FTS 12:30 24-08 Venezuela rejects foreign interference

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00:00In Venezuela, the government announced the interference of some administrations in the
00:14regions against the sovereignty and independence of the Venezuelan people.
00:20In Palestine, Israeli forces killed 69 Palestinian civilians in five new massacres as the Zionist
00:26regime escalates its genocidal war in Gaza.
00:32And in Russia, the government recorded 115 soldiers captured by Ukrainian forces during
00:36the incursion into the Kursk province.
00:43Hello and welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesus Studios in Havana,
00:49We begin with the news.
00:50The government of Venezuela announced the interference of some administrations in the
00:53region against the sovereignty and independence of the Venezuelan people.
00:57This statement responds to the joint statement of 11 nations that expressed their disagreement
01:02with the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela, which certified the
01:06results of the July 28 presidential elections.
01:08Previously, the 11 governments said they were unaware of the electoral process and the validity
01:13of the National Electoral Council's declaration.
01:15In this regard, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Iván Gil released a text of the memorandum
01:19that rejects the attempts of these nations to violate international law.
01:29The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects in the strongest terms the rude and insolent
01:34communiqués of the governments of Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, United States,
01:47Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay, who emulating the infamous,
02:02failed and defeated Lima Group, pretend to continue violating international law, committing
02:07an unacceptable act of interference in matters that only concern Venezuelans.
02:19These governments, with their positions, endorse and become accomplices of the criminal violence
02:25that attacked health centers, schools, universities, transportation, national symbols and left
02:34a balance of murdered and wounded with the use of transnational criminal gangs hired
02:39for that purpose.
02:42President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro pointed out that the right-wing in the region wants
02:46to re-establish the Lima Group.
02:51These right-wing governments that pretend to revitalize and defend the Lima Group come
02:57out to defend the delinquents.
03:00These governments of the new Lima Group, to say that we are persecuting, that there is
03:06political persecution, what do you do with people who go out and burn and destroy a subway
03:14They are rewarded or are they decorated?
03:19Justice is what the people want, severe justice, and there will be justice against all those
03:26intellectually and materially responsible for the criminal assault that was attempted
03:31in Venezuela on July 29, 30 and 31.
03:38President Nicolás Maduro also condemned all those Miami influencers in the United States
03:42who followed the orders of the author right-wing to assassinate the Venezuelan people during
03:46the protests of July 29.
03:51Because we the Chavez and Bolivarians respect the rest of the Venezuelans, and we have never
03:57called to kill anyone by TikTok, as the influencers of Miami called to kill.
04:06In turn, Venezuela's executive vice president, José Rodríguez, announced presidential candidate
04:11Edmundo González and former congresswoman María Corina Machado for calling the so-called
04:15war in bus, which caused the death of more than 20 people.
04:23González Urrutia and María Corina Machado for the deaths we had, more than two dozens
04:28we had in those days after the election of July 28, they are responsible and they have
04:35to pay in front of justice, because they went against our National Guard officers, against
04:41our Bolivarian National Police, against our State and Municipal Police.
04:46They went straight to attack them, to assassinate them.
04:50They have to pay.
04:51If they think they are so and so supported by the United States, well, come out, show
04:59your faces, present yourself to the justice as it corresponds, as it corresponds.
05:05In this context, the member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America
05:08People's Trade Treaty welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela
05:12in which they ratified the electoral victory of Nicolás Maduro.
05:16Through a statement, al-Batisti pleaded stated that it applauds the important work of the
05:20Supreme Court of Justice, which certified and endorsed the results issued by the National
05:24Electoral Council and has demonstrated that it is closely committed to the responsibility
05:28of guaranteeing peace and tranquility to the Venezuelan people.
05:31They also indicated that this decision of the highest court of this nation is an indisputable
05:36demonstration of Venezuelan institutionality, guaranteeing the Venezuelan people the full
05:41exercise of their sovereignty and self-determination.
05:44They ended the statement by stating that the Bolivarian Alliance reiterates its support
05:48of the Venezuelan people and government, applauds the worthy example of sovereignty without
05:54interference of any kind and celebrates the unobjectionable victory of President Nicolás
06:03For its part, Chilean observers participating in Venezuela's presidential elections condemned
06:08President Boric's interference in Venezuelan internal affairs.
06:12The international observers delivered a letter addressed to President Gariboriz where they
06:15expressed their rejection of the declarations of the Chilean president, qualifying them
06:19as a serious interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country.
