FTS 20:30 19-08: Pres. Maduro leads meeting with PSUV and GPP leadership

  • 2 weeks ago
FTS 20.30
*Argentinian social groups denounce lack of funds for soup kitchens.
*Peace activists in South Korea rally against joint military drills.

These and more stories now!
00:00Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro led a gathering with leaderships of the Socialist
00:17United Party of Venezuela and the Great Patriotic Pull, an address at the consolidation of the
00:22ruling party victory in the face of the extreme far-right in the country.
00:30Social organizations in Argentina rallied in front of the Ministry of Human Capital
00:35to denounce the lack of resources in soup kitchens.
00:42Peace and Solidarity Group in South Korean capital of Seoul rallied against a joint military
00:48exercise it conducted with the United States.
01:15Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro led a gathering with leaderships of the Socialist
01:21United Party of Venezuela and the Great Patriotic Pull, an address at the consolidation of the
01:25ruling party victory in the face of the extreme far-right in the country.
01:29During the meeting, the Venezuelan President said that the people have shown confidence
01:34in his government to guarantee peace and stability.
01:37Maduro also highlighted the importance of militant efforts to combat violent strategies
01:42of the far-right and cyber-fascism, and also made reference to the recently treated law
01:48against fascism and neo-Nazis in the country.
01:57An entire country that trusts that we will continue to be the governing force that guarantees
02:02the peace of this country, that guarantees independence, stability, that guarantees the
02:07validity of the constitution, of the law, of order, of social cohesion, of political
02:13cohesion, of territorial integrity, of the sovereignty of the nation.
02:19We are the greatest force of guarantees for a country, for a people.
02:27The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, assured that he will consolidate the victory
02:31against fascism and its intentions of hatred and manipulation in the country.
02:40It has been sufficiently demonstrated that from hatred, revenge and vendetta, it is impossible
02:46to lead a political project.
02:50Fascism has failed in Venezuela.
02:53We have defeated it, but we have to consolidate the victory against hatred, against lies,
03:05against manipulation, against the dirty campaign that has replaced politics as a human good.
03:16The member states of the Bolivarian Islands for the People's, for the American People's
03:22Treaty of Participation, released a communique in rejection of the previous uninterventionist
03:29resolutions issued on Friday, August 16 by the Organization of American States OAS regarding
03:35Venezuela's internal affairs.
03:37The statement denounced this inadmissible resolution promoted mainly by the United States,
03:44represents other open interference in Venezuela's internal affairs and confirms once again the
03:51severe role of the OAS before Washington to promote coup plans disregarding the institutions
03:57of the Venezuelan state to address its affairs.
04:00It continues by stating that, the OAS demands respect for the sovereign will of the Venezuelan
04:06people and the sovereign performance of its institutions and calls on the OAS to address
04:12its own affairs and the socio-economic and governance crisis suffered by several of its
04:17member states, especially in the United States of America.
04:27Likewise on Sunday, the President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, addressed a letter to his
04:33counterpart of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in which he has recognized him as the winner
04:37of the July 28 presidential elections.
04:40The Pakistani head of state highlighted that the third consecutive victory of the Venezuelan
04:44president reflects the respect and confidence of the people in his leadership.
04:48Furthermore, Ali Zardari assured that both nations will continue on the path of cooperation
04:54and strategic alliance for the advancement and development of bilateral relations between
04:59the countries.
05:10Social organizations in Argentina rallied in front of the Ministry of Human Capital
05:14to denounce the lack of resources in the sub-kitchens.
05:18The organizations gathered in the city of Buenos Aires during a national day of antipaths
05:23to denounce what they consider to be an act of violence by the government which is promoting
05:29The movements condemned the deterioration of the living condition of the citizens, mainly
05:35the more than one million minors who, according to the UNICEF, go to bed without having dinner.
05:40The demonstrators demand that the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Podello, provide
05:46answers to the worsening social emergency resulting from a lot of food policies already
05:51budgeted, such as funds to supply sub-kitchens.
05:54Let's take a very short break, but before we invite you to join us on our TikTok account
06:04at Celeste English, where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates
06:07and more.
06:08Stay tuned for more news.
06:09Welcome back to From the South.
06:10In the United States, the Democratic National Convention is set to begin on Monday at the
06:24United Center in Chicago, Illinois.
06:27Around 50,000 people are expected to arrive in the city, including thousands of unaware
06:32activists who plan to demonstrate near the convention venue.
