A Beautifull Mermaid HD ( Adventure, Drama, Family )

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A Beautifull Mermaid HD ( Adventure, Drama, Family )
00:00:00A great poet once said that all the secrets of the oceans can be found in just one drop of water.
00:00:08Now, I don't know if that's true or not, but I do know that the ocean holds more than just a few secrets.
00:00:14And one summer, I discovered one that would change my life forever.
00:00:31Your mom and I used to come here all the time.
00:00:36I, uh...
00:00:38Your mom loved the central coast.
00:00:41She would come stare at the water for hours and hours.
00:00:48Your mom only met your grandpa once.
00:00:51I can tell you he liked her a lot more than he liked me, that's for sure.
00:00:55What about grandma? Do they get along?
00:00:58Your mom never met your grandmother.
00:01:01Heck, I never met your grandmother.
00:01:04Like, never ever? You just don't remember?
00:01:08You know, I asked your grandfather about her, but, um...
00:01:12He didn't like to talk about her much.
00:01:16Listen, Rai...
00:01:19I know this move's gonna be tough for you.
00:01:22You know, leaving your friends, leaving your school.
00:01:26I get that.
00:01:29You know, as grumpy as your grandfather is...
00:01:35We're the only family he's got.
00:01:39He needs us right now, as much as he would hate to admit that.
00:01:45I'm gonna miss San Diego, too.
00:01:51You're gonna love Santa Carla.
00:01:54I promise.
00:02:06No, you are not singing opera right now.
00:02:09Please stop.
00:02:11Santa Carla! Santa Carla!
00:02:13Please stop!
00:02:18Okay, don't text and drive, ever.
00:02:20When you're older, do not text and drive. Do you understand?
00:02:29Ninety-nine cartons of milk on the wall.
00:02:32Ninety-nine cartons of milk.
00:02:34If one of those cartons...
00:02:36Take her down and pass it around.
00:02:38Pass it around? Oh, I don't know that part.
00:02:40How do you not know this song?
00:02:42Well, we used to actually, when we were younger,
00:02:44we used to sing it with beer.
00:02:46But you're not quite legally yet, Rai,
00:02:48so we won't be doing that.
00:02:52Check it out. Santa Carla.
00:03:01How far to his house?
00:03:03Almost there.
00:03:17Yo, Jay!
00:03:21Hey, man!
00:03:23What happened to you?
00:03:25You know, uh...
00:03:27I've been meaning to come back sooner.
00:03:29I just got super busy.
00:03:31No, I mean, you got old.
00:03:33Okay, very funny. Very funny.
00:03:35You know, you're not a spring chicken yourself.
00:03:37Oh, come on.
00:03:39I think I make middle-aged look pretty good.
00:03:41You must be Ryan.
00:03:43I've heard good things.
00:03:45Really? Where?
00:03:47Well, you know, your old man and me,
00:03:49we get to talking when we're out in the ocean.
00:03:51That is when he feels like talking.
00:03:53Where is he? Is he up at the house?
00:03:55Working on the engine.
00:03:57Oh, man. He just got out of the hospital.
00:03:59He's supposed to be resting.
00:04:01Yeah, well, maybe he'll listen to you.
00:04:03Hey, I'll let you go.
00:04:05All right, buddy. Be good.
00:04:07Bye, sweetheart.
00:04:10Good meeting you.
00:04:21Get all those traps off loaded yet?
00:04:23Hey, stop!
00:04:26Still taking it easy, I see.
00:04:30What day is it?
00:04:32What day is it? What day is it?
00:04:37It's Tuesday.
00:04:39You're early.
00:04:42Yeah, sorry about that. Traffic was light.
00:04:47I see the old girl is still seaworthy.
00:04:50Speaking of old girls, you remember Ryan?
00:04:52Last time you saw her, she was barely walking and talking.
00:04:57Not that she does much of the latter anymore.
00:05:03Well, I expect you want to know where to put your stuff.
00:05:10It's good to see you.
00:05:15Yeah, that's your room right there.
00:05:18Right here.
00:05:19Oh, it's beautiful.
00:05:22I really like the color.
00:05:28Needed a fresh coat of paint anyway.
00:05:31This mural is so pretty.
00:05:38Friend of mine did that.
00:05:41Well, I really like it.
00:05:48Settle in.
00:06:06What's the matter? You don't like your fish?
00:06:12I guess I'm just not that hungry.
00:06:15That says I don't blame you.
00:06:17It's not local. Heck, it's not even from the ocean.
00:06:21They bring it in frozen from some farm somewhere.
00:06:26You know, it's gotten to the point where you can't put any fresh food on your table anymore.
00:06:32It's like, I can't even remember the last time that I caught anything edible around here.
00:06:36Dad, dad, dad, listen.
00:06:39About that.
00:06:41I think you should listen to your doctors and take a little break from fishing.
00:06:46Just for a little while.
00:06:48I think you should take it easy.
00:06:50Take it easy.
00:06:52For a little while, okay?
00:06:54And hey, why don't you let me try my luck at it?
00:07:00Yeah, while you rest up and get well.
00:07:03I thought you were here to help me.
00:07:06Well, I am. We are.
00:07:10Here to help you.
00:07:12Well, then help me already.
00:07:14I mean, you've been here five minutes and already you're telling me what to do.
00:07:18That kind of help I don't need.
00:07:20Dad, listen, you've got to rest up a little bit.
00:07:23I can take it easy when I'm dead.
00:07:27Well, if you keep at this pace, you will be.
00:07:30You know what my doctor said?
00:07:32He said, take aspirin.
00:07:34I got aspirin.
00:07:36We put out first thing in the morning.
00:07:38I suggest that you get some rest.
00:07:41My son.
00:07:45You do not have to finish that.
00:07:48I have a feeling I'd better get used to it.
00:08:31Hey, Dad.
00:08:32Oh, the old man doesn't whip out the paintbrush for just anyone.
00:08:36Oh, so you're saying he's not always this cheery?
00:08:39No, you caught him on a good day. What are all these?
00:08:42Mom's. Yeah.
00:08:45The Fisher King.
00:08:47You know what it's about?
00:08:50Oh, you have to read it.
00:08:52You know what? Reading's not really my thing.
00:08:54Why don't you give me the Cliff Notes version?
00:08:56I can't do that. But how about I give you the plot?
