After a breakup, an influencer takes her friends on a free trip to Bahia's vibrant Carnival HD ( Comedy )

  • 5 days ago
After a breakup, an influencer takes her friends on a free trip to Bahia's vibrant Carnival HD ( Comedy )
00:00:00The Empress. I see that. It's easy for you to communicate with others. You're charismatic.
00:00:12You know how to captivate people. I'd say they're naturally drawn to you.
00:00:17Yeah, people do say that. Besides your family, who would you say is
00:00:24important in your life? My girlfriends. They're like my second family.
00:00:29There's Myra. She's a veterinarian. She's my best friend. She's into esoteric stuff.
00:00:34And she's indecisive, like she's always daydreaming. I see your bond is very strong.
00:00:40And there's Michelle. She has such a big heart. It's really easy
00:00:44for her to make new friends. Sometimes we fight, but I know I can always
00:00:53count on her. And there's Vivi. She's a geek. She lives in her own world. It's hard to get
00:01:01her out of it. It looks like you have a very glamorous life, Nina.
00:01:06Well, you know, I'm a social media influencer, so I have 327,000 followers. But my main goal
00:01:18for now is to reach one million followers. Yeah, but the moon right here says that all
00:01:24that glitters is not gold, Nina. Now tell me, do you really like your boyfriend?
00:01:42Marco? Of course I like him. Let me show you Marco. You'll understand. He's a real knockout.
00:01:49Look how hot he is, Helene. Oh, he's just my type. You're right. He's very attractive.
00:01:54I'm talking about his followers. 438,000. You're going on vacation.
00:02:01You're really good. I'm going to Aspen. Marco closed a deal and he's taking me.
00:02:08Well, the cards don't say where you're going exactly, but it will be a turning point in your
00:02:15life, Nina. Believe in your destiny and trust in the power of life-changing experiences.
00:02:24You already have what it takes to shine, Nina. All you need is courage.
00:02:31You have to find the courage to become your true self. But be careful, Nina. In your quest
00:02:40to conquer it all, you might lose the things that matter the most.
00:03:01Let's break for a couple of minutes. Can you hold this for me, please? Thank you.
00:03:05What is this?
00:03:13Marco? Oh, son of a bitch!
00:03:24Marco, you asshole! You cheated on me!
00:03:38You cheated on me. The person who loved you the most, you bastard!
00:03:42Hey, calm down, please. Let's go talk over there.
00:03:44No, don't touch me. Get away from me. Don't touch me.
00:03:46Now calm down. I've been texting you all day.
00:03:49Oh, that's bullshit. Bullshit, Marco. How could you? Do you have any idea how it makes me look?
00:03:53It went viral, okay? Everybody saw it.
00:03:55Everybody? But, but, look, Nina, let's take a minute to talk. Please, let me explain.
00:04:00Ah, explain. I would love to hear your explanation.
00:04:05At first...
00:04:05Screw your explanation, Marco Antonio. What's worse, you did it with some...
00:04:10somebody who only has 1,437 followers. 1,437.
00:04:17You wouldn't understand. We're just not on the same page, okay?
00:04:21What about the trip?
00:04:23Well, we're not going. I mean, I'm going, but with... with...
00:04:28Oh, forget it!
00:04:31I get it.
00:04:33I'm telling you, handsome, sex shops are the best.
00:04:38Oh, you're gonna love it. There's always new products.
00:04:43All kinds of flavored panties, like chocolate, strawberries, jalapeno.
00:04:47That's wonderful.
00:04:48Trust me, you absolutely have to buy some of that stuff. You won't regret it.
00:04:52See you later, hot stuff.
00:04:55Oh, sorry, guys. I just had some sales consultant business.
00:04:58Yeah, yeah, Michelle, it's fine, but right now we have to be there for Nina, all right?
00:05:02Let's try to bring her some love and good vibration.
00:05:05Guys, I'm telling you, it's serious. Have you seen her posts?
00:05:07Oh, come on. As if I have time for that.
00:05:09Plus, we all know that Nina is the queen of drama queens.
00:05:12Look who's talking.
00:05:13Look at how depressed she is. See?
00:05:17Look at this one.
00:05:18And the worst part is that Nina is a meme.
00:05:22A meme?
00:05:23A meme.
00:05:24A meme?
00:05:26I don't get it. She acts like she's totally depressed,
00:05:29but she still has the energy to post pictures of her food.
00:05:31Look, I love Nina, but she's so lame sometimes.
00:05:33Ever since she's become an influencer, her life's one big drama.
00:05:37I'm sorry, it's still hard for me to talk about it.
00:05:40But this gig will help me get through it.
00:05:46How much?
00:05:57That's all right, but I have a question.
00:06:01Instead of getting paid, do you think I could take three of my friends with me?
00:06:08Yeah, I'll hold.
00:06:10You girls are gonna flip out when you hear what we're spending carnival.
00:06:16Yeah, that sounds good.
00:06:18Thank you very much. Talk to you soon.
00:06:21Come on, Nia! Tell us what is going on!
00:06:25Girls, girls!
00:06:28We're going to spend carnival...
00:06:32in Salvador!
00:06:34All expenses paid. VIP passes. The whole shebang.
00:06:38That is awesome! I can't believe it.
00:06:39Girls, it's finally paying off. All her Instagram bullshit.
00:06:42Michelle, I talked to the PR guy working for Freddy Nunes.
00:06:47Oh my god, Freddy Nunes?
00:06:48That's right. Freddy Nunes.
00:06:50He's inviting me for carnival, and you girls are coming with me.
00:07:01Guys, I'm super psyched about all this, but uh, who's Freddy Nunes?
00:07:04I'm telling you, you're joking.
00:07:05I can't believe this.
00:07:07I don't know who he is, Michelle. Everybody knows who Freddy Nunes is.
00:07:14Oh yeah, I know who he is.
00:07:16I mean, I know the song, but I've never seen him before.
00:07:18Anyway, he's not my type.
00:07:19Well, he may not be your type, but he sure is mine.
00:07:21Seriously, a hucker like this?
00:07:23If I see Freddy Nunes while we're in Salvador,
00:07:25Lord have mercy, because you can be sure I won't.
00:07:27No doubt about it.
00:07:28Oh, I would be so happy to go with you guys.
00:07:31But I don't know.
00:07:33It's carnival. I'm afraid it's too...
00:07:35It's way too crowded.
00:07:37I just can't.
00:07:39Hey, think about it.
00:07:40Is there any place more spiritual than Salvador?
00:07:44Okay, it's carnival.
00:07:46But did I ever get you into trouble?
00:07:49Myra, I will never let go of your hand.
00:07:53No matter what.
00:08:06Nothing will happen.
00:08:09Please trust me.
00:08:13I don't know if I can go.
00:08:31Just picture us for one second, dancing on the Trio Eléctrico.
00:08:43I'm not singing.
00:08:56I'm not singing.
00:08:57That's not my thing.
00:08:59Guys, I said no.
00:09:00Come on, Michelle.
00:09:03Are we in La La Land or what?
00:09:05This is ridiculous.
00:09:41Please call me when you're done, okay?
00:09:43All right, thank you.
00:09:43Hey, welcome, ladies.
00:09:46My name is Salvador, and I will be your travel coordinator.
00:09:50Oh, wow.
00:09:51Salvador, just like the city.
00:09:53Born and raised in Salvador, named after my city.
00:09:56Look, I've been in Bahia all my life, and I'm very proud of where I come from.
00:10:00By the grace of our Lord of the Good End and Saint Dulce of the Poor, of course.
00:10:04Of course.
00:10:05If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask.
00:10:07I'm here for you.
00:10:08This year's gonna be hard for me because I'll be working during carnival instead of partying.
00:10:12But that's okay.
00:10:13I'm not worried.
00:10:14I keep my head cool and my heart warm.
00:10:16You know why?
00:10:17Because my mission is to make sure the party isn't us.
00:10:21Do you understand?
00:10:22Well, what you said, not really.
00:10:24But I understand your body language perfectly.
00:10:28Well, I heard Bahia men like to relax.
00:10:30Who says that?
00:10:32That's not true.
00:10:32Men from Bahia always do everything at full speed.
00:10:35Plus, we're all brothers because we have faith in Oxala.
00:10:38Actually, you're the ones who are too relaxed because carnival started yesterday.
00:10:42You know that, right?
00:10:48So, shall we get going?
00:10:50Of course.
00:10:51Let's go.
00:10:52Let me take care of this.
00:11:00I can't wait to see the room.
00:11:01It's gonna be fun.
00:11:03My God, it's her.
00:11:05Luana is here.
00:11:07Of course.
00:11:08She's one of the influencers who were invited.
00:11:10That girl is unbelievable.
00:11:12She knows all the latest trends.
00:11:14Her skin is flawless.
00:11:15She's smart.
00:11:16She's into spirituality, politics, feminism, vegan food, fitness.
00:11:20And she has 10 million followers.
00:11:23Okay, ladies.
