A farmhand begins an affair with his elderly boss' young wife HD ( Thriller, Drama )

  • 2 months ago
A farmhand begins an affair with his elderly boss' young wife HD ( Thriller, Drama )
00:00:00I saw you with him earlier, and you were all over him.
00:00:10What do you want me to do?
00:00:11Steal my husband?
00:00:12Yeah, but not for long.
00:00:13What do you mean?
00:00:14You know what I mean.
00:00:15Because we're going to get rid of him.
00:00:16We're not good people, are we?
00:00:17I'll show you how good we are.
00:00:47So, uh, you want a job, Mr. Jordan?
00:01:04Yes, sir.
00:01:05I saw your help wanted ad for a mechanic, and I called.
00:01:07I talked to your guy, uh, Pete, and he said he was going to hold the position for me.
00:01:11When was that?
00:01:12Two days ago.
00:01:14I'm sorry, Mr. Jordan, but you're too late.
00:01:17Wait, sir, listen, I came a very long way to be here, because Pete promised me a job.
00:01:23Now, Pete doesn't handle the hiring.
00:01:25I do.
00:01:26That position's already been taken.
00:01:30I'll, uh, I'll hang on to your application, keep it on file, in case anything comes up.
00:02:38I'm sorry, Mr. Jordan, but you're not going to get away with this.
00:03:06Come on, man.
00:03:12Come on.
00:03:14Come on.
00:03:16You all right, man?
00:03:22He sure was trying.
00:03:25I only got $60 on me.
00:03:28That bastard tried to stick me for $60.
00:03:32It's a good thing you came along, man.
00:03:34Thank you.
00:03:35Thank you.
00:03:36Hey, you're bleeding, man.
00:03:40In there.
00:03:41And you're sure you've never seen the assailant before, Mr. Good?
00:03:45But if I ever do see him again, he better run, because I'll put my foot so deep up his
00:03:50ass, I'll have to untie my shoe to get it out.
00:03:54What about you, sir, Mr. Jordan?
00:03:57No, I never saw him before either.
00:04:00He's brave of you to step in like you did.
00:04:02Sure was.
00:04:03I owe you, son.
00:04:05It just seemed like the thing to do at the time.
00:04:07All right, well, I'll put this out on the wire in case anyone spots it.
00:04:10Well, thank you.
00:04:11And don't forget about that scar on his face, right?
00:04:15A long ear, just like that.
00:04:17Yes, sir.
00:04:19All right, sir, these are for paint.
00:04:21Thank you.
00:04:22Mr. Good, you were real lucky, but I still recommend you go to the hospital.
00:04:25Let them take a proper look at your arm.
00:04:26I ain't going to no hospital for this little scratch.
00:04:31There she is, there's my Russian beauty.
00:04:33You're hurt.
00:04:34No, I'm fine, baby, I'm fine.
00:04:36Look, see here, just a scratch, just a scratch.
00:04:39Did they find the man who attacked you?
00:04:41No, no, not yet, not yet.
00:04:43Sonny, Sonny, Sonny, stay right there.
00:04:46Larissa, this here is Sonny Jordan.
00:04:49He's the one that helped me with that son of a bitch that tried to rob me.
00:04:53Sonny, this is my wife, Larissa.
00:04:56Nice to meet you.
00:04:57Thank you for helping my husband, Mr. Jordan.
00:04:59I just happened to be there, Mrs. Good.
00:05:01Mr. Good?
00:05:02Some forms to fill out.
00:05:04I can do that for him.
00:05:08You're Sonny, ain't you?
00:05:10Yes, sir.
00:05:11So what are you up to, Sonny?
00:05:14Nothing special.
00:05:16I've been trying to look for a job.
00:05:18What kind of a job?
00:05:19Right now, I'll take just about anything.
00:05:22I'll tell you what, why don't you ride along with Larissa and me back to our place?
00:05:29And we can talk about that and get you a good meal under your belt while we're at it.
00:05:33That's the least I could do, Sonny.
00:05:35Right, Larissa?
00:05:39Is this all you have, Mr. Jordan?
00:05:42This is it.
00:05:44Please, call me Sonny.
00:05:47Okay, Sonny.
00:05:49Truck's right there, let's go.
00:05:52Boy, I've got to tell you, that was excellent.
00:05:55Thank you.
00:05:58Now, Sonny, I want you to look me in the eye.
00:06:02Thank you.
00:06:03And I want you to tell me, are you really as good a mechanic as you say you are?
00:06:09George, I can fix anything on wheels.
00:06:13And here I am with my mechanic quick last week.
00:06:18And here I am with my mechanic quick last week and he's arming the deal up.
00:06:24It's Providence.
00:06:26So why don't you just hang on, help me out, and make yourself a little money, too?
00:06:34I got a room right over the shop with a bed, running water, john shower downstairs.
00:06:41I even got a TV you could use.
00:06:44Hell, I got everything a man could want right here.
00:06:47Yeah, I see that.
00:07:09I just don't like strangers in the house.
00:07:11I know.
00:07:12I always.
00:07:14Sometimes I can't work with mom like it is.
00:07:18I don't know anything about him, George, except that he called it.
00:07:22There were times that I had empty pockets and so did you.
00:07:28I just want to give the man a chance.
00:07:33All right, then.
00:07:35Now, I want you to come over here and kiss me where it hurts.
00:07:42Come on.
00:07:43He might hear us.
00:07:45He's not going to hear us.
00:08:03This is it.
00:08:06Now, I warn you, tools are old, but they still do the job.
00:08:12Back then, they used to make them to last forever.
00:08:16Not like that computer shit over here I had to buy.
00:08:21Used to be you didn't need no computer to fix an engine.
00:08:24Man could tell I was wrong by the sound of it.
00:08:27Is this you?
00:08:31Yeah, that was ages ago.
00:08:33Used to work on race cars.
00:08:36Good times, man.
00:08:38Very cool, man. Very cool.
00:08:40Good times.
00:08:42So, where should I get started?
00:08:45Well, I got a break job on John Deere coming in around nine.
00:08:52What do you got under there?
00:08:54Oh, that's just something I work on when I ain't got nothing better to do.
00:08:59Ain't had the time lately.
00:09:04Needs a new carburetor, but I can't find one.
00:09:07What are you going to do with it when you're finished?
00:09:09You going to sell it?
00:09:12I'm going to give it to Larissa for a present.
00:09:16Twenty percent off, just for you, honey.
00:09:18Here we go.
00:09:19Thank you, Miss Good.
00:09:20You know I'll be back.
00:09:22You have a good day.
00:09:23Thank you, you too.
00:09:25Say hi to Rose.
00:09:26You betcha I will.
00:09:51One on his way around machinery.
00:09:54Does he?
00:09:55He does.
00:09:57Watched him real close.
00:09:59Even knows that computer shit.
00:10:03Good hands.
00:10:55Larissa, do you see my keys?
00:11:46Mr. Jordan.
