Bad Behavior HD ( Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller )

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Bad Behavior HD ( Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller )
00:00:00What is your deal?
00:00:12I got a big game on Friday, I mean, look, it's no good.
00:00:17I need my fluids.
00:00:21Your fluids?
00:00:23Hey Mary Jo, I'm curious, why would you do something like that?
00:00:33Why not?
00:00:34It's self-mutilation, really.
00:00:35Self-mutilate this, fluid boy.
00:00:36Good find, girl, yeah, good find, who's that?
00:01:36Hey Andy.
00:01:39Wanna step out for a minute, Andy?
00:01:56You know, you kids shouldn't be out past curfew.
00:02:09Andy Efkin, toast with the most.
00:02:13So, you like our chances against Knight's Ridge on Friday?
00:02:18We should do fine.
00:02:19Drone for loss.
00:02:20How's that arm of yours, okay for the game?
00:02:21It's good.
00:02:23That offensive line up for it?
00:02:30Son of a bitch.
00:02:38Easy, easy, buddy.
00:02:42I need my fluids.
00:02:46Give me the gun.
00:02:51Get out of here, Al, now.
00:03:01Don't be shittin' me.
00:03:04Mack Jo.
00:03:08Hey, Chris, it's Noxon.
00:03:10We got a wet one out here on the bluff.
00:03:22Hey, I can't wait, Steve, I just can't wait.
00:03:27To do what?
00:03:29To see my new room, my new school, my new everything.
00:03:33Yeah, new everything.
00:03:35It's gonna be awesome, Steve.
00:03:39It's gonna be better, way better.
00:03:42It's gonna be a lot of fun.
00:03:44It's gonna be a lot of fun.
00:03:46It's gonna be a lot of fun.
00:03:48It's gonna be a lot of fun.
00:03:50Way better.
00:03:52Come on.
00:03:54It's gonna be a lot of fun.
00:04:24Looks like you're movin' to Cradle Bay.
00:04:27Sure are.
00:04:29I'm sure you're gonna like it here.
00:04:31You never wanna leave. Have a good one.
00:04:33You hear that?
00:04:54Hey, you.
00:04:55I thought you were gonna help me.
00:04:59Come on.
00:05:32You all right?
00:05:37Just, uh...
00:05:39Trying to put some of this stuff away.
00:05:43About what?
00:05:45First day at school?
00:05:53What are you doing, dipshit, huh?
00:06:10Don't worry about snakes in the garden when you've got spiders in your bed.
00:06:29And I had been so innocent and little there.
00:06:32And all beyond was so unknown and great.
00:06:37Very good, Trent.
00:06:39To wit, when Pip says this, Dickens is speaking of the joy of discovery,
00:06:43of newness, of change.
00:06:47Mr. Clark, perhaps you can relate.
00:06:49Mr. Clark is new to us from Chicago.
00:06:51Do they read Dickens in Chicago?
00:06:56Dickie Atkinson.
00:07:01Tell us why you're late.
00:07:03Trouble with the cans you have?
00:07:04Like you know what one is.
00:07:06Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the carburetor this morning.
00:07:14What is, if I may be so forthright in displaying my ignorance, a...
00:07:21What you laughing at, Waylon?
00:07:23Nothing, Richard.
00:07:25I was just thinking how ignorance kills.
00:07:28What does that mean?
00:07:32You ass-kissing little fuck!
00:07:35Boys! Boys! Boys!
00:07:39Dickie! Dickie!
00:07:41Perhaps Mr. Atkinson's yet another little sojourn to the principal will serve you well.
00:07:48Want to know what a peckerhead is?
00:07:51That's a peckerhead.
00:07:53Thank you for the clarification.
00:07:56Please send Principal Weathers, our host, down on us.
00:08:05Youth is wholly experimental.
00:08:08Robert Louis Stevens.
00:08:30I know, what did you do?
00:08:35I don't know.
00:08:51The seat's taken yet?
00:08:53No, go ahead.
00:08:56Hi, I'm Gavin. This is U.V.
00:09:00I'm Steve.
00:09:03Come on, cheese.
00:09:07U.V. here had some primo weed.
00:09:10We smoked a fatty during gym.
00:09:14Check him out. He looks almost tanned, don't he?
00:09:18Hello, Lorna. How are you today, my dear?
00:09:21Drop dead.
00:09:25Who's that?
00:09:27That, my boy, is Lorna Levitas Longley,
00:09:30the fire of my loins, purveyor of my every masturbatory fantasy.
00:09:38The entire female gender is separated into two groups.
00:09:41Lorna comprises one group, all of whom are women.
00:09:44The entire female gender is separated into two groups.
00:09:47Lorna comprises one group, all of womankind comprises the other.
00:09:51You ever take her out?
00:09:55Alas, Lorna is largely untouchable for someone of my social standing.
