DOCTOR DOOM Robert Downey Jr_ The Books Of Doom First Look

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DOCTOR DOOM Robert Downey Jr_ The Books Of Doom First Look
00:00Feige at one point, and he said,
00:06he said, it just keeps occurring to me
00:08that if you were to come back,
00:11and he brought up Victor Von Doom,
00:12and I looked into it as character,
00:14and I was like, wow, and I go,
00:15and later on, he goes, let's get Victor Von Doom right.
00:19So then, I said to Kevin, can I go talk to Bob Iger?
00:24He goes, about?
00:25I go, about everything.
00:26And we sit down, and I start saying,
00:28I just really wanna be, he goes, I like it.
00:31I was like, he likes it.
00:32He goes, come by the Imagineering campus.
00:35I can't say too much about,
00:36but what is going on there right now
00:41is, oh, beyond my expectation of what was possible,
00:46that no wonder it was numinous to me.
00:48And it's also the only way that I felt like
00:52I can give a certain entertainment-seeking audience
00:55something that they may have a hankering
00:58to have an experience of in a way
01:00where I can continue to develop my interest
01:03in the future of entertainment,
01:05and where the hell else should you go but there?
01:07So it's this crazy, weird thing that's going on.
01:12Showing the Iron Man teaser at Hall H at Comic-Con
01:17was exactly like putting on a Doctor Doom mask
01:22and walking out Deadpool in Wolverine,
01:26which came out of a different kind of recession,
01:29a recession after the recession
01:32where there had been all this expansion
01:35and all this scaling and all this proliferation,
01:38and then this imagined and real decline,
01:42and then this crisis of confidence across the board
01:45for you pick a reason.
01:47And then we get a top 10 grossing film of all time.
01:51And man, I gotta hand it to those guys.
01:56And if that all goes to shit,
01:58we'll just remake what many people say
02:00is the greatest film of all time.
02:02Welcome back, everyone.
02:03It's Charlie.
02:04Robert Downey Jr. just gave a big interview
02:06revealing a lot of details about his return to Marvel
02:09as Doctor Doom and why he came back
02:12and what was going on at the time,
02:13like the circumstances it took to get him
02:16to come back in the first place.
02:18I know there's all kinds of questions
02:19about which version of Doctor Doom he's playing,
02:21what his backstory in the movies is going to be
02:24when he shows up.
02:25His interview reveals a big part of that.
02:27So we'll break it all down.
02:29If you're brand new to the channel,
02:30be sure to subscribe to get all the videos.
02:32This is really just the beginning.
02:33Like he's just started talking about coming back
02:36after the big reveal.
02:37I've already done a big video
02:38about the actual Comic-Con panel reveal.
02:41So I'll post a link to that at the end of this too.
02:43There's a lot of stuff that Robert Downey Jr. covers
02:46in his interview here.
02:47He even talks about Deadpool in Wolverine.
02:49He was originally supposed to cameo in that movie
02:52as his original 616 Iron Man that died during Endgame
02:56because it took place before Avengers Infinity War
02:59in March 2018 when he was still alive.
03:02Deadpool was gonna try and join the Avengers
03:04and it was gonna be Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man
03:06interviewing him for the job.
03:08He even recorded some cameo scenes like this anymore,
03:10which I think was a great joke.
03:12He revealed the reason why he didn't go forward
03:15with that cameo scene,
03:16like why he didn't show up in the movie
03:18is because at the time he had already started talking
03:21to Marvel about coming back as his Doctor Doom.
03:24And Kevin Feige, Robert Downey Jr. himself
03:27didn't wanna do the jokey Iron Man returns cameo scene
03:31after he's been dead all this time
03:32for it to be like a big surprise,
03:34only to turn around and try and top that surprise
03:37with him coming back as Doctor Doom
03:38in Avengers 5 and Avengers 6.
03:40Like they felt that that would have taken away
03:42from the big surprise of him coming back in Avengers 5.
03:46So it was only gonna be one or the other
03:48and the Doctor Doom twist was like a way bigger deal
03:51that Kevin Feige had been working on orchestrating.
03:54So in the interview, Robert Downey Jr.
03:56starts by explaining the circumstances
03:58for how he came back as Doctor Doom.
04:00Like this is the question people ask,
04:02like how did it go down?
04:03And apparently according to him,
04:05it started with Kevin Feige asking him point blank
04:09to come back as Victor Von Doom.
