El Señor De La Querencia Cap 16

  • last month


00:00Let me go!
00:01Mom, what is my sister talking about?
00:03She doesn't know what she's talking about.
00:04I know perfectly well what she's talking about!
00:05Let me go!
00:06Let me go!
00:07Listen to me.
00:08Let's go, Manuel!
00:09Listen to me.
00:10Little sister, it's not me.
00:11It's not.
00:12Little sister.
00:13If our father finds out about what he just saw.
00:16He can't find out.
00:17He doesn't understand that I don't care what my father says.
00:19Nocio, let me go!
00:20Mother, when did this happen to her?
00:22I don't recognize her.
00:23Let me go!
00:24Love comes like this, brother.
00:25You know what I'm talking about, right?
00:26Let's go home.
00:27You know exactly what I'm talking about.
00:37Be calm!
00:38Please, be calm!
00:39Are you sure this is going to calm her down?
00:40My sister was neurogenic, it was all she had.
00:41Help me please.
00:58The things in this house are getting worse by the day.
01:01Honestly, I don't care.
01:03Oh, don't be rude, please.
01:05Mom, I just told you that Ignacio wants to have a child with me.
01:09Do you realize what that means?
01:11Surely that was Jose Luis' idea.
01:13I don't care what the idea is. I don't want to.
01:15I don't want to have a child with him or anyone else.
01:17Sweetie, please be reasonable.
01:19It's logical that he wants to have a child with me.
01:21I don't want to have a child with him or anyone else.
01:23I don't want to have a child with him or anyone else.
01:25Sweetie, please be reasonable.
01:27It's logical that the family wants you and Ignacio to be parents.
01:30In this house, nothing is reasonable.
01:32Look at me.
01:33Believe me, it's the best decision we could have made.
01:35Getting married is what you have to do.
01:37A woman...
01:38A woman like you.
01:40I don't want to live like this.
01:42Well, you don't have a choice.
01:44I'm sorry, sweetie.
01:46You know what?
01:47I think I'm starting to hate you.
01:50I'm going to ask you a favor, you know?
01:52Please be a little more considerate.
01:53Because you're not the only one who's having a hard time in this house.
01:56Think about Leonor.
01:58It's known that she's in love with Manuel.
02:01Lucrecia, I...
02:04Teresita told me.
02:05Listen to me.
02:06You can't say anything because if Jose Luis finds out,
02:08he's capable of killing you both.
02:10If you don't help me with the pregnancy,
02:13I'm capable of anything.
02:19Don't leave us, sir.
02:20I beg you.
02:21Please give me strength to get through this.
02:24Peace reigns in this family.
02:26Let's do what we used to do.
02:28I beg you with all my soul, almighty lord.
02:31I'm going to work day by day to forget about Manuel.
02:34I'm going to get him out of my mind.
02:35But help me.
02:36Help me, please.
02:37I beg you.
02:38Help me.
02:39I beg you, please, sir.
02:42I beg you.
02:45When you sent me,
02:46I threw all the traitors from the trust in, boss.
02:52Very good.
02:54Anyone who comes in contact with Manuel
02:57will be punished.
02:58Is that clear?
02:59Yes, boss.
03:03I guess your wife, sister, and goat
03:05have no contact with that bastard.
03:07No, boss, no.
03:09I haven't got any contact with him.
03:11Well, well, well.
03:12No, no, no, boss. I just do what you tell me to do.
03:15You don't have to.
03:18Get out.
03:22Boss, could I have a word with you, please?
03:26What happened?
03:29It has to do with Violeta.
03:35You know what? My girl is acting weird today.
03:43What does that have to do with me?
03:48Boss, with all due respect...
03:55You wouldn't hurt my girl, would you?
04:04What kind of question is that?
04:06That's why I said you didn't have to...
04:07I have a moral, man.
04:09Yes, boss. I was just asking.
04:11Get out of here.
04:17Get out of here, for fuck's sake!
04:41Mercedes, I'm working.
04:44Can we talk?
04:48What do you want?
04:50I was talking to Lucrecia.
04:53Please, stay out of my marriage.
04:56I'll always care about what happens between you and my daughter.
04:59She told me what happened this morning.
05:04I shouldn't have told her anything.
05:06She trusts me, despite everything, Ignacio.
05:13I don't think it's appropriate for you to meddle in what happened.
05:16You're a different man.
05:18You're a special man.
05:19Any woman would be very happy to have you by their side.
05:25Even you?
05:31But fate said something else, Ignacio.
05:38And what's that?
05:40Treat my daughter well.
05:43I'm begging you, please.
05:45You're hurting me.
05:48Can you leave, please?
06:06No more than 15 minutes.
