A married woman (Bosworth) enters into an affair with a younger man HD ( Drama )

  • 3 months ago
A married woman (Bosworth) enters into an affair with a younger man HD ( Drama )
00:00:00Excuse me, it's fine, it's fine, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
00:00:07Let me help you, fine.
00:00:30It's sweet, it's sweet, it makes you happy.
00:00:34Marussella, Marussella.
00:00:43See, this is Naples. Naples is full of fun.
00:00:47There are places to have fun and places that are bad.
00:01:00I'm looking for the concert hall thing, I'll drive right by it.
00:01:10There it is.
00:01:13Very funny.
00:01:23I think it's going to be good.
00:01:25It has to be.
00:01:30Traffic in Naples...
00:01:47I can't find my wallet.
00:01:51Are you in the suitcase?
00:01:53No, it's not in my suitcase, it's not in the suitcase.
00:01:56It's somewhere.
00:01:58Maybe it's in my car.
00:02:00I don't know.
00:02:10What are you looking for?
00:02:12What did you lose?
00:02:14I lost my purse.
00:02:16There's nothing, he didn't steal anything.
00:02:19There's nothing.
00:02:21He was sitting here.
00:02:23One moment, one moment.
00:02:25There's nothing.
00:02:27There's nothing.
00:02:31There's nothing.
00:02:34Where did you have it lost?
00:02:37The train station, I think, the exchange booth.
00:02:43Oh, Jamie, I'm sorry.
00:02:47That bastard at the train station started when you dropped all your stuff.
00:02:54This is 117, not 17.
00:02:57Where do we need to go?
00:02:58We need 17.
00:03:10Here we go.
00:03:20Is this it?
00:03:22I think so.
00:03:29Oh, shit.
00:03:42It's nice.
00:03:44Yes, I have a credit card.
00:03:46Numbers are on file on my computer.
00:03:49Yes, I have them here.
00:03:52Okay, 55337645.
00:04:09Expires 12.15.
00:04:11No, she'll definitely need another card sent out immediately.
00:04:14We're here for two weeks.
00:04:17No, I'm working here.
00:04:21Yes, I'll hold.
00:04:24You love how they ask, as if I have a choice.
00:04:26Do you know what I'm going to try to do while I'm here?
00:04:29Besides learn Italian?
00:04:31I don't know why you think that's so ridiculous.
00:04:33I don't at all.
00:04:35I admire you.
00:04:37I just think it's too late for me.
00:04:39That's not true.
00:04:41You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
00:04:44And besides, what's the point?
00:04:46The whole bloody world speaks English.
00:04:48Well, I'm going to finally transcribe the tapes.
00:04:56All right.
00:05:01Well, if you can see it through to the end, I think that's wonderful.
00:05:06What does that mean?
00:05:12I think it's a fantastic idea, Jane.
00:05:15I always have, you know that?
00:05:19She doesn't sound very supportive.
00:05:21She doesn't sound very supportive.
00:05:25You have my support.
00:05:27I'm sorry if that came out wrong.
00:05:31I just know how emotional listening to them can be, has been, for you.
00:05:36I think enough time has passed.
00:05:38Well, that's great.
00:05:52Thank you.
00:06:04Why do you think he killed himself?
00:06:11David Foster Wallace.
00:06:15I don't know.
00:06:18You can't get a sense by his writing?
00:06:19That's what you do when I'm done, darling.
00:06:27Do you think he recognized a blank infinity just stretching out?
00:06:33He got to this point, maybe, where it was just day after day after day.
00:06:38I really don't know.
00:06:40Just so tedious.
00:06:43And then, of course, he felt guilty.
00:06:45Most people think life is too short, and there he was all the time.
00:06:47Most people think life is too short, and there he was all the time.
00:06:50Jane, can we not talk about this?
00:06:54It's just a bit morbid.
00:07:13Love you.
00:07:15Love you, too.
00:07:17Love you, too.
00:07:36Do you feel alright?
00:07:38Do you feel like it?
00:07:41Are you sure?
00:08:12I love you.
00:08:42I love you.
00:09:13Are you sure you won't come with?
00:09:16You'll be so busy.
00:09:19I get boring all alone.
00:09:22I think someone should be here in case the card is delivered.
00:09:30Then I think I might go out, see what the world has to offer.
00:09:35If you do, leave me a message, okay?
00:09:37So I can worry about you.
00:09:45I left you some money here.
00:09:47Thank you.
00:09:50I'll see you later.
00:09:51Have a good day.
00:10:08Testing, testing.
00:10:13Do you have any stories for my book?
00:10:16What kind of stories?
00:10:18Stories that you've prepared.
00:10:20Or I can ask from the list of stories that Dad told me about.
00:10:23Go ahead and ask from your father's list.
