A Florida Couple Deals With An Unexpected Pregnancy While Holding Minimum Wage Jobs HD ( Drama )

  • 3 months ago
A Florida Couple Deals With An Unexpected Pregnancy While Holding Minimum Wage Jobs HD ( Drama )
00:00:13Mmm, what are you doing, babe?
00:00:15Going to work.
00:00:18It's raining.
00:00:19No, I'll drive you.
00:00:22I gotta cash my check.
00:00:24Well, hurry up.
00:00:27I'm gonna be late.
00:00:30No, good morning to you, too.
00:00:34Look at you.
00:00:37You look great.
00:00:38I love that color on you.
00:00:42Let's go.
00:00:43All right, hold your horses.
00:01:02So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
00:01:04Where's that list?
00:01:05Watch out, that person.
00:01:06Ah, I had a list with me.
00:01:08It's good to make lists of stuff.
00:01:10It's good.
00:01:11I always make a list.
00:01:12That's what I keep telling you.
00:01:13So I don't forget.
00:01:14Anyway, all right, so I'm gonna cash my check,
00:01:17and, uh, then we'll do a little shopping,
00:01:19get some food, get some beer,
00:01:22and, uh, I gotta fix that ham radio for the lady.
00:01:26That's gonna probably bring a couple bucks.
00:01:29If I can figure out the whole, you know, shit.
00:01:37We're low on gas.
00:01:39Real low.
00:01:44Say a prayer.
00:01:54For real?
00:02:04Sorry, babe.
00:02:05Goddamn it.
00:02:11Wish me luck.
00:02:13All right, I'll see you.
00:02:14What are you gonna do?
00:02:16I'm just gonna wait it out.
00:02:17You sure?
00:02:20Yeah, don't worry about me.
00:02:21Go ahead.
00:02:22Go ahead.
00:02:23It's okay.
00:02:30I'll see you later.
00:02:36Oh, come on, Rich.
00:02:37It's not your fault.
00:02:39I'm the one who drove it last.
00:02:47Okay, here I go.
00:03:40Sorry I'm late.
00:03:45I personally don't give a shit, but everyone's pissed off.
00:03:49Ay, mamita.
00:03:51Your hair's a mess.
00:03:53Why don't you go fix it before I leave, huh?
00:03:55I will.
00:04:00¿Tú quieres coquito?
00:04:07¿Tú quieres coquito?
00:04:13Christmas is coming.
00:04:15Yeah, in two months.
00:04:17Is your calendar break?
00:04:19Oh, I forgot.
00:04:20You don't know how to read.
00:04:22Ha, ha, ha.
00:04:23You want some or not, smartass?
00:04:26Claro que sí.
00:04:28Claro que sí.
00:04:30You sound like a Mexican.
00:04:32No, that's some straight-up Puerto Rican coquito, oíste?
00:04:35Not some Mexican bullshit.
00:04:38Oh, good morning.
00:04:40Look who decided to join us.
00:04:41Oh, shit.
00:04:44You better call management to complain.
00:04:47Oh, wait, he is management.
00:04:49Ha, ha, ha.
00:04:51Just watch your mouth, winter.
00:04:53Could have you fired for being late again.
00:04:56You know, I give you the best shift of the day
00:04:59and you still can't be on time.
00:05:01Why is that?
00:05:02I'm sorry.
00:05:03I'm really sorry.
00:05:04Won't happen again.
00:05:07Well, you're working double here.
00:05:09I know.
00:05:10I know.
00:05:11What else you know?
00:05:13You know you're not supposed to be smoking that cigarette
00:05:14behind the counter, so put it out.
00:05:17Yes, sir.
00:05:20And you other one, you fixing to pay for them?
00:05:23Honey, trust me.
00:05:25If I want to steal something from you,
00:05:26it wouldn't be no little shit like this.
00:05:28How many cans you took?
00:05:31All right.
00:05:36Pants are wet.
00:05:38It's not because of me, is it?
00:05:44Ha, ha, ha.
00:06:54Anything that says Swabian Farms,
00:06:56pull it on and chuck it.
00:07:01So that college program,
00:07:03does the company pay for it before or after you sign up?
00:07:06Well, first off, you got to be working here
00:07:08a full 12 months to qualify.
00:07:10Told you that before.
00:07:12Secondly, you don't sign up.
00:07:14You apply.
00:07:15Just tell me.
00:07:17You'll pay before or after you sign up?
00:07:19I don't know.
00:07:20Maybe you should call the lady in charge and ask her.
00:07:22Better yet, maybe you could look it up online.
00:07:25What's her name?
00:07:38Where do you want it?
00:07:40You're not done, are you?
00:07:42You didn't get that peanut butter over there.
00:07:44It says Swabian Farms on it, don't it?
00:07:46Didn't I say anything said Swabian Farms on it?
00:07:55You throwing all of it away?
00:07:57Sure am.
00:08:00Can I take some home?
00:08:11Look at that.
00:08:13Look at that.
00:08:16I ain't no way to live right there.
00:08:21Hey, Dad,
00:08:22do you think when we get home we can go shooting?
00:08:25Go shooting with your Uncle Jack?
00:08:27I got some business to take care of first.
00:08:33I hate that fucking gimbal.
00:08:37Fucking gimbal.
00:08:41Damn straight.
00:08:53Come on.
00:09:05Not such a good day for rolling around, is it?
00:09:09Tell me about it.
00:09:11I ran out of gas.
00:09:13Driving Melissa to work this morning.
00:09:16Sorry to hear it.
00:09:18No, man.
00:09:19I'm sorry.
00:09:20I'm sorry for her.
00:09:22She's tough.
00:09:24You got that right.
00:09:26She don't even care.
00:09:28I'm the one who feels like a piece of shit about it.
00:09:30You want to eat something?
00:09:34And I got my check, too.
00:09:37You cash that for me?
00:09:42Burger and grits?
00:09:44And give me a beer with that, too.
00:09:46I ain't staying.
00:09:49$1.50, please.
00:09:50Thank you.
00:09:52Have a nice day.
00:10:00Looks like your boyfriend this morning.
00:10:02Rolling down the highway.
00:10:05Looking like a bum.
00:10:11I'm calling the cops.
00:10:12I'm legal.
00:10:13Ain't nothing they can do.
00:10:16So, I've been seeing Crystal lately.
00:10:20She's hot.
