El Señor De La Querencia Cap 31

  • 2 days ago


00:00Where did you get this?
00:02It was among Juan Cristobal's things.
00:04The visit that came
00:06from Santiago here to the house.
00:08What's going on, Manuel?
00:11Nothing, Maria.
00:12What do you mean, nothing?
00:14It says here that people died.
00:16La Violetita read the news to me.
00:18They're looking for him, Manuel.
00:20Sit down.
00:30What I'm going to tell you is going to fall between us, okay?
00:40Is it true, then?
00:42Listen to me.
00:46I belong, I belonged,
00:48to an anarchist group.
00:50A group of what, son?
00:52An anarchist group.
00:54A group that we formed
00:56the workers of the north
00:58were tired of injustice.
01:00We couldn't stand exploitation anymore, Maria.
01:02Yeah, but it says here that people died.
01:04But I didn't kill anyone.
01:06Believe me.
01:08I've always thought that ideas
01:10get things done.
01:12I don't believe in violence.
01:14I was in charge of the newspaper
01:16that spread the ideals of the group,
01:18and that's why I had leadership.
01:20But one day the situation
01:22got out of hand.
01:24People were tired,
01:26and in addition to the injustice, Maria,
01:28the working conditions were terrible.
01:32A revolt was generated,
01:36and some guys set fire
01:38to the boss's office.
01:42Inside were he and some collaborators,
01:46and they were burned to death.
01:52And that's why you came here?
01:56No, Maria.
01:58I came to say goodbye
02:00to our old lady.
02:02I needed to do it.
02:06But they're following me.
02:08It's true.
02:12Why didn't you tell me when you got here?
02:16Because everything that says here
02:18and everything I told you
02:20is in the past.
02:24And if they catch you,
02:28does that mean you can lose everything?
02:30That you could lose the land,
02:32the gold, lose everything?
02:34Don't worry, they won't find me.
02:36I'm safe here.
02:38They won't find me in La Querencia.
02:42A person with a conscience
02:44doesn't get involved in this nonsense.
02:48A person with a conscience
02:50doesn't stand shoulder to shoulder
02:52with injustice.
02:56But I didn't kill anyone.
03:00Believe me.
03:02I didn't kill anyone.
03:10I knew it.
03:12I knew it.
03:14Go away, please.
03:16You make me do things I don't want to do.
03:18No, no, no. I'm looking you in the eyes
03:20and I don't want to do anything else.
03:22Leave me alone, please.
03:24I love you.
03:26I love you.
03:28It's true. I'm serious.
03:30If she's so angry, it's because she feels something.
03:34No, no, no. I'm persevering.
03:36That's very different.
03:38Don't hide your feelings, Herminia.
03:40It's not worth it.
03:50Come in.
03:56Come in, please.
04:00Well, I'm sorry to tell you
04:02that I don't think I have any chance with your daughter.
04:04She's completely in love with that Manuel.
04:06And you should know
04:08that when a woman falls in love
04:10it's practically impossible to make her forget
04:12the man who stole her heart.
04:16I don't think my daughter is in love.
04:18She's capricious, which is very different.
04:20I would say
04:22that she's minimally passionate.
04:26I hope she's not.
04:28Whatever it is, Leonor,
04:30I, as the gentleman I am,
04:32I think I have to accept my defeat.
04:36I ask you, please, not to give up.
04:40You see, understand me.
04:42Given the circumstances,
04:44I don't know how I could help you.
04:46Are you going to leave the belief?
04:52I don't know if Luis Emilio
04:54has told you something,
04:56but my family is not going through
04:58the best economic moment.
05:00The closure of the office
05:02we owned left us in the ruin
05:04and I have to find a job in Santiago.
05:12I could
05:14solve it
05:16economically if you stay here.
05:22No, Leonor, I couldn't accept
05:24something like that.
05:26But I'm desperate.
05:28Please, accept.
05:36You can't leave me alone here.
05:38My love, calm down, that's not going to happen.
05:40How? You just said that Jose Luis
05:42did it and all because of the idiot Ignacio.
05:44Listen to me, your behavior has not been adequate.
05:48Are you saying that all this is my fault?
05:52Your behavior has left a lot to be desired.