06:23They also pointed out that the president's position towards Venezuela is aligned with
06:27the belligerent and interfering position of the government of the United States and its
06:30allies of the European Union.
06:32They also assured that they had witnessed a legitimate and democratic electoral process
06:36in Venezuela which gave victory to Nicolás Maduro and urged President Boric to respect
06:41the sovereignty decision of the Venezuelan people in accordance with its constitutional
06:45order and its institutions.
06:52Venezuela is undoubtedly the country that holds the most elections in the world.
06:55Election day is again expected this weekend.
06:58Venezuelans will vote on Sunday 25th, this time for the most relevant projects for their
07:02More details of this process are corresponding to Diana Ciboli.
07:09The weather caused a small delay.
07:11They entered with a proposal in hand.
07:16In this assembly, each representative of the more than 6,000 families in the area presents
07:21anarchists about the project their community needs.
07:26It was agreed that the ones with most problems are the garbage downspouts.
07:30It's the communal organization promoted by Chavism open to all neighbors looking for
07:36a better quality of life.
07:38It gave me the opportunity to socialize, to make many friends, to go there, to get involved
07:44in solving problems, to communicate, to have more meetings with my communities, with my
07:50They suggest repairing the elevators of their buildings, their water tanks, the construction
07:58of containing wells to stop flooding.
08:00It's a debate to reach an agreement.
08:04Majority wins, yes or no.
08:07Finally, on the white board, they write 12 points to reform.
08:12Voting is open and seven remain.
08:15Activities like this take place all over the country.
08:21Here the people's power is such as being activated for the whole process of the sense of belonging
08:25to their territories.
08:27Capital is being directed to the people, and the organized people themselves execute their
08:33What is decided on each communal conclave is informed to each inhabitant in their localities,
08:41but not by social networks or email, or by text message.
08:45They hang on the walls to non-talkers.
08:47Yes, because then if they're put in the bodeguita, in the corner of the man who sells hot dogs,
08:56people are looking.
08:57It's the little piece of paper.
08:58If I'm not there, it's the little piece of paper that talks.
09:02More than 100,000 projects discussed in the assemblies will be voted in the second popular
09:08consultation of this year with logistical support from the electoral power, but it will
09:13be with manual suffrage.
09:17What a strange dictatorship we have in Venezuela, where we are always going from one election
09:21to another.
09:22This is for the world to see that here in Venezuela the people rule, that here we truly
09:26decide to be free and sovereign.
09:29A total of 4,506 social initiatives will be selected at the polls next Sunday in the South
09:36American country.
09:37Adriana Sibori and JesĂşs Romero, Telesur.
09:40Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Telesur English,
09:45where you'll find news in different formats, updates, and much more.
09:53Stay with us.
10:07Welcome back.
10:28In the last 24 hours, the Israeli occupation army committed five new massacres in residential
10:32areas in the Gaza Strip, resulting in the killing of at least 69 civilians.
10:37According to medical sources, these actions also left 212 wounded, however, they warned
10:42that both figures could be even higher, since many of the victims of these attacks are trapped
10:47under the rubble of the infrastructures that were affected by the bombings.
10:50This is due to Israel's impediments to the entry of ambulances and civil defense teams
10:55into the bombed areas.
10:57According to the most recent health report, 40,334 Palestinians have been killed and over
11:031,356 have been injured since October 2023, when the Israeli war against the Gaza Strip
11:16Palestinian humanitarian crisis worsens amid Israel's genocide.
11:20The authorities of a Gaza hospital warned that they will stop working for lack of fuel
11:24to generate electricity.
11:26Kamal Adwan Hospital in the north of the coastal enclave is facing a health catastrophe and
11:30could cease to provide care in the coming hours due to flu shortages caused by the siege
11:34and the Israeli blockade, compounded by the large influx of wounded, the lack of medical
11:39supplies and personnel.
11:41They warned that infants in incubators are at risk of death, plus seven cases in ICU.
11:45According to the Ministry of Health, the Israeli aggression has resulted in the destruction
11:49of more than 80% of the health infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, and most of the hospitals
11:54are out of service.
11:59The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that about 90% of the Gaza
12:03Strip's population has been displaced since the start of the Israeli invasion in October
12:09According to the agency, there is currently no safe place inside the territory, and displaced
12:13Gazans are confined to an area that constitutes only a tenth of the total space of the Strip
12:18in the midst of a war that has caused more than 133,000 victims, including killed and
12:24wounded, most of them children and women.
