A Great Love Story HD ( Romance )

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A Great Love Story HD ( Romance )
00:00:00See what has your knickers in a knot, shall we?
00:00:10Good morning.
00:00:17Good morning.
00:00:31It's good.
00:00:32So, is it?
00:00:33It's a fake.
00:00:35It's a really good fake.
00:00:36Truly, an artist carved that, but more like five years ago,
00:00:39not 5,000.
00:00:41Well, there's more.
00:00:43The statuette is part of the collector's donation.
00:00:45Let's see what else we have.
00:00:53This miniature Sphinx is real alabaster,
00:00:56but it's meant for tourists.
00:00:59How can you tell?
00:01:01The signature is in Arabic, not hieratic or glyphs.
00:01:04Maddie Turner, this is Bryant Weber.
00:01:07He's an art collector and a philanthropist.
00:01:09These items are part of a donation that he wishes to make to the museum.
00:01:14Dr. Turner, it's an honor to finally meet you.
00:01:16Thank you, and thank you for your support.
00:01:18My wife is really the collector.
00:01:20I see.
00:01:21Anything of notable value?
00:01:23Perhaps aesthetically, depending on your taste.
00:01:25Unfortunately, nothing of historic value.
00:01:28What Maddie means to say is that we...
00:01:30What she means to say is that my wife has collected some pretty trinkets,
00:01:33but nothing exhibition-worthy.
00:01:36I'm sure that if Maddie were to take a second look at these items...
00:01:39No, don't worry, Catherine.
00:01:41Have I passed your test, Mr. Weber?
00:01:45There is one last item.
00:01:56May I?
00:02:00You're welcome.
00:02:04Aging appears authentic.
00:02:06Is it a first edition?
00:02:08Anything famous?
00:02:09Looks to be like a travel diary.
00:02:12Looks like there was a nameplate or an inscription on these missing opening pages,
00:02:16but it's damaged.
00:02:18Oh, here's a date right here.
00:02:22Does that add to the value?
00:02:24Here's a date right here. 1796.
00:02:27Does that add to the value?
00:02:29Its value could be increased by its contents.
00:02:32Isn't that right, Mr. Weber?
00:02:34Well, how will we know?
00:02:35Where you read it.
00:02:37Unless there are particular pages you'd like me to examine.
00:02:47It's real?
00:02:49That's what I hope you'll find out.
00:02:52There's navigational points, descriptions, drawings.
00:02:56This is an account of the legendary lover's stone of the island of Coricien.
00:03:00Catherine, you wanted to talk to me about a donation.
00:03:06Your continuing generosity would mean everything to the museum.
00:03:09I'm sure that...
00:03:10Later this year, my wife and I will be celebrating 25 years of blissful marriage.
00:03:14I thought it would be a treat to take her to see this stone.
00:03:18That's where Dr. Turner comes in.
00:03:20Oh, well, she's happy to go anywhere.
00:03:22This is my proposal.
00:03:24If Maddie can find the stone,
00:03:27I will fully endow the museum.
00:03:32I mean, who knows?
00:03:34Maybe it's like the stories,
00:03:36and our love will make the stone glow.
00:03:39I need to start reading.
00:03:42Yes. Yes.
00:03:46Hey, did you know cortisol means heart of the sky?
00:03:49Of course you did.
00:03:51Not all of us specialize in prehistoric art.
00:03:53Coeur du ciel. It's French.
00:03:55It's a lone little island in a vast ocean of blue sky.
00:03:59Well, relatively lonely.
00:04:01There are other islands, but it's more like Bermuda versus Bahamas.
00:04:06It's okay. I trust you. I don't need to hear it.
00:04:09This is for me.
00:04:10Did you know the island wasn't discovered until the 1700s?
00:04:13You mean discovered by Europeans?
00:04:15It says tribes from nearby islands preserved the island as a sacred place,
00:04:19all part of the mythology surrounding the lover's stone.
00:04:22You're reading that off my book.
00:04:24Oh, yeah.
00:04:26Well, the island has 17 miles of beaches,
00:04:29plenty of places for sunset strolls,
00:04:32moonlit strolls,
00:04:34even possibly a few sunrise strolls.
00:04:37It's not about romance.
00:04:39Says the woman who's searching for something called the lover's stone.
00:04:43Okay, well, then how about this?
00:04:45What do you got?
00:04:51Thousands of islands stretch from Bermuda through the Caribbean to Central and South America.
00:04:55But welcome to the crown jewel of them all, Coeur du ciel.
00:04:58This is where we caught up with international hotelier Andrew Fitzpatrick,
00:05:02who is on the island renovating the family hotel, The Pier.
00:05:05So, tell me about this place.
00:05:07Well, The Pier house used to be a boarding house.
00:05:09It's now a bed and breakfast.
00:05:11Hello, handsome.
00:05:15I've heard stories about this guy. He's famous.
00:05:17What do you think brings travelers here?
00:05:21Well, just look behind me.
00:05:23For hundreds of years, travelers have enjoyed the views that call out to this coast.
00:05:27And, of course, there's a special stone.
00:05:31Ah, yes, that is a myth, unfortunately.
00:05:34But isn't it supposed to glow in the presence of true love?
00:05:38That's part of the myth.
00:05:40Unfortunately, people never find anything when they do come in search of the stone.
00:05:45Here, let me show you the cabanas over here.
00:05:47Do you seriously not recognize him?
00:05:50Who is he?
00:05:51The famous entrepreneur slash activist?
00:05:54He doesn't just build luxury hotels, he works with cities to revive poverty-stricken areas.
00:05:58Sounds more like a philanthropist than an activist.
00:06:00Okay, so you can look at that gorgeous man and argue terminology with me?
00:06:04I am only going on this trip for one reason.
00:06:06I am not interested in anything extracurricular.
00:06:10Honey, you need to let romance back in your life.
00:06:14No, I don't. What is this?
00:06:16Mm, that settles it. I'm going with you.
00:06:19Uh, not unless you can fit in my luggage over here.
00:06:26Maddie, Maddie, oh, I'm so glad I caught you.
00:06:29Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for agreeing to go.
00:06:32It means more than you know.
00:06:34I'll certainly do my best.
00:06:36Uh, I don't, I don't think you understand.
00:06:39Maddie, you have to find that stone.
00:06:41The diary seems promising, but there are missing pages, probably important ones.
00:06:45Maddie, the university cut our funding.
00:06:48I didn't want to worry anyone until I exhausted all of our possible donors, but I thought you should know.
00:06:55This is it.
00:06:57If you don't find that stone and win over the support of Weber, the museum closes.
00:07:04I'll find it.
00:07:35Don't tell me no, no, no, no, no.
00:07:39Your eyes, my love.
00:07:42Your eyes, my love.
00:07:45Don't tell me no, no, no, no, no.
00:07:48Don't tell me no, no, no, no, no.
00:07:51Don't tell me you can't, that you don't want to escape.
00:07:54You know you've been waiting for a long time.
00:07:57I'm sorry when you look, when you laugh, come here.
00:08:01Explain to me where your lips come from.
00:08:05If you know that you are for me.
00:08:08I want us to travel, to have more of me.
00:08:11I have possibilities for you.
00:08:14People who hurt the woman I chose.
00:08:17Your eyes, my love.
00:08:20Your eyes, my love.
00:08:23Don't tell me no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:08:26Don't tell me no, no, no, no, no.
00:08:28Don't tell me no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:08:30Your eyes, my love.
00:08:33Your eyes, my love.
00:08:36Don't tell me no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:08:38Isn't that perfect there?
00:08:40It's very nice.
00:08:42Don't you think it represents the island and its culture and hundreds of years of history?
00:08:46I said it's very nice. Look at what you're doing.
00:08:49No, you stay put and you keep that foot elevated.
00:08:52I can do this area.
00:08:53So can I. I mean, you taught me.
00:08:55In that case, it's time to change the water.
00:08:57You're spreading more dirt than you are cleaning.
00:09:00Yes, ma'am.
00:09:01And since you're going by the kitchen, a cup of tea.
00:09:05Yes, ma'am.
00:09:25Oh, what are you doing down there?
00:09:38What am I doing?
00:09:39What are you doing throwing water on innocent people?
00:09:43The locals never take that alley.
00:09:45I'm sorry.
00:09:46Just tourists then?
00:09:50I'm looking for the Pierre house.
00:09:52Yeah, this is the Pierre house.
00:09:55Do you want me to scale the wall?
00:09:57Well, I'd like to see you try.
00:09:58Hey, if you just go down this alley, veer to the left, it'll take you to the main entrance.
00:10:12Elonia, we have a guest.
00:10:15We do?
00:10:16I'm gonna hide.
00:10:17What are you talking about? Come back here.
00:10:19I need you to check them in.
00:10:21No, no, no.
00:10:26Someone will be with you shortly.
00:10:35Hello, and welcome to the Pierre house.
00:10:39I know you, or seen you.
00:10:42Yes, about outside.
00:10:46You're the hotel guy who convinces people to come to Coliseo to find true love.
