• 2 months ago
Mi Vida Eres Tú Cap 10 en Español Latino
00:14Me be there is to
00:19Hey, just like a stammer episode you DS. Come up with a decir eso la relación que tiene nuestros hijos es de las buenas
00:26en general si
00:30Que estas diciendo piensas que le hace falta algo a sabid
00:34Ayman tampoco es la novia perfecta
00:37Sabes que no estoy diciendo nada malo sobre nuestro hijo y no es verdad
00:42Ayman si es perfecta
00:44No te culpo a ti tampoco
00:46y la verdad creo que
00:48Tolkien tiene razón en lo que dijo y en lo que piensas sobre ellos
00:53No culpo a sabid por esta situación pero si un hombre está viviendo con una mujer y se hacen una promesa el uno al otro
01:00De empezar una familia
01:03De todas formas algo de compromiso les hará bien
01:07sabid no la va a abandonar
01:09al contrario ella necesita y ayman solo se necesita ella misma lo sabes bien
01:15hay una cosa que no entiendes nuestro sabid solo quiere sentirse seguro con alguien
01:22Seamos nosotros o sea ayman según su conveniencia
01:26No lo creo mírate todo un clarividente
01:30Lo dices como si fuera algo malo
01:32trata de imaginar lo tú
01:34primero vivo contigo
01:37y después y después me dices que estás muy ocupado para mí por el trabajo termir can
01:43yo no tengo que imaginar absolutamente nada para entender quiere saber por qué
01:48porque en nuestro matrimonio yo viví lo mismo a tu lado
02:00Sabid sabid oye que tienes ahora
02:09Nada ya sospechaba que algo como eso iba a pasar
02:21Entonces tienes un superpoder
02:26Puedes ver el futuro no tenía otra opción
02:30Tú lo sabes bien pero
02:36No quiero ser alborotador
02:39Esa no es la palabra
02:42Alborotador bueno cuál es la palabra rebelde
02:48Rebelde significa hombre que arruina todo
02:53Eso suena raro deja que sea lo que quiere
02:57Pero no es cierto sería como un chiste no es así si
03:11Te voy a ganar alguien ya quiere comer podemos pedir pizza ya dale un descanso a la comida acabamos de comer en el
03:18eso pasó hace 100 años
03:21Lo hiciste a propósito ahora si te destrozaré
03:24Qué vamos quién es el más fuerte ahora te enseñaré porque lo que no sabes es que tengo habilidades
03:31No, eso no fue nada justo el propósito de este juego es ganar mira ya no quiero jugar
03:40Oye qué pasa es sólo un juego
03:46Te gané ya veo que eres muy astuto un pequeño mentiroso
03:54No te escondo ahora te voy a exprimir como una toalla y te voy a colgar en la puerta
03:59No le harías eso a un niño pero si lo haría con un niño tan tramposo como tú
04:05Espera ten cuidado darín
04:14Sabit lo hiciste bien y mi mamá lo va a entender algún día
04:24Puede que no sea hoy y tampoco mañana pero si lo entenderá
04:31de verdad piensas eso sin duda
04:36Porque la conozco muy bien
04:40Me agradó mucho tu abuela en serio si es buena persona
04:52Créan que le guste
04:55Claro que sí
05:00Cuando podemos ir juntos a entregárselo y cuando volveremos a la casa de la te tolkien
05:16No está funcionando bien tengo que cambiarlo
05:26Bota como pudiste construir ese programa en esto
05:30Ya encontraremos la manera
05:32además yo no cobro tanto como
05:34otros por eso no puedo cambiar mi computadora
05:37que te detiene todo
05:40en teoría otras personas no deberían cobrar como lo hacen en la industria
05:45que es lo que te hace pensar eso tienes que asignar una cuota dependiendo de la cantidad de tiempo que te vas a tardar
05:51y ahora qué pasó aquí déjame ver eso no espera ya pude sólo necesitamos quitar todo esto de aquí
