The story of two mothers who bond in unexpected way after giving birth the same day HD ( Drama )

  • last month
The story of two mothers who bond in unexpected way after giving birth the same day HD ( Drama )
00:00:00You can smile with your eyes.
00:00:11Relax your face, look the other way and come back to me.
00:00:17Relax your face, look the other way and come back to me.
00:00:28Put your arms on the table.
00:00:35The chin. Yes.
00:00:37Squeeze it. Very good.
00:00:39The other one.
00:00:41Very good.
00:00:44Smile a little.
00:00:47Look at me.
00:00:51Now look at the camera.
00:01:01Here you go. Thank you.
00:01:02Excuse me, Jenny, where are the skulls?
00:01:05I don't know. I'll tell you later, ok?
00:01:09Shall we sit down? Yes.
00:01:13What are the skulls for?
00:01:14I was asked to do a portrait, a Hamlet type, like this, with the skull.
00:01:20But I think it's too obvious to put a forensic anthropologist on a skull, right?
00:01:25We're not going to do it.
00:01:27Thank goodness.
00:01:29The editor of Semanal told me you wanted to consult me about something.
00:01:33Yes. If you have a moment, we'll talk after the session.
00:01:37Yes, yes. No problem.
00:01:39I wanted to ask you about the excavation of a grave.
00:01:44Tell me.
00:01:46On the outskirts of my town there is a grave with ten corpses.
00:01:49One is my great-grandfather's.
00:01:51When the law on historical memory came out, the judge who was in charge of my town was inhibited.
00:01:55And since then everything has been negative.
00:01:57Now the situation is worse.
00:01:59All the subsidies have been withdrawn.
00:02:01President Rajoy said in an interview that the state budget dedicated zero euros to historical memory.
00:02:06I've already read it.
00:02:07It's inaudible.
00:02:09That's why I wanted to talk to you and ask for advice.
00:02:12In the Historical Memory Association of my town, the village of Los Montes,
00:02:16we have a very complete dossier on the grave.
00:02:18Do you know exactly where it is located?
00:02:20Yes, the whole town knows.
00:02:22That's why we've had to do it.
00:02:24My grandmother left it to me very well documented.
00:02:27Here is the grave.
00:02:29My great-grandfather was just declared war.
00:02:32The first week.
00:02:34How are you so sure of the place?
00:02:36One of the victims who were buried by the Falangists,
00:02:39Manuel Blanco Trujillo,
00:02:41was thought dead, but he was only badly wounded.
00:02:44And at night he left the grave, took refuge in his house and told everything.
00:02:49Before he left for the mountains, he told his family who the other victims were and where the grave was.
00:02:56My great-grandfather was a teacher and photographer.
00:02:59Before the war, he had casually taken pictures of all those who would later die with him.
00:03:05Nicasio Sanz GarcĂ­a, El Carlista.
00:03:09Facundo Nuño Tomé.
00:03:12José Gutiérrez Castro and Francisco Alonso González.
00:03:15Gregorio Sánchez Muñoz, El Chato.
00:03:19CĂ©sar Cruz Arranz.
00:03:21His daughter is still alive, her name is BrĂ­gida.
00:03:24TeĂłfilo Robles GarcĂ­a.
00:03:27Pepe Medina Sánchez and Benito García Rodríguez.
00:03:31My grandmother.
00:03:32She wrote down the names of all those who disappeared when her father...
00:03:37I have it in a notebook, I'll show it to you later.
00:03:39Some families are still in the village, others not, but there is also a village nearby.
00:03:44All this information makes things much easier.
00:03:48In the village association we have saved something all these years.
00:03:53And we would like to know how much it would cost to hire you at a private level to do the excavation.
00:03:59I would do it for free, but I can't do it alone.
00:04:02No, but we would help the whole village.
00:04:04That's fine, yes, but you need staff specialized in archaeological excavations.
00:04:09Peacock and shovel workers can't do it.
00:04:11No, of course.
00:04:13Anyway, if we can do something, the whole village is willing to help.
00:04:17Let's see, I'm improvising.
00:04:20I belong to a private foundation in Navarra,
00:04:23which is called Brotherhood for the Recovery of Historical Memory.
00:04:26I already knew that.
00:04:29Yes, but I had not dared.
00:04:30I'll help you.
00:04:32Well, it is a scientific foundation that investigates everything related to the origins of Navarra culture.
00:04:38Our job is not to open the graves,
00:04:41but the situation is so precarious that we have already had to intervene in one.
00:04:44And it depends on where it is, when it was,
00:04:47which gives us unpublished information about the war.
00:04:49For example, the fact that the one in your village corresponds
00:04:53practically to the first days of the war is an interesting fact.
00:04:56It was the night of July 25.
00:04:58According to my grandmother and the rest of the people of the village.
00:05:01Could you present the project to the foundation so that the patronage studies it?
00:05:04As you also have it documented, I will make them at least consider it.
00:05:09You don't know how grateful I am to you.
00:05:11Of course, it wouldn't be immediate.
00:05:13The foundation decides its projects years in advance.
00:05:16But it's worth a try.
00:05:18Of course.
00:05:20Thank you very much, really.
00:05:28I have to leave at four this afternoon because I'm taking my husband to the doctor.
00:05:31Ah, of course. How is he?
00:05:34There he goes. Nervous.
00:05:38Poor thing.
00:05:48Hi, Janis. How are you?
00:05:50Hi, Arturo.
00:05:52I'm calling you because the foundation has already received the project dossier.
00:05:55Will they tell you?
00:05:56Yes, I sent it all three days after I took the picture.
00:06:00Ah, listen, one thing.
00:06:03In a week I'm going to Madrid to do an interview.
00:06:06And I thought we could meet. If that's okay with you, of course.
00:06:10When is it?
00:06:12Next Wednesday.
00:06:14In the afternoon I'm free.
00:06:16Ah, well, then until Wednesday.
00:06:19Until Wednesday.
00:07:27Breathe through your nose.
00:07:32Don't do this.
00:07:34That's the worst.
00:07:43That's it.
00:07:46That's it.
00:07:56Don't be afraid.
00:07:58Everything will be fine.
00:08:00You'll see.
00:08:22You're married.
00:08:23Manu, and you?
00:08:25Me? No.
00:08:29Polardo, we're single mothers.
00:08:32Mine was an accident, but I'm so happy.
00:08:38Mine was also an accident.
00:08:42I don't regret it.
00:08:46I do.
00:08:50Poor thing, don't say that.
00:08:52Everything will be fine, you'll see.
00:08:56You're not alone, are you?
00:08:58No, I'm with my mother.
00:09:03But she hasn't given us the idea yet.
00:09:05Well, she will.
00:09:26You shouldn't be lying down.
00:09:28It's good that she's walking.
00:09:30It helps the baby to come down.
00:09:33I'm Jani, the roommate.
00:09:36Hi, I'm Teresa, her mother.
00:09:38And the room?
00:09:42Let's go.
00:09:55I've talked to your father.
00:09:57He can't come.
00:09:59I didn't imagine that.
00:10:01He wants us to be lucky.
00:10:03And for you to be calm.
00:10:06I see.
00:10:10I'm here.
00:10:15Hi, honey.
00:10:17How are you?
00:10:18Does it hurt a lot?
00:10:20A lot.
00:10:22They're going to put the epidural on us.
00:10:24I can't wait to see Cecilia's face.
00:10:26Me too.
00:10:28Your grandmother would be so happy to be here.
00:10:32This is Ana and her mother, Teresa.
00:10:36Elena is my best friend.
00:10:38Nice to meet you.
00:10:42Are you ready?
00:10:44Ready, yes.
00:10:46I'm going to push.
00:10:48Let's go.
00:11:07I can't.
00:11:09Yes, you can.
00:11:11You're doing great.
00:11:19Here it is.
00:11:21Look, her head is up.
00:11:23Her hair is up.
00:11:25She has hair.
00:11:27It's amazing.
00:11:29Don't be afraid.
00:11:31One last push.
00:11:33Take a breath.
00:11:35One, two.
00:11:37Come on, push.
00:11:39Come on, push.
00:11:41Push, honey.
00:11:46You're doing great.
00:11:51Hi, honey.
00:11:53You're doing great.
00:11:55You're doing great.
00:12:21A nurse told me you were here.
00:12:24Ana, come in.
00:12:26Sit down.
00:12:28I'm glad to see you.
00:12:30How's your daughter?
00:12:32She's fine.
00:12:34She's under observation.
00:12:36They only left her with me for a while.
00:12:39Isn't it wonderful to hear her beat your heart?
00:12:43I'm hoping they'll give her back to me.
00:12:46Is yours also under observation?
00:12:51It must be normal.
00:12:53Mine was suffering from extra-uterine maladaptation.
00:12:56That's what the doctor told me.
00:12:58She's starting well, I told her.
00:13:00Because that's the life she's waiting for.
00:13:06But apparently it's nothing.
00:13:08It was hard for the poor thing to breathe outside the uterus.
00:13:10What's wrong with yours?
00:13:12I think it's a bit low on sugar.
00:13:15But they also told me it's nothing.
