• 2 months ago
FTS 20.30
*In Argentina, education workers go on 48-hour strike over salary increase.
*Hamas accuses Israel of seeking to continue genocide.

These and more stories now!
00:00Venezuelan people get ready to go to the pools again on Sunday for the second popular consultation
00:12to defend the projects of local interests and benefits the communities.
00:22Education workers in Argentina went on a free eight-hour strike on Tuesday to demand a salary
00:27increase from the government of Javier Millet and to reject harmful judgment for the sector.
00:37And the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas denounced that the objectives of Israel and
00:42the United States is to continue the genocide against the civilian gas and population.
00:51Hello welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Marrelo from the Telesur headquarters in Caracas,
00:56Thank you for joining us, stay with us.
01:10Venezuelan people are getting ready to go to the pools again on Sunday in the second
01:14popular consultation to define projects of local interest and benefit the communities.
01:19In this regard, citizens will participate in elections to select the communal projects
01:24that will have a priority for their execution in the communities of the country as an exercise
01:30to threaten their participatory democracy.
01:33The elections will allow the more than 49,000 communal councils of the country to choose
01:40the local development plans to benefit the communities who are working to improve self-management
01:45and social control.
01:52In an exclusive interview for Telesur, Minister of Communes and Social Movements of Venezuelan
01:57Angel Prado noted that the popular consultation on August 25th will severe the communal councils
02:03to address a social project to provide solutions to the Venezuelan people.
02:12A communal circuit is integrated by several communal councils.
02:16In this case, each communal council raises three projects.
02:21In its first instance, that is the communal council then goes to the great assembly of
02:25the circuit, each one, with its three projects, and there you define between six and seven
02:31projects that will be submitted to vote, in this case next August 25.
02:37There the people will vote for the project they are interested in resolving first, but
02:40there is a second, third project that even has the possibility of having a transfer of
02:45resources to financing if it is not through the Presidency of the Republic.
02:50It can be a mayor's office, a governor's office, or a ministry.
02:54In this regard, Venezuelan Minister Angel Prado assured us since the government of President
02:59Hugo Chavez the country initiated a participative and inclusive policy.
03:05This sets off by that hopeful time in 1998, a little earlier with Commander Hugo Chavez,
03:11and by 1999, a constituent assembly was proposed and we approved a new constitution.
03:17There we left behind the representative politics to initiate a participative politics of inclusion
03:22of the people, where the people can be involved in administering domestic resources and the
03:26people can be part of the planning, before.
03:29There were only neighborhood associations that were obsolete organizations where only
03:33one person, having little contact with some authority of the ruling political party, would
03:38send information.
03:40However, nothing happened at all, there was no transfer of resources of competence.
03:45Neither the management of the regional government existed, nor popular organization was allowed.
03:53The Venezuelan Minister of Communes also pointed out that the popular organization through
03:58the communes allowed the people to govern the elected authorities as a whole.
04:06The communal councils are born in the communal councils as legal figures that even have a
04:11legal account in a bank, they have an executive structure of government, they have a work
04:15committee, they have a territorial scope, they have a name, that has a charter that
04:19has a development plan, and that the citizens assembly is the highest decision-making body
04:24that exercises a social control and that has a project and transfer of resources we advanced
04:29in this country with the housing mission.
04:31Well, thanks to the birth of the communal councils, those small cells of self-government
04:35in 49,000 spaces of the national territory, there was a boom, it was a real joy in our
04:40people from that moment of the government.
04:42They know how to administer, they know how to manage, they organize themselves, they
04:47execute courses, and well, we say there at the base, we learn to be political.
04:55Venezuela's Vice President for Communications, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Náñez, denounced
05:00that transnational corporations have progressively usurped the role of traditional media.
05:10I believe that what is happening, not only in Venezuela, but also in the world, shows
05:15the true dimension of these corporations.
05:24They are transnational corporations, which have usurped not only the role of the traditional
05:28media, but are also progressively usurping the role of the state, the role of the institutions.
05:40This somehow threatens democracy as we know it.
05:44It makes it unviable, it makes it difficult to develop as a political space, as a social
05:49space, as an institutional space, and also as a type of collective culture, since social
06:00networks have reached, as a communication technology, where no other technology has
06:04ever reached before.
06:27Venezuela has reached the moment to legislate on this matter, and also to assume the challenge,
06:32to assume the problem with absolute responsibility, so that in the academic field, as well as
06:37in the legal field, as well as in the cultural field and in the political field, we need
06:46to build a space for thought that weighs up these technologies, that truly allows citizens
06:51to find out what this digital world and this world of algorithms is all about.
