Sam Doonby, a no-good drifter, enters a small town in Texas HD ( Drama, Mystery )

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Sam Doonby, a no-good drifter, enters a small town in Texas HD ( Drama, Mystery )
00:00:00where to I don't know Galveston maybe unless I decided to look somewhere else
00:00:14ain't no getting back on if you do well I guess I'll just have to pitch it if I
00:00:22want to go somewhere else
00:01:00so sorry
00:01:22another day another bus moving on down the road
00:01:31I don't know where I'm going or why I'm here but I I do know where I came from
00:01:40where it all started
00:02:00my mother was the most beautiful woman in the world not white trash from the
00:02:11wrong side of the tracks as some folks would have it to me she was a vision in
00:02:16her white sundress gliding like a fluffy cloud over the earth my daddy wasn't
00:02:23there I never knew why I didn't know that we were poor and lived in a
00:02:28rundown neighborhood but poor people stuck together back then
00:02:35I love you baby
00:02:51no matter what happened I was sure it wouldn't touch us she was blessed she
00:02:58was an angel my angel
00:03:28I'm looking for Leroy you're talking to Leroy the sign outside says that you're
00:03:50looking for a bartender you interested I guess it all depends on how much you're
00:03:53paying $10.50 plus tips a bad money but I reckon you'll earn it sold got
00:04:01yourself a bartender where you from I'll hear him there around about like the
00:04:06looks of your place but don't worry I'm legal I got a social security card
00:04:09everything nobody's trying to track me down you're Leroy Jackson yeah he used
00:04:16to play with Fats Domino years back yeah Fats and little Richard last couple years
00:04:20with James Brown till he got busted I got to tell you it's it's a it's an
00:04:23honor hey have a seat I've always been a big
00:04:26blues fan kind of follow John Lee hooker Howlin Wolf fellow that owned the place
00:04:33where I was raised was a big Bill Broonzy fan and I guess some of that
00:04:36rubbed off on me big bill you spending the day lazing and
00:04:40chewing the fat are you going to check those books like I've been telling oh
00:04:43baby come on this is what's their name Sam Sam Doonby
00:04:47pleased to meet you ma'am Sam starting tonight it's got a good feel for the
00:04:52blues I hope he doesn't have a feel for thieving like that last drifter you had
00:04:56pouring drinks no I'm not a thief I promise you I will deliver an honest
00:05:00night's work for an honest night's pay well since we're being honest I might
00:05:03as well make out them tax returns you're talking about thank you be here at a yes
00:05:08sir wait stand I just got off the bus I don't run over the town's full this is
00:05:12County Fair Saturday and both motels have no vacancy signs up we got a
00:05:19storehouse out back with bed ain't much but you can get your head down till you
00:05:24find something else well thank you
00:05:31this place reminds me of my hometown dusty little storeroom in a sleepy
00:05:37little backwater I see I say look at me when I'm talking to you boy life was
00:05:47hard back then my mother did what she could to patch together a life for us she
00:05:52always had dignity but she did what she had to do at least that's the way I saw
00:05:58it she ain't here tonight lose me I'm I'm a sick and she got me with her just
00:06:06hold on man I'll be right with you what's wrong with her she didn't say
00:06:11said it's bad though
00:06:17pretty much room on the page hey George how's it going
00:06:24lose a man lose a man mind what you do I'm pretty good
00:06:35lose a man lose a man the devil's there to you
00:06:54yeah your check see how many folks you serve in one night I have how do you
00:07:07keep count simple got the legs divide by four I want a kamikaze a b-52 and to
00:07:15Boston to get drunk you trying to start World War three yeah my friend over here
00:07:20she'll have a chardonnay yeah but I'm more in an exotic mood so how about a
00:07:24black-eyed suit there's one on offer you get anything you want here at Leroy's
00:07:28anything customer satisfaction is guaranteed well I like the change of
00:07:39thank you hello darling hey man my god thirst you want a black-eyed Susan what
00:07:47no this guy here he's just really rustles up a drink
00:07:51Oh named Sam I Sam okay I thought there's a lot of action around bar
00:07:56tonight give me shiner coming right up and this is Tony love the song Tony
00:08:03great thank you where you from Oh here and there roundabouts round about here
00:08:07and there where South mostly big place to sell yes it is but I'm nobody Tony
00:08:13quick grilling him I like a mysterious fine by me huh well salute in a big
00:08:20welcome to Smithville buddy thank you
00:09:00he's a tireless tornado
00:09:05likes his liquor in Mexico nothing to do
00:09:13hey that was some night huh yeah always like that Thursday's always good no
00:09:19place else to be you did good Sam folks like it thank you I like folks so Sam
00:09:24yeah teach me about some of them fancy drinks sometime sure thing anytime how
00:09:32about Sunday it's my day off any chance of a nightcap it's past 3 a.m.
00:09:40long okay a quick one okay what do you have
00:09:44surprise me and why don't you have one yourself well I'm off that all right
00:09:52with you boss hey your life's your life least ways between the hours of 3 a.m.
00:09:55and 8 p.m. you don't mind my saying that's playing time to be getting into
00:10:00trouble so tell me about yourself I thought they said that we don't have
00:10:09very much time all right I'm Laura Reaper how do you do
00:10:16Laura Reaper I'm Sam do me well hello Sam do me apart from driving expensive
00:10:23cars and drinking expensive drinks what is Laura Reaper like to do I like to
00:10:29develop other expensive tastes I live in this expensive house and you see my
00:10:34dad's top gynecologist well he spoils me real bad you like that
00:10:39I'm spoiled sure why not sure why not it must be nice
00:10:45that's a hint of disapproval no no no no I'm I'm a I'm a lonely bartender in a
00:10:51small town just trying to make an honest buck ma'am you should stay I'll take
00:10:57that into consideration where are you staying oh well right now I'm staying
00:11:04out back and the chickens Selma Louise and Colonel crisp okay okay
00:11:12cheers to the chickens you are one thirsty girl mmm I haven't got far to go
00:11:18be careful okay I'm lecturing you mr. do me because of you I'd be very
00:11:25disappointed you're far too cute to be pompous I'll see you tomorrow maybe
00:11:39maybe not
00:11:45well in that case maybe I will keep my eye on that door good night Sam do me
00:11:55good night Laura Reaper
00:12:36it's not bad for a first night's work on Randy
00:12:50I never seem to have any problem getting a hold of enough money to scrape by but
00:12:55it was a different story for Lucy May she was a single mother and that was
00:13:01tough she was always trying to better herself but for a poor woman in the
00:13:05south in the 60s the only sure way was with a man I ain't got time for that
00:13:12right now I need you to do me a favor you gotta watch Sam for me tonight you
00:13:17just got no way I can help you out tonight honey mom down with the feet
00:13:21that's only for a couple of hours I got little Jasmine over there right now but
00:13:24she can't stay Jasmine mrs. Lee's daughter she's just an itty-bitty kid
00:13:28herself she's tan anyways Brad's over the Jack Diamonds motel he's only here
00:13:35tonight I ain't seen him in six whole weeks tell you I can't mom was real sick
00:13:39this time and the doctor's coming over and ain't about time you told that boy
00:13:43about Sam I mean you've been seeing him on and off for at least a year
00:13:48on and off's about right once a month on his journey cycle he'd go crazy he'd
00:13:55run like a loon with his pants on fire if he knew I had a kid reckons that's
00:13:59the trouble with his marriage Carla that's his wife she keeps having kids
00:14:04like shelling peas she don't know how to look after herself Brad says she ain't
00:14:09got time for him no more well from what you've been telling me it sounds like
00:14:13she's got time for him at least once a year anyway what's this about her not
00:14:18being able to keep after herself huh if you're so smart honey baby why did you
00:14:22get Sam in the first place hmm I don't have to take this are you gonna help me
00:14:26out or what maybe tomorrow tomorrow is too late I just hope I ain't as mean to
00:14:33you when you need a favor that's all I gotta say
00:14:48coffee smells good you doing here the clinic was a little quiet this morning
00:14:54and I got a half hour to kill before I have to go to the hospital
00:14:58hey rock you've been trying to get that food down a little rock there that's
00:15:04part of an hour dr. Cyrus you don't like lamb and vegetables him something else
00:15:07kids gotta eat maybe t-bone on the rare side if I cut it up a bit for you talking
00:15:12yeah about that I'm rock he's losing weight he's just fine it's a phase
00:15:19you're a gynecologist not a pediatrician just getting up it's nearly 1130 I won't
00:15:25be such a bear daddy morning Rocky morning Norma times you get home last
00:15:30night must have been after 3 o'clock yeah it was after 3 o'clock it's always
00:15:36after 3 o'clock when I'm gonna leave her voice sounds like you had a good time I
00:15:41do not think that is the kind of place where a young girl should be out there
00:15:45so I'm not a young girl anymore daddy ah music was awesome daddy's always gonna
00:15:50worry especially after what happened you don't have to make apologies for me I
00:15:56just don't want history to repeat itself that's all I'm sorry about rock I mean
00:16:03he was my brother you know I mean I just don't know why myself coming over early
00:16:08is gonna be able to bring him or Tracy back he was drinking and driving do we
00:16:12have to go over this again he was the other guy who had the blowout dad there