00:10:25Go ahead and ask from your father's list.
00:10:27That's what I'm looking for.
00:10:29I can't read from the list.
00:10:31It's a bit hard to read from the list.
00:10:33It's a bit hard to read from the list.
00:10:34me about? Go ahead and ask from your father's list. God rest his soul. Let's
00:10:38start with the war. We went into an air raid shelter. My mother, your great
00:10:43grandmother, she was shaking. Sirens wailed and and then there was the sound
00:10:49of a bomb and the man next to us he said I was in a shelter last night with my
00:10:55wife and my little boy and half of it got blown away. There was blood in his
00:11:00hair. He was all alone. That nearly finished my mother, you know.
00:11:07Here we were in this tiny town in England, miles from Germany, from Russia,
00:11:12from Italy, from any front lines and this man, he had blood in his hair.
00:11:30We were riding our bikes to school when the Germans started firing.
00:12:00They were shooting at us. We jumped into a hedge. We were terrified but afterwards we couldn't
00:12:07stop laughing. It feels now as if I'm the only one who remembers that. It's as
00:12:13vivid to me as if it happened yesterday.
00:12:20It's Jane. I decided to take an impromptu trip to Ischia or Ischia as they
00:12:27pronounce it. See, I'm learning a little bit. Anyway, I'll be home later. I hope
00:12:34you have a good day. Bye. Those friends are all dead now. There's no one left.
00:12:40That's one of my regrets, you know. Sometimes I think I should have had more
00:12:46children, not just your father. You're all alone now that your parents are gone.
00:12:53No brothers, no sisters.
00:12:59I'm upsetting you. Let's talk about something else. You want to ask me more boring
00:13:05questions about the war? All right then.
00:13:10Excuse me. The castle?
00:13:15Do you speak English?
00:13:18No, no, no.
00:13:21Castello Oreganese?
00:13:27Ah, grazie.
00:13:29They'd been shot through the neck. The bullet went in one side and came out the other.
00:13:37And there were all these bomb holes filled with water and he couldn't tell which was the German side and which was the Allied side.
00:13:44When he came home after something like that, you couldn't really complain to him about anything, now could you?
00:13:51I'm actually going there now, to the castle.
00:13:53You speak English now?
00:13:54Yeah. Why, do you think I was Italian?
00:13:57Yes! That's great. That's cool. Hey, hey, hey. Where are you from?
00:14:03No, in America. Come on.
00:14:06No, shit. I'm from Massachusetts. That's crazy. That's weird. Right?
00:14:14Are you?
00:14:16Are you here on vacation?
00:14:17Oh. Sorry. I thought you were saying you were on vacation.
00:14:22Me? No.
00:14:24So, come on.
00:14:27My husband is working in Naples.
00:14:29What does he do?
00:14:32He is playing in a concert at the end of the month.
00:14:36Cool. What does he play?
00:14:39Mm, mm, mm. The viola.
00:14:42Any good?
00:14:44Yes. Very.
00:14:49How do you keep your violin from getting stolen?
00:14:52You put it in a viola case. Right?
00:14:57That's not funny.
00:14:59What's the difference between a viola and a coffin?
00:15:02A coffin has a dead person on the inside.
00:15:06Because viola players are dead? No?
00:15:08Why is a viola solo like premature ejaculation?
00:15:13Because even though you know it's coming, there's nothing you can do about it.
00:15:19I can't help it. I've got this weird autistic mind for jokes.
00:15:22And I went to this music slash nerd summer camp when I was like 10 and I played the triangle.
00:15:26And I'm an only child, so, you know, understand.
00:15:32You look too young to be married. Are you newlywed?
00:15:46You're making me feel like a stalker. Fuck.
00:16:02Oh, hey, have you got 50 cents?
00:16:06If you can catch it.
00:16:20What brought you out here today?
00:16:23Ha! Ferry. I like it.
00:16:28They have this device down in the basement. It's like a torture cage.
00:16:31They lock you in there until you turn to bones.
00:16:35But can you imagine?
00:16:50Imagine dying while just sitting there. That would suck.
00:16:58In, like, the 1300s, thousands of families lived in this castle.
00:17:03It must have smelled pretty bad, all those people crammed onto this rock.
00:17:11I know. I've been coming here every day and it still gets me.
00:17:16If only we could kill off all the tourists.
00:17:19You're a tourist.
00:17:21No, I'm not.
00:17:23I came out here a few months ago with this volunteer organization
00:17:28dedicated to studying the relic populations of dolphins and whales in the Gulf of Naples.
00:17:34I can't tell if you're joking.
00:17:36I'm dead fucking serious.
00:17:38No, I just didn't want to go to college and they paid for me to come over.
00:17:43Four connecting flights, a 72-hour plane ride.
