• 2 days ago
00:00When I was a boy, I had to choose a path, or fate would choose for me.
00:13I've hurt people, and I'm going to hurt more.
00:22I'm asking forgiveness for what I'm about to do.
00:28Gang wars.
00:30The city crumbles.
00:37Welcome back everyone, it's Charlie.
00:39Marvel just revealed they have new plans to bring back all the Netflix Defenders characters.
00:44Some cool MCU crossovers that we never got a chance to have when all those shows were originally airing on Netflix.
00:49And how they're going to change some of the characters for the better.
00:53Namely, Finn Jones Iron Fist, like we're all looking at you Iron Fist.
00:56Even some crossover with Moon Knight and some of the other newer characters that we've just started to see.
01:01Best example of this was the Daredevil born-again trailer.
01:04I've already done a full video for that, so I'll reference that during this video when it's relevant.
01:08But it was a good example of how they're not changing most of the characters, and in fact are now leaning into the Netflix continuity.
01:15As opposed to pretending like those shows never existed, or those characters never existed.
01:19Which is great news if you have been hoping Marvel would bring all this stuff back.
01:24I know everybody's asking about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. now too, like when are they bringing back the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters?
01:29We'll break it all down. If you're brand new to the channel, be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes.
01:34We'll start getting more Daredevil born-again footage later this year too, after Agatha.
01:38First big news you probably saw recently is Marvel's new plan for the street-level characters.
01:43Which include all the Netflix Defenders.
01:45Like usually when we're talking about the Netflix characters, we're talking about everybody that were part of those shows.
01:49Technically Punisher was not in the Defenders show, but he is considered a Netflix Defenders character.
01:55Because when we think of Defenders, you just think of all the Marvel Netflix shows.
01:58But Marvel's new plan is bringing back all of those characters, not just some of those characters.
02:04Outside of everybody we've seen so far come into new MCU projects like Daredevil and Kingpin.
02:09We know Punisher and Bullseye will be back during Daredevil born-again season 1.
02:13They were prominently featured in the Daredevil born-again trailer.
02:16The footage we have of them is like janky potato quality footage.
02:19We'll get a nice shiny HD version later this year.
02:22But you can clearly see what's going on with them.
02:24Like Punisher has seen better days.
02:26Something really bad happened to him after that five-year time jump.
02:29Bullseye just been chilling out in prison this whole time since the end of Daredevil season 3 before the snap.
02:35There was an earlier plan Marvel had for all of them during Marvel phase 4.
02:39Before they had their big crash and burn moment of truth.
02:42Completely reworking how they make television movies just in general.
02:46That's why Deadpool was joking about that in Deadpool and Wolverine.
02:49The low point of Marvel.
02:51Welcome to the MCU by the way.
02:53You're joining in a bit of a low point.
02:55Daredevil born-again was meant to be one of the first new TV shows that they made as part of that whole new plan
03:01for how everything is going to work in a much better way.
03:03Like their better path forward.
03:05This will be relevant for some of the TV shows they release in the next couple of years
03:09because some of those shows they made during the old era of Marvel
03:13and they've just been chilling out on the shelf.
03:15Like there's been episodes sitting on the shelf waiting to release them.
03:18So that's why some of the shows in the future will seem way more quality than other shows.
03:23Although I am hopeful for some of the stuff they're going to be releasing the next couple of years.
03:27Really good example that X-Men 97 was total fire and they made that under the old system of Marvel.
03:33Like before they completely reworked everything.
03:35Speaking of which, the head of Marvel TV Brad Winterbaum has done a ton of interviews
03:39talking about all the different TV shows and the people that they're bringing back.
03:42Especially the Marvel Netflix Defenders characters.
03:44He's also the guy during the Echo show who clarified that all the Netflix stuff was canon to the MCU.
03:51Up until this point, we've been a little bit cagey about what's sacred timeline, what's not sacred timeline.
03:57That was born of frankly a period at the studio where we were like
04:03we have to stick the landing with Avengers.
04:06It was another part of the company developing the Netflix stuff.
04:09We were aware of what they were doing.
04:11They were aware of what we were doing.
04:12It was a lot.
04:13It was a lot to balance anyway.
04:15Some time has passed.
04:16Now that we see how actually how well integrated the stories are,
04:20we would be confident in saying it is part of the sacred time.
04:22He was basically saying that they decided what if we did lean into all the Netflix stuff and did make that canon.
04:28Up to a couple years ago, there were also some weird legal rights issues they had with Netflix.