00:16:17was nothing that rock could have done you don't know that daddy I'm sorry you
00:16:25gotta let go it's been a year now and can I let me get on with my life I'm not
00:16:29your little girl anymore you will always you will always be my little girl and I
00:16:35will always get on your case if I feel I have to so who was at the club last
00:16:42night oh you know usual suspects Jack from the
00:16:46mailbox store Tony of course Tony I like him he's a sweet boy oh and there was
00:16:53this cute guy Tim Barr probably a no-good drifter a no-good drifter maybe
00:17:00a wandering Samaritan to bring love and peace to us all all our actions carry a
00:17:17legacy people act desperately without thinking about the consequences did you
00:17:26leave your little boy alone again he ain't alone and I don't see what that's
00:17:29got to do with you anyways Nancy well I'll tell you what it's got to do with
00:17:33me Lucy May I brought my children up God fearing by setting them a good example
00:17:37unlike some folks I know good example huh what happened to mr. Thurber then
00:17:42why'd he run off that was his decision he had that same devil's curse you have
00:17:47what curse would that be the evil urge to laugh to dance to feel alive to see
00:17:53something outside of Parker County you should have thought of that before what
00:17:56for me one tiny mistake tiny mistake is that how you look at that child of
00:18:01yours children are a miracle a gift from God it's your duty to look after him
00:18:06good you got responsibilities girl well maybe I have I'll make my own decisions
00:18:16Nancy sure don't need any help from you
00:18:21well well kamikaze b-52 and to Boston bullets how you feeling today
00:18:28bombed out I'll bet you are can I sit here sure I'd like a cup of coffee
00:18:33please with cream honey and a big old glass of ice water lemon and I'll see
00:18:37you can you split a 20 for me oh yeah hey I have to use a someone in my class
00:18:42class yeah I teach an aerobics class didn't I tell you that no you didn't
00:18:48really tell me much anything well then I think you need to buy me a coffee I
00:18:51would love to buy you coffee actually make it a cappuccino with sweeten though
00:18:55all right I'll be right back okay make that two cappuccinos one with sweet
00:18:59alone one with honey and two big old glasses I swore sure thanks
00:19:12tell me something though other than the aerobics classes and drink it over at
00:19:15Leroy's what do you actually like to do are you getting on my case again no I
00:19:21just really like to party see my dad he's well off and he's this top
00:19:27gynecologist yeah I know I told you yeah my gosh well he's really successful and
00:19:37so he sent me to Lucerne and that's where I went to become a dancer it was
00:19:41either that or painting and started again to dancing sounds like fun up
00:19:46until that accident that I had and then I actually oh yeah I was skiing and I
00:19:50went down this hill and it twisted my right leg and well it just started to
00:19:54calcify under my kneecaps and then I just had to stop you're painting now oh
00:20:00yeah not anymore I haven't been that for years that's too bad
00:20:07so tell me mr. Doonby what's your story me I'm just a bartender who travels
00:20:15around a lot doesn't like to stay in one place for very long because he figures
00:20:18moving targets harder to hit and I'm nobody really what about your future my
00:20:23future is the next second Laura your future is the next second you see it
00:20:28there it went did you miss that I think I did I figure that we're supposed to
00:20:38enjoy every moment and try to make a difference that's the point it just
00:20:43seems like there's something more to your story no no there's no no deep
00:20:47dark secrets here in fact if you really get to know me better I think you'd find
00:20:52out that I was really quite boring I'm that mr. Doonby I would find very
00:20:57disappointed would you excuse me for just a minute
00:21:04hey buddy can you tell me where the library is I thought it used to be so
00:21:10let's go and find when you keep that lousy money hey hey hey take it easy
00:21:14pal how did you make you take it easy pal
00:21:20back off and step away from the door you understand me I'm not gonna tell
00:21:25you twice come on you tell me about with that money I told you it's in there
00:21:30it's not that much we banked it already he's telling you the truth I work here
00:21:40he's telling you the truth don't tell me what to do understand now what are you
00:21:44gonna do about it huh you hear me I'm gonna show you
00:22:14I heard the shooting and I just ran right in. It happened so quick. I was in the kitchen and I heard something and you never think it's gonna happen to you.
00:22:31It's lucky you were here Sam. Thanks. It's all right. You're gonna be okay? Yeah, yeah.
00:22:36Baby, love you. Yeah, yeah. My hearing's coming back now. I'll be here.
00:22:41Love you so much. Give me a beer, woman. How did you know? I don't know. Things just didn't seem right, I guess.
00:22:56Are you gonna call the police? No. No. No, we shouldn't do that. I don't need any cop cars parked outside. It's bad for business.
00:23:04Are they okay with you, Sam? Yeah, I'm with you. Right there, 100%.
00:23:13Hey, Dwayne. Another beer? Uh, maybe not. I got a long haul tomorrow. All right.
00:23:19Rookie. At your age, man, you should be sticking to delivery vans and stay away from them dump trucks.
00:23:24And let me tell you, Dwayne, you better keep an eye on those times. Your permit get yanked, it's not gonna be worth the extra cash.
00:23:32Well, you play guitar as well as you do everything else, Sam? Oh, I fiddle around with it a little bit. Yeah. You got that right.
00:23:38Baby. I'm just kidding. Are you gonna show us some of that fiddling around? No, no, no, no, no. Uh-uh.
00:23:44Oh, no, no, no, no. I can't play that guitar. That's Woody Guthrie's guitar. Oh, he won't mind. He ain't been here in months.
00:23:51Yeah, come on, Sam. Let them strings do the talking. Go on, now. Regular Chet Atkins.
00:23:57Show them what you got. Hear it.
00:24:2723rd of November. Look through my pockets, not a dime.
00:24:44That's the 25th of December, baby. Shake my pockets, not a dime.
00:24:52How am I supposed to provide for you, honey, when you're spending my money all the time?
00:25:00Got a credit card in your wallet, that thing ain't funny.
00:25:0837 and one half percent, baby, I know that ain't funny.
00:25:16The way that you're spending, honey, there's much too much month at the end of the money.
00:25:36There you go, Tony. There's your Chet Atkins.
00:25:40I tell you what, I guess I owe you an apology, man. But you best get back to porn, because stage talent needs to go change.
00:25:48You are a true gentleman. What'd you learn to play like that?
00:25:52Oh, uh, Parkerville, Louisiana. Friends of mine had a little place across the tracks, and I used to go over there, and they'd pick some mean blues.
00:26:00Did you say, uh, Parkerville, Louisiana?
00:26:03Yeah. Don't tell me you've heard of it.
00:26:05My folks are from Parkerville, Louisiana.
00:26:08Is that right? Well, it's a small world, isn't it?
00:26:10It is a small world.
00:26:12Can we get a drink around here?
00:26:14Can I get two slightly dirty gin martinis?
00:26:16Sure, coming right up.
00:26:39I think he's kind of cute.
00:26:41Yeah, isn't he?
00:26:43That boy needs to unwind. Have a little fun after work.
00:26:47I'll see you later.
00:27:09Easy, easy, easy, easy.
00:27:11Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.
00:27:13Are you okay? I saw you fall. Are you all right?
00:27:15I am. I think I was going crazy. I think someone was following me.
00:27:19I don't see anybody. Are you okay?
00:27:22I think it's just all that happened today.
00:27:24Give me your keys. I'm gonna drive you home. You can't drive.
00:27:26Well, thank you very much, Sir Galahad.
00:27:29Where do you live, Lady Guinevere?
00:27:31Well, I live on the edge.
00:27:34The edge of town.
00:27:36Get in the car.
00:27:40Uh, but first, let's, uh, let's go to...
00:27:43Let's go to Justin and Lisa's.
00:27:45It's after 3 o'clock in the morning.
00:27:47What is it with you and time?
00:27:50One glass, then I will take you home.
00:27:52Now, please, get in the car.
00:27:57Come on.
00:27:59That is exactly what I've been waiting for,
00:28:02after a hard day's work.
00:28:04So you're gonna come on in?
00:28:06No, I'm not coming in.
00:28:08Um, why not?
00:28:10Because I don't have a suit.
00:28:12Well, I like a shyness in a man.
00:28:18I'm starting to love her voice.
00:28:20I know.
00:28:25This is the miserable side.
00:28:29You know what?
00:28:31Justin did say that you needed to tell him why.
00:28:34Oh, he did?
00:28:36Tell me, what exactly is it that you do, Justin?
00:28:39I'm a VP of Commeroil, and Lisa's NPR.
00:28:41So that makes you an oil mogul.
00:28:43I'm hardly a mogul.
00:28:45I'm in legal affairs.
00:28:47Sounds slippery.
00:28:49You're one mysterious guy, Sam.
00:28:52I've never heard Laura talk so much about somebody
00:28:55and tell us so little.
00:28:57I was trying to be cool.
00:29:00Where'd you say you were from?
00:29:02I didn't say, Justin.
00:29:04Yes, you did.
00:29:06You said you were from Parkerville, Louisiana.
00:29:08Same as my folks.
00:29:10What'd you do there?
00:29:12Grew up mostly.
00:29:14What did you do after that?
00:29:16I went to Caramoja.
00:29:18It's in Uganda.
00:29:20I was in the Peace Corps.
00:29:22Oh, the Peace Corps, huh?
00:29:24Yeah, you've heard of it?
00:29:28All the guys I knew that went into that
00:29:30were some kind of idolistic pinko.
00:29:32Well, I guess if going to a foreign country
00:29:34and trying to make sure that a bunch of children
00:29:36do not starve to death makes you an idolistic pinko,
00:29:38then I am an idolistic pinko, aren't I?
00:29:40Well, anyway, Africa's way too hot and smelly for me.
00:29:43I was doing a marketing degree at UT.
00:29:45Oh, good for you, Justin.
