After purchasing a house, Allyson and her fiancé Eric decide to rent out the guest house to cover the cost of some expenses HD ( Thriller )

  • last month
After purchasing a house, Allyson and her fiancé Eric decide to rent out the guest house to cover the cost of some expenses HD ( Thriller )
00:02:06Check it out.
00:02:11You don't see many properties like this one.
00:02:13I'm telling you, especially in this price range.
00:02:17You literally can't do better in this area right now.
00:02:20And the schools are in the top 5% in the county.
00:02:25Are you guys thinking about kids?
00:02:27We'll see.
00:02:28Yeah, we...
00:02:29Oh, sorry.
00:02:30I gotta take this.
00:02:32Seriously, what are we doing here?
00:02:34Can you really afford this?
00:02:35I'm gonna sell the condo.
00:02:37And I have enough money left over from the trust fund.
00:02:40It'll be fine.
00:02:42Yeah, I just, I wish I could contribute.
00:02:44Well, maybe if we were married, you could have some say in all this.
00:02:48And I would say we could wait until after the wedding,
00:02:51but since we don't have a date yet...
00:02:53And you heard her say, you don't get many opportunities like this.
00:02:57Yeah, but did you ask yourself why?
00:03:03So why is the house still furnished?
00:03:05It's like the owner's never left.
00:03:06Well, you're half right.
00:03:08The owner passed away rather suddenly.
00:03:10Oh, but not here.
00:03:12She died in the hospital, leaving all this behind.
00:03:16Her name was Marion Mitchell.
00:03:18The lawyers looked for her next of kin,
00:03:21but there were some issues there.
00:03:24And since the bank note was overdue and no one could pay it,
00:03:28they forced a sale, which is perhaps where you come in.
00:03:31Well, I mean, I don't mind the furnishings.
00:03:34I can always just keep whatever I like and donate the rest.
00:03:37It's what we like to call moving ready.
00:03:40Yeah, but it's still a little creepy, don't you think?
00:03:46Will you stop doubting? It's fine.
00:03:48Now, if you come with me.
00:03:52Oh, what's down here?
00:03:54Oh, you'll like it, I promise.
00:04:08Oh, honey, you've got to see this.
00:04:10What are you looking at?
00:04:12Oh, nothing.
00:04:14Hey, what's up there?
00:04:15Oh, just a crawl space, I think.
00:04:18It's where the heating ducts cross.
00:04:21All right.
00:04:23Okay, come on, I've got to show you.
00:04:26It's awesome.
00:04:32Well, what do you think?
00:04:34It's pretty great, huh?
00:04:36Yeah, it's amazing.
00:04:38There's not another house on the market with something like this.
00:04:41Imagine yourself relaxing in here after a long day at work, huh?
00:04:46We could have some quiet alone time.
00:04:50You don't think it's a bit much, do you?
00:04:52Oh, I absolutely think it's a bit much, but that's what I like about it.
00:04:57Let me show you the guest house.
00:04:59Guest house?
00:05:00Yes, it's a little secluded, but you guys will love it, I promise.
00:05:05Yeah, of course.
00:05:09Honey, you coming?
00:05:10Yeah, yeah.
00:05:17This way?
00:05:28One bedroom, one bath.
00:05:30The previous owners built this for their grandson, but you could always use it for an office.
00:05:36Some people do use their guest houses for a little extra income.
00:05:40Oh, that's a good idea.
00:05:42Could be a good chunk of the mortgage I'd never have to worry about.
00:05:46Are you serious?
00:05:47As serious as a marriage proposal.
00:05:52I love the kitchen in there.
00:05:56This is great.
00:06:01So, what do you guys think?
00:06:04I think I'd like to make an offer.
00:06:06I think maybe we should talk about this first, don't you?
00:06:11Eric, you know how these things go, I probably won't even get it.
00:06:14But it's worth trying, don't you agree?
00:06:17Allison, I like the way you think.
00:06:19Why don't we meet back at my office and we can talk about putting in an offer?
00:06:23I'm not so sure about this.
00:06:24We'll see you there.
00:06:26I'm going to go lock up.
00:06:29It'll be fine.
00:06:43Wow, beautiful house.
00:06:46Yes, yes it is.
00:06:48Unfortunately, I think it just went off the market.
00:06:51That's too bad.
00:06:52I guess if you snooze, you lose.
00:06:54Especially in this area.
00:06:56Well, did they offer full price?
00:06:59I'm sorry, I can't really discuss their business.
00:07:03For a foreclosure, that's a chunk of change.
00:07:06Not really for this property.
00:07:08Especially if you take the guest house into consideration.
00:07:11Guest house can always provide a certain amount of secondary income.
00:07:15You think they'd be willing to rent it out?
00:07:17I really don't know, but that's probably what I would do.
00:07:21Yeah, me too.
00:07:23Oh, thank you for your time.
00:07:25Sure, if you're interested in any of my other listings, the website's right here.
00:07:31Sure thing, thank you.
00:07:35She's very pretty, isn't she?
00:07:38Pretty? Who?
00:07:40The house, of course.
00:07:43Yeah, she's a beauty.
00:07:50A real beauty.
00:08:10Hey, a couple more days, this place will start to look like an actual home.
00:08:14Guess all you'll need is a tenant lined up for that guest house.
00:08:17Amen. And I'm going to need somebody in there soon, that rent money's really going to come in handy.
00:08:22Because, honey, the sink's corroded.
00:08:28Nah, I think you're right.
00:08:31Add it to the list.
00:08:33It's starting to become one expensive list.
00:08:35Joy is of home ownership. Hopefully the warranty company will cover it.
00:08:40And we did save a lot of money by keeping some of the old furniture.
00:08:43I just wish we had a more thorough inspection done.
00:08:45Will you stop worrying so much? You sound like a broken record.
00:08:50Listen, when you buy your first home, you can inspect it all you want. Okay?
00:08:55You know what I mean.
00:08:56And you know what I mean.
00:08:58Do I?
00:08:59Yes, you do.
00:09:19I love you.
00:10:10Can I help you?
00:10:12Sorry to show up unannounced. I'm here for the guest house.
00:10:15The realtor lady, Shelly, recommended I stop by to check it out. Said you might be interested in renting it.
00:10:21Shelly! Must have forgotten to tell us about that.
00:10:24Oh. Is it still available?
00:10:26Yeah, it is.
00:10:27Okay, cool. Must be my lucky day.
00:10:36Sorry, man, you caught me a little off guard. I was just getting ready for work.
