A good girl from LA that's just looking for a good time HD ( Drama )

  • last month
A good girl from LA that's just looking for a good time HD ( Drama )
00:00:00Hello. You are so pretty. You are so pretty.
00:00:09Okay, enough. I just found out we're not getting married.
00:00:12It kind of scared me to my heart. Oh man, at least it's been documented.
00:00:16Good thing. Not now.
00:00:22Okay, sorry. I'm actually full, I don't need to eat that.
00:00:27Do you want to get a milkshake though?
00:00:29What? You want me to get a milkshake?
00:00:32Yeah. Are you splitting with me?
00:00:34I'll watch you. No.
00:00:45Are you serious? No, I'm filming myself so when I'm gone you can watch this.
00:00:50Oh my gosh. And you can think I'm cute.
00:00:53Just minutes on minutes on minutes and she's smiling at the camera.
00:00:57She's doing it again.
00:00:59Hi Sam. When I'm back home you can watch this when you miss me and you can be happy.
00:01:07Aw, thanks baby.
00:01:24Then get a dating app. No, absolutely not.
00:01:26I'm downloading it. No, oh my god Megan stop.
00:01:30And the password.
00:01:32Password should be Megan number one.
00:01:36Okay, I'm actually going to do that.
00:01:38And then pick top three hot photos of you.
00:01:43Easy. Got it.
00:01:45Okay, okay.
00:01:47Oh my gosh.
00:01:53Oh my god.
00:01:55Look at this kid.
00:01:57He's cute.
00:01:59See, you can thank me later.
00:02:03I guess this could be fun.
00:02:23Oh my gosh.
00:02:56Oh, hey.
00:02:58You saved that really good phone call.
00:03:00Ty said that made me a bass player.
00:03:02He sounded like the third base of communication.
00:03:05What are you doing?
00:03:07I'm not really doing anything.
00:03:09What are you doing?
00:03:11I'm not really doing anything.
00:03:13What are you doing?
00:03:15I'm not doing anything.
00:03:17What are you doing?
00:03:19I'm not doing anything.
00:03:21I'm not really doing anything.
00:03:23You look gorgeous.
00:03:25So do you.
00:03:27Well, I'm only down a couple more days and I'm thinking that we should hang.
00:03:32Oh, are we hanging?
00:03:36We'll see.
00:03:38Well, I did want to call you and talk to you about something before we did hang out.
00:03:45Okay, like what?
00:03:47Like what I'm doing in town.
00:03:51I think I know.
00:03:53You do?
00:03:55I mean, no one under the age of 35 lives in Malibu for a few months.
00:03:59It's got to be like some kind of rehab.
00:04:03Am I right?
00:04:05Smart girl. Very smart girl.
00:04:08But technically, it's not a rehab.
00:04:10It's a sober living facility, okay?
00:04:12What's the difference?
00:04:14Well, a rehab is like super intense, 24-hour monitoring.
00:04:21There's no contact with the outside world.
00:04:25But, you know, a rehab or a sober living facility is a little more accountability based.
00:04:31There's still a lot of rules, but technically I could leave to hang out with somebody.
00:04:35That is, if you still want to.
00:04:37I don't know if it's like a turn-off or whatever.
00:04:44I don't know.
00:05:07Oh my God, it's 3.30. How did that happen?
00:05:11Wow, we've been talking for a long time.
00:05:15I should go. I have work tomorrow.
00:05:18Yeah, I better get some sleep too.
00:05:22Text me when you wake up.
00:05:26Okay, just text me whatever you want tomorrow.
00:05:29Okay, I will.
00:05:31Bye, Sam.
00:05:33Good night.
00:05:43Good night.
00:05:55Hey, J.J.
00:05:58Who are you talking to?
00:05:59Hey, Mr. Carroll.
00:06:00Oh, come on, it's Billy.
00:06:02Everybody can see you smiling.
00:06:04Look at that smile.
00:06:05They can see you smiling from four blocks down.
00:06:08Now, who is it?
00:06:09I'm talking to my mother.
00:06:10Okay, well, let me look at Mom.
00:06:15Mommy's cute.
00:06:16What, was she two years old when she had you or what?
00:06:18Yeah, actually, it was a modern miracle.
00:06:20Well, you are a modern miracle.
00:06:21You know, it's a wonder how you ever ended up here.
00:06:24You ever think about that?
00:06:25All the time.
00:06:26I'm almost done, actually, so I'm excited about that.
00:06:28Yeah, I'm proud of you.
00:06:31Let's walk.
00:06:33I don't see you walking.
00:06:34I'm walking.
00:06:35Come on.
00:06:36I'm walking.
00:06:37I'm joining Jake, the new assistant counselor.
00:06:41I'm getting some word back that you've been taking advantage of his newness.
00:06:47I don't know about advantage.
00:06:49It's a strong word.
00:06:52Oh, beautiful, isn't it?
00:06:56How do you feel?
00:07:00I feel good.
00:07:01Yeah, I feel good.
00:07:03Almost made it to the end.
00:07:05You pushed through, JJ.
00:07:06You pushed through like you meant business, and I'm proud of you for that.
00:07:10I am.
00:07:11I appreciate that, Billy.
00:07:14The court back home reached out to me.
00:07:16They want my opinion on your progress.
00:07:18I told them, I told them you're doing better.
00:07:23I appreciate it.
00:07:24I mean...
00:07:25I also told them you're not ready for custody yet.
00:07:28Wait, what?
00:07:29JJ, you just need to...
00:07:30You're keeping my kid from me.
00:07:31You need to learn more about...
00:07:32No, no, Billy, Billy.
00:07:33I'm thinking about your daughter.
00:07:34I'm thinking about Lexi.
00:07:35I'm thinking about her, okay?
00:07:36She needs a dad that's 100%.
00:07:38I am 100%.
00:07:39That's why I'm here.
00:07:40That's why I'm here, Billy.
00:07:42Okay, just a little more time.
00:07:47Come here.
00:07:52Forget it.
00:07:57Wait up, wait up.
00:08:04How about you come home with me?
00:08:06You can meet my daughter.