00:11:48Yes, Mrs. Good?
00:11:50There is something I have to say to you.
00:11:53If you want to stay here,
00:11:55you have to stop doing what you've been doing.
00:11:57What I've been doing?
00:11:59You have to stop looking at me the way you do.
00:12:05And how have I been looking at you?
00:12:08You know how.
00:12:21Why'd you marry that old man?
00:12:25Woman who, uh, looks like you.
00:12:31Don't talk about my husband that way.
00:12:33He likes you. I thought you liked him, too.
00:12:35I do.
00:12:36I do.
00:12:38But I like you better.
00:12:40Should I call him and tell him how you talk to me
00:12:42when he's not around?
00:12:43How about I call him?
00:12:45Tell him face to face?
00:12:48And you know what he'd probably do, right?
00:12:50He'd probably, uh, send me down the road.
00:12:54But is that what you really want?
00:12:56Do you want me to be sent down the road?
00:13:00I thought you needed this job.
00:13:02I've had lots of jobs.
00:13:04Lots of women, too, I bet.
00:13:08Well, just stop it.
00:13:11Stop it.
00:13:14Well, just stop it.
00:13:17You know what?
00:13:20It just occurred to me.
00:13:24It seems to me that in order for me to be looking at you
00:13:28the way you say I look at you,
00:13:31well, you'd have to be looking at me, too, right?
00:13:44So I went looking for go-karts, you know, thinking, you know,
00:13:48that I was going to find something like I used to make
00:13:51when I was a kid, you know, out of a lawnmower engine.
00:13:55I wonder if kids make go-karts these days.
00:13:59It might be a good idea for us to have competitions.
00:14:03Maybe even classes.
00:14:14Well, if you get the money, I'd stay around just for the food.
00:14:19Hey, Sonny, how would you like a taste of whiskey?
00:14:25Yeah, sure.
00:14:27Hey, could you mind getting some glasses for the kitchen?
00:14:31Of course.
00:14:32And a little bit of ice while you're at it?
00:14:34Got it.
00:14:35And I'm going to be in the living room.
00:14:38All right.
00:14:43Come on.
00:14:57You know, you look a little hot.
00:15:03Maybe I can help you with that, hmm?
00:15:13Come on.
00:15:44There you go.
00:15:48What are you grinning about?
00:15:52I found one.
00:15:53Found one what?
00:15:55A carburetor for the Cutlass.
00:15:58Yep, and I already took the old one out
00:16:02so you can match it up with the new one.
00:16:04Oh, yeah?
00:16:07I'm going to go get it.
00:16:08All right.
00:16:09See you later.
00:16:10See you later.
00:16:11I already took the old one out
00:16:13so you can match it up with the new one.
00:16:15But listen, you got to hurry because they said someone else
00:16:18already called about it, so.
00:16:19Oh, damn right I'm going to hurry.
00:16:25I'll be a while.
00:16:42Where did George go?
00:16:46He went to get a part.
00:16:48How long is he going to be gone?
00:16:51At least three or four hours.
00:16:55I better get back inside.
00:16:56Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:16:57Wait a minute.
00:16:58Wait a minute.
00:16:59I think you should stay.
00:17:00You're making me dirty.
00:17:22Hey, Marissa.
00:17:28Come on.
00:17:29I want to show you something.
00:17:30Come on.
00:17:43You know, what?
00:17:44I forget what they call them.
00:17:46They had them in the 50s and 60s
00:17:48where you build these cars and you wreck them, you know?
00:17:53Hey, come over here, darling.
00:17:55Come on, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty.
00:17:58We found one.
00:17:59It was way past Pearl River, but we found one.
00:18:03Found what?
00:18:04A carburetor for the Cutlass.
00:18:06Somebody had to have it.
00:18:08Found what?
00:18:09A carburetor for the Cutlass.
00:18:11Somebody found it.
00:18:12Did he?
00:18:14Tell you what.
00:18:15He's going to kill me.
00:18:18How we doing?
00:18:19All right, give me two seconds.
00:18:20Two seconds.
00:18:23All right, go ahead.
00:18:24Turn her over.
00:18:26Okay, hold on.
00:18:27Hold on.
00:18:28Hold on.
00:18:32All right, go ahead.
00:18:33Try it again.
00:18:35It runs!
00:18:36Hot damn!
00:18:37It runs!
00:18:38It still needs some adjustment.
00:18:39I can hear that, but I tell you what.
00:18:41I'm going to run her down the road a mile or two,
00:18:43see how she handles.
00:18:44George, be careful.
00:18:46Darling, it's only a mile or two.
00:18:48I'll be right back.
00:18:57We need to be careful.
00:19:00Did George say anything?
00:19:01No, and he won't either
00:19:03unless you start acting different towards me or him.
00:19:09Getting all nice to us.
00:19:10As if you actually like me all of a sudden.
00:19:13And being extra nice to him because you're guilty.
00:19:15It's a dead giveaway.
00:19:16You sound like an expert.
00:19:17Is that what you are?
00:19:18An expert at sleeping with other men's wives?
00:19:20As much as an expert as you are with cheating on your husband.
00:19:24I'm not an expert.
00:19:25I've never done it before.
00:19:27Didn't help you cover me in grease all over with your dirty hands.
00:19:30Took me over an hour in the bath to wash it all off.
00:19:33Well, look, there it is next time.
00:19:35Just call me and I'll help you.
00:19:39There won't be next time, okay?
00:19:41We were curious.
00:19:43But we got it out of our systems
00:19:45and now we can move on like it never happened.
00:19:48Yeah, but it did happen.
00:19:50I mean it. Never again.
00:19:54Yeah, boy.
00:19:55She'll run great once we adjust the idle and the fuel mixture.
00:20:00Can't wait to get her out on a turn, Pac-Man.
00:20:03Really open her up.
00:20:07For you, darling.
00:20:08For me?
00:20:09Well, of course it's for you.
00:20:11George, thank you.
00:20:14Everything's for you.
00:20:15So sweet.
00:20:16Come on, get in.
00:20:18Let me see how it looks on you.
00:20:21Oh, darling.
00:20:24You look so classy, darling.
00:20:27Don't you?
00:20:29Yes, sir. Real classy.
00:20:31Come on. I want to see you drive it.
00:20:40Let's go grab a McDonald's.
00:20:53He says, what does a woman in a tornado have in common?
00:20:59They both moan like hell when they come
00:21:02and take the house with them when they go.
00:21:05That's a good one.
00:21:09That's a good one.
00:21:11You know, I got a joke.
00:21:13Well, go ahead. Tell it. Don't be shy.
00:21:16So a man's in bed with another man's wife.
00:21:19Then all of a sudden, they hear a husband driving up.
00:21:23And the wife says, oh my God, my husband's home.
00:21:26And the boyfriend says, where's your back door?
00:21:29The wife says, we don't have a back door.
00:21:32The boyfriend says, well, where do you want one?
