A coming of age story of a boy and girl growing up in London in the noughties HD ( Comedy, Romance )

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A coming of age story of a boy and girl growing up in London in the noughties HD ( Comedy, Romance )
00:00:00I hate it when mummy tells me off in front of other people, like a silly little girl.
00:00:10I'm virtually an adult. And Hollywood goes on about how I haven't even got a boyfriend,
00:00:16haven't even kissed a boy. Nobody else's little sister expects them to start appropriating
00:00:21the minute they start their period. Could I pull that off? Well, if mummy and daddy
00:00:27want a grandchildren, they shouldn't have sent me to some rubbish all-girls school.
00:00:30I never meet any boys, and then Holly ruins my chances. Well, I guess me and Megan can
00:00:36grow old together and look after abused donkeys in Cornwall. I wonder if we could get a possum.
00:00:42She looks a bit like a possum. I wish I hadn't blurted out that little joke about peeing
00:00:47in the shower. I just, I thought everyone did it.
00:00:52I wonder if they secretly look up to me. I mean, sure, they're popular and supposedly
00:00:56cool, but what are they going to do when they leave school? It's not like Thomas Cunningham
00:01:01would make much of himself. They'd probably wish they could have 5A stars like me. I wonder
00:01:06what GCSEs they even got. Hmm, she's kind of hot. Nah, maybe not. Looks a bit badgery.
00:01:14Nah, they're just not that clever. They should enjoy it while they can.
00:01:18I mean, it's all very well if you need glasses, but some people, oh my god, it's Nathan Beals
00:01:24Harper. This is my chance. Maybe I could bump into him.
00:01:31I would like to be professor of physics at a big, famous university. Professor Ben Maxwell.
00:01:37Or even quite a small, niche university, married to my childhood sweetheart. I would like to
00:01:43have a childhood sweetheart. Am I still in childhood? If I could find a sweetheart in
00:01:47the next few weeks, it could count. The girls at school are so boring, though. Where else
00:01:51could I meet one?
00:01:52Okay, I am actually stalking him. Hi, Nathan. Hi, Nate. Remember me, Maisie? Your parents
00:01:59are friends with my parents. God, I am so lame. He does have beautiful eyes, though.
00:02:05Shit, maybe he didn't see me properly. Okay, I'll overtake her. I'm busy, I'm important,
00:02:10I have places to go. Then maybe he'll make the first move. Where's he gone?
00:02:18Oh, hi, Maisie. I didn't see you there. Oh, hi, Nathan. Oh, Maisie, I've been meaning
00:02:22to ask you, will you go out with me? I don't know, I'll just have to check my diary and
00:02:26you've been in. Oh, shit, shit, shit.
00:02:33Oh, sorry.
00:02:34Don't worry.
00:02:37It's about time, Maisie. Boris is probably rotting in here.
00:02:48I know, I'm sorry. I was on my way and I ran into Nathan and got a bit distracted.
00:02:52What happened?
00:02:53Well, he looked at me.
00:02:56Well, that's new. What kind of look was it?
00:02:59Mostly kind of angry.
00:03:04Tea, Boris?
00:03:08I caught my mum yesterday trying to put him down the waste disposal.
00:03:12Poor Boris.
00:03:17But, I mean, if I could just get his family to come over for dinner, because last time
00:03:21we hardly got to spend any alone time together.
00:03:23But do you really want to have your first kiss when your parents are in the next room?
00:03:27Megan, I wouldn't care if they're in the same room. I just want to have had a kiss.
00:03:32Fair enough.
00:03:33Me too.
00:03:34Sixteen's quite old. We've only got a few months of that left.
00:03:37Exactly. We need to get a move on.
00:03:39OK, let's make that our absolute deadline. We will get it done by then.
00:03:44Is it really just us two left?
00:03:46Where did Saskia's boyfriend come from?
00:03:48I know.
00:03:50Pardon to me?
00:03:53Do you want to go first?
00:04:00Goodbye, Boris. The loveliest of all the mice.
00:04:04I mean, Badger was very nice too, but you were less bitey.
00:04:09And, Boris, I'm sorry that you had to eat Badger. I'm sure he didn't want to.
00:04:15You were always a very loving brother. I just should have fed you more.
00:04:20I mean, in a way, we're burying two mice in one.
00:04:24Yeah. Rest in peace, Boris and Badger.
00:04:46You know, I'm actually quite excited to go back to school tomorrow.
00:04:49Hi. Just be the same as always.
00:04:56Now, A levels are a big step up from GCSEs.
00:04:59Differentiation, integration, exponentials and logarithms.
00:05:03This is no GCSE picnic.
00:05:05You can't just sit back and do no work like last year.
00:05:08This is going to be a very difficult year.
00:05:10You're really going to have to hit the ground running.
00:05:12Hit the ground running.
00:05:14Hit the ground...
00:05:16First week of school, you'd think they'd cut us some slack.
00:05:19Copying Ethan's homework is such a drag.
00:05:21His handwriting's a mess.
00:05:23You might have been mine, but why don't you just copy Ben's?
00:05:26I did that last time and...
00:05:44Wait, what?
00:05:46How did you get a B?
00:05:48But you copied me.
00:05:50That's weird. Let's see.
00:05:52I did some of it myself.
00:05:59All right, boys?
00:06:08Ah, yeah. Here's where you weren't wrong, Ben.
00:06:12Oh, shut up, Ethan.
00:06:14I don't care.
00:06:22We need to have a cup of coffee.
00:06:35Yeah, no, we're going straight there.
00:06:41What are you doing there, Sam?
00:06:43Ben. It's Ben.
00:06:45Is that history?
00:06:47You've written a lot. Let me see.
00:06:49Well, it's not finished yet.
00:06:51Oh, come on, let's have a look.
00:06:53I'd rather you didn't.
00:06:55Look, just let me copy down the headings, OK?
00:07:01I have to go, actually.
00:07:03Oh, come on. Sam.
00:07:05I have to go.
00:07:09Oh, come on. Sam. I have to go.
00:07:11Oh, come on. Just let me have a look.
00:07:13No, you can't have it. It's my work.
00:07:21What shall I get Megan for Halloween?
00:07:23What are we going to do, actually?
00:07:25It would be a good excuse to go out, I guess.
00:07:27Meet some guys.
00:07:29Make some headway on our first kisses.
00:07:31We could go to that goth club.
00:07:33I'm sure if we dressed up as goths, we'd pass for 18.
00:07:35Decorate the bomb! Decorate the bomb!
00:07:41Got it! Got it!
00:07:51Oh, they've got my hair.
00:07:53That's disgusting.
00:07:55This is a secondary school.
00:07:57Oh, my God, I look a mess.
00:07:59Oh, and I look this bad, and I saw Mr Williams earlier.
00:08:01Oh, right, and what would have happened
00:08:03if you weren't looking like that?
00:08:05She would have got off of him.
00:08:07She's got off of ten boys, let's not forget.
00:08:09Can I have that number at Halloween?
00:08:13Yeah, actually, I was wondering,
00:08:15what are we going to wear for Halloween?
00:08:17Do you think it would be too slutty to go as a slutty nurse
00:08:19or a slutty angel?