00:08:07Lexi would love you.
00:08:10Do you want to meet her?
00:08:15Hey, Mom.
00:08:19I'm okay.
00:08:23It's just this...
00:08:25I guess they told the courts I'm not ready for custody.
00:08:31What did they tell her I am?
00:08:33On vacation?
00:08:37She said she wants to be with me on vacation.
00:08:41That's really sweet.
00:08:45No, I tried calling, but she won't let me talk to her.
00:08:49No, she won't even let me talk to her on the phone.
00:08:53No, it's like for nothing.
00:08:55If I came out here for Lexi and then I can't even see her...
00:09:00I just want to be done.
00:09:03Like, with all of this, I just want to be done.
00:09:09Yes, I promise.
00:09:11I promise I will try and have some fun.
00:09:16I love you, too.
00:09:19All right.
00:09:42Sam, look at this.
00:09:43Hey, it's cute, right?
00:09:44Yeah, it's really cute.
00:09:46What size is that?
00:09:48A small.
00:09:50You should put it on hold for yourself.
00:09:52I'll put it on hold.
00:09:54Yeah, yeah.
00:09:58So, I'm going out with that guy tonight.
00:10:02Where are you guys going to hang?
00:10:03I don't know yet.
00:10:04But I want to ask you a quick question.
00:10:07So, JJ's in rehab.
00:10:09He's in rehab?
00:10:10Well, it's not a real rehab.
00:10:12It's like a sober living facility.
00:10:13But I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd freak out like you are right now.
00:10:15I'm not freaking out.
00:10:16Kind of.
00:10:17You kind of are.
00:10:18Okay, okay, I'm not.
00:10:20Um, do you think that it would be okay for me to get a drink with him?
00:10:22Or is it like bad because he's going to rehab?
00:10:24Why do you want to hang with a guy in rehab if you can just meet another guy?
00:10:29Because it's literally perfect.
00:10:30He's just going to be here a few days.
00:10:31We'll have some fun and then he's gone.
00:10:33It's nothing serious.
00:10:36He's perfect.
00:10:37That's either brilliant or twisted.
00:10:50After the jump.
00:11:01Hey, how are you?
00:11:02Good, how are you?
00:11:04Do you want to get in and we can go?
00:11:05I don't think so.
00:11:07I want you to get out of the car and hug me.
00:11:10Oh my God, no.
00:11:11Just get in the car.
00:11:12I'm not getting in until you get out and hug me.
00:11:13No, just get in the car.
00:11:14Come on.
00:11:15Oh my God.
00:11:20Okay, good?
00:11:22Can we go?
00:11:23Yeah, we can go.
00:11:24Let's go.
00:11:25Okay, great.
00:11:26Are you hungry?
00:11:27Where are we going?
00:11:28Yeah, okay.
00:11:29Do you like sushi?
00:11:30No, I hate it.
00:11:33It's my favorite.
00:11:34I think it's so gross.
00:11:35I don't think this is going to work.
00:11:36Yeah, me either.
00:11:37Maybe she's pulling a hard stop on him.
00:11:38Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:11:39I'm kidding.
00:11:40Go, go, go, go.
00:11:41You can go wherever you want.
00:11:42Okay, perfect.
00:11:43Okay, bye.
00:11:50Hm, I'm your boyfriend.
00:11:51I'm your boyfriend.
00:11:53I'm your boyfriend.
00:11:55You look like a doll.
00:11:56I know.
00:11:57No, I don't.
00:11:58Okay, put those noodles away.
00:11:59I'll make my own noodles.
00:12:00She looks terrific.
00:12:01You look beautiful.
00:12:02Even better than your profile.
00:12:04Yeah, you can't always say that for people.
00:12:05Some people, you see their profile, and you meet them in person, and it's like,
00:12:07Stay cafe, she-
00:12:08Do you feel like I live up to my photos?
00:12:11Oh, you?
00:12:12Yeah, it's me.
00:12:13Oh, oh, oh, we're not talking about me anymore.
00:12:15Mmm. Don't look at it.
00:12:18Because I don't like to show people.
00:12:20Now, why would you get a tattoo?
00:12:22Something that's going to be on your body probably forever,
00:12:25and you don't want anyone to see it.
00:12:26Because I got it when I was 17.
00:12:28It's really dumb, and I want to get it removed.
00:12:30Okay, fair enough.
00:12:32Do you have any tattoos?
00:12:33Yeah, I got a couple.
00:12:34Show me.
00:12:37Oh, cool!
00:12:38I actually went to get a lip tattoo.
00:12:40I thought that those wear off after a while.
00:12:41That's what they say. I've had mine, like, six years.
00:12:43Did it hurt?
00:12:44A little.
00:12:45But I can handle it.
00:12:48I wanted to get another one while I was in town,
00:12:50but just didn't get a chance.
00:12:52How long have you been here so far?
00:12:53Six-month program, and I'm almost done,
00:12:55so about that long.
00:12:57Has it been difficult?
00:12:59The program?
00:13:01Uh, yeah.
00:13:03Yeah, it has in some ways.
00:13:05But I wanted to do it.
00:13:08I got a daughter at home.
00:13:13Is that weird?
00:13:14That's cool.
00:13:15I have some friends that have kids.
00:13:17I'm gonna be that dad right now,
00:13:18and I'm gonna show you a picture.
00:13:19I would love to see a picture.
00:13:20All right.
00:13:21Gosh, she's beautiful!
00:13:22Yeah, right?
00:13:24What's her name?
00:13:26She's so beautiful.
00:13:27That little girl's my princess.
00:13:30I miss her so much.
00:13:31So is her mom still in the picture?
00:13:32Wait, you're not married or something, are you?
00:13:35No, no, no.
00:13:37Uh, Lexi's mom and I haven't been together in a long time.
00:13:39We're friends, though.
00:13:41Do you guys think you'll ever get back together?
00:13:45I think we're better as friends than we ever were together.
00:13:47Well, that's good.
00:13:48For Lexi, at least.
00:13:50My parents separated when I was really young.
00:13:52It was hard on me, but you get over it.
