A girl falls from her horse, suffering terrible injuries, the neigh sayers feel she will never get back in the saddle HD ( Crime, Drama )

  • last month
A girl falls from her horse, suffering terrible injuries, the neigh sayers feel she will never get back in the saddle HD ( Crime, Drama )
00:00:00Variety of venues open to all ticket holders
00:00:02All hunt seat events to include eventing show jumping and dressage will take place in Brow Stadium
00:00:10Equitation and harness classes will compete at the riverfront fields this evening
00:00:14And you still have a few minutes to get over to Singletary Square for the show jumping and show hunter jump-off
00:00:21Hey, Will
00:00:23Mr. Danville. Hey, how are you? Always a pleasure
00:00:26How's my new neighbor? You know, settling in. Good luck today. Oh, thank you. All right
00:00:40Bentley's primed and ready to go
00:00:44Wow, you look beautiful. Thanks. You know what your mom would say if she were here, right?
00:00:51Yeah, trust your horse. Okay, good
00:00:56Wow, yeah, that's a lot of flowers. I wasn't sure which ones you'd like. So
00:01:03So you bought them all? Yeah, pretty much
00:01:06All right. Well, I'll see you
00:01:09After you win. Okay. All right. Love you. Love you, too
00:01:14Hmm. Hey you. Hey yourself. You nervous? Nope, not anymore
00:01:26Our final competitor in today's jump-off is 21-year-old Jetta Danville. Jetta's Mount Bentley is an 8-year-old thoroughbred
00:01:42Bentley's the only horse she's ever ridden in a competition
00:01:46Seems like yesterday when I lifted her up onto a horse for the first time and look at her now
00:01:53Okay, boy we can do this
00:02:01Must be so proud. I am very proud
00:02:10I only wish your mother could see this
00:02:36Now see this is without a doubt her best round, huh
00:02:43She's only one jump away from a clear round
00:02:56Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to need your cooperation to assist our competitor. Please kick the entrance to the arena clear
00:03:10Jenna, Jenna, can you hear me? Hurry! Hurry!
00:03:17Jenna, can you hear me? Please sir, stand clear. Let me do my job
00:04:12Dad? Daddy?
00:04:21Jenna, Jenna, I'm here
00:04:33They took the ventilator out. They took the ventilator out because you started breathing on your own last night
00:04:43Here, now go slow, okay?
00:04:53A little more?
00:05:07You've been unconscious for five days
00:05:11Five days
00:05:15What happened?
00:05:19You had a pretty bad fall, sweetie
00:05:32Final jump, I couldn't
00:05:41Don't try to get up. What's wrong? Something's wrong. I can't feel anything
00:05:45What happened? Dad, something's wrong. I can't feel anything
00:05:48I'm gonna get the doctor, okay? I'm gonna get the doctor
00:05:50Don't try to move
00:05:52I'm gonna get the doctor. What happened?
00:06:02Jenna, I'm Dr. Nelson. We're going to be doing more tests on you to find out the severity of your paralysis. Until then I want you to rest
00:06:53At least end an injury, doesn't he? We might have to put him down
00:07:03You will be relieved to know that none of our tests indicate any damage to the brain itself
00:07:08Well, that's good news
00:07:10It's great news. We thank your helmet for doing its job
00:07:13So that would mean that there is a chance then that paralysis may not be permanent
00:07:20It's too soon to say I want to call in a specialist to make sure
00:07:41So, how's our girl? Oh, thank you Heather. Of course
00:07:49She's gonna give him 24 hours and then she's going over the wall
00:07:53Did I blame her?
00:07:55hospital food
00:07:57Good. I pulled together a few things that I thought she might want. So, you know, I think it would be best if
00:08:03we removed all the
00:08:05trophies and pictures and
00:08:08All that from her bedroom, you know get it ready for the hospital bed that she's gonna need
00:08:13And then maybe just liven up the room. Yeah, absolutely
00:08:17Absolutely and totally do that
00:08:18You know what?
00:08:19Um, if there's anything that you need from the store feel free to make a list and I'll do a grocery run
00:08:23Pick up all the things Jenna loves
00:08:27Hey Heather, yeah, thank you. You have been great through all this. Come on. Mr. D
00:08:35Jenna and I have been sisters since we were kids. I mean, I love her. She's my best friend. I
00:08:41Appreciate it
00:08:43Jenna's asked me to pick up the latest tabloids. Yeah, I'll bring a smile on her face. Hopefully
00:08:54Doctor your timing's impeccable
00:08:59Dr. Susan miles. Hey, hi
00:09:03Would you be willing to undergo a full workup at the spinal Institute
00:09:09More tests. Yes
00:09:12Dr. Nelson has briefed me on everything
00:09:17For now get some rest if all the tests come back positive you're going home
00:09:26That's good
00:09:34You're looking for what exactly?
00:09:36anything unexpected
00:09:38I'm gonna run a probe down the center of your foot. You let me know if you feel anything like what?