04:33But that's all done and gone now.
04:35They can do whatever they want to with the characters.
04:37So it's not an issue anymore, which is why you're hearing about all these new plans to bring everyone back.
04:42The funny thing about that, Ryan Reynolds just did an interview saying basically the same thing happened when he was making Deadpool and Wolverine.
04:47Like he brought back Chris Evans, Johnny Storm from Fantastic Four.
04:50He brought back a bunch of X-Men characters.
04:52But he said that when he was talking to Kevin Feige about making the movie a couple years ago,
04:57at that point there were still a bunch of rights issues with a couple of the Fox X-Men characters
05:02that he was not allowed to use because of those rights issues.
05:05So even though Marvel bought all these characters, they got the rights back from Netflix for all the Defenders stuff,
05:10there still remain some weird rights issues.
05:13Like lawyers will always ruin everything.
05:15You can hear everybody that's wanting a World War Hulk movie in the background screaming,
05:19we understand.
05:20Basically though, this amounts to Marvel canonizing all the other Netflix Defenders stuff.
05:25Like the minute they chose to canonize the Daredevil stuff, all the other stuff sort of came with it.
05:30The only exception is supposedly that they will be tuning, and I think the right word is tuning,
05:35Finn Jones Iron Fist so that most of his backstory from Iron Fist season 1 and season 2 is still canon.
05:40But they fixed a lot about the character that was not working when they were originally doing that on Netflix.
05:46If you have not watched any of those seasons of Iron Fist, you can skip season 1, just watch season 2.
05:52One of his best episodes as Iron Fist was also a Luke Cage season 2 episode crossover
05:57where he went full heroes for hire team up with him.
06:00But everyone else, Luke Cage episodes, Jessica Jones episodes, Punisher episodes,
06:04as you'll see during Daredevil born again, will be canon without any real changes needed.
06:09Most of what they did with those characters on all those shows was absolutely fantastic,
06:12so that's why they do not want to change a lot of stuff about those characters.
06:16Marvel's new plan, and this will make total sense, like why didn't they do this before,
06:20is to use Daredevil born again to reintroduce everyone to the street-level Marvel characters.
06:25And when I say everyone, I'm talking about the audience.
06:28That's why they're doing multiple seasons of the show, and they planned for it to have multiple seasons going into it,
06:33like they knew that they would be doing multiple seasons,
06:35so they were able to make a better plan instead of trying to do things on the fly.
06:39There are a lot of these Marvel shows the last couple of years where they didn't know they were going to do season 2,
06:43so they'll scramble to try and come up with a season 2 story, as opposed to having planned that out when they started.
06:49Not everybody's coming back during Daredevil born again season 1.
06:52There's only going to be 9 episodes of that.
06:54Punisher and Bullseye are the biggest new Netflix characters we know are coming back during those,
06:58that we haven't already seen in other stuff.
07:01Muse from the comics is meant to be the actual main villain of that season,
07:04even though Kingpin is typically thought of as Daredevil's biggest villain.
07:07Daredevil and Kingpin are sort of forced to have to work together to try and deal with Muse,
07:11just because Kingpin becomes mayor of New York City.
07:14So that's why you're seeing them have all these conversations in that diner,
07:17in the Daredevil born again trailer.
07:18Like they're trying to come to terms, like briefly, we're not friends, but we have to work together.
07:23Bullseye comes into the season still in prison,
07:26then looking for revenge for what happened during Daredevil season 3.
07:30Punisher's arc is supposed to be mostly set up for a much bigger arc that he gets in Daredevil born again season 2,
07:36but I believe during season 1, all the footage that we've seen,
07:39is you actually see some of the police wearing the Punisher logo.
07:42I think some of them are meant to be corrupt, or like dirty cops, and Punisher goes after them,
07:46because you can see him and Matt in some of this footage going after a bunch of people on the street.
07:50I think those are meant to be some of the dirty cops.
07:52There has been talk about them doing a Punisher revival series,
07:55for those of you that want them to do more Punisher, like Punisher season 3,
07:58that's effectively what it would be.
08:00In a couple years ago, before Marvel made all these big changes to their plans for how TV and movies work,
08:06Jessica Jones, I think, was supposed to come back earlier and be a bigger part of the story early on,
08:10when I think Daredevil was still going to be 18 episodes for season 1.
08:14That's all changed now, that's been delayed.
