Oz and Freddy make friends and enemies during their last weekend in suburbia. HD ( Adventure, Comedy, Drama )

  • last month
Oz and Freddy make friends and enemies during their last weekend in suburbia. HD ( Adventure, Comedy, Drama )
00:00:00you should use one foot man look man I have two feet so if I use both I could
00:00:25just learn how to drive twice as good as everyone else all right just keep one
00:00:30foot on the gas and don't take it off well where do I let go when you want to
00:00:34stop I want to stop at my house your house is that way look man I know where
00:00:39my house is okay I just gotta learn how to drive forward before I can learn how
00:00:43to drive in reverse
00:00:46so there's gonna be a tryout Monday for what for the majors
00:01:05where's it at Nashville oh man I wish I could have seen your dad flip out when
00:01:12you asked he's a car I didn't but I gotta get him to sign some waiver cuz
00:01:18I'm under 21 so I can be eligible just forge it this isn't a report card yeah
00:01:23well I told you he's your left hand you know like me this guy's your penmanship
00:01:29you're left-handed
00:01:33when'd you get new neighbors new neighbors
00:01:48back up stop yelling it go man I can't what the arm man Ruby call the cops now
00:02:02looks like you got it under control get your mother to call the cops somebody's
00:02:08mother better call the cops darling look I can buy you another mailbox I pay the
00:02:19mortgage on this house so the last thing I need are a couple of punks tearing it
00:02:23shambles before I get a chance
00:02:33Frank hey watch it man get in the house that's awesome insurer you can throw so
00:02:40fast you'll have to squint your eyes so they don't catch fire
00:02:46what are you his manager that school district in the state my ass Ruby put a
00:03:10shirt on
00:03:40shit have you seen my glove I don't know maybe
00:04:11I think I left it in the car yeah whatever we'll get it or something
00:04:19ready what nothing geez how all hours of the night hold it mr. aren't you
00:04:42forgetting something let me see your eyes why let me see your stop Tom is
00:04:54spending the night who's Tom ready you are filthy when was the last time you
00:04:59did your laundry when was the last time you did my laundry do your laundry but I
00:05:06don't know how
00:05:29what's wrong
00:05:32daddy won't make up he was in his chair I was trying to wake him up to show my
00:05:40front walkover why won't he wake up he's just sleeping he's not sleeping he's
00:05:48sleeping really hard okay he's dead
00:05:52he's not dead
00:05:56can we come up pause
00:06:44hey Oh
00:06:49what time is it at the work all tell him I'm sick
00:06:53It's fine. It's night time.
00:06:57Hey, don't let me sleep in. I got a lot of work to do, okay?
00:07:01Don't worry, Dad. You got nothing.
00:07:05Hey, I got you.
00:07:23Come on. I'll tuck you in.
00:07:41Oz, are you leaving?
00:07:50You're not going to go play baseball?
00:07:58I'm going to stay here and take care of you.
00:08:03What are you going to do besides that?
00:08:08Get a job or something.
00:08:10But you're not getting anything except baseball.
00:08:14Yeah, well, sometimes you got to do stuff, even if you're not good at it.
00:08:26Life's just a bunch of stuff you don't want to do.
00:08:30You'll figure that out when you get older.
00:09:14I love you.
00:09:44I love you.
00:10:14I love you.
00:10:44I love you.
00:11:14I love you.
00:12:12Yes, Tyler.
00:12:13Can I kill it?
00:12:15Kill what?
00:12:16The monster in the tree.
00:12:18You can try.
00:12:21Die, die, die!
00:12:35You see something you like?
00:12:37Jeez, you scare the shit out of me.
00:12:41I saw you yesterday.
00:12:43That was some fancy driving.
00:12:46So, you new or what?
00:12:53You know, I don't know you, so...
00:12:55Your shoes are untied.
00:12:59So, you know, I think I would have known you if you were here and you weren't new.
00:13:03Well, who are you?
00:13:07You live around here?
00:13:08Yeah, next door.
00:13:17What do you do?
00:13:18Tie it up, pull it tight, and then get up.
00:13:27Give me a hand.
00:13:29God, Frank.
00:13:30Can't you see that I'm helping my new unfortunate friend tie his shoes?
00:13:33Just cut the crap, okay?
00:13:35Grab a box.
00:13:35You've been dragging ass all day.
00:13:38If you don't want me to make new friends, then I won't make new friends.
00:13:41Hey, Freddy, my mom's new husband says to screw off.
00:13:46Okay, see you around later, Ruby.
00:13:53So, Freddy, is it?
00:13:56That was you last night, wasn't it, neighbor?
00:13:59The car, the mailbox, that was all just a mistake, right?
00:14:03An accident?
00:14:05You know, because accidents happen, and I'd hate for us to get off on the wrong foot over an accident.
00:14:11Okay, see, that was no accident.
00:14:15Kids drive me nuts.
00:14:27Oh, yeah, bills.
00:14:33Daddy, hi.
00:14:35Hey, Ruby, how'd the move go?
00:14:36You get your room all set up?
00:14:38I hate it here.
00:14:39This place totally blows.
00:14:41I wish I could just come home.
00:14:43Why can't I stay with you?
00:14:44Ruby, why don't you just settle down and try to make some friends before school starts?
00:14:49Don't worry about me.
00:14:50We can figure out a good time for you to come and visit.
00:14:55It's a deal.
00:14:56And, Ruby?
00:14:58You know, Frank's not such a bad guy.
00:14:59You should give him a chance.
00:15:02Don't do anything stupid like run away again and give your mother-
00:15:46Why are you sneaking out?
00:15:58Where are you going?
00:16:00Don't worry about it.
00:16:01Well, when will you be back?
00:16:02When you stop being annoying.
00:16:54I'm so glad you could stop by for lunch.
00:17:00What are you doing here?
00:17:01I live here.