00:09:46Anything slightest sensation you just speak up. Okay
00:09:52Just let me know when you're ready
00:10:08I know
00:10:10That this can be very discouraging. You gotta give the body time to heal
00:10:16a week a year
00:10:19The rest of my life
00:10:25As long as it takes
00:10:39I love seeing that smile. Well, I've been waiting for this day and it's finally here
00:10:53Yeah, they're coming
00:11:12Welcome home is Jenna. Thanks Carlos
00:11:18Thanks Carlos
00:11:21Place looks the same, huh?
00:11:25Okay, so close your eyes close your eyes I can open
00:11:33Where are all my pictures and trophies
00:11:39You need to like take better care of your car, I think it's gonna fall apart
00:11:46Are you guys talking about me?
00:11:48It's just telling Carson how I'm gonna be working from home for a while
00:11:52One of the advantages of being an architect in your own firm. I
00:11:56Told you you don't have to do that. Sweetie. You're my daughter. I want to do it
00:12:04Should eat
00:12:06Okay. All right, you go as we suspected the way you landed compress these five vertebrae which accounts for the paralysis
00:12:17Fortunately, we're not
00:12:19Seeing the progress that we'd hoped I
00:12:23Wish I had better news
00:12:33You're saying that I'm never gonna walk again
00:12:38I'm saying that you need to be prepared for the possibility that you might not walk again
00:12:47No, I won't I can't
00:12:55Daughter is a fighter. I mean she'll do whatever it takes. She's just got to have the chance now
00:12:59There's got to be it's got to be something there is
00:13:03Something you may consider I've been working on a new spinal treatment. It involves neuro regenerative medicines
00:13:09It involves surgery and intense physical therapy afterwards. I'm in
00:13:15Not that simple
00:13:17If we decide to go down this path
00:13:20You need to be prepared emotionally and physically for the possibility that it might not work
00:13:27You willing to take that risk?
00:13:37Ultimately, so it's gotta be your decision
00:13:44I want to walk
00:13:50That a girl
00:14:10Procedure went well, she's recovering now. I'm gonna keep her here for a few days to monitor her and then she should be able to go home
00:14:20All right, thank you, you're welcome
00:14:52Feel so good to be home again
00:14:54even after just being in the hospital for three days it
00:14:58Felt like weeks
00:15:11What is it hey talk to me
00:15:19I want to be here for you Jenna. I really do
00:15:28We had a life plan
00:15:31Vision the two of us together experiencing the world
00:15:36Every day that vision gets a little dimmer
00:15:47You're giving up on me no, I'm not giving up on you
00:16:01I understand
00:16:06I have to really focus on my therapy right now
00:16:12so that I
00:16:14Will be able to walk again one day
00:16:20it's best that you
00:16:23Go and get on with your life
00:16:26so that I can
00:16:28Get on with mine
00:16:33No, I love you
00:17:19Hey morning, you hungry? No
00:17:27All right, what happened he doesn't want to be a part of my life
00:17:38Everything I believed about us was a lie
00:17:49Maybe Carson just needs a little time on his own to just fake. No, don't you understand dad?
00:17:55He doesn't want me because I am broken
00:18:01No, dad, just please don't
00:18:38Just the other day I saw standing by
00:18:57Can go in there and I can talk to dr. Miles and she's going to push back your therapy
00:19:05Except that Carson is no longer a part of my life. I could just go in there
00:19:13I mean I have to yeah, I have to accept that. You know, this is something I'm gonna need to do on my own
00:19:20Call me when you're done. I will call you. Hey, I love you. Now go do something design something
00:19:30So it says on your chart you're part of the new treatment, how'd you swing that I
00:19:34Volunteered why?
00:19:36Well, dr. Miles didn't take just anybody they have to believe there's at least some chance for recovery no matter how small
00:19:42I'll tell you what you're getting into vaguely
00:19:46Every other day there's gonna be a team of doctors poking prodding drawing blood ordering tests asking personal questions
00:19:53team your team
00:19:55I've never had a team
00:19:57Well, it's nice and precedent sounds believe me. It's more like just a bunch of interns and some medical students from the university and dr
00:20:04miles, of course, so
00:20:07I'm a human guinea pig
00:20:09It's one way of looking at it
00:20:11Cool guinea pigs can walk
00:20:27Meet your new physical therapy partner
00:20:30Annie Tolgan each end of Danville. Hi. Hey
00:20:35Nice chair. Oh
00:20:37Um, thanks, it's new yeah, I can tell
00:20:45Hey, are you up for a little race?
00:20:49What any play nice 20 bucks says I can make it to that corner and before you and your new chair
00:20:59Um, you know what maybe some other time
00:21:04Fine you had your chance. See you later, Eugene
00:21:14It's good to work
00:21:16Bobby Crawford, he's in the same study as you
00:21:19I'll introduce you later a
00:21:21Dr. Miles wants us to start off with a light regimen
00:21:24yoga and Pilates
00:21:26I'm gonna gradually build up your reps and your load until you build up your upper body upper body
00:21:32It's just as important as your legs at this state you got to be able to maneuver that chair
00:21:35Oh, can I just you know, get one of those electric ones? Sure. Yeah, you can you can also get yourself another therapist
00:21:43Huh? Why is that?