00:08:59It's about a wounded ruler whose kingdom slowly but surely is becoming a barren wasteland.
00:09:06And since he can no longer leave the castle to fish, his son has to fill his shoes.
00:09:12Are you messing with me?
00:09:14No, oddly enough.
00:09:16Well, what happens at the end?
00:09:18Oh, well, I can't tell you that. No spoilers.
00:09:21You'll just have to read it and find out.
00:09:24Oh, man. Why did your mom inscribe this to you?
00:09:29Oh, um...
00:09:34The hospital.
00:09:37About a week before.
00:09:59A week later.
00:10:25And no one's here.
00:10:29Café around the corner.
00:10:31Food. Have fun. Be home by six.
00:10:58Come on.
00:11:28Come on.
00:11:56I'll miss you.
00:11:58I'll miss you too.
00:12:29It's okay. It's okay.
00:12:31I got you. I got you.
00:12:36I got you.
00:12:39Oh, my gosh. Come here. It's okay. It's okay.
00:12:41Wait. Stop. Wait. No, stop. Come back. Stop. I can help you.
00:12:48My necklace. No, no, no, no. Wait.
00:12:53No. Where'd it go?
00:13:16Hey. So how do you like our little town?
00:13:21It's all right, I guess.
00:13:24You all right?
00:13:28Dad, I lost my locket today.
00:13:31What? Where?
00:13:35Down at the docks. I don't even know what happened.
00:13:39The docks? That's no place for a girl your age. It's too dangerous down there.
00:13:43Your grandfather's right, kiddo.
00:13:45What's the big deal? Anyways, it's just the water, and it's not like I don't know how to swim, Dad.
00:13:50No. It's still the same. You should only go down there if you're with your grandfather or I, okay?
00:13:58All right, why don't you go wash up? Dinner's almost ready.
00:14:03Take this. Put that on the plate. But don't do it. It's hot.
00:14:48Hey, Dad?
00:14:52Why would someone set a net at the docks?
00:14:55Um, they wouldn't.
00:14:58They would. If you want to catch something big.
00:15:02Oh, Dad, please don't go on about this.
00:15:05Go on about what?
00:15:07Trust me, you don't want to know.
00:15:09There's a reason why there ain't no more fish around here.
00:15:12Dad, come on. Let's not fill our head with crazy fisherman tales, okay?
00:15:16Come on, let me ask you then. How many fish did we catch today?
00:15:20None is how many, and you know why.
00:15:23Don't say it.
00:15:25He said it.
00:15:27Okay, look.
00:15:29Uh, Dad, listen. It has... It's the dolphins. It's the seals, okay? It's not the mermaids.
00:15:36No, I know, I know. But it's both, okay?
00:15:40I know you think I'm just a crazy old man.
00:15:44But I know. But I know.
00:15:56Dad, she's 12. I don't need you filling her head with your tall tales of mermaids or sirens or vampires or God knows what.
00:16:07What would you know about it? I mean, you left her years ago, when the going got tough. You ain't been here.
00:16:13Yeah, well, we're here now, okay? And I'm asking you.
00:16:15No, you can't hide her from the truth forever. I can't. I won't.
00:16:25I won't.
00:16:55I won't.
00:17:21Ryan? You all right in there?
00:17:25Ryan? Are you okay?
00:17:27I'm just taking a bath.
00:17:29All right, well, you've been in there for a while. I just wanted to make sure.
00:17:33I'm fine, Dad. Really, I'm okay. Thanks.
00:17:42Ten minutes? What?
00:17:55Ten minutes.
00:18:34Okay, it has to be here somewhere.
00:18:56Is someone there?
00:19:02If you're the girl I saw yesterday, I won't hurt you. I promise.
00:19:09I just want to be your friend.
00:19:13I am crazy. I must be. Absolutely crazy.
00:19:20I think this is yours.
00:19:26Oh my gosh. I thought I lost it.
00:19:33Wait, didn't you have a tail?
00:19:40You can't walk with a tail.
00:19:44Well, thank you. So, so much.
00:19:49Thank you for helping me yesterday.
00:19:52Of course.
00:19:53So, you're a merm?
00:19:56Coral. My name is Coral.
00:19:59Oh, um, I'm Ryan.
00:20:06Him's called a handshake.
00:20:15I have to go. My mom's calling me.
00:20:19I don't hear anything.
00:20:24Close your eyes and listen.
00:20:50It's beautiful.
00:20:54Um, one more thing.
00:21:01Don't tell anyone about what you saw. You promise?
00:21:06I promise. But what did I see?
00:21:12You do have a tail!
00:21:16Coral, wait! Come back! There's so many things I want to ask you!
00:21:20Come back! There's so many things I want to ask you!
00:21:43Hey. How was your day?
00:21:45It was great. Just, uh, rode my bike around town.
00:21:52Oh, well, you, uh, found your locket, so that is something.
00:22:00Yes. That is something. That is definitely something.
00:22:06And it is the funniest something. It turns out it was right here the whole time, and I didn't do anything.
00:22:16Fine, fine, fine. You got me. It was down at the lower docks, where I knew it was.
00:22:22So should I punish you for lying to me or for disobeying my orders?
00:22:26Dad, you cannot punish me more. This whole situation is punishment enough.
00:22:32All right. Fine. But no more lying, and no more going down to those docks unsupervised, okay?
00:22:42I said deal!
00:22:48Quick question. Um, did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe Grandpa isn't so crazy?
00:22:59Come on, Rai. You are too old to believe that sort of stuff.
00:23:02Grandpa believes.
00:23:03Yeah, well, Grandpa is a crazy old man, okay? Mermaids are his obsession.
00:23:08There has to be some element of truth to our myths. Don't you think? I mean, there has to be.
00:23:13You are more like your mother than you know, and you're too clever for your own good.
00:23:19Hey, what do you say we go out to dinner, just you and I? I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of fish and vegetables. I can't do it anymore. I can't.
00:23:26Trust me, me too.
00:23:28All right, come on.
00:23:29That sounds amazing. I'll be down in five.
00:23:35Thanks, guys, for coming in.
00:23:36Thanks. Have a great night.
00:23:38Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not too late, are we?
00:23:43Uh, only by about 20 years.
00:23:46Jenna, wow, has it been that long?
00:23:49You look great.
00:23:52Um, please, come in. Sit down.
00:23:56Well, hi.