00:29:47Okay, let's talk about something else.
00:29:51I'm a little hungry. Got anything to eat around here?
00:29:53Okay, princess, come on. You're home.
00:29:55Come on.
00:29:57I'm not talking to you.
00:29:59Really? Why not?
00:30:01Because you humiliated me in front of my friends.
00:30:03You didn't need any help to do that.
00:30:05You did fine on your own. Now come on.
00:30:07Where's my dress?
00:30:09Right here.
00:30:11How did you know where I live?
00:30:13There was a piece of paper inside your purse.
00:30:15You went in my purse?
00:30:17How dare you?
00:30:19I don't even know you.
00:30:21Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:30:25I didn't take anything.
00:30:27Besides, it looked like you knew me pretty well back at the hot tub.
00:30:31Yeah, yeah. Now come on. Let's go inside and be quiet.
00:30:33You're going to wake up the neighbors.
00:30:35Well, don't tell me what to do. That's my car.
00:30:37It's my car.
00:30:39That's my house.
00:30:41It's stupid. It's my...
00:30:43Stupid town.
00:30:45Well, then don't wake the stupid neighbors.
00:30:47Here, take these.
00:30:51And go to sleep.
00:30:53By the way, thanks a lot, Sam.
00:30:55Thanks for getting me home. Thanks for making me safe.
00:30:57Thanks for everything, Sam. Thanks for a wonderful evening.
00:30:59Shut it.
00:31:01Good night, Mrs. Kravitz.
00:31:09Hi, Dad.
00:31:11Did you bring the morning paper?
00:31:13That's all I need.
00:31:15What are you doing up?
00:31:17Rockwell Jr. here has about as much regard
00:31:19for sensible hours as you do.
00:31:21Woke up crying.
00:31:23Well, where's Irma?
00:31:25I thought that's what you paid her for.
00:31:27Hey, Dr. Eber, I'm sorry. Let me take him.
00:31:29All right. Bye-bye, champ.
00:31:31You sleep now, sweetheart.
00:31:35Night, Rocky.
00:31:37Night, Dad.
00:31:39Where are your clothes?
00:31:41Right here.
00:31:43I was hot-tubbing at Lisa's.
00:31:45I told you not to drink and drive.
00:31:47I wasn't drinking and driving, Dad.
00:31:49In fact, a gentleman drove me home.
00:31:51Oh, yeah.
00:31:53Maybe you wouldn't be happy about him.
00:31:55He was that no-good drifter from Leroy's
00:31:57you told me about.
00:31:59We need to talk.
00:32:01Sit down right now.
00:32:03What is it with you, young lady?
00:32:05I worry myself sick every night about you.
00:32:07I never asked you to.
00:32:09You have a position in this town.
00:32:11Oh, is that what this is about?
00:32:13Your position?
00:32:15That's not what I mean.
00:32:17It's not, Dad.
00:32:19I have given you everything,
00:32:21and you're wasting your life away.
00:32:23Well, I don't think so.
00:32:25Well, I know so.
00:32:27You like to live life on the edge.
00:32:29You go to all the wrong places with all the wrong people.
00:32:31You're like a moth to a fire.
00:32:33You have never even met my friends.
00:32:35I'm looking at the results.
00:32:37You come home drunk most nights?
00:32:39Don't have any ambition?
00:32:41Don't have any goals?
00:32:43Sleep away half the day?
00:32:45That's not fair.
00:32:47I have my aerobics classes.
00:32:49Oh, right. Yes.
00:32:51Synchronized push-ups.
00:32:53Is that why I sent you to the best art schools in Europe?
00:32:55And since you've come back,
00:32:57have you as much as picked up a brush or even a pencil?
00:32:59I'm not very good at it.
00:33:01Oh, that's bull, and you know it.
00:33:03Your teachers say you're great.
00:33:05You just don't have the guts.
00:33:07And it's the same with your dancing.
00:33:09No pain, no gain.
00:33:11Do you understand that concept?
00:33:13I had an injury.
00:33:15Oh, yeah, right.
00:33:17Like Margot Fonteyn didn't work her way back from an injury.
00:33:19I don't think so.
00:33:21Well, she did, young lady.
00:33:23She just gritted her teeth
00:33:25and worked right back up to the top of that mountain.
00:33:27But you, you...
00:33:29You don't even make it to the foot ramps.
00:33:31Well, I'm glad that we had this out,
00:33:33because now I know how you feel about me.
00:33:35It's about time.
00:33:37Look, look, look, stop.
00:33:39You know I think the world about you.
00:33:41You know that.
00:33:43You're everything to me, especially now.
00:33:45I mean, haven't I given you everything?
00:33:49Doesn't it ever occur to you, Daddy?
00:33:53That's the problem.
00:33:55Well, what more do you want from me?
00:33:57I want space.
00:33:59I just need space.
00:34:07Everybody wants to fulfill
00:34:09their God-given talents
00:34:11and become more successful and better than they were.
00:34:13Lucy May
00:34:15looked to men to help her.
00:34:17They all made promises and went away.
00:34:19All but one.
00:34:23He's in 205.
00:34:25I've been missing you something terrible.
00:34:29A ring.
00:34:31Oh, it fits just perfect.
00:34:33This here's a
00:34:35engagement ring.
00:34:37How come we...
00:34:39Because I left Carla that time.
00:34:41It's over.
00:34:43We're going to Florida.
00:34:47Well, when?
00:34:49Tonight. We're leaving tonight.
00:34:51I don't know, Brad.
00:34:53Can't you go on ahead?
00:34:55What's the problem?
00:34:57There's time to stay here for.
00:34:59Well, that's the way it's going to be, Lucy May.
00:35:01I'm leaving tonight, and I want you to go with me.
00:35:03You're going to have to take it or leave it.
00:38:21I'm gonna take this one last chance.
00:38:36You're my big man.
00:38:45Oh, Lord, forgive me.
00:38:47You gotta remember something, Sam.
00:38:50Your mama loves you.
00:38:54Don't ever let anybody say she don't.
00:39:11I love you, baby.
00:39:20I love you, too.
00:40:06Oh, wow, this is something else.
00:40:12Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry.
00:40:16The door was open and I...
00:40:18Oh, my, I just came by to say sorry for the other night.
00:40:24That's okay, I'm sure you just had
00:40:26a little bit too much to drink.
00:40:28I did, it happens to be an ongoing problem of mine.
00:40:32I'm sorry, do you mind that I just dropped by?
00:40:34No, no, no, how about I make you some coffee?
00:40:39That sounds great.
00:40:40How about I put on my pants
00:40:41and I make you some coffee?
00:40:43Why don't we do that?
00:40:45Oh, this is something else.
00:40:48You like it?
00:40:49I like it.
00:40:50This is amazing, I mean, how did you manage?
00:40:52Ah, hammer, nails, lick of paint.
00:40:55Where, um, where's this?
00:40:57That is Uganda.
00:40:58I was there helping to plant crops.
00:41:00Was that like one of your moments of making a difference?
00:41:03Yeah, it was.
00:41:06No good drifter.
00:41:08Oh, no, nothing,
00:41:09just something my dad said.
00:41:11You know what depresses me?
00:41:12It's like, I feel like, what have I ever done?
00:41:16I have achieved nothing and I just...
00:41:18Well, it's not like you're finished.
00:41:19You got another 50, 60 good years left in your girl.
00:41:22Do your artwork, it's your God-given talent.
00:41:24I bet you'd be successful at it.
00:41:25What about like fashion design?
00:41:28Why not?
00:41:29You can do it with, what's her name at the bar?
00:41:33Chardonnay, yeah.
00:41:35So, what's this?
00:41:40Well, now I'm seriously intrigued.
00:41:44It's my diary.
00:41:45Your diary?
00:41:48Nobody has a diary these days.
00:41:52Yeah, I do.
00:41:53I write in it every night, it's very important to me.
00:41:55Oh, it is?
00:41:57I used to have one when I was a kid
00:41:59and I would cringe a year later when I read that.
00:42:01Does it include all those dark secrets
00:42:03you told me that don't exist?
00:42:05Not so dark.
00:42:07What about all the mysterious past of Sam Moody?
00:42:13Guard it with your life.
00:42:15I do, I guard it with my life.
00:42:16In fact, it will self-destruct if any unauthorized person
00:42:18I'll even touch it.
00:42:19Oh yeah, look at that touch.
00:42:20Do you want some coffee or not?
00:42:22Sure, I'll have some coffee.
00:42:25You know, nothing surprises me about you.
00:42:29You know, you just seem to think of everything.
00:42:30Oh yeah, I'm out of coffee.
00:42:32Out of coffee?
00:42:33Now why does that make me feel so much better?
00:42:36I have no idea.
00:42:38Come on, let me take you to the store.
00:42:40Look like you fit to hit the hay, Dwayne.
00:42:42Long trip today?
00:42:44Just up to Longview and back.
00:42:45Hey, that's near on 450 miles.
00:42:47Yeah, well I had an early start this morning.
00:42:49You okay?
00:42:51All right, man.
00:42:57Oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:43:02Oh, sorry.
00:43:03Hey, Irma.
00:43:05I didn't know you were coming down here this morning.
00:43:06Yeah, it's a nice day today.
00:43:08Mrs. Reeper needed some lotion and all,
00:43:09so I thought I'd take Rockwell for a walk.
00:43:11Oh, that's good.
00:43:12I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Sam.
00:43:14This is Irma, she's our nanny.
00:43:16Nice to meet you.
00:43:17And this is little baby Rockwell I was telling you about.
