Siblings, Lita and Evan, are forced to put their troubled personal lives on hold to help their alcoholic mother through a relapse HD ( Drama, Comedy )

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Siblings, Lita and Evan, are forced to put their troubled personal lives on hold to help their alcoholic mother through a relapse HD ( Drama, Comedy )
00:00:00So get this, my husband is so stupid like I told you. He spent the last four years sucked into some fucking news program.
00:00:07He's like a goddamn zombie, you know? I've told you how he is.
00:00:12So anyway, a few weeks ago he shows up with this engagement ring and I'm thinking, you know, we've been married for like nine years, I've already got a ring.
00:00:19I mean, it's a piece of shit ring and he always knew I hated it, but a symbol of our love nonetheless.
00:00:25Oh, what a beautiful payoff, right?
00:00:30So I'm like, you want to prove your love?
00:00:35Clean the fucking toilets for Christ's sake. Take Dean to soccer practice.
00:00:41You know, fuck him. I'm the one wiping his dirty mouth, picking up his clothes, doing the fucking dishes.
00:00:47I mean, I'm not that hard to understand, right?
00:00:51Are you asking me? No, no, you're not at all.
00:00:57Fuck, my point is I need a break, not another trinket.
00:01:08You know, to be honest, I don't really want to talk about your husband or your ring right now.
00:01:13You know, can we just kind of try to enjoy the moment a little bit?
00:01:17Fuck you, Bodhi. I'm sitting here jerking your shit while you're just relaxing.
00:01:23You want me to shut up? Quit being such a boy and take care of business.
00:01:30Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on.
00:01:52Hold on.
00:01:54That's better.
00:02:25Who's Vincent?
00:02:30What do you mean, who's Vincent? That's my husband. Why?
00:02:33He's texting you.
00:02:40Fuck. Just don't move.
00:02:43Wait, wait, wait. Where are you going?
00:02:45I've got to go talk to my husband real quick.
00:02:47Your husband's here?
00:02:49What do you mean? Of course my husband is here. This is where we live.
00:02:52Why do you think I'm jerking you off in the truck?
00:02:59Just don't move. I'll be right back.
00:03:49What are you doing outside?
00:03:52Jerking off some young stud, telling him about how much I hate you.
00:03:56Hysterical. Is your mother with you?
00:04:02She's not, is she?
00:04:06God damn it, Lita. Your mom and your whole fucked up family.
00:04:10She's a grown woman, Vincent. She can come and go as she pleases.
00:04:14Really? Is that the agreement that we had?
00:04:18That your alcoholic mother, who sleeps 20 feet away from our five-year-old son,
00:04:23can come and go as she sees fit?
00:04:26She's been sober nearly a year.
00:04:28Wow. Ten whole months.
00:04:32Is there a chip for that?
00:04:34It's green.
00:04:37The chip for ten months. It's green.
00:04:41Why is this my problem?
00:04:44Why is this our problem?
00:04:47Right now she's just missing. We don't know if she's relapsed.
00:04:51God, I hate that smug laugh of yours.
00:04:55Yeah, well, I hate this fucking chaos you brought into our lives.
00:04:59What? What did you just say?
00:05:01I said...
00:05:08I'm sure disappointed in our present situation.
00:05:12Oh, yeah.
00:05:14Yeah. Real nice with this sanctimonious thing you do.
00:05:21Nita, it's just a little too early in the morning for a full-on whiff of your bullshit.
00:05:34Fuck you, Vincent.
00:05:37Look, I'm going to go look for Mom.
00:05:41Can you please make sure that Dean gets to school if I'm not back in time?
00:05:48It's Saturday.
00:05:57I love you.
00:06:00I love you.
00:06:06Yeah. You too.
00:06:09Oh, hey, don't forget we have that appointment this morning.
00:06:30Jesus Christ.
00:06:35You beautiful young boys sit around with your top-shelf hard-ons
00:06:38totally unaware that youth and time are fleeting.
00:06:43Is that a poem or something?
00:06:48I doubt it.
00:06:50It's a poem.
00:06:52It's a poem.
00:06:54It's a poem.
00:06:57I doubt it.
00:06:59Fuck, Bodhi, I've got to go.
00:07:01You've got to go? Where? It's one in the morning.
00:07:04It's my mom.
00:07:06Your mom? I thought you were just talking to your husband.
00:07:10You know, Bodhi, my life is just a little too complicated
00:07:15to explain all the ins and outs to you in the 30 seconds that I have right now.
00:07:19Suffice it to say,
00:07:22adulthood is not all beer bongs, blowjobs, and finger-banging
00:07:2635-year-old moms in the back seats of trucks.
00:07:31You know, some advice.
00:07:35Next time you're with an older woman, or any woman,
00:07:39don't just stab at her pussy with your stiff little fingers.
00:07:42You've got to slow down, warm up the kitty a little.
00:07:47You are a gorgeous creature, but your inexperience is clunky.
00:07:55So there you go. The secret to life.
00:07:59Hope you were paying attention.
00:08:02Maybe, someday, you won't catch your future wife
00:08:05giving out handjobs in the back seat of her truck.
00:08:08Get my drift?
00:08:13All right.
00:08:17All right, then.
00:08:39Wait, are you breaking up with me?
00:08:42I think I love you.
00:08:44Well, that's nice.
00:08:46Can I at least get a ride?
00:08:49Gotta go. Put those young legs of yours to work.
00:09:16She's 32 and has no excuse except she's sad.
00:09:21Her foot got caught in the wishing well.
00:09:24Now she's mad at God, but she's mad as hell, yeah.
00:09:47Pervader in the parking lot.
00:09:50An endless entertainment.
00:09:53He swings his arms with giant steps,
00:09:56throws back his head,
00:09:58and swings her away.
00:10:02He used to be a soldier man.
00:10:05He grew beige and orange for Uncle Sam.
00:10:08He lost his pants.
00:10:11He stuck his foot in the wishing well.
00:10:14Now he's mad at God, but he's mad as hell, yeah.
00:10:37Hey, Joe.
00:10:39You out there?
00:10:42I know most people go to churches or cemeteries
00:10:45to talk to their dead dads,
00:10:47but I think we both know
00:10:49this is a pretty fitting place to have this conversation.
00:10:55Anyway, it's been another year,
00:10:59so I just thought maybe I'd tell you about my day,
00:11:03give you a little insight to how things are going for me.
00:11:11I woke up late for work again,
00:11:13so there goes that Tencent phrase, right?
00:11:17I was hungover,
00:11:19so breakfast was just a handful of aspirin
00:11:22and a spike sugar coffee.
00:11:25I mean, shit, man, I was out the door
00:11:28before I even thought to look at your letter.
00:11:31I had hidden it in a stack of past-due notices,
00:11:35thinking I'd forget about it,
00:11:37but I didn't.