00:10:39Sorry, I promised not to be long. So what do you do?
00:10:42I work for a music label. R&R Music.
00:10:45Are you a musician?
00:10:46No, no. I look at new talent, and if I think they're right for the label, I recommend they sign me.
00:10:51Oh, so kind of like a talent scout?
00:10:54Yeah. Yeah, sort of.
00:10:57Sounds very exciting.
00:10:59Yeah. I just wish it paid better.
00:11:01Don't we all?
00:11:03Hey, it doesn't look like you're doing too bad.
00:11:06Oh, the house? Well, technically it's my fiancee's house.
00:11:10She had a little trust fund set up.
00:11:13And she and her dad said I don't have it.
00:11:15Yeah, fiancees, they can be pretty headstrong once they have their minds set to something, huh?
00:11:20What are you going to do, right?
00:11:22So did you guys set a date yet?
00:11:25No, not yet.
00:11:27Why not? You're in love, right?
00:11:29Yeah. I'm not ready yet. You know, not where I want to be in my career.
00:11:34I get it. Just waiting for that one big promotion that changes everything.
00:11:39Yeah. Yeah, how'd you know?
00:11:42Well, most things in life come down to money or lack thereof.
00:11:46Yeah. Did you just move in?
00:11:48Yeah. About a week ago.
00:11:51Haven't even really unpacked yet.
00:11:53Here, let me show you the guest house.
00:11:59Yeah, so the previous owner had the whole place redone.
00:12:02New hardwood floors, new carpets in the bedrooms, even some new appliances in the kitchen.
00:12:07Looks good.
00:12:08Made in art.
00:12:10Someone really knew their stuff.
00:12:12You recognize the brand just by looking at it?
00:12:14Yeah. In fact, I used to have one just like this.
00:12:18You cook much?
00:12:19Yeah, yeah. You could also say it's my business.
00:12:22Just last year I opened up a new restaurant down in Long Beach. It's done well.
00:12:26My partners and I are looking to open up a new place up here.
00:12:29Oh, really? Where about?
00:12:31Well, we haven't found our space yet, but that's why a place like this, something short term, would be just perfect for me.
00:12:38You know, I think a guy like yourself would be more interested in a nice hotel.
00:12:42Yeah, maybe if it was a matter of just days, but...
00:12:48This will probably take me a few weeks, and I'd like to supervise this personally as much as I can.
00:12:55And since I'm passionate about cooking, I need a place that feels like a home.
00:12:59You know, with a real working kitchen and stuff.
00:13:01Yeah, I hear ya. But, we were hoping for someone a little more long term. Like six months.
00:13:06I understand.
00:13:08Unfortunately for me, once I finish what I came here for, I just gotta move on.
00:13:15I'll tell you what. I'll pay you the six months. All the six months just from my three month lease.
00:13:23I'll do it up front, in advance.
00:13:28That's silly for me, but I like this place.
00:13:31Alright. You can fill out an application.
00:13:34How much is it? Six thousand dollars, right?
00:13:39But, that's not exactly how I was wanting to do this.
00:13:43Look, I'll do it. I'm in a hurry. I like the place. I can see myself here.
00:13:49Yeah, and I appreciate your enthusiasm and all, but...
00:13:51And what else do you need? References?
00:13:53Sure, I can get you those.
00:13:55No problem.
00:13:59Okay. But we still gotta paper it up on a lease.
00:14:02Here. I'll take this. I'll fill it out. I'll sign it. I'll bring it back to you later.
00:14:26Alright, so I'll stop by in the morning. We'll get you a fresh set of keys. You can move right in.
00:14:30Sounds good, my man.
00:14:34Josh, this is Tara, my future sister-in-law. Tara, this is Josh. He'll be renting out our guest house.
00:14:40Then you'll be around for the party Saturday night.
00:14:45Tara, what are you up to?
00:14:48Just being friendly to your new tenant.
00:14:51My new tenant?
00:14:54It's just a small birthday bash for my big sister. You should come.
00:14:57Yeah? Really?
00:15:00Sure. Why not? At least that way you can't complain about the noise.
00:15:06That's a good point. Thank you. Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
00:15:11Yeah. Thanks.
00:15:17Oh, he can rent a space in my guest house any day.
00:15:20Classy as always, Tara.
00:15:23Alright, I gotta finish getting ready for work.
00:15:26Oh, this should help with some of the repairs.
00:15:30Oh, we're going to talk about this later.
00:15:39You know what.
00:15:41Okay, come on.
00:15:54Yeah, babe.
00:15:59I wish you would have talked to me before you agreed to let that guy rent the guest house.
00:16:04Look, I was going to. It just happened so fast.
00:16:07Next thing I know I had $6,000 cash in my hand.
00:16:10I thought you could use it.
00:16:12No, I know. And I appreciate you handling it. It's just...
00:16:16I thought it was a decision we should have made together.
00:16:19I know, I know. I completely agree.
00:16:22I was just trying to help.
00:16:24I know, and you did. And I'll be fine.
00:16:27I love you.
00:16:28I love you.
00:16:46Here you go.
00:16:48Thanks. Yeah, you got a pen?
00:16:53Oh, look at that.
00:16:56Oh, this?
00:16:58Yeah, one of my acts gave it to me to hang on to so they could pay back a small loan I gave them.
00:17:03Never saw him again.
00:17:05You know, I really don't like having firearms around the house, but how do you legally get rid of a gun?
00:17:09As long as it's not registered to you, who cares?
00:17:12Like they say, better safe than sorry, right?
00:17:15Absolutely. You never know when you might need one of those.
00:17:19No, you don't.
00:17:24There you go.
00:17:26Alright, looks good. Thanks.
00:17:30Thanks. Take care.
00:17:42How'd it go?
00:17:44It went alright.
00:17:46Did you call his reference?
00:17:47I did.
00:17:49They said Josh was a courteous and reliable tenant.
00:17:52Courteous and reliable? My, my.
00:17:55Still, just a tenant in a guest house?
00:17:59I mean, don't you think somebody who owns their own restaurant could do better than just renting out somebody's guest house?
00:18:04I don't know. I mean, it's such a short-term lease.
00:18:07He said he doesn't like corporate housing.
00:18:09Yeah, but still, I mean, if he's just here for a little bit, why all the stuff?
00:18:14I mean, shouldn't it just be a few suitcases or something?
00:18:17He just doesn't seem like a short-term leaseholder to me.