00:43:19Hey, Rock.
00:43:21Hey, kid.
00:43:22What's going on?
00:43:23How are you?
00:43:53See you back at Val.
00:43:56Bye Sam.
00:44:13I think it's officially time I say thank you.
00:44:38It was nothing.
00:44:42My dad came down really hard on Irma.
00:44:46Why would he do that?
00:44:47She couldn't help it.
00:44:48The truck couldn't stop.
00:44:49I know, but you don't know a satyr's reaper.
00:44:52It's like if something happens,
00:44:54he has to figure out who's responsible,
00:44:56and he just makes sure, like, all the loose ends are tied.
00:45:01That's just the way he is.
00:45:03But you get to see that for yourself tomorrow.
00:45:07I do?
00:45:10You're coming around for dinner.
00:45:12I am.
00:45:14Yes, you are.
00:45:16You've got the official invitation.
00:45:20Sounds more like a subpoena.
00:45:23No, it's not like that.
00:45:27He just wants to meet you and thank you personally.
00:45:33The no-good drifter?
00:45:34You heard me say that?
00:45:38I heard that.
00:45:41What I can't say is I blame him.
00:45:43I think I would act exactly the same way
00:45:46if I had a daughter like you.
00:45:53You cold?
00:46:00I just get chilly when I'm tense.
00:46:13Because I think I'm falling in love with you, Mr. Doonby.
00:46:19And I don't want to make a fool out of myself.
00:46:22Well, I fell in love with you
00:46:24the first moment I saw you out of that bus window.
00:46:27You were driving this car, wearing those sunglasses.
00:46:31Your hair was blowing in the wind.
00:46:33Sounds like a sunsilk hat.
00:46:43What about you and Jolene?
00:46:46What about me and Jolene?
00:46:52What about me and Jolene?
00:46:54Well, I know that she likes you, and I just...
00:46:57Yeah, I like pizza. So what?
00:47:05I just...
00:47:07I just don't know where I stand.
00:47:11You don't know where you stand?
00:47:15I'm just...
00:47:17My mind goes blank.
00:47:19And if there's something going on between Jolene and you,
00:47:21I just want to know so I can just...
00:47:26Listen to me.
00:47:29There is nothing going on between Jolene and me.
00:47:33That's the truth.
00:47:37I want you.
00:47:39Just you.
00:47:42That's it.
00:48:02Knocking on the left.
00:48:06Is the escargot mousse in the fridge?
00:48:08It has to be perfectly chilled.
00:48:11That's the third time you've asked me.
00:48:13And I put the cabernet out to let it breathe.
00:48:15And you didn't ask me to do that at all.
00:48:17Oh, good girl.
00:48:19What time is it?
00:48:20It's ten after eight.
00:48:21Oh, my.
00:48:22He's going to be here any minute.
00:48:23Mom, stop panicking.
00:48:24Seems real laid back.
00:48:27Where'd you get my hook?
00:48:29Actually, I like to have everything organized.
00:48:32I know you do.
00:48:33No matter who it is.
00:48:35All right.
00:48:36Now, where's your father?
00:48:37He's in the shower.
00:48:39I can still hear the water running.
00:48:40He came late from the clinic.
00:48:41He'll be here in a few minutes.
00:48:43Is that Sam?
00:48:52Is he going to be late?
00:48:54Actually, he's here right now.
00:48:57Hi, hi, hi, hi.
00:48:59Oh, they're so beautiful.
00:49:00Are they for me?
00:49:03Oh, my God.
00:49:04Hey, hi.
00:49:05Sam, this is my mother.
00:49:06Well, hello, Mrs. Reaper.
00:49:07Thank you very, very much for the invitation.
00:49:09Oh, my God.
00:49:10Oh, my God.
00:49:11Oh, my God.
00:49:12Oh, my God.
00:49:13Oh, my God.
00:49:14Oh, my God.
00:49:15Oh, my God.
00:49:16Oh, my God.
00:49:17Oh, my God.
00:49:18Oh, my God.
00:49:19Oh, my God.
00:49:20Oh, my God.
00:49:21Oh, my God.
00:49:22Oh, my God.
00:49:23There you go.
00:49:24Oh, thank you so much for your invitation.
00:49:25Oh, how'd you know red roses were my favorite?
00:49:31Sam, what would you like to drink?
00:49:35Uh, some water would be great.
00:49:38Water, please.
00:49:39Irma, would you be able to get Sam some water and I'll have a dry martini?
00:49:43Coming right up.
00:49:44So how did you get this evening off, Sam?
00:49:47Oh, Leroy's always pretty good about that, especially if it's not the weekend.
00:49:51And next weekend, Sam plays at Antone's.
00:49:54Very nice.
00:49:55You don't know?
00:49:57Antone's is a very successful venue.
00:49:59It's a great break.
00:50:01Oh, I'm an opening act.
00:50:02I'm nobody, really.
00:50:03OK, it's going to take a whole lot of work
00:50:05before I'm ready to get out there on that stage.
00:50:07Are you a little nervous?
00:50:09No, I'm absolutely terrified.
00:50:12Good, honest man.
00:50:13How refreshing.
00:50:14Actually, Sam's very talented, and he
00:50:16has no reason to be nervous.
00:50:17Oh, don't listen to her.
00:50:18Don't listen to her.
00:50:19She's just my biggest fan.
00:50:20Well, uh, here you go, Sam.
00:50:25Thank you.
00:50:26Thank you, Armand.
00:50:31I'm sorry.
00:50:31Let's have a toast to success.
00:50:35And to you, Sam, thank you for saving my grandbaby.
00:50:39I just, I happen to be there.
00:50:40I think anybody would have done the same thing.
00:50:43Oh, a modest man, too.
00:50:45Oh, I need this.
00:50:46I am as parched as a desert.
00:50:57Nice to meet you, Sam.
00:50:58I'm sorry I was a little late from work, but I'm here now.
00:51:01And, uh, I, uh, well, I just want
00:51:11to thank you as a, as a family for what you did yesterday.
00:51:15I mean, if you hadn't been there,
00:51:16well, God knows what would have happened.
00:51:19Sam, are you OK?
00:51:19Miss Reaper, I, I, uh, I really don't feel all that good.
00:51:23It's probably just nerves from yesterday.
00:51:25They're silly little things, nerves.
00:51:26Yeah, uh, about dinner.
00:51:28Don't you worry.
00:51:29You're fine.
00:51:30There'll be other nights, many other nights.
00:51:31Well, why don't you let me have a look at you?
00:51:33Maybe I can, uh, maybe I can, uh, Sam, Sam, Sam, just stand
00:51:38still, let me have a look.
00:51:40Don't touch me.
00:51:42What is, what is wrong with him?
00:51:46I don't know.
00:51:50Am I the only sane person in this house?
00:51:54Sam, Sam, Sam, do you want to tell me
00:51:59what just happened in there?
00:52:01Nothing, nothing.
00:52:03Honey, it looked like you'd seen a ghost.
00:52:05Maybe I have.
00:52:09I, have you gone completely wacko?
00:52:11I think, I think maybe I have.
00:52:13Listen, I'm going to get my car, and I'm going
00:52:14to take you home right now.
00:52:15No, no, no, no, no.
00:52:16I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm.
00:52:22I'll see you tomorrow.
00:52:47I gotta go back.
00:52:51I gotta go back.
00:52:52You gotta do what?
00:52:54Sam, I gotta see my little boy.
00:52:58I gotta see my baby.
00:53:02You got a baby, and you didn't tell me?
00:53:04You didn't.
00:53:05I can't believe, I left my kids for you, for you.
00:53:08I'm sorry.
00:53:09I'm sorry.
00:53:10I'm sorry.
00:53:10I'm sorry.
00:53:11I'm sorry.
00:53:12I'm sorry.
00:53:13I'm sorry.
00:53:14I'm sorry.
00:53:14I'm sorry.
00:53:15For you.
00:53:17I don't care what you say, you take me back to my kids.
00:53:21Right now.
00:53:22That's what you want.
00:53:42Your daddy isn't the only one that
00:53:43wants to see you protected.
00:53:45And I still know people in this town.
00:53:47So we're going to find out what we're
00:53:48going to uncover about him.
00:53:50Yeah, well, I feel like a cheapskate.
00:54:01Mrs. Server?
00:54:08I was important in this town, you know.
00:54:09I was the mayor.
00:54:11Sure you were.
00:54:13How's in the choir?
00:54:19Sam Doonby.
00:54:22Do you remember a boy named Sam Doonby?
00:54:30I remember a woman by the name of Doonby,
00:54:33a cheap little floozy.
00:54:34Do you remember her first name?
00:54:42Lucy Mae, that's what it was.
00:54:46Trash, trash.
00:54:47Do you know what happened to her?
00:54:52She up and left right after.
00:54:58Right after?
00:55:00Right after what?
00:55:02Didn't Lucy Mae have a boy named Sam?
00:55:06She had lots of boys.
00:55:08She got her just as hurt for what she done.
00:55:11What do you mean by that?
00:55:12You're going to find out.
00:55:13You're all going to find out.
00:55:14You got a second chance.
00:55:15Take a girl while you can, or you'll just be sorry.
00:55:20You'll all be so sorry.
00:55:21Mama, she's crazy, huh?
00:55:24I'm going.
00:55:26Mom, she's crazy.
00:55:32Sam never had a chance.
00:55:34You'll be sorry.
00:55:36Did she just say Sam?
00:55:38What did you mean by Sam?