00:17:45But, you know, it was worth it.
00:17:47My first time out of the U.S.
00:17:49How old are you?
00:17:50I'm 19. It's my birthday today.
00:17:52Is it really?
00:17:54Happy birthday.
00:17:55Thank you very much.
00:17:56Yeah, so I left the program after, like, a month.
00:17:59Fuck the relic dolphins!
00:18:02I stayed on the island because I have this awesome living situation.
00:18:05I'll tell you the short version.
00:18:07Basically, I used to have ancestors in Ischia,
00:18:09so when I come over, I Facebook this second cousin twice removed.
00:18:12The second cousin twice removed, in case you didn't know,
00:18:14is when one person's great-grandparent is another person's great-great-great-grandparent.
00:18:18I'd love to hear the long version.
00:18:20Sorry. Anyway.
00:18:21So this relative gave me the name of this great uncle who lives on the island,
00:18:25so I show up, he answers the door,
00:18:28and he's, like, the oldest fucker I've ever seen, easily pushing 100.
00:18:33Yeah, if not older.
00:18:35He's deaf and blind and about 4 feet tall,
00:18:37and he mumbles a couple of things to me in some crazy dialect,
00:18:40ushers me inside, pours me a glass of wine,
00:18:42and leads me to this basement apartment,
00:18:44and, uh, yeah, I never left.
00:19:36Love teaches me to feed on flames and tears,
00:19:42to turn withered hope green through desire,
00:19:47to re-enslave my heart each time love frees his noble face from that heavy disdain.
00:19:55Who was that?
00:19:57Victoria Colonna.
00:20:00Ah, the woman who lived here.
00:20:02The woman who lived here.
00:20:05You read that in your guidebook this morning, didn't you, Jane?
00:20:11Yeah, I've decided to learn Italian by committing to memory all the sonnets she wrote
00:20:14to Michelangelo in English and Italian.
00:20:18I thought Michelangelo was gay.
00:20:19Ah, according to history, and the muscular thighs of his sculptures, yes,
00:20:24but that didn't stop her from loving him.
00:20:29Let's hear it, then.
00:20:31In Italian.
00:20:33Let's hear the poem.
00:20:35Come on.
00:20:38Di lacrime a di faco nutria l'alma.
00:20:44Con secca speme rinvedia la voglia.
00:20:50Lega di nuovo il cor quando di scioglia.
00:20:55Segna maggiore la vista a tiera e d'alma.
00:21:05I'm impressed.
00:21:06Thank you.
00:21:08Are you hungry?
00:21:10Why, are you going to take me out?
00:21:18All right, then.
00:21:24Two pastas with the house sauce, please.
00:21:29Red, please.
00:21:33So you're really not going to tell me what you do?
00:21:40I write freelance articles about parties and fashion trends in town and country UK.
00:21:46There's something else.
00:21:48I'm writing a book about my grandmother's experiences in rural England,
00:21:52living through two world wars.
00:21:55I recorded her for hours and hours.
00:21:58But now...
00:22:01I don't know.
00:22:03Well, don't you know?
00:22:06You want to listen?
00:22:07A little?
00:22:14A little?
00:22:18No, I love to listen.
00:22:34All tangled up.
00:22:35Hold on.
00:22:38Awful as it was, it made you stronger.
00:22:42These days, people whine about all sorts of things.
00:22:45I'm not one of those old people who think my time had the only joy and the only problems.
00:22:50We all have our own private wars, every era, but it was nothing like mine.
00:22:56It really brought people together, the war.
00:22:58We helped each other during that time.
00:23:01We had to laugh, we had to smile.
00:23:03We helped each other during that time.
00:23:05We had to laugh, we had to smile.
00:23:08Well, if not for ourselves, then for the people we'd lost.
00:23:12Oh, shut that thing off.
00:23:13Would you get it out of my face?
00:23:19That is like...
00:23:20It's like a window in time.
00:23:23The sort of thing which you always did before someone died, you know?
00:23:27My husband thinks I'm never going to finish it.
00:23:30You shouldn't care what anyone thinks.
00:23:32We met while I was recording her.
00:23:35Bonding over granny, huh?
00:23:38Make it sound perverse.
00:23:40That's what it was, right?
00:23:53I got pregnant so we got married.
00:24:01I lost the baby.
00:24:05I'm sorry.
00:24:14Scusi, è stato di vostro gradimento.
00:24:17Si, grazie.
00:24:18Posso togliere via?
00:24:20Si, grazie.
00:24:26I didn't go back after that to the States.
00:24:34Did you...
00:24:36Did you ever hear that story about the red string?
00:24:41I think I might have.
00:24:42Tell me.
00:24:47It's like this Asian proverb.