06:36President Joe Biden is the headline speaker for the first evening, while later this week
06:40Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to officially accept the party's nomination for
06:44the November 2024 presidential elections.
06:55In this context, a group of demonstrators gathered in front of the Democratic National
06:59Convention in Chicago in support of the Palestinian people and against the Israeli attacks on
07:05The demonstrators project the Biden administration's lack of effective actions to prevent, as inspired,
07:10and its support for Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.
07:13The rallies are expected to continue during the first day of the event, which will be
07:18attended by many former presidents and political figures.
07:43On August 15, negotiations resumed again in the Qatari capital of al-Duha, with the
08:02participation of Egypt's and Qatar's intermediaries, as well as the US delegation and the Israeli
08:07delegation, with the purpose and objective of reaching a ceasefire between the movement
08:12of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Hamas and the Israeli entity.
08:20At first, the news was quite positive.
08:22It was assured that there was a clear advance in the negotiations, and another second meeting
08:27and summit were even expected, but this time in the Egyptian capital of al-Qaeda.
08:32But today, the city of Israel has proposed this meeting for the following week.
08:39That is, the meeting that was planned for tomorrow or even for Wednesday has been cancelled
08:44and has been left for the following week.
08:47However, proceeding to postpone this meeting has some negativity, and it has been assured
08:53that the main reason is that the negotiations are still stagnant.
08:58First, it was assured that the negotiations had not been discussed of the demands that
09:04Hamas wanted and of the main points of difference between Israel and the movement, which are
09:09who will take control of the axis of Philadelphia, of the point of Netzarim, in addition to the
09:14border crosses of Rafah and Karim Shalom, and also the delegation.
09:20Israel did not have those broad permissions to be able to decide and to be able to debate,
09:25but only had very limited permissions, which were those given by the Israeli Prime Minister
09:29Benjamin Netanyahu, and supposedly this delegation or the group of professionals that had stayed
09:35in the capital, Qatari, of al-Duha, and then went to Egypt to try to reduce the differences
09:40until the arrival of that summit that was expected for the next Tuesday or Wednesday,
09:45have not been able to achieve anything and today have returned to the occupied territories
09:49without having made any progress around the negotiations.
09:57Also say that today the US Minister Anthony Blinken was in the occupied territories, had
10:02a meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister, in addition to the US Minister of Foreign
10:06Affairs, and where he assured them of the need to reach a ceasefire with Hamas.
10:14He assured them that in the event that the negotiations are not signed a climate crisis
10:18would break out in everything that is the Middle East.
10:23And therefore he has tried to pressure Israel to accept these negotiations, but nevertheless,
10:31according to a statement issued by Arab Television, which shows what the details of this new proposal
10:36have been, which was issued at the summit of August 15 in the capital, Qatari, of al-Duha,
10:43it has been shown that this new proposal does not benefit or speak of the demands that the
10:47Hamas movement asks.
10:55What this new proposal dictates is an exchange of hostages where Israel must release a number
11:00of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the movement to release a group of Israeli
11:04hostages, each in one of the specific phases, since this proposal would be divided into
11:14three phases, but it does not speak of a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, but it speaks
11:30of the possibility of reaching a ceasefire and would be debated in the second phase,
11:34that is, we would be talking about the possibility of
11:45debating the ceasefire in the second phase.
11:48Also in this proposal it does not speak of a total withdrawal of the Israeli army from
11:52the Gaza Strip, but it also speaks of the possibility of debating the withdrawal in
12:04the second phase, but that the army would also be under the control of the Axis of Philadelphia,
12:09of the point of Netaram, in addition to the borders of Rapage and Queremshalem, even if
12:14not in person, but it would be controlling those points.
12:27It does not speak of a free return of the Gazans to the north of the Gaza Strip and
12:31therefore these are the main points of difference and that this new proposal does not dictate
12:35or mention and therefore we would be talking about the fact that these negotiations are
12:39literally useless, it never assures that it will not accept them since they do not satisfy
12:44the needs of the Palestinian people nor the needs of the Palestinian resistance.
12:48It never remains firm in its position that it will only accept the proposal that it signed
12:52on July 2nd and therefore we can say one way or another that the negotiations are on the
12:57verge of failure in the event that Israel continues to affirm its position and that
13:01there is no change in this new proposal.
13:10The government of Iran announced measures against hate speech and harmful content on
13:15digital platforms.