00:21:39Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:21:40That reminds me.
00:21:42I've got one. It's almost like that.
00:21:44When the wife and the boyfriend hear the husband come,
00:21:48the boyfriend says, where's your back door?
00:21:50But the wife screams, we ain't got time for my back door, you crazy.
00:21:55My husband's home.
00:21:57I'm sorry.
00:21:58I completely waste it.
00:22:00I'm going to bed.
00:22:01Oh, darling, come on, come on, come on.
00:22:03Don't be like that.
00:22:07God damn it, I'm going to pay for that.
00:22:10She don't like it when I'm crude.
00:22:12Women just don't understand that a man's got to have a drink
00:22:16and tell a dirty joke once in a while.
00:22:18Am I right?
00:22:19Absolutely, you're right. Here.
00:22:21Let me refill you.
00:22:24Women and men just have a different sense of humor.
00:22:26Don't be stingy.
00:22:27Pour a drink for a man, son.
00:22:30There you go.
00:22:40I had a son once, you know.
00:22:48Alan Good.
00:22:51He was a good boy, too.
00:22:54He'd be just about as old as you are now.
00:23:01This is big, too, I'll bet.
00:23:33This is big.
00:24:30I hate this.
00:24:35Just sneaking around, cheating.
00:24:38We could stop.
00:24:40We should.
00:24:42Is that what you want?
00:24:47Why'd you marry George, huh?
00:24:49I was scared.
00:24:53Barely spoke English.
00:24:55Worked the shittiest jobs you can imagine.
00:24:58You have no idea.
00:25:00No, no, no, I get it. Believe me.
00:25:03But where did George come into this?
00:25:07I worked as a maid at this motel when he came in.
00:25:10He was lonely after his wife had loved him.
00:25:14And, um, he liked my accent.
00:25:17What? You have an accent?
00:25:25When he brought me here, this place seemed like a sanctuary.
00:25:32Now it feels like a cage.
00:25:36What about you? Where are you from?
00:25:39Oh, you really want to know?
00:25:41Of course I do.
00:25:43Originally, I'm from St. Louis.
00:25:46I grew up in foster care and reform schools.
00:25:49A ward of the state.
00:25:51That's what they called it.
00:25:54You wouldn't believe the things that go on in those places.
00:25:59Believe me, I'd die before I let a kid of mine end up in one.
00:26:08I'm so sorry.
00:26:12I guess we both just have really shitty stories, huh?
00:26:16Yeah, we do.
00:26:19You ever think of leaving?
00:26:21George? And go where?
00:26:24I don't know, anywhere, you know, just to be on your own.
00:26:26I tried it already and it wasn't pretty. Not when you're broke.
00:26:30Well, what if you had money? Would you leave dead?
00:26:34With you?
00:26:36With anybody.
00:26:39You know what? I should really get out of here now.
00:26:44If I had money, I'd do it. With you.
00:26:59Sonny, we're going for a ride.
00:27:03Where to?
00:27:09I don't know.
00:27:20So, George, where are we going?
00:27:23You'll see.
00:27:29So what's going on with Sonny?
00:27:31What do you mean?
00:27:33With you. Be straight with me.
00:27:39George, you know, it just...
00:27:43Sonny, I need to know what your plans are.
00:27:47I need to know if you're staying on or moving on.
00:27:50I just need to know.
00:27:53Why? Come here.
00:27:56I want you to take a look around. Tell me what you think.
00:28:02About what?
00:28:03The location.
00:28:06The location?
00:28:09It's a dump.
00:28:11Yeah. Right now, it's a dump.
00:28:15On the map, this is just a country road in the woods with not much else.
00:28:20But in six months, they're going to build an alternate route right through there.
00:28:26Now, it's just a mile long, Sonny, but that's a million-dollar mile.
00:28:31Because all of a sudden, this road is going to be an access route to the interstate.
00:28:38When that happens, this dump is going to be a gold mine for the man with the vision to jump on it.
00:28:47Okay. And what's the vision?
00:28:50I'm going to build what I have always dreamed of.
00:28:54A motorsports park.
00:28:57A motorsports park?
00:29:00I'm going to put in a race car track for sports cars and motorbikes right over there.
00:29:07A go-kart track for kids.
00:29:09An autocross path over there.
00:29:12Food court with shops over there.
00:29:14Hell, I might even put in a casino one day.
00:29:19Okay, so you're thinking about buying the lot.
00:29:22Sonny, I already bought it. I already got the loan to build.
00:29:27I've got it all worked out down to the dollar.
00:29:32I can see it like it's already there.
00:29:37So what about you, Sonny?
00:29:41Can you see it?
00:29:44I can see it. I can see it real clear.
00:29:50Why didn't you tell me?
00:29:52You just wanted everything to be set up first.
00:29:54So a race track over there and a karting track for the kids to the left.
00:29:59And a food court and a filling station.
00:30:02And he's also going to have a mechanic shop that he says I'll be running.
00:30:06Maybe even a casino one day.
00:30:10This changes everything, Sonny.
00:30:13This could be all we ever wanted.
00:30:20What do you mean, we?
00:30:22I mean, you and me, of course.
00:30:25Wait, are you serious?
00:30:30This is George's plan. I mean, how are we supposed to get him out of it?
00:30:34Exactly. How do we get George out of it?
00:30:44They give you the needle for what you're thinking about in this state.
00:30:48So what you're talking about is crazy.
00:30:51Well, I'm talking. I haven't said a word.
00:30:53Well, you don't have to.
00:30:55Because I can read your mind.
00:30:57And what do you see in my mind, Sonny?
00:30:59I see someone who doesn't want to just take a man's life.
00:31:03You want to take his dream, too.
00:31:05This is my dream.
00:31:07I've been pushing and shoving this man for ages to do more with his life.
00:31:10With our life.
00:31:12Well, it looks like he is.
00:31:15Too late.
00:31:17This was before you came along.
00:31:49Oh, George.
00:32:13George, I can't believe it.
00:32:15Show me, show me again.
00:32:17Obviously, this is the go-kart racetrack for kids.
00:32:23Here on the second floor is a food court and also shops.
00:32:28There should be a toy store with cars and trucks that kids are crazy about.
00:32:34Now, you see there? I would have never thought of that.
00:32:37That's why we make such a good team.
00:32:40When do you think it's going to be done and open?
00:32:43About six, eight months for basics.
00:32:47That'll give us cash flow.
00:32:49The rest we'll do over time.
00:32:52Got a name for it.
00:32:54The Good Family Motorsports Park.
00:32:58I love that.
00:33:01I love that.
00:33:03You think it's the clutch or what?
00:33:06Sonny, you think it's the clutch?
00:33:09You know, it felt like it's the clutch to me.
00:33:12It seemed like it's the clutch to me.
00:33:14It just keeps jumping, man.
00:33:15Now, when I put it in first, you know, it's okay.
00:33:18But when I start trying to put it in second and third, it starts doing like this little jump.
