El Señor De La Querencia Cap 21

  • last month


00:19Hola, hermano.
00:21¿Cómo le va?
00:25¿Y usted? ¿Pasó algo?
00:27Is Violeta in? Everyone's asking about her, about Querencia.
00:32She's resting inside.
00:34I want to talk to her.
00:36No, no, leave her alone.
00:38Leave her alone because she needs to be calm.
00:40And why? Did something happen to the girl?
00:45Manuel, answer me. Did something happen to her?
00:58A man saw her this morning.
01:22How are you, little one?
01:28Did Manuel tell you?
01:41I know.
01:44I know what that means.
01:48Many women know what that means.
01:52Many women know what that means.
02:00Why didn't you tell Manuel who raped you?
02:06Because I don't know.
02:09I think I do know, Violeta.
02:13Who I'm protecting.
02:17Was it Mr. Luis Emilio?
02:24He would never touch me.
02:27Then who was it, Violeta?
02:30You know you can trust me. I'm not going to tell anyone.
02:40It was...
02:44It was...
02:47It was Mr. Jose Luis.
02:51Aunt, please don't tell anyone.
02:55Please, if my aunt and my dad find out,
02:58it's going to cause more trouble here.
03:00Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone.
03:03Don't worry, Violeta.
03:16Don't worry.
03:21Come in.
03:26Excuse me, Leonor. Can we talk?
03:31Aren't you ashamed to come after what I saw?
03:35Please forgive me.
03:38Tell me how you do that, Leontina. I'd appreciate it.
03:42I couldn't stop your husband.
03:44He couldn't or didn't want to.
03:49Do you feel anything for him?
03:52No, of course not.
03:54Then why did you kiss him?
03:56He forced me.
03:59Leonor, what you saw
04:01was just an excess of Jose Luis towards me.
04:04Nothing more.
04:08You realize that now
04:10it's going to be much harder to regain his trust, right?
04:16I'm willing to do whatever you tell me
04:19to make him forget what he saw.
04:23First of all, you can't enter my room.
04:26Only Maria and Violeta can enter.
04:28Is that clear?
04:32Yes, as you wish.
04:35And if you want to keep your job,
04:37don't come near my husband.
04:41I promise you.
04:43Now go.
04:45I don't want to see his face.
05:08Stop it!
05:11I don't want you to leave me!
05:13Look at his back!
05:16I need God to forgive my sins.
05:19Go away.
05:21Don't do anything.
05:23I need him to forgive me.
05:25I need him to forgive me.
05:29Stop hurting yourself.
05:31He already forgave you.
05:39I love you.
05:50I love you.
05:55He forgave me.
06:00I let you be punished.
06:02I love you.
06:08I'm going to do whatever you want.
06:17Stop it.
06:21Stop it.
06:25Stop it.
06:29Stop it.
06:32Stop it.
07:02Stop it.
07:10Violeta, I'm here to get you.
07:14We have to go to the clinic.
07:17I'm not going there.
07:19We have to go. The boss threatened us.
07:21No, daddy. I'm not going there.
07:23You are not my client.
07:25Let's go, Violeta.
07:28I have to go to Manuel.
07:31I was talking to Violeta and she said she wanted to come with me.
07:36But I have to take her, Manuel.
07:38Hey, listen.
07:40The thing is, the girl had a miscarriage.
07:45What happened to her?
07:48What happened to her?
07:49She'll tell you later.
07:51But let her stay, I'll take care of her.
07:57We are Violeta's parents.
08:01And she has to be with us.
08:04Let's go, Violeta.
08:06Let's go, let's go.
08:07Uncle, tell her something. You can convince her.
08:10It's your decision.
08:12You have to listen to her.
08:17But I'll always take care of her.
08:20You count on me.
08:22Don't ever forget that.
08:32Teresita, aren't you going to eat anything?
08:36No, cousin, I'm not hungry.
08:38Why don't you tell me what's wrong with you?
08:41Oh, Lucrecia, I would like to, but I don't dare.
08:45I thought there were no secrets between us.
08:48No, it's not about that, cousin.
08:49It's just that...
08:51It's just that I don't want to hurt you.
08:53What are you talking about?
08:55I'm talking about your marriage to Ignacio.
08:57Oh, what's wrong with my marriage?
08:59That's exactly it, cousin.