00:13:54Do you have any siblings?
00:13:56Only a child right here.
00:13:58That explains a lot.
00:14:00Yeah, it does.
00:14:01I'm just teasing.
00:14:02I have a big family, though.
00:14:04You close with them?
00:14:06Super close with my siblings,
00:14:07really close with my mom.
00:14:08You close with your parents?
00:14:11Actually, I'm really close with my dad.
00:14:13It was really hard on him when I moved out here all on my own.
00:14:16He wants me to move back and work for him.
00:14:19He does investment banking.
00:14:22You gonna do it?
00:14:23I don't think so.
00:14:24I don't know.
00:14:25I don't really know what I want to do.
00:14:27Well, if you could do anything in the world,
00:14:28what would you want to do?
00:14:29I don't know.
00:14:30Anything in the world.
00:14:31I want to do a lot of things.
00:14:33It's hard to say these days, you know?
00:14:34What's hard about that?
00:14:36Figuring out what you want to do with your life.
00:14:39Like, think about it.
00:14:41Our great-grandparents never had dreams of being millionaires.
00:14:44I mean, they just worked a really hard job.
00:14:46They hated to put food on the table,
00:14:48to provide a better life for their children.
00:14:50Then our grandparents just wanted to make enough
00:14:52so that their kids, our parents, could go to college
00:14:54and be doctors or lawyers or engineers, and they did.
00:14:58And then we come along, and our parents tell us
00:15:00that we can do anything we dream of, which is a lie,
00:15:03but we believe them, and we try and fail
00:15:05at doing these things we think we're good at
00:15:07but never actually gain any work ethic or drive,
00:15:09never becoming functioning members of society.
00:15:11And then the Internet and social media comes along,
00:15:13and people are creating websites and apps
00:15:15and becoming the youngest billionaires of all time.
00:15:17People are reality stars and make millions of dollars
00:15:19for being themselves on TV.
00:15:21And suddenly, we all feel like if we are 30
00:15:24and don't have a few mil in the bank,
00:15:26then we're a failure.
00:15:27I mean, our grandparents would have never even dreamed
00:15:29of being millionaires by 30, maybe not even ever.
00:15:32But for us, that's the norm.
00:15:33I mean, that kind of pressure is ridiculous.
00:15:37So, no.
00:15:39I have no idea what I want to do.
00:15:42I'm just working retail right now.
00:15:44It feels like such a dead end.
00:15:46You make enough money at this cool store to pay rent in L.A.?
00:15:48It's expensive out here.
00:15:50Well, my dad helps.
00:15:55A lot.
00:15:57Can I pay his rent?
00:15:59I know how it is.
00:16:00My mom helps out with my daughter a lot.
00:16:03I'm going to order another drink.
00:16:05Okay, you do that.
00:16:07I'm going to go to the bathroom.
00:16:11You good?
00:16:15I don't want to talk about this right now.
00:16:17No, we don't have anything to talk about.
00:16:20I don't have an attitude.
00:16:23Do not bring my daughter into this.
00:16:25No, I'm not drinking.
00:16:27Dude, I'm done talking.
00:16:31I'm done talking.
00:16:32I'm done.
00:16:40They say when you drink tequila,
00:16:42at the bottom of the drink you can see your future.
00:16:45Yeah, that looks not good.
00:16:47So what?
00:16:48I don't know.
00:16:50You're embarrassing me.
00:16:51We are in love.
00:16:54I feel it never more.
00:16:57He's going to...
00:16:59I don't know.
00:17:01What's going to happen?
00:17:03You know.
00:17:04I don't know.
00:17:05We need another round.
00:17:07This is the key.
00:17:09Harmful dream.
00:17:12You saw this morning.
00:17:20I had it, love.
00:17:23Heard it all before.
00:17:26This is great.
00:17:27I know.
00:17:28I like this.
00:17:30You look like you want to get out of here.
00:17:38What do you want to do?
00:17:40We can go somewhere else or
00:17:42we can go back to my place for a drink.
00:17:45But if I go back to your place,
00:17:46how am I going to get back later tonight?
00:17:48Can you spend the night if you want?
00:17:54You realize if I spend the night,
00:17:55you're going to kick me out, right?
00:17:56Don't do that.
00:17:57I don't care.
00:17:58I don't care.
00:18:00Look, I only have three days left.
00:18:03All I have is a couple of interviews
00:18:05and grabbing my bags.
00:18:09No, you should finish.
00:18:11I already did my time.
00:18:14Unless you just don't want me to come home.
00:18:15No, I do.
00:18:16I just...
00:18:21You promise?
00:18:25There is one small problem.
00:18:29If they kick me out,
00:18:31I won't have a place to stay the next three days.
00:18:36That's fine.
00:18:42On the couch.
00:19:40You know how to use that thing?
00:19:41No, not really.
00:19:43Yeah, let me see it.
00:19:45So this camera actually takes 35 millimeter film.
00:19:49Yeah, you load it here in the back.
00:19:51You only get 36 exposures per roll.
00:19:54You mean 36 photos?
00:19:58Like with digital,
00:19:59you can take as many photos as you want.
00:20:00I've done that before.
00:20:01I know how that one works.
00:20:03See, look in there.
00:20:06Okay, and do you see the light meter on the right?
00:20:09Like the numbers on the side?
00:20:10Yeah, yeah, I see the numbers.
00:20:11So that's the light meter.
00:20:13And you press down on this button.
00:20:15It'll show you what to set the aperture to.
00:20:20It says 2.8.
00:20:23Okay, perfect.
00:20:24So we'll move it to 2.8.
00:20:29Now, look through it.
00:20:31Focus, and then shoot.
00:20:33Did you cock that back?
00:20:40Let me see here.
00:20:42No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:20:45Let me just take one.
00:20:47Be careful.
00:20:49Just relax.
00:20:52You're bad.
00:20:54The numbers keep changing.
00:20:59That's great.
00:21:01It better be.
00:21:02That better be beautiful.
00:21:04Jay-Z, it's Billy.
00:21:06I want to talk through some of the stuff we talked through earlier.
