• 2 months ago
Dorama en Español Latino
00:14Me be there is to
00:19Shinar episodeo cuatro des construir un fuerte con los estantes
00:24Abuela pudimos haberlo hecho nosotras solas
00:27A bien trajiste la llave si aquí la tengo
00:30Ya pareces un verdadero hombre
00:32No como tú amigo yo accedí a estar aquí desde el principio no como otros
00:37Oye darín cierra la boca bueno eso no importa la abuela y yo vamos a hornear galletas hoy
00:43Pero no van a poder comer hasta que terminen todo
01:14Que necesitas para tu trabajo
01:17Necesita un monopie mamá un selfie stick ya tienes uno de esos
01:22Si me compraste uno hace mucho necesito uno nuevo
01:28Mamá que estás diciendo no te voy a comprar nada pero yo necesito eso
01:33Cómpralo con tu salario si ese es el caso pero ya te dije que mi salario no porque no entiendes
01:39Mañana te vas a ir a trabajar
01:42Porque tu querida madre ya lo arreglo para ti
01:47Porque tienes una madre que se preocupa
01:51mucho por ti
01:53Y no quiere que sea un inútil porque porque tienes muchos por qué
02:01Entonces si me puedes escuchar
02:04Mamá mamá me dejas faltar al trabajo mañana
02:07Sabía que ibas a hacer esto
02:10No mamá mamá si voy a trabajar mañana para qué trabajo voy a aplicar
02:25Estoy en problemas
02:28Ay man, tú y yo nos conocemos desde hace más de tres años
02:33Y si no fuera por eso mismo
02:36Pensaría que tú también
02:38estás involucrada
02:39en este desastre
02:42Entonces todos van a pensar eso no entiendo lo que quieres hacer
02:47Es culpar a ese empleado al cajado quitarte de problemas definitivamente que no es la misma cosa no
02:55En general podemos llevar este caso a corte y tu abogado te ayudará a salir
03:04Pero tu amigo sabid puede ser listado como cómplice
03:10No es una posibilidad no eso no es sabid no pudo estar involucrado
03:16Ay ay man
03:18Me cuesta mucho creer eso
03:20He manejado muchos casos iguales
03:24Pero no
03:26Confío en él completamente tú puedes verlo y convencerte era un sistema arraigado
03:32Arcajá te estaba robando de poco a poco
03:34Para hacerte sincera ahora mismo mi oficina parece un hospicio descontrolado
03:40Todos nuestros clientes están llamando
03:42Llorando quejándose hoy me levanté para trabajar pensando en quién más se podría derrumbar
03:49Ay man no te puedo decir qué hacer pero si podemos especular
03:54Generalmente con este tipo de personas es mejor darles dinero
03:58Eso es algo con lo que te puedo ayudar
04:01Pero no debes ir detrás de Arcajá no puedes construir un caso contra él sin que afectes a tu amigo
04:06Y me parece que eso es lo último que quieres lograr
04:20Te ves muy bien sí
04:24Sí si la honorable doctora de la república me lo dice es verdad
04:31No hay ofensa pero un hábito es un hábito
04:35Podría estar afuera de una tienda y diagnosticar a las personas a distancia
04:40Al menos no les escribe las prescripciones
04:46Cómo te sientes de verdad dime tu salud está mejor
04:50Estoy bien
04:51A veces siento como que me sofoco pero pasa rápido
04:57Me he sentido mejor aquí pensé que iba a ser más difícil
05:06Era muy hermosa
05:08Sí siempre fue muy hermosa incluso en el final
05:17Chinar bueno hola qué pasa dime hay muchos estantes en mi cuarto
05:27Pero pero todos están vacíos
05:33Quieres que te lleve a la librería sí
05:37Muy bien muy bien
05:45Hola sabid dijo puedes venir a la casa de la abuela avis no no pasa nada
05:55Sabid solo te estoy llamando
05:59Ajá sí
06:02Ahora hay que esperar a que tu tío sabid llegue de acuerdo de acuerdo
06:10Habish si