00:23:57Hi. Aren't you just the prettiest thing?
00:24:00What's your name?
00:24:03She gets her looks from her mom.
00:24:04Yes, clearly.
00:24:05And, uh, and her brains, too.
00:24:07Wow, she sounds like quite a woman.
00:24:11She was. She, uh, she passed away.
00:24:16I am so sorry, Matt.
00:24:18Yeah, it's all right. It's been a little while now.
00:24:23Well, it's really nice to meet you, Ryan.
00:24:26Yeah, you too.
00:24:27I'm Jenna. I'm an old friend of your father's.
00:24:31Anyway, I'm going to leave you guys alone with the minis for a couple minutes.
00:24:36So, uh, you know what you want?
00:24:39What am I thinking? What am I thinking right now?
00:24:41I am thinking, I'm thinking that you and her used to be a lot more than just old friends.
00:24:45That's what I'm thinking right now.
00:24:47All right. Have I told you lately that you're too clever for your own good?
00:24:50Oh, there is no way you were getting off the hook that easy. I need details.
00:24:54Just pick something to eat, okay? Just pick something, because she's coming back.
00:24:57She's too fast. I'm not ready.
00:24:58Just pick something. Shut up.
00:24:59Anything? Okay, okay, okay.
00:25:03Hi. So, what can I get you?
00:25:06Uh, I would like a strawberry cupcake and a vanilla milkshake, please.
00:25:13For dinner? No, no.
00:25:14Daddy, you said anything?
00:25:17You know what? We will have two of those.
00:25:21Two cupcakes and milkshakes coming right up.
00:25:25Okay, she's gone again. So, details now, details later.
00:25:27Shut up. Shut up.
00:25:34So, how was it?
00:25:39So good. Without a doubt, best meal I've had since we've gotten here.
00:25:43Wow. When did you guys get in town?
00:25:46Uh, we got back a few days ago.
00:25:52How long are you staying?
00:25:53Um, my dad is sort of having some health problems, so we're here indefinitely.
00:25:59Um, I'm sorry about your dad.
00:26:01But, um, I hope I get to see more of you guys around.
00:26:04You can count on it.
00:26:10Wasn't awkward at all, right?
00:26:14So, before mom, you and Jenna were...
00:26:17Close, yeah.
00:26:19And what exactly happened there?
00:26:21I mean, dad, why did you leave?
00:26:23Wow, you are really curious.
00:26:25Yeah, I am.
00:26:27Look, I just had to get out of this place, okay? I had to try something new.
00:26:32And you're sure this doesn't have anything to do with the fact that grandpa believes mermaids are driving the fish out of the water?
00:26:38Grandpa believes a lot of things.
00:26:40And think about it, nobody's ever agreed with him.
00:26:43No wonder he's so cold and grumpy.
00:26:46He used to not be so grumpy.
00:26:48What happened?
00:26:51Look, all this mermaid business didn't help.
00:26:54This town was thriving once. Things dried up, everything went south.
00:26:57The fish left, people left, but not your grandfather.
00:26:59He stuck it out through thick and thin.
00:27:03Look, I know he seems like the grumpiest guy in the world.
00:27:06Yeah, yeah, he does.
00:27:08But he does love you.
00:27:10And I can tell that he sees your grandma in you.
00:27:39Oh, come on, get up. Up!
00:27:46Grandpa, it is five in the morning. Why?
00:27:49Because in this family we earn our keep. Come on!
00:27:55All right, buddy.
00:27:58All right, we'll be back by dinner. Have fun!
00:28:00Yeah, loads of fun.
00:28:02Don't worry, buddy, we'll be good.
00:28:05All right.
00:28:06Now, you see these holes right here?
00:28:09Even if there was fish to catch, we're not catching them with these.
00:28:13So, I need you to go to that storage bin right there
00:28:16and find some lines so we can patch these up, okay?
00:28:18Got it.
00:28:19Okay, all right.
00:28:29What are you doing here?
00:28:30I wanted to see you again.
00:28:32I felt bad about leaving so fast the other day.
00:28:35What if somebody sees you?
00:28:38Don't worry, I've cut holes in all the nets around here.
00:28:41That ought to keep them busy for a while.
00:28:44That'll keep them busy for a while, sure.
00:28:46Yeah, that'll keep them busy for a while.
00:28:48Yeah, that'll keep them busy for a while.
00:28:50Yeah, that'll keep them busy for a while.
00:28:52Yeah, that'll keep them busy for a while.
00:28:53Yeah, that'll keep them busy for a while.
00:28:57So, that's what you were doing the other day.
00:29:03Hey, Ryan.
00:29:04You found that line yet?
00:29:06Just a second, Jay!
00:29:07I'll be back in a minute!
00:29:09Wait, you're...
00:29:11You're one of them?
00:29:13Uh, no.
00:29:14Jay is just my dad's friend who needed help, and I'm...
00:29:17Your father is a fisherman?
00:29:20Well, my grandpa too, actually.
00:29:22Well, they all are, but-
00:29:23But the fishermen hunt my kind.
00:29:26Well, not my family, or Jay Eider.
00:29:28He's sweet, I swear.
00:29:30And he's not gonna hurt you.
00:29:33Are they sweet like you?
00:29:36Ryan, the line!
00:29:42Okay, look, I have to go fix these nets,
00:29:45but I promise I won't do a very good job.
00:29:47And I should be done soon,
00:29:49so can you meet me at the lower dock?
00:29:52Sounds good.
00:29:54See you then.
00:29:58When in the world is taking you so long?
00:29:59I have been looking everywhere,
00:30:02and I just cannot seem to find it.
00:30:08Wow, you must've been looking real hard.
00:30:13You meant inside the green thingy.
00:30:16You knucklehead.
00:30:17Think fast.
00:30:19All good.
00:30:20Come on.
00:30:22Let's go.
00:30:38That is absolutely amazing.
00:30:42It is?
00:30:43Are you kidding?
00:30:45People would freak if they knew you could do that.
00:30:48And they look just like real legs.
00:30:50They are real legs, silly.
00:30:52What did you expect?
00:30:54Okay, I don't know, but certainly not this.
00:30:56How do you do that?
00:30:59My people have always had the power
00:31:00to shift from sea to land.
00:31:04So long as we're not out of the water for too long, that is.
00:31:07What happens?
00:31:10Then we can't go back.
00:31:15so what now?