00:13:17Are you sure?
00:13:19Are you sure?
00:13:21I'll give you my phone number in case you want to call me.
00:13:24Since we're in the same situation...
00:13:27We'll talk about it.
00:13:31When are you giving birth?
00:13:33Tonight, I think.
00:13:35Or this afternoon.
00:13:37Me too.
00:13:45Let's see.
00:13:54The phone is mine.
00:13:58I'll give you the house number too, okay?
00:14:05Good morning. Can I come in?
00:14:09How was the test?
00:14:13I've been here until now.
00:14:15I was going to do one of the manolas,
00:14:18but I asked the director to test me for Rosita,
00:14:21which is what I had prepared at home without anyone asking me.
00:14:25But Mrs. Rosita Soltero is the protagonist.
00:14:28Yes, she let me do the test and she loved it.
00:14:31Then she asked me to read a very difficult final scene.
00:14:35She gave me two or three suggestions
00:14:36and I connected right away with that bitter and frustrated thing about the character.
00:14:42That's great, Mom.
00:14:44So she told me to learn a few more scenes to continue the test tomorrow.
00:14:48It was a bit of a pain in the ass for me,
00:14:51but he liked it and he was surprised.
00:14:54I just had to look him in the face.
00:14:56Can you imagine that instead of a manola, he did Mrs. Rosita?
00:15:03It's not sure yet. I know they have another actress for the role.
00:15:06But nothing stops me from dreaming.
00:15:09I'm proud of you, Mom.
00:15:11Thank you, honey.
00:15:13Are you two okay?
00:15:16Yes, yes.
00:15:19Croquettes. Clarissa made them.
00:15:22And the girls?
00:15:24Fine. They're watching them.
00:15:29I'm going. See you tonight.
00:15:32See you later, Deborah.
00:15:37I don't understand these arrangements, Janis.
00:15:40She lives in your house like a marquis and we haven't even helped her.
00:15:43She has to study during the day.
00:15:45It's the only way to have a babysitter at night.
00:15:49That Deborah is too much.
00:15:52She doesn't see what she eats.
00:15:54Eva, if you see her, use your phone a lot and tell me.
00:15:58She won't stop.
00:16:00Are you going to leave her without a finger?
00:16:07Mom, be careful. She just fell asleep.
00:16:09Yes, yes. Go, go, go.
00:16:11I'll see you tonight. Call me if you need anything.
00:16:15I can't believe they gave her the role.
00:16:18I think she's overreacting.
00:16:20She's very happy.
00:16:23Every day that passed was like an intimate gift that they took from my body.
00:16:31And today a friend is getting married.
00:16:33And another.
00:16:35And another.
00:16:37And tomorrow she has a son.
00:16:39And he grows up.
00:16:41And he comes to show you his exam grades.
00:16:45And they make new houses and new songs.
00:16:49And I'm the same.
00:16:51With the same tremor.
00:16:55The same.
00:16:58And one day I go for a walk and I realize that I don't know anyone.
00:17:05Boys and girls who leave me behind because I get tired.
00:17:11And one says,
00:17:13there is the single woman.
00:17:17And another, beautiful, with a smiling head, who says,
00:17:24there is no one to nail her teeth to.
00:17:30And I hear it.
00:17:32And I can't scream but,
00:17:35let's go ahead.
00:17:38With my mouth full of poison.
00:17:41And with huge desire to run away.
00:17:45To take off my shoes.
00:17:50To rest.
00:17:54And never move again.
00:18:01From my corner.
00:18:07You're ready to premiere, Teresa.
00:18:09Thank you very much.
00:18:11We're done for today.
00:18:13About the premiere, we'll continue with the same date in a month, but it won't be in Madrid.
00:18:17And that?
00:18:19I've talked to the producer and apparently Madrid won't be free in a month.
00:18:22So we'll do a little tour of the provinces.
00:18:24Throughout the week I'll give you more information.
00:18:26So the premiere is delayed?
00:18:27No, we're still rehearsing, but we'll premiere outside, in Bilbao, Valencia, they'll tell us.
00:18:32It's not bad to premiere in Madrid with the show already filmed in the provinces.
00:18:36You could have told us before.
00:18:38I have things for next month here in Madrid.
00:18:41I just found out.
00:18:43And there's still a month left to get organized.
00:18:45But I can't leave Madrid.
00:18:47We'll talk about it now, Teresa.
00:18:49Tomorrow I'll give you more details about the tour.
00:18:51If you have a problem, it's time to solve it.
00:18:53See you tomorrow.
00:18:55See you tomorrow.
00:18:58I can't leave, Jesus.
00:19:00I have my teenage daughter with her one-month-old daughter at home.
00:19:03I can't leave them.
00:19:05You have to solve it, Teresa.
00:19:07The theatre is like that.
00:19:09But you told me we'd premiere in Madrid.
00:19:11I know, but it can't be. I'm sorry.
00:19:13I'll see what I can do.
00:19:15But I don't know.
00:19:19The theatre where we were going to premiere in Madrid is not free.
00:19:22So they just told me we'll do a tour for a few months in the provinces.
00:19:26A few months?
00:19:30My heart is breaking, Ana.
00:19:32I don't want to leave you.
00:19:34But I've been waiting for an opportunity like this all my life.
00:19:37This could change my career.
00:19:40But if you leave me,
00:19:42I don't want to leave you.
00:19:43You know I'm not going to ask you.
00:19:46Do you think we should call your father to tell him you're going back to town?
00:19:50He'll be delighted.
00:19:52With me and the girl?
00:19:54Don't be silly, Mom, please.
00:19:57If I leave the company, I'll never work again.
00:20:00Besides, I won't be away all the time.
00:20:02We don't work on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
00:20:04Except when we're in Barcelona.
00:20:06Then go on tour.
00:20:08But I need you.
00:20:09So that Clarissa can rest from time to time,
00:20:11you'll have to hire a nanny.
00:20:14A cousin of hers would be willing.
00:20:16I like her and she's experienced.
00:20:19And I don't want anyone to come in.
00:20:21Talk to her.
00:20:23Yes, of course.
00:20:25And ask Dad for money for my maintenance.
00:20:27Remind him I'm still a minor.
00:20:29Don't worry about the money.
00:20:31That's not a problem.
00:20:34Ana should go back to Barcelona.
00:20:35She doesn't know anyone in Madrid.
00:20:37I don't think she wants to go back.
00:20:39Call her and ask her nicely.
00:20:41Promise her she'll be better off than anywhere else.
00:20:43Show a little interest in her,
00:20:45after what happened to the poor girl.
00:20:47If she comes back, she'll only make things worse.
00:20:49I can't miss this opportunity, Alex.
00:20:51It's awful that we're arguing about this.
00:20:53Worry about her if she wants to come.
00:20:55That's why I don't want to hear that you, her father,
00:20:57have any interest in her.
00:20:59I don't want to hear it.
00:21:01I don't want to hear it.
00:21:03I don't want to hear it.
00:21:05I don't want her to come back.
00:21:07I remind you that, by law,
00:21:09the girl is your responsibility, Alex.
00:21:11You took her from me.
00:21:13And remember also what conditions you gave her back to me.
00:21:15I can't discuss that issue now.
00:21:17Well, you know how things are.
00:21:19Call me and tell me what you decide.
00:21:38Hi, Janis. How are you?
00:21:41Well, very busy, imagine.
00:21:44I'm in Madrid.
00:21:46I can come by to see you and get to know Cecilia.
00:21:52I'm not presentable and you're going to get me in trouble.
00:21:56But, well, give me an hour, okay?
00:22:00I'll be in Madrid.
00:22:02I'll be in Madrid.
00:22:03Give me an hour, okay?
00:22:05Okay. Thank you very much.
00:22:07See you then.
00:22:14Janis, can I tell you something?
00:22:17When I finish the course of Spanish philology,
00:22:20I'd like to enrol in classical literature.
00:22:24Can I stay here?
00:22:27I don't know.
00:22:29If you stay, you have to listen to everything I tell you.
00:22:31You're very distracted, Deborah.
00:22:33And don't wear your headphones at night.
00:22:35No, no.
00:22:37No, no, no, but do whatever you want.
00:22:40I'm going.
00:22:42Leave us alone. Don't show up.
00:22:58Happy birthday.
00:22:59Happy birthday.
00:23:01It's my birthday.
00:23:03It's been a year since we slept together for the first time.
00:23:27Is something wrong?
00:23:29I'm pregnant.
00:23:31And what are you going to do?
00:23:34Have him.
00:23:39I've thought about it a thousand times.
00:23:41Look, I didn't think it could happen to me.
00:23:44But I've always wanted to have children.
00:23:46And I'm turning 40.
00:23:48Time is passing me by.
00:23:50I see.
00:23:52I'm sorry. I'm a bit shocked.
00:23:54I see.
00:23:56I love the idea of having a child with you, Janis.
00:23:57Believe me.
00:23:59But I don't know if I can allow it now.
00:24:01It's not a question of whether we can allow it.
00:24:03It's a question of whether she's here.
00:24:05Not yet. There are alternatives.