06:13Se veía muy emocionada no lo crees
06:18Te escucho
06:21No creo que me entiendas bien el trabajo es trabajo duro
06:27Cuando una persona vende una casa cambia demasiado es un desafío para ambos el vendedor y el comprador ellos se alarman
06:36Nosotros somos una clase de escudo para ellos
06:41Muchas personas sufren de estafas como estas al año después de todo
06:47Nosotros solo cubrimos un área y escuchamos de otros lo que les pasa
06:52Pero mi servicio y el de mi empresa es el más confiable
06:55Mis vendedores son muy competentes y son honestos
07:01Pero en estos últimos meses es algo inimaginable
07:04Para mí se volvió un tormento el mero hecho de sentarme en mi oficina porque las cosas que detestó
07:11Empezaron a pasar justo en frente de mis ojos y con mi nombre en ellas
07:16Hay man si lo entiendo
07:18Ese es el único consejo que te puedo dar
07:21Lo que no puedes pensar en hacer es arriesgarte a ti o a tu negocio
07:26Si alcajad se entera de que ha sido descubierto no va a preocuparse
07:29Si llega la necesidad de hacerlo no dudo que trate de incriminar a todos
07:33Y toda tu empresa podría ser acusada de crimen organizado me entiendes
07:38Así que ellos nunca creerían que
07:42Que soy inocente
07:44Esas son solo palabras
07:46Y Consa Beat
07:48Podría ser privado de su libertad de tres a cinco años
07:53Pero sé cómo evitarlo
07:55Lo consigo
07:58Lo considerarías
08:05Termin caney yo consultamos con expertos en el tema y tenemos a un buen cardiólogo es un doctor muy respetado en la ciudad
08:20Dime la verdad ya no quieres tratar tu condición es eso si
08:25Maja but tell my grades com mucho abuela
08:29Que dios los bendiga tia termir can son muy buenas personas
08:34y excelentes amigos
08:36pero yo
08:39Ya no puedo
08:42Ya no puedo pero
09:59Ya agarre la arcilla
10:07Es una escuela de arte o qué
10:12Esto es lo que necesito
10:15Debería comprar un cuaderno de princesas o de gatitos voy a llevar los dos
10:27Ya tengo los lápices
10:29Las plumas los cuadernos y los colores
10:34Parece que eso es todo
10:36Son momentos interesantes
10:39Que es el momento más emocionante del año escolar
10:43Eliges las cosas que comprar para tus hijos y luego empieza
10:49Mamá no quiero ir a la escuela estoy cansada
10:53Dijeron que trajeramos un herbario hazme una banca para mañana
10:58Una banca
11:00Pero claro que yo solo estoy exagerando tus hijos no son así
11:07A los niños tienen el hábito de decir las cosas hasta el último momento posible cuando ya no hay tiempo hablan
11:14Por ejemplo hoy mi hijo me pidió que le construyera
11:17Una ciudad entera o si no dijo que todo se acaba
11:23Construir una ciudad perdón creo que no te entiendo
11:28Y estos
11:31No parece que estés siguiendo los estudios de tus hijos
11:35Tu esposa de seguro me entendería yo no tengo esposa gracias
11:43Si te soy sincera yo tampoco lo entendía
11:46Perdona sé que no es asunto mío
11:50Te deseo a ti a tus hijos buena suerte en los estudios
11:55Solo tengo una niña
11:57Bueno, no está shinar. Shinar es una niña, pero no es mía
12:03Solo me confundí. Sí ya entiendo. Adiós. Adiós
12:12Shinar es la hija de mi amiga de la infancia no es mi hija
12:16Yo no pregunté nada
12:18No, no esa mujer no entendió de verdad no me importa esto
12:23No, bueno a mí tampoco
12:27Sí, como sea
12:32Muy ocupado para tomarte pero tu esposa decidió utilizar el último recurso
12:40Habéis me estás dejando otra opción está siendo muy terca con esto porque
12:45molestas a termir can
12:47No voy a acceder con esto, ¿eh?