00:21:09Give me a call, please.
00:21:11Hey, you need to call me right now.
00:21:14Look, I'm trying to cover for you, man.
00:21:16You're going to throw all this away.
00:21:18And you're better than this.
00:21:20Call me right now.
00:21:25So I'm officially kicked out?
00:21:27Damn, sorry.
00:21:28It's not your fault.
00:21:30So, here's my house key.
00:21:33If you want to go get food or something,
00:21:35I don't think there's really anything to eat in the fridge,
00:21:37but help yourself to whatever.
00:21:40And feel free to text me or call me or whatever.
00:21:50You're not going to steal all my stuff
00:21:52and go sell it on Craigslist, are you?
00:21:54No, actually.
00:21:56Your Harry Potter books and that gorgeous painting
00:21:58of Miami Beach are going to be just fine.
00:22:00Oh, well, you can actually sell the painting.
00:22:02I've never really liked it anyway.
00:22:03We'll have to split the profits.
00:22:05Oh, yeah?
00:22:06And what are we going to do with all that money?
00:22:08I don't know.
00:22:14Well, I got to go to work, so goodbye.
00:22:17Bye, dude.
00:22:18Bye, dude.
00:22:22Bye, dude.
00:22:52Bye, dude.
00:23:23Hey, I can't come in today.
00:23:27Oh, hey.
00:23:29Did you forget something?
00:23:30No, they had extra coverage.
00:23:31They didn't need me to come in today.
00:23:34Yeah, what do you want to do today?
00:23:37I'm down for whatever.
00:23:40Want to go see a movie?
00:23:43Is there anything you want to see?
00:23:45I don't know.
00:23:46Let's look like.
00:23:51Hey, do you mind if we go by the rehab and pick up my stuff?
00:23:54Yeah, sure.
00:23:55We can go to the movies on the way back.
00:24:06Did you go through my stuff?
00:24:08I just was brushing my teeth and I saw them in the drawer.
00:24:14I didn't take any.
00:24:19Do you take those?
00:24:21No, honestly, I forgot that they were even in here.
00:24:26Are you mad at me?
00:24:30Why would I be mad at you?
00:24:31I don't know.
00:24:32I just feel weird.
00:24:36I get that.
00:24:38I've had a lot of weird moments with the family over the years.
00:24:41There was a time when nobody trusted me.
00:24:44Not even my own mom.
00:24:47I'll throw them away.
00:24:49You don't have to do that.
00:24:52Well, what should I do?
00:24:54If I wanted to, I could have somebody here with pills in less than 30 minutes.
00:24:59But it's not how I want to be anymore.
00:25:01It's not me.
00:25:03I think you should put them back in the drawer.
00:25:07Just leave them.
00:25:08You can even count them if you want.
00:25:11Are you sure?
00:25:13Do you trust me?
00:25:29Ah, shit.
00:25:37Hey, man.
00:25:38Hey, bud.
00:25:39You know I think you're making a mistake here.
00:25:42You guys are the ones who kicked me out, remember?
00:25:43If you'd come back last night like I told you to, we could have figured it out.
00:25:46Yeah, it's too late now.
00:25:47No, it's not too late.
00:25:48My God, JJ, you got a lot of good in you.
00:25:50You want to throw it all away for this?
00:25:52You know, maybe I should meet her.
00:25:53No, no, no.
00:25:55You don't need to meet anybody.
00:25:57I just want to introduce myself.
00:26:01You think I'm going to embarrass you, don't you?
00:26:03No, you are embarrassing me.
00:26:04Listen, listen.
00:26:05I'm talking low.
00:26:06You're talking loud, okay?
00:26:07Okay, she hears you.
00:26:08She doesn't hear me.
00:26:10Yeah, go ahead.
00:26:11I'm just going to spend my last couple days with her.
00:26:13I'm going to go home.
00:26:15And I'm going to be fine, okay?
00:26:18And you think you can hang on to your sobriety with that?
00:26:20And you think you can get Lexi back?
00:26:22I'm fine.
00:26:23Yeah, I know you're fine.
00:26:25Thank you for everything.
00:26:27I still believe in you, JJ.
00:26:30All right.
00:26:39What was all that about?
00:26:41Let's go.
00:26:56You good?
00:27:10I'm good.
00:27:11I'm good.
00:27:12I'm good.
00:27:13I'm good.
00:27:14I'm good.
00:27:15I'm good.
00:27:16I'm good.
00:27:17I'm good.
00:27:18I'm good.
00:27:19I'm good.
00:27:20I'm good.
00:27:21I'm good.
00:27:22I'm good.
00:27:23I'm good.
00:27:24I'm good.
00:27:25I'm good.
00:27:26I'm good.
00:27:27I'm good.
00:27:28I'm good.
00:27:29I'm good.
00:27:30I'm good.
00:27:31I'm good.
00:27:32I'm good.
00:27:33I'm good.
00:27:34I'm good.
00:27:35I'm good.
00:27:36I'm good.
00:27:37I'm good.
00:27:38I'm good.
00:27:39I'm good.
00:27:40I'm good.
00:27:41I'm good.
00:27:42I'm good.
00:27:43I'm good.
00:27:44I'm good.
00:27:45I'm good.
00:27:46I'm good.
00:27:47I'm good.
00:27:48I'm good.
00:27:49I'm good.
00:27:50I'm good.
00:27:51I'm good.
00:27:52I'm good.
00:27:53I'm good.
00:27:54I'm good.
00:27:55I'm good.
00:27:56I'm good.
00:27:57I'm good.
00:27:58I'm good.
00:27:59I'm good.
00:28:00I'm good.
00:28:01I'm good.
00:28:02I'm good.
00:28:03I'm good.
00:28:04I'm good.
00:28:05I'm good.
00:28:06I'm good.
00:28:07I'm good.
00:28:08I'm good.
00:28:09I'm good.
00:28:10I'm good.
00:28:11I'm good.
00:28:12I'm good.
00:28:13I'm good.
00:28:14I'm good.
00:28:15I'm good.
00:28:16I'm good.
