• last year


00:30回到了从前 Back to the past
00:34仿佛你的身影又浮现 几遍 As if your figure has reappeared a few times
00:43温度冷却 温度冷却 The temperature is cooling down
00:45我们到临界点 We've reached the critical point
00:49跨过终点线 We've crossed the finish line
00:51却是你我温柔互相再见 It's just you and me, gently saying goodbye
00:57陪你走过的路线再走一遍 Let's walk the path I've walked with you
01:01复习你给的甜 The sweetness you've given me
01:05可是在你世界里面 I've lost my way in your world
01:12我穿过人海拥抱你 I embrace you in the sea of people
01:15乘雨滴遇到冷空气 I meet the cold air in the rain
01:20临界的回忆 爱我的你 The memories of you who love me
01:25我不想忘记而已 I don't want to forget
01:32陪你走过的路线再走一遍 Let's walk the path I've walked with you
01:53对不起啊 对不起啊 Sorry
01:54我来晚了 我来晚了 I'm late
01:55让你受委屈了 I've let you down
01:57以后不管是谁你都得反击 No matter who it is, you have to fight back
02:00你是我盛世的老婆 You're my wife
02:02我不允许任何人欺负你 I won't allow anyone to bully you
02:04你知道吗 Do you understand?
02:05可她是最疼我的姐姐啊 But she's my sister who loves me the most
02:24盛总 需要我把王嘉宜的消费记录发给您吗 Mr. Sheng, do you need me to send you Wang Jiayi's consumption record?
02:28不用了 No need
02:29好的 盛总 Okay, Mr. Sheng
02:36嘉宜 你今天穿得可真漂亮啊 Jiayi, you look so beautiful today
02:40太羡慕了 I'm so jealous
02:42在聊什么呢 What are you talking about?
02:44盛世哥 你来啦 Mr. Sheng, you're here
02:47也没什么 It's nothing
02:48他们都在说我穿的这身衣服很漂亮 They're all saying I look beautiful in this dress
02:54我看看 Let me see
03:00是挺好看的 It's pretty
03:03但从设计上来说是挺不错的 But from the design point of view, it's pretty good
03:07但是穿在王小姐您身上呀 But wearing it on you
03:10有点暴殄天物了 It's a little too much
03:13可惜了 What a pity
03:18韩城池的那条领带是你买的吧 Did you buy the tie from Han Chengchi?
03:22之前你当众让楚楚难堪 I didn't argue with you
03:23我没跟你计较 I didn't argue with you
03:25结果你还不长记性 But you still don't remember
03:30这次就算了 I'll let it go this time
03:32以后不要再针对楚楚 再有一次 别怪我不留情面 Don't target at her again. Don't blame me for being merciless
03:59来 喝点热水 Come on, have some hot water
04:12我在里面放了些安神的人参 I put some calming ginseng in it
04:27你和珊珊真的没什么吗 Is there really nothing between you and Shanshan?
04:30那为什么你们都用了一方城池这话 Then why did you use the word One-Side City?
04:35你忘了啊 Did you forget?
04:37一方城池这几个字最初是你先说的 The word One-Side City was first said by you
04:41我说的 I said it?
04:43对啊 Yes
04:45我们上高中的时候 When we were in high school
04:47你 我 盛世 还有珊珊 You, me, Shengshi and Shanshan
04:51我们一起去看结冰的河 We went to see the ice-frozen river together
04:53我们当时还即兴作诗呢 We even wrote a poem
04:56你作的那首诗最后两句 The last two sentences of the poem you wrote
04:59不就是愿与一方城池共赴万里山河吗 Isn't it that you are willing to go to the mountains with One-Side City?
05:07城池 对不起 City, I'm sorry
05:10我太怕你离开我了 I'm too afraid that you will leave me
05:12所以这阵子会患得患失 So this life will be bad
05:16傻瓜 Silly girl
05:22我一辈子都不会离开你的 I will never leave you for the rest of my life
05:26除非你不要我 Unless you leave me
05:29我怎么会不要你 How can I leave you?