00:10:00What do you mean?
00:10:02It's a class system here at CBI, Stevie Boy.
00:10:05Check it out.
00:10:08There you got your motor heads, car jocks,
00:10:11a lube job and a pack of Luckys,
00:10:13music of choice, posi-traction, overdrive,
00:10:16classic rock, Skinner, the almonds, Bruce,
00:10:19drug of choice, beer, milligenuine draft,
00:10:22beggars can't be choosers,
00:10:24freaks can fix leaks.
00:10:28Over here, you have your microgeeks,
00:10:30nerds, whiz kids and various other bottom-feeders,
00:10:34music of choice, the sound of an Apple PC being booted up,
00:10:38music of choice, Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time
00:10:41and a cup of jasmine tea on a Saturday night.
00:10:44Freaks that go squeak.
00:10:47Over there, you have your skaters,
00:10:49riffing, raging kids in their ramp tramps,
00:10:52baggy pants, sticky wools, doing 50-50 grinds
00:10:55with an ollie grab finish on a homemade half-pipe in the woods,
00:10:58music of choice, the thwack of the hacky sack,
00:11:01drug of choice, ecstasy,
00:11:03e-tab, baby, longer, loving through science.
00:11:06Here's where it gets really nasty.
00:11:09Lorna runs with that group over there, Blue Ribbons.
00:11:13What's that?
00:11:14It's a community group, good kids,
00:11:16have bake sales, car washes, kiss a lot of adults,
00:11:19speak to...
00:11:20Blue robots.
00:11:21Hear, hear.
00:11:23Those three guys, Cradle Bay's answer,
00:11:25Demanson, McVeigh and O.J.,
00:11:27Trent Whalen, Andy Efkin, Robbie Stewart.
00:11:30Hey, I bet you didn't know that toast came in three flavors.
00:11:34This group's music of choice, the hum of perfection,
00:11:37the buzz of ambition, drug of choice, life,
00:11:40pursuit of clean living,
00:11:42the expense of all who sniffle at the hem of their gowns.
00:11:46Freaks so chic.
00:11:48And you got kids like me and U.V. here,
00:11:51names who like our metal heavy.
00:11:53Marlboro slight.
00:11:54Music of choice.
00:11:56Harvester of sorrow, language of the mad.
00:12:00Drug of choice.
00:12:02Drug of choice.
00:12:03What do you got?
00:12:05Freaks all week.
00:12:10That's it.
00:12:12Lesson over.
00:12:13Class dismembered.
00:12:16Welcome to Cradle Bay High, Stevie boy.
00:12:19Welcome to my nightmare.
00:12:30Yo, bring it up.
00:12:46Why can't we help you with your math, Johnny?
00:12:48Just leave me alone.
00:13:10I see that.
00:13:11What are you two girls doing?
00:13:13We're having a spelling bee against Hustle Junior High.
00:13:17Brother Alan was the best score.
00:13:20I thought your name was Steve.
00:13:22It is.
00:13:24Um, Alan's my brother who died.
00:13:28I have a grandfather who died.
00:13:30Why don't we change the subject?
00:13:34Pass your plate.
00:13:38You know why.
00:13:44Tell me, Shannon, do you get yelled at
00:13:45if you talk about your dead grandfather?
00:13:48I hear people go crazy if they talk about their dead brother.
00:14:23I'm here for the Mustang parts.
00:14:29What the fuck?
00:14:32What are you doing here, man?
00:14:36The troops shall set you free.
00:14:47What do you guys want?
00:14:49We, Dickie, we want you.
00:14:51We've got it for you, Richard.
00:14:53We've got all the winning numbers.
00:14:58Oh, yeah, this is yours.
00:14:59Come on.
00:15:00What the fuck are you doing?
00:15:01What the fuck, man?
00:15:02What the fuck are you doing?
00:15:04Come on, Dickie.
00:15:08We'd like to welcome all new students, Stephen.
00:15:10Standard procedure.
00:15:12And as soon as Dr. Caldecott arrives,
00:15:15we can begin.
00:15:17Dr. Caldecott?
00:15:18He's the resident faculty fellow.
00:15:20Outstanding educator.
00:15:21He's been with us, what, almost two years now?
00:15:24Works with the students in a counseling capacity.
00:15:27I think you'll like him.
00:15:31I'm sorry I'm late.
00:15:33Edgar Caldecott.
00:15:34It's nice to finally meet you.
00:15:37Everything okay?
00:15:39Have you given any thought to extracurricular activities
00:15:42or sports?
00:15:44Not really.
00:15:45There's the blue ribbons.
00:15:48The blue ribbons?
00:15:50They help each other study and practice.
00:15:52It's a team effort.
00:15:54It's a motivational workshop, really.