00:55:40Laura, come on.
00:55:41You'll be sorry.
00:55:42What did she mean by Sam?
00:55:44No way.
00:55:45Spooky, huh?
00:55:46Yeah, it was.
00:55:47Hey, girl, will you pass me those fire tongs?
00:55:49Yeah, sure.
00:55:50Here you go.
00:55:51Thanks, darling.
00:55:52You know, what about your dad?
00:55:54I mean, that must have been a strange evening, too.
00:55:56Yeah, it was.
00:55:57I mean, it was.
00:55:58It was.
00:55:59It was.
00:55:59It was.
00:56:00It was.
00:56:01It was.
00:56:02It was.
00:56:03Yeah, it was.
00:56:05I think Sam won't talk about it.
00:56:07I don't know.
00:56:07I guess he'll tell me one day.
00:56:09He'll tell you one day?
00:56:10Well, it has a ring of permanence about it.
00:56:12Yeah, we'll see.
00:56:13All right, well, this all looks like fun.
00:56:16Shame I didn't get an invite.
00:56:17Oh, not this time.
00:56:18Just Tony and me.
00:56:20It's his first night off in a week.
00:56:21You cooking?
00:56:22Oh, girl, you crazy.
00:56:23You know it's a guy thing when it comes to burning meat.
00:56:25I wouldn't be able to come tonight if I wanted to.
00:56:28Mm-hmm, because I'm rustling him up a treat.
00:56:31She slips on a new face and slides off downtown.
00:56:39Looking for a good house for my wife and I.
00:56:42You don't deserve me, Mr. Sam Doonby.
00:56:46Oh, if that's not you, honey, saying
00:56:50that you're going to be early, you're
00:56:51going to spoil everything.
00:56:52And I just lit the candles.
00:56:53And I just want this to be a special night for you.
00:56:56Oh, I bet you do, Laura.
00:56:58You do special things for lots of guys.
00:57:03Listen, you don't scare me, you sad degenerate.
00:57:06That's no way to talk to a friend.
00:57:09You're not my friend.
00:57:10I wouldn't be too sure about that.
00:57:14Listen, Sam will be here in just a minute.
00:57:16No, he won't.
00:57:18He's driving back from Austin.
00:57:20Traffic's bad, I hear.
00:57:23Leave me alone.
00:57:24What do you want from me?
00:57:35Tony, I'm so glad it's you.
00:57:38Wow, what a welcome.
00:57:39Are you OK?
00:57:41Yes, just some weird calls that scared me a bit.
00:57:44Did you tell Sam?
00:57:45No, I didn't.
00:57:46I didn't tell her.
00:57:47I didn't tell her.
00:57:48I didn't tell her.
00:57:49I didn't tell her.
00:57:50I didn't tell her.
00:57:51I didn't tell her.
00:57:52I didn't tell her.
00:57:53Did you tell Sam?
00:57:54No, no, I don't want him to think I'm neurotic.
00:57:57He's one lucky guy.
00:57:58Yeah, I keep telling him the same thing.
00:58:01So how was your dinner with Jess?
00:58:03Yeah, she, uh, she went to see her mother.
00:58:06Oh, do you want a beer?
00:58:07Or I've got a cold chardonnay in the fridge.
00:58:11Which is it, a beer or a wine?
00:58:14Beer will be just fine.
00:58:15All right.
00:58:18So what did you want to talk about?
00:58:22You want to give me some space?
00:58:24You want to give me some room?
00:58:27I'm your friend.
00:58:34Oh, Lord, help me.
00:58:36So that was you?
00:58:39Come on, Tony.
00:58:40The calls, the texts.
00:58:41What's wrong with you?
00:58:42Come on, Tony.
00:58:43What's wrong with you, huh?
00:58:45What is wrong with you, my pretty little small town hooker?
00:58:48Oh, quit messing around.
00:58:51Oh, that's funny.
00:58:52Coming from you, huh?
00:58:54I see you night after night strutting
00:58:56your stuff on the town, huh?
00:58:58Swaying your hips this way and that,
00:59:00just so you can hide that teeny little skirt up
00:59:03just a wee bit more.
00:59:05You're hurting me.
00:59:06Let go.
00:59:07Tony, let go.
00:59:09I just wanted to talk.
00:59:12OK, we'll talk.
00:59:14We'll talk.
00:59:15Just take it easy.
00:59:22Just take it easy.
00:59:30Oh, no.
00:59:31Tony, no.
00:59:35What are you doing, Laura, huh?
00:59:37Why do you play with us like that?
00:59:39I wasn't playing with you.
00:59:41Laura, your little game's over.
00:59:44And guess who's the winner, huh?
00:59:46So now let's take a look at first prize, huh?
00:59:50Oh, my god.
00:59:56Oh, my god.
00:59:59Whoa, hey, hey, Tony, stop.
01:00:01She hurt me.
01:00:02Now I'm going to punish her.
01:00:04Hey, hey, you stay right there.
01:00:06What are you talking about?
01:00:07OK, lover boy.
01:00:08Maybe I'll just take care of you first, huh?
01:00:10Who are you?
01:00:11Sam Doomby, the man from nowhere.
01:00:14Come to our town, start taking over our lives,
01:00:17Taking over our women, my women.
01:00:19I'm not your woman.
01:00:22She's not your woman.
01:00:23Yes, she is.
01:00:24She's not your woman.
01:00:25They're all my women.
01:00:26Her, Jess, that floozy behind the bar.
01:00:29They all belong to me.
01:00:30Listen to me for a second.
01:00:31You need help.
01:00:31You need serious help.
01:00:32You start analyzing me, huh?
01:00:34I've had enough of you oh-so-smart counselors.
01:00:37All your hours and hours of talking,
01:00:39your little group therapy sessions with a bunch
01:00:41of weirdo losers.
01:00:42You know what?
01:00:44I showed them all that you're not going to mess with me.
01:00:47Who is this, Tony?
01:00:50You know very well about New York.
01:00:53Did you hurt somebody in New York, Tony?
01:00:58Did you hurt somebody in New York, Tony?
01:01:00She deserved it.
01:01:02Like all the others, like her.
01:01:12It's OK.
01:01:13It's OK. Come on.
01:01:14Come on. Come on.
01:01:15Come on.
01:01:16It's OK.
01:01:17It's OK.
01:01:18He tried to kill me.
01:01:20He tried to kill me.
01:01:22I'm sorry.
01:01:55Hey, Sheriff.
01:01:57Hey, I'll hold on to that.
01:02:00Did you have a good time?
01:02:01Getting too old for these outdoor holidays
01:02:03with the family, Charlie.
01:02:06You know they had me whitewater rafting?
01:02:08Well, they must just figure you don't get
01:02:10enough excitement down here.
01:02:11Judging from the news bulletin I saw,
01:02:13it appears I missed a whole lot of fun the other day.
01:02:16You look good on TV, Charlie.
01:02:19Thank you, Debbie.
01:02:20Now, Sheriff, don't be telling him that.
01:02:22He's already got the fame bug.
01:02:23He's holding his 38 like this.
01:02:25No, I don't.
01:02:25Yes, you do. Yes, you do.
01:02:26I've never done that in a day in my life.
01:02:27Yes, you do.
01:02:30OK, so what do we got?
01:02:31Well, I worked really hard on this, sir.
01:02:35To me, it's pretty straightforward.
01:02:37Tony Valdini is his real name, not Medano.
01:02:42He spent five years in the New York mental institution.
01:02:45They reckon he killed his mother.
01:02:48She's a hooker.
01:02:53Got her.
01:02:54I'm sorry.
01:02:55You don't even know why I sat like that.
01:02:57Like I said, she's a woman of the night
01:02:59and got herself stabbed 20, 30 times.
01:03:01But they never pinned it on him.
01:03:04Ain't that a felony in New York these days?
01:03:05Well, I mean, they never found the murder weapon.
01:03:07So they could never prove it.
01:03:09But he tested positive for crazy anyway.
01:03:12And they sent him off to the funny farm like a shot.
01:03:16What the heck is he doing now?
01:03:17Well, sir, they let him out for the weekend, I guess,
01:03:20and thought he's OK.
01:03:21And he R-U-N-O-F-T.
01:03:25Well, it looks like these guys in New York
01:03:26are going to be answering for something.
01:03:32Why don't you sit down, Trevor?
01:03:34Jennifer, I appreciate that.
01:03:36Take a load off here.
01:03:38Funny thing is, he never, he never,
01:03:42ever hurt his girlfriend.
01:03:43Jessica Gordon, you know, the one who got the boutique
01:03:45up there on Main Street?
01:03:46Of course I know her.
01:03:47Because I know you and I are kind of simpatico.
01:03:50You're probably wondering what's wrong with her, right?
01:03:53Tell you what I'm wondering, Charlie.
01:03:55Wondering who is this white knight.
01:03:57Sam Doonby.
01:04:00Yes, sir.
01:04:01What sort of name is Doonby?
01:04:03Yeah, yeah, I was wondering that.
01:04:04I figure Irish.
01:04:06Think he could be an Irish gypsy?
01:04:08I don't know.
01:04:09It's hard to tell.
01:04:10He ain't got a shamrock behind his ear or anything, sir.
01:04:13But I will say, this town was a whole heck of a lot
01:04:15quieter when he wasn't here.
01:04:18That's a fact.
01:04:21Where's he from?
01:04:22Well, he says he's from Parkerville, Louisiana.
01:04:25Well, is he?
01:04:26Well, nobody up there knows anything about him.
