• 2 months ago
00:00:00He's caught! Touchdown!
00:00:04The New England Patriots select Drake May.
00:00:08He's got the ball! And that's the ball game!
00:00:12Alright, here we go again. Another edition of the All 32 Pod.
00:00:16Mike Giardi, Will Parkinson alongside. As always, excited to do this show.
00:00:20One football game. There was one football game last night, so we had our eyes
00:00:24glued on that, Will. And, you know, Mike, I think there's a lot of stuff being said
00:00:28about it that we're going to get into shortly, but just quick impressions on
00:00:32the Patriots and Eagles last night. Yeah, look, we got another football game.
00:00:36We are into week two slash week three, however you want to phrase it.
00:00:40We have week zeroes these days, but it's good to see more football. I know there's some weather concerns.
00:00:44We talked a lot about Drake May the last couple weeks, and it was nice to be able to see
00:00:48Drake May play some football. We got Kenny Pickett and Drake May going at it.
00:00:52But, no, it was awesome to have another football game, and we're into a loaded weekend.
00:00:56Some trades, some signings, and a loaded weekend of preseason games as we get
00:01:00closer and closer to the regular season here. A reminder, the show brought to you by
00:01:04PrizePix, the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the CLNS
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00:01:12that you want to see. Maybe even like a concert. We talk about games all the time,
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00:01:20them because they are the best. I use them. Will uses them. And I have absolutely
00:01:24zero complaints, as I'm sure you don't either. We talk about May. Let's get
00:01:28into it. Because we sat here last week, and I said to you,
00:01:32I can't believe they did what they did with him. I can't believe they only played him
00:01:36six snaps. And this was, quote-unquote, part of the plan. We have a plan for all our
00:01:40quarterbacks. And to me, as Drake has just sort of kind of been treading water,
00:01:44stuck in the mud, however you want to say it, during this two-week period of training camp,
00:01:48I'm like, he's 21 years old. He needs to play.
00:01:52And when we're watching him in camp, a lot of times you're seeing him look too mechanical,
00:01:56too robotic. They're trying to change too many things. You still saw
00:02:00those things come into play in the game on Thursday night against
00:02:04Philly Will. But what you also saw was, lo and behold,
00:02:08a guy who was able to cut it loose a little bit and turn into the playmaker that he
00:02:12was at North Carolina. And whether it was his first run, which, again, he maybe bailed out of the pocket
00:02:16too soon, but he turned it into a positive six-yard gain. He got the hit
00:02:20under his belt. Then there was a nice play, action play, where
00:02:24Nolan Smith is in his face. He flips his hips. And it's just a really athletic, you're not thinking about
00:02:28it. You just got to get rid of the ball. And he looked like the Drake May I saw
00:02:32in college. And then, of course, the deep ball to Javon Baker, where it wasn't
00:02:36just the 54 yards in the air the throw went. And Baker, unfortunately,
00:02:40couldn't control the catch when he hit the ground. But he should have. It was a perfectly
00:02:44thrown ball. But it was sensing pressure up the gut, sliding to
00:02:48his left, keeping his eyes down the field. Real quarterback stuff. Real
00:02:52stuff that you said, oh, in case you were wondering, that's why
00:02:56Drake May was drafted number three overall. Yeah, I just think the biggest thing
00:03:00for me, and we talked a lot about this, was, okay, if the strategy
00:03:04was what it was week one, and again, we're going to take this guy along slowly.
00:03:08He's a project. We don't want to jump to conclusions. X, Y, and Z. That's great.
00:03:12Now, preseason's the time to kind of get some of the mistakes out.
00:03:16The joint practices, obviously, we talked about it. The joint practice against Philly,
00:03:20not pretty from an offensive perspective. Drake May, the offensive line, receivers, X, Y, and Z.
00:03:24But to really get him out there, get a couple series under his belt,
00:03:28let him throw the ball, I believe, nine times in total.
00:03:32As you mentioned, a couple throwaways. Yeah, 11 at a time. I said nine real throws
00:03:36because two of them were throwaways. But obviously, it's the one big throw that
00:03:40everyone's going to come back to. And there's the arm strength. There's things like that.
00:03:44The footwork looked good in a couple of different dropbacks, as you mentioned.
00:03:48I just think it was nice to go out there and see him play. Again, it's preseason.
00:03:52It's backups versus backups and young guys and whatever.