00:11:24Your vehicle's right over there.
00:11:27Now that looks quality.
00:11:28That's all shotgun.
00:11:29We didn't talk about luxury.
00:11:30I can't wait to try it.
00:11:31Girls, girls.
00:11:32Hey, wait.
00:11:33Where is he going?
00:11:33Why didn't he wait for us?
00:11:34Hop on, ladies.
00:11:35Girls, get in.
00:11:37It's gonna be fun.
00:11:38There's more room in a van.
00:11:39Salvador will take us to our hotel.
00:11:41It'll be awesome.
00:11:42You'll see.
00:11:43Michelle, lead the way.
00:11:48Hi, Rosa.
00:11:49Can you believe Vittoria lost again last night?
00:11:51I think I'm gonna put my money on the other guys next game.
00:11:54You should have a reservation under Nina.
00:11:57The room's ready.
00:11:58Here you go.
00:11:59Ah, perfect.
00:12:01I'm gonna go get my stuff.
00:12:02I'll be right back.
00:12:06Hey, ladies.
00:12:07This is Samir.
00:12:08He's the one who takes care of our guests.
00:12:10Oh, hi, Samir.
00:12:11How are you?
00:12:12I'm Vivi.
00:12:13Uh, Vivian.
00:12:14Oh, sorry.
00:12:16Samir will be your tour guide here in Salvador.
00:12:21Look, his keychain.
00:12:23You can trust him.
00:12:24Samir's a good guy.
00:12:26Oh, Salvador.
00:12:27You're not leaving us already?
00:12:29Oh, of course not.
00:12:30I'll be around.
00:12:31He's looking at you.
00:12:32Rosa, can you tell me Luana DiSortenzo's room
00:12:37She's my friend.
00:12:37She's not at this hotel.
00:12:38She's at the resort next door.
00:12:39All the influencers are staying there.
00:12:41Well, Nina's an influencer, too.
00:12:43Yeah, there must be some kind of a string.
00:12:45Yeah, for sure.
00:12:45You can't just call her an influencer.
00:12:47Ladies, ladies.
00:12:48That resort is for those who have over a million followers.
00:12:51Well, that explains it.
00:12:52Okay, never mind.
00:12:55Anyway, with this wristband, everything you do in this hotel
00:12:59will be paid by our friend Freddy Nunes.
00:13:02One for you.
00:13:03What about the red ones?
00:13:05Well, the red ones are for the other resort.
00:13:07If you need anything, just give me a call.
00:13:12Ready to go, Samir?
00:13:13Oh, sure.
00:13:14Okay, bye, girls.
00:13:15Yeah, we'll see you around.
00:13:16Bye, guys.
00:13:18Hope so.
00:13:19Dibs on the biggest bed.
00:13:29Yeah, not what I was hoping.
00:13:34The best part is the view.
00:13:35Check it out.
00:13:37Oh, look.
00:13:38We got a gift bag from Freddy.
00:13:40Take a look at this.
00:13:41That's a nice poster.
00:13:45Yeah, whatever.
00:13:46Oh, come on, Michelle.
00:13:47Be nice.
00:13:48Oh, and this here?
00:13:50I'm sure it will help me get my first million followers.
00:13:54Hey, guys!
00:13:55You have to see this.
00:14:01Even I can't wait to go down there.
00:14:02Come on, let's get changed right away.
00:14:04Oh, that's not our pool.
00:14:06That's the pool at Luana's hotel.
00:14:08And you see all that blinding gold up there?
00:14:09That's not Anastasia.
00:14:11It's her, Luana DiCertanzo.
00:14:19She's already posting pictures.
00:14:21She's a real pro.
00:14:23No wonder she has 10 million followers.
00:14:26What are we waiting for?
00:14:27Let's go check out the pool downstairs.
00:14:30I bet we can take some great pictures.
00:14:34Want to bet on it?
00:14:39Well, Nina, it's a good thing we didn't bet any money.
00:14:50You happy now, Myra?
00:14:58Michelle, please tell me you have red lipstick in your makeup case.
00:15:04Red is the color I like the most on my wrist.
00:15:07You're a girl with tons of money!
00:15:09Red lipstick!
00:15:11Come on, Sam, wait!
00:15:12Hey, how are you?
00:15:15See you later.
00:15:18It's me, Luana!
00:15:32Girls, welcome to paradise!
00:15:47Oh, hey!
00:15:50Oh, hey!
00:15:51How are you?
00:15:53Que tal, chicos?
00:15:55Okay, I'll take one.
00:15:59Detox, guys.
00:16:00You're so lame.
00:16:01Shut up, Michelle.
00:16:02Come on, let's drink to this trip.
00:16:06You know what?
00:16:07I should be over there.
00:16:10Right next to sexy Freddy.
00:16:11What a hunk.
00:16:13He's not really my type.
00:16:14There's plenty of good stuff on the menu.
00:16:16Take your time before choosing.
00:16:38Let's take a picture together.
00:16:43Another one?
00:16:45Hold on.
00:16:46Guys, it's Luana.
00:16:50My God, she's really obsessed with this Luana.
00:16:54Luana, please!
00:16:55Just a tiny second.
00:16:59Oh, my God.
00:17:00You're so beautiful.
00:17:03And your eyes really are green, huh?
00:17:05Oh, I'm so nervous.
00:17:06I'm sorry.
00:17:07It's all right.
00:17:08Take a deep breath.
00:17:08Deep breath.
00:17:10Of course, you don't know who I am yet.
00:17:13But my name is Nina.
00:17:14Nice to meet you.
00:17:16I'm shaking.
00:17:18I'm a huge fan of your work.
00:17:20I absolutely love it.
00:17:21I'm an influencer, too, and you really inspire me.
00:17:23Wait a minute.
00:17:24I do recognize you.
00:17:26There's a meme with your face.
00:17:28Oh, you're the CrossFit Cuckold, aren't you?
00:17:30Yeah, that's her.
00:17:34Guys, there's no such thing as bad publicity, Myrna.
00:17:38Yeah, I guess.
00:17:39And it's Nina.
00:17:41My name's Nina.
00:17:43Shall we?
00:17:45If you'll excuse me.
00:17:46Hey, isn't life funny?
00:17:48Now the two of us are here today.
00:17:50In the same group of influencers, huh?
00:17:52Yeah, I never thought I would be in the same group as a meme.
00:17:54I love it.
00:17:57Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Myrna.
00:17:59Pleasure's all mine.
00:18:01Can we post a story together?
00:18:03Yeah, sure.
00:18:08Do you have your cell phone?
00:18:11Of course.
00:18:12I'm so silly.
00:18:13No worries.
00:18:14Oh my god, I'm shaking.
00:18:15It's okay.
00:18:16I'm sorry.
00:18:16Give it to me.
00:18:17Here we go.
00:18:18This way, the light is better this way.
00:18:19I'll do it.
00:18:19Yeah, it's better.
00:18:21Hi, guys.
00:18:22I'm presently with Nina.
00:18:25We're here together having fun and enjoying the wonderful carnival in Salvador with Freddy Nunes.
00:18:32You truly are the best.
00:18:34That was awesome.
00:18:35Thank you so much.
00:18:36You nailed it.
00:18:38I wish you a lot of success.
00:18:39May God watch over you always.
00:18:41God bless you.
00:18:42Very nice to meet you.
00:18:42You are a beautiful, bright light.
00:18:44Wish you well, Tina.
00:18:46It's Nina.
00:18:48I'll tag you so you can post it.
00:18:51I love your outfit.
00:18:52It's perfect as always.
00:18:54You're gorgeous.
00:18:57She's gorgeous.
00:18:58How was it?
00:18:58Hey, Nina.
00:18:59Nina, how was it?
00:19:00Tell us.
00:19:01Come on, tell us.
00:19:02Luana is cool, but kind of aloof.
00:19:04She's a bitch, isn't she?
00:19:05What did she do?
00:19:06We posted a story.
00:19:07Ah, cool.
00:19:09Right here on my phone.
00:19:11Forget it.
00:19:11That's useless.
00:19:14Yeah, but what if she likes it?
00:19:15That would be great.
00:19:16That would be insane.
00:19:17Even leaves a comment?
00:19:18Yeah, that would be cool.
00:19:19That would be just wow.
00:19:20And what if she reposts it?
00:19:21And what if you woke up, girlfriend?
00:19:27I think we should make a toast.
00:19:30Before I make out with the DJ.
00:19:44Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
00:20:14Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
00:20:19It feels so good to be in the shadows
00:20:22Excuse me, ladies?
00:20:23But, uh, could you come with me please?
00:20:25That's it, we're busted.
00:20:26I'm sorry, can you speak to me in Portuguese?
00:20:31I think you speak English.
00:20:32But I can speak to you in Portuguese if you like.
00:20:35I don't speak very good, too.
00:20:37Calm down, if you like, we can speak in Spanish.
00:20:41This man speaks Spanish, Portuguese and all languages!