00:10:22Makes me dinner every night.
00:10:24Sucks my dick real good.
00:10:26Can I help you, sir?
00:10:27You're going out with a gimp.
00:10:29Guess you fucked up.
00:10:32I got a weapon down here.
00:10:33Yeah? What do you got?
00:10:34You got an AK?
00:10:39It's $3.62.
00:10:42Have a nice day.
00:10:47I miss you.
00:10:52Just the water?
00:10:59What are they building over there, Meg?
00:11:01Probably another fucking strip mall.
00:11:04Yeah, right?
00:11:06Just what we need.
00:11:10You miss working construction?
00:11:12Hell no.
00:11:13But you can make a good living at it.
00:11:16I did pretty good at it.
00:11:17I made some good money.
00:11:21What happened to that?
00:11:23Man, that money's history.
00:11:25What happened to it?
00:11:26Shit, man.
00:11:27Life happened to that.
00:11:29I gambled it.
00:11:30You know.
00:11:32I had this other girl back then.
00:11:33This girl, Tammy.
00:11:38This chick was a piece of work.
00:11:41She was a borderline personality disorder.
00:11:44You ever met one of them?
00:11:45You're crazy, man.
00:11:46No, man.
00:11:48She was crazy.
00:11:50She was batshit crazy.
00:11:55How's coffee?
00:11:57Thank you.
00:11:58I ain't yours.
00:12:00I know what difference it makes.
00:12:02Hey, Jerry. How you doing?
00:12:03Great, thank you.
00:12:04Can I get some Oaks?
00:12:06How you doing, Mel?
00:12:07I'm all right.
00:12:10Where's your ass?
00:12:12Is it still fat?
00:12:13Shut up, Jasmine.
00:12:14Watch it die.
00:12:15Don't worry, Jimmy. I got it.
00:12:19I'll be outside if you need me.
00:12:21Keep the change.
00:12:22Thanks, Jimmy.
00:12:24Bye, Jimmy.
00:12:28If you don't leave,
00:12:29and leave now,
00:12:31I will knock you on the head
00:12:32and tell God you died.
00:12:35Can I get the bathroom key?
00:12:38How can I help you, sir?
00:12:40City maps.
00:12:41I got it.
00:12:44Right there.
00:12:45Is it?
00:12:54Is this all you have?
00:12:55That's it.
00:12:57That's not to do.
00:13:02How much?
00:13:12That's $4.95 with the water.
00:13:22Come on, guys. Let's go.
00:13:24Y'all have a nice trip.
00:13:30Sunlight Junior.
00:13:34Good Lord, Justin.
00:13:35Give me a break.
00:13:39Better let me out of here.
00:13:41Before I fucking report your ass.
00:13:45Missy, come on, babe.
00:13:47I'll call Edwin.
00:13:48He'll let you out.
00:13:50Come on!
00:13:52I told you, don't mess.
00:13:55You real tough now, huh?
00:13:58Take this shit back, too.
00:14:00Oh, man.
00:14:04Fuck, Missy.
00:14:06Come on.
00:14:07If you don't let me out of here,
00:14:08I'm gonna press charge.
00:14:28Hey, Richie.
00:14:31You coming?
00:14:33Hold on.
00:14:35Come on, Richie.
00:14:36Jesus, give me a break, would you?
00:14:37Hold on!
00:14:42Water ready.
00:14:43You coming?
00:14:46Who's the jerk-off who parked in front of my space?
00:14:49I mean, it's got a big-ass wheelchair in it.
00:14:51Anybody could see that.
00:14:55I'm gonna find that guy, man.
00:15:00Hey, Doc.
00:15:04Yes, Mother.
00:15:08You missed me?
00:15:10Of course I missed you, baby.
00:15:11Do you have a light?
00:15:12Give me a light.
00:15:14I heard you got a new man in your life.
00:15:17Do I hear wedding bells?
00:15:19Always getting married, man.
00:15:22You know this.
00:15:24All right, you freaking losers.
00:15:27It's about time we started having a little fun around here.
00:15:29Richie, we are having fun.
00:15:30Who's got a pillowcase?
00:15:33You got a pillowcase, Jorge?
00:15:34You have some in your room.
00:15:36Yeah, we got a pillowcase.
00:15:37I'll be right back.
00:15:38And step on it, Darth.
00:15:41What are we gonna do with the pillowcase?
00:15:42We're gonna have a little race.
00:15:43A race?
00:15:45And the winner
00:15:48gets to finish this here bottle.
00:15:53Come on, you people.
00:15:54Up to the starting line.
00:15:57Come on.
00:15:58Come on.
00:15:59Come on.
00:16:00Come on.
00:16:01Come on.
00:16:02Come on.
00:16:05Molly, are you gonna participate in this one?
00:16:07No, I'm sending out.
00:16:10Let's go.
00:16:11All right.
00:16:12All right.
00:16:13All right.
00:16:14Come on.
00:16:15Get ready.
00:16:16On your mark.
00:16:19Get set.
00:16:22Oh, my God.
00:16:24Get back.
00:16:25You gotta wait until I say go, man.
00:16:28All right, then say it.
00:16:29All right.
00:16:34Come on, Darth.
00:16:37Christy takes the lead by...
00:16:41Come on, Jorge.
00:16:56Here we go.
00:17:00Where do I win, huh?
00:17:01Not me, baby. I'm taking it.
00:17:27Hey, buddy.
00:17:32Did you get wet?
00:17:37I sure as shit did.
00:18:01Come on.
00:18:43I made you Richie's special Spanish mac and cheese.
00:18:47I hope you like it.
00:18:49You're sweet.
00:18:51Sorry about this morning.
00:18:53You can do nothing.
00:19:01Yeah, but still.
00:19:09You know, I really missed you today.
00:19:11Me too.
00:19:15Like the flowers.
00:19:18So how'd it go?
00:19:22How about you? Come home all right?
00:19:28Where's the car at?
00:19:30Some jerk-off parked in my space.
00:19:33I had to move it down to Molly's room.
00:19:35Can you believe that?
00:19:36I didn't know if you'd left it on the road or what.
00:19:38No, come on. I take care of my business.
00:19:46I tried talking to Edwin about that college program again,
00:19:49but he just keeps on blowing me off.
00:19:55So what are you going to do?
00:19:57I don't know.
00:19:59Call a number, I guess.
00:20:02I just hate to make phone calls like that.
