FTS 09:30 17-08: Caracas and Beijing consolidate relations

  • 2 weeks ago
FTS 09.30
*New mass jailbreak leaves 11 inmates dead in Haiti.
*Massacre in Zawayda Refugee Camp leaves 15 dead in Palestine.

These and many more stories now!
00:00In Venezuela, the Vice President of the country, Delsi Rodríguez, and the Chinese ambassador,
00:17Lan Hu, met to review the joint agenda and the challenges they are facing.
00:25In Haiti, at least 11 inmates of the St. Mark prison died in a mass jailbreak, the third
00:31so far this year in this country.
00:36And in Palestine, massacres by Israel's genocidal troops continue unabated.
00:40At least 15 people were killed in this Hawaiian refugee camp.
00:49Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:51My name is Belén de los Santos.
00:52I'm from the Tel Acero studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:55To begin with the news, on Friday, the Vice President of Venezuela, Delsi Rodríguez,
00:59and the Chinese ambassador, Lan Hu, met to review the joint agenda and the challenges
01:05they are facing.
01:06According to the executive office, the development of joint relations have been reviewed and
01:11the bonds of friendship have been strengthened.
01:14The representatives of Caracas and Beijing examined recent agreements signed after the
01:18implementation of the Special Economic Zones in the Bolivarian nation that will be destined
01:24to key sectors such as energy, agriculture, and technology.
01:28In recently published figures, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Venezuela put
01:33the commercial exchange with the Asian nation at $4,183 million.
01:45We stay in Venezuela as President Nicolás Maduro heads to the working meeting for the
01:50Comunal Consultation to be held on August 25th to strengthen democracy and national
01:56From the Medio Flores Palace, the President informed that next August 25th, popular elections
02:01will be held in the country in more than 4,505 communal circuits that include and group together
02:09more than 49,000 communal councils.
02:12In this sense, the Venezuelan state reiterated that with the passage of the homeland, a new
02:17direct socialist democratic phase will be entered where the people will have the option
02:23to elect without interventionist attempts of foreign nations.
02:27Also, the President Nicolás Maduro assured that the United States wants to interfere
02:31in Venezuela's internal affairs when it is not capable of solving its own social and
02:37political problems.
02:42And more on Venezuela, the President of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of
02:46the country, Carizlia Rodríguez, announced that they have started a technical analysis
02:50of all the electoral material related to the elections of July 28th.
02:55Rodríguez informed that the National Electoral Council has provided all the digital and physical
02:59electoral material for the investigation process.
03:03Likewise, she pointed out that the investigation will be carried out by the best technical
03:08and specialized team until the High Court gathers the necessary evidence to certify
03:14the decision of the Venezuelan people.
03:17In addition, Rodríguez reiterated the commitment of the judiciary to impart justice in the
03:22face of the cybernetic coup of the global ultra-right denounced by the re-elected President
03:28Nicolás Maduro.
03:34And also in Venezuela, social and territorial leaders are collaborating in the public debate
03:39of the law against fascism and neo-fascism, based on their own experiences of siege and
03:45threats suffered.
03:46Let's see the details with our correspondent Leonel Retamal.
03:50In Guatire, a city located west of Caracas, social leaders were harassed and persecuted
03:58in the days following the rejection of the election results by the extremist opposition.
04:06It fills us with great sadness to see our neighbors with whom we walk day by day, with
04:11whom we have been working, to whom we have offered a helping hand, a hand of solidarity.
04:17And it fills us with deep sadness and pain to see our own lifelong neighbors besieging
04:22us in our own homes, shouting at us a terrible word, cursing us.
04:28So yes, that fills us with sadness to see such manifestations of hatred in our neighbors.
04:36These types of testimonies about violence are being compiled to contribute to the law being
04:40discussed by the Venezuelan Parliament against fascism.
04:44We will be attending to this consultation throughout today, and we will be listening
04:51to the proposals, systematizing them in order to present the report on Monday before the
04:55Domestic Policy Committee of the National Assembly.
