• 2 months ago
FTS 16.30
*International pressure forces Israel to return to cease-fire negotiations in Gaza.
*4 Russian provinces evacuated due to Ukrainian drone attacks.

These and many more stories now!
00:00On Friday, in Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro delivered a public statement after
00:14appearing before the Supreme Court of Justice in the process that looks into the electoral
00:18process in the country.
00:22In Israel, due to international pressure, the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
00:27announced on Thursday the willingness to resume negotiations on a possible ceasefire
00:32in Gaza.
00:33And in Russia, several localities of the province of Lipetsk have been attacked by Ukrainian
00:41drones on Friday morning.
00:47Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra GarcĂ­a.
00:50From Telesur Studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin with the news.
00:54On Friday, in Venezuela, concludes the Supreme Court of Hearings over July 28th election
00:59process where candidates and representatives of political parties were summoned as part
01:04of a process of evaluation of the presidential elections.
01:07In this third and last day of appearances, more than 15 political organizations and three
01:13former presidential candidates and representatives appeared before the electoral court.
01:19In this regard, Frédéric Villegas of the Centrados en la Gente party and the former
01:24opposition candidate BenjamĂ­n Rauzeo for the Conte party already appeared before the
01:29electoral court.
01:31In this sense, President Nicolás Maduro and the Vice President of the United Socialist
01:35Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, also went to the Supreme Court.
01:43The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, after he appeared before the Supreme Court's
01:48electoral chamber in the investigation that looks into the electoral process of July 28th.
01:54President Maduro highlighted that he presented himself before the Supreme Court as a willing
01:59participant in the institutional process, different to other former candidates, while
02:04referring to the far-right candidate Edmundo González.
02:07He also highlighted that the representatives of his party, Diosdado Cabello, presented
02:12all necessary information as asked by the top court and underscored that he continues
02:19to be at the disposal of the court.
02:22The President underscored his willingness to continue to be at the court's disposal,
02:28highlighted the inconsistencies of the documents presented as supposed evidence by the far-right
02:33while they do not comply with one of the main institutions in the country, that is, the
02:39Supreme Court.
02:40The head of state assured that he answered all the questions asked by the country's highest court.
03:10I have answered the questions that have been legally asked to me.
03:14I have not shunned any question from the judges and magistrates.
03:29In this historic contentious appeal abided by this constitution before the electoral
03:34Nine out of ten candidates have appeared and complied with the law.
03:41In Venezuela, the re-elected President Nicolás Maduro denounced that 83% of the alleged reports
03:47published by the far-right are false, affirming that it is a strategy to stage a coup against
03:52the state.
03:53From the Miraflores Palace, the President stated that after a thorough analysis of experts
03:59who reviewed the webpage created by Edmundo González, it was concluded that most of the
04:05alleged minutes are actually false documents.
04:08The head of state also announced that he signed a document proposed by the National Telecommunications
04:13Commission of Venezuela to suspend the social network X for 10 days on the grounds that
04:19it is inciting a cybernetic coup led by the United States.
04:29Edmundo, traitor to the homeland, launched a website and the groups of experts and specialists
04:42who reviewed the so-called minutes that are not minutes have determined that 83% of what
04:46was published are false documents.
04:57So he does not recognize the Supreme Court, he does not recognize the Electoral Council,
05:02he does not recognize anyone because this is a coup against the state, against Venezuela.
05:07It is a fascist coup.
05:17And we have to denounce it, face it and solidify the popular victory against the fascist coup
05:22that is being attempted in Venezuela.
05:30President Nicolás Maduro continues to receive the support of more sectors of the Venezuelan
05:34social forces.
05:35On Thursday, the communes took to the streets to defend the victory of their president.
05:40From Caracas, our colleague Roberto Hugo Presa with the details.
05:47They are known as comuneros.
05:48They come from the different organized communities that decades ago were created by the
05:52former president Hugo Chávez.