09:00I would like you to put a little more of your part,
09:02a little more effort, to make things better.
09:05I thought you had already understood
09:06that we get married only to satisfy your parents.
09:09Well, forgive me, but that makes me very sad
09:12to see how you and my brother don't respect each other at all.
09:15Are you saying that because of what happened with Herminia?
09:19I'm not just talking about you.
09:21I'm also referring to Ignacio.
09:24Do you know something?
09:25I'm sorry, cousin, but...
09:28my brother is in love with another woman.
09:37Some guys are here at the house,
09:38but others are helping me find that bastard.
09:42I don't think they'll find him.
09:44Can it be any man in the area?
09:47What did the girl say?
09:49Not much, she described it to me,
09:51but it wasn't very specific.
09:52Did you tell her anything?
09:55No, she didn't tell me anything.
09:57She didn't tell you anything.
09:58Are you telling me the truth?
10:00And why would I lie to you?
10:01Because I know you when you lie to me.
10:03No, she didn't tell me anything.
10:05But if you want some advice,
10:07don't keep stirring up the girl's wound.
10:10Look, she's had enough.
10:14I'm going to find that bastard and his mother.
10:17If it's true, I'll tell you.
10:18I'm going to find that bastard and his mother.
10:21Be careful, Elmira, because I'm going to find him.
10:30Do you know who that woman is?
10:33No, but I'm almost sure
10:35she's one of the tenants who works here at the house.
10:42Excuse me, but what do you find so funny?
10:45Oh, sorry.
10:46I thought you were going to tell me something else.
10:48What else?
10:50Teresita, we have a deal with your brother.
10:53We're married, but anyone can do whatever they want.
10:56I'm sorry, cousin,
10:57but that deal seems to me to be the most aberrant thing that can exist.
11:00Don't worry.
11:02It doesn't bother me that Ignacio has another woman.
11:05In fact, I already knew it.
11:07You knew it?
11:09But how? Who is it?
11:10How come you didn't tell me anything?
11:11Did you talk about a tenant?
11:13Yes, but I'm not sure.
11:14The truth is that I can't see her well alone, Ignacio.
11:17It seems that your brother has an affair with a tenant,
11:21an old tenant,
11:23an older woman.
11:25Now that you know,
11:27I imagine you're not going to tell anyone, right?
11:37Look what the wind brought today!
11:39What a breeze!
11:45I'm sorry for bringing you back.
11:47No, it's okay.
11:49I understand.
11:51This is the best place where you can be.
11:55With us.
11:57Teresita, look at me.
12:00We're not going to let anyone hurt you anymore.
12:06I hope so.
12:09We're going to take care of you.
12:15We're going to take care of you.
12:18I'm not going to let anyone hurt you.
12:35Honey, I'm so glad you came.
12:36Look how beautiful these jewels are.
12:37I want to give them to you.
12:38I'm not interested.
12:39Why not? They're beautiful.
12:41Do you think I don't know that your lovers gave them to you?
12:45What's wrong with me now?
12:47Do you know what's wrong with me?
12:48That you are immature and irresponsible.
12:52Because Teresita almost catches you, you and Ignacio.
12:54She realizes what can happen if she finds out.
12:56Did Teresita tell you?
12:57Yes, I had to tell her the truth.
13:00I guess you didn't tell her the whole truth.
13:03Of course I didn't.
13:04And what did she say?
13:05Well, I told her that Ignacio has an affair with a woman from the countryside.
13:09Old woman!
13:11Old woman?
13:12Don't be ridiculous.
13:14Is this serious?
13:16I see that you will never mature.
13:33Good morning, Leonor.
13:34How did you wake up?
13:35That's none of your business.
13:37Please don't treat me like that.
13:38Take it.
13:40It was a gift.
13:42I don't want it.
13:44I don't want anything from you.
13:46I already apologized, Leonor.
13:48Keep it.
13:52If you're going to have breakfast, do it in the kitchen.
13:56The living room is not for you to have breakfast.
14:09Good morning, Herminia.
14:12What brings you to this house, sir?
14:15I wanted to know how my Violetita was doing.
14:21Do you really want to know how your Violetita is doing?
14:24Yes, Herminia.
14:27Then ask your father. It will be better.
14:30My father?
14:31Why should I ask him?
14:39I want to talk to you, Dad.