00:18:29Do you want to eat with us?
00:18:31Yes, I'm just saying.
00:18:33You're saying what?
00:18:35I'm just saying. Just curious, that's all.
00:18:47Let's go.
00:19:17Come on.
00:19:47Let's go.
00:20:17Hey, thanks for coming by, guys.
00:20:19You have a wonderful home.
00:20:24Oh my God, I love this house, Ms. Adamson. It's so amazing.
00:20:29Jamie, I know you just started working with us, but please, call me Eric.
00:20:34Hey, Eric, in that case, how about a drink?
00:20:41How old are you?
00:20:45Old enough for a beer, no?
00:20:48Yeah, in Canada.
00:20:54Who's the jailbait?
00:20:56All right.
00:20:58Stop, it's just the new office intern. Jamie, I think.
00:21:02Well, Jamie, you think, is just adorable.
00:21:09It's not what you're thinking.
00:21:10Yeah, but it is what I'm seeing.
00:21:14I've been hit on enough times to know what it looks like up close.
00:21:20Of course, it's none of my business.
00:21:23But it is yours.
00:21:40Well, hello.
00:21:47Hey, don't forget, we have the artist meet and greet coming up later in the week.
00:21:52Hey, Josh. You made it.
00:21:57Hi, I'm Josh.
00:21:58Hi, Jamie.
00:21:59Nice to meet you.
00:22:01So, I brought this for the birthday girl.
00:22:07You really know your wines.
00:22:08I guess I should, shouldn't I?
00:22:10That's right. You know, you never told me the name of your restaurant.
00:22:13That's right, I didn't.
00:22:15Well, well.
00:22:19You should go find your fiancé.
00:22:22Excuse me.
00:22:25Why? What's wrong?
00:22:27Well, she didn't seem too happy with you chatting up your new intern.
00:22:31Damn it.
00:22:33Excuse me.
00:22:35No problem.
00:22:37So, where were we?
00:22:41I think we were just about to get a drink.
00:22:44I think you're right.
00:23:07Happy birthday to you.
00:23:10Happy birthday to you.
00:23:13Happy birthday, dear Allison.
00:23:17Happy birthday to you.
00:23:54It's in the other drawer.
00:24:04What's wrong, Allie?
00:24:06I didn't know you were inviting interns.
00:24:09She's pretty.
00:24:11She's practically a teenager, Allie.
00:24:13You gave her alcohol?
00:24:14It was a light beer.
00:24:15So that makes it legal?
00:24:17We work together, that's all.
00:24:20Does she know that?
00:24:31Hey, look.
00:24:33You know I would never cheat on you.
00:24:35Why would I?
00:24:36We have so much to look forward to, you and me.
00:24:39Come on, Allie.
00:24:42Look, I was made for you and you were made for me.
00:24:44We belong together.
00:24:47Hey, look.
00:24:49I know this was all a big step.
00:24:52But it's the first of many steps.
00:24:55For the both of us.
00:25:21What's up?
00:25:22The boys from the Hellcats emailed over their expenses.
00:25:25I didn't know those guys knew how to use the internet.
00:25:28They're on the road.
00:25:29So we need to reimburse them right away.
00:25:32Everybody wants something.
00:25:34Alright, I'll look into it.
00:25:40Was there something else?
00:25:42I had fun last night.
00:25:44Yeah. Yeah, me too.
00:25:46We should do it again sometime.
00:25:48Only maybe just the two of us.
00:25:51Hey, Ron.
00:25:53Let me know.
00:25:54Hi, Mr. Arstein.
00:25:57Be careful with that, my man.
00:25:59A little office flirting can lead to a lot of damage these days.
00:26:03I'm off the market, Ron.
00:26:05How are you?
00:26:27Somebody's been a very bad boy.
00:26:31Come on, Allison.
00:26:32It's just $300.
00:26:34No, Tara.
00:26:35I just bought a house.
00:26:36And I'm up to here on repair costs.
00:26:38No, I will get it back to you.
00:26:40That's what you always say.
00:26:43I mean it this time.
00:26:44No, but that's just the point, Tara.
00:26:46You never pay us back.
00:26:47Because you can't afford to pay us back.
00:26:49I'm trying.
00:26:52When was the last time you applied for a job?
00:26:56I'm not even going to dignify that remark with an answer.
00:26:59Of course not.
00:27:00I'm shocked, Tara.
00:27:03Get a job.
00:27:27What the hell?
00:27:29What time is it?
00:27:35It's too early for that.
00:28:27Thank you!
00:28:36Remind me again why I did this?
00:28:38Because you wanted a house that you couldn't afford.
00:28:42So it's my fault?
00:28:44You have a stranger living in your guest house.
00:28:47What did you expect?
00:28:48I don't know.
00:28:52A rent check once a month.
00:28:55Imagine that.
00:28:57Something in your life you can't control.
00:29:01I'm going to get ready for work.
00:29:20I know that look.
00:29:22Is that your fiance?
00:29:24And the house.
00:29:26And Josh.
00:29:28The guy that's renting our guest house.
00:29:30Oh, right.
00:29:31I met him at your party the other night.
00:29:34You know, I hated having a roommate.
00:29:36You let this complete stranger into your space with no idea what they're doing when you're not looking.
00:29:41Pretty much.
00:29:43You never know what someone might be capable of when you take your eyes off of them and no one else.
00:29:49And no one else is around.
00:29:54You got a guy from Home Warranty Services, line three?
00:29:59Hey, look, I really gotta take this.
00:30:06This is Eric.
00:30:07This is Eric.
00:30:18Good morning.
00:30:20Josh, you scared me.
00:30:23What are you doing here?
00:30:25Me? Oh, I saw the door was open.
00:30:29And I was worried about you.
00:30:31I'm fine.
00:30:33Can you just close the door on your way out?
00:30:57I'm home.
00:30:59Hey, I've got some good news.
00:31:02I'm in here.
00:31:08How's it going?
00:31:11Honey, is there something wrong?
00:31:13No, it's nothing. It's fine.
00:31:17Allie, talk to me.
00:31:20It's just, this morning I was soaking in the hot tub. I was just taking it easy.
00:31:26And I look up and Josh is standing there.
00:31:30I mean, it kind of felt like he was spying on me.
00:31:33He was inside the house?
00:31:35Yeah, just inside the doors to the deck.
00:31:37He didn't touch you or anything, did he?
00:31:39No, no, it wasn't that. It was just more the way he was looking at me.