00:17:02That's what I'm doing here.
00:17:04Aren't you supposed to be like work or something?
00:17:06What would you know about work or something?
00:17:12It's Saturday.
00:17:15So what?
00:17:19Hey, Oz is in his room.
00:17:23What's he like, packing or-
00:17:25He's packing heat.
00:17:26He's packing sardines.
00:17:27He's packing-
00:17:28You know, Nashville tryouts?
00:17:29Like baseball?
00:17:36I'm gonna start locking this house!
00:17:38Hey, you hear me?
00:17:44You hear me?
00:18:10You're not gonna have much luck.
00:18:13What's that supposed to mean?
00:18:15Look around you.
00:18:17People here drive their cars straight into the garage,
00:18:19close the door, and shut out the world.
00:18:21Sure is how I'm gonna stop for you.
00:18:23Ten bucks says I get a ride.
00:18:26Good luck with that.
00:19:13We're gonna have a talk to your father, man to man.
00:19:15I don't have a father, man.
00:19:17Well, we'll see.
00:19:18Let me go.
00:19:32Come on.
00:19:37No one's home, man.
00:19:40No one's home, huh?
00:19:42No one's home.
00:19:43What do you want?
00:19:44I'm your new neighbor, okay?
00:19:46Just moved in.
00:19:47The name's Frank.
00:19:48I don't care.
00:19:50Get your hands off my son.
00:19:51Your son?
00:19:53Has been wreaking havoc on my property.
00:19:56Looks like you've been wreaking havoc on my son.
00:19:58Yeah, man.
00:19:59All sorts of havoc.
00:20:00Looks to me like we might have to involve the authorities.
00:20:02Yeah, I'm told them about the havoc.
00:20:06Okay, now listen.
00:20:08You got the whole wrong idea here.
00:20:11Okay, your son has been destroying my property since I moved into the neighborhood.
00:20:18Don't call me that, man.
00:20:19Is this true?
00:20:20Don't lie to me.
00:20:22Yes, sir.
00:20:23Frederick's father?
00:20:24Yeah, he trashed my lawn and my mailbox.
00:20:28Whatever, man.
00:20:31Well, that's not good.
00:20:32How's he gonna get his mail order bribes or whatever?
00:20:36Son, you get in here right now.
00:20:38You know the drill.
00:20:40I'm gonna beat the shit out of you and make you...
00:20:43Eat worms.
00:20:44Eat worms!
00:20:45For messing with this guy's mailbox.
00:20:50Don't worry.
00:20:51I'm gonna, like, punish him.
00:20:52A lot.
00:20:54Hey, man.
00:20:55Call me Frederick again and see what happens.
00:20:56Hey, man.
00:20:57It was all part of the act.
00:20:58Hey, what are you doing with that?
00:21:00So what?
00:21:01You just, like, go into people's houses and, like, go through their junk when they're not even home?
00:21:05I mean, weren't you taught any, like, manners or nothing?
00:21:08Raised in a barn.
00:21:09What can I say?
00:21:10You can say whatever you want.
00:21:13Hey, man.
00:21:14You want to see something cool?
00:21:16I found this thing, you know, and it was, like, in the street.
00:21:20And I was like, what the hell?
00:21:23And, like, people throw out cool shit, you know?
00:21:27I mean, it weighs, like, 80 pounds or something.
00:21:33It took me, like, half an hour to get back here.
00:21:36You want for a swing, man?
00:21:38I mean, you can have it if you want.
00:21:44What about you?
00:21:45I'm good.
00:21:52Hey, man.
00:21:53You think I'm, like, qualified?
00:21:55For what?
00:21:56Like the minors?
00:21:58Like a job.
00:22:02What kind of job?
00:22:04I don't know.
00:22:08What do you repair?
00:22:15Well, I got a television right here, man.
00:22:17I mean, you can fix it if you want.
00:22:20Yeah, I don't know.
00:22:22Look, man, you want the job or not?
00:22:25You dinglewad!
00:22:26I already saw you right there!
00:22:28It's Billy, man.
00:22:29Oh, you think he knows you messed up?
00:22:31Oh, you think he knows you messed up his car?
00:22:33I know you messed up my car, Freddy!
00:22:34Get out of here! Face me like a man!
00:22:36You get out of here and face me like a man!
00:22:39You're such a freaking pain in the ass!
00:22:44Oh, God, it smells like garbage.
00:22:47Oz, what up?
00:22:49Watching, man.
00:22:55Funny thing happened to me yesterday.
00:22:57I was coming home from school and I parked my car in the driveway
00:22:59to go write my essay on animal communication.
00:23:02You talk to animals at college?
00:23:04It's a GE.
00:23:07As I was saying,
00:23:09I was writing my essay for ANCOM
00:23:11and I go outside and I realize my car's been completely demolished.
00:23:15You couldn't have been that bad.
00:23:18How would you know?
00:23:19What's your problem, man?
00:23:20You screwed up my car, Freddy.
00:23:22Why would I want to screw up your car?
00:23:24Because you're a screw-up.
00:23:26Because you're a screw-up, Freddy.
00:23:28And that's all you do.
00:23:30You screw things up.
00:23:34Listen, man.
00:23:36Anyone could have stole your car.
00:23:38Got it?
00:23:39You're gonna pay.
00:23:40What, you don't have insurance?
00:23:44I got ass-kicking insurance, Freddy.
00:23:46So pay up,
00:23:48or I kick your ass.
00:23:52Go ahead and try it.
00:23:53I will.
00:23:57Eight o'clock.
00:23:59Be there.
00:24:12Do you guys think that he'd really call the cops?
00:24:17I don't know. I mean, he's got no proof.
00:24:19So, like, what's he gonna say?
00:24:21He's got my glove.
00:24:22Yeah, but it's a glove, right?
00:24:24Lots of people have gloves.