14:41What's wrong with you, Luis Emilio?
14:43I want to know if it's true that you raped Violeta.
14:48Answer me!
14:49Be very careful. Don't forget that you're talking to your father, Luis Emilio.
14:53Please, Dad, tell me it's a lie.
14:57Why do you care so much about that Chinese?
15:02So it's true?
15:06So it's true.
15:08I don't want to fight again for the same thing with you, Luis Emilio.
15:13I want you to tell me face to face if it's true that you raped her. Yes or no?
15:17She told you?
15:18It doesn't matter.
15:19Answer me!
15:20She told you.
15:21It doesn't matter.
15:22Then for your peace of mind, yes.
15:26I did it.
15:33I'm going to give you some advice, Luis Emilio.
15:37The time has come for you to start doing the same thing.
15:42You're a sadist, Dad.
15:47What the hell did she tell me?
15:50You know how I feel about her.
15:51And that's why I did it, you idiot!
15:54So you understand that a young man like you can't have any feelings for a Chinese like her.
16:02Do you understand?
16:07Oh, yes.
16:10Hi, Herminia.
16:12Thank you for coming.
16:14You tell me.
16:17Lucrecia, can you talk, please?
16:19Well, I called you because I want to propose something to both of you.
16:25To both of us?
16:27Come on, ma'am, talk.
16:28Look, I have a lot of things to do.
16:30Ignacio, if you want another woman to have a child to make her believe that her father is ours,
16:36I want that woman to be Herminia.
17:02What's wrong? Why are you looking at me?
17:07I'm sorry.
17:09I have to go.
17:10No, no, no.
17:13Tell me what's wrong.
17:15What are you doing?
17:20For my life.
17:24I'm crying for my life.
17:32Hey, don't cry for your life. Change it.
17:36Change it.
17:40I don't have the strength to change the course of my existence.
17:45Yesterday I tried to do it.
17:49And I regretted it.
18:03Do you want us to go for a walk?
18:08Let's go for a walk.
18:09I don't want to have any more problems.
18:10I don't want you to have problems.
18:11I don't want.
18:12I want you to be fine.
18:15Let's go for a walk.
18:17I'll go with you.
18:20I'm sure you'll be fine.
18:21I'm sure you'll be fine.
18:34Now she has gone completely crazy.
18:36How could she propose to us something like that?
18:38Maybe the lady fell for it.
18:40I prefer it to be Herminia and not my mother.
18:43She's younger and much prettier.
18:46Can someone explain to me what the hell you're talking about?
18:48I'll explain.
18:49Lucrecia has completely lost her mind.
18:51Excuse me.
18:52Do you think I have no right to comment on who is going to be the mother of my child?
18:56I think you are not in a position to comment on anything.
18:59Excuse me.
19:07Tell me, what are you up to?
19:08But do you swear to keep the secret?
19:11Cross to heaven.
19:13I want you to have a child with Ignacio to make my mother jealous.
19:16I will not allow her the pleasure of being calm with him.
19:20You are crazy.
19:22Think about it.
19:23I know my mother is not holy of her devotion.
19:26Besides, I can pay her a lot, a lot of money.
19:36Go ahead.
19:39What a change this is your house.
19:48We are.
19:49Just rest.
19:51Go ahead.
19:52Thank you very much.
19:53Go ahead.
19:59You are also different.
20:04I'm still the same.
20:08Thank you for distracting me.
20:18Why don't you tell me about yourself?
20:20Why are you like this?
20:28My situation with José Luis no longer makes much sense, the truth.
20:35If I stayed, it was only for my children.
20:51And if I told her that I have the resources to help her.
20:56So that she leaves there once and for all.
21:04Open the door.
21:08Who's in here, Manuel?
21:15But what's wrong with me?
21:17Don't be stupid, Ignacio.
21:19I know perfectly well what's going on.
21:21What are you talking about?
21:23Your mysterious deal with Lucrecia.
21:26What deal?
21:28Stop lying to me.
21:29She told me herself.
21:32She told you everything?
21:33Yes, everything, Ignacio.
21:35Let me tell you that I find it the most immoral thing that can exist.
21:39I never imagined you, brother.
21:40A man of faith.
21:41A man.
21:42A man of honor.
21:43Listen to me.
21:44Teresita, I didn't plan to fall in love with Mercedes.
