kiddies.
00:21:21Here's how it's coming down. You can just tell us where the drugs are
00:21:25and save yourself a whole lot of trouble.
00:21:29Or you can sit there with your mouth shut,
00:21:33and we're gonna tear this place apart board by board. Now, how's it gonna be?
00:21:59Man, I love cops.
00:22:03If there were no hot shit cops like Gentry around,
00:22:07the competition would be so heavy, there'd be nothing left to steal.
00:22:21All right.
00:22:25You two take the car.
00:22:29Get in the parking. Get something over on the west side.
00:22:33We haven't hit nothing over there in weeks. Should be pretty cool by now.
00:22:37Okay, Bob. We'll... Don't mess it up.
00:22:41We're not gonna mess it up, Bob. Just relax.
00:22:45Diane and I are going over to my mother's house. Get some new threads. Something nice.
00:22:49Hi, Ma.
00:22:53Lord, it's a doping, thieverless son
00:22:57and his crazy little nymphomaniac wife.
00:23:01Hey, Ma?
00:23:13Please tell me what I did to deserve this.
00:23:17Never knowing when there's gonna be a knock on my door telling me my baby's dead,
00:23:21green, with an overdose.
00:23:25Shot by a mad pharmacist or run over by a car
00:23:29while fleeing from police pursuits. Why me?
00:23:33Ma, you don't happen to have those clothes I left you last time I was sent to the joint, do you?
00:23:37I threw all that stuff away years ago. I thought you were never gonna get out.
00:23:41Ma, how could you think that? He is a thief and a dope fiend,
00:23:45isn't he? If you say so, Ma.
00:23:53He can go to prison. He likes it there anyway, don't you, Robert?
00:24:01Why do you hate Bob and I so, Mama?
00:24:05What have we ever done to make you hate us so?
00:24:09I don't hate you, Diane. And I don't hate Robert either.
00:24:13And the good Lord knows that to be the truth.
00:24:17I truly feel pity for you both. You are grown up now.
00:24:21And yet you still act as children who want to do nothing but run and play.
00:24:25You cannot run and play all your life, Diane.
00:24:29Is there anything else of yours up there?
00:24:33If there is, just give it away. I can always get some more.
00:24:37Oh, to be sure, you'll just go steal some more.
00:24:45Ah, yeah, 61, can you pick up a fare?
00:24:49No, 8 Hotel, that's at 36.
00:24:53Ah, 61, can you pick up a fare? No, 8 Hotel, that's at 36.
00:25:05Shut up!
00:25:13So, this is our new home. Yeah, Bob.
00:25:17What do they call Josephine?
00:25:21I don't know.
00:25:25The guy that rented it to me, his name's Dale.
00:25:29Maybe Josephine sounds better.
00:25:33The last time I dropped acid, I decided to make a self-portrait.
00:25:37Groovy, isn't it?
00:25:45I can just see all those bottles of pills
00:25:49that a hospital's holding for me right now.
00:25:53Hot dog.
00:25:57Well, speaking of dogs, do you think that Rick and I could get
00:26:01a little pup, just a little something to hold and pet
00:26:05when you guys are gone?
00:26:09No, no, no fucking dogs.
00:26:13Why, Bob? What do you got against dogs?
00:26:17Look, no fucking dogs, and that's final.
00:26:21Why don't you tell them what happened to the last one we had, Bob?
00:26:25Diane, if you want them to know so much, why don't you tell them?
00:26:29I don't want to discuss it, you know?
00:26:33We had a dog once. His name was Panda.
00:26:37He was a little guy. He used to follow Bob wherever he'd go.
00:26:41Anyway, what happened
00:26:45was the police were after us during a raid on a drugstore in the city.
00:26:49He came out of the bedroom, and he stopped at the closet.
00:26:53And then he swung at me with that iron bar.
00:26:57Little Panda got out of the car and ran away.
00:27:01We looked everywhere for him, but there just wasn't any time.
00:27:06We thought the little guy
00:27:10got hit by a car or something.
00:27:14No. Police had him.
00:27:18Somehow they knew he was our dog.
00:27:22They followed him all the way home.
00:27:26He led them to us.
00:27:30They put us in jail.
00:27:34And they put little Panda to sleep.
00:27:38For a brighter coat,
00:27:42whiter teeth, and a more even disposition,
00:27:46there should only be one choice. Rich gravy, no cereal,
00:27:58do you have any idea what you've done to us by just mentioning dogs in our home?
00:28:02No. What'd I just do? You have no idea. No, I don't, Bob.
00:28:06What'd I do?
00:28:10You just put a 30-day hex on us.
00:28:14That's what you did. Our luck just flew out the window for the next 30 days.
00:28:18You got a calendar so we'll know
00:28:22when this hex ends. What month is it, anyway?
00:28:26Jesus, Bob. No one ever told us anything
00:28:30about not mentioning dogs.
00:28:34The reason nobody mentioned dogs, Rick,
00:28:38is because just to have mentioned a dog would have been a hex in itself.
00:28:42Now that we're on the subject, are there any other sacred things we're not supposed to mention
00:28:46that are gonna affect our future? Yeah. As a matter of fact, there are.
00:28:50And we might as well discuss them right now, being as we're shut down for the next 30 days.
00:28:58Hats. If I ever see a hat on a bed in this house,
00:29:02man, like, you'll never see me again. I'm gone.
00:29:06That makes two of us.