00:10:51I prefer to think of myself as a cultural ambassador.
00:10:55Now, are you here to celebrate love, or are you looking for it?
00:11:00No, no, neither.
00:11:02I'm not interested.
00:11:07Madison, or is it Dr. Turner?
00:11:11Maddie is fine.
00:11:12Maddie, okay, so while we check you in...
00:11:15Never mind, I'll grab your bags.
00:11:20You own the hotel, you grab bags, you mop the floor, you...
00:11:24Well, while the bed and breakfast is under renovation, we're half staff, so I fit in where I'm needed.
00:11:31Follow me.
00:11:36Watch your feet.
00:11:37Okay, here we go.
00:11:49Your reservation says you're only staying a week.
00:11:53I've known bowling champions with luggage lighter than this.
00:11:56What the heck is in there?
00:11:57This view really does call out to you, doesn't it?
00:12:02Please let me know if you need anything.
00:12:22I made reservations right by the water, just like you asked.
00:12:25Okay, I told Oscar you're on the way, he's going to take great care of you.
00:12:28Just ask for me.
00:12:29Thank you, brother.
00:12:30And he'll get the drinks for you, all right?
00:12:36Hey, if you're going out alone, you should take this.
00:12:42That's really good.
00:12:44The inclusion of shapes and symbols common in pre-Columbian petroglyphs, it's really what ties the ancient and the modern.
00:12:51It's a perfect representation of the island.
00:12:54Never mind.
00:12:55Is this a local artist?
00:12:58Yeah, um, the Pierre House is right here.
00:13:03And her shop is... well, I can just show you if you'd like.
00:13:07No, it's fine, I'm not...
00:13:09Sure? I mean, you know how difficult the island can be to navigate.
00:13:13I got a map, and I can read it.
00:13:15All right.
00:13:16I'll be fine.
00:13:17Be safe.
00:13:40Ah, no answer. All right, let's get started.
00:13:43Maybe the others will show up eventually.
00:13:45All right, first, vendors. Fitz.
00:13:48Okay, well, last year we had 35 craft and artesian vendors, 18 food suppliers.
00:13:53This year we have 12 vendors and 3 suppliers.
00:13:58Now, I've been reaching out.
00:14:00I'm sure everybody's just waiting to sign up.
00:14:02That's not nearly enough for participation.
00:14:05That's interesting, uh, Chef Paul.
00:14:07I don't see your name here on the list. Should we add one more?
00:14:09Yeah, you should add one more.
00:14:12All right, now we have five.
00:14:14I guess some people are just waiting on a personal invitation.
00:14:16It's gonna take a lot more than that for everyone else.
00:14:19The vendors aren't participating because they don't make enough money.
00:14:22We need a new draw, something that will bring more tourists.
00:14:25Like Hylia's idea for the pirates.
00:14:29Then at this point, it's time we cut our losses.
00:14:32What do you suggest?
00:14:33We shut it down.
00:14:34No, we can't shut the festival down.
00:14:36It's one of the great things about this island.
00:14:38It's living history.
00:14:39You're right.
00:14:40It's history.
00:14:41We can't disappoint the people that are already planning to attend.
00:14:44All 17 of them?
00:14:46All right.
00:14:47Maybe Chef Paul has a point here.
00:14:49People came to the festival as a pilgrimage, looking for the lover's stone.
00:14:52Maybe we could advertise that.
00:14:53They don't even know what that is anymore.
00:14:55I move we cancel the festival,
00:14:58allowing us to spend our marketing dollars on the festival.
00:15:01Allowing us to spend our marketing dollars more productively.
00:15:07Well, I suggest we take a vote on it.
00:15:09No, we can't vote.
00:15:10We need five people for a quorum.
00:15:12We only needed four before you joined.
00:15:17We'll vote next meeting then.
00:15:18No, listen.
00:15:20It's the best we can do for now.
00:15:23You got three days.
00:15:24Bring us some people.
00:15:34This is a big date restaurant, huh?
00:15:41Check, please.
00:16:01All right.
00:16:18All right.
00:16:22They just want to cancel the festival just like that.
00:16:28Don't look at me like that.
00:16:29Like what?
00:16:30You looked at me when I was a kid and you had a job for me.
00:16:32Oh, you're the boss now.
00:16:34I would never tell you what to do.
00:16:41Go ahead.
00:16:42Say it.
00:16:43Whatever it is.
00:16:46Why did you come here?
00:16:48I just want to make sure that the pier house is renovated the right way.
00:16:51We have people.
00:16:53You have people who could take care of that.
00:16:56But you have changed your plane ticket twice already.
00:16:59I wanted to be here for the festival, okay?
00:17:01You're trying to get rid of me.
00:17:02I saw you get your mother's ring out of the safe.
00:17:05How do you...
00:17:08I can never do anything past you.
00:17:10And yet you keep trying.
00:17:14I'm sure that's not for me.
00:17:16We both know you're out of my league.
00:17:20Her name's Trina.
00:17:22My business manager.
00:17:23Well, it's a lovely ring for a woman you describe as your business manager.
00:17:29Well, we've been together for years now.
00:17:31We work really well with each other.
00:17:34She's got another job offer.
00:17:36So, if I don't do something to make her stay,
00:17:41I'm going to propose when I get back.
00:17:44Trina's a lucky girl.
00:17:47I think I'm going to go take my nap now.
00:17:49I'm going to hang out for a little bit.
00:17:51What are you waiting for?
00:17:55It's not a what, but a who.
00:17:58Could it be the pretty American?
00:17:59This island's confusing, okay?
00:18:01She could be lost.
00:18:02I want to make sure she gets back safely.
00:18:04What? I'm doing my part to improve island tourism.
00:18:07Fitz, you have a wonderful heart.
00:18:11I will see you later.
00:18:20Let me know if you need anything, okay?
00:18:22I will.
00:18:37Hey, welcome back.
00:18:45It's beautiful, right?
00:18:49It is. It makes Pierre House seem like a home.
00:18:51Special. Unique.
00:18:53That was my goal.
00:18:54It's nice to come back, too.
00:18:57So, did you get lost?
00:18:59I'm here, aren't I?
00:19:03I got so lost.
00:19:05Even with a map and helpful islanders,
00:19:08there's no way I can navigate those streets.
00:19:10Yeah, these walls are historic,
00:19:12and the pathways were originally designed to ward off looters.
00:19:18I'm just saying, if you don't know how to get there,
00:19:20you'll never find it.
00:19:21Any strategy for a non-pirate?
00:19:23Well, tourists usually take guided groups.
00:19:26I don't really think that's going to work.
00:19:28I have very specific places I need to be.
00:19:30Like tomorrow.
00:19:31I really want to go to Ileana's Point, which...
00:19:33Tomorrow, Pierre House is offering guided tour
00:19:36to Ileana's Point.
00:19:38Be there at nine. Out front.
00:19:41Get some rest. You'll need it.
00:19:44Enjoy your painting.
00:19:46Have a good night.
00:20:03I'm Randy.
00:20:05My wife Katie.
00:20:06We're here on our honeymoon.
00:20:09What brings you to the island?
00:20:11Is the tour guide always late?
00:20:13Island time.
00:20:14You get used to it.
00:20:15Did you bring your beach gear?
00:20:33Hey, hey!
00:20:35So sorry I'm late, guys.
00:20:37I did not realize that the fire department
00:20:40needed to use the truck last.
00:20:43All right.
00:20:45Okay, so...
00:20:46I see you four will throw in the back seat
00:20:49and then put you in shotgun.
00:20:52I'm Fitz.
00:20:53I'll be your tour guide for today.
00:20:55One second.
00:20:56I'll get these guys situated.
00:20:57It's a beautiful one, isn't it?
00:20:58Here, I'll get it for you.
00:21:00Yeah, no problem.
00:21:01You just hop up in there.
00:21:02Thank you so much.
00:21:03Yeah, it's a beautiful day, isn't it?
00:21:04Put you in.
00:21:05Good, good, good.
00:21:07Should I be surprised that you're our tour guide?
00:21:10Just be glad I kept the chef on staff.
00:21:12You do not want to see my cooking.
00:21:14Come on, let's go.
00:21:17All right, we got three rules.
00:21:19Rule number one,
00:21:20always use the buddy system, okay, Ian?
00:21:24Rule number two...
00:21:28Apply, apply, apply sunscreen.
00:21:30And then rule number three, have fun.
00:21:32All right, you guys ready?
00:21:35Everybody's shocked in?
00:21:37All right.
00:21:39Oh, my God!
00:21:43All right!
00:21:50So we're currently driving on the first modern road on the island,
00:21:54Highway 1.
00:21:55Is there a Highway 2?
00:22:06Sorry, guys.
00:22:09Here we are, here we are.
00:22:15All right, watch your head, guys, when you get out, okay?
00:22:17Oh, I got you.
00:22:19Get your cameras out.
00:22:22We are at our first stop.
00:22:26Did you say stops?
00:22:27What about Ileana's point?
00:22:29You didn't read the pamphlet, did you?