05:00All those who have direct responsibility in the sieges, in the outrages, to all of us,
05:05the sovereign people, let them be guilty and let them assume their responsibility.
05:11The Venezuelan Prosecutor's Office has been investigating the acts of violence from the outset.
05:15They have focused on arresting those responsible for the street violence and are now following
05:19the trail of masterminds.
05:21Several accusations obtained linked leaders of the Venezuelan right wing with prison inmates,
05:25regional mafias and repeat offenders, such as these criminals held in Venezuelan prisons.
05:35And the third mission, to take people into the streets, to take the boys into the streets
05:39with guns, with whatever, to shoot them and face the National Guard, the police, and that
05:45everything was going to pay for it, financed by them, by him, by Maria Corina's team,
05:51by Leopoldo, that the money was there, that he could have the money and that he seek to
05:56get people where they could get them.
06:00The Prosecutor's Office seeks to change the crimes of terrorism and homicide following
06:04the post-election violence.
06:08The 25 people killed were at the hands of these type of criminal offenders who are detained
06:13in almost all the debts attributable to these murderers and they will pay the maximum penalty
06:19without a doubt.
06:23Investigations are ongoing on further arrests and announcements.
06:26Investigations are ongoing on further arrests and announcements are expected in the coming weeks.
06:34We now move on to other topics.
06:36In Peru, several social and human rights organizations demonstrated in rejection of the government's
06:41announcements to merge the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations.
06:45Social and human rights organizations held a sit-in on Thursday to reject the government's
06:50announcements to merge the Ministry of Women with the one with Vulnerable Populations with
06:55the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion.
06:58For these organizations, the merger would be an attack against the rights of children,
07:03women and vulnerable populations.
07:05In this sense, they reject their governmental announcement because if it is implemented,
07:10it could neglect sensitive and critical issues such as violence against women.
07:15In this regard, according to the state program Aurora, up to May of this year, 7,776 girls
07:24and adolescents have been victims of sexual violence.
07:32In principle, it is a very bad measure of state reform because a government that has
07:365% of the approval could not carry out a process of state reform.
07:40This would mean for us women the disappearance or reduction of the budgets.
07:44They are very small.
07:46It would mean that the governing body that at this moment is the Ministry of Women and
07:50is in charge of placing or transversalizing the equality policies at each one of the sectors
07:54at government levels.
07:56This would also mean that each sector would do whatever it wants and each level of government
08:01as well.
08:02And this would mean a setback in terms of the progress we have been making.
08:05But it also has to do with the second article of the constitution that mandates the right
08:10to equality between the sexes.
08:12And this is not fulfilled in this country.
08:15We always say that what is not named does not exist.
08:19We do not consider that Dina Boluarte has any legitimacy in the country to make a reform
08:24of the state and dissolve ministries such as the Ministry of Women, Mines, Production,
08:29Foreign Trade and create the Ministry of Infrastructure, which I call the Ministry of Iron, Seed and
08:34Nail, which in reality should be called only the Ministry of the Nail.
08:45Now let's take a short break.
08:46But remember you can join us on TikTok at TELUS or English where you will find news
08:50in different formats, news updates and much more.
09:00Stay with us.
09:08Welcome back to From the South.
09:09In Haiti, at least 11 inmates of the St. Mark prison died in a mass jailbreak, the third
09:15so far this year in this country.
09:18Human rights organizations suggest that a riot promoted by the guards of this prison,
09:22some 100 kilometers from Port-au-Prince, the capital of the country, was the origin of
09:27this new massacre.
09:28The police have limited themselves to confirming the number of deaths and that the events took
09:33place around 6 a.m.
09:35Some of the escapees were recaptured in the town of Aracay, where the population apparently
09:41cooperated with the uniformed.
09:44Haitian prisons are severely overcrowded and suffer from a severe lack of water and food,
09:51as well as the most basic hygienic conditions.