00:08:21Well, you could just go as a nurse or as an angel.
00:08:23Yeah, but which one is sluttier?
00:08:25Well, everyone would be slutty anyway.
00:08:27Well, I was thinking pirate.
00:08:29Well, actually, we're thinking of maybe going
00:08:31as a slutty nurse for Halloween.
00:08:35I hadn't actually heard about that.
00:08:37I don't think she meant
00:08:39to leave you out or anything.
00:08:41I mean, it's just that you don't really know her.
00:08:43What do you think I should wear, Maisie?
00:08:45I don't know whether I should wear
00:08:47something like an actually good costume
00:08:49or maybe something supposedly sexy.
00:08:51I mean, I would usually wear a scary costume,
00:08:53but what do you think?
00:08:55Yeah, whatever.
00:08:57Shall I ask if you can cut?
00:08:59Oh, no. It's fine.
00:09:01I've got other plans anyway.
00:09:03Trick or treat!
00:09:05Oh, aren't you adorable?
00:09:07But I'm afraid I haven't got any sweets.
00:09:09But if you like,
00:09:11you can each choose a toothbrush.
00:09:28I think she's got some sweets.
00:09:32Four hours?
00:09:34What could she possibly be doing for four hours?
00:09:38Surely she couldn't be getting off with someone.
00:09:40I mean, we're meant to be in this together.
00:09:42Right, a couple more houses,
00:09:44then we'll go home.
00:09:46Oh, come on, Maisie. Don't be so miserable.
00:09:48Have way more fun.
00:09:50You can sit out the sweets if you like.
00:09:52I know you'd like that.
00:09:54It's just so unfair.
00:09:56Come on, Maisie, it's not so bad.
00:09:58Loads of my friends haven't kissed anyone.
00:10:02You haven't kissed anyone?
00:10:04I've kissed three boys.
00:10:06Oh, ha, ha, ha.
00:10:08Well, make your own way home.
00:10:13I do like magnetism.
00:10:15A Ben speciality, you might say.
00:10:19I'm definitely going to make a comeback on this.
00:10:23It's pretty much like that one last year
00:10:26Why is Jamie top of the class now?
00:10:28Oh, for heaven's sake, move on to the next bit.
00:10:30You obviously can't do it.
00:10:32All right, calm down. Where's your Halloween spirit?
00:10:34That's easy for you to say.
00:10:36You do nothing, absolutely nothing.
00:10:38I've been working on this physics project all week,
00:10:40and I'm not accepting anything less than an A this time.
00:10:42Welcome to another year at the Tennyson Witch Academy.
00:10:44Now, as I'm sure you're all aware,
00:10:46we have a new teacher joining our staff.
00:10:48Paddington Bear.
00:10:50Now, I want everyone to make him feel very welcome,
00:10:52because we'll have no speciesism at this school.
00:10:54Paddington Bear.
00:10:56Paddington Bear.
00:10:58Paddington Bear.
00:11:00Paddington Bear.
00:11:02Paddington Bear.
00:11:04Paddington Bear.
00:11:06Paddington Bear.
00:11:08Paddington Bear.
00:11:10No speciesism at this school.
00:11:12Thank you, Professor Maisy.
00:11:14Now that's all cleared up,
00:11:16let's enjoy the wonderful magical meal we have prepared,
00:11:18invisible soup.
00:11:24I'm so looking forward to potions this year.
00:11:26I really can't wait to...
00:11:30Oh, it's Megan.
00:11:34Oh, my God, Maisy, so much happened last night.
00:11:36Oh, yeah.
00:11:38I've completely forgot you went to that party thing, didn't you?
00:11:40How was it?
00:11:42I'm really sorry I didn't reply to any of your texts.
00:11:44I think I left my phone in my coat all night.
00:11:46It was really embarrassing, actually.
00:11:48Basically, I kissed this guy.
00:11:50Oh, wow.
00:11:52So what was it like?
00:11:54Well, we were both really drunk,
00:11:56so the kiss itself wasn't that great,
00:11:58but he was really hot,
00:12:00but then afterwards he passed out.
00:12:02This is the really embarrassing bit, though.
00:12:04I wrote my number on a napkin and put it in his pocket.
00:12:07Well, congratulations.
00:12:11Anyway, I guess I'll see you at school.
00:12:30So who was that guy that she got with?
00:12:32I thought it was me.
00:12:34Oh, hey, Maisy.
00:12:36Wait. Let me get you a crunk.
00:12:40Sorry, Maisy.
00:12:42I guess it was a kind of hard-to-beat outfit.
00:12:44Oh, right.
00:12:46Oh, God, when Elliot started smashing up that chair,
00:12:48I was, like, actually scared.
00:12:50I know, and I can't believe how drunk James was.
00:12:52Like, I've never seen anything like that before.
00:12:54I know. It was all over everyone.
00:12:56So how was your weekend, Maisy?
00:12:58Actually, it was really fun.
00:13:00Yeah, we went trick-or-treating,
00:13:02but something would just give you the weirdest stuff, though.
00:13:04Like, this one lady...
00:13:06Oh, my God, I just remembered how hilarious it was
00:13:08when we were just about to leave and Megan was like,
00:13:10No way, that haven't got his number!
00:13:12Oh, it's so embarrassing.
00:13:14Guys, can we just talk about something else?
00:13:16Oh, yeah.
00:13:18I'm sorry, Maisy.
00:13:20I totally forgot you didn't come.
00:13:22Yeah, I'm sorry.
00:13:24It's very nice of Alice not to invite you.
00:13:26She probably just thought you wouldn't enjoy it.
00:13:28Why wouldn't I enjoy it?
00:13:30It wasn't the kind of thing you'd like.
00:13:32People were smoking and drinking
00:13:34and it was just basically, like,
00:13:36everyone hitting off with each other.
00:13:38But I would quite like that stuff.
00:13:42Because have a party at mine, actually.
00:13:44The four of us.
00:13:46Uh, that's not a party.
00:13:48Right, so just anything cool,
00:13:50that isn't a Maisy thing.
00:13:52Oh, no, poor innocent Maisy.
00:13:54She only likes playing games.
00:13:56She wouldn't possibly like anything fun.
00:13:58Just leave her out.
00:14:00Bloody hell, they'll think I'm so boring,
00:14:02so predictable.
00:14:04Well, I'll show them.
00:14:18Is it OK if I sit with you guys?
00:14:28So, long time no see, Caitlin.
00:14:30What have you guys been up to, anyway?
00:14:32Oh, well,
00:14:34as I was saying,
00:14:36yeah, they've got, like, the nicest
00:14:38little powder blue dress in the window.
00:14:40Is she even friends with them?
00:14:42I didn't think she was friends with them.
00:14:44Definitely, that sounds amazing.
00:14:46And you look so hot in blue.
00:14:48Oh, Jason is going to be all over you.
00:14:50We'll swing by after school and you can see it.
00:14:52Yeah, definitely.
00:14:54That would be awesome.
00:14:56Yeah, awesome.
00:15:04meet outside at school?
00:15:12We'll see you then.
00:15:14You can clear this up for us, yeah?
00:15:16I'll see you later, then.