00:22:32Don't worry, we'll get there.
00:22:34All right, everybody, please stay hydrated, okay?
00:22:36It's a hot day.
00:22:38Also, what was rule number two?
00:22:41Put sunscreen.
00:22:42Apply, apply, apply, okay?
00:22:45There's some indigenous birds up here to your right.
00:22:47You photo opportunity also.
00:22:50Just the beach?
00:22:52Is it just the beach?
00:22:53Oh, my God.
00:22:55The views?
00:22:56Fun in the sun?
00:22:57You okay?
00:22:58Yeah, yeah.
00:22:59I just, I don't know.
00:23:01Fun in the sun?
00:23:02You okay?
00:23:03Yeah, yeah.
00:23:04I just, I really need to get to Ileana's point.
00:23:07It's right up the coast.
00:23:09All right.
00:23:10Is there any way I can get a taxi?
00:23:13We'll get there this afternoon.
00:23:15This afternoon?
00:23:16Don't worry.
00:23:32Um, right.
00:23:34Just up the coast.
00:24:20Ileana's point.
00:24:23Thank you, Trish, for the unrealistic hiking boots.
00:25:09Oh, thank God we found her.
00:25:12Oh, God.
00:25:18How do you open?
00:25:21Just have a seat here.
00:25:29I think I just tweaked it a little bit.
00:25:31All right, just smear it a little bit, okay?
00:25:44Hey, guys.
00:25:45How's it going?
00:25:46Uh, sorry.
00:25:47We're just cooking in the van.
00:25:49No, it's okay.
00:25:50I'm sorry, you guys.
00:25:52I just really wanted to see Ileana's point.
00:25:54It is a beautiful spot.
00:25:56You went?
00:25:57You should have read the pamphlet.
00:26:05Let's go.
00:26:07All right, careful.
00:26:09There we go.
00:26:10All right.
00:26:17All right.
00:26:18There we go.
00:26:40You don't have to walk me back.
00:26:42What you pulled today was so...
00:26:46Do you...
00:26:47You could have gotten bitten.
00:26:49What were you thinking?
00:26:50You have no business.
00:26:51I'm sorry.
00:26:55That's enough.
00:26:56Just sorry.
00:26:58Okay, look.
00:26:59I didn't come here as a tourist.
00:27:01And I didn't come here to fall in love.
00:27:04But I am here to find the Lover's Stone.
00:27:07Look, people have been looking for it.
00:27:11It's a myth.
00:27:12And I have reason to believe that it's real.
00:27:14Oh, yeah.
00:27:15You have enough reason to jump on three planes, two ferries,
00:27:17and then wander off into the forest by yourself, right?
00:27:22Okay, I'm sorry.
00:27:23What is this?
00:27:25Watch your fingers.
00:27:28You're definitely going to need a guide to get to some of these places.
00:27:34I'm in.
00:27:43I thought we'd start with Ileana's Point,
00:27:45then we'll go to Bartholomew's Lagoon,
00:27:47and then on to Hyacinth Valley.
00:27:49Hyacinth Valley.
00:27:50Point Valley Lagoon.
00:27:52I calculated the distances.
00:27:53I feel like the next road on the right should...
00:27:55It was washed away by the hurricane two years ago.
00:27:59I guess I'm going to need your map.
00:28:01He's your guide.
00:28:11So your plan is to look for this particular stone
00:28:15in this massive structure of coral?
00:28:18There will be different types of stone.
00:28:20Loverstone is said to have a shine from within.
00:28:24Stones don't glow.
00:28:26Based on the mist, it's most likely a meteorite,
00:28:28which means it could have a sheen to it.
00:28:30Or if it were an emerald,
00:28:31it'd make sense why it's the target of treasure hunters for centuries.
00:28:35Could be true, but either way, it's going to be worth millions.
00:28:38Yeah, you're the stone expert.
00:28:43I come back here,
00:28:45every time I'm on the island.
00:28:47Oh, my gosh.
00:28:49This is incredible.
00:28:50What is it?
00:28:51It's an ancient monastery.
00:28:53People need to preserve this.
00:28:55This isn't going to last much longer.
00:28:59Yeah, it was originally built in the 1700s.
00:29:01It was destroyed in a hurricane,
00:29:03but the ruins are still a beautiful sight.
00:29:05Thank you for taking me here.
00:29:08Somehow, I knew you'd get it.
00:29:13Do you see how far down that is?
00:29:14You can swim.
00:29:19There's people like you who romanticize pirates.
00:29:22Wait a second.
00:29:23People like me?
00:29:24I agree with you about rewriting history.
00:29:27Our problem is thinking we already know it.
00:29:30I mean, were all of those people labeled pirates
00:29:33actually pirates in the first place?
00:29:36I mean, were all of those people
00:29:38labeled pirates actually pirates?
00:29:40Or consortiums of economic competition
00:29:42Britain wanted to be rid of?
00:29:44Consort of what?
00:29:45Maybe they were just rebels seeking independence.
00:29:48Or how about all the women tried and killed as witches?
00:29:51Practicing witchcraft?
00:29:53I don't think so.
00:29:54But you shouldn't rewrite history for profit.
00:29:56Agreed, but my point is, who is Ileana?
00:29:58Maybe she was a pirate.
00:30:00You'll know.
00:30:01Ileana was a hurricane.
00:30:02Okay, you do know.
00:30:04We reshaped this entire island, and nobody cares
00:30:07because they just want to run around
00:30:09with parrots on their shoulders and eye patches.
00:30:12You know Fitz, it's okay to play every once in a while.
00:30:15How do I get the feeling you haven't played
00:30:17in a really long time?
00:30:19That is not true.
00:30:24Conservation of water.
00:30:30So I read a lot of stories about this myth.
00:30:33They're all different.
00:30:34Let's sit and rest for a second.
00:30:38Natural and oral tradition.
00:30:41When the island was involved in wars,
00:30:44lovers would come from different tribes.
00:30:47When suffering drought, it was said that one lover
00:30:50would sacrifice himself to the gods
00:30:52in order to restore fertility to the soil.
00:30:55No matter what I've read, in all of the myths,
00:30:57when true lovers touch the stone, it does glow.
00:31:03True love is the biggest myth.
00:31:06So you don't believe in relationships?
00:31:09I didn't say that.
00:31:10I'm about to get engaged to my business manager, Trina.
00:31:13We work really well together,
00:31:15and I think we'd be really well suited for marriage.
00:31:18Yeah, sounds practical.
00:31:20It is, and rational.
00:31:25True love is the greatest force on earth.
00:31:29Love is a combination of chemicals in the brain.
00:31:32Every thought and idea is a chemical reaction in the brain.
00:31:36From art to literature to our very actions,
00:31:39they all start as chemical reactions in the brain.
00:31:49What's your epic story about love?
00:31:51I mean, who's the lucky guy back home?
00:31:53You really want to know?
00:31:55My ex stole my thesis and claimed it as his own.
00:31:59I kind of lost all trust after that.
00:32:02Wow, sorry.
00:32:03So you believe in love, just like you believe in the stone,
00:32:06despite the fact that nobody's seen it in years.
00:32:09I do, because I think that love
00:32:10can bring out the absolute best in someone.
00:32:14Ha ha!
00:32:15You know, it takes a really strong heart
00:32:17to experience that type of pain
00:32:19and still believe in the power of love.
00:32:22That was romantic.
00:32:24That was even sentimental.
00:32:26Don't tell anybody, I got a reputation to uphold.
00:32:29Ha ha!
00:32:40You're quiet tonight.
00:32:42I've just been thinking about my parents and this place
00:32:46and how they put everything into making it a success,
00:32:50and it's failing, just like their marriage.
00:32:53Tastes change.
00:32:55Tourism is fickle.
00:32:58I have to find that stone for the hotel.
00:33:03I canceled my flight, Elodia.
00:33:06The island needs me.
00:33:08Or do you need the island?
00:33:13Hey, Mom used to look through
00:33:14a bunch of old family documents from time to time.
00:33:17Do we still have those?
00:33:19Yes, in the library.
00:33:20I'm gonna see if I can dig something up.
00:33:22Sure thing.
00:33:23Thanks, Elodia.
00:33:29According to the legend,
00:33:30the lover's stone glowed in the presence of true love.
00:33:34Ever audacious, my bride's hand reached first,
00:33:37but we touched simultaneously,
00:33:39and the light of a thousand stars erupted from the stone.
00:33:43Its beauty only surpassed by the reflection in Anna's eyes.
00:33:47I confess I forgot all propriety in uttering my love,
00:33:52and pulled Anna into a passionate embrace.
00:34:09Hi. Hey.
00:34:10Elodia said you wanted to see me.
00:34:12Yeah, come in here. Check this out.
00:34:14What is this?
00:34:15These are old family documents and journals
00:34:18that go back about a few hundred years.
00:34:21It could be a reference about the stone and its location in here.
00:34:24Can I...? Yes, yeah.
00:34:28This looks like a work notation for irrigation
00:34:31during the late 1820s, something.