06:07Are you going to talk to me?
06:09It's an order, Eleonor.
06:14How long are you going to keep me locked up?
06:16Until she calms down, my dear.
06:1915 minutes.
06:23I can't take it anymore, cousin.
06:25I swear I can't take it anymore.
06:27Teresita, listen to me.
06:29You have to calm down.
06:32How can I calm down if I don't know how Manuel is?
06:35Do you want me to go see him?
06:40I don't want you to get into any more trouble, cousin.
06:43As soon as I can, I'll go see him.
06:46If his father finds out, it could be very dangerous.
06:49Nothing will stop me from being with Manuel.
06:51Not even my parents.
06:53And what are you going to do?
06:54Escape with him.
06:57Live with him.
07:00Manuel is my only reason to exist, Lucrecia.
07:08What happened?
07:10I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Manuel, but...
07:12I don't know where to go.
07:15But Mr. José Luis threw us out of his land to help you.
07:20Don't worry, there's plenty of room here.
07:24Are you sure what you're doing is right?
07:28I'm sure.
07:29I'm sure.
07:30I'm sure.
07:31I'm sure.
07:32I'm sure.
07:33I'm sure.
07:34I'm sure.
07:35I'm sure.
07:36Are you sure what you're doing, Manuel?
07:38This could be dangerous.
07:40They don't have a roof in Miriam.
07:43Hey, friend.
07:44Yes, boss.
07:45Follow that path and you'll find a small barn.
07:47You can stay there for the time being.
07:49And I'll wait for you at the river, at work.
07:50Yes, boss.
07:52Thank you very much.
07:53Stay there, it's okay.
07:58It's not because you're a bad bird, but this is going to go from bad to worse.
08:02Mr. José Luis won't stay with his arms crossed knowing you're helping these people.
08:05I don't care what that bastard thinks.
08:08And don't worry, silly.
08:10Do you know what we'd do?
08:12You'd go with me so I could show you where to find the gold nugget.
08:16Let's go.
08:17Change your face.
08:18Let's go.
08:26How's my Violeta?
08:28No, don't come any closer.
08:33Look what I brought you.
08:34I'm busy.
08:35I went to work.
08:37I thought you'd like flowers.
08:40I don't like them.
08:41How could you not like them?
08:44They're as pretty as you.
08:48So pretty.
08:53What happened to your hand?
08:59I cut myself working.
09:01Let me see.
09:03Let me see.
09:14I'm busy.
09:17Excuse me.
09:29Careful, it's hot.
09:33I'm going home.
09:36If you're going to keep insisting that I don't see Manuel,
09:39you're wasting your time.
09:42I talked to the boss about Violeta.
09:47And what did he say?
09:53He promised me he'd never do anything to her.
10:02Are you sure?
10:06He kept his word.
10:10I can't trust that man.
10:14Me neither, but we'll have to trust him.
10:32I love you.
10:33I love you.
11:02I love you.
11:33Who's there?
11:35It's me.
11:54What are you doing here?
12:02I heard what happened to you and...
12:05I wanted to know how you were.
12:08It's not good that you're here. You should go.
12:10I don't want them to see you here.
12:13Don't worry.
12:15It's dark. No one knows I came.
12:18I wanted...
12:20to make the most of...
12:22bringing you something so...
12:25I mean, some food so you could...
12:29eat something.
12:33How are you?
12:37Where are you?
12:39That's good.
12:44I can't believe you're here after everything that's happened.
12:51I'm not my husband.
12:55Your husband doesn't feed the starving.
12:57Your husband doesn't feed the starving.
13:02Why are you treating me like this?
13:04I don't want to hurt you.
13:10Don't treat me like this, Ciro.
13:15And don't come back.
13:33Let me go, brother. I beg you.
13:35You can't keep me locked up like an animal all day.
13:37How can't you see?
13:38I can't let you go, sister.
13:39Until you change your attitude.
13:42How do you expect me to change my attitude...
13:44if no one in this family wants me to be happy, Ignacio?
13:47How can you say that, sister?
13:50How can't you see that we're doing this for you?
13:52Your family loves you.
13:53They want to see you.
13:54If they loved me, they'd let me be with Manuel.
13:56Get that man out of your head.
13:58That man isn't for you.
13:59Sure, he's not for me, but he is for my mommy, right?
14:04What did she say?
14:05That our mother is in love with Manuel.
14:26I'm sorry.
14:46Where did you come from so late at night?
14:49You scared me.
14:52It's a question.
14:54You'd better tell your husband the truth, Leonor.
15:04I went to see Manuel.
15:07I told him.
15:17What nonsense did you just say, sister?
15:19That our mother is in love with Manuel.