00:28:17I'm good.
00:28:18I'm good.
00:28:19I'm good.
00:28:20I'm good.
00:28:21I'm good.
00:28:22I'm good.
00:28:23I'm good.
00:28:24I'm good.
00:28:25I'm good.
00:28:26I'm good.
00:28:27I'm good.
00:28:28I'm good.
00:28:29I'm good.
00:28:30I'm good.
00:28:31I'm good.
00:28:32I'm good.
00:28:33I'm good.
00:28:34I'm good.
00:28:35I'm good.
00:28:36I'm good.
00:28:37You can wear whatever you want.
00:28:40Let's go.
00:29:08You take me back in time
00:29:19To a time
00:29:23Where laughter reigned
00:29:26And all my buddies in the club
00:29:31Would come out and play
00:29:34Here you go, guys.
00:29:35Thank you, man.
00:29:37You're out here making some fans.
00:29:39Too soon.
00:29:40Sorry, too soon. Quite literally.
00:29:42You want to cheers after that?
00:29:43Cheers to that. You're leaving soon.
00:29:44Too soon.
00:29:45We'll start off easy.
00:29:47What's your favorite color?
00:29:50Favorite movie?
00:29:54Ten Things I Hate About You.
00:29:56Good one.
00:29:58Do you believe in true love?
00:29:59Wow, that escalated quickly.
00:30:02Well, do you like that there's only one person out there just for you?
00:30:05Um, not really.
00:30:09Do you?
00:30:12I used to.
00:30:17My grandma always told me that you have three great loves in your life.
00:30:21And that they all teach you something.
00:30:26How many have you had?
00:30:27Just one, I think.
00:30:28You think?
00:30:29I feel like that's something you should know about if you've had it, right?
00:30:33You care to share?
00:30:35No? Okay, we can move on.
00:30:40What is your greatest fear?
00:30:42Good one.
00:30:43Um, probably drowning.
00:30:47So dying a slow death?
00:30:50More just death in general.
00:30:53So you're afraid to die?
00:30:56I guess just what comes after death.
00:30:59Just nothingness.
00:31:01You're just gone.
00:31:02Yeah, people cry for a day or two, but eventually you're forgotten like you were never even there.
00:31:10I take it you don't believe in heaven, then?
00:31:12Oh, I think heaven was invented by hurt people hoping that their loved ones are still out there somewhere.
00:31:17And that they'll see them again someday.
00:31:20But I could be wrong.
00:31:22Who knows?
00:31:29I don't know.
00:31:40Want to play pool?
00:32:00So what do you want to do today?
00:32:02I want to see L.A.
00:32:03Okay, what do you want to see?
00:32:05I want to see the Hollywood sign.
00:32:07Oh, maybe one of those star tours where you can see the famous people's houses.
00:32:11Come on, be a tourist with me today.
00:32:14Please be a tourist with me today.
00:32:16Please be a tourist with me today.
00:32:22Oh my god!
00:32:30I was born in the city.
00:32:34Went out on my own.
00:32:37Reporting live from the scene right now.
00:32:39Looks like there has been a volcano eruption.
00:32:43One group is observing.
00:32:45On the back, we start from one place.
00:32:49Fixing my own tent, oh oh.
00:32:53Should I move my hair?
00:32:55Don't be tired.
00:33:26I went down to the valley and I saw a gun clutched so tightly by the hunter pointing at his mouth, oh.
00:33:44I ran as fast as I could.
00:33:49You just don't look like an addict.
00:33:53To me.
00:33:54I don't look like a drug addict?
00:33:56Yeah, you're so defensive about that.
00:33:59What does a drug addict look like?
00:34:00You really want to look like a drug addict?
00:34:01Well, what does that look like?
00:34:02I don't know, you just don't look like it to me.
00:34:05What does a drug addict look like?
00:34:07I don't know.
00:34:10Don't you like a face tattoo?
00:34:17Such a tourist!
00:34:20JJ, say something funny.
00:34:26It's not funny.
00:34:28I can't think of anything.
00:34:32Somebody left their shoe.
00:34:33It's too bad, you know?
00:34:35They don't appreciate anything anymore.
00:34:37There she is!
00:34:39Buildings like chandeliers illuminating my fears, oh oh oh.
00:34:49Oh oh oh.
00:34:53But I'm still closer, closer to God.
00:35:00Okay, put it on.
00:35:01Closer, closer to God.
00:35:08Closer, closer to God.
00:35:14I don't like this!
00:35:17This is actually scary!
00:35:22This is actually scary!
00:35:53What are you getting?
00:35:54Smells nice.
00:35:55There's a good oakiness to it.
00:35:58Yeah, earthy tone.
00:35:59Maybe some.
00:36:12Were you popular in high school?
00:36:15Were you, really?
00:36:16Were you not?
00:36:18It's hard to say.
00:36:24I just feel like I was friends with like a lot of different groups of people.
00:36:28But I guess like my group of friends would have been considered like the burnouts, you know?
00:36:35Like we were invited to the parties, but we just never went.
00:36:38We like just did our own thing.
00:36:40So that's why I don't know.
00:36:41I don't know.
00:36:42I don't know.
00:36:43I don't know.
00:36:44I don't know.
00:36:45I don't know.
00:36:46I don't know.
00:36:47So that's like kind of cooler than being popular, right?
00:36:51I guess it depends who you ask.
00:36:53If you ask yourself, I guess yeah.
00:36:54I'm asking you, so what's the answer?
00:36:57I don't know.
00:36:59I think you're pretty cool.
00:37:01That's all I need to hear.
00:37:03There you go.
00:37:09I love this smoothie.
00:37:10I've seen this smoothie so many times.
00:37:12Never gets old.
00:37:14No, never.
00:37:15It's so good.
00:37:18I have a crush on him.
00:37:19I did.
00:37:21In Jumanji.
00:37:22Oh my gosh.
00:37:23Oh my gosh.
00:37:24I've always really liked older men.
00:37:25Like my first crush.
00:37:31My first crush was Mel Gibson in The Patriot.
00:37:35Which it would have been normal for it to be like Heath Ledger.