01:04:27I mean, they reckon he's brought up in an orphanage.
01:04:29But the whole place burned down in 70.
01:04:31And all the records went with it.
01:04:32Talking about records.
01:04:35Is he in the system?
01:04:37No, I checked, triple checked, as a matter of fact.
01:04:39And fingerprints don't match up.
01:04:41He's never even had, as far as I can tell,
01:04:43so much as a speeding ticket.
01:04:44Social security number?
01:04:46Yes, sir.
01:04:46Yeah, it's right there.
01:04:50Somewhere in there.
01:04:53Well, nothing suspicious about this guy's death.
01:04:55No, sir.
01:04:56From what I was able to deduce, Doonby showed
01:04:59up almost right in time.
01:05:02Where can I find this man of mystery?
01:05:03Well, last I seen him, I believe he said
01:05:05he's headed over to the library.
01:05:06Did I ever tell you I enjoy a good book?
01:05:08No, sir. No, sir.
01:05:09You did not.
01:05:10But I will get you one for Christmas or your birthday,
01:05:12whichever comes first.
01:05:13OK, Charlie.
01:05:14Well, uh, all right, then.
01:05:15We'll hold down the fort here.
01:05:17Don't make yourself comfortable.
01:05:23Look, I want you to check out this Doonby character.
01:05:26You're telling me my job, Cyrus?
01:05:28No, no.
01:05:29The guy just gives me the creeps, that's all.
01:05:32Why, you're suggesting that it wasn't self-defense?
01:05:34No, no.
01:05:35He's just got this strange hold over Laura.
01:05:39Cyrus, I got to tell you, you're a darn fine doctor.
01:05:44One of the best.
01:05:45I'd send anyone in my family to you
01:05:47because I trust your judgment.
01:05:48I appreciate that, Tom.
01:05:49You're a pro.
01:05:50You tell me they need an op, I take your word for it.
01:05:53Because you're the boss when medicine's concerned.
01:05:55Now me, my area of expertise is the law.
01:06:00I'm a cop, and I don't mind telling you
01:06:02I'm a darn fine cop.
01:06:03You know that.
01:06:03So you do your job, Cyrus, and leave me to do mine.
01:06:07The boy's dead, and that's a serious thing.
01:06:10Your Laura is alive.
01:06:12So whatever the story is around here, you ought to be grateful.
01:06:18Excuse me, I got some work to do.
01:06:24What do you think?
01:06:27Oh, hi, Sheriff.
01:06:29You must be Sam Doonby.
01:06:32Sheriff Woodley.
01:06:33Yeah, hi.
01:06:34I'm Sam Doonby, Sheriff.
01:06:37What do you say we go across the road
01:06:39and have a little get to prayer meeting?
01:06:40I already talked to you, Deputy Sheriff.
01:06:42I answered every question he had.
01:06:43Laura was there.
01:06:44She was a witness to my statement.
01:06:45Yeah, Sam saved my life.
01:06:49Tony was crazy, Sheriff.
01:06:50He had a knife.
01:06:52What am I supposed to do?
01:06:54The law allows you to use reasonable force.
01:06:56It's quite all right.
01:06:58So I use reasonable force, but is there some sort of a problem?
01:07:00Nobody knows nothing about you, Sam.
01:07:03I can call you Sam.
01:07:04You can call me whatever you want.
01:07:09You see, it's like this.
01:07:10When folks can't put people in their own little compartment,
01:07:13it makes them uneasy, kind of like you are right now.
01:07:16I'm not uneasy, Sheriff.
01:07:17We've been trying to check you out, Sam,
01:07:20and can't find a darn thing about you.
01:07:23No credit rate, no listing.
01:07:25It's like you never existed.
01:07:27See, it's like this, Sheriff.
01:07:29I already talked to you, Deputy.
01:07:30I answered every question he had.
01:07:31You ever been in jail somewhere?
01:07:35Sam, do me a favor, please, and don't leave town.
01:07:40I've got no intention of leaving town, Sheriff.
01:07:42That's good.
01:07:43Thank you.
01:07:45So can I go?
01:07:47You going to arrest me, or what?
01:07:48You're free to go.
01:07:49You're free to have him in jail.
01:07:50Just don't leave town.
01:07:54It was so very nice meeting you, Sheriff.
01:07:56And nice meeting you, Sam.
01:07:59Come on.
01:08:00Bye, Sheriff.
01:08:05Where's Sam tonight?
01:08:06It's only 5.30.
01:08:07It don't start till 7.
01:08:08Maybe you should tell him to stay home tonight.
01:08:12We'll see how it goes.
01:08:15Well, there's trouble.
01:08:17Police showing up.
01:08:18It's bad for business.
01:08:19Chagin's been half what it should be the last two nights.
01:08:21Well, it's still better than it was before he came.
01:08:26Look, I got an errand to run.
01:08:29Can you manage for an hour?
01:08:30If we don't get trampled by the city,
01:08:32Can you manage for an hour?
01:08:33If we don't get trampled by the stampede.
01:08:59Hi, Sam.
01:09:01What are you doing here, Jolene?
01:09:02Waiting for you.
01:09:05You've got more than an hour before you have to be at work.
01:09:10Very funny.
01:09:12Look, you got to get out of here.
01:09:15This is no time to start messing around.
01:09:17Oh, I think it's a perfect time to start messing around.
01:09:23So why don't you take them jeans off and come on over here?
01:09:29What are you doing, Jolene?
01:09:32There you are, Sam.
01:09:34I'm right here waiting for you.
01:09:36I need you to put your clothes back on,
01:09:38Because Laura's gonna be walking through that door any minute.
01:09:41No, she ain't.
01:09:43I saw her driving over to Jess's,
01:09:45So the way I see it, she won't be back for hours.
01:09:51What was it like, Sam?
01:09:53What was what like?
01:09:55Killing a guy.
01:10:00You ever killed a guy before?
01:10:03You're not right, Jolene.
01:10:07It was right over there, wasn't it?
01:10:10I mean, did he, uh...
01:10:13Scream or anything?
01:10:15Any blood come out of his mouth?
01:10:17I can't believe this.
01:10:19Makes me feel kind of weird, you know?
01:10:22Makes me feel kind of weird, you know?
01:10:24I mean, I've seen Tony looking at me sort of strange a few times,
01:10:27But lots of guys look at me in the bar,
01:10:30And I never thought nothing of it.
01:10:33I just think all that time he had a fantasy
01:10:36About cutting me up or hurting me,
01:10:39Just like he was doing to Laura till you came by.
01:10:43I must have given you a buzz.
01:10:46I need you to leave now, Jolene.
01:10:50Come on.
01:10:53You reckon she let him on?
01:10:57I mean, why her, not me?
01:11:02I don't have to stand here and listen to this.
01:11:04I want you to understand something, okay?
01:11:06Laura and I are together.
01:11:08Tony was touched in the head.
01:11:12I did what I had to do. I didn't want to kill him.
01:11:15I didn't enjoy killing him. I didn't like killing him.
01:11:17I sure didn't get any buzz out of doing it.
01:11:21In fact, I pray every day that Tony was still alive.
01:11:27I'm not making love to you, Jolene.
01:11:31Not tonight, not tomorrow,
01:11:35Not next week, not ever.
01:11:38So I want you to get your stuff together,
01:11:41Put your clothes on, and get out of my house.
01:11:45So that's it, huh?
01:11:48I'm not good enough for you?
01:11:50Come on.
01:11:51I don't got a daddy that's got more money than cents.
01:11:55I've had to fight for all I got.
01:11:58What she ever had to do for herself, huh?
01:12:01She's never had to wash dishes or sling hash
01:12:05Or work at hostess bars for lousy tips.
01:12:10She just drives on up in her fancy little sports car,
01:12:14Drinking herself under the table,
01:12:16Picking up cheapskate barflies like you.
01:12:19And then she sleeps all day and does it all over again,
01:12:22Her and her yuppie friends.
01:12:25Well, I'll show you and her and her high and mighty family
01:12:31You're all gonna be sorry you laughed at me.
01:12:36Hey, look, nobody laughed at you.
01:12:38I never laughed at you.
01:12:39Just get out of my way.
01:12:50This town is full of crazy people.
01:12:56Dr. Reefer?
01:12:57Ah, yes, ma'am.
01:12:58I'm sorry I just closed for the evening.
01:13:00I'm sorry.
01:13:01Um, I got a real bad pain right here.
01:13:04All right, you make an appointment.
01:13:06We'll see you in the morning.
01:13:07Oh, please, I'm scared.
01:13:09I mean, are you a doctor?
01:13:11Yes, of course I am.
01:13:12But I don't have a staff available right now.
01:13:15I mean, if you're that bad, you go to the hospital.
01:13:17Please, doctor, look, that's a long way off.
01:13:20Can't you just check me out real quick?
01:13:23Look, I need a nurse present.
01:13:25I can't do that.
01:13:26Look, it'll only take a minute.
01:13:29And I ain't gonna tell no one.
01:13:31Can't you just give me a break?
01:13:33Look, I just need to know it ain't nothing bad.
01:13:37All right, come on, come on, quickly.
01:13:39Come on.
01:13:41You fellas taking it easy tonight?
01:13:44Well, if it's a waistline problem, it ain't that.
01:13:47Things just ain't the same around here anymore.
01:13:49Those cop cars parked outside have anything to do with it?
01:13:51Yeah, what are they doing here anyways?
01:13:53Just applying a little pressure, so.
01:13:55Where's Golden Boy anyway?
01:13:57He's out back in the store.