09:59In Colombia, delegates from the nine countries that make up the indigenous peoples of the
10:04Amazon Basin met in the capital to establish criteria and commitments to protect biodiversity
10:10in their territories and communities in preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference to be
10:15held in Cali.
10:16Our correspondent Hernan Tovar has the details.
10:18Let's see.
10:24In the Colombian capital, the indigenous people belonging to the Amazon Basin held the first
10:29international meeting of native people on the road to CBD.
10:33Nine delegates from the countries that make up this region and their representatives from
10:37Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and Peru, as well as state
10:41entities from the host country, were present.
10:51We talk about the expansion of indigenous reserves, that legal security to maintain
10:56the balance of nature.
10:58There are some very important issues of direct funding for indigenous people, who care for
11:03and protect the territory to be able to talk about biodiversity at the national, international
11:08and global level.
11:10There are some bets that are going to order to protect the territory, protect the environment
11:15and protect biodiversity.
11:18Native people are key to the protection of biodiversity and the fight to combat climate
11:23change and preserve the ecological balance in the plain.
11:26The Amazon Basin alone is home to more than 500 indigenous people who are in permanent
11:31struggle for the preservation of the so-called lungs of the world, which is why it is necessary
11:37for them to be heard and participate in social, ecological and climate policies.
11:42For us, my people and other peoples of the Amazon, we are aware of our contributions,
11:48but many times the states and the governments do not recognize these types of contributions,
11:53that for millennia, with our knowledge, our connectivity with Mother Earth, with nature,
11:58we have contributed to the preservation of the Amazon Basin and the protection of the
12:03We do not recognize these types of contributions, that for millennia, with our knowledge, our
12:08connectivity with Mother Earth, with nature, we have contributed and that is one of the
12:13strong demands of these great dialogues at the global level.
12:17But we must never lose sight of the right to life, human rights, the rights of indigenous
12:22people are not negotiable.
12:33Spaces such as these serve to promote environmental protection policies.
12:37They also serve to reflect on the conditions of indigenous people, historical victims of
12:42violence and colonialism.
12:47Colonialism still exists, but in another form.
12:51It is now the transnational companies that have many important resources and are installed
12:56in a territory from one day to another and already have the legal security that the peoples
13:00have been demanding for more than 20 years.
13:03A situation so complicated and difficult, but also we indigenous people have always
13:08said we are not against the development of private companies as long as they respect
13:13the collective rights of indigenous people.
13:21Representatives of the native people of the Amazon Basin sign an agreement that will be
13:26taken to the largest biodiversity conference, CBD COP16, to be held next October in Colombia,
13:33bringing their proposals for the protection and defense of the biodiverse territories
13:37and lungs of the world.
13:42We now move on to other topics.
13:43On Saturday, Indonesia held Independence Day celebrations in Nusantara, a future capital
13:49that will replace sinking and polluted Jakarta.
13:53Indonesia declared independence in 1945 after more than three centuries of Dutch rule and
13:59at the end of Japanese occupation during World War II.
14:02This year's celebration were the first official act to be held in Nusantara and included a
14:09prayer, a military parade and the attendance of President Joko Widodo, his successor Prabowo
14:15Subianto, who will take office in October as well as cabinet ministers and military
14:21brass in an effort to reassure potential investors about the viability of the $32 billion project.
14:35The new capital was due to be inaugurated on Indonesia's Independence Day but construction
14:40has been delayed.
14:41Environmentalists have also warned against building a metropolis in one of the world's
14:47largest tracts of rainforest, home to orangutans, long-nosed monkeys and clouded leopards.
14:56Nusantara is being carved out of dense jungle in Borneo, home to the Samboja Lestari Orangutan
15:03Rehabilitation Center.
15:04The government has promised not to move the sanctuary and the foundation that runs it,
15:09says it will continue to manage the site despite concerns about potential environmental damage
15:14from rapid urban development.