00:11:41It was after lunch sometime
00:11:43before I realized that I had your photos.
00:11:49Maybe in another 20 years,
00:11:51I'll forget about you altogether,
00:11:54but that's not how it goes, is it?
00:12:00Anyway, now I'm drunk,
00:12:04talking in the sky,
00:12:07pretending it's my dead dad.
00:12:11Trying to convince myself that I don't give a shit,
00:12:14none of this matters,
00:12:16and that I'm not afraid
00:12:18when I look in the mirror these days
00:12:20and I see you sometimes.
00:12:25So will there be any wisdom from the starlight?
00:12:31Any miracles to be had?
00:12:35Any advice on how to get this blood of yours
00:12:38out of my fucking veins?
00:12:42You got anything for me, Jo?
00:12:57You know,
00:12:59there was a time when you found me amusing.
00:13:02I never found you all that amusing.
00:13:08Mostly I just wanted to get you in bed.
00:13:10Oh, I'm blushing.
00:13:12You are.
00:13:14But you should inform your confident, drunken sway
00:13:18and that sexy, sideways smile
00:13:20that they are a bit overrated.
00:13:25Yeah, well,
00:13:27this tough, blue-collar thing you've got going on
00:13:29can only take you so far.
00:13:31How far is that?
00:13:33Just far enough, but never over the edge.
00:13:37Too cheesy.
00:13:40You need a ride?
00:13:42I suppose I do.
00:13:55Get a bit.
00:14:04Get a bit.
00:14:14You're far, right?
00:14:16I mean, maybe a little bit.
00:14:19I mean, I know the intent of sex is to make babies,
00:14:22but it's just not really, you know.
00:14:26Shit, I totally fucked this up.
00:14:28No, it's no big deal.
00:14:30Just start from, fuck me, you're on.
00:14:32I'm pregnant.
00:14:35Is this, like, some sort of kink I'm not aware of?
00:14:41I'm with the child.
00:14:44No, I know what you said, it's just...
00:14:50I guess I just wanted to see how you'd react or something.
00:14:54To what exactly?
00:14:56The idea of us having children.
00:15:00That was our conversation about having kids.
00:15:04I'm pregnant, so, yeah.
00:15:18I'm guessing having children isn't big on your list of life ambitions.
00:15:23Ambitions, really?
00:15:25I mean, you don't have to be a real go-getter to have kids.
00:15:28Nick meets vagina, conception, birth.
00:15:31I'm sure Darwin has a better explanation for it,
00:15:35but as far as I can understand, the process is not that complicated.
00:15:39You're right.
00:15:40Once you completely dismiss biology and science,
00:15:43it's not that complicated, but...
00:15:47then there's the part where you become a parent.
00:15:50You know?
00:15:52An adult who's responsible for another human being.
00:15:56Are you okay?
00:15:58Yeah, I'm fine.
00:16:01Where are you going?
00:16:03I just need a cold shower.
00:16:25Staying out of my head
00:16:28Lucky I'm not dead
00:16:31I move through the day without ever seeing water
00:16:38I float like a ghost to the coast
00:16:44With a heavy, heavy heart
00:16:49Heavy heart
00:17:00Heavy, heavy heart
00:17:07Why are you not answering your phone?
00:17:09Mom has gone AWOL and I could really use your help.
00:17:12AWOL? Do you even know what that means?
00:17:14She's fucking gone, Evan, and I don't know where she is
00:17:16and she's probably been drinking again.
00:17:18You look surprised, Lita.
00:17:20Did you even check your calendar?
00:17:22You do know what today is, don't you?
00:17:31Yeah. Dad.
00:17:35I normally think about him on his birthday and not...
00:17:37Death anniversary?
00:17:39Yeah, it's a very glass half full of you.
00:17:42Jesus, I'd almost forgotten how self-righteous he was.
00:17:48Yeah, well, Mom's pretty much been living in her head these days
00:17:51so she's probably been ready to bolt for a while.
00:17:58Why the fuck are you looking at me that way? This is not my fault.
00:18:01How could you forget the anniversary of your father's death?
00:18:04I've been busy, okay?
00:18:08I'm not the one who made our mom an alcoholic.
00:18:11Alright, alright. I know. I'm sorry.
00:18:14Look, I need your help.
00:18:18I need you to look for her.
00:18:22I have been driving around all night trying to find her, okay?
00:18:25And I have something else I need to do.
00:18:27More important than finding our alcoholic mother?
00:18:32Look, are you gonna help me or not?
00:18:34Yeah. Yeah, okay.
00:18:37God, why you gotta make me beg? You're such an asshole.
00:18:41You're welcome.
00:18:43You're welcome? She's your mother too, you know.
00:18:48Why don't you answer your phone sometime?
00:18:51You never heard of texting?
00:18:53You ever heard of fucking yourself with a rusty razor blade?
00:18:56Uh, no. I have not heard of that.
00:18:58Love you.
00:19:01Me too.
00:19:10I love you.
00:19:40I love you.
00:20:04You should have worn a jacket.
00:20:06It's at the cleaners. I need it for work on Monday.
00:20:09We don't have to waste our weekend with this shit again.
00:20:11It's the only time my folks can take the kids.
00:20:13Oh, yeah, right.
00:20:19You look nice.
00:20:21Did you have a chance to go home and change?
00:20:23I keep some things in the truck.
00:20:26Dean's always making a mess. You never know when you're gonna need a change of clothes.
00:20:30Well, you look great.
00:20:39I need a men's.
00:21:40So, did you two bring your homework?
00:21:44Fucking homework.
00:21:52When we ended our last session, we were talking about peccadillos.
00:21:56You both seem interested in trying to alter some minor behavioral issues.
00:22:03Alright, Vincent, you seem eager. Let's start with you.
00:22:07What's on your list?
00:22:11Okay, well, I guess let's start with the kitchen cabinets.
00:22:17What about them?
00:22:19She leaves them open. A lot.
00:22:25I just wish she'd close them when she's finished. That's all.
00:22:34Okay. Go on.
00:22:38Well, there's this little toothpaste ring in the sink.
00:22:42Fucking toothpaste ring.
00:22:45I just wish she'd wipe it up when she's finished brushing her teeth.
00:22:57That's it?
00:22:58That's it.
00:23:05Lita, why don't you give it a shot?
00:23:12So, here are some things I hate about Vincent.
00:23:18No, no.
00:23:21Let's not use the word hate.
00:23:32Okay, well, let's start with the way he comes home from work and plops himself in front of the TV.
00:23:39You don't like him watching TV?
00:23:42It used to bother me, this device we plug into the wall, stealing my husband and our son, his father.
00:23:50But then I realized that if he's not staring at the brain sucker,
00:23:55I have to watch his fat fucking neck flailing around while he tries to regurgitate actual words
00:24:03and then listen to him go on and on and on about how hard he's had to work all day long.