00:20:44Um, you le offensé by parling de cette manner to moi.
00:20:49Je suis désolé, madame, mais je parle aussi français.
00:20:53Come on now, ladies.
00:20:54Your wristbands don't grant you access to the resort.
00:20:57So, would you please follow me?
00:20:59Whoa, what are you saying?
00:21:00Hey, Vachelle!
00:21:01Are you calling us liars, Mr. Multilingual?
00:21:03Guys, I'm going to need backup.
00:21:05Okay, sir.
00:21:17We'll let you take us to the exit in an orderly fashion.
00:21:22Guys, let's just leave with some class as if we're being escorted like celebrities.
00:21:27We just need to get our stuff.
00:21:29Sure, thank you.
00:21:30All right, chop chop!
00:21:31Guys, wait till you see Luana's costume for tonight's party.
00:21:35I'm telling you, it's insane.
00:21:38You won't believe it, but it's absolutely fabulous.
00:21:41It's absolutely fabulous.
00:21:44Oh, hey.
00:21:47Hi, Vivi.
00:21:49Do you know anyone who could customize my outfit for tonight's party?
00:21:52Well, there's Ma.
00:21:53She's a real artist.
00:21:54Your outfit will look great.
00:21:55And how do I get in touch with your mother?
00:21:57Oh my God, Vivi.
00:21:58No, she's not my mom.
00:21:59That's just what we call her.
00:22:00Wait, I'll give her a ring.
00:22:02Ma, it's me.
00:22:06Ms. Ma?
00:22:08I want to add some glitter to my outfit.
00:22:10I know.
00:22:12She's a real peach, isn't she?
00:22:20No way!
00:22:22I charge 350 real.
00:22:25Money doesn't grow on trees, Ma.
00:22:27Uh, yeah, I'm good.
00:22:28I'll figure something out.
00:22:35350, take it or leave it.
00:22:37We have a deal.
00:22:39Nina, are you crazy?
00:22:40Yeah, don't be stupid, Nina.
00:22:43Excuse me.
00:22:45Uh, I have an idea.
00:22:46What do you say we make a trade?
00:22:48What's up, guys?
00:22:50I'd like to share an extraordinary tip for those of you coming to spend Carnival here in Salvador.
00:22:56Mrs. Ma, the one and only.
00:22:59That's what you call a trade?
00:23:01No, it's coming, you'll see.
00:23:02I'm going to add her contact below.
00:23:04If you want to look fabulous this Carnival, call her, Mrs. Ma.
00:23:07She's simply the best.
00:23:09Yeah, come on.
00:23:10Say something to our followers.
00:23:12Mrs. Ma.
00:23:13Mrs. Ma.
00:23:14Mrs. Ma.
00:23:15Mrs. Ma.
00:23:16Mrs. Ma.
00:23:17Mrs. Ma.
00:23:20Mulher supermodel,
00:23:21Mulher super-babe.
00:23:31Mulher supermodel.
00:23:37Mulher supermodel,
00:23:38Mulher super-babe.
00:23:42Mulher supermodel.
00:23:45So many people.
00:23:47Future followers, so many people to make out with.
00:23:50So many people who look the same, wow.
00:23:52So many people, period.
00:23:54Ooh, I wanna shine bright tonight.
00:23:57Then use your charisma because your outfit won't help you.
00:24:00She's jealous. You really wasted
00:24:01your money. Shut up, Michelle.
00:24:02You're very pretty, Nina.
00:24:03I know. Luana better watch out.
00:24:05Speaking of Luana, where is she?
00:24:08I can't believe I'm gonna meet her.
00:24:10Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
00:24:12Come on.
00:24:13Oh my God.
00:24:20I can't believe you're actually here.
00:24:23Oh my God.
00:24:26My biggest dream is to get on that trio with you guys.
00:24:29Yes, there he is.
00:24:30Oh yeah, you're so gorgeous, Freddie.
00:25:14Surprise, surprise.
00:25:19Freddie, sucesso.
00:25:20We got it right.
00:25:22Guys, look, isn't that Luana?
00:25:24No way.
00:25:30I told you Mrs. Ma needed to add more sequins.
00:25:31Oh, come on, stop it, Michelle.
00:25:34Michelle, you're beautiful, don't listen to her.
00:25:36Yeah, but Luana's look is way better than mine.
00:25:38A million thousand times better.
00:25:41She's too gorgeous.
00:25:42I could never compete with that.
00:25:43I don't even have those kinds of clothes.
00:25:45Vina, you wanna go inside?
00:25:47Yeah, I do.
00:25:47Come on, let's go inside.
00:25:48No way, honey, not me.
00:25:50Things are heating up outside.
00:25:51Oops, sorry, sorry.
00:25:56Hi, how's it going?
00:25:57Let's go inside.
00:25:58Girls, let's follow those guys.
00:26:00Things are much better inside.
00:26:02Much better.
00:26:03Never mind the shovel.
00:26:05Joseph, you want to go inside.
00:26:11Hey, let's have another round.
00:26:13Hey, Myra, you're not drinking?
00:26:14No, it's not good for my spiritual vibe.
00:26:17Maybe, but this is not a spiritual retreat.
00:26:19Drink with us.
00:26:20Excuse me, that's my drink.
00:26:22That's it.
00:26:24Another one?
00:26:26Watch out.
00:26:28We've had fun, and she says we are.
00:26:30Are you happy now?
00:26:31No, because we have nothing to drink,
00:26:33but I'm sure you are.
00:26:33Alcohol doesn't affect me.
00:26:35Hey, what's up, ladies?
00:26:38Do you know Jis, the oliviera?
00:26:40Thanks to her, you'll have access to the other area
00:26:43with all the VIBs.
00:26:48Thank you so much, that's wonderful.
00:26:50No, I'll stay here a little longer.
00:26:52You guys go first.
00:26:53When there's too many women together,
00:26:54it scares off the men.
00:26:55Okay, see you later, bye.
00:26:57Vivi, do you know where the bathroom is?
00:26:59Wait, oh, it's right there.
00:27:02Vivi, I'm going to go with Jis, okay?
00:27:04No problem.
00:27:05I'll catch up with you guys later.
00:27:05Have fun.
00:27:06Thanks for coming, Salvador.
00:27:07I'm really sorry, I can't right now.
00:27:09I'm busy, but I'll see you later for sure.
00:27:12Of course.
00:27:14Follow me.
00:27:15Bye, Sal.
00:27:15All right.
00:27:16What's up, Sal?
00:27:17Want a drink with me?
00:27:18Sorry, I can't.
00:27:19I'm on duty.
00:27:20Screw that, come on.
00:27:24Guys, so here I am in the VIP area
00:27:27filled with wonderful people
00:27:28with my good friend and promoter of the event.
00:27:32Hey, guys, look at this beautiful mermaid right here.
00:27:35You're gorgeous.
00:27:36See you later.
00:27:38Excuse me.
00:27:40Do I know you from somewhere?
00:27:41It's her, dude, I told you it was her.
00:27:43It's that famous chick, her face is everywhere.
00:27:45Come on, help me out here.
00:27:46You're exaggerating.
00:27:47When did I see your face?
00:27:48You must have seen some of my posts on social media.
00:27:51I'm an insider.
00:27:52No, you're the CrossFit cuckold.
00:27:54I'll take a picture with us.
00:27:55No, that's not me.
00:27:56Do you have a face for the meme?
00:27:57What meme?
00:27:58Come on.
00:27:59I don't know about anything.
00:28:00Hey, guys, what's so funny?
00:28:01Got a good joke?
00:28:02Let me hear it.
00:28:07Thank you, Freddy.
00:28:08No problem.
00:28:09What are those two teasing you about?
00:28:11Just this thing with my ex-boyfriend.
00:28:13It's nothing.
00:28:15Nina, nice to meet you.
00:28:17Nice to meet you.
00:28:19Well, if he's an ex, forget about him.
00:28:20Focus on the next boyfriend.
00:28:24Dude, you're literally part of the soundtrack of my life.
00:28:27It's true, and you look exactly like my ex.
00:28:30I mean, wow.
00:28:32Well, I don't know if he looks like you
00:28:33or if you look like him,
00:28:34but you have the same face, same hot body.
00:28:37I don't know, it's crazy.
00:28:40Come on and kiss me so I can figure out
00:28:42if your tongues are buzzing or not.
00:28:42Oh, excuse me, hon.
00:28:43I'm sorry, I thought that was funny.
00:28:45Excuse me.
00:28:45Hey, we're kind of in the middle of something.
00:28:47Yeah, maybe, but so are we.
00:28:48I don't care.
00:28:49He was giving me an interview.
00:28:51Oh, okay.
00:28:52She was interviewing me.
00:28:53Please excuse us.
00:28:54Let's go over there.
00:28:55Talk to you later, Fred.
00:28:56See you tomorrow.
00:28:57Come on, all three of us.
00:28:58Hey, sexy.
00:29:00Hey, what's up?
00:29:01You by yourself?