00:21:45Cuz I'll know you've given up
00:21:48Something you should know about me I never give up. Well, then we're gonna get along just fine
00:22:02Hey, hey, oh looks like you got a workout I have muscles I never knew I had
00:22:13By any who's that my therapy partner nice fan
00:22:22So good to get out of the house, thank you for doing this I have a surprise for you
00:22:54Can't believe I let you talk me into this. Oh
00:22:57Come on loosen up. I just wanted you to get out and have some fun. Okay. Look I know it hasn't been that long since Carson
00:23:02I just I just wanted you to be open to new experiences. No, trust me. I'll thank you later
00:23:11Okay, I'm gonna go down
00:23:48How was the movie
00:23:51We bailed actually
00:23:53Heather decided that we needed more excitement which apparently consisted me watching her drink and dance for a two-hour straight
00:23:59Well, you didn't drink did you?
00:24:01Had beer half a beer actually. I thought the dr. Miles said, you know, I'm sorry. I
00:24:08Thought it would help. I
00:24:13Nothing does
00:24:15You know with all that you've been through I can't even imagine how difficult has got to be
00:24:21But it will get better. I've got to believe that I
00:24:26Wish I could
00:24:31Well, I'm going to bed you need any help no, I got it. Thanks you meet any interesting guys. Yeah, right
00:25:29Look like you could use some help depends on who you are
00:25:38Stay here
00:25:41I'm well done. I bought the place next door
00:25:44Langford place. Yeah, they sold out a couple months ago moved to Florida. Let's get you inside
00:25:50Your dad's told me a lot about you really because he's never mentioned you there's no reason to
00:25:58This is gonna hurt
00:26:11I've had a little practice. That's cool. That's cool. Okay, so I've been taken care of by a veterinarian. I
00:26:22Suppose I ought to thank you you'd have done the same thing for me
00:26:27Guess it was just luck that you happen to be passing by when you did
00:26:33in here dad I
00:26:35Go to the store back. I see the wheelchair tipped over out front. I know don't worry. I'm fine. What happened? I fell
00:26:42You okay, sweetie. Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine
00:26:46Thanks to will
00:26:48Well, thanks will yeah, yeah came over to speak with you and found her in a world of hurt
00:26:55Look I got the groceries in the car. You want to give me a hand? Yeah. Sure. Maybe you can help me with the wheelchair
00:27:00Okay, you don't go anywhere
00:27:02Okay, it's nice meeting you Jenna take it easy in that chair
00:27:41Bet you feel like you're gonna walk again soon, huh? You're so strong and determined
00:27:47Just wait. So you've been in the chair as long as I have
00:27:50You'll see how none of it matters
00:27:56Just saying
00:27:58Okay, clearly
00:28:01You and I got off on the wrong foot the other day
00:28:05Are you trying to be funny? No
00:28:08Not at all. Okay
00:28:10Did you hear that? I?
00:28:13Think Andrew Jackson just said that I can do
00:28:17more pull-ups than you
00:28:19Just saying
00:28:22I'm saying are you serious?
00:28:27You are on hmm, I don't tell you what I'll even let you go first. Oh, thanks. You're welcome
00:28:33You know what though? I should probably tell you I tend to get a little competitive
00:28:39If she's trying to scare me let's go you first, all right
00:28:51One which is one more than a dead man
00:28:57Which is frankly one more than I thought you do man
00:29:01That one looks difficult
00:29:03For nice. Does that one count? It was almost over the bar. You're good. Don't listen to her. You can do it
00:29:11Five who you are gonna feel that one tomorrow
00:29:19That's good, oh, we're done. All right your turn. Is that it? We're done. We're done
00:29:24What are you doing it's a test of wills Eugene. Oh, yeah test of wills involve money Annie
00:29:31Possibly how many times have I told you about doing that? Let him rock Eugene stay out of this Bobby
00:29:36You know that she's never gonna shut up about it unless she gets her turn
00:29:42All right, go for it
00:29:48One all right, you got five more five it's a lot. Oh, do you maybe want Eugene to lower the bar for you?
00:30:00Okay, if you stop now I'm only taking
00:30:04Four oh, it looks like it's gonna hurt
00:30:08Five. All right, almost there
00:30:12All right
00:30:14Cool we both get to keep our money
00:30:30No, no you can come down now I
00:30:36Have been played. Yeah, she got you. Yeah, I
00:30:41Don't think I can afford a rematch
00:30:44Thanks, Eugene
00:30:50So are you coming coming where well the loser buys the winner a drink, right
00:30:5820 bucks. I can make it to the elevator first
00:31:28Thanks, I just wanted to say that I think this fans really cool and I think it's pretty awesome that you can drive oh
00:31:38Yeah, thanks
00:31:41You know, if you want I can I let you drive it today, yeah
00:32:02There's something you should know about me if we're gonna you know, hang out
00:32:10I party in a wheelchair. No, is that what this is?