04:12Notice he says it's not him coming back
04:14as another version of Iron Man
04:15or as his original Iron Man
04:17who just calls himself Doctor Doom.
04:19And also at the time,
04:20he continued to be in a group chat
04:22of sorts regular communication
04:24with both the Russo brothers and Jon Favreau
04:27and Kevin Feige himself.
04:29Like after Avengers Endgame,
04:30they just all stayed talking to each other on the regular
04:33and he had side business with the Russos
04:36explaining why he'd be talking to them all the time anyway.
04:39That kind of explains why one of his conditions
04:41for returning as Doctor Doom in the MCU
04:44was that Kevin Feige hired the Russo brothers
04:46to direct Avengers 5 and Avengers 6 again
04:48because it sounds like he's maintained
04:50this very close relationship with them
04:52outside of all the Marvel stuff.
04:54Also because Marvel is looking for their safest of bets
04:58and the Russos are a very safe bet for them.
05:01But Robert Downey Jr. is saying that around late 2022,
05:04I think long before the writers and actors strikes of 2023,
05:08this would have been like way before that,
05:10he'd been talking to Kevin Feige
05:11about completely separate Marvel business
05:13involving him doing more Iron Man 616 stuff
05:17at the Disneyland and Disney World theme parks,
05:19like theme park specific stuff.
05:21I talked a little bit about that last week
05:23when I was doing a bunch of D23 videos,
05:25like they finally revealed what that is.
05:27It's basically him coming back as his original Iron Man
05:30to record new scenes for like a non-canon Disney parks thing.
05:35It's called the Stark Laboratory.
05:36It involves like some special Disney park rides.
05:39So like it's not movie related stuff.
05:42And while he was talking to Kevin Feige randomly
05:44about that stuff, like the non-movie stuff,
05:47Kevin Feige himself stopped mid-conversation
05:50to ask him point blank to come back as Victor Von Doom.
05:54And in his own words, he says,
05:56help them get Victor Von Doom right.
05:59And he brought up Victor Von Doom
06:01and I looked into his character and I was like, wow.
06:03And he go, but, and later on, he goes,
06:05let's get Victor Von Doom right.
06:07So then I said to Kevin, can I go talk to Bob Iger?
06:12He goes about, I go about everything.
06:14You have to picture Robert Downey Jr.
06:16reading all these Dr. Doom comics,
06:18like after Kevin Feige broaches the subject,
06:19like he mentioned this Dr. Doom person to me,
06:21this Victor Von Doom person.
06:23So I read a bunch of comics.
06:25Then after that, he goes to Bob Iger's house.
06:27Like he literally drove to Bob Iger's house
06:30to talk about doing all this stuff,
06:32the Disney park stuff with him doing the Iron Man stuff
06:35and also all the movie Dr. Doom related stuff.
06:38And Bob Iger was like immediately, yes,
06:40I will sign all the checks for that because yes,
06:43it definitely takes a giant check
06:45to cover all the stuff that they're doing.
06:47Reportedly, he's getting paid 80 to $85 million
06:51per Avengers movie.
06:52And that doesn't include all the Disney park,
06:55like a theme park stuff that he's doing separately,
06:57which is also a giant check on top of that too.
06:59But he's also revealing that it wasn't Robert Downey Jr.
07:02that went to Marvel and said,
07:03I'd like to come back and do all this stuff,
07:05like the Dr. Doom stuff and all the theme park stuff.
07:08It was Kevin Feige broaching the topic first,
07:11saying how can we move forward
07:12and not just undo Iron Man's sacrifice during Endgame?
07:16How can we not go backwards?
07:20How can we not disappoint expectations?
07:22How can we continue to beat expectations?
07:26That's been the leading conversation
07:28since they made the Comic-Con announcement
07:29because they didn't say any of these things
07:31during the announcement.
07:32They're just like, hey, I'm coming back.
07:33It's a version of Dr. Doom
07:34without fully explaining how that's gonna work.
07:37And apparently a big part of Kevin Feige's pitch
07:39to Robert Downey Jr. about coming back as Victor Von Doom
07:42is they didn't want to mess
07:44with Iron Man's sacrifice during Endgame,
07:47but they still wanted to find a way for him to come back
07:49and help Marvel finish the multiverse saga,
07:52like put a bow on all this
07:53with Avengers 5 and Secret Wars.