00:34:35Yeah, I'm having trouble deciphering some of the handwriting, so...
00:34:38This one talks about the festival.
00:34:41Yeah, I think it's the very first one.
00:34:48Wait, your mother's maiden name is Dalton?
00:34:50Not Pierre for pier house?
00:34:52Yeah, my British ancestors, they bought this place from a French family.
00:34:55Is that important?
00:34:58That means that your family started the festival.
00:35:01Right here, your mom Louise had a grandfather, William Dalton,
00:35:05who wrote about his father.
00:35:07Maybe that's his grandfather.
00:35:09Keeps going back, so you're great, great, great, great...
00:35:12OK, I get it, what's it say?
00:35:14Whatever, grandfather.
00:35:15Archibald Dalton started the festival
00:35:18as a tribute to the woman that I love.
00:35:22He thought the love was as epic as that in myths,
00:35:25so he began the festival as a part of their wedding celebration.
00:35:29Grandpa, that's the true romantics.
00:35:32Apparently that gene died out.
00:35:41He describes how they went to the lover's stone together,
00:35:44or with a group.
00:35:46It lit up for them.
00:35:48Does he say where?
00:35:51Only that they used candles.
00:35:53As tradition dictated,
00:35:55we blew out the candles once beside the stone.
00:35:58So there's a tradition.
00:36:01In the dark, I took her hand and then...
00:36:05Oh, I think he added a kiss he wasn't supposed to.
00:36:09Go, Grandpa!
00:36:10And then the stone lit up for us, green.
00:36:13Do you understand how big this is?
00:36:15The stone is green.
00:36:16That's what the myth says.
00:36:18I don't think you realize what a historical and family treasure
00:36:21all of these records and journals are.
00:36:23I don't think I did until now,
00:36:25but thank you, I get the value of it.
00:36:28Yeah, it's good to know where I come from, I guess.
00:36:30But does this help us out?
00:36:32Maybe. Can I read more?
00:36:34Yeah, it's great to have someone like you looking through it.
00:36:38This is so exciting.
00:36:40I'm just going to take it all.
00:36:42Sure, yeah.
00:36:43Forget the door, let me know what you find.
00:36:47This one even has locations written.
00:36:52Keep me updated.
00:38:01Why do I get the sense that you want to turn this island into a...
00:38:04I'm not doing that.
00:38:06No, we just need to go ahead and be professional.
00:38:08We're basically rewriting history here.
00:38:10I'm not rewriting history, the pirates are here.
00:38:12Look, the festival is important, okay?
00:38:14It's so important to this island.
00:38:16I mean, giving up on it is basically giving up on ourselves.
00:38:18Do you not agree? We can't do that.
00:38:20I agree with him.
00:38:21It's business, Fitz, don't you see?
00:38:23Look, if you're so set against canceling,
00:38:25then maybe we should reconsider Talia's suggestion
00:38:28about rebranding with the pirate theme.
00:38:30The pirate, okay.
00:38:31Over my dead body.
00:38:34I move to cancel.
00:38:36We cannot cancel.
00:38:37Hold up, hold up, hold up.
00:38:38He just made a movement and we have a quorum.
00:38:40Canceling the festival, say aye.
00:38:42All those in favour of cancelling the festival, raise your hand.
00:38:45I have an idea.
00:38:47Everyone, I have an idea.
00:38:49Excuse me, I have an idea.
00:38:51Do you say yay?
00:38:52How about you?
00:38:56Well, that's rude.
00:38:57Sorry. I have an idea.
00:38:59Well, who are you?
00:39:01I'm Maddie.
00:39:02It doesn't really matter who I am,
00:39:04but I do have an idea to save the festival.
00:39:06Would you like to hear it or not?
00:39:07Please, absolutely.
00:39:08Well, we'd be delighted if you could do it a little more subtly.
00:39:10I apologize.
00:39:12Festival of love.
00:39:14That's what the cultural festival used to be called.
00:39:17And it wasn't just for tourists.
00:39:19It was for locals.
00:39:21There was food and music and it was all about community,
00:39:24but most of all, it was about...
00:39:29Yes, that's obvious, right?
00:39:31You need to restore the name Festival of Love
00:39:33and really capitalize on the island's legendary status
00:39:36as a place to find true love.
00:39:38That sounds great. It really sounds great.
00:39:40In the past, they used to have pageants and dancing,
00:39:43a couple, a few marriages even.
00:39:46How do you know all this?
00:39:48I read. A lot.
00:39:50Fitz and I have actually been looking for the Lover's Stone
00:39:52and we're really close to finding it.
00:39:54I just know it.
00:39:55And if we do, people will come near and far
00:39:58to see this thing.
00:40:00I move to adopt the name Festival of Love.
00:40:03All those in favor of calling it the Festival of Love,
00:40:06say yay.
00:40:13Boom. Let's celebrate love.
00:40:14All right.
00:40:15Celebrating love.
00:40:17We got a festival marriage.
00:40:25Do you make it a habit to barge into private meetings?
00:40:27I was looking for you.
00:40:28And so you just come in and take over?
00:40:30I thought I was helping.
00:40:31They were about to cancel.
00:40:33Now they're definitely not going to cancel.
00:40:35And with a unanimous vote.
00:40:38What is your problem?
00:40:44We're getting our hopes up.
00:40:45It was your idea to find the stone for the festival.
00:40:48That's why you're helping me.
00:40:50Yeah, but I wasn't going to say anything until we found it.
00:40:53If we find it.
00:40:54We will find it.
00:40:55If we don't.
00:40:58You discovered something new, didn't you?
00:41:00Come see.
00:41:04It's very good.
00:41:06Oh, it's good.
00:41:11It's in a west-facing location.
00:41:14One of the authors wrote,
00:41:16we decided to stay and watch the sunset.
00:41:19So Festival of Love, huh?
00:41:22Yes, and it's a good idea.
00:41:24These journals were a great idea.
00:41:26I just want to check one more thing.
00:41:31I cross-checked all the references to the stone
00:41:33through all the primary sources.
00:41:35I'm pretty sure it's here.
00:41:37Meet you in ten?
00:41:40I'm going to go change.
00:41:42This is exciting.
00:41:57Okay, this has to be it.
00:41:59Has to be it.
00:42:01This is the only way to go.
00:42:03Over here.
00:42:04So what are we supposed to be looking for?
00:42:06Anything that stands out.
00:42:08I know this is the single-file path
00:42:11that the journal mentioned.
00:42:13That's what you said the last seven times.
00:42:16It doesn't go any further.
00:42:18Why'd you say here again?
00:42:20Okay, I know I'm reaching,
00:42:22but one of the clues in the journal
00:42:24mentioned seeing the stone at the crescent.
00:42:26At first, it didn't mean anything
00:42:28until the west-facing clue, right?
00:42:30So I looked at a map.
00:42:32I found the crescent-shaped beach
00:42:34on the west side of the island,
00:42:36and this has to mean something.
00:42:39I don't know.
00:42:41Well, please, if you have any other ideas,
00:42:43I'm trying my best here.
00:42:47Let's eat.
00:42:55Come on.
00:43:00Now, before you thank me,
00:43:03this was Elodia's idea.
00:43:05Thank you both.
00:43:07I can't believe we're the only ones here.
00:43:10Do you remember the hike that we just took to get here?
00:43:13Was it really so bad?
00:43:15What's bad is that you told everybody
00:43:18that we were going to find the stone,
00:43:21and now I have to be the one to let them all down.
00:43:25Look, people depend on me here, all right?
00:43:27You can go home after pina coladas,
00:43:29tell everybody you had a good time,
00:43:31but here, this is my home.
00:43:33Don't act like you know me.
00:43:35For your information, if I don't find this stone,
00:43:37all of my friends back home lose their jobs.
00:43:39How's that for a good time?
00:43:41What are you talking about?
00:43:43The museum I work for lost its funding.
00:43:45We have a donor who will support us,
00:43:47but first I have to find this stone.
00:43:50Because he's a wealthy businessman
00:43:52whose wife is an art collector.
00:43:54Apparently she's obsessed with the island,
00:43:56especially the stone.
00:43:57She's read all the myths.
00:43:59So she thinks this probably mythological stone
00:44:02is going to glow in the presence
00:44:04of their probably mythological true love?
00:44:06Yeah, she found this journal,
00:44:08and she thinks that there may be some truth to it.
00:44:10Apparently they're still madly in love
00:44:12and wants to take her to visit
00:44:14for their 25th wedding anniversary to see the stone.
00:44:16That is the worst idea I've ever heard.
00:44:19It's sentimental tripe, that's what it is.
00:44:21I mean, what if we actually do find the stone?
00:44:24It's not going to glow for them,
00:44:26regardless of what you read.
00:44:28You know, rocks don't glow, right?
00:44:31So suddenly they're going to doubt 25 years
00:44:34of what was apparently a really good marriage?
00:44:37It's a grand gesture, and what does it matter?
00:44:40Let them be as sentimental as they want.
00:44:42Isn't that what you want?