00:24:07No, Arturo. I'm going to have him.
00:24:09My wife has cancer.
00:24:11She's in the middle of chemo treatment.
00:24:13I know. I know and I'm sorry.
00:24:15It's time to tell her that I'm going to have a child out of wedlock.
00:24:17Arturo, I told you because I thought you should know.
00:24:19But I free you from all responsibility.
00:24:21I'm blind to the tradition of my family.
00:24:23I'll be a single mother like my mother and like my grandmother.
00:24:29Think about the possibility of not having him now, darling.
00:24:33We can arrange it for the future.
00:24:35This is the future.
00:24:38Arturo, our relationship has been very clear from the beginning.
00:24:41No commitments, not on your part, not on mine.
00:24:44And I don't regret anything.
00:24:46I've been very happy with you. A lot.
00:24:48And me too. That's why I want to defend this.
00:24:53I don't think ours is strong enough to overcome this problem.
00:24:57And what do you propose?
00:25:03That we separate.
00:25:05Without bad vibes.
00:25:07The baby is my business, but I prefer not to see each other to face this.
00:25:12Don't tell me that, Yanis.
00:25:15If we keep seeing each other, we're going to keep fucking.
00:25:18And in a few months we're going to end up having the same conversation.
00:25:21It's better to leave it now.
00:25:32How long?
00:25:34I had lost track of time.
00:25:37Here, this is for you.
00:25:39Thank you very much.
00:25:41How cool.
00:25:43I've been waiting for you to call me, but since you haven't, here I am.
00:25:46Can I see her?
00:25:48Yes, she's asleep.
00:25:50I'll wake her up.
00:25:52Thank you.
00:26:01Can I touch her?
00:26:02Of course.
00:26:13She's very dark-skinned, like you.
00:26:15She's very dark-skinned.
00:26:18Who do you think she looks like?
00:26:20I think she looks like my father.
00:26:24I thought you didn't know her.
00:26:25I didn't know her.
00:26:27Well, I would have known her for a few months.
00:26:29But my grandmother told me that he was a Venezuelan, with sharp eyes, very handsome.
00:26:34The same eyes.
00:26:36Yes, she's also going to be very pretty.
00:26:45And how are you?
00:26:48Good, you know, with a lot of work, as always.
00:26:50As always.
00:26:54And you?
00:26:55Do you organize yourself well and do you need anything?
00:26:58I have an Irish au pair who helps me with the girl.
00:27:01And I've saved up to be a couple of months without working.
00:27:03Because now I can't separate from her.
00:27:05Of course.
00:27:07Do you want something to drink?
00:27:09No, no, I'm very early.
00:27:11I just wanted to see you for a moment.
00:27:14I'm leaving.
00:27:18It's beautiful.
00:27:20You've done a good job, Yanis.
00:27:22Thank you very much.
00:27:30I work in the morning.
00:27:32In the afternoon I'll be at the hotel, where I always am.
00:27:35Call me if you want.
00:27:36Very well.
00:27:37See you later.
00:28:03Hello, Arturo.
00:28:04Come in, come in.
00:28:10Give me a second, I'm sending an email.
00:28:16But sit down.
00:28:21That's it.
00:28:23Do you want something to drink?
00:28:28Well, you tell me.
00:28:32Since the girl was born,
00:28:34I was looking forward to you coming to see us.
00:28:37Even if we decided to separate.
00:28:39Sorry, you decided it.
00:28:41Yes, I decided it.
00:28:42But I imagined you would be curious to see what your daughter was like.
00:28:45I had her.
00:28:47I've been fighting all these months not to call you.
00:28:50Until I couldn't anymore.
00:28:52I went to your crazy house of illusion to see her and to see you.
00:28:56So what happened last night?
00:28:58And don't tell me nothing happened.
00:29:01I think the girl is not mine.
00:29:06I didn't recognize her.
00:29:09What do you mean you didn't recognize her?
00:29:11What do you mean you didn't recognize her?
00:29:12It's what I felt.
00:29:15Arturo, what you're saying is very unscientific.
00:29:17I don't think she's my daughter, Yanis.
00:29:20Do you mean she's from another man?
00:29:22I don't know. You tell me.
00:29:24Arturo, during the time we were together,
00:29:26I didn't sleep with anyone but you.
00:29:28Do you really think the girl came out to your father?
00:29:30You know I didn't know him.
00:29:31I only know what my grandmother told me.
00:29:33And she didn't know him either.
00:29:34But do you have a picture of her?
00:29:36No, I don't have anything.
00:29:38Arturo, if I had wanted to deceive you about your paternity,
00:29:41why would I ask you to separate us?
00:29:43If my intention was to lie to you,
00:29:45I would have stayed with you.
00:29:47Remember that when we separated,
00:29:48I didn't ask you for anything.
00:29:49Why would I deceive you now?
00:29:51I don't understand either.
00:29:55To get out of doubt,
00:29:57let me take a paternity test.
00:30:01Yanis, please.
00:30:05I think it's best if I leave.
00:30:08Don't call me again.
00:30:10If there is any news about the grave,
00:30:12tell someone else to call me.
00:30:14I feel that we still have that matter in common.
00:30:16We are adults.
00:30:17There is no need to mix things up.
00:30:19And stop thinking about your pride.
00:30:21In case of doubt,
00:30:22the only solution is to take a paternity test.
00:30:24I have no doubts.
00:30:25But I do.
00:30:26Very well.
00:30:29I'm going to call my dad.
00:30:37Your baby is about to be born.
00:30:39This baby...
00:30:50It's Ana.
00:30:51What, Ana?
00:30:52We give birth together.
00:30:57I'm sorry, sweetie.
00:30:58I've had a fight with my daughter's father and I'm so sad.
00:31:01I thought you were going through with your father.
00:31:03Yes, I am. You don't know how. This won't happen again.
00:31:07And how are you? And your Anita?
00:31:09Well, here she is. I'm changing her.
00:31:12She's wonderful, really.
00:31:15What? What are you saying?
00:31:17I can hear her.
00:31:19I'm a little tired, really.
00:31:21I'm sleepy, but I'm fine.
00:31:24Hey, and your mother doesn't help you?
00:31:26My mother comes in and out.
00:31:29And now she's in the provinces,
00:31:31doing flights with Doña Rosita, the single one.
00:31:34What? No.
00:31:36Yeah, but you have a babysitter, don't you?
00:31:38Yes, yes. Clarissa, the assistant, has also helped me.
00:31:44Damn, Yanis, you were right.
00:31:46Anita is a gift.
00:31:48It's the only thing I care about in life.
00:31:52Hey, how's yours?
00:31:54I think it's beautiful.
00:31:56I'll go see you. I'll show it to you and you'll get to know each other.
00:31:59Oh, I'd love to.
00:32:02Hey, Anita, I have to go.
00:32:04Well, hey, call me whenever you want.
00:32:07I'm very happy to hear you, even if you're mad at that man.
00:32:10Come on. A little kiss. A kiss. Bye.
00:32:17Come on, honey, come on. Go to sleep.
00:32:20Yanis, I'm going to the hospital.
00:32:22Leave the washing machine on.
00:32:24When the other one arrives, have her take it out and tend to it.
00:32:27So tomorrow I can iron it.
00:32:29How is she?
00:32:30Well, she doesn't look well.
00:32:34Come on, honey, come on.
00:32:37You have to sleep.
00:32:52You have to sleep.
00:33:22How's it going with the website cover?
00:33:36I think it's going very well.
00:33:37And the audience? How are we doing today?
00:33:39Well, 3,000 and going up.
00:33:41Excuse me a moment, Carlota.
00:33:44Tell me, Yanis.
00:33:45How do I catch you? Do you have a moment?
00:33:47No, but tell me.
00:33:50Well, I've decided to go back to work.
00:33:52I don't like the Irish at all.
00:33:54I want to hire a kangaroo, as God commands.
00:33:57You know that if you need money, I can give you a chuchoncillo.
00:34:01Thank you, Elena, but I need to work.
00:34:03Is there anything in your supplement, like, immediate?
00:34:07Immediate, immediate, no.
00:34:09I have everything in place. What do I have left?
00:34:12Well, look, accessories stores, some shoes, jewelry and a belt, a little more.
00:34:18Well, I love taking pictures of shoes and belts.
00:34:21Girl, you're too photographed for this.
00:34:24But I need to work.
00:34:26As long as I don't have to leave Madrid,
00:34:28count on me for the warehouses of whatever.
00:34:30Don't do anything to him.
00:34:32Well, then I'll see you and we'll get it done.
00:34:34And so I see the girl.
00:34:35Besides, I was thinking that you could install the two of them a little with me in the chalet.
00:34:40You know I have a lot of space and there's the garden.
00:34:43So we could keep each other company.
00:34:45Thank you, honey, but it's a lot of fuss.
00:34:47It's a lot of fuss and it's very far away.
00:34:49I'm very well organized here in the neighborhood.
00:34:52Well, I'll see you later, huh?
00:34:55Do you need anything?
00:34:57No, thank you, Deborah.
00:35:03I can't with her, I swear.
00:35:06Look at her enjoying herself.