05:57no esto no está funcionando bien no lo podemos dejar así vota por eso quería ir a mi casa no no puedo ir contigo
06:05por qué
06:08Bueno digamos que no quiero irrumpir en tu preciada vida de soltero
06:13No sé por qué dices eso pero yo quiero ser un padre y empezar una familia
06:21Es en serio
06:26Bueno puede ser tal vez un día
06:35Abuela hable con los doctores otra vez ya revisaron tus análisis tres veces estás dada de alta
06:43pero creo que sería mejor que te quedaras un tiempo
06:46te podría ayudar bastante está bien termina
06:49los doctores me están dando de alta porque ya no me pueden ayudar
06:55Lo siento mucho esto es muy difícil
07:01Estoy lista
07:04desde hace mucho
07:06yo estoy muy consciente de mi gravedad
07:10Y recuerdas bien que yo no quería ir hasta nada con ustedes porque ya lo sabía
07:20Bueno al menos lo intentamos abuela abish no podíamos no ayudarte lo sé gracias por intentar
07:31Bueno ya sabes que no es tu culpa lo que sucede
07:38Que hago ahora sentarme llorar todo el día
07:43Dime cuánto tiempo me queda
07:53Vamos está bien estas son tuyas
08:15Buenas tardes buenas tardes de gasolinas almas y eso yo sabrán los puntos sobre el gran trabajo que hacen
08:21claro por supuesto pase
08:30Ya sucedió
08:32Voy de camino a los últimos días de mi vida abuela basta por favor no hables así no quiero escuchar eso
08:42Sabes te diré algo importante
08:48La primera vez que te vi con a isha en el hospital no pude dormir bien
08:54Eres una heroína no le tienes miedo a nada
08:57Tenías a todo el hospital en suspenso
09:00Estabas dirigiendo el personal por todos lados y también pusiste de cabeza el almacén médico no olvidaré eso
09:07tu tarea
09:09era muy difícil
09:12Diagnosticar a tu hija correctamente recuerdas eso
09:19Han dado vueltas por todo el hospital y eso es culpa de ustedes
09:24Si a mi hija le hubiera dado el diagnóstico correcto desde el principio no estaría molestando
09:31Y no te atrevas a mandarnos con otro especialista no creo que ya los vieron a todos
09:38No hemos hecho un cardiograma ya se los dije es su corazón no he dormido
09:45Por una semana seguida los latidos de su corazón están mal
09:50Mira la esta muy pálida no mamá ya basta ya te dije que nada me duele
09:59Escúchala y siempre dice lo mismo pero yo sé que algo está pasando con su corazón
10:10Esta niña es su hija el apellido es diferente tú también vas a empezar con eso no puedo creer
10:20No digas esa palabra tú eres mi hija y ya
10:38Ya la viste se ve muy concentrada guarda silencio por favor
10:42Se ve muy concentrada guarda silencio por favor
10:48Mandalo a la cocina con su castigo de qué hablas no lo molestes
12:09Yes, you know
12:17In seconds Tava si tu siempre piensas
12:20Incluso en los momentos en los que no por qué lo estás atacando a él por esto tú también estabas aquí con ella
12:24Se quiere convertir en un padre pero no pasaste las pruebas a beat cállate por un segundo si
12:29No sé a dónde pudo originar y tú porque te estás preocupando tanto
12:33Crees que si puedes lograr esto todo en tu vida cambiará mágicamente esto no es así
12:37Yes, I know me I guess
12:40It's time to mentis, okay, no puedes dejar ir tus rencores de la infancia y tú porque me empujas crees que necesito algo tuyo no necesito
12:49Cuál es tu problema suficiente que les pasa
12:53basta dejen de pelear no pierdan el tiempo y encuentren a sinar yo termina suficiente
12:59encuentren la vayan
13:03Bueno vamos no él irá por su cuenta
13:07No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
13:37No heißt kein Wort für uns.