05:32那你答应我好吗 Then promise me
05:34我们要彼此信任 We have to trust each other
05:40祝你生日快乐 Happy birthday to you
05:44祝你生日快乐 Happy birthday to you
05:48祝你生日快乐 Happy birthday to you
05:55来 城池 许个愿吧 Come on, City, make a wish
06:00我的第一个愿望是 My first wish is
06:02希望我跟安安能够一辈子幸福 I hope An-an and I can be happy forever
06:14我的第二个愿望 My second wish is
06:16就是希望我的父母能够平安健康安享晚年 I hope my parents can be safe, healthy and happy
06:27我的第三个愿望是 My third wish is
06:30杉杉和安安能够忘记今天发生的事情 I hope An-an and An-an can forget what happened today
06:34并且庆幸重新做回好姐妹 And be happy again
06:45谢谢 Thank you
06:53想什么呢 What are you thinking about?
06:56谢谢你 Thank you
07:00干杯 Cheers
07:06城池 这是我亲手打造的白银河 City, this is the white eagle box I made
07:10里面的这首钢琴曲也是我自己谱曲弹出来的 I composed and played the piano piece
07:14名字就叫爱你一生 It's called Love You Forever
07:16希望你喜欢 I hope you like it
07:30好 Good
07:44你要是觉得不舒服的话咱走吧 If you don't feel comfortable, let's go
07:46好 Good
07:49亲一个 Kiss
08:16好 Good
08:20楚楚 Chuchu
08:23小心一点 Be careful
08:27干杯 Cheers
08:29干杯 Cheers
08:32喝慢点喝 Drink slowly
08:34干杯 Cheers
08:36你慢点喝 Drink slowly
08:47你怎么这么可爱啊 Why are you so cute?
08:51你怎么这么帅啊 Why are you so handsome?
08:53你是在说我帅吗 Are you saying I'm handsome?
08:58我长这么帅的事呢 I'm so handsome
09:00好多人都这么说过 A lot of people have said that
09:02那我能怎么回答呢 How can I answer that?
09:04那天生丽质呗 That's natural
09:07你老实交代 Be honest
09:09你靠着这张帅脸骗过多少小女生啊 How many girls have you cheated on with this handsome face?
09:13这个真没有 I didn't
09:14我没骗过你 I didn't
09:15你骗我 You lied to me
09:17我明明记得你把别的女生气哭了 I remember you made other girls cry
09:21这个 This
09:23那你有没有想过有多少女人巴不得我惹她们哭呢 Have you ever thought about how many girls want me to make them cry?
09:28但是没这个机会啊 But I don't have the chance
09:30你可真够自恋的 You're so narcissistic
09:35那你老实交代 How many relationships have you been in?
09:42你问这个干吗 Why are you asking this?
09:45我就是好奇随便问问嘛 I'm just curious. Just ask
09:48来嘛 Come on
09:51我可是听说啊 I heard that
09:53你大学是有好多女生追你 There are a lot of girls chasing you in your college
09:56我还听说 I also heard that
09:57你的女朋友都不超过两个星期的 Your girlfriend doesn't last more than two weeks
10:01最长一次谈多久啊 How long is the longest relationship?
10:05太久了谁记得呀 It's been too long. Who remembers?
10:09我真替那些女生感到难过 I'm really sad for those girls
10:11那你还记得你的初恋吗 Do you remember your first love?
10:15记得 I remember
10:17谁啊 Who?
10:24是个女的 It's a girl
10:27你怎么不说是个人呢 Why don't you say it's a person?
10:29傻瓜 It's a fool
10:30是你 It's you
10:36我告诉你啊 I'm telling you
10:37你这么薄情寡义 You're so ungrateful
10:39迟早有一天会出现一个女生 One day, a girl will show up
10:42替那些之前真爱过你的人报仇的 To avenge those who really loved you
10:48可是已经遇到了 But I've already met her
10:51谁啊 Who?
10:53这不是明知故问吗 Isn't it obvious?
10:58算了 Forget it
10:59不说了 I won't say it
11:01你喝多了 You're drunk
11:02说了第二天你也不记得 You won't remember the next day
11:05我没喝多 I'm not drunk
11:06你说 I remember everything
11:08不信你问我 Ask me if you don't believe me
11:16来我们干杯 Let's drink
11:18喝一口 Have a sip
11:22真的 Really?