00:35:08Let's go outside, let's go outside.
00:35:11Don't catch a cold.
00:35:18Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
00:35:20Oh, what a thing.
00:35:23Oh, what a thing.
00:35:26You're getting more and more ethnic.
00:35:29He looks like your father.
00:35:31Just like your father.
00:35:33I don't know what my father was like.
00:35:35He was Colombian, wasn't he?
00:35:38A Venezuelan dealer, according to my grandmother.
00:35:40But you know everything.
00:35:41I thought you were sure.
00:35:43Well, no.
00:35:44And is there anyone else who might look like him?
00:35:47Besides the anthropologist?
00:35:48Because the anthropologist hasn't appeared to them either.
00:35:52I only slept with Arturo.
00:35:54Well, then your father came out.
00:35:55Don't turn around.
00:35:57And Cecilia?
00:35:58Your Venezuelan grandfather came out.
00:36:05Well, I'm leaving.
00:36:06Tomorrow I'll wait for you in the office.
00:36:08We'll finish the photos.
00:36:09Don't worry, something will come out, huh?
00:36:12I'm telling you not to come to the chalet.
00:36:13Come on.
00:36:15What a big head you are.
00:36:18Come this morning.
00:36:25And you?
00:36:31Little hand.
00:36:32Little angel.
00:36:34Let's see how you pose for mom.
00:36:39Let's see, let's see, let's see.
00:36:40Oh, he's angry.
00:36:42Oh, oh, what a bad mood.
00:36:44Has this package arrived?
00:36:47Thank you.
00:36:48Look at her.
00:36:49More beautiful than a cap.
00:36:52There's my little version and look how beautiful I am.
00:36:57Love genetics.
00:37:08You have to put on gloves.
00:37:10Don't smoke.
00:37:11There can't be organic remains in the mouth.
00:37:18Well, we'll have to leave it for tomorrow.
00:38:12Let's see, little girl.
00:38:15And this side.
00:38:17This side, my love.
00:38:19That's it, my love, that's it.
00:38:21Let's both stay calm, my love.
00:38:41Let's go.
00:39:11Let's go.
00:40:19Lawyer Mendez?
00:40:21Hello, can I speak to the lawyer?
00:40:23Mauricio Mendez, please.
00:40:25We are now on trial.
00:40:26Do you want to leave a message?
00:40:28No, I'll call you later.
00:40:29Thank you.
00:40:41Thank you.
00:41:02Hello, can I speak to Ana?
00:41:04I'm Janice.
00:41:05Ana can't get up, Miss Janice.
00:41:07She's bathing the girl.
00:41:09Will you call her later?
00:41:11No need.
00:41:12No need.
00:41:13I just wanted to ask how the girl was.
00:41:16The girl gives us a little war at night.
00:41:18But she's beautiful.
00:41:20And Ana is a stepmother.
00:41:23Of course.
00:41:24Well, thank you very much.
00:42:08Hello, Janice.
00:42:09Did you call me?
00:42:11No, I didn't.
00:42:13It must have been by accident.
00:42:14I just put it in my bag.
00:42:16Sometimes it happens.
00:42:18But are you okay?
00:42:21A lot of fuss.
00:42:23A lot of fuss.
00:42:24I'm going to the operating room.
00:42:25And, well...
00:42:27Domestic problems.
00:42:28Nothing important.
00:42:30I noticed you were agitated.
00:42:32It's just that you caught me in the act.
00:42:33I can't talk to you now.
00:42:34I'm sorry.
00:42:36Goodbye, Arturo.
00:42:37And thank you for calling.
00:42:48I'm going to sleep with the girl.
00:42:52Do you need help?
00:42:53No, thank you.
00:42:54I'll take her.
00:43:03Come here.
00:43:04Come here.
00:43:05Come here.
00:43:06Come here.
00:43:09Come here.
00:43:35I love the color.
00:43:36It's a Valtike.
00:43:37Yes, Valtike.
00:43:38Thank you very much.
00:43:39As always.
00:43:44I'd like to change my number.
00:43:45What phone do you have?
00:43:46I don't know.
00:43:47This one.
00:43:48But I'd like to keep everything I have on this one.
00:43:49No problem.
00:43:50Are you sure?
00:43:53With the performers again.
00:43:54But I haven't told you a thousand times that you have to put it aside.
00:44:17I'm sorry.
00:44:18But haven't I told you a thousand times that you have to put her aside?
00:44:20That if she vomits, she can drown!
00:44:23Come here, my child.
00:44:26Come here.
00:44:28You don't understand me when I speak to you.
00:44:29Do you understand what I say?
00:44:32You've been here a long time and you don't learn anything.
00:44:34I don't want you to stay, Deborah.
00:44:36But I've already enrolled.
00:44:38I don't care.
00:44:39You find yourself another house. I'm not going to leave the girl with you for another night!
00:44:42That's enough.
00:44:49Oh, that's good.
00:44:52That's good.
00:45:05Hi, how are you?
00:45:07I'm here with Cecilia.
00:45:09Hi, Cecilia.
00:45:11Look, leave my backpack here.
00:45:16Let's see, honey.
00:45:17Let's see, my love.
00:45:19Well, she's a little angry because she just woke up.
00:45:22It's okay.
00:45:24Tell her to come here.
00:45:25But how beautiful you are, please.
00:45:28And I'm very nervous.
00:45:29Because it's the first time we're apart.
00:45:31No, no, don't worry about anything.
00:45:33I'll be watching her all the time.
00:45:35This is going to be like her second home.
00:45:40Like this.
00:45:46But you leave her like this on the floor?
00:45:49You don't have to force any posture.
00:45:51She will decide what is best.
00:45:54Well, I brought you what you asked for.
00:45:56The towels, the change of body, the diapers.
00:46:01Very good.
00:46:02The cream and that's it.
00:46:08Anything has my phone number.
00:46:10Very good.
00:46:11Anything has my phone number.
00:46:13Very good.
00:46:17Yes, my love.
00:46:19I'll come and get you later, okay?
00:46:21I love you.
00:46:23I love you.
00:46:26Well, thank you.
00:46:27You're welcome.
00:46:28I'll see you later.
00:46:42It's okay.
00:46:46I have a little girl.
00:47:29Hi, what would you like to drink?
00:47:31A coffee with milk and a muffin with blueberries.
00:47:38Are you Ana?
00:47:39Yes, Jani, it's me.
00:47:40But what are you doing here?
00:47:41Well, I work here.
00:47:43How have you changed? I hadn't recognized you.
00:47:45You look beautiful.
00:47:46Thank you very much.
00:47:47I'll bring you the coffee, okay?
00:48:06Do you mind if I sit with you for a minute?
00:48:08Of course.
00:48:11And since when have you been here? I hadn't seen you.
00:48:14It's been almost a week.
00:48:16So we're neighbors.
00:48:18What a coincidence.
00:48:20The truth is that I came to the bar because I came to your house.
00:48:24But in the end I had to call your phone and I came here to have a drink.
00:48:29The head waiter offered me a job.
00:48:31Well, I also asked.
00:48:33And I've settled now in a room in his house.
00:48:36And your mother?
00:48:37Now she's in Barcelona doing theater.
00:48:40She hasn't stopped lately.
00:48:42She's finally successful.
00:48:45And has she left you alone?
00:48:46Yes, I call her from time to time.
00:48:48But I haven't told her yet that I'm going home.
00:48:50And I've forbidden Clarissa to tell her anything.
00:48:53When I get back, she's going to get a good surprise.
00:48:55So you've run away.
00:48:57I'm older, Jani.
00:48:59And for her I'm just a burden.
00:49:01And what about your father?
00:49:02He hasn't gotten close to anything yet.
00:49:04Fuck, what a family picture.
00:49:06I'm used to it.
00:49:07I don't have a hard time, but for the first time I feel like I own my life.
00:49:12And I'll get through it.
00:49:16I can't stay, Ana. I have a taxi waiting for me.
00:49:20Don't worry, I'll invite you.
00:49:24Thank you very much.
00:49:28Until what time do you work?
00:49:30Today I leave at nine.
00:49:32See you.
00:49:34See you at my house.
00:49:35You already have the address.
00:49:36Very good.
00:49:38I'm glad to see you.
00:49:42Thanks for the coffee and the...
00:49:43Thank you.
00:49:56Good morning.
00:49:58Where are we going?
00:50:00Quintiliano 17, please.
00:50:02Let's go there.
00:50:07Quintiliano 17, please.
00:50:21Thank you very much for inviting me.
00:50:26What a beautiful house.
00:50:27Thank you.
00:50:29This morning, in a hurry, I didn't even ask you about your daughter.
00:50:33How do you deal with her now that you're working?
00:50:37Do you leave her in a nursery?
00:50:39It's a lot of hours, isn't it?
00:50:42What's wrong, Ana?
00:50:44Are you okay?
00:50:45Anita is dead.
00:50:51Don't tell me that.
00:51:03But the girl looks fine.
00:51:05What happened to you?
00:51:09Sudden death.
00:51:12But what?
00:51:14Sudden death, that's what it's called.