00:37:42We are officially out of wine.
00:37:44That's why we have some more.
00:37:45You want some?
00:37:48Are you going to?
00:37:50Here I am.
00:37:51JJ reporting live from the scene of the crime.
00:37:54Oh God.
00:37:55Apparently someone has stolen all of the wine.
00:37:58And all of Los Angeles.
00:37:59What are we going to do?
00:38:00We have suspicion that it is a young woman under the name of Sammy.
00:38:04She has ran off with all the wine.
00:38:05Oh my gosh.
00:38:06We are now in pursuit.
00:38:07We're going to go live on the scene.
00:38:09Why would she do that?
00:38:12She's an alcoholic.
00:38:14She needs it.
00:38:15She can't get enough of it.
00:38:17Look at her.
00:38:18Oh, drink it.
00:38:24Look at her.
00:38:25Look at her.
00:38:26She's right here.
00:38:28Not much that time, Sammy.
00:38:29God, that is it.
00:38:31Why would I ever?
00:38:34You know?
00:38:42Here she is.
00:38:43Here she is.
00:38:44Our last night together.
00:38:52Over you.
00:38:53She's really rude to me.
00:38:54But I think deep down she cares about me.
00:39:06So are you excited to go back home?
00:39:10Miss my mom.
00:39:11My little lady.
00:39:15But I'm a little scared to go home.
00:39:20I don't know.
00:39:21This is the best I've ever been.
00:39:24It's the longest I've been sober, that's for sure.
00:39:28But being here with you...
00:39:33I don't know.
00:39:34Do you ever wish you could just pause time?
00:39:36Just stay in one moment for a little while and just...
00:39:41I don't know.
00:39:46When I was in school, I wanted to go to prom so bad.
00:39:51My parents were separated at the time and my dad was being really strict and wouldn't let me go.
00:39:57But the cutest guy asked me if he could stay in front of the whole school.
00:40:03What'd you do?
00:40:04Well, I couldn't say no.
00:40:05So I begged and begged and finally he said okay.
00:40:09It took some convincing, but he even helped me buy a dress and everything.
00:40:13Good man.
00:40:17It was the most beautiful night.
00:40:20And I never wanted it to end.
00:40:24But it did.
00:40:26And the next day at school, the boy that asked me to prom wouldn't even talk to me.
00:40:31What a jerk.
00:40:33I know.
00:40:39Life isn't prom.
00:40:42Life is going to school the next day.
00:40:48Yeah, I guess so.
00:40:50So do you mind me asking how it all started for you?
00:40:55What started?
00:40:57Your addiction.
00:40:59I mean, if it's too personal.
00:41:01No, it's fine.
00:41:03We're going to talk about it a lot in rehab, you know?
00:41:08So, how'd it all start for you?
00:41:11I don't know.
00:41:13I don't know.
00:41:15We're going to talk about it a lot in rehab, you know?
00:41:19Actually, it's funny that you're talking about high school because that's where it all started for me.
00:41:25I know it doesn't seem like it, but I was quite the football player back in the day.
00:41:30Were you?
00:41:31I was.
00:41:35I was 16 and it was a big game.
00:41:39I was running down the sideline and I got hit hard.
00:41:42Seeing stars.
00:41:45The next day, my back was hurting so bad I couldn't even go to school.
00:41:51Went to the doctor and there's not really much they can do.
00:41:56So they handed me a couple bottles of pills.
00:41:58Some Vicodin, some Oxy.
00:42:03At first, I just took them when needed.
00:42:06There was just one time my back was hurting pretty bad.
00:42:10I took a couple extra.
00:42:14And I felt amazing.
00:42:16Not a care in the world.
00:42:18No stress, no anxiety.
00:42:22It's like you're floating.
00:42:27Not too long after that, I found myself trying to get hurt in games.
00:42:32Hitting people as hard as I possibly could.
00:42:36Of course, the coach loved it and everyone thought I was this great player, but I was just trying to get injured.
00:42:42I just wanted to get more pills.
00:42:43And they would just give you more?
00:42:44Every time.
00:42:48Every time.
00:42:52That was 10 years ago.
00:42:56Those little pills stole 10 years of my life.
00:43:06What made you want to stop?
00:43:17I lost custody a while back.
00:43:21I haven't seen her in...
00:43:24I haven't seen her in a long time.
00:43:30I'd do anything for that little girl.
00:43:34And she's lucky to have you.
00:43:39I don't know about that, but...
00:43:41I know that I'm lucky to have her.
00:43:44She makes me want to be better.
00:43:49You make me want to be better too.
00:44:00How'd you sleep?
00:44:04Yeah, how'd you sleep?
00:44:05I slept great.
00:44:06How was the caramel?
00:44:07So good.
00:44:08So good?
00:44:09Yeah, so good.
00:44:10Are you ticklish?
00:44:11Are you ticklish there?
00:44:12Right there, yeah.
00:44:13Who isn't?
00:44:14Want to do Runyon?
00:44:15What's Runyon?
00:44:16It's like a popular place to go hike.
00:44:18Oh, hiking, okay.
00:44:20Isn't it funny how, in life,
00:44:24you can go, like, your whole life without ever talking to someone.
00:44:29And then you meet them.
00:44:31And you can't imagine your life going on without talking to them anymore.
00:44:35It'd be weird, like, if I never talked to you again from this point on.
00:44:46He left you?
00:44:48Oh my god, who is this guy?
00:44:49He was terrible.
00:44:50He was my little horrible friend.
00:44:52He was so bad.
00:44:53I thought I was going to die.
00:44:55Hey, give me your key.
00:44:57Just give it to me.
00:45:05Give it back.
00:45:07Ew, look.
00:45:08You screwed up my key.
00:45:09Come on, let's go.
00:45:33You are so pretty.
00:45:34You are so pretty.
00:45:40Okay, enough.
00:45:41I just found out we're not getting married.
00:45:43Oh, man.
00:45:44It kind of breaks my heart.
00:45:45At least it's been documented.
00:45:47Good thing.
00:45:49Not now.
00:45:54I'm actually full.