00:24:16Like I should be grateful to you, the provider, right?
00:24:22Well, I've been busy raising our son all day.
00:24:27Wipe the toothpaste ring up yourself, you whiny bitch.
00:24:35This is a waste of time, for Christ's sake.
00:24:38I mean, why don't we talk about some of our real issues?
00:24:41Here we go.
00:24:43My freeloading mom, my dead dad, my absentee brother.
00:24:49Let's not forget about your newfound appreciation for parked cars.
00:24:54I mean, what are you doing at all hours of the night in the fucking car, Lita?
00:24:59I'm sorry, what are we talking about?
00:25:03I don't have time for this shit today.
00:25:07This sounds like something we should discuss.
00:25:11I don't know, Doc. I think we're well beyond peccadilloes.
00:25:39What are you doing?
00:25:44Hey, man.
00:25:46Is this your mom?
00:25:49Yep, that's my mom.
00:25:52Your mama's one beautiful lady.
00:25:56You know, I sure would love to take her out to have some dinner sometime.
00:26:00Yeah, might want to ask her that.
00:26:03Well, I ask her every time I see her.
00:26:06And what's she say?
00:26:08I tell him to go fuck himself with a bag of rusty nails.
00:26:13Sounds like a hard no, my friend.
00:26:17Alright, let's get you out of here. Come on.
00:26:21Come on.
00:26:24I guess I'll see you in my dream pretty later.
00:26:28If you do, I hope I'm smart enough to run like hell.
00:26:34You watch yourself?
00:26:44Phone rings.
00:26:49Bodhi, I really don't have time for this right now.
00:26:52Hey, girl.
00:26:54Who is this? Where's Bodhi?
00:26:56Bodhi's hanging out.
00:26:57I thought you and me ought to have a conversation about your secret stash of kickers and how you can get your ring back.
00:27:05Your hillbillies.
00:27:07My back pills?
00:27:09Yeah, if that's what you call them, your back pills.
00:27:13Let me talk to Bodhi.
00:27:15Bodhi's a little heartbroken right now, so you're going to have to deal with Kiki.
00:27:20Look, I'm not sure what Bodhi told you, but I don't have a secret stash of anything.
00:27:29Look, I'm going to have to call you back, okay?
00:27:31I'll be waiting.
00:27:35Everything okay?
00:27:37Yeah, fine.
00:27:40Look, we need to have a conversation about your mother.
00:27:43Meaning we need to talk about moving her out of the house?
00:27:46I know we've both had a lot on our plates, and truthfully, we could use a break.
00:27:53I thought I could take Dean to my folks' house for the weekend.
00:27:57Maybe give you some time to figure out whatever's going on with Carly.
00:28:02Yeah, okay.
00:28:39What do you want?
00:28:41Kickers for the Rock, or we call your husband and tell him you've been playing house with...
00:28:46How did you put it? Beautiful boys with top-shelf hard-ons?
00:28:50I can't get any more meds. How about cash?
00:28:53Kickers for the Rock. That's the deal.
00:28:55Fuck you.
00:29:08You okay?
00:29:13Son of a bitch!
00:29:37You two okay?
00:29:38What? Yeah, everything's good.
00:29:40What about her?
00:29:42She's fine.
00:29:44Are you sure?
00:29:46She looks like she could use some help.
00:29:48Maybe we should call someone?
00:29:52Should we?
00:29:54Wow, I didn't think of that!
00:29:56You know, I've just been dealing with this shit my whole fucking life,
00:29:59completely unaware that I should just call someone!
00:30:02So thank you for that. Thank you.
00:30:08What are you staring at?
00:30:10She's a dipso, lady! A real one!
00:30:14If she were gonna die, she would have done it with you standing there wearing that weightless fucking gaze.
00:30:19So why don't you fuck off? Because you're not helping.
00:30:25Get the fuck out of here!
00:30:27Go tell all your friends at brunch how you saw something real and it scared the fuck out of you!
00:31:02Is she wearing my bathing suit?
00:31:14Is that Vincent's shirt? What the hell were you two doing?
00:31:17We were at my dress up party.
00:31:22I thought the idea was to get her to stop drinking.
00:31:25No, the idea was to get her back home, which I did.
00:31:29You know, it's like you don't even give a shit.
00:31:31Oh wow, it's like you know me.
00:31:33Okay, I'm not going to respond to this childish back and forth thing you're trying to get me to engage in.
00:31:37Just so we're clear, she's gonna need help.
00:31:40I know.
00:31:41No, I mean real assistance, Lita.
00:31:43As opposed to what, my charade of concern?
00:31:45I mean like a program, like a therapist, some kind of delusion that her life might actually get better someday.
00:31:51Jesus, when did you become so cynical?
00:31:53Okay, don't worry, I'm not trying to move in on your personality traits,
00:31:56I just wanted one of us to be clear on who we're dealing with here.
00:31:59She'll never go.
00:32:01To treatment.
00:32:02She'll never go.
00:32:03She still goes on and on about how the medical community calls it a disease.
00:32:08It meaning substance abuse?
00:32:10Jesus, when did you get so vague?
00:32:12I'm just trying to see things from her perspective.
00:32:15I thought it might help.
00:32:16Well, good luck with that.
00:32:18Where are you going?
00:32:19Away, where peace and harmony reign supreme.
00:32:22And I don't have to deal with that as my life anymore.
00:32:25Oh, boo hoo for you.
00:32:27She's your mother too, you know.
00:32:29She could use your support.
00:32:31Give me a fucking break, Lita.
00:32:33It's the same shit with her.
00:32:35Stop everything in your life to help poor old mom crawl out of whatever her latest train wreck is.
00:32:42She's had a rough life, you know.
00:32:44Yeah, we've all had it tough.
00:32:47Her husband killed himself.
00:32:50Yeah, exactly, her husband.
00:32:52Her husband, right? Not your father or my dad, but her husband.
00:32:56God, it's like we've been dealing with her grief our whole life.
00:33:01It's not just grief, Evan.
00:33:04It's motherhood, it's work, it's life, it's day to day adding up to debt and useless antidotes.
00:33:11It's all bullshit, Lita.
00:33:12Our mother is a fucking alcoholic.
00:33:14The rigors of life, the hardships of child rearing, a convenient song and dance, that's all.
00:33:19Oh, and how would you know?
00:33:22You're no parent.
00:33:23You're no parent.
00:33:24You haven't got a clue what I am talking about.
00:33:28Well, that might not be 100% accurate.
00:33:32How's that?
00:33:38Her name is not Maddie, it's Addie.
00:33:40Jesus Christ, we live together.
00:33:42You don't even know my girlfriend's name?
00:33:45What's so goddamn funny?