00:51:18He died while he was sleeping.
00:51:22And what symptoms did he have?
00:51:31The girl was perfect.
00:51:35His brain forgot to breathe.
00:51:41Brain immaturity, the doctor said.
00:51:50During the first year, apparently the brain of the babies is not developed.
00:51:56And forget to give the order to breathe.
00:52:01And you can't do anything to prevent it?
00:52:04No, it's a very rare case.
00:52:07It happened once in a million times.
00:52:11But the girl was fine, you've seen her.
00:52:14I'm sorry.
00:52:27She's beautiful.
00:52:32Do you want to see her?
00:52:37How is she, my love?
00:52:39Look, a new friend has come, Ana.
00:52:42Can I take her?
00:52:44Of course, woman.
00:52:46Are you coming with me?
00:52:48Beautiful, but good.
00:52:51Oh, how big.
00:52:56How beautiful you are.
00:52:59What a beautiful thing.
00:53:05Hello, I'm the manager of the cafeteria, I had to meet Ana.
00:53:08Ah, okay, I'll let you know.
00:53:12He's the manager of the cafeteria, he wants you to come down.
00:53:15Oh, yes, it's true, I have to go.
00:53:17Come down.
00:53:23What a wonderful child, Yanis.
00:53:26Thank you.
00:53:28Could you send me the photo of your Anita?
00:53:31Of course.
00:53:33But have you changed your phone number?
00:53:35Because I call you a lot of times and ...
00:53:37Yes, now I'll give it to you, I'll write it down.
00:53:39I'm going to get the backpack.
00:53:51Here it is.
00:53:53I'll send it to you now.
00:53:59I'm very sorry, Ana.
00:54:03Thank you.
00:54:13Goodbye, beautiful.
00:54:17Goodbye, Ana.
00:54:22My baby.
00:54:56Okay, see you at my house at nine, then.
00:54:59Come on.
00:55:01Okay, Ana, see you later.
00:55:05Everything okay, honey?
00:55:09Don't worry.
00:55:11We're going very late.
00:55:13I'll see if Ana is already there, okay?
00:55:14I have an event tonight, but if you want, I'll cancel it and we'll have dinner together.
00:55:17No, I can't tonight.
00:55:19I'm going to screw them.
00:55:23Oh, how are you?
00:55:25It's going to be very easy to get you pretty, huh?
00:55:27Well, I'm a little nervous.
00:55:29No, it's going to be very simple, you'll see.
00:55:31You know it's the first time I've been on the cover of a female magazine.
00:55:35Well, it was time, girl.
00:55:38Look, do you want us to start lying down?
00:55:41It's like leaning.
00:55:42If you're uncomfortable with anything, tell me, okay?
00:55:46Something like that.
00:55:48Something like that, very good, to start.
00:55:50I love how this looks on you.
00:55:52And you move freely, however you want.
00:55:55As you like.
00:56:02Very good.
00:56:04Let's see, there, hold on there.
00:56:06Perfect, very good.
00:56:07Very good.
00:56:11Very good.
00:56:42How are you?
00:56:44Well, I'm making a potato omelette.
00:56:46Can you help me?
00:56:50And the girl?
00:56:52I just put her to sleep.
00:56:54I'll show you later.
00:56:58Hey, have you ever peeled potatoes?
00:57:00No, I've peeled oranges, apples.
00:57:02Well, it's not the same.
00:57:04Look, take that one and look at me.
00:57:08Like that, good.
00:57:10Ah, it's easy.
00:57:12Very easy.
00:57:14Now you wash them.
00:57:16Now you wash them.
00:57:18Move them like that.
00:57:20Remove the sand.
00:57:22Like that.
00:57:24And the most important thing is how you cut them.
00:57:26Look, take that pink knife.
00:57:27And cut.
00:57:33The important thing is the thickness of each piece.
00:57:36The thickness, you know?
00:57:41Like that, very thin.
00:57:43Like that, without cutting yourself.
00:57:48How much do they pay you at the bar?
00:57:51500 euros plus tips.
00:57:52I don't know how to tip them.
00:57:55I was thinking that Dolores was going to leave me one of these days.
00:57:58Because her husband is very bad.
00:58:00And if I want to keep working, I'm going to have to find someone.
00:58:05I could give you 800 euros.
00:58:07Without tips, but with a house and food.
00:58:10Are you offering me to work here?
00:58:15And what do I have to do?
00:58:17Well, take care of Cecilia and the house.
00:58:19Take her and pick her up from the mother's day.
00:58:22Take care of her at night because I'm very, very tired.
00:58:25Then I'll help you when I'm free, of course.
00:58:28Of course, Janis, deal done.
00:58:30Of course.
00:58:32Think about it.
00:58:34It's no big deal.
00:58:36Rather, it's an abuse on my part.
00:58:38Come on, I don't need to think, really.
00:58:40I'm very excited.
00:58:43Look how beautiful.
00:58:44I don't know if I'm going to be ready for what you ask of me, Janis.
00:58:50Look, I'm going to teach you to take a house and cook.
00:58:53But right now, what matters most to me is that you take care of the girl.
00:58:58Very well.
00:59:00You try it.
00:59:02If you don't like it, I'll save you again.
00:59:04And so friendly.
00:59:06But you have to commit to me at least a week.
00:59:12You have to commit to me at least a week.
00:59:15I'd love to, really.
00:59:20Look what a beautiful thing.
00:59:30It has fallen very well.
00:59:32It's so cute.
00:59:34So good.
00:59:40Very good.
00:59:42Very good.
00:59:44What do you know about your mother?
00:59:46I've already told her I left home.
00:59:48She's left on her own.
00:59:50I can imagine.
00:59:52Well, she's freaked out.
00:59:54She was very angry with me.
00:59:56I'm not surprised, Ana. She's your mother.
00:59:58Yeah, and she lets me stop going to school.
01:00:00When I'm depressed.
01:00:07I've been very bad, Janis.
01:00:09But now I want to live.
01:00:10It's the only lesson I've received from my mother.
01:00:13Live my life and be free.
01:00:18It's what she's always done.
01:00:22I also called my father to tell him I'm staying in Madrid to work.
01:00:26And what did he say?
01:00:29He was very upset.
01:00:31But I'll let him go.
01:00:33Maybe I'll change my phone number so I don't have to hear it.
01:00:40Can you unplug the camera?
01:00:53Come on.
01:00:57Wait, I'll help you.
01:01:04Put your things in the closet.
01:01:11I also have a crib.
01:01:14And a chair for a walk.
01:01:17Well, I have everything.
01:01:19If you want something, I can go to my mother's house to pick it up.
01:01:22I have the keys.
01:01:24Thank you.
01:01:26Do you have a hammock?
01:01:29Well, they love the hammock.
01:01:31My Anita enjoyed it a lot.
01:01:33She probably still has her smell.
01:01:41It's true, I hadn't thought about it.
01:02:11Are you okay?
01:02:19I missed you.
01:02:21Do you want to take her with you?
01:02:25I have to get used to it.
01:02:27And sleep.
01:02:28I have a lot of late sleep.
01:02:30Are you sure you're okay?
01:02:32You're sweating.
01:02:34Come on, stay here with us for a while.
01:02:39Come on.
01:02:43Come on.
01:03:14Have you had breakfast?
01:03:17And have you brushed your teeth?
01:03:19Have you eaten gum?
01:03:20No, why?
01:03:22I'm going to take a sample of saliva, okay?
01:03:24Open your mouth.
01:03:27It's for an analysis.
01:03:29Do they do that now?
01:03:33I'm going to ask you for a complete analysis.
01:03:35And the girl too.
01:03:38You too.
01:03:40My love.
01:03:41You too.
01:03:43You too.
01:03:50Very good, very good.
01:03:51You do it very well.
01:03:55Today you are going to accompany Dolores
01:03:57so that you know the stores where she usually buys
01:04:00and what we usually need.
01:04:02Very good.
01:04:04I'll write it all down.
01:04:06Here, now I come.
01:04:08Now I come.
01:04:13Now I come.
01:04:14Now I come.
01:04:21Now I come.
01:04:42Janis, we're leaving.
01:04:44I'll leave the girl at Mother's Day and then we'll go shopping, okay?
01:04:49Kisses, my love.
01:04:53Have a good time.
01:04:54Bye, Mom.
01:04:56See you later.
01:05:59Hi, Janis.
01:06:00Am I bothering you?
01:06:02Well, I was working.
01:06:03I'm sorry.
01:06:04Is Ana here?
01:06:06At the bar downstairs, they told me I'd find her here.
01:06:09Yes, she'll be back in a while.
01:06:11But come in, Teresa.
01:06:16Today is the day I book and I've been running around in the AVE.
01:06:19But tomorrow I have a job in Barcelona.
01:06:21Do you want to drink something while you wait?
01:06:23A coffee?
01:06:27Well, I think Dolores keeps something around here.
01:06:30Sometimes she drinks.
01:06:31Because her husband is very ill, poor thing.
01:06:33Oh, I see.
01:06:37Do you smoke?
01:06:41But we're going to the terrace.
01:06:42Oh, yes, of course.