00:31:19I don't know.
00:31:20I've never had a human friend before.
00:31:22What do humans do?
00:31:26I'll show you, come on.
00:31:28You sure?
00:31:29Of course, yeah, yeah, you'll love it, I promise.
00:31:31Come on.
00:31:32If you say so.
00:32:15I'm so excited.
00:32:36So, what's it like
00:32:39out there?
00:32:43Like home.
00:32:45You know, I think my grandpa feels that way too.
00:32:49I don't know, just more at home out on the water.
00:32:54But he's getting old now,
00:32:55so we moved back here to try and keep him on dry land.
00:32:58Well, as much as possible, anyways.
00:33:01How's that going so far?
00:33:03Not too great, actually.
00:33:10Do you like it?
00:33:13Living on land?
00:33:16I don't know.
00:33:16I guess I didn't really thought about it.
00:33:19I've never seen very much of it.
00:33:24Tell you what,
00:33:26I'll show you some of my world.
00:33:29And I'll show you some of mine.
00:33:40Here, I'm coming.
00:33:41Come on in, Ryan.
00:33:50It is absolutely freezing.
00:33:51It's perfect.
00:33:56Oh, wow.
00:33:59So, like, you can breathe underwater?
00:34:02No, we're not fish, silly.
00:34:05Think of us like dolphins.
00:34:07We come up for air,
00:34:08we can just hold our breath for a really long time.
00:34:11Oh, wow.
00:34:13Yeah, I guess that would make sense.
00:34:16My dad can hold his breath for a really long time, too.
00:34:18That's why he got into free diving when he was younger.
00:34:21Yeah, apparently I can hold my breath for pretty long, too.
00:34:25One of these days we'll have to find out just how long.
00:34:29Yeah, I'd like that.
00:34:31You know, your family seems to have
00:34:33an affinity for the water.
00:34:35Maybe you're not such land lubbers after all.
00:34:40What's wrong?
00:34:41Something, something stung me!
00:34:45It's just a jellyfish.
00:34:47That's easy for you to say.
00:34:51Get on land.
00:35:00Ow, it hurts so bad.
00:35:04Hurts so bad, ow.
00:35:09Ow, what are you doing?
00:35:11I can fix it.
00:35:15Trust me.
00:35:47How, how did you do that?
00:35:52Did anyone ever tell you you ask a lot of questions?
00:35:56Yeah, all the time, actually.
00:36:00I don't know, it's just an energy
00:36:02my people have always had.
00:36:04The power to heal.
00:36:08Are you okay?
00:36:10Yeah, I'm just, I'm just tired.
00:36:15It takes a lot out of us to heal another living thing.
00:36:20Yeah, I can imagine.
00:36:23Maybe that's enough for the visitor exchange program
00:36:26for one day.
00:36:36Two days?
00:36:37Yep, gotta head out to deeper waters.
00:36:40What about Ryan?
00:36:41I can't just leave her alone for two days.
00:36:42Why not?
00:36:43She's perfectly capable.
00:36:44I left you longer when you were about her age.
00:36:48I know.
00:36:49Look, Dad, I can't do that, okay?
00:36:52She's just a kid.
00:36:54Okay, bring her with.
00:36:56It's time she learned how to fish anyway.
00:36:58Do her some good.
00:36:59Yeah, I'm sure she'll love it,
00:37:00seeing as how much she loves eating fish.
00:37:02Hey, you do what you want, okay?
00:37:04But I'm heading out first thing in the morning,
00:37:06with you or without you.
00:37:14Don't go anywhere.
00:37:16I have to talk to you.
00:37:18I can't go home without you.
00:37:30I'm sorry.
00:37:32I'm so sorry.
00:37:33I'm so sorry.
00:37:36I'm sorry, Dad.
00:37:37I'm sorry.
00:37:38Hey, hi.
00:37:42I don't see you for 20 years and then two visits in two days.
00:37:45You must really like my milkshake.
00:37:46I do.
00:37:47I love your milkshakes.
00:37:48I mean...
00:37:52But also, hey, I also have a huge favor to ask you.
00:37:54What is it?
00:37:55I don't know.
00:37:56I don't know.
00:37:57I don't know.
00:37:58I don't know.
00:37:59I don't know.
00:38:00I don't know.
00:38:01I don't know.
00:38:02I don't know.
00:38:03I don't know.
00:38:04I don't know.
00:38:05I don't know.
00:38:06I don't know.
00:38:12Jeanne, I really really appreciate this, thank you.
00:38:15No worries.
00:38:17We girls know how to have fun.
00:38:20And you, just behave yourself, okay?
00:38:22Well, that's not necessarily fun, Dad.
00:38:32You know, you're really just adding to the list of things that you have to make up for, right?
00:38:36Please. I'm in enough trouble as it is. Don't get me into any more.
00:38:41Be safe. Catch a big one.
00:38:43Bye, Dad.
00:38:45Got it.
00:38:49So, big plans for the day?
00:38:50I'm going to go meet a friend and hang out at the beach.
00:38:52Cool. Well, when you're done, if you guys want to come back, I'll teach you how to make my world-famous cupcakes.
00:38:58That's the idea.
00:39:37Okay, so what do you want to see today?
00:39:42Okay, well, that's kind of a tall order, but how about we start with this dress?
00:39:50Human clothes.
00:39:51Yeah, I think it should fit.
00:39:54Come on.
00:40:09Take over.
00:40:10Keep going uphill.
00:40:14So, what are we going for?
00:40:24We're not out here to fish at all, are we?
00:40:26You know what, Jay? Turn the boat around. We're going home.
00:40:28You're not in charge here.
00:40:29You want to know why there's no more fish in this bay?
00:40:31Because you and all your greedy fisherman friends fish this place bone dry.
00:40:35You think you're so smart, huh? You've got all the answers, but you don't know anything.
00:40:39Just wait. You'll find out.
00:40:43You'll find out.
00:40:52What do you think? Does it look okay?
00:40:54Okay? Are you kidding? It looks better on you than it does on me.
00:40:58This is so fun. I've never tried on clothes like these before.
00:41:02I think I just figured out what we're doing today.
00:41:11What shopping?
00:41:13More and more clothes.
00:41:15Let's go.
00:41:23How about this one?
00:41:25Are you sure?
00:41:27Of course. It would be great on you.
00:41:29You really think so?
00:41:31Please try it. Please try it.