12:50No lo tomes personal
12:52Querida vish
12:54Nos conocemos desde hace mucho tiempo
12:56And, well, you should know that we're not going to leave you in this situation.
13:01We've been very worried since yesterday.
13:04Yes, I know.
13:07And, of course, I understand.
13:11But I'm regretting telling you about my situation.
13:18But all this is for Shinar's sake.
13:24I don't want to leave her alone when I leave.
13:29No one knows exactly how long I have left.
13:33And I want to spend that time with Shinar, not in a hospital bedridden.
13:41Why are you doing this to us? Stop opposing yourself.
13:47Abish, you have no choice but to accept our help.
13:51We've already decided that we're going to save your life at all costs.
13:54We just have to do it.
13:56We'll be on the road for two days.
13:58What could be better?
14:01We'll be able to talk about our lives without interruption.
14:07Now you understand why I said he was your last resort?
14:12You think you can convince everyone so easily?
14:15Grandma, Shinar is not going to stay on the street.
14:17You know this is true.
14:19Neither she nor you are going to be alone.
14:23We have a diagnosis.
14:25What else do we have to discuss?
14:28What other doctor needs an opinion on my illness?
14:33Abish, do you remember the Astana doctors?
14:36It's them.
14:44This again?
14:50Excuse me, do you need help?
14:53No, thank you.
14:56What part doesn't work?
14:58I really don't know.
15:00Why did you open the trunk then?
15:02I thought something wasn't right.
15:04The engine doesn't start?
15:06No, it hasn't started.
15:08Has this happened to you before?
15:22Hello, is it the mechanic?
15:24Yes, he's speaking.
15:25I need you to bring a crane.
15:27A crane?
15:28Which direction?
15:30My direction?
15:32I don't understand.
15:34Are you the mechanic?
15:36It seems so.
15:42Don't worry, I'll go get the crane.
15:45No, I'll be right back.
15:50Don't move from here.
15:52How could I?
16:10Sabit, how are you?
16:12Sit down.
16:14No, Abish, thank you.
16:15I'll just have a cookie and leave.
16:17Did you come to try to convince me too?
16:19Sorry, what? You didn't want to see me?
16:21Mom, did you ask me to come?
16:26Shinar, come here.
16:32Hello, Sabit.
16:33Uncle Sabit will take you to the bookstore so you can buy whatever you want.
16:38Mom, I'm busy today.
16:40Sabit, son.
16:43Let's go.
16:45I need to take my hat.
16:48Grandma, now you're sure you're not going to leave Shinar alone?
16:54But Sabit, you didn't look very happy to take her.
17:00I don't want my granddaughter to become a burden for you.
17:04That will never happen. Have a little confidence in my son.
17:08Yes, Abish, and have confidence in me too.
17:10Nothing bad will happen.
17:12Get ready for the trip.
17:23Hello, are you coming to visit?
17:25And how are you?
17:27Yes, we are more ambassadors today than visits for Grandma.
17:32Aygerin, can you talk to her? Abish doesn't agree.
17:35Yes, of course.
17:37Of course. What do you want us to say?
17:40Grandma, there are people here who are just as worried.
17:44We want to go see a doctor in Astana.
17:47He is recognized for modern cardiology all over the world.
17:51And yet she...
17:53That's incredible.
17:56Only we think the same.
17:58Okay, thank you very much.
18:01I don't want to bother the neighbors. Let's go, okay?
18:05He excused himself, saying he didn't have anyone to leave Shinar with.
18:09What? You have us, Ayersan?
18:18Okay, we're going home.
18:21See you later.
18:24Come in.
19:02Let's go.
19:05Pete, take that one.
19:10And that one.
19:15Let's go.
19:16Take those two, too.
19:23Just these? Let's go.
19:27Why are you fighting? You sound like a little girl.
19:31All this is for Shinar. Don't you understand?
19:35Your little Shinar has been in charge of gathering the adults she finds.