00:33:47You thinking that living with someone makes it a commitment of some kind?
00:33:51So, was it a happy event?
00:33:56I'm not sure.
00:33:59How's that?
00:34:01I mean, we have a pretty active sex life, so sometimes it's happy, other times it's kind of sadistic and fucked up.
00:34:07Not the conception, you defect.
00:34:12When she told you you were going to be a father, how did it go?
00:34:16Alright, that could have gone better.
00:34:27I'm going to be a father.
00:34:32Fucking cliche, cowardice, macho shit.
00:34:36Get over yourself, little brother.
00:34:38The days of finding meaning behind your fucked up childhood stories have gone, okay?
00:34:42Pass that sippy cup on to the next whimpering imp.
00:34:46No warm, fuzzy words of encouragement?
00:34:49How life's going to change for the better?
00:34:51How it's going to open me up to a love as of yet undiscovered?
00:34:55No, Evan.
00:34:59That's what some image junkie twit wrote in her mommy blog.
00:35:08The truth about parenthood that nobody ever tells you is that no matter how much you love your kids, which is immense,
00:35:16you will always fantasize about the life you had before.
00:35:27It's what broke dad.
00:35:30It broke mom.
00:35:32And you?
00:35:35One problem at a time, I guess.
00:35:41Well, let's go try to convince our mother that she should die at a somewhat leisurely pace like the rest of us.
00:35:49I knew you wouldn't abandon me.
00:36:02You know, this place is beautiful.
00:36:04The entire time I've lived here, I don't think I've spent more than five minutes in this backyard.
00:36:10So what is this drink in here, mom?
00:36:14Not sure exactly.
00:36:16Heavy dose of something clear and toxic.
00:36:21I'll chase it.
00:36:26Oh, that's good.
00:36:28Oh, why is it so green?
00:36:30I didn't write down the recipe, son.
00:36:36Wasn't going for high end, sweetheart.
00:36:42You are supposed to be helping me.
00:36:45Helping you with what?
00:36:46Oh, I don't know, mom.
00:36:48I thought maybe we could convince you to start using sunscreen.
00:36:52What are you doing anyway?
00:36:53You know, nobody sunbathes anymore.
00:36:55You can get skin cancer.
00:36:57And here I was just working on my cirrhosis.
00:37:04I like sunbathing.
00:37:06Reminds me of when I was young and cared.
00:37:11God, we had a yard just like this.
00:37:14When you were a teeny tiny butt,
00:37:17your dad would go to work and I'd take you out to play in the yard.
00:37:20Your dad would go to work and I'd take you out to play in the yard.
00:37:23And I'd strut around in my young tan body.
00:37:29God, I thought I was so old then.
00:37:35It's true what they say, you don't know how good you have it.
00:37:37And we had it good back then.
00:37:40Not like this pile of shit existence we have now.
00:37:48I know how hard you've worked this time to stay sober.
00:37:52Please, don't just throw it all away.
00:38:00What are you doing?
00:38:02Looking for the hateful bitch I raised.
00:38:06You think you can fool me with that high-pitched sweetness?
00:38:10Mommy, I want you to get well so we can share our lives together.
00:38:18And you're here to help?
00:38:21Fuck the both of you.
00:38:25Mom, let's get you well.
00:38:29Bunch of shit.
00:38:32Sober and docile.
00:38:35That's how you want me.
00:38:39Oh, I'm sorry, Mom. Are you not getting enough attention lately?
00:38:43So what are we supposed to do, Mom? Just sit here and watch you drink yourself to death?
00:38:48Then what?
00:38:52I just need to calm down a little.
00:38:55I'm sorry, what does that mean?
00:38:57It means she wants us to watch her try and kill herself.
00:38:59I need 24 hours to tape her off.
00:39:02Tape her off?
00:39:03Evan, look.
00:39:06I can't go cold turkey, and I can't go to treatment.
00:39:10I can... I can do this.
00:39:15I just need a little help.
00:39:18That's it?
00:39:19That's it.
00:39:23So then what do you need us for?
00:39:27To keep me honest.
00:39:32Are you seriously considering this?
00:39:44Alright what?
00:39:46Alright, I'll help.
00:39:50Fuck you.
00:39:54Then that went well.
00:39:57Shut up, Mom.
00:40:04Maybe we can change our world around.
00:40:13Maybe we can wave this fertile ground.
00:40:21The time we have may never come around.
00:40:29The time we have can surely be right now.
00:40:35Hi, I'm quiet.
00:40:38I'm sorry, what?
00:40:39Please just be quiet.
00:40:48God damn it.
00:40:51Is there a problem?
00:40:54You see, this, all of this, is a problem.
00:41:07Yeah, a strange man skulking about my sister's house, eating a bag of candy, licking a broken sucker.
00:41:14It's disconcerting.
00:41:16And with the way the rest of today has gone, I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for it.
00:41:22There is.
00:41:23You see, the point is, I don't want to hear it.
00:41:27So please, just shut up.
00:41:47Friend of yours?
00:41:49Are you telling me that you don't know this guy?
00:41:53Oh my God.
00:41:55God, it's so good to see you.
00:41:57This is the friend I was telling you about.
00:41:59These are my kids, Leda and Evan.
00:42:03Oh, it's so exciting.
00:42:05You can finally put a face to some of this story.
00:42:07Can I go now?
00:42:09Mom, who is this guy?
00:42:11This is my sponsor.
00:42:13Kind of.
00:42:16What does that mean, kind of?
00:42:18Okay, was my sponsor.
00:42:20It's how the mighty monster reared its ugly head, as they say.
00:42:26Who says that?
00:42:29Oh, you see, it's a reference to our addiction.
00:42:35I guess you could say we fell victim to its enchantments.
00:42:42You relapsed with your sponsor?
00:42:47Kind of.
00:42:49I mean...
00:42:50We smoked a little grass.
00:42:53We got stoned.
00:42:56And what?
00:42:58Well, things got a little...
00:43:04And I just thought...
00:43:05Jesus Christ, what's the big deal?
00:43:08We had sex.
00:43:09We had sex.
00:43:20Micah thought it best we end our relationship as sponsor and sponsee.
00:43:24Oh, how responsible of him.
00:43:27I thought so.
00:43:28I mean, my trouble's always been with boo, so...
00:43:31Smoking a little weed.
00:43:33That's the big deal.
00:43:35Right, so...
00:43:37Why is he here?
00:43:40What are you doing here?
00:43:41I called him.
00:43:44Why did you call him?
00:43:48What do you mean?
00:43:49He's my sponsor.
00:43:50He's here to help.
00:43:51He's your junkie fuck buddy, Mom.
00:43:54Should I get that?
00:43:55Like I said, we just smoked a little grass.
00:43:59I think the term junkie is, well, a little over the top.