00:29:02I'm gonna save us some time.
00:29:05I'll ask you a few questions.
00:29:06If you get them right, I'll kiss you.
00:29:07Cool, I'm in.
00:29:09What are the three Quidditch balls?
00:29:11Didn't you read Harry Potter?
00:29:13Waffle, Pledger, and Golden Snitch.
00:29:15Bye now.
00:29:19Shit, that's pretty good.
00:29:20Are you serious?
00:29:22Where are you from?
00:29:23I'm from Mid-Astorites.
00:29:25Oh, I just love men from the Southeast.
00:29:30Way to go, bro.
00:29:32At what speed does the DeLorean need to go
00:29:34in order to time travel?
00:29:36None of these guys have ever seen back to the future.
00:29:38And where are you from?
00:29:39Sao Paulo.
00:29:40Are you serious?
00:29:41I love Sao Paulo men.
00:29:47I like it.
00:29:48Me too.
00:29:49It came out great.
00:29:50Two beers, please.
00:29:52Let's raise our glass to the fact
00:29:53that you lost your boyfriend,
00:29:54who I'm sure didn't deserve you.
00:29:56No, no, no, no, no.
00:29:57I'd rather raise my glass to the fact that I'm single.
00:30:01That's better.
00:30:01Fine by me.
00:30:02Let's drink to that.
00:30:07I was just thinking,
00:30:09when we're single and alone,
00:30:10doesn't it feel like the whole world is against us?
00:30:15I don't know.
00:30:17But even if it feels like the whole world is against us,
00:30:19like you said,
00:30:20the best thing to do is to just go forward.
00:30:23Yeah, just move on.
00:30:24You see?
00:30:27just keep sailing.
00:30:31When the world is against us,
00:30:32we just keep sailing.
00:30:33Not bad.
00:30:35That would make for nice lyrics.
00:30:38Oh, I just,
00:30:39I just came up with that.
00:30:40You're inspired.
00:30:41I guess.
00:30:42Anyway, I really think that when life gets rough,
00:30:45it's important not to be afraid,
00:30:48to keep looking for happiness.
00:30:53Dude, please.
00:30:55What is wrong with you, Phoebe?
00:30:57Are you crazy?
00:30:58Why are you asking those crazy questions
00:31:00that no one understands or cares about?
00:31:01Let me try to explain.
00:31:02Most times, the amount of muscle on a guy
00:31:04is inversely proportional
00:31:05to the amount of books he has read.
00:31:07And I'm not asking them difficult questions
00:31:08like, what is the meaning of life?
00:31:10Phoebe, you want to know the meaning of life?
00:31:12It's not judging a book by its cover.
00:31:13You want to see?
00:31:14Let me show you.
00:31:15Hey, come over here.
00:31:16Focus, okay?
00:31:17Because I'm going to ask you a difficult question.
00:31:19How much is two plus two?
00:31:26Perfect answer.
00:31:29Oh, boy.
00:31:31♪ Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪
00:31:38♪ It's good, it's good — a can of charred chocolate ♪
00:31:43♪ With a hot water in the Cold — taking my baton away ♪
00:31:47♪ It's good, good, good, good, good, good. ♪
00:31:50♪ A cup of charred chocolate ♪
00:31:53♪ With a hot water in the Cold — taking my baton away ♪
00:31:57What's your name?
00:32:01What's going on?
00:32:04Where am I?
00:32:05Am I in heaven?
00:32:07Bye, ya.
00:32:08Salvador Carnival.
00:32:09Way to go!
00:32:10Shake it, hot stuff!
00:32:14Hey, look at that girl, Myra.
00:32:18She's the star of the show!
00:32:20It's her!
00:32:21It's Myra!
00:32:26Bye, guys!
00:32:31Myra, are you okay?
00:32:32Can you get up?
00:32:33Come on, girl, get up!
00:32:57Stop filming, you asshole!
00:32:58Yo, Nina, we need your help here!
00:33:00What happened to her?
00:33:01Booze, shots, liquor, vodka, alcohol, that's what!
00:33:11Well, you should go help your friends.
00:33:18Put that phone away or I'll break it.
00:33:20Can I at least have a minute to say goodbye?
00:33:22Yeah, but do it fast!
00:33:28What's the problem?
00:33:30Nothing, so it's fine.
00:33:31Hi, excuse me.
00:33:33I came to say goodbye, Freddy.
00:33:34Before you go, let me introduce you to George, my manager.
00:33:36George, Nina, Nina, George, my manager.
00:33:38Nice to meet you.
00:33:39It's a real pleasure.
00:33:40How you doing?
00:33:42I'll see you later?
00:33:44I mean, I'm pretty sure my friend Myra will feel better soon.
00:33:46She just needs to...
00:33:47Give me your blanket, quick!
00:33:48Give me your blanket!
00:33:54It hurt.
00:33:55Nina, what do you mean you didn't have enough time?
00:33:57You just grabbed them and kissed them.
00:33:59It takes two seconds.
00:34:00Do you guys remember that New Year's when we went skinny dipping at night?
00:34:03Oh, yeah, for sure!
00:34:06Come on, girls, let's do it again!
00:34:08Please, please, please!
00:34:09Yeah, I'm in!
00:34:10No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:34:11I have a photo shoot tomorrow with Freddy and the influencers
00:34:14because I'm an influencer now.
00:34:15Aw, come on, Nina.
00:34:16Well, we're still young.
00:34:18Please, Nina, for old times' sake.
00:34:20What are you talking about?
00:34:21What old times?
00:34:22It's not like we're 40 years old.
00:34:24No, but sometimes I feel like we are.
00:34:26You girls don't even want to go swimming.
00:34:28It's like you don't even know how to have fun anymore.
00:34:31Come on, guys.
00:34:32Don't tell me.
00:34:34Don't tell me that I stole this for nothing.
00:34:37Oh, yeah!
00:35:05Oh, f..
00:35:10What time is it?
00:35:13Wake up!
00:35:14Guys, wake up, please!
00:35:15Come on, Vivi, Michelle, Mayra, come on, guys, please get up.
00:35:18I'm going to miss my photo shoot.
00:35:20Grab your stuff!
00:35:21Oh, my God, I'm going to be late!
00:35:23Quick! Grab your stuff! We gotta...
00:35:54What, don't you recognize me?
00:35:56Did I hook up with this guy or something?
00:35:58No, it can't be him. No way, no way.
00:36:03Dude, no way. If you have such a hot body, why do you always wear lame clothes and look like a frickin' nerd?
00:36:08Oh, thank God you're here, Samir! Can you please help us? I really need to get back to the hotel.
00:36:12Sure, I'll drop you off on my way to the gym.
00:36:14Not the gym, no. He can't be serious.
00:36:17Well, let's go then! Hurry up! Hurry up, let's go!
00:36:20Wait, wait, wait. Hurry up, you said?
00:36:24Oh, no!
00:36:26Just don't, you guys! Faster, Samir! Come on, hurry up!
00:36:35Thank you, Samir! Take deep breaths, Nina!
00:36:38Thank you, Clark Kent.
00:36:42Hey, uh, Vivi, wait.
00:36:44Uh, well, I, uh...
00:36:47I was, I was thinking...
00:36:50Maybe we could do something a little bit later today?
00:36:54Sorry, I'm busy.
00:36:58Whoa! Was that necessary?
00:37:01When are you going to understand that doing one thing doesn't mean you have to stop doing other things?
00:37:05What, Michelle? What are you talking about?
00:37:07You're doing it again, Vivi? You're totally judging a book by its cover.
00:37:10You could at least kiss him first!
00:37:12And why would I do that?
00:37:14Well, because I found out that a kiss can reveal a lot.
00:37:18I have no patience for you today, Michelle.
00:37:22I'm incredibly deep today.
00:37:26Oh, my God.
00:37:28Is that how people fall in love?
00:37:30Guys, this will be the official picture of the event.
00:37:33Let's smile, okay?
00:37:36That's so much fun.
00:37:38Okay. Good job, guys.
00:37:40Waiter! Drinks for everyone!
00:37:42No, no, no, no. I need to be in the picture. I need to be in the picture.
00:37:44Calm down. You're late. Where were you?
00:37:46Never mind. I'll be fine.
00:37:48I think.
00:37:51Hi, Freddie.
00:37:53Excuse me. Hi, Nina.
00:37:55Sorry I'm late.
00:37:57It's just my hotel is pretty far from here.
00:37:59Aren't you staying here at the resort?
00:38:01No. No, because I don't have a million followers.
00:38:05Ha! You.
00:38:07Dear Nina, you're just adorable.
00:38:09But now you're here, so I'll see you later, all right?
00:38:12Of course.
00:38:14Okay. Bye, Nina.
00:38:21Okay. Sure. Yeah. I'm going to talk to her. Sure.
00:38:25Yeah. I'll call you back. Okay.
00:38:27Uh, ladies.
00:38:29I wanted to tell you I was just on the phone with Freddie Nunez's assistant.