00:03:56To me, though, these are reps that are going to be super important for him
00:04:00and being able to get there in game action, guys flying at you
00:04:04and kind of see how you adjust. Do I want to jump to conclusions and say,
00:04:08all of a sudden, there's a quarterback controversy? Now, Drake May's going to start week one.
00:04:12But the Patriots were leading every national
00:04:16debate show. And our buddy Greg Bedard's comments
00:04:20were all of our first things first in all these different places of, oh my god, this team
00:04:24is a disaster. And quarterback's a mess and all that stuff. And now it's like
00:04:28now he's the savior again and all that stuff. I think there's obviously somewhere in the middle.
00:04:32I just go back to, again, reps, seeing him do
00:04:36some of the things that are special. I always come back to this with young quarterbacks.
00:04:40What do you do really well? What are your two or three things that you're
00:04:44awesome at? Drake May's got an awesome arm. He's super athletic. He's a playmaker.
00:04:48We saw some of that stuff last night. What are the things you're not good at? We're going to work on
00:04:52that stuff. But at least, live bullets, the footwork looks a little better.
00:04:56I think that's what you take away as a Patriots fan and say, wow, I hope he plays two full
00:05:00quarters next week and say, OK, we got him
00:05:04almost a full game's worth over the preseason. Where are we at?
00:05:08What do we need to work on? And how can we have tempered expectations going into
00:05:12year one? Yeah, so much to unpack here. First of all,
00:05:16you're hearing it already. It started last night. Some of the tweets from those
00:05:20covering the team and then again some of the stuff this morning about quarterback
00:05:24competition back on. I'll just read you Gerard Mayo from this morning. We talked to him about
00:05:289 o'clock via Zoom. He said, do you see this being
00:05:32a competition between two of them right now as to who's going to be the starting quarterback against Cincinnati?
00:05:36He said, quote, I do. We have three more days of training camp practices
00:05:40and it's our job as coaches to evaluate. The competition isn't over.
00:05:44They're still going to go out there and they have to show not only themselves, but their coaches, but also
00:05:48their teammates. So it's definitely still a competition. To which I would say
00:05:52at this point, Jacoby Brissett is so far
00:05:56ahead in the competition that it's nice of him to leave the door open a crack.
00:06:00Maybe Drake blows doors off the next three days, has a great game
00:06:04against Washington, and all of a sudden you're like, it's all clicking and it's all happening.
00:06:08But to this point, and even through last night, he's not
00:06:12ready to be an NFL quarterback just yet. Or he's going to be the NFL quarterback
00:06:16that, say, Josh Allen was in his rookie year where he completed 52% of his passes.
00:06:20And there's some spectacular and there's also some what in the world did he see?
00:06:24What is he doing? So I'm not going there with the competition yet. I know people
00:06:28are taking that quote. They're running with it. I know what my eyes have told me for the last
00:06:32two and a half weeks. And while there was some promise last night,
00:06:36I need to see a lot more of that before I say, okay, now we're on to something.
00:06:40And now there's a chance that this kid could be ready for week one or sometime
00:06:44in September, October. Which I think was probably the best hope to begin
00:06:48with. Like, he's raw. We're going to work through it. And then maybe by October or whatever,
00:06:52he's ready to go. I mean, Josh didn't start the first four games in Buffalo that rookie
00:06:56year. It was Nathan Peterman. And then they went to Allen. This sort of
00:07:00like, if he comes along like that, and they're comfortable with the idea of him
00:07:04having those highs and lows, then maybe just maybe it's an October conversation.
00:07:08But for right now, here in mid-August.
00:07:10Isn't that the goal, though? I feel like it's not loose expectation, right?
00:07:13It's like, I think it's perfectly okay if he doesn't play until week six.
00:07:17This is a rebuilding year. As we're going to talk about, it's a rebuilding year.
00:07:21Let him get all those reps. Again, you're never ready, right?
00:07:25That's always the joke. You don't have kids until you're ready. Don't get married.
00:07:28All these different things. But you're never fully ready.
00:07:31But you want to make him as ready as he can be. And I don't think it's going to hurt him
00:07:34to watch two or three weeks of Jacobi Persepe prepare. See how he is.
00:07:38Evaluate where this team is at, maybe week three or four.
00:07:40Hey, we're a little better than we thought. We got some things ironed out.