01:06:50I'm going to get a jacket, it's cold.
01:06:56I'm going to get a jacket, it's cold.
01:07:11I don't know what Ana told you about me.
01:07:15Not much.
01:07:22I married to run away from my parents.
01:07:25And the year Ana was born.
01:07:27But I didn't have a vocation as a mother or a wife.
01:07:30I wanted to do theater.
01:07:32I had already done it at university.
01:07:35So I divorced Ana's father for the La Rota court.
01:07:38You don't know what that's like.
01:07:40A horrible humiliation.
01:07:43You practically had to admit that you were a whore
01:07:46for them to cancel your marriage.
01:07:49So I accepted all the humiliations
01:07:51just to be free and be able to dedicate myself to being an actress.
01:07:55Fortunately, I didn't have money problems.
01:07:59The father was given Ana's powerful homeland.
01:08:02And he got married right away and formed another family in Granada.
01:08:06And he's still there.
01:08:09But you would still see Ana, right?
01:08:14The father took revenge on me through the girl.
01:08:17He wouldn't let me see her.
01:08:19Everything was inconvenient just to make me suffer.
01:08:22I did small roles in theater and television.
01:08:26And I suffered for seeing my daughter so little.
01:08:28In the end, I couldn't afford to have given up on her.
01:08:31I started a little late to be an actress.
01:08:34At 30, it's too late to start.
01:08:37And the fact that I look a bit like a whore doesn't help in this profession.
01:08:41It's not a whore's profession.
01:08:43The actors are all leftists.
01:08:46And what are you?
01:08:47I'm apolitical.
01:08:48My job is to please everyone.
01:08:55And how did you get Ana back?
01:08:58The father sent her to me for the pregnancy.
01:09:00You could have used it to win your daughter back.
01:09:07But I'm clumsy.
01:09:10And it was a little late.
01:09:13Ana was traumatized.
01:09:16We were two strangers.
01:09:18I did what I could.
01:09:21But a few months later, I got the part of Lorca.
01:09:24And right away, I got the character.
01:09:27The mother junkie from the long trip to the night.
01:09:30I couldn't say no, Yanis.
01:09:33I'm 47 years old.
01:09:35And I had to take advantage of the opportunity to show that I'm not an intruder.
01:09:39That I'm an actress and that I have talent.
01:09:43I was the worst mother in the world.
01:09:45I know.
01:09:47I'm not like you, Yanis.
01:09:49I don't have a maternal instinct.
01:09:52It sounds awful.
01:09:55And I'm sorry for Ana.
01:09:58She's been very unfortunate with both of us.
01:10:01With her father and with me.
01:10:03No one deserves what she has suffered.
01:10:07When the girl died,
01:10:11I was doing a season in Madrid.
01:10:14But I had to leave that month.
01:10:16With all the pain in my heart.
01:10:19I'm telling you the truth.
01:10:21I left because Ana didn't care if I left.
01:10:28Do you think the girl died
01:10:31because of the situation you were living in?
01:10:34Ana didn't tell you?
01:10:36Sudden death, the doctor said.
01:10:39An hour before, the girl was normal.
01:10:42Our family is not exactly a model.
01:10:45But the girl never lacked anything.
01:10:48Ana didn't separate from her daughter, day or night.
01:10:53It has surprised me a lot, Ana.
01:10:56Since she gave birth, she suddenly became an adult woman.
01:11:04The girl never lacked anything.
01:11:07Maybe that's why I allowed myself.
01:11:10Hello, we're here.
01:11:17What are you doing here?
01:11:20I came to see you.
01:11:22Do you want to go to the bedroom?
01:11:25No, we're going to the street.
01:11:31Thank you, Janis.
01:11:34You're welcome.
01:11:37Aren't you a little cold?
01:11:40No, I like this jacket.
01:11:45If you wanted to change your hairstyle, you didn't have to leave home.
01:11:50Do you live here?
01:11:52Yes, at Janis' house.
01:11:54What do you do there?
01:11:56I take care of the house and the girl.
01:11:58Do you work as a maid?
01:12:00I can't believe it.
01:12:02Is that why we gave you an education?
01:12:04Mom, I have to work.
01:12:06Your father can find you a job in Granada.
01:12:09Don't talk to me about my father or Granada.
01:12:13Hey, Ana, how are you?
01:12:16What are you going to drink?
01:12:18A tea for me, please.
01:12:20A strawberry ice cream.
01:12:23Thank you.
01:12:31After Anita's death, I heard you arguing with Dad on the phone.
01:12:36None of you came to take care of me.
01:12:39I was in a bad situation to make a decision.
01:12:42But the first day I got up, I left home.
01:12:45I'm not going back.
01:12:47Especially not to his house.
01:12:49I'm an adult now, Mom.
01:12:51So do your life and I'll do mine.
01:12:54Look, we put the fish on top of the potatoes.
01:12:57And if we see that it dries out a lot,
01:13:00we put a little wine on it.
01:13:11It's my mother.
01:13:15I'm sorry.
01:13:17I'm sorry.
01:13:19I'm sorry.
01:13:21I'm sorry.
01:13:23Why are you apologizing?
01:13:27Answer her.
01:13:31I don't know. I don't want to be more cruel to her.
01:13:34Then say it.
01:13:36Mom, I don't want to be more cruel to you.
01:13:39Come on.
01:13:41She's going to love it.
01:13:53Who's the hippie?
01:13:55My mother.
01:13:59And the girl is you?
01:14:03She was only a few weeks old.
01:14:05We're in Ibiza.
01:14:08You know she named me Janis because of Janis Joplin.
01:14:25Who's Janis Joplin?
01:14:27The one who sings.
01:14:33And like Janis Joplin,
01:14:35my mother died at 27 years old
01:14:37from an overdose.
01:14:40It was summer and life wasn't easy.
01:14:44I was five years old,
01:14:46but I already lived in the village with my grandmother.
01:14:48Is that your grandmother?
01:14:50No, that's my great-grandmother.
01:14:54And this is my grandmother Cecilia.
01:14:56She was the one who took care of me and educated me.
01:15:02One day you have to come to the village
01:15:04to see the house where we lived.
01:15:08Whenever you want.
01:15:12For your grandmother Cecilia.
01:15:15For your mother.
01:15:21For your daughter.
01:15:27And for you.
01:15:30And for you.
01:15:40It's here.
01:15:42It's here.
01:16:07Have you told the father that the girl is dead?
01:16:09I don't know who she is.
01:16:12And you're not curious to know?
01:16:15There were three of them,
01:16:17classmates from school.
01:16:20We were very drunk with alcohol and pills
01:16:22at one of their houses,
01:16:24which was the one I liked.
01:16:26The parents had gone out on the weekend.
01:16:29I was very drunk.
01:16:31I went with the one I liked,
01:16:33but the other two had recorded us with a cell phone
01:16:35and threatened me
01:16:38with uploading the video on the internet
01:16:40if I didn't do it with them too.
01:16:42And I had to throw them out.
01:16:44But that's a violation.
01:16:46Well, two days later they told me the same thing.
01:16:48That I would fuck them again
01:16:50or upload the video on the internet.
01:16:52So I went to my father's house
01:16:54and told him everything.
01:16:56Did he report you?
01:16:58No, I wanted to avoid a scandal.
01:17:00Also thinking about me.
01:17:02About you?
01:17:04Yes, so that I wouldn't suffer the pressure
01:17:06to do all that.
01:17:08One month later I found out I was pregnant
01:17:10and my father sent me here with my mother.
01:17:12You should have reported them.
01:17:14Those guys can keep raping
01:17:16if no one stops them.
01:17:18I didn't have the strength.
01:17:20I was terrified of the trial,
01:17:22the police and the press.
01:17:24I didn't want to be reliving
01:17:26over and over again what happened.
01:17:31It's one of these.
01:17:57Go to sleep.
01:17:59Give me a kiss.
01:18:03Go to sleep.
01:18:11I don't think so. She would have called me.
01:18:13I'm going to see.
01:18:15Go to sleep.
01:18:21Yes, who is it?
01:18:23It's Arturo Llanes.
01:18:25I've called you several times
01:18:27but something's wrong with your number.
01:18:29Yes, I've changed it.
01:18:31I have good news for you
01:18:33but I'd like to see your face
01:18:35when I tell you.
01:18:37Wait for me at the tavern.
01:18:39I'll be right there.
01:18:41Who was it?
01:18:43An old friend.
01:18:45I met him.
01:18:47I changed my number
01:18:49and I couldn't find him.
01:18:51He came straight here.
01:18:54Are you invited?
01:18:56I'd like to get some fresh air.
01:19:02What about dinner?
01:19:04Are you having dinner here?
01:19:06I don't think so.
01:19:10What would you like to drink, miss?
01:19:12A cold white wine.
01:19:14Thank you.
01:19:16To celebrate what you have to tell me.
01:19:18You promised me it's good.
01:19:22You're going to open our tavern
01:19:24this summer, in July.
01:19:26You're going to open our tavern?
01:19:28But that's in three months.
01:19:30I'll tell the boss
01:19:32if you give me his phone number.