00:20:05Never know what to say.
00:20:07Just be yourself.
00:20:19I love this song.
00:20:49I love this song.
00:21:19I love this song.
00:21:49I love this song.
00:22:19Sorry, babe. I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:22:48Slept through my alarm again.
00:23:00You hung over, Marita? You all right?
00:23:03Just mad tired.
00:23:08And mad hungry, too.
00:23:11Tired and hungry, huh?
00:23:17I feel sick.
00:23:21Must be coming down with something.
00:23:23Oh, my goodness.
00:23:25You really are a dumb blanquita, aren't you?
00:23:27Fuck you.
00:23:28Tired, hungry, and now very grumpy.
00:23:31Huh. Let me see.
00:23:42Thank you.
00:23:43Good lord.
00:24:11I'll take three of those, too.
00:24:14Sure thing.
00:24:17Here you go.
00:24:38It's $9.72.
00:24:47I'm sorry, ma'am, but you're going to have to hurry on up.
00:25:17Oh, good morning, ladies.
00:25:46Looking mighty fine today.
00:25:52Honey buns, why don't you and me step in the office?
00:26:16Are you messing with me?
00:26:21I can smell your pussy through the window.
00:26:23Fuck you.
00:26:35Tell your daddy to behave.
00:26:38I don't know what you're talking about.
00:26:42Tell your daddy to behave.
00:26:44He's acting up, and I'm about...
00:26:45He don't listen.
00:26:52Bye, missy.
00:26:57Bye, car.
00:27:07How'd it go today?
00:27:09It's okay.
00:27:20Justin's stalking me again.
00:27:24What do you mean?
00:27:26He keeps coming in the store.
00:27:31I don't know why.
00:27:33I'm going to kill him, Melissa.
00:27:35This time, I'm going to freaking kill him.
00:27:37Don't be stupid.
00:27:39Mom's probably egging him on, knowing her.
00:27:43Your mother is an alcoholic bitch.
00:27:45Look who's talking.
00:27:50You still love him.
00:27:52That's why he's stalking you, because he's in love with you.
00:27:54And he wouldn't be in love with you if you weren't in love with him, too.
00:28:04I said it.
00:28:08Because I know it to be a fact.
00:28:16I hate that guy.
00:28:18When I hear his name, it gets me nuts.
00:28:21I swear to God, that guy...
00:28:37Check these out.
00:29:02This is perfect for you.
00:29:04Maybe you'll learn something.
00:29:07I reckon you better clean up your act if you're going to be a daddy.
00:29:12It's brand new. Still got the tags on it.
00:29:15What are you talking about?
00:29:16Well, it's too soon to know if it's a boy or a girl, but...
00:29:19I think it's so cute, we should buy it, just in case.
00:29:23I'm pregnant.
00:29:32Come here.
00:29:38Big Papa.
00:29:40Big Papa in the house!
00:29:43You know it!
00:29:46You like it?
00:29:47I mean, it's not... I wouldn't have my son wearing that.
00:29:56I have to check and see if they got a daycare at that college.
00:30:00No way, Melissa.
00:30:02I'm taking care of the little guy.
00:30:05I'm going to make an awesome daddy.
00:30:07You will indeed.
00:30:11You know, I got some powerful sperm.
00:30:18Sure do.
00:30:19I thought you couldn't make no babies for me.
00:30:24I want a little girl.
00:30:26I want to dress up a little girl so bad.
00:30:35Listen, I want to ask you something,
00:30:37and I want you to tell me the truth.
00:30:41Did you ever get pregnant with Justin?
00:30:45We already talked about that.
00:30:51Yeah, okay.
00:30:52Okay, but, uh...
00:30:55Did you want to have a baby with him?
00:30:59I'm not going to get mad.
00:31:01I'm not going to get mad.
00:31:04He had Kyle.
00:31:06That was enough.
00:31:07I'm not talking about that dickhead's kid.
00:31:10Look, Kyle, he don't have nothing to do with Justin.
00:31:13Yeah, and we don't have nothing to do with you or us either.
00:31:22That's true.
00:31:28All right.
00:31:30So, uh...
00:31:33Let's get married, huh?
00:31:43Are you...
00:31:46Are you asking me?
00:32:04Would you marry me?
00:32:11All right.
00:32:12What took you so long to answer the question?
00:32:18Okay, come on, we're in a restaurant.
00:32:20I'll cut it out.
00:32:25Stop it.
00:32:26Can you wait till we get back home?
00:32:31I love you.
00:32:33I love you, too.
00:32:34I mean, I really love you.
00:32:57Come here.
00:33:00Come here.
00:33:09So, you think I can make an honest woman out of you?
00:33:14I've been a bad girl.
00:33:16You really have been.
00:33:17Oh, yeah?
00:33:18You're gonna be an even worse girl in about two minutes.
00:33:23Wait a minute.
00:33:25Hey, Mr. Roman.
00:33:26Come here, please.
00:33:38Come on, wait.
00:33:41Come get me.
00:33:44Come on.
00:33:58No, it's okay.
00:33:59It's not for you.
00:34:00It's for the baby.
00:34:07I don't know if you say it like that.
00:34:19$5.53 is your change.
00:34:21You sure you don't want a bag?
00:34:22Thanks, have a good one.
00:34:23All right, well, thanks for shopping at Sunlight Junior.
00:34:27Hey, Helen, how are you?
00:34:31This here is Helen McCormick.
00:34:39You the lady from the college program?
00:34:41Nice to meet you.
00:34:43No, she's gonna give you a drug test.
00:34:48Didn't I do one of them already?
00:34:50What, you worried?
00:34:53Hell no.
00:34:54I don't do no drugs.
00:34:58Come on, let's do this.
00:35:02Hey, little man, what can I do for you?
00:35:05Oh, huh?
00:36:13Hi, Richard.
00:36:21What a pleasant surprise.
00:36:24And how in the world is my beautiful daughter?
00:36:26She's good, she's real good.
00:36:29Eh, too good to come and see her mama?
00:36:31No, I mean, she's working all the time.
00:36:33You know how that is.
00:36:34Oh, yeah, it's Sunset Junior.
00:36:35Yeah, sunlight.
00:36:43Put your cup in here, please.
00:36:52Can you straighten up in here?
00:37:00This place is kind of disgusting.
00:37:03Yes, ma'am.
00:37:06No, not in there.
