A single woman focused on her career in New York is forced to deal with the aftermath of a failed relationship when an ex-boyfriend hires her company HD ( Romance )

  • last month
A single woman focused on her career in New York is forced to deal with the aftermath of a failed relationship when an ex-boyfriend hires her company HD ( Romance )
00:00:00This is Wren. Thank you for getting back to me. I was hoping you might be able to come
00:00:10in for a meeting. We just finished the move. Everything is up and running. This week is
00:00:14bad for you. Maybe next week. Hello? Yes, I'm sure I don't need a plus one. I'm sorry,
00:00:22I have to get this other call. Thank you for calling me back. Wentworth doesn't seem to be
00:00:26feeling very well. He hasn't touched his food in two days. Today at noon? Yes, I can make that work.
00:00:36Okay, see you then. Oh honey, you are going to be so mad.
00:00:42Okay, let's go. I'm sorry, Wentworth. You're going to love my new office.
00:01:02Wren, wait for me. I have no idea where I'm going. Grayson, I'm not sure the limo fits
00:01:08in with our downsizing plan. I'm not sure it's bring your cat to work day. I could only get a
00:01:12daytime vet appointment. I can only travel in style. We just need to be careful with the expenses.
00:01:18And I just need a few niceties during these oppressive austerity measures that you and
00:01:22Maxine have instated. Maybe you could work your way down to a taxi. Next you'll be having me
00:01:26take a subway. I would never. It's nice. You go over a bridge. At this point I might jump.
00:01:42Come see your new office. I made sure you got the very best option the slum has to offer.
00:01:46Lead the way, Rebecca. At least someone still gets me. Wren. Hey, Katie. What do we think?
00:01:52A's colors and B's graphics. Bolt that text and we're good to go. I knew you'd clock exactly that.
00:01:57Maxine wants to have a quick meeting with you in the conference room. Do you want me to like
00:02:00hold your cat? We can bring it to your office. Everything's unpacked and ready for you. Looks
00:02:03ferocious. You guys are the best. Thank you. Walk with me. Updates? Okay, Open Heart just had its
00:02:07event stats and donations released. That party was insane. Turn to AF. We had to shut the list
00:02:12down early because people were posting about not being able to get in. Total FOMO. That is baller.
00:02:15We didn't alienate anyone, did we? That's not the best strategy. No, alienating people is super in.
00:02:19Echo that. How are we doing on following up with potential clients? Oh, we haven't had a ton of
00:02:24luck on that. You know what's real? The struggle. Well, there's still plenty of names left on that
00:02:29list. I'll spend today following up after this meeting. Great. Good morning, Maxine. Isn't the
00:02:35new sign fantastic? I love that you've added your married name. Lizzie must be thrilled.
00:02:40Have you told Grayson yet? You changed the name of our company? Well, it was time for a rebrand.
00:02:45I thought you were joking. New office, new name. What was wrong with Keller and Keller?
00:02:49Father is rolling over in his grave. Your father passed away? No, he's still in Florida. Palm
00:02:54Beach dead. What's the difference? You can't change the name of a known family company.
00:02:57Keller Lynch is my family's name. This is what I get for supporting marriage equality.
00:03:02I have a sinus headache. Lizzie, why are you here? You don't get to ask me that anymore.
00:03:09My name is on the sign. Lizzie and I are spending all our time together until the baby arrives.
00:03:13Yes, and it better come quick because every inch of my body is in pain.
00:03:20Bless you. Oh, that's a nice view of Manhattan. We have a view of Manhattan because we're not
00:03:26on it. I'm sure the prisoners on Rikers Island love their view as well.
00:03:30Ren, how's the wrap on the open heart event? The launch party got a huge amount of social
00:03:34media buzz. I hate to interrupt. No, actually, I don't. I've set up a very promising meeting.
00:03:40A new supermodel, I hope? No, it's corporate. And for Ren,
00:03:44an app developer wants to meet us about marketing their new charitable giving site.
00:03:47Excellent. We need more business in that sector. Silicon Valley, all of the new money,
00:03:51yet none of the old class. Rebecca, what's the company?
00:03:54Laconia. Laconia?
00:03:58Is that the company behind Blipper? I love Blipper. I bleep a lot.
00:04:02When did everyone start speaking gibberish? Who owns Laconia?
00:04:06Owen Drasper. Is he hard to look at,
00:04:09like most internet people? Beauty's in the eye of the beholder.
00:04:13That was said by an ugly person. No, he's very handsome, from pictures
00:04:17that I've seen. Well, they're not giving us much upfront information, but they said
00:04:21they'll explain their needs at the meeting. Ren always comes up with her best ideas
00:04:24under pressure. She's not paying attention, look.
00:04:29Ren. Sorry. I need to research this company
00:04:36a bit more. When did they want to meet? This afternoon, at three.
00:04:39Oh, that's too soon. I need more time. And I need my old life back.
00:04:42Well, we shouldn't wait. I'm sure we're not the only firm they're meeting with.
00:04:46Who are we pitching to? I believe Laconia's CFO, Sam Benson.
00:04:51Great. Fantastic.
00:04:52Yeah, but Owen Drasper is going to be in town, so he might attend himself.
00:04:56I guess we'll find out later today. Okay, so everyone's ready at three, then?
00:04:59Excuse me, I should start working on this immediately.
00:05:09Oh, hey, you're Ren, right? Yes.
00:05:11Hi, I'm Denise. I'm the new receptionist. I have a message here for you somewhere.
00:05:17Hi there. Hold, please. What's the new name?
00:05:20You can just say KKL. I'm not saying KK anything.
00:05:24Well, the name is Keller and Keller Lynch. Lynch is the other name?
00:05:29Hmm. How can I help you?
00:05:33Okay, let me get you to someone who can speak to that.
00:05:36Okay. How do I transfer? I've only been working here for five minutes.
00:05:40Just hit forward, then 22, and send it to Crystal. She'll handle it.
00:05:43One, two. Okay, good.
00:05:47Oh, thanks, girl. I'm starting a whole new career here.
00:05:50Oh, an assistant from the city planner's office is confirming your coffee date
00:05:54with Vanessa Perry. Oh, that's my aunt.
00:06:01Can you fax this for me? Is it 1998 or something?
00:06:05Is faxing passé? I'm always the last to know. What does one do these days?
00:06:10I can take a picture and email it. You're so modern. I bet you know
00:06:15what a ride-sharing app is. Mm-hmm.
00:06:19I can put one on your phone. Delightful.
00:06:23Delightful. Okay.
00:06:26Grayson, stop bothering the staff. Ready?
00:06:36Oh, no. I'm so not doing this today. Hey, don't give me that side-eye, Wentworth.
00:06:42No judgment out of you. Who are you talking to?
00:06:45You're acting strange today. I talk to Wentworth sometimes.
00:06:48That takes your cat lady thing to a disturbing new level.
00:06:51Here's the research I did on Laconia. Thank you, Rebecca.
00:06:54I'd sit in on the meeting, but I have a perfume to launch.
00:06:57Do you have a change of clothes? Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?
00:07:01The color. It manages to be both loud and sad, like an Adele song.
00:07:07Rebecca, excuse me. I have to take this call. Yeah, sure. Take those calls. It's not like we
00:07:11have a hugely important meeting later that could save the company from going under.
00:07:15At least fix that bow. Vanessa, hey, listen. I have to ask you a huge favor.
00:07:24You are an angel for doing this. I could have sent someone from my office to
00:07:28take him to the vet. Well, he hates everybody except for you and me.
00:07:32Oh, that's because he has excellent judgment. Hello.
00:07:37Oh, I brought you your favorite muffin, since we can't have our date.
00:07:42Thank you. I'm so sorry about that. It's a new client. He wants to meet at three.
00:07:46This move has been great, but we do need to get more business.
00:07:50That company is run as a hobby by dilettantes who never had to work a day in their lives.
00:07:55You should be in charge by now. I practically am.
00:07:57For self-made women like us, practically isn't good enough. I want your name on the door.
00:08:02I will be sure to bring that up again soon. Who was the client?
00:08:07Do you remember Owen? He was that college boy,
00:08:11the one who wanted you to give up your career and move to San Francisco for some dot-com delusion.
00:08:16My career? I was an intern. He had no job at all.
00:08:20Well, he's very successful now. Even the most dim-witted of miners
00:08:24found gold during the rush. Owen was very smart and ambitious.
00:08:28I do sometimes wonder how different life might have been had I gone with him.
00:08:34No man should ask you to put his career ahead of yours. You made the right decision.
00:08:40You made the decision. You are incredibly persuasive.
00:08:44I'll find the compliment in that. I'll see you at your event this weekend.
00:08:50Okay. Oh, invite the Kellers and tell them it's on me because I know they're
00:08:54fiscally irresponsible. In those words. I will find another way of saying it, but yes.
00:08:59Fine. Let's go, Kat.
00:09:20Lizzie, there's no conceivable reason for you to be here.
00:09:23I'm hungry. That's my reason.
00:09:27The man from Laconia is here. Great. Send Mr. Benson in.
00:09:31It's a Mr. Jasper. You can go on back.
00:09:35You know what? I think that I might just let Kate and Crystal take the lead on this one.
00:09:40Ren, we really, really need you. Don't ghost us.
00:09:43Leaving is not an option. No, it really is not.
