Emanet T1 - Cap 1

  • 2 days ago


02:00If you want to succeed and be someone in this world, what is our rule?
02:30You have to be strong.
02:33You must not show mercy for anything or anyone.
02:37Never lower your guard.
02:43When the time comes, you must be able to break the hand without blinking.
02:49Even if it means your death, look her in the eye and go to her.
03:12If you fall again, you should not cry.
03:20You will have to learn to get up again.
03:25Do you understand?
03:32And the most important rule is that you can not trust anyone, especially women.
03:42They are all vipers.
03:44The least harmful is the mother, although she poisons her own when it suits her.
03:58Do you understand, little lion?
04:04Well, start putting yourself on the line.
04:14And never show your wounds to anyone else.
04:48How are you, dad? Did the food come out well?
04:52They taste just like your mother's.
04:56It's because I followed her recipe.
04:59Fortunately, Selim, she asked you for help when the chef left the job.
05:04Let all of Istanbul know how we cook in Antep.
05:14Why don't you try the kibbeh? It was the most difficult.
05:32How good. The texture is perfect. Delicious.
05:37Try the stuffed vegetables.
05:41And that dish?
05:46Let me see what's underneath.
05:56Throw it in the trash.
06:01Did you do it on purpose?
06:05Yes, of course.
06:09It's my sister's favorite.
06:16It's been six years, dad. I've missed her a lot. And I know you too.
06:22Shut up or I'll break your heart.
06:24It's been six years, dad. I've missed her a lot. And I know you too.
06:29Shut up or I'll break your heart.
07:02I told you not to go. I told you she would be tormented.
07:07I told you that her torment would end with me.
07:13She didn't listen to me. She didn't do it.
07:17She got involved in the affairs of the Kirimpli.
07:21She became his wife.
07:24And her father left her.
07:29You know what happened.
07:32Why do you want to open old wounds?
07:35Don't you have any compassion?
07:38You're right, dad.
07:41At first I was angry with her too.
07:45I wanted her to leave. It broke my heart.
07:52But what, Ezer?
07:58You always say that life is too short.
08:03It's been a long time, dad.
08:08It's true. It's too short.
08:12We owe life to the Creator.
08:16And one day it will be time to return it to its rightful owner.
08:23When that day comes,
08:26tell her that her father gives her his blessing.
08:30That's all.
08:35Don't you miss her?
08:38Don't you want to see her?
08:46What about your grandson?
08:49What did he do to you, dad?
08:56Don't be angry.
08:59You know she loves you despite everything that happened between you two.
09:06She even gave your name to her son.
09:20Yusuf, open your mouth.
09:23We'll go play later.
09:25I was going to give it to mom.
09:28But she took her medicine.
09:30She's sleeping.
09:34I'll go see her. Maybe she's not asleep.
09:37Please, Yusuf.
09:39Uncle Yaman will be mad at me if you don't eat your soup.
09:46Honey, you haven't even had a spoonful.
09:51Ma'am, I couldn't make her eat.
09:53Ask her mother.
09:59Oh, my God.
10:01Leave it, Selma. Don't pressure her.
10:04When she's hungry, she'll ask for it.
10:06Right, handsome?
10:10Ma'am, I'm sorry.
10:12Ma'am, I'm sorry. I'm going to clean up.
11:13You were going to give me the food.
11:16My love.
11:19Just a second.
11:21I'll give it to you now.
14:30Where are you?
14:32Let me see you.
14:34Tell me where you are.
14:36You ruined my life.
14:38How could you do this to me?
14:40Let me go.
14:47The O'Giray have said they're withdrawing the offer.
14:53I'm sure they're doing it because you're involved.
15:10Make sure the products arrive today.
15:14I don't want to have the same problems as last time.
15:26Is it something important?
15:30What an accident.
15:40Which hospital?
16:02Yes, she's here. Tell me.
16:07I'm her sister.
16:11I'm her sister.
16:16Your little sister.
16:18Your little sister.
16:37I can't believe it. They brought her here.
16:48I can't believe it.
17:03I can't believe it.
17:05I can't believe it.
17:07It's okay. Calm down.
17:09It's okay.
17:13What happened?
17:15She fell down the stairs.
17:17Well, she fell, but I didn't see her.
17:20Adalet found her lying on the floor.
17:23She was bleeding from her ear.
17:27She's been taking a lot of sedatives lately.
17:30She was wandering around like a ghost.
17:34I guess she lost her balance.
17:36I guess she lost her balance.
17:38As soon as I saw her, I called the ambulance.
17:42I heard that.
17:45She called the ambulance.
17:48What about Yusuf?
17:50Did he see anything?
17:52No, no. He doesn't know anything yet.
17:56When it happened, he was in his room, thank goodness.
18:02Thank goodness.
18:04Thank goodness.
18:10You said it was Kirimli, right?
18:12Yes, yes.
18:13They're going to put her in the operating room.
18:15Where is she?
18:40Sister, don't worry.
18:42I'm here with you.
18:44Where is Dad?
18:46Sister, don't talk.
18:49I was right, Seger.
18:52We'll talk about this when you get better, okay?
18:56We'll go together to see Dad if you want.
19:00We'll take Yusuf with us too.
19:03When Dad sees the three of us.
19:07Tell me, sister.
19:13Take care of Yusuf, Seger.
19:20Don't leave him.
19:24In the mansion with them, please.
19:34Let's go, ma'am, please.
19:37Please, wait, sister.