00:38:32What did you do now?
00:38:34Are they kicking us out?
00:38:36Come on, Nina. What did you do?
00:38:38Oh, she did something, all right.
00:38:40I know.
00:38:42But I don't want to go there.
00:38:44Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Wait a minute.
00:38:46Calm down, please. Let me speak.
00:38:47Actually, it was a good thing.
00:38:49It's good?
00:38:51Yes. Relax.
00:38:53Because I was just told by the assistant
00:38:55that all four of you should be transferred
00:38:57to the other resort right away.
00:38:59Thank you, Jesus Christ. Thank you.
00:39:01Well, I want to thank the Lord.
00:39:03And for that, I need to get on my knees.
00:39:05Glad you're happy.
00:39:07Thank you, Salvador.
00:39:09Hey, Nina.
00:39:11I thought we could do something together.
00:39:13Yeah. Okay. Sure.
00:39:15Maybe tomorrow?
00:39:17Salvador, Salvador.
00:39:19I would love to visit the city.
00:39:24Oh, my God!
00:39:26Am I dreaming?
00:39:28Look at this!
00:39:30This is not a hotel room.
00:39:32It's a house!
00:39:34Thank you. Our luck has finally turned.
00:39:36I can't believe this!
00:39:39Girls, for real,
00:39:41this is the best hotel room in the world!
00:39:43Guys, I can't believe this.
00:39:45It's humongous!
00:39:47Let's go check out the bedroom.
00:40:17Guys, you should see this.
00:40:19My follower count is rising!
00:40:21Every time I refresh,
00:40:23there's more and more!
00:40:25I'm the best!
00:40:27I'm the queen of Instagram!
00:40:29I rule the Instagram world!
00:40:31All right!
00:40:33You're the queen of Instagram!
00:40:35Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!
00:40:37Guys, come on!
00:40:39Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!
00:40:41I'm the queen of Instagram!
00:40:43Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!
00:40:45I'm the queen of Instagram!
00:40:47Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!
00:40:56Now that you're staying at the resort,
00:40:58I guess we'll see each other all the time.
00:41:00Yeah, that's so cool!
00:41:04Well, Freddy invited us.
00:41:06Nice to know that Freddy
00:41:08was generous enough to have you here.
00:41:13are you and Freddy, you know...
00:41:16I have as many followers as he does.
00:41:18That wouldn't make sense.
00:41:21But it could be profitable for you.
00:41:25He's famous.
00:41:27He's hot, too.
00:41:29Well, at least it wouldn't hurt.
00:41:33Couldn't you give it a little like?
00:41:37You know, our video.
00:41:39I'm thinking you could like it
00:41:41and maybe even add a comment or something.
00:41:44I didn't like it because I didn't see it.
00:41:46That's all.
00:41:48I'm not your friend,
00:41:50therefore I don't follow you.
00:41:52I see.
00:41:54Okay, no worries.
00:41:56Speaking of friends,
00:41:58can I give you some advice?
00:42:00Yes, of course.
00:42:02Of course. Please do.
00:42:04I'd love to hear it.
00:42:06Friends make us lose our focus.
00:42:08Think about it.
00:42:10If one single anchor is already a burden,
00:42:12what's the point?
00:42:19That's right.
00:42:33We're the peasants of Instagram.
00:42:35Ah-ah, ah-ah.
00:42:37We're the peasants of Instagram.
00:42:39Ah-ah, ah-ah.
00:42:40We're the peasants of Instagram.
00:42:53It's party time.
00:42:59Careful, my hair.
00:43:01You coming, Phoebe?
00:43:03I left my card in our room.
00:43:05No way. No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:43:07Check again.
00:43:08I forgot it.
00:43:10I can't believe this.
00:43:12We have to go back to the resort.
00:43:14Okay, so let's go then.
00:43:16What else can we do?
00:43:18You go ahead, girls.
00:43:20Yeah, you go.
00:43:22I'll stay.
00:43:24It's my job.
00:43:26No, that has nothing to do with work.
00:43:28There's another word for that.
00:43:30Yeah, the word you're looking for is professionalism.
00:43:32No, the word is selfishness.
00:43:34Because we all know Phoebe.
00:43:36She's a goofball.
00:43:38You hear that? She has friends.
00:43:40Come on, we're leaving.
00:43:42Because we're your friends.
00:43:47You have to think about your image, Freddie.
00:43:49I agree.
00:43:51Look what I'm supposed to do.
00:43:53Hi, Freddie.
00:43:55Oh, hi, Nina.
00:43:57Hi, uh, sorry, uh.
00:44:01George. George, of course.
00:44:03It's Freddie. Freddie.
00:44:05Let's go. Hi.
00:44:06I'll wait here with Nina.
00:44:08Go ahead, please.
00:44:10Freddie, you know what?
00:44:12I think I'll go back to my place to get some rest.
00:44:14I'm really tired.
00:44:16Been working all day.
00:44:18I'll ask security to take you back to the house.
00:44:20Yeah, no problem.
00:44:22Yeah, go get some rest. Thank you.
00:44:24Bye, Nina.
00:44:26Bye, George.
00:44:28Hey, Freddie!
00:44:32Oh, no, not that nutcase.
00:44:34Uh, Nina, come here.
00:44:37Can you believe this?
00:44:41Carnival is the best!
00:44:43Hey! Hey!
00:44:45Oh, that's fun.
00:44:47That's what Carnival's all about.
00:44:49Now it's my turn to kiss you.
00:44:53No, not you. I'm not that kind of girl.
00:44:55I'm talking about my Freddie.
00:44:57He's just, oh.
00:44:59Oh, babe! Babe! Come here!
00:45:01Come here!
00:45:03Well, uncanny, huh?
00:45:04Uncanny, huh? They're identical.
00:45:06Go, go stand next to him.
00:45:08Check this out, girl.
00:45:10You'll see what I mean.
00:45:12Move your heads to one side.
00:45:14Now to the other side.
00:45:16To your left, to your right.
00:45:18They're twins!
00:45:20They're the wonder twins of the Carnival!
00:45:22We got back together.
00:45:24No, you're serious?
00:45:26That's so wonderful. Congratulations.
00:45:28Not for you, because you just lost your chance
00:45:30to kiss these beautiful lips.
00:45:32Babe, let's go.
00:45:34She's sick.
00:45:36Yeah, she's crazy.
00:45:38Okay, bye.
00:45:40Want to go back to my place?
00:45:42What do you think?
00:45:44Let's go.
00:45:46Oh, I think he slipped.
00:45:48Are you serious?
00:45:50It was pretty slippery, so I fell down.
00:45:52Welcome to my house.
00:45:59Be careful.
00:46:01Oh, boy.
00:46:02I'm okay, I'm okay.
00:46:04I hope you like the place.
00:46:06I want you to make yourself comfortable.
00:46:08Here we are.
00:46:10Yes, here we are.
00:46:22Let's go inside.
00:46:27Dude, your song just broke the record
00:46:29of the most downloaded song in the country.
00:46:30Top five worldwide.
00:46:42Yeah, I'm pissed. Get off my back.
00:46:44I'm sorry, Michelle. I didn't do it on purpose.
00:46:46No, my darling, I'm not mad at you.
00:46:48I'm mad at the queen of Instagram.
00:46:50She could have come with us.
00:46:52She only would have missed 30 minutes or so.
00:46:54There's still plenty of time left to party.
00:46:56It wasn't a big deal.
00:46:58Guys, for Nina, those 30 minutes made a huge difference.
00:47:00Oh, my God, she kissed Freddie Nunes?
00:47:03Fine, okay, I forgive her.
00:47:05But only because she just proved to us
00:47:07that time is too precious to be wasted.
00:47:10And where did you go?
00:47:12We went to a party downtown.
00:47:14My friends, I'm not going to waste any time either.
00:47:16Where is she?
00:47:18Excuse me, excuse me.
00:47:20Remember me?
00:47:22Is that the same chick?
00:47:24What do you think? Five or ten seconds.
00:47:26Three, two, one.
00:47:31But where is it?
00:47:33Where's the spotlight?
00:47:35Where are the special effects
00:47:37and the confetti in my hair?
00:47:39Oh, man, way to go.
00:47:41I don't think she liked it.
00:47:43Let's go.
00:47:45Yeah, come on.
00:48:00Do you want company?
00:48:18Getting new followers did wonders for you.
00:48:20How many do you have now?
00:48:22502, wait, 507,000.
00:48:25Wow, congratulations.
00:48:27Oh, thanks.
00:48:28Slow and steady is the way to go.
00:48:31You're all by yourself?
00:48:33I mean, you didn't bring your friends?
00:48:35No, but they don't mind.
00:48:37They're fine.
00:48:39They're having fun, I'm sure.
00:48:59Oh, my God!
00:49:09Hello, how are you?
00:49:19We hope that you're having as much fun
00:49:21with your guy Freddy as we're having
00:49:23with all these guys!
00:49:25You're missing out!