01:19:34I'll give it to you right now.
01:19:36Do you have a wallet?
01:19:38Yes, yes.
01:19:40In July?
01:19:42I'll run the excavation
01:19:44and the foundation will set up the equipment.
01:19:46I don't know how to thank you, Arturo.
01:19:48There's nothing to thank me for.
01:19:51This is my new number.
01:19:53Didn't you want me to find you?
01:19:55Not you, for God's sake.
01:19:57It's a long story.
01:19:59One day I promise to tell you.
01:20:01You look great.
01:20:03Is everything going well?
01:20:05Yes. I work a lot,
01:20:07but everything's fine.
01:20:09And the girl?
01:20:11The girl is wonderful.
01:20:13And you? Your family?
01:20:15Fine. My wife is fully recovered from her illness,
01:20:17according to the doctors.
01:20:19We're in the process of separation.
01:20:21I told him about us.
01:20:23But now? Why?
01:20:25I didn't like the feeling of hiding it.
01:20:27I was having a hard time lying to him.
01:20:49Don't wake up.
01:20:59You smell like alcohol.
01:21:01Have a drink of wine
01:21:05and go back to sleep.
01:21:07Come on.
01:21:19I can't wake up.
01:21:25I'm dreaming.
01:21:41The wine is so good.
01:21:49Go back to sleep. It's late.
01:22:01I'm tired.
01:22:11Have you been with your friend all this time?
01:22:17But you dumped him.
01:22:21Why do you say that?
01:22:25I don't know. You've had plenty of time.
01:22:29We've been talking
01:22:31and drinking.
01:22:33I forgot what that was.
01:22:47Your friend from last night?
01:22:49His name is Arturo
01:22:51and he's my daughter's father.
01:22:53How did you tell me
01:22:55you wouldn't see him again?
01:22:57We had a lot to talk about.
01:22:59Are you jealous?
01:23:01I don't know.
01:23:03What were you talking about?
01:23:05I'll tell you later, okay?
01:23:07I'm meeting Elena
01:23:09for another cover.
01:23:11I have to go now.
01:23:14I'm meeting Elena for another cover.
01:23:16I have to go now.
01:23:18What about Elena?
01:23:20I think she likes you.
01:23:22We've known each other since we were kids.
01:23:24But it's true.
01:23:26I think she's always liked me.
01:23:28Anyway, she respects me
01:23:30if that's what worries you.
01:23:32I have to go, honey.
01:23:36When you want to go, tell me.
01:23:38I don't want you here like a prisoner.
01:23:42But I want to go out with you
01:23:44and you'll show me new places
01:23:46and we'll get drunk together.
01:23:48We'll have to get drunk here
01:23:50to see who stays with the girl.
01:23:52Come on, don't keep me waiting.
01:23:56Janis, you're going to make me go back to the bottle.
01:24:02Aren't you going to tell me
01:24:04about your friend from last night?
01:24:11Arturo is a forensic anthropologist.
01:24:13He belongs to a scientific foundation
01:24:15and they're going to open the grave of my village
01:24:17where my great-grandfather is.
01:24:19We talked about that the other night
01:24:21and we celebrated it.
01:24:23You're obsessed with the grave
01:24:25and that man takes advantage of it.
01:24:29You have to look to the future.
01:24:31The other thing is only
01:24:33to open old wounds.
01:24:35Who told you that? Your father?
01:24:39Do you think the same?
01:24:41I don't know.
01:24:43I've never thought about those things.
01:24:45Then it's time for you to find out
01:24:47what country you live in.
01:24:49I don't like it when you talk to me like that.
01:24:53It seems that in your family
01:24:55no one has told you the truth about our country.
01:24:57There are more than 100,000 missing people
01:24:59buried out there in cemeteries
01:25:01and near cemeteries.
01:25:03Their grandchildren and great-grandchildren
01:25:05would like to be able to dig up
01:25:07to be able to give them a dignified burial
01:25:09because they promised it to their mothers
01:25:11and their grandmothers
01:25:13and until we do it, the war will not be over.
01:25:15You are too young
01:25:17but it is time for you to know where your father was
01:25:19and your father's family during that war.
01:25:21It will be good for you to know
01:25:23to be able to decide where you want to be.
01:25:27I just want to be
01:25:29where you are.
01:25:31That doesn't come to mind now.
01:25:33I don't care if I want to be with you.
01:25:36Leave it.
01:25:52Aren't you coming to eat?
01:25:54I'm not hungry.
01:26:00You're tired of me, aren't you?
01:26:06Then what's wrong?
01:26:08Have you slept with Arturo
01:26:10and you're in a hurry to tell me?
01:26:18The problems are with me.
01:26:24During all these months
01:26:28I've been hiding something from you.
01:26:32That you don't love me and you want me to leave.
01:26:34That you've decided to go back
01:26:36with your daughter's father and start a family with him.
01:26:40Then what is it?
01:27:02Look what I'm going to show you very carefully.
01:27:04It's very important.
01:27:32Do you understand what it says?
01:27:38They're writing to Maria Janis
01:27:40MartĂ­nez Moreno
01:27:42as a biological mother
01:27:44of the donor Cecilia MartĂ­nez Moreno?
01:27:52I don't understand.
01:27:54I don't understand.
01:27:56I don't understand.
01:27:58I don't understand.
01:28:01I'm not
01:28:03Cecilia's mother.
01:28:05I don't understand.
01:28:11Look, this is very important.
01:28:23Ana Manso Ferrera would be
01:28:25Cecilia MartĂ­nez Moreno's biological mother?
01:28:31But I'm Ana Manso.
01:28:37Cecilia is your daughter.
01:28:45I guess not.
01:28:49They didn't change her at birth.
01:29:01Cecilia MartĂ­nez Moreno
01:29:03Cecilia MartĂ­nez Moreno
01:29:05Cecilia MartĂ­nez Moreno
01:29:07Cecilia MartĂ­nez Moreno
01:29:09Cecilia MartĂ­nez Moreno
01:29:11Ana Manso Ferrera
01:29:13would be Cecilia MartĂ­nez Moreno's biological mother?
01:29:21I don't understand.
01:29:23I've never
01:29:25taken a maternity test.
01:29:27I did it
01:29:29without telling you anything.
01:29:31Remember, I just got here with my latex gloves.
01:29:35How come you didn't tell me anything before?
01:29:39Good boy.
01:29:41I'm going to see.
01:29:59Hello, princess.
01:30:03My son.
01:30:29My son.
01:30:55You're my little boy.
01:30:59I love you.
01:31:01I love you.
01:31:03I love you.
01:31:05I love you.
01:31:07I love you.
01:31:09I love you.
01:31:11I love you.
01:31:13I love you.
01:31:15I love you.
01:31:17I love you.
01:31:19I love you.
01:31:21I love you.
01:31:23I love you.
01:31:25I love you.
01:31:27I love you.
01:31:29I love you.
01:31:31I love you.
01:31:33I love you.
01:31:35I love you.
01:31:37I love you.
01:31:39I love you.
01:31:41I love you.
01:31:43I love you.
01:31:45I love you.
01:31:47I love you.
01:31:49I love you.
01:31:51I love you.
01:31:53I love you.
01:31:55I'm sure they had to change them the day they were under observation.
01:32:03Since when do you know?
01:32:05When you came here, I already knew it wasn't Cecilia's mother or Arturo's father.
01:32:10We didn't trust each other, that's why I did the test.
01:32:13So you already knew when I told you Anita was dead?
01:32:21I thought I'd explain my suspicions to you, I swear.
01:32:25In fact, I called you as soon as I saw you.
01:32:29But a week ago, when I invited you to dinner for the first time,
01:32:34after meeting you at the cafeteria, I thought I'd tell you.
01:32:40But when you told me that your daughter, who would be mine, had died...
01:32:50I couldn't do it.
01:32:56I was afraid of losing both girls at the same time.
01:33:00You never thought about me.
01:33:02All the time.
01:33:04You never put yourself in my place.
01:33:06Living together, sleeping together.
01:33:11You've been quiet all these fucking months without me caring about you at all.
01:33:17Is that why you changed your phone number?
01:33:21So I wouldn't find you?
01:33:25I guess so.
01:33:36Yes, Mom, I'll explain everything to you now, okay?
01:33:40I'm also taking the girl with me.
01:33:43Not the mother, I'm going alone with her.
01:33:48No, no, I'm going to take a taxi, it's better.
01:33:53Come on, it's time.
01:33:55What are you going to do?
01:33:58I'm going to my mother's house with the girl.
01:34:01She's very happy.
01:34:03Have you told her?
01:34:06Not yet.
01:34:09Stay, please.
01:34:12Please, give me time to figure it out.
01:34:18You'd better tell her we're breaking up.
01:34:22So I can digest all this.
01:34:30But we can't analyze the situation here, together.
01:34:34Like two adults.
01:34:38The hardest part was telling you.
01:34:43And I've already done it.
01:34:51I can't stand you taking her.
01:34:56It's getting too complicated.
01:34:59We'll have time to talk.
01:35:06Come, come upstairs.
01:35:30You can take the bags.