15:21And Hong Kong celebrated the birth of its first giant panda twins on August 15th, delivered
15:27by Ying Ying, who became the oldest panda to give birth for the first time at nearly
15:3319 years old.
15:35The cubs, a male and a female, were born after a five-month pregnancy, with the female weighing
15:41122 grams and the male 112 grams.
15:44This event is significant as giant pandas are notoriously difficult to breed and Ying Ying
15:49had previously struggled with pregnancy.
15:51The twins are currently receiving round-the-clock care due to their delicate condition.
15:58Hong Kong's chief executive John Lee remarked on the special occasion coinciding with the
16:0375th anniversary of the People's Republic of China.
16:06Another pair of pandas is expected to arrive in Hong Kong next month.
16:17And we have a second short break coming up but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
16:21channel at Glisser English.
16:22There you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings and more.
16:27Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
16:31world's most recent events.
16:34Final short break, don't go away.
16:36Welcome back from the south.
17:03In Palestine, massacres by genocidal Israeli troops continue.
17:07At least 15 people were killed in the Saweda refugee camp.
17:10The Sienese troops bombed tents full of people, most of them hungry and thirsty women and
17:17The Israeli fighter planes launched three attacks to the surrounding of the camps, where
17:21the Palestinians, that they themselves had this place there with the promise that it
17:26was a safe area, are taking refuge.
17:29These attacks in the center of Gaza, in addition to new orders for massive evacuations in the
17:34north and south of the Palestinian enclave, are taking place while the so-called international
17:40community is concentrating its hopes on a ceasefire.
17:48And more on Palestine.
17:49The Hamas movement denounced Israel for involving the United States in the confrontation with
17:56The head of foreign relations of the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, Bassem Naim, warned
18:01that Israel is looking for the United States to fight on its side in a confrontation with
18:06Iran after Washington deployed significant military forces in the Middle East to defend
18:12In turn, he pointed out that the head of the Israeli government plans to continue escalating
18:17the situation in the region, particularly in the Gaza Strip, until the next presidential
18:22elections in the United States that are scheduled for November 5th.
18:32And the United Nations organization demanded a seven-day humanitarian ceasefire to manage
18:37the polio crisis and vaccinate children in Gaza against the disease.
18:41The World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund renewed Friday their
18:45call for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip for seven days to allow the launch of
18:51a mass polio vaccination campaign scheduled for late August and early September.
18:55The campaign aims to vaccinate 640,000 children under the age of 10 against type 2 polio,
19:02according to a statement issued by the two international organizations.
19:06They announced their demand to carry out the vaccination campaign after finding samples
19:11of polio, which can cause paralysis in the sewage of Gaza, and after several children
19:17showed symptoms compatible with the infectious disease.
19:27In the Middle East, the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas rejected the new conditions
19:31for a proposal presented by Israel after a day of negotiations that was held in Qatar.
19:37In an official statement, Hamas defended a complete ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the
19:41withdrawal of Israeli troops from the enclave, as well as a regular return of the displaced
19:46and an unrestricted prisoner exchange agreement.
19:49This is in addition to the statements on Thursday where Hamas refused to participate in the
19:54negotiations and reported that they would remain in protest after the assassination
19:58by Israel of his chief negotiator in late July.
20:03In addition, it is important to point out that the negotiation comes when the number
20:08of Palestinians killed in the Zionist escalation against Gaza has already exceeded 40,000.
20:20Meanwhile in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, thousands of citizens demonstrated in the streets in
20:25support of the Palestinian people.
20:27During the day, demonstrators condemned the genocidal acts of Israel against the Palestinian
20:31territory and the increasing escalation of tensions in the region.
20:35The mobilizations also extended to different squares nationwide and showed their support
20:41to the struggle of the Palestinian resistance movements.
20:49And we have come to the end of this news brief.
20:51You can find these and many other stories on our website at SalazarEnglish.net.
20:55And also join us on social media.
20:57We are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and also on TikTok.
21:02For Salazar English, my name is Belen De Los Santos.