00:44:44Tourists here visiting the stone?
00:44:46Tourists, not the drama.
00:44:49Come on, let's go.
00:44:57Will you thank Elodia again for the sandwiches?
00:45:00It was really kind of her.
00:45:02Yeah, she usually cuts off the crust.
00:45:05What is that?
00:45:07Look, I know I haven't been that easy to get along with,
00:45:11but I really do appreciate you helping.
00:45:15Should I open it?
00:45:16Yeah, of course.
00:45:18Really, thank you for helping.
00:45:21Well, in this case, helping you helps me.
00:45:25I know, it's more than that.
00:45:27But anyway, I just wanted to show my gratitude,
00:45:29so yeah, this is for you.
00:45:33You can tell this artwork was done with so much love.
00:45:38For the island.
00:45:41Yeah, somehow I knew you'd appreciate it.
00:45:44Are you sure you want to give it away?
00:45:46This is a family legacy.
00:45:48Well, full disclosure, I have more than one.
00:45:50But you know, you made it the Festival of Love again?
00:45:55I'm happy it found its roots.
00:46:07Please tell me you're getting ready to go on a date
00:46:09with the gorgeous hotelier.
00:46:11He fancies himself a cultural ambassador.
00:46:13So you like him?
00:46:14What? No.
00:46:16He's infuriating.
00:46:18Oh, I sense chemistry.
00:46:21You sense aggravation.
00:46:22Tomato, tomato.
00:46:24Wear that outfit I snuck into your suitcase.
00:46:26Yeah, I saw that, and this is not dress up.
00:46:30It doesn't hurt to show a different side of yourself.
00:46:32It'll be good for you and for Mr. Cultural Ambassador.
00:46:36Doesn't matter, because he's got a fiancé.
00:46:39Trina? That's his business manager.
00:46:41Why would you call her his fiancé?
00:46:43Because he's about to ask her to marry him.
00:46:46About to be engaged means not yet engaged.
00:46:49He's disengaged.
00:46:52No, he's, uh, he's unengaged.
00:46:55Eh, whatever, he's single.
00:46:58You care about him.
00:47:00No, I don't.
00:47:01He's just passionate about this island and the cultural festival.
00:47:04Oh, the island and the festival.
00:47:07Yeah, and he really does seem to know his art.
00:47:10You more than care about him.
00:47:14Listen, just because one man broke your heart...
00:47:18I'm not ready to go there again.
00:47:20Oh, darling, you're already there.
00:47:28Thank you so much for staying at Pierre House.
00:47:30We hope we will see you again.
00:47:32Safe travels to you.
00:47:35Good morning.
00:47:37I'm unreachable.
00:47:38I would like to know when you will be reachable again.
00:47:40Tell him you don't know.
00:47:41I don't know. The question is, do you know?
00:47:44Trina called.
00:47:46Yeah, I called her back. Thank you.
00:47:48And then there's this.
00:47:50Oh, that's my good side.
00:47:53Look, I'll get to this, okay?
00:47:55I'm looking for a stone.
00:47:57Are you sure that's the only thing you're trying to find?
00:47:59What else would I be trying to find?
00:48:01Oh, I don't know. A reason to stay, perhaps?
00:48:04Look, you'll get rid of me soon enough, okay, Elodia? I promise.
00:48:07Oh, good morning, Maddie.
00:48:09Oh, good morning, Mike.
00:48:11Wow, you look nice.
00:48:14Where are you going?
00:48:15I was going to go through the journals one more time.
00:48:17Uh, don't you think you've been thorough enough?
00:48:19Obviously not. Haven't found it.
00:48:22Okay, maybe, but you could use a day of rest, not another day of research.
00:48:26I don't have time.
00:48:28No time? I mean, there's no time not to, right?
00:48:31Mm-mm, keep me out of this.
00:48:33If you're exhausted, okay, a day of rest and relaxation could be good for us.
00:48:36We'll come back with fresh eyes.
00:48:38I'll show you my favorite spot.
00:48:40If you disagree, you can throw cold water over my head.
00:48:43Cold, dirty, gross, disgusting muck water?
00:48:46I mean, is there any other kind? Come on, let's go.
00:48:49We got no time, no waste.
00:48:57My favorite.
00:49:05What do you think?
00:49:15Don't day, soup of tears won't be
00:49:19Hey, you got anything to watch?
00:49:21Love the city streets, crack the clay
00:49:25Wash the sinners away
00:49:32Leave the need without spending it's a sin
00:49:37Come on, come on.
00:49:38There's no fortune, no track I need
00:49:44I'm so excited.
00:49:49Make some oils back to the cages
00:49:53Beat the spirits from the dead
00:49:56Oh, oh, shark, careful.
00:49:58So they say of generations
00:50:01It are, they'll be dead
00:50:05Come here, you little ditty.
00:50:08Hey, you look outnumbered.
00:50:38You never shortage of food with her.
00:50:40It's amazing.
00:50:42She's an excellent cook.
00:50:45Worried about the stuff?
00:50:48So back at it tomorrow?
00:50:50Bright and early.
00:50:51I'm going to have a ton of places to go.
00:50:53Oh, yeah.
00:50:55Thank you again for today.
00:50:57It was...
00:50:58I know.
00:51:03Good night.
00:51:05Good night.
00:51:07Good night.
00:51:14Oh, yeah.
00:51:15Good night.
00:51:17Good night.
00:51:26Oh, yeah.
00:51:27Hey, Mr. Novocare
00:51:30Cousin, cause you know someday
00:51:31This all goes away
00:51:33Hey, sweet mama
00:51:34Don't start crying
00:51:35Cause you know one day
00:51:36It's all gonna change
00:51:37Pretty darling, what's that?
00:51:39How do you know someday
00:51:40You're just gonna grasp?
00:51:42This here finds the best of giving
00:51:44Cause your soul is all you get home to save
00:51:46And I'm feeling sober
00:51:48Cause nothing is gone
00:51:50Travelling in sober
00:51:52Cause I'm everywhere I belong
00:51:54Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
00:52:03Well until you teach me my worth
00:52:05Now I got a lot of it on me
00:52:08Hey big souls and watch your dependent
00:52:10I hate to say it's fading away
00:52:12Listen preach and watch your side
00:52:14There's nothing convincing in it anyway
00:52:16Cause if you truly knew your product
00:52:18You would already be on your way
00:52:21And I'm feeling sober
00:52:23No, seriously, a Goliath grouper, it's about the size of you.
00:52:40At least I'm not the only one wet.
00:52:42There you are, darling.
00:52:43Oh, Trina.
00:52:46Have you seen what I'm wearing?
00:52:49We're a little gross.
00:52:50It's a long story.
00:52:51I'm sure it is.
00:52:52I'd like you to meet Dr. Madison Turner.
00:52:54This is Trina, my business manager.
00:52:56And girlfriend.
00:52:58He always forgets that word.
00:53:00Only because you're a talented and intelligent woman who should not be defined by your relationship
00:53:04to me.
00:53:06He's mentioned you, and it's a bitchy word.
00:53:09That's great to know, but of course he hasn't mentioned you at all, but that's not a snipe
00:53:12against you.
00:53:13It's against Fitz.
00:53:14Because he won't answer my calls and only returns messages when he knows I'm in a meeting.
00:53:21Jenny is an art historian who's been taking a new look at the primary source documents
00:53:26for the lover stuff.
00:53:27Should I know what that is?
00:53:30It's a rock that's been written about a lot in the island's mythology.
00:53:34It's most likely a meteorite.
00:53:35It's been lost for quite some time, but we're determined to find it.
00:53:38Yeah, we're going to find it.
00:53:41Something else you could have told me about if you'd given me a call back.
00:53:45But joking aside, I do have some business that needs your attention.
00:53:49It's been a pleasure meeting you, Dr. Turner.
00:53:52Please, Maddie.
00:53:53And my wife.
00:53:54So nice to meet you.
00:53:56I'm going to go change.
00:53:59Bye now.
00:54:00Do you have a seat?
00:54:02So, I read the article, I got your messages, all of them.
00:54:07Fitz, we need your vote by Friday.
00:54:09You've got to come home.
00:54:12Well, I mean, this is kind of feeling a little more like home now.
00:54:16Really, Fitz?
00:54:18New York is where your home office is.
00:54:20It's where your board of directors meets.
00:54:22It's important.
00:54:23I get it.
00:54:24I know.
00:54:25But, you know, finding the stone could be a game changer for the island.
00:54:27I mean, that's important too, right?
00:54:30All right.
00:54:32If you're staying, I'm staying.
00:54:35You know, we could have done this weeks ago, had you just said so.
00:54:39Yeah, I know.
00:54:40I haven't said much lately.
00:54:42No, you haven't.
00:54:43And there's a lot you could say.
00:54:47That's not what I meant.
00:54:48Come on.
00:54:49Oh, hey.
00:54:50What do you think of that?
00:54:52It's perfect, right?
00:54:53But I thought we talked about having a uniform decor for all of your hotels, like, establish
00:54:58a brand.