00:15:56The blue ribboners have truly been making the grade,
00:15:59and they're doing wonderful things in the playing field.
00:16:04All of us here are aware of the tragedy back in Chicago.
00:16:08We want you to know if there's anything we can do to...
00:16:10I said everything's fine.
00:16:17We know how tough it can be,
00:16:19so whether or not you want to be involved with the school,
00:16:21we want to be involved with you.
00:16:23That's really all the meeting's about, okay?
00:16:27So go make some new friends.
00:17:00♪ I am young but a fool
00:17:05♪ I am stupid but I'm cool
00:17:11♪ I am kind but I'm weak
00:17:16You like that?
00:17:19What is it?
00:17:21It's bonafide jitterbug.
00:17:24It's my buddy Rachel.
00:17:26Cook's Rich Trash.
00:17:28She's a great chick, don't get me wrong,
00:17:30but she's Cook's Rich Trash.
00:17:33Come on.
00:17:37Hey there, dancing queen.
00:17:40Rachel, this is Stevie Boy, good man.
00:17:43Stevie Boy, this is Rachel, Cook's Rich Trash.
00:17:46Bite me.
00:17:55Well, appropriate sparks are flying.
00:17:58Somebody queued power ballad.
00:18:00Fail to be a tumor, Gavin.
00:18:04What do you say we cruise town,
00:18:08chase the case, hit the bluff,
00:18:11and drink some beer?
00:18:13You know, consecrate Stevie Boy's arrival
00:18:15to this new and pathetic tank town.
00:18:18You down?
00:18:20Sounds razor.
00:18:22Stevie Boy?
00:18:32Excuse me, sir.
00:18:34I'm wondering if you can help me out.
00:18:36I'm trying to buy some beer,
00:18:38and I have the money and everything.
00:18:40I'm just, I'm a month from...
00:18:42Get off my case, kid, okay?
00:18:47You know, the problem with America
00:18:52is mankind's abject unwillingness
00:18:55to contribute to the delinquency of minors.
00:19:00I'm just like the 10th guy.
00:19:06Hey, Rachel.
00:19:09What are you doing?
00:19:12Nobody's home.
00:19:15Hello, Charles.
00:19:16Cycle any anabolic goodies lately?
00:19:20You're funny, Strick.
00:19:22Thanks. Me all week.
00:19:24Anyways, Rachel, there's a couple of us guys
00:19:26going to the yogurt shop later if you want to come by.
00:19:28The yogurt shop?
00:19:32You want to make an active culture joke here, Stevie Boy,
00:19:35or should I handle this one?
00:19:38See you later, Rachel.
00:19:53You were actually flattered
00:19:55that that barn door has a thing for you.
00:19:57Oh, shit.
00:20:06All right, there's for the syrup.
00:20:10Is that the right one for the orange juice?
00:20:13I don't know what I did with the one with the deodorant.
00:20:15It was here somewhere.
00:20:18Hey, Mitch, what's the hooker say
00:20:20after 12 hours on the job?
00:20:26Clean up on our floor.
00:20:28You're sick.
00:20:31My son wouldn't know what he's talking about.
00:20:58Help me!
00:21:08Son of a bitch!
00:21:10God fucking fuck!
00:21:13Oh, Charlie.
00:21:15Easy, easy.
00:21:17Fuck you, blue ribbon shithead!
00:21:29Hey, Jack.
00:21:31What was that all about?
00:21:33Toxic jock syndrome.
00:21:36Where's my shake?
00:21:50So what the hell would make a kid freak out like that?
00:21:53It's got to be a steroid thing.
00:21:55All those jockos are into it.
00:21:57Kelly Conner said she saw NDF
00:21:59can bite the head off a kitten in a fit of rage.
00:22:01No way.
00:22:03I think it's bullshit, though.
00:22:05No, it is not bullshit.
00:22:07It's not steroids.
00:22:09Here we go.
00:22:11Gavin thinks some sinister force
00:22:13is taking over the Cradle Bay Meatheads.
00:22:15You know what it is.
00:22:16You know.
00:22:17A sinister force?
00:22:18You know, evil.
00:22:20No way to turn, no one to trust, all together ooky.
00:22:22Fail to be a Bimmy bitch, Rachel.
00:22:24Fail to be a pucker-ass, Gav.
00:22:40Andy killed her.
00:22:55Everyone's saying she ran away.
00:22:58I saw her dead body, but I can't prove it.
00:23:03God, those fuckers.
00:23:05So why didn't you go to the police?
00:23:07Cox was there, man.
00:23:10The cop, he didn't do shit.
00:23:12Fuck, nobody listens to me.
00:23:17Cancer corner.
00:23:19Best place in the school by far to sneak a smoke.
00:23:40What are you shitbirds doing down here?
00:23:43Relax, Mr. Newberry.
00:23:45You ain't supposed to be down here.