11:28喝太多了 You drank too much
11:30这都多少口了 How many sips have you had?
11:31你喝多了 You drank too much
11:37行 那我一个一个 I'll drink one by one
11:40那你的初恋呢 What about your first love?
11:42我的初恋 My first love?
11:45你不能算是初恋的 You can't be considered my first love
11:47为什么 Why?
11:49因为我的初恋是暗恋 Because my first love is a secret crush
11:53他有喜欢的人 He has someone he likes
11:55他很爱很爱她 He loves her very much
11:59是韩城池吗 Is it Han Chengchi?
12:02是啊 Yes
12:04可是他是我的姐夫 But he is my brother-in-law
12:06属于姐姐安安的 He belongs to my sister An An
12:08所以我就把我的喜欢 So I hide my love
12:10悄悄藏在心里 in my heart
12:17韩城池有什么好的 What's so good about Han Chengchi?
12:19你干嘛那么喜欢他 Why do you like him so much?
12:21可能 Maybe
12:23可能是因为他救过一命吧 Because he saved my life
12:27救过你一命 Saved your life?
12:31他替我挡了一刀 He was my shield
12:34挡了一刀 Shield?
12:36什么时候 When?
12:38那是在上学的时候 That was when I was in school
12:41那个时候我碰到了三个流氓 At that time, I met three hooligans
12:44他们都堵着我 They blocked me
12:46刘浩啊别走啊 Liu Hao, don't go
12:48听我哥讲 Listen to my brother
12:51记得我记得我 Remember me
12:53你好您所拨的用户没有应答 Hello, the number you have dialed is not responding
12:55请稍后再拨 Please try again later
12:57美女 Beautiful
12:59跑那么快干嘛 Why are you running so fast?
13:01聊聊人生啊 Let's talk about life
13:15跑哪儿跑 Where are you running?
13:19跑啊跑啊小妮 Run, run, little girl
13:22我当时乱七八糟 I was in a mess at that time
13:24我我就打呀 I just hit
13:28把衣服穿上 Put on your clothes
13:32然后 Then
13:34然后我就跟他们打呀 Then I fought with them
13:36他们人太多我打不过 They were too many to beat
13:38很快就被他们按住 I was soon pressed
13:40然后那些人就开始撕穿我的衣服 Then those people started tearing my clothes
13:42我当时特别绝望 I was very desperate
13:43我这辈子就绝望过三次了 I've been desperate for three times in my life
13:47第一次呢 The first time
13:49是我妈不要我 My mom left me
13:51第二次就是那一晚 The second time was that night
13:54是一种本能的绝望 It was an instinctive despair
13:56我觉得我死定了 I thought I was going to die
13:58可就是在那个时候 But at that time
14:00陈池哥突然出现 Chen Chi suddenly appeared
14:06一脚一脚就踹开了欺负我的流氓 I kicked him and kicked him away
14:13然后呢 And then?
14:15再然 Then
14:33那个人急了眼 That man was in a hurry
14:35他就拿刀刺向我 He stabbed me with a knife
14:37我好像听到了一句小心 I seemed to hear a word of caution
14:44整个人就被罩在了怀里 The whole person was wrapped in his arms
14:49是他 It was him
14:51是陈池哥救了我 It was Chen Chi who saved me
14:54你知道戾气刺入血肉的声音吗 Do you know the sound of urine stabbing into the blood vessels?