00:09:47There he is. Mr. Jasper, pleasure to meet you.
00:09:50Grayson Keller. My, you are handsome.
00:09:53Well, thank you. I think.
00:09:55Please don't mind my brother, Mr. Jasper. We only let him out on special occasions.
00:10:00Maxine Keller Lynch. It's nice to meet you.
00:10:02You too. Allow me to introduce you to our head of corporate PR.
00:10:07Just under the table, I, um, dropped some papers.
00:10:26Yes. You should all call me Owen.
00:10:30Enough of this Mr. Jasper nonsense.
00:10:36Does somebody know the Heimlich? Can you do that on a huge stomach?
00:10:40Somebody do it. Don't hurt the baby.
00:10:42For constantly eating.
00:10:48You okay? Can you speak?
00:10:50Yeah, I can, but now I need a lozenge. My throat is all scratchy.
00:10:53Oh my God. Thank you so much, Wren. You are a saint.
00:10:57You're like Mother Teresa. Thank you.
00:11:01That's what we should name our baby.
00:11:03Teresa Wren, because it's a boy.
00:11:05Let's not assume we know our baby's gender identity.
00:11:08Maxine, can you take Lizzie somewhere where she can gestate quietly?
00:11:11It's okay. Thank you. Thank you.
00:11:14I'll waddle out all by myself.
00:11:17Excuse me.
00:11:20I have an idea for a lesbian dating app.
00:11:23That's a very underserved market.
00:11:25I have a name for it. Ready?
00:11:32I think it has great potential.
00:11:39Now that the drama is over, may we start the meeting?
00:11:42Yes, yes.
00:11:45I don't think that I've met these two ladies.
00:11:48This is our social media team, Kate Carrera and Crystal Parker.
00:11:52FYI, I love Blipper.
00:11:54Total echo.
00:11:55Laconia has been blessed with great success.
00:11:58Now it's time for us to give back.
00:12:00We have created a social network fundraising app hybrid.
00:12:03We call the project Givescape.
00:12:05This is me. This is genius.
00:12:08The Givescape profile creation page will have the same feel
00:12:10for donors and charitable organizations.
00:12:13So when you connect with a charity, they appear as a friend.
00:12:17We want people to relate on a deeper level to the causes they support.
00:12:20There's a wariness about providing this much demographic information.
00:12:24We expect that.
00:12:25Our user agreement is very upfront.
00:12:28No data will be shared, only used internally to suggest matches.
00:12:30And donors of all income levels are treated equally across the site.
00:12:36All the feeds will have a balance of content across the donor and charity spectrum.
00:12:41That's great.
00:12:42I love the color.
00:12:43The logo design is snatched.
00:12:44We could do something like what we did for Open Hearts.
00:12:46Scratch and repeat that.
00:12:47My CFO loved what you did on that campaign.
00:12:49He's why I'm here.
00:12:50Remind us to thank him profusely.
00:12:53We'd tweak it a bit.
00:12:54Since people knew Open Heart and Givescape is an unknown, we'd launch a whisper campaign.
00:13:00We'd work up some ads in your font and color scheme.
00:13:03Oh, it'll be mage.
00:13:04With just taglines, stark text, total sansa.
00:13:08We'd keep an air of mystery about what the exact product is.
00:13:12Build up anticipation.
00:13:14If your graphics team could send us some design specs by tonight,
00:13:17we could have samples saved by tomorrow.
00:13:20I'll have them sent.
00:13:21Great. I'll give you my contact info.
00:13:24Friends with benefits.
00:13:27We're not there yet.
00:13:28As a tagline for a charitable giving social network hybrid.
00:13:33No, that's very interesting.
00:13:34I like it.
00:13:35It's perf.
00:13:36I'll mock up some more.
00:13:37Let's meet tomorrow.
00:13:39Let's say two.
00:13:40Excellent. Consider it set.
00:13:41We would love to have your business.
00:13:43Are you seeing any of the firms?
00:13:45We're not supposed to ask him that.
00:13:46No, it's fine. One or two.
00:13:48But I am very interested in what I heard here today.
00:13:50I'll see you tomorrow.
00:13:52Oh, please. Don't get up.
00:13:59Very impressive, Kate and Crystal.
00:14:02Actually, it was Ren's idea that he responded the most to.
00:14:05We just served presentation.
00:14:07Well, y'all nailed it.
00:14:08I'd like to nail Mr. Jasper.
00:14:10Oof, hashtag me too.
00:14:11That's not what that means.
00:14:12He cuts a fine figure. I half expected a bridge troll.
00:14:15If none of you mind, I am gonna go to my office for a moment.
00:14:18I think I might have banged my head a little harder than I thought.
00:14:21Great work, Ren.
00:14:34Ren, are you okay?
00:14:35She's hyperventilating.
00:14:36What should we do?
00:14:36Go get a bag.
00:14:40Ren, slow your breathing down.
00:14:42Just breathe.
00:14:43I said a bag, not a purse.
00:14:45Something she can breathe into.
00:14:46Now you specify.
00:14:47Oh my God, it's really cute though.
00:14:49I know, sample sale.
00:14:50Oh my God.
00:14:50Ren, what do we do?
00:14:51I'm all right.
00:14:51I'm okay.
00:14:53I'm sorry. I just had a little, um, oh, I couldn't breathe for a second.
00:14:57Oh my God.
00:14:58I think the air in there was just a little weird.
00:14:59Brooklyn air is so different.
00:15:01For real, it smells like hipster.
00:15:02Oh my God, I've never seen you like this.
00:15:03We've never seen you not calm.
00:15:05I'm sorry about that.
00:15:06I just needed a moment to catch my breath.
00:15:09Catch my breath.
00:15:10Um, okay.
00:15:11Let's come up with some great taglines.
00:15:13Should we look at the early Blippr campaigns?
00:15:15Yeah, how does Blippr work exactly?
00:15:17It's like Twitter, but for younger people with even shorter attention spans.
00:15:20Is Twitter over already?
00:15:22If you're under 30, yeah.
00:15:24But you can still use it.
00:15:25The way you bleep is with five words and a hashtag with a pic or vid,
00:15:29as long as it's a combo of seven total.
00:15:31Really speaks to my ADHD.
00:15:33Okay, let's get to work.
00:15:39I know, you've had a terrible day, sweetheart.
00:15:53I'm sorry.
00:15:56Trust me, mine wasn't so hot either.
00:16:01There you go, baby.
00:16:03Only wet food tonight.
00:16:05Doctor's orders.
00:16:09He looked right through me like I didn't even exist.
00:16:15Didn't even acknowledge I was there.
00:16:18Just like you after you eat.
00:16:22Come on, be a trooper.
00:16:24Someone in this house has to hold it together and it is not going to be me.
00:16:42One, two, three.
00:16:46What is happening?
00:16:47Is this a joke?
00:16:52Celebrating what?
00:16:53You can't hire us now.
00:16:56Which is actually a good thing.
00:16:58No, that's a terrible thing.
00:17:09Ren, they want you in the conference room.
00:17:12Thanks, Denise.
00:17:15Ren, we got the Jasper account.
00:17:18I thought we had competition in another meeting.
00:17:20What happened?
00:17:21Millennial magic.
00:17:23Kristen and I ran into Owen last night.
00:17:25Oh, you ran into him?
00:17:26I peeped his blipper.
00:17:27I learned a new phrase.
00:17:28They cyber stalked.
00:17:30He was at this club where I'm at all the time.
00:17:32I dated the doorman.
00:17:33We sashayed over to the VIP lounge and had a kiki.
00:17:35He said our pitch was the only choice.
00:17:37Your girl's idea, Ren.
00:17:38Here's to Kate and Crystal.
00:17:40I may not be able to comment publicly on their looks,
00:17:41but Owen Jasper sure fell for them.
00:17:43Or he appreciated the work.
00:17:45He genuinely did.
00:17:46I think he's into us, too.
00:17:47He's mad flirtatious.
00:17:48Do you have a boyfriend?
00:17:50Maybe I need a side piece.
00:17:51You know, I think we just kept these doors open for another year.
00:17:54And I think I get to keep my driver.
00:17:56Ren, glass of bubbly?
00:17:59Let me just put down my stuff first.
00:18:03Denise, join us for the celebration.
00:18:07So this big new account, does that mean I can have a raise?
00:18:11Why not?
00:18:14How long have you worked here, Denise?
00:18:16This is my second day.
00:18:23What is going on?
00:18:24Am I being gaslighted?
00:18:31Which is it?
00:18:32Oh, who cares?
00:18:34Where is that you?
00:18:36Lizzie, what are you doing here?
00:18:39I'm trying to listen to music and snack in peace.
00:18:42This closet is bigger than my first apartment.
00:18:46If Grayson says one more thing about my eating,
00:18:49he willed me to choke yesterday.
00:18:51Just chew slowly and more often for the rest of your pregnancy.
00:18:55I'm like 15 months pregnant, and it's never going to end.
00:18:58And all I want to do is binge eat.
00:19:00Well, that's kind of all I want to do right now, too.
00:19:04Have a wing.
00:19:04Maybe later.
00:19:06So which 20-something hottie do you think Jasper wants to beg?
00:19:10Hopefully neither.
00:19:11He seems cool.
00:19:13He stopped to talk to me on his way out yesterday to make sure I was okay.