00:54:59We did, and then I decided I wanted each hotel to reflect its local culture.
00:55:03That's my brand.
00:55:04So, you're going to personally select the artwork for all of these hotels all over the
00:55:09Now you get it.
00:55:12Isn't that what decorators are for?
00:55:13Ah, decorators.
00:55:14Hey, now that you're here, I can show you around.
00:55:17Are you excited?
00:55:18I would like that.
00:55:20Here, I'll show you to your suite.
00:55:21But we're going to have to talk.
00:55:22We will talk.
00:55:42Wait a second.
00:55:47Oh, my God.
00:56:05Oh, my goodness.
00:56:11Oh, my gosh.
00:56:20Wonderful news.
00:56:21All the festival booths are full.
00:56:23Yeah, it's terrific, right?
00:56:26Also, um, I want to say I'm sorry for all the things I said.
00:56:30I thought that you were coming here to polish your reputation, and it turns out that you're
00:56:34a true son of the island.
00:56:36Hey, Chef.
00:56:41Excuse me here.
00:56:48Please tell me you found something.
00:56:49Oh, I found more than something.
00:56:52Do these look familiar?
00:56:53Uh, those look like, um, pages from the journal you brought here.
00:56:57The journal that's right here, yes.
00:56:59It had missing pages.
00:57:03I don't know how it's possible, but somehow I have your great-great-great-great-great-grandfather's
00:57:10I haven't found all the pages yet, but his name is all over the place.
00:57:13Archibald Rutherford Dalton.
00:57:16So you prefer the museum to all this?
00:57:20Not really.
00:57:22If I had my dream job, I would be traveling and researching.
00:57:27But I have to do this to save my friend's jobs.
00:57:31I can see that for you.
00:57:33And what about you?
00:57:35You left all of this to build your hotel empire?
00:57:41Well, because I've always come back.
00:57:43But I'm going to move the business here now.
00:57:45This is home.
00:57:47Yeah, I didn't realize the importance of this place to me until now, but you helped.
00:57:51You know?
00:57:52All of this and the family history.
00:57:57Um, speaking of family history, I have more.
00:58:02Do you see that?
00:58:03I first thought this was the sun.
00:58:06It's definitely not.
00:58:07It's the moon.
00:58:08And I should have gotten it.
00:58:09Crescent moon.
00:58:10You know what this means, right?
00:58:12The artist was a werewolf.
00:58:15It means that we're looking for a location impacted by tides.
00:58:18This stone could be underwater.
00:58:20Well, there's only one possibility on the west side of the island.
00:58:24Can you snorkel?
00:58:33There's some room under here.
00:58:37Elodia said I could find you here.
00:58:39Room for a third?
00:58:40Yeah, but honey, of course.
00:58:42I thought you were busy today.
00:58:44Well, too busy for a snorkel, yes, but not a day on the boat.
00:58:47All right.
00:58:48This sort of fun doesn't happen every day, darling.
00:58:50Okay, well, shall we then?
00:59:07It's got you so fascinated.
00:59:09I love the play on life.
00:59:11How it lands on the waves.
00:59:13Everything here is so beautiful.
00:59:15The sky, the water.
00:59:17Even the fish.
00:59:19It's just saturated and alive.
00:59:21You see it with an artist's eye.
00:59:23And a historian's bit.
00:59:25For example, that scarf you just saw.
00:59:27It's so beautiful.
00:59:29It's so beautiful.
00:59:31It's so beautiful.
00:59:33It's so beautiful.
00:59:34It's so beautiful.
00:59:35For example, that scarf is gorgeous.
00:59:40It's a...
00:59:42Amelie de Cure's 1956 expiration line.
00:59:45I can't believe you know de Cure.
00:59:48She designed so short a time.
00:59:50This piece was my grandmother's.
00:59:52It's precious.
00:59:53My grandmother taught me.
00:59:55Fitz thinks I don't understand the importance of family,
00:59:59of feeling that connection, that belonging.
01:00:02Clearly it's the reason why he can't make himself leave.
01:00:05But I get it.
01:00:07Maybe he's just now coming into his own thoughts about it.
01:00:10You know, I can hear you guys talking about me.
01:00:13How did you guys meet?
01:00:15Ah, that's a long, boring story.
01:00:20I was his tutor.
01:00:24You're a terrible tutor.
01:00:26Hey, but at least you passed.
01:00:28With flying colors.
01:00:30And from there, you know, it's the same old story.
01:00:33We worked well together.
01:00:34We started seeing each other.
01:00:36And here we are.
01:00:37Here we are.
01:00:39But how about you?
01:00:40Is there anyone that you can't wait to get home to?
01:00:43Maddie has sworn off dating.
01:00:46A bad experience?
01:00:48I guess you could say that.
01:00:52Well, Fitz hates it when I get all sentimental,
01:00:55but I will tell you that
01:00:56love will find you unexpectedly when you least expect it.
01:01:00I think we're going to miss low tide.
01:01:57That was amazing.
01:01:59That was so beautiful.
01:02:01Someone's alive.
01:02:03Did you see that barracuda?
01:02:13It was so beautiful.
01:02:16Oh my gosh.
01:02:17You found it?
01:02:19No, sorry.
01:02:20I'm sorry.
01:02:22I'm sorry.
01:02:24I'm sorry.
01:02:26I'm sorry.
01:02:27I thought for a second, though.
01:02:28I know.
01:02:29We did too.
01:02:31It was so great.
01:02:32It was amazing down there.
01:02:33I saw you swimming off to a little coral reef.
01:02:36Yeah, that was just the beginning.
01:02:37Yeah, I turned into this huge, massive intersection of like corals and plants and little creatures.
01:02:44It was incredible.
01:02:45So you thought you found a stone?
01:02:48Yeah, I mean, we saw this green, I don't know, luminescent light.
01:02:52It was coming up through the coral structure.
01:02:54We just had to figure out how to get to it.
01:02:57Anyways, I'm sure we found it.
01:02:59What was it?
01:03:00It was just algae.
01:03:04It's bioluminescent algae.
01:03:05So, where do you look next?
01:03:09Well, it's low tide now, so I don't...
01:03:11Look, I'm not saying this because I obviously can't deal with anything that's ocean-like,
01:03:15but it's a big ocean and a little island.
01:03:19Your best chance of finding the stone?
01:03:21Why don't you stick to the land?
01:03:34You seem troubled, Maddie.
01:03:37Oh, I...
01:03:39I don't know, I just keep feeling like I'm missing something.
01:03:44I think you're right, I shouldn't have gotten their hopes up.
01:03:50Good night.
01:03:54Good night.
01:03:58I think I need a nightcap.
01:04:02I know just the thing.
01:04:10You know, I've been thinking...
01:04:11So, I wanted to talk...
01:04:13You first.
01:04:17You know how I've always said I wanted to move back to the island, right?
01:04:21Well, maybe that day is now.
01:04:23You've also said you'd like to learn to tango and make the perfect omelet.
01:04:28Maybe that day is now.
01:04:33You'd never move here.
01:04:36What are you really asking, Fitz?
01:04:38Are we having that talk yet?
01:04:40No, I'm just talking about moving the whole business here.
01:04:42If you'd like to work from here, there are ways to make that possible.
01:04:48I'm not sure what I want yet.
01:04:51But you're sure of what you don't want.
01:04:55Which is why I'm accepting the position with the Swedish Hotel.
01:04:59I'm moving.
01:05:01The first of the month.
01:05:03Just like that? I mean, you said you were going to...
01:05:06It's been over a month.
01:05:10You've decided.
01:05:12Whether you realize it yet or not.
01:05:13How do you know what I want?
01:05:16Because it's obvious.
01:05:17I gave you time here hoping that you would start to believe in love.
01:05:21Apparently it worked.
01:05:23You fell in love.
01:05:25Just not with me.
01:05:27That's extreme.
01:05:31Either way.
01:05:33I'm happy with my decision, Fitz.
01:05:36And I want you to be happy too.
01:05:42You are a great person.
01:05:44You are a great person.
01:05:47They're going to be lucky to have you.
01:05:50They absolutely are.
01:05:53You're not bad yourself.
01:05:54Oh, thank you.
01:05:55Don't worry.
01:05:56I'm going to stay long enough to help you get set up, okay?
01:06:00I appreciate that, Trina.
01:06:02I really do.
01:06:05Good night.
01:06:17I was just looking for water or something.
01:06:20I have wine.
01:06:22I don't think that was meant for me.
01:06:24It is now.
01:06:28Only if you're going to drink with me, though.
01:06:30Of course.
01:06:31Now, let's see.
01:06:32Some glasses.
01:06:34Hey, how's your foot?
01:06:36It's doing much better, thankfully.
01:06:39Here you are, my dear.
01:06:41And some wine.
01:06:43It'll be great after a day of that.
01:06:47Let us have a toast.
01:06:49The festival of love.
01:06:51I don't know about that.
01:06:52I think everyone's going to be disappointed.
01:06:54Oh, lay down that burden.