01:13:59You know, things were plain simple before he came around.
01:14:02You sure saved your hide, didn't you, Dwayne?
01:14:04And Leroy's here.
01:14:05Oh, yeah?
01:14:06Maybe the situation wouldn't have happened if you weren't around.
01:14:08What do you mean by that?
01:14:09I don't know, just a feeling's all.
01:14:12Hey, gentlemen, how's it going tonight?
01:14:14Fine, just fine.
01:14:16Well, it doesn't look like it's going fine, Archie.
01:14:18Let me guess, why would that be?
01:14:20Is it because Jolene's not in here,
01:14:21so you could get a look at her butt in that tight little skirt?
01:14:24Is she late?
01:14:25She's always late.
01:14:26Well, she's not always an hour late.
01:14:28We should probably give her a call.
01:14:31I'll bet you that's her right now.
01:14:36Hey, hey, hey, hang on, hang on, hang on.
01:14:40It's for you, it's your own personal wild child.
01:14:47Yeah, hey, calm down, yeah.
01:14:50I'm coming down there, right now.
01:14:52I'm on my way.
01:14:53I need some time off, Jolene's not coming in tonight.
01:14:55Jolene? I thought that was Laura.
01:14:57It was.
01:14:58She's down at the police station.
01:14:59Jolene just accused Cyrus of sexual assault.
01:15:06What are you doing?
01:15:07What's going on in there, Jolene?
01:15:08Why are you lying?
01:15:10Okay, calm down here.
01:15:11Now, Miss Jolene in there is real upset.
01:15:13She says that she went to Cyrus' clinic,
01:15:15and he jumped her.
01:15:19Come on.
01:15:20And she's got evidence.
01:15:21What kind of evidence does she say she has?
01:15:22She's got bruises and abrasions all over her.
01:15:24Personal private areas.
01:15:25I can't believe I'm singing to this.
01:15:27Barbara Ann, I'm not jumping to any conclusions,
01:15:29but I think you should get an attorney for Cyrus.
01:15:31He's going to need one.
01:15:32My dad would not rip anyone.
01:15:33Tom, do you know how many years you've known my husband?
01:15:35About as long as you've known him, Barbara Ann.
01:15:37Okay, can I talk to you in private for just a minute, please?
01:15:40How'd I know you'd come by, doobie?
01:15:43Kit, sweetheart.
01:15:44You got something to tell me?
01:15:45Go ahead.
01:15:46Barbara Ann, make sure she's okay.
01:15:47Thank you.
01:15:51You got anything to back this up?
01:16:13No wonder you didn't want Miss Laurie in on your conversation.
01:16:16Nothing happened.
01:16:21This used to be a nice, quiet town
01:16:23until you showed up.
01:16:26Since then, we've had hold-ups, runaway trucks,
01:16:31violent death, and attempted rape.
01:16:35And you seem to be involved in all of it, Sam, doobie.
01:16:54You gotta tell me what you use for aftershave.
01:16:57Because every woman in this town seems to have the hots for you.
01:17:09Jolene, I want you to know that I'm
01:17:12real sorry for what happened to you, okay?
01:17:17I don't think any young girl should go through what you went through here.
01:17:20It's terrible.
01:17:22But I need your help with something, okay?
01:17:32Is this yours, honey?
01:17:35What if it is?
01:17:38Well, then you could be in a whole lot of trouble
01:17:40for false accusation.
01:17:44I ain't lying.
01:17:45Well, then what do you call it?
01:17:46I told you what happened.
01:17:48I went to the clinic and he attacked me.
01:17:51Why won't you believe me?
01:17:52Sam, doobie told me that you went over there and you seduced him.
01:17:55What about these, huh?
01:17:56Look, you could have done them yourself.
01:17:59Okay, now, do you understand something?
01:18:00I'm gonna put this through forensics.
01:18:02We're gonna have forensics on the doctor.
01:18:03I ain't a liar.
01:18:04Then what are you?
01:18:06I ain't a liar!
01:18:09I want you back here in the morning, young lady.
01:18:11You've got some explaining to do.
01:18:13This ain't over.
01:18:14This ain't over.
01:18:16And you're the tramp.
01:18:17You don't want to go.
01:18:18Hey, hey, hey.
01:18:19Seriously, what did you say to her?
01:18:23Yes, sir.
01:18:24Go get Dr. Ripa.
01:18:25Tell him you can go home.
01:18:26You let him out of the cell.
01:18:28I thought he's a fine risk.
01:18:31What happened between you and Jolene?
01:18:33She came on to me.
01:18:34That's all.
01:18:35Oh, and I suppose without any encouragement?
01:18:37She wanted something from me and I wouldn't give it to her.
01:18:38She got mad.
01:18:39That's it.
01:18:40Oh, and I can't imagine what that thing was.
01:18:42Oh, Laura, don't be so dumb.
01:18:44Yes, that's right.
01:18:45I am dumb.
01:18:46And I have been dumb all these weeks.
01:18:48But what does that have to do with my dad?
01:18:50She set him up.
01:18:53She set him up.
01:18:54She wants to get even with me, with you,
01:18:55with God, with the world.
01:18:56I don't know.
01:18:58I don't believe you.
01:19:00You can believe whatever you want.
01:19:01But for the last time, there is nothing going on
01:19:03between Jolene and me.
01:19:05She's crazy.
01:19:06In fact, this whole town is a little crazy.
01:19:09What is your problem with my dad?
01:19:11I don't have to like the guy, OK?
01:19:13I got my reasons.
01:19:14They're personal reasons.
01:19:16I love you.
01:19:17I don't have to love your father.
01:19:19But what did he ever do to you?
01:19:21What has he ever done to you?
01:19:22You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
01:19:23Now is not the time, Laura.
01:19:26What is that supposed to mean?
01:19:30I don't have to stand out here in the middle of the street
01:19:32in the middle of the night and explain myself to you.
01:19:34You need to think about it.
01:19:35Think about it.
01:19:36I got to run a bar and I got a rehearsal for tomorrow.
01:19:57Heard from an old friend that you were coming home.
01:20:05Been too long years since you've gone.
01:20:11Could have just sent me a simple little card or note.
01:20:19Guess in your heart you have moved on.
01:20:24But I ain't gone anywhere I could say.
01:20:28I still work down at Chairman Bay.
01:20:32Twice a week I play cards out with the boys.
01:20:38I still carry a torch for you.
01:20:42But the flame is a deeper blue.
01:20:46Just in case you care.
01:20:49I ain't going anywhere.
01:20:58Just in case you care.
01:21:03I ain't going anywhere.
01:21:08Just in case you care.
01:21:21Hey, love boy. You miss me?
01:21:25I was worried about you if that's what you're talking about.
01:21:27You okay?
01:21:28I haven't been better.
01:21:31You finished early tonight, haven't you?
01:21:34I wasn't very busy.
01:21:35Leroy said I could have the rest of the night off.
01:21:36I've got a big day tomorrow.
01:21:38Oh, that's right.
01:21:39You're going to Austin.
01:21:40It's a delight.
01:21:42I feel bad for poor old Eric Clapton having to follow you on stage.
01:21:47Would you like some coffee?
01:21:48Does it look like I want any coffee?
01:21:52You're not smiling.
01:21:56Don't you know you're so cute when you smile?
01:22:01Okay, okay. All right.
01:22:02So I'll smile.
01:22:06How was the rest of your night?
01:22:09You know, my bunch of drama. I went home.
01:22:12Dad's calling all the lawyers in town.
01:22:14He's going to sue her.
01:22:15She is not going to have a t-shirt to her name by the time he's through with her.
01:22:21She should have known better than to mess with the Reapers.
01:22:26I don't think that's fair.
01:22:27I think you ought to leave her alone.
01:22:29So you are soft on her.
01:22:31Please. We've been through this whole thing, okay?
01:22:34Some of it.
01:22:35Anyways, anyways, I went over to Jessica's.
01:22:37How's she doing?
01:22:39She's mending slowly, but we had a...
01:22:45So we had a few drinks.
01:22:47I'm so sorry.
01:22:48Is that a fact?
01:22:52Here. Do you want me to wash that in the morning?
01:22:55Or I could just get it off right now for you.
01:22:58No, no. Hey, I think it's time for you to go.
01:23:00What do you think?
01:23:01It's time for you to go home.
01:23:02Oh, I'm not going home.
01:23:05Your father's had a bad enough day.
01:23:08I'm sorry.
01:23:10Alright, you should sleep here.
01:23:11Right here.
01:23:13I'll sleep on the couch.
01:23:14You're a wrestler. Sleep on the couch.
01:23:17Hey, hey, hey.
01:23:20You are one naughty young girl.
01:23:24So now you're noticing.
01:23:26Now look.
01:23:31What is this?
01:23:34I told you she was here.
01:23:35She wanted something from me.
01:23:36I didn't give it to her.
01:23:37She got mad.
01:23:38You expect me to believe that?
01:23:39Yes, it's the truth.
01:23:40It's obviously a set-up.
01:23:43One open set-up.
01:23:49I know you hide that over there.
01:23:50I found it.
01:23:54You need help.
01:23:55Don't you tell me that I need help.
01:23:58Don't even say that.
01:24:01You're the reason I drink.
01:24:02Oh, come on.
01:24:03Oh, yes you are!
01:24:07I can't believe I trusted you.
01:24:09You know what you do?
01:24:10You indulge in emotional rape.
01:24:12Tell a girl you love her.
01:24:14Show her juices at the physical side, doesn't it?