00:19:16Oh, that was nice of him.
00:19:17And he loved my app idea, which I'm pretty sure is golden.
00:19:23Also, the two of you went to the same college around the same time.
00:19:26Did you know that?
00:19:29He sort of pulled the fake.
00:19:31Really, too.
00:19:32But then I pushed him because that's what I do.
00:19:34And then he said that he knew you.
00:19:39So what's the story?
00:19:41Did you guys go to like the same orgy or something and you still feel the shame?
00:19:45There's no story.
00:19:46I think we were only at school together a couple of years.
00:19:51I honestly assumed he didn't even remember me.
00:19:54I did say that you barely look like the same person.
00:19:58That sounds meaner coming from me.
00:19:59I just have that tone.
00:20:01I am very different.
00:20:03You're right about that.
00:20:28We have some mock-up ads for you to look at.
00:20:31Yeah, I think you're really going to like them.
00:20:34I just want to say-
00:20:39You look well.
00:20:41Well, as opposed to sickly.
00:20:45I mean-
00:20:46So you've recognized me today.
00:20:48This is awkward.
00:20:49No, I understand.
00:20:50You didn't know I worked here when you hired us.
00:20:52I should have done more research.
00:20:53Would it have changed anything?
00:20:56Don't answer that.
00:20:57Thank you for trusting us with your business.
00:20:59You won't be disappointed.
00:21:01I hope not this time.
00:21:12Hey, Big O.
00:21:14Let me show you these new mock-ups we got.
00:21:16I can't wait.
00:21:18I'll join you in a second.
00:21:19I'm just going to work on the launch event.
00:21:25I can do this, right?
00:21:28Yes, I can.
00:21:30Stop talking.
00:21:31There's no cat here.
00:21:37Yes, we save a landmark and then we get to have a nice party.
00:21:40Oh, excuse me, gentlemen.
00:21:41My niece is here.
00:21:47Wow, this place is stunning.
00:21:48There's someone here I want you to meet.
00:21:50A nice young man I recently met.
00:21:53Is it serious?
00:21:54How young?
00:21:55Not for me, dear.
00:21:56For you.
00:21:57Oh, you know I hate being set up.
00:21:59He's handsome, and he's in your field.
00:22:01We know how this goes.
00:22:03If you like them, I don't.
00:22:04And if I like them, you really don't.
00:22:06And someday we'll pick a winner.
00:22:08I should go find Grayson.
00:22:09I know he's around here somewhere.
00:22:10Oh, yes.
00:22:11I saw His Highness earlier.
00:22:15Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:22:30I shouldn't have turned around so abruptly.
00:22:31No, not at all.
00:22:32I never mind running into a beautiful woman.
00:22:36Over here!
00:22:46I didn't realize you were gonna be here.
00:22:48I was told I needed to meet the local philanthropic community.
00:22:52I mean, they need to see your face.
00:22:54I thought you liked me for my mind.
00:22:56Oh, yeah, that too.
00:22:57Am I being objectified?
00:22:58Try being a woman.
00:22:59No, you guys got it too hard.
00:23:01We certainly do.
00:23:02I've been to more festive funerals.
00:23:04Please entertain me so I can be among the living.
00:23:07What are we discussing?
00:23:08Nothing appropriate.
00:23:10We were just discussing Owen's type.
00:23:12And he was being for reals cagey.
00:23:14I plead the fifth.
00:23:16Wren, what about you?
00:23:18Somebody in your life?
00:23:19I've introduced Wren to many eligible batches of note, but none seem good enough.
00:23:23Crystal, how's Brian?
00:23:25He's all good.
00:23:26I find him terribly bland.
00:23:27Who's Brian?
00:23:28Crystal's boyfriend who she keeps forgetting to mention.
00:23:30We date.
00:23:30We don't own each other.
00:23:32I thought you two were serious.
00:23:33They should be.
00:23:34Brian is art nerd hot.
00:23:36He and his friends are starting the gallery.
00:23:37Faye is definitely a geek on fleek.
00:23:39Crystal, I must implore you to use the English language of yore.
00:23:42My speak is my brand.
00:23:43My money is your paycheck.
00:23:44Shady shots fire, G.
00:23:46I said my boyfriend is handsome and smart.
00:23:48The gallery isn't opening until later this year.
00:23:50That could be an interesting choice for the launch event.
00:23:52It's a huge space in West Chelsea.
00:23:55It is so this moment.
00:23:57Let's check it out.
00:23:58I'll text him and set up a walkthrough.
00:23:59He'll flip.
00:24:00First, you drag me to Brooklyn and now to the far west side.
00:24:03I feel like Lewis Hancock.
00:24:04Grayson, what is your type?
00:24:06Most men won't say young and mute, but that's secretly what we want.
00:24:09I prefer women with strong opinions and ideas who aren't swayed by what others think.
00:24:14I'm not easily influenced.
00:24:15I'm a strong-minded woman.
00:24:17Slow your roll, Beyonce.
00:24:18You're what we call stubborn.
00:24:19I prefer to make choices based on all the available information.
00:24:23I think it's good to be flexible.
00:24:25Is it?
00:24:26I'm plenty flexible.
00:24:28Excuse me.
00:24:28I'm gonna go powder my nose.
00:24:31This party is abysmal.
00:24:32I guarantee you our events put this to shame.
00:24:35I'm so not feeling this.
00:24:36Can we just say hi to Vanessa in Ditch?
00:24:39Yeah, Wren's aunt.
00:24:40She's the city planner.
00:24:42Do you know her?
00:24:42You should meet her.
00:24:44I've heard a lot about her.
00:24:49Fancy running into you here.
00:24:51Well, you taught me to always check my face.
00:24:56Honey, is something wrong?
00:24:59No, I just have something in my eye, I think.
00:25:01Come here and let me see.
00:25:04Oh, sweetie.
00:25:07I'm sure it's nothing.
00:25:11Anything that makes our eyes water is important to get rid of.
00:25:14I'm not sure it will go away.
00:25:16Is that Owen causing you trouble?
00:25:18No, he's fine.
00:25:19He's just a client.
00:25:21What is it then?
00:25:22I detect some romantic despair.
00:25:26I don't know, maybe.
00:25:28I am starting to notice couples everywhere.
00:25:31Men my age with women much too young for them.
00:25:35Wait till you're my age.
00:25:37They get even younger.
00:25:39It's like a never-ending Woody Allen movie.
00:25:42Wow, that's something to look forward to.
00:25:45Oh, I wish you'd meet my new friend.
00:25:48I really think you'd like him.
00:25:50He's here somewhere at the event tonight.
00:25:52Yeah, well, maybe.
00:25:54I just don't feel like I really have time right now.
00:25:57I'm so busy.
00:25:58Your work life is gloriously full.
00:26:01We need to find you a man who can respect that.
00:26:04You should get back out and socialize.
00:26:06Everybody's here to see you.
00:26:08You're right.
00:26:12You okay?
00:26:13Yes, promise.
00:26:16You look beautiful.
00:27:01I thought I'd be the earliest.
00:27:03I wanted to see the old neighborhood.
00:27:06So much has changed.
00:27:11I'm sorry I left so abruptly last night.
00:27:13I wasn't really ready to see Vanessa.
00:27:16She never really seemed to like me very much.
00:27:19That had nothing to do with you.
00:27:21She just was...
00:27:23I'm sorry.
00:27:24I'm sorry.
00:27:24I'm sorry.
00:27:25I'm sorry.
00:27:26I'm sorry.
00:27:27I'm sorry.
00:27:27I'm sorry.
00:27:28I'm sorry.
00:27:28I'm sorry.
00:27:29I'm sorry.
00:27:30I'm sorry.
00:27:30I'm sorry.
00:27:30She was very protective of me.
00:27:34Like a lioness with her cub.
00:27:36But meaner.
00:27:38Don't blame her for my choices.
00:27:52Have you gotten a chance to check out the site's latest update?
00:27:55Oh, yeah.
00:27:56The point system is interesting.
00:27:58How would that work?
00:27:59Well, each donation acquires points.
00:28:02The hope is that when the company goes public,
00:28:06those points will become stock options.
00:28:08That's generous.
00:28:10Well, each early adopter should benefit from the site's success.
00:28:16The point system could be based on
00:28:18what percentage of a person's income was donated
00:28:20rather than total amount.
00:28:23Yeah, that fits with our mission.
00:28:25That way a teacher would benefit as much
00:28:27under the reward system as, say, a stockbroker.
00:28:30You're good at this.
00:28:32Don't act so surprised.
00:28:33You're already collecting income data,
00:28:35so it shouldn't be hard to manage.
00:28:37Has the rich girl become a socialist?
00:28:39Rich girl?
00:28:41I moved in with Vanessa during high school.
00:28:43Life with my mom wasn't like that.
00:28:45I know.
00:28:46I'm kidding.
00:28:48I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
00:28:49I didn't know you'd be here this early.
00:28:51Nice to see you.
00:28:52Brian and I were just discussing the party setup.
00:28:58Shall we go in?
00:28:59Yes, follow me.
00:29:02I really appreciate you considering using the gallery for your event.
00:29:05This is the main space, as you can see,
00:29:08and we have a space just like this on the upper level.
00:29:11I can't wait to share it with you.
00:29:12Hey, everyone.
00:29:14Brian, why don't you have me show Owen upstairs?