14:58因为 But because
15:00可后来每当我熟睡的时候 Every time I fell asleep
15:02我的耳边都会浮现出这种声音 My ears would make this sound
15:05我都会惊醒 I would wake up
15:07然后想起陈池哥 Then I would think of Chen Chi
15:10所以 So
15:14你认为是韩成池救了你 You think it was Han Chengchi who saved you
15:17是他呀 It was him
15:18是他救了我 He saved me
15:19当时只有他来了 He was the only one who came
15:22而且我还记得他白衬衫上的黑色字母 And I still remember the black letters on his white shirt
15:26后来我去医院看他的时候 Later, when I went to the hospital to see him
15:28他就穿着那件 He was wearing that
15:29领口有黑色字母的白衬衫 A white shirt with black letters on the neck
15:32你知道吗 Do you know
15:33我当时特别地感动 I was very touched
15:35我觉得特别地温暖 I felt very warm
15:38自从我妈不要我了以后 Since my mom left me
15:40我觉得特别没有安全感 I felt very insecure
15:43没有人会关心我 No one would care about me
15:45可没有想到在那种危难的时刻 But I didn't expect at that moment of danger
15:48他真的愿意不顾生命危险来救我 He was really willing to risk his life to save me
15:52所以 So
15:53哪怕他心里没有我一分一毫 Even if he doesn't care about me
15:57他眼里没有我一点一滴的存在 He doesn't care about me at all
15:59我都愿意为他无怨无悔地付出我的青春的 I'm willing to devote my youth to him
16:04我也处处欠他一条命 I owe him my life
16:07我这一辈子都还不清他 I can never repay him
16:10你就因为韩城池救过你 Because Han Chengchi saved you
16:13然后你就很喜欢他 Then you like him very much
16:16是吗 Is it?
16:34Help supplies
16:37Chuchu What you doing Stop
16:39语妈你 You grandma
16:44你干嘛呢 What you doing
16:47怎么喝点酒就刷酒疯了 要耍回屋耍行不行啊 Why are you instructing me that I'm drunk when I drink? Go home if you wanna play
16:51别在这儿 Stop being here
16:52你谁啊 Who are you
16:55Why are you here?
16:57Why are you so late?
16:58I've been waiting for you to come find me.
16:59I missed you so much.
17:00How could you come find me after such a long time?
17:01I don't like 20.
17:02I like 20.
17:03You only like 20?
17:04Let's go home, okay?
17:05Let's go home and sleep.
17:06Stop messing around.
17:07That's not right.
17:08I like 20.
17:09I like 20.
17:10I like 20.
17:11I like 20.
17:12I like 20.
17:13I like 20.
17:14I like 20.
17:15I like 20.
17:16I like 20.
17:17I like 20.
17:18I like 20.
17:19I like 20.
17:20I like 20.
17:21I like 20.
17:22I like 20.
17:23I like 20.
17:24I like 20.
17:25I like 20.
17:26I like 20.
17:27I like 20.
17:28I like 20.
17:29I like 20.
17:30I like 20.
17:31You're not 20.
17:3220 is very good to me.
17:33My 20 won't bully me.
17:34It's me bullying 20.
17:35My 20 left.
17:36It will never return.
17:37Your 20 didn't leave.
17:38Your 20 is here.
17:39Stop right there.
17:40Don't call me Chu Chu.
17:41You're not 20.
17:42You didn't call me Chu Chu.
17:43Chu Chu, look carefully.
17:44Look at me.
17:45Stay away from me.
17:46You're not 20.
17:47I told you not to call me Chu Chu.
17:48Stop calling me Chu Chu.
17:49Enough, enough.
17:50Stop calling me Chu Chu.
17:51I'm not 20.
17:52We should go back to our room.
17:54Do you know how much I miss you?
17:59How much I want to tell you the truth.
18:01But you're not my 20 anymore.
18:04You used to be so good to me.
18:06But why did you frame me
18:08just like my adoptive mother Wang Jiayi?
18:14Do you know
18:15when is my third hope?
18:22It's when Mrs. Gu told me
18:24you asked me to leave the Gu family
18:26with 50 million yuan.
18:33You told me
18:35you knew our marriage was not an accident.
18:39But you didn't save me.
18:45You just wanted to break
18:46my thoughts about Brother Chengchi.
18:48But now,
18:50how can you treat me
18:51as a commodity
18:52just like them?
18:54You don't care about my will at all.
18:59I just wanted to take you away from the Gu family
19:01and give you a better life.
19:03All of you
19:05have got what you want.
19:08But me?
19:09I can't do
19:11what I want to do.
19:12I can only force myself to give up.
19:16The person I love
19:17is the only one I can trust.
19:21In the end,
19:22I thought
19:23he never gave me
19:24what belonged to me.
19:28My mother abandoned me.
19:31My parents were robbed.
19:34No one cares about my feelings at all.