01:35:37Come on, let's go.
01:35:54My love, I love you so much.
01:36:00I'm proud of you.
01:36:06I love you.
01:36:36I love you.
01:37:01It's Janice.
01:37:02Are you in Madrid?
01:37:04Yes, come in.
01:37:05Can you come, please?
01:37:07She has my mother's features.
01:37:13It was horrible to find her when she was already dead.
01:37:49Am I waking you up?
01:37:54I'm overwhelmed by the anxiolytics.
01:37:58I'm sorry to leave like this.
01:38:01The situation was very difficult.
01:38:03And I'm responsible.
01:38:05It's only fair that you suffer the punishment.
01:38:08I'm not punishing you.
01:38:10You can come see the girl whenever you want.
01:38:14Thank you.
01:38:16I'm much calmer now.
01:38:19It's not easy to understand everything at once.
01:38:22But I'm worried about you.
01:38:24We have to fix this between the two of us.
01:38:27The worst part was last night.
01:38:29Now I have to get rid of the girl little by little.
01:38:34I'll go see you right now.
01:38:38But I'd better wait a few days.
01:38:40You can't stop seeing her from one day to the next.
01:38:44Of course not.
01:38:46I'll call you when I feel like seeing you.
01:38:49Janice, we have to talk about us too.
01:38:52I'm very confused with you.
01:38:57We'll talk about everything, whenever you want.
01:39:01A kiss.
01:39:26Let's go.
01:39:44They told us it was here.
01:39:48Let's go to the woman's house. She's sick.
01:39:51Yes, Aunt Brigida.
01:39:53Poor thing didn't make it to July.
01:39:55The victim's two granddaughters will be there too.
01:40:07Janice, I'm so happy to see you.
01:40:09How are you?
01:40:10I'm so happy to see you.
01:40:15This is Arturo.
01:40:16Hi, how are you?
01:40:17He's going to direct the excavation.
01:40:18Nice to meet you.
01:40:20How's Grandma?
01:40:21She's inside, waiting. She's a bit out of it.
01:40:23She didn't sleep well last night.
01:40:25Come in.
01:40:26Thank you.
01:40:30Grandma, they're here.
01:40:32Aunt Brigida.
01:40:34Don't get up.
01:40:36I thought you weren't coming.
01:40:39Sit down.
01:40:41Look, Aunt, this is Arturo.
01:40:43An eminence.
01:40:44He's going to direct the excavation.
01:40:46We're going to take a sample of saliva.
01:40:48Are you going to puncture me?
01:40:49No, no, no. It's just a cotton swab.
01:40:51If you have to puncture me, puncture me.
01:40:53I'm like a pinprick, my son.
01:40:56It's just that it's bad.
01:40:57I've already told you, Janice.
01:40:59Open your mouth, Aunt.
01:41:01Very good.
01:41:05Very good. That's it.
01:41:08I'm very bad, Janice.
01:41:11And I only have one hope.
01:41:13That they find my father and I can bury him where my mother is.
01:41:17She wants us to bury her too.
01:41:20I'm going to last very little.
01:41:21Oh, Grandma, don't say that.
01:41:23Cancer consumes me.
01:41:26But my dream is to reunite the whole family.
01:41:30Since we couldn't be together in life,
01:41:33unless we are at the end.
01:41:35Miss Brigida, tell me something about your father.
01:41:39I was four months old when I killed him.
01:41:41So little and has memories of him.
01:41:44I remember what my mother told me.
01:41:47And what did your mother tell you, Aunt?
01:41:49Many things.
01:41:50When I came to get him,
01:41:52my father had me in his arms.
01:41:55He was playing with me.
01:41:58My mother told me, and I...
01:42:00It's as if I remember it, thinking about it so much,
01:42:03that the last thing my father did was play with me.
01:42:09I had a sleigh.
01:42:12And since they took it, the sleigh has been lost.
01:42:15My mother looked for it all over the house,
01:42:18but she never found it.
01:42:21I guess he took it.
01:42:26Hello, Herminia, how are you?
01:42:28Hello, daughter!
01:42:29How are you?
01:42:31How are you?
01:42:33This is Arturo,
01:42:34who in July will lead the exhumation.
01:42:36Oh, thank you very much.
01:42:37Thank you.
01:42:38It's going to seem like a lie.
01:42:39Have you already told Yanis?
01:42:40Yes, yes, yes, she told me.
01:42:41Come in, come in.
01:42:42Very good, thank you.
01:42:43What a beautiful patio you have.
01:42:45Sit down.
01:42:47Oh, those little boats.
01:42:49I haven't seen them in a long time.
01:42:52Those are for you, daughter.
01:42:57Is there a detail you remember about your grandfather?
01:43:00But we didn't know him.
01:43:02We know it because of what my grandmother told us
01:43:05when he decided to speak.
01:43:06Because until just before he died,
01:43:09he didn't open his mouth.
01:43:10Out of fear.
01:43:12We were all very afraid.
01:43:15Well, the grandfather was tall and handsome
01:43:17and with big eyes.
01:43:19Just one?
01:43:21The other one was made of glass.
01:43:23You can't see it in the photos.
01:43:27My great-grandfather only took that photo.
01:43:30And did your grandfather tell you
01:43:32if he usually carried something?
01:43:34A watch, a pen, a stamp, a jewel?
01:43:38My mother told me that my grandfather
01:43:40never took off his wedding ring,
01:43:41not even to go to the field.
01:43:42An alliance.
01:43:43Yes, never.
01:43:45And inside, it was written the date of the wedding
01:43:48and the name of my grandmother, Josefa.
01:43:51Oh, and he carried the boat when they took him.
01:43:54They didn't give him time to change shoes.
01:44:37My grandmother inherited this house from her mother
01:44:39and I inherited it from her.
01:44:43This is where I spent my childhood.
01:44:47My grandmother was born in this room.
01:44:51And my mother.
01:46:55There's something here.
01:47:02Look, it's a vine.
01:47:17How was the trip?
01:47:18Very good, but I'll help you.
01:47:21Oh, the girl.
01:47:23Hi, Elena.
01:47:25Hi, Cecilia. How are you?
01:47:29How are you?
01:47:30Can you give me a kiss?
01:47:31She's a little angry.
01:47:33She doesn't like the car.
01:47:35How are you doing?
01:47:49How many years have you been waiting for this moment, Arturo?
01:47:53You don't know how important it is for us.
01:47:56I can imagine.
01:47:57For us too.
01:48:01Do you need anything?
01:48:04We're going to eat in the village.
01:48:05Buns and coffee and water, if you can.
01:48:07I'll bring that now.
01:48:08And now settle down quietly, because this is going to take a long time.
01:48:11How long will it take?
01:48:13I don't know.
01:48:14It depends on the depth, but three or four days.
01:48:17But come whenever you want.
01:48:18And the villagers too.
01:48:20Yes, if they all want to come.
01:48:22Well, let's go home.
01:48:23Are you okay?
01:48:25See you later.
01:48:28I'll bring you the drinks now.
01:48:50I'm going to take a walk around my house and then I'll bring you water and coffee.
01:48:53Yes, we could spend the afternoon together for a while.
01:48:55Sure, let me know when you want to come down.
01:48:57Are you okay, Elena?
01:48:59I feel like crying.
01:49:02Let me know later, okay?
01:49:20How rural.
01:49:21Yes, very rural.
01:49:23I didn't want to modernize it at all.
01:49:25No, I love it.
01:49:27Do you like it, Cecilia?
01:49:29Do you like it?
01:49:30I'll show you the house later.
01:49:34Come on.
01:49:35You're going to have a little brother, Cecilia.
01:49:40Do you know if he's a boy or a girl?
01:49:42No, it's too early.
01:49:44I'm only three months old.
01:49:46What will you call him?
01:49:48If he's a girl, Ana.
01:49:50I like it.
01:49:53If he's a boy, Antonio, like my great-grandfather.
01:49:56Do you like it?
01:50:03My great-grandfather was here, having dinner with my great-grandmother Paca and my grandmother Cecilia, who was only ten years old.
01:50:11When three phalanxists came in and took him away, they didn't even let him finish his dinner.
01:50:17When he came back at dawn, he was pale and full of mud.
01:50:23He had been digging his own grave all night.
01:50:28The next night they also came for him.
01:50:32But he didn't come back.
01:50:34And why didn't he run away after the first night?
01:50:38I don't know. I guess he didn't want to be separated from his wife and daughter.
01:50:45And out of pride and dignity.
01:50:48I don't know.
01:50:53I'll get it.
01:51:12If the femur goes in that direction, the pelvis should be there.
01:51:17So be careful with the beak because the skull should be in that area.
01:51:21Okay. Shall we continue?
01:51:37A phalanx.
01:51:48And a button.
01:51:52A button.
01:51:55They tied it with a wire.
01:52:05It's a phalanx.
01:52:21A button.
01:52:51A button.
01:52:52A phalanx.
01:52:53A button.
01:53:20Hello. Good afternoon.
01:53:22This is your moment. We are leaving.
01:53:52A phalanx.
01:54:22A phalanx.