00:24:50It says that anyone you're destined to meet, like,
00:24:53your soulmate or your family or, you know,
00:24:58someone you bump into on the street,
00:25:01we're all connected by this red string.
00:25:06It can be tangled or stretched, but it can never be broken.
00:25:14There's this moment in the tape.
00:25:18I'm sitting, waiting, and it's like,
00:25:20there's this moment in the tape.
00:25:22I'm sitting, waiting in the airport bar for my flight.
00:25:27And I'm talking into the recorder,
00:25:29rambling on about how I'm about to embark on this amazing adventure
00:25:34and how I'm going to show World War II from a totally different perspective.
00:25:47I don't know if it's that interesting.
00:25:50That's the whole point, isn't it?
00:25:53Keeping it interesting for yourself.
00:26:00Maybe I just want to write about nothing.
00:26:03Everything is nothing.
00:26:06All the best.
00:26:09That's it.
00:26:13Make a wish, huh?
00:26:16Make it great.
00:26:25Bravo, bravo.
00:26:36What do you mean?
00:26:40Go, go, go!
00:26:41Oh my God!
00:26:44Oh no!
00:26:45What? What do you mean?
00:26:55It's the Carabinieri!
00:26:56The police!
00:27:04We can't go back!
00:27:05We can't go back!
00:27:09They can't pick me up!
00:27:24I know.
00:27:25Hey, hey.
00:27:28It'd make you feel better if I said I sent the whole thing up.
00:27:31Yes, it's true.
00:27:33It's true.
00:27:35I made the check when I went to the bathroom.
00:27:41You're horrible.
00:27:43You're horrible.
00:27:44You're really horrible.
00:27:45Come on, let's go.
00:27:46Come on.
00:27:49Let's go.
00:27:52Why are we still running?
00:27:53I don't know.
00:28:07Oh my gosh.
00:28:15It went up my nose.
00:28:20We come back?
00:28:25Maybe is not a no.
00:28:28And since I don't have a phone,
00:28:30you're going to have to give me your number.
00:28:33For cheap thrills and future crimes committed.
00:28:40Fair enough.
00:28:50I've got to go.
00:28:52Catch a ferry.
00:29:02Why do violists
00:29:06keep their viola cases on their dashboards?
00:29:23So they can park in handicapped spots.
00:29:32Happy birthday.
00:29:34Thank you.
00:29:49I'll miss you.
00:30:19I love you.
00:30:50You're awake.
00:30:52Yeah, I've got so much of this stuff to get through.
00:30:56Got through.
00:31:03There are the great big events.
00:31:05The things you think you'll always remember, and you do.
00:31:09But there are other smaller.
00:31:11Picking a blackberry that's been in the sun
00:31:13or brushing the fingertip of someone you didn't know you loved
00:31:16until you touched them.
00:31:20Nellie was this little collie who wouldn't go on a leash,
00:31:23so she had to sit on a bicycle seat.
00:31:27They stay with me too.
00:31:45Got some pastries.
00:31:50You still asleep?
00:32:19My friends had lots of American boyfriends,
00:32:22and they used to bring us nylon stockings and chocolates
00:32:25and all sorts of things.
00:32:27And we used to go to London.
00:32:30We saw Glenn Miller one time.
00:32:33We used to go all over the place.
00:32:36They were wonderful times.
00:32:39I never had an American boyfriend.
00:32:42I liked some of them.
00:32:44They were nice boys, but...
00:32:45I didn't want to leave my mum and dad.
00:32:49I wish I had sometimes.
00:32:51You know, when you were 19 and the world just felt so open
00:32:55and carefree and full of possibility?
00:32:59It reminded me of that.
00:33:02Of that time.
00:33:03You were 19 when we met?
00:33:06I wouldn't have described it as carefree back then.
00:33:09Not at all.
00:33:10Well, I felt nostalgia.
00:33:12Well, I felt nostalgia.
00:33:14For something, for youth.
00:33:16You're not old, Jane.
00:33:18We ran out on the bill.
00:33:21You just ran out?
00:33:22What do you mean you ran out on the bill?
00:33:24Perhaps I'm not explaining it well.
00:33:25It was...
00:33:27It was fun.
00:33:29It was just fun.
00:33:32How's work?
00:33:34The conductor's actually a descendant of Water Lake,
00:33:37which is fascinating.
00:33:39The three of us should plan a dinner before we leave.
00:33:41I'd like that.
00:33:49Oh, my God.
00:33:59Oh, my God.
00:34:01This is Caleb.
00:34:04No, no, we were just talking, right?
00:34:05We were?
00:34:06That's so weird.
00:34:07Sit, please, sit down.
00:34:09Join us.
00:34:13You have a chance of a win.
00:34:14I know, right?
00:34:19I'm obviously going to get back pretty soon.