00:41:35Here we go.
00:41:39Get up.
00:41:46Here we go.
00:41:59Get up.
00:42:06Get up.
00:42:12Here we go.
00:42:16Get up.
00:42:19Get up.
00:42:31Here we go.
00:42:35Get up.
00:42:40Feel it all.
00:42:44It doesn't even look real.
00:42:46There's no way that's real.
00:42:49Oh, that's a cool kind of family photo.
00:42:52So, do you have brothers or sisters?
00:42:55No, I'm an only child.
00:42:57Me too.
00:43:00My father and grandfather were both taken by the sea a long time ago.
00:43:05Around the time I was born.
00:43:08I'm really sorry, Coral.
00:43:10That's life, I guess.
00:43:13Now it's just my mother and grandmother and the rest of our people.
00:43:20I lost my mom.
00:43:23About eight years ago.
00:43:27I get it.
00:43:31I believe that wherever our loved ones go after they die,
00:43:36they can still see us.
00:43:40Me too.
00:43:44I like the green hair on this one.
00:43:46Oh, I love that.
00:43:49Is that what you think we do?
00:43:51Sit on a rock brushing our hair all day?
00:43:53Actually, most people don't even think you exist, but...
00:43:57How does it not get tangled? Teach me your ways!
00:44:00It gets tangled.
00:44:02So, do you have any legends about us?
00:44:05Well, I wouldn't call them legends exactly.
00:44:10Why don't we listen to some of your music or any games or anything?
00:44:14Tell me.
00:44:17My people aren't exactly allowed to interact with humans.
00:44:23In fact, it's strictly forbidden.
00:44:31That's just the way it's been for centuries.
00:44:34My grandmother always warned me that humans can be selfish and cruel.
00:44:39But not you, Ryan.
00:44:42In fact, if they only got to know you,
00:44:44In fact, if they only got to know you, maybe they'd change their minds.
00:44:51Then why can't we do that?
00:44:53Why can't you take me there and we can show them that our people can coexist
00:44:56and not only coexist, but be friends?
00:45:00I want that, but that's just it, Ryan.
00:45:04If I bring you there,
00:45:06they might not let us be friends anymore.
00:45:11They're going to find out sooner or later anyways.
00:45:15I feel like it's better to try before they ground you or...
00:45:19Is that different underwater?
00:45:21Is that a different punishment rules?
00:45:23A little bit.
00:45:26Can we?
00:45:28Can we try?
00:45:31Look, okay.
00:45:33Say we were to do this.
00:45:37How would you get to the island?
00:45:41Your dad could maybe do it as a freediver, but...
00:45:45But you'd have to hold your breath for a really long time.
00:45:48Like how long?
00:45:51Like really long.
00:45:58Practice can make it perfect.
00:46:07Just over ten minutes.
00:46:09That's really good, Ryan.
00:46:11Well, for a human anyway.
00:46:13I can do better. I know I can.
00:46:15Can we go again?
00:46:31This ought to do it.
00:46:37What's that?
00:46:39It's called a wetsuit.
00:46:41Scuba divers and surfers use them.
00:46:44Why do you need a suit to get wet?
00:46:47It keeps you warm, silly.
00:46:49You really think you'll need it?
00:46:52Let's just say you and I have very different concepts of what constitutes cold water.
00:46:56Can I help you girls with anything?
00:46:59Oh, I'm good.
00:47:07I'm Zach.
00:47:09I'm Coral.
00:47:11Oh, hi.
00:47:13It's a handshake.
00:47:17I'm Ryan.
00:47:19I'm going to be over here looking at things.
00:47:21Okay, if you want to try on that wetsuit, there's a detention room right there.
00:47:25Even better.
00:47:29So, uh...
00:47:31You new around town?
00:47:33I mean, I really haven't seen you around before.
00:47:36My family's been here for years.
00:47:38I guess I don't get out much.
00:47:41But that's been changing lately.
00:47:43Okay, right on.
00:47:45That's cool.
00:47:47Anyway, there's this beach barbecue thing.
00:47:51And you should totally come.
00:47:54You and your friends.
00:47:58Yeah, I guess we'll be there?
00:48:01We'll be there.
00:48:03Okay, awesome.
00:48:05Well, if you need anything else, just let me know.
00:48:08Okay, see ya.
00:48:12It's good. It's all fine.
00:48:15I'll see ya.
00:48:17See ya.
00:48:19Oh my god, I've never talked to a human boy before.
00:48:22You like him, don't you?
00:48:25Stop it!
00:48:28There's no kissing in the sea, no mer-boy.
00:48:30Why don't you try this thing on already?
00:48:32We gotta start our trial run.
00:48:34Changing the subject, we definitely like him.
00:48:36And hold your horses.
00:48:38Hey Ryan.
00:48:42What's a beach barbecue, by the way?
00:48:44They're not gonna hurt the beach, are they?
00:48:56You ready for this?
00:49:00Then follow me.
00:49:08Hey, wait up!
00:49:28Hey, wait up!
00:49:58Hey, wait up!
00:50:50Where's your friend? I thought we were gonna make cupcakes.
00:50:52Oh, she had to go home.
00:50:56I'm still up for it, though.
00:51:15Come on.
00:51:18Come on!
00:51:23Little light reading?
00:51:29Hey, um...
00:51:31You don't...
00:51:33You don't believe all this stuff, do you?
00:51:37I don't know, man.
00:51:40I never used to.
00:51:44But you see things when you're out in the ocean.
00:51:48Things you can't always explain.
00:51:50Come on. I think you've been out here too long.
00:51:54Yeah, maybe.
00:51:57Or maybe there's more to life than we know.
00:52:00The ocean's a big part of that.
00:52:03Ryan said the same thing.
00:52:07Smart kid.
00:52:11A little bit of oil.
00:52:16There we go.
00:52:17Good, you can dump that in.
00:52:18Straight in the middle?
00:52:21Very good. Mix it up a little bit.
00:52:27Nice. I'll pour this water in while you're mixing.
00:52:31Stir, stir.
00:52:32Just keep going.
00:52:34Very good.
00:52:36And then put just a pinch of salt in to bring out the flavor.
00:52:47Are you still with me, sweetie?
00:52:50Oh, yeah, sorry. I just spaced for a minute.
00:52:54Are you thinking about your dad and your grandpa?