00:44:03Can we all agree on that?
00:44:05Why do you keep saying that?
00:44:07We just smoked a little grass.
00:44:09Isn't that frowned upon in your little god cult?
00:44:13It's not a cult.
00:44:14It's AA.
00:44:15People relapse.
00:44:17Don't make it sound so weird.
00:44:19Recovery has its ups and downs.
00:44:22We try not to judge.
00:44:25Well, that worked out very nice for you, didn't it?
00:44:31Can we just start over?
00:44:32I mean, we're all here for Carly, right?
00:44:35No, Micah.
00:44:36I'm here because Carly is my mom.
00:44:38And this is our dysfunctional family tradition.
00:44:41As for you...
00:44:43Your motives are not entirely clear to me just yet.
00:44:54You know what? I'm just gonna go get that.
00:45:05Is everything okay?
00:45:07Everything's fine.
00:45:09How are you?
00:45:10You know, just another day in the life of the Young House.
00:45:13How'd you find me?
00:45:16Right. Stupid question.
00:45:18Look, um...
00:45:20I'm sorry about how we left things.
00:45:22About that.
00:45:24I made us an appointment for Monday morning.
00:45:31An appointment?
00:45:34To see a doctor.
00:45:36I was told there's a chance we could hear the baby's heartbeat.
00:45:40I want you to come with me.
00:45:42Eddie, I...
00:45:43Look, after you left this morning, I had some time to think.
00:45:47And I realized my big reveal didn't go exactly as planned.
00:45:53I was just hoping for some profound reaction from you.
00:45:56And I failed you miserably.
00:45:59True, but...
00:46:01somehow I'd forgotten when I found out
00:46:06I spent the entire day in the bathroom
00:46:09eating french fries and sugar cookies.
00:46:14I was staring at ten different home pregnancy tests
00:46:19hoping for one of them to say something different.
00:46:24And then I went for a walk and...
00:46:28somehow the panic started feeling like something hopeful.
00:46:34And suddenly I could feel myself smiling.
00:46:37And I damn near mapped out the rest of my life in a few seconds
00:46:42using the future milestones of this speck
00:46:46that's taken up residence in my uterus.
00:46:50So I thought if you and the speck had a proper introduction
00:46:56then things might go a little easier for all of us.
00:47:01Patti, I...
00:47:05Hey fuckface, either you or your psycho girlfriend
00:47:09needs to call me and let me know how to get my ring back.
00:47:13Oh, hey Patti.
00:47:15I think I'm going to need your help with something.
00:47:49So what happened to your baby mama?
00:47:52She hit her crazy threshold and had to leave.
00:47:56I see.
00:47:58Does she know that lunacy is hereditary?
00:48:01What's going on here, Lita?
00:48:05It's a fucking trap, you know.
00:48:11It's a deceiving dopamine ride that fools us all.
00:48:15If it doesn't last,
00:48:17not for me,
00:48:18not for you,
00:48:19not for mom,
00:48:20and certainly not our father.
00:48:26Maybe he got it right.
00:48:28Who, dad?
00:48:29Dad got dead, Lita.
00:48:31I don't think that could be right.
00:48:33Should I be worried?
00:48:35Why, for invoking the memory of our dead father?
00:48:37You're the one who's gone all cats in the cradle today.
00:48:40Should I be concerned about you?
00:48:44Does your girlfriend know
00:48:45that you think fatherhood might make you a suicide case?
00:48:49Are you going to tell me what's going on here or not?
00:48:52Long or short?
00:48:54Let's try the short.
00:48:57I've been having an affair
00:48:58and now I'm being blackmailed by Kiki.
00:49:01Who the fuck is Kiki?
00:49:03Just another bitch trying to cure mediocrity, I guess.
00:49:15That's what it's going to take.
00:49:18All right, we've got to go to a meeting.
00:49:19All right.
00:49:20I've got to take a little trip
00:49:21and I need you to come with me.
00:49:23Where are you taking her?
00:49:24None of your business, guy nobody gives a shit about.
00:49:29What do you mean, okay?
00:49:31This is a relaxed, safe environment for your mom.
00:49:34If she's not going to admit herself
00:49:36into a credible detox program,
00:49:38then I think she needs to stay here.
00:49:41Well, mom says she wants to detox herself.
00:49:44I've got some place to be,
00:49:45Evan's coming with me,
00:49:46and frankly, I don't feel comfortable
00:49:48leaving her here with Mr.
00:49:50let me get you stoned and fuck sponsor.
00:49:53That's not fair.
00:49:54That only happened once.
00:49:56Three times.
00:49:58Three times we made love and got stoned.
00:50:01I meant to say,
00:50:02your mom was the only person
00:50:04that ever happened with.
00:50:07Why are you looking at me
00:50:08as if that's supposed to make me feel better?
00:50:11Mom, come on, we need to go.
00:50:13If she's going, I'm going.
00:50:15Fuck you, Micah.
00:50:16I didn't ask you,
00:50:17and I don't want you.
00:50:19Your mom has a rough night ahead of her,
00:50:22and I am the only one here
00:50:24who has any experience with this sort of thing.
00:50:27Is that what you call it?
00:50:29You are not coming.
00:50:33Well, at least let your mother decide.
00:50:36I need Micah with me.
00:50:38I don't think I can do this without him.
00:50:40Fine, for Christ's sake,
00:50:42let's just go.
00:50:46Where are we going, baby?
00:50:48Going to have a little chinwag with Kiki.
00:51:03What are we doing out here again?
00:51:09Leda's got herself a boyfriend
00:51:11who apparently has a girlfriend.
00:51:13I don't have a boyfriend,
00:51:14and he doesn't have a girlfriend.
00:51:17So who's Kiki?
00:51:18An extortionist.
00:51:21I'm confused.
00:51:22Everyone, just shut up, okay?
00:51:26I cannot remember
00:51:27what this place looks like in the daylight.
00:51:30Maybe you should pop a couple more pills
00:51:32and have another drink.
00:51:33Could help refresh your memory.
00:51:39Maybe you should pop a couple more pills.
00:51:41Listen, Micah,
00:51:42I know you think you found enlightenment
00:51:44after a lifetime of drinking and fucking and drugging,
00:51:47but the rest of us
00:51:48just have to suffer through it, okay?
00:51:51I've seen around a few corners,
00:51:53is all I'm saying.
00:51:56Fuck you and your tired-ass platitudes.
00:51:58Start a Twitter feed.
00:52:00I'm sure there are plenty of lost souls
00:52:02looking for your cookie-cutter comfort.
00:52:06I don't think your family's
00:52:07a very positive influence on your recovery.
00:52:12I'm sorry.
00:52:37Oh, fuck.
00:52:39They're coming.
00:52:41Get down, Mom.
00:52:48Jesus Christ, Lita.