19:39If anyone hadn't noticed, please let them know.
19:42Bota is right.
19:44See for yourself what Shinar plans.
19:47She does. She has a lot of character.
19:50Exactly. I think it's admirable.
19:52By the way, where is she?
19:55Sabit came and took Shinar by the hand without saying a word.
19:59With his head down.
20:04Wait. I think I have the right person for the job.
20:10What's that?
20:11If Sabit is friends with Shinar, that means that Ayersan is, too.
20:22Ayersan, hi. How are you?
20:24Tell me. Is something wrong with Ayersan and your daughter?
20:27You wouldn't know.
20:29Is there a problem?
20:33I'm calling because I need your help with something important.
20:36We can't convince Grandma to go to Astana.
20:40It would only take two days.
20:43You're wrong about him.
20:45Really. Very wrong.
20:52I think I've been working at this school for 30 years.
20:55And I have a lot of experience.
20:58Yes, he doesn't agree.
21:01He says he has no one to leave Shinar with.
21:03And I told him that.
21:05He has Sabit, Darin, and of course he has you.
21:09You are fair and experienced.
21:14And you have a good heart.
21:16I'm surprised.
21:19Ayersan, he...
21:23Well, what did he say?
21:27He said he can take care of her.
21:32And did he also say that he will help us repair the house?
21:37Grandma, why do you say that?
21:40His intentions are sincere.
21:45Your daughter doesn't know how to lie.
21:48I've never been able to do it.
21:54Why are you calling me to ask me that?
21:57Shouldn't you be happy?
22:00I think...
22:01Ayersan, you should understand her.
22:05At least try to calm down.
22:07Listen, Tlemis.
22:08You don't know how he told me things, how he asked me.
22:10You're right.
22:12But I've considered...
22:13It's not a quality of a cult person.
22:16Bota shouldn't have told me that.
22:20He asked a question that I already answered.
22:27I think he spoke to me in front of Grandma Abish on purpose.
22:35All my life I have endured the betrayals of these people.
22:39And they still demand honesty from me.
22:42How is that?
22:43All your life?
22:46When you were little and you escaped to the art museum,
22:49Sabit and Darin told me you had varicella.
22:52Was that a betrayal for you?
22:55Or do you mean when you had a fever
22:58and Aisha stole a piece of bread from the kitchen to make you feel better?
23:01Look, this is different.
23:03I don't expect you to know what I'm talking about.
23:05Or maybe you mean that time
23:08when Aisha didn't want to go with her Grandma Abish.
23:12You were on a hunger strike.
23:15If Aisha hadn't left,
23:18she wouldn't have been able to become a mother and have the life she had.
23:21But she did go.
23:22Yes, she did.
23:23But it wasn't for you.
23:25It was Grandma Abish's big heart.
23:29And not even the most selfish child
23:32could stop her or her desire to move on.
23:42You are not this person.
23:44You are not.
23:47And how do you know that?
23:50Maybe this is all I am.
23:53I know my students very well.
23:57Very well.
23:59Very well.
24:05Shinar, you look a lot like your mom.
24:09Yes, my mom also liked to read a lot.
24:12That's true.
24:14What kind of books do you like to read, Shinar?
24:16You can't ask me that.
24:18And what can I ask?
24:20You have to ask the author I like.
24:23Shinar, which author do you like the most in the world?
24:26I like Dumas a lot.
24:28Oh, very well.
24:30Your mom's favorite author was always Alexander Green.
24:34She loved his books.
24:36I still remember your mom's birthday.
24:38We had no idea what to give her.
24:40And Yarsan, our genius,
24:42said we should give her scarlet candles.
24:45Where were we going to get the money from then?
24:48It was a problem.
24:50So we worked in a canteen.
24:53We swept the floors, picked up the tables,
24:55and collected the necessary amount.
24:57We bought the book and gave it to her.
25:00And your mom told us without shame
25:02that she had already read that book a long time ago.
25:04The book she wanted was The Children of the Great Captain.