15:21That's why she doesn't want me to get close to him.
15:22And that's why she's jealous, Ignacio.
15:25You've gone completely crazy, sister.
15:26No, I'm not crazy.
15:28How can you say something like that about our mother?
15:32Our mother would be unable to be unfaithful to her father.
15:34Ignacio, Ignacio.
15:36Our mommy isn't the kind and good woman you think she is.
15:40Be careful, sister.
15:42The Lord is going to get angry.
15:43For our sake, Lord, I swear that what I'm saying is true.
15:47Don't be sacrilegious, sister.
15:49All you're trying to do is destroy this family.
16:09Why the hell did you challenge my authority?
16:12Let me explain why I went there, please.
16:15You know perfectly well that I don't want anyone to get close to Manuel,
16:18except you.
16:20Don't you understand me?
16:22How do I explain to you
16:24why you put that in your head?
16:27Manuel is isolated and without food, so
16:29I thought it would be better for me to bring him food
16:33as a Christian act.
16:35I don't understand clearly why Teresita is reacting that way.
16:39You two are colluding to help that bastard.
16:42Do you realize that all you're doing, Teresita, is following his example?
16:45His terrible example.
16:47It is necessary for Leontina to be present in this situation.
16:49I don't care.
16:53Why did you go to see that man?
17:01I wanted to help him, like
17:04I would help anyone.
17:06You dared to challenge my authority.
17:08You trusted my authority.
17:10And you're going to pay for that.
17:14Don't touch me.
17:15Don't touch me.
17:21Don't put me like this.
17:23Let's talk.
17:25I said no!
17:29Shut up!
17:31I don't care what the kids say, because you're going to have to listen to me.
17:34Don't treat me like that.
17:35I'm going to treat you like that because you're the one who doesn't understand
17:37what your role is.
17:38I'm your husband.
17:39I'm your husband.
17:41And if I give you an order, then you have to obey it.
17:44Without questioning it.
17:45But I told you I was going to see Manuel because I know
17:48he's not going to give me permission.
17:50Don't touch me.
17:51How do you want me to give you permission?
17:52If the only thing I want is for that son of a bitch to rot
17:57in that sandpit he's living in.
17:58What's wrong with you?
17:59That you hate him so much?
18:01Because of the land?
18:02Because he's a thief.
18:03No, no.
18:04Your father left him that land.
18:05Don't say that.
18:06You're lying to me.
18:07No, no, no.
18:08You're not lying.
18:09Let me go.
18:10Enough, forgive me.
18:11Enough, calm down.
18:12Calm down.
18:13Calm down.
18:14You were not like that before.
18:16Trust me.
18:17What's wrong with you?
18:19What's wrong with you?
18:21What's wrong with you?
18:36You're not my friend.
18:39Don't get confused.
18:43You're my woman.
18:47Understand it.
18:50You're in my head.
18:59I don't have to give you an explanation.
19:02For your own good,
19:06don't disobey me again.
19:32Are you okay, José Luis?
19:37I need you to watch Leonor.
19:39As you wish.
19:41Now, if you'll allow me,
19:43for a while now,
19:44your wife has been behaving
19:45in a very strange way.
19:47What do you mean?
19:49It's not the first time
19:50she goes out at night.
19:52She's been doing that
19:53for a long time.
19:55I don't know why,
19:56but she's been behaving
19:57in a very strange way.
19:59What do you mean?
20:05What are you insinuating?
20:08She hasn't thought
20:09that maybe Leonor
20:10has more than a simple
20:11humanitarian interest
20:12towards Manuel.
20:15She hasn't thought
20:16that maybe they
20:18have a romance.
20:25I'm sorry
20:26that the screams
20:27woke you up.
20:29Mom, I know
20:30I don't have to meddle
20:31in your matters,
20:34Excuse me.
20:36What's going on
20:37between my dad and you?
20:43Your father is
20:44becoming more and more
20:46That's what's going on.
20:49Why are you looking at me like that?
20:53I know I shouldn't,
20:54but I want to ask you
20:55a question, Mom.
20:57What is it?
21:00It has to do
21:01with what Teresita said.
21:06Teresita confuses things.
21:10For Manuel,
21:11I feel nothing more
21:12than the respect
21:13I would feel
21:14for any other man.
21:29You've been unfaithful
21:30to Dad.
21:33What are you saying?
21:35How can you say
21:36something like that?
21:40I'm sorry.
21:44I don't know why
21:45I said that, really.
21:47I needed to ask you.
21:50Forgive me.
21:52I'm sorry.
21:53I'm a fool.
21:54I'm an idiot.
21:57I'm really sorry.
22:11When you doubt Leonor,
22:12doubt me.