05:54They took to the streets of Caracas to defend the project of the eternal commander, today
05:58under the responsibility of Nicolás Maduro.
06:04The project of Commander Chávez was born, transferring it.
06:07It was clear that power had to reside in the people, that the people were the protagonists
06:11of their own history, of their own project for the construction of that homeland, of
06:16that community, of that municipality that we want, not the one they want to impose us.
06:21That is why today we are in the streets supporting the people, and precisely our president, the
06:26maximum leader of the revolution, Nicolás Maduro Moro.
06:30The organized communities are clear that the victory won on the polls must be defended
06:34in the streets in order to guarantee the revolutionary project and the well-being of the Venezuelan
06:43Since that 2012, on October 20, 2012, when Commander Chávez spoke to the comunero of
06:50nothing, Coup d'etat, when he told Nicolás Maduro that he was handing over the communists
06:54as his life, from that moment we understood that Commander Chávez did not hope in the
06:59sea, but transferred power to the people, but that he transferred power to the people.
07:04That is why we are here today defending the popular project, to the communes, which is
07:08the vindication of the people.
07:10That is why we support the communists, and we give our support to Nicolás Maduro Moro
07:15so that he may continue strengthening the communists and the popular power.
07:21Thousands of comuneros from several states of the nation marched to Miraflores Palace,
07:25where President Maduro announced a new citizen consultation on August 25 to prioritize the
07:30needs of each community.
07:36He continues to give power to the people, which is what he said, and many surprises
07:40will come, and that surprise is for those of us who are on the ground, those from below,
07:45and for those he always helps, the people's power and the communal councils and the commune.
07:52In the last two weeks, different social forces mobilized massively to support the victory
07:56of Nicolás Maduro and condemn the coup attempts of groups financed by the ultraright that
08:00was defeated at the polls on July 28.
08:04Roberto Bugo-Presa, TELESUR, Caracas, Venezuela.
08:09Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at TELESUR English,
08:13where you will find news in different formats, news updates and more.
08:16We'll be right back, stay with us.
08:39Welcome back.
08:40In Israel, due to international pressure, the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
08:45announced on Thursday the willingness to receive negotiations on a possible ceasefire in Gaza.
08:50The proposal, which had been promoted by Qatar, Egypt and the United States, will be considered
08:56by the Israeli negotiators as of August 15.
09:00The mediators have indicated that there is already a framework of agreement to which
09:04only small details need to be adjusted.
09:07They ratified that there is no time to lose and that none of the parties has any excuse
09:13to continue delaying it.
09:15After 10 months, this new round of negotiations is taking place in a context of growing tension,
09:21following the assassination by Israel of the Hamas leader Ismail Hamidjeh.
09:27Meanwhile, on Friday, Israeli genocidal forces announced the onset of another offensive against
09:37the Rasted Cantonese in southern Gaza.
09:40A few hours earlier, the onslaught on the neighbourhoods of the occupying troops ordered
09:45the evacuation and stated they were fighting off Hamas on the ground and underground.
09:51Israeli forces' bulletins further confirmed at least 38 strikes in which they claimed
09:56numerous fighters have been slaughtered.
09:58However, the latest medical reports registered plenty of civilians killed, including, as
10:04usual, many women and children.
10:06The Israeli occupier revealed that the troops' main target is to prevent Hamas from reaffirming
10:11in the southern Gaza Strip.
10:20Also in Palestine, the Israeli occupation forces simultaneously launched shellings on
10:25the centre, north and south of the Gaza Strip, killing civilians.
10:29Palestinian health authorities reported that Israeli airstrikes killed at least five civilians
10:35and left several wounded on the Nusayrat and Magassi refugee camp in central Gaza, while
10:40in Cantonese and Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, the occupation forces bombed a house
10:45claiming another three lives.
10:48Authorities claimed that dozens of the victims remain under the rubble, awaiting rescue teams.