25:14I've known you for a long time.
25:18We've been through a lot together.
25:22You're not someone who gives up.
25:25You never lose determination.
25:28But this resentment
25:30doesn't fit with the person you are.
25:34It does fit.
25:37And I think it's thanks to this resentment
25:39that I became who I am today.
25:43I live in a single place.
25:45An apartment that I actually clean
25:48and cook what I eat.
25:50I even wash my own clothes.
25:52If I've come so far, it's only because of my own effort.
25:56Maybe I'm not helping others.
25:58And maybe I'm not doing what you expected of me.
26:00But I found my place in this life by myself.
26:02And that's something important to me.
26:04I don't think so, Yarsan.
26:06Watch where you step, or you'll get the crown of your head.
26:09Are you saying that I'm not worthy of recognition
26:11for everything I've achieved?
26:14But the recognition won't come from washing or cooking.
26:17It will come from your heart.
26:19You say that everyone has betrayed you.
26:22But I don't agree.
26:24I believe you.
26:26I've never seen you hurt any of your friends.
26:30And I don't know what happened for you to change so much.
26:34Hey, you know that they...
26:36Enough about them.
26:38This is about Shinar.
26:42The little girl who just lost her mother.
26:45She doesn't even know who her father is.
26:48But she does know that her grandmother is dying.
26:52Why do you oppose so much?
26:56Because you're a bad friend.
26:58Tell me.
27:00Yarsan, you're the one who's betraying her.
27:11I'm home.
27:16Hi, honey.
27:21Are you going to wash?
27:26What did you do today?
27:29I'm sorry, really.
27:31I didn't do much today.
27:33Well, yes, but...
27:35That's why I couldn't go to work.
27:37My mom asked me to do something.
27:40Ayman, I was with Shinar.
27:43Ayman, I was with Shinar a couple of hours today.
27:47My mom asked me to take her to the bookstore.
27:52At first I didn't want to do it, but then...
27:55I don't know.
27:57When I took her home, she didn't want me to go.
28:01I don't know why.
28:04She fell asleep on the way.
28:07And then I carried her.
28:09She's so smart that as soon as we got to the door,
28:12she opened her eyes and went into the house.
28:15Then, as if nothing had happened, she commanded us all.
28:23Ayman, listen.
28:25I want us to spend more time with Shinar.
28:28You'll see, you'll love being with her.
28:31She's such a nice and fun girl.
28:39This shirt needs to be washed.
28:43You do it.
28:58So, you're not going to wash the clothes?
29:05Zavit, you're stealing.
29:12I'm sorry.
29:34It's always like this.
29:36What are you talking about?
29:40When I get to school, I think,
29:42just one more day and that's it.
29:44But when I get to school, it's very different.
29:47As soon as I'm surrounded by all those kids,
29:50I immediately understand that that will become one more year.
29:57Living with kids this small is what adults do.
30:01They're the same.
30:03Sometimes I think I'm not trained.
30:08They make a lot of noise.
30:10Enough to make my head hurt.
30:12Their demands don't end.
30:14They pass it on, saying that studying is very difficult,
30:17that it's a lot of work.
30:20But they're kids.
30:22Yes, I understand.
30:27I think you're right about Yershan.
30:31I think I understand.
30:34He doesn't like his soul.
30:37He never wants to spend time with anyone.
30:40I don't know what happened to him.
30:43And finding out would explain why he's like that now.
30:50Aisha said Yershan was something like a dreamer.
30:56A dreamer?
30:59If you make the effort to know him, it's worth it.
31:05It seems Yershan particularly likes you.
31:10I love them all in the same way.
31:24And Aisha.
31:31You're right about that.
31:34One day becomes a year.
31:51I'm sorry to bother you at this hour.
31:56I'm talking about a contract, Sabit.
31:58The sale of an apartment.
32:01Don't you remember that old lady who arrived in tears?
32:04I saw you standing there listening to her.
32:06You sold the apartment to her son.
32:09And that man stole it.
32:11He stole his mother without any opposition.