00:52:57I'm sure they're fine. They know what they're doing.
00:53:00No, it's not them.
00:53:03Is he your new friend?
00:53:06Sort of.
00:53:12Hey, Jenna.
00:53:15Can I ask you something?
00:53:20And promise you won't laugh?
00:53:22You crossed my heart.
00:53:29Have you ever seen a...
00:53:37A mermaid, you say?
00:53:40Yeah, it really sounds crazy.
00:53:47Just, um...
00:53:49maybe once I did a very long time ago.
00:53:53Really? What do you remember?
00:53:56Well, I was about your age,
00:54:00and I was swimming in the secluded cove off Morrow Beach.
00:54:05It's not far from here.
00:54:07I used to love to dive as deep as I could go,
00:54:11just explore the exotic ocean world down there.
00:54:16And that's when I saw her.
00:54:19This beautiful woman with hair
00:54:22unlike anything I'd ever seen before.
00:54:25Way beneath the surface.
00:54:31And then as quickly as she appeared, she was gone.
00:54:40It was probably just some childhood fantasy, I guess.
00:54:45An illusion.
00:54:47It wasn't an illusion, Jenna.
00:54:52Mermaids are real.
00:55:22Hey! I was just writing you a note.
00:55:24Are you hungry? There's cupcakes in the fridge.
00:55:26They turned out very well.
00:55:29Just do me a favor and don't tell your dad
00:55:31that you ate cupcakes for breakfast.
00:55:33I guess we are doing this whole keeping secrets thing.
00:55:37Can I have a little chat about, you know what, be one of those?
00:55:40My lips are sealed.
00:55:42Good, because I don't really think my dad needs to know about that one either.
00:55:46Big plans for the day?
00:55:48Actually, yes. Coral and I are going to head down to the beach.
00:55:51Coral? Is that your new friend?
00:55:56All right. Have fun.
00:55:58Just don't swim too far from the shore.
00:56:01I will do my best.
00:56:08Keep walking, Coral.
00:56:10Hey, Zach!
00:56:12What are you doing?
00:56:14Hey, Coral. Are y'all doing anything today?
00:56:16Because I can, like, uh...
00:56:27You know, I'll just see y'all around.
00:56:37You did great yesterday,
00:56:39but today we're going to stay under even longer.
00:56:41You ready?
00:56:43Um, I don't actually have to wait 45 minutes after eating, do I?
00:56:48That's just a myth.
00:56:50Well, so were you until a few days ago.
00:56:52Come on, this will be fun.
00:56:54Okay, okay.
00:57:32Where are we, Coral?
00:57:34We're at the outskirts of the island.
00:57:37There. Just a little while longer and you're going to love it, I promise.
00:58:02You made it!
00:58:12This place is deserted.
00:58:14What is this? Why did you bring me here?
00:58:17I don't know, Zach.
00:58:19I don't know either.
00:58:21I don't know either.
00:58:23I don't know either.
00:58:25I don't know either.
00:58:27I don't know either.
00:58:29What is this? Why did you bring me here?
00:58:32This is my people's greatest secret.
00:58:35Hidden away from humanity in plain sight for centuries.
00:58:49Your hand has so many powers!
00:58:56What have you done, Coral?
00:58:58Mother, I wanted you to meet my friend.
00:59:00My very best friend, Ryan.
00:59:05You know better than to bring a human here.
00:59:08It goes against our most ancient and sacred laws.
00:59:11But we can coexist with humans!
00:59:14She's the proof.
00:59:16She's been showing me their ways and I've been showing her ours.
00:59:20This means nothing except you've put us in grave danger.
00:59:25She may bring others.
00:59:27No, she would never do that.
00:59:29I promise she can be trusted.
00:59:31I wouldn't do anything to hurt you and I would never tell anyone. I promise.
00:59:37Our entire survival depends on your kind believing us to be nothing more than myths.
00:59:42You wouldn't want to jeopardize that, now would you, Ryan?
00:59:45I would never.
00:59:51Then you may be able to.
00:59:58Stay here.
01:00:03I shouldn't have come here. I've gotten you in trouble.
01:00:06It's not me I'm worried about.
01:00:12Thalea wants to see you.
01:00:16Both of you.
01:00:21So, who's Thalea?
01:00:23Our queen.
01:00:25And my grandmother.
01:00:27Your grandmother's the queen?
01:00:31That is so cool.
01:00:40Wow, this is amazing.
01:00:45This is amazing.
01:00:56Tell me what I told your mom.
01:00:58No, you mustn't speak in here unless you're spoken to first.
01:01:11Come closer, child.
01:01:15Come closer, child.
01:01:19Come closer, child.
01:01:22Come closer, child.
01:01:25Not you, Coral.
01:01:41How did you come to be here, child?
01:01:47Coral showed me the way.
01:01:52But how?
01:01:54You did not come by boat.
01:01:59We swam from the mainland.
01:02:04You have been exposed to our world.
01:02:07Your knowledge of our existence has put my people in danger.
01:02:11I mean no harm. You're...
01:02:13It's not her fault. I was the one who took...
01:02:18What's done is done.
01:02:21For this, you can never go back.
01:02:24We can be together.
01:02:28No. No, I would miss my family.
01:02:31I can't.
01:02:33I'm sorry, child.
01:02:35But to protect my people, it must be so.
01:02:40Don't you want to be together?
01:02:43I do, but...
01:02:46But not like this.
01:02:49I need my family, Coral.
01:02:52Just like you need yours, and...
01:02:55And my dad, and my grandfather.
01:02:57Your family does not deserve you.
01:03:01Her grandfather.
01:03:03He's the fisherman you warned us about.
01:03:06She cannot be allowed to return.
01:03:10Is this true, child?
01:03:21Come closer.
01:03:31You look like him.
01:03:36It's so beautiful.
01:03:42You know him?
01:03:48A long time ago.
01:03:59Before his heart was broken.
01:04:02And he became hardened to the sea.
01:04:07And because of that, we have kept the fish away from these waters.
01:04:11To protect the ebb and flow of nature and its delicate balance.
01:04:15He and his people have overfished these waters.
01:04:18Taken, and not replenished.
01:04:25Please don't take me away from my family.
01:04:32Do not cry, young one.
01:04:36All will be well.
01:04:42You will take the girl with you back to her home.
01:04:45And if she betrays her word...
01:04:50She won't.
01:04:52Will you, child?