00:07:43We feel pretty good about the situation. Soft landing spot.
00:07:47Hey, maybe Thursday night at the Jets, defense isn't the best spot.
00:07:51But maybe the week after, whatever it is.
00:07:54But I think it's okay to be patient with him. He's 21 years old.
00:07:57I just don't think we have to. This isn't Caleb Williams where it's like,
00:08:00we've never had a franchise quarterback, really, ever.
00:08:03And a couple of ones we semi-had, we traded or moved on from at one other place.
00:08:08This is not that situation. You mentioned Josh Allen.
00:08:13That's the exception to the rule of, you don't want the Zach Wilson situation either.
00:08:18Where it's like, hey, we throw him out there, bad team, bad habits get created,
00:08:22confidence is killed, and then he's never the same.
00:08:24Let's just, I don't know, be patient with him. I think it's perfectly okay.
00:08:27In some ways, he's not a bad prospect because he doesn't start week one.
00:08:30Yeah, and it's, again, on the Josh Allen track.
00:08:34And I'm not saying it's a one-for-one that Drake May is going to become Josh Allen,
00:08:38although I think there are some similarities.
00:08:41That he was 52% as a rookie, 59% in his second year.
00:08:46The thing didn't happen until the third year.
00:08:48But the good thing that Buffalo did, the thing that they were committed to,
00:08:51was when they finally put him in there, he was in there.
00:08:54And they lived with the highs and lows, and they continued to try to support him,
00:08:57and they continued to try to work on his game.
00:08:59And finally, by year three, he makes that massive leap
00:09:03that I think a lot of people never thought was possible
00:09:05in terms of he went from like 59% to 68%, 69%, 70%, something crazy, right?
00:09:10Where all of a sudden, it's like he's a real MVP candidate,
00:09:12which he's been now ever since.
00:09:16I just, I'm leery of trying to attach too much to it.
00:09:19But the idea that what Buffalo did there was,
00:09:21we're going to support you the best we can.
00:09:23And that led to a process of surrounding him with better receiver talent,
00:09:27surrounding him with a better offensive line.
00:09:29And then finally, in year three, it was the addition of Stefan Diggs.
00:09:31And then things, as I said, took off for them entirely.
00:09:34This team doesn't have a Stefan Diggs.
00:09:36They don't have a very good offensive line.
00:09:38They're still trying to find the best five, and you're midway through August.
00:09:41So there's still a lot of things there that I think need to be cleared up.
00:09:45Another interesting thing was, and again,
00:09:48I felt like people got a little too excited about the game last night.
00:09:52It was like, well, hey, if the offensive line,
00:09:54would that ever come into play if you're deciding whether to play May or not,
00:09:57if he's ready?
00:09:58And Mayo said, look, if he beats out Jacoby,
00:10:01if he's the better quarterback, whenever that is,
00:10:03then we're going to play him.
00:10:04And I felt like that's another thing that I think people were latching onto.
00:10:07Like, oh, he's not closing the door.
00:10:09It's just, let's just relax.
00:10:11Just again, I mean, I keep saying it.
00:10:13It was good.
00:10:14There were good signs.
00:10:15It was promised.
00:10:16But I need to see more.
00:10:17And most importantly, even though they're saying these things publicly,
00:10:20they know they need to see more from him.
00:10:22So this is a big week for him.
00:10:24But they're all big weeks at this point.
00:10:26So he's got to build off of that.
00:10:28And I will say, there was a moment in the game,
00:10:30and he referenced it afterwards.
00:10:32He hit Javon Baker backside, let's call it a 12-yard in cut, okay,
00:10:39where he had the same play in practice, and he missed it.
00:10:43He didn't throw it.
00:10:44And in this one, he made his reads.
00:10:46He went right to left.
00:10:47It was nope, nope, came back to that.
00:10:49He was a little patient, waited for the linebacker to be out of the way,
00:10:52and then put the ball right in there.
00:10:54And it was like, okay, again, good sign of growth, right?
00:10:57Now let's see more of it, and let's see less of the, as I mentioned,
00:11:00three of the nine actual real throws he made were really sloppy.
00:11:05Bad footwork.
00:11:06Ball sailed on him.
00:11:07Ball was inaccurate.
00:11:0933% of your throws on a small sample size, that's not great.
00:11:13So, like, that stuff's got to be cleaned up.