00:33:23Yeah, man, I'll tell you what.
00:33:24I just put 25 in there.
00:33:26I've been thinking about selling it.
00:33:28I put an alternator in here.
00:33:29I had to put a generator.
00:33:31The air conditioning alone cost me almost as much.
00:33:43I saw you with him earlier.
00:33:45And you were all over him.
00:33:47What do you want me to do?
00:33:48He's still my husband.
00:33:49Yeah, but not for long.
00:33:52What do you mean?
00:33:53You know what I mean.
00:33:59We're not good people, are we?
00:34:02I'll show you how good we are.
00:34:05You want to be a bad girl?
00:34:21We just wanted to let you know how much we hope that your sister feels better.
00:34:25She'll be okay.
00:34:26It'll just be a couple of days.
00:34:28We'll be holding down the fort until you get back.
00:34:31Hey, once again, thanks for the car.
00:34:34You bet.
00:34:35I promise.
00:34:36I'll take real good care of it.
00:34:37Well, you better.
00:34:42See you soon.
00:35:06Sorry I'm late.
00:35:08Just as long as you're here now.
00:35:26What if we made it look like a robbery?
00:35:28Oh, no, no.
00:35:29That's how we met in the first place, remember?
00:35:31And how would that look?
00:35:32He almost gets killed in a robbery, then six months later he gets killed in another one,
00:35:36and I'm there for both of them?
00:35:37Come on.
00:35:38Then what, Sonny?
00:35:39I'm not good at this.
00:35:40Well, I've never done it before either.
00:35:42But whatever we do, we have to do it sooner than later, okay?
00:35:45It's a miracle he hasn't caught on to us yet.
00:35:48Well, he's been so distracted by the motor park.
00:35:58How about an accident, maybe?
00:36:03We could rig something to make it look like it just happened.
00:36:07Like you and I, we had nothing to do with it.
00:36:26Come on.
00:36:27I want to show you something.
00:36:32Close the door.
00:36:40Okay, listen.
00:36:41I'm going to be working under the tractor, and I'm going to tell George that I need his help.
00:36:45And as soon as he's in the position that that melon's in, then...
00:36:49You ready?
00:36:59The lift is ancient, and I wore the safety cog down just enough to make it look like it could have slipped at any time.
00:37:06But if you're going to be down there with George, then who is going to pull the lever?
00:37:16No, I can't do that.
00:37:17I can't do this.
00:37:18Listen, listen, listen, listen.
00:37:19It has to be this way, okay?
00:37:22I have to be down there with George to get him into position.
00:37:25And I can't pull the lever from down there.
00:37:31Maybe, maybe you can use a rope, and you could just tie that rope so that...
00:37:36Wait a minute, a rope?
00:37:38George is going to be able to see that.
00:37:39He's not blind.
00:37:40Now listen to me.
00:37:42Do you want to do this or not?
00:38:03Come here.
00:38:09I was thinking that we ought to, like, you know, get on the computer, start looking around and seeing, you know,
00:38:15and see if there's any kind of people with any kind of money.
00:38:19You know, maybe start...
00:38:24Like a Grand Prix car.
00:38:28And expensive.
00:38:30Way too expensive.
00:38:32We'll see what we can do.
00:38:33Find something cheap.
00:38:36Why don't you find somebody who knows how to do it?
00:38:40At least you could, you know, do some research.
00:38:45God, I love these beans.
00:38:48We're almost there, darlin'.
00:38:50Look, we're almost there.
00:38:51We're almost there.
00:39:20God damn it.
00:39:31What's wrong?
00:39:32These old tractors, man.
00:39:34That bolt is locked in.
00:39:35I can't get it loose.
00:39:37Here, let me take a look.
00:39:42Oh, yeah.
00:39:43All right.
00:39:44All right.
00:39:47Yeah, this damn thing's rusted tight.
00:39:49All right.
00:39:50There it is.
00:39:52God damn it.
00:39:55God damn it.
00:39:56You're turning the cat's ass.
00:40:01Go again?
00:40:02Let's do it.
00:40:07All right.
00:40:11You ready?
00:40:12I'm ready.
00:40:13All right.
00:40:29Ah, my hand!
00:40:30I'll pull the chain.
00:40:34We have to stick to the plan.
00:40:36But your hand.
00:40:37You were never here.
00:40:38You were in town when this happened.
00:40:40Go, just leave.
00:40:41Leave now, before someone pulls it off the road.
00:40:45You're gonna have to keep it together.
00:40:48What's done is done.
00:40:50He ain't coming back.
00:40:52Now, baby, I love you.
00:40:55Remember, that's why we did this.
00:40:59And you love me too, right?
00:41:01I love you.
00:41:02You know I do.
00:41:04Now go.
00:41:07Get rid of those shoes.
00:41:10Get rid of them.
00:41:44I love you.
00:41:46I love you.
00:41:47I love you.
00:41:48I love you.
00:41:49I love you.
00:41:50I love you.
00:41:51I love you.
00:41:52I love you.
00:41:53I love you.
00:41:54I love you.
00:41:55I love you.
00:41:56I love you.
00:41:57I love you.
00:41:58I love you.
00:41:59I love you.
00:42:00I love you.
00:42:01I love you.
00:42:02I love you.
00:42:03I love you.
00:42:04I love you.
00:42:05I love you.
00:42:06I love you.
00:42:07I love you.
00:42:08I love you.
00:42:09I love you.
00:42:10I love you.
00:42:11I love you.
00:42:12I love you.
00:42:13I love you.
00:42:14I love you.
00:42:15I love you.
00:42:16I love you.
00:42:17I love you.
00:42:18I love you.
00:42:19I love you.
00:42:20I love you.
00:42:21I love you.
00:42:22I love you.
00:42:23I love you.
00:42:24I love you.
00:42:25I love you.
00:42:26I love you.
00:42:27I love you.
00:42:28I love you.
00:42:29I love you.
00:42:30I love you.
00:42:31I love you.
00:42:32I love you.
00:42:33I love you.
00:42:34I love you.
00:42:35I love you.
00:42:36I love you.
00:42:37I love you.
00:42:38I love you.
00:42:39I love you.
00:42:40I love you.
00:42:41911 emergency.
00:42:42I need help.
00:43:26What happened?
00:43:27This is good?
00:43:28Yes, who are you?
00:43:29Detective Crawford, ma'am.
00:43:30Detective, what's going on?
00:43:31It seems there's been a very serious accident.
00:43:34An accident?
00:43:35Where's my husband?
00:43:36I'm very sorry, but your husband's been killed.
00:43:41I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:43:44It looks like Mr. Good was working on a suspended tractor along with your mechanic.
00:43:48Sonny, was he hurt too?
00:43:51His hand was injured pretty badly.
00:43:53That was him in the ambulance you just saw.
00:43:55Oh, my God.
00:43:57Oh, my God.
00:44:09How is this possible?
