To rekindle their marriages, best friends-turned-in-laws Shanthi and Jennifer plan a couples' getaway HD ( Comedy, Romance )

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To rekindle their marriages, best friends-turned-in-laws Shanthi and Jennifer plan a couples' getaway HD ( Comedy, Romance )
00:00:00Marriage is hectic, like what lucky packet it is.
00:00:04You don't know what you're going to get.
00:00:06What do you think?
00:00:11Oh, okay.
00:00:14How much you paid for it?
00:00:16Eight hundred.
00:00:17Hey, they ripped you off, huh?
00:00:20It's time I bow out.
00:00:22Marriage can also be like a big tsunami.
00:00:25That wave will come from nowhere.
00:00:27You don't know what hit you, man.
00:00:30Shanz, so short she cut my fingernails.
00:00:33Yeah, she made a top breakfast.
00:00:36Yeah, yeah, yeah, she don't mind.
00:00:37Yeah, marriage can be like a cup of tea.
00:00:40Shanz, organize me a cup of tea.
00:00:42Sometimes strong, or sometimes weak.
00:00:45And you ask yourself,
00:00:47hey, what happened?
00:00:50What are you doing giving those rubens a perm?
00:00:55You know, I can't wait for the day that I become a proud Ayah.
00:01:01Hey, there's only one Ayah in this town.
00:01:06And she is not dead yet.
00:01:09You know what, they'll be here soon.
00:01:12Can I help you all?
00:01:14No, you just sit there and help this and that.
00:01:17No, you just sit there and help this and blow those balloons.
00:01:21I'm in my last few breaths.
00:01:23You want, I must blow balloons.
00:01:25This looks very untidy, Shanti.
00:01:26No, it doesn't.
00:01:27Very untidy.
00:01:28No, it doesn't.
00:01:29Look at this.
00:01:30Let me do it.
00:01:32Hey, did you look at the list of baby names of our moms?
00:01:37So generous, Shanti.
00:01:40When we're going to be parents, we do things our way.
00:01:45Look at your shoes, bro.
00:01:47I want to get a good look, brazo.
00:01:50Oh, gosh.
00:01:52You want to take a good look, brazo?
00:01:56As for Pregi, I don't know whether he's calling Shanti or Avanti.
00:02:01Hey, are you stressed?
00:02:04No, I didn't eat this morning.
00:02:06Way to go, Shanti.
00:02:08Intermittent fasting.
00:02:10I got time for intermittent fasting and all this thing when Pregi keeps inviting people home.
00:02:15No, again.
00:02:18Pregi's an ass.
00:02:20If he's happy, then I am happy.
00:02:23I think.
00:02:25Okay, I don't know.
00:02:27Listen, we have a plan, remember?
00:02:30It's your 50th birthday.
00:02:32It's a couple's only holiday.
00:02:35This is the holiday when we get our husbands back.
00:02:39Brazo, this is the holiday when we dodge the waves.
00:02:46Guys, they're here.
00:02:48Pregi, Elvis, come.
00:02:50Come on, let's go.
00:03:09Let's go.
00:04:06I'm going to drop her.
00:04:08I don't even know how these two managed to make a baby and they haven't even said a word to each other.
00:04:13You don't need to talk about that.
00:04:16Oh man, look at how cute they look.
00:04:19Pregnancy looks good, Anna.
00:04:22Nice to see you suddenly so observant of us.
00:04:26Hey, what happened?
00:04:28What are you talking about?
00:04:30I think Judy and Prishayan will have a baby soon.
00:04:34Yeah, hopefully.
00:04:36It'll be the best 50th present ever.
00:04:43How's some tea there?
00:04:45Make for Elvis too.
00:04:47Just wait a minute.
00:04:49It's contagious, bro.
00:04:51Half teaspoon sugar and extra milk for me.
00:04:53And boil the milk.
00:04:55When are we going to leave Aya when we're going on this trip?
00:04:57I want to come too.
00:04:59I don't want to go stay by my connections.
00:05:01You can stay at Shanti's house with Asavan and Pobasha.
00:05:04What does she want?
00:05:05I must die.
00:05:06Ma, please.
00:05:07If that's what I wanted, you would be long gone.
00:05:10She started it.
00:05:12You must read in the paper for my funeral message.
00:05:16Page number two.
00:05:18Mother of Elvis Kandasamy.
00:05:22Heart of gold.
00:05:24Gone too soon.
00:05:26She ran out of luck.
00:05:28But was not out for the duck.
00:05:31You must bloody boil the milk.
00:05:33Boil it on her damn head.
00:05:44Hey, she takes a bit long to answer.
00:05:47Fifty bucks says they ask when we're going to have a baby.
00:05:50Oh, you're on.
00:05:55I'm warning the two of you, eh.
00:05:57No asking them about having children and all that.
00:05:59Yeah, yeah, every time you say the same thing.
00:06:04Hi, everyone.
00:06:05Just talking about you.
00:06:06How was the baby shower?
00:06:07So lovely.
00:06:09Judy, your face is looking so full.
00:06:13What? I didn't say anything.
00:06:15Let me say hello.
00:06:16There, yeah.
00:06:17There, you hold it in front like that.
00:06:18There you go.
00:06:19Tell me something.
00:06:21When I'm going to become a great-grandmother?
00:06:25You never told me I mustn't say anything, but Elvis told me.
00:06:28For all of us not to say anything, you had to go blurt it out.
00:06:30I can't hold anything in.
00:06:32Just like I can't hold a fart at my age.
00:06:34Shut up, they're still on the line.
00:06:36Ma, we've got some good news.
00:06:39Oh, my God, it's happening.
00:06:42I just knew it.
00:06:43Guys, calm down first.
00:06:45We are calm, absolutely calm.
00:06:47My second name is Calm.
00:06:52We're coming home for Diwali.
00:06:56Wow, that is so nice.
00:06:58It's fantastic.
00:07:00Judy and I discussed it.
00:07:01And, well, we're sorry about missing your birthday, Ma.
00:07:04Hey, the two of you, you all do a lot of discussing, huh?
00:07:07Marriage 101, guys.
00:07:09Communication is key.
00:07:11But tell me something, Kishan.
00:07:13How I'm going to be a great-grandmother if you don't put your key?
00:07:17You know what I mean, yeah?
00:07:19Oh, my God.
00:07:20Well, you've got to get going, but we'll see you guys soon.
00:07:29Really, Ma, you were so raw.
00:07:32I mean, there's no other word to describe it.
00:07:34It's just raw.
00:07:38I just packed easy things so the guys can cook fast.
00:07:41Do you know Peggy's never cooked for me?
00:07:43How does it make you feel, the idea of him cooking for you?
00:07:48Okay, so my ears get hot.
00:07:53And I get so shy.
00:07:54Why can't you just say it turns you on?
00:07:57It turns you on, right?
00:08:01Shanti's getting turned on.
00:08:03Hey, shut up, Ma'am Jane.
00:08:05Anyway, what naughty things have you got going on?
00:08:07I will show you when I see you.
00:08:10Shame and sadness.
00:08:12Jennifer too.