00:23:48This is my friend, Steve.
00:23:49He's new to the bay.
00:23:51New to the bay.
00:23:53No, no, no.
00:24:05Drag marks.
00:24:07Drag marks of a rat's tail.
00:24:10What is it you got there?
00:24:12It's an eradicator.
00:24:15Sounds are supposed to scare the rats away.
00:24:22You hear that?
00:24:26Scary, ain't it?
00:24:28Piece of crap.
00:24:30Doesn't work with spit.
00:24:34Dollar for everything that didn't work with spit.
00:24:37Mr. Newberry has got the full-on
00:24:39Boo Radley village idiot
00:24:41Quasimodo thing going, don't you, Mr. New?
00:24:45He's currently involved in a war
00:24:47against the rodent population of Cradle Bay.
00:24:55Gotta fight him.
00:24:57Gotta fight him!
00:24:59Rats from the bay.
00:25:01Rats from the bay!
00:25:03You think you can run, but you can't hide!
00:25:13Day of the master races.
00:25:15Check that out.
00:25:21Is that Dickie?
00:25:23What is he doing?
00:25:25He's one of them now, bud.
00:25:27He's a blue robot.
00:25:29Watch and learn! Watch and learn!
00:25:32What the fuck?
00:25:38They're peckerheads.
00:25:39Now, look at him.
00:25:40He's killing his hard-on.
00:25:44Maybe he turned over a new leaf.
00:25:46I would like to own the new-leaf concession
00:25:48here in Cradle Bay.
00:25:53Didn't you tell Steve about the murders?
00:25:57Steve is a disbeliever.
00:25:59About the mysterious disappearance
00:26:01of Mary Jo Copeland and Officer Kramer.
00:26:04This is where he accuses me of being paranoid.
00:26:07Denial ain't just a river in Italy, bud.
00:26:13Check your weed, boys.
00:26:15You a beige boy.
00:26:18See you, Rachel.
00:26:43Can I help you?
00:26:47Good to see you, brother.
00:26:49Hey, Trent.
00:26:50Come sit down.
00:26:57This is Kathy.
00:27:05You know Robbie.
00:27:06And Dickie.
00:27:08This is Steven.
00:27:09Sit down.
00:27:10Steven's new to the bay from Chicago.
00:27:13So, do you like it here?
00:27:16Yeah, it's okay.
00:27:17You have friends in Chicago?
00:27:24You can have friends here.
00:27:31Uh, didn't you guys get in a fight in English?
00:27:34We've made peace, Steven.
00:27:36That's what separates us from the animals.
00:27:41Dirtbag alert.
00:27:49Hey, I gotta talk to you, man.
00:27:51It's pretty slick.
00:27:52Steven's relaxing.
00:27:59This place, the yogurt shop.
00:28:02Yogurt shoppie.
00:28:03What the fuck is a shoppie?
00:28:05Why don't you make like a tree and leave?
00:28:08Clever girl.
00:28:10What, Steve, what is it?
00:28:11We get in one argument and you go bond with these guys?
00:28:15Hello, Charles.
00:28:17What happened to you, man?
00:28:18Flank steak.
00:28:26Let's go.
00:28:29You don't have to go anywhere, brother.
00:28:34I'm not your brother.
00:28:45All right, you said you wanted to tell me something.
00:28:47Here I am.
00:28:49They're hypnotized.
00:28:53Yeah, but they're maybe not hypnotized.
00:28:55They're brainwashed, lobotomized, programmed.
00:28:58Want proof?
00:29:01Here's proof.
00:29:05It's Robbie, Randy, Trent.
00:29:08They used to be my friends.
00:29:13All right, well, maybe they got sick of your rap.
00:29:14I can relate.
00:29:15See, I thought you'd say that.
00:29:16That is the purpose of tonight's excursion.
00:29:18After tonight, you will strap on a hog and be a man.
00:29:34Blue Ribbon meeting.
00:29:36Every Monday.
00:29:37This is where the shit goes down.
00:29:40And by conducting the bake sale in conjunction with the pep rally,
00:29:43we can be selling cakes and cookies at a time
00:29:45when school spirit is at its optimum level.
00:29:48Well, I had no idea the evil was this pervasive.
00:29:53Yeah, Jan, what's on your mind?
00:29:55This may sound kind of strange,
00:29:57but although we couldn't be more pleased with Andrew's improved studies,
00:30:01he's become somewhat different
00:30:05since returning from your weekend enlightenment seminar.
00:30:09Different how?
00:30:12He seems unkind to almost everyone outside of the club.
00:30:16Okay, well, I can understand your concern.
00:30:18Let me address it.
00:30:20Kids being kids have, you may have noticed, a tendency to overreact.
00:30:25And we found they go through a brief period of being, shall we say, snobby.