21:29We did everything we could, but we couldn't save her.
21:33I'm sorry.
22:00We did everything we could.
22:03I'm sorry.
22:30I'm sorry.
22:59You're safe.
23:07You're safe.
23:14You're safe.
24:21I love you
24:41I accompany you in the sentiment
24:43Thank you very much
24:45What a pity! How old is your son?
24:47He will be five years old
24:49And he has already lost his father and mother
24:51Does she know?
24:53Has she told him?
24:57How are we going to tell something like this to a child of his age?
25:21I'm very sorry
25:29I wish we had seen each other when he was alive
25:39I can't say anything else
25:43I accompany you in the sentiment
25:49My beautiful girl
25:51You are collapsing
25:53Try to regain your composure
25:55Think about your poor father
25:57You know he is not well
26:27My dear sister
26:31We didn't have enough time
26:35We didn't have
26:39We didn't have enough time
26:41We didn't have enough time
27:11I forgive you
27:17I forgive you
27:21Forgive me too
27:27Forgive your father
27:31Everything I did was for your good
27:33I did everything for the happiness of my son
27:41Forgive me
28:01Forgive me
28:12I accompany you in the sentiment
28:14Thank you
28:21Problems in the cemetery?
28:25We have it under control
28:27How should it be?
28:29It would be better if he came
28:31But I know how it affects the cemeteries
28:35I accompany you in the sentiment
28:37May God give us patience
28:41May God give us patience
29:01Yaman, what is going on with Yusuf?
29:03What is going on with him, Nedim?
29:05First Yalcin and then her
29:08He is not the only child who does not have a mother
29:13My brother trusted me
29:27Where is she?
29:29Taking care of her plants in the garden
29:31For the funeral, you know how it is
29:34Attend to the guests
29:42How many rounds have we done in Slihan?
29:45I just say that there are many people
29:47My feet are broken
29:55What are they doing here? Who are they?
30:03They are ...
30:05They are companions of your uncle, young master
30:07It is an important meeting
30:09My mother has not yet returned from the hospital
30:11Always comes back right away
30:13It never takes so long
30:17Hey Yusuf, look what I have prepared for you
30:19Milk with cinnamon cookies
30:21Let's eat in your room
30:23Mrs. Kevser was a walking corpse
30:25But look, the young master ...
30:29May God help me
30:31May God help me
30:33Mr. Jenger
30:35When the Lord comes, he will take care of you
30:37Oh aunt
30:39I do not know if I am your niece or not
30:41I do not know
30:43I do not know
30:45I do not know
30:47I do not know
30:49I do not know
30:51I do not know
30:52I do not know if I'm your niece or your worst enemy
30:54Here one can not even say what they think
30:56Well do not talk Nezlihan
30:58Do not talk, do not speak
31:27Are you all right? What are you doing here?
31:34They're leaving, Yaman.
31:36They're not staying, even if you ask them to.
31:40They always end up leaving.
31:52Don't leave me, brother.
31:55Why are they leaving, Yaman?
31:58Leave them.
32:02I'm going to stay.
32:04I'll be with you even if they all leave.
32:07Please don't leave them.
32:09I don't want anyone else to leave.
32:12I don't want anyone else to leave.
32:15I don't want anyone else to leave.
32:18Don't leave them.
32:20Don't let anyone else leave.
32:22We live in peace.
32:24This must stop, it's enough.
32:27But Yaman won't leave.
32:29He won't leave his brother.
32:32Yaman is here.
32:40Even if everyone else leaves,
32:43he will stay.
32:48He will stay.
33:09That's enough, Mr. Yusuf.
33:11He's very upset.
33:13Be careful.
33:15I never knew.
33:17If he was happy and satisfied,
33:20if he had a problem with my son,
33:23how was his life?
33:26How did he die?
33:28I don't know.
33:30I don't know.
33:46It's my fault.
33:53Don't worry, Mr. Yusuf.
33:55He's sick.
33:59Don't talk like that, please.
34:24Look, Dad.
34:27Do you know who he is?
34:30Your grandson.
34:44God bless him.
34:46He's just like you.
34:49My sister trusted Yusuf, Dad.
34:53She trusted you.
34:55My daughter's son.
34:59We can't leave him there.
35:01The Kirimli won't give us their son.
35:04Forget it.
35:06I'll take him, Dad.
35:12She trusted Yusuf to me.
35:17I won't leave him.
35:36I won't leave him.
35:51Look at my little boat.
35:53Mom made it with a recipe.
36:06When I grow up, I'll make my mom a boat.
36:11But not like this one.
36:13It'll be much bigger.
36:17Sometimes things don't turn out the way we want them to, son.
36:37My boat.
36:39Don't cry.
36:41Only the weak cry for things that don't exist anymore.
36:46What do we do?
36:48We don't cry.
36:53Everyone leaves like my dad.
36:56It always happens.
37:00My brother left, but I'm here.
37:03Your place will always be by my side.
37:06I have Mom, too.
37:12My place is also by your side, right?
37:33It's late. Go to bed.
38:03I love you.
38:35Take care of Yusuf, Seher.
38:37Don't leave him.
38:39Go to the mansion with them, please.
38:44Dear sister.
39:07Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
39:33Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
39:36Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
39:39Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
39:42Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
39:45Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
39:48Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
39:51Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
39:54Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
39:57Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:00Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:03Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:06Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:09Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:12Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:15Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:18Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:21Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:24Yusuf won't live in that mansion.
40:27Thank you for watching!