13:49Hicimos bien en no tallar nuestros nombres.
13:57Adónde vamos?
14:02A la policía.
14:05Let's go to our house.
14:08Have you ever taken her there?
14:12Neither have I.
14:14Guys, listen.
14:16Don't you think it's obvious?
14:19That's where Jinar's mother was.
14:22I don't think she showed her daughter the house.
14:25She must be there.
14:27Well, then let's go.
14:35Let's go.
15:05Jinar's Mother
15:07Jinar's Mother
15:09Jinar's Mother
15:11Jinar's Mother
15:13Jinar's Mother
15:15Jinar's Mother
15:17Jinar's Mother
15:19Jinar's Mother
15:21Jinar's Mother
15:23Jinar's Mother
15:25Jinar's Mother
15:27Jinar's Mother
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16:01Jinar's Mother
16:03Jinar's Mother
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17:41Jinar's Mother
17:43Jinar's Mother
17:45Jinar's Mother
17:47Jinar's Mother
17:49Jinar's Mother
17:51Jinar's Mother
17:54and they don't let go
18:01Ah, and by the way, I wanted to ask you something
18:04Would you buy a ring for Aiman?
18:10So, what do you think?
18:12Who's going to go with Jinar today?
18:23Hello, son. Where do you go when we have so much work?
18:35We have work?
18:36Yes, don't you see these cars? Thanks to Saul.
18:40If every day we had two new cars here, all our problems would be solved.
18:47So a little assistant would help us a lot, right?
18:51Of course, of course.
19:08Hi, Ayman.
19:09Hi. Am I disturbing you? Are you in the office?
19:15No, no, of course not. I'm driving. I'm going home. I'm on my way. I had to check something. Why do you ask?
19:24No, nothing else. I'll be late today.
19:29Do you want me to buy something so we can have dinner later?
19:31Yes, please. I'm already very tired.
19:46Well, ladies, are you ready to buy anything without worrying about the price?
19:51Why do you want to spend money on me? Better buy something for yourself.
19:55Okay, Grandma.
19:58And this? Look at this. You should try it on with these blouses.
20:05I think this is a waste of time. I prefer to stay in the car and wait for them to finish.
20:15I don't want you to think you have to be mean to me. And you know what? I could never treat you like that.
20:24I know you're not okay with the decisions I make, but this is the life I want.
20:30I don't want you to end up hurt by this. I just want to protect you from that.
20:36I know, Mom, I know. And I feel so grateful for that.
20:42But you know me well. I always get what I want.
20:49And I know a person who has always wanted to have a pair of white pants like these.
20:55Oh, man.
20:57Try them on. For me.
21:07Mom, I don't want to see you like this yet.
21:12Look at what you're seeing instead of checking out baby clothes.
21:16Is this for a nine-year-old girl?
21:18You've seen how much she loves this girl.
21:21That's the point.
21:23I understand Aiman. Yes, I understand her.
21:28Mom, I understand her too. But I think she should have her own child.
21:34Do you want these bells?
21:41Judging by that cheerful expression, I'd say you'd make me an irresistible offer.
21:46Of course.
21:48I always know what kind of offers to make to each client.
21:52And I also have their needs in mind.
21:55This is simple. We're going to sell the house for the agreed price.
21:58The contract will show half of what is paid.
22:05Oh, by the way, no one should know.
22:08Not even your little sister.
22:11She will only receive half of the amount registered in the sale contract.
22:16Do you understand?
22:19My sister has always been very stingy.
22:22It's a shame she doesn't know how much money she's going to lose when we close this deal.
22:27You'll get 60%.
22:29Not 75%?
22:32I'll keep that 15%.
22:34As a return for my services.
22:36Isn't that a lot?
22:39You and your little sister are alike in many ways, aren't you?
22:42Why do you say that?
22:46You just told me she's very stingy.