00:34:21That's okay.
00:34:22I already ate, so I'll just grab a coffee or something.
00:34:30Can I have the check, please?
00:34:34Isn't a cafe perfect for it?
00:34:39Oh, no, thank you.
00:34:46You don't smoke?
00:34:48Yes, I do.
00:34:50Sometimes, at parties.
00:34:53You know that.
00:34:55Well, I don't do it a lot.
00:35:02Italian food's so overrated.
00:35:05I love it.
00:35:07There's no variety.
00:35:08English food, on the other hand...
00:35:10You can say what you like about it.
00:35:12There's nothing like a good steak and kidney pie.
00:35:15I went to this party the other day,
00:35:17in this villa owned by this old, drunk guy.
00:35:21He was a little drunk.
00:35:22He was a little drunk.
00:35:23This villa owned by this old, drunk ex-pat.
00:35:27They had a private chef and everything.
00:35:30They were serving this loaf of meat
00:35:33covered in sauce with all these other loaves.
00:35:36This girl came over to me and said it was cat.
00:35:39No joke.
00:35:40Like a roasted mommy cat and her kittens.
00:35:44That is disgusting.
00:35:46True story.
00:35:51Why don't you tell Leonard
00:35:53one of your viola jokes?
00:35:58Go on.
00:35:59I'm selling my aunt.
00:36:02Come on.
00:36:03Let's hear one.
00:36:09I have one.
00:36:12What is the definition
00:36:14of perfect pitch?
00:36:21When you throw a viola into the dumpster
00:36:23without hitting the rim.
00:36:26You didn't just make that up.
00:36:27I did.
00:36:28It's too good.
00:36:29I did.
00:36:30Well, I'm impressed and I'm stealing it.
00:36:33You can pretty much make that joke
00:36:34about any instrument.
00:36:39Do you play anything, Taylor?
00:36:40This and that, you know.
00:36:44Shall we?
00:36:46What, time to go?
00:36:49Yeah, I've got to get back to work.
00:37:00So what's next in your agenda, Caleb?
00:37:03Um, I'm thinking Tibet.
00:37:06Oh, Tibet, really?
00:37:07Yeah, there's this thing called
00:37:08the Shantung Festival
00:37:09at the end of the summer.
00:37:10Yeah, I've heard about that.
00:37:11That's where the Buddhist monks
00:37:13unroll the tapestries on the hill, right?
00:37:15The monks, the monks, the monks.
00:37:17So pretty.
00:37:19How do you support yourself?
00:37:21You know, a bit of this, a bit of that.
00:37:28Oh, all right then.
00:37:30I'll walk you.
00:37:31Does anybody have a pen?
00:37:32You got a pen?
00:37:33Yeah, I have a pen.
00:37:34Yeah, I have a pen.
00:37:49I have a piece of paper.
00:37:51You guys should definitely come over to the island.
00:37:53I'll take you somewhere fun, you know.
00:37:55Don't knock on the front door,
00:37:56I'll come around the side.
00:37:57And I need Regina.
00:38:00This, yeah.
00:38:02There you go.
00:38:05Thank you.
00:38:06And thanks again for yesterday.
00:38:08No problem.
00:38:21How stoned are you?
00:38:23Come on, man.
00:38:24It's just one pop.
00:38:25It's not a big deal.
00:38:28So you're saying you smoke back at home?
00:38:32Hey, can we do something fun tonight?
00:38:39I'm fine from here.
00:38:42See you after work.
00:38:43I'll be waiting.
00:39:04God, you scared me.
00:39:06Are you following me?
00:39:09Is that weird?
00:39:18I don't know.
00:39:20I don't know.
00:39:22I don't know.
00:39:24I don't know.
00:39:26I don't know.
00:39:28I don't know.
00:39:29I don't know.
00:39:31I couldn't sleep last night.
00:39:36You told me you were staying near the port so I got the first ferry this morning.
00:39:41I came looking for you.
00:39:44And I can't believe I found you.
00:40:00I'm sorry.
00:40:28What are we doing?
00:40:30I think we're making out.
00:40:33It's so sexy.
00:40:35And beautiful.
00:41:07I can't.
00:41:08I can't do this.
00:41:09What? What?
00:41:10I can't do this.
00:41:23Do you do this a lot?
00:41:25Do you do this a lot?
00:41:28Do you seduce women?
00:41:29I do.
00:41:31You need to be less serious.
00:41:39Don't follow me.
00:41:59Don't follow me.
00:42:29Don't follow me.
00:42:45There was one boy from Belgium.
00:42:48He was lovely.
00:42:50He had a moustache.
00:42:52My mother hated moustaches.
00:42:56But he was shipped off.
00:42:59I never saw him again.