07:00So that we, as conscious citizens, can have the tools to debate.
07:04Let's take a very short break, but remember, you can now join us on our Tiktok account
07:11at Celeste English, where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates
07:14and more.
07:15Stay tuned for more news.
07:24Welcome back to From the South.
07:27Venezuelan educational workers went on a three-hour strike on Tuesday to demand a salary
07:32increase from the government of the Mille and to reject harmful judgments for the sector.
07:39The strike comes after the workers have denounced the lack of response to their demands by the
07:45Mille's government, a situation that has deteriorated due to the administration's policies against
07:51the sector.
07:52Demonstrators' demands include, among others, the restitution of the teachers' incentive
08:00on the elimination of income tax and the updating of pensions.
08:06The workers expressed their determination to continue with their actions until their
08:11demands are finally met and announce another rally in defense of the public university
08:16in September.
08:23And now we're moving on.
08:37The Brazilian government has mobilized more than 1,400 brigades in recent days to fight
08:42fires in the Amazon rainforest, which started earlier than expected due to the drought.
08:48It is reported that at least 1,498 brigadistas are working to fight flames that are raging
08:59in the Amazon region.
09:00Likewise, the hotlines said that of the 173 fires registered in the northern region of
09:07the country since last July, 98 were extinguished or have been controlled.
09:13The level of drought in the Amazon basin is the most serious in the last two decades.
09:20The National Water Agency decreed a critical situation of water scarcity in the Madeira
09:25and Puros rivers.
09:34At least 131 people have been killed in a year in recent weeks following flooding caused
09:40by heavy rains in several countries in the African region.
09:43According to authorities, today almost 32,000 homes have been affected, leaving more than
09:50132,000 people homeless.
09:52During this month, the increase in the water levels caused the closure of roads leading
09:58to the capital city of Niamey.
10:01Therefore, the rescue teams deployed its personnel to attend to the emergency.
10:06In view of the situation, officials urged the population to maintain the corresponding
10:11safety measures.
10:13On Monday, the deputy of the ruling party of Paraguay, Raul Alonso Lalo Gomez, was killed
10:25in his home by members of the police forces during a riot.
10:29The police operation was part of a series of riots carried out in the city of San Pedro
10:35One took place in the home of the congressmen of the Colorado party and another in the house
10:41of his son, Alexander Rodrigo Gomez.
10:43In this regard, preliminary information revealed that both had offered resistance, which provoked
10:50an exchange of fire with the authorities that resulted in serious wounds to the lawmaker
10:55who passed on the way to the hospital.
11:05Police officers mounted a raid to inspect and seize evidence related to the punishable
11:10offense of money laundering, association to commit a crime, etc.
11:16While they were on the raid, a confrontation arose which led to a fatality.
11:21In the aftermath, Oscar Tuma, a lawyer for the Gomez family, denounced alleged irregularities
11:27in the police procedure.
11:33For us, there was no need to carry out that search at three in the morning.
11:37Even though the law foresees that possibility, it foresees it in case of urgency.
11:41It is foreseen in case the person is with the intention of escaping or if a burning
11:45of files is happening, or if there is an attempt to destroy the elements contemplated in the
11:50search warrant.
11:51They could have waited quietly until six in the morning and carry out the procedure in
11:55a normal way, and not enter hooded, breaking doors, to generate, or due to that it ended
12:00up generating, the outcome that we all know.
12:06In addition, the Director of Legal Medicine of the Prosecutor's Office, Pablo Lemir,
12:11describes the cause of the death of legislator, Elaulio Gomez.
12:17Both wounds are caused by high-velocity ammunition, and specifically the wound on the left side
12:22causes total destruction of the heart, a cardiac arrest, as well as lung and liver injuries.
12:30Let's take our last break, but before we invite you to join us on our YouTube channel,
12:35there you'll be able to watch an interview, stop stories, special broadcasts and more.
12:39Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
12:42world's most recent events.
12:43More financial break, don't go away.
13:04Welcome back, the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas denounced that the objective
13:16of Israel and the United States is to continue the genocide against the civilian population
13:20of the Gaza Strip.
13:21The head official of the Palestinian movement, Osama Hamas, said he agreed with the proposal
13:26by the U.S. President Joe Biden, but assured that they didn't manage to convince the Israeli
13:32Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
13:34He also warned that Israelis have left aside the important issue of the Washington plan
13:40and are not willing to accept it.
13:42On the other hand, Hamas emphasized that any agreement must include five basic issues,
13:47starting with the end of the aggression, the withdrawal of Israeli forces, and the reconstruction
13:52of the Gaza Strip.