00:11:15So, we can focus on the good, but you also can't lose sight of the fact
00:11:18that some of the stuff that we've seen throughout the course of the spring
00:11:22and summer still very much existed last night.
00:11:25So, just want to put it in context, right?
00:11:28Like, yes, I feel better about it.
00:11:31I think everybody should feel better about it,
00:11:32but there's still a long way to go.
00:11:34Yeah, who shouldn't feel better about it?
00:11:37Kenny Pickett.
00:11:40Listen, this is not a revisionist history.
00:11:44I was truly how I felt.
00:11:46I said at the time the Jets were coaching the Senior Bowl when Kenny Pickett
00:11:49came out, so I was down there.
00:11:52And I just remember being like, wow, this is really ugly.
00:11:56That class, him and Ritter were the two big names,
00:11:58two of the biggest names of that class.
00:12:00That class was awesome.
00:12:01The Senior Bowl, I think that year had like 16, 17 guys go in the first round.
00:12:04And I remember sitting there, and it was Malik Willis, Pickett, Ritter,
00:12:08all these different guys.
00:12:10Remember when Malik Willis was going to be the number one pick in the draft?
00:12:13Yeah, number one or number two overall.
00:12:14Yeah, it was crazy.
00:12:15I remember that.
00:12:16Hendon Hooker was going to be the next great thing.
00:12:20The Pickett thing is tough because he's an accurate quarterback, right?
00:12:25And, you know, last night, 11-13, he just looked at me like, wow, awesome.
00:12:30In 60, 70 yards, it's like he just – that pick is just so mind-boggling
00:12:35how he was the first-round pick.
00:12:36Just the size, the hand size, the athleticism is good, not great.
00:12:41The arm strength is not great.
00:12:42The accuracy is good sometimes, but it's kind of like a check-down merchant.
00:12:46It's just – and, again, I'm not trying to just beat up on him.
00:12:48It's just it's funny how that was like this big thing.
00:12:51Where's Kenny Pickett going to go this offseason?
00:12:53I can't believe he got traded.
00:12:54And then it's like, oh, man, like Tanner McKee was significantly better
00:12:57than him last night.
00:12:58And I don't know, it's just a confusing one.
00:13:00It's just one of those draft things you look back at, and you go, wow, man,
00:13:03like Ritter and these guys.
00:13:05It's just that class was billed as being bad.
00:13:07We billed some of these other classes, you know, the 2021 class we all thought
00:13:10was going to be awesome.
00:13:11And outside of some moments with Trevor Lawrence,
00:13:13it just really hasn't been very good, obviously.
00:13:16That 2022 class is just abominable.
00:13:21So I just – I want to point that out.
00:13:22I just felt like we didn't see much from Philly.
00:13:24Again, obviously they didn't play pretty much anyone of relevancy.
00:13:28But Kenny Pickett's probably the biggest name that played last night
00:13:30from a team perspective and was pretty awful.
00:13:34So that's just one thing I want to point out.
00:13:36I was like, man, I cannot believe that guy went in the first round still.
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00:46:56One of the things that I found when I was sort of going over their season last year and
00:46:58looking at their roster and reading some of the reports out of New Orleans, well, they've
00:47:02been in California for this entire training camp, was who and what are they?
00:47:07Because they have been a team that has probably more than anyone in the modern salary cap
00:47:13era have continually found creative ways to be in a we're playing for it now mode or trying
00:47:22to play for a plow spot mode, even when you could probably have made the argument a couple
00:47:26times now that they should have just said, let's take the hit this year.
00:47:30Let's kind of stink and let's reload with some younger players.
00:47:34But no, they like to, you know, manufacture contracts that have a billion dead years kicked
00:47:42on them.
00:47:43And like, look, I don't, I believe the cap is easily malleable.
00:47:46And I think they've proven that since about 2016 with the way they've operated their cap.
00:47:51But I just, I'm not sure what their identity is.
00:47:54I mean, I know they were good defense, but even that it's not like a suffocating, dominating
00:48:00You know, obviously in all the Peyton years, their identity was Sean and Drew, Drew Brees
00:48:04and how they were able to consistently create offensively and Brees obviously having a ridiculous
00:48:09career after leaving the Chargers.
00:48:13And that was their identity.
00:48:15Their identity the last few years is, I don't know.