10:58On Friday, United Nations Human Rights Spokesperson Jeremy Lawrence referred to the stance of
11:03the High Commissioner concerning the statements provided by Israel's Finance Minister Smotric.
11:10The High Commissioner is shocked and appalled by the words of Minister Smotric, according
11:18to whom letting two million Palestinians in Gaza starve to death could be justified and
11:24moral in order to free hostages.
11:28Such statements, especially by public officials, must cease immediately, they must be investigated
11:36and if found to amount to a crime, must be prosecuted and punished.
11:55On Friday, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida suspended his work schedule in Central
12:01Asia after the National Meteorological Agency's export committee announced a possible mega-earthquake
12:06in Japan's Kanto region.
12:08Prime Minister Kishida had scheduled to open the first summit of the Central Asia-Plus-Japan
12:14Dialogue in Kazakhstan in addition to a visit to Uzbekistan and Mongolia, which he postponed
12:20following the seismologist's forecast of a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in the Hygge Sea
12:26on Thursday.
12:27In this sense, the experts assure that if the seismic activity in the region continues,
12:32a mega-earthquake could occur in the area between Kanto and Kishu, causing more than
12:38320,000 deaths and about 10 million displaced people.
12:47In South Africa, at least two people were missing and severe flooding after two dams
12:52collapsed in Riverlands and Shatsworth in the southern province of Western Cape.
12:58According to authorities, two shelled dams over the Riverlands dam in the Switzerland
13:03municipality district, Cape Town, collapsed in the early hours of this morning, with the
13:09risk of a third dam collapsing with an enormous volume of water flowing into the dam.
13:15According to the Meteorological Service of South Africa, the environmental conditions
13:19in the province could become more complicated with the entrance of a cold front in the next
13:24few days, which will increase the volume of water accumulated on the ground.
13:34Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest skyrocketed for the first time in 15 months.
13:39The National Institute for Space Research detailed that the devastated areas in the
13:44rainforest were 666 square kilometres in July, surging by 33% of the 500 square kilometres
13:53destroyed in July 2023.
13:56In this regard, the July increase disrupts a sequence of a 15-month downward trend, where
14:02the reduction of deforestation compared to the previous period was 45.7%.
14:07Meanwhile, the Brazilian government underscored that the July upsurge was due to the activities
14:14such as livestock and illegal mining.
14:29Russian troops expelled Ukrainian forces from the Kursk region.
14:33The Ministry of Defence reported over 900 KIEV military deaths from the attempted offensive.
14:39The northern troops and reserves frustrated the attempts of the Ukrainian units on the
14:44Russian territory.
14:45According to the lately reports from Moscow, the total Ukrainian losses amounted to 945
14:52Only in the last hours, the Russian troops neutralised 280 servicemen loyal to KIEV.
15:00They further registered that 102 armoured vehicles, including 12 tanks, 17 armoured
15:06personal carriers and 67 armoured vehicles were destroyed.
15:11In this regard, during a meeting with members of his cabinet, President Vladimir Putin announced
15:15plans to meet with senior defence and security officials to address the issue.
15:26We will have to start with the events unfolding in the Kursk region.
15:30As you know, the KIEV regime has launched another large-scale provocation.
15:35It is firing indiscriminately with different types of weapons, including rockets at civilian
15:40buildings, residential houses and ambulances.
16:05Welcome back to From the South.
16:21The National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico is holding its 35th edition
16:27of the International Anthropology Book Fair.
16:30On this occasion, the thematic axes are cultural heritage and sustainability.
16:34Antonio Aranda, our correspondent, has the details.
16:38Conferences, workshops, book presentations, music, dance and cinema are part of the dozens
16:44of activities that take place during the International Anthropology Book Fair.
16:55The National Museum of Anthropology is the site of this meeting that has as special guests
17:00the state of Quintana Roo and Belize.