14:00The Commission for Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners Club
14:04denounced that the Israeli regime continues to use systematic tortures and humiliation
14:09against Palestinian detainees.
14:11The organizations explained that what is happening in the Israeli prisons offered against the
14:17detainees are systematic crimes, the level of which is unprecedented since the beginning
14:22of the Israeli genocide against Palestine.
14:25The Commission and the club based their statements on testimonies from Palestinian detainees
14:32detailing that Israeli authorities deny them access to food or medical care, as well as
14:36torture and sexual assault against them.
14:45In this context, Palestinians protest in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin in solidarity
14:50with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, demanding updates of them and an improvement
14:56in their conditions.
14:57Demonstrators chanted slogans and held pictures of the prisoners at the rally.
15:07We heard from the released prisoners that they, Israeli prison authorities, put my father
15:11in the prison bus and assaulted him.
15:13They beat him and took him to Ramla Hospital.
15:16We found out yesterday through the complaints.
15:18We hadn't received any news of him for a week.
15:20We don't know how serious his condition is.
15:24Today, we are protesting in solidarity with the prisoners.
15:29We are demanding their release, demanding to see them, and asking for visits and for
15:34the improvement of their conditions.
15:37The prisoners are in poor conditions, both mentally and physically.
15:42On Tuesday, the Israeli occupation army committed a new war crime by bombing a school that is
15:47a severe death shelter for displaced people in the Gaza Strip.
15:50In this regard, civil defense spokesman Mohamed Bassal reported that at least 10 people were
15:55killed, including two children, in the strike that targeted Mustafa Hassam School in the
16:00West Gaza City.
16:01Bassal added that data are still recovering bodies from the school's building collapsed
16:06after being directly hit by a bomb.
16:15The occupation has targeted a new school, the Mustafa Hafez School in the West of Gaza
16:21This is the eighth school that has been targeted in about a month, and unfortunately around
16:2510 people were martyred in this strike.
16:27Unfortunately, there were displaced families in the school.
16:30It was a refuge for about 700 displaced people who had fled after their homes were targeted.
16:45The Ukrainian government accuses its allies of not supporting the country sufficiently
16:50in rising tensions after the attack on the border region of Korsk.
16:55Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged his allies to upset his request for delivery
17:00of long-range weapons to Kiev.
17:02Zelensky assured that if the Western countries lift restrictions on the use of artillery
17:09against Russian territory, they could use their entire arsenal to attack Moscow.
17:15In recent statements, the President of Ukraine criticized the U.K. for denying him the use
17:21of British armaments against Russian provinces.
17:34Kenyan police launched a major manhunt on Tuesday after a man who confessed to murdering
17:40and dismembering 42 women escaped from an Nairobi police cell, along with 12 other detainees.
17:48In this regard, authorities report that colleagues you might see who has been described by the
17:54police as a vampire and a psychopath escaped after being arrested last month following
18:01the discovery of mutilated corpses at a garbage dump in the slum area of the Kenyan capital.
18:09In the meantime, Brasilia Onyago spokeman for the Kenyan police said investigations
18:15have been launched and a major security operation is underway to apprehend the suspects.
18:23Today, August 20th, 2024, morning hours, there was an incident of prisoners escape
18:32that happened at Kikiri police station where we are as at now.
18:3813 prisoners escaped from the cells, among them 12 Eritrean nationals who were arrested
18:45for being illegal in Kenya and one male murder suspect, namely Collins Chumaisi Kalusha who
18:52is connected with the Cuaremada incident.
19:06And now changing topics, around 2,000 artists from 53 countries are participating in Argentina
19:12in the Buenos Aires Tango World Cup and Festival, which will last until the 27th of this month
19:18and will include more than 500 cultural activities.
19:23As part of the event, concerts, exhibitions, dance classes, Milogan screening and record
19:30releases will take place in more than 40 venues throughout the city.
19:35More than 700 couples selected through competitions held in different parts of the world participate
19:41in the competition of great global relevance.
19:44The festival will close its doors on Sunday 25th at the Teatro ColĂłn with a gala of the
19:50Buenos Aires Tango Orchestra.
19:52The finals of the dance of the World Cup will take place two days later at the Movistar
19:57Arena Stadium.
20:02Well, we have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other
20:05stories on our website at TeleCityEnglish.net.
20:08You can also join us on our socials, we are on Facebook, on Exxon and on Instagram as
20:12This has been TeleCity English, I'm from the south, I'm Ana Marrero, thank you for watching.