00:29:16I have a feeling I know how the layout should be.
00:29:18Sure, Kate.
00:29:19You know the space.
00:29:20My CFO will be here shortly.
00:29:21Wren, will you greet him?
00:29:23All right.
00:29:26So, Wren, would you like...
00:29:28My earring is gone.
00:29:30Do you think it fell in the office?
00:29:32I mean, it was on when I got here.
00:29:34Let's go check.
00:29:35Wren, do you need anything?
00:29:37No, I'm good.
00:29:45I'll just stay on door duty.
00:30:05Is Owen here?
00:30:06He is.
00:30:07You must be Sam Benson.
00:30:08Yeah, that's me.
00:30:09You are?
00:30:10Wren Cosgrove from KKL.
00:30:12Oh, right.
00:30:13Right. Nice to meet you.
00:30:14Nice to meet you.
00:30:15I understand we have you to thank for thinking of us.
00:30:18Oh, well, your firm does great work.
00:30:21But Owen genuinely responded as well, so he makes all the decisions.
00:30:25He gave you all the credit.
00:30:27Yeah, well, he's generous that way.
00:30:29He's helped me a lot.
00:30:32Um, why don't I show you around since you're missing the tour?
00:30:35Yeah, that'd be great.
00:30:41What were you listening to?
00:30:44On your headphones when you first came in?
00:30:46Oh, something sad.
00:30:50The blues sad?
00:30:51Tony Mitchell sad?
00:30:53The Smiths sad?
00:30:55Joy Division.
00:30:56Oh, there's some Smiths on here, too.
00:30:58A whole sad playlist.
00:31:01Was it Love Will Tear Us Apart?
00:31:04Good guess.
00:31:08Great view.
00:31:09Yeah, isn't it?
00:31:11Mind if I sit?
00:31:12Go ahead.
00:31:15Yeah, it's an old college mix.
00:31:17I made it for a paper I wrote on the poetry of New Wave.
00:31:20What else did you write about?
00:31:23Uh, some cure, new order, and, of course, the Smiths.
00:31:28How soon is now, I'm guessing?
00:31:30Nailed it.
00:31:32I am human, and I need to be loved.
00:31:36Just like everybody else does.
00:31:39And the cure?
00:31:40Pictures of you?
00:31:42Actually, boys don't cry.
00:31:45I would tell you that I loved you if I thought that you would stay.
00:31:49It's no use.
00:31:50You've already gone away.
00:31:52You're sensing the theme here.
00:31:55I went through a whole goth phase in high school.
00:31:58I can't quite picture that.
00:31:59Black hair, black nails, black eyeliner.
00:32:02I basically stole Susie Sue's look.
00:32:04Oh, what a great look.
00:32:05Why'd you give that up?
00:32:06Because I went to college and became a riot girl.
00:32:09I was into the sad ladies of the 90s.
00:32:11I've been to a Lilith Fair.
00:32:13I admire a man who could admit that.
00:32:18So glad you're here.
00:32:22He's great, man.
00:32:23Well, listen, thank you for letting me use your house.
00:32:25It was very peaceful.
00:32:27Sam, this is Kate.
00:32:28Hi, Sam.
00:32:28What house?
00:32:29I rented a house in the Hamptons.
00:32:31How come you've never invited us?
00:32:33Why don't you guys come this weekend?
00:32:34Well, I have too much work to do.
00:32:36Well, we could make it a work retreat.
00:32:38I doubt I'd get very much done.
00:32:39Rebecca's having her event there this weekend.
00:32:41She would flip if we all showed up.
00:32:43We could bring the whole crew.
00:32:44It'd be great for me to see what KKL can do.
00:32:46This is a launch for an actress's perfume line.
00:32:48It's very different from what we have in mind for you.
00:32:50Crystal's going to live.
00:32:51Where is she?
00:32:52She is looking for her earring with Brian.
00:32:54She's been looking for her earring a lot lately.
00:32:58So you'll come as well?
00:33:02I mean, sure.
00:33:03Why not?
00:33:04That'd be nice to have a little fun, right?
00:33:08Brian, we love the space.
00:33:09We're going to use it for the event.
00:33:10Oh, that is excellent news.
00:33:12Thanks, man.
00:33:13He's inviting us to his house in the Hamptons this weekend.
00:33:15Stop it.
00:33:16I'm dead.
00:33:16Girl, get reborn.
00:33:17Okay, I'm living.
00:33:22You want to finish that tour?
00:33:23Yeah, let me show you the outside.
00:33:31Sam is emo adorable.
00:33:33Yeah, he's like sad cute.
00:33:37Anyone notice a vibe between him and Ren?
00:33:39There's a total vibe.
00:33:40Totes possible vibe.
00:33:47I know, baby.
00:33:48Trust me, I would rather stay here with you than go to the Hamptons any day.
00:34:09I'm here to pick up a cat.
00:34:10Come in.
00:34:11He's not quite ready yet.
00:34:14Have we met?
00:34:15Yes, I think we almost bumped into each other.
00:34:17At Vanessa's party, yes.
00:34:19Pilot Pratt.
00:34:20Pratt PR.
00:34:21Say you've heard of me.
00:34:22I have.
00:34:23Didn't Rebecca used to work with you before she came to us?
00:34:25Yes, and how is that icy delight?
00:34:28Still wearing her signature bun.
00:34:30Well, it's good we have some people in common,
00:34:32since I believe we're supposed to be going on a date at some point.
00:34:35Oh, you're that new friend.
00:34:37Oh, I've been mentioned.
00:34:39You have?
00:34:42She didn't say you were so...
00:34:47How did Vanessa rope you into picking up my cat?
00:34:50Well, we were having brunch together,
00:34:52and she said that she'd drop me at my next appointment if we made this unplanned stop.
00:34:58Wow, she is outrageous.
00:34:59She's fabulous.
00:35:00I want her to run for mayor.
00:35:01Oh, she will love the sound of that.
00:35:04Hey, listen, I'm heading up to the Hamptons myself tonight.
00:35:06Are you going to Rebecca's soiree?
00:35:08I should be.
00:35:08I'm working with a client all weekend.
00:35:10Please do come.
00:35:11I'll make sure you have fun.
00:35:13I'll keep an eye out for you.
00:35:15You know, I was dreading this party, and now I'm so looking forward to it.
00:35:19I'll go wrangle my cat.
00:35:43Hi, Rebecca!
00:36:06How was your trip?
00:36:07Great, except I forgot my suitcase.
00:36:09I fell asleep and left it on the bus.
00:36:10Oh, that sucks.
00:36:11I mean, I have clothes.
00:36:12You can borrow something.
00:36:13I don't know if I could quite pull off your look.
00:36:16You should just let me style you this weekend.
00:36:17I mean, hey, what do I have to lose?
00:36:19Your dry spell.
00:36:20My dignity.
00:36:21Same difference.
00:36:22So, go upstairs, put on a suit, and meet us out back.
00:36:25Does that other suit have any more fabric than this one?
00:36:28We can sew two together.
00:36:33That looks good!
00:36:35Oh, get it!
00:36:39You made it.
00:36:41Now, Sam can stop asking me when you're getting here.
00:36:44Oh, he's a sweet guy.
00:36:46He's a little shy at first, easy to talk to.
00:36:50I'm just glad he's trying to be social.
00:36:52That's about all he's up for right now.
00:36:55Well, he's safer on me, if that's what you're asking.
00:36:59No, I'm sorry.
00:37:01That came out wrong.
00:37:03So, what's his story?
00:37:04Bad breakup?
00:37:05Two years ago, his fiancée was diagnosed with cancer.
00:37:09Oh, my God.
00:37:10That's terrible.
00:37:11Oh, no, no.
00:37:11She got better.
00:37:13And Sam stuck by her side through a year of treatment.
00:37:15So, what happened?
00:37:16She blew up her life.
00:37:18Quit her job, changed her name, and dumped Sam.
00:37:21It was all very San Francisco.
00:37:23That's awful.
00:37:25Don't mention it to him.
00:37:26He doesn't want anybody to know.
00:37:27No, of course I won't.
00:37:31So, he hasn't moved on yet?
00:37:33No, no.
00:37:34Not really.
00:37:34Sometimes it can be hard to get over someone.
00:37:37Uh, we should probably go join the rest of the group, right?
00:37:40Yeah, let's just get this over with.
00:37:45She wasn't even looking.
00:37:46Crystal, get off your phone.
00:37:47I'm handling our social people.
00:37:49Take a break for a bit.
00:37:51Oh, you want to play?
00:37:56Get over here so I can kick your butt.
00:37:57Maxine, no one likes you when you're too competitive.
00:38:01All right, all right, all right.
00:38:02It's hard to take a nap around here.
00:38:03Ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready.
00:38:05Ready, ready, ready, ready.
00:38:06Thirteen serving nothing!
00:38:12There she is.
00:38:14How was your trip?
00:38:15Oh, pretty good.
00:38:17Though I left my stuff on the bus and now I'm wearing one of Kate's swimsuits.
00:38:22It's made out of dental floss.
00:38:23Well, I happen to have something stuck in my teeth.
00:38:26Oh, my.
00:38:27That was bad.
00:38:30I've got to help my banter game around all of you.
00:38:32It's a tough crowd.
00:38:35Here we go.