00:49:59Fuck yeah, right!
00:50:01Oh, no, that felt bad!
00:50:03Oh, you were happy!
00:50:05I'm telling you guys,
00:50:07I don't understand.
00:50:09His kiss was really bad tonight.
00:50:11Yesterday, his kiss was so good.
00:50:13Tonight, it felt like I was kissing someone else.
00:50:15It was awful.
00:50:17Maybe this guy has multiple personalities.
00:50:19Wait, maybe he was drunk yesterday
00:50:21or maybe he was drunk tonight, I don't know.
00:50:23Forget that lousy kiss.
00:50:25Focus on the positive.
00:50:27Too bad Nina isn't here.
00:50:29Nina's having fun with sexy Freddy.
00:50:33She's smart.
00:50:35I mean, she wanted followers.
00:50:40Guys, Nina's already here.
00:50:42I guess it didn't go so well.
00:50:44Or maybe it just didn't go all the way.
00:50:46But the picture was a hit.
00:50:48Not bad.
00:50:50Now she has 512,000 followers.
00:50:52Yeah, it's pretty good.
00:50:59Hey, good morning.
00:51:01Good morning.
00:51:03Ready to go?
00:51:05Today, we reggae until sunrise.
00:51:09Are you excited?
00:51:11Oh, yeah, absolutely.
00:51:13I invited the girls, but I guess they're not coming.
00:51:15Oh, here they are.
00:51:17What's up, Sal?
00:51:19You ready?
00:51:21How are you, Michelle?
00:51:23What's up, Sal?
00:51:24How are you?
00:51:33Hi, Laura!
00:51:37This trip is so good for me.
00:51:39Clap your hands!
00:51:41Come on, clap your hands!
00:51:43Party forever!
00:51:44These are the biggest things, Sal.
00:51:46It's a local specialty.
00:51:49Here you go.
00:51:51Thanks, Sal.
00:52:19Yeah, but not too much.
00:52:21Don't put too much pepper.
00:52:23It's pretty hot.
00:52:28Do you want to do it right now?
00:52:38Come on, Sal.
00:52:42It's so good!
00:52:44To Salvador!
00:52:48Go, Salvador!
00:52:50Go, Salvador!
00:52:52We're going to go to Salvador!
00:52:55Let's go for it!
00:53:11Come on, people!
00:53:15Let's go!
00:53:17Let's go!
00:53:19Let's go!
00:53:21Let's go!
00:53:23Let's go!
00:53:25Let's go!
00:53:27Let's go!
00:53:29Let's go!
00:53:31Let's go!
00:53:35I can't stay here, it's too crowded for me.
00:53:37Calm down, Mayra, take deep breaths, okay?
00:53:39What's going on? Is everything okay?
00:53:41Well, Mayra is a little scared of crowds.
00:53:42More like terrified.
00:53:44I'm okay. I just need to walk it off.
00:53:46No, I'll go. I'll go with you, just to be safe.
00:53:48Are you sure? Please text me to let me know how she's doing.
00:53:50Yeah, of course.
00:53:51Excuse me, she's not feeling well.
00:53:53It's less crowded here.
00:53:55And there's a nice little breeze.
00:53:57Yeah. It'll calm you down.
00:53:59Salvador was the capital of Brazil until 1763.
00:54:02The Pelourinho is uptown, near the port.
00:54:05Ladies and gentlemen, right here, right where you're standing,
00:54:09this is where the city of South Salvador was founded.
00:54:11Come on, go talk to him.
00:54:13No, why would I do that?
00:54:15Clearly, I don't have anything in common with... with him.
00:54:19I can't believe this. You're judging a book by its cover.
00:54:21Shut up! I don't want to hear you say that I'm judging a book by its cover.
00:54:25You are.
00:54:26No, wait. It's not true.
00:54:28You know what? I'll prove it to you.
00:54:30You'll see. You won't pass the test.
00:54:32Excuse me, coming through. I'm sorry. Thank you. Hi.
00:54:48How are you?
00:54:49Good. Question.
00:54:51Name the balls that are used to play Quidditch.
00:54:53Quaffle, bludger, and golden snitch.
00:54:55I love Harry Potter.
00:54:56Yeah. Okay, that was easy.
00:54:59Everyone knows that. But can you tell me...
00:55:01Can you tell me how fast does the DeLorean need to go...
00:55:04141 kilometers per hour, or 88 miles per hour in Imperial units.
00:55:08Well, Back to the Future is a classic.
00:55:11Everybody has seen that movie, or at the very least, they've heard about it.
00:55:14Now, I want to test your behind-the-scene knowledge.
00:55:20What was the surname initially given to Luke Skywalker by his creator, the awesome George Lucas,
00:55:30in the first, the original draft of Star Wars?
00:55:34Starkiller. Luke Starkiller.
00:55:40But wait, why are you asking me all these questions?
00:55:44Samir, what is the meaning of life?
00:55:50The meaning of life, Levy?
00:55:53Well, 42, of course.
00:55:59You read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
00:56:05I think I just found the rarest Pokemon in the world.
00:56:08Okay, what does that mean?
00:56:10That we can evolve together.
00:56:23It's about time.
00:56:35Thanks. Thank you. So, did you like it?
00:56:37It was awesome.
00:56:39It's so hot.
00:56:43What a great view.
00:56:46Beautiful, huh?
00:56:50It's the Bay of All Saints.
00:56:56What's that over there?
00:56:58The San Marcello Fort?
00:57:06No, look at it. Really look at it.
00:57:14You know, in 1624, the Dutch took over the fort for a year.
00:57:19But then they fled because they got scared of the Bahia men.
00:57:22Ah, because Bahia men are known to be rowdy, right?
00:57:26Yes, we are. Very rowdy indeed.
00:57:49It's you.
00:58:14It's you.
00:58:19It's you.
00:58:31I think we should stop.
00:58:34I mean, there's Freddy...
00:58:37I'm sorry, Salvador. I really had a wonderful day.
00:58:40I loved exploring Salvador's Salvador.
00:58:44But we should stop it right here.
00:58:47In that case, I'm going to show you a part of the city that's almost as important as me.
00:58:53And what could possibly be almost as important as you?
00:59:02Ah, faith.
00:59:04Come on. You have to see this. Come on.
00:59:07You're going to like it. Trust me.
00:59:47It's you.
01:00:13You're very lucky to be born and raised here.
01:00:18It's you.
01:00:26Why me?
01:00:28Go. Go.
01:00:59My dear child, you must not be afraid.
01:01:04Believe in your destiny.
01:01:07Trust in the power of life-changing experiences.
01:01:10You already have what it takes to shine.
01:01:14All you need is courage.
01:01:16Find the courage to become your true self.
01:01:46Lunch party by the pool tomorrow.
01:02:11Bring your friends.
01:02:17Nina, you didn't post our picture from yesterday?
01:02:21Uh, no.
01:02:23It won't get me any followers.
01:02:30Come on. It's my job. Don't be such a drama queen.
01:02:33I'm not a drama queen.
01:02:35I'm not a drama queen.
01:02:37I'm not a drama queen.
01:02:39I'm not a drama queen.
01:02:41I'm not a drama queen.
01:02:43Come on. It's my job. Don't be such a drama queen.
01:02:46I'll tell you what.
01:02:48I'll send you the pictures and you guys can post it.
01:02:50And I'll comment on it and like it, you know?
01:02:52All right?
01:02:55I better stay quiet or I might say something.
01:02:57Michelle, yeah, be quiet.
01:02:58Nina, it's a picture of us that shows how close we are.
01:03:00Oh, Myra.
01:03:02Let me explain how it works.
01:03:04I have to post pictures that will increase my engagement rate, okay?
01:03:07Pictures that will generate thousands of likes and comments, you know?
01:03:10That kind of stuff.
01:03:12Michelle, no.
01:03:13No, I can't take this anymore.
01:03:15Listen, Instagram queen.
01:03:17Here's what you do.
01:03:18You post a little lame picture that doesn't attract any followers
01:03:21and I'll make sure to write a comment, you know?
01:03:23Like, hashtag best friends forever a million times.
01:03:26Michelle, stop it. It's no use. Come on.
01:03:28That's all she cares about.
01:03:30The likes, the attention. It's all that matters.
01:03:32Okay, Michelle, I am getting sick and tired of your snarky comments.
01:03:36It's my job. Don't you get it?
01:03:38Are you dumb or what?
01:03:39Nina, come on.
01:03:40Myra, please just calm down.
01:03:41Please, Michelle, don't get all upset.
01:03:42What did you call me?
01:03:43I don't like it when girls fight.
01:03:45You're ridiculous.
01:03:46You're dumb.
01:03:47Hey, come on.
01:03:48I don't care if you're mad.
01:03:49I'm not afraid of you.
01:03:51Gee, stop that.
01:03:52You guys are friends.
01:03:59Why did we come here in the first place?
01:04:01It's because of my Instagram fame.
01:04:03That wasn't my question.