00:43:04Anyways, I met your grandfather not long after and we got married.
00:43:09Was it love at first sight with grandpa?
00:43:12Love at first sight?
00:43:14Stop that thing.
00:43:19You're home early.
00:43:27How do you deserve that?
00:43:29I just met my husband.
00:43:36Jane, I'm sorry.
00:43:37Just give me a minute.
00:43:38I have a hell of a mess in my bed.
00:43:40I've got so much stuff to do.
00:43:44Sorry, darling.
00:43:46Hey, do you still want to do something fun tonight?
00:43:48Yeah, absolutely.
00:43:50Lots of dinner.
00:43:51I thought we'd just stay in here.
00:43:52The two of us.
00:43:55I just want to work this thing out for tonight.
00:43:58I'm sorry.
00:44:56Can we talk?
00:45:27Say cheese.
00:45:33You should kind of be in the middle.
00:45:39Hold on a second.
00:45:50That's what Oliver was missing.
00:46:09What did you do?
00:46:10Put my hand over my mouth.
00:46:11You did?
00:46:12What did you do?
00:46:13Just wave.
00:46:27Come on.
00:46:47Thank you.
00:46:48That's enough.
00:46:49Thank you.
00:46:50That's enough.
00:46:51That's enough.
00:46:52That's enough.
00:46:56That's enough.
00:46:57That's enough.
00:46:58That's enough.
00:46:59That's enough.
00:47:00That's enough.
00:47:01That's enough.
00:47:02That's enough.
00:47:03That's enough.
00:47:04That's enough.
00:47:05That's enough.
00:47:06That's enough.
00:47:07That's enough.
00:47:08That's enough.
00:47:09That's enough.
00:47:10That's enough.
00:47:11That's enough.
00:47:12That's enough.
00:47:13That's enough.
00:47:14That's enough.
00:47:15That's enough.
00:47:16That's enough.
00:47:17That's enough.
00:47:18That's enough.
00:47:19That's enough.
00:47:20That's enough.
00:47:21That's enough.
00:47:22That's enough.
00:47:23That's enough.
00:47:24That's enough.
00:47:25That's enough.
00:47:26That's enough.
00:47:27That's enough.
00:47:28That's enough.
00:47:29That's enough.
00:47:30That's enough.
00:47:31That's enough.
00:47:32That's enough.
00:47:33That's enough.
00:47:34That's enough.
00:47:35That's enough.
00:47:36That's enough.
00:47:37That's enough.
00:47:38That's enough.
00:47:39That's enough.
00:47:40That's enough.
00:47:41That's enough.
00:47:42That's enough.
00:47:43That's enough.
00:47:44That's enough.
00:47:45That's enough.
00:47:46That's enough.
00:47:47That's enough.
00:47:48That's enough.
00:47:49That's enough.
00:47:50That's enough.
00:47:51That's enough.
00:47:52That's enough.
00:47:53That's enough.
00:47:54That's enough.
00:47:55That's enough.
00:47:56That's enough.
00:47:57That's enough.
00:47:58That's enough.
00:47:59That's enough.
00:48:00That's enough.
00:48:01That's enough.
00:48:02That's enough.
00:48:03That's enough.
00:48:04That's enough.
00:48:05That's enough.
00:48:06That's enough.
00:48:07That's enough.
00:48:08That's enough.
00:48:09That's enough.
00:48:10That's enough.
00:48:11That's enough.
00:48:12That's enough.
00:48:13That's enough.
00:48:14That's enough.
00:48:15That's enough.
00:48:16That's enough.
00:48:17That's enough.
00:48:18That's enough.
00:48:19That's enough.
00:48:20That's enough.
00:48:21That's enough.
00:48:22That's enough.
00:48:23That's enough.
00:48:24That's enough.
00:48:25That's enough.
00:48:26That's enough.
00:48:27That's enough.
00:48:28That's enough.
00:48:29That's enough.
00:48:30That's enough.
00:48:31That's enough.
00:48:32That's enough.
00:48:33That's enough.
00:48:34That's enough.
00:48:35That's enough.
00:48:36That's enough.
00:48:37That's enough.
00:48:38That's enough.
00:48:39That's enough.
00:48:40That's enough.
00:48:41That's enough.
00:48:42That's enough.
00:48:43That's enough.
00:48:44That's enough.
00:48:45That's enough.
00:48:46That's enough.
00:48:47That's enough.
00:48:48That's enough.
00:48:49That's enough.
00:48:50That's enough.
00:48:51That's enough.
00:48:53That's enough.
00:48:54That's enough.
00:48:55That's enough.
00:48:56That's enough.
00:48:57You can do it.
00:48:58Oh, hi!
00:48:59Did I wake you?
00:49:01I think I need to be less serious.