00:44:13I knew your husband, ma'am.
00:44:16High school, he was a good guy.
00:44:18He was a good guy.
00:44:52Hey, thanks a lot, Officer. I really appreciate it.
00:44:54Have a good night.
00:45:08How is your hand?
00:45:09It's fine, it's fine. Listen.
00:45:11No more texting, okay?
00:45:13I was just worried about you.
00:45:14I know, I know.
00:45:15What did you do with the shoes?
00:45:23What's eating at him?
00:45:24It's a George Good thing.
00:45:26The accident?
00:45:27Older husband, pretty young wife, new business starting up.
00:45:30They could be worth millions in time.
00:45:33I add in a handsome young mechanic
00:45:35who happens to be on the scene at the time of the husband's death.
00:45:38All right.
00:45:39Is it that he's young, that he's handsome,
00:45:40or that he was on the scene that bothers you?
00:45:42All three. Maybe nothing.
00:45:44You met the wife?
00:45:47Russian, pretty, stylish.
00:45:49Not the kind of woman you would expect to marry a tractor mechanic.
00:45:52The thing about the wife, clothes.
00:45:56Thinking back on when Mrs. Good came home,
00:45:58she's wearing this flowery dress,
00:46:00hair windblown, driving in a convertible.
00:46:03Like I said, like a picture out of a magazine,
00:46:05all except the shoes.
00:46:07Her shoes?
00:46:09She's wearing these dirty tennis shoes
00:46:11like you would wear to mow the lawn or something.
00:46:14So who do you know that goes grocery shopping
00:46:16looking like Grace Kelly,
00:46:18wearing some nasty, ratty-looking, raggedy tennis shoes?
00:46:21Who's Grace Kelly?
00:46:25All right, maybe her feet were sore.
00:46:28Maybe her Mary Janes were nipping on her bunions.
00:46:30Maybe she has foot problems.
00:46:32Or maybe she had to ditch the shoes that she was wearing in a hurry
00:46:34because she got blood on them.
00:46:36Come on.
00:46:37If you're standing right next to the release lever
00:46:39of the lift that drops the tractor on your husband's head,
00:46:42crushing his skull,
00:46:43you're definitely going to get blood on your shoes
00:46:45because of the splatter.
00:46:47And in a hurry, she grabs her old sneakers.
00:46:51And that's why we need to canvas that road
00:46:53from the shop all the way to town.
00:46:54That's like 15 miles.
00:47:00We'll canvas.
00:47:01Tomorrow morning.
00:47:02Copy that.
00:47:06Are you sure you threw them on this side of the road?
00:47:09I told you, I threw one to the right,
00:47:10the other one to the left down the road.
00:47:12Yeah, well, we have to find them.
00:47:14But I wiped them off.
00:47:16Don't you watch television?
00:47:18Wiping them off isn't good enough.
00:47:19Anybody could spot them out here.
00:47:21Anybody but us.
00:47:24What did the police say to you when they talked to you?
00:47:28A detective just told me about the accident.
00:47:31What about you?
00:47:33They asked me some questions in the emergency room.
00:47:35A detective?
00:47:37No, just the patrolman.
00:47:39You know, how did it happen,
00:47:40where was I when the tractor fell,
00:47:41where was George, stuff like that.
00:47:43What did you tell them?
00:47:45I told them what we worked out, I would tell them.
00:47:51We shouldn't have done it.
00:47:54Listen to me, listen to me.
00:47:56Don't you ever say that again, ever.
00:47:58It's done.
00:48:00You wanted it just as bad as I did, even more.
00:48:03It was you who wanted to get rid of him, remember?
00:48:06Sonny, stop.
00:48:07Don't start that crying shit either.
00:48:09I'm not getting a needle because you can't keep it together.
00:48:11You hear what I'm saying?
00:48:13I said, do you hear me?
00:48:15I see it.
00:48:17I see it.
00:48:22Thank God.
00:48:25You must have stepped over that thing a dozen times.
00:48:28See, look, baby, this is what I'm talking about.
00:48:30We just have to keep it together.
00:48:33Now all we have to do is find the other shoe.
00:48:37Come on.
00:48:48We have to be more careful from now on.
00:48:50I know.
00:48:52If anyone were to suspect that we're together, it would be bad.
00:48:56We should stay apart then.
00:48:58All business from now on.
00:49:00At least until we know we're in the clear.
00:49:03In that case, good night, Mr. Jordan.
00:49:06Good night, Mrs. Goodman.
00:49:18I'm sorry.
00:49:20I'm sorry.
00:49:22I'm sorry.
00:49:24I'm sorry.
00:49:25I'm sorry.
00:49:26I'm sorry.
00:49:27I'm sorry.
00:49:28I'm sorry.
00:49:29I'm sorry.
00:49:30I'm sorry.
00:49:31I'm sorry.
00:49:32I'm sorry.
00:49:33I'm sorry.
00:49:34I'm sorry.
00:49:35I'm sorry.
00:49:36I'm sorry.
00:49:37I'm sorry.
00:49:38I'm sorry.
00:49:39I'm sorry.
00:49:40I'm sorry.
00:49:41I'm sorry.
00:49:42I'm sorry.
00:49:43I'm sorry.
00:49:44I'm sorry.
00:49:45I'm sorry.
00:49:46I'm sorry.
00:49:47I'm sorry.
00:49:48I'm sorry.
00:49:49I'm sorry.
00:49:50I'm sorry.
00:49:51I'm sorry.
00:49:52I'm sorry.
00:49:53I'm sorry.
00:49:54I'm sorry.
00:49:55I'm sorry.
00:49:56I'm sorry.
00:49:57I'm sorry.
00:49:58I'm sorry.
00:49:59I'm sorry.
00:50:00I'm sorry.
00:50:01I'm sorry.
00:50:02I'm sorry.
00:50:03I'm sorry.
00:50:04I'm sorry.
00:50:05I'm sorry.
00:50:06I'm sorry.
00:50:07I'm sorry.
00:50:08I'm sorry.
00:50:09I'm sorry.
00:50:10I'm sorry.
00:50:11I'm sorry.
00:50:12I'm sorry.
00:50:13I'm sorry.
00:50:14Can I help you?
00:50:15Place looks shipshaped!
00:50:16Must be tough work in one hand, huh?
00:50:20But hey, I'm sorry, man, I'm not doing any mechanical stuff today.
00:50:23I'm just working here, cleaning up.
00:50:24But you can come back in a couple of days.
00:50:26Sonny Jordan, right?
00:50:30Yeah, that's right.
00:50:31And you are?
00:50:32Oh, we didn't get a chance to talk the other night.
00:50:36Detective Crawford.
00:50:38Sorry about the accident.
00:50:39That must have hurt like a son of a bitch.
00:50:41Tell you the truth, it still does.
00:50:44You know, they gave me some pills for the pain,
00:50:46but, you know, the pills only do but so much.
00:50:49Wow, that lift is pretty old, huh?
