• 2 months ago
FTS 20.30
*Cuba commemorates Fidel Castro's 98th birth anniversary.
*Russia and Palestine join efforts for a ceasefire and to provide aid to Gaza.


These and more stories now!


00:00In Venezuela, representative of the Vatican, Apostolic Nuncio Monseñor Alberto Ortega
00:16MartĂ­n, handed over the credential letters to constitutional president NicolĂĄs Maduro.
00:24In Cuba and around the world, people pay homage to Commander-in-Chief Fidel Casas
00:29Ruz on his 98th birth anniversary.
00:36And Russia and Palestine assess the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the
00:40humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.
00:50Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra GarcĂ­a from Telesur Studios in
00:54Havana, Cuba.
00:55We begin with the news.
00:56In Venezuela, the Vatican representative, Apostolic Nuncio Monseñor Alberto Ortega
01:01MartĂ­n, handed over the credential letters to constitutional president NicolĂĄs Maduro.
01:06In a historic act, both authorities shook hands as a symbol of peace and as a symbol
01:11of the recognition of the Holy See to the constitutional government of President NicolĂĄs
01:16Maduro, and also as a proof of the historical relationship of mutual respect between the
01:21Vatican State and Venezuela.
01:27In Venezuela, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge RodrĂ­guez, denounced the
01:31dissemination of false information by different agencies and media, which have caused violent
01:36scenarios in the country.
01:37During an ordinary session of the National Assembly, the Parliament held the second discussion
01:43of the Bill for the Legalization, Regularization, Functioning and Financing of Non-Governmental
01:49Organizations and Related Non-Profit Social Organizations, in addition to reiterating
01:54the denunciation against the extremist sectors of the Venezuelan right wing.
01:59In this regard, the president of the National Assembly repudiated the position of different
02:04national and international media, as well as organizations that have tried to deceive
02:10the population through the dissemination of false information promoting scenarios of violence
02:14in the country.
02:21The president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge RodrĂ­guez, announced that
02:25the Parliament proposed the past laws that ensure the election results are respected.
02:32Parliament proposed to approve a package of laws that accompany the actions of the national
02:39executive and the ex-prosecutor's office to respect, to make the results of the election
02:45respected and with the objective to defend the citizens in the country.
02:53Jorge RodrĂ­guez also emphasized that Venezuela's electoral laws must be reformed so that no
02:58foreign can take control of anything that has to do with elections in Venezuela.
03:04I propose and I think that we do a reform, make a reform of the electoral laws of Venezuela
03:12so that never, ever any foreigner come here to do anything here with anything that deals
03:19with the Venezuelan elections.
03:25On Monday, Venezuelan President NicolĂĄs Maduro signed a decree to create a National Cyber
03:29Security Council to deal with cyber attacks in the country.
03:33During the defense and state council that took place on the same day with members of
03:38the military high command and the executive cabinet, the head of state said that the measure
03:43seeks to warranty the liberation and protection of all the country's technological command
03:48He added that all the institutions, public and private, must be freed and vaccinated
03:53against cybernetic warfare.
03:56In the same session, Jorge RodrĂ­guez, President of the National Assembly, said that the parliament
04:01will discuss a package of reforms to regulate the use of social networks in the country
04:06as a measure that is also advancing in other nations of the world.
04:14The Venezuelan President NicolĂĄs Maduro stated that his government is a defender of the United
04:19Nations Charter.
04:22We are persevering defenders of the United Nations Charter and we believe in the United
04:26Nations system, but a United Nations system that upholds international law, the right
04:32of the people, the right to peace, the right to independence, not interventionism.
04:40Also the Executive Vice President of Venezuela denounced that the acts of vandalism that
04:44took place in the country after the presidential elections were a consequence of the irresponsible
04:49calls of the opposition MarĂ­a Corina Machado and the former presidential candidate Edmundo
05:00The events that took place as a result of a responsible and violent call of the violent
05:04activist MarĂ­a Corina Machado and that of the former candidate Edmundo GonzĂĄlez Urrutia
05:09resulted in crimes against the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and
05:13the violation of fundamental rights of Venezuelans, such as the right to life, the right to personal
05:18integrity, the right to property and the right to diversity, which constitutes, as stated
05:23by the Attorney General of the Republic, hate crimes that were also committed on July 29,
05:2931 and 2 of August in joint work with the Prosecutor's General Office.
05:35We have as a balance of lethal victims, fatalities, 22 people whose cases have been totally substantiated.
05:49In addition, the Attorney General of Venezuela pointed out the seriousness of the hate crimes
05:54committed against the people of Venezuela by persecuting and attacking citizens for
05:59their political orientation in favor of chavismo.
06:08Not only the crime or instigation to a hate crime, but the hate crime that is the materialization
06:13of a murder.
06:14Of course, when a person attacks another person motivated exclusively by their membership
06:19or a particular social group, are violent behaviors motivated by the prejudice towards
06:25the person by their sex, race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, socioeconomic level,
06:31nationality, ideology or political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation.