00:29:10Why a hat? Because that's just the way it is, sweetie.
00:29:14And there's mirrors. Never look at the backside of a mirror.
00:29:18Because when you do, it'll affect your future.
00:29:22Because you're looking at yourself backwards.
00:29:26No, you're looking at your inner self.
00:29:30And you don't recognize it because you've never seen it before.
00:29:34Anyway, you can freeze into motion your future,
00:29:38and that can be either good or bad. In any case, we don't want to take any chances.
00:29:42But the most important thing
00:29:46is the goddamn hat. A goddamn hat on a bed
00:29:50is the king of them all. Hell, that's worth at least,
00:29:54what, 15 years bad luck or even death.
00:29:58And I'd rather have death because I couldn't face no 15-year hex.
00:30:02Relax, hon. Let's go lay down a while.
00:30:06You've been on the go for days now. This 30-days thing ain't gonna kill us.
00:30:24Don't let it get you down, Bob.
00:30:28Sometimes bad luck can be good luck.
00:30:32I mean, think of all the times
00:30:36we had a flat tire or engine trouble or something.
00:30:40And we made it to our score late thinking it was bad luck.
00:30:44Only to find out for some reason it was good luck.
00:30:48You know what I mean?
00:30:52You know what I mean?
00:30:56Hell, I can't figure it out.
00:31:00I just know from years of experience
00:31:04the things to look for
00:31:08and the signs and...
00:31:12You know, it's like, it's like, who's ever managing such things
00:31:16is saying, go out there and get it.
00:31:20It's there for the taking, kid.
00:31:24Everything's free this week. I'll let you know when your time's up.
00:31:32You see the signs?
00:31:36Yeah. All you gotta do is look for the signs.
00:31:52Shit. I'm sorry, baby.
00:31:56I'm sorry about that, baby.
00:32:12So what's going on?
00:32:16Look, why don't we just go in there, we plant some stuff on them,
00:32:20we drag them on in. It works all the time.
00:32:24I'll tell you why not. Because I don't want to get Bob Hughes on no bullshit possession beef.
00:32:28That's all we're gonna get him on unless we catch him cold on his way home from a score.
00:32:32You know that.
00:32:36Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:32:40What is it, Bob?
00:32:44I don't know.
00:32:52Did I wake you up?
00:32:56No, no, no. We were awake, weren't we, Rick?
00:33:00Well, I don't know what to think. I saw this sinister-looking man
00:33:04with a ladder creeping around outside my bedroom window.
00:33:08I know that I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink
00:33:12if I thought there was some crazy sex maniac running around loose out there.
00:33:16Oh, well, well, well. Now, you just relax.
00:33:20We'll go down there and check it out immediately.
00:33:24Oh, thank you very much. Yeah, we'll check it out as soon as we can.
00:33:28Good night. Good night. Good night.
00:33:32Good night. Good night. Bye-bye.
00:33:38What the hell is she doing up at 2 o'clock in the morning?
00:33:52It's Gentry.
00:33:56Yeah. I bet he followed us when we moved.
00:34:00That son of a bitch.
00:34:08Well, I guess we'll have to teach him a little lesson, huh?
00:34:34The reason you can never get Bob Hughes for possession of narcotics
00:34:38is that he has an arrangement with the guy that lives on the north side of him.
00:34:42They have a line running between their houses,
00:34:46and Bob signals the guy when he wants the stuff.
00:34:50The next-door neighbor puts it on a string, and Bob pulls over what he needs
00:34:54and leaves the rest in the other house where you can never find it.
00:35:04Excuse me.
00:35:08Bye, Daddy. Bye-bye.
00:35:12Excuse me. You got a second?
00:35:16Yeah. You live here, right? Right.
00:35:20I live next door. I know it's none of my business.
00:35:24What do you suppose he has in that sack? You think it might be junk?
00:35:28One thing I am positive of. It's not his goddamn lunch.
00:35:32About 2 o'clock this morning, I look out my window, and sure enough, there the guy is.
00:35:36A big, ugly son of a bitch. And he's wearing a long, dark raincoat,
00:35:40and he's standing on top of his ladder, looking in your upstairs windows.
00:35:44He's got one hand underneath his raincoat. From where I was standing,
00:35:48I gotta tell you, it looked kind of sick. I'll shoot the son of a bitch.
00:35:52I'll shoot the son of a bitch right in the balls. Now, hang on a second, mister.
00:35:56You see the way they talk to each other, all the gestures and such?
00:36:00They ain't just casual acquaintances. I can see that.
00:36:04You know, for a second there,
00:36:08it looked like that big guy was gonna jump on you and stomp his guts out.
00:36:12I would have liked to have seen that.
00:36:16Okay. I know what you guys are thinking. What's old Bob got me into this time?
00:36:20Well, let me tell you, this is gonna be something. You guys are gonna love this.
00:36:24Diane, where are you going?
00:36:28I'm just gonna go get my cigarettes, Bob. All right. Hurry up. You're not gonna want to miss this one.
00:36:32This is gonna be it. Rick, where are you going? I'm just getting a beer, Bob.
00:36:36All right. Don't come crying to me when you miss out.
00:36:40Okay. Shh. Here they come. There's two of them.
00:36:52Come here. Come over here.
00:36:56They're making their move. One guy's climbing up the ladder.
00:37:00Ooh, I hope he gets pissed off at that man.
00:37:04Okay. Neighbor's coming out of the house. Holy shit. He's got a shotgun!