00:31:43I don't know, maybe I was just tired.
00:31:45I'm sorry, you said you had good news. What is it?
00:31:48Oh, just, I talked to the home warranty company.
00:31:51They're gonna send a guy out here to check out the repairs you need.
00:31:54Looks like it might all be covered.
00:31:55That's great.
00:31:58You know, maybe we should just give Josh his deposit back.
00:32:00Get him out of our lives before this gets any worse.
00:32:03Yeah, but, I mean, can we even do that? He signed a lease.
00:32:08I could always have Craig Castro take a look at it.
00:32:11I mean, there must be something we can do from a legal standpoint.
00:32:13There must be something we can do from a legal standpoint.
00:32:39For crying out loud.
00:32:40No, Eric, Eric, hold on.
00:32:49Open up, man.
00:32:53Y'all, open the door.
00:32:55Eric, come on, it's not even that late.
00:32:57That's not the point.
00:33:00I said open the goddamn door.
00:33:03Do you have any keys on you?
00:33:05Use him.
00:33:06Yeah, hold on.
00:33:07Give me the sock.
00:33:14Did you change the locks?
00:33:17Are you serious?
00:33:35Honey, are you sure you want to do that?
00:33:37Watch me.
00:33:41Ha, ha, see how you like that.
00:33:52911, what's your emergency?
00:33:57You like that?
00:33:59You enjoying the silence, my man?
00:34:01Okay, Eric, you made your point. Let's just turn the power back on.
00:34:07Hey, Josh!
00:34:10This is our house, you hear me?
00:34:12Our house, not yours.
00:34:16Your house.
00:34:18That's where you're wrong, my man.
00:34:36Good afternoon, officers. What brings you out here?
00:34:38We received a complaint.
00:34:40Good. I'm glad I'm not the only one that was bothered by the noise.
00:34:44Only thing we heard about was you.
00:34:46Who called you?
00:34:48Your tenant. Says you turned off his power.
00:34:51No, I turned off my power.
00:34:53Let's hear what he has to say about it.
00:35:02Thank you for coming so fast, officers. I really appreciate it.
00:35:06Hey, you caught the cops on us?
00:35:07Eric, I'm going to need you to calm down, sir.
00:35:12So what happened?
00:35:14I just recently started renting out this guest house from these guys.
00:35:17We were good, everything was fine, I even attended a party of theirs.
00:35:21And all of a sudden the power's out, they're getting more aggressive.
00:35:25All I can think is, I like to enjoy music more than they do.
00:35:29At 7.30 in the morning.
00:35:32Is this man your tenant, ma'am?
00:35:35He is.
00:35:37Does he have a signed lease?
00:35:40There is.
00:35:42Alright. Well, if there's a signed lease, then legally speaking, he has certain rights.
00:35:47You can't just turn off the power because you want to. It's my house.
00:35:50You're telling me I can't turn off the power in my own house?
00:35:52Yes, you can, but you didn't turn off the power in your house.
00:35:54You turned off the power to the guest house.
00:35:56And according to the state of California, that is his house.
00:36:00Give me a break.
00:36:02No, it's okay.
00:36:04You know what? Thank you, officers. It won't happen again.
00:36:07Do us all a favor. Keep it down.
00:36:12Turn the power back on, okay?
00:36:17Have a good afternoon.
00:36:19Good afternoon.
00:36:30Well, at least we know how long it takes for the cops to show up around here.
00:36:34Would have thought they'd have more important things to do.
00:36:37Don't start.
00:36:39Must have been a slow day.
00:36:41Just stop.
00:36:43I want that guy out of here. Don't you?
00:36:46Sure, I do. But I think we're stuck.
00:36:49We can't just let the guy stay here.
00:36:51What choice do we have?
00:36:53I mean, thank God it's only for three months.
00:36:56You know what?
00:36:58I don't believe this whole, I own a restaurant down in Long Beach thing.
00:37:01I don't think he's left the guest house since he got here.
00:37:04What do you mean?
00:37:06I mean, he's not here looking for properties.
00:37:09I don't know what he's doing or why he feels the need to lie about it, but...
00:37:13I'm not buying any of it.
00:37:15Why am I going to wait around any longer?
00:37:17I'm going to take care of this tomorrow.
00:37:28How have you been?
00:37:30Married yet?
00:37:32Not yet, but we're working on it.
00:37:34Glad to hear it.
00:37:36What seems to be the trouble today?
00:37:38Well, a lot's changed since I've seen you last, Craig.
00:37:41Allison bought a house.
00:37:43A house?
00:37:45Yeah, I know. I tried to talk her out of it.
00:37:47But it's her money and she was dead set on having it.
00:37:50She bought a house?
00:37:52Is there a problem between you two?
00:37:55Sort of. Not that kind of problem, but...
00:38:00We decided it'd be a good idea to rent out the guest house
00:38:03to help offset some repairs that we needed around the house.
00:38:06It turns out this was a terrible idea.
00:38:08Alright, we need this tenant out of there.
00:38:10But it's technically not your house.
00:38:13Right. It's Allison's, but...
00:38:15Look, we live together and I'm handling everything for her, so...
00:38:18We both decided we want this guy out of there.
00:38:23Take a seat.
00:38:25So, you want him out?
00:38:29On what grounds?
00:38:31He changed the lock on the door.
00:38:33That might be legal, depending on your lease.
00:38:36He plays his music as loud as he wants, whatever he wants.
00:38:39We can hear it from the main house.
00:38:41During the day?
00:38:43Well, yeah.
00:38:45Mostly legal.
00:38:47He's sleeping with my sister-in-law, for Christ's sake.
00:38:49Definitely legal.
00:38:51I've seen her.
00:38:52She's always working from home, okay?
00:38:54And this guy has no problem walking in uninvited.
00:38:57Why didn't she come with you?
00:38:59She thinks I'm overreacting.
00:39:02She sounds like a pretty smart young lady.
00:39:05That's not exactly the advice I was looking for here.
00:39:08Listen, Eric.
00:39:10No harm ever came to a man for listening to his significant other.
00:39:14Wait out the contract.
00:39:16Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
00:39:18No, keep your head down, keep your distance, and...
00:39:20wait for the tenant to move on.
00:39:23What about an eviction?
00:39:25Assuming you have grounds, which I don't think you do,
00:39:27eviction can be a long process.
00:39:29We're talking six months, minimum.
00:39:31Six months?
00:39:33That's longer than the lease.
