Extended Highlights - Stage 11 - La Vuelta 2024

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00:00It's a good time to be in the breakaway at this Vuelta.
00:05Yesterday, Wout van Aert took victory after going up the road, just like Adam Yates on
00:10Ben O'Connor's sizeable lead and some punchy stage profiles should make for aggressive
00:15starts all week, and his team have to keep a close eye on who's trying to get into the
00:19early moves.
00:23It's important to have riders in the breakaway who aren't very high on GC.
00:29It's key to make a good start, even if you're using a lot of strength.
00:33It makes the rest of the stage more relaxing, we can recover and ride more slowly.
00:39We're still super motivated.
00:41Every day, where we don't lose time, we tell ourselves it's a bit more possible than the
00:45day before.
00:48For several teams, notably Red Bull Bora Hansgrohe have tried to put pressure on the red jersey.
00:53EF Education Easypost also had a go yesterday for Richard Carapaz.
00:57His team-mate Harry Sweeney says Decathlon 82R can't be everywhere.
01:03From what I saw yesterday in the start, I don't think the team's strong enough to control,
01:07to be honest.
01:09And everybody's out for blood, and the stages in the Vuelta are almost perfect to overhaul
01:16GC on any given day, so yeah, I think it's going to be a tough ask.
01:20I don't really see a clear favourite, to be honest, and I think that's why we have so
01:24much action in the Vuelta so far.
01:27Indeed, lots of riders will be trying their luck again today, and they'll need to keep
01:31something in the tank for the tricky final climb.
01:34The Canadian champion, Mike Woods, is dreaming of victory in his Maple Leaf jersey.
01:39For sure, that's the big goal, is to win this jersey.
01:42I feel like I have the legs too, and today's a good stage for me, so hopefully I can do that.
01:46I won a stage here in Gran Camino a couple of years ago, and fought with Alejandro Valverde
01:51for the win overall, and yeah, I really like this area.
01:56I like the north of Spain a lot, and it's just such a beautiful region, and it's a region
02:00that suits me.
02:01The climbs are really, really tough and quite steep.
02:06Stage 11 is 166.5km, with several loops around the town of Padrón.
02:12There are four climbs dotted throughout the stage, but victory is likely to be decided
02:17on the last of them, the Puerto Crujeras.
02:20It's a leg-stinging 3km at 9%, and tops out just 8km from the finish line.
02:28It's been a very, very active start.
02:33Like yesterday, there was no hanging around, with the riders covering more than 45km in
02:38the first hour, and the attacks coming left, right and centre.
02:41Victor Campenaerts opening up a small gap, although he had a group of chasers on his
02:46tail, with the peloton not far behind.
02:49The Belgian, who is hoping to complete his Grand Tour hat-trick here at La Vuelta, leading
02:54the way over the finish line for the first time today, but the chasers had him in their sights.
03:00More than 30 riders had broken away from the peloton, and with nobody too dangerous at
03:05the front, Decathlon AG2R called off the chase, before a close shave for one big man.
03:10Richard Carapaz comes down.
03:14Apparently no major damage done for the Ecuadorian.
03:21The leaders heading for the Puerto Aguasantas, which would act as the second and third climb
03:26of the day.
03:27In the end, there were 38 riders at the front, and the highest placed on GC was George Bennett,
03:32who came across in this small chase group, 9 minutes and 50 seconds down on Ben O'Connor.
03:37Guillaume Martin and Eddie Dunbar were the only other riders within 20 minutes of the
03:41red jersey, so the peloton were happy to let the gap swell out to around five minutes.
03:47Halfway up the first climb of Aguasantas, Sandro Moerisser of Alpecinde-Koenig decided
03:51to go solo, the Belgian reaching the summit and pushing on in the descent, and before
03:56you knew it, he was leading the rest of the breakaway by one minute.
04:02At this point the peloton were six minutes back, with Moerisser heading back into town
04:06and past the finish line for the second time.
04:10The chasers were having a harder time than they might have expected bringing him back,
04:14and so Israel Prometek went to work before the second climb of Aguasantas.
04:20But the gap wasn't coming down fast enough, and the chasers weren't collaborating very
04:24smoothly, all good news for Moerisser who was still solo at the summit of the third climb.
04:30The breakaway all strung out as they brought his lead down to under a minute.
04:37Is Moerisser going to hold on for this intermediate sprint?
04:39He takes the 20 points, he takes the six bonus seconds, behind the chase for those.
04:47Moerisser was finally caught with 32 kilometers remaining.
04:50Another small group then attacked before the final climb, with Campenaerts on the move once again,
04:55plus Harada, Verona, Zana.
04:57And with just over 10 kilometers to go, they were on to Puerto Crujeras.
05:02Erko Barade from Kern Pharma also up there and looking strong, leading the way up the climb
05:07with Verona a max pull.
05:12Back in the peloton meanwhile, Red Bull were winding things up for Primoz Roglic,
05:16and when the Slovenian made his move, only Enric Mas could follow.
05:20We've seen that before.
05:23Ben O'Connor set to lose more precious seconds.
05:28Roglic and Mas were joined by several other riders at the summit,
05:31Godu, Schjelmozer, Martinez and Landa.
05:35And there would soon be around a dozen men at the front preparing to contest the stage victory.
05:39It was all happening in this final, action in the breakaway, action on GC.
05:44And just after the Flamme Rouge, Eddie Dunbar decided to launch from distance for the win.
05:51Eddie Dunbar goes 580 meters to the finish, big attack from the Irishman.
05:57He looks over and under his right-hand shoulder and chasing hard is the rider from Team DSM Fermanick Post.
06:02And now that's max pull.
06:04Kenton Hermans tries to come back.
06:06Eddie Dunbar's gasping for air.
06:08He's gasping for everything as he keeps things going.
06:11Eddie Dunbar, the Irishman of Jaco Alula, is going to take his debut stage in a Grand Tour.
06:19Dunbar pouncing to take the biggest win of his career.
06:22It's only a fourth professional victory for the 27-year-old Irishman who's been dogged by injuries in recent years.
06:28The Jaco Alula man showing all his tactical mouse to attack at just the right moment and hold off his rivals.
06:35Since the Vuelta last year, I think I've had seven or eight crashes.
06:39And of course, physically, that takes its toll.
06:41But mentally, it took its toll on me as well, you know.
06:45I've had numerous times in my head where I thought, yeah, that I might not have a future in the sport
06:51just because of the crashes and the injuries I've had.
06:53And I have an incredible group of family and friends in the team.
06:56They back me so much as well.
06:58And, yeah, it's been a long time coming.
07:01But just to repay all of them today, it means a lot.
07:06Dunbar leading in Quinton Herman's Max Paul and Jonathan Narvaez after a barnstorming finish
07:11with Roglic and Mass putting 37 seconds into O'Connor.
07:17The Australian's lead is down to three minutes and 16,
07:20with Roglic once again making the difference on a short, steep climb.
07:23Mass moves ahead of Carapaz into third.
07:26No change in the lead for the Australian.
07:28Adam Yates remains the king of the mountains.
07:30He's level on points with Van Aert and four ahead of Roglic.
07:36But we've had a change of white jersey.
07:38Carlos Rodriguez is now the best young rider by just six seconds from Florian Lipovitz.
07:44Stage 12 features another summit finish that could open things up in the GC.
07:48Join us for that in a moment.
07:58That's on Thursday and thanks for watching.