00:37:08I'll be a son of a bitch.
00:37:16Whoa! Holy shit!
00:37:26Oh, shit.
00:37:56Oh, shit.
00:38:26Bob, I want to talk to you about what happened last night.
00:38:30Well, we told the investigating officer everything we knew.
00:38:34Nothing further to add. You little punk.
00:38:38Halimer and Traczynski know you set them up, and I can honestly say they are anything but happy about it.
00:38:42Now, Bob, I'm gonna make a suggestion to you.
00:38:46Why don't you take a nice long drive somewhere far away from here?
00:38:50Now, wait a minute, Chantry. I won the goddamn thing.
00:38:54Chantry, I won the goddamn war, not you.
00:38:58Who are you to dictate the terms?
00:39:02Why don't you go find some small-town police department where you can step in as sheriff,
00:39:06where all you gotta do is worry about the usual saturday night drunks and kids fucking around?
00:39:14So you think you won the war, huh?
00:39:18Pick him up.
00:39:22You're just a junkie that got one of my officers shot.
00:39:26And as soon as he gets a hold of you, everybody's gonna forget that you ever existed.
00:39:34Let him go.
00:39:38Little piece of shit.
00:39:46Let me give you a hand up, Bob.
00:39:50Fuck you, Chantry.
00:39:52Yeah, don't forget your clubs, pal.
00:39:54Work on your handicap.
00:40:04Now, don't think that Chantry was running us out of town because I could stand her beating.
00:40:08No, we were splitting because things were going all wrong.
00:40:12Nadine's hex was a little more powerful than I had calculated.
00:40:16It was time to change the scenery, which is what happened when you went cross-roading.
00:40:20Diane got the narcotics together and sent them ahead by bus to depots across the pacific northwest
00:40:24so we could rendezvous with the drugs as we needed them.
00:40:28See, we couldn't afford to be caught with a car full of narcotics,
00:40:32so we had a backup plan in the form of a hole punched through the floorboard of our car.
00:40:36When the flashing red lights became a reality, bingo.
00:40:40Down the hole went the stash.
00:40:44Something the matter, officer?
00:40:48Then we'd scramble to the next rendezvous, which was hopefully within eight hours before the drugs wore off.
00:40:52I'll tell you, no construction staff working overtime takes more stress and strain than we did
00:40:56just trying to stay high.
00:41:00And walla walla.
00:41:04Oh, boy.
00:41:34I don't want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde.
00:41:38Oh, Bonnie is red-eyed.
00:41:42Oh, Bonnie is red-eyed.
00:41:46Oh, Bonnie is red-eyed.
00:41:50I'm a-wondering, I'm working so hard.
00:41:54Oh, Bonnie is red-eyed.
00:41:58The reason we rented this truck
00:42:02is not necessarily because we need another vehicle,
00:42:06but because we don't want to look like this.
00:42:10We've got the right license plates on us, and this way, the average Joe will just think
00:42:14we're a couple farm boys and a prostitute in town for a little joyride.
00:42:18Hey, I always wanted to be a farmer, Bob.
00:42:26Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:42:30Did you guys see that?
00:42:34Did you open transom? No.
00:42:38What's a transom, Bob?
00:42:42It's all clear in the back.
00:42:46All right, give me a lift, then meet me around back.
00:42:50Okay, ready? One, two, three.
00:43:04Come on.
00:43:20Nadine, take these and put it inside the truck.
00:43:24Rick, step in here a minute. I want you to look at these two safes.
00:43:28You see them over there?
00:43:34Rick, let's go.
00:43:42Rick, let's go.
00:43:50Shut up.
00:43:58We're finished, hot pants. You blew it.
00:44:04Hey, babe, you playing cards?
00:44:08Who's winning?
00:44:12What's the matter with her?
00:44:20Holy shit.
00:44:24What is it, Bob? What did you find?
00:44:28Powdered the lauded. That's what.
00:44:32An untouched one-eighth-ounce bottle of powder D.
00:44:40There should be another posh with those ones in it somewhere.
00:44:44Let's see.
00:44:48Rick, do you have any idea what this little bottle's worth?
00:44:52No, Bob. What's it worth?
00:44:56This here little bottle has got 840-some-odd-16s
00:45:00or around $8,400 of the best pharmaceutical dope money can buy.
00:45:06What a find. This here little bottle ought to last the three of us a week.
00:45:12Yeah, Diane, I better take that.
00:45:16Guess you must outrun that hex we had in us, eh, Bob?
00:45:20Sure glad we started cross-roading. Bob, let's shoot it.
00:45:24Be careful. This stuff could kill you.
00:45:28Diane gives less war.
00:45:36Go slow.
00:45:44I'll show you how we're gonna hide this stuff.
00:45:52Right up here.
00:45:58Come on.
00:46:14Here, take this stuff.
00:46:18We'll cross over a couple of these units
00:46:22and stash it over somebody else's room.
00:46:56So you blew it. Big deal.
00:47:00Listen, we're gonna go out for a couple hours,
00:47:04but we'll be back in here in a bit.
00:47:08What did that son of a bitch say about me?
00:47:12He didn't say anything about you.
00:47:16Yeah, but he's not gonna take me along anymore, is he?
00:47:20Then one day you'll all just drop me off somewhere and he'll never come back.
00:47:24Nadine, what are you talking about?
00:47:28Come on, honey, you're with me, and I'm not gonna leave you anywhere.