00:08:13Useless she.
00:08:14Ma, I can hear you.
00:08:16Put the phone down.
00:08:21Shan is there with you.
00:08:22Put the phone down, Ma.
00:08:26Oh, God, Shanti.
00:08:27I just can't wait to get away from this woman some peace.
00:08:30Finally, just one more sleep.
00:08:35And me too?
00:08:38Ma, put the phone down now.
00:08:51So, all your food is in the freezer, okay, my baby?
00:08:53And our servant will take care of you, okay, my darling?
00:08:56Hi, Dyson.
00:08:57Hi, sweetie.
00:08:59You are perfect.
00:09:01No, this one.
00:09:02Now, you move back, Shanti.
00:09:03There's nothing else, Ma.
00:09:10Shanti, Shanti.
00:09:11You take me aside.
00:09:12Don't look, don't look.
00:09:13Just act normal.
00:09:15Just pose.
00:09:16Pose like.
00:09:18Just pose.
00:09:19Pose like.
00:09:21Check out those curves, bro.
00:09:25Look at her, bro.
00:09:29Don't look.
00:09:30I love big curves.
00:09:33Yo, yo.
00:09:34There's a whole lot of sexy going on here, bro.
00:09:38Wait till you take her for a ride.
00:09:45What, Ma?
00:09:46Forgot something?
00:09:51It's okay.
00:09:52I won't need it.
00:09:59What time are you guys leaving?
00:10:01Oh, we're going to drop Ma off first,
00:10:03and then we'll pick up a few things,
00:10:05and then we'll hit the road.
00:10:07What few things?
00:10:08It's a surprise.
00:10:10Just for the two of you.
00:10:14Don't faff around, boys.
00:10:16We'll be waiting.
00:10:47You need to open your mouth.
00:10:51Hi, Mrs. Ganasamy.
00:10:52Welcome back to Sanamir.
00:10:53Thank you so much, Pierre.
00:10:54It's always lovely to be back.
00:10:55The usual?
00:10:57I'll do it for you right away.
00:10:58Great. Thank you, Pierre.
00:11:17Welcome to your holiday home.
00:11:21I have no words.
00:11:24And wait for it.
00:11:25You guys are going to get the main bedroom suite.
00:11:28You're joking, man.
00:11:30Absolutely insist.
00:11:32Elvis and I, we're going to be on the opposite side,
00:11:35so that we don't disturb you guys.
00:11:38Don't worry about that.
00:11:39Peggy likes to play loud R&B music
00:11:42when he gets in the mood.
00:11:45I just love this.
00:11:46Oh, me too.
00:11:48This is the life, Shanthi.
00:11:56Hold on.
00:11:59Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:12:05Can you hear Aya?
00:12:23This is so beautiful.
00:12:28Wow, what a fantastic villa.
00:12:32I think the first one's here.
00:12:51I mean, Elvis literally carried me in front of everyone,
00:12:55pinned me against the wall,
00:12:57and just kissed me.
00:12:58He pinned you?
00:13:01And that pin never poked you?
00:13:03Shanthi, you're so cute.
00:13:06So, Peggy kissed me here in the toilet.
00:13:21What's that?
00:13:24It's them.
00:13:25It's them.
00:13:26Come on, let's make an entrance.
00:13:27Come on.
00:13:36Come on.
00:13:46Hey, what happened?
00:13:47I don't know.
00:13:51What are you doing here?
00:13:55It's a surprise for you guys.
00:13:58I don't understand.
00:14:02Uncle Elvis and Dad planned...
00:14:04They planned this for us to be here for your wedding.
00:14:08This is the surprise?
00:14:11Oh, wow.
00:14:14Yeah, wow.
00:14:16Are you guys okay?
00:14:18I'm shocked.
00:14:19It was a surprise.
00:14:20I'm surprised.
00:14:23Yeah, we're so excited.
00:14:25Come, give your mothers a hug.
00:14:30You put food on in that last judgment?
00:14:33Hey, you're really surprised, are you?
00:14:35How are you doing?
00:14:36How's it going?
00:14:37Hey, what's wrong with you?
00:14:38You're supposed to wait for us.
00:14:39So slow, you're all excited.
00:14:40Hey, hey, hey.
00:14:41You pack more than us.
00:14:42Why so many bags?
00:14:56The whole family is here.
00:14:59I can see the whole family is here.
00:15:01Stop poking me.
00:15:02Jennifer, your leg is not paining yet.
00:15:06Because I pulled your leg nicely.
00:15:08You thought I wasn't going to come, isn't it?
00:15:11The thought is still in my head.
00:15:13Okay, the surprise isn't over.
00:15:15Give us a drum roll.
00:15:19Shanti, this one's for you.
00:15:29Yes, sir.
00:15:30Yes, sir.
00:15:32Boom, boom.
00:15:39She a bad chick, a bad chick, a bad chick.
00:15:43And she knows it, she a bad chick.
00:15:50My sister.
00:15:54In-law, sister-in-law.
00:15:57Oh, jeepers, you are gorgeous.
00:16:00And look at you all grown up, so handsome.
00:16:03Hey, Peggy, the Nidal blood is strong over here.
00:16:06He's got my ears.
00:16:09So you Peggy's sister.
00:16:11Baby, this is my best friend and my sister, Jennifer, Elvis' wife.
00:16:19You are beautiful.
00:16:21Oh, thank you.
00:16:23I hope one day I get to age as gracefully as you do.
00:16:30Elvis, did you know about this?
00:16:34Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:16:35Peggy asked me, I said yes.
00:16:39It's an eight sleeper.
00:16:42It's an eight sleeper.
00:16:43Yeah, you don't know for Indians, you double the number.
00:16:46Eight is 16, 16, 32.
00:16:49Lot of people you manage, all can squeeze in.
00:16:52So Elvis, this place is yours, right?
00:16:56It's ours.
00:16:58It's ours.
00:17:00Tall and you know how to rev an engine.
00:17:02Seriously, Jen, I'm jealous.
00:17:15Okay, anybody's hungry?
00:17:18Viola, listen to me nicely, all right?
00:17:22Listen here.
00:17:24If the gulgulas are not round,
00:17:26then the gulab jambo will always face to the ground.
00:17:34Did you see Peggy?
00:17:35Smiling like a cheshire cat.
00:17:37And Elvis.
00:17:39Chandi, how's the tea coming there?
00:17:43What happened? The kettle's not working.
00:17:45I'd like to cluck these two.
00:17:51Okay, everyone, I've redone the room allocations.
00:17:55So Shanti and Peggy, you'll have the main suite.
00:17:58Elvis and I will be down the hall.
00:18:00And Jodi and Prashanth, you'll be in the room next to us.
00:18:04That leaves the last bedroom for Aya and baby.
00:18:08Put it there, partner.
00:18:11Look, she's getting over her breakup
00:18:13and she'll require a bit of privacy, eh?
00:18:15Then I also want my own room.
00:18:17Ma, please just shut it.
00:18:19Hey, I just don't want anybody to wake up next to my dead body, eh?
00:18:22Come on, Jen.
00:18:24Organise something for baby.