00:48:17I don't know what it is.
00:48:18And you don't know what it's going to be because some of the pieces that they've attached
00:48:22big money to are either not going to play Ryan Ramchick, who appears his knee injury
00:48:25may be a career ending.
00:48:28But even Cam Jordan, who's been, it's been five years since Cam Jordan was a star and
00:48:32yet people still talk about him like he's a star.
00:48:34They're moving him inside now on the pass rush.
00:48:36That's where that's, that's the point we are with 35 year old Cam Jordan.
00:48:40He's no longer the edge guy on pass rush.
00:48:42They have to move him over the guard and hope he can eat up a smaller, less athletic player
00:48:47on the inside.
00:48:48So I just, nine and eight, eight, nine, seven, and 10 bottom fallout, six and 11, maybe like
00:48:55that's kind of where I'm at with them.
00:48:58They're, they're kind of similar.
00:48:59I feel about Tampa.
00:49:00I feel a little bit better about Tampa knowing the infrastructure.
00:49:02I feel better about Tampa because their quarterback's not their car.
00:49:05And I think their car is, is really brutal to watch the guy.
00:49:08I don't know how else to say it.
00:49:10Captain check down, man.
00:49:11He does not want to, does not want to push the ball.
00:49:14It's tough.
00:49:16Like you look at this team, right?
00:49:17And like, okay, a lot of it you feel good about, you know, obviously you want to keep
00:49:20them healthy.
00:49:21Even, you know, Shahid, you feel decent about cause he's a nice, you know, fun player Camara.
00:49:26I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow and Jamal Williams and like, it's a great
00:49:30backfield on paper, but like, what are we getting, you know, from them, the offensive
00:49:34line, you know, flog, I think it's going to be a nice player.
00:49:36I w I don't think he's left tackle.
00:49:38So I'm shocked that that's where he's going to go here.
00:49:40The pending pick looks worse and worse.
00:49:42Didn't like him coming out.
00:49:43You know, you looked at that same senior bowl with, with Kenny Pickett, you know, you left
00:49:47that going like, geez, Trevor Penning's, you know, really physical.
00:49:50That's great.
00:49:51But like, I don't see, I don't see it.
00:49:54So you know, we'll see, I would see that, you know, taking Ruiz quite high and, you
00:49:57know, I just don't, the, the Derek Hart thing is, is concerning and it's concerning cause
00:50:04now they're locked in two more years.
00:50:07He kind of has a pretty high ceiling and the floor is not that high either.
00:50:10He's going to put up nice numbers, but you never really, I, I just, I know I'm being
00:50:15like really negative about car.
00:50:17I just something about it.
00:50:19Like the numbers last year on paper, like, wow, 25 touchdowns, eight picks, like really
00:50:23high completion, good yardage.
00:50:25And then it's like, every time I turned on the game, I felt like he was terrible.
00:50:28So, you know, I, I just don't know.
00:50:31It's hard to tell with them.
00:50:32I think defensively, there's still a good group.
00:50:35You know, Warner and DeMario are obviously unbelievable.
00:50:37You know, DeMario, again, similar to Levante, I'm just kind of saying the same things about
00:50:41both teams.
00:50:42Like there's still really nice pieces on both sides of the football, you know, a lot of
00:50:45more, what are you going to get out of him?
00:50:46You know, Tyrone Matthew, obviously, you know, household name and in Cam Jordan, but
00:50:50those guys are probably, you know, on the wrong side of, on the wrong side of 30,
00:50:54obviously, you know, Poulsen and Debo, I like Willie Gay is a really nice player.
00:50:58Like Granderson, what do they get at Chase Young, Peyton Turner?
00:51:01Like there's potential there where this team wins nine, you know, nine, nine ish games.
00:51:04And you're like, all right, car had a good year.
00:51:07We got, we got Pete Kamara, Olave took the step into being this next really awesome guy.
00:51:12We feel good about Fulaga and the defense was solid, but I have a lot of questions about
00:51:17the quarterback and I have even more questions about the head coach.
00:51:19I would have fired Dennis Allen.
00:51:21I don't, I don't get it.
00:51:22I think he's got to be, I don't have the odds in front of me.
00:51:25He's got to be up there in first coach fired rankings.
00:51:27Like, I don't get the Dennis Allen hype.
00:51:30I thought he was a good defensive coordinator, but I don't think he was like special.