07:55So this gets into the important detail buried in all this
07:59in which version of Dr. Doom he's going to be playing.
08:02When Kevin Feige mentions Victor Von Doom specifically
08:05like getting that character right,
08:07I think that's meant to be confirmation
08:08that he won't just be an Iron Man variant
08:11who started calling himself Dr. Doom at a certain point
08:14and turned into a villain
08:16after he'd already been Tony Stark Iron Man
08:18for a long time in his original universe.
08:21Since that big Comic-Con announcement,
08:22apparently they've revealed that the first time
08:24we're actually gonna see his Dr. Doom in live action
08:27will be at the very end of the new Fantastic Four movie,
08:30maybe a post-credit scene,
08:31but at some point at the very end of that movie.
08:34And reportedly his Dr. Doom
08:36is supposed to be the main Dr. Doom
08:39of that Fantastic Four alternate universe
08:41that they come from.
08:42So it sounds like when they come to the MCU
08:44at some point after the events of their movie,
08:47Robert Downey Jr.'s Dr. Doom will come with them.
08:50I've already done a much larger
08:51Fantastic Four Comic-Con trailer video,
08:53so I'll post a link for that at the end of this,
08:55but during that footage,
08:56they revealed that the new Fantastic Four team
08:59starts out in a totally alternate universe,
09:01like not the MCU,
09:03and eventually they will come to the MCU
09:04and be the new main Fantastic Four team
09:07of the MCU going forward after Secret Wars.
09:09They also revealed that they're gonna show up
09:11in Avengers 5 and in Avengers 6 Secret Wars.
09:14So it sounds like they have a longstanding relationship
09:17with Robert Downey Jr.'s Dr. Doom.
09:19Like when their movie picks up,
09:20they're already meant to have had their origin story.
09:22It's not meant to be an origin story kind of movie,
09:24meaning that they've already fought
09:26their version of Dr. Doom played by Robert Downey Jr.
09:29But in their universe that they come from,
09:31present day is still in the 1960s,
09:34which is why everything looks like it did
09:35during the original Fantastic Four comics.
09:37Like they wanted the vibe of the movie
09:39to feel like the vibe of the original comic books.
09:42Pedro Pascal's Reed Richards looks a little bit older,
09:44like he's in his late 40s in real life.
09:46So it sounds like his character will be on par
09:48with that age during the movies.
09:50Doesn't it make a little more sense then
09:52that his Dr. Doom in his universe
09:54would be a little bit older as well too,
09:56explaining Robert Downey Jr. being a little bit older now
09:58when he comes back as the character.
10:00They've already faced each other multiple times
10:02in the universe that they come from.
10:04And notice the Dr. Doom costume that he was wearing
10:07when they made that big announcement at Comic-Con.
10:09The cape here, the whole costume just looks very old timey
10:13with a 1960s kind of vibe to it.
10:15So based on what Kevin Feige said
10:17about him being Victor Von Doom of that universe,
10:20not just another version of Iron Man,
10:22it sounds like he was always Victor Von Doom
10:25in that universe.
10:26But outside of them just saying
10:28that he was born to the Von Doom family
10:30and then never fully explaining it,
10:31like that would be an option.
10:33Like how are we gonna explain him being a version
10:35of Dr. Doom and not a version of Tony Stark?
10:36Well, what if we don't explain it?
10:38One of the ways they can win that game
10:40is by not playing that game.
10:42But of course, fans are gonna ask,
10:43why does he look exactly like Tony Stark
10:46of the 616 universe?
10:48Like it feels like a big stretch
10:49for them to not explain it at least a little bit.
10:51My earlier idea for like the simplest way to explain
10:55why he looks just like the 616 Avengers original Tony Stark,
10:59like you look just like our old friend who died,
11:02is to say that in that Fantastic Four universe,
11:04he was born to Howard Stark and Maria Stark,
11:07but they died just after his birth when he was a tiny baby
11:11before they even had the chance to give him a name
11:13and he was adopted by the Von Dooms who named him Victor.
11:17So it's an easy way to explain how he was never Tony Stark
11:21and he only knew life as Victor Von Doom
11:24growing up with the Von Dooms in Lotveria.
11:27And it's also a way to explain how he's still a genius
11:29on par with Tony Stark,
11:31but also because of the Victor Von Doom history
11:33in the comics, because of his mother,
11:35he went on to learn magic as well,
11:37combining all the best technology with magic
11:39to make himself even more powerful.