06:36In the Venezuelan case was strictly to persecute and seek to exterminate chavismo.
06:41There is no doubt that it is a hate crime in fusion of attacking and seeking to exterminate
06:45people because of their political orientation.
06:52On Monday, Foreign Minister of Venezuela IvĂĄn Gil rejected the statements of the White House's
06:57spokesperson Karin Yanpierre, in which she granted that the alleged study sheets published
07:02by the far-right are true.
07:04The foreign minister assured that the coup operation, planned and directed from the US,
07:09has no limits.
07:10Now, Karin Yanpierre, spokesperson for the White House, proclaims herself electoral authority
07:16in Venezuela.
07:17The reality is that all her answers obey well-paid lobbies.
07:21All the questions and comments in the pantomime of the press briefing are paid off, framed
07:26in the great conspiracy against Venezuela.
07:29All Venezuelans wonder who is paying for this.
07:32Which dark funds are financing this operation, replied Mr. Yanpierre.
07:41Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok and tell us in English
07:45where you will find news in different formats, news updates and more.
07:48We'll be right back, stay with us.
07:56Welcome back.
07:58On Tuesday, August 13th, people around the world pay homage to Commander-in-Chief Fidel
08:02Castro Ruz on his 98th birth anniversary.
08:06In Cuba, citizens carry out different activities to honour Fidel Castro's work and legacy.
08:10Early in the morning, people from across the country gathered at the Santa Eugenia Cemetery
08:16to lay a wreath of flowers to the grave where Fidel's ashes rest.
08:20In the other parts of the world, citizens also pay tribute to Fidel's actions in the
08:24fight for a more equal and peaceful world.
08:27In China, Fidel's contributions to biotechnology were acknowledged.
08:31The Union of Cuban Presidents in Argentina highlighted the example of the historic leader
08:36of the revolution and have been carrying out different activities since Sunday to honour
08:41the day.
08:42Celebrations alike were also held in other areas such as Russia, Nicaragua, Bolivia,
08:47Vietnam and many others.
08:53The historic leader of the Cuban revolution was an advocate of Latin American integration
08:57to confront imperialism.
08:59As faith to his view, we invite you to listen to a fragment of a speech by Fidel Castro
09:04during his visit to Caracas on January 23rd, 1959.
09:29We have to tighten the ties of people to people more and more, and that is why I have come to Venezuela,
09:36to bring a message not of caste or group, but a message of people to people.
09:51In Uruguay, the fuel plant La Tablada is paralysed by a protest of the Union of the Public Company
09:57and CAP.
09:59The Union decided to go on strike three times this week, in the context of the conflict
10:03with UNCAP over the handover of the aviation fuel plant of DAT, the Carrasco airport, and
10:09the relocation of its workers.
10:11La Tablada is the main distributor of fuel for DAT company since it delivers almost 85%
10:17of the products that are produced in La Teja refinery.
10:21The measure implies that there will be no fuel deliveries during the whole day, in the
10:25second of three days of stoppage decided by the company's union.
10:33A recent study revealed that more than 70% of the Argentinian population lives in poverty.
10:39According to survey data, during the eight months of Javier Millet's government, Argentinians
10:44face some kind of poverty.
10:46The information warns that the majority of the population is poor, while the middle class
10:51has been reduced and barely exists.
10:54This is in context of inflation, privatization and reform implemented by the liberal government,
10:59which has been denounced by the Argentinian workers, because in their opinion it benefits
11:03the private sector at the expense of the people.
11:13The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, warned about the situation of poverty in Argentina,
11:18pointing out that more than one million children go to sleep without eating.
11:23The organization's report states that more than one million children had to skip one
11:28meal a day due to lack of money and that 90% of the households stopped buying milk, meat
11:34and other dairy products.
11:36According to a study published by the organization, more than seven million children live in monetary
11:43poverty, due to price increases and economic recession, which makes it difficult for millions
11:48of households to generate income.
12:06In the Caribbean, tropical storm Ernesto advances through the Lesser Antilles, causing heavy
12:12Authorities on the islands remain under a tropical storm warning as Ernesto advances
12:16towards Puerto Rico, where it is expected to arrive during the night.
12:21Weather authorities warn that Ernesto presents maximum sustained winds of up to 72 km per
12:26hour and is moving at 30 km per hour.
12:30According to reports, the storm has left heavy rainfall as it moves through the region.
12:35Despite this, experts expect the storm to slow down before turning northward and moving
12:41across the western Atlantic.
12:47On Tuesday, a cutting-edge bioproject was disclosed in which beetles play the main role
12:53by eating up all bio-waste in Colombian highlands.
12:56Piles of organic garbage are edible for larvae of the enormous rhinoceros beetle, so it is
13:03turned into an effective pollution controller.
13:07In addition, the larvae poop is gathered and sold as fertilizers, and when the beetles
13:12reach adulthood, they are sold as pets to nations as Japan.
13:17Engineer German Viasus said that his facility in Tonja City gets weekly about 50 tons of
13:23waste generated by some 40,000 inhabitants of neighboring municipalities.