22:49Don't worry. I'm not offended.
22:51This isn't stinginess.
22:52It's logical that the more money I pay you, the less money I'm going to keep.
22:57So tell me, do we have a deal?
23:00Of course we do.
23:07I bet these sisters hate each other.
23:10More than they know.
23:15Yes, of course.
23:19Yes, Madhabat.
23:21What can we do?
23:23I hope there's something we can do to help.
23:27I don't know.
23:29I don't know.
23:31I don't know.
23:33I don't know.
23:34We have to help.
23:38We'll talk soon.
23:45Okay, love.
23:47I understand.
23:50We don't have to lose hope.
23:54We have to be optimistic about her.
23:57Of course.
23:59This must be difficult to process for Shinar.
24:03I'm not sure she can handle another duel like this.
24:09If it happens, she'll have to deal with it.
24:12It's a shame.
24:15We have a lot to do.
24:19Abish has no one else but us.
24:22We have to support her.
24:29And I guess that girl is very tired.
24:44Here's the information you asked for.
24:59Tulat Askarovich?
25:01How are you? This is Abish.
25:03Yes, I found him.
25:05In my opinion, he'll love him.
25:07The price is in his budget.
25:10Yes, yes. I'll send you all the information and details by email.
25:15Thank you very much.
25:25Yes, the clients didn't run away in pictures either.
25:30Well, I hope to hear from you soon.
25:36Well, the plan is almost complete.
26:11This is your room.
26:15And this is your bed.
26:17Where are you going to sleep now?
26:19I'll put a blanket in the workshop and sleep there.
26:21Next to the car you ruined today.
26:25I haven't ruined that car yet.
26:27I'll fix it tomorrow.
26:31Sleep now.
26:33Today was something ...
26:35Something horrible.
26:42Do you want to see something funny?
26:52Are you ready?
27:10Is that you?
27:12Yes, that fat man is me.
27:16I can't believe you looked like that.
27:19You were a real Mayvazar.
27:24They also called me that.
27:27Aisha intervened and helped me.
27:36What's wrong? Why don't you eat?
27:38I'm not hungry.
27:40Then I want it.
27:46Mayvazar, take it.
27:51What's wrong? Why do you bother him?
27:55He eats everything you give him.
27:57Because he's like a whale.
28:01He's eating all the time.
28:03Tlemis says that child has a rare disease or something.
28:21What are you doing?
28:29You couldn't sleep well?
28:34What did you do to him?
28:36You'd better start carving like that.
28:40I'm not going to do it.
28:42I'm not going to do it.
28:44I'm not going to do it.
28:46I'm not going to do it.
28:47Start carving like that.
29:13I won't tell anyone.
29:15Everyone already knows.
29:18And that you don't care.
29:26Sabit, what are you doing?
29:28Why are you taking the ball with your hands?
29:30This is football.
29:32Well, but it's not real football.
29:34So I've decided that I'm going to play however I want.
29:37You're going to play however I tell you, Yersan.
29:41What are you doing there?
29:43We're on the same team.
29:52See? Someone even touched the ball.
29:55Go, get mad at him.
29:57I don't want to play football.
29:59No one asked you to do it.
30:01You're too thin for this.
30:04We need to find another player.
30:10Aisha, no.
30:12Please don't tell Maybazar to play.
30:14I can't stand being on the same team as him.
30:20Come here.
30:25Aisha, what are you thinking?
30:27Do you want him to be running when you can barely climb the stairs?
30:33Hey, do you know how to play?
30:37Then go and stand there.
30:39You're going to be the goalkeeper.
30:42Good luck.
30:44Okay, let's start.
30:51We scored a goal!
30:55We did it!
30:57We're the best!
31:00Maybazar, if you let that ball go, I'm going to kill you.
31:05You're the best, Maybazar!
31:11Darin, are you okay?
31:12Do you think he's alive?
31:14Maybazar, get up!