00:18:28Okay, let's try this.
00:18:30Baby, you get your own room.
00:18:33Jodi, you and Aya can share a room.
00:18:36And Prashanth, you can shack it up with Destin on the couch.
00:18:42Yeah, but Dad, Jodi and I were looking forward to having our own room.
00:18:45Son, your auntie came all the way from China.
00:18:47Yeah, but Dad, come on.
00:18:48Auntie, you can rough it up a few days, right? Come on.
00:18:51Wait till you try baby's chow, eh?
00:18:53Her cooking will give Dharona run for money.
00:18:57That one?
00:18:58Yeah, you, because not this one.
00:19:04Shall I tell them or do you want to tell them?
00:19:07You tell them.
00:19:09I'm moving in with you guys.
00:19:11Yeah, we know.
00:19:13For one week.
00:19:15No, man.
00:19:16For good.
00:19:18In Chatsworth.
00:19:35Okay, okay, okay.
00:19:36Keep calm and breathe, Shanti. Just breathe.
00:19:39She's going to be staying in my house forever, Jen. Forever.
00:19:42Yeah, but why don't you speak up for yourself?
00:19:44Because you look so happy about it.
00:19:46That's your bloody problem.
00:19:47You're always thinking of everybody else, never about yourself.
00:19:50What about you?
00:19:52Why can't you tell Elvis that he makes you feel invisible?
00:19:55I can't do that.
00:19:56I don't want him to think I'm needy.
00:19:58Oh, but it's okay for him to be running after baby.
00:20:01Well, it's your sister-in-law.
00:20:03Well, so now it's my fault.
00:20:05Why don't you tell your family members to stay away from my husband?
00:20:09What are you going to do about it?
00:20:13What did you say?
00:20:15I said, what are you going to do about it?
00:20:19Why don't you come closer and say that to my face?
00:20:22Come on.
00:20:24Come on.
00:20:32Jen, Jen, Jen, Jen.
00:20:33I'm so sorry.
00:20:34Are you okay?
00:20:35Are you crying?
00:20:36Jen, are you okay?
00:21:04Whatever, Shanti.
00:21:06She's going to be throwing herself at my husband forever.
00:21:10What about me?
00:21:11She's going to be in my house.
00:21:13She's going to take over and Peggy's just going to let her.
00:21:20Baby must go.
00:21:26Let's bounce this baby before it's too late.
00:21:28Whatever it takes.
00:21:30Let's do this.
00:21:36Oh my God.
00:22:04Here we go.
00:22:07Okay, last one, last one.
00:22:09Aya, come on, Aya.
00:22:10Come on, come on, Aya.
00:22:12Your turn now.
00:22:13No, no, no.
00:22:14Can you guys catch nuts with your mouth?
00:22:17But you look like a pro.
00:22:19Come on, guys.
00:22:20Time for our beach walk.
00:22:22We got a better idea.
00:22:2330 seconds.
00:22:24And look, it's baby's favorite.
00:22:27If it's baby's favorite, we'd love to.
00:23:15You got this.
00:23:18OK, ready.
00:23:19Ready, guys.
00:23:20Ma, it's where you had your last stroke.
00:23:22Right coast.
00:23:25Uh, Shanthi, he sings our favorite song,
00:23:27Uh, never going to let.
00:23:28Come on, Shanthi, Shanthi.
00:23:29Never going to leave you.
00:23:30Oh, Rick Astley.
00:23:31Yes, Jodi, thank you. Shanti, please focus.
00:23:33I need you to focus. Focus.
00:23:35Time. Come on.
00:23:37Oh, my poor baby.
00:23:39Ma, it's so early. You should just wake him up.
00:23:41Yeah, but nowadays he sleeps like a log, man.
00:23:45Um, so, baby, what brings you back to South Africa?
00:23:50Oh, well, I just miss my family.
00:23:54But true. After 12 years, you're only missing them now.
00:23:59To be honest, I, uh, I went through a rough period in China, and...
00:24:03Hey, hey, hey, you don't have to explain anything.
00:24:06You're family now, and family comes first.
00:24:09Uh, whose turn is it?
00:24:11Uh, our turn. The guys' team.
00:24:14Guys' team.
00:24:15The guys' team.
00:24:17You ready?
00:24:18All right. She shares your wife's name, but, uh, yeah, that's about it.
00:24:22Jennifer Lopez.
00:24:26Nice work.
00:24:30I like you.
00:24:31Okay, Ma, you've got to give us more than that.
00:24:33He's handsome, famous.
00:24:36Is he an actor, singer?
00:24:38What, Ma? He does a lot of things.
00:24:40Ma, we're running out of time.
00:24:43Oh, what's new?
00:24:46Hey, you don't know Nelson Mandela, do you?
00:24:50All right, ready. Um...
00:24:52Fake Google. Yahoo.
00:24:54Jodi, stop. Whose team are you on?
00:24:57Come on, babes.
00:24:59Okay, it's a K-pop band, a girl group, two colors.
00:25:08How did you know that?
00:25:09I just said the two colors I know.
00:25:11Um, I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.
00:25:14I'd write this.
00:25:15Come on.
00:25:16Come on, we need one more point in the song. Wait, wait, wait.
00:25:19Love is all around.
00:25:25How we finish, Joss?
00:25:28I like to flatten.
00:25:53You're dead.
00:25:57Yes, I am.
00:25:59Come hold me like I used to hold you when you were small.
00:26:18I had him last.
00:26:20Did you call me?
00:26:21Loser, loser, loser.
00:26:23I'm not a loser.
00:26:24Give up.
00:26:28Elvis, finally.
00:26:31Some alone time.
00:26:34Oh, you want some alone time?
00:26:36Okay, I'll go then.
00:26:38No, no, no, babe. I meant alone with you.
00:26:46It's been too long.
00:26:48Far too long.
00:26:51Take a face shift.
00:27:22Oh, baby.
00:27:28What did you just say?
00:27:31Oh, baby.
00:27:32Really, Elvis?
00:27:33Is that all you can think about, baby?
00:27:35I mean, from the time we got here, it's just baby, baby, baby.
00:27:38All the time.
00:27:39I wasn't thinking about her.
00:27:40Please, just...
00:27:42No, just forget it. Forget it.
00:27:50Someone's coming.
00:27:51Someone's coming.
00:28:02You also can't sleep?
00:28:04Too much coffee.
00:28:05I'm still a bit jet-lagged.
00:28:07At least you can keep me company.
00:28:13You want something?
00:28:14Uh, no.
00:28:15I'm good, thanks, Aunty Baby.
00:28:17Aunty Baby.
00:28:18Please, man.
00:28:22Get out of here.
00:28:23I don't think you're trying.
00:28:24I'm trying.
00:28:25Why don't we...
00:28:26Let me think. Let me think.
00:28:27Let me think.
00:28:28Can you only think of money at any time?
00:28:30I'm sorry, my love.
00:28:31I'm sorry, my love.
00:28:34Who's under the covers there?
00:28:35Uh, it's, uh...
00:28:36It's Jason.
00:28:39You want some milk, my boy?
00:28:40No, no, no.