00:38:38Owen told me something I'm not supposed to know and now I do know and now I feel awkward.
00:38:44He told you about Angela?
00:38:46Was that her name?
00:38:46Your ex?
00:38:47Well, she was Angela.
00:38:49Now she's calling herself Feather or Racehorse.
00:38:53Depends on the week.
00:38:54I'm so sorry that happened to you.
00:38:56Just don't give me that inescapable look of pity.
00:38:59I don't like that.
00:39:00I won't.
00:39:01I promise.
00:39:02Sam, I need you in the game, bud.
00:39:05You're doing it.
00:39:08All right, coming.
00:39:11Come on, Sam.
00:39:13Why did Owen have to tell me that?
00:39:18You see me coming and yet you're not moving.
00:39:20I don't understand you.
00:39:23What are you talking to yourself again, Wren?
00:39:25Oh, probably.
00:39:26I barely even notice anymore.
00:39:28You like to talk and there's not a lot of noise.
00:39:31You like to talk and there's not always someone to listen.
00:39:33I get it.
00:39:34You want to talk to the baby?
00:39:35It's supposed to be good for him.
00:39:36Oh, all right.
00:39:37Yeah, bring it in.
00:39:39Hello there, little baby.
00:39:42Don't you be in any hurry to get out now.
00:39:45Hey, no.
00:39:47Tell him the eviction notice is served.
00:39:49Get out of there, you little twerp.
00:39:53I think you secretly like being pregnant.
00:39:56Well, yeah.
00:39:57I have a license to complain about anything and everything.
00:40:00It's been great.
00:40:03Here we go.
00:40:09There's absolutely no work happening this weekend.
00:40:12It's okay.
00:40:13It's okay.
00:40:13It's okay.
00:40:14It's all good.
00:40:19Oh my gosh, look at Wren.
00:40:22Everyone, this is my new friend,
00:40:25this hot biatch formerly known as Wren.
00:40:27I'm still going by Wren.
00:40:29You look amazed.
00:40:31Have a seat.
00:40:34That one looks as good as you.
00:40:36Hey, how you doing?
00:40:37Good work.
00:40:41You are sparkly tonight.
00:40:43Thank you, sir.
00:40:45I want to thank everyone for being here.
00:40:47I knew I made the right decision joining forces with KKL.
00:40:51It's a new friendships.
00:40:52Hear, hear.
00:40:53Hear, hear.
00:41:02Miss Cosgrove, you look stunning this evening.
00:41:07How on earth do you know this riffraff?
00:41:08Always nice to see you, Grayson.
00:41:10I'm sure it is for you.
00:41:11You two know each other?
00:41:12I rescued Rebecca from the life of mediocrity working for him.
00:41:15Oh, my firm's going very well, thank you.
00:41:17We actually picked up some clients you had to drop.
00:41:18One man's trash.
00:41:20I should get back to my friends, but I will see you at Rebecca's event later.
00:41:26Hey, you were awful too, Pam.
00:41:29It's all in good fun.
00:41:30You've always been very competitive over Rebecca.
00:41:33And I don't like the fact that he's almost as good looking as I am.
00:41:36Hey, no one is as good looking as you, ever.
00:41:40I know, but it's so lovely to hear.
00:41:43Okay, I can't do this anymore.
00:41:44My body is like, go lie down.
00:41:46Okay, let's go.
00:41:48Sorry, everyone.
00:41:49Give Rebecca our regards.
00:41:51Yeah, enjoy the party for us.
00:41:54Since you all can still enjoy things.
00:41:56Oh, okay.
00:42:20Rebecca has truly outdone herself.
00:42:22This place is something.
00:42:23Let's dance.
00:42:27Who wants to dance with me?
00:42:29I'm gonna go get a drink first.
00:42:31Sam, take the lady for a spin.
00:42:33No, no, no.
00:42:33I'm a bit rhythm challenged.
00:42:34I'm enough for the both of us.
00:42:48Hey, Rebecca's hair is down.
00:42:50This is a momentous occasion.
00:42:52Come up here and dance.
00:42:53I don't think I can manage that.
00:42:55Not you, Grayson.
00:42:57Red, get up.
00:43:00Go, go, bon voyage.
00:43:07What is this, giving me life?
00:43:08Let's run.
00:43:09We work together.
00:43:10Now, girl, hey, you shake that ass harder.
00:43:12I love your fragrance.
00:43:14It's my scent and my philosophy.
00:43:16How much longer do we have to be here, Becca?
00:43:18We'll escape here soon.
00:43:19There's a car waiting.
00:43:20Hey, Ryan, can you block anyone that might follow us?
00:43:23Oh, is that why I'm up here?
00:43:24Maybe, but you are actually kind of fun.
00:43:27I know.
00:43:28She's kind of got some flavor.
00:43:30She's moving like she's shaking off her own self.
00:43:33Yes, no.
00:43:44Okay, I gotta go.
00:43:46Watch my show on YouTube.
00:43:47I will.
00:43:51Oh, hey.
00:43:56You need some help getting down?
00:43:58That's right.
00:43:59I am getting down.
00:44:05Oh, and Jasper, you are still shoeglasser for all these years.
00:44:09Nice catch.
00:44:10Did you just call me a catch?
00:44:11That is not what I said.
00:44:13I know.
00:44:14I was just kidding.
00:44:14Comedy has never been your thing, has it?
00:44:17You're mean when you're tipsy.
00:44:18Oh, be quiet.
00:44:20I was kidding, too.
00:44:22It's so nice to see you having fun.
00:44:25Nice to be having fun.
00:44:28I should go check up on Sam.
00:44:31Good idea.
00:44:36I had no idea you were attending this shindig.
00:44:39The way you talk is hilarious.
00:44:41You know, Rebecca asked me to come help, but I'm done now.
00:44:44It's time to get on the floor.
00:44:46The floor?
00:44:46You mean...
00:44:47Are you asking me to dance because I do have some moves?
00:44:51You got the moves like Jagger?
00:44:53Are you talking about Bianca Jagger from the bygone days of Studio 54?
00:44:57Then yes, I do.
00:44:59Let's do this!
00:45:16Now, where on earth have you been?
00:45:24I've been trying to dance with you all night.
00:45:26I don't dance that often.
00:45:27Now, no one's going to believe that after the show you guys put on.
00:45:31You want a drink?
00:45:32Sure, I'm having fun.
00:45:34Okay, what do you want to drink?
00:45:36Uh, a shot.
00:45:37A shot of what?
00:45:38You pick.
00:45:39You are gorgeous and surprising.
00:45:41Less charm, more getting me a shot.
00:45:44As if by magic.
00:45:50You want to dance?
00:45:51Let's go.
00:45:52Lead the way.
00:46:04Hi, are you hot?
00:46:06In what way?
00:46:07Oh my god, he's finally flirting back?
00:46:10I don't know, I just want some clarity.
00:46:13I mean like I'm overheating.
00:46:15No, it is kind of crowded in here.
00:46:16Maybe we should go outside.
00:46:18Yeah, let's go to the beach.
00:46:19Let's take Sam with us.
00:46:21He looks a little bit overwhelmed.
00:46:22Yeah, let's take Sam.
00:46:24And Ren!
00:46:25Hey, Ren!
00:46:28Um, listen, I'm having a quiet emergency.
00:46:31Oh no, is everything okay?
00:46:32Yeah, no, it's fine.
00:46:32I'll tell you on the way.
00:46:33I guess that means I can't come.
00:46:36We'll finish this dance another time.
00:46:38Looking forward to it.
00:46:44Oh, it's the beach.
00:46:57Looks like we're the third and fourth wheel.
00:47:00It certainly appears that way.
00:47:04Hey, do you want to just hang here?
00:47:07Yeah, let's do that.
00:47:08All right, great.
00:47:09Was I a jerk earlier?
00:47:11No, no, definitely not.
00:47:14I get irritated when people feel bad for me.
00:47:17I know what you mean.
00:47:19My mom died when I was 16 and I know how it feels when people demand to see your grief.
00:47:30I can see why Owen loved you.
00:47:33He told you?
00:47:35Yeah, he told me.
00:47:37He told you?
00:47:39What did he say?
00:47:41Well, he mentioned the mythical college girlfriend before.
00:47:44He just didn't say it was you until earlier today.
00:47:49I didn't think he talked about our time together.
00:47:53It's rare, but when he does, you can sense it was meaningful to him.
00:47:56So there hasn't been anyone special during the time that you've known him?
00:48:02You know, Owen goes on lots of dates, but special?
00:48:08I mean, there's no shortage of pictures of him online with
00:48:12various versions of the same type of lady on his arm.
00:48:16Yeah, types like the lovely Kate.
00:48:19Well, Kate is special.
00:48:20No, I can tell.
00:48:22He would be lucky to have her.
00:48:24If you think she's good enough for him, who am I to argue?
00:48:27He deserves that kind of happiness and she's wonderful.
00:48:31You've convinced me.
00:48:36Oh, I want to go swimming.
00:48:38I think the water is too harsh.
00:48:40Where's your sense of adventure, you free of the waves?
00:48:43I don't even have anything to wear.
00:48:45Just improvise.
00:48:45It's going to be dark.
00:48:46I'm not going to see anything.
00:48:47I'm not being modest.
00:48:49I just, I don't think that this is a great idea.