32:14Aiman, listen to me, okay?
32:17I'm tired of listening to you.
32:20Who would have thought that I would live in the same house as a thief?
32:24For so long.
32:26You're just like Arkahat.
32:28You're even worse than him.
32:30You're worse.
32:31Aiman, wait.
32:32I've worked for everything I have so far.
32:34You know it better than anyone.
32:36And I had the idea.
32:37I have the idea of ...
32:39Aiman, listen.
32:40What I want is to buy an apartment.
32:43Is that it?
32:44How interesting.
32:46First you tell me about Shinar.
32:48Of the impression he gave you and how incredible it is.
32:51And now you tell me you want to buy an apartment.
32:55Why did you think it wasn't important to tell me?
32:57Aiman, of course I was going to tell you.
32:58Arkahat told me he had a client.
33:00That he already had the references prepared.
33:02He just needed to go with a notary and legalize it.
33:05Didn't you think he was just attracting you to his networks?
33:08His networks?
33:09What networks did you want me to think about?
33:11You were just starting to suspect him at that time.
33:13I didn't pay much attention to Arkahat.
33:16Aiman, please understand.
33:17I never communicate with anyone in the office.
33:19But the percentage of the sale you charged.
33:21Okay, I also asked him.
33:23He said he had to sign the documents and he wasn't going to make it in time.
33:26That I could charge the interest and I owed him a favor.
33:28In that case, I congratulate you.
33:30You owe him something real.
33:32And why wouldn't it be like that?
33:34Now you will pay your debt for the rest of your life.
33:37Is that why you packed all your clothes?
33:40Oh, look at that.
33:42How could you guess that so easily?
33:44Where were those observation powers when I needed them?
33:47Where were they?
33:48How could I know?
33:49I was just thinking about the money.
33:50Money, money.
33:51I needed you to think.
33:52The film doesn't justify the means.
33:54Do you have any idea of the situation I'm in?
33:56Because you were only interested in the money you were going to receive?
33:59I put all my trust in you.
34:01And you didn't even care what I could lose.
34:07Aiman, wait.
34:08I said wait!
34:14This is perfect.
34:16I just finished my article.
34:18I need a cup.
34:22What's wrong?
34:25Abish called me in the afternoon.
34:27Did he?
34:32I need you to get the car ready.
34:34He told me he'd call us as soon as it's ready.
34:37I don't know what happened.
34:44But it sounded like a decision.
34:48Yes, of course.
34:50I knew my words would persuade her.
34:56Of course.
34:59No one else could have done what you did.
35:03What's wrong?
35:05You're the one who does good in the world.
35:11I think you're exaggerating a little.
35:13I'm not the one who's exaggerating.
35:15You don't want to realize anything.
35:19I don't know who Abish's grandmother talked to
35:21after we left her house.
35:23But you're happy to take all the credit.
35:26Of course, you're the one who always does everything.
35:29Don't you get tired of being like this?
35:32Things aren't like that.
35:34Mahabat, what did I do now?
35:37That's exactly what I'm talking about.
35:38You don't realize anything.
35:43Did you find a new client?
35:47And you're not going to believe me, Dad.
35:49I found him outside a school supplies store.
35:55A school supplies store.
35:56And what were you doing there?
35:59Do you want to go back to school?
36:04I don't want to go back to school.
36:07I don't want to go back to school.
36:10Shinar will go to school.
36:11I bought her what she needed to start.
36:15Then tell me.
36:17About what?
36:19Well, what kind of car is it?
36:23About the client.
36:25Tell me.
36:26It's a normal woman.
36:27A client.
36:29And this client left you her car
36:31as if it were nothing?
36:34How did she know you were a mechanic?
36:36Tell me.
36:38The thing is,
36:39she started talking to me in the store.
36:42And then I...
36:44I don't know.
36:45How do I explain it to you?
36:49Yes, I understand what happened.
36:50They talked in the store.
36:52Please continue.
36:53And after that,
36:55right away,
36:57I went to the parking lot.