00:28:41He, um...
00:28:42He'll go to bed.
00:28:43Oh, yeah.
00:28:44She heard about that.
00:28:46So, you're a big-shot doctor now?
00:28:49How much are you earning?
00:28:50How much are you earning, exactly?
00:28:53Oh, my God!
00:28:55Jason, what is wrong with you?
00:28:56I'm so sorry, Aunty Baby.
00:28:58I'm sorry. He moves around a lot.
00:28:59Oh, for a big fella, he's quite bony, huh?
00:29:08Anyway, I think I'm going to call it a night.
00:29:12Good night, Aunty Baby.
00:29:13Good night, Prashant.
00:29:14Good night, Jodie.
00:29:23Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:29:25I'm so sorry.
00:29:28I'm so sorry.
00:29:40It's not a holiday if you don't take all the free things.
00:29:44Shampoo, conditioner, everything.
00:29:47Oh, God!
00:29:50Look at what you make me do.
00:29:52Well, that's more than what I got last night.
00:29:57So, this is where Preggie went this morning?
00:29:59Exactly. Can you believe they actually cooked for us?
00:30:07It's Baby's phone.
00:30:09Martin's calling.
00:30:11Who's Martin?
00:30:12I don't know.
00:30:13Answer it.
00:30:14No. Answer it.
00:30:15Are you crazy?
00:30:18Jen, Jen.
00:30:22Oh, Baby. Thank God you answered.
00:30:24I miss you.
00:30:26Hello, Martin.
00:30:28I'm going crazy. Baby, please come back.
00:30:30Where are you?
00:30:31How could you leave like that?
00:30:33I've been worried.
00:30:34I, um...
00:30:35I know you're going to have to argue, but I... Please, please.
00:30:37I'm going to miss you.
00:30:38No, I said come here, Jen.
00:30:40They can't wait.
00:30:41They can't wait.
00:30:42Just come here.
00:30:43Come here.
00:30:47I miss your lips.
00:30:48I miss your lips.
00:30:49I miss your lips.
00:30:50I'm sorry.
00:30:56Hey, hey, hey.
00:30:58How are you guys?
00:30:59Did you enjoy your sleep in?
00:31:02So, how was your game of golf?
00:31:05I think that's my phone.
00:31:10I can't hear any phone.
00:31:11No, it's ringing.
00:31:13Ringing? No, I can't hear it.
00:31:25I thought you saw a monkey.
00:31:38Someone's been busy this morning.
00:31:41So, he actually cooked for us.
00:31:47So, as a thank you for this morning...
00:31:52I made breakfast.
00:32:47What's up, baby?
00:32:58How was your run?
00:32:59It was good.
00:33:01I really missed you.
00:33:04Come up in the shower with me.
00:33:08Why don't you drink some first?
00:33:10I'm gonna get something from my bag.
00:33:12You have two minutes.
00:33:18At least you can take a break from the kitchen when baby moves in.
00:33:43It would have been nice if the two of you actually cooked for us.
00:33:47Shanti, she doesn't allow me to cook.
00:33:49Am I right, babe?
00:33:50It would have been a nice surprise.
00:33:52What's that?
00:34:03What a lovely surprise.
00:34:05Thank you, baby.
00:34:07You don't know what you're missing.
00:34:13By the look of it, not much.
00:34:21Can you do better?
00:34:44All right?
00:34:45Good job.
00:35:40Sorry about last night.
00:35:42It's OK.
00:35:43There's people around, too.
00:36:02Why don't we go as couples?
00:36:04Oh, no, no, no.
00:36:06No, no, no.
00:36:07You and Shanti take the slow boat.
00:36:09Tregs and I are going to race.
00:36:12Can we, bro?
00:36:13Are you guys racing?
00:36:15Oh, I'm so in.
00:36:17Take your pick, baby.
00:36:18Come on, baby.
00:36:31Oh, please.
00:36:32Elvis, catch me if you can.
00:36:34And look at that one.
00:36:36I'm renting with my husband.
00:36:38If I was you, I'd boot her.
00:36:40If she doesn't have any issue with Martin being married, then...
00:36:43Come on, Elvis.
00:36:44Who's Martin?
00:36:45There's going to be much more stamina than that if you're going to catch up with me.
00:36:47Hey, I'm coming.
00:36:48I'm coming.
00:36:49Martin is the one responsible for a rough patch.
00:36:53I don't believe any of her stories.
00:36:56You know what I think we should do?
00:36:58I think we need to get her to open up to us.
00:37:01Then we can figure out a way to send her packing back to China.
00:37:05We haven't been the most welcoming to her from the time she arrived.
00:37:09I can help you.
00:37:11Oh, how are you going to help us?
00:37:13Everybody comes to me.
00:37:15Because you know what?
00:37:17I've got a trusting face.
00:37:19And I've got a suave face.
00:37:23But she's right.
00:37:24Because baby won't suspect a thing from a little old lady.
00:37:29Don't let that little old lady fool you.
00:37:33So, what's in it for me?
00:37:36Told you.
00:37:40I'll take you to the market.
00:37:42No thanks.
00:37:43But you love the market.
00:37:46I also love the casino.
00:37:48Okay, I'll take you extra time to the casino once a week.
00:37:53Twice a week.
00:37:55One extra hour once a week and I won't tell Elvis where you were.
00:38:10Lots to do, Zegot.
00:38:12Must be something about me.
00:38:15Aya, you kill me.
00:38:17Me too, I'm also dying.
00:38:19No, baby.
00:38:22We actually have our husbands all to ourselves.
00:38:26Where are they?
00:38:27Why are they taking so long?
00:38:29What do I tell them?
00:38:31I think we should stay out of this one, babe.
00:38:35I love you.
00:38:36Love you too.
00:38:42It's so nice of Jennifer to do this, huh?
00:38:44She must be such a kind-hearted woman.
00:38:46Must be.
00:38:47I don't know.
00:38:50Such a beautiful girl like yourself.
00:38:52Why are you not married?
00:38:57Can we have two cocktails, please?
00:38:59Hey, nothing now, man.
00:39:00I'm full.
00:39:03Hey, Os, I'm on.
00:39:05Full, man, full.
00:39:06I'm pulling.
00:39:08I'm reeling.
00:39:09Come on.
00:39:10You know what this means?
00:39:11I don't know what this means.
00:39:13Yeah, means your lady knows nothing.
00:39:20Oh, not now.
00:39:24Where are you?
00:39:25Are you guys at the beach?
00:39:26No, no, no, no.
00:39:27We're at the shop.
00:39:29Yeah, yeah, this lady got a bit sick and Christian doesn't want to take any chances, huh?
00:39:35Well, of course, of course.
00:39:37Sorry, man.
00:39:38We wanted to spend some time with you at the picnic.
00:39:41But, love, seems we can't make it, huh?
00:39:45Don't worry about it.
00:39:47Okay, love.
00:39:55Shocked, huh?
00:40:00What's going on?
00:40:05All this time in China, no one's chopsticks you like.
00:40:09You're terrible.
00:40:12But not one person read your fortune cookie.
00:40:15Thank God.
00:40:16Here, drink this.