00:15:22I love that feeling you get in your tummy
00:15:24when you know you've done something well.
00:15:26Almost like nervous
00:15:28in anticipation of the praise.
00:15:30Ah, you'll be wanting your projects back.
00:15:32Hang on a moment.
00:15:36Very good, Jamie.
00:15:38Here you go, Ben.
00:15:40Come and see me tomorrow lunchtime.
00:15:42One or two things I want to discuss with you.
00:15:50I'll catch you guys up in a second.
00:15:52I'm just going to go to the toilet first.
00:16:08Cold air hits my face
00:16:12I feel like a disgrace
00:16:16Put my best and got nothing out
00:16:18Now all I got is self-doubt
00:16:22Bring to an end
00:16:26Hold my failure
00:16:28Bring to an end
00:16:32Hold my failure
00:16:42About time.
00:16:44Sorry, that was a really long cue.
00:16:46A really long poo.
00:16:48Shut up, Luke.
00:16:50I'm not doing work.
00:16:52I'm not doing that shit anymore.
00:16:54We're wasting our lives.
00:16:56We need to get out more.
00:16:58Have some fun.
00:17:00Yes, that's what I'm telling you, wet arses.
00:17:02We can have fun, just as long as it doesn't cut into my work schedule.
00:17:04Do you have until 5.45?
00:17:06Want to come back to mine and play Pokemon?
00:17:08Yes, I need to change out my Wobbuffet before the next convention.
00:17:10Wobbuffet's a shit Pokemon.
00:17:12It has such high defence stats.
00:17:14Oh my God, you are so not getting it.
00:17:16This is our problem.
00:17:18I'm being serious, guys.
00:17:20We never get invited to parties.
00:17:22People don't say hi to us in the corridors.
00:17:24And lately, sometimes people even call me a geek to my face.
00:17:26And for what?
00:17:28If I really was a geek,
00:17:30at least I'd be getting good grades.
00:17:32I think you're beginning to learn.
00:17:34See, geeks don't have to be clever.
00:17:36They're just like losers.
00:17:38Really? Is that the official difference?
00:17:40You guys aren't listening to me.
00:17:42I want to go to parties and stuff.
00:17:44Why don't you go to Rob Cogan's party?
00:17:46Well, I can't just go, can I?
00:17:48I'm not invited.
00:17:50Yeah, why not?
00:17:52Why am I not invited? Isn't it obvious?
00:17:54No, I mean, why don't we go?
00:17:56A house party might be fun.
00:17:58I bet there'll be girls there.
00:18:00Yeah, actually, this might be a good idea.
00:18:02Good thinking, Ben.
00:18:04But we won't be able to get in.
00:18:06We're not invited.
00:18:08Oh, stop being such a pussy, Ben.
00:18:10It's a house party.
00:18:12No one knows who's invited anyway.
00:18:14Right, guys.
00:18:16I've made a mission book.
00:18:20Ethan, your target is James Johnson.
00:18:22You guys do music together,
00:18:24so he might talk to you.
00:18:26Ben, you'll take Thomas Cunningham.
00:18:28He's cool, but he's stupid,
00:18:30so if you're clever,
00:18:32you might be able to get a bit of information out.
00:18:34Meanwhile, Luke and I,
00:18:36we're going to find out
00:18:38what's going on behind the scenes.
00:18:40You're going to have a great time.
00:18:42Meanwhile, Luke and I,
00:18:44we're going to each drop our arses off.
00:18:48Yes, sir.
00:18:50I am so excited about Rob Coburn's party.
00:18:52I know. It's going to be amazing.
00:18:54I was thinking about
00:18:56wearing that sparkly gold dress.
00:18:58Oh, yeah, I love that dress.
00:19:00I'm so excited for you that you bought it.
00:19:02Rob has the best parties.
00:19:04You're the last one.
00:19:06Oh, my God,
00:19:08I'm so excited.
00:19:10We need to get that again.
00:19:12We're having Sambuca.
00:19:16Flaming Sambuca.
00:19:18Who's Rob Coburn?
00:19:20He's, like, this mediocrely hot guy
00:19:22from Woodside.
00:19:24I used to go out with his brother,
00:19:26who was way hotter,
00:19:28but he has some all-right friends.
00:19:30All-right friends?
00:19:32They sound like potential boyfriends.
00:19:34What about you?
00:19:36Can I come?
00:19:40Your dad can drive us, can't he?
00:19:42Yeah, of course.
00:19:46So, shall I just wear that dress
00:19:48that I got for the annual gathering?
00:19:52Don't wear any of his stuff, actually.
00:19:54Buy something new.
00:19:56Mum says blue's really my colour.
00:19:58God, Maisie, you're so cute.
00:20:00Isn't she?
00:20:02So glad to have you back, Mais.
00:20:04Right, guys, I've got to go meet Jason,
00:20:06and I need you.
00:20:10Don't you just love Maisie's kisses?
00:20:12They're so, like,
00:20:16OK, so,
00:20:18we're going this way.
00:20:20I guess we'll see you later.
00:20:22I'm going this way, too, actually.
00:20:24Oh, no, actually, we have to do something else first.
00:20:26Oh, yeah, we actually need to go that way, so...
00:20:28Oh, yeah. Bye.
00:20:32Does Caitlin like me?
00:20:34She likes me.
00:20:36She definitely used to like me in primary school.
00:20:38Do I add anything?
00:20:40Do they think I'm cute?
00:20:42I can work with cute.
00:20:44Yeah, I'm Maisie, the cute one of the group.
00:20:46Oh, God.
00:20:48You know what I've discovered?
00:20:50You don't want to not hand your work in at all.
00:20:52All you need to do is make no effort,
00:20:54but still hand it in,
00:20:56because they can't tell you off for being stupid.
00:20:58Yes, that is the dream.
00:21:02Go and ask him, Ben.
00:21:04Why don't you go and ask him?
00:21:06It's your job. Jamie said so, remember?
00:21:08Oh, this is a stupid idea.
00:21:10Go on!
00:21:14Thomas Cunningham.
00:21:22So, I was just wondering
00:21:24what you're up to this weekend.
00:21:26I don't know. Why?
00:21:28Oh, I was just wondering
00:21:30about that Rob Cogan
00:21:32party thing.
00:21:34Yeah, maybe. I don't really like to plan.
00:21:36I just sort of see where the night takes me.
00:21:38Oh, yeah, me too, me too.
00:21:40So, um,
00:21:42if the night was to take you
00:21:44there, say,
00:21:46like, where would that
00:21:48be exactly?
00:21:58Don't worry.
00:22:00I have to go.
00:22:06Mission debriefing time.
00:22:08What did you guys find out? Ben? Ethan?
00:22:12Thomas was very rude, actually, just walking off.
00:22:14But you guys are the most terrible detectives.
00:22:16You're lucky to have stealthy friends such as Luke and I.
00:22:18You actually got it. How?
00:22:20Let's just say
00:22:22I got it.
00:22:24He paid Ariana to tell us.
00:22:36So, this is Maisie's
00:22:38first big party.
00:22:40You will look after her, won't you?
00:22:44So what goes on
00:22:46at these parties nowadays?
00:22:48There's a drinking and sex, I expect.