05:54No, I can't believe it.
05:56I can't believe it.
05:58Besides, let me tell you something, you know what?
06:00I find that you have been
06:02very indiscreet, look.
06:04And what do you want me to do?
06:06That during the day I am the ideal wife and that at night I seduce women?
06:08Do you know what I think? That you are doing all this to bother me.
06:10To bother you?
06:12How can you be so egocentric?
06:14My love,
06:16you are sick
06:18and I will take care of healing you.
06:22You'll see, stay calm.
06:24This is our first walk together, Daniel.
06:26I'm going to write it down in my diary.
06:30Hey, is it necessary for your brother to accompany us
06:32on all the walks?
06:34Oh, Manuel, of course.
06:36My father demands it.
06:38That's how things are done between us.
06:40I understand.
06:42And your mother?
06:44I don't know.
06:46I don't know.
06:48I don't know.
06:50I don't know.
06:52And your mother?
06:54At home, why?
06:56Because I thought she wasn't going to accompany us on the walks.
06:58No, she doesn't deserve to do that.
07:00She and Leontina are taking care of my Juan.
07:04Teresita, please, don't do that.
07:06Ignacio, please, it's just a hand.
07:10Teresita, Ignacio.
07:12Good morning.
07:14Good morning.
07:16Aren't you going to introduce me to your fiancé, Teresita?
07:18Because I imagine you are his fiancé, right?
07:20This beautiful man is Manuel Pradena,
07:22my fiancé.
07:24Nice to meet you, Juan.
07:26Juan Cristobal León, a friend of Luis Emilio.
07:28Nice to meet you.
07:30Do we know each other?
07:32I have the feeling that I've seen you before.
07:34I think you're confusing me, young man.
07:38Excuse me, what places do you frequent in Santiago?
07:40Manuel worked in the north for a long time,
07:42Juan Cristobal.
07:44And what does he do?
07:46I'm sorry, but we're taking our first walk together, okay?
07:48Teresita, excuse her, please.
07:50Oh, Ignacio.
07:56Is everything okay, Juan Cristobal?
08:00Yes, yes, everything is fine.
08:02I just had the feeling that I've seen that man before,
08:04but I think it's not convenient
08:06to leave your sister alone with her fiancé,
08:08so come with her.
08:10Why did I do that?
08:12Because I think your father
08:14wouldn't like it.
08:18Excuse me.
08:28It can't be that the newspaper I brought
08:30has disappeared.
08:32I didn't see it, young man.
08:34I'm sure I saw that man in the newspaper.
08:38No one, Violeta.
08:40Don't worry, I was thinking aloud.
08:44Excuse me, Juan Cristobal.
08:46I need to talk to you.
08:48Of course, Mercedes. Come in.
08:50Can I leave, young man?
08:52Yes, of course. I'll take care of the newspaper.
08:54Yes, of course. Excuse me, Mrs. Mercedes.
09:00Are you Dira?
09:02Yes, I came to talk to you
09:04as a doctor.
09:06Do you feel sick?
09:08No, it's not about me.
09:10Look, I know it's a little strange
09:12and I'm going to ask, but
09:14I wanted to know if there's a remote possibility
09:18Of what?
09:20Sorry, it's just that it's hard for me to talk about it.
09:22Don't worry, Mercedes.
09:24Precisely, as a doctor,
09:26this conversation will be private.
09:28It's an ethical question, so you can trust me.
09:30You told me
09:32you heard about my daughter Lucrecia.
09:34Is that true?
09:36Yes, of course.
09:38Then you must know that she is...
09:42What about that?
09:44Do you know if this has a cure?
09:54What do you want?
09:56The doctor needs to talk to you.
09:58About what?
10:00About the life you lead.
10:02That's none of your business.
10:04Can you listen to him, please?
10:06What are you up to?
10:08I just want to help her, that's all.
10:10Mercedes, why don't you leave me alone with your daughter?
10:12I think it's the right thing to do.
10:24Don't worry, Lucrecia.
10:26Don't worry.
10:28I just want us to talk.
10:30Well, I don't want to talk to you.
10:32Don't look at me like I'm your enemy.
10:34I'm not.
10:36On the contrary,
10:38I want to help you and your mother
10:40so that you can stay together in the family.