11:42That was one of the weaknesses
11:43of the original Fantastic Four movies
11:45with that version of Doctor Doom
11:46because they got people to believe
11:48that his only real power was electricity.
11:50Like Doctor Doom's abilities go way, way beyond that.
11:53Also notice when Robert Downey Jr.
11:55was talking about Deadpool and Wolverine
11:56during his interview,
11:57he starts talking about the recession at Marvel.
11:59It's a little tongue in cheek
12:00because he gets kind of jokey talking about it.
12:02What he means is that everything
12:04that's happening at Marvel right now,
12:06Deadpool and Wolverine popping off big time
12:08and the new stuff that they're working on
12:10going forward like Avengers Five,
12:11his Doctor Doom stuff, Avengers Secret Wars
12:13was all born out of a real recession like in real life
12:17and an imagined recession.
12:19He's referring to the post COVID era.
12:21We've seen something of a real life economic recession
12:24like everyone's worried about it getting worse right now.
12:26Like it's not completely over,
12:28but also the imagined recession
12:30is part of the Marvel recession of it all.
12:31Like the fact they pulled way back on their output
12:34because the movies and the show
12:35started to perform very poorly
12:37for a number of different reasons that we all saw.
12:40So he is confirming that his return to Marvel
12:42is also highly related to Marvel
12:44trying to turn the ship around, so to speak,
12:46like Kevin Feige trying to turn the Marvel ship around.
12:49For those of you asking, if it wasn't clear,
12:51his deal to come back is only for
12:54the next two Avengers movies through Secret Wars
12:56and apparently like a small cameo in the Fantastic Four movie
12:59but he's not meant to be like a really huge character
13:01in the Fantastic Four movie.
13:03And after Secret Wars, he will not continue on
13:06as the main Doctor Doom of the MCU in Marvel phase seven
13:09in what Kevin Feige is calling the mutant saga of movies.
13:13I've talked about this in a bunch of videos before,
13:15but after Secret Wars,
13:16Marvel is still planning on doing a soft reboot
13:19of the MCU and all the movies and TV shows
13:21going forward in Marvel phase seven
13:23will be more focused on X-Men mutant characters in general.
13:26Robert Downey Jr. said that he's basically coming back
13:29to sort of shepherd the transition
13:31from one era of Marvel to the next
13:34in a way they didn't really do during Endgame
13:36or do properly.
13:37Some of the other cool details from his interview,
13:39he said that he visited Tobey Maguire
13:42on the set of his Spider-Man movies
13:43when he was still making them
13:45before he signed on to play Iron Man
13:47in the first Iron Man movie
13:48and even when he was still about to play Doctor Doom
13:51in the original Fantastic Four movies.
13:54Speaking of which,
13:55I'd gone and visited Tobey Maguire on the Spider-Man sets.
13:59Based on the timing of this,
14:00I think it would have been Spider-Man two
14:02that he visited him on
14:03because he also said it was around the time
14:05he was screen testing for Doctor Doom
14:07in the original Chris Evans Fantastic Four movie.
14:09So if you didn't realize,
14:10he almost became that version of Doctor Doom
14:13long before he became Iron Man.
14:16Personally, I think we could say that Kevin Feige
14:17and the Marvel people at the time made the right call
14:20like he was destined to play Iron Man
14:22and he probably never would have become Iron Man
14:25if he had been that version of Doctor Doom.
14:27Isn't it ironic now that he's returning to the MCU
14:30as another version of Doctor Doom?
14:33Like it's come full circle.
14:35There's been all kinds of reports
14:36about how they'll introduce him in that Fantastic Four movie,
14:39what his arc is gonna be in the next two Avengers movies,
14:42but I think something that the Russos said
14:44in the big reveal at Comic-Con completely gave it away.
14:47This is what they said about the overall story arc
14:50of Avengers 5 Doomsday
14:51and how that leads into Avengers Secret Wars.
14:55All of this made Joe and I understand
14:58that we would need to make another essential movie first
15:02in order for all of us to be ready for Secret Wars.
15:05Yep, there is one very, very important character
15:10that is required.
15:11The most important character
15:14in all of the Marvel Universe.
15:17With Doomsday!
15:20I think that confirms that Avengers 5 Doomsday
15:22will be an adaptation,
15:23like a pretty close adaptation,
15:25of Time Runs Out from the comics
15:27leading into Secret Wars,
15:29which is based on the newer version
15:31of Secret Wars from the comics,
15:32which is kind of how things played out during that too.