00:24:25I mean, Billy Walker probably has tons of gloves.
00:24:28I'm not talking about tons of gloves.
00:24:30I'm talking about my glove.
00:24:31Well, did you put your name on it?
00:24:33Then how's he gonna know?
00:24:34I don't know, but I still need it, okay?
00:24:36You guys are cute.
00:24:39Don't call me cute.
00:24:40I'm not cute.
00:24:42Okay, you're not cute.
00:24:44Um, do you have anything to eat here?
00:24:46I got some stuff at my place.
00:24:54I love high-tech shit.
00:24:59I know that she's all I need.
00:25:05I know that she's all I need.
00:25:27Hey, man, where's the, um...
00:25:29The what?
00:25:30Nothing. I got it.
00:25:34You don't have any more ingredients?
00:25:37I need, like, ketchup.
00:25:41I'm always yelling!
00:25:49Oh, shit.
00:25:51Oh, shit.
00:25:59Hey, you know what?
00:26:01I was just like you.
00:26:03I mean, just like you.
00:26:06I don't know. I'm one of a kind.
00:26:11So was I.
00:26:13But you and I, you know, we're practically the same.
00:26:16Hey, your sister's really good.
00:26:20So are you here to give my son direction in his life?
00:26:23Lay off, man.
00:26:24I mean, like, I'm your father.
00:26:26Um, you're out of bananas...
00:26:31And peanut butter.
00:26:33I don't care. I'm outside.
00:26:38Ruby, come watch me.
00:26:42Hey, honey.
00:26:43What's going on?
00:26:44Oh, nothing. Nothing's going on. We're, um...
00:26:47Just go outside and play.
00:26:48What's wrong?
00:26:49What's wrong?
00:26:50I said nothing's wrong. Now just...
00:26:52Come on.
00:26:53Are you gonna eat all that?
00:26:58Come on, Kaylee. Let's go outside, sweetie.
00:27:02You leave.
00:27:05You sit down.
00:27:07You stay.
00:27:21Kaylee, let's go to the play yard.
00:27:23Thank God.
00:27:25I'm glad to see you're not dragging on that old baseball glove.
00:27:35You supposed to drink with those?
00:27:38No, different meds for different ailments.
00:27:40This is for my heart.
00:27:43This is for my soul.
00:27:46Oz, I know what you're up to.
00:27:48It is a huge mistake.
00:27:50I'm not up to anything.
00:27:51Oh, cut the crap.
00:27:53You're planning on going and playing baseball.
00:27:55That's what you're planning on doing. I'm not stupid.
00:27:59Hey, how fast can you...
00:28:02throw the ball?
00:28:03I don't know.
00:28:05So what?
00:28:06Okay, listen, smart guy.
00:28:09Ask any five-year-old what he wants to do.
00:28:12I don't know.
00:28:13Ask any five-year-old what he wants to be when he grows up.
00:28:17What's he going to say?
00:28:19What's he going to say?
00:28:20Okay, I'll tell you.
00:28:21Nine out of ten times they say they want to be astronauts.
00:28:23Now, I myself, I don't know any astronauts.
00:28:26Now, how many astronauts do you know?
00:28:28I'm not five.
00:28:30Well, you certainly the hell act like you're five.
00:28:32You behave like you're five.
00:28:33You piss like you're five.
00:28:37Are we taking your dad's car?
00:28:39Hey, man, can I drive?
00:28:44Does your dad know you're leaving?
00:28:47Don't know how he found out.
00:28:49I'm not going anyway.
00:28:51Let's go.
00:28:52Wait, you're not leaving?
00:28:54No, man.
00:28:55I can't just leave you here to rot by yourself.
00:29:08So, what are we doing?
00:29:12What are you doing?
00:29:18Did you want to, like, go somewhere or something?
00:29:20Isn't that the point?
00:29:22There's nowhere to go.
00:29:23You don't know that until you get there.
00:29:25Yeah, I just live a little.
00:29:30So, what's cool around here?
00:29:32I don't know.
00:29:33There's, like, a dump outside of town.
00:29:35Some people say it's haunted.
00:29:37No one says it's haunted.
00:29:39Well, no one says it isn't haunted.
00:29:42What do you do there?
00:29:44I don't break stuff.
00:29:46Throw stuff.
00:29:48Kick stuff.
00:29:50It's almost eight.
00:29:52So what?
00:29:53Billy's gonna be at the dump.
00:29:58Well, sometimes they leave the lights on at the baseball diamond.
00:30:01We could go there.
00:30:02Let's check it out.
00:30:03I've got an idea.
00:30:05Does this idea involve, like, kicking or breaking or throwing?
00:30:08Because if so, we've already thought of that.
00:30:19Found you.
00:30:24Don't worry.
00:30:25I found Freddy first.
00:30:28You're it!
00:30:29Better start counting!
00:30:43Shouldn't we split up?
00:30:45He'll be expecting you. Come on!
00:31:02Freddy or not, here I come!
00:31:08You're it!
00:31:25They're on the timer.
00:31:38I want to see you play.
00:31:43I don't know.
00:31:45I want to see you do something you're good at.
00:31:47And even though baseball's usually boring, I'd get to eat nachos.
00:31:51What if they're out of nachos?
00:31:53Then it'd just be boring.
00:31:55Well, then I'd get a hot dog.
00:31:57Plus, it would be fun because I'd get to see you play.
00:31:59I don't need a fan club.
00:32:04You were right. We should have split up.
00:32:09Look, maybe I just don't like people watching me when I play, you know?
00:32:13Well, maybe you're not that good.
00:32:23See the hole in that fence?
00:32:27My dad cut that.
00:32:29He said when I can stand on that mound and throw the ball through the hole,
00:32:32then I'll know I'm good enough.
00:32:34Did you do it?
00:32:36It's a trick.
00:32:38The hole's too small.