36:59It was all like a movie.
37:01The girl with the broken car.
37:03And her bet, Salvador Darín.
37:08Then tell me.
37:09Her car...
37:10broke down.
37:12Does she know about engines?
37:14I also asked her that.
37:17Didn't you ask her for her phone number?
37:19Hey, Dad.
37:20Enough of this.
37:22She asked me for mine.
37:25Of course.
37:26If I were in her place,
37:27I would also ask her for her phone number
37:29to the person to whom I left my car.
37:32But well...
37:34I'm glad you didn't get excited.
37:41I had already thought the same.
37:56Aren't you tired?
38:00Do you know what time it is?
38:01Did you see what time it is?
38:02Yes, I saw it.
38:03What time is it?
38:05I don't know.
38:08Tolegen, get up and go to sleep.
38:09Or we'll be late for school tomorrow.
38:11I don't want to sleep.
38:12You've seen enough TV.
38:16We'll take a taxi to school.
38:17They're repairing the car.
38:19I knew it.
38:20Did you break it again?
38:22Why are you talking to me like that?
38:25A machine can break down.
38:26Sometimes it happens.
38:28But how did you break down a car?
38:29Like this?
38:31And well, I was lucky there was a mechanic in the store.
38:35Do you want to hear something funny?
38:37I had to get on a crane today.
38:43Can I not go to Dad's house this weekend?
38:48We already talked about this.
38:50Your dad is going to be very angry with us
38:52if you don't go with him.
38:54Can you do something about it?
38:56First, we're not going to do anything.
38:58Second, your dad misses you a lot.
39:01Stop talking and go to sleep.
39:03Mom, do something.
39:04Your choice is enough.
39:05Go to sleep or we'll be late tomorrow.
39:21Yes, I know it's late.
39:24Are you too busy to talk now?
39:27Take your son to the movies this weekend.
39:31He really wants to see this movie with you.
39:36Just go to the movies with your son, Zulan.
39:38He needs a distraction.
39:39He doesn't care about the presents.
39:40He wants your attention.
39:50Honey, sit down.
39:52Mom, do you want to pick up and wash the dishes?
39:54I can finish this.
39:57With Zavid, honey...
39:58Maybe he didn't think about what he did.
40:03Mom, I know he didn't do it on purpose.
40:06But I just don't understand why he made a sale that wasn't his.
40:11He would never have considered taking money from a stranger.
40:14And now he says he needed the money.
40:17Well, everyone needs money.
40:21Money? I need money.
40:25Is there anything light to eat, Mom?
40:26Hi, sister.
40:28Hi. What's there to eat?
40:31Stand up and look.
40:39Looks like there's nothing.
40:42Why don't you cook something?
40:45Mom, that's funny.
40:47I haven't rested all day because of work.
40:49And what do you see?
40:51Did you get a job?
40:53Mom, why didn't you tell me?
40:54I would have made you a salad.
40:56Your sister works very hard.
40:58Taking pictures for Instagram all day.
41:01Mom, you won't believe this,
41:03but I already have 32 followers on my official account.
41:08Those are very few to receive earnings.
41:12I'm not that behind on this.
41:15I'm the only one who doesn't understand.
41:18Well, Hazel, you're coming to work with me tomorrow.
41:21Mom, what am I going to do there with you?
41:24I work all day.
41:26You're going to see me working and you're going to learn.
41:28I can't.
41:30Tomorrow I'll take pictures for my gym account.
41:32You don't know everything I did
41:34to get permission to enter the facilities.
41:37I don't care.
41:39I gave you your freedom for another day, okay?
41:41I did enough.
41:43The party is over.
41:46Mom, I'm going to go to bed, okay?
41:48Yes, rest.
41:50I don't understand this, Mom.
41:52Is Ayman going to stay in the house today?
41:54I mean, it seems like he is, but...
41:56They had an argument.
41:58Again, Mom?
42:00That savage needs someone to teach him a lesson.
42:05They'll fix it soon.