00:50:52Yeah, everything is old in its place.
00:50:54You know, George wasn't one to buy new tools
00:50:56if the old ones still did the job.
00:50:58Besides, he was saving up for this motor park
00:51:00that he was building.
00:51:01Yeah, I've been by there.
00:51:02That place looks like a real winner
00:51:03once they get that alternate route in.
00:51:05You involved in that?
00:51:06Well, he was gonna have me run the mechanics side
00:51:08once he got it up and running,
00:51:10but now I don't know, you know?
00:51:13I think his wife is still in shock,
00:51:14so she hasn't had time to think it through yet.
00:51:17And where are you from, Mr. Jordan?
00:51:18I'm from a lot of places.
00:51:20Name a few.
00:51:23St. Louis, Kansas City, New York, Albuquerque.
00:51:27I even spent some time in Los Angeles.
00:51:29Traveling, man.
00:51:30Yeah, I used to be.
00:51:31But not anymore, huh?
00:51:33Look, I had settled down in my original hometown,
00:51:36but I lost everything in the floods last year.
00:51:38I was down to my last dollar when George hired me.
00:51:41Made me feel real welcome.
00:51:43Well, Mrs. Good, she make you feel welcome, too.
00:51:46Yeah, she was all right.
00:51:48Look, I know how things can look to folks.
00:51:50How's that?
00:51:51Come on, man.
00:51:53You know how it is.
00:51:54You got this pretty young wife
00:51:55who marries a much older man.
00:51:56Yeah, but the husband's gone now.
00:51:57See, that's what I'm talking about.
00:51:59But I'm telling you, it wasn't like that.
00:52:00But she is a pretty woman, though.
00:52:02Yeah, she's a pretty woman.
00:52:03There's a lot of pretty women in the world,
00:52:04but not a lot of good jobs.
00:52:05Yeah, but this pretty woman
00:52:06might be coming into a whole lot of money soon.
00:52:08She and her husband get along okay.
00:52:10Yeah, they got along great.
00:52:14She was at the grocery store shopping
00:52:17when this happened, right?
00:52:19Why are you asking me all this, huh?
00:52:22Look at it.
00:52:23It's worn out.
00:52:24It's slipped.
00:52:25That's the end of the story.
00:52:26I just don't feel like I'm earning my money
00:52:29if I don't ask a few questions, right?
00:52:31I mean, a man got killed.
00:52:33Come on.
00:52:34If I need you to come down and talk some more,
00:52:37that wouldn't be a problem, would it?
00:52:39Look, I really wouldn't feel comfortable leaving Mrs. Good here
00:52:43alone so soon after her husband passed.
00:52:46Yeah, but if I need you,
00:52:48you'll come down, right?
00:52:54Look, if you need me, yes,
00:52:57I will come down.
00:53:05Take care of that.
00:53:29What did he want?
00:53:33You were watching.
00:53:35Not just at the end.
00:53:37If he had seen you, it would have looked suspicious.
00:53:41What was he after?
00:53:44He was just fishing.
00:53:46It's what cops do.
00:53:48They throw in the hook to see if they get a nipple.
00:53:50What did he ask you?
00:53:53If I like George.
00:53:55If I was staying on now that George was gone,
00:53:57what you're like.
00:54:00Why would he ask that?
00:54:01I told you, he's just fishing.
00:54:05I couldn't sleep last night.
00:54:08I kept going over everything,
00:54:11trying to figure out whether we missed anything.
00:54:13It was only the shoes.
00:54:15We think the shoes were the only thing,
00:54:17but it's always the things you don't think of.
00:54:35I love you.
00:54:59Rough day, huh?
00:56:01Whoa, whoa, whoa. Here, here. Let me help you.
00:56:04You should be in the shop, Mr. George.
00:56:31Come on.
00:57:02We can't.
00:57:04Sunny, we can't.
00:57:07We can't.
00:57:12We can't.
00:57:15Sunny, we can't.
00:57:17Name's Construction.
00:57:19Larissa Goode.
00:57:20Mrs. Goode, I was really sorry to hear about your husband.
00:57:24He was a really nice guy.
00:57:26Everybody over here liked him.
00:57:28Thank you.
00:57:29I'm calling to tell you that I'm going to keep my husband's plans,
00:57:33and I'd also like to make a few changes to the design.
00:57:36It's going to be great.
00:57:38Oh, wait.
00:57:41You know, furniture.
00:57:43I need the chairs.
00:57:45I need the other room.
00:58:00Oh, boy.
00:58:07Mrs. Goode, Detective Crawford.
00:58:09We met the night of your husband's accident, remember?
00:58:12Detective Crawford?
00:58:14How can I help you?
00:58:16I'm trying to reach Mr. Jordan, but he's not picking up in the shop.
00:58:19Have you tried his cell phone?
00:58:21No luck there, either.
00:58:23He might have stepped out.
00:58:25I can have him call you as soon as I see him.
00:58:27Nothing urgent, but it is important.
00:58:29Of course.
00:58:30All right, thank you. Good night, now.
00:58:32Good night.
00:58:35Detective Crawford wants to see you.
00:58:37What for?
00:58:38He didn't say.
00:58:40You have to call him back.
00:58:41Use the phone in the shop.
00:58:44Mr. Jordan, you busy tomorrow morning?
00:58:46I'd like you to come in if you can.
00:58:50At 10 o'clock, okay?
00:58:52What for?
00:58:54There's some things I want to go over. It won't take long.
00:58:57Well, you couldn't ask me what you want to ask me over the phone?
00:59:00It'd be better if you came in.
00:59:05Okay, 10 o'clock it is.
00:59:07Great. Can Mrs. Goode bring you over?
00:59:09Or I could send a patrol car for you to bring you, if you like.
00:59:12Yeah, no, no need for a patrol car.
00:59:14Yeah, I'll ask Mrs. Goode. I'm sure she can make that happen.
00:59:17Great, great. See you then.
00:59:22You heard?
00:59:24Why did they ask to see you?
00:59:26I don't know.
00:59:28They must have found something.
00:59:30I have no idea.
00:59:32They might be watching us.
00:59:34They might have us bugged.
00:59:36What if they have us bugged?
00:59:38If they had us bugged, we'd be in jail already.
00:59:40Besides, they need to get a warrant for that.
00:59:44Because the police always follow the rules.
00:59:55Let's go.
00:59:57Come on.
01:00:21Come on. We don't have much time.
01:00:23You should have sealed it up after the accident.
01:00:25Didn't know it was a crime scene then.
01:00:27Well, you didn't know it wasn't.
01:00:29Yeah, yeah.
01:00:36Do you want me to wait for you?
01:00:40I'll call you when I need to be picked up.
01:00:42If I need to be picked up.
01:00:44If they let me go.
01:00:46Don't say that.
01:00:50I'll talk to you later.
01:01:26Mr. Jordan.
01:01:28Thank you for coming in.
01:01:30Detective, what's this all about?