00:32:40The ball can't fit.
00:32:49Found you.
00:32:51This game sucks.
00:32:53I should be getting home anyways.
00:33:14You gonna pay up, all-star? You owe me ten bucks.
00:33:17How's that?
00:33:19Someone picked me up.
00:33:36Your shoes are untied.
00:33:41I like them like that.
00:33:43Makes my feet breathe.
00:34:01Ruby, are you trying to give your mother gray hair?
00:34:04I think you're doing fine on your own.
00:34:08You know what? You need to show your mother some respect, young lady.
00:34:11Frank, I'll handle this.
00:34:13Why didn't you answer your phone?
00:34:15Must have been on silent.
00:34:16What were you doing with that boy?
00:34:18What's that supposed to mean?
00:34:19I saw you outside. What were you doing with that Freddy kid?
00:34:22Tying his shoes.
00:34:24Okay, you know what?
00:34:25You may think you're funny, but you are now grounded.
00:34:29What? I mean, she is, isn't she?
00:34:31Frank, let me deal with her.
00:34:33I need to be part of this family joke, because the kids won't respect me otherwise.
00:34:39Maybe you shouldn't leave tomorrow.
00:34:41No, no, no, no. That's ridiculous. I can handle it.
00:35:03Good night, Dad.
00:35:33Good night.
00:36:04I can do a back handspring. Do you want to see?
00:36:07Maybe later.
00:36:08Why not now?
00:36:10Because I've got to go.
00:36:12Can I come?
00:36:20What happened to your glasses?
00:36:22Stay out of my room, okay?
00:36:25Roz, wait. Just watch me do my back handspring.
00:36:44You're pretty good at that.
00:36:45You want to try?
00:36:48Come on.
00:36:51You're pretty good at that.
00:36:52You want to try?
00:36:55I don't think I'm cut out for that kind of stuff.
00:36:57You won't know until you try.
00:37:21Little man, come on over here and say goodbye to your mother.
00:37:24Mom, why can't I come with you?
00:37:26Ruby, come here.
00:37:30Die, monster, die.
00:37:34I want you to listen to Frank.
00:37:36He's in trouble.
00:37:38He's in trouble.
00:37:40He's in trouble.
00:37:42He's in trouble.
00:37:44He's in trouble.
00:37:46He's in trouble.
00:37:48I want you to listen to Frank.
00:37:50He's in charge, okay?
00:37:54And wipe some of that lipstick off.
00:37:56Make sure it looks cheap.
00:37:58Kid, you can't kill a tree with water.
00:38:00It's just going to drink it up.
00:38:04You're stupid.
00:38:06You're stupid.
00:38:08You're the stupid one.
00:38:10Trees like water.
00:38:13You're soaking wet.
00:38:18Tyler, don't spray the boy.
00:38:22Now you're wet and stupid.
00:38:29I don't want you near him.
00:38:31You understand me?
00:38:34Been playing in the sprinklers?
00:38:36What's that supposed to mean?
00:38:38You know what I mean.
00:38:40What's that supposed to mean?
00:38:42You're all wet.
00:38:44Yeah, I know.
00:38:46What happened?
00:38:50So you're just minding your own business
00:38:52and all of a sudden you're sopping wet?
00:38:56Look, I need to talk, okay?
00:39:02Well, did you ever feel like
00:39:04everything you do is, like, wrong?
00:39:07Oh, Freddy.
00:39:09People do all sorts of things.
00:39:11And there are a million ways to do things.
00:39:14And not all of those can be the right things.
00:39:17You know?
00:39:19My shoes keep coming untied.
00:39:24Are you on drugs?
00:39:26What? No.
00:39:28Look at me.
00:39:30Mom, stop. Sometimes I just feel like I'm a screw-up or something.
00:39:34Freddy, you don't have to get screwed up
00:39:37to have a good time.
00:39:39That's not what I'm saying. Just listen to me.
00:39:41I am.
00:39:43Okay, well, like, I'm trying to talk to you and...
00:39:46Freddy, why are you wet?
00:39:49Why don't you just ask your boyfriend?
00:39:52Tom, what do you mean?
00:39:54Forget it.
00:39:59Tom, do you know why Freddy's wet?
00:40:03I don't know.
00:40:24One foot in front.
00:40:26Put your hands down and roll over into a split.
00:40:30Into a split?
00:40:32A side split.
00:40:34A side split, okay.
00:40:36I don't know what that is.
00:40:38Like this.
00:40:43That was great.
00:40:45So why don't you come in here now,
00:40:47jump around and make me some coffee, okay?
00:40:52Hey, uh, how about we have a good old-fashioned
00:40:55family dinner tonight, huh?
00:40:58You don't cook. Ever.
00:41:02Well, tonight I do.
00:41:05I just want to get the family together
00:41:07and lay all our cards out on the table.
00:41:10What do you think? It's up to you.
00:41:15Lay all our cards out on the table.
00:41:18What do you think? It's up to you.
00:41:21Yeah, sure.
00:41:23Yeah? Great.
00:41:46Your mom wants to know why you're wet.
00:41:53Well, maybe I just want to be wet.
00:42:01If you think of that...
00:42:05Look, man, I could care less if you're wet or not.
00:42:08You could be covered from head to toe
00:42:10in petroleum jelly for all I care.
00:42:16You mean it?
00:42:35It's not here.
00:42:37Well, maybe he hid it somewhere.
00:42:39Where would he hide it?
00:42:41I don't know. Like the glove compartment?
00:42:47Look, I don't know what he's bitching about, though.
00:42:49I mean, he's got, like, tons of insurance in there.
00:42:51Let's get out of here.
00:42:52Hey, hey, hey!
00:42:53Get the hell away from my car, you chicken shit!
00:42:56Ass munch! You never showed!
00:42:58What's up, Austin?
00:42:59Look, man, I don't know what you're talking about.