10:44What do you want to do?
10:46I want to cure your hypnosis disorder.
10:50I did something very similar a while ago
10:52with a man who couldn't control his impulses
10:54and he was having sex with any woman
10:56he came across.
10:58And it worked.
11:02Trust me, Lucrecia.
11:06Trust me.
11:12Wait, please.
11:16Are you okay with your husband?
11:18I need to talk to you.
11:22But you can't be here.
11:24Why not?
11:26I know everything in the letter you sent me.
11:28You're not going to leave your husband.
11:30You're wrong.
11:34Did you change your mind?
11:38If I can make Teresita
11:40get it out of her head,
11:42it's the first step
11:44for us to be together.
11:48I love you.
11:56I know my daughter Juan Cristobal very well
11:58and it won't be easy to convince her.
12:00For her, being as she is
12:02is unquestionable.
12:06Then we have a problem
12:08because if the patient doesn't cooperate
12:10it's very difficult for the treatment
12:12to achieve results.
12:14But do you think this will work?
12:16It's not that I believe it, Mercedes.
12:18I'm just sure.
12:20But is there any risk?
12:24No, hypnosis is harmless
12:26and it's also very effective.
12:28I'm going to have to convince Lucrecia no matter what.
12:32Tell me something.
12:34Do you know if
12:36Lucrecia trusts
12:38someone blindly?
12:42I don't think so.
12:48In any case, I'm going to take care of her.
12:50I think the challenge is very interesting.
12:52Does that mean
12:54you're going to try?
12:57Thank you!
12:58Thank you, Juan Cristobal.
13:00I really appreciate it.
13:02Thank you, really.
13:06Do you understand what I'm saying?
13:09So that's why you brought this boy here?
13:13I think he's perfect for Tresita.
13:16And when you worry about your life,
13:18why do you worry about the rest?
13:21She's my daughter.
13:23I don't want to see her suffer.
13:25I don't want her to hate me.
13:27All I need is
13:29to see her happy
13:31so I can be at peace.
13:34And I'm supposed to believe that.
13:36Why wouldn't you?
13:38Because now it's Tresita,
13:39and what's next?
13:41Something else, and something else,
13:42and you're never going to let me live my life.
13:44I'm just asking you
13:46not to be unfair to me.
13:47Be realistic.
13:50Do you want to give up now?
13:53You know what, Leonor?
13:54I don't believe a word you say anymore.
14:00I'm asking you to trust me again, please.
14:04I need your help.
14:06How can I help you?
14:10Cancel your engagement with Tresita.
14:15The problem is always Tresita.
14:18The problem is always out there.
14:21Stop blaming Pedrado.
14:24You're the only one who can change the course of his life.
14:28Excuse me.
14:48I wanted to talk to you, Violeta.
14:53What do you want?
14:55I want to apologize
14:57for what happened last night.
14:59Last night you acted like a madman.
15:02Yes, I know.
15:03Juan Cristobal gave me a drug
15:05that made me act like a madman.
15:07Don't be a liar, Luis Emilio.
15:08Drugs are good for you.
15:10Good drugs didn't do me any good.
15:12I swear, I didn't even recognize myself.
15:14You know what, Luis Emilio?
15:16I stopped trusting you a while ago.
15:20You, your father,
15:23and everyone else.
15:28Before this calamity happened to me,
15:31I used to dream about you all day long.
15:36Not anymore.
15:39I'm alive now.
15:41Do you want anything else?
15:49I understand perfectly well, Violeta.
15:54I'm sorry.
15:56Excuse me.
16:11Mercedes, can you explain to me
16:13how you intend to heal your daughter?
16:15With hypnosis therapy.
16:21I guess it's a joke.
16:22No, it's not a joke.
16:23Juan Cristobal told me
16:24that there is a possibility of healing Lucrecia.
16:26I see that you still don't understand
16:28that there is only one way to heal Lucrecia.
16:30Listen to me.
16:31Science has advanced a lot, José Luis.
16:33Believe me, please.
16:34This can really cure my daughter's illness.
16:36I swear.
16:37Give me a chance.
16:38I beg you.
16:39Just one.
16:45I'll give you just one chance.
16:48Just one, okay?