00:40:18What's this?
00:40:19Just taste it.
00:40:26Hey, I've been wasting my time drinking coconut water all this time.
00:40:31The casino's just a few minutes away.
00:40:33What do you say, I ask?
00:40:35Hey, Elvis don't like when I go, huh?
00:40:38I won't say if you won't.
00:40:49So, what did you tell Jodi about where we are?
00:40:53I told her the truth, Uncle Elvis.
00:40:55Hey, what's wrong with you?
00:40:58She won't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about.
00:41:01That's my lady.
00:41:03Dad, the truth, like a dead fish, always finds its way to the surface.
00:41:12Here, lady.
00:41:15You mustn't worry about the truth.
00:41:17Just focus on keeping the peace.
00:41:20You see, if you keep the peace, you extend the marriage, lease.
00:41:25Sometimes, the truth gets in the way.
00:41:28I totally disagree, Uncle Elvis.
00:41:31Oh, uh, pregs, he totally disagrees.
00:41:36Using big man's words, huh?
00:41:38Come on.
00:41:43I mean, we've been watching the way you and Prashanth look at each other.
00:41:47With bedroom eyes?
00:41:51Bedroom eyes, man.
00:41:53Like when you're in the mood to do rude...
00:42:06You look like you're constipated.
00:42:12We saw how you always turn to Jodi to check for everything.
00:42:17I'll be Jodi, right?
00:42:19Come here, come close.
00:42:20Closer, closer.
00:42:22Yeah, yeah.
00:42:26What you said, Prashanth?
00:42:29Can I go to the shop?
00:42:30Can I go to the gym?
00:42:32We don't sound like that.
00:42:34Come here, come here.
00:42:35Go, go, go.
00:42:36Tighter, tighter.
00:42:39What you said, Prashanth?
00:42:43Can I sleep now?
00:42:45Can I eat now?
00:42:46Can I drink now?
00:42:47Tell me what to do now.
00:42:50I don't sound like that.
00:42:52Hey, hey, hey.
00:42:53We saw with our own two eyes how you turn and check with Jodi for everything.
00:42:58Your neck is not sprained, right?
00:43:00Ring, ring, ring.
00:43:05Ring, ring, ring.
00:43:09Ring, ring, ring.
00:43:14We were so convincing.
00:43:16We said the lady was sick.
00:43:18He was even making sounds of a sick lady.
00:43:20Lady, lady.
00:43:28What you're laughing at?
00:43:30Lucky I marinated extra meat.
00:43:34Why would you guys even buy that?
00:43:36You all can't choose.
00:43:37That's the problem.
00:43:38Look at this.
00:43:39This looks like sardines.
00:43:40Except for this one.
00:43:41This one's a decent size.
00:43:43Hey, that's the one I caught.
00:43:50You caught?
00:43:57Come on, Shanti.
00:43:59Let's go.
00:44:00I suddenly lost my appetite.
00:44:07So, Dad, how's the neck there?
00:44:12Feeling sprained?
00:44:13Hey, hey, hey.
00:44:17This baby will beat the death of me.
00:44:21If she comes back to chat with us, we're finished.
00:44:27She's just a thing.
00:44:33I beg yours?
00:44:35What did you find out, Aya?
00:44:37I don't know.
00:44:38What you found out.
00:44:40What did I tell you?
00:44:41She's always like that.
00:44:42All talk, no action.
00:44:45Something's biting me.
00:44:49What's this?
00:44:56It's Martin's number.
00:45:03Hello, baby.
00:45:04Hi, is that Martin?
00:45:07Yeah, it's Martin.
00:45:09My name is Kimberly from Dubai International Airport.
00:45:13We happened to find your contact details in a purse.
00:45:17And I was wondering if perhaps you know any female traveler
00:45:21who might be going to South Africa.
00:45:24That's my girlfriend.
00:45:25Is she in South Africa now?
00:45:26She just left without a trace.
00:45:28I'm actually at her apartment right now.
00:45:29I was hoping that she'd walk to the door any minute.
00:45:33Well, I'm so sorry to bother you, sir.
00:45:36I don't know what to do.
00:45:38I wish I knew what I did wrong.
00:45:40I didn't have what you asked for enough.
00:45:43Now she's ignoring me.
00:45:50I just love your accent.
00:45:52She talk like that to the whites too.
00:46:22I'm feeling for a nice cup of tea.
00:46:40Me too.
00:46:42Bro, can I have some tea?
00:46:46Shanti's making.
00:46:48And some samosas too.
00:46:51Top idea, bro.
00:46:53Peggy, why don't you make the tea?
00:47:00I've never made a cup of tea in my life.
00:47:02Huh, Shanti?
00:47:15Going for a power walk.
00:47:21Hey, what happened?
00:47:23I'm going to help Shanti.
00:47:35Okay, listen.
00:47:36You just follow my lead.
00:47:43Where are you going?
00:47:47We can fish.
00:47:48Just walk.
00:48:05They're punishing us.
00:48:07Walk faster, Shanti.
00:48:09I'm walking, I'm walking.
00:48:11Shanti, we're going to miss.
00:48:12I can't walk any faster.
00:48:16Shanti, we're going to miss.
00:48:18Few more steps and I won't reach my 50th.
00:48:22Come, just a little more.
00:48:23Just a little more.
00:48:25Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:48:27Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:48:29Watch it with the binoculars.
00:48:32Told you I enjoy bird watching.
00:48:34Wait, wait.
00:48:39She's on the phone.
00:48:40I wonder who she's talking to.
00:48:42You think she's talking to Matt?
00:48:44How would I know?
00:48:45It's a binocular, it's not an earpiece.
00:48:48Okay, okay, we have to move closer.
00:48:52Just move.
00:48:57Walk, walk.
00:48:58Just go here.
00:48:59Just go this way.
00:49:00Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:49:03Of course.
00:49:04How did they get your number?
00:49:06Of course you are.
00:49:07But they must have made a mistake.
00:49:09I have all my stuff here.
00:49:11Anyway, listen, when I'm back,
00:49:13there must be no ring on your finger.
00:49:15Are you going back to jail?
00:49:17Shut up.
00:49:20Just hold on.
00:49:22Damn, now look, she heard us.
00:49:24Make a sound of a bird or something.
00:49:27You demand what she asks, but you make her.
00:49:29Okay, wait.
00:49:36What was that?
00:49:38Hold on a minute.
00:49:45Is somebody there?
00:49:47What was that?
00:49:48It was her.
00:49:49Come on, that sounds like a hyena.
00:49:52Can you do any better?
00:50:01What kind of a chicken is that?
00:50:03It sounds disturbed.
00:50:08Sorry about that.
00:50:11Stop talking nonsense.
00:50:13Shutting my hands.
00:50:14Shut up.
00:50:15It's gone.
00:50:17It's gone.
00:50:19Honey, I'll call you back, okay?
00:50:22Is somebody there?
00:50:23Wait, wait, wait.
00:50:24Wait, wait, wait.
00:51:02Huh huh!
00:51:07Hey, I told you you must stop.
00:51:11Hello, Prashanth.
00:51:12What a shame.