00:48:51Well, I'm going in whether you are coming or not.
00:48:54Your stubborn streak is impressive.
00:48:56I know, but you love it.
00:49:00I know.
00:49:00That was like not that great, but it's okay.
00:49:02We'll, we'll get there.
00:49:05Last one in, buying me dinner.
00:49:10Stress is so hard to get off.
00:49:18What happened?
00:49:19I don't, I don't know.
00:49:20She, she was on the rocks.
00:49:22She fell.
00:49:22We shouldn't be moving her.
00:49:23Set her down really gently.
00:49:25Can you call an ambulance, Sam?
00:49:28I don't have any reception.
00:49:29Run back to the party.
00:49:30You'll get a signal there.
00:49:31Find Crystal.
00:49:32Everything's going to be okay.
00:50:01I'm going to go try and find the cafeteria.
00:50:18I'll come with.
00:50:28I'll get another update.
00:50:31I just got all your messages.
00:50:35Where have you been?
00:50:36I arrived at the party far too late.
00:50:38What's happening with Kate?
00:50:39Well, she broke her leg and she's still unconscious from her head injury, but they're optimistic.
00:50:44Let's rewind.
00:50:45You and Denise were at the party all this time?
00:50:48I imbibed too much and took a brief nap.
00:50:50There's lipstick on your collar.
00:50:52Denise, what's that shade called again?
00:50:54I don't want to get all up in a family conversation or whatever, but uh,
00:50:58what me and Grayson do is none of your business.
00:51:03As your employer, it actually is.
00:51:05But we will discuss that later.
00:51:08Yeah, not too much later because everything that's happening here is fascinating.
00:51:13Grayby, you want a coffee?
00:51:15Yes, Denise.
00:51:16I think that seems entirely necessary.
00:51:19Oh, I'm so bloated.
00:51:20I could star in the sequel to Precious.
00:51:22Honey, no, you did not.
00:51:26Just don't, okay?
00:51:29Lizzie, you look more miserable than usual.
00:51:31You should go home.
00:51:32Thank you, but I need to be here for Kate.
00:51:36Why? You barely know her.
00:51:38We're totally friends.
00:51:39We're practically the same age.
00:51:41I'll leave that one alone.
00:51:42Exactly how is your being here helping anyone?
00:51:46I'm pregnant.
00:51:47I'm not useless.
00:51:49Why are you always such a pompous jerk?
00:51:51Okay, babe, don't get all worked up.
00:51:52I'm not getting worked up.
00:51:53I'm just tired of being told that I offer nothing.
00:51:56No one is saying that.
00:51:57He is constantly implying that.
00:51:59I am useful, right, Ren?
00:52:02Of course, Lizzie, yes.
00:52:03Thank you, Ren.
00:52:05I'm Ren approved.
00:52:06Lizzie, please stop it.
00:52:06This moment is not about you.
00:52:08When is it ever my moment?
00:52:14Right now is the moment.
00:52:15It's your baby moment.
00:52:16It's like right now is your baby moment.
00:52:17And it's in the hamper.
00:52:18That's cute, right?
00:52:19I'll go get a nurse.
00:52:20Get a janitor too to clean up this mess.
00:52:22Shut up!
00:52:28Do you think Ren should stay out here in the Hamptons
00:52:30until we know more?
00:52:32Ren should probably go back.
00:52:33She's the most capable person here.
00:52:35I think she'd be really helpful.
00:52:36With Lizzie spawning, Maxine and I have to stay.
00:52:39So we'll handle things.
00:52:41Lizzie will be in labor for a while.
00:52:43When has she ever been prompt?
00:52:44What about Kate?
00:52:45She's groggy but awake.
00:52:47The swelling has gone down,
00:52:48but she is going to need surgery on her leg.
00:52:50Can we see her?
00:52:51No, not yet.
00:52:52This is all my fault.
00:52:53We shouldn't have been out there on the beach.
00:52:55It was so dark.
00:52:56It was an accident.
00:52:57No, she was trying to show off for me.
00:52:59I should have stopped her.
00:53:00No one can stop Kate.
00:53:01She's entirely too obstinate.
00:53:03And that is why she will be fine.
00:53:05No, I'm going to stay out here.
00:53:07Ren, we need you to go home and cover the office
00:53:09since we're stuck here.
00:53:13Take my jacket.
00:53:15Denise, can you give Ren a lift to the Jitney stop?
00:53:22I was out cold.
00:53:23I sleep with my eyes open.
00:53:26Being a copper caught the air I call a vein.
00:53:36Powering my dreams with sweet sustain.
00:53:46Do you know I was wrong for all the things I put you through?
00:53:57Please don't think I'm out to stay.
00:53:59You may think I take me or do.
00:54:05But I will always treasure you.
00:54:17I like where we went with this.
00:54:19You've been incredibly helpful.
00:54:20I know.
00:54:22We should collaborate more.
00:54:23I'd like that.
00:54:24Enough, Moj, I have to go work.
00:54:29Who knew Kate's accident would have Rebecca breaking good?
00:54:32I knew she had some nice in her.
00:54:34I didn't at all.
00:54:39Hey, how is Kate?
00:54:41She's great.
00:54:42Yeah, she's been helping me out a lot over email
00:54:44and posting nonstop selfies from the Hamptons.
00:54:47I haven't heard much of anything from Sam.
00:54:49Nothing from Owen.
00:54:50They're coming to the party, right?
00:54:52It's only a week away.
00:54:53They better be.
00:54:53There's no event without them.
00:54:55I've been checking Owen's Blipper feed.
00:54:56So far, zilch.
00:54:57Radio silence.
00:54:58That's a good idea.
00:54:59You should definitely keep an eye on that.
00:55:00Trust me, I'm refreshing like Zuckerberg
00:55:02at the end of the social network.
00:55:03I'm all like, accept my damn friend request, Rooney Mara.
00:55:06I actually get that reference.
00:55:07I speak old people now, too, for Grayson.
00:55:11I have to share something with you.
00:55:13That sounds serious.
00:55:15Oh, it is.
00:55:16Guess who's getting married?
00:55:19Kate's getting married?
00:55:21She is so extra.
00:55:23Stealing my moment even when she's not here.
00:55:25No, Brian and I are engaged.
00:55:27Oh, Crystal, that's incredible.
00:55:32I'm so happy for you.
00:55:34The Hampton sitch was deep.
00:55:35Brian felt compelled to put a ring on it.
00:55:37Wait, where's this ring?
00:55:38I have to see it.
00:55:39It's being resized, but I can't wait to show it off.
00:55:41People will be so jelly.
00:55:43Oh, that's my sound for when Kate bleeps.
00:55:49What is it? You're scaring me.
00:55:50No, it's amazing.
00:55:51It says, I'm off the market, people.
00:55:53Hashtag boyfriend.
00:55:54And there's a heart drawn on her boot cast thing.
00:55:58Um, who's the boyfriend?
00:56:00It's obvi, Owen.
00:56:01Soleil girlfriend.
00:56:04I guess now we know why he's been too busy to check in.
00:56:07Too busy getting busy.
00:56:09Maybe he'll get back to us now that the news has been bleeped.
00:56:15Owen Jasper is dating your assistant?
00:56:17Well, technically she's a junior account manager,
00:56:20and she runs our social media.
00:56:21But yes, that seems to be the case.
00:56:23He couldn't have found another firm
00:56:25with another much younger woman to tend to his whims?
00:56:28I don't buy it.
00:56:29We are the best at what he needed.
00:56:32Or he came back here to hurt you.
00:56:34I don't think Owen would do that.
00:56:35But it's obviously causing you pain.
00:56:37I'm handling it.
00:56:39I mean, what better way for me to get over my first love
00:56:43than to watch him fall in love with someone else, right?
00:56:46It's for the best.
00:56:49It's a sign.
00:56:51It's time for you to move on.
00:56:53So, how do you like Tyler?
00:56:57He is everywhere these days.
00:56:59I may have to take out a restraining order.
00:57:01I won't let you restrain a man who looks like that.
00:57:04Maybe with some fur handcuffs.
00:57:06Oh, Vanessa!
00:57:07I'm shocked.
00:57:09I have seen it all.
00:57:11I probably should have mentioned I invited Tyler to join us for dessert.
00:57:14Tyler's here?
00:57:15Ren, you look stunning as usual.
00:57:18Vanessa, ravishing.
00:57:19There's no one in government more lovely.
00:57:21You are shameless.
00:57:23There's no shame in telling the truth.
00:57:24I'm just jealous of the company you keep.
00:57:26Vanessa is good company.
00:57:28She's the best.
00:57:29Okay, I have a business meeting at the crack of dawn tomorrow.
00:57:33Tyler, why don't you take my seat and enjoy this wine with Ren?
00:57:37Maybe have a little dessert.
00:57:39Thank you for setting up our first date.
00:57:41It's taken me weeks.
00:57:43Well, Ren is a very busy, very successful woman.
00:57:45She doesn't need to make it easy for any man.
00:57:48Even one as dashing as you.
00:57:50I'm blushing.
00:57:51Sit down, Tyler.
00:57:52Ren, see you at your event.
00:57:56You should bring him.
00:57:58Now, there is an excellent idea.
00:58:00You two are in cahoots.
00:58:01She thinks we make a good pair.
00:58:03I wouldn't dare go against her will.