16:49And you won't regret it.
16:50I swear.
16:52Okay, okay.
16:53I hope I don't regret it,
16:54because if I don't do it,
16:56what will I do?
17:11Don't tell me you're already upset.
17:14I want to ask you a favor.
17:16A favor?
17:18Come in.
17:19Excuse me.
17:21And what favor would it be?
17:23I'll tell you.
17:24What happens is that with Mercedes
17:26we need your help to convince Lucrecia.
17:29We need you to undergo a hypnosis treatment.
17:33And what would that be?
17:35I'll tell you.
17:36I'll tell you.
17:37Juan Cristobal
17:39is able to subdue people to a state of trance
17:43so that they can overcome their disorders.
17:47You're speaking to me in Chinese.
17:50It doesn't matter.
17:51It's not necessary to understand it now.
17:53The important thing is that
17:55we need your help.
17:57You're the only person who can help us heal her.
18:00But if Lucrecia has no remedy, then...
18:03She does.
18:05She does.
18:07I imagine it will also be good for you.
18:10She's the thing, right?
18:12I imagine that bothers you.
18:15Of course it does.
18:17Well, you're right.
18:23Lucrecia only listens to you.
18:31But you won't get anything for free.
18:34You tell me
18:36how much money I gave you.
18:43I won't let that doctor experiment with me.
18:45But if it doesn't cost you anything.
18:48My mother thinks that mine is a disease.
18:50And what do you think?
18:52That no.
18:54What I feel for you is real.
18:57And it makes me very happy.
19:02And it's the first time it happens to you?
19:06It's happened to me before.
19:08Come on.
19:09For good reason.
19:10You have nothing to lose.
19:12Do what they ask of you.
19:13That way you leave them alone.
19:15But it would be giving my mother the pleasure.
19:18Maybe you're afraid.
19:21Afraid of what?
19:23That men will start to like you.
19:31A month later.
19:50Yes, Jose Luis?
19:51Get me a drink.
19:52Of course.
19:54You're drinking too much.
19:58You're talking nonsense.
20:00It's just the first one.
20:02It's the fifth.
20:04No, no, no.
20:07I don't like to be contradicted.
20:09You have to be like Leontina.
20:13She listens to me in everything.
20:15That's how women have to be.
20:22And that song?
20:25Where did it come from?
20:27It's a very famous song in the city.
20:31And his fiancé isn't coming?
20:36Manuel is a hard-working man.
20:38He must be sleeping by now.
20:40I don't know why his boyfriend seems so familiar to me.
20:44I don't think so, Juan Cristobal.
20:45Manuel belongs to another world.
20:47I don't think he knows him, honestly.
20:50Anyway, I think he's a very lucky man.
20:56Because you love him very much.
20:59I don't love him.
21:00I love him.
21:04Luis Emilio?
21:05Luis Emilio?
21:09When do you think your father will leave?
21:12I'd like to listen to music in the stained glass.
21:18Let him have one more drink.
21:20And he'll be able to do whatever you want.
21:31No, I don't want to. Thank you.
21:34I thought that since my father had given Lucrecia a chance,
21:37you'd be happy.
21:39Yes, and I hope it works out perfectly.
21:41I'm going to sleep.
21:42Excuse me. Good night, everyone.
21:44Good night, Mercedes.
21:45Good night.
21:57Give me that glass.
22:10What's going on? Why are they partying, Mom?
22:13The young man from Santiago, what do you think?
22:16He seems to be in a good mood for the party.
22:19He's just getting drunk.
22:20What did he say, Mom?
22:21Hey, on purpose.
22:23He asked me about the newspaper.
22:24It's the one that Uncle Manuel was in.
22:26And what did you tell him?
22:27That no, that he didn't know anything.
22:29Well done.
22:31If he asks me, I'm going to tell him about the chakras too.
22:34I don't think Uncle Manuel is a bad person, Mom.
22:40I don't know what to think anymore, Violeta.
22:43Do you think Uncle killed all those people?
22:47He says no.
22:49But I don't know if he's telling the truth.
22:57I told you before, I don't want to.
23:00Oh, you're heavy.
23:02I don't want to lie down, I said.
23:04You can't even stand up, man.
23:07Go to bed.