21:47It just happened.
21:49What did he say?
21:53What did he say, Ignacio?
22:05Get out, man!
22:17How are you, Manuel?
22:21I see that you are believing the story of the late boss.
22:24What do you mean?
22:26Don't let me pass.
22:29Why did you come?
22:31I came to know where you are getting money to buy my people.
22:35And what are your explanations?
22:38I know the Calicheros.
22:40I know they are all thieves.
22:43You are stealing, Manuel.
22:45You are stealing, Manuel.
22:47He came to insult me.
22:50Because if he came to that, I'll tell him, I don't have time.
22:52Anything else?
22:58They told me he was starving and I see it's not like that.
23:02Look, what they told you is not my business.
23:05Now I'm going to ask you to please leave because you are not welcome in this house.
23:08Did you hear me?
23:10You are caught in front of a liar who is still a thief.
23:14We will not see each other again, Manuel.
23:18You don't fool me.
23:28Falling in love with Mercedes?
23:31My words got tangled, sister.
23:33No, no, no, this can't be.
23:36Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me, calm down.
23:37No, no, no.
23:38Now I understand perfectly, that is, when Luis Emilio told me that you were with a Chinese woman,
23:41it wasn't true, you were with Aunt Mercedes.
23:43Calm down, please.
23:44Was it Mercedes, yes or no?
23:45Yes, it was.
23:48How dare you?
23:51How dare you do something like that?
23:54We are going to solve this right now.
23:57Talk to me, please.
23:58Where are you going?
24:03She left.
24:05Is everything okay?
24:07She couldn't have come.
24:08Why did she leave?
24:09I think it's better if I go.
24:10No, she just left.
24:12It would be better if she stayed here for a while.
24:17You're right.
24:20Do you want a glass of water?
24:27I'm sorry for my reaction.
24:30I got nervous, I got a little anxious.
24:32It's okay.
24:34It's okay, I understand.
24:40You are a beautiful person.
24:46Your house is going to be very beautiful.
24:52Aren't you going to ask me where I got the resources for this house?
24:56To leave it like this?
25:02Only if you want to tell me.
25:04I want to tell you.
25:07Where then?
25:18In this land, there is a huge deposit of gold.
25:27I'm going to tell you.
25:35You lied to me.
25:37You lied.
25:38You told me that Manuel was starving, that he was poor and it's not true.
25:42Boss, what are you talking about?
25:45I wanted to go work with him.
25:47Answer me.
25:48No, boss, I'm loyal to you.
25:50How am I going to go work with him?
25:52And if I'm going to work with him, it's to take care of Violetita.
25:57I'm going to kill you.
26:00Boss, boss, please.
26:02The last time you lie to me, I'm going to kill you.
26:18Do you understand?
26:21Yes, please.
26:42Where are you going?
26:43Sorry, I don't think it's convenient for you to see me here.
26:48But the boys are trustworthy.
26:51Anyway, I'd like to be more careful.
27:00As you wish.
27:06Those men used to work for their husbands.
27:10And now they're extracting the mineral in exchange for a salary.
27:16Are you paying them?
27:18Are you paying them?
27:27I'm glad this is happening to you.
27:31You deserve it.
27:48This is worth a lot of money.
27:52Enough to give you the life you deserve.
27:59I don't care about the material, Manuel.
28:03But you're used to a quality of life and I don't care about that life.
28:07That's right.
28:08Boss, boss.
28:11Let's see what happened.
28:15We found the guy who raped your niece, Violeta.
28:18We have him tied up there.
28:26I didn't do anything!
28:28Calm down, calm down.
28:36This bastard was caught molesting a woman from the boys.
28:40And according to his description, it could be the man who attacked him.
28:45Tell me I didn't do it, miss!
28:47I've never seen you!
28:49I've been looking for a job in these parts.
28:51Shut up, shit!
28:54Shut up.
28:55Shut up.
28:59Don't be afraid.
29:02Nothing will happen to you.
29:05If you do it, you'll end up in jail.
29:08So tell me.
29:11Was it him?
29:13Tell me the truth, miss!
29:15I beg you!
29:17You know I've never seen you or fought a dog!
29:20Who do you think you're protecting?
29:22Shut up!
29:23I didn't hear you.
29:25I didn't hear you.
29:27Answer me.
29:29Was it him?