01:04:55I promise.
01:04:58With all my heart.
01:05:01You are never to return here again.
01:05:04Or even speak of our existence.
01:05:07It is forbidden for humans and merfolk to mingle.
01:05:16Now go.
01:05:47I can't believe I'm losing my best friend.
01:05:51We may be forbidden from being friends.
01:05:55But you will always be my sister.
01:05:59Coral, this means a lot to me.
01:06:02And what a part of me to always be with you.
01:06:16Coral, this means a lot to me.
01:06:19And what a part of me to always be with you.
01:06:41Play, Coral.
01:07:05Ahead! Dolphins!
01:07:07Where there's dolphins, there's mermaids!
01:07:09Jade! Come here! Take over!
01:07:11Get ready to toss the nets!
01:07:13No, no, no, Dad! No! I'm not gonna let you do it, Dad!
01:07:15Would you just toss the nets?
01:07:17Dad, you're acting crazy! It's not happening! No!
01:07:19Okay, okay! I'll do it myself!
01:07:21Now get out of the way!
01:07:23Now I'm gonna do it myself!
01:07:35Jade, call the Coast Guard now!
01:07:37Dad, just take it easy, okay?
01:07:39Oh, man.
01:08:13Be well, young one.
01:08:23Can you just put the cash in the office
01:08:25and just lock everything up?
01:08:27Ryan, honey, where have you been?
01:08:29Oh, my God.
01:08:31I've been looking everywhere for you.
01:08:33Sorry, I was, um,
01:08:35just swimming with Coral.
01:08:41What's wrong?
01:08:43It's your grandfather, honey.
01:08:47There's been an accident.
01:08:49Let's go.
01:08:57Are you gonna be all right
01:08:59if I step away for a while?
01:09:09So I'm just gonna go lock up the cafe
01:09:11and I'll be back soon, okay?
01:09:15Your dad will be here in about 45 minutes.
01:09:17Don't go.
01:09:19Don't leave me.
01:09:49Where am I?
01:09:51It's okay.
01:09:53You're in the hospital.
01:09:57You passed out, Grandpa.
01:10:01No, you need to rest.
01:10:03Oh, my God, no.
01:10:05You need to rest.
01:10:09That necklace.
01:10:11Where did you get that?
01:10:15I don't know.
01:10:17It's just something
01:10:19I bought while I was shopping.
01:10:21No, no, no.
01:10:23No, we both know that's not true.
01:10:27You've seen them, haven't you?
01:10:31Yes, you know.
01:10:39Do you know where they are?
01:10:41Grandpa, I...
01:10:43I can't.
01:10:45I made a promise, and...
01:10:47You don't understand.
01:10:49Then help me to.
01:10:57It was a long, long time ago.
01:11:01I was a young man.
01:11:03Back then, fish would
01:11:05practically leap off the lines
01:11:07and into the boat.
01:11:09One day,
01:11:11I caught something big.
01:11:13At first, I thought it was a dolphin.
01:11:15But as I reeled it in,
01:11:17I saw
01:11:19exactly what I'd caught.
01:11:21A mermaid.
01:11:23I was immediately struck by her beauty.
01:11:25It was as if all the colors
01:11:27of the ocean were in her eyes.
01:11:29I was in love.
01:11:33We both were.
01:11:35We agreed
01:11:37we had to keep our love a secret.
01:11:39I was a fisherman.
01:11:41Their worst kind of enemy.
01:11:43If people knew
01:11:45that mermaids were real,
01:11:49they would destroy them.
01:11:51That's why I promised
01:11:53to keep their secret.
01:11:55For a time, we were happy.
01:11:57I wanted nothing more
01:11:59than to be with her
01:12:01the rest of my life.
01:12:03But it wasn't meant to be.
01:12:05Her father had found out about us
01:12:07and forbid her to see me
01:12:09because she was to marry another.
01:12:11She told me she was also
01:12:13heir to her throne,
01:12:15that she couldn't betray her people.
01:12:17I pleaded with her to come back.
01:12:19I returned to the beach every day
01:12:21where we'd met, hoping, praying
01:12:23that she'd come back to me.
01:12:25And she never did.
01:12:29She never came back.
01:12:31Days turned to weeks.
01:12:33Weeks then turned to months.
01:12:35And love
01:12:39turned to anger.
01:12:41So I
01:12:45I set lines, laid traps,
01:12:47fished, scouring, looking for any sign
01:12:49of her or her people.
01:12:51And I never saw her again.
01:12:53I never saw
01:12:55any of them. They just
01:13:01late one stormy night,
01:13:03I found a baby
01:13:05at my door.
01:13:07A son.
01:13:13She gave me a son.
01:13:19How could she have left me?
01:13:21How could she have abandoned me?
01:13:23Abandoned him?
01:13:25I have
01:13:27to know
01:13:29why, Ryan.
01:13:33You have to tell me
01:13:35where they are.
01:13:43Jay, cast off
01:13:45the bow line.
01:13:49Art, what are you doing?
01:13:51Move aside.
01:13:53Move aside, Jay. I can't let you do it.
01:13:55You're in no condition to go back out there.
01:13:57Appreciate your concern.
01:13:59Now get out of the way.
01:14:01I already tried it.
01:14:03Look, it's my boat, all right?
01:14:05You either stay on or you get off.
01:14:07Either way, I'm going.
01:14:11All right, fine.
01:14:13But I'm going with you.
01:14:17Is the life raft still on board?
01:14:19Yeah, of course.
01:14:23Come on, cast off the bow line.
01:14:27Oh, one second.
01:14:29All right.
01:14:51Santa Carla Hospital.
01:14:53Art Love's room, please.
01:14:55Okay. It appears Mr. Love
01:14:57has checked himself out.
01:14:59Checked himself out? That's impossible.
01:15:01I'm sorry, but our records show that he checked out
01:15:03with his granddaughter about a half an hour ago.
01:15:05Okay. All right, thank you very much.
01:15:09Hey, I'm almost back to the hospital.
01:15:11How's your father?
01:15:13He's gone.
01:15:17He checked himself out. Ryan's with him.
01:15:19Where did they went?
01:15:21My guess is the dock.
01:15:23You don't think he'd go back out, do you?
01:15:25That's exactly what I think.
01:15:27Look, there's a tracker on the boat, okay?
01:15:29I'm going to try and access it
01:15:31so it can tell us where they are, all right?