00:22:50No! Dad, please,
00:22:52shut up.
00:22:54Don't worry, sweetie.
00:22:56I trust you won't get up to that sort of thing.
00:22:58Oh, and never mind me. You did remember to put your
00:23:00Sylvanians game away, didn't you?
00:23:02Mummy did ask. Dad! Those are Holly's toys.
00:23:04They're not mine.
00:23:06You still play with Sylvanians?
00:23:08How cute.
00:23:10I don't. I don't. They're not my toys.
00:23:16How are you?
00:23:18You look amazing.
00:23:20What was the last time you were drunk?
00:23:22Like, Saturday?
00:23:24So your dad said this was your first party?
00:23:48How are you?
00:24:14I can't really dance.
00:24:18I can't.
00:24:32I mean, like,
00:24:34this whole idea which is
00:24:36given to us, like,
00:24:38energy needs to be made or sourced from
00:24:40something, like, energy can make itself.
00:24:42We have to keep paying for
00:24:44all the energy in our world, but
00:24:46that's just the government.
00:24:48That's what they want to do.
00:24:50So corrupt.
00:24:52Yeah, right?
00:24:54So corrupt.
00:24:56Yeah, completely. It's just so corrupt.
00:24:58Yeah, corrupt.
00:25:00Do you want to go outside?
00:25:02Of course.
00:25:04Never have I ever
00:25:06given Ryan a bojo behind his head.
00:25:10That was one time.
00:25:14Never have I ever
00:25:16kissed someone of the same sex.
00:25:24Never have I ever
00:25:26kissed someone of the same sex.
00:25:28Never have I ever
00:25:30had sex.
00:25:32That's a boring one.
00:25:38I'd suspect it.
00:25:40How far have you been, actually?
00:25:42Yeah, how far, Maisie?
00:25:44Like, what base?
00:25:46Wouldn't you guys like to know?
00:25:48Is there anything to know?
00:25:50I'm beginning to wonder.
00:25:52Well, we need to find out.
00:25:56I'm beginning to wonder.
00:25:58Well, we know you haven't had sex
00:26:00or given a blowjob.
00:26:02I've never been
00:26:04to second base.
00:26:06What exactly counts as second base?
00:26:16It's like a handjob.
00:26:18Or fingering.
00:26:22Oh, my God.
00:26:24Uh, okay, wait.
00:26:26Um, okay.
00:26:34I have never been kissed.
00:26:48Oh, phew.
00:26:50I was genuinely getting a bit worried about you there.
00:26:54Never have I ever seen a guy naked.
00:27:02Maisie's seen a guy
00:27:06Who? You have to tell us.
00:27:08It was just this guy.
00:27:10Who, Maisie?
00:27:12Is it someone we know?
00:27:14I don't think so.
00:27:16Well, then tell us.
00:27:18Uh, okay.
00:27:20Yeah, it was just this guy called
00:27:22Nathan Beals-Harbour.
00:27:24What was it like? Was he fit?
00:27:26Oh, yeah. Nathan Beals-Harbour
00:27:28was really, really fit.
00:27:30Ooh, Maisie got lucky.
00:27:32So, what was it like?
00:27:36You know, it was fun.
00:27:38No, I mean, how was it?
00:27:42Well, it was how it normally is.
00:27:44How big was it?
00:27:48Was it hard?
00:27:50Yeah, actually, it was really hard.
00:27:52So, he had an erection?
00:27:54No, it was just normal.
00:27:58Hang on. Maisie,
00:28:00how was it hard then?
00:28:04Don't ask me, you know. It was just the way it was.
00:28:06Maybe we should find out
00:28:08from Nathan himself.
00:28:10No, no, no, please.
00:28:12Why not?
00:28:16Actually, you know, it wasn't
00:28:20It was another guy.
00:28:24Did you lie?
00:28:26No, I didn't.
00:28:28Maisie, have you even kissed a boy?
00:28:36I'm going to use the toilet.
00:28:42I was thinking the mouth.
00:28:44Sharp in the mouth and then tiny balls on the cheek.
00:28:46Oh, yeah.
00:28:48I don't know, it's just like, um...
00:28:50When my grandma died, I just felt...
00:28:52It's like I really should have
00:28:54spent more time with her.
00:28:56It's really hard.
00:28:58Yeah, I know exactly how you feel.
00:29:00It's like, when my snake died,
00:29:02I thought...
00:29:04That's really not the same thing?
00:29:06That's not the same thing at all.
00:29:08Well, it's really not.
00:29:42Cool party.
00:29:52The long toilet queue.
00:29:54I know.
00:29:56Actually, alcohol inhibits the chemicals in the kidneys
00:29:58that cause the reabsorption of water from the lupus penile,
00:30:00so that if you drink more, you get more liquid
00:30:02passing through your body and, um...
00:30:04Basically, people
00:30:06eat more at parties and stuff.
00:30:16Luckily, I
00:30:18don't really need the toilet that much.
00:30:20So why are you in the queue?
00:30:24I don't really know where else to be, I guess.
00:30:26That's kind of weird.
00:30:30But I don't know what you mean.
00:30:36Oh, mate.
00:30:38We need to go.
00:30:40Um, OK.
00:30:42Well, goodbye, then.
00:30:56Is it normal to feel that kind of dizzy?
00:30:58Do I need a doctor?
00:31:00You know what else would make us cool?
00:31:02We should start a band.
00:31:04Do you think she's my girlfriend?
00:31:06You know what? That's actually a good idea.
00:31:12Hey, Dad.
00:31:14How are you?
00:31:16Oh, thank you.
00:31:18Yeah, good to see you.
00:31:24Oh, so good to see you.
00:31:26Oh, right.
00:31:28Let's go inside.
00:31:58One, two, three, four!
00:32:12Well, I can't stand it!
00:32:14I can't stand it!
00:32:20Well, uh...
00:32:22That sounded pretty good, actually.
00:32:24Shall we try a different song now?
00:32:28One, two, three, four!
00:32:32Thought we were going to do some physics today?
00:32:34Well, we can't now, can we? The band's practising.
00:32:36What's that trade to January marks coming up to?
00:32:38Dad, it's fine. I'm not stupid.
00:32:40It's fine. I don't need to study.
00:32:42I've always got the band to fall back on anyway.
00:32:46Right. One, two, three, four!
00:33:02Oh, Ben. I've got your mark.
00:33:04I meant to give it to you earlier.
00:33:06Oh, yeah. How was it?
00:33:08It's a bit weird, but good.
00:33:10But you need a more structured essay plan.
00:33:12You know, Thomas wrote a great essay, actually.
00:33:14I'm sure he'd let you look at it for some pointers.
00:33:32Is that OK for all of this?
00:33:48Good morning, Lucy.
00:33:50Good morning.
00:33:52I've so many good memories.
00:33:54Let's go to town.
00:33:56I'm so up for town.
00:33:58I've got such a good idea.
00:34:02Good morning, school.
00:34:04I'd like to show you another essay from this book of English essays.
00:34:09This one is about the school play that you'll be watching
00:34:12in about a week's time, Macbeth.
00:34:14It's called On The Nooking At The Gate Of Macbeth.
00:34:17This is a century of English essays.