00:52:51Did you check that kid's ID?
00:52:53He's not a kid.
00:52:55He's very mature.
00:52:56Is he?
00:52:57Because this looks like his parents' house.
00:53:00Are you having sex with a kid
00:53:01who lives with his parents, Lita?
00:53:03Oh, give me a break.
00:53:04There are 40-year-old men
00:53:05who still live with their parents.
00:53:07I think that's fine.
00:53:08I mean...
00:53:10Sometimes kids stay with their parents
00:53:12until they're done with college, you know?
00:53:14Doesn't mean they shouldn't have a healthy sex life.
00:53:17Wow, Mom.
00:53:18Great point.
00:53:20What a line sack of shit.
00:53:21I think I love you.
00:53:23That's what he told me this morning.
00:53:25He begged me not to end it.
00:53:27I mean, begged me.
00:53:28And I was like, you know what?
00:53:29This thing between us, it's over.
00:53:32That's a super positive life change
00:53:34you made right there, honey.
00:53:35I'm sure your kids and your husband
00:53:38are gonna be real proud
00:53:40when you tell them that story.
00:53:43Goddamn it.
00:53:47Well, here is your Mother of the Year award.
00:53:55Is he praying?
00:53:59Are you praying?
00:54:01Hey, dipshit.
00:54:04As soon as you're done talking to God
00:54:05or whoever the fuck you have on the other line there,
00:54:07can you please make sure that Carly gets her next fix?
00:54:11Where the hell are you going?
00:54:12I'm gonna go have a conversation
00:54:14with this nice young man and his lady friend.
00:54:16You believe me?
00:54:18Not really.
00:54:20Ah, he's smarter than he looks.
00:54:22Just that one drink, got it?
00:54:26I need you to come with me.
00:54:28You could ask.
00:54:30Could you pretty fucking please come with me?
00:54:32Sure, since you're being so polite.
00:54:38Come on.
00:54:45Why do I get the feeling
00:54:46I should be calling the police right now?
00:54:49I wouldn't.
00:54:51What do you mean? Why not?
00:54:54I think by the time they get here,
00:54:56you will already be an accomplice.
00:55:08What are we doing?
00:55:09Quiet. I think they're in the bedroom.
00:55:11So what?
00:55:12So I'm gonna sneak in, get my things, we can go.
00:55:14Why don't we just knock on the door and say,
00:55:16hey, asshole, give me my shit?
00:55:17They're fucking thieves, Evan.
00:55:18You think they're just gonna give me back my things?
00:55:23That kind of makes sense, actually.
00:55:24Come on.
00:55:31What if his parents are out?
00:55:33Why are you looking at me like that's a weird question?
00:55:35Why is that a weird question?
00:55:52It's open.
00:55:54Come on.
00:55:55I'm not going in there.
00:55:56I need you to keep a lookout.
00:56:19What does she think she's gonna do, anyway?
00:56:25Who knows?
00:56:26She's always been a bit...
00:56:28Like you?
00:56:31I was gonna say crazy, but...
00:56:34I guess she is a little bit like me.
00:56:40Have you thought any more about letting me take you to see a doctor?
00:56:46Hell no.
00:56:51You're not gonna make this easy for me, are you?
00:56:57The Lord is a cunning advisor.
00:57:00Always finding a way to use my transgressions as a guide.
00:57:04What transgressions?
00:57:06When you took the pledge, I was in a bad way.
00:57:10And I...
00:57:11I should have never agreed to be your sponsor.
00:57:13I'm just sorry is all.
00:57:18For what?
00:57:19For taking advantage of you.
00:57:21For taking advantage of me.
00:57:25Don't flatter yourself.
00:57:26It's not like I was some 16-year-old girl on prom night.
00:57:35You trusted me and...
00:57:40I trusted you to eat my pussy.
00:57:42And the only thing I hold against you is...
00:57:45You're average.
00:57:47At best.
00:57:56What is it?
00:58:02It's one of the best memories I have of being sober.
00:58:07Hey, look.
00:58:09It'll get better.
00:58:10You'll have new memories, better memories.
00:58:13You don't get it.
00:58:16I was clear-headed for the first time in years and...
00:58:20Making love to you was the best thing I can remember doing.
00:58:27Let's just concentrate on getting you sober right now, okay?
00:58:55Kiki Wassantope?
00:58:57Is that her real name?
00:59:01She's fucking 21!
00:59:05Yeah, well, how old was his name?
00:59:08I don't know.
00:59:14Can we get what we came for and get the fuck out of here?
00:59:21I got it.
00:59:23Oh good, come on, let's go.
00:59:26What now?
00:59:28Where's my ring?
00:59:31Oh my god.
00:59:33I think it's probably time we get going now.
00:59:36It's not without my fucking ring.
00:59:43Who the fuck are you?
00:59:45I'm recompense, little girl.
00:59:49Lita, what the hell is going on?
00:59:54Oh, this is that older lady you've been banging for her kicker stash.
01:00:00Is that my ring?
01:00:04Did you just fuck her with my ring on?
01:00:08See, I told you it was weird.
01:00:21Lita, I know we don't have like a, you know, safe word or anything, but, um...
01:00:25Shut up, Evan.
01:00:31So what, you're gonna burn my shit?
01:00:34That's right.
01:00:35Along with your phone, bedazzled case, drugs, paraphernalia, and an assortment of other hard to replace items.
01:00:41Lita, you don't want to do this.
01:00:43You're right, Bodhi.
01:00:44I don't want to do this.
01:00:46I don't even want to be here.
01:00:47What I want is my ring back.
01:00:50What do you mean, why?
01:00:52It's my ring.
01:00:53It's a goddamn symbol of love, okay?
01:00:56Look at you.
01:00:58You're not jonesing for any symbols, sweetheart.
01:01:01What are you missing most right now?
01:01:02Your oxys or your emblem of affection?
01:01:11Hey, lady.
01:01:12You think this is just a big misunderstanding?
01:01:15You think that boys that look like Bodhi are hot for mommy?
01:01:19Give me a break.
01:01:21You jealous, Kiki?
01:01:23Of you?
01:01:24Get the fuck out of here.
01:01:26Let me ask you something.
01:01:27When he asked you to put my ring on,
01:01:29did you think it was just some spontaneous decision
01:01:32or that maybe he'd been pondering it for a bit?
01:01:35What'd you think, Kiki?
01:01:36It was just some casual kink?
01:01:38Did he ask you to turn the lights off, Kiki?
01:01:42I told you, lady.
01:01:43You want the bling back, show me the bean.
01:01:45Okay, I have no idea what that means,
01:01:47but let me make this real clear.
01:01:49You give me my ring, and I won't burn all your shit.
01:01:57So no more junkie housewives, right?