01:15:33I'll meet you there.
01:15:35Okay. We'll be right there.
01:15:50Okay, yeah.
01:15:52All right, well, I've contacted the Coast Guard.
01:15:58Any news?
01:16:00The boat's gone. I tried calling Jay,
01:16:02but he isn't picking up.
01:16:04There's only about three hours of daylight left.
01:16:06I swear, if anything happens to Ryan,
01:16:08I will never forgive myself.
01:16:10She's going to be fine.
01:16:12She's strong, just like her father.
01:16:15Hey, Art!
01:16:19What's our heading?
01:16:21Still west, towards the channels.
01:16:23The channels?
01:16:27They're headed to the Channel Islands. Come on.
01:16:44She made it back okay?
01:16:46Yes. Coral...
01:16:50I know her friendship means a great deal to you.
01:16:54But your heart will heal in time.
01:16:59I'm going for a swim.
01:17:14I'm going for a swim.
01:17:16I'm going for a swim.
01:17:42The fishermen!
01:17:44The fishermen!
01:17:56Mom! Mom!
01:18:15What's that?
01:18:17I'm ahead of it!
01:18:19What is that?
01:18:21Hey! Over there! Look over there!
01:18:23It's a mermaid!
01:18:27It's a mermaid. It's a mermaid!
01:18:29She's caught in the net!
01:18:33It's Coral!
01:18:35Get the horse!
01:18:37Get the horse!
01:18:43Go! Go!
01:18:45Please! Help!
01:18:49He'll get her! He'll get her!
01:18:54Get the hook off! Grab a hold of her!
01:18:56Get her out of that thing!
01:19:00Come on.
01:19:02Good job! Good job!
01:19:04Coral, please breathe!
01:19:06Coral, don't you die on me!
01:19:10Breathe! Breathe!
01:19:13Come on! Breathe, Coral!
01:19:15Coral, you can't! Please!
01:19:35No, no, no! I'm not going to hurt you!
01:19:37I'm not going to hurt you!
01:19:42Ryan, you saved me.
01:19:46I don't know.
01:19:48Maybe I had some of your power left in me
01:19:50from when you healed me the other day,
01:19:52but I didn't do anything.
01:19:55This had nothing to do with me.
01:19:58This power was inside you all along, Ryan.
01:20:06Come here, buddy.
01:20:11Grandpa, hey! Grandpa!
01:20:16Coral, give me your hand!
01:20:18We're not strong enough, Ryan.
01:20:20We can't do it alone.
01:20:24The island!
01:20:26We have to get him to the island!
01:20:28Shane, just trust us, please! Go, go!
01:20:34Stay with us, Grandpa.
01:20:37Come on, buddy. Hang in there, buddy.
01:20:39We're doing good.
01:20:43Hang in there, buddy. You're doing good.
01:20:54Grandpa, please. Please don't leave me.
01:20:56I'm sorry. This is all my fault.
01:21:02I'm sorry. This is all my fault.
01:21:04I'm sorry. This is all my fault.
01:21:06I brought you here. We shouldn't have left.
01:21:12Coral, where is everyone?
01:21:14Why aren't they coming?
01:21:18They're afraid.
01:21:26Please! Please help him!
01:21:28He's gonna die!
01:21:30Daddy's dead.
01:21:32Easy, old man. What were you thinking?
01:21:38Just take it easy, Pop, all right?
01:21:40Just take it easy.
01:21:42They can help him. I know they're here.
01:21:44And they have to. And they would just come out.
01:21:48There's nothing anybody can do until the Coast Guard gets here.
01:21:52Coral, can we please try?
01:21:56I'll do what I can.
01:22:02I'll do what I can.
01:22:10Stay with us, Pop.
01:22:14I can't.
01:22:16His condition is too grave.
01:22:20I'm so sorry, Ryan.
01:22:24Please, somebody!
01:22:34What the...
01:23:14Hello, my love.
01:23:18Am I dead?
01:23:20No, no.
01:23:22You're very much alive.
01:23:28I missed you so much.
01:23:32I was so angry.
01:23:34Shh. None of that matters now.
01:23:40Would someone like to tell me what...
01:23:42what I just watched?
01:23:44They're mermaids.
01:23:46Yeah, right.
01:23:48Of course.
01:23:52I'm sorry.
01:23:54I'm sorry for breaking my promise
01:23:56not to come back.
01:23:58I didn't know what to do, and...
01:24:22What a good man you've become.
01:24:26Why do I...
01:24:28Why do I feel like we've met before?
01:24:32Because I've always been there watching.
01:24:36From the sea.
01:24:38In your dreams.
01:24:42You're my son, Matthew.
01:24:58Tonight signifies a new beginning.
01:25:00Bridge between our worlds
01:25:02and theirs.
01:25:04This signifies
01:25:06our bond of trust.
01:25:12And a family.
01:25:18A family.
01:25:20A family.
01:25:22A family.
01:25:24A family.
01:25:34Let the sea breathe new life
01:25:36into this valley.
01:25:38Let the fish flow through its waters.
01:25:54A family.
01:26:10How long do you think they've been down there?
01:26:12All night?
01:26:14I guess they had a lot of catching up to do.
01:26:16Love is love,
01:26:18no matter how old you are.
01:26:20Oh, bye!
01:26:22Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:26:24Where do you think you guys are going?
01:26:26Where do you think we're going?
01:26:28All right, well, just be careful, okay?
01:26:30I'll take good care of her.
01:26:32Uncle Matt.
01:26:34Have fun!
01:26:36Man, it's gonna take some getting used to.
01:26:42I guess a lot of things are.
01:26:44Life's a journey.
01:27:12The fish did return to Santa Carla.
01:27:14And my dad and granddad
01:27:16each began new chapters
01:27:18in their lives.
01:27:24And me?
01:27:26Well, my dad was right all along.
01:27:28I grew to love my new home.
01:27:30In the end of that magical summer,
01:27:32I learned that the ocean
01:27:34wasn't just a place of mystery,
01:27:36wonder, and secrets.
01:27:38I learned that it was a teacher.
01:27:40And if you listen hard enough,
01:27:42you learn about love and forgiveness.
01:27:44And in the end,
01:27:46maybe that's the most important lesson of all.
01:27:48Hey, Coral!
01:27:52Friends forever?
01:27:54Family forever.