00:34:19Here means 100 English essays.
00:34:21Very interesting one to put in your notebook.
00:34:24Look at them, just going along with it, doing what they're told.
00:34:29It's always exactly the same. Nothing ever happens.
00:34:32It's all so ridiculous.
00:34:34I'm not a part of it any more.
00:34:36That used to be me, but now I'm one of the stupid ones.
00:34:39One of the fucking stupid ones.
00:34:42Pointers from Thomas Cunningham's essay.
00:34:45Thomas Cunningham is an idiot, and everyone knows it.
00:34:48But I guess I can learn from him now.
00:34:51He can teach me.
00:34:53Fucking stupid Ben.
00:34:55They all think I'm just withholding some sort of great intelligence.
00:34:59No, this is me, just stupid Ben.
00:35:02Fuck, look at them all.
00:35:04So quiet, so good.
00:35:07Good grades, a good future.
00:35:09They all know what they're doing.
00:35:11It's just me.
00:35:13Officially more stupid than Thomas Cunningham.
00:35:16I should do something.
00:35:18Shit, I really should.
00:35:20Just go for it.
00:35:22Chop them all out of their stupid heads.
00:35:24Yeah, yeah.
00:35:56I don't want to go to sleep, but I can't because it always feels like I've procrastinated.
00:36:04I don't want to waste my time, but I do because I can't find the motivation.
00:36:27Like, you remember when we had that really, really bad argument?
00:36:30I don't know what you're talking about.
00:36:32Wait, let's look at everything.
00:36:34Oh yeah, let's look.
00:36:37Hey, what happened?
00:36:41Oh, sorry Maisie, there's not really room in the bed.
00:36:47You'll have to sleep on the floor.
00:36:51Oh, okay.
00:36:53You can use the cushions in the corner if you like.
00:36:56Or there's a blanket in the other room.
00:37:02Oh, I've got to fix this.
00:37:19Oh, I couldn't really hear what you guys were saying from over there.
00:37:24It's just we're kind of discussing some stuff we can't really share.
00:37:28Yeah, Amber's going through some stuff. She doesn't necessarily want to tell everybody.
00:37:35Right. No, I understand.
00:37:45So, I'm here.
00:37:47Um, he left his post.
00:37:50And I was like, I'm going to sleep in.
00:37:53That's fine.
00:37:55I'm going to sleep in.
00:38:01Um, there was about, anyone we know, five or six of them.
00:38:05Was it Alice?
00:38:13There was one that he said that he was just friends with.
00:38:16And he was always so chummy with her.
00:38:18What was his name?
00:38:19You don't trust him?
00:38:21Actually, you know what, I think I'm just going to go.
00:38:24I don't want to say anything, but that's probably for the best.
00:38:27Yeah, no offence.
00:38:34Just, we used to like you, like, this much.
00:38:40And now we like you this much.
00:38:45Oh, for reference, we like each other this much.
00:39:05Do I know that girl?
00:39:07Oh, my God, it is.
00:39:09It's Alcohol Makes You Pee Girl.
00:39:11Does she recognise me?
00:39:13Oh, shit, I know that boy.
00:39:15Should I sit next to him?
00:39:17Is it weirder to sit or not sit?
00:39:23Oh, shit.
00:39:25Oh, shit.
00:39:27Oh, shit.
00:39:29Oh, shit.
00:39:31Oh, shit.
00:39:34Looks like I sat.
00:39:36I'd better talk to him.
00:39:38But what can I say?
00:39:40Say something. Anything?
00:39:42If one of us doesn't say something soon,
00:39:44this is going to be a painfully weird bus journey.
00:39:46She's the one that sat here.
00:39:48Well, it's too late now.
00:39:50I've just completely fucked this up.
00:39:52I've all the empty seats on the bus.
00:39:54Why am I in the one next to him?
00:39:56What shall I do?
00:39:58I mean, I can't just start talking with headphones in.
00:40:01If I took them out, that would look so keen.
00:40:03Maybe if they just fell out,
00:40:05then I could start a conversation.
00:40:12Oh, damn.
00:40:14Maybe if I just said it out, he wouldn't remember me.
00:40:22Do I know you from that party?
00:40:24Which one?
00:40:26I've been to so many.
00:40:29Actually, I've been to one party and it was that one,
00:40:31so yes, probably.
00:40:33Pretty good party.
00:40:35Yeah, it was good.
00:40:37Did you have fun?
00:40:41Yeah, me too.
00:40:47Me neither. It was awful.
00:40:55What have you got on there?
00:40:57Can I have a listen?
00:40:59Yeah, OK.
00:41:15Arlington Park. I was just listening to them.
00:41:19Oh, I hope he doesn't see that Blazing Squad song.
00:41:21It was on the party CD. It wasn't a planned purchase.
00:41:25Blazing Squad?
00:41:27That's embarrassing.
00:41:28OK, look, I've got a lot of old stuff on there.
00:41:30Excuses, excuses.
00:41:32Don't worry, I'm not judging.
00:41:36Oh, my God, you have Sunny Day Real Estate!
00:41:38OK, look, if you're just going to make fun of me, give it back.
00:41:40No, I really like them. They're good.
00:41:42Don't be so sensitive.
00:41:44Anyway, I was just surprised.
00:41:46You have a lot of the same music as me.
00:41:48This is exactly like my soundtrack to Fifteen.
00:41:50Your what?
00:41:52Oh, it's just this thing I do.
00:41:54It's kind of silly.
00:41:56I get all the music I listen to a lot of in a year and put it on a CD.
00:41:59So it's kind of like each age has its own soundtrack.
00:42:03That's a really cool idea.
00:42:05So it's kind of like a diary?
00:42:08Yeah, I guess.
00:42:10How long have you been doing it?
00:42:12Um, since I was 11.
00:42:14That's when I really first started getting into music.
00:42:16But God, nobody's ever going to hear my soundtrack to Eleven.
00:42:19You'd think this is embarrassing.
00:42:21What's that, funny?
00:42:23I am pretty funny.
00:42:25I should bring up my band. That would sound cool.
00:42:27Should I just be like, what are your hobbies?
00:42:29Are you in a band?
00:42:31No bet, this isn't a German whore.
00:42:33Hmm, maybe I should ask her.
00:42:36Have you ever heard of Silver Moon?
00:42:41Nah, I hadn't really expected you to.
00:42:43It's this German band my friend Luke really likes.
00:42:45They're really good.
00:42:47My band's doing a cover of one of their songs, actually.
00:42:49What, you're in a band?
00:42:55We're just starting out, but we haven't had much time to practice
00:42:58because work's always getting in the way, but we're alright.
00:43:01So what, are you doing A-levels?
00:43:04Same here. It's so stressful.
00:43:06Oh, don't remind me.
00:43:08I'm completely failing physics.
00:43:10Really? I see physics is fine, but history is just a total disaster.
00:43:14I got three A's and a C in the mocks,
00:43:18and everyone just won't shut up about the C.
00:43:21Three A's? That should have been me.
00:43:23I should be working now. Remember something. Remember something.
00:43:26Oh God, I should be revising right now.
00:43:29Could I be revising? I haven't got any stuff with me.
00:43:32I'll go home now.