00:43:01Shut up.
00:43:02I waited all night at the dump just to kick your sorry butt.
00:43:05Where were you?
00:43:06I was at the baseball field.
00:43:08Yeah, man, like you said.
00:43:09Baseball field. Eight o'clock.
00:43:12Eight o'clock.
00:43:13Yeah, yeah, like you said.
00:43:16No. I said dump.
00:43:19Yeah, it's because he likes to dig around in trash.
00:43:24You shittiest need to clean out your ears.
00:43:26God, I just want to hit you.
00:43:28Right in your stupid face.
00:43:30Look at me, stupid!
00:43:31Did you find a baseball glove in your car?
00:43:34I need it, Billy.
00:43:35Look, man, you want to fight? Let's do it.
00:43:37Let's do it right now. Come on, you don't have to wait on account of me.
00:43:39Now? I'll talk, huh?
00:43:41Look, man, I got class in 15 minutes. I'm not taking another day for nobody.
00:43:44I can't believe this tool.
00:43:45Attendance is mandatory, so be there.
00:43:47At the baseball field tonight, and we'll fight.
00:43:50We'll show. You just bring the glove.
00:43:51Okay, so don't badge out on me like last time, or I'll come find you.
00:43:55I can be relentless.
00:43:57You're going to bring it, right?
00:43:58Oh, yeah, I'll bring it.
00:43:59Enjoy your last day on Earth.
00:44:01Probably spend the whole time picking each other's boners.
00:44:07He's a buffoon.
00:44:12He's a buffoon.
00:44:22He's a buffoon.
00:44:49Have you seen your sister?
00:44:51I don't... I don't know.
00:44:58Turn right back for one second.
00:45:02Man, I thought Billy used to be our friend.
00:45:04I mean, I know he always used to make fun of his hair lip and all, but geez.
00:45:10He changed, man.
00:45:12He used to be cool.
00:45:16Guess that's what happens when you go to community college.
00:45:29Aren't you afraid you're going to get some sort of, like,
00:45:31flesh-eating disease from digging around in the trash?
00:45:40Who's this?
00:45:43I should have known.
00:45:45Freddy, the neighborhood ballsack.
00:45:48Who is this?
00:45:49Just put Ruby on the phone.
00:45:54She's not here.
00:45:55Look, I'm not stupid.
00:45:57Who are you?
00:45:59Her father.
00:46:01Sort of.
00:46:02Oh, then you're wrong. You are stupid.
00:46:08Who's that?
00:46:10My asshole neighbor.
00:46:11Ruby's dad?
00:46:13Sort of.
00:46:33High school was long enough.
00:46:36Waiting for death row or something.
00:46:39Minus the conjugal visits.
00:46:43Time probably moves slowly when you're waiting to die.
00:46:47Just like...
00:46:49Thinking of everyone you killed.
00:46:53Maybe it goes super fast.
00:46:56Because you know it's all the time you've got left.
00:46:58Maybe we should call, like, Ted Bundy or something.
00:47:01And ask him...
00:47:02Hey, boys!
00:47:03Ted Bundy's dead.
00:47:06You look nice and...
00:47:10Now you want me to be wet?
00:47:12Hop in.
00:47:13We're making an early dinner.
00:47:17Just ate nachos.
00:47:18So you don't have any room for meatloaf.
00:47:23What about you, Oz?
00:47:24I can't.
00:47:25I got a family dinner tonight.
00:47:30Maybe we should start doing something.
00:47:33Maybe we should start doing something like that.
00:47:47Hey, man.
00:48:02It's rather cold tonight
00:48:10Well, I'm alone, that's fine
00:48:16But something keeps pulling me from my sleep
00:48:24I wish someone were laying here with me
00:48:32Got somebody to dream about
00:48:36Got somebody to dream about
00:48:40Got somebody to dream about
00:48:57Tom doesn't know why you were wet.
00:49:00Freddy, if something's going on with you, you can tell me. It's okay.
00:49:04Nothing's going on.
00:49:09It's just that you've been so quiet.
00:49:12You hardly ever say a word to me anymore.
00:49:14I never know what you're doing, where you go, who you're hanging with.
00:49:17Do you have new friends? Is that it?
00:49:20I don't have any friends.
00:49:21Billy Walker's always been such a nice boy.
00:49:25And if you did have friends, and those friends were doing something that made you feel uncomfortable,
00:49:29then they're not good friends.
00:49:31I know it can be hard when everyone else is doing something.
00:49:34There's a lot of pressure between you guys.
00:49:36And there's that curiosity.
00:49:38Everyone else is just madly in love with you.
00:49:40It's easy to just break up.
00:49:44You know Frank.
00:49:45He's offered to give us a little help.
00:49:48I wouldn't stop!
00:49:50Relax, I'll find him.
00:49:58Come on, kid, let's talk!
00:50:17There'll be another full moon tonight
00:50:22How come he's always right?
00:50:29How come he's always right?
00:50:53Who's there?
00:50:54Cut the bull, Freddy. I know that's you.
00:50:57There's no Freddy here.
00:50:58Stop doing that idiotic voice and get out here.
00:51:01Christ, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to find Ruby.
00:51:04There's no Ruby here. You got the wrong house.
00:51:06Open the goddamn door!
00:51:09My mistake, sir. I didn't mean to disturb you.
00:51:12Well, you have.
00:51:14You haven't seen a kid around here, have you?
00:51:16No kids, no animals, no insects.
00:51:19No one comes in my house but me.
00:51:21I think I saw a boy climb through your window.
00:51:24Well, that would be trespassing, wouldn't it?
00:51:27I guess it would.
00:51:28I shoot trespassers.
00:51:30I shoot kitty cats and I shoot puppy dogs.
00:51:32Now leave me alone before I shoot you.
00:52:17Tyler, I'm not going to tell you again.