00:37:09How did you know?
00:37:11The family services wrote me up for not having enough food in my cupboard.
00:37:17I'm sorry to hear that.
00:37:19Oh, don't be.
00:37:21It's not their fault.
00:37:22They think they're doing their job.
00:37:24It's not their fault.
00:37:25It's not their fault.
00:37:26It's not their fault.
00:37:27It's not their fault.
00:37:28It's not their fault.
00:37:29It's not their fault.
00:37:30It's not their fault.
00:37:32Oh, don't be.
00:37:33It's not their fault.
00:37:34They think they're doing their job.
00:37:35But they know that foster care doesn't give me enough money to feed all these damn kids.
00:37:40Did you get this at the food bank?
00:37:47Yes, ma'am.
00:37:54They're not giving out any more peanut butter, and that's all Jarell will eat.
00:37:55I don't know how I'm going to feed that boy.
00:37:59Are you staying?
00:38:00Listen, I want to talk to you about Justin.
00:38:03He's been hassling Melissa again.
00:38:05He's been showing up at her job.
00:38:07You know, shit like that.
00:38:08Well, that's because the restraining order's up.
00:38:11Baby, take him.
00:38:13I'll just get my nine
00:38:14and settle it the old-fashioned way.
00:38:18You know his mama died.
00:38:19Yeah? Sorry to hear that.
00:38:21Shit happens.
00:38:22Yeah, but I got to pay Justin my rent now.
00:38:25That makes him my landlord.
00:38:31Want a motorboat ride?
00:38:33All right, one motorboat ride.
00:38:34Motorboat, motorboat, go so slow.
00:38:39Motorboat, motorboat, go so fast.
00:38:42Motorboat, motorboat.
00:38:43Step on the gas!
00:38:47Sam, come here.
00:38:49Listen, I want you to go tell the other kids
00:38:51we're gonna have noodles.
00:38:52They can have noodles in butter
00:38:55or cottage cheese or ketchup.
00:38:57You find out what they want
00:38:59and you come tell Kathleen, okay?
00:39:00Yes, ma'am.
00:39:01Oh, that's great.
00:39:03Why don't you take her over there to play, Cody?
00:39:08The kids, you give them an inch, they'll take a mile.
00:39:12Yeah, I wouldn't know.
00:39:29Hey, pumpkin.
00:39:30Oh, look at you.
00:39:32She likes you.
00:39:34You want her?
00:39:36Well, I'm about ready to have my own, so...
00:39:40Oh, well, good luck.
00:39:42Or congratulations, I guess.
00:39:46What about Zeke?
00:39:48You like Zeke?
00:39:50Yeah, I do.
00:39:52He's cute.
00:39:54I like his he-names.
00:40:00or Zora.
00:40:02I don't know.
00:40:04I don't know.
00:40:06I don't know.
00:40:08I don't know.
00:40:10I don't know.
00:40:12I don't know.
00:40:14Or Zora.
00:40:16Like Zora?
00:40:20Are you freaking kidding me?
00:40:24Sounds like a witch.
00:40:27Or a stripper.
00:40:29Or both.
00:40:31A strip or witch.
00:40:35My daughter's gonna be an ass-kicker like her mama.
00:40:41I like old-fashioned names, too.
00:40:43Like, um...
00:40:45Like Jamie.
00:40:49She could be a boy or a girl.
00:40:51Yeah, Jamie's all right.
00:40:55It's nothing special, though.
00:40:59What about, um...
00:41:01What about Chester?
00:41:07How come you always think of boys' names?
00:41:10Are you gonna love this baby if it's a girl?
00:41:14Um, what do you think?
00:41:18Do you think I wouldn't love the baby
00:41:20if it was a girl?
00:41:22Come on, lady.
00:41:24Who are you talking to?
00:41:26My dad didn't give a flying fuck about me.
00:41:30No? I'm not your dad.
00:41:34I'm your father.
00:41:36I'm not your dad.
00:41:40I'm your daddy.
00:41:42Rich, they're sore. Don't touch.
00:41:48How come you're always so horny all the time?
00:41:52You have a head now.
00:41:54Fuck you.
00:42:02So, I was thinking...
00:42:04So I can get all those extra hours you were talking about?
00:42:08Can I work a couple extra shifts a week for a while?
00:42:10A little funny you should say that, Mel.
00:42:12Starting next week,
00:42:14I'm gonna have to put you on graveyard.
00:42:18You can still work mornings if you want to,
00:42:20but I'm gonna have to switch your shift over to graveyard.
00:42:24Where's Vivian?
00:42:26She does graveyard.
00:42:28She did graveyard. Vivian quit.
00:42:32I can't do it.
00:42:34I'm gonna get robbed or raped or something.
00:42:36Why can't you do it?
00:42:38Because I'm the assistant manager.
00:42:40And you're the cashier.
00:42:42Now, you want to go train, be assistant manager?
00:42:44Then you tell me what to do.
00:42:46Until then, I'll tell you what to do. We clear?
00:42:50Why'd she quit?
00:42:52I don't know. Called me on the phone.
00:42:54She said she didn't want to work here no more.
00:42:57Maybe she wants to be a drug dealer.
00:43:01Well, maybe I'd rather sell drugs
00:43:03than work the graveyard.
00:43:05Good lord.
00:43:09Hey, Kelly.
00:43:11You want your smokes?
00:43:13Yeah, thanks, Mel.
00:43:15So, can I bring Richie?
00:43:17Suit yourself.
00:43:19Just don't let me see him behind the counter.
00:43:21You gonna let me have those extra shifts or what?
00:43:25You can handle them. You can have them.
00:43:33What are you doing?
00:43:35What's wrong with you?
00:43:37That's her family.
00:43:39So? She don't work here no more.
00:43:41Why should I have to look at them?
00:43:43You know...
00:43:45You're an asshole. You know that?
00:43:47Yeah, well, you best watch your mouth, Maris.
00:43:51I can't do the graveyard.
00:43:53You will do the graveyard.
00:43:55Or you won't have a job.
00:43:57Now get back to work. You have a customer.
00:44:22You coming?
00:44:24No, I'm good.
00:44:26I'm good.
00:44:38Got some work to do here.
00:44:52Twenty-seven cents.
00:44:54This was your change.
00:44:56Thank you very much.
00:44:58Thank you.
00:45:00Full house and a Monopoly.