23:08I said I don't want to lie down.
23:13Let me go.
23:15Get comfortable.
23:17Get comfortable, okay?
23:20Stay with me, Nana.
23:23Go to bed.
23:24Stay with me, Nana.
23:27Do you want me to help you undress him?
23:40He fell asleep.
23:45I notice you sad.
23:49I'm fine.
23:53I don't know how you can stand what's going on.
23:57I don't know what you're talking about.
23:59The commitment of your daughter to Manuel.
24:07There's something I'm going to talk to you about.
24:10It's not the place either.
24:12Locate yourself.
24:15Undress him.
24:17Go to bed.
24:32Would you like to dance with me?
24:34How many times do I have to tell you that I am a committed woman, Juan Cristobal?
24:38Dancing has nothing wrong.
24:40The only man I would dance with would be Manuel.
24:42But since he's not here, I'm going to dance with him.
24:46Juan Cristobal.
24:47Friend, how about we repeat the experience of the year?
24:51Yes, of course.
24:52But not without Lucrecia.
24:53Lucrecia, come on.
24:54What are you talking about?
24:56Show me.
24:59Show me.
25:00Show me.
25:01Show me.
25:03It's cocaine.
25:06What a big surprise.
25:09Come on.
25:10You have to try this.
25:11What is that?
25:13At least ask God and forgive.
25:20How about Lucrecia?
25:21I missed you a lot.
25:23I don't think you're doing anything wrong.
25:24No, not at all.
25:25On the contrary, Teresita.
25:26It's very good for the mood.
25:27Very good.
25:28Very good.
25:30Excuse me.
25:31I brought you more water in case you want.
25:35Violeta, you.
25:36You have to try it.
25:37I want it, miss.
25:38I want it.
25:39Leave it there.
25:40I'm serving.
25:41Look, it's what I tried yesterday.
25:43I insist, please.
25:44But if he told me that that question was bad, then ...
25:47Well, but in moderate quantities they don't hurt.
25:50Yesterday I overdid it, that's why ...
25:51Come on, come on.
25:52Isn't that right, Juan Cristobal?
25:53Luis Emilio, I insist.
25:54I don't think this is the time.
25:55Can we leave it for another day?
25:58No, no, no.
25:59I want Violeta to try it.
26:00There is no problem with that.
26:01No, Luis Emilio.
26:02No, thank you.
26:03I'm nervous.
26:04I'd rather not.
26:05You're nervous.
26:06Then it's not true, friend?
26:07Trust me, please.
26:17Who is it?
26:21It's me, Leonor.
26:23Come in.
26:25Did something happen to Jose Luis?
26:27No, nothing.
26:29I just wanted to tell you that if you want to meet your beloved, this is the time.
26:37What are you talking about?
26:39That Jose Luis is sleeping and he won't wake up all night.
26:45Why are you doing this?
26:50I want you to trust me, Leonor.
26:53I'm sure Manuel would be happy to see you.
26:58Don't worry.
27:00I'll watch your back.
27:07I feel like my heart is going to come out.
27:11Violeta, what happened?
27:14She just felt a little bad.
27:15That's all.
27:16What's going on, Maria?
27:17Did something happen to the girl?
27:18Papito, my heart is jumping like a ball.
27:21What did they give her?
27:22Don't worry, sir.
27:23What did they give her?
27:24Violeta said she was a little nervous, so I gave her a sedative.
27:25That's all.
27:26But how do you know if she's never taken anything?
27:28She's only taken yerba.
27:29It's the same.
27:30That's probably why she reacted like that.
27:32But she needs to rest and she will surely feel much better.
27:34Now, if you'll excuse me.
27:36Let's see.
27:37Calm down, calm down.
27:38Let's see.
27:39Come here, come here.
27:40Who do you think I was born yesterday?
27:42Where are you going, Buenaventura?
27:44Look at me.
27:45I'm going to scare that kid.
27:48I'm going to scare that kid, I'm telling you.
27:52What are you doing?
27:53What are you doing?
27:54Don't move.
27:55Get ready.
27:56Don't move.
28:05Don't move.
28:12Who are you?
28:14What do you want?
28:37What are you doing here?
28:40Proving that you are the man of my life.