31:20Maybazar, get up!
31:25I'll go with him.
31:38It's all your fault.
31:40I told you he was sick.
31:42I was the one who said he couldn't, not you.
31:45But of course, why do you always have to be right?
31:48Stop fighting for a second.
31:50I'm sick of you.
31:52And you don't know how to play football.
31:54I don't know how to play football, you say?
31:56Who scored that goal?
31:58You don't know what you're talking about.
32:12How does it feel?
32:16You're just scared.
32:18Why aren't you asleep?
32:34What's wrong, Darin?
32:40Nothing serious.
32:42Is he coming back soon?
32:48Tell him to be honest with me.
32:59I don't know when he'll be back.
33:03It's delicate.
33:11He's in a coma.
33:14Is he going to die?
33:20Not yet.
33:41Darin is sick.
33:50He has a disease called diabetes.
33:57So he does have a disease.
34:06I didn't realize it in time.
34:10Look, we're the ones to blame.
34:13We know everything about the others here.
34:17We should have thought about him too.
34:24Listen to me.
34:27Let's do something.
34:30I'll stop blaming myself.
34:33And then you'll do the same.
34:35You'll do the same, okay?
34:39And when Darin comes back, we'll go on a diet.
34:46We'll help him together, okay?
34:49I'll help him a lot, I promise.
34:52And your mother kept her promise.
34:55They took it so seriously that I started avoiding them.
35:01So they didn't feed you anymore?
35:03No, they did.
35:05But only the healthy ones.
35:08And now, are you sick?
35:14I'm healthy.
35:17So your mother saved you?
35:22It wasn't just her.
35:25My friends helped too.
35:29Then they adopted me.
35:31Okay, that's enough.
35:32That's enough.
35:34It's time to sleep.
35:38Good night.
35:50You have good friends.
36:02Good night.
36:16Girls, I don't see happiness on your faces.
36:19I'm only here to help you.
36:24Help with what?
36:26Arkahat is the only person we work with.
36:28It seems you don't understand that Arkahat only wants to deceive you two.
36:32When she sells her property, Arkahat will have more money than you two together.
36:40Then call your client.
36:42Yes, call him right now.
36:58Yes, I heard.
37:00It's not good for the body, but it's a delicious breakfast.
37:10Bota, I don't expect compliments from you, but I assure you that saying thank you is not superfluous.
37:16You can't be serious.
37:18It's amazing what they're doing.
37:21If you don't want to work today, I can go.
37:24No, on the contrary, I need to work.
37:28Let's go.
37:30Why are you repeating it to me?
37:32I am the principal of the school.
37:34Your daughter is currently studying at the school I run, and she will continue to do so, understood?
37:42These people are amazing.
37:44I'm tired of all of them.
37:46Good afternoon.
37:48Hello, Yershan. Did you come to work?
37:51It's very curious.
37:53I had never done this kind of work before.
37:55I mean, outside of an office or in these particular circumstances.
37:58Aygeri Maratona.
38:01Do you feel sick?
38:03What do you need?
38:05Mom, can I bring you some water?
38:12It will pass.
38:19I am the principal of a school.
38:22And that always demands a lot from me.
38:28They asked me about Shinar's grandmother. They know she's sick.
38:34If something happens...
38:36I don't understand.
38:46Isn't it too soon to think about that?
38:48No, it's not too soon, Yershan.
38:51The government has very strict regulations.
38:55A child cannot live alone.
38:59If there is no adult with her,
39:02you know very well where she will end up living, Shinar.
39:08It seems that the three of you are waiting
39:11for someone to magically fix everything.
39:14But you haven't asked Termirkan or any other doctor
39:17if there is any way to fix this horrible situation.
39:24I will try to help as best I can.
39:27Just tell me what I have to do.
39:33You are the only one who knows what to do.
39:38You better be convinced.
39:48I think I understand.
39:54I'm sorry.