00:51:34I think he was a good, and I guess a head coach.
00:51:35He's not been good.
00:51:37Like, I, I don't, I've not seen a single time I've gone on and Twitter and looked at what
00:51:41Saints fans are talking about, about the team and had anyone say anything positive about
00:51:45Dennis Allen.
00:51:46Haven't seen it.
00:51:47I'm not sure I'll ever see it.
00:51:48Um, I just, I don't know.
00:51:50I get, I'm not trying to say that they're not good because I think there is moments there
00:51:54where they might, they could potentially figure out a way to be good, but like Dennis Allen
00:51:58kind of is who he is like two years with the Saints.
00:52:00It's, you know, 16 and 18, like great.
00:52:03Um, no playoffs, obviously Oakland was four and 12, four and 12 on four again, one time
00:52:08ago, but we haven't really seen it.
00:52:10And again, with car and Allen is your two, the two faces of the franchise head coach
00:52:15and quarterback.
00:52:16It's hard for me to get as excited about, Ooh, can they get something out of chase
00:52:19young with, you know, who knows, even though his knees are probably shot or can they get
00:52:23something out of this or that?
00:52:25It's like, they're kind of an eight or nine win team.
00:52:26I feel like it's like Atlanta at 10 or 11 wins, depending on what Kirk you get and stuff
00:52:31like that.
00:52:32And then it's like Tampa's nine wins, Atlanta eight wins, and we'll get to Carolina, but
00:52:36they're probably a four win team.
00:52:37So this division, it gets very mediocre, very quickly stinks.
00:52:43And it sucks a little bit.
00:52:44We can't just in totality, you know, it's funny you mentioned car, right?
00:52:48And, and your feelings about him and I sort of shared the same things, but last year in
00:52:53December, 10 touchdown passes, they won three or four games.
00:52:56And you're like, Oh, if he and Pete Carmichael Carmichael, the offensive corner, like it's
00:53:00finally starting to click with the two of them, at least like they're starting to play
00:53:03in a certain manner that is highlighting Derrick's play.
00:53:08They fire Carmichael in the offseason.
00:53:10They bring in Clint Kubiak to, of course, run the San Francisco Shanahan scheme.
00:53:15Kubiak called plays in Minnesota, didn't call plays in San Francisco, obviously that
00:53:20Shanahan's bag.
00:53:21So this is another one of those, like, I mean, Patriots did it with Alex Van Pelt.
00:53:26It's it's that West Coast offense.
00:53:28It's that tree.
00:53:28It's that, that, but Alex hasn't called plays for real since 2009, even though he's had
00:53:34the offensive coordinator title, he had it for four years in Cleveland under Stefanski.
00:53:38Stefanski called the plays.
00:53:39Now, Kubiak was the passing game coordinator there.
00:53:41Didn't, wasn't even a play caller.
00:53:43Like, is he, is he the next guy or is it just, you decided you wanted to pluck from that
00:53:49tree, even if you're not sure this guy is the guy that's going to take you over to the
00:53:53top and unlock if there is another level of Derrick Carr.
00:53:57The one other thing I'll tell you, my buddy Nick Underhill for New Orleans football does
00:54:01a, I mean, nobody covers New Orleans football, the Saints football like Nick does.
00:54:05Nick used to work up here.
00:54:07He's a friend, but I admire the hell out of his work.
00:54:10He's as detailed as any reporter.
00:54:12The practice reports are insane.
00:54:14I encourage people to go out and subscribe to his website.
00:54:17I think it's worth it.
00:54:18If you just as a football fan in general, and if you're a Saints fan, then I don't know
00:54:21what you're doing if you're not.
00:54:23He's indicated there is a little Spencer Rattler buzz.
00:54:28There's been a little Spencer Rattler buzz and he, you know, he and I text from periodically
00:54:33and he's like, I, I, you know, I'm not gonna jump out ahead and say like, this is it.
00:54:37But he's like, there's some things here that I'm seeing and look, I'm a hightest at the
00:54:42position, which is why at the end of the day, even though the more I watched Rattler, the
00:54:47more accepting I was of like, he could end up being a good NFL quarterback.
00:54:53But now to hear Nick, who who treats quarterbacks as harshly as I do, think that there's
00:54:57something there that maybe we'll see.