00:52:21Stay inside.
00:53:02What's wrong?
00:53:04I'm not that fast.
00:53:10Could have fooled me.
00:53:17Can I take it you got a thing for planes?
00:53:21Could have fooled me. It's kind of cute.
00:53:24Don't say that.
00:53:26Say what?
00:53:28Cute. Don't call me that.
00:53:30Don't call me cheap.
00:53:32I didn't call you cheap. I called you fast.
00:53:35And you are.
00:53:37I'm not that fast.
00:53:39Could have fooled me.
00:53:41Don't say that.
00:53:43I'm not that fast.
00:53:46You're like a bolt of lightning.
00:53:49Sounds kind of cute.
00:53:52I used to build these with my dad.
00:53:55I wanted to build cars.
00:53:58He always brought home planes, so that's what we built.
00:54:04Then he had a stroke.
00:54:06Couldn't keep his hand still, so it didn't matter anyway.
00:54:11Well, it's nice he wanted to spend time with you.
00:54:14My dad won't even answer the phone.
00:54:17That guy's a jerk-off.
00:54:19Who, Frank?
00:54:21Frank's not a jerk-off. He's an idiot.
00:54:24And he's not my dad. He's my stepdad.
00:54:27My dad lives in Nashville.
00:54:29Well, near Nashville.
00:54:32Well, at least he's not breathing down your neck all the time.
00:54:36Reeking of whiskey, making you take care of your sister.
00:54:40She really listens to you.
00:54:42You'd make a good dad.
00:54:47Slow down there.
00:55:06Come on.
00:55:36Come on.
00:55:38Come on.
00:56:04Oz, why is your door closed?
00:56:06What's this?
00:56:08Oz, you have a girl in your room.
00:56:10I did. Now I have two girls, and that's one too many, so get out.
00:56:16Oz, this is tomorrow.
00:56:21In Nashville.
00:56:23Are you gonna go?
00:56:24Yeah, I gotta get my glove, but yeah, I'm going.
00:56:29Are you nervous? Are you excited?
00:56:31What's the difference?
00:56:32I wanna see you try out.
00:56:34I don't know if they let people watch that kind of thing, you know?
00:56:37How long are you gonna be gone? When are you taking off? How are you getting there?
00:56:40I don't know. I just kinda decided to go this morning.
00:56:43Oz, but we gotta figure this stuff out.
00:56:45Can we take your dad's car? Do we need to take the bus? Stuff like that.
00:56:48We don't have to figure out anything.
00:56:50Come on. I'm ready to get the hell out of here.
00:56:53You just got here.
00:56:55Besides, I don't wanna have to worry about anyone else.
00:56:58You won't have to worry about me.
00:56:59And plus, my dad lives in Nashville, so we can stay at my dad's house.
00:57:02I thought your dad didn't want you around.
00:57:03I said he didn't answer my calls. Not that he didn't want me around.
00:57:06What's the difference?
00:57:08There's a difference, okay?
00:57:10And plus, he's not gonna turn away me and my boyfriend.
00:57:16This is why people think you're like...
00:57:18Don't call me fast.
00:57:20I wasn't gonna call you fast.
00:57:22I was gonna call you cheap.
00:57:28You know what?
00:57:30We're breaking up.
00:57:34Were we going out?
00:58:51Oh my god.
00:58:54Where's your arm?
00:58:56You're bleeding, that's why.
00:58:57I'm fine, just stop.
00:58:59Freddie, we have to get you cleaned off.
00:59:01I'm fine, just let me...
00:59:02Freddie, you have to learn to take care of yourself.
00:59:04Mom, just stop. Just stop.
00:59:06Let's just get you cleaned off first.
00:59:07Mom, I need to ask you something.
00:59:09What? You have my attention. What? What is it?
00:59:13So like...
00:59:15High school's over.
00:59:17And it's not like I was good at it or nothing, but like...
00:59:21You know, they told you what needed to happen.
00:59:23And all these things that you needed to do.
00:59:25And I hated that, you know?
00:59:27I hated that more than anything, and...
00:59:29You know, teachers always telling you to sit down and...
00:59:32Like, be quiet and show your work, and...
00:59:35They call you dumb because you don't feel like
00:59:37lugging around a 50-pound biology book all day, and...
00:59:40Well, go to a community college.
00:59:42They don't care what kind of grade you had in high school.
00:59:44No, Mom, I'm just sick of school.
00:59:45I just... I want to do something I'm good at.
00:59:47Well, you're good at things.
00:59:49Like what?
00:59:52Remember when you used to ride around on your tricycle
00:59:55all around the neighborhood?
00:59:57And you used to smile and wave at me with one hand?
01:00:00I was just good at like...
01:00:02At like, baseball, and like...
01:00:04Girls, and...
01:00:06And driving, you know, and...
01:00:07Well, some people are better at some things than other people.
01:00:10They have a talent. They're born with it.
01:00:12But everyone's good at something.
01:00:14I just don't want to rot.
01:00:16Oh, Freddy, don't be ridiculous.
01:00:18You said it yourself. I need to take care of myself.
01:00:20I'm like, rotting. I'm like, turning into garbage, and...
01:00:24I don't know what to do. I mean...
01:00:26I mean, what should I do?
01:00:27I don't know, Freddy. You're an adult.
01:00:30I can't tell you what to do.
01:00:31Adults figure things out on their own.
01:00:33I know, okay?
01:00:34How about you figure out something for yourself for a change?
01:00:37You never could do anything without Oz.
01:00:39Oz is my friend.
01:00:40I know, but like you said, he's doing something, isn't he?
01:00:43He's good at things.
01:00:44He's not going to be hanging around forever.
01:00:46Just shut up.
01:00:47And then you're going to be on your own.
01:00:48And then what are you going to do?
01:00:49I don't know, okay?
01:00:50Well, it's time to figure it out.