00:32:25So, uh, you got a boyfriend not anymore. Oh, he dumped you, huh?
00:32:35Hey man, we've all been there
00:32:38You know what they don't realize Jenna is that we're still human, you know
00:32:43We still need somebody to hold us tight and tell us everything's gonna be okay. I
00:32:49Mean if least it's just for a half an hour, right?
00:32:55Never tell if you're serious. Yeah, well I used to be serious
00:33:01Very serious
00:33:03Some would even call me intense
00:33:06And then on my
00:33:0821st birthday my friends throw me a party and I decide it would be a good idea to
00:33:14Dive into the pool without realizing all the water had been removed
00:33:35I have a question. Yeah, everything works for our good as long as we're good and
00:33:42Love God, right?
00:33:45I'm just trying to figure out how
00:33:49Being paralyzed works for my good because right now I'm not seeing it
00:33:56Yeah, I felt the same way when we lost mom I gotta tell you I
00:34:03Am no closer to an answer now than I was then. Thank you angry
00:34:09Why did mom have to die why do I have to be paralyzed
00:34:15Well, if everything happens for a reason I just gotta have faith does he ever answer you
00:34:25No, you're here aren't you
00:34:31Good night. Good night. Love you. Love you, too
00:34:52Here you go, thanks, it's a shame to waste such a beautiful morning, you know, I should have been up
00:34:56I've got therapy later and Eugene hates it when I'm late. Who's Eugene my therapist?
00:35:01Your dad told me you're in a medical trial. How's that going? I
00:35:05Don't know. Um, I keep telling myself that it's working, but I haven't really seen a difference yet. So
00:35:14My dad calls that faith. Yeah, what do you call?
00:35:29Everything today was good. Not bad one day at a time, right? Yeah. All right. See you later. Yeah
00:35:38Hey great job today, thanks
00:35:42Yo, hey, you ready for happy hour not today. My friend Heather's gonna pick me up. Oh cool
00:35:49Someone you've known your whole life a bit. Yeah, you know each other Wow
00:35:54Hey, there you are hey, um Heather Annie
00:36:01Great later nice to meet you
00:36:07Kind of a tough chick, huh? There's gotta get snore
00:36:12So a couple of us are gonna go to Tahoe and go snowboarding this weekend
00:36:16Wanted to see if you wanted to come I mean, it should be really fun
00:36:20For who
00:36:22Well, I thought maybe you could sit around the fire with us
00:36:24We're gonna have cider and just hang out and you could see everybody
00:36:26I mean, I figured it'd be a good chance for you to get away for the weekend
00:36:30You'd be up for it
00:36:33You know, it's
00:36:35Really not a good time for me to take a break from therapy
00:36:38You're right. I just wanted to invite you because everybody was gonna be there. I thought right. Yeah
00:36:47Jenna's no one is more. Sorry about this than I am
00:36:57Not more sorry than me I
00:37:00Just don't want to feel guilty if I want to go do something and and I really do I do and you should
00:37:07You should go and have a good time
00:37:11We'll talk when you come back
00:37:13You sure?
00:37:23Hey, bye see ya. Yeah. See ya
00:37:48Still up
00:37:50We watching
00:37:53Nothing really I thought you and Heather were supposed to go out get some Chinese or something got a better offer
00:38:00That's been happening an awful lot lately
00:38:05Can you blame her
00:38:08Hey, what why don't we do something it's you and me like we like we used to
00:38:16Ride horses
00:38:22I'm sorry
00:38:26You know, I can't help thinking if your mother and I didn't
00:38:32Didn't always encourage you and pride you and no dad
00:38:38I loved competing. I
00:38:41Loved every moment of it and I
00:38:45Loved making you and mom proud
00:38:47What happened?
00:38:50Was not your fault
00:38:53It was no one's fault
00:38:57So, please don't blame yourself
00:39:04You know
00:39:07I wonder if we could just
00:39:10Watch a movie, you know a show TV show you and me. I
00:39:15Like that. Yeah
00:39:47'm not getting that fine. Leave it. What is wrong with you? You're acting like me
00:39:51I just I've been here for months now, and I'm not getting any better
00:39:55Are you feeling a little discouraged? Yes, like it doesn't matter. Yes, like what's the point? Yes
00:40:02You know what Jenna welcome to my world, okay, they performed the treatment on me a year and a half ago
00:40:09And you know what this is all I got okay, it's all I got
00:40:39Hello, mr. Danville, it's dr. Miles
00:40:51Hey Jenna, I just got a phone call
00:40:54Let me guess. It was dr. Miles wondering why I missed my exam today
00:40:59You didn't even tell me that you had an exam today
00:41:03The point I mean
00:41:06I've been going to therapy. I'm doing everything. I'm told and I don't see a difference
00:41:10I'm still here
00:41:13Do you really think that I'm ever gonna walk again?