00:51:13Morning, family.
00:51:15Hey, today we're all yours.
00:51:17Well, because we love you guys so much,
00:51:20we booked you a round of golf for today.
00:51:22You can be my caddy.
00:51:23Oh, sorry.
00:51:24Only booked for three,
00:51:25but you're welcome to play tennis with us.
00:51:28Um, she can have my space.
00:51:30I'm going to hang back and look after Jodi.
00:51:36Well, I...
00:51:37I guess that settles that, then.
00:51:39You go play golf, and Shanti and I will play tennis.
00:51:44I'll come with you all.
00:51:45And do what?
00:51:47I... I, uh...
00:51:48Take Dyson with you.
00:51:52Oh, I know, eh?
00:51:53Dyson, you're coming with us.
00:51:59You don't come, I tell you.
00:52:00Pee in your bed.
00:52:01You know, I never see much in the bathroom, eh?
00:52:04But Jodi, take it easy, eh?
00:52:06One wrong move, and someone going to get hurt.
00:52:11And I thought you had a big nose.
00:52:24Okay, you ready?
00:52:25Soft hands.
00:52:26Head down.
00:52:27Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
00:52:28Head down.
00:52:29Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
00:52:30All right.
00:52:31Shake me back.
00:52:34There you go.
00:52:37What a shot!
00:52:38Well done!
00:52:39It's a sign.
00:52:40My new business is going to be such a success.
00:52:42I just know it.
00:52:53Baby, this is...
00:52:58I mean, she's blatantly, blatantly trying to get on with Elvis.
00:53:02Free kick.
00:53:04Where's the ball?
00:53:05You know what I like to do, Shanti?
00:53:07You know what I want to do?
00:53:09I want to smack her across the face with this racket.
00:53:11I mean, here we are.
00:53:12We're stuck here, and that golf stick is busy with our husbands.
00:53:18You know what?
00:53:19Why don't you just calm down and let me get a shot in?
00:53:21And the worst part, the worst part,
00:53:24is that Elvis is enjoying every single minute of it.
00:53:30You know what?
00:53:31I can't do this.
00:53:32I'll stay.
00:53:33I can't do it.
00:53:34I can't do this anymore.
00:53:35Dyson, come and take over here.
00:53:36Racket abuse.
00:53:50Well done.
00:53:55What was that?
00:53:57No balls.
00:54:07You know, we need a little bit more time.
00:54:12The mamas are going to come looking for us.
00:54:21Aya, you know what to do.
00:54:22Yes, yes, I know, man.
00:54:23No, say it.
00:54:24I want to hear you say it.
00:54:25What is your cue?
00:54:27Sprinkle water.
00:54:28You see?
00:54:29I know it.
00:54:40Babe, like the doctor said, I have to run a few more tests.
00:54:44So they have to run a few more tests?
00:54:47Think about it.
00:54:50It just makes sense now.
00:54:52Why can't you get pregnant?
00:54:55Come here.
00:54:58Look at me.
00:55:00It's going to be okay.
00:55:03It's going to be okay.
00:55:07It's going to be okay.
00:55:09It's going to be okay.
00:55:16Why did it take so long?
00:55:22We could change this, huh?
00:55:26It's like this pee problem is getting worse, you see.
00:55:29How are you feeling, Jodi?
00:55:32She's okay.
00:55:34She's okay?
00:55:36She's okay.
00:55:37Mom, we're just going for a drive.
00:55:56Come on.
00:55:57Come on now.
00:56:03Oh, yeah.
00:56:07Come in.
00:56:09What's wrong, Aya?
00:56:10Maybe my head is paining.
00:56:14Oh, have I got tablets for you.
00:56:16So you know, when I have a headache, I'll take a mixture.
00:56:20Because it'll take your headache away and it'll make you so happy.
00:56:25Okay, just hit the jackpot at the casino.
00:56:36Are you good?
00:56:39Oh, my God!
00:56:41Somebody help!
00:56:43What's wrong?
00:56:44Oh, my God!
00:56:45Fishy and Elvis, break in!
00:56:48Ma, are you okay?
00:56:50This can't be happening!
00:56:57Just help me, please.
00:56:58Ma, can you hear me, Ma?
00:57:00Ma, can you hear me?
00:57:02Please, call the ambulance.
00:57:04Not on my birthday weekend!
00:57:10Let me sprinkle some water.
00:57:14Sprinkle some water.
00:57:25Sprinkle more water.
00:57:28I'm sprinkling water.
00:57:31I'm sprinkling more water.
00:58:05Where's my Oscar?
00:58:07How was my performance?
00:58:09You really overdid it.
00:58:11Your voice was shaking.
00:58:12I thought you were going to cry.
00:58:14She did cry.
00:58:15Anyway, did you see the suitcase code?
00:58:18Yeah, I saw.
00:58:21I don't know.
00:58:23I need some help remembering.
00:58:26Saris must also come to the casino.
00:58:29Fine, done.
00:58:30Now, what's the first number?
00:58:34And the second one?
00:58:36It's such a blur.
00:58:39Okay, 100 Rand extra spending money.
00:58:41Now, what's the second one?
00:58:44And the third one?
00:58:46It's on the tip of my tongue.
00:58:53Not two.
00:58:54Okay, three.
00:58:56Shanthi, just hold on.
00:58:57What more could you possibly want, Ma?
00:59:00I promise you'll go for it.
00:59:02Fine, I promise.
00:59:03Now, what's the third number?
00:59:06And what, uh, she must promise she must go to?
00:59:09Cooking lessons.
00:59:12We need to run and come.
00:59:13We're going to the pool.
00:59:14Who's going?
00:59:16Uh, just us, Destin and Baby.
00:59:19Um, no, you guys carry on.
00:59:21We'll stay here with Aya.
00:59:23Oh, my God.
00:59:27Here we go.
00:59:31Okay, okay, okay.
00:59:36Traffic light, brothers.
00:59:48Hey, check how many jump streams she got.
00:59:51Look at that.
00:59:52More than you.
00:59:54She's messing around.
00:59:56Just a little bit.
00:59:59A little forward.
01:00:01Don't show your muscles.
01:00:09You also like this, uh, coconut sweets?
01:00:12Sugar's feeling low.
01:00:14Maybe I should eat one of these.
01:00:15Please, stop.
01:00:17Just let us.
01:00:18Everybody like these coconut sweets, right?
01:00:20Please, Ma.
01:00:21Please, don't touch all of these things.
01:00:28Put that back.
01:00:29So nice.
01:00:30She got a massage machine.
01:00:36Don't touch.
01:00:40Oh, yo.
01:00:41Her real name is Dhanasekari.
01:00:45Oh, my God.
01:00:50Return air tickets.
01:00:52When's she leaving?
01:00:53In two weeks.
01:00:54You sure?
01:00:55Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:00:56On Diwali.
01:00:59Should we tell Pregi about this?
01:01:01No, no way.
01:01:02We don't want to upset him before your birthday.
01:01:04We'll tell him to get home.
01:01:06Goodbye, baby.
01:01:08I still miss that baby.
01:01:12Go die, Dhanasekari.
