Extended Highlights - Stage 8 - La Vuelta 2024

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00:00Wout van Aert sprinted to his second stage win of this Vuelta yesterday after surviving
00:12the day's climb.
00:13The man in green got a huge helping hand from his team leader Sepp Kuss and he'll no doubt
00:18get a chance to return the favour in the coming days.
00:21Yesterday was really nice for the team, nice for Wout, nice for me to be a part of a sprint
00:30That only gives us motivation and makes us better for the rest of the race.
00:34Today is definitely a different type of stage and I have to be ready for a pretty hard final.
00:43Ben O'Connor has a big overall lead and his team mates are motivated by the prospect of
00:48defending the red jersey.
00:49I think we're well equipped, we've got a good team, lots of our riders have already won
00:55Grand Tour stages and Geoffrey has won best climber jerseys, Bruno Amirai is the French
01:01time trial champion and he's worn pink at the Giro, so I think we've got a really good
01:05team to defend red.
01:08There should be a spectacular finale today, but will it be the breakaway or the peloton
01:13going for glory?
01:16I think today will be for the breakaway because tomorrow is going to be very, very difficult.
01:20It will be too hard for most of the riders in the peloton, but today is a bit of an in-between
01:25stage, there is a summit finish but it's not very long and I think a strong break could
01:30fight it out for victory.
01:34Will stage win or no, there is bound to be a skirmish between the GC favourites who need
01:38to close the gap on O'Connor.
01:42I think it will be a very fast stage, there will be a big fight for the breakaway because
01:46I think they can make it, then in the GC group everyone's going to be fighting their own
01:50fight to try to make up time.
01:54Stage 8 is definitely an opportunity for climbers who have lost time overall.
01:57It's relatively short, 159km with two climbs late in the day.
02:02The hike up to the finish line is just under 5km at 7% with some very steep sections at
02:0720% so we can expect some real fireworks in the final.
02:17There were also fireworks at the start today as about half of the peloton tried to get
02:22into the breakaway.
02:23The riders whizzing along at more than 50km an hour until finally a group of three got
02:28a small gap, Harold Tejada, Mauro Schmidt and Gijs Lehmreiser.
02:33There were also a couple of counter-attacks before the peloton pulled the handbrake.
02:38In a first-chasing group were Luca Vergalito, Jan Izaguirre and Oya Lascano who was in six
02:43breakaways at this year's Tour de France.
02:47Then came Mathis Lebert and Sam Oman.
03:04Eventually those groups all came together so eight leaders now approaching the first
03:08climb with a lead of more than five minutes.
03:11Further back Decathlon AG2R were pacing the peloton for their race leader O'Connor.
03:24The average speed dipping a little to 46.5km an hour as the breakaway hit the climb of
03:29the Puerta Mirador de la Palomas, 7.3km at 5.7%.
03:34Israel Premier Tech had taken over at the front of the peloton bringing the gap down
03:39to around four minutes.
03:41The bunch had to keep an eye on Tejada who began the day six minutes 57 down on O'Connor.
03:46At this point he was virtually second overall.
03:50Lehmreiser was the first to drop from the front group, perhaps feeling the effects of
03:54his ride with O'Connor two days ago.
03:56The remaining seven heading to the summit with a lead now of three and a half minutes.
04:02Still 50km to go and things were finally poised with a couple of the leaders trying to open
04:07up a gap on the descent.
04:23The group of seven reforming as they rolled through the intermediate sprints inside the
04:27final 20km.
04:29Their lead was down to under two and a half minutes with Israel Premier Tech still driving
04:34the peloton.
04:35The battle for the stage victory was on but would the break reach the final climb with
04:40enough of a gap to hold off the bunch?
04:47Some of the front men were starting to think about that potential stage victory and a series
04:52of attacks whittled the group down to just three riders, Tejada, Lascano and Vergalito.
04:58They still had two minutes in hand but it was going to be tough to survive the GC assault
05:02from behind.
05:03Other teams now getting involved in this furious chase.
05:07Tejada leading the way onto the climb as his fellow escapees began to fade but the gap
05:11was only around a minute now, Dani Martinez getting ready to launch Primoz Roglic.
05:18Vlasov and Kurs were among the riders caught in that crash as Roglic quickly took control
05:35of the GC group with O'Connor on the wheel, Lascano fighting his way back to Tejada.
05:41Roglic was looking in one of those moods and with two kilometres to go he put in a stinging
05:47Only Enric Mas was able to follow with O'Connor scrambling to limit the damage.
05:52The Aussie getting some help from his team mate Felix Gau.
05:57But Tejada was the last man standing out at the front but Roglic and Mas were closing
06:01fast as they entered the final kilometre.
06:06O'Connor had lost around 20 seconds by the flamme rouge while Roglic and Mas soon swept
06:11past Tejada.
06:12Mikel Landa wasn't too far behind but it was the Slovenian and the Spaniard who would
06:17battle for stage honours.
06:19Mas takes control at the front of the race, he starts to sprint, he's giving a hard time
06:25to Primoz Roglic who can't quite get round the Spaniard, he's trying to come to the victory.
06:30They're head and head, neck and neck, it's Roglic who's got the upper hand, he comes
06:35to the finish at the top of this climb and it's victory number 14 in the Vuelta a España
06:40on a stage for Red Bull Bora-Hansgrohe's Primoz Roglic.
06:45Roglic striking yet again on the kind of short, steep finish that he adores and proving
06:50that absolutely nothing's been decided at this Vuelta.
06:53The Slovenian taking his second win of this edition and putting time into all of his GC
06:57rivals except Mas, he clearly means business in his pursuit of a fourth overall crown.
07:02I was lucky, I mean, I had the legs to take it today.
07:07It was quite suffering and it was hard today but at the end, I mean, the opportunity was
07:13there and I mean, I went for it, you know.
07:18After a hard period with my injury, I still feel it so we'll just see, we'll just enjoy
07:26today at first.
07:28O'Connor crossing the line 46 seconds down with Koester to minute and seven and Almeida
07:33shipping almost five minutes.
07:35A very solid day for Roglic, he moves on to 86 career wins.
07:39Landa, Tiberi and Schjelmoza round out the top five on the day.
07:44O'Connor's lead over Roglic has been cut to three minutes 49 with Mas at 4.31 and just
07:4926 seconds separate Tiberi in fourth and Gao in tenth.
07:55An ill-timed chain drop saw Wout van Aert drop out of the peloton today so he couldn't
07:59help cuss but he remains the leader of the points classification.
08:05Roglic has taken control of the mountains classification with three points on the finish
08:10He is now two clear of Sylvain Monniquet.
08:14And Tiberi is still on top of the hotly contested youth competition with just 56 seconds separating
08:20the top five riders.
08:21There's a GC blockbuster to come on Sunday with three big climbs on the menu so do join
08:27us again tomorrow and thanks for watching.