00:49:03Let me put my pants on.
00:52:48Leonard thought you were lying about those cats.
00:52:52He said that?
00:52:55Were you?
00:52:57You're delicious.
00:53:16You make me feel nervous.
00:53:21You make me feel calm.
00:53:24I know.
00:53:49Want a drink?
00:54:11Is that him?
00:54:13Yeah, he just shuffles around all night.
00:54:18He must be lonely.
00:56:14I didn't sleep at all last night.
00:56:16Where have you been?
00:56:18Just walking.
00:56:20All night?
00:56:22You left your phone here. I had to plug it in.
00:56:26We need to talk, Leonard.
00:56:28I have to go to work.
00:56:33Can you be late?
00:56:34No, I can't be late.
00:56:39Jane, whatever you have to say to me, I want to hear it.
00:56:43I've committed myself.
00:56:45People are depending on me. I have to go to work.
00:57:24If it wasn't the war, it would have been something else.
00:57:29There's always something else, isn't there?
00:57:32That's the thing. That's the thing about struggle.
00:57:46I'm going to make some tea. Do you want some?
00:57:49I'm all right.
00:57:57If you go out like that again, just tell me.
00:58:00Don't worry.
00:58:06You can't seem to figure out what's going on in your head.
00:58:23Do you think everything we've been through actually does us any good?
00:58:27In the long run?
00:58:32Or do we just make out struggle to be something meaningful
00:58:35because that's all most of us have?
00:58:50I tell you, next time we come to Italy,
00:58:53let's get a proper kitchen.
00:58:56Let's get a proper kitchen.
00:59:05I don't know what you want me to say, Jane.
00:59:26One little thing had changed in my grandmother's life.
00:59:29I might not be here.
00:59:37Sometimes I worry I'm not honoring her.
00:59:42With the book?
00:59:46No, with my life.
00:59:55This is it, you know.
00:59:57It ends with me.
01:00:04In the harvest time, we all went to the field where they were cutting the corn.
01:00:10Everyone was chasing rabbits,
01:00:13and then we had our tea in the harvest fields.
01:00:20The horses.
01:00:26The horses back then, they were kept beautifully.
01:00:30Dad used to dress them all up,
01:00:33brass things and little horseshoes.
01:00:36He put braids on them.
01:00:39They used to be gorgeous.
01:00:41What are your plans for tomorrow?
01:00:44There was one.
01:00:48He was a Clydesdale.
01:00:50I used to ride down to the marshes.
01:00:52Every night when he finished working.
01:00:59They were lovely days, really.
01:01:07They're gone, for me.
01:01:12But not for you.
01:01:16You know, it's different for you.
01:01:18In some ways, it's easier.
01:01:20You haven't got the war. People don't die as much as they did back then.
01:01:24But in some ways, it's more disjointed.
01:01:30You've got to make your own life.
01:01:33One that you love, and you can't be afraid of the...
01:01:36of the time.
01:01:40Time is shiftable.
01:01:51There are moments in my life
01:01:53that I would trade 60 years to have back again.
01:01:56That's the truth.
01:01:58You'll know the truth when you find it.
01:02:01It'll come to you like something you've known before,
01:02:04rather than something you're learning for the first time.
01:02:10Oh, sorry.
01:02:14What is it?
01:02:19Are you all right?
01:02:22You OK?
01:02:24Yeah, stomach.
01:02:26It's bleeding.
01:02:28It's fine.
01:02:30It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.
01:02:33Are you finishing that?
01:02:47I met these backpackers last night, Frank and Elsa.
01:02:50She's French, he's German.
01:02:52They're going to Tibet.
01:02:55And I'm going with them.
01:02:59I want you to come with me.
01:03:09I want you to come with me.
01:04:07How are you?
01:04:10I'm knackered.
01:04:11Long day?
01:04:14God, when are they not?
01:04:17I don't think I'm chomped for doing another skit like this.
01:04:24How's the writing going?
01:04:27I'm feeling inspired.
01:04:32That's fantastic.
01:04:33I think I've figured out the key to finishing the project.
01:04:42Are you listening?
01:04:45You found the key to finishing this project?
01:04:56The water here tastes so funny.
01:04:58Have you ever cheated on me?
01:05:01Oh, Jane.
01:05:02Have you?
01:05:03Can we not?
01:05:05Have you?
01:05:12Absolutely not.
01:05:13Why did you take such a long time to answer that?
01:05:16Because I'm sick.
01:05:19Of what, Leonard? Of it being so hard?
01:05:34I hate talking about sex with you.
01:05:37Is that what we're talking about?
01:05:38Normal people talk about sex, Leonard.
01:05:41And we don't?
01:05:43There's just huge, vacant lots that we don't discuss.
01:05:49Like what?