01:06:57There's only so much one person can do.
01:07:01I don't know.
01:07:03This trip.
01:07:05This place.
01:07:06It's making me question so much.
01:07:08Do you think that love is just for fools?
01:07:12I don't think love discriminates at all.
01:07:15It's for the foolish and wise alike.
01:07:18I think that love can be one of the most powerful forces, but...
01:07:22Maybe there's an enemy of love hiding in its shadow.
01:07:27An enemy of love?
01:07:39How did you become so wise, Elodia?
01:07:43I have lived and I have loved.
01:07:48Well, cheers to that one.
01:07:52I'm going to take this back to my room.
01:07:54Thank you so much.
01:07:55You're welcome.
01:07:57Have a good night.
01:07:58Have a good night.
01:08:02Should I pour another glass?
01:08:06I think I've had my fill, but I'll sit with you.
01:08:11How much did you overhear?
01:08:13Love is for the foolish and the wise.
01:08:17I said that for you.
01:08:19Oh, me?
01:08:24What's really bothering you?
01:08:27So many things I thought I had figured out suddenly seem wrong.
01:08:32Well, keep questioning.
01:08:36You'll figure it out.
01:08:38And now, I'm going to bed.
01:08:42Have a good night.
01:08:44Good night.
01:09:02Elodia says you missed lunch.
01:09:05Yeah, I missed something, all right.
01:09:07But now I know exactly what I missed and I just need to find it.
01:09:10I am not following you.
01:09:13But the festival is tomorrow.
01:09:15We still have time.
01:09:16We can find this.
01:09:19Hey, I just want to say, whatever happens, I'm glad that true love brought you here.
01:09:25What are you talking about?
01:09:26The donor that sent you here to find the stone as a gift for his wife.
01:09:31It was a grand gesture.
01:09:33You're right, it's romantic.
01:09:37And I reread your book and, man, you really have a storyteller's flair.
01:09:41You can tell that you wrote it from a place of love.
01:09:44For the island.
01:09:46So now you believe in true love.
01:09:48Trina should be really thrilled to hear that.
01:09:52Yeah, Trina left this morning.
01:09:54We broke up.
01:09:57My, what a fine mess.
01:10:01Okay, so you've been through all these journals.
01:10:03You're not missing anything.
01:10:05I am, though.
01:10:07This book, it mentions a hurricane so bad that it can cause landslides.
01:10:11It created Harrington's Islet, the bunch of rocks that you took me to.
01:10:14And that helps?
01:10:16Yes. I know that sounds bad, but hurricanes, they don't happen that often, right?
01:10:20No, most hurricanes blow through quick.
01:10:22So I think that maybe this reshaped the island and buried the lover's stone.
01:10:26Or blew it out to sea.
01:10:28No, divers would have found it by now.
01:10:30It's definitely buried.
01:10:32But we don't know where.
01:10:34Yes, we do.
01:10:36I found it.
01:10:38What do you mean, you found it?
01:10:40I can't believe this.
01:10:42Okay, so the drawings, they didn't make sense.
01:10:44They were talking about where they would go to see the stone,
01:10:46but none of the geography matched up.
01:10:48But now...
01:10:49This one mentions watching the sunset from Crescent Beach.
01:10:52This one, it also mentions watching the sunset from Crescent Beach.
01:10:56And the erosion from the hurricane exposed the rocks by the shoreline.
01:11:00And if you follow that potential path of the landslide,
01:11:03it brings you right to Eliana's point.
01:11:05To Eliana's point.
01:11:09All right, we gotta hurry.
01:11:11We're gonna need help.
01:11:13But what about your dinner?
01:11:15Oh, just take it with us. Thank you, Elodia. We love you. Thank you.
01:11:26There you go.
01:11:29Oh, it's already getting late.
01:11:31We got lights, generator.
01:11:33We're covered.
01:11:50That's a whole lot of rock.
01:11:53That's more than I remember.
01:11:56Let's move it.
01:12:07Start here.
01:12:10Backhoe's on its way!
01:12:15They all laughed at me when I wanted to keep it.
01:12:17After we built Highway 1.
01:12:19Said we'd never use it again.
01:12:21Hey, look who's laughing now.
01:12:23All right, looks like we're finding that stone today.
01:12:25Hey, no use wasting time waiting.
01:12:27All right, all right.
01:12:29Be careful, we don't know how deep the stone's buried.
01:12:31Or exactly where it's at.
01:12:33So, easy.
01:12:38Careful, Elodia.
01:12:42Can you help with that?
01:12:44I'm good.
01:12:45I got this.
01:12:47I'm here for moral support, okay?
01:12:49Take a seat on the rug.
01:12:51I'm the cougar, I got lots of stuff.
01:12:53Let me go over here.
01:12:57Here, sit down.
01:12:59Sit on the rug.
01:13:01Moral support, I got this.
01:13:04Teamwork, teamwork!
01:13:06Yeah, Mary Simmons!
01:13:08Where's that backhoe been waiting on?
01:13:11What do you mean, no gas?
01:13:13I need to be sure.
01:13:15How long?
01:13:17Okay, get at it.
01:13:19I'm gonna go, see you in a bit.
01:13:21I'm gonna go check that backhoe thing out.
01:13:23I'm going with him.
01:13:25Come on, Elodia.
01:13:27No, we have to help them.
01:13:29Let's go, come on!
01:13:31Let's go!
01:13:32You guys, good luck, all right?
01:13:34I'm gonna take her with me.
01:13:38All right.
01:13:40We can't be right anyway.
01:13:42We would have found something.
01:13:46Where else is there to look?
01:13:48Maybe one other spot.
01:13:50Call me crazy.
01:13:52I know.
01:13:54You lead the way.
01:13:56You might need this.
01:14:07Isn't it amazing how fast things can change?
01:14:11Like what?
01:14:13I just never thought, you know, we'd be here
01:14:16digging up buried treasure.
01:14:18Like a pirate?
01:14:20Or a matey.
01:14:22You've been hiding that all along.
01:14:25That's about all I've got anyway.
01:14:27So, once we find this thing,
01:14:30you got to hurry back?
01:14:33I have to hurry back whether we find it or not.
01:14:36We're going to find it.
01:14:38We're gonna find it.
01:14:42Keep digging.
01:14:49So, like I was saying about how a lot's changed, you know,
01:14:52I just...
01:14:55I've come to realize that
01:14:59you mean a lot to me.
01:15:04More than that.
01:15:26Dig. Keep digging.
01:15:28This is...
01:15:30This is amazing!
01:15:35Have you ever seen anything like this?
01:15:38I thought it was beautiful before.
01:15:43So, listen, like,
01:15:45I just wanted...
01:15:46We should go tell the others.
01:15:48Okay, yeah, let's tell the others.
01:15:50Come on, we got to tell everybody.
01:15:52Come on!
01:15:56Oh, my gosh!
01:15:57Come on!
01:16:02I don't know if you noticed this,
01:16:03but I thought it was going to be reflective,
01:16:05but did you see it, Chloe?
01:16:06You know what that means.
01:16:07It means we're in love.
01:16:08Come by, right?
01:16:09You're going to bring them back to me.
01:16:10I'll feel smart.
01:16:11Small fart.
01:16:15Wait, hold on a second.
01:16:17Well, it's so beautiful, you won't believe it.
01:16:22You're welcome.
01:16:24Oh, thank you so much.
01:16:25You're so sweet.
01:16:27Thank you, thank you.
01:16:29Oh, thank you.
01:16:31Oh, sparkling wine made from island grapes.
01:16:33It's better than champagne.
01:16:35That's right.
01:16:36I have the people standing by waiting to see the stone.
01:16:38We got to keep it safe and fun.
01:16:41To Maddie and Fitz and the love festival.
01:16:47Thank you so much.
01:16:49Do you mind if I step outside with you just for a second?
01:16:51Yeah, sure.
01:16:53Just for a second.
01:16:55It is right under our feet, and this discovery will go down in history.
01:16:59It's the most incredible.
01:17:01Excuse me just for one second.
01:17:03I'll tell you all about it.
01:17:04All right.
01:17:07What are you guys doing here?
01:17:09We came to check on how things were going, and to our surprise, we got an invitation to this celebration.
01:17:16This stone is amazing.
01:17:18It's full of green crystals.
01:17:19You and your wife are going to love it.
01:17:21It's going to be a special moment.
01:17:22Is she here?
01:17:23No, she's at home, but she'll see the stone soon enough.
01:17:27The green will look fabulous in our library.
01:17:31What do you mean?
01:17:33The stone belongs here, Catherine.
01:17:35Tell him.
01:17:39I've already arranged with the mayor and the city council who approved the deal, pending a generous compensation package.
01:17:48You can't do this.
01:17:50You can't just buy something that's priceless.
01:17:53Actually, you can.
01:17:56Oh, perhaps dahlia, maybe some wedding dresses or wedding-inspired outfits.
01:18:02I didn't know.
01:18:03I didn't know.
01:18:04I swear I didn't know.