00:30:31But what it really is is a feeling that's new to them.
00:30:36And the feeling is pride.
00:30:38They're improved.
00:30:40When you soar with the eagles,
00:30:42sometimes the pigeons below tend to look a little pedestrian.
00:30:45Just give it a little tuck.
00:30:48Now, a new candidate has been nominated.
00:30:51His parents have been counseled and consented.
00:30:54So, Colleen, if you will.
00:30:59Male, 17 years old.
00:31:01Spending four times last school year.
00:31:04Parents feel candidate is depressed,
00:31:06spending far too much time listening to rock music and masturbating.
00:31:11Candidate has a history of insolence and a general lack of direction.
00:31:16Candidate is a C-minus student.
00:31:19Yet has A-plus potential.
00:31:22So, all in favor.
00:31:29February candidate confirmed.
00:31:31Training to begin ASAP.
00:31:36Ernest and Lucille Strick.
00:31:38The parents of our next superstar, Gavin Strick.
00:31:44So, they want you to join their club.
00:31:46Shine them on, you blow them off.
00:31:48What are they gonna do?
00:31:49No, you still don't get it.
00:31:51You still think this is about blood drives and baked sales.
00:31:57Wait a second.
00:31:59Maybe you should lay off that shit.
00:32:01Maybe you should eat me.
00:32:03Yeah, okay.
00:32:05Look, this is huge, Steve.
00:32:07Why don't you see this?
00:32:09This is so fucking huge.
00:32:11Don't fucking Gavin me.
00:32:12I'm a dead man.
00:32:13My parents sold me out.
00:32:15And you saw it.
00:32:16You were there.
00:32:17Why don't you see this?
00:32:20Look, why don't you stay over at my house tonight?
00:32:28I have to go home.
00:32:30When I get there,
00:32:31when I get there,
00:32:32they're waiting for me.
00:32:33I'm gonna smoke them all.
00:32:35You hear me?
00:32:36Everyone who's at my house,
00:32:37Robbie, Waylon, Caldecott,
00:32:39even my olds, man.
00:32:41Give me the gun.
00:32:42No fucking way.
00:32:49What the fuck happened?
00:32:50No, you're fucking losing it, Gavin.
00:32:52You're gonna wind up shooting the paperboy.
00:32:56Just go home.
00:32:57Give me my fucking gun.
00:33:05Good night, Gavin.
00:33:07Give me my fucking gun!
00:33:10Don't leave me alone like this!
00:33:17Stevie boy!
00:33:21I've smoked them all.
00:33:23What the fuck?
00:33:24What do I have?
00:33:55Wait a minute.
00:34:04What is this?
00:34:15Who put the acid in my Spam?
00:34:32Hello, Rachel.
00:34:34What is up with this?
00:34:35I just want to apply myself.
00:34:37Think I'll get better results on this side of the calf.
00:34:41Why don't you beat it, honey?
00:34:42This is rarefied turf.
00:34:43This lets me not apply.
00:34:47Later, Rachel.
00:34:56I thought you were crazy.
00:34:59Oh, Lord.
00:35:00How much do I owe you for this?
00:35:02Treat yourself.
00:35:13Where are you going?
00:35:16I'm going to talk to Gavin.
00:35:17You're not wanted, Steven.
00:35:19Just leave him be.
00:35:23Fuck off, man.
00:35:26Hey, guys.
00:35:28What is this?
00:35:31What's your maladjustment asking?
00:35:46You okay?
00:35:55Stop it!
00:35:58Stop it!
00:36:03That's enough!
00:36:20What happened to you?
00:36:23You shall overcome me, Steven.
00:36:28You okay?
00:36:29Oh, man.
00:36:43You'll see.
00:37:03You okay?
00:37:42Toast to Mr. Gavin's strength.
00:38:03What are you doing here?
00:38:05You're not supposed to be here.
00:38:08I hate the calf.
00:38:09Everybody hates the calf.
00:38:12Where's the ketchup?
00:38:14I got it.
00:38:16Oh, that's not good.
00:38:21Doesn't even look like ketchup.
00:38:23Slaughterhouse Five?
00:38:25Give me that.
00:38:26Give me that!
00:38:27What the hell's the matter with you?
00:38:32You rats from the bay.
00:38:34You rats!
00:38:36Rats everywhere.
00:38:38You kids are so smart, you think you know everything.
00:38:40You don't know nothing!
00:38:42Forget the rats.
00:38:43It's all an act, isn't it?
00:38:44You don't know.
00:38:45It's an act, isn't it?
00:38:46It's all bullshit.
00:38:47Will you get away from me?
00:39:15Do you like Kurt Vonnegut?
00:39:25I don't get it.
00:39:29Didn't you ever want to just disappear, lunch boy?
00:39:34Poof, you're gone.