00:47:32He is a goddamn hog! Shut up!
00:47:36Hog! Hog! Shut up. Shut up. Come on.
00:47:40Hog! Don't do that. Please, Nadine.
00:47:44We got a good thing going here.
00:47:48Why do you want to rock the boat?
00:47:52It's the superior ways and all that crap about hexes.
00:47:56You don't believe that stuff, do you?
00:48:00Look, Nadine, I don't know, okay?
00:48:04All we have to do is not talk about pets and their presence and not leave any hats on any beds.
00:48:08What's hard about that?
00:48:12I'm just gonna prove to all of you that a hat on a bed doesn't mean anything.
00:48:16Hey, Rick, let's go. Come on.
00:48:20I really wish I hadn't done that.
00:48:32I'm just going out with him tonight, and when you come back,
00:48:36I'll show all of you.
00:48:40When I come back, I don't want to see that hat on the bed, all right, honey?
00:48:44Nadine, there's just no talking to you sometimes.
00:48:49Dr. Clayton, please come to Nurse's Station 3.
00:48:53Dr. Howard...
00:48:57Hey, Rick, Rick, Rick.
00:49:01Don't be too aggressive, man. We're just trying to create a diversion, okay?
00:49:05I don't want anybody getting hurt. Okay, Mom.
00:49:12Okay, baby, all set? Yeah.
00:49:16Come on.
00:49:46Prepare to die.
00:50:17Come on.
00:50:46Come on.
00:51:05Damn raw, shit.
00:51:17Come on.
00:51:22Come on.
00:51:42This just isn't like him.
00:51:46Bob's like a rabbit, in and out and no nonsense.
00:51:51That goes for a lot more than a hospital pharmacy.
00:51:55Dr. Brown, line 237.
00:51:59Dr. Wendell Brown, line 237.
00:52:03He was asking for you. Okay, tell him I'll be right there.
00:52:08This is Ron to admitting.
00:52:12This is Jane and Ron to admitting.
00:52:38Open the door.
00:52:42Open the door.
00:53:08I don't think he's going to come.
00:53:12Why don't we go back?
00:53:16They got him. Bastards got him.
00:53:20I know it. I can feel it in my heart.
00:53:24Dirty bastards.
00:53:28It is.
00:53:59Oh, my God.
00:54:05Honey, I'm home.
00:54:14You're not going to believe the shit that happened to me tonight.
00:54:18What's going on?
00:54:22Who put the goddamn hat on the bed?
00:54:26She did, Bob. She didn't mean anything by it.
00:54:41She bit it.
00:54:48Where'd she get the stuff?
00:54:52She couldn't have done this on her two sixteenths.
00:54:56What's she been doing, saving it up?
00:55:04Who gave her this?
00:55:08Damn. She must have picked it up off the floor of the truck
00:55:12when we were collecting these bottles.
00:55:16Conniving little bitch.
00:55:21You can't say that about her, Bob. She's dead.
00:55:27You don't say anything bad about her.
00:55:37She beat you.
00:55:41Your own woman beat you out of your cut on a score.
00:55:46She got what she deserves.
00:55:50Listen, man, not only that,
00:55:54she threw a hex on us. We'll all be lucky to outrun, huh?
00:55:58She left us with an OD'd stiff,
00:56:02which is paramount to a murder beef in this state.
00:56:06For Christ's sake, get this goddamn hat off the bed.
00:56:45It's like trying to raise a couple of kids
00:56:49when you take on a couple like that
00:56:53to turn them into a couple of kids.
00:56:57I'm not a couple. I'm a family.
00:57:01I'm a family.
00:57:05I'm a family.
00:57:09I'm a family.
00:57:13It's like trying to raise a couple of kids
00:57:17when you take on a couple like that
00:57:19to try and teach them to steal.
00:57:21You know what I mean, Diane?
00:57:25All these kids, they're all TV babies
00:57:29and watching people killing and fucking each other
00:57:33on the blue tube for so long. That's all they know.
00:57:37Yeah, well, they think it's legal.
00:57:40I'm gonna get real tired.
00:57:46Poor Nadine.
00:57:49She's just a goddamn kid.
00:57:55Now what?
00:58:01Hello. Are you Mr. Hughes?
00:58:07Are you planning on checking out today?
00:58:10No. Why?
00:58:11Well, you see, sir, we have prior commitments
00:58:14in the form of a reservation for your room today.
00:58:21You mean check out today?
00:58:23I'm afraid so.
00:58:24You see, we're having a sheriff's convention in town,
00:58:28and all these rooms have been reserved in advance for them
00:58:3190 days ago.
00:58:35All right, uh, do you think I could go down to the office
00:58:38and talk to you in about 10 minutes?
00:58:40Give me 10 minutes.
00:58:48We're gonna know some of those guys, I'll bet.
00:58:51I don't believe it. I don't fucking believe it.
00:58:54A sheriff's convention, no less.
00:58:57Why couldn't it have been a Tupperware convention?
00:59:01Better yet, an undertaker's.
00:59:19Excuse me.
00:59:36I'm sorry, Mr. Hughes.
00:59:38You should have let us know you intended on staying this long.
00:59:42Look, I've got a colleague in that room,
00:59:46and he's sick with the mumps.
00:59:49I'm afraid to move him.
00:59:51I mean, what if they should spread?
00:59:53The doc said all we need is another day.
00:59:55You can travel on another day.
00:59:57Oh, come on. Come on.