19:48I'm wrong.
19:50I'm wrong.
19:53I'm sorry, Chuchu.
19:54I've wronged you.
20:27the one who blocked the road for you that night
20:31wasn't Han Chengchi
20:33or Shengshi.
20:37It was Ershi.
20:40My favorite Ershi.
20:47Although I went to your room that day,
20:49I didn't do anything.
20:51I just wanted to protect you
20:54and take you away from the Gu family.
20:55That's why I...
20:59Actually, I didn't want to tell you
21:01the truth of this matter.
21:06You even hurt me.
21:09How could I bear
21:11to let you know I was wronged?
21:14The relationship between us
21:16can't be kept.
21:17What you said just now...
21:19You chose to run away.
21:24Shengshi is a bastard.
21:25He has no right to love you.
21:28Ershi has the right to love me.
21:34I want Ershi to come back, okay?
21:38Let's go back to the way we used to be, okay?
21:41When you wake up,
21:45the Ershi who dotes on you
21:49and won't bully you
21:52will come back.
21:57I swear.
22:10I swear.
22:40How many times have I told you?
22:42I have a private matter today.
22:44You pushed all the schedules.
22:46Okay, stop talking.
22:56You're awake.
23:00What's wrong? Does your head still hurt?
23:03I told you to drink less.
23:05I'm not drunk.
23:07I'm not drunk.
23:09I told you to drink less.
23:11Drinking is bad for your memory.
23:14I'm hungry.
23:15Is there anything to eat?
23:18Hurry up and wash up.
23:19I'll go prepare.
23:20There's everything you want to eat today.
23:40You're here.
23:41Come, sit down.
23:50Why didn't you answer the phone?
23:53It's nothing.
23:57Where do you want to go today?
23:59The weather is good today.
24:00I'll take you out for a walk.
24:07Hello, I'm very sorry.
24:09I'm sorry I can't help you.
24:11There's a very important meeting in the company today.
24:13Mr. Sheng needs to attend.
24:14I know.
24:18Can I go anywhere?
24:21As long as you like it, I'll take you.
24:23Then go to your company.
24:27Didn't you say I could go anywhere?
24:29I heard there's a famous street near your company.
24:31If you're done,
24:32take me for a walk.
24:35That's fine.
24:37Then let's have lunch there.
24:39There's a lot of delicious food there.
24:40We'll see.
24:43There's also a banquet there.
24:45Do you know?
24:46There are all kinds of dishes.
24:47Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine,
24:49and Western food.
24:50I haven't finished this meal yet.
24:51What do you want to eat for the next meal?
24:54Then let's not talk about it.
24:55Let's eat this meal first.
24:57Hurry up and eat.
24:58Let's go after eating.
25:04Mr. Sheng.
25:05Mr. Sheng.
25:09How's the decoration of our building?
25:14It looks good.
25:22it seems to be missing something.
25:25What do you think?
25:26What do you think?
25:27What do you think?
25:28What do you think?
25:29What do you think?
25:30What do you think?
25:31What do you think?
25:32What do you think?
25:33What do you think?
25:34What do you think?
25:35What do you think?
25:36What do you think?
25:37What do you think?
25:38What do you think?
25:39What do you think?
25:40What do you think?
25:41What do you think?
25:42What do you think?
25:43What do you think?
25:44What do you think?
25:45What do you think?
25:46What do you think?
25:47What do you think?
25:48What do you think?
25:49What do you think?
25:50What do you think?
25:51What do you think?
25:52What do you think?
25:53What do you think?
25:54What do you think?
25:55What do you think?
25:56What do you think?
25:57What do you think?
25:58What do you think?
25:59What do you think?
26:00What do you think?
26:01What do you think?
26:02What do you think?
26:03What do you think?
26:04What do you think?
26:05What do you think?
26:06What do you think?
26:07What do you think?
26:08What do you think?
26:09What do you think?
26:10What do you think?
26:11What do you think?
26:12What do you think?
26:13What do you think?
26:14What do you think?
26:15What do you think?
26:16What do you think?
26:17What do you think?
26:18What do you think?
26:19What do you think?
26:20What do you think?
26:21What do you think?