00:39:38You'd be surprised how interesting people become
00:39:42when they think you're really stupid.
00:39:45You'd be surprised how interesting people become
00:39:48when they think you're really stupid.
00:40:16Where are you going, Steven?
00:40:19Who is it?
00:40:20Calm down, Steven.
00:40:28Where are you going, Steven?
00:40:30There's nothing to be afraid of.
00:40:32Come on, Steven.
00:40:33Don't go.
00:40:34There's nothing to be afraid of, Steven.
00:40:36Where are you going, Steven?
00:40:38There's nothing to be afraid of, Steven.
00:40:57Hello, Steven.
00:40:59What are you doing here?
00:41:00I'm helping Lindsay.
00:41:01I'm tutoring her in algebra.
00:41:03Where is she?
00:41:06Where's my sister?
00:41:07She's upstairs sleeping.
00:41:09Where are my parents?
00:41:10At a meeting.
00:41:11At what meeting?
00:41:12Steven, you're hurt.
00:41:13I'll live.
00:41:14Let me put something on that.
00:41:17It's fine.
00:41:21Maybe you should go.
00:41:24I mean it.
00:41:25If that's what you want.
00:41:30Can I go to the bathroom first?
00:41:35It's around the corner.
00:41:36I know where it is.
00:41:38Of course you do.
00:41:39Everyone knows where everything is around here.
00:41:41Steven, your sister's a great kid.
00:41:43She's very special.
00:42:06I love you.
00:42:08I love you.
00:42:37Hello, Steven.
00:42:42What are you doing?
00:42:43I'm not sure, really.
00:42:48Go home, Lorna.
00:42:50You don't even find me slightly attractive?
00:42:55I find you very attractive.
00:42:56It's just that you're a blue ribbon and I'm not, so...
00:43:06Wait a second.
00:43:12I know I'm not supposed to be doing this.
00:43:15It's bad.
00:43:20No, it's not bad.
00:43:22Jesus Christ.
00:44:01I have to go home.
00:44:04I have a big physics test tomorrow.
00:44:18After extracting the implant,
00:44:20I tested its integrity to the optic nerve and it was intact.
00:44:23The chip is functioning properly,
00:44:25but what I did find is that excess stimulation to the pineal gland
00:44:29caused the dopamine levels to go through the roof.
00:44:34Every time one of these kids gets a hard-on,
00:44:36they go out and beat somebody with it.
00:44:38We could do a singleotomy.
00:44:40No, just cut a craniotomy flap.
00:44:41I'll get elbow-deep, see what happens.
00:44:44I've got to cut the bruises out of the banana.
00:44:46What about her parents?
00:44:48Just tell them she'll be missing cheerleading practice this week.
00:44:58Well, you know, once you've all settled in
00:45:00and you give her a little bit of time,
00:45:02she'll fit in just fine.
00:45:04Did you hear that, Nancy?
00:45:06Yeah, all right.
00:45:16Come on, let's go.
00:45:17I've got to sell this pod.
00:45:19I've got, like, two customers left.
00:45:21If this keeps up, I'm going to be the 7-Eleven guy.
00:45:26I'm going to go grab a spray.
00:45:33Come on.
00:45:45Come out, come out, wherever you are.
00:45:55I'm sorry to come down here, Rachel.
00:45:57Look, I just want to ask you something.
00:46:09What do you want, Chug?
00:46:16I just want to know.
00:46:19It's me asking, my friend's not.
00:46:22Rachel, uh...
00:46:25Will you go out with me?
00:46:28You're kidding, right?
00:46:32Will you, please?
00:46:36No, Chug.
00:46:37I'll go.
00:46:38Wait up!
00:46:42How about this?
00:46:43You couldn't repulse me more if you were made out of
00:46:45equal parts of shit and maggots.
00:46:50I'll scream, I swear to God!
00:46:54Yeah, what do you think will happen if you do, huh?
00:46:56I'm a Blue Ribbon, baby.
00:46:58Team captain.
00:46:59You're not the only trash he's had to do with Lovato.
00:47:02Come on, Ray Ray, give up the plate for Chug, huh?
00:47:04Come on!
00:47:07Ah, fuck!
00:47:32Ah, fuck!
00:47:55What you looking at, retard?
00:48:21I guess I just think that you should try and fit in, Steve.
00:48:24We're gonna be here for a long time.
00:48:26You, me, Mom and Dad.
00:48:29I'm Chippendale.
00:48:33Ow, ow, ow.
00:48:36What is this?
00:48:38This. Where did you get this?
00:48:39I got it at school. They were handing them out.
00:48:42We all got one.
00:48:48Go inside.
00:48:51Hi, Lindsay.
00:48:52I said go inside.
00:49:34We should talk.
00:49:40There's something you need to see.
00:49:52Hey, Ray.
00:49:54Gavin Strick here.