00:54:59I'm still a hightest, but maybe he can he can sort of he can correct my path here, at
00:55:04least make an addendum to the path because he obviously his arm, he can spin it as well
00:55:10as any of the guys we saw at the Senior Bowl.
00:55:12Right. In fact, he might have of the guys at the Senior Bowl, he might have thrown at
00:55:16the best of all of them during the course of the full week.
00:55:19So that's just an interesting one.
00:55:22I keep it in mind if if New Orleans does get off to a sloppy start or a car, even though
00:55:26they've they've committed to him, if it's if it's not going well and Dennis Allen's
00:55:30looking, hey, this is my job on the line.
00:55:32Would he pull car and go for Rattler at some point if Rattler continues to make progress?
00:55:37I just think it's something to kind of keep an eye on, maybe something that could be
00:55:40intriguing about that team and give them potentially potentially a little juice.
00:55:44I don't know definitively, but there have been good signs.
00:55:48And you mentioned the team that's probably the one that is going to win four games,
00:55:54maybe the Carolina Panthers.
00:55:57I don't think there's any question.
00:55:59I don't know why the Panthers came out of my mouth where I was going to.
00:56:03No, no, no. I caught it.
00:56:05I was like, what was that? You brought a little accent to it.
00:56:08They were two and 15 last year.
00:56:11And look, the coaching staff was a debacle.
00:56:12They blew it out. They hire Canales.
00:56:16And I think they hired Canales with the idea of if someone can fix our investment in
00:56:21Bryce Young as the number one overall pick, one pick ahead of CJ Stroud, Canales might
00:56:27be our best hope here.
00:56:28And early reports out of Carolina are decent, OK, that there's been some progress
00:56:35made. But look, I was kind of going back and I mentioned earlier when we were talking
00:56:41about what Canales did with Mayfield, you know, Smith, even Russell Wilson in Seattle.
00:56:49Does he have that magic to bring here a little bit and sprinkle some of that fairy dust
00:56:53on Bryce Young, who look, he doesn't have the biggest arm.
00:56:56We know the size is an issue.
00:56:57Speaking of the height is thing again, you know, not not a sub six foot quarterback.
00:57:03But does he have more answers for this kid?
00:57:06And I think that's like I think it really all hinges like I think is a massive year for
00:57:10Bryce Young, because I think this is if this doesn't work and Carolina is really bad
00:57:14again, then I think Carolina finds themselves in the quarterback market.
00:57:17And with David Tepper, they could find themselves in the market for a new head coach as
00:57:21well, because, you know, never his fault.
00:57:22It's everybody else's fault.
00:57:24And if Canales can't fix Bryce Young, I don't know what that guy will do.
00:57:29Yeah, I just don't really know what the Panthers are like.
00:57:31I. And I don't want to be super negative, I guess.
00:57:36I mean, just call it like you see.
00:57:38I mean, like this one, this one's obviously a much, you know, a quicker one than we talked
00:57:42about Atlanta, because it's just it's the reality of the situation.
00:57:44But like, well, J.C.
00:57:45Horn, hopefully he stays healthy because he's really fun to watch by football.
00:57:49Like, I hope we have it.
00:57:50We've seen Derrick Brown get better again.
00:57:53Still too many inconsistencies for me to be kind of put him in that elite tier.
00:57:57But he's obviously got all the talent to be an awesome player.
00:58:01Dean Jackson was nice in Buffalo.
00:58:03Cool. They signed Clowney.
00:58:07Clowney was awesome last year, but, you know, I don't know, year to year, sometimes you
00:58:11don't know what you're getting into De'Veon Clowney in terms of everything.
00:58:15We'll see. It's a nice signing.
00:58:17It's a low risk, high reward.
00:58:19But who knows? I don't know if he just went, you know, like he chose the the Panthers over
00:58:23maybe potentially the Jets in other places, knowing he could be closer to home and, you
00:58:27know, and kind of do some things of that nature.
00:58:29Shaq Thompson obviously has nice moments from time to time.
00:58:32You know, we'll see. They, you know, they lose Frankie Louvoo, which I think Louvoo was
00:58:35awesome. You know, last couple of years, H.M.
00:58:39Robinson had a couple of years that were really nice.
00:58:41And then, you know, he's not he's just run game.
00:58:43Him and Clowney will be awesome.
00:58:45Did they get Derrick Brown?
00:58:46Like, did they get enough pass rush there offensively?