01:01:32You told me 10 a.m.
01:01:34I've been waiting over an hour now.
01:01:36Couldn't be helped.
01:01:38But this won't take long.
01:01:40Just a couple speed bumps I need to get over.
01:01:42Speed bumps?
01:01:44Yeah, speed bumps.
01:01:46You know, make you slow down,
01:01:48give you a chance to look at things a little more closely.
01:01:50Yeah, like what things?
01:01:52Just a few things.
01:01:54You know, that happened.
01:01:56I don't know if you told me anything.
01:01:58Have a seat.
01:02:12Let's just get this thing over with.
01:02:16I mean, what do you guys want from me, huh?
01:02:18I come down here in good faith to cooperate.
01:02:20And now you want to...
01:02:22I want to run an idea by you.
01:02:24An idea?
01:02:26Yeah, I want to come to you straight.
01:02:28I don't buy that George Goode's death
01:02:30was an accident.
01:02:34I already told you, I was right there.
01:02:36The tractor fell on him.
01:02:38Shit, it fell on both of us.
01:02:40I mean, look at my goddamn hand, man.
01:02:42I almost lost it.
01:02:44You think I would do something like this to myself?
01:02:46I've seen worse.
01:02:48You remember the guy that shot his wife dead
01:02:50I wouldn't call him any ugly now.
01:02:52You can guess why.
01:03:02Good luck with that.
01:03:06Sonny, I waited till now to call you down here
01:03:08because I was waiting for the medical examiner's report.
01:03:12They're always backed up.
01:03:14They say it's funding.
01:03:16It's always about the money, right?
01:03:18What do you want to know from me?
01:03:20The medical examiner found some very interesting things
01:03:22about the wounds on Mr. Goode's body.
01:03:24You see this photo right here?
01:03:26On Mr. Goode's collarbone?
01:03:28Very unusual pattern.
01:03:30Right here.
01:03:34Identical same wound, and it's the one that killed him.
01:03:38There's the tractor's deferential.
01:03:40That part right there on the tractor
01:03:42is the only part whose shape
01:03:44matches, identically matches
01:03:46both of those wounds.
01:03:50So the tractor fell on him twice.
01:03:54I don't know anything about that, all right?
01:03:56Everything happens so fast.
01:03:58And remember, I was hurt, okay?
01:04:00Look, maybe the thing
01:04:02bounced around a couple of times.
01:04:04I was thinking the same thing.
01:04:06Maybe the tractor fell, hit the floor so hard
01:04:08it bounced, and it hit them again twice.
01:04:10That's fair.
01:04:12There you go.
01:04:14The medical examiner says that that's not possible
01:04:16because of the depth of the wounds
01:04:18and is willing to testify in court to that.
01:04:20Well, maybe the medical examiner
01:04:22got it wrong this time.
01:04:24The marks don't lie.
01:04:28you know, a pretty woman like that
01:04:30can get a man to do a lot of things.
01:04:34Lie, cheat, steal.
01:04:36Maybe kill.
01:04:40A woman can get a man
01:04:42to do a lot of things.
01:04:46You know what? I'm done talking.
01:04:48I'm done answering your questions, and I want a lawyer.
01:04:50Hold on. You don't need a lawyer.
01:04:52We won't ask any more questions, Cole.
01:04:54But wait a few minutes,
01:04:56and then you can go. Give us a few minutes.
01:04:58Just a couple minutes. A couple minutes ain't gonna kill you.
01:05:00There's something for you to watch while you're waiting.
01:05:02A few minutes.
01:05:04I'll give you two minutes. All right, that's cool.
01:05:06And fast forward to the good parts. Here, we got two minutes.
01:05:08Fast forward.
01:05:10Get a film ready for you. Oh, this is a good film.
01:05:12Look at this. It's really good.
01:05:14Mr. Good was here,
01:05:16and the lever releasing
01:05:18the lift is all the way over there.
01:05:20No way he could pull the lever
01:05:22from here. If nobody else was here to do it,
01:05:24how did it drop? Exactly.
01:05:26Unless this was really just an accident.
01:05:28Jordan's a mechanic. He could have rigged the locking mechanism.
01:05:30Okay, but how did he pull the lever from all the way over here?
01:05:32Or go-go gadget arms?
01:05:38What are you doing?
01:05:40What if...
01:05:54All right. Fine.
01:05:56Cool, huh?
01:05:58That's bullshit.
01:06:00Now, it's either one of two things.
01:06:02Either you did it,
01:06:04or you
01:06:06and Mrs. Good did it together.
01:06:08And when I find out
01:06:10which one it is, I'm coming to get you.
01:06:12You can go
01:06:14for now.
01:06:20You know,
01:06:22it just occurred to me.
01:06:24Didn't you need
01:06:26a warrant to do that?
01:06:28Like this?
01:06:30We knocked.
01:06:38Got it.
01:06:42We threw everything we had at him.
01:06:44He didn't break.
01:06:46Yeah, he didn't break, but maybe she will.
01:06:48You really think she's in on it?
01:06:50Can't wait to get the matahari in that chair
01:06:52and turn the heat up on her.
01:06:56You ready? I'm ready.
01:06:58All right.
01:07:10Get it off!
01:07:12Get it off!
01:07:14Pull the chain!
01:07:18Pull the chain!
01:07:20Pull the chain!
01:07:22Pull the chain!
01:07:32That's it.
01:07:34I'll get you out.
01:07:36I can't hold it much longer.
01:07:38What are you doing, Sonny?
01:07:40Let go!
01:07:48Why don't you say something?
01:07:50Tell me what you and the detective talked about.
01:07:52Pull over.
01:07:56Just pull over!
01:08:10What's wrong, Sonny?
01:08:12It's gonna be fine.
01:08:16I'm gonna be okay.
01:08:20Everything's gonna be okay.
01:08:26That's what he said.
01:08:28It's either you or it's both of us.
01:08:30Yeah, but they don't have anything.
01:08:34Nothing real, at least.
01:08:36It's got this video.
01:08:38What video?
01:08:40There's this video that shows
01:08:42how I could have dropped the tractor on George
01:08:44by myself
01:08:46by tying a rope to the lift lever.
01:08:48Could that work for him?
01:08:52It's just speculation.
01:08:54It wouldn't hold up in court.
01:08:58I can't go to court.
01:09:00Listen to me.
01:09:02The more he talked,
01:09:04the more I realized he had nothing.
01:09:06Nothing. It's just a theory.
01:09:08But he knew the tractor was dropped twice.
01:09:10He thinks he knows a lot of things.
01:09:12You think I would be sitting here right now?
01:09:14If they had anything on me,
01:09:16you think they would let me leave?
01:09:18No. He was just fucking with me
01:09:20to see how I'd react.
01:09:22You didn't freak out with them like you did with me
01:09:24in the car, did you?
01:09:26No, I did not.
01:09:28Oh, God.
01:09:30Sonny, are you gonna turn on me?