00:49:57Live and unplugged.
00:50:02I guess if you found this, then you know.
00:50:06Am I hanging with Trent and Robbie and the rest of the robots?
00:50:13God, I hope not.
00:50:16I hit the vents tonight when I split up with Stevie Boy.
00:50:20He doesn't believe.
00:50:22I went back to school, and I overheard Caldecott talking to some wonk.
00:50:28Mentioned Bishop Blatt's 11.
00:50:31Caldecott called them his children.
00:50:34And then he freaked out on the guy and kicked him out of his office.
00:50:38So, you know, I figure something's up with that, right?
00:50:42Keep an eye on U.V. for me, though.
00:50:45I doubt that they'll want him.
00:50:47I doubt that they're interested in the pigmentally challenged.
00:50:51It's not their style.
00:50:57I believe Paranoid.
00:51:00Gavin Strick.
00:51:02Reporting live from the reconstruction.
00:51:13I pulled this off the A.M.A. database.
00:51:19Caldecott's last place of employment was just across the bay,
00:51:22in Bishop Blatt's, at a place called the Belknap Psychiatric Facility.
00:51:26He spent seven years doing neuropharmacology.
00:51:30Mind control.
00:51:35Next ferry's at 6.
00:51:39Bishop Blatt's?
00:51:41You looking for it?
00:51:51Let's go.
00:51:59I miss Gavin. He was almost like a...
00:52:01A brother?
00:52:05Yeah. Exactly.
00:52:12I had a brother.
00:52:18His name was Alan.
00:52:20He was a couple years older than me.
00:52:23If he would have made it through his teens, he would have been something amazing.
00:52:27But he was...
00:52:29He was always in pain.
00:52:35In eight months to the day he shot himself,
00:52:38Dad said we were moving to Cradle Bay.
00:52:44Where everything was gonna be all right.
00:52:51I'm sorry.
00:52:53No, don't.
00:52:58Let's go.
00:53:08Let's go.
00:53:20You know, maybe this isn't such a good idea.
00:53:25Think of it as our first date.
00:53:38I'm sorry.
00:54:08I'm sorry.
00:54:34Be pretty.
00:54:37Do it just right.
00:54:40Be pretty.
00:54:56Meet the musical little creatures
00:55:00that hide among the flowers.
00:55:03Meet the musical little creatures
00:55:07that hide among the flowers.
00:55:10Meet the musical little creatures
00:55:14that hide among the flowers.
00:55:16Meet the musical little creatures
00:55:19that hide among the flowers.
00:55:22Meet the musical little creatures...
00:55:33Musical little creatures
00:55:35that hide among the flowers.
00:55:38Meet the musical little creatures
00:55:41that hide among...
00:55:58Let's get out of here.
00:56:03It's Calicott's daughter.
00:56:34His daughter. His own daughter.
00:56:36How can nobody not know that there's something
00:56:38fully fucked up in Bishop Flats?
00:56:40Shit, his own daughter was in there. Nobody's safe.
00:56:53Listen, the last ferry leaves at 11.30.
00:56:55Just tell me you have a razor climb.
00:56:58I am making this shit up as I go.
00:57:32Hiya, Officer Cox.
00:57:34Losing time, Frankie.
00:57:36Yeah, it's getting late.
00:57:38Just be cool.
00:57:44Past curfew.
00:57:46She's just driving me home.
00:57:54Where are your books?
00:58:01I don't know.
00:58:20Evening, Officer.
00:58:22What are you doing?
00:58:24I'm getting rid of rats.
00:58:26Pink eyed vermin.
00:58:28Can't see for shit.
00:58:30Quarter of a rat.
00:58:32Town council gives me a quarter of a rat.
00:58:36I'm going to be rich at this rate.
00:58:39I'll be on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
00:58:43And a Wendy, I think.
00:58:46Where are you going?
00:58:48Can we go now?
00:58:50Step out of the truck. Now.
00:58:57What are you doing?
00:59:01Hey, let her go.
00:59:03What do you want from us?
00:59:05Give me that.
00:59:12That's a big rat.
00:59:19Come on, get out of there.
00:59:21What are you waiting for?
00:59:23Get, get, get, get, get.
00:59:25Come on.
00:59:32Let's get out of here.
00:59:42Come on, Steve.
00:59:48Come on.
00:59:52Come on.
00:59:55You have to trust me.
00:59:58You trust me, don't you?
01:00:05Where are you going?
01:00:07I'm taking Lindsay away from here.
01:00:09We're going back to Chicago.
01:00:11Don't do this, Steve. You're scaring me.
01:00:13I'm scared too, Mom. Believe me.
01:00:15Look, Steve, you have to know that we're here for you, no matter what.
01:00:21Oh, God. Do you really mean that?
01:00:23Of course we do.