01:00:52Hold your hand forever, Freddy.
01:00:54What are you doing? Put that down.
01:00:56Freddy, I mean it. Do you hear me?
01:00:58This is my house.
01:00:59This is my house, too.
01:01:01No, Freddy. You just live here.
01:01:03Yeah, well, not anymore.
01:01:22What's the problem?
01:01:51You talk to me like there's a problem.
01:01:54I'm okay.
01:01:56Young people are always okay.
01:01:58You're never good or bad or fine or not.
01:02:01You're just okay.
01:02:04Thing is, okay doesn't really mean anything.
01:02:06Okay is just something people say
01:02:09so that they don't have to say anything else.
01:02:20I'm going to get off my grass.
01:02:21I just had it mowed yesterday.
01:02:33Nice plumage.
01:02:38Your flower.
01:02:42Plumage is feathers.
01:02:45Yeah, well, you know,
01:02:47when a peacock is displaying its plumage,
01:02:52it's looking for a mate.
01:02:56I'm not a peacock.
01:02:57Well, are you looking for a ride home?
01:03:01I live right there.
01:03:03We can take the scenic route.
01:03:28Hey, dinner's almost ready.
01:03:38You said you were going to cook.
01:03:40Oh, your mother always didn't cook?
01:03:42Yeah, I know.
01:03:43Come on, don't do this.
01:03:45It's chopsticks and stuff.
01:03:48Dad, I want you to do something for me.
01:03:50Honey, it's dinner time, okay?
01:03:53Please just sit down.
01:03:56What's this stuff?
01:03:59I want to talk now.
01:04:01Oh, God.
01:04:03Okay, we'll talk over the food.
01:04:06I feel like a little child.
01:04:07The juice is flowing, huh?
01:04:09Not like a little juice either.
01:04:13Now, who's going to say grace?
01:04:21Yes, seriously.
01:04:24Pete and I think we should give thanks.
01:04:29Oz, why don't you lead us in the prayer?
01:04:35You used to love this stuff.
01:04:36Come on.
01:04:37That was a long time ago.
01:04:39Please, Oz?
01:04:41Yeah, please.
01:04:46Good food, good meat.
01:04:48Good God, let's eat.
01:04:59Isn't this nice?
01:05:01This is nice, isn't it?
01:05:02We're all together, the family, sitting here.
01:05:04Dad, I'm leaving.
01:05:07Oz, why don't you shut up and eat your kung pao?
01:05:11I'm going to Nashville to try out for baseball.
01:05:13Kaylee, honey, why don't you give your brother his fortune cookie?
01:05:16Kaylee, go to your room.
01:05:19Don't tell your sister what to do.
01:05:22Kaylee, go to your room.
01:05:40Open your fortune cookie.
01:05:43Open mine.
01:05:51Your unappreciative son will neglect the fact that you still have no gainful employment
01:05:55nor any way to stay afloat.
01:05:58Instead, he's going to throw away his life and the life of his family's
01:06:01to pursue the hopeless dream of playing
01:06:06Major League Baseball.
01:06:19Oz, please, stop this nonsense of running away to play games.
01:06:25It's time for you to be part of the real world, you know?
01:06:28You're not going to be a Major League Baseball player.
01:06:31You're not.
01:06:32You're just going to be like everybody else, okay?
01:06:34I'm not going to be like you.
01:06:45You lost your job because you were drunk.
01:06:49You shouldn't.
01:06:52You shouldn't speak to your father like that.
01:07:03I'm going to Nashville.
01:07:18How are you going to get there, kid?
01:07:25I'll figure it out.
01:07:36Grab all your stuff and meet me back here in one hour.
01:07:39And then we'll take off for good.
01:07:42Bright lights, big city.
01:07:44So is your dad going to be cool with me going?
01:07:47My dad isn't going to turn down his daughter and her boyfriend.
01:07:51No, yeah.
01:07:53Of course.
01:08:07No, yeah, Billy from class.
01:08:10I need a huge, huge favor.
01:08:15I'm going to go get my stickers.
01:08:36Tyler, come here.
01:08:41What's wrong?
01:08:43I don't know.
01:08:45I don't know.
01:08:47I don't know.
01:08:49I don't know.
01:08:51I don't know.
01:08:53I don't know.
01:08:55I don't know.
01:08:57I don't know.
01:08:59I don't know.
01:09:01I don't know.
01:09:03I don't know.
01:09:05I don't know.
01:09:07I don't know.
01:09:09I don't know.
01:09:11I don't know.
01:09:13I don't know.
01:09:15I don't know.
01:09:17I don't know.
01:09:19I don't know.
01:09:21I don't know.
01:09:23I don't know.
01:09:25I don't know.
01:09:27I don't know.
01:09:29I don't know.
01:09:31I don't know.
01:09:33I don't know.
01:09:35I don't know.
01:09:37I don't know.
01:09:39I don't know.
01:09:41I don't know.
01:09:43I don't know.
01:09:45I don't know.
01:09:47I don't know.
01:09:49I don't know.
01:09:51I don't know.
01:09:53I don't know.
01:09:55I don't know.
01:09:57I don't know.
01:09:59I don't know.
01:10:01I don't know.
01:10:03I don't know.
01:10:05I don't know.
01:10:07I don't know.
01:10:09I don't know.
01:10:11I don't know.
01:10:13I don't know.
01:10:15I don't know.
01:10:17I don't know.
01:10:19I don't know.
01:10:21I don't know.
01:10:23I don't know.
01:10:25I don't know.
01:10:27I don't know.
01:10:29I don't know.
01:10:31I don't know.
01:10:33Show me some ID, I'll be on my way.
01:10:51are you wasting my time?
01:10:55You're making it harder on yourself.
01:10:57Don't you know I got places to be?
01:10:59I've got a life.
01:11:07What the hell?
01:11:11Where's Billy?