01:09:36Are you gonna turn on me?
01:09:38Of course not.
01:09:40Even if they offer you a lighter sentence?
01:09:42Why would you ask me something like that?
01:09:46I'm not.
01:09:48Why? Are you gonna turn on me?
01:09:50No, never.
01:09:52Yeah, because sometimes
01:09:54when people think the other person
01:09:56is gonna screw them over,
01:09:58it's because they thought of doing it first.
01:10:02when you're scared, you do crazy things.
01:10:04Come here.
01:10:10It's gonna be all right.
01:10:22Police. What should I say?
01:10:36We gotta answer it sometime.
01:10:45Hello? Larissa Good?
01:10:49This is Middleton Police.
01:10:51I have Detective Crawford on the phone for you.
01:10:54Mrs. Good?
01:10:56Yes, Detective Crawford?
01:10:58Yes, uh, can you drop by the police station tomorrow morning?
01:11:00Is this really necessary?
01:11:02I'm afraid so, ma'am.
01:11:04It's about your husband's death.
01:11:06Okay. Until tomorrow, then.
01:11:08See you then.
01:11:11All right, listen.
01:11:13He's just...
01:11:15He's just gonna try and rattle you, that's all.
01:11:18I can't go down there and face them.
01:11:22I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it up.
01:11:24I'm afraid I'm gonna say the wrong thing.
01:11:26Listen, it's just a game. That's how you gotta look at it.
01:11:28It's a game.
01:11:30I can't go to jail.
01:11:32No, no, no, no, I know that.
01:11:34Nobody's going to jail. We're gonna figure this whole thing out.
01:11:36Son, you can't go to jail.
01:11:38There's something I have to say to you.
01:11:44I'm pregnant.
01:11:59You sure?
01:12:03I did the test.
01:12:11A baby.
01:12:13And it's mine.
01:12:23That detective is so smart.
01:12:27He won't quit on us, will he?
01:12:34Do you love me, Sonny?
01:12:38You know I do.
01:13:09It was my idea.
01:13:11All of it.
01:13:13You see, I had a thing for Larissa
01:13:15from the moment that George brought me home.
01:13:18And one day, I made a move,
01:13:21and she put me in my place right away.
01:13:24She told me that she loved her husband,
01:13:26and if I ever tried anything like that again,
01:13:28that she would let him know and have me fired.
01:13:31But I couldn't get her out of my mind.
01:13:34So I started thinking that
01:13:36only if he was gone, if he...
01:13:38if he was dead,
01:13:40then maybe I'd have a shot.
01:13:44I set it up.
01:13:46And as soon as she went into town,
01:13:48I had George help me under the tractor.
01:13:50And just like you figured,
01:13:52I tied a rope around the lever and I pulled it.
01:13:56And I thought if I got my hand hurt,
01:13:59then he would never think it wasn't an accident.
01:14:03But it was on me.
01:14:05Mrs. Good had absolutely nothing to do with it.
01:14:29Well, I gotta hand it to you.
01:14:31You had it figured all along.
01:14:33You got your guy.
01:14:37I wonder.
01:14:43See you tomorrow.
01:14:44See you tomorrow.
01:14:52Larissa, by the time you read this,
01:14:54I've already done what I had to do.
01:14:56I've confessed to killing George.
01:14:59You were right.
01:15:02The police aren't going to let George's death go.
01:15:05They're going to be on us every minute.
01:15:07And the last thing I want is for them to find out
01:15:10that you were involved.
01:15:12Especially now, with a baby coming.
01:15:15I told you once that I would die
01:15:17before I saw a child of mine
01:15:19end up in the care of the state like I was.
01:15:22And if the police think that you're involved,
01:15:24that's exactly what will happen.
01:15:27It wouldn't be good if both our babies' parents were in jail.
01:15:30I know what I had to do the moment
01:15:32you told me you were pregnant.
01:15:36You must sell the farm now
01:15:38and move away where no one knows you.
01:15:40You don't want people to start talking
01:15:42when they see our son.
01:15:44And don't try to contact me.
01:15:46Someday, when I'm finally settled
01:15:48wherever they sent me,
01:15:50we'll find a safe way for you
01:15:52to let me know how you and our baby are doing.
01:15:56I just need you to know
01:15:58that when I told you I loved you, Larissa,
01:16:00I meant it.
01:16:02Take care of yourself
01:16:04and take care of our baby.
01:16:06And P.S.,
01:16:08if it's a boy, I'd like you to name him Brandon
01:16:11in honor of my grandfather.
01:16:14If it's a girl, well,
01:16:16you pick the name.
01:16:29My dearest Sonny,
01:16:31I think about you all the time.
01:16:34Our little boy is growing so fast,
01:16:37you'd hardly recognize him.
01:16:39He's very happy and bright
01:16:41and just like his father,
01:16:43very good with his hands,
01:16:45putting together his toys and puzzles.
01:16:48You'd be very proud of him.
01:17:01Sweetheart, your last letter
01:17:03lifted my spirits to the sky.
01:17:05I'm glad things are going so good
01:17:07for you and little Brandon.
01:17:09I'm glad to hear our baby boy
01:17:11is doing so well.
01:17:13It seems so long
01:17:15since you sent me a picture of him.
01:17:17Every time you do, he seems to grow
01:17:19and change so much.
01:17:21Sometimes he looks like me
01:17:23and sometimes he looks like you.
01:17:25I'd like to see at least one more picture
01:17:27of our son before my time runs out.
01:17:29All my heart,
01:17:51Mail, Mrs. Goode?
01:17:53Thank you, Dinah.
01:17:55Did you bring in those family photos
01:17:57for the hour employee you want?
01:17:59Yes, Mrs. Goode.
01:18:05Thank you.
01:18:09Wow, what a handsome little boy.
01:18:11He's my heart,
01:18:13my little Troy.
01:18:15How old is he again?
01:18:17He's five.
01:18:19So big for his age.
01:18:21Thank you, Dinah.
01:18:23Of course.
01:18:37Another letter.
01:18:39He doesn't quit, does he?
01:18:41Well, if he does,
01:18:43he might start thinking,
01:18:45and we don't want him thinking, do we?
01:18:52Could you please go
01:18:54and make sure the Lamborghini
01:18:56gets ready for the next client?
01:18:58Son of a bitch!
01:19:00Come on!
01:19:02Last time, they screwed up and cost me two grand.
01:19:06Later, boss.
01:19:50it's time.
01:20:00Dearest Sonny,
01:20:02you can't know how much I wish
01:20:04you were right here with us now.
01:20:07Because of your strength
01:20:09and your sacrifice,
01:20:11our son is growing strong and healthy.
01:20:14And one day I will tell him
01:20:16all the good things about his daddy.
01:20:18He will be starting school soon,
01:20:20and he is just the smartest little boy
01:20:22you ever saw.
01:20:24All my love.
01:20:35Go to a better world, Sonny.