01:00:01...occurred five ago from 1-801-656...
01:00:09Let's go get a cup of coffee.
01:00:12...there's a red small vehicle...
01:00:19All right, objection.
01:00:21The complaint is not a doctor's testimony as such.
01:00:24Well, there you go.
01:00:30...the first time in my life...
01:00:37...my god, what are the rest of us gonna do?
01:00:40Lock it up!
01:00:48I'm giving you one heck of a time getting her out of that crossface.
01:00:55I don't know if I'm ever gonna get my nails done now.
01:01:01Nadine really got to you, didn't she, Bob?
01:01:05Yeah, well, I'll tell you what's wrong.
01:01:08I'm afraid some big, fat cop's gonna come rumbling through this door any minute.
01:01:13He'll say, get out of this room. This is my room.
01:01:26I love you.
01:01:30I love you, too.
01:01:47Hey, Diane?
01:01:53Here's that blue garment bag. The big one.
01:03:02Don't worry, Bob. We'll make it.
01:03:05We always do, don't we?
01:03:24Ha, ha, ha!
01:03:27Honey? Let's go, dear. We're gonna miss our flight.
01:03:41What a busy day.
01:03:46Look, what do you say we go up to the attic, divide the stuff up with Rick...
01:03:50and give him the big end. Don't count him short.
01:03:54What's going on, Bob? What are you thinking about?
01:04:07I'm thinking about, uh...
01:04:10heading back home,
01:04:13getting on the 21-day meth dome program,
01:04:16cleaning up my hands.
01:04:18Are you kidding?
01:04:21No, I'm not.
01:04:29We can't do it anymore.
01:04:32Well, I'm not going on no-withdrawal program.
01:04:35So what's gonna happen to me?
01:04:38Why don't you come with me?
01:04:41No thanks, Buster.
01:04:44Not a fucking word do you mention about all this.
01:04:47When you see the clear blue sky, you say you're gonna clean up your hand.
01:04:51And you know I can't.
01:04:56Look, Diane, do what you want.
01:04:59Take whatever we got. I only need enough to get me home.
01:05:18Get the shovel.
01:05:21I'll take care of her.
01:05:35Go back to the truck.
01:09:54Only the ugly
01:10:00We come
01:10:04And go
01:10:09Like the ripples
01:10:12On a stream
01:10:19So love me
01:10:26Tomorrow was made
01:10:31For someone
01:10:35Tomorrow may
01:10:38Never come
01:10:46For all we know
01:10:52For all we know
01:11:10Have you ever been on a maintenance or withdrawal program before?
01:11:14No, no.
01:11:17I see. How long have you been on drugs altogether?
01:11:23All my life.
01:11:26Then this isn't your first time withdrawing.
01:11:29No. It's my first time withdrawing on methadone.
01:11:34How old are you now?
01:11:40Are you married?
01:11:42Uh, yeah.
01:11:44Where is your wife?
01:11:46I don't know.
01:11:48Do you have children?
01:11:54Do you have a job?
01:11:59Do you have a social security number?
01:12:06Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
01:12:12Yeah, a few times.
01:12:15What were they? What felonies were you convicted of?
01:12:19What do you want? You want my life story?
01:12:23Look, wait. I'm a junkie.
01:12:26I like drugs. I like the whole lifestyle.
01:12:29But it just didn't pay off.
01:12:34You know, you don't see my kind of people.
01:12:38Because my kind of people, they don't come down here and beg dope.
01:12:42They go out and get it.
01:12:44And if they miss, they go to jail.
01:12:46And they kick along with nothing and some holding tank.
01:12:51I'm sorry, Bob.
01:12:53I don't mean to hassle you.
01:12:56All this is required.
01:12:58I'm sorry if you think it's unnecessary.
01:13:02Have you ever considered becoming a counselor?
01:13:05And helping other addicts with their problems?
01:13:11Why not?
01:13:13Well, to begin with, nobody, and I mean nobody,
01:13:18can talk a junkie out of using.
01:13:22You can talk to them for years,
01:13:24but sooner or later, they're gonna get a hold of something.
01:13:27Maybe it's not dope.
01:13:29Maybe it's booze.
01:13:31Maybe it's glue. Maybe it's gasoline.
01:13:34Maybe it's a gunshot in their head.
01:13:38But something,
01:13:40something to relieve the pressures of their everyday life,
01:13:44like having to tie their shoes.
01:14:07God bless you.
01:14:09Oh, you're welcome.
01:14:26Father Murphy.
01:14:29Hey, Tom.
01:14:32Well, well.
01:14:35Bad Bobby Hughes.
01:14:38Imagine seeing you here after all these years.
01:14:44You live here, too?
01:14:46I have nowhere else to go.
01:14:50There is no demand in the priesthood
01:14:53for elderly drug addicts.
01:14:55And in discretion in 1970,
01:14:58you were inside, I believe.
01:15:01The result is my descent to this sorry state.
01:15:08As a matter of fact, I'm feeling a bit sick right now.
01:15:13Are you holding?
01:15:18He got me on this 21-day thing in methadone.
01:15:23What about you?
01:15:28What about yourself?
01:15:31Oh, sure.
01:15:33I'm on the program.
01:15:35But sometimes I get a little bit ahead of my schedule.
01:15:43And sometimes I think some junkie nurse
01:15:47may be stepping on my medication.
01:15:52I can't be sure.
01:15:55How about it?
01:15:57Want to score?