01:04:05But your answer says a lot.
01:04:08I don't get it.
01:04:09Oh, but I'm the dumb one.
01:04:10Please, Michelle.
01:04:24I really need to talk.
01:04:25What did I do?
01:04:26Your guest is here.
01:04:28Sorry to interrupt.
01:04:30How are you guys?
01:04:31Hi, Nina.
01:04:33I have to go see about a thing.
01:04:34Yeah, you do that, George.
01:04:35Thank you. I'll see you later then.
01:04:36Excuse me.
01:04:37Call me if you need me.
01:04:38Have fun doing your thing.
01:04:39Come here.
01:04:40I want to talk to you.
01:04:41Come, sit down.
01:04:44Now tell me, from the bottom of your heart,
01:04:46what do you think of Salvador?
01:04:48What, what?
01:04:49What do you mean, what do I think of?
01:04:51Oh, I don't know.
01:04:53The city.
01:04:55What did you think I meant?
01:04:57I was, it's beautiful.
01:04:59It's my first time here, but I really feel like I already
01:05:01have roots in this city.
01:05:04Salvador has made a deep impression on me.
01:05:09Salvador does that to everyone.
01:05:25You remember?
01:05:26Yes, of course.
01:05:27You don't understand your words.
01:05:29They've inspired me.
01:05:35I have an idea.
01:05:36Let's go to my studio.
01:05:37I want to introduce you to Chris,
01:05:39the owner of my record label.
01:05:40What do you say?
01:05:42Hey, Chris, come here, please.
01:05:44I'd like to introduce you to a very special person.
01:05:50Hi, how are you?
01:05:51Chris, Chris, Nina.
01:05:52Nice to meet you.
01:05:53Now that you've been introduced,
01:05:54I'd like to hear your thoughts on a great new song
01:05:56we just came up with.
01:06:00You got it ready.
01:06:01Thanks, man.
01:06:02Let's do this, Chris.
01:06:05Sorry, no one's allowed.
01:06:07But it's me.
01:06:08No one.
01:06:14You, come here.
01:06:16You, come here.
01:06:35Look at her, she's sleeping like a baby.
01:06:37What's up?
01:06:38Are you OK?
01:06:41You should have seen his face
01:06:42when we got to the place with the best bottles everywhere.
01:06:47Ah, no, no man could ever tie me down.
01:06:50I'm a free spirit.
01:06:52Michelle, I need to talk to you.
01:06:53It's urgent.
01:06:54Come on.
01:06:55I don't want to talk to you.
01:06:56Michelle, I said it's urgent.
01:06:58This girl has some nerve.
01:06:59I'm sorry, guys.
01:07:00She'll be right back.
01:07:01OK, now, what do you want?
01:07:02Hey, I'm sure your drink's already warm.
01:07:05Let me get you another one.
01:07:06Sir, thank you very much.
01:07:08Here you go.
01:07:10He only had water.
01:07:11Nina, seriously?
01:07:12Look, your majesty of Instagram,
01:07:15go back to your stuff, to your stories and your boomerangs,
01:07:18for Christ's sake, leave me alone.
01:07:19Michelle, I'm not kidding.
01:07:21Obviously, you've had too much to drink.
01:07:23You're even hitting on plants.
01:07:24Ah, so now you want to control everything I do?
01:07:27You're going to tell me how to behave in public
01:07:29and how to live my life?
01:07:30Oh, that's right, I forgot.
01:07:32You're better than everybody, huh?
01:07:34Yeah, because she's paying for everything.
01:07:36She's the queen of Instagram.
01:07:38She can do whatever she wants.
01:07:39It's true.
01:07:40Michelle, listen to me now.
01:07:42All I'm asking for is your cooperation, okay?
01:07:46What are you doing, trying to embarrass me?
01:07:48Look at you.
01:07:50Oh, my God, I can't believe how nasty you are, man.
01:07:52I'm going to tell you what you should do.
01:07:54You should go to hell,
01:07:55and don't forget to tag your location.
01:08:04Guys, a man's dead because of me.
01:08:06No, it was us.
01:08:07He's not dead.
01:08:08Freddie, Freddie,
01:08:10Freddie, can you tell us what happened?
01:08:12Oh, fortunately, it's nothing serious.
01:08:15Are you guys dating?
01:08:17Are you in love?
01:08:18Beg your pardon?
01:08:19With this lady here, Nina.
01:08:21Oh, of course.
01:08:22Nina is my muse, my inspiration.
01:08:24Nina, how is the relationship going?
01:08:27Well, we're just getting to know each other,
01:08:29but all I can say is that so far,
01:08:31we're having a great time together.
01:08:33That's right, yeah.
01:08:34Guys, Luana's here.
01:08:35Well, actually, I wasn't done.
01:08:36Luana, do you have any comments?
01:08:38Did you witness the accident?
01:08:39Tell us what you saw.
01:08:40I'll take this.
01:08:41Excuse me.
01:08:42I have no patience for amateurs.
01:08:44I was there, guys, really.
01:08:46It was nothing, nothing.
01:08:48They were just being gay about the whole thing.
01:08:52But look, one thing's for sure.
01:08:54If she was fatter, the guy would be dead.
01:08:57Hey, ladies.
01:08:59Please listen up.
01:09:00I have some great news for you.
01:09:02I'm sorry, not great news, but wonderful news.
01:09:05Oh, my goodness!
01:09:08Okay, what's going on?
01:09:10Eight hundred and fifty thousand followers, yay!
01:09:13Ugh, just tell us, Salvador.
01:09:15Well, Freddy Nunez invited all four of you
01:09:18to join him tonight for an experience like no other
01:09:21on the Trio Electrical!
01:09:37Geez, what's all this?
01:09:40Are these for us?
01:09:43What's this?
01:09:44Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:09:46Wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:09:47I need to do a story before we open the gifts.
01:09:50Okay, let's check them out.
01:09:51She's taking too long.
01:09:52Dibs on the makeup?
01:09:53No, Jess is there.
01:09:54What's in the other bag?
01:09:55The popular influencer, Luana DeSertanzo,
01:09:58had many of her contracts canceled.
01:10:01It was just a comment, nothing more.
01:10:03I don't trust fags and fatties.
01:10:05They might blacken my reputation.
01:10:07Geez, you guys are getting it all wrong.
01:10:10I didn't say blacken in the black sense of the word, okay?
01:10:13That would be as bad as making comments about the Jews.
01:10:16You heard it.
01:10:17Luana just shamed overweight people and made racist comments.
01:10:20I'm not finished talking.
01:10:21That wasn't really a comment about the Jews.
01:10:24Anyway, they're not even black.
01:10:26Because, you see...
01:10:28You know what?
01:10:29Let's just delete the whole thing.
01:10:31I'll do another story tomorrow, okay?
01:10:33You see, that's why women shouldn't drink like men.
01:10:51Look out!
01:11:12Can't you guys take us all the way to the trio?
01:11:14No, I'm sorry, you'll have to walk from here.
01:11:16But Freddy's security will help you to get there.
01:11:19Tonight Freddy is a guest on Durvalelli's trio.
01:11:22You have to hurry.
01:11:23Let's go then.
01:11:44It's okay.
01:11:46I'm right here, you can trust me.
01:11:50Hi, what's your name?
01:11:52Are you lost?
01:11:55Give me your hand.
01:12:01We're gonna be on Durval's trio, Myra.
01:12:04Can you imagine?
01:12:07Everything's gonna be okay.
01:12:13Come on, Freddy. Let's go.
01:12:15Come on, ladies.
01:12:16He's right over here.
01:12:17Come on, Freddy.
01:12:20Okay, ready to go?
01:12:21Let's go.
01:12:22Bye, Salvador.
01:12:24Bye, Salvador.
01:12:25Bye, have fun.
01:12:43Don't let go of my hand.
01:12:49Go, Freddy.
01:12:50Go, Freddy.
01:12:51Go, Freddy.
01:12:52Go, Freddy.
01:12:53Go, Freddy.
01:12:54Go, Freddy.
01:12:55Go, Freddy.
01:12:56Go, Freddy.
01:13:07This is so cool.
01:13:10Let's go.
01:13:16Hold my hand tight, guys.
01:13:20Nina, the girls!
01:13:23Help! We have a song for the girls!
01:13:28Nina, wait! The girls!
01:13:31Here he comes, the carnival champion!
01:13:39I lost the girls!
01:13:43And Durvalino!
01:13:44Oh, yeah!
01:13:45Get him!
01:13:51Please, don't let go of my hand!
01:13:53Come on, get up here!
01:14:22A special kiss to Nina!
01:14:25Hi, my princess!
01:14:27I'm so glad you're here!
01:14:30Girls, wait! Get out of there!
01:14:33Let go of her!
01:14:35It's your uncle from the gas engine!
01:14:37Why not?
01:14:38Perhaps it is!
01:15:38Excuse me, officer. My friend is lost. I need to find her.
01:15:41Tweedie, look around. Everybody here is lost.