00:41:16You know
00:41:19Look, you know
00:41:21The mind and the body are capable of some pretty amazing things
00:41:27That's not an answer. That's all I've got
00:41:30And you got an opportunity that a lot of people that are in the same position as you are not gonna have
00:41:35But you gotta want it. You gotta want to do it
00:41:54I'm just worried about Jenna's state of mind because
00:41:58When she agreed to the therapy she believed without question that she would walk again
00:42:03Lately I'm beginning to see that determination
00:42:07Slipping away and I feel powerless to stop
00:42:14Well, I can tell you that progress in these cases
00:42:18When and if it occurs is incremental and that most if not all participants
00:42:23Grow discouraged. Oh, this is beyond beyond discouraged. I mean, it's like she's giving up. I
00:42:31Don't know what it is you want me to say
00:42:36Hope just maybe some words of encouragement that I can pass along
00:42:45Well, I can tell you that her physical progress isn't keeping up with
00:42:51The rest of the participants so everybody's struggling
00:42:54struggling but participating I
00:42:57Can tell you with this research if Jenna doesn't keep her scheduled exams if she doesn't continue her physical therapy
00:43:06Unfortunately, the board is gonna drop her from the study. Well, they can't do that. Not after all she's been through well
00:43:13See it from our perspective
00:43:15We can't have one participant jeopardize the entire study
00:43:20Please for Jenna's sake help her understand what's at stake
00:43:44You know, she'd want to know where we're going
00:44:12It's beautiful
00:44:16Know will pretty good. Mr. Danville
00:44:19Jenna, hi. So is it time?
00:44:22It is time time for what gotta wait
00:44:28Bring him out Jimmy
00:44:33And there's your answer
00:44:42Don't understand I thought
00:44:50Please tell me you're not a dream. Oh, he's definitely real. All right, we would have told you before boy
00:44:55We were to be sure this guy was gonna make it
00:44:59He bowed attendant on your run
00:45:04Does that mean that for all the other jumps he was in pain all of them all the way up to the end
00:45:14You did that for me, huh boy, you knew how badly I wanted to win
00:45:18Yeah after the fall, you know that wanted to put him down with
00:45:22Will here
00:45:24He wanted to save him
00:45:26You're working on it ever since
00:45:31Psychotherapy acupuncture you name it. Yeah, I think I'll be able to ride him again
00:45:37Say that that's up to you. But yeah
00:45:40He's ready to be ridden
00:45:55Was praying
00:45:57Thanking God for Bentley
00:45:59But you're done with God apparently God isn't done with me
00:46:08Where's Annie been
00:46:11She occasionally goes off her meds disappears she's on medication. Yeah, you're the closest person
00:46:17She has to a friend here. You might as well know she suffers from clinical depression
00:46:26But she always acts so tough it's an act she's just as scared as the rest of us maybe more
00:46:34Come on hit the pull-ups
00:47:03Hey there, good morning morning
00:47:08Portion some coffee, huh? You like it black, right? Yes. I
00:47:14Stopped by to talk to your dad about getting Bentley shoot. Oh, he's sure wanting to ride him sooner than later
00:47:21So, how's my boy doing happy since he's seen you
00:47:26Listen you should know that your father wanted to tell you about Bentley months ago
00:47:31So, why didn't he I
00:47:33Told him not to to be honest. I didn't know if I could save him
00:47:37And I didn't want you to go through that pain once again. Oh
00:47:41My gosh, what time is it? Oh
00:47:44it is
00:47:46955 oh no, I have got to go
00:47:48Eugene is never gonna let me hear the end of it. I'm supposed to be turning over a new leaf
00:47:52Hurry come on. Move it. That's gotta eat something. I'm
00:47:56Gina's gonna kill me. Hold up. Oh
00:48:01Thank you, okay, we really have to hurry, okay
00:48:09Hurry hurry
00:48:15Come on it's like you haven't had your arms around before
00:48:21Watch your head Kate
00:48:45Where were you last week training for a marathon why I've been trying to call you my horse is alive
00:48:51Oh, yeah, how'd that happen? This guy saved him this guy have a name. No Annie. I don't think you understand
00:48:57My horse is alive and that's cool. Just tell me more about the guy
00:49:02Annie look, I know Benson Bentley Bentley means the world to you. I'm just saying a guy saves my horse
00:49:08I'm gonna least ask his name
00:49:09Will Dutton, okay. He's my neighbor
00:49:12It's convenient
00:49:14What is that supposed to mean? Oh, come on Jenna a guy saves your horse. You can't tell me you're not the least bit interested
00:49:22Okay, maybe a little bit I knew it look but you know what I don't want everyone like you're on the unit giving me grief
00:49:27About it. So please just keep your mouth shut. Okay, word of honor. Okay
00:49:31Jenna's got a boyfriend. Oh, Annie. He's not my boyfriend. Okay
00:49:38What do you miss the most well, I used to say Bentley
00:49:45But that's no longer true thanks to you I
00:49:50Do miss riding him though, I
00:49:54Used to get this feeling right before we'd take a jump
00:50:01If we tried hard enough
00:50:04We could just move upward and soar over the earth
00:50:12That's why I keep going back to therapy
00:50:15No matter how slim the chances of recovery they say you can put your mind to anything
00:50:21Well, my mind isn't the problem. It's my body. You got to fix one thing before you can take care of the next right?