22:13And listen to me.
22:16There has never been
22:17a woman in this world
22:18capable of deceiving me.
22:20Forgive me.
22:21Forgive me, José Luis.
22:22Don't refer to those terms
22:25To Leonor.
22:26My wife is virtuous,
22:29and pious.
22:30She's not a nobody.
22:32I've never thought
22:33about that, José Luis.
22:35Then get that twisted idea
22:36out of your sick head.
22:38Forgive me.
22:39Forgive me, please.
22:41I didn't mean to bother you.
22:43You know
22:44I want the best for you.
22:46All I want
22:47is to take care of you,
22:48José Luis.
22:49You know
22:50what I feel for you.
22:54What do you feel for me?
22:58Don't make me say it.
23:02Say it.
23:06I love you.
23:09I love you, José Luis.
23:12I love you.
23:20I love you.
23:22I love you.
23:49I love you.
24:19I love you.
24:50What are you doing here?
24:54I was waiting for you, boss.
25:02I'm the one who's going to see you.
25:05When have you seen
25:06a Chinese woman
25:07offer her lordship?
25:11I'm doing it for my daughter.
25:14So she can get her way
25:15with me
25:17and not with her.
25:19I don't know
25:20what you're talking about.
25:28I don't know
25:29what you're talking about.
25:37Help me.
25:49Help me.
26:13The boss wants you
26:14to take the breakfast to bed.
26:16Right away.
26:18You can take it.
26:25You're so afraid of him, Violeta.
26:29It's just that
26:32he hasn't been
26:33nice to me lately.
26:37That bastard.
26:40I promise you
26:41if you touch a hair
26:42I'll kill him.
26:45You know how it is, aunt.
26:53Do you know what you need?
26:55To find a kid your age.
26:58Someone who can
26:59make you feel at home.
27:01I already found him.
27:03But not with me.
27:05Don Luis Emilio?
27:09But that can be fixed quickly.
27:13Come here.
27:17You know that
27:18witches know how to do evil.
27:21But we also do good things.
27:24I'm going to tell you
27:25what you have to do.
27:26You have to listen to me.
27:28That bastard is going to fall deep.
27:31Thank you, aunt.
27:38Who is it?
27:39It's me,
27:43Come in.
27:45What do you want?
27:52I know you must be angry
27:53with me for
27:54having reported you last night,
27:55but I want you to know
27:56that I did it for you.
27:58Don't tell me.
28:00Yes, I did it for your own good.
28:03You are putting your integrity
28:04at risk
28:05and you shouldn't do it.
28:08that man,
28:10is not to be trusted.
28:12Please believe me.
28:14Those people are very bad class.
28:16He and his sisters
28:17are people...
28:18Is that all you have to tell me?
28:24Leonor, you are my family.
28:26My duty
28:27is to take care of you
28:28and protect you.
28:30You are my family.
28:32You are my family.
28:34You are my family.
28:37Please believe me.
28:39Your duty is to take care of this house
28:40and not get involved
28:41in things that don't concern you.
28:43If you have nothing else to tell me,
28:44I ask you to leave.
28:48Please, Leonor,
28:49don't be cruel.
28:52You are cruel.
29:06You helped me
29:07when I was surprised
29:08with Buenaventura
29:09and I just wanted to do the same.
29:20Excuse me.
29:36Excuse me.
30:06Excuse me.
30:34Good morning.
30:37What are you doing here?
30:39Violeta is the one
30:40who always brings me breakfast.
30:42Violeta is sick.
30:44She had a headache.
30:47No, no, no.
30:48Not there.
30:50Over there.
30:55He was partying last night
30:56and didn't invite me.
31:01What does that matter to you?
31:04I was just asking.
31:16I guess you didn't go to see
31:17your brother's bastard.
31:19No, Mr. José Luis.
31:20I didn't go to see him.
31:26You are going to pay dearly
31:27to the traitors
31:28if they have any contact with him.
31:31I am nothing like them, boss.
31:33I know very well
31:34who I have to be with.
31:38I'll see you later.
31:49Look at the time
31:50and you haven't gotten up yet,
31:53Why would I get up?
31:56To stay locked up?
32:01If you behaved differently,
32:03no one would be watching you.
32:05I think you are the one
32:06who should behave,
32:08I heard everything that happened last night.
32:11Be careful.
32:14What are you playing at?
32:17I'm just telling you the truth.
32:19What do you want to do?
32:22Tell everyone
32:23that you saw me with Manuel?
32:24I should.
32:26But I don't want to destroy this family.
32:28You are already doing it.
32:30With your attitude.
32:32You are already doing it.
32:33Nothing will stop me.
32:36I will be with Manuel
32:37no matter what.