00:39:35Well, then my advice is, unless he actually does something criminal,
00:39:38stay clear of him.
00:39:44Well, thanks for nothing, Craig.
00:39:46I'll send you my bill.
00:40:18Anybody home?
00:40:48Miss Bloom?
00:41:06Miss Bloom?
00:41:10Miss Bloom, are you home?
00:41:19Hey, it's Allison.
00:41:21Please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
00:41:24Miss Bloom, this is Shelly Conroy, your realtor.
00:41:27I came by your house just now to talk to you, but I don't think you're home.
00:41:32Your front door was open, so I came inside.
00:41:36Listen, I just got a letter from the state about Mary Mitchell's next of kin.
00:41:42We need to talk.
00:41:44There might be a problem.
00:41:54Let's not bother Allison with this right now.
00:41:57It's you.
00:42:01May I?
00:42:10This makes me out to be some kind of psychotic killer.
00:42:14I'm assuming you read all of this.
00:42:22It's just too bad.
00:42:27For you.
00:42:44Craig said we should stay away from him until his lease is up.
00:42:47I could have told you that.
00:42:49And you're willing just to put up with him living there?
00:42:51Well, what else can we do? We've already had the cops come here once.
00:42:55Let's just let everybody cool down and steer clear of each other just like Craig said.
00:43:00And what if he comes back into the house again?
00:43:02Then I'll be the one to call the cops.
00:43:05And honestly, I don't even know how he could think of showing his face after yesterday.
00:43:10I hope you're right.
00:43:13Hi. How do I look?
00:43:18Like you're going to have a ton of fun without me?
00:43:21They're new clients. They'll have to make an appearance.
00:43:25So you said.
00:43:27Sometimes I wonder why we're even together.
00:43:32What do you mean?
00:43:35I don't know. It's just...
00:43:37Sometimes I feel like we're just worlds apart.
00:43:40Like two strangers who just happen to share the same space.
00:43:45I mean, what is it that you even love about me, really?
00:43:49Because sometimes I don't even feel like you do.
00:43:57I can't even begin to tell you how much you mean to me.
00:44:01I do love you. I do.
00:44:04For everything that you are.
00:44:06For everything that you are.
00:44:10I know it doesn't always seem that way.
00:44:13I just...
00:44:15I want to be someone who's worthy to be with you.
00:44:19Someone who can hold their own in this relationship.
00:44:23And I'm almost there.
00:44:25A promotion right around the corner.
00:44:28My own money. My own means to contribute to everything.
00:44:33I'm almost there.
00:44:35You just gotta trust me, okay?
00:44:38Yeah. Okay.
00:44:42You go have fun, okay?
00:44:46It's work.
00:44:48I will have the smallest amount of fun possible.
00:44:51But I'll be home, okay?
00:44:53Alright. Don't wait up, though. You might be late.
00:44:56Oh, I wouldn't dream of it.
00:45:08Jamie, right?
00:45:10That's right.
00:45:13I remember you. You're Eric's friend.
00:45:16The guy in the guest house.
00:45:17Oh, yeah?
00:45:19And you're the new intern.
00:45:21Good memory.
00:45:23Oh, it's not that difficult.
00:45:25Eric talks about you all the time.
00:45:29Oh, yeah.
00:45:30You are as beautiful as he says.
00:45:32Beautiful? He said that about me?
00:45:37Probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I think he has a serious crush on you.
00:45:43That's funny.
00:45:45Now, where's that?
00:45:47I always thought he was trying to avoid me.
00:45:49Nah, he's just being safe.
00:45:51You haven't got to know his fiancée.
00:45:54Major jealousy issues.
00:46:01What are you waiting for?
00:46:06Will you excuse me for a second?
00:46:08Of course.
00:46:22I was looking for you.
00:46:25Why? Is everything okay?
00:46:27I just really need to tell you something.
00:46:30What's that?
00:46:35Jamie! What the hell are you doing?
00:46:38I'm so sorry. I thought that guy said you had a crush on me.
00:46:41A crush on you? What guy?
00:46:43Your friend. I just saw him. He was right over there.
00:46:49Excuse me.
00:47:00I'm sorry.
00:47:39Morning, guys.
00:47:49Babe. What's wrong?
00:47:54Where the hell did you get that?
00:47:56Does it really matter?
00:47:57God, I must be so blind. I mean, even my sister saw it coming.
00:48:02Allie, it is not what it looks like. Trust me.
00:48:05Can we talk about this in private?
00:48:07Oh, you don't want the whole office to know that you're screwing the intern?
00:48:10Maybe don't screw the intern then.
00:48:12Allie, she was drunk. She kissed me.
00:48:15Oh, yeah. Right, Eric.
00:48:17Why? Why would I ruin everything that we have for some girl?
00:48:21I don't know. You're the one who did it.
00:48:23And if it was so innocent, why didn't you tell me when you got home?
00:48:25Because you were asleep.
00:48:27Why would I bring up something that I knew would upset you?
00:48:30Upset me? What would I possibly be upset about?
00:48:35Don't touch me.
00:48:37Allison, can't you see that somebody's trying to set me up?
00:48:40Think about it for a minute. Who even has your email address?
00:48:43You know what, Eric? Just don't bother coming home today.
00:48:49No, stop.
00:49:01That was, uh, something.
00:49:05Yeah, that was.
00:49:09You got a couch I can sleep on?
00:49:56I saw you pull up. You looked upset, so I figured you could use some company.
00:50:02In here.
00:50:04I know you like red.
00:50:06You've got a lot of nerve showing up here.
00:50:09What do you mean? I'm just trying to be friendly.
00:50:14Get away from my house or I'm calling the cops.
00:50:17Okay, let's not overreact here.
00:50:19I know we got off on the wrong foot, but Eric, he was pounding on my door. He was threatening me.
00:50:26I'm civilized. What do you expect me to do? Fight him?
00:50:29Look, I don't know what you really want, but stay away from me and my house or I will have you arrested. You got that?
00:50:37Allie, you know you don't mean that.
00:50:40Come on. Why be alone tonight?
00:50:43I can make us dinner. I know what you like.
00:50:46I know what you want.
00:50:52Maybe another time, then.
00:50:56Go ahead. Keep the wine.
00:51:03I'm a nice guy, right?
00:51:05Be nice!
00:51:08They're not polite, like me!
00:51:16Those idiots!
00:51:24They don't owe me.
00:51:46I love you.
00:52:16Come on.
00:52:42Don't worry. I'm getting out of your way.