01:05:50Is there anything you want to ask me?
01:05:52Why, is there anything you want to tell me?
01:05:54I just want to connect.
01:05:58So you don't feel that we're connected?
01:06:00Do you?
01:06:03I love you.
01:06:12I get it, Leonard. I get it.
01:06:16It's always been this big, serious, grave thing for us.
01:06:19Sex has consequences. Life and death. Mostly death.
01:06:22Jane, please.
01:06:23Let me guess. You don't want to talk about it?
01:06:25No, that's not what I'm saying. You're just...
01:06:27Do you want to have children, Leonard?
01:06:29Of course I did.
01:06:30Not did. Do you want to have children?
01:06:34So did you. But...
01:06:39Say it.
01:06:42Say it.
01:06:44I can't have children, Leonard.
01:06:48I never will.
01:06:49I never will.
01:06:51And if we keep trying, they keep dying.
01:06:53Please, Jane.
01:06:54Again and again and again.
01:06:59How does that make you feel?
01:07:05It's not your fault.
01:07:06How does it make you feel, Leonard?
01:07:08How does it make you feel?
01:07:10You will never be a father.
01:07:14We can adopt.
01:07:15That's not what you want, is it?
01:07:19That's not what you want?
01:07:22Because I think about it all the time.
01:07:27That the one thing you always wanted, I will never be able to give you.
01:07:42What are you trying to do, Jane?
01:07:43I just want to know that there's a reason for it all.
01:07:56You're not curious about me, Leonard.
01:07:59Not really.
01:08:01What do you want me to know?
01:08:02You shouldn't have to ask.
01:08:04I feel as if you want me to be someone I'm not.
01:08:09Someone that I've never been.
01:08:14I'm leaving you.
01:08:16I've been seeing someone else.
01:08:27That kid?
01:08:30That kid? That child? That kid you've known for two days?
01:08:33It's been longer than that.
01:08:34Please tell me you're joking.
01:08:36Time is shiftable.
01:08:38I don't get it.
01:08:40I don't get it.
01:08:41He's asked me to travel with him.
01:08:43Are you sleeping with him?
01:08:46What do you think?
01:08:54I kept waiting for you to see it, to smell it, to sense it!
01:08:58So what? I failed your test?
01:09:00You don't see me!
01:09:14I'm sorry.
01:09:15For what?
01:09:18I'm sorry.
01:09:19For what?
01:09:20I shouldn't have done that.
01:09:22For losing my temper.
01:09:23I shouldn't have done that.
01:09:24You had every right to lose your temper!
01:09:26No, no, no, no, no.
01:09:27If you think that this is what's going to make you feel better,
01:09:30then you should go.
01:09:31You should go with him.
01:09:33You've been through a terrible...
01:09:35You're terrible.
01:09:36You're terrible.
01:09:37You're terrible.
01:09:38You're terrible.
01:09:40You're terrible.
01:09:41You're terrible.
01:09:42You're a terrible thing, Jane.
01:09:43No, that is not what this is about.
01:09:45Of course it is.
01:09:46You don't love me anymore, Leonard.
01:09:48You don't love me!
01:09:49That's rubbish.
01:09:52This is your ticket.
01:09:54The day after my performance, meet me at the train station.
01:10:00Our training's at 4.30.
01:10:03We'll go home together.
01:10:06I want you to do what you need to do.
01:10:13And then come back to me.
01:10:17No questions asked, no guilt.
01:10:22This is good.
01:10:42I love you.
01:10:44I love you.
01:11:12I love you.
01:11:58You want some?
01:12:00No, thanks.
01:12:12I love you.
01:12:14I love you.
01:12:43Frank and Elsa are coming over in a couple of hours.
01:12:48Frank bought a car, so we're gonna...
01:12:51We're gonna head out in a couple of weeks or so, you know.
01:13:00I'm thinking of driving through Romania, then Ukraine,
01:13:07then down through Russia, through Kazakhstan,
01:13:10then straight to Tibet.
01:13:40I love you.
01:14:09Good luck.
01:14:57You've got to come over to this side.
01:15:00The train's gonna be here in a minute.
01:15:25It's four in the morning, the end of December
01:15:31I'm writing you now just to see you're there
01:15:37New York is cold but I like where I'm living
01:15:43There's music on Clinton Street all through the evening
01:15:51I hear that you're building your house deep in the desert
01:16:03Are you living for nothing now?
01:16:07Hope you're keeping some kind of record
01:16:13And Jane came by with that lock of your hair
01:16:22She said that you gave it to her
01:16:28That night when you planned to go clear
01:16:33I wouldn't want to live to be 100.
01:16:35Why not?
01:16:36I'm not telling you why not.
01:16:39Did you ever go clear?
01:16:42Now shut that thing off.