13:16The authorities are currently discussing a criminal justice bill which seeks to update
13:21the 1989 hate speech prohibition law.
13:25Among the articles on their discussion is one that holds executives of social media
13:29companies personally liable for delaying in removing hateful and hostile content from
13:35their digital platforms.
13:36The measures include fines of millions of euros for the offending companies.
13:47The United States governor signs a bill to regulate digital platforms algorithm and the
13:52use of children's data.
13:55And the governor of the state, Democrat Keith Hochul, signed two bills into law making
14:01New Year's the first state in the union to regulate by law social media algorithm aims
14:07national allegations that apps such as Instagram or TikTok have hooked users with addictive
14:14Under New Year's, safe for children's ad, social media platforms will be required to
14:19replace content chronologically by default for kids under 18, while the New Year's child
14:28data protection ad would restrict websites from collecting or sharing personal data of
14:35users under 18 without consent, expanding on existing federal privacy protection for
14:42children under 13.
15:12Welcome back, on Monday in the South Korean capital of Seoul, the organization Solidarity
15:26for Peace and Reunification of Korea, SPARC, rallied against the joint military exercise
15:33the countries conducted with the U.S.
15:36Rotterts from SPARC gathered nearby the presidential office and the defense ministry to urge for
15:42peace on the Korean peninsula as demonstrators acclaimed the exercise as a force of confrontation
15:48and a nuclear war crisis in the region.
15:50The U.S. Freedom Shield's military exercise started on Monday morning and will be underway
15:57until August 29th.
16:00We assert that the cessation of all chief freedom shield exercises, the rejection of
16:11alliance policies that produce confrontation and conflict under the principles of independence,
16:16peace, and coexistence that the international community has advanced, and the establishment
16:21of friendly and amicable relations between nations are the very voices of peace that
16:26humanity should pursue and that should begin on our Korean peninsula.
16:32Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed on Monday the positive development of economic
16:36cooperation with Azerbaijan.
16:38The statement was made after the Russian President met in Azerbaijan capital with the nation's
16:44President Ilyum Aliyev.
16:47The Russian President pointed out that a joint declaration adopted by the two countries sets
16:51a new large-scale task for the furthered dynamic development of bilateral relations
16:58and the document signed at the meeting will help solve this task.
17:03Putin also expressed his gratitude to Aliyev for the conditions guaranteed for the implementation
17:09of the mutually beneficial agreements.
17:17Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
17:23has lost the support of the Ukrainian people.
17:25According to the Belarusian President, about 70 percent of Ukrainians hate Zelensky because
17:31of his false promises and the escalation against Russia.
17:35Lukashenko points out that Ukrainians do not want to go to war and leave their homes to
17:40escape the neo-Nazi ideology promoted by the Zelensky government.
17:47And now changing topics, Poland's Kassia Niewiadoma won her first Women's Tour de France title
18:08by just four seconds on Sunday and she's died injuring the race in the grand final of Alpenstrasse.
18:17For a third Women's edition of the renowned cycle stage race, the 29-year-old cyclist
18:23reached the summit of the Alpe d'Huez mountain, one minute, one second behind reigning champion
18:30Demi Valerand from the Netherlands thus maintaining her grip on the yellow jersey.
18:36Niewiadoma struggles on the ascent but managed to regroup and fall back in the final five
18:45kilometers to reclaim back precious seconds.
18:49The Polish cyclist completed the eight-stage tour in 24 hours, 36 minutes and 7 seconds,
18:56a mere four seconds in front of Valerian, who finished in second place with Dutch rider
19:03Paulina Royerkerk in the podium in third place, just four or six seconds behind.
19:13To be honest, I've gone through such a terrible time on this climb, like I hated everything
19:20to then like arriving at the finish line and learning that I won Tour de France, which
19:25is insane.
19:26It's so mind-blowing because there are so many people I'm really thankful and grateful
19:31for, starting with my husband, my family, my whole team, my coach Nate, who put a lot
19:37of work to prepare me for that, and quite often he's not really mentioned, so a big
19:43thank you for him, especially now, and again my team, my husband, my family, my friends.
19:48Yeah, this victory goes to so many people that contributed to that victory.
19:56We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
19:59on our website at telestudioenglish.net.
20:02You can also join us on our socials, we're on Facebook, Onix and on Instagram as well.
20:05For Telestudio English, I'm from the south, I'm Ana Marrero, thank you for watching.