00:52:44Don't you think we should talk?
00:52:48Look, I told you, Allie. She kissed me. I couldn't stop her.
00:52:53I know you don't believe me, but it came out of nowhere and that's the truth.
00:52:58Seriously, he must have been standing by ready to take a picture and send it to you. He's trying to break us up.
00:53:05Josh. That's what she said.
00:53:08Why would he do that?
00:53:09I don't know.
00:53:11But we can't let him come between us.
00:53:14Allie, we have to stick together. It's you and me.
00:53:19Think about it.
00:53:21If I was going to cheat on you, would I do it in front of everybody we know?
00:53:26I love you.
00:53:31Go to work.
00:53:33We can talk about this later.
00:53:35So I can come home tonight?
00:53:36Yeah, I guess.
00:53:40All right.
00:53:43I love you.
00:53:45I love you too.
00:54:07Excuse me.
00:54:11I'm so sorry for the trouble that I caused.
00:54:14If you need me to quit, I just want you to know I'll do whatever it takes to fix this.
00:54:20Look, it's not your fault.
00:54:22There's something else going on here and I just haven't figured out what it is yet.
00:54:31Hey, Ron.
00:54:32So Allie and I spoke and I'm pretty confident we can just put this whole thing behind us.
00:54:37I won't be needing that couch again tonight.
00:54:39I got this email this morning.
00:54:42I was going to call you, but I figured it was a conversation best had in person.
00:54:46What's this all about?
00:54:48That's what I was going to ask you.
00:54:50Oh my God.
00:54:52This happened over ten years ago.
00:54:54Yeah, but is it true?
00:54:56Well, yes.
00:54:59I can't believe this is being dredged up now.
00:55:02This happened right after high school.
00:55:04At least tell me you have an explanation for it.
00:55:07Look, a few weeks after I turned 18, I got in a fight with some jerk outside of one of those under 21 clubs off Sunset.
00:55:14Turns out he was 17 years old, legally a minor.
00:55:17He started it, but of course he pressed charges.
00:55:20Jesus, Eric.
00:55:22Look, I was only a year older than him. One lousy year.
00:55:24Yeah, but it's still seen as a serious crime in this state.
00:55:27Did they treat it as a felony?
00:55:29Yes, a small one.
00:55:31Look, I did my probation. This happened over a decade ago, Ron.
00:55:34Yeah, I hear you, but that email didn't just go to our staff.
00:55:40It went to all our acts, to our bookers, to our venues, to everybody we work with.
00:55:46Whoever did this put a lot of research into our company.
00:55:49Does it say who sent it?
00:55:51No, and I don't care, Eric. All that matters is that it's true.
00:55:54We have enough problems keeping our talent out of trouble, and now our own people?
00:55:56Just this morning I got eight calls from investors screaming for your head.
00:56:03So what happens now?
00:56:08I might be able to save your job, but you can kiss that promotion goodbye.
00:56:14You need to go home and lay low.
00:56:16And if I were you, figure out who would want to do something like this.
00:56:27Hey, Josh.
00:56:32I saw your car out front. Let me in.
00:56:36Hey, I know what you've been doing. Come out here and do it to my face.
00:56:41You sent that email, didn't you?
00:56:43And you set up Jamie, too.
00:56:45Answer me, you son of a bitch!
00:56:47Eric, Eric, Eric, stop. He's just going to call the cops again.
00:56:50I don't care.
00:56:52I don't care.
00:56:53Eric, Eric, stop. He's just going to call the cops again.
00:56:56Come on, let's go back inside. It's not worth it.
00:57:24Come on.
00:57:36Hey. Hey, buddy. Don't make me call the cops again, all right?
00:57:55How the hell did you find me?
00:57:57You shouldn't be so free with my phone number. Somebody called me.
00:58:02Get the hell inside before somebody sees you.
00:58:09Nice and cozy. Not a palace, but a lot better than the last place you were at, right?
00:58:15What do you want, Tommy?
00:58:17I missed you.
00:58:19I mean, you just packed up and left without even saying goodbye.
00:58:24You're working on something, aren't you?
00:58:26I don't know what you're talking about.
00:58:28Huh? And what's all this about?
00:58:31You need a little change of scenery after that nastiness out in Long Beach?
00:58:36And what's that supposed to mean?
00:58:38After you disappeared, I came to thinking, who might have done something really bad to the boss?
00:58:43Well, my thinking came to you.
00:58:46Now you're working on something, and I want in.
00:58:49There's nothing to get in on.
00:58:51You sure?
00:58:52I'm sure.
00:58:53It'd be a lot easier to work with a guy who knows the real you.
00:58:58The real you.
00:59:00This guy, Samuel McCoy?
00:59:04Where did you get that?
00:59:06A picture from your wallet before you left from Fiorenza's.
00:59:09I thought it might come in handy.
00:59:10Turns out I was right.
00:59:14Ooh, who is that?
00:59:16A little heartbreaker over there.
00:59:20She's not here to do her business. That's who that is.
00:59:23Don't touch that.
00:59:25Look at you.
00:59:27Sammy's got a girlfriend.
00:59:31Tommy, you really don't know who you're messing with.
00:59:35I don't?
00:59:36I think the cops would be really interested in knowing where you are right about now.
00:59:39You don't know anything.
00:59:41Well, if I don't, then you don't need to cut me in.
00:59:45Okay, you know what?
00:59:47You win.
00:59:49You win, Tommy.
00:59:52Here's what I need you to do.
00:59:54I'm all ears.
01:00:25This is real gold.
01:00:37What is that?
01:00:42I'll be right back.
01:01:04What are you doing here?
01:01:07I told you not to mess with me, Tommy.
01:01:24Don't just stand there. Call the cops!
01:01:36Call the cops!
01:01:58I haven't slept much, given everything that's been going on, so I took another walk.
01:02:03And that's when you saw him?
01:02:07Through the window.
01:02:09What was I supposed to do? I felt like I had to do something.
01:02:13I know we've had our differences, but I didn't want anything bad to happen to them.
01:02:20Anyway, the guy, he must have heard me coming because he turned around so fast and I saw that he had a gun.
01:02:27So I shot him.
01:02:29I shot him, but I didn't mean to kill him.
01:02:32Well, I can put you in contact with a counselor if you'd like.
01:02:37I should probably take you up on that.
01:02:43I hope you two appreciate what your tenant did for you today.
01:02:47It's not all thanks to me. Thank God I knew where Eric keeps his gun.