00:58:05It's a battle I always lose.
00:58:08It's great to see you.
00:58:09How's Kate?
00:58:10She's on the mend.
00:58:11She seems to have acquired a new boyfriend while in the hospital.
00:58:14Kids move at an alarming rate these days.
00:58:17It's exhausting, but it makes my job a whole lot more fun.
00:58:20So you're happy at KKO?
00:58:22Yeah, I feel like they treat me like an equal.
00:58:24I'm valued and respected.
00:58:25They should make you partner, then.
00:58:27It's their family business.
00:58:29That's never going to be on the table.
00:58:30Well, for what it's worth, I've never felt better since starting my own firm.
00:58:34I'd make you partner.
00:58:36After all, you're the talent, Ren.
00:58:38Well, thank you.
00:58:40Maybe some far-off day in the future, I will start my own firm.
00:58:43I just like to see people realize their full potential.
00:58:47Make sure they're not holding you back from yours.
00:58:49I know they might seem like a bunch of kooks, but they're my kooks.
00:58:54Loyalty, even to someone as absurd as Grayson, is admirable.
00:58:57Can we not talk about work?
00:58:58Not another word.
00:59:00I'll enjoy the wine and whatever that comes after.
00:59:03What's coming after is ice cream.
00:59:06Which is more than enough.
00:59:09For now.
00:59:19We are up to 350 RSVPs.
00:59:25Oh, that moment when Kate finally texts we're on our way.
00:59:28Good. We need her here soon.
00:59:31I am not featuring that cat hair.
00:59:33What? Do I always have those?
00:59:35Just like 100% of the time.
00:59:38Crystal, thank you.
00:59:39You have been so ferocious the last few weeks.
00:59:44I know. I'm a one-woman squad.
00:59:47I'll be at the bar.
00:59:51Don't even ask.
00:59:54What's wrong with him?
00:59:55Our sitter canceled and Denise offered to stay and watch the baby.
00:59:59He's already too attached. She might be on to me soon.
01:00:01That's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
01:00:03Lizzie, you look absolutely incredible.
01:00:06Aw, thank you.
01:00:07I eat only lettuce and I spend every waking moment on the treadmill.
01:00:10That doesn't sound healthy.
01:00:11It's not.
01:00:12But I need my body back after that nine-month Occupy Vag Street program.
01:00:16Street protest? Never again, by the way.
01:00:18Okay, well, next time I'll rent a womb with a view.
01:00:21We can name her Merchant Ivory.
01:00:24You're an idiot.
01:00:27Where's Owen?
01:00:28Don't know. He'll be here soon, hopefully.
01:00:30Do you want us anywhere specific?
01:00:32No, just go enjoy yourselves.
01:00:49Ren, you didn't heed my advice, so I brought this charmer along as my arm candy.
01:00:54Sorry, I have to focus.
01:00:56No, you're working. I understand.
01:00:57This would be a great shot for social. Would you pose for me?
01:00:59Of course, dear. That's why I'm here.
01:01:01Adorbs. And now just one of Ren and Miss Perry.
01:01:10How about one of Ren and Tyler?
01:01:14Well, how about we make this one an action shot?
01:01:24Why don't you escort me to the dance floor and teach me a thing or two?
01:01:27I think you'll be the one doing all the teaching.
01:01:31Do not post that on our social media.
01:01:34I never.
01:01:35That dude has mad swag.
01:01:36Yeah, but is it too much?
01:01:38You're such a tough sell.
01:01:48Wow, look at her.
01:01:49Yas, queen!
01:01:51Kate, it's so good to see you on your feet again.
01:01:54Only one foot for now.
01:01:55We're here to hold her up.
01:01:56Stay right there. I must take pics.
01:01:58Oh, can you get one with me and my boyfriend?
01:02:03Oh, yeah, of course. Let me step aside.
01:02:06Here, come here.
01:02:09Wait, Sam is your new bae?
01:02:12Um, but can you take a picture?
01:02:13Because it's really hard to stand.
01:02:15I guess so.
01:02:22I'm sorry that I was so hard to reach.
01:02:24I knew you could handle it.
01:02:26How did you know that?
01:02:28You always do.
01:02:31You always have.
01:02:34So Sam and Kate?
01:02:36How did that happen?
01:02:38No idea.
01:02:39Seemed instantaneous.
01:02:40But I thought Kate had a thing for you.
01:02:42She made it very clear in the hospital that I had been something called frienzo.
01:02:46You weren't interested in her?
01:02:48I mean, I like Kate a lot.
01:02:49She's fun to be around.
01:02:53So you're okay with them being together?
01:02:55They seem happy, you know, for such an odd couple.
01:02:58Who knows, you know?
01:03:00I support anything that keeps his mind off Angela.
01:03:03You mean Feather.
01:03:05And I think she's actually now going by an unpronounceable symbol.
01:03:09Well, that's great.
01:03:10I'm happy for Sam.
01:03:12He's moving on.
01:03:18How do you do that?
01:03:23Know when it's right to move on.
01:03:27You're asking the wrong person.
01:03:29I've never been any good at that.
01:03:38I have never said...
01:03:40All of the upper echelon are here.
01:03:42Even the ones I loathe.
01:03:43You must meet every single person.
01:03:45Great, I do.
01:03:45Me and Ren are just in the middle.
01:03:47No, wait.
01:03:48I don't give personal introductions often.
01:03:50Now, let's start with the people I hate.
01:03:53We don't, we hate.
01:04:07Well, that looked intense.
01:04:10I think he's unhappy with the event.
01:04:12I, I don't know.
01:04:13He didn't get to finish his thought.
01:04:15Well, I think everything is spectacular.
01:04:17Tyler, I'm sorry.
01:04:18Could we continue this some other time?
01:04:20Of course.
01:04:22Looking forward to it.
01:04:59I don't care if I ever come down.
01:05:26Oh, wow.
01:05:28It's a terrible picture of me.
01:05:30I think I might have a bad side.
01:05:31Okay, Mariah Carey.
01:05:35Ren looks beautiful tonight.
01:05:37Yeah, because I made sure she wasn't covered in Wentworth.
01:05:41Her cat.
01:05:42He sheds like a mother.
01:05:44She named her cat Wentworth?
01:05:46Yeah, probably after that hot actor.
01:05:50I think it might be from a book.
01:05:52They still make those?
01:05:55I'm joking.
01:05:57I listen to e-books.
01:06:00I wasn't supposed to post that.
01:06:03But they look so cute together.
01:06:05Ren's finally dating again.
01:06:08Yeah, I'm not having a good future.
01:06:12Did you want to check the other shots I took of you?
01:06:18Post whatever you want.
01:06:27Owen, where are you rushing off to?
01:06:36Grayson told me that I finished meeting everybody I need to meet.
01:06:39I'm leaving.
01:06:40You can't just leave your own event.
01:06:43What were you gonna say before?
01:06:44It's not important.
01:06:47Well, still, you should stay.
01:06:50There's nothing left for me.
01:06:57Ren, I saw you make a mad dash.
01:07:19Are you all right?
01:07:20No, I'm not.
01:07:20But I really don't need another ladies room rescue right now.
01:07:23What's going on?
01:07:25Which would you like to hear?
01:07:27The fact that I let you talk me into making the worst decision of my entire life?
01:07:31The fact that I'm still in love with Owen?
01:07:32The fact that he just dangled a little bit of hope in front of me and then pulled it away?
01:07:36Slow down.
01:07:37You could have supported me.
01:07:39You could have let me follow love instead of some stupid job.
01:07:42It has always been about what you want.
01:07:45It's what your mother wanted.
01:07:46She wanted you to be in control of your own destiny.
01:07:49And sometimes that means putting your career ahead of a man.
01:07:52Well, congratulations.
01:07:54I have followed your advice and I've been miserable at that choice ever since.
01:07:58Take a little responsibility, Ren.
01:08:00Trust me, I am every bit as angry with myself as I am with you.
01:08:03Well, I don't know what to say.
01:08:05Young Owen Jasper seemed wrong for you.
01:08:07Why did you hate him so much?
01:08:09I didn't hate him.
01:08:13He reminded me of your father.
01:08:16Another unreliable dreamer who eventually disappeared.
01:08:22I couldn't bear to watch you go through the same thing your mother did.
01:08:26You were wrong about him.
01:08:28Well, maybe I was.
01:08:32And I'm very sorry.
01:08:36Why would you listen to me?
01:08:38Is there anything about my three husbands that would make you think I have good taste in men?
01:08:44You don't.
01:08:45You like Tyler.
01:08:47He's way too smooth for his own good.
01:08:50I don't genuinely approve of that blonde hood ornament.
01:08:54I just want you to have some fun.
01:08:56Just go on a few dates.
01:08:58Oh, he's beneath you.
01:09:00You think everyone is beneath me.
01:09:02Yes, I do.
01:09:05You are the most special person in the whole world.
01:09:09I don't feel very special right now.
01:09:13I'm sorry, Vanessa.
01:09:15I didn't mean to lash out at you.
01:09:17Can I just have a moment alone to pull myself together?
01:09:20Of course.
01:09:22I will always be here for you.
01:09:26Whether you want me to or not.
01:09:29I know.
01:09:40Holy shit, that was like an episode of White People Empire.
01:09:45You were right.
01:09:47You were in there that whole time?