17:08All the people are looking for things about Mexico, second-hand books in good condition,
17:13books about Mexico, about archaeology, about popular art, about regional history, about
17:19the history of the states, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Jalisco, all the states.
17:24And people look a lot for the regional history of Mexico.
17:27Here in the Anthropology Fair, they look for the Mayan Codex, the Borgia Codex, the
17:31Bourbon Codex, all that they are looking for, there is a lot of demand.
17:44The main theme of the cultural meeting is cultural heritage and sustainability, he explains.
17:56The Anthropology and History Book Fair, being a particularly academic meeting that deals
18:00with current issues, every year fundamental questions are raised, a thematic axis in which
18:06converts all the academic forums that take place here and also that are related to the
18:10guests of honor.
18:11On this occasion, Belize and Quintana Roo.
18:14Belize is a very close brother country, which at some point we share the civilization trunk
18:19called the Great Mayan Nation, with which we share roots and cultural values, and Quintana
18:24Roo is one of the youngest states of the federation, but it has a lot of history in
18:29issues such as social resistance, the worst caste war, there are a lot of cultural elements
18:35and native people on which it's important to discuss.
18:41Special guests bring with them a sample of their flavors, landscapes, traditions and
18:45stories, another way of preserving cultural heritage.
18:54I'm seeing that those who are growing up now don't take it into account and don't eat it
19:01when we prepare it.
19:04Our grandchildren, our children don't eat it because we should teach them when they
19:09are young.
19:11I thought I had to take my steps to get it up and walk with those foods.
19:23During 11 days, attendees will be able to enjoy special prices on books and 400 academic
19:29and artistic activities totally free of charge.
19:33The conservation of cultural heritage in Mexico and other Latin American countries also allows
19:38communities to obtain sustainable resources thanks to these sites.
19:57Ecuador celebrates a new Olympic medal, achieved by Lucia Yepes in women's wrestling, writing
20:03a new page in the history of the discipline.
20:0723-year-old Lucia Yepes, known as La Tigra, won the silver medal at the Olympics in Paris,
20:14a historic medal for Ecuador, the first in the discipline of wrestling at 53 kilograms.
20:22I am very happy because the triumph is mine.
20:24I am an Olympic silver.
20:26I celebrated with all my people in the audience and we are going forward.
20:29I am very happy and I already believe that I am an Olympic medalist.
20:34Last night I was like, I am not, and it really cost me a lot.
20:37I cried a lot and I suffered a lot.
20:41In the last bout, Lucia left all her effort in the wrestling area against the Japanese.
20:47Although she did not obtain the required score, she won the silver medal, a maximum award
20:53to the journey and overcoming of the athletes.
21:00She is only 23 years old and all that she has achieved, I believe that she has no limit.
21:05I believe that the limit is in the attention she is given, in the priorities she is given,
21:09in the conditions she is given.
21:11Because now there is an important economic prize that is very important and necessary,
21:16but the attention, apart from the economic prize, is also very important.
21:26With this triumph, Ecuador wins its third Olympic medal in Paris, a victory that is
21:32tirelessly celebrated by his family, in his second Olympic Games.
21:37It is something that she always wanted to achieve.
21:43It is not easy to win a silver medal in the Olympic Games, and she did it, and I feel
21:47very proud of my daughter who got what she did.
21:54Lucia not only defeated opponents throughout her short sports career, she also fought and
22:00overcame economic difficulties.
22:02Now, she achieved an Olympic victory, fulfilled her dream and thanks to this, she will fulfill
22:07her mother's dream.
22:15Of course she called me and told me, Mommy, I am very happy, and it is a dream and we
22:18are going forward.
22:24Lucia Yepes is now the first female wrestler to win an Olympic medal, writing a new page
22:29in Ecuadorian sport.
22:35We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
22:39on our website at www.tellusitenglish.net and join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
22:44Telegram and TikTok.
22:45For Tell Us It English, I am Alejandra GarcĂ­a, thank you for watching.