00:45:06Where the hell are you going?
00:45:12I'm sorry.
00:45:14I'm sick. Really sick.
00:45:18Thank you for shopping at Sunlight Junior.
00:45:20You need a bag, sir?
00:45:24Check it out.
00:45:26Twenty bucks.
00:45:28Where's the DV8 player, Rich?
00:45:30Come on, man. Twenty bucks. You sell it for forty.
00:45:32Are you kidding?
00:45:34Dude, you could buy one of these new for thirty bucks.
00:45:36Come on, man.
00:45:38All right, give me ten bucks and you sell it for twenty.
00:45:42Come on, man. Give it a spin.
00:45:44You're killing me, man.
00:45:46Come on, man. I'm your friend.
00:45:48Take it, man. Take it.
00:45:50If you don't want it, nobody's putting a gun to your head.
00:45:56We gotta wait till after hours.
00:45:58Rick, I don't think, uh...
00:46:00the clientele's gonna mind watching a little pornography.
00:46:02Yeah, I didn't watch somebody from the liquor board
00:46:04and I'm shut down.
00:46:06Come on, man. I'm just messing with you.
00:46:10Let me get to the cables.
00:46:14Appreciate it, man. That machine's gonna work like a gem.
00:46:17Do you want a strip tap?
00:46:19Yeah, sure.
00:46:27Hey, Mickey.
00:46:29Can I tell you something, man?
00:46:31Yes, sir.
00:46:35Melissa, uh...
00:46:37turns out...
00:46:39she's gonna have a baby.
00:46:41Ha ha!
00:46:43Congratulations, Papa.
00:46:45Yeah, man. Yeah.
00:46:47How many kids you got?
00:46:49Me? I got four.
00:46:51I got three boys and one baby girl.
00:46:55And, uh, they're Hellcats, all of them.
00:46:57Matter of fact, my oldest boy, Brian,
00:46:59just had a baby of his own.
00:47:03What? No. Young man like yourself?
00:47:05No. Not me. Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
00:47:07My grandson's gonna call me Captain.
00:47:09Captain, huh?
00:47:11Yeah. Yeah.
00:47:13Grandpa or Papa or...
00:47:15Fuck that, man.
00:47:17I can't believe it, man.
00:47:19The whole time I thought I was, uh...
00:47:21I thought I was shooting blanks.
00:47:23Hey, look.
00:47:25The Lord works in mysterious ways.
00:47:33Is my baby gonna be okay?
00:47:35I can't really say.
00:47:37I'm the sonographer, not the doctor.
00:47:39I'm here to take a picture of the uterus,
00:47:41and when the doctor comes in,
00:47:43she'll interpret it for you.
00:47:45Oh. All right.
00:48:01Is that it?
00:48:03Yes, ma'am.
00:48:05That's your baby.
00:48:11I can see.
00:48:21Oh, thank God.
00:48:23Thank God.
00:48:29Oh, thank God.
00:48:37Thank you.
00:48:41Thank you.
00:49:11Thank you.
00:49:31I need my fucking phone call!
00:49:35How stupid can you be?
00:49:37Do you know what your shit is gonna cost us?
00:49:40What was I supposed to do?
00:49:42Call your fucking man.
00:49:44That's what you're supposed to do.
00:49:46Then use a fucking payphone, like the old days!
00:49:50All right.
00:49:52Look, Mel.
00:49:54Did they do anything for you?
00:49:56Can you tell me that?
00:49:58Did they give you any pills?
00:50:00Can you tell me?
00:50:02I got vitamins.
00:50:04You got vitamins.
00:50:06Did they actually do anything?
00:50:08I saw the baby was alive.
00:50:10Isn't that good news?
00:50:12Well, that's great news,
00:50:14but we already fucking knew that, didn't we?
00:50:16Now we get to pay $1,500,
00:50:18or twice that amount
00:50:20if they sent it out to a lab
00:50:22or did some bullshit tests.
00:50:24All that money down the drain
00:50:26just to find out
00:50:28what we already knew in the first place
00:50:30is that you're fucking pregnant.
00:50:32You're an asshole!
00:50:34Wow! Fucking newsflash on that one.
00:50:40Hey, you stop the shouting,
00:50:42or I'm calling the police.
00:50:44We're having a spat. We'll keep it down.
00:50:46A spat? I can hear you all the way down the floor.
00:50:48We'll make a federal case of it.
00:50:50Where's the girl? Where's the girl?
00:50:52Right here, sir.
00:50:54You see that?
00:50:56No bruises, no broken bones.
00:50:58All right.
00:51:00Have a good night.
00:51:02You heard the lady.
00:51:05Good night.
00:51:07Keep it down, all right?
00:51:09Fucking idiot.
00:51:35All right.
00:51:37That's bad for the baby.
00:51:39So is screaming and yelling, dumbass.
00:51:41Yeah, well, I'm sorry, Melissa,
00:51:43but I've been through the whole hospital system.
00:51:45You got to be careful.
00:51:47I know how these thieves operate, okay?
00:51:49Just next time, call me.
00:51:53I hope there won't be a next time.
00:51:57I'm not saying there will be.
00:51:59Are you still bleeding?
00:52:15I printed these out for you.
00:52:17I have one.
00:52:19Put me on graveyard.
00:52:29I'm sorry.
00:52:31I'm sorry.
00:52:33I'm sorry.
00:52:35I'm sorry.
00:52:37I'm sorry.
00:52:39I'm sorry.
00:52:41I'm sorry.
00:52:43I'm sorry.
00:52:58Your work may affect the amount of your check, however,
00:53:00we do not count the first $65 of earnings
00:53:02in a month,
00:53:04plus one-half of the remainder.
00:53:06This means we count less than one-half of your earnings
00:53:08when we figure your payment amount.
00:53:10Now, you may still qualify
00:53:12for other work incentives,
00:53:14and you'll continue to receive Medicaid.
00:53:16Now, there are a lot of job openings
00:53:18for the handicapped in high-tech fields.
00:53:24...an empty field with piles of dirt,
00:53:26but in just two years,
00:53:28this could be the Bay Area's premier shopping center.
00:53:30This development was proposed
00:53:32for this site almost 20 years ago.
00:53:34After calling it quit four years ago,
00:53:36developers are ready to move forward
00:53:38with plans for the mall
00:53:40at University Town Center
00:53:42in Minnesota County.