12:30On the other hand, the Gaza Ministry of Health stated that the vaccination plan includes
12:34the training of health teams, the definition of a vaccination center, and the closing of
12:39staff training in assistance with the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian
12:43Refugees in the Near East, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children's
12:47Fund, and other local and international organizations.
12:50The ministry took the initiative due to a confirmed case of polio in the war-torn region
12:55and aims to stop the spread of the virus.
13:02In other news, in Peru, teachers began a nationwide hunger strike to protest against the crisis
13:07in the educational system and to demand better conditions for teachers.
13:11In a tent in downtown Lima, at least 12 teachers set up mattresses and lay down side by side
13:15as they began their strike.
13:17The strike was called by the Peruvian Unitary Syndicate of Education Workers, which announced
13:21a non-fulfillment of the demands made to the Ministries of Education and Economy, requesting
13:25a salary increase of 500 soles for the year 2025 and better economic bonuses for teachers
13:32in rural and border areas.
13:33The teachers warned the government that if their demands are not met, the strike will
13:37be extended indefinitely throughout the country.
13:45We observe that education is, more than anything else, subject of political discourse, but
13:51not of concrete attention to its problems, and the hunger strike has the objective of
13:55telling the government in this process in which next year's budget is being formulated,
13:59to consider education and demonstrate that it has a look of priority by the state.
14:03We now have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
14:07channel at Telestudio English, there you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
14:11special broadcastings and more.
14:13Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay updated on the world's
14:17most recent events.
14:18We found your break, don't go away.
14:42Welcome back.
14:43In Russia, the government recorded 115 soldiers captured by Ukrainian forces during the incursion
14:49into the Kursk province.
14:51The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the exchange of soldiers who arrived in Belarus
14:55to be later transferred to Moscow.
14:57The released soldiers would receive the necessary treatment at the health facilities of the
15:00Defense Ministry.
15:01On the other hand, the Russian military authorities explained that this exchange was achieved
15:06thanks to the mediation of the United Arab Emirates.
15:14Meanwhile in the United States, former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
15:18made his first appearance at a Donald Trump campaign rally Friday, hours after suspending
15:23his candidacy to endorse the Republican.
15:26Kennedy was Trump's surprise guest on Friday at the Pac Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale,
15:31According to Trump, Kennedy's candidacy has inspired millions of U.S. citizens and
15:36has brought together people from across the political spectrum in a positive campaign
15:40based on the U.S. values of his father and his uncle, former President John F. Kennedy.
15:46Trump promised that, if elected, he would create a commission on assassination attempts,
15:50which would make public all federal records related to the 1963 assassination of President
15:58In an honest system, I believe that I would have won the election during his first administration.
16:07And there are still issues and approaches upon which we continue to have very serious
16:17But we are aligned with each other on other key issues, like ending the forever wars.
16:23In my first discussion with President Trump, I tried unsuccessfully to open similar discussions
16:29with Vice President Harris.
16:32Vice President Harris declined to meet or even to speak with me.
16:48The 30th anniversary of UNESCO's programs The Routes of Enslaved People, Resistance,
16:53Freedom and Heritage was celebrated in Cuba.
16:56The Ministry of Culture stated that since its launch in 1994, the project has contributed
17:00to the production of innovative knowledge, the development of high-level scientific networks
17:04and the support of commemoration initiatives on the abolition of slavery.
17:08Authorities also pointed out that the program contributed to de-racialize and decolonize
17:13the imperialist vision imposed on the world.
17:16In this regard, the author and human rights activist Wold Soyinka reiterated that despite
17:20the sanctions imposed by the West, Cuba has been an example of dignity in the African
17:25continent in the struggle for human rights.
17:32During his visit to Havana, the 1986 Nigerian Nobel Prize winner Wold Soyinka talked to
19:07President Trump about the importance of human rights in the struggle for human rights.
19:14Wold Soyinka said that despite all the difficulties, despite the inhuman privations and I'm talking
19:26about sanctions, despite all of that, Cubans have kept their dignity.
19:33So it's one of the reasons why we cannot let Cuba go from Africa, because it represents
19:39certain values which are important to us also as human beings.
19:45We have come to the end of this newsbrief.
19:47You can find these and many others on our website www.treasureenglish.net.
19:50So join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
19:55For Treasure English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
20:03Transcribed by https://otter.ai