01:16:01I'll keep you company.
01:16:06This here's an artwork.
01:16:09Work of art, so it's more artwork.
01:16:15Dig a bowl on that tree there.
01:16:20Yeah, that reminds me.
01:16:22I used to know an old croaker.
01:16:25I think it was on that street.
01:16:27Maybe it's the next street over.
01:16:29Yeah, you write like a major.
01:16:33Tom knew his way around the old neighborhoods.
01:16:37I'd known Tom since I was an altar boy.
01:16:40Benevolent Father Murphy,
01:16:41the most notorious dope fiend on the coast.
01:16:44When he was holding,
01:16:45he'd always share with those of us who weren't.
01:16:48Tom was king then. He had it all.
01:16:50His ass was covered in this life and the next.
01:16:53I bet he shot a million bucks in his arm.
01:16:59Okay, now this is what you call a radio-armed drill press.
01:17:03Get the drill you want, putting it in the holder.
01:17:07Make sure you've got a good grip on it.
01:17:09That brings your drill down to your work.
01:17:12Position it over the hole.
01:17:14That's your clutch.
01:17:15This is your power feed.
01:17:17This is the clutch that engages the power feed.
01:17:20Put that in and just let it drill.
01:17:48But you're going to go to work loaded.
01:17:50It's going to show.
01:17:51Being loaded is like being drunk.
01:17:53You take a drink in the morning,
01:17:55you've got to get high in the morning.
01:17:57Your boss is going to see it,
01:17:58you're going to get fired.
01:17:59Then you're not making that big money.
01:18:01Then you're going to have to do something else.
01:18:03You're going to have to rob, steal, sell.
01:18:07Somewhere in that robbing and stealing,
01:18:09you might end up killing your best buddy.
01:18:11What's the fix?
01:18:12You're just going to go down in tubes
01:18:15The more you use, the longer you use,
01:18:17the further down you go.
01:18:19You've got to find your own bottom in this.
01:18:23I don't know.
01:18:24I'm tired of it.
01:18:26You're both tired of being sick.
01:18:44Catch you up on your reading.
01:18:51You didn't stay gone long, Bob.
01:18:54What happened?
01:18:55Nothing happened.
01:18:57I hear you're on a methadone program now.
01:19:00You don't think that's going to keep
01:19:01Drozdinski from jumping your ass, do you?
01:19:05To tell you the truth, I haven't given it much thought.
01:19:09You know, for once, I'm not here to hassle you.
01:19:12You know, Drozdinski lost his gold badger
01:19:14with that little incident.
01:19:15He's working traffic out in the north end.
01:19:17He's made so many goddamn threats,
01:19:19he's almost going to have to hurt you.
01:19:21I don't want to see that happen.
01:19:24Yeah, look, what can I say?
01:19:26I got a job, you know?
01:19:30What happened out there in the sticks, Bob?
01:19:32Where's Diane?
01:19:36Well, you know how whimsical women are.
01:19:40She found some other dude to chase after,
01:19:42and off she went, chasing after him.
01:19:46I find that a little hard to believe.
01:19:49You and Diane have been running around together
01:19:51since you were little kids.
01:20:00You know, I hope you make out on that job of yours.
01:20:03And I sincerely hope that you straighten up a little bit.
01:20:08Take care of yourself, Bob.
01:20:39My old lady's still out there right now.
01:20:42Forget about her.
01:20:44I can't do nothing with her.
01:20:45I tried.
01:20:46I told her to come.
01:20:47She didn't want to come.
01:20:48She was, you know, doing her thing.
01:20:51Yeah, she had what I was doing.
01:20:52I was going right to the source.
01:20:54Right to the source.
01:20:56Where do they make drugs?
01:20:58You know, I don't know.
01:20:59I don't know.
01:21:00I don't know.
01:21:01I don't know.
01:21:02I don't know.
01:21:03I don't know.
01:21:04I don't know.
01:21:05I don't know.
01:21:06I don't know.
01:21:08They make drugs in the drug stores.
01:21:12Yeah, now if you want some money, you go to the bank, huh?
01:21:17Yeah, honey.
01:21:18I got to stop by the bank and then the drug store.
01:21:20I'll be home after a while.
01:21:24Man, what are you crying for?
01:21:25You're the one who wants to do the drugs.
01:21:27Man, you got to pay for them.
01:21:28Where's my fucking money, bitch?
01:21:33Punk, where the fuck is my money?
01:21:35Come on, this is the third time I've had to ask you.
01:21:38Come on, what are you gonna say?
01:21:39Say something.
01:21:40Come on, you want me to beat you up, I'll say something.
01:21:42Hey, David, what do you think you're doing, man?
01:21:47What do you think you're doing?
01:21:48This kid's crying, man, it's over.
01:21:51It's business, man, what do you care, man?
01:21:53Why don't you get out of here and mind your own business,
01:21:55man, what do you care?
01:21:57Bugs me.
01:21:58Okay, take a walk.
01:22:00Hey, man, come on.
01:22:03Hey, when did you grow up, man, huh?
01:22:05I am growing up, asshole.
01:22:10Why don't you do something, man?
01:22:12What's up with you, man, I thought you...
01:22:15Man, I'm not buying you no lunch.
01:22:20You know, Tom, you told me a lot of the old time stories
01:22:24about how you used to stick your arm
01:22:29in between the bars of the cell.
01:22:31The guard would come by and he'd fire you up
01:22:33a shot of morphine.