15:35But as part of that,
15:36Robert Downey Jr.'s version of Doctor Doom
15:38will adapt the Doctor Doom storyline
15:39from Time Runs Out in Secret Wars
15:41with him eventually becoming a version of God Emperor Doom.
15:45In the void planet from Loki
15:47that we also saw during Deadpool and Wolverine
15:48will serve as a version of Battleworld.
15:51During the Time Runs Out storyline,
15:53Doctor Doom tries his own way to stop all the incursions.
15:56We've seen them happen some in the Marvel movies,
15:58like we started to see universes colliding with each other.
16:00Originally, Doctor Doom tries to save his main universe,
16:04but eventually learns there's no way to stop the incursions
16:07and the only way to save his universe
16:09is to go around killing different versions
16:10of Molecule Man from other universes.
16:13And once you do that, you kill that universe,
16:15like the universe winds up destroyed.
16:17I think what they're doing in the MCU
16:19is taking the concept of anchor beings
16:21from Deadpool and Wolverine,
16:22because in that movie,
16:24they explained that if an anchor being dies,
16:25their universe dies.
16:27In Robert Downey Jr.'s,
16:28Doctor Doom will just be going around the multiverse
16:31killing anchor beings himself.
16:33They didn't reveal who the anchor being
16:35of the main MCU 616 universe is,
16:38but it's pretty easy to guess
16:39that in Avengers 5 Doomsday,
16:41he might show up trying to kill
16:43the MCU anchor being and succeed.
16:46So it sounds like they're gonna end things
16:47Empire Strikes Back style,
16:49just like they ended Infinity War with Thanos' snap.
16:51So they end Avengers 5 with a big downer ending,
16:53the multiverse destroyed,
16:55and they wind up on a version of Battleworld,
16:57aka the void,
16:59and that's how Secret Wars picks up
17:00with him being God Emperor Doom.
17:02Then things play out relatively similar
17:04to their original plan when Kang
17:06was still a big part of the plan
17:08for Avengers 5 and Avengers 6,
17:09where they'll form a multiverse Avengers team
17:11of people who survived from other universes
17:14like other Fox Marvel characters,
17:16only bigger than what we saw in Deadpool and Wolverine.
17:18Gambit sensing that his time has come again,
17:21they eventually defeat God Emperor Doom,
17:23Robert Downey Jr.,
17:24then reform the multiverse
17:26and do their soft reboot to explain
17:28why Kevin Feige can put like all the X-Men characters,
17:31Fantastic Four,
17:32like everybody that he wants to keep going forward
17:34in the main MCU and explain
17:36that they've always existed in the MCU together,
17:39more like the original comic book 616 universe.
17:42Cleaning up a lot of continuity issues
17:44that they've had previously
17:45with all the new characters that they tried to bring in,
17:48just like make things simpler
17:49for everybody new that's gonna be starting Marvel movies
17:52with everything after Secret Wars,
17:54because you have a lot of young people
17:55who have not seen any of the Marvel movies yet.
17:57The only thing they have not said
17:59is how long they're gonna wait
18:01before they try to recast a version of Iron Man
18:04inside this new version of the MCU after Secret Wars.
18:07They're definitely gonna make Hugh Jackman
18:09and Ryan Reynolds come back until they're 90.
18:11So like, I don't think they're gonna recast Wolverine
18:13that soon, like they'll eventually do it,
18:15but not for a good long while.
18:17So it'll probably be a similar situation with Iron Man
18:19where they just wait to recast Iron Man
18:21for like several years after Secret Wars.
18:23Everybody let me know in the comments,
18:25what do you want them to do with Iron Man
18:27in the MCU after Secret Wars?
18:29If Robert Downey Jr. is gonna be completely done
18:32for the most part coming back,
18:33like he won't come back as Doctor Doom after Secret Wars.
18:36There's a bunch of other D23 Marvel trailers
18:39that I still haven't done videos for,
18:40so I'll try to finish those as soon as possible.
18:42My voice is still kind of healing.
18:44Everybody click here for that Fantastic Four
18:46Comic-Con trailer and click here for that full
18:48Robert Downey Jr. Doctor Doom teaser from Comic-Con.
18:52Thank you so much for watching
18:53and I'll see you guys in the next one.