00:45:55I don't need to eat that.
00:45:58Do you want to get a milkshake, though?
00:46:01You want me to get a milkshake?
00:46:03Will you split it with me?
00:46:04I'll watch you.
00:46:06I'll get a milkshake.
00:46:34Here we are in Hollywood, California.
00:46:37For those of you who don't know, this is the very site that they shot Pretty Woman.
00:46:42Right here.
00:46:44Is it actually?
00:46:48She flew out that window.
00:46:49Yeah, but it's the truth.
00:46:50And she said, big mistake.
00:46:54Come with me.
00:46:55I'll show you more.
00:46:56I'll show you more.
00:46:57I'll show you more.
00:46:58I'll show you more.
00:46:59I'll show you more.
00:47:00I'll show you more.
00:47:01I'll show you more.
00:47:02I'll show you more.
00:47:08You twisted my ankle.
00:47:10Can we watch that?
00:47:11We gotta watch this.
00:47:12Hold on.
00:47:19Guys, blow.
00:47:20Give me some air.
00:47:22Oh, Marilyn.
00:47:25I love you, Bob.
00:47:28So much.
00:47:29So much.
00:47:30I love you, man.
00:47:32You don't love Bob Hope?
00:47:34That's like not American.
00:47:35Who is that?
00:47:36Wait, repeat what you just said to me right now.
00:47:40She just asked me who Bob Hope is.
00:47:41We got it on tape.
00:47:42It is a problem.
00:47:43No, she didn't.
00:48:02I love you.
00:48:33I love you.
00:48:56What are you doing out here?
00:49:00Couldn't sleep.
00:49:02I'll come.
00:49:07I guess I'm just sad I'm leaving tomorrow.
00:49:16Want a cigarette?
00:49:17No, you know I don't smoke.
00:49:19There's only one left.
00:49:21It's a lucky cigarette.
00:49:23You never told me what's your greatest fear.
00:49:47Once when I was a kid, I got mud on my favorite shoes.
00:49:53It was a rainy day and I was playing
00:49:58with my brothers out in the woods.
00:50:02It was those shoes that had all those squares
00:50:04and lines on the bottom and it would have taken forever
00:50:06to get it all out.
00:50:11So I went and found my little brother.
00:50:14He was pretty young at the time.
00:50:16I thought I could convince him to do it.
00:50:19I told him how he was good with sticks
00:50:21and he had better focus than I did.
00:50:26So he agreed.
00:50:30That kid sat there for over 40 minutes
00:50:32picking at the mud out of my shoes.
00:50:39Finally, he got tired of doing it
00:50:40and he gave the shoes back to me,
00:50:42but he got a lot of it out.
00:50:52I'd always thought it was because I was so good
00:50:55at convincing people of things
00:50:57and that I could manipulate situations.
00:51:09But now that I look back, I realize
00:51:13he's just a better person than me.
00:51:18I didn't convince him of anything.
00:51:20I didn't convince him of anything.
00:51:21He just felt bad and he wanted to help.
00:51:32There are powerful people in this world,
00:51:37but it's also just good ones.
00:51:41People that wanna just help people, you know?
00:52:10My biggest fear is that I'm not one of them.
00:52:18I think you are...
00:52:23One of the good ones.
00:52:59I'm fine.
00:53:02I'm fine.
00:53:08I miss you.
00:53:11All right, I want to know three things you like about me.
00:53:13Oh, my God.
00:53:14I do. Just tell me. No!
00:53:16Please, just tell me three things you like about me.
00:53:21Okay, I'll tell you three things I like about you.
00:53:27I love when I kiss you and you push me away.
00:53:30Because you can't handle it.
00:53:51I love when...
00:53:54I talk to people...
00:53:57and you get really flustered because you have social anxiety.
00:54:00That's so rude.
00:54:02It's a problem. You literally talk to everyone you see.
00:54:04It's cute.
00:54:11What's the third thing?
00:54:35So you're going to miss me?
00:54:37Maybe a little.
00:54:39Oh, you got to remind me.
00:54:42You need to give me your address.
00:54:46I'm going to send you something.
00:54:48You don't need to send me anything.
00:54:50I want to. You're going to like it.
00:54:53Look, we should discuss some things.
00:54:56Okay. Like what?
00:54:58Like what this is.
00:55:00What do you mean?
00:55:02Well, you're going home, so some things are going to change.
00:55:05What has to change?
00:55:07I still want you to be in my life.
00:55:09And I want that too, but I think we need to be honest with ourselves.
00:55:12I mean, you're going to be a million miles away.
00:55:14You have a kid.
00:55:16This was really fun, but maybe it's...
00:55:19it's all it should be.
00:55:21You really waited until the last minute to tell me that, huh?
00:55:25You're so early.
00:55:28You are.
00:55:29I just think it'll be easier for the both of us if we don't talk when you go home.
00:55:33But why are you so afraid to commit?
00:55:34Commit to what?
00:55:35To anything.
00:55:36What does that mean?
00:55:37Look, I like you.
00:55:39I think we're good together, and I think I want to try.
00:55:42Okay, so you're going to move here?
00:55:44I don't know.
00:55:45What about your daughter?
00:55:46We live completely different lives. How would that even work?
00:55:48I don't know, Sam, but that's okay.
00:55:50It's okay to not know sometimes.
00:55:53But you quit before you even try.
00:55:55You don't know me.
00:56:00You don't.
00:56:21Get out of the car.
00:56:26Get out of the car and hug me.
00:56:42Come here.
00:56:51Come here.
00:57:00You're amazing.
00:57:03Maybe you think you're not worth it or something, but you are.
00:57:08You're worth trying.
00:57:12Maybe you don't want to with me, and that's okay.
00:57:15I'm going to get over it.
00:57:17But give somebody a chance.
00:57:20I feel so lucky to have these last few days with you.
00:57:51I love you.
00:58:09He told me you loved me.
00:58:11He did?
00:58:14Do you love him?
00:58:16I think. I don't know.
00:58:21I just wish he was staying.
00:58:26I get that. That must be hard.