01:09:49I just had a baby.
01:09:50I spent half my life on the toilet.
01:09:53You heard all of that?
01:09:54I did.
01:09:55And now your weird behavior over the past couple of weeks finally makes sense.
01:09:58That hardly makes sense to me.
01:10:00Oh, come on.
01:10:01Owen, your ex, hires our firm when you know he had to have other options.
01:10:06Not as good.
01:10:07Okay, maybe.
01:10:08But then he immediately started flirting with those girls right in front of you.
01:10:11Because they're young and gorgeous.
01:10:13Or because he was trying to piss you off, or get back at you,
01:10:16or some other nonsense men do.
01:10:18Thank God, as I'm a lesbian.
01:10:19Why would he do that?
01:10:21Because he obviously still has feelings for you.
01:10:25Ren, you're standing there moping about the great Owen Jasper
01:10:29when you should be deciding whether or not he's good enough for you.
01:10:34I don't see it that way.
01:10:36Everybody sees it that way.
01:10:39Except for you.
01:10:41You're a rock star.
01:10:43He would be lucky to have you.
01:10:45And if he can't figure that out, good riddance.
01:10:50Oh, you're sweet, Lizzie.
01:10:52No, I'm really not.
01:10:56Now, enough of this garbage.
01:10:57Fix your face and let's go back to the party.
01:11:00Lizzie, you okay in here?
01:11:02Yeah, I'm good.
01:11:03She's exceptional.
01:11:05I agree.
01:11:13Can I bounce before I become party debris?
01:11:19Yes, for sure.
01:11:20We've already done so much.
01:11:21You're coming tomorrow, right?
01:11:22At 10?
01:11:24Oh, the wedding dress shopping.
01:11:26Yes, of course.
01:11:26I wouldn't miss it.
01:11:28Tonight was epic.
01:11:32It was.
01:11:43I can't give you the medicine if you don't have some food first.
01:11:49Work with me here.
01:11:49Help me out.
01:11:52You're getting better, I promise.
01:11:54Don't give up.
01:11:57Went worse.
01:12:04If you're giving up, I'll give up too.
01:12:07I give up.
01:12:13Getting on in spite of you
01:12:17When the summer isn't all it's cracked up to be
01:12:24Maybe I just try too hard to make it easy
01:12:29Make you think it's not your fault
01:12:34But it's always mine
01:12:37I'm out of time
01:12:39I'm running out of time with you
01:12:43So I have left you
01:12:46For a thousand days your fault
01:12:50Does it say hottest bride ever?
01:12:51It does.
01:12:52Possibly of all time.
01:12:54It's so unreal.
01:12:55Oh, thank you, ladies.
01:12:57I can't wait for my dress, too.
01:12:59You only just started dating, Sam.
01:13:01When you know, you know.
01:13:02Wow, you two have more figured out at your age than I ever did.
01:13:06Not Kate.
01:13:06She was mad thirsty for Owen like a minute ago.
01:13:09Well, I tried to give it a shot, but he was so tepid.
01:13:12I had to swipe left hard.
01:13:13I think he's gagged.
01:13:14Oh, I don't think so, no.
01:13:16Maybe he just wasn't into you.
01:13:17All straight guys are into me.
01:13:18He just seemed unavailable.
01:13:19It was sort of tedious hanging out with him when we were landing the account.
01:13:22Owen bored you?
01:13:23Sorry about it, but yeah, I'm 25 and he's like old.
01:13:27He's not that much older than I am.
01:13:30You're fam.
01:13:31I don't think about you like that.
01:13:32You're young and fresh.
01:13:33Okay, I'll take your word for that.
01:13:36You always seemed off your game with Owen.
01:13:37High key echo.
01:13:39You're usually really charming with clients,
01:13:40but with Owen, you were like not into it.
01:13:42Did it really seem that way?
01:13:44You had no chill except with Sam.
01:13:47Who I then took.
01:13:48I suck.
01:13:49Oh, I only like Sam as a friend and you can't steal anyone.
01:13:54A heart has to be freely given.
01:13:56I give freely all night long.
01:13:58Keep it a hundred, sis.
01:13:59I know Sam seems really gloomy, but in the sack, so hot.
01:14:02Same with Brian.
01:14:03He gets it savage.
01:14:07Yeah, Ren.
01:14:07How is Tyler's sex game?
01:14:08I wouldn't know.
01:14:09We're so not there at sex games.
01:14:11Not even close.
01:14:12You should be.
01:14:12He's still fine.
01:14:13No, Tyler's at the coffee shop next door.
01:14:15Does he look hot?
01:14:16I mean, yeah, he always looks hot.
01:14:18So did Denise.
01:14:19What could that be about?
01:14:21Here comes Rebecca stomping down the street.
01:14:25Damn, she looks pissed.
01:14:39Okay, show's over.
01:14:41Can this day be about my dress again now?
01:14:43I think that's the one.
01:14:45Just get it.
01:14:46We're so done.
01:14:50Your boyfriend's an asshole.
01:14:52He's not my boyfriend.
01:14:53I don't even think I like him.
01:14:55Haven't you two been dating?
01:14:56We went on one half date.
01:14:57Did you and he?
01:14:58No, absolutely not.
01:15:00That's too bad because he's got a big talent in that one area.
01:15:04You and Tyler?
01:15:05We used to work together.
01:15:06You've seen him.
01:15:07You've seen me.
01:15:08Of course we did.
01:15:09I wish I'd known earlier.
01:15:11That wannabe client thief just tried to poach my YouTube star.
01:15:14Wait, that didn't work, did it?
01:15:16No, of course not.
01:15:17Alicia set up a fake meeting so I could go and shame him.
01:15:19What was Denise doing there?
01:15:20He'd offered her a job.
01:15:21I told her it was fine.
01:15:22He'll pay her more.
01:15:23Grayson's not going to be happy with Denise at the competition.
01:15:26Oh, he's happy.
01:15:27They can date now without Maxine complaining.
01:15:30Oh, right.
01:15:31Yeah, good for them.
01:15:33And Tyler is not our competition.
01:15:35He's just a child trying to swim in a sea of sharks.
01:15:38And I'm Jaws.
01:15:40Remind me never to make you angry.
01:15:42You don't.
01:15:43I secretly adore you.
01:15:44I know.
01:15:45I feel the same.
01:15:47Let's stop before this gets gross.
01:16:06All right, well.
01:16:08Have you seen his speech?
01:16:10Yeah, no, it's good.
01:16:14So do I get to meet this Tyler today?
01:16:16No, that was never a thing.
01:16:18Well, I'm sure he'll be heartbroken.
01:16:20I suspect he'll move on quickly like most men.
01:16:23Ah, yes, that's what we do.
01:16:25We move on.
01:16:25Well, I didn't mean you.
01:16:27No, but it is what I'm doing.
01:16:28Moving on after mourning my great love for a full year,
01:16:32which is plenty of time.
01:16:34I'm not sure I'll ever be over my great love.
01:16:36What is this, a competition?
01:16:38No, I just don't think women recover from heartbreak
01:16:42as quickly as men do.
01:16:44We hold on far too long.
01:16:46Yeah, I don't know.
01:16:48Angela got over me pretty much instantaneously.
01:16:51I know.
01:16:51I'm just making a sweeping generalization
01:16:54based on my opinion.
01:16:55It's how I feel today.
01:16:57Ren, if you still feel something for Owen, just tell him.
01:17:01We missed our chance again.
01:17:05And I've made my peace with that.
01:17:07Guys, I need to concentrate.
01:17:13Can I just have a moment?
01:17:37Are you ready?
01:17:55Giving hope, giving kindness, giving love
01:17:59should be as easy as the push of a button.
01:18:02Laconia has been very blessed.
01:18:05And now it is time for us to give something back.
01:18:08So we have created a social...
01:18:09When I heard you named your cat Wentworth,
01:18:11I knew why.
01:18:12The same reason I named my company Laconia.
01:18:15That book we read together in college
01:18:18with what you called the most romantic letter ever written
01:18:22with a half agony, half hope line.
01:18:25That's about where I am now.
01:18:28I knew what I wanted to do.
01:18:30I knew where you worked when I hired your firm.
01:18:33I had to see you again.
01:18:35I thought about you so much over the years.
01:18:37I just needed to know.
01:18:40And now I know there is no one else for me.
01:18:43You can choose what happens next.
01:18:45Think about what you want.
01:18:47No ultimatums, no rushing you this time.
01:18:51I'm here through the weekend, but that could change.
01:18:53I can move here for you.
01:18:54I'll wait for you to decide.
01:18:56Just know that if you want me in your life,
01:18:58say the word and I am yours forever.
01:19:28So you did come back for me.
01:19:49Why didn't you just tell me that?
01:19:50Because I'm stubborn.
01:19:52Because I was afraid of getting hurt again.
01:19:55I'm not going to tell you to stay here for me.
01:19:56We've done that before.
01:19:57We don't have to.
01:19:59I'm staying.
01:20:00You sure?
01:20:01You have to do what's best for you.
01:20:03Wren, you are what's best for me.
01:20:07I love you.
01:20:11I am half agony, half hope.
01:20:14Tell me it's not too late.
01:20:17That these precious feelings aren't gone forever.
01:20:22Wren, I offer myself to you again.
01:20:25With a heart even more your own than when we parted years ago.