00:43:34Wait, I'm on my way home.
00:43:36God, that C.
00:43:37And I saw Megan got an A, but I can't just ask her for help.
00:43:41Megan's my best friend.
00:43:44She used to be my best friend.
00:43:47Sort of fell out.
00:43:50I've actually fallen out with all my friends.
00:43:53And my sister.
00:43:56Wasn't there something called a wanker engine?
00:44:02Oh, I'm sorry.
00:44:04Shit, what did she say?
00:44:06Should I put my arm around her?
00:44:08Is that weird?
00:44:12What happened?
00:44:14Well, I had these old friends, and then I had these new friends, and...
00:44:19I just didn't really fit in with them, I guess.
00:44:22Say something good.
00:44:24Think of something sad.
00:44:26Say something really thoughtful.
00:44:28Oh no, poor you.
00:44:35They just...
00:44:37They made this really big deal about the fact I haven't done anything...
00:44:41With a boy.
00:44:43I don't know why I'm telling you this.
00:44:46But you know, it just happens to be the case.
00:44:49It's purely a matter of circumstance.
00:44:51And where one bangs on about it, it's like it's a defining feature about me.
00:44:55And it's not, it really has nothing to do with my personality.
00:44:59It has nothing to do with what I like.
00:45:01Calm down. We're only 16.
00:45:04Look, I haven't been very far either, if it makes you feel any better.
00:45:08I think you're overthinking it.
00:45:11Yeah, and I'm sorry about your friends.
00:45:13I guess luckily for me, most of mine haven't gone very far either.
00:45:17Well, not very successfully, anyway.
00:45:21God, where are we?
00:45:23Well, I didn't really know where I was going in the first place.
00:45:26Well, I'll have to get off and get the bus back in the other direction.
00:45:39Are you wearing pyjamas?
00:45:45You must be freezing.
00:45:54We could always, if you wanted to, huddle together.
00:46:00Just if you wanted to.
00:46:09Oh, this is really near my house. I'm going off at the next stop.
00:46:13Well, it's been really nice.
00:46:16And you're going back home now?
00:46:19Well, have a nice life.
00:46:24Will we not see each other again?
00:46:31I don't know.
00:46:33I don't know.
00:46:35Can I have your number?
00:46:37We could advise together sometime. I could help you with history.
00:46:40Yeah, that would be really nice.
00:47:20I still don't understand, though. Why did Mussolini want to invade Abyssinia?
00:47:23Well, that's mainly because of the resources.
00:47:25But we can look over it later, if you like.
00:47:29And, Kristen, that was 1938, right?
00:47:31Yes, amazing. Take a break.
00:47:35Right, I'm just going to check.
00:47:36Oh, come on, mate. Take your mind off it for a minute.
00:47:39I can't remember it now. I'm not going to remember it in the exam, am I?
00:47:47Oh, Ben.
00:48:02Oh, no! Get off!
00:48:04It's him! Stop it!
00:48:26Hey, Ben.
00:48:27Hey, Ben.
00:48:28We're going to play some football. Do you want to join?
00:48:30This is Maisie.
00:48:32But Ethan, Luke, Jamie.
00:48:35Two on two?
00:48:37But there are five of us.
00:48:40Jamie doesn't really count.
00:48:41You'll see.
00:48:49Shoot! Shoot!
00:49:04So, how have you been?
00:49:05Why are you talking to me?
00:49:09Let's just make a conversation.
00:49:10Yeah, but why now, Maisie?
00:49:12You randomly stopped seeing me, remember?
00:49:14You haven't spoken to me in months.
00:49:18Hey, I'm sorry.
00:49:31He was actually ridiculous in English today.
00:49:33I was so embarrassed.
00:49:44He keeps asking me what day it might be.
00:49:46Jesus Christ.
00:49:50I can't do this.
00:50:03Why weren't you out?
00:50:04Why weren't you defending?
00:50:06Right here.
00:50:07But you weren't there.
00:50:09I'm here. I'm in the area.
00:50:24Okay, quiet, guys.
00:50:25Pair up, and let's go.
00:50:30Oh, hey, Amanda. Do you want to be a pair?
00:50:32Oh, sorry. I said I'd go with Megan.
00:50:43Um, sir, can we go in a three, please?
00:51:07Come on. We can do this, man.
00:51:17So, yeah, then if you want the wavelength,
00:51:19you're just going to make this triangle here.
00:51:21And this distance, that's capital D.
00:51:23And then if you want to work out the fringe spacing here...
00:51:32Huh? What?
00:51:34Uh, oh.
00:51:36Who's that?
00:51:39Oh, it's just Nathan Beals-Harper.
00:51:45And I'm here to see if you got the wavelength.
00:51:50I've got it.
00:51:51I've got it.
00:51:52I've got it.
00:51:53I've got it.
00:51:56I've got it.
00:51:57I've got it.
00:51:58I've got it.
00:51:59I've got it.
00:52:01I've got it.
00:52:02I've got it.
00:52:03I've got it.
00:52:04So, what's the fringe spacing?
00:52:22Oh, you know, actually, this book's got some really good examples of it.
00:52:27Yeah, here, if you just do those, cos I should probably do my history essay and stuff.
00:52:40What does she see in that idiot? He looks like a twat.
00:52:48Ask her something. How do you get the... Oh, no, it does give the fringe spacing.
00:52:55Oh, well, I'll ask anyway. Desperate measures.
00:52:58Hey, Missy, how do you work out the wavelength if it doesn't give you the fringe spacing?
00:53:07I don't actually know. I think I might go and ask Nathan.
00:53:12Oh, no, I get it. I see it now.
00:53:17Hi. Um, can we just do this question...
00:53:21Oh, yes. Now she's happy. Isn't Nathan such a delight?
00:53:25All he has to do is ignore her. So charming.
00:53:29Oh, Nathan, you're so clever and amazing.
00:53:33Ben's really stupid and doesn't understand a basic equation.
00:53:36Can you do his homework for him?
00:53:38Thanks, Nathan. You're just... You're so clever.
00:53:48Just, if a comet hit tomorrow, that would be it.
00:53:53Maybe some of us would survive, though. Hide out in the garage and start up a new civilization.
00:53:59There's limited space in the garage. I guess I'd have to have the family.
00:54:03It's their garage, too, but I have to think tactically about who I need in my new society.
00:54:08Ethan and Jamie probably know a lot. They could build up the more technical side.
00:54:12Luke? Maybe some extra muscle. We'd need some girls for breeding, though.
00:54:17I could bring Maisie. Nathan couldn't come. He's obviously useless.
00:54:21Unless he could be my servant. He could be my cat carrier.
00:54:25I could have one of those Persian cats, cos I'd be the ruler.
00:54:29Would I have to hold elections, or would it just be obvious?
00:54:33Nah, not Nathan. I'd have to have a cat carrier I actually liked.
00:54:37Nathan can die in the apocalypse.
00:54:52HE COUGHS
00:54:59Hey, Nathan, would you mind moving your bags?
00:55:03Oh, my God.
00:55:22HE COUGHS
00:55:26You know what? I'm good. I'm really bloody good.
00:55:29There aren't many people as good as me when I put my mind to it.