26:22What do you think?
26:23What do you think?
26:24What do you think?
26:25What do you think?
26:26What do you think?
26:27What do you think?
26:28What do you think?
26:29What do you think?
26:30What do you think?
26:32Lan Shan.
26:33The sun is coming out from the west today.
26:36Are you interested in our company's spokesperson?
26:39So it's about the spokesperson.
26:44Can't I?
26:45Of course you can.
26:46Long time no see.
26:47Do you want to have a look?
26:54You're amazing.
26:55You don't let you make a call.
26:56You just add my wife's WeChat.
26:59You don't want this job anymore.
27:01Yes, Mr. Shen.
27:02Why are you scolding your secretary again?
27:04Let a group of people wait for you to have a meeting.
27:05It's your fault.
27:07How dare you say that to me?
27:09I'm just praising her for her excellent work ability.
27:14Yes, yes.
27:16Such an excellent secretary.
27:18Don't you have to give her more pay?
27:20Thank you, boss.
27:23But this is my duty.
27:25I don't need to add more salary.
27:26This is what I should do.
27:30Will you go with me?
27:31It's okay.
27:32If you feel bored,
27:33you can leave at any time.
27:38Let's go.
27:45But I'm pregnant.
27:47It's their food.
27:50If you lose it later,
27:52you'd better sit next to Lan Shan.
27:55You don't want to see other executives
27:57being fired because of the wrong position, right?
28:24Actually, you don't have to come here now.
28:27It's too dusty here.
28:29I said I would help you decorate here.
28:34What are you doing?
28:36Take a picture?
28:38Come on.
28:47Mr. Lu, there's a message over there.
28:49You should pay more attention to the stock information
28:51in the hands of the head of the Han family.
28:52As long as there is an action, it can be closed.
28:55It seems that the goddess of victory is waving at us.
29:02Mr. Sheng,
29:03we have a total of three projects.
29:05The first two projects have been completed.
29:08The third project...
29:09Okay, I got it.
29:10I'll check it again.
29:37Lan Shan, as a holy lady,
29:39why don't you sit over there and listen?
29:40It's too low over there.
29:42I don't like it.
29:46Lan Shan, this is the list of stars.
29:49Take a look first.
29:50The last item of this meeting
29:52is to choose an image spokesperson for the holy lady.
29:55You often choose negative people.
29:57I believe you are also good at choosing image spokespersons.
30:00You know how to respect the profession.
30:14It seems that it's still her time.
30:16She has a good reputation.
30:18And she's popular.
30:20I guess it's her.
30:22I think she's better.
30:26This is a newcomer.
30:29It's definitely not her.
30:30This is to choose an image spokesperson.
30:32What we have to consider is the future development.
30:35There was a person who was very popular last month.
30:37You talk to me about development.
30:38It's expensive and useless.
30:39Why do you want her?
30:41It must be her this time.
30:43I asked around.
30:44I don't believe it.
30:45Let's make a bet if we have the ability.
30:47Let's make a bet.
30:48When have I ever lost a bet in six years?
30:52I don't believe it.
30:55A Li.
30:59En En City.
31:01Why do you have time to come here?
31:02I'm going to choose some clothes for En En.
31:05I'm going to take her to the amusement park in the afternoon.
31:08I just finished your dog food in the circle of friends this morning.
31:11Now you come to me again, don't you?
31:15It's just right.
31:16I just got a few sets of leisure sports clothes.
31:18It suits you.
31:19I'll get it for you.
31:21Let's go.
31:52Half is always written like this
31:58That moment is like fate
32:02Until I fall in love with you
32:07Like taking a bath in the spring breeze
32:15This dream is sweet and wonderful
32:21I know everything about you
32:26Every time you come into my heart
32:29There is light in the moment
32:33I miss you, I miss you
32:36If you need
32:39I will hug you tightly
32:45The old beauty
32:48Covers my heart
32:51Every day in the memory
32:56A little lonely
33:02A little lonely
33:15I miss you, I miss you
33:18If you need
33:21I will hug you tightly
33:26The old beauty
33:29Covers my heart
33:33Every day in the memory
33:38A little lonely
33:44A little lonely