01:02:51That was my gun? You broke into my office desk?
01:02:55Relax. Of course I did. I had to.
01:02:58That's not a problem, is it? It's not a problem that the gun isn't registered, right?
01:03:04Actually, in California, it's not illegal to possess an unregistered firearm within the confines of your own home.
01:03:10Oh, thank God.
01:03:12Well, no, that's only if the owner doesn't have any felonies. If he has felonies, you're looking at almost three years in prison.
01:03:18That's totally fine, right? Eric, you don't have any felonies on your record, do you?
01:03:26You son of a bitch.
01:03:29Eric! Eric! Eric!
01:03:31Get off of me!
01:03:33Don't hurt him!
01:03:35Are you okay, sir? Do you want to press charges?
01:03:38I don't think I have a choice at this point.
01:03:41Come on, you're coming with me.
01:03:43I will. How long until I can bail him out?
01:03:47Nothing like that can happen until after his arraignment.
01:03:49I'm going to need you and Mr. Mason down at the station tomorrow to give your statements on both incidents.
01:03:55Copy that.
01:03:59I'm sorry, Alice. I'm sorry.
01:04:18Honey. Hi.
01:04:22Ma'am, I'm sorry. That's not allowed.
01:04:25That's not allowed?
01:04:31I'm sorry, babe. I really messed up this time.
01:04:36Well, I hate that you're going through this. That bastard had it coming.
01:04:41God, it's only been one night, but I miss you so much.
01:04:45I miss you, too.
01:04:51It sucks this had to happen over the weekend.
01:04:55It'll be Monday morning before you can even see a judge.
01:04:58Craig will get you out. This is just a minor offense.
01:05:02It's not nearly as bad as actually shooting somebody.
01:05:05Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't haul Josh in here, too.
01:05:07I mean, he's the one that killed somebody.
01:05:09All they do is ask him a couple lousy questions.
01:05:11I mean, what the hell? It doesn't make any sense.
01:05:13No, I know.
01:05:15Did you call Craig?
01:05:17Yeah, I called him last night, but he hasn't gotten back to me.
01:05:18I mean, I know it's Saturday, but hopefully he'll check his messages and call me back soon.
01:05:23You know, maybe we can file a counter charge against Josh for breaking and entering.
01:05:27You should ask Craig about that.
01:05:29At least that would put some distance between him and us.
01:05:31Yeah, no, no, no. I'll look into that.
01:05:34So, what do you think happens when you do get out?
01:05:37I mean, what are the chances he'll just leave us alone?
01:05:40I don't know, but at least I'll be out of here. We can figure it out then.
01:05:44I love you.
01:05:46I love you, too.
01:05:48Okay, we're done here.
01:05:51It'll be okay.
01:06:09Miss Bloom.
01:06:13I was just wondering, how did everything go in there?
01:06:15I mean, I got to see Eric. That was nice.
01:06:18But they're treating him like he's the master criminal.
01:06:22I mean, he roughed up a guy who had it coming.
01:06:25I would have done the same thing.
01:06:27I know how you feel, but you just can't go around assaulting people.
01:06:31Especially in front of a police officer.
01:06:33I get it, but that was pretty minor compared to what he's been putting us through.
01:06:37I mean, he's been tormenting us day and night.
01:06:40And he doesn't even know us.
01:06:42Yeah, that's what's been bothering me.
01:06:45I gave my statement to a detective. Did Josh give his?
01:06:49No. No, he hasn't shown up yet.
01:06:54Well, did you find out anything more about the guy who broke into our house?
01:06:59Yes, we did. Come with me, if you can.
01:07:07Thomas Marshall. Garden variety thief with a long booking history.
01:07:13The question is, why did he target your house?
01:07:17I mean, is that back from the road, off the beaten path?
01:07:21Barely visible to anyone just passing by.
01:07:24Yeah, I mean, from the highway, you wouldn't even know it was there.
01:07:27Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
01:07:29Stranger still, he was fresh in from Long Beach.
01:07:32Long Beach?
01:07:34Yeah. He had a business card on him from Fiorenza's.
01:07:37A local restaurant he worked at.
01:07:39It's almost as if he came here with the specific intention of targeting your house.
01:07:44That is strange.
01:07:47I suppose you'll run a thorough background check on Josh whenever he does come in?
01:07:51That's standard, anytime there's a shooting.
01:07:54I'd be very interested to know exactly how that turns out.
01:07:58Well, we're pulling prints off the gun, so we should know something soon.
01:08:02Also, I just wanted to give you this.
01:08:06It has my cell number on it.
01:08:07Give me a call, if anything should go down again.
01:08:11Do you think I'll need it?
01:08:14Just call it an ounce of prevention.
01:08:26This is Allison.
01:08:28Hey Allie, it's Craig.
01:08:30I'm sorry for the delay, I got your message.
01:08:32I just wanted to let you know I just got off the phone with Holdings.
01:08:34What'd they say?
01:08:36Allie said the only reason they're detaining Eric is because your tenant said he's pressing charges.
01:08:41That bastard.
01:08:43Yeah, well here's the good news. The guy never went down there to follow through.
01:08:48Meaning they don't have any real grounds to hang on to Eric.
01:08:51It's a simple no-cash-bail assault case right now.
01:08:54So that's good news, right?
01:08:56Right, but here's the bad news.
01:08:59Since he's been officially booked, they still don't know where he is.
01:09:01Here's the bad news.
01:09:03Since he's been officially booked, they still have to go through the arraignment procedure.
01:09:06Now, I'm trying to get that waived under the circumstances, but we'll just have to wait and see.
01:09:11Yeah, okay. Thanks, Greg. Um, just do the best you can.
01:09:16I will. And don't worry, Allie. Everything will be fine.
01:09:19Yeah. Night.
01:09:32Tone is partial. Reliable and courteous. Dead.
01:09:41Tone is partial. Reliable and courteous. Dead.
01:10:11Furences. How can I help you?
01:10:13Uh, hi. Yes, is this the Furenza in Long Beach?
01:10:16Yes, ma'am. Would you like to make a reservation?
01:10:18No, I actually wanted to speak to the owner, Josh Mason.
01:10:23I'm sorry, but that's not possible.
01:10:25Oh, is he not in? I can call back.
01:10:28Ma'am, Mr. Mason is dead.
01:10:32He was found murdered two weeks ago.
01:10:34Murdered? My God, that's terrible.
01:10:36Yes, it's very sad. There was also a large sum of cash stolen at the same time.