01:01:21Attention, guys.
01:01:23So, what do you think?
01:01:26Now, since we missed the picnic,
01:01:28this is especially for you guys.
01:01:31To our wives.
01:01:38Lai, put our lucky number there.
01:01:40You guys ready for this?
01:01:43Hey, you're taking us back in time there, Lai T.
01:02:02The wonder is moving.
01:02:06Let's do it.
01:02:15Hey, baby!
01:02:23All right.
01:02:26Come on.
01:02:28Come on, Tim.
01:02:31Baby, come on.
01:02:49This is my favourite song.
01:02:51Come on.
01:02:54Get up, Lai.
01:03:57Hey, birthday girl.
01:04:02Happy birthday, my sister.
01:04:05Thanks, baby.
01:04:07Happy birthday.
01:04:14You two look unusually happy.
01:04:17Things are looking up, eh, Shanti?
01:04:22What's she talking about?
01:04:24Who knows?
01:04:25Who cares?
01:04:27Hip hip...
01:04:29Hip hip...
01:04:31Knocker beep...
01:04:38All right, and now I think it's time for Peggy to say a few words.
01:04:41Hey, no, no.
01:04:42Hey, come.
01:04:43Tune something real.
01:04:44I'm not much of a speaker.
01:04:46When you and Elvis are together, you guys can't shut up?
01:04:50Um, I'll say something.
01:04:53Ma, you always put everyone first.
01:04:56Today you're 50, and for the next 50 years,
01:04:58it's our turn to put you first.
01:05:00I love you a lot, Ma.
01:05:01Happy birthday.
01:05:07Time for some presents.
01:05:09Wait till you see what I got you.
01:05:13It's the ones you said you love.
01:05:15Happy birthday.
01:05:16It's the ones you said you love.
01:05:18Happy birthday.
01:05:21They even gave us a free colander.
01:05:27Thanks for nothing.
01:05:30Elvis, you know you gave me a set of Quartz Ones for my birthday?
01:05:36I gave it to Silas.
01:05:38You're joking, right?
01:05:39Come on, man.
01:05:40Obviously my brother's heart's in the right place.
01:05:42Oh, you just save it.
01:05:43Jen, calm down, please.
01:05:45What do you want me to calm down for, Elvis?
01:05:47Because you're enjoying all the attention you're getting from this thing.
01:05:51Hey, you apologize to my sister right now.
01:05:54No, don't apologize.
01:05:55You spend most of this holiday with our husbands.
01:05:58We're just investing in a company.
01:06:01It's an export-import company.
01:06:02She's opening in Durban.
01:06:03So instead of calling me a homewrecker, perhaps you should be thanking me.
01:06:06Oh, shit, that's even worse.
01:06:08Okay, homewrecker.
01:06:09Guys, things are getting way out of hand.
01:06:11Can you all please calm down?
01:06:12Would you just hold up, Rishan?
01:06:13Please, not everyone's life is as perfect as yours.
01:06:20Were you going to give her any money?
01:06:23No, not yet.
01:06:25But this business idea is a goldmine.
01:06:26Just shut it, please.
01:06:28We know you're going back to China in two weeks to Martin,
01:06:31who, wait for it, is a married man.
01:06:35Is this true?
01:06:36I'm here for good, you snake.
01:06:38We saw your plane ticket in your bag.
01:06:44Did you give her money already?
01:06:47How much?
01:06:48A hundred thousand.
01:06:50You'll give it back, isn't?
01:06:53She gambled it at the casino.
01:06:55I was putting the ten cents in the ten cents machines.
01:06:58She was putting tens of thousands at the tables.
01:07:02You started gambling again.
01:07:04I'm your brother, how can you do this to me?
01:07:07Preggy, I need the money.
01:07:09This is hard enough, okay?
01:07:10Preggy, please.
01:07:11Family doesn't do this to family, okay?
01:07:13Just leave, please.
01:07:16Just go.
01:07:24Why did you tune us, bro?
01:07:26Why didn't you tell us about the business?
01:07:29Look, we were going to tell you about it.
01:07:32When the deal was already done?
01:07:34How much was this flirting going to cost us?
01:07:41Our life savings are only from you, Preggy.
01:07:47You would be nothing, nothing without this woman.
01:07:53And you, you are married to the most amazing woman.
01:07:59But yet all this time here, you made her feel invisible.
01:08:03I didn't.
01:08:04You did.
01:08:06And you know it.
01:08:09How much were you going to give her?
01:08:11I swear it meant nothing, Jen.
01:08:14How much else?
01:08:17How much were you going to give her?
01:08:20Answer me, damn it.
01:08:22Just answer me.
01:08:24Answer me, damn it.
01:08:25Just answer me.
01:08:30Five hundred thousand.
01:08:32It meant nothing, Jen.
01:08:34It was just an investment.
01:08:35It meant nothing.
01:08:41You're nothing.
01:08:44You're nothing made me feel like my whole world was collapsing.
01:08:54How much?
01:09:19This house is so quiet.
01:09:24This whole trip, we wanted nothing more than to be alone.
01:09:29And now that we're alone, there's nothing more that I want
01:09:33than to hear the sound of jokes and laughter.
01:09:37Anything but this quietness.
01:09:45I'm so scared.
01:09:49What if I'm really sick?
01:09:50Babe, I don't know anything for sure and you know that I'm here for you.
01:09:56But what if I...
01:09:58What if we...
01:09:59Babe, don't even...
01:10:01Don't even think it, don't even say it.
01:10:05What if we can't have kids?
01:10:12What if our house is meant to be like this?
01:10:22Just the two of us.
01:10:25I don't want to cry.
01:10:47I don't want to cry.
01:11:17I don't want to cry.
01:11:47I don't want to cry.
01:12:18Who would have thought
01:12:20I would be in hospital
01:12:22visiting the two of you?
01:12:25I'm glad you find that funny, Ma.
01:12:28But one thing I must say.
01:12:30No, no.
01:12:31Please don't say.
01:12:33Our generation,
01:12:35our generation
01:12:37will never forget
01:12:39what you've done for us.
01:12:41We'll never forget.
01:12:43We'll never forget.
01:12:44No, please don't say.
01:12:46Our generation,
01:12:48we had to be quiet.
01:12:50We couldn't say anything.
01:12:52I'm so glad the times are changing
01:12:55and I'm so proud of the two of you.
01:12:59Thanks, Aya.
01:13:02But it was very foolish of you
01:13:05to drive off in that mood.
01:13:08Very foolish.
01:13:43Mr. Kay.
01:13:45Let me just check if it's okay for you to go in.
01:13:48I just need five minutes.
01:13:59So, Naidu,
01:14:01you guys have been trying for a year now?
01:14:03Just about 11 months.
01:14:09ask your father if he wants tea
01:14:12and tell him to change the light bulb
01:14:14in the bathroom.
01:14:28I'm really sorry.
01:14:30She's really busy.
01:14:32But I'll take those.
01:14:45Yeah, Sadis.
01:14:47Sometimes I give up.
01:14:50My own son, too.
01:14:52Good for nothing.
01:14:56You want some tea?