00:53:44Thompson Center, Inc.,
00:53:46and Manatee County's Binderson Development Company
00:53:48plan a $315 million mall
00:53:50similar to the International Plaza
00:53:52in Tampa.
00:53:54Melissa Winters?
00:54:00How workers' compensation
00:54:02and other disability payments
00:54:04may affect your benefits.
00:54:06The Windfall Elimination Provisation has it.
00:54:08We also have a publication
00:54:10in the Government Pension Offset.
00:54:12You can get these publications
00:54:14either from our website or...
00:54:39Mr. Barnes?
00:54:41Mr. Barnes?
00:54:45Do you have high-tech experience?
00:54:47You mean like, uh,
00:54:51That's right.
00:54:53Nah. I mean, yeah, I can get on the Internet.
00:54:55But I can't fix them or nothing.
00:54:57I mean, um...
00:54:59You know what I fix?
00:55:01I fix, like, television sets,
00:55:03electronics, stuff like that.
00:55:05You know? Mid-tech, I call it.
00:55:07All right, well,
00:55:09I'm sure there are some classes in there
00:55:11for you to update your skills.
00:55:13You look in there.
00:55:15And I'll see you next month.
00:55:25Just seemed like a lot of blood.
00:55:27I've had patients bleed their
00:55:29whole pregnancy long, and everything was fine.
00:55:31I hope that's not me.
00:55:33It's very rare.
00:55:35It usually resolves itself
00:55:37after the first trimester.
00:55:39You said you had a sonogram.
00:55:41Is that correct?
00:55:43Oh, yes, ma'am.
00:55:49It's kicking its little legs
00:55:51and punching its little fists
00:55:53the whole time. I couldn't hardly believe it.
00:55:55That's good.
00:55:59All right.
00:56:01Excellent. Thanks.
00:56:04Would you like to keep a journal?
00:56:06I sometimes ask my patients to do that.
00:56:08In fact, I had one patient
00:56:10that told me she used it to write letters
00:56:12to her baby.
00:56:14Oh, okay. Thanks.
00:56:20should I
00:56:22bring this back next time I'm here?
00:56:24Oh, no, it's not for me.
00:56:26It's for you.
00:56:28Oh, okay. I'm sorry.
00:56:30I thought it was, like,
00:56:32homework or something.
00:56:34The only homework you have
00:56:36is to take care of yourself.
00:56:38Eat healthy and no smoking.
00:56:40Yes, ma'am.
00:56:54Hey, is this yours?
00:56:56No, it's okay.
00:56:58You can have it.
00:57:0225th anniversary
00:57:04millionaire scratch-off game.
00:57:24Stop it, Rich.
00:57:26Excuse me?
00:57:32Leave me alone.
00:57:34Goddamn it.
00:57:38So why don't you take a nap?
00:57:40Do you realize that you're falling asleep?
00:57:42I'm not. I'm reading.
00:57:44If you fall asleep again,
00:57:46then I'm gonna insist
00:57:48that you take a nap.
00:57:52You're sleeping again.
00:57:54Hey, how you doing?
00:57:56All right.
00:57:58Let me know if I can get you anything.
00:58:00Take a nap, babe.
00:58:02I'll watch the store.
00:58:04Yeah, I got it.
00:58:06Go, sit, take a nap.
00:58:08I got it.
00:58:44It's a birdie, baby!
00:58:48It's a birdie.
00:59:10Hey, Winters.
00:59:11You and me need to talk.
00:59:13Right now.
00:59:17No, just me and her.
00:59:21Sure thing. Talk.
00:59:25Well, apparently, you forgot the rules.
00:59:27Video camera up there's got pictures of your boyfriend
00:59:29here waiting on customers
00:59:31while you're sleeping on a chair.
00:59:33Hey, hey, she was tired, man.
00:59:35It's no big deal.
00:59:36It's not gonna happen again.
00:59:37You and my friend gotta go.
00:59:38Adios, goodbye, right now.
00:59:40Come on, everybody.
00:59:41Hey, it's not safe for a woman here
00:59:42all alone by herself at night.
00:59:44Vivian did it.
00:59:45Well, I can't speak for Vivian,
00:59:47but it's not safe for Melissa.
00:59:49All right, look, either he goes or you both go.
00:59:51What's it gonna be?
00:59:54What's it gonna be?
01:00:02I'll be outside.
01:00:13You are so full of shit.
01:00:15Yeah, well, I don't know why
01:00:16you went and put me on graveyard.
01:00:18It's bullshit.
01:00:19I've been working here eight months.
01:00:21I'm sick of your lip.
01:00:22Well, you're sick of my lip.
01:00:23What about all the nasty talk I hear
01:00:25coming out your mouth all fucking day long?
01:00:27I'm out of here.
01:00:28Hey, you leave.
01:00:29You ain't never coming back.
01:00:30You do not have a job.
01:00:31You get it?
01:00:35You know, I was wondering
01:00:36if they got a camera in that walk-in
01:00:38taking pictures of you jerking off,
01:00:40you nasty man.
01:00:41All right, that's it.
01:00:42Off the premises, both of you.
01:00:43I'm gonna call the cops.
01:00:44Get off the premises right now.
01:00:45I'll call the cops on you.
01:00:47Right now.
01:00:49Should have woken me up, Rich.
01:00:50Now look what happened.
01:00:51I just lost my job.
01:00:52Wait a minute.
01:00:53You're saying it's my fault?
01:00:54I'm just saying you should have
01:00:55woken me up when customers come in.
01:00:56So you're blaming me for trying to help you
01:00:58help our baby be healthy.
01:01:00Is that it?
01:01:01Come on, Mel.
01:01:02Sure am blaming you.
01:01:04All right.
01:01:05It's my job, not yours.
01:01:07Well, figure it out, baby.
01:01:08I'm gonna take care of you, all right?
01:01:28You pay for the nights you stay here, OK?
01:01:31There's no credit.
01:01:33My wife, she can maybe help clean some of the rooms.
01:01:36OK, yeah.
01:01:37This is a job interview now, huh?
01:01:39No, I have a maid.
01:01:40She's very good.
01:01:41If you stay in your room past next week,
01:01:43I'm calling the police.
01:01:44Hey, Jimmy.
01:01:46You got your rent, man.
01:01:49Credit card.
01:01:51We got rid of him, remember?
01:01:53Hey, you guys want to stay with me and Christy?