01:02:00It's gonna take like a month to scrub that granny smell off your cock.
01:02:12Guys, seriously.
01:02:14If you mess up the law, my mom's gonna get pissed.
01:02:32No, dude, that's my stuff.
01:02:37It's not cool, bro.
01:02:50You alright?
01:02:51Yeah, I think so.
01:02:53I just knocked the crooked smile right off her fucking face.
01:02:56Did you see that?
01:02:58Yeah, you do know that everything that happened just then
01:03:00was totally insane, right?
01:03:01Yeah, I know.
01:03:02I know.
01:03:25Should we call Vincent?
01:03:28What? No.
01:03:32You just look like you need to talk to somebody, is all.
01:03:34So you think I should call my husband?
01:03:36I just got in a fight with my boyfriend's girlfriend.
01:03:39I don't know how much you know about marriage,
01:03:41but that's not usually celebrated behavior.
01:03:53You, uh, missing something?
01:03:55Oh, shit.
01:03:59Forgot about that.
01:04:02I'm sorry.
01:04:23Come on.
01:04:24Come on.
01:04:30Alright, here we are.
01:04:36How you doing?
01:04:38A little tired.
01:04:43Can I get you something?
01:04:46I'll get something in a little bit.
01:04:54Where'd you get this?
01:04:56I don't know.
01:04:57I feel like I've always had it.
01:05:01Oh, my God.
01:05:05What the hell happened to me?
01:05:15Remember when I told your dad I was pregnant?
01:05:17It was the first time I'd seen fear on a man's face.
01:05:25I mean, he was smiling, but...
01:05:30his eyes were just dancing around in his skull.
01:05:33Just, out, out, let me out.
01:05:37Sometimes I swear I could hear him scream from inside his skin.
01:05:42What a prick.
01:05:4720 years ago, I would've hated me.
01:05:51I would've hated me for the exact same reason I hated your father
01:05:54for looking at me the way he did.
01:06:04I'm gonna be a father.
01:06:07I'm gonna be a father.
01:06:09I'm gonna be a father.
01:06:17That's great.
01:06:22It's not great.
01:06:24That's me.
01:06:26I'm sorry, what's you?
01:06:29The dancing-eyed prick.
01:06:31You just described the last 24 hours of my life.
01:06:38Oh, Evan.
01:06:40Shut the fuck up.
01:06:46Why is it humans are hard-wired to try and one-up their mothers and fathers
01:06:52in all their ambitions, except for parenthood?
01:06:59Your dad and I were shit at child-rearing, but that doesn't mean you have to be.
01:07:08Look, let me tell you something.
01:07:12We all start out our lives as fuck-ups.
01:07:16And then, at some point in the maturing process, we just start to dwell on our mistakes.
01:07:25Then you realize you've got one or two ways to go.
01:07:29You can clean yourself up, work your ass off, show the world what you've got.
01:07:39Or you can take the nearest exit and run, like Hal.
01:07:45Your dad took the nearest exit, a permanent escape.
01:07:51And I've spent the last 20 years pickled in my own filth,
01:07:55and then just patting myself on the back for not being dead.
01:08:02Are you trying to tell me something?
01:08:03Yeah, a fight or flight, son.
01:08:06Your dad and I both flew, but we did it in different ways, but we both ran.
01:08:15Look, you can compare yourself to me, your father, and even your sister,
01:08:23and in some cases, you'd be right.
01:08:29But you scraped me up off the pavement of a dark, filthy alley this morning.
01:08:36This afternoon, you set fire to a complete stranger's belongings to protect your sister.
01:08:47And now you're contemplating your shortcomings as a man and possibly a father.
01:08:59Doesn't sound like somebody looking to run.
01:09:06Where's mom?
01:09:08I think Evan took her to lie down.
01:09:19You know the hardest part about living with an addict?
01:09:23Sober or using.
01:09:27I don't know.
01:09:29I don't know either.
01:09:31Sober or using.
01:09:35What's that?
01:09:38The responsibility. It's exhausting.
01:09:47Look at you shaking your head.
01:09:49The mind of the blameless addict at work, right?
01:09:53Lita, it's a disease.
01:09:55Oh, I know all about the sacred disease.
01:09:58The past, present, and future all indemnified by your illness, right?
01:10:03That's oversimplifying.
01:10:05Well, fuck that.
01:10:08Amnesty for all, that's what I say.
01:10:21You know, I think the Lord might be trying to tell you something right now.
01:10:26I hope you're wise enough to listen.
01:10:31Well, God and I are kind of on the outs right now, so, you know.
01:10:38You really believe all that God shit?
01:10:42Most of it, yeah.
01:10:46You pray to keep yourself sober?
01:10:49I talk to the Lord to find strength, yes.
01:10:57What about now? Are you talking to God now?
01:11:03Like you said, sometimes you just want to smoke a little grass. No big deal, right?
01:11:12I've learned over the years that cynicism is a reliable ally for a strong mindset adrift.
01:11:27I'm gonna need a Rosetta Stone because I don't speak fuckhead crazy brainwash, okay?
01:11:35You want a hit or what?
01:11:37Lita, you're high.
01:11:41I'm not high, Micah. I'm fucked up.
01:11:46And you know what? I feel great.
01:11:49Responsibility and guilt have faded into what feels like a balmy day of wonder and surprise.
01:11:57Emotionally, I have nearly forgotten my dipso mom and what it might mean for her to walk in here and find me with this glass of wine and this cheap-ass swag.
01:12:09I have forgotten almost every lie I've ever told my husband, and that is saying a lot.
01:12:16And I am grateful that he's off with our kid while I sit here in the kitchen with some Bible-thumping degenerate,
01:12:22listen to him go on and on about his savior while he eyeballs my cunt like it's his last meal on his dying day.
01:12:32Lita, I think I better check on your mom.
01:12:38Oh yeah, you better. You know, can I ask you something before you go?
01:12:49You eat pussy or what?
01:13:06When did that start?
01:13:13I don't know.
01:13:24I'm fine.
01:13:29You know, he wasn't as bad as I made him out to be.
01:13:37Your father.
01:13:40I always made him out to be such an asshole, but...
01:13:49the truth is he was just sad.
01:13:56He was just sad, and he couldn't hide it anymore.
01:14:04You need to understand this.
01:14:07Your dad loved you, and he loved your sister.
01:14:15Come on, let's go get you some water.
01:14:47Oh shit!
01:14:50Oh shit!
01:14:56That was a bad idea.
01:15:01Who the fuck are you?
01:15:05Wouldn't you like to know?
01:15:11There she is. There's that hateful bitch I raised.
01:15:16Is she alright?
01:15:19She's fine. She just needs a glass of water.
01:15:25Jesus, don't touch her. Okay?
01:15:29Carly, when was the last time you had a drink?
01:15:33I told you, she's just thirsty.