01:14:58Yeah, make a nice pot of tea, Ma.
01:15:01Hello, Ghazi.
01:15:02Hey, Ghazi.
01:15:03How's it going?
01:15:04Yeah, not bad.
01:15:06Come here.
01:15:07Come here.
01:15:08Come here.
01:15:09Come here.
01:15:11Come here.
01:15:12Come here.
01:15:13Coming right slowly.
01:15:15What coming right slowly?
01:15:17You two donkeys need to pull up your socks.
01:15:20Why are you being like that, Ma?
01:15:22I know you're still sleeping in Prashan's room.
01:15:26You take your wives for granted.
01:15:28You both know what I went through with my husband.
01:15:31Just now, it'll be too late.
01:15:33Because why?
01:15:34Because you're both so stupid.
01:15:37Wake up.
01:15:40Wake up.
01:15:44Wake up.
01:16:06Guys, I can't believe your holiday's almost over.
01:16:09Judy, I thought we could go shopping with you.
01:16:12And do you have spices?
01:16:14I didn't get a chance to get some for you.
01:16:17We sorted.
01:16:28Look, guys,
01:16:31I know this wasn't the best holiday, but
01:16:35I'm so sorry.
01:16:37It's okay.
01:16:39I'm so sorry.
01:16:43We were worried about you guys.
01:16:45No, please don't worry about us.
01:16:47We're survivors. We're tough.
01:16:55You know, we were watching you at the beach villa and
01:17:00we just...
01:17:02We couldn't stop watching it.
01:17:04We've been lousy parents.
01:17:06But you guys...
01:17:08I mean, the two of you...
01:17:10You're going to make awesome parents someday.
01:17:28Priscian wasn't himself, huh?
01:17:30Yeah, I noticed.
01:17:32What about Jodi? She was just too quiet.
01:17:34Too quiet?
01:17:36You think they're still angry at us?
01:17:38Oh, Shanti.
01:17:40I think we really messed up.
01:17:43Oh, it's Asima.
01:17:45Don't answer it. You know you won't say anything.
01:17:47No, I should answer it.
01:17:51Is Prabhas okay?
01:17:53Is she having the baby?
01:17:58She's having the baby.
01:18:00How would you know that?
01:18:02He wouldn't have said a word.
01:18:05I don't know.
01:18:31There's something about new life.
01:18:34Something about the birth of a baby.
01:18:37Maybe it makes us feel hopeful.
01:18:40Or maybe it takes us back to some special moments
01:18:44in our own lives
01:18:46that you feel like somehow
01:18:48everything will all turn out okay in the end.
01:18:52And it's just a waiting game.
01:18:55Waiting for the next big moment.
01:19:04I love you.
01:19:34I love you too.
01:19:49Hey, Doc.
01:19:51Any news?
01:19:53How's it, Prashant?
01:19:55I've just received the blood results from the Durban doctor
01:19:57and I've emailed them to you so you can have a look.
01:20:00I've gone through everything in detail
01:20:01and I'm happy to tell you both that it's all clear.
01:20:04And hopefully, you won't have to wait too long for some good news.
01:20:07Are you going to be okay?
01:20:10So now you have to strictly follow my orders.
01:20:16Which orders?
01:20:18You know, in the kitchen, the lounge, the bathroom, the patio, the garage.
01:20:23Okay, I'll see you guys soon.
01:20:32Now we really have to look at Jennifer and Shanti's baby names.
01:20:36No, no way.
01:20:38That's not happening at all.
01:21:02Hey, can I help?
01:21:08I really messed up.
01:21:13Just leave me alone, Elvis.
01:21:18I don't want to lose you, Jane.
01:21:21I can't live without you.
01:21:23You really, really hurt me, Elvis.
01:21:27Just tell me what to do.
01:21:29You broke me.
01:21:32That's what you did.
01:21:37I really can't believe I acted like that.
01:21:45I'm sorry, Jane.
01:21:48I keep asking myself over and over again, what is it that I've done to deserve being treated that way?
01:21:56No, Jane.
01:22:01It was me, okay?
01:22:02It was all me.
01:22:09I'm sorry.
01:22:18Just stop, stop.
01:22:20Just stop, Elvis.
01:22:26I just need, I need time.
01:22:29I need space.
01:22:30I need...
01:22:32I need to be alone.
01:22:33I need to work this out for myself.
01:22:36I need to be alone.
01:22:37Jane, Jane.
01:22:38I can give you all that.
01:22:41I can.
01:22:42Just please,
01:22:44please don't leave me.
01:22:49We've done everything together.
01:22:53We've achieved everything.
01:22:56That I am is because of you.
01:22:58But it doesn't feel like that.
01:22:59It doesn't feel like that at all.
01:23:01I mean, recently you don't even notice me.
01:23:04You don't even see me, Elvis.
01:23:06You don't even see me.
01:23:08I can change.
01:23:10I'll change, I promise, Jane.
01:23:12It won't happen again.
01:23:18I can't lose you, Jane.
01:23:20I can't.
01:23:28Are you crying?
01:23:32Are you?
01:23:34Elvis, I've never seen you cry before.
01:23:39It's because I've never almost lost you before.
01:23:53Come on.
01:23:58It's okay.
01:23:59It's okay.
01:24:00It's okay.
01:24:15Ask your daddy if he wants tea.
01:24:19Shanti and I do.
01:24:23Come on.
01:24:33I hope it's good.
01:24:47I took you for granted.
01:24:51Yes, you did.
01:24:53You did.
01:24:59I'm so sorry.
01:25:03No more assuming anything before talking to you, okay?
01:25:10That's it.
01:25:18I'll always make tea for you.
01:25:20That's pushing it.
01:25:23Hey, there's one more thing.
01:25:28Oh, my God.
01:25:30Did you cook?
01:25:40Happy birthday, Shanti and I do.
01:25:54Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.
01:25:59Good evening and welcome to the...
01:26:03So, is Elvis still in the dog park?
01:26:08I gave him a break for Diwali.
01:26:13And you?
01:26:14How does it feel to have your voice again?
01:26:19It feels like the light is back in my life.
01:26:23You're just glowing tonight.
01:26:24You look so amazing.
01:26:26Thank you, my friend.
01:26:30Might have taken some heavy-duty polishing.
01:26:32But deep down, we know we're married to diamonds in the rough.
01:26:37Deep down, you'll know you're married to a bloody badass.
01:26:47Nothing, nothing.
01:27:15Marriage is a funny thing, yeah?
01:27:17Sometimes, it stays strong.
01:27:20And sometimes, the light of marriage gets blown out by the wind.
01:27:27But one thing for sure.
01:27:29True love will never lose its spark.
01:27:34But why I must lie?
01:27:36There will be dark times.
01:27:38But these are the moments that make you hold on tighter to your partner.
01:27:45Cherish them.
01:27:46Appreciate them.
01:27:48Always let each other know exactly how you feel, no matter what.
01:27:53To all the couples out there, be the oil in each other's lamp.
01:27:58Because when it's burning bright, even the darkest of spaces don't stand a chance.
01:28:06That's the top marriage for you.