00:50:28Yeah, what's that some kind of cowboy philosophy?
00:50:32One thing I do know is that I really like spending time with you
00:50:38Yeah, I like spending time with you too
00:50:44This is Jack
00:50:47Before anyone
00:50:51Drifting slowly a thousand miles from home
00:50:57My baby asked me see Billy where we go
00:51:03To the big parade, I wanna hear them saxophones
00:51:10She just frowns
00:51:12Thank you for today, I really enjoyed it
00:51:23Wish I could stay
00:51:29I can hear that carnival
00:51:36Don't go away
00:51:42Don't go
00:51:48Wish I could stay
00:52:19This is Damien
00:52:21This is my child. It's you to treat him with the utmost respect. I'm serious. Okay. Okay. Got it. Are you ready for this?
00:52:29As ready as I'm gonna be
00:52:32That's your gear shift. Okay. Okay. This is your hand control. This is your brake and accelerator
00:52:38Okay, the rods on the floor connected to the actual brake and accelerator on the floor
00:52:42So what makes sure that your feet are tucked under you now?
00:52:45All you do is squeeze the brake in order to brake and pull the throttle in order to accelerate
00:52:51Squeeze the brake. Oh, okay. That's it. All right
00:52:55Are you ready? Yeah now squeeze the brake. Okay, and
00:53:00Put them in gear
00:53:03There you go, okay. Okay. All right now slowly off the brake slowly is key only off the brake. Okay, you ready?
00:53:18Break when I tell you I'm trying to break don't have to break right away. Okay, it's not that scary. It's open road
00:53:25Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. All right. Okay. Okay slowly off the brakes. Oh, sorry. I'm against slowly off the brakes
00:53:31Slowly now pull the throttle slowly at first slowly a break now pull the throttle pull it out. Okay
00:53:45He's used by feels good Jenna Jenna that was a stop sign
00:53:54What did I just say
00:53:56Am I getting pulled over right now
00:53:59Am I getting pulled over right now
00:54:03Jenna relax. Okay. What is that? What are you doing? It's been done to work
00:54:25Hi officer nice sunglasses license and registration, please
00:54:33Please step out of the car miss. Oh
00:54:35You know what officer nothing would please me more than just sorry officer we're in wheelchairs
00:54:45You ladies slow it down here. Yes
00:54:53I hate hate hate getting pulled over. I feel like I'm in like horrible trouble or something. Look I'm trembling
00:55:05What is she coming back you just started the van so
00:55:10Well your hand wasn't on the brake
00:55:13You can't start the car
00:55:16Unless your hands on the brake unless oh my gosh. Oh
00:55:21My gosh
00:55:45You're not gonna believe what happened so wait, you remember Annie right? Yeah, I remember any how you doing? Hi, mr
00:55:50Danville, so she was teaching me how to drive and then I got pulled over by this lady cop
00:55:54Which you know makes me so nervous, but I got so nervous that I moved my foot and then she asked us to step out
00:55:58Of you. Oh, oh back up
00:56:00Did you just say that you moved your foot she moved her foot mr. Danville
00:56:12Come on then let's go in the house. I got to tell you mr. Danville this this house is amazing. Thank you
00:56:22Designed it. It's pretty cool
00:56:25Also, this pasta is so good. Yeah love cooking
00:56:30Especially when someone enjoys it as much as you
00:56:33Hey, listen, I want to make a toast
00:56:35Okay to movement
00:56:42And to progress yes, I
00:56:46Know what you're thinking
00:56:49It's not possible for you to know what I'm thinking
00:56:55You're thinking why her and not me
00:57:03Might have crossed my mind briefly
00:57:11You know, I
00:57:15Really think it's gonna happen for you
00:57:17You really want to know what I was thinking
00:57:19Yeah, I was I was thinking that what happened today is the end of our friendship
00:57:26It's not gonna happen
00:57:32Look I've been through this before Jenna, I
00:57:37Mean we're gonna hang on for a few months. We're gonna see each other in therapy and whatnot
00:57:42But sooner or later, you're gonna slip back in your old life
00:57:47You know, and that's a good thing
00:57:50And it's just it's it's just gonna get awkward and difficult and it's just
00:57:55Kind of sad, you know
00:58:02I don't
00:58:04Know what I would have done without you. I
00:58:08Mean, do you realize what a huge part of all of this you are?