01:01:56No, thanks.
01:01:57You can sleep on the floor, man.
01:02:03I think I got something, Rich.
01:02:06Oh, shit.
01:02:09Hey, Mel.
01:02:11Think about it.
01:02:12It could be a lot worse.
01:02:13It could be this guy.
01:02:16Kind of looks like Edwin though, don't he?
01:02:19That fish is way cuter than Edwin.
01:02:23Trust me.
01:02:36God damn it.
01:02:38How many times do I have to tell you?
01:02:40You can go over there and spit me out if you want.
01:02:43I don't have a fucking head.
01:02:46I can't stand it.
01:02:48I can't stand it.
01:02:52Come on.
01:03:23Who's missing?
01:03:27What about Tom?
01:03:34You got my money?
01:03:49She got fired from the Sunlight Junior.
01:03:52That figures.
01:04:04You know, you got him and her living here, I'm gonna charge you more money. You realize that, right?
01:04:14You gotta do what you gotta do.
01:04:18This dude's rolling his little wheelchair all over the carpet.
01:04:22It's wearing tear on the house.
01:04:25Hey, Justin, no problem. I'll pay it.
01:04:29I'm gonna come over and put one in your fucking head!
01:04:31Hey! Put one in your fucking head!
01:04:34Fuck off, motherfucker!
01:04:36Come out of here, you strong, rough, jelly-ass boy!
01:04:40Rick, get off him!
01:04:42Rick, get the fuck off him, Rick!
01:04:45Hey, get off of him!
01:04:47He's been stalking her!
01:04:51He's been stalking her.
01:04:53Good grief.
01:04:56Yeah, you wanna start some shit?
01:05:01You know I got the keys to this house.
01:05:03Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?
01:05:08It's my house!
01:05:14You want some more? Huh?
01:05:18Fuck you!
01:05:20Fuck off!
01:05:25Richie Barnes, you act like you're ten feet tall and bulletproof.
01:05:28Yeah, I am.
01:05:32There's a big-ass mess in the living room.
01:05:40Hey, pussy!
01:05:42Come back here or I'll kick your ass some more!
01:06:20You see that? I got him. Good.
01:06:23Right in the choppers.
01:06:34Rich just about choked Justin to death out there.
01:06:39You think that's funny?
01:06:42No, I don't think it's funny.
01:06:44I don't think anything's goddamn funny,
01:06:46but it's better than crying all the time.
01:06:49That's what you used to do when you were a little girl.
01:06:52That's all you wanted to do, just cry.
01:06:54Now look at you.
01:06:56There's two men out there in the kitchen fighting over you,
01:06:59and you should be happy they love you.
01:07:01That ain't love.
01:07:03Well, Rich doesn't hit you, never has.
01:07:08So you did good there.
01:07:12Hey, you want a beer?
01:07:16I'll fix something to eat.
01:07:19Every time I look at you,
01:07:21I see my pretty little girl, Miss.
01:07:25So pretty.
01:07:27Quit drinking whiskey, Mama.
01:07:32You gonna make me some food, too?
01:07:35Yeah, of course.
01:07:37You got some good ones.
01:07:41That's my Richie.
01:07:43Justin loves you, too.
01:07:45Don't you forget that.
01:07:47Don't you forget that.
01:07:49What are you saying?
01:07:51Well, I'm just saying that, you know,
01:07:54since his mama passed, he's kind of come to Jesus,
01:07:57and he's taking better care of Kyle,
01:07:59and he's taking care of his properties.
01:08:01Yeah, and selling pills to junkies.
01:08:03Well, now, I don't know nothing about that.
01:08:06You don't know nothing about nothing.
01:08:18It's nice to have a real stove to cook on.
01:08:21At the motel, all I had was a hot plate.
01:08:24You know what's that?
01:08:26Yeah, it's like one of them things,
01:08:28like a little table you plug in, right?
01:08:30That's right.
01:08:32It's what you used to cook in jail with.
01:08:35Can you get some plates, hon?
01:08:37I'm gonna check these tater tots.
01:08:40I love tater tots.
01:08:44You gotta eat the fish, too.
01:08:46That's where you get your protein.
01:08:53Tell him dinner's almost ready.
01:08:57Here, you want to flip them?
01:08:59Thank you.
01:09:01Be careful, it's real hot.
01:09:03That's it.
01:09:08I missed you.
01:09:10I missed you, too.
01:09:13Rich, come on, dinner!
01:09:16Will you tell him?
01:09:23Hey, Mel, can I get a beer?
01:09:25No, there's none left.
01:09:27Are you sure?
01:09:29Here you go.
01:09:31Cody, will you go run over to the fridge
01:09:33and check on my beer?
01:09:35I don't know why you don't believe me.
01:09:37I'll go.
01:09:39Sit down, Cody.
01:09:42Oh, shit.
01:09:45How come I'm always the last person to know
01:09:48when we got folks in the house?
01:09:50No folks.
01:09:54Him, too?
01:09:56Leave Rich and me.
01:09:58They'll kill you in your sleep.
01:10:00Kathleen, I got enough shit to worry about
01:10:02without having a house full of damn vagrants.
01:10:05Just wait one minute.
01:10:07Wait for what?
01:10:09Wait for what?
01:10:11I come in here, yeah, I come in here, I want some peace.
01:10:13I don't need all these people in here.
01:10:15What am I in here for?
01:10:19This mama's whiskey.
01:10:21Don't tell her I swiped some for you.
01:10:23Thanks, babe.
01:10:27Here you go, Cody.
01:10:29Hey, babe.
01:10:33I noticed this one, he's a little help with the food.
01:10:35That's Chloe.
01:10:37Chloe is.
01:10:39Chloe, come here.
01:10:41You gonna have some fish?
01:10:43Come on, you said you would.
01:10:47You're all done?
01:10:49Let's have a little bit more.
01:10:51Gotta eat something.
01:10:53Chloe, come on.
01:10:57I'm not hungry.
01:11:01Kathleen always tries to get him to eat our food,
01:11:03but he don't ever wanna.
01:11:05Chloe, you want some more ketchup?
01:11:07See, if you put a lot of ketchup on it,
01:11:09you won't taste nothing but ketchup.
01:11:11It's real sweet.
01:11:13You should go listen to Mexicans.
01:11:15Just try eating some.
01:11:17I'm not hungry.
01:11:19All right, go on and put it in the kitchen yourself.