01:18:06I don't know if this was his plan all along.
01:18:08I don't know if he thought it up on the plane ride over here.
01:18:10I don't know.
01:18:12I sold the stone.
01:18:14Mayor, what do you mean?
01:18:16What do you mean you sold it?
01:18:17A new guest offered to cover the cost of comprehensive infrastructure improvements,
01:18:21and with your help on the highway renovations, I realized that we need a whole lot more to fix.
01:18:26We virtually had a whole council present.
01:18:28Mayor, if you needed money, you could have come to me.
01:18:30We have to fix this.
01:18:31I tried to talk him out of it.
01:18:32I did.
01:18:33No, I know it's not right.
01:18:34I know it's not, but the council, of course...
01:18:36What about his wife?
01:18:38What? Margot?
01:18:40He loves her.
01:18:41She's a patron of the arts.
01:18:43Do you have her number?
01:18:44I'm sure I do.
01:18:45Hold on.
01:18:53Is this Margot Dalton Weber?
01:18:55It's Catherine.
01:18:56Harvey from the museum.
01:18:57Yes, how are you?
01:18:58Hold on, what?
01:19:00Hi, Mrs. Weber.
01:19:01This is Dr. Turner.
01:19:02Do you have a grandfather named William Dalton?
01:19:06It's your great-uncle.
01:19:09Mrs. Weber, do I have a story for you?
01:19:12Look, I don't...
01:19:14All right, that stone, the cultural heritage, everything about it, the myth, it belongs on this island.
01:19:18Oh, boy.
01:19:20Perhaps we acted a little too rash then, huh?
01:19:22Did you sign papers?
01:19:23Yeah, yeah, right after the council vote.
01:19:25Who's the buyer?
01:19:26Oh, Maddie's museum donor.
01:19:28Maddie had something to do with this?
01:19:30You have to ask her.
01:19:31Oh, boy.
01:19:35Yes, dear, I will wait for you.
01:19:39No, dear, never, never again without talking to you.
01:19:44Yes, I love you, sweetie.
01:19:52I can't believe what just happened.
01:19:55You are a vicious negotiator.
01:19:59Want to come work for me?
01:20:01No, thank you.
01:20:03I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, but I do look forward to reading your report.
01:20:07My wife is thrilled to connect with a whole new branch of her family.
01:20:12All things considered, I'm pleased with how this all worked out.
01:20:22I can't believe I trusted you.
01:20:23You lied to me.
01:20:24You lied to all of us.
01:20:26How could you do this?
01:20:27Of all people.
01:20:29You know how this feels.
01:20:31You did it anyway.
01:20:32No, Fitz, no.
01:20:33You don't understand.
01:20:44Oh, there you are.
01:20:46Hey, you need some help?
01:20:47Yes, please.
01:20:48If you could hang those lights right, right there.
01:20:51All right.
01:20:53I know you need some help.
01:20:55Just any old way?
01:20:56Maybe from that side.
01:20:58All right, it's not clipping me.
01:21:00You make it look so easy, I can't.
01:21:04How do you do that?
01:21:07Do you want to talk about it?
01:21:11Okay, that's it.
01:21:13Come on, what's going on?
01:21:17She's just not who she says she is, Elodia.
01:21:20How could she do this?
01:21:21She knows that stone.
01:21:22How could she do this?
01:21:23She knows that stone belongs here.
01:21:24Maybe you should find out her side of the story.
01:21:26I know her side of the story.
01:21:27She's trying to save her museum.
01:21:29But she betrayed us.
01:21:31This entire island.
01:21:33I'm sorry, I don't usually get like this.
01:21:36You wouldn't be this upset unless you had feelings for her.
01:21:41You're in love.
01:21:43All I have ever wanted is for you to be happy.
01:21:46But you won't be until you give Maddie a chance.
01:21:50And give yourself a chance too.
01:21:53Go! Find her! Talk to her! Vamos!
01:21:59You're right, okay.
01:22:15How's your knee?
01:22:16Good, isn't it?
01:22:17Oh, good.
01:22:18Okay, I just got off the phone with Bryant,
01:22:19and he and his wife have approved the final details.
01:22:21That's wonderful.
01:22:22For the museum, everything.
01:22:23But I really think...
01:22:24Which means you have a job waiting for you.
01:22:27Unless, of course,
01:22:28you found more on this island than the lover's stone.
01:22:32I'm contemplating staying.
01:22:33But I need to find Fitz first.
01:22:35Not yet! It's starting!
01:22:37Ladies and gentlemen,
01:22:38if I could have your attention please just for a minute.
01:22:40I would like to welcome you
01:22:43to the Festival of Love!
01:22:48Isn't this a great festival?
01:22:50Yes, and it wouldn't happen
01:22:52without a lot of hard-working volunteers,
01:22:55including the Festival Planning Committee.
01:22:57Can you guys raise your hands, please?
01:22:59Some of you.
01:23:00Festival Planning Committee right here.
01:23:02And this year, we have one more committee member.
01:23:06Raise your hand, Maddie.
01:23:09This young lady has been on our island less than a week,
01:23:13and she's already island-tested and approved,
01:23:15and I think tonight would be a great night
01:23:17to make Maddie an honorary citizen of Cornwall.
01:23:22So what do you say?
01:23:24What do you say?
01:23:25Big welcome!
01:23:26Big, big welcome!
01:23:27Okay, now before we get things underway,
01:23:29I have one announcement to make.
01:23:31Very important announcement.
01:23:33Very, very special announcement.
01:23:35So, you know, we changed the name
01:23:36to the Festival of Love,
01:23:38and there's a very good reason why.
01:23:41It's because we have discovered
01:23:45the Lover's Stone!
01:23:53Now, in conjunction with Catherine Harvey
01:23:56from the Harvey Land University,
01:23:58could you come up and say a few words?
01:24:00Yeah, sure, of course.
01:24:02Catherine Harvey, ladies and gentlemen.
01:24:05Well, thank you, Mayor Simpson.
01:24:07Ladies and gentlemen,
01:24:09not only has the Lover's Stone been founded,
01:24:12not only has the Lover's Stone been found,
01:24:14but very, very soon it will be placed on display
01:24:17for all of you to see and study
01:24:18right here on the island of Cordesil.
01:24:21Thank you, thank you.
01:24:23I have arranged for a museum to be built
01:24:26to house not only the Lover's Stone,
01:24:28but also all of the many treasures
01:24:30that are found on this beautiful island.
01:24:34Isn't that fantastic news?
01:24:36Isn't that fantastic news?
01:24:38Keep your hands together for her generosity,
01:24:41please, ladies and gentlemen.
01:24:42Would you just take all the credit?
01:24:44Okay, you get the stone.
01:24:45It's only fair that I should get something, too, Matty.
01:24:48Oh, you're so dramatic.
01:24:50It's not open mic night.
01:24:52Matty, stop, wait, please.
01:24:55I messed up.
01:24:57I jumped to conclusions, and I'm sorry.
01:25:01Look, until yesterday,
01:25:03I thought that the Lover's Stone was a myth.
01:25:08And it's real.
01:25:12Ladies and gentlemen, Matty is the reason
01:25:15we found the Lover's Stone.
01:25:16It was buried by a landslide many years ago,
01:25:20and Matty, when you came to this island,
01:25:23you were a landslide in my life.
01:25:27Yeah, I thought I knew where my thoughts were,
01:25:30and then they moved, they shifted, they were here.
01:25:33Are you comparing me to mud?
01:25:35No, I'm not, of course not.
01:25:38What I'm trying to say is that I...
01:25:43I love you.
01:25:46I love you.
01:25:47You don't believe in true love, Fitz.
01:25:49I didn't.
01:25:51You said that true love brings out the best in people,
01:25:54and you were right, I was wrong.
01:25:57Okay, I don't know what it's gonna take
01:26:00to get you to stay on this island.
01:26:03One thing.
01:26:06True love.
01:26:15Isn't this the best?
01:26:19Oh, that's so...
01:26:21Oh, he's glowing!
01:26:23Oh, yes!
01:26:34Oh, but ladies and gentlemen,
01:26:36isn't this the best festival of love ever?
01:26:39Isn't it?
01:26:40Now, if anybody else doesn't want to interrupt me,
01:26:43then I can continue.
01:26:45So the lovers don't...
01:26:51Ah, thank you so much.
01:26:53All right, Mr. River, will you cut the ribbon and tie it for us?
01:26:57Thank you, Mayor, but I believe that honor belongs to Matty.
01:27:00Oh, thanks.
01:27:02Have at it.
01:27:03No, you're coming with.
01:27:05Step right up.
01:27:07All right, are you guys ready?
01:27:09Yes, we're ready.
01:27:111, 2, 3!
01:27:17All right, everybody, follow me.
01:27:22So, what's next?
01:27:25I don't know.
01:27:26I think I'm gonna write a book
01:27:28on all the versions of the lovers' stone myths.
01:27:31Well, maybe we can add our love to the story.
01:27:35What do you say we go make it shine, huh?
01:27:37Let's do it.