00:55:32I've been the best that I can be. If he doesn't see that, he is obviously a dick.
00:55:36You know who is good? Ben. Ben will make me feel better.
00:55:51HE SNIFFS
00:56:22How is it you're doing better than me at physics? You never do any work.
00:56:26I don't know. I guess I'm just clever.
00:56:30You can't complain about it. I only did physics cos you made me.
00:56:34I don't need it. I'm gonna be a TV presenter.
00:56:37That's so unfair.
00:56:49I guess it helps you don't really do any other subjects.
00:56:52Um, yeah, I do. I do German, media studies and drama.
00:56:55You do German second language, Luke. German's your first language.
00:56:58You speak German at home. German is better at football.
00:57:05Who are you texting all the time?
00:57:07You're not supposed to be texting in the library anyway.
00:57:11Hmm. Saw Nathan in the library.
00:57:14Who's this Nathan guy? Let's see your other texts.
00:57:17No, give that back. No, give that back. No, come on.
00:57:24Nathan's this stupid twat she really fancies.
00:57:27Wait, isn't she your girlfriend? Of course not. I never said that.
00:57:31Oh. She's a friend.
00:57:38OK, that's enough. Oh, come on.
00:57:40Right, give that back. Your shower's about to get ready. Fine.
00:57:43Can the people with no ambition please go to the other end of the table?
00:57:47Look, do you want to be a friend?
00:57:49Just play a bit of hard to get.
00:57:57You should ask him out. Lol.
00:58:01Sticky up tongue face.
00:58:49Hey, Maisie, do you like my cartoon?
00:58:52Ben, do some work. No, but look...
00:58:55Ben, I'm trying to pass paper.
00:59:07Hey, Maisie, why is this a negative here?
00:59:10Oh, it's cos you're not minusing a minus, you're minusing a minus minus.
00:59:14What? Come on, Ben, it's really simple.
01:00:02OK, look, Ben, if you don't want to work, that's fine,
01:00:05but can you just shut up so I can at least get on with some stuff?
01:00:08God, calm down. Why are you so stressy?
01:00:11Cos in case you hadn't noticed, our exam is a week away.
01:00:14I thought you especially would be a bit more concerned.
01:00:17Me especially?
01:00:19You think I should be more concerned than you?
01:00:21No, I just mean more concerned than the average person.
01:00:25Cos I thought you wanted to get an A.
01:00:28Oh, so you don't think I can get an A now?
01:00:32I didn't say that.
01:00:34I knew it. I knew you thought I was stupid.
01:00:36Ben, I don't think you're stupid, I just...
01:00:39I think you have slightly unrealistic expectations sometimes.
01:00:42Well, thanks for your concern, Maisie,
01:00:44but I guess you're not concerned enough to actually help me when I ask for it
01:00:48or reply to my texts.
01:00:50Oh, yeah, right, cos I should ask out Nathan, lol.
01:00:53No, shut up. Actually, you should ask out Nathan.
01:00:57No, shut up. Actually, yeah.
01:00:59Let me tell you something about your precious Nathan. He's a dick.
01:01:02Ben, you don't even know him.
01:01:04I've seen him and I know his type.
01:01:06But you know what? Ask him out, don't ask him out.
01:01:09I don't give a shit.
01:01:11Oh, fine. Right, yeah, you're right, Ben.
01:01:13I do think you're completely thick.
01:01:15Really, really stupid. A complete idiot.
01:01:18And you know what? Realistically,
01:01:20you're probably going to get a B and two Cs.
01:01:24Maybe an A in history on a big day.
01:01:28Was that what you wanted to hear?
01:01:30You're not going to get four As.
01:01:32To be honest, the idea of someone like you even applying to Oxbridge is laughable.
01:01:36Oh, fuck you, Maisie! You want to be realistic.
01:01:39Like Nathan would ever go out with someone like you.
01:01:41It's embarrassing the way you follow him around all the time
01:01:44and he totally ignores you.
01:01:45He's just shy.
01:01:46He's not shy. He's clearly really popular.
01:01:48I would never go out with someone like you who hasn't got any friends.
01:01:55Well, I had thought you were my friend, Ben.
01:02:00I'm not your friend, Maisie.
01:02:37Hey, Maisie.
01:02:39Hey, guys. Are you OK?
01:02:41Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm great.
01:02:44Nice to meet you.
01:02:45It's just, you know, I've been having such a great time with Caitlin and people recently.
01:02:49I'm just a bit worried about work.
01:02:53Wait, how are you guys doing?
01:02:55What have you been up to?
01:02:57Well, you know, stuff.
01:03:01Yeah, so how is Caitlin these days, then?
01:03:03Actually, yeah, she's really good.
01:03:05Like, we've just become so close, you know?
01:03:07The other day we went to this party and then we had...
01:03:14I guess, you know, I've been just concentrating so much on work recently,
01:03:18I haven't seen much of people.
01:03:20Right, well, we'd better get going.
01:03:23Yeah, catch up with.
01:03:40I can't do this shit question!
01:03:43Stupid bloody Maisie, so bloody clever.
01:03:46I need to get the rubbish down in second language.
01:04:16Calm down. You are prepared. Tomorrow will be fine. Everything you need.
01:04:29I haven't got a clear plastic pencil case.
01:04:46Oh, dear. I still don't understand anything.
01:05:11It'll be OK, though.
01:05:15I'll just do my best.
01:05:20No, it won't. Tomorrow. Tomorrow!
01:05:28Right, if I don't sleep and work all night, I might be able to get through some of it by the morning.
01:05:33I'll make a list of everything I don't understand and make myself a little timetable.
01:05:44Hmm. OK, if I can just understand two things per hour, then I'll be ready.
01:05:55How do I still not understand this double slits bullshit yet?
01:05:59It's OK. It's OK. If I just understand three things per hour.
01:06:03Oh, I get it!
01:06:11OK, OK, stay calm. No point in panicking now.
01:06:15Maybe you understand more than you think.
01:06:17OK, let's do a paper and see.
01:06:40Did I sleep? OK.
01:06:44Keep calm. Keep calm. Let's just keep going.
01:06:50Figure 9.2 shows a skier of mass 76 kilograms.
01:06:54Calculate the weight of the skier.
01:06:57Times it by gravity. Easy.
01:06:59Component of the weight in the direction parallel to the slope.
01:07:06Component of the weight in the direction parallel to the slope.
01:07:16Hypotenuse correctly measured to scale.
01:07:19These answers tell you fuck all.
01:07:22I'm getting worse by the second.
01:07:24Right. We'll be OK. We'll be OK.
01:07:26We just need to use our time efficiently.
01:07:29OK. I'm making an executive decision for company Ben.
01:07:34We need to spend our time resources on what will be most profitable.
01:07:38Let's take a break from physics. Get your head straight.
01:07:41Do a bit of history.
01:08:02I'm waiting on the response to change.
01:08:06Vatican failed to recognise the Italian state.
01:08:09At least I can do history.
01:08:11Shame I have a physics exam in four hours.
01:08:14Oh, my God. I have an A-level physics exam in four hours.
01:08:17What am I doing studying history?
01:08:47No, no, not the morning. The exam is today.