01:11:23What's that?
01:11:27You got bed bugs here?
01:11:29I don't know.
01:11:34It's bed bugs.
01:11:36Look at his legs.
01:11:38It's on his back everywhere.
01:11:42Hey, Cody, turn up the TV, would you?
01:11:44Why don't you?
01:11:46What do I gotta ask twice?
01:11:48Turn up the TV!
01:12:02What is with the attitude I'm getting here?
01:12:32You're gonna make a beautiful mother.
01:12:36I can't have you drinking like you did today, Rich.
01:12:38No, sir.
01:12:40Not you.
01:12:44And my mom drinking all fucking day long.
01:12:46Babe, calm down.
01:12:48You know, this has been a tough week for both of us.
01:12:50But remember, we got a plan,
01:12:52and we're taking care of our business.
01:12:54And no, I don't intend to keep on drinking like this.
01:12:56But it's been, uh...
01:12:58It's been stressful, you know?
01:13:00Poor you.
01:13:04That stressful?
01:13:08How about working a job?
01:13:10How do you think that feels?
01:13:12I'll tell you what.
01:13:14I ain't working a job, taking care of no drunk,
01:13:16and plus a baby on top of that.
01:13:18Fuck that shit.
01:13:20Who's gonna take care of me?
01:13:22I'm gonna take care of you.
01:13:24I told you that.
01:13:26You can't hardly take care of yourself.
01:13:28Oh, act like you got some brains.
01:13:30Quit it, Rich. You're gonna wreck the only thing we own.
01:13:32I told you I'd take care of you.
01:13:34Well, put your money where your mouth is,
01:13:36because I don't fucking believe you.
01:13:42What are you doing?
01:13:46What are you doing?
01:13:48We got nowhere else to sleep, Rich.
01:13:52Oh, I see.
01:13:54So what, you're just gonna...
01:13:56You're gonna take off? Is that it?
01:15:06Who is it?
01:15:20Is Crystal here?
01:15:22Don't change your mind. No.
01:15:24Kyle's asleep, though. Keep your voice down.
01:15:30How's he?
01:15:32How's who?
01:15:34Kyle. Dumbass.
01:15:40You come to apologize?
01:15:42To who?
01:15:44To me.
01:15:52Look, I...
01:15:54I'm not gonna read around the bush.
01:15:58I need something.
01:16:00Baby, I thought you had everything.
01:16:04We want money.
01:16:12Have a seat.
01:16:30Richie got me pregnant.
01:16:34I need help.
01:16:36Why don't you ask Richie for help, then?
01:16:40What kind of man is he?
01:16:44He's gone.
01:16:46I don't know where he is.
01:16:48He's gone.
01:16:50I don't know where he's at.
01:16:52But I gotta get out of my mama's house.
01:16:56And plus, you owe me.
01:17:00You are trash!
01:17:02You know that?
01:17:06Ever since you started going out with that cripple,
01:17:08you act all stuck-up!
01:17:10Real stuck-up!
01:17:14I'm fucking sick of it!
01:17:18Who the fuck do you think you are?
01:17:24Hi, Kyle.
01:17:26Hey, missy. What are you doing here?
01:17:28Go back to bed!
01:17:32And you, you get the fuck out of my house!
01:17:40I ain't leaving till you give me some cash.
01:17:44Get the fuck out of my house!
01:17:48Before it gets worse!
01:17:50Get the fuck out of my house!
01:17:56Come back!
01:18:16I need to know that you're 100% sure that you want to terminate this pregnancy.
01:18:26Yes, ma'am.
01:18:28Do you have a partner?
01:18:34Have you told anyone about your decision today?
01:18:42Are you okay with that?
01:19:14We're done.
01:19:18You did real good.
01:19:20Just take a minute, relax.
01:19:22The nurse will take care of you.
01:19:34Hi, how are you feeling?
01:19:36Yeah, they said everything went really well.
01:19:40I just have some more information for you.
01:19:42I need you to check your temperature for us
01:19:44for the next week, once in the morning
01:19:46and once in the evening.
01:19:48If it ever gets above 100.4,
01:19:50I need you to call us immediately, okay?
01:19:52It's really important to come back in two weeks
01:19:54for your pelvic exam.
01:20:00Okay, now you've been given prescription medication.
01:20:02Can I get a donut?
01:20:12Okay, you've been given prescription medication.
01:20:14Two types, one is to prevent infection
01:20:16and the other one encourages the uterus to contract
01:20:18and helps minimize bleeding.
01:20:40Look out.
01:20:44Look out.
01:21:10Look out.
01:21:12Put it back.
01:21:14Where does this go?
01:21:16I don't want to.
01:21:18I do, too.
01:21:20But where does this go?
01:21:22Uh, we don't eat it.
01:21:28Hey, Missy, where have you been?
01:21:30My car.
01:21:34I had a long night.
01:21:36I gotta get some sleep.
01:21:38No, no, no, you can't go back there.
01:21:40Tom came in in the middle of the night last night
01:21:42stoked out of his mind.
01:21:44Yeah, I know.
01:21:46He said he was gonna quit, but you...
01:21:48Anyway, you wouldn't believe
01:21:50the night I had.
01:21:58Why the long face, Missy?
01:22:02Well, you know,
01:22:04Nora decided she was gonna have nightmares
01:22:06all night long, and she was crying
01:22:08and she was yelling, and Chloe
01:22:10woke up throwing up all over the place,
01:22:12and then you never get Cody up in time
01:22:14to help with anybody.
01:22:16And on top of all that,
01:22:18I mean, what's going on with you and Rich?
01:22:20I mean, he's been sitting out there
01:22:22all day long.
01:22:24Do you want to brush your teeth?
01:22:26It's soft.
01:22:28Oh, okay.
01:22:30I didn't throw up.
01:23:34I have to do it.
01:23:38I'm sorry.
01:23:44We can't have no baby, Rich.
01:23:50I knew you were thinking it.
01:23:56I knew it.
01:24:04What about you?
01:24:07What about us?
01:24:24I want to be with you.
01:24:30And I still do.
01:24:36For real.
01:25:06I'm not mad at you.
01:25:20You're not mad at me?
01:25:26I'm not.
01:25:36It was hard, Rich.
01:25:50I ate a whole bag of donuts.
01:25:54That's good.
01:26:00That's good.
01:26:06That's good.