00:58:13You're stuck with me like it or not
00:58:26See, there's been no recurrence of the spontaneous movement that you experienced in your right foot not yet
00:58:32But you're sure it happened. Yes, absolutely
00:58:35Let's take a look
00:58:42We find fluid buildup to be less pronounced than we projected
00:58:47However, it's too soon to attribute it solely to the neuro
00:58:55You moved your foot I
00:58:58Did you did I?
00:59:02Told you I believed you I knew it Jenna. I am so happy for you. We're on our way
00:59:10It's working
00:59:14Hey you feeling something in your feet today, I mean, this is this is amazing
00:59:20Hmm you want to say it's a miracle, don't you? Well, you got something against miracles. No, no, not at all
00:59:25I just think that science also had a lot to do with it. Well, isn't science just another one of God's miracles
00:59:33It's miracles
00:59:47You ready
01:00:02Let's get your leg
01:00:08It's just a choice, okay
01:00:14All right, we're just gonna go around the pen a couple times nice and slow get you used to things again, okay
01:00:25You know six months ago if you'd told me this was a possibility I would have thought you were crazy
01:00:31Anything's possible. Just got to put your mind to it
01:00:35Sound like my dad
01:00:37He's convinced that
01:00:39This is all part of some mysterious plan. God's got for me
01:00:43I don't know about that
01:00:45But I believe somebody's in charge
01:00:49How about we pick it up a notch
01:01:21so, um
01:01:23Where did you say you were I was in Tucson when I came off I
01:01:30Come off plenty of times before comes with the territory of Buston Bronx, you know, but this time was different
01:01:39When I landed the heel of my boots stuck in the dirt my body went one way my left leg stayed planted
01:01:45through all the way up
01:01:46broke it in three places I
01:01:49Had to be airlifted to the hospital because they were afraid that the bone fragments in my leg would sever an artery and I bleed
01:01:54out before I can get there in an ambulance I
01:01:58Had to learn to walk all over you
01:02:08Quit the rodeo
01:02:10Gave up on something. I loved something. I devoted my entire life to up until this moment
01:02:15Now I spend my time wondering what might have been
01:02:20Jenna believe in yourself. Some things are worth the risk
01:02:29Want to get your chair
01:02:46So Annie that's pretty sweet chair. Oh, thank you. You want me asking now what happened? Oh, no, not at all
01:02:53I am I jumped into a swimming pool with no water in it
01:03:01Chili good everybody not too hot
01:03:07So well, how long have you and Jenna been dating oh, we're oh
01:03:13No, no, no, no, we're not. Oh
01:03:15I'm sorry. I guess I just assumed the way Jenna always talks about you. I don't always talk about it. I don't
01:03:22Talk about you
01:03:24What does she say?
01:03:26Well, you know you saved my horse. He's so strong. He's so good-looking
01:03:33Okay, all right Annie, okay stop that's okay
01:03:38She likes to stir things up yeah, I can see that
01:03:52I figured we get out of the pen do a little trail riding
01:03:56Quick question. How do you plan on catching me if you're on cocoa?
01:04:02That's what these are for
01:04:07Try falling what seriously try falling I'll catch you
01:04:25He wants to come home
01:04:27You think so? Absolutely. He misses you. This is his stone
01:04:34How do you know he told me
01:04:44He's sweet he's been pretty awesome so what do you think of will
01:04:49He's not my type. Oh
01:04:51You mean for you? Oh, no, I'm serious. I could use an objective opinion
01:04:56Okay, I think that he is smarter than he pretends
01:05:01sadder to maybe and
01:05:03totally into you
01:05:06Yeah, do you think so
01:05:08Well, are you 16? Yeah, I think so. You don't have to be so mean about it. I'm just you know, I
01:05:17Want things to work out this time
01:05:19Well, you're doing just fine by the way, we got to get lunch Monday
01:05:23Dr. Miles is giving me my annual checkup and I am going to get some good news like what?