01:09:03I'm going to do really badly.
01:09:05I thought I was good at physics, but I'm just not.
01:09:08I should never have taken it.
01:09:10Everyone will feel so sorry for me.
01:09:13They all know how hard I've been working lately.
01:09:16Maybe I shouldn't go.
01:09:19Then people won't think I'm stupid.
01:09:22They'll just think I'm disorganised and kooky and miss the exam.
01:09:26Wow, that really is a genuine solution.
01:09:29Skip the exam. Cut your losses.
01:09:32What a relief.
01:09:34A nice relaxed day revising history.
01:09:51I hope he's not freaking out.
01:09:54Actually, no.
01:09:56He loves to be freaking out.
01:10:08Oh, my God.
01:10:35What a relief not to be doing the exam.
01:10:38People will already be there by now, stressing out, going mad.
01:10:42So glad I'm not one of them.
01:10:44I can just imagine them now, wondering where I am.
01:10:47Luke won't care, but I bet Ethan will totally be freaking out,
01:10:51because he feels like a lunatic.
01:11:16Ha, suitably shocked, just like I thought.
01:11:19Though it's not like she was expecting much of me anyway.
01:11:22Realistically, you're probably going to get a B and two Cs,
01:11:26maybe an A in history on a good day.
01:11:29A, B and two Cs.
01:11:33That's not actually that bad.
01:11:36Could I even get a C?
01:11:38Yeah, I probably could.
01:11:40And if I study history,
01:11:42they probably won't care that much about the C in physics.
01:11:45They will care if I don't go to my exams, though.
01:11:55Ben, you've got to go to your exam.
01:11:56I know.
01:11:57Come on, I can cycle you.
01:12:03This doesn't change anything, you know.
01:12:05I'm still angry at you.
01:12:06I'm still angry at you.
01:12:08I'm only doing this so you can bring down the average mark.
01:12:10You know, make my hair look even better.
01:12:19Just leave it.
01:12:29Ben, go.
01:12:30I didn't just nearly give myself a heart attack for nothing.
01:12:33And make sure you go to your maths exam tomorrow.
01:12:39Maisie, what about your physics exam?
01:12:41Different board, afternoon exam.
01:12:51Ben, where have you been?
01:12:52Get to your exam.
01:12:56There's a space up here.
01:13:10papers, you may begin.
01:13:38It wasn't so bad.
01:13:39If I'd had some sleep, it could even have been a B.
01:13:48I don't think that's actually true.
01:14:15Okay, you can take your seats now and get ready.
01:14:30Coats and bags at the back,
01:14:31and your phones into me at the front.
01:14:47Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to do something.
01:14:50But we don't play with children anymore.
01:14:52Yeah, I know.
01:14:53I'm sorry, Holly.
01:14:55I shouldn't have been so grumpy with you.
01:14:57But I knew you wouldn't forgive me that easily,
01:14:59so I also brought you these.
01:15:03I thought maybe the badges could do with a hand in the bakery.
01:15:06Are we playing forever you want, whenever you want,
01:15:07or specific families?
01:15:09I thought we could play specific families,
01:15:10and then you could play with the new ones.
01:15:13Yeah, what's better with the money, too?
01:15:19Oh, hello, Mrs. Rabbit.
01:15:21Oh, hello, Mrs. Lamb.
01:15:22Lovely days, if not.
01:15:23I am having the most dreadful day.
01:15:26Haven't you heard?
01:15:27I just caught my husband, Mr. Lamb,
01:15:30cheating on me with Mrs. Panda.
01:15:32Oh, Mrs. Lamb, what a scoundrel.
01:15:34How did you find out?
01:15:36Well, Mr. Otter saw him getting it on behind the bakery last night.
01:15:42Getting it on.
01:15:52I know.
01:15:53It's absolutely shocking.
01:15:55But anyway, how is everything going with you all?
01:16:04And you can turn over your papers now.
01:16:10To what extent were Mussolini's economic policies successful
01:16:13in the years 1922 to 40?
01:16:19Oh, shit.
01:16:20I definitely missed out that chapter.
01:16:48You have 20 minutes remaining.
01:17:06Put down your pens now.
01:17:34Don't cry yet.
01:17:35Come on.
01:17:39That went so badly today.
01:17:40I haven't had any sleep at all.
01:17:44Look, I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
01:17:48Don't worry.
01:17:49It's fine.
01:18:18We made it.
01:18:19Hi, guys.
01:18:20I'm Olivia.
01:18:21Hey, girls.
01:18:22I'm Luke.
01:18:25So, party at Ben's?
01:18:26Well, more of a gathering.
01:18:27You guys are coming?
01:18:28I'm going to definitely.
01:18:29Yeah, we're so up for a party.
01:18:30No, more of a jam.
01:18:31A do, maybe.
01:18:32I know what you're thinking.
01:18:33I don't know.
01:18:34I don't know.
01:18:35I don't know.
01:18:36I don't know.
01:18:37I don't know.
01:18:38I don't know.
01:18:39I don't know.
01:18:40I don't know.
01:18:41I don't know.
01:18:42I don't know.
01:18:43I don't know.
01:18:44I don't know.
01:18:45I don't know.
01:18:47That exam was horrific.
01:18:49But, you know what I was thinking, in it, what does it even matter?
01:18:53If all this goes wrong, look what we're left with.
01:18:56Ben, I don't care about friends.
01:18:58I just want to be left with four As.
01:19:01You don't have to prove it to anyone, Maisie.
01:19:04You shouldn't judge yourself based on your grades.
01:19:07I've stopped doing it.
01:19:08It worked out for me.
01:19:12Thanks, Ben.
01:19:14I'm really sorry I called you stupid. You're... You know what?
01:19:18You're actually really thoughtful.
01:19:21Yeah, I'm just bad at physics.
01:19:23I'm not going to be a physicist now, that's for sure.
01:19:29And I'm sorry too, for what I said about...
01:19:32Well, everything I said.
01:19:34I'm really glad we're friends.
01:19:37Me too.
01:19:45Okay, it's like a monkey.
01:19:47It's like you put it on your clothing and...
01:19:49You don't have to explain it. Say anything.
01:19:51It's like a monkey.
01:19:53When you do something embarrassing, you get really red.
01:19:58And it's got the face.
01:20:00It's got that tiny, tiny...
01:20:02It's got the face like the place.
01:20:04The thing with the...
01:20:05Russian? No. Queen? No.
01:20:08Raccoon is not a monkey.
01:20:09It's not a monkey, is it?
01:20:21I'm falling over.
01:20:23You're crazy.
01:20:31I have some of my Sunny Day real estate CDs up here
01:20:34if you want to borrow them.
01:20:35Yeah, that'd be great.
01:20:45I made this for you, actually, just after we met.
01:20:51I put some of them on there already.
01:20:53Sound director 16.
01:21:00This sounds kind of stupid, it's just...
01:21:02You know I was telling you I made those CDs for myself?
01:21:08It's just as friends.
01:21:10Yeah, I remember.
01:21:12It's not stupid.
01:21:14It's actually really sweet.
01:21:21Obviously, just as friends.
01:21:29Really good friends.
01:21:32Glad we got that one cleared up.