01:22:36I never did that for me.
01:22:38Well, they don't do that for anyone anymore.
01:22:42Narcotics have been systematically
01:22:47scapegoated and demonized.
01:22:53The idea that anyone can use drugs
01:22:56and escape a horrible fate is anathema to these idiots.
01:23:01I predict in the near future,
01:23:04right-wingers will use drug hysteria
01:23:10as a pretext to set up an international police apparatus.
01:23:21An old man, I may not live to see
01:23:24a final solution of the drug problem.
01:23:31You know what, Tom?
01:23:34You might have missed your calling.
01:23:35You should have been a philosopher.
01:23:38Well, Bob, in another life, perhaps.
01:23:41Another life.
01:24:08Who is it?
01:24:11Who is it?
01:24:26Jesus, what kind of a dump is this?
01:24:30And where's the female?
01:24:31You might as well trot her out.
01:24:33You don't have a change, do you, Diane?
01:24:36Goddamn right I don't.
01:24:37Why should I?
01:24:39Hey, I was just commenting on how good you look.
01:24:43Yeah, I'll bet.
01:24:44Hey, how about a cup of tea?
01:24:49So how's that methadone thing working out?
01:24:53Methadone thing working out.
01:24:58Hey, I got a job, did I tell you that?
01:25:01No shit.
01:25:03Where are you working?
01:25:04Oh, just a machine shop over on Western.
01:25:09Well, what do you do there?
01:25:11I, uh, I drill holes.
01:25:14Drill holes?
01:25:17I drill these holes that bolts fit into.
01:25:22Oh, yeah?
01:25:23How do you like it?
01:25:24Well, I'll tell you the truth,
01:25:26it's kind of a drag, but pays the rent.
01:25:33And then you're really serious,
01:25:34you're gonna go on with this thing?
01:25:41Hey, Diane, why don't you take your coat off
01:25:43and stay a while, huh?
01:25:44I can't, Bob.
01:25:45I got people waiting for me out in the car.
01:25:48I just came up to see how you used mine.
01:25:56That's from Rick and the rest of us.
01:25:58Kind of thought you might need a taste once in a while.
01:26:07What happened?
01:26:08What made you turn around that day?
01:26:10Was it me, did I do something wrong?
01:26:13No, baby, it wasn't you.
01:26:16It was Nadine's death,
01:26:17the heck she threw on us with that hat.
01:26:20And then I panicked when I looked out into the parking lot
01:26:22and I saw all those cop cars.
01:26:25Hell, I knew I was dead.
01:26:27So I started copping deuces,
01:26:29I prayed like I never prayed before.
01:26:30I said, God, Son, Devil, whoever you are up there,
01:26:34please have pity on me.
01:26:36Please let me get this poor girl's body
01:26:38out of this hotel room and into the ground
01:26:40so I don't have to spend the rest of my life in prison.
01:26:43And God, if you'll do that for me,
01:26:45I'll show you my appreciation by going home,
01:26:49getting on the methadone program,
01:26:51getting a job and living a virtuous life.
01:26:56Well, I got out.
01:26:59And I promised, so here I am.
01:27:03Are you gonna stick with it forever?
01:27:10you know, Diane, for all the boredom
01:27:12the street life brings, it's not that bad.
01:27:16I mean, even this crummy little room ain't so bad.
01:27:19I mean, I actually wake up some mornings
01:27:21and I feel like something good's gonna happen today.
01:27:24You know?
01:27:26I'm a regular guy, I got my regular job,
01:27:29I got my regular room.
01:27:33And now I got you.
01:27:35You're crazy, Bob.
01:27:38You're really crazy.
01:27:44Hey, Diane, why don't you go downstairs
01:27:48and tell your friends that you're gonna spend the night,
01:27:50come back and bed down with me for a little while?
01:27:54I'd like to, Bob, but I got another old man now.
01:27:59I'm Rick's old lady now, I've got a gas, I work for Rick.
01:28:03There we were, teaching that brat to steal,
01:28:05and now I'm on his crew.
01:28:09Things sure can get screwed around, can't they?
01:28:15And Bob, you know me.
01:28:17I might have been a lot of things,
01:28:20but I never was a tramp.
01:28:23I'm not gonna lie to you, Bob.
01:28:26But I never was a tramp.
01:28:53Bob, I gotta go.
01:28:56I'm sorry, I gotta go.
01:29:19Hey Diane?
01:29:23It's really good to see you.
01:29:25I wish I could win you back.
01:29:55Yeah, hand it to him, now!
01:30:25Come on, let's go!
01:30:55Come on.
01:31:21Who is it?
01:31:22Tom, it's Bob. Open the door.
01:31:26Hey, what's this?
01:31:27It's a gift. I won't be needing it.
01:31:30Yeah, I got my new program down, so...
01:31:32Oh, a gift.
01:31:37Let's just see what's in there.
01:31:46God bless you, my son. May you go to heaven.
01:31:52Oh, yeah, this...
01:31:55Yeah, this is the square. It's never touched stuff.
01:32:05A hundred sixteenths of dilaudid.
01:32:11This should earn you an indulgence.
01:32:26Where's it at, Bob?
01:32:30What do you want?
01:32:31I want your dope, man. Where's the dope?
01:32:33You think about that dope, I'd be sitting in this flea trap, huh?
01:32:36I'm on the methadone program. You coming around me for dope?
01:32:38That's a laugh.