01:15:44But, officer, I really need to find my friend. She's all alone.
01:15:47Again, look around. She's definitely not alone.
01:15:50Relax. There's no reason to panic.
01:16:18Mayra, fear is like faith, but backwards.
01:16:22Don't let it control you anymore.
01:16:27Powerful forces are watching over us.
01:16:48Be thankful and have faith.
01:16:59Wait a minute. Aren't you Freddy Nunez's girlfriend?
01:17:02Santos, come here. Let's all take a picture with her.
01:17:05We can do that later. Sir, please, can you help me get to Durval's trio?
01:17:18Come down here!
01:17:25Nina, I can explain.
01:17:28Go ahead. Explain.
01:17:31Look, guys, I didn't want to...
01:17:32Fine. I'll do it then.
01:17:39What you just saw here was a gay event producer and manager
01:17:43trying to force himself on his artist.
01:17:48You know that's not true.
01:17:50What else can I say? You're being a coward.
01:17:54We'll talk about this later.
01:17:56George, this is not the place...
01:17:58Yes. We'll talk later.
01:18:01What do you mean by we?
01:18:03It's always been about you.
01:18:06Your career, your fans. That's all that matters.
01:18:11And when you have a little time off,
01:18:13you have this one here willing to be your guilty secret.
01:18:18Okay. What do you want me to do?
01:18:23Come out of the closet?
01:18:26What should I do?
01:18:29Coming out to yourself would be a good start, Freddy.
01:18:56Nina, I'm sorry.
01:19:00Please, no need to apologize.
01:19:06You have to follow your heart.
01:19:09And be happy.
01:19:14Just keep sailing.
01:19:20Find the courage.
01:19:29I know it's not the best time to ask you for a favor,
01:19:33but I really need your... I need your help to find my friends.
01:19:37Of course.
01:19:38Please, Freddy.
01:19:39Let's go.
01:19:44Vivi, where are you guys? Please tell me.
01:19:46I'm going crazy trying to find you.
01:19:48I called Michelle, but she won't pick up.
01:19:51I tried texting Myra, but she hasn't replied either.
01:19:54Come on, guys. Where are you?
01:20:14They're not here.
01:20:16Where to now, Ms. Nina?
01:20:27Believe in your destiny.
01:20:29Trust in the power of life-changing experiences.
01:20:32All you need is courage.
01:20:34The courage to become your true self.
01:20:38Nina, you didn't post anything on Facebook.
01:20:41Nina, you didn't post our picture from yesterday?
01:20:44No, that's all she cares about.
01:20:47The likes, the attachments, all that matters.
01:20:50I will never let go of your hand.
01:20:53No matter what.
01:20:58In your quest to conquer it all,
01:21:01you might lose the things that matter the most.
01:21:06Guys, I know I've been doing this livestream for hours,
01:21:09but honestly, I don't know what else to do to find my three friends.
01:21:14I posted a bunch of stories, and I tagged them.
01:21:19Is that you?
01:21:21You know what, Marco?
01:21:22Lately, I've realized something.
01:21:25You were right, you know?
01:21:30I can do this.
01:21:33I could never understand you.
01:21:37It's hard to admit, but your new CrossFit girlfriend
01:21:40is probably way cooler and way more sensitive than I am.
01:21:46Don't give me a thumbs up.
01:21:47It doesn't make you any less of an asshole.
01:21:49Michelle? Michelle!
01:21:51Come on, say something, Michelle.
01:21:53Please talk to me, girl. Write something, anything.
01:21:55Tell me to go to hell if you want, but let me hear from you.
01:21:57Nina, go to hell.
01:21:58Oh, come on.
01:21:59Okay, you don't have to be so rude.
01:22:01I'm sorry. I messed up, I know.
01:22:04But I was blind.
01:22:06I love you so much.
01:22:08Oh, Myra! Myra!
01:22:10Oh, my sister!
01:22:12Myra, please, you have to forgive me.
01:22:16Forgive me, I swear. I promise you.
01:22:19I'll always be there, and I'll never let go of your hand ever again.
01:22:24You're all on this livestream, and you're not saying anything?
01:22:27Guys, say something. Please, don't be cruel.
01:22:31What is the meaning of life?
01:22:33What is the meaning of life?
01:22:37I know the answer, Vivi.
01:22:40The meaning of life...
01:22:43is having best friends, just like you guys.
01:22:47That's the meaning of life.
01:22:50Did I get it right?
01:22:52But I liked your answer, so I guess it'll do.
01:22:56Oh, my God!
01:22:59Guys, guys, forgive me. I'm really sorry.
01:23:02Don't be silly, of course.
01:23:06This is great! This is so great!
01:23:11Wait, I need to do something.
01:23:12Look at it again. I'm in the same chair.
01:23:14Is she serious right now?
01:23:15Calm down.
01:23:16I admit that's cute.
01:23:21Yeah, you had to post that picture.
01:23:28I'm sorry.
01:24:03They hate me, Nina.
01:24:04They all want me dead.
01:24:07Luana, are you all right? Who's they?
01:24:09The gays, the blacks, the fatties.
01:24:12Even the indigenous people.
01:24:14Why did you say those stupid things?
01:24:16Because I had no one to put me in my place and tell me I was wrong.
01:24:21It would have made a big difference.
01:24:23These were my best friends in school.
01:24:26Friends in school.
01:24:28Isn't it ironic?
01:24:31And where are they now?
01:24:32Don't know.
01:24:33Look for them. Send them a message.
01:24:37Trust me.
01:24:39There's nothing more important in life than friends.
01:24:43I'll see if I can get a hold of them.
01:24:46But first...
01:24:48What are you doing?
01:24:49You're deleting your profile? No, don't do that.
01:24:52Oh, yes, Nina, because I need to find myself first.
01:24:56I must admit, you're a great influencer.
01:25:08You look great.
01:25:09Thanks, you too.
01:25:10Hey, look, it's Ronaldo.
01:25:15Oh, my God.
01:25:16Two Ronaldos?
01:25:17That's pretty nice.
01:25:18All right. Hey, you two, stay right there.
01:25:20Yes, you.
01:25:21How do I know which is the real one?
01:25:23Okay, let's try this one.
01:25:30And she let him kiss the other one.
01:25:32Of course, she's incredible.
01:25:37Girls, this is Ronaldo.
01:25:40And this one's the generic version.
01:25:43Hi, girls.
01:25:46You could have told me...
01:25:47Hello, Michelle.
01:25:49Hello, ladies.
01:25:50What's up, guys?
01:25:51Hi, Samir.
01:25:53Because today we'll be attending a private concert.
01:25:55Oh, great.
01:25:56Let's go.
01:25:57Let's do this.
01:25:59Let's go.
01:26:07You know what?
01:26:08I could get used to this love thing.
01:26:12Wow, Vivi, you look so...
01:26:16so different.
01:26:18What, are you the type to judge a book by its cover?
01:26:22No, no, I'm just saying that you look beautiful.
01:26:24Because you are beautiful.
01:26:26Oh, okay.
01:26:33I feel stupid.
01:26:34I got caught up in this whole Instagram nonsense, but I...
01:26:38That's why I prefer to dive right in and live life to the fullest.
01:26:41I don't make stories.
01:26:42I live the stories.
01:26:44It's true, Nina.
01:26:45The only filters I use are the ones at my house to keep the water clean,
01:26:49because Bayer men only drink the purest...
01:27:09Hello, beautiful people.
01:27:12Thank you so much for coming this afternoon.
01:27:16Recently, I said that Nina was my muse and inspiration.
01:27:20Look at her.
01:27:21I mean, she has a beautiful smile.
01:27:24And such great energy.
01:27:26Thank you, Nina.
01:27:28Thank you for coming into my life.
01:27:30Thank you, Freddie.
01:27:31She made me understand that love requires courage.
01:27:36Keep sailing, remember?
01:27:38That's why I would like to dedicate this next song to you.
01:27:46Hey, you. George.
01:27:50Come here, you fool.
01:27:55Come on, George!
01:27:57Come on, George! What are you waiting for?
01:27:59This one is for you.
01:28:16My love for you is summer, it's spring
01:28:21Even the whole world against us
01:28:23Our love is always standing
01:28:28I've been trying for so long to explain to the world
01:28:32That my love is you
01:28:35But unfortunately the world doesn't understand the heart
01:28:39You know when I'm fine
01:28:41You understand me at first sight
01:28:44And when I'm bored
01:28:46I don't even have to talk
01:28:50Look, Nina, I love Freddie, but carnival is almost over
01:28:53and Yemoja is calling me.
01:28:54Okay, bye!
01:28:56Me and you
01:28:58Me and you
01:29:01And there's nothing that explains us
01:29:04Love has no explanation
01:29:12I love you.
01:29:13You're the one and only for me.
01:29:17You crazy fool.
01:29:25You guys are amazing!
01:29:33Best friends forever!
01:29:39Best carnival ever!
01:29:42I love you guys!