08:16Now she, Luke Cage, Iron Fist will be brought back in future seasons,
08:20maybe other street-level shows too, because we have Hawkeye season 2 they're working on,
08:24there's also that Ms. Marvel season 2 they'll probably eventually wind up doing,
08:28and there's a couple unannounced street-level Marvel shows,
08:31because one of the other bits of news is that Marvel is also developing a Marvel Knights project,
08:36which is probably going to take the place of the Defender-style team-up show,
08:40just because it is a street-level project.
08:42So it's like they're bringing the Netflix Defenders back,
08:44but instead of doing Defenders season 2, they're calling it Marvel Knights
08:48and using that as a path to do something totally different with the characters
08:51and bring in other characters that they wouldn't have done in a Defenders series.
08:55If you did not read the Marvel Knights era of comics,
08:58it was actually a pretty big deal back in the 90's,
09:00that's when Joe Quesada, a small group of creators at Marvel,
09:03during a real low point at Marvel financially, to make another Deadpool joke.
09:06There were a bunch of characters that were just not selling well,
09:09so like Joe Quesada and a bunch of people took them and did Marvel Knights,
09:13like this self-contained little project,
09:15where they could do pretty much anything they wanted to with the characters.
09:18It wound up being a much darker, grittier, street-level connected group of stories.
09:22If you haven't read it, it's fantastic, I would recommend checking it out.
09:25People like Daredevil, Black Panther, Moon Knight, Punisher, Black Widow, Dagger,
09:30Shang-Chi, Luke Cage, even Doctor Strange.
09:33That run only lasted for a little while,
09:35but it's the perfect upgrade for what they were trying to do originally with the Netflix Defenders show.
09:40Street-level team-up with like a bunch of really crazy characters
09:43that the Netflix people did not have access to when Marvel was making those shows.
09:48Marvel Knights is like the hardcore upgrade to Defenders.
09:51You've been hearing all this talk about them doing more TVMA projects, like rated R movies.
09:56TVMA is like the TV version of rated R, basically.
09:59So now that Marvel is planning to use Daredevil as the path to a lot of team-ups
10:03and a lot of projects that they didn't originally have plans for.
10:06Really good example of that is a Daredevil-Black Widow crossover.
10:10But instead of Natasha, like it was crossing over with Daredevil in the comics,
10:14it'll be Yelena Belova-Black Widow, just because Natasha is dead in present day in the MCU, R.I.P.
10:20Marvel hasn't said when they're going to do this Marvel Knights project.
10:23It sounds like it'll be a TV show because they're pitching it like it'll be the upgrade version of Defenders.
10:27I'm not expecting it for a couple years at least.
10:30We'll see a couple seasons of Daredevil before that happens.
10:33I've done a couple videos in the past about the other Netflix Defenders characters coming back,
10:37like Finn Jones has talked at length about doing Heroes for Hire with Luke Cage
10:41and bringing back some of those characters.
10:43The reintroduction of the character would be something like a Heroes for Hire TV series.
10:49I think that would just be, I think that would be the most dynamic
10:52and the most fun way to reintroduce those characters.
10:55And I think, you know, I loved working with Mike.
10:58I loved the on-stream chemistry between Danny and Luke.
11:01I'd love to, I'd love to pick up the mantle again and keep moving this character forward, you know,
11:05and make it the best possible Iron Fist that there could be.
11:09But it's currently unclear exactly what that project would look like.
11:12Like what exactly are they going to be doing when they come back?
11:15We do know there's supposed to be a version of Iron Fist showing up in the MCU later this year
11:19in the Black Panther series called Eyes of Wakanda.
11:22The reason why everybody thinks this new version of Iron Fist that we're going to see during Eyes of Wakanda
11:26is meant to be the ancient version of Iron Fist, like the very first person to wield it,
11:30is because there's a time travel element, so to speak, during the series
11:34because it's going to take place over the different ages.
11:37So we'll probably just see the older versions of Black Panther during the series.
11:41But everyone, let me know in the comments.
11:43What do you want the other Netflix Defenders characters to be doing when they come back?
11:47Because remember, they have to explain what happened to them during the five-year time jump.
11:50Did they get snapped? Did they not get snapped?
11:53Even if we don't see all of them during Daredevil born again season one, like right away,
11:57we will probably get some Easter eggs and references to them during the episode.
12:00So I will point those out when we actually do start getting episodes.
12:03There's a bunch of big stuff coming up.
12:05Click here for that full Daredevil born again trailer and click here for my Thunderbolts trailer video too.
12:10Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one!