01:32:39Oh, shut up.
01:32:41All right, fucker, man.
01:32:43You want it the hard way, and we're just the guys who are going to give it to you.
01:32:48So, what do you want?
01:32:49A hundred sixteenths of dilaudid.
01:32:51You want it the hard way, and we're just the guys who are going to give it to you.
01:32:55Is that you, David? Huh?
01:32:58Will you listen to me, you little punk?
01:33:00I'm going straight, man. I ain't fucking bullshitting. I'm going straight, man.
01:33:05You ought to try it sometime. It's good for the soul.
01:33:07Fucking liar!
01:33:10Where is it, Bob?
01:33:11We know this is all a scam you're playing.
01:33:13Where is it? Where the fuck is it?
01:33:29There's nothing more life-affirming than getting the shit kicked out of you.
01:33:33I knew it with my heart.
01:33:35You can buck the system, but you can't buck the dark forces that lie hidden beneath the surface.
01:33:40The ones some people call superstitions.
01:33:44Howling banshees.
01:33:46Black cats.
01:33:48Hats on pets.
01:33:49Dogs in the evil eye.
01:33:51So I relaxed and gave in to the notion that for the very first time in my life,
01:33:55I knew exactly what was going to happen next.
01:34:00Man, I'm going to kill this son of a bitch.
01:34:02I bet you the next bastard we capture will tell us where it's at.
01:34:07It's always tough.
01:34:09They ain't all tough.
01:34:15I say kill him.
01:34:19Did you hear me, Bob?
01:34:29Come on, let's go.
01:35:16You gonna make it?
01:35:17Let me get him for a second.
01:35:22Can you hear me?
01:35:25Bob, who did this to you?
01:35:27Was it Chudzinski?
01:35:31All right, Bob, tell me. Who shot you?
01:35:37The hat.
01:35:38Bob, did you say the hat?
01:35:40Tell Diane.
01:35:43Look out for the hat.
01:35:45Tell her.
01:35:48So the hat shot you, right, Bob?
01:35:53The TV baby shot me.
01:35:57The TV baby shot you, but the hat was with him.
01:35:59Bob, who's the hat?
01:36:00You gotta tell me who the hat is so I can tell Diane.
01:36:02Come on.
01:36:08Never mind.
01:36:11I'll tell her myself.
01:36:18We gotta get him out of here.
01:36:32Keep it back.
01:36:49It's this fucking life.
01:36:52You never know what's gonna happen next.
01:36:57That's why Nadine spiked herself with the easy way out.
01:37:02That's why Diane keeps on going like she does.
01:37:08See, most people, they don't know how they're gonna feel from one minute to the next.
01:37:13But a dope fiend, that's a pretty good idea.
01:37:17All you gotta do is look at the labels on the little bottles.
01:37:25You gotta know how to read the signs.
01:37:28That's what the hat on the bed was, which is why I'm not scared.
01:37:33I paid my debt to the hat.
01:37:38The irony was funny.
01:37:40The irony was fucking brilliant.
01:37:43The chicken shit cops were giving me an escort to the fattest pharmacy in town.
01:37:51I was still alive.
01:37:54Hope they could keep me alive.
01:38:10So that every mouth can be fed.
01:38:18Me Israelite.
01:38:24Get up in the morning, sleep in barbershop.
01:38:28So that every mouth can be fed.
01:38:34Me Israelite.
01:38:36My wife and my kids, they pack up and they leave me.
01:38:40The lady said I was yours to receive.
01:38:46Me Israelite.
01:38:49Shot them a tear of choices ago.
01:38:53I don't want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde.
01:38:59Me Israelite.
01:39:00Me Israelite.
01:39:04After a storm, there must be a calm.
01:39:07If you catch me in a palm, you sound your alarm.
01:39:13Me Israelite.
01:39:14Me Israelite.
01:39:30Get up in the morning, sleep in barbershop.
01:39:34So that every mouth can be fed.
01:39:39Me Israelite.
01:39:40Me Israelite.
01:39:43My wife and my kids, they pack up and they leave me.
01:39:47The lady said I was yours to receive.
01:39:52Me Israelite.
01:39:56Shot them a tear of choices ago.
01:39:59I don't want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde.
01:40:05Me Israelite.
01:40:06Me Israelite.
01:40:09After a storm, there must be a calm.
01:40:12If you catch me in a palm, you sound your alarm.
01:40:18Me Israelite.
01:40:25Me Israelite.
01:40:32Me Israelite.
01:40:36Me Israelite.
01:41:06Me Israelite.
01:41:07Me Israelite.
01:41:08Me Israelite.
01:41:09Me Israelite.
01:41:10Me Israelite.
01:41:11Me Israelite.
01:41:12Me Israelite.
01:41:13Me Israelite.
01:41:14Me Israelite.
01:41:15Me Israelite.
01:41:16Me Israelite.
01:41:17Me Israelite.
01:41:18Me Israelite.
01:41:19Me Israelite.
01:41:20Me Israelite.
01:41:21Me Israelite.
01:41:22Me Israelite.
01:41:23Me Israelite.
01:41:24Me Israelite.
01:41:25Me Israelite.
01:41:26Me Israelite.
01:41:27Me Israelite.
01:41:28Me Israelite.
01:41:29Me Israelite.
01:41:30Me Israelite.
01:41:31Me Israelite.
01:41:32Me Israelite.
01:41:33Me Israelite.
01:41:34Me Israelite.