00:58:29I told him we shouldn't talk anymore.
00:58:33I just feel like it'll be easier. I feel so connected to him.
00:58:37It'll just be so hard talking every day and him being so far.
00:58:41He has a kid, a whole life there.
00:58:45Yeah, that makes sense.
00:58:51I'm sorry, babe.
00:58:54Is there anything I can do?
00:58:56No, I'm fine.
00:59:20I won't forget you.
00:59:24I promise.
00:59:27I won't forget you.
00:59:31No, never.
00:59:40You were one of the good ones, but they say that good things don't last.
00:59:45Have you talked to JJ?
00:59:49Well, maybe you should.
00:59:51Maybe he thinks you don't want to talk to him.
00:59:59Hi, JJ. It's Sam.
01:00:02Um, I just wanted to see if you got in.
01:00:09And if, um, you got to see Lexi.
01:00:12So, yeah, just give me a call back.
01:00:15Okay, yeah. Call me. Okay, bye.
01:00:45Where are you from?
01:00:54Um, from Miami.
01:00:56Miami? Wow.
01:00:58You don't seem like a Miami girl.
01:01:01What kind of girl do I seem like?
01:01:04That's a loaded question, right?
01:01:05Yeah, I take that as a compliment.
01:01:07It is.
01:01:08Okay, cool.
01:01:09There's really no way in.
01:01:11No, but I want to hear it now.
01:01:13He's not going to give it to me.
01:01:17Is this a date?
01:01:19This is not a date.
01:01:21It's fine.
01:01:22We're in a hallway.
01:01:23There's people around.
01:01:25We're in a hallway.
01:01:27You're right.
01:01:30Bad at this.
01:01:33You're doing so good.
01:01:34You are.
01:01:35You are.
01:01:36You're very generous.
01:01:37It's true.
01:01:44What are you doing in L.A.?
01:01:45I don't know.
01:01:47Same thing everyone's doing.
01:02:07You're looking kind of low.
01:02:08Want another?
01:02:12What else you got?
01:02:14You want to do some blow?
01:02:20Let's go.
01:02:27Let's go.
01:02:34Oh, my God.
01:02:39It's fine.
01:02:41It's fine.
01:02:44Oh, my God.
01:02:47Hold on.
01:02:49What are you doing?
01:02:52This isn't you.
01:02:53What isn't me?
01:02:55Come on.
01:02:56Hey, hey, hey.
01:02:58Let's go.
01:02:59What are you doing?
01:03:02This isn't you.
01:03:03What isn't me?
01:03:05Come on.
01:03:06Hey, hey, hey.
01:03:08Let's go.
01:03:09You get away from her.
01:03:13Megan, stop.
01:03:14Is this about him?
01:03:17That was just for fun.
01:03:18I don't even care about him.
01:03:19I don't.
01:03:21Why won't he text me back?
01:03:22He's just like every other guy.
01:03:23He got what he wanted.
01:03:24Now he's over.
01:03:25I'm just over this shit.
01:03:27That's not true.
01:03:30You were the one that told him that you guys couldn't talk anymore.
01:03:41What was he supposed to do?
01:03:43You said that he had a kid and this war is their life.
01:03:46And if he wanted to be a part of it, then he should have said something in the first
01:03:51But first you have to be honest with yourself.
01:03:55I'm trying, okay?
01:03:56No, you're not.
01:03:57You're making a fool out of yourself.
01:03:59Don't slaughter yourself!
01:04:03Yeah, just go home.
01:04:09Do you believe in true love?
01:04:11Wow, that escalated quickly.
01:04:13Well, do you like that there's only one person out there just for you?
01:04:18He's just going to be here a few days, we'll have some fun and then he's gone.
01:04:21Nothing serious.
01:04:22Bye, over you.
01:04:24She's really rude to me.
01:04:26I don't think deep down she cares about me.
01:04:28I really do.
01:04:59Yesterday I found my beloved J.J. dead on the bathroom floor.
01:05:04He had battled the disease of addiction half of his young adult life.
01:05:09I lost a son.
01:05:11Lexi lost a father.
01:05:13Gerald lost a brother.
01:05:15Many lost a friend.
01:05:21Rest in peace, my sweet J.J.
01:05:48Did you go through my stuff?
01:05:51Do you trust me?
01:06:28I love you.
01:06:30I love you too.
01:06:58I love you too.
01:07:28I love you too.
01:07:58I love you too.
01:08:15You need to give me your address.
01:08:18I'm going to send you something.
01:08:20You don't need to send me anything.
01:08:21I want to.
01:08:23You're going to like it.
01:08:28I love you.
01:08:30I love you too.
01:09:00I just got it on camera.
01:09:02I got a crime.
01:09:04I got it all on camera.
01:09:10Do you want more coffee, babe?
01:09:12I'm okay. Thank you.
01:09:17What? Okay.
01:09:25Are you just staring at yourself?
01:09:26No, I'm filming myself so when I'm gone, you can watch this.
01:09:30Oh my God.
01:09:32And you can think I'm cute.
01:09:33Just minutes on minutes on minutes and she's smiling at the camera.
01:09:37She's doing it again.
01:09:40Hi, Sam.
01:09:42When I'm back home, you can watch this when you miss me.
01:09:45And you can be happy.
01:09:47Aw, thanks, baby.
01:09:49You're so thoughtful.
01:09:50Aren't I cute?
01:09:56I love you.
01:09:57I love you too.
01:09:58I love you.
01:09:59I love you.
01:10:00I love you.
01:10:01I love you.
01:10:02I love you.
01:10:03I love you.
01:10:04I love you.
01:10:05I love you.
01:10:06I love you.
01:10:07I love you.
01:10:08I love you.
01:10:09I love you.
01:10:10I love you.
01:10:11I love you.
01:10:12I love you.
01:10:13I love you.
01:10:14I love you.
01:10:15I love you.
01:10:16I love you.
01:10:17I love you.
01:10:18I love you.
01:10:19I love you.
01:10:20I love you.
01:10:21I love you.
01:10:22I love you.
01:10:23I love you.
01:10:24I love you.