01:05:37How's everything going
01:05:40I'm actually feeling really good about how everything's going with dr. Miles and my physical therapy. I feel like my body's getting stronger every day
01:05:47Except for my legs, of course, I
01:05:52Can't tell you how much I appreciate how wonderful you've been through all of this and how happy you've made me
01:06:01I've loved every minute of it
01:06:03And you've been through so much and you always managed to smile you're a very special person. I like that
01:06:30Justify your existence at the beep
01:06:35Hey, it's me
01:06:37We're supposed to get lunch today
01:06:39But I can't seem to find you
01:06:42This is the third message I've left
01:06:44Okay, call me back Oh
01:06:53Dr. Miles, dr. Miles
01:06:57Jenna what can I do for you? I'm looking for Annie. I
01:07:02Haven't seen any since her exam this morning. Why well, she told me that
01:07:06She was gonna have some good news today, and I haven't been able to find her Jenna
01:07:10You know, I can't discuss other patients and I'm just a little bit worried about her
01:07:17He received bad news this morning
01:07:22So she's not gonna walk again
01:07:27I'm afraid not. I'm sorry
01:07:54Annie Annie, it's Jenna. Open up
01:08:22Know you're in there
01:08:31Hi, yes, I need an ambulance quickly to 2355 North Dearborn hurry
01:10:50You're right, I'm fine who else is in here my friend she's in the van
01:11:06Do you mind if I ask why
01:11:10Why it's because of you
01:11:14Hey, I was fine until you came along. I didn't I
01:11:21Didn't care and then
01:11:27You gave me the one thing I
01:11:31Thought I'd never have again. It was a hope
01:11:36Watching you and your determination. I just started to think that maybe
01:11:44Then maybe it could
01:11:47Happen for me, you know, I could walk again and
01:11:53When dr. Miles told me I couldn't I I
01:11:59Just I couldn't handle it
01:12:03So I did something really stupid
01:12:12I'm sorry
01:12:21Wish you could just run and jump around, you know, even just for a day
01:12:42One day
01:12:52You've got to be kidding me I
01:12:55Understand if you feel intimidated
01:12:57What what I said
01:13:00you used the
01:13:11So, I mean what is this thing is this a steering wheel I'll steer you hold on to this this is the horn
01:13:24Oh, ready, come on, boy
01:13:31Time goes on
01:13:34Tears us up makes us strong. I can't see this. It's gonna take a while
01:13:46I hope you will
01:13:52I'm telling you Eugene. I walked. I know I heard you the first ten times and you still don't believe me
01:13:57I believe you. I'm just trying to figure out how we can get you to do it again and again. I
01:14:02Shouldn't think about it. My friend was in trouble and I
01:14:06Don't know my subconscious just took over. I
01:14:09Don't know if it was adrenaline or a
01:14:13Miracle but I do know that I walked show me
01:14:19What now you did it once I know you can do it again
01:14:26But I'm gonna have to set you on fire
01:14:33How about this is your motivation bars of death
01:14:40I'm gonna need more
01:14:48You are so on
01:15:19It's not walking that's dragging your legs I'm just getting warmed up
01:15:26Okay, who wants to hear about my near-death experience
01:15:32Wait, you're walking again
01:15:37Who are you gonna save now myself
01:15:47Take it easy you don't have to get leave her she can do it
01:16:27So, uh loser buys the winner a drink, right? Yeah
01:16:41Jenna somebody here that wants to see you coming
01:16:59Hey, who is it?
01:17:10Don't know
01:18:19You know, I've had some bad days and I've had some really bad days
01:18:29all of the best days
01:18:32I have been because of you
01:18:40So, thanks
01:18:43All I did was put you back on a horse maybe that was enough
01:18:58Okay, hurry I really don't want to be late for my appointment with dr. Miles, all right, I
01:19:07Thought we were going to dr. Miles office
01:19:18Oh my gosh
01:19:20Now it has been exactly one year since you started your therapy one year one year
01:19:26It seems like just yesterday Eugene was telling me that you need to crawl before you can walk
01:19:32Walk before you can run and run before you can fly
01:19:36Laugh it up guys. You're gonna see that a mugs and t-shirts in
01:19:53Okay, make it better, okay
01:19:56There you go
01:20:01Got a little present for you little hint. I designed these. Hi. I wonder what that could be
01:20:10All right
01:20:15This changes everything yeah, okay
01:20:20All right, I got it
01:20:28All right
01:20:31Yep, good. All right, everybody stand back. This could get ugly
01:20:40Do they feel they feel amazing, you know, I want to say something
01:20:52You guys
01:20:54Have been so amazing throughout this very tough journey
01:21:04I can honestly say that
01:21:12You have given me
01:21:16Unconditional love
01:21:18And support
01:21:21From my first breath
01:21:24To this very moment
01:21:28I love you
01:21:31Love you, too
01:21:35Now there
01:21:38You made those first few months bearable
01:21:43Which trust me I know was not easy
01:21:51And dr. Miles
01:21:55You will never know how grateful I am to you
01:22:02Using me to be a part of this study
01:22:05You've changed my life
01:22:09Then Eugene
01:22:12For never giving up on me
01:22:20Annie finally
01:22:25For being a constant reminder and living proof that it's not about the chair
01:22:35It's about your spirit
01:22:39Thank you
01:22:45And to well
01:22:50For being so kind to me
01:22:56Under my dad
01:22:59And most importantly
01:23:02To Bentley, thank you so much
01:23:12Okay, let's get some cake
01:23:26Sure, she's ready for this
01:23:29She's ready
01:23:32Okay, Bentley, I've been waiting for this moment
01:23:36It's been a really long journey and I know last time was a little rough, but I really think we can do this
01:23:56All right, come on
01:24:19All right
01:24:23Great job, sweetie. Great job
01:24:26You too. You too, buddy. All I did was trust my horse. Yeah
01:24:31You did a lot more than that. You look amazing out there
01:24:38Did you say you want to race race what what do you think
01:24:46She means you
01:24:53Harry will
01:25:19It looks like you caught me glad I did