01:15:36No, I mean something with booze in it.
01:15:39Maybe September 4th or 11th, son.
01:15:42Carly, you need to drink this.
01:15:54Wait, she's drying out. Isn't that good?
01:15:56She can't just quit cold turkey.
01:15:59This is crazy.
01:16:00I'm calling 911.
01:16:03Mom! Mom! Mom!
01:16:04It's too late.
01:16:05What's too late?
01:16:06What's happening?
01:16:08Try to get her on her side.
01:16:09What's going on?
01:16:10Try to get her on her side.
01:16:11What's going on?
01:16:12She's having a seizure.
01:16:13Your mom is having a seizure.
01:16:15What do we do?
01:16:16Let it pass.
01:16:17Yeah, that's it.
01:16:24Lita, what kind of pills you got?
01:16:26What do you got?
01:16:27I don't know. Some oxys, Vicodin, Valium.
01:16:30Give me your Valium.
01:16:36Hang in there, baby. Hang in there.
01:16:50She'll keep her muscles relaxed for a while.
01:16:53Hopefully she won't seize again.
01:16:55Not until we get her to a hospital anyway.
01:16:57No doctors.
01:16:58She needs to be monitored and medicated.
01:17:01You heard her.
01:17:03What are the chances that she'll have another seizure if she's on medication?
01:17:08You people are lunatics, you know that?
01:17:10What are the chances?
01:17:12I have no idea. I'm not a fucking doctor.
01:17:16Out of corners, huh?
01:17:23Are you leaving?
01:17:24But I am not going to stay here and watch the two of you kill your mother.
01:17:30Besides, I think I won't be of much help to this family anymore.
01:17:37Please tell your mom I'll pray for her.
01:17:39Please don't.
01:17:44I'll tell her.
01:18:07I love you.
01:18:37I love you too.
01:18:38I love you too.
01:18:39I love you.
01:18:40I love you.
01:18:41I love you.
01:18:42I love you.
01:18:43I love you.
01:18:44I love you.
01:18:45I love you.
01:18:46I love you.
01:18:47I love you.
01:18:48I love you.
01:18:49I love you.
01:18:50I love you.
01:18:51I love you.
01:18:52I love you.
01:18:53I love you.
01:18:54I love you.
01:18:55I love you.
01:18:56I love you.
01:18:57I love you.
01:18:58I love you.
01:18:59I love you.
01:19:00I love you.
01:19:01I love you.
01:19:02I love you.
01:19:03I love you.
01:19:04I love you.
01:19:05I love you.
01:19:06I love you.
01:19:07I love you.
01:19:08I love you.
01:19:09I love you.
01:19:10I love you.
01:19:11I love you.
01:19:12I love you.
01:19:13Hey, old man.
01:19:17I see ya flickering out there so something tells me you still care.
01:19:24God, you missed one hell of a celebration today.
01:19:30I mean, did you think you'd miss all this
01:19:35What, too soon?
01:19:42Look, I think this might be the last time we talk for a while, so there's some things
01:19:50I want to get off my chest, okay?
01:19:56I think I'm done with you.
01:19:58I mean, I'm done hating.
01:20:02I'm done searching for meanings in your photos and heartbreaking misses.
01:20:10I'm done talking to the sky looking for some kind of temporary Band-Aids.
01:20:21Somehow I gotta find a way to live with seeing you in the mirror from time to time.
01:20:31I gotta stop doubting every thing that I love, every decision I make, because you live here
01:20:47I mean, I know this is more of a one-sided conversation, but I'm just hoping we can come
01:21:08to an understanding, you and I.
01:21:15I don't know, maybe give me like a hard flutter, some kind of sign of the meeting of the minds.
01:21:45You know, I think I can feel gravity right now.
01:22:08How much have you had to drink?
01:22:12I haven't had a drink since...
01:22:17I don't know, I can't remember.
01:22:27So I'm sitting here, right?
01:22:33Thinking I'm about to fly away, you know?
01:22:39Past those clouds, peeling back at the atmosphere, so I can hover someplace above that star.
01:22:50That star?
01:22:52Yeah, that star.
01:22:56And this pebble stabs me in the palm of my hand.
01:23:01Yeah, I know, I think I'm bleeding.
01:23:04What do you think?
01:23:06I don't know, maybe a little, it's hard to tell from that.
01:23:11Stupid thing.
01:23:13So it prevents me from performing a full-blown miracle.
01:23:19I know, right?
01:23:22I'm sorry, so was this seen as an achievement, duty, or near success, or are we talking about
01:23:30failure here?
01:23:33You know, it's hard to tell.
01:23:37Failure is kind of a majestic albatross, don't you think?
01:23:46Yeah, one thing's for sure, I'm keeping this thing as a reminder.
01:23:53Reminder of what?
01:23:59Is that too cheesy?
01:24:02You're so dramatic.
01:24:05That's true, I am guilty of that.
01:24:12Hey, can I ask you something?
01:24:14Of course.
01:24:16What the hell are you doing here?
01:24:18What do you mean?
01:24:21How do you always know when I need you?
01:24:27I will come to you empty.
01:24:34With no possibility.
01:24:57I've been getting rid of the excess.
01:25:27Holding on tight to the rest.
01:25:56Yeah, it's me.
01:25:58Where's mom?
01:26:02Not sure.
01:26:04Fuck, where's my phone?
01:26:07It's on the nightstand.
01:26:20Who the fuck is Kiki?
01:26:29What's the suitcase for, Vincent?
01:26:35You going somewhere?
01:26:37No, Lita, you are.
01:26:45We can fix this.
01:26:53I can fix this.
01:26:56Just tell me what I need to do.
01:26:59You can leave.
01:27:02That's not...
01:27:04That's not what's happening here, okay?
01:27:06Lita, please, just go.
01:27:11Just listen to me.
01:27:12I'm done listening to you, Lita.
01:27:14Tell me what I can...
01:27:15Lita, it's time to go!
01:27:16You listen!
01:27:18Shut the fuck up and listen to me!
01:28:12He's not going to answer, you know.
01:28:42I know.
01:28:45He just...
01:28:48He needs to take care of himself for a little while.
01:28:53Why, don't you think he's happy trying to take care of the two of us?
01:29:08So now what?
01:29:19I don't know, Mom.
01:29:25Well, there's a little church down the road that's going to be serving watered-down coffee and pastries.
01:29:31Some of those cult members you mentioned yesterday.
01:29:36It starts in about an hour.
01:29:40Want to go?
01:29:44You want me to go to a meeting?
01:29:47No, I just thought maybe you'd want to keep me company.
01:30:05What do you say?
01:30:36Can't breathe that fast, my hatred is the water that fills up my lungs.
01:30:42Can't walk that far, my feet will not take me to where I don't believe.