01:10:41Do they know who did it?
01:10:43No, they're still investigating it.
01:10:45But there was this employee here on a work outreach program from the state psych hospital.
01:10:49He disappeared right afterwards.
01:10:51He was a patient at the psych hospital?
01:10:53Yes, that's correct. Mr. Mason was a very socially conscious person.
01:10:56He liked to help people. Give him a second chance.
01:10:59Would this patient happen to be Thomas Marshall?
01:11:03Tommy Marshall? No.
01:11:06But he did work here in the kitchen. He was let go just afterwards.
01:11:09But I really can't discuss that.
01:11:11Who exactly is this?
01:11:13Oh, I'm working with the Ventura County Sheriff's Department.
01:11:18Thomas Marshall was killed two nights ago during the commission of a burglary.
01:11:23Oh. Well, I'm not surprised. He was fired here for stealing.
01:11:27Do you know the name of the kitchen worker? The one they're looking for?
01:11:32Yes, it's Sam Mitchell.
01:11:33Do you think he murdered Mr. Mason?
01:11:36I'm not sure. I think he might be on to something.
01:11:40Thank you for your time.
01:12:04Where is he?
01:12:08Josh. I think he's ghosting me.
01:12:11Ever since your party, he hasn't been returning my calls.
01:12:14And I was just pounding on his door. And I know he's in there and he won't even answer.
01:12:18Tara, trust me. That's a good thing. Let me fill you in.
01:12:24Hold on. You're trying to tell me there was an actual dead body in your living room last night?
01:12:30Yeah. Oh, and here's the kicker. Your lover boy's name isn't even Josh.
01:12:37So promise me you won't shed one tear for this jerk when I bring the hammer down on him.
01:12:42What I don't understand is why he would do all of this. What's the purpose?
01:12:47I don't know. But the woman I spoke to said he's some kind of mental patient.
01:12:52Mental patient? So he's dangerous?
01:12:55I'm not sure. But I know he's up to something.
01:12:58I just wish I knew what it was.
01:13:03Well, it's time we find out.
01:13:06You're right. Come on.
01:13:16Josh? Open up. I need to talk to you.
01:13:21Josh, are you in there?
01:13:36What a mess.
01:13:39Oh my god. Is that my picture? How did he even get that?
01:13:44Wait a minute. This is the other half of the photo from inside the house.
01:13:50That's him, alright.
01:13:52Hold on.
01:13:54Are you Tara?
01:13:57Sam Mitchell. That's the guy.
01:14:00State hospital? Well, what do you know?
01:14:04Just an all-American card-carrying psychopath.
01:14:08What are the chances?
01:14:21Yeah, so this guy's name is actually Sam Mitchell.
01:14:25Sam Mitchell?
01:14:27God, I knew this guy was bad news, but not that bad.
01:14:30At least you're off the hook for the time being.
01:14:33So where's Ali?
01:14:35She's at the house.
01:14:37And where's this guy at now?
01:14:39No one knows. He's probably skipped town by now.
01:15:51Why are the lights off?
01:15:53Do you think something's wrong?
01:15:57Come on.
01:16:50Eric? Is that you?
01:16:56Oh my god. Honey? Are you okay?
01:17:00Honey? What happened?
01:17:11You ruined everything, Alison.
01:17:14Stay away from me.
01:17:17Oh god.
01:17:19Look at us. I can't believe it came to this.
01:17:23Especially when we could have been so happy together.
01:17:28What are you talking about?
01:17:30Please, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
01:17:33Us. You and me.
01:17:37In my house.
01:17:40Your house?
01:17:42Yes. My house.
01:17:45If you had a little more sense, you would have done your due diligence.
01:17:49But no. You don't even care.
01:17:55Nobody cares. That's why they locked me up.
01:18:00You're crazy. This is my house.
01:18:04No, that's what they told you. That's what they want you to think.
01:18:07But it's just not true. This is my house. And it's always been mine.
01:18:16Because I grew up here.
01:18:20With my lovely grandmother.
01:18:25God, I miss her. I wish she was here with me.
01:18:32I was her favorite. I was her next of kin.
01:18:35This is too bad. My parents had to go away.
01:18:41They said I killed them. But I didn't do that. It was self-defense.
01:18:46Grandma knew that too.
01:18:48But they didn't listen to her. They treated her like she was female. Like she had no mind.
01:18:55It's a cold world out there, Allison.
01:18:59They got me locked up so they could sell my home from under me.
01:19:04They sold it to you.
01:19:07That stupid realtor. She finally gets it now.
01:19:12She finally understands.
01:19:16Listen to me, Josh. Or Sam or whatever the hell your name is.
01:19:21This is my house. And I will fight you for it.
01:19:25So you better leave right now before there's real trouble.
01:19:30Real trouble? Please, spare me the theatrics.
01:19:34You know what, Allison? I would have accepted you here with me.
01:19:38But then you proved to me how stupid you really are.
01:19:42You had a perfect catch standing right in front of you.
01:19:46Then you stay with the schmuck who can't even make up his mind.
01:19:50I mean, I don't even have anything against the guy.
01:19:53But as long as he was here, we couldn't be together.
01:19:57You're out of your mind.
01:19:59Out of my mind? That's what my dad used to say.
01:20:05But I showed him.
01:20:07Just like I'm gonna show you.
01:20:15You gotta be kidding me.
01:21:54All right. Allison, please.
01:22:00You're not the only one who knows their way around the kitchen.
01:22:10Oh, thank God.
01:22:19Tara, thank God.
01:22:21Are you okay?
01:22:23I'm fine. Are you?
01:22:30Oh, thank God you're here.
01:22:32I got your text. You guys okay?
01:22:36What's going on? Is Mr. Mason here?
01:22:38His real name is Sam Mitchell, and he's in the kitchen.
01:22:41Is he all right?
01:22:43Not exactly.
01:22:48Follow me.
01:23:00I love this garden.
01:23:02It's beautiful.
01:23:04Hey, how's Tara feeling?
01:23:06Spoke to her this morning. She's still pretty shook up.
01:23:12I'm just glad we all made it out okay.
01:23:14Me too.
01:23:17You know, that ring looks good on you.
01:23:19It does, doesn't it?
01:23:21It does.
01:23:23You know, I've been thinking about it.
01:23:26That ring looks good on you.
01:23:28It does, doesn't it?
01:23:30Pete, are you sure we can afford this?
01:23:32I mean, should we consider renting the guest house out again?