13:29That waste is stocked up as food for the voracious larvae, which can grow to the length of a
13:34human hand.
13:36Engineer Viasus shared his regards about the environmental project he runs.
13:46We should aim to preserve beetles because they are responsible for breaking down all
13:50the organic waste produced by humanity today.
13:53A country like Colombia produces over 33,000 tons of waste every 24 hours, and by utilizing
13:59beetles, we could potentially have the fertilizer our farmers need at a low cost without harming
14:04human health.
14:07We only have received 15 tons per week from municipalities like Arquebuco, Serraca, Genesano
14:13and Samaca, where the waste comes from households.
14:16We work with school children from grades 6 to 9, who ensure that people and their families
14:21provide us with waste that is strictly organic, without any other products.
14:27We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
14:31channel at Telesur English, there you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
14:36special broadcasting and more.
14:38Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
14:42world's most recent events.
14:44Final short break, don't go away.
14:53President Vladimir Putin assured that Russia is keeping abreast of the events in the Gaza
14:58Strip due to the country's deep ties with the Middle Eastern region.
15:02What is happening in the Middle East, what is happening in Palestine, of course, does
15:07not go unnoticed on our part.
15:10We have very long-standing, deep ties with the Arab world in general, with Palestine
15:14in particular, and we value this very much.
15:17And, of course, we are watching with great pain and anxiety the humanitarian catastrophe
15:23that has unfolded in Palestine.
15:26During his visit to Russia, the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas demanded an end to
15:31the fighting in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.
15:36We are patient, steadfast in our land and we demand a halt to the fighting, the provision
15:40of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and their non-displacement.
15:45We will not allow and will not accept, with you with us, the displacement of the Palestinian
15:50people from the West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem abroad, as happened in 1948.
15:57The tragedy of 1948 and the tragedy of 1967 will not be repeated, Allah willing.
16:04The Palestinian President also reiterated his support to Russia in the face of the security
16:09crisis in the Russian-bordered territories.
16:13We are with you in what you are suffering from in these days of security crises and
16:17others here and there, supported by here and there.
16:21We stand with the Russian Federation without the slightest doubt.
16:27So far in 2024, Russian security forces have foiled more than 110 terrorist attacks perpetrated
16:33by Ukrainian forces against civilians on the territory of the Russian Federation.
16:37The National Anti-Terrorist Committee confirmed that the terrorist attacks against Moscow
16:42involved citizens recruited by Kiev forces.
16:45In this sense, authorities pointed out that more than 1,000 people were detained for involvement
16:50in the terrorist activity and 45 violent groups were dismantled.
16:55The Committee stressed that Russia is devoting special attention to improving the effectiveness
17:00of anti-terrorist measures given the ongoing attacks against the civilian population in
17:05the Russian region's border in Ukraine.
17:12On Tuesday, an 18-year-old teenager armed with an axe and a knife stabbed five people
17:18in a cafeteria in Echekhir, Turkish city.
17:21The adolescent, reportedly identified as Arda Aki, used a mask and a bulletproof jacket,
17:28imitating the clothes of a video game.
17:31An Adolescent Agency photo reported that the five injured were transferred to a hospital
17:36and two of them are in serious condition.
17:38Meanwhile, the Turkish Minister of Justice, Yilmaz Tunç, revealed that the Prosecutor's
17:43Office of the city will open an investigation on the case.
17:47In addition, Hurriyet Daly referred that the defendant is disseminated live the attack
17:53on social media, calling the incident vital.
17:57A resident of the Mohammadpur went to court to file criminal charges against the former
18:04Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, for the wave of violence of the riots.
18:09The Prime Minister resigned and left the country while violence and tensions rised on the streets.
18:15Therefore, a citizen resorted to justice to denounce the murder of the owner of a grocery
18:20store with whom he has a family relationship.
18:24The victim was killed by an armed attack.
18:26Besides Prime Minister Hasina, the Secretary-General of the Awami League Party, the former Home
18:31Minister and Inspector General of the Police are further being accused.
18:37This is the first case opened before the Bangladesh judiciary against the former Prime Minister
18:41who moved to India on August 5 this year.
18:44On Monday evening, five-time Olympic champion Mijain Lopez highlighted athletes' commitment
19:06to the Cuban people and commemoration of Fidel Castro's birth anniversary.
19:14With our Inder President's permission, I told him I wasn't willing to read a communiqué,
19:20as I want to say from the bottom of my heart what I feel for my country, for my people
19:24who loves me.
19:31We are already at home, all the athletes who went with a unique mission that of fighting
19:35for our medals to reaffirm we are the best in the world.
19:44And we are happy to get here and represent our people, today, tomorrow and ever.
19:48I won my fifth medal, I am retiring, but I will work on our continuity, so that all our
19:52Cuban athletes continue fighting for victory and continue giving joy to our Cuban people.
19:57So I ask for a round of applause on behalf of the birth anniversary of our undefeated
20:01commander-in-chief Fidel Castro-Ruths.
20:06We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
20:10on our website at telesorienglish.net.
20:13And join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok as well.
20:17For TELUSorienglish, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