01:24:17Come on, you know that's not true.
01:24:18Oh, that is not true?
01:24:19Is that what you're saying is not true?
01:24:22You know what?
01:24:23My dad was right about you.
01:24:26You are no good drifter.
01:24:29Don't you think that's a little bit unfair, Laura?
01:24:32I don't think it's unfair!
01:24:33I don't think it's unfair at all!
01:24:35You pull this load out.
01:24:37I pull that out.
01:24:38We should be so graced here in Smithville.
01:24:40How you saved my little baby Rockwell.
01:24:44How you saved my dad.
01:24:45And how you saved me from a near-death experience
01:24:48because you know what?
01:24:50If you never came, none of this would have happened.
01:24:53Do you get that?
01:24:54Shut up.
01:24:55You are a cheat.
01:24:56I'm not looking for your gratitude.
01:24:57Oh, good.
01:24:58Because as night follows day, you're not getting anything.
01:25:01You and all your pussy ways.
01:25:04Thinking you're God's gift to creation, don't you?
01:25:09And this stupid diary.
01:25:12Hey, give me that.
01:25:13What is so special about your life?
01:25:16Get out of here!
01:25:18Your life!
01:25:22Hide your guitar.
01:25:23No, no, don't.
01:25:25Hey, Laura.
01:25:26You know what?
01:25:27Everybody laughs at you.
01:25:28You're beautiful.
01:25:29And how are you pregnant?
01:25:33I'll touch you.
01:25:35Let's see how they like this out.
01:25:36No, Laura, don't.
01:25:37Let's see how they like this out!
01:25:54You feel better?
01:25:56A whole lot better.
01:25:59What do you want me to be?
01:26:00You want me to be your drinking buddy?
01:26:01You want me to be your enabler?
01:26:04I don't want you to be my enabler.
01:26:08You want me to be your shoulder to cry on?
01:26:12I'm not going to be crying anymore once you're out of my life.
01:26:15Whatever it is you want me to be, I would be delighted to be that.
01:26:19But what do you want me to be?
01:26:21I want you to listen up really hard.
01:26:29I don't want you to be...
01:26:39Did you hear that?
01:26:44I don't want you to be...
01:26:49I don't want you to be...
01:27:01You get the message, Buster?
01:27:03I don't want you to be...
01:27:18I don't want you to be...
01:27:48I don't want you to be...
01:28:49Oh, God.
01:29:00Where am I?
01:29:31What happened here?
01:29:35Where's Sam?
01:29:36Sam who?
01:29:37Don't give me that.
01:29:38Where's Sam?
01:29:39Look, little girl, don't start shouting at me.
01:29:41I don't know any Sam.
01:29:43He's your bartender.
01:29:44He works for you and Leroy.
01:29:45What, are you going crazy?
01:29:47He's getting to you, too, just like your pa.
01:29:49Leroy is dead.
01:29:51Those two drifters shot him when they came in here
01:29:53and held up the place.
01:29:54You were here.
01:29:55Sam saved him.
01:29:56Oh, I've had it.
01:29:57Night after night.
01:29:58I don't know why I agreed to let you stay in that storeroom.
01:30:01Look, get your old man and get out of here
01:30:03before I change my mind about that, too.
01:30:15Daddy, come on.
01:30:19I didn't touch that hussy!
01:30:21I didn't touch that hussy!
01:30:23Touch who, Daddy?
01:30:24Touch who?
01:30:25My practice treats me like a criminal
01:30:28all because of that filthy accusation!
01:30:32That's enough!
01:30:33They didn't have some compassion
01:30:35after Rockwell Jr. was killed!
01:30:39Rockwell Jr.
01:30:41He's alive.
01:30:43It's Rockwell that's dead.
01:30:44Take him out of here before I call the police again.
01:30:47Rockwell's alive.
01:30:48Sam, Sam saved him.
01:30:50He got him out.
01:30:51He saved him, Daddy, right before the truck came.
01:30:54Daddy, Rockwell.
01:30:56Look at me.
01:30:58Rockwell Jr. is dead just like Leroy is dead
01:31:01and they ain't ever gonna come back again.
01:31:04What is this?
01:31:05What is going on?
01:31:08What are you doing, Sam?
01:31:20Is Lisa there?
01:31:22No, listen, I'm looking for Sam.
01:31:24Sam who?
01:31:25Don't give me that!
01:31:26Sam Doonby!
01:31:27Look, Laura, it's late.
01:31:29The three of us had a great time the other night.
01:31:32You gotta come over for dinner sometime.
01:31:34Maybe next weekend, huh?
01:31:38Anton, can I help you?
01:31:41I need to speak to Sam Doonby.
01:31:43He's opening for Eric Clafton.
01:31:45Sorry, lady.
01:31:46We got no one opening for Eric.
01:31:48Maybe you got the wrong place.
01:31:51Sam, where are you?
01:31:57Where are you?
01:32:14Oh, God.
01:32:25Oh, God.
01:32:43Oh, God.
01:33:11Hey, there.
01:33:12Is Loretta around?
01:33:13She ain't here tonight, Lucy May.
01:33:15Her mama's sick.
01:33:16She gotta stay with her.
01:33:18Hey, just tone it down.
01:33:20I'll be right with you.
01:33:23Put it on the tab, Josh.
01:33:26Ain't much room on the page.
01:33:32Hi, Lucy May.
01:33:33You want some lemonade?
01:33:34No, no.
01:33:36Loretta, I gotta talk.
01:33:37Keep your voice low, Lucy May.
01:33:39Mama's down with a fever.
01:33:41Brad's over at the Jack of Diamonds motel.
01:33:43He asked me to go away with him.
01:33:45What about his wife?
01:33:46She don't know how to look after herself.
01:33:48Brad says she ain't got time for him no more.
01:33:50Girl, you crazy.
01:33:51How many times I heard that before?
01:33:53You told him?
01:33:54Of course I ain't told him.
01:33:55How are you supposed to tell a guy
01:33:57who reckons you're his own personal property
01:33:59that you're three months pregnant?
01:34:01What you gonna do?
01:34:05I'm gonna go over to that new young doctor's clinic.
01:34:08He told me to come by when it was all closed up.
01:34:10What do you mean?
01:34:12I got some money saved.
01:34:15I'm out of here.
01:34:16I came to say goodbye.
01:34:17You mean you're...
01:34:18What do you expect me to do, huh?
01:34:20This is the last chance I'm gonna have
01:34:22to get out of this stupid little backwater,
01:34:24and I'm gonna take it.
01:34:26Me and Brad's going to Florida, and that is that.
01:34:29And what about the baby?
01:34:30Last night you even had a name for him.
01:34:32Sam Wernit.
01:34:35That was a joke.
01:34:36That was a joke.
01:34:37What sort of a life
01:34:38would he have to look forward to anyway?
01:34:48Are you okay, Lucy May?
01:34:49Of course I am.
01:34:50Why wouldn't I be?
01:34:55Hey, Lucy May,
01:34:56where are you going in such a hurry?
01:34:58None of your business, Nancy.
01:34:59Sorry, honey, I just thought I'd ask.
01:35:01I'm late for an appointment.
01:35:03I hope you're not about to do something crazy.
01:35:05I don't need your advice.
01:35:07You don't have to do this.
01:35:10There are plenty of good folks here that can help you,
01:35:13folks that care for you.
01:35:14Oh, yeah?
01:35:15Well, where have these good folks
01:35:17been these past three or four years, huh?
01:35:19They just pass you by
01:35:21and whisper behind them lacy curtains.
01:35:23What happened to the father?
01:35:24He just ran off.
01:35:26Just like Mr. Thurber, huh?
01:35:28That was his decision.
01:35:29He's got that same devil's curse you have.
01:35:31What curse would that be, huh?
01:35:33The urge to laugh and dance,
01:35:35to feel alive,
01:35:36to see something outside of Parker County?
01:35:38You should have thought of that before.
01:35:40Before what?
01:35:42Before I made one tiny mistake?
01:35:44Tiny mistake?
01:35:45Is that how you look at that kid of yours?
01:35:47Children are a miracle, a gift from God.
01:35:49It's your duty to look after them good.
01:35:51You got responsibilities, girl.
01:35:55Well, maybe I have.
01:35:57But I'll make my own decisions, Nancy.
01:36:00She don't need any help from you.
01:36:08You sure this is gonna be okay, Doc?
01:36:10Ah, yeah.
01:36:11Just a quick, simple procedure.
01:36:13Nothing to it.
01:36:15You done a lot of these, huh?
01:36:17Ah, sure.
01:36:18There are a lot of girls like you.
01:36:20Made a mistake, got caught.
01:36:22Ah, don't worry.
01:36:23If you don't want it to be,
01:36:25then I'm the guy that fixes it.
01:36:31Oh, Sam.
01:36:33I'm sorry.
01:36:35I'm so, so sorry.
01:36:50I would have liked to know how you grew up.
01:36:53I'm sorry.
01:36:55I'm sorry.
01:36:57I'm sorry.
01:37:00What you did with your life,
01:37:03I know I'd been proud of you.
01:37:06I'd like to have been there
01:37:08to meet the girl you fell in love with.
01:37:11I bet she'd have been pretty.
01:37:15I bet she'd have been better than me.
01:37:19No, no, no.
01:37:23But I'm nobody, really.
01:37:31Why was he born so beautiful?
01:37:37Why was he born at all?
01:37:42He's no bloody use to anyone.
01:37:48He's no bloody use at all.
01:38:18He's no bloody use at all.