01:00:25Okay, then let's all go home.
01:00:27Stephen, you are home.
01:00:30Cradle Bay is where you belong.
01:00:32Here with your family.
01:00:34You signed me up for the program?
01:00:36We want what's best for you.
01:00:38What about what I want?
01:00:40Look, Stephen, do you really like the way you feel?
01:00:42Oh, shut the fuck up.
01:00:45You sold me out.
01:00:47No, we didn't. We just want you back.
01:00:49Stephen, please.
01:00:51Okay? Nobody calls me Stephen except for them.
01:00:58Come on, Lance. Steve.
01:01:14May I have this dance, Stephen?
01:01:16Where's Rachel?
01:01:18She's gone to an institute of higher learning, Stephen.
01:01:23Steve, help!
01:01:25Steve, help us!
01:01:27Who's your daddy, huh?
01:01:47Respect yourself, Stephen.
01:01:51Nice, nice boy.
01:02:00It's not what you think, Stephen.
01:02:03It's a new kind of cool.
01:02:05You feel better, freer.
01:02:07I've never felt so alive in my life.
01:02:10It's humanity's sacred essence.
01:02:12A new and finer age.
01:02:14Go forward.
01:02:18Be the ball.
01:02:41He's not his age.
01:02:52People are going to know when I get out of here.
01:02:55That's right, Stephen. They will know.
01:02:57They'll know because you'll be better.
01:03:02Adolescence is a minefield.
01:03:05But soon, you'll be free.
01:03:08You'll be free.
01:03:10You'll be free.
01:03:12You'll be free.
01:03:14You'll be free.
01:03:16You'll be free.
01:03:18You'll be free.
01:03:20You'll be fully equipped to walk right through it.
01:03:25Straight A's and a leather jacket,
01:03:27and every now and then you rape and kill.
01:03:29Cure cancer, you gotta kill a few white mice.
01:03:32Meet the musical little creatures
01:03:36that hide among the flowers.
01:03:40That's a battle I didn't win.
01:03:46You'll be different.
01:03:49Because I know so much more now.
01:03:54She wasn't that bright to begin with.
01:04:10Let the light in.
01:04:12Let the light in.
01:04:18Stop! Stop!
01:04:22You're an old, old ace.
01:04:25That's right.
01:04:27That's right.
01:05:27You'll be okay.
01:05:29You'll be okay, Rachel.
01:06:00Going somewhere with my custard there, Steven?
01:06:05Let's go, Chuck.
01:06:07That's my girl you got there, Steve.
01:06:10I can't let you take her now, can I?
01:06:14Come on!
01:06:21Come on!
01:06:33Come on, Ray-Ray.
01:06:35Give up the play for old Chuck, huh?
01:06:44Come on.
01:06:55Come on.
01:07:00Hey, not so fast.
01:07:04Where's the capital of North Dakota?
01:07:06How the fuck should I know?
01:07:08Okay, you're cool.
01:07:10We're in. We got a book.
01:07:12Early bird ferries in 20 minutes.
01:07:18What the fuck?
01:07:20What the fuck?
01:07:22What the fuck?
01:07:25What the fuck?
01:07:39Oh, shit, man.
01:08:00It's time to leave mediocrity behind, Steven.
01:08:04Step up on the bus.
01:08:24Come on.
01:08:45Come and get it, you blue bastards!
01:08:48Come on.
01:08:54What is going on?
01:08:57Come on.
01:08:59Get him to the ferry.
01:09:03I'll meet you down there.
01:09:09Don't leave without me.
01:09:18Come on.
01:09:34Hey, lunch boy.
01:09:36What are you doing?
01:09:38We can't very well have these shit birds
01:09:42graduating and going off into the world, can we?
01:09:45Maybe they can be helped.
01:09:47No, they can't.
01:09:49And neither can I.
01:09:54Do good things, lunch boy.
01:10:10Hey, teacher!
01:10:14Leave those kids alone!
01:10:34It's over, you son of a bitch.
01:10:37It's finished.
01:10:41There'll always be other towns
01:10:44and other troubled teens
01:10:46and other worried parents.
01:10:48Science is God.
01:11:17Tell me.
01:11:19Be the ball.
01:11:46Be the ball.
01:12:13What happened?
01:12:15No one's left.
01:12:21So what do we do now?
01:12:25We go home.
01:12:28And where's that?
01:12:35Wherever we are.
01:12:41Whoa, appropriate spark to fly in.
01:12:45Somebody queue up the power ballad, man.
01:13:07All right, now settle down. Turn that damn thing off.
01:13:10Now y'all got a new student teacher starting today,
01:13:13and I want you to show him a little bit more respect than the last one.
01:13:18Speak of the devil.
01:13:33Say hello to your new student teacher class.
01:13:40All yours.
01:13:47Hello, class.