01:11:13Billy's not here, man!
01:11:15Come on, Billy, show yourself!
01:11:31Come out, Billy! I know you're here!
01:11:45What the hell, man?
01:11:47Where were you?
01:11:49I was coming! I was late!
01:11:51What's your problem, man?
01:11:53Don't man me, you dick!
01:11:55I'm not fighting for you anymore!
01:11:57You're just going to fight me because I was late?
01:12:01That guy could have broke my arm!
01:12:05All I want is to get my glove and get the hell out of here!
01:12:07I didn't come here to fight no one!
01:12:09So why are you fighting me?
01:12:17I don't know.
01:12:29What if you go to the hospital and don't get picked up?
01:12:33Then what?
01:12:35You're just going to end up right back here.
01:12:37How do you even know you're good enough?
01:12:43I don't know.
01:12:45You gotta find out.
01:12:49You can't leave without your glove.
01:13:11Ruby, I thought I lost you.
01:13:15The monster.
01:13:17The what?
01:13:19The monster in the tree.
01:13:21What monster?
01:13:29You guys stay put.
01:13:33Frank! Frank, where are you going?
01:13:37Come on.
01:13:41What are you going to do?
01:13:43I'm going to kill the monster.
01:13:45You have a gun?
01:13:47Yeah, I have a gun. It's my constitutional right.
01:13:49Second Amendment.
01:13:51It's not a real gun.
01:13:53It's a BB gun.
01:13:55It still shoots.
01:13:57It's a real gun, Ruby.
01:13:59Tyler, you can have your own gun when you get older.
01:14:03It's his constitutional right.
01:14:07Besides, someone needs to kill the monsters.
01:14:11It's a toy gun.
01:14:17Frank, kill the monster.
01:14:19Okay, just relax. I can handle it.
01:14:29Oh my gosh.
01:14:31Good shot.
01:14:33The hell is that thing?
01:14:43I'm beat.
01:14:45I better turn in.
01:14:47Thanks, Frank.
01:14:53Thanks for being there.
01:14:55For Tyler.
01:15:01He needs all the help he can get.
01:15:03I know.
01:15:05I know.
01:15:07I know.
01:15:09He needs all the help he can get.
01:15:17No, don't play with it.
01:15:19I'm just going to flip it over.
01:15:23Hello, old man.
01:15:25You home?
01:15:27No one's here.
01:15:37I mean, look at all this junk.
01:15:41Let's just get the glove and get out of here.
01:15:45It was over here.
01:16:03Hey, check it out.
01:16:07Check it out.
01:16:09Cut it out, sir soldier to you.
01:16:11I'll chop and give me 20.
01:16:17All right.
01:16:19Find the glove.
01:16:31Heads up.
01:16:37What are you doing?
01:16:39Just playing some ball, man.
01:16:45Look, whatever.
01:16:47It's just a bunch of junk, all right?
01:16:49I mean...
01:16:55Watch it.
01:18:15See my glove anywhere?
01:18:23Who's there?
01:18:53Stay out of here!
01:19:05Come on.
01:19:15Come out, thief.
01:19:17I know you're here.
01:19:19You tried to sneak out the window.
01:19:21You can't hide, thief.
01:19:27Stop right there!
01:19:29Turn around.
01:19:31Thief, let me get a look at you.
01:19:37Your friend's long gone, boy.
01:19:41So what do you have to say for yourself, thief?
01:19:49I'm sorry.
01:19:51I'm sorry about...
01:19:53all your junk.
01:19:57There's no junk here.
01:19:59These are my collections.
01:20:01These are my possessions.
01:20:03There's no junk.
01:20:05What are you looking for?
01:20:07I've caught you, boy.
01:20:09I could shoot you right now,
01:20:11and nobody would
01:20:13bear a knife in the life of a thief.
01:20:15Oz is coming back.
01:20:17A thief
01:20:19and a liar.
01:20:21What do you hold in there? Show it to me.
01:20:23What is it?
01:20:25It's a glove.
01:20:27Just a glove?
01:20:29It's my glove. You're stealing my glove!
01:20:33It's not yours.
01:20:35You stole it.
01:20:37I did no such thing.
01:20:39I know you did.
01:20:41You probably stole everything
01:20:43in this room.
01:20:45Shut up!
01:20:47No, you shut up.
01:20:51You're not gonna shoot me.
01:20:53Why the hell not?
01:20:57you're old.
01:20:59That's why.
01:21:01Go ahead!
01:21:03Take it all! Take all the junk!
01:21:11Look, I already have the glove.
01:21:13I don't want any more junk.
01:21:49Hey, you awake?
01:22:13Look, Kaylee.
01:22:15I'm sorry.
01:22:17I know, but I'm gonna miss you.
01:22:21Well, I'm gonna come back for you.
01:22:23After you get drafted?
01:22:27After I get drafted.
01:22:37Just promise not to hate me, okay?
01:22:43I fixed him.
01:22:55Good as new.
01:24:25Come on, get up.
01:24:27You're coming with me.
01:24:29Right now?
01:24:31Right now.
01:24:33What about Dad?
01:24:37Dad said it's okay.
01:25:25Hey, man.
01:25:27I can't believe you fell for that, dude.
01:25:39You broke my nose!
01:25:41You broke it!
01:25:43Hey, man.
01:25:45You gonna get in, or you need me to open the door for you?
01:25:49Nah, man.
01:25:51Nashville's more your thing.
01:25:55You sure?
01:25:57Sure, I'm sure.
01:26:01Your dad let you borrow the car?
01:26:13He was.
01:26:17You gonna, like, blow Nashville off the map?
01:26:21Hell yeah.
01:26:23Hell yeah.
01:26:45I really think you broke my nose already.
01:26:47You're gonna pay.
01:26:49No, no, no!
01:26:51No, no, no!
01:27:21No, no, no!