00:58:52I wasn't super high on Bryce coming out of college because I just felt like there was a
00:58:57lot that felt like you need to go right.
00:58:59Like, he's a good athlete.
00:59:00I don't think he's an elite athlete.
00:59:01I don't think he's, you know, hasn't this elite special, these elite special traits.
00:59:05I think he was really good.
00:59:06And he's a really the floor should be quite high.
00:59:08But, you know, there was a lot of issues last year with Bryce.
00:59:11And again, it's a lot on the coaching.
00:59:12I think there's a lot of, you know, things there.
00:59:14And you, you know, you hope that those kind of get fixed.
00:59:17And we saw we talked about Canales with, you know, with Baker.
00:59:20Can he get as much out of, you know, Bryce as possible?
00:59:23There's some pieces on the offense that you feel decent about.
00:59:26You know, they bring in Corbett, you know, obviously, you know, Robert Hunt to the big
00:59:29money deal.
00:59:31You know, Damian Lewis, you know, can Icky get back to more of what he was as a rookie?
00:59:35Because he, you know, he's frankly just not bad, bad.
00:59:40Chuba Hubbard.
00:59:40I like it moments.
00:59:41Miles Sanders, like, okay, you know, okay, you know, we'll get and Mingo and stuff.
00:59:48And it's like, you feel, hey, you know, we get was really impressive.
00:59:51But like, is he gonna be able to separate enough and do some of the things like that?
00:59:54He's plays bigger than his size actually is feeling.
00:59:58I think is a guy that it's nice to have him in the room.
01:00:02And, you know, he's a dependable guy.
01:00:03But he shouldn't be the one commanding all the targets like his legs, his legs are not
01:00:08what they used to be.
01:00:09And, you know, Deontay Johnson, Terrace Marshall, it's like on paper, you're like, all right,
01:00:13this group's not anywhere near as bad as it was a year ago.
01:00:15They've gotten better.
01:00:16They definitely, I think they definitely have upgraded a head coach, or at least, you know,
01:00:21Just don't think they're I think their ceilings like unless Bryce is awesome, they're probably
01:00:24like a six win team at best.
01:00:26And they're probably more like a four or five a team, which again, is a good thing, right?
01:00:29Go from two wins to four or five, you know, get you know, if you again, I've said this
01:00:33probably for like five of the 12 teams we've done so far, but like, because there's so
01:00:37many young quarterbacks, if you leave 2024 as a Panthers fan and say, Hey, man, like,
01:00:43we feel pretty good about Bryce going forward, a little more talent, a little more time,
01:00:46another year with canals, you should be really good.
01:00:48We feel good about canals.
01:00:49We won five or six games, but we were spunky.
01:00:51And like we were in it, you know, four or five other games that, you know, luck breaks
01:00:55our way next year, we get a little more talent, we're good.
01:00:58That'd be awesome.
01:00:59I just have worries that like, it's really more like a four or five win team that you
01:01:04know, you don't really feel great about the quarterback.
01:01:06And we gave up so much to go get them and all those different types of things.
01:01:10I, I just, I don't feel great about the Panthers.
01:01:14And not that I was expecting to feel great, but I was expecting to feel a little better
01:01:18than I did.
01:01:18And again, I just come back to like Atlanta feels like they are their talent versus what
01:01:23you look at on Carolina or even New Orleans.
01:01:26If you were drafting those two teams, you might go a long ways before there might not
01:01:31be too many Panthers that would make your starting 22.
01:01:34If you were one thing, I think with bright, the last thing on Bryce, before we kind of
01:01:37start the rap here, it's just, I just, I felt like last year we mentioned Josh Allen example,
01:01:43we talked about Drake Manny's other guys, I didn't feel like, and again, I'm sure
01:01:46Panthers fans will tell me I'm wrong here, but like, didn't feel like there was a lot
01:01:50of moments last year.
01:01:51I was like, Oh, holy bleep.
01:01:52Like, there it is.
01:01:53I felt like there was a couple, but not enough.
01:01:56And I felt like it was a lot of just like, not a lot of mistakes, not a lot of good plays
01:01:59kind of just, it's kind of there.
01:02:01And you just hope, you know, I don't know, under 60% completion, like didn't break 3000
01:02:06yards and 16 starts barely broke double digit touchdowns, double digit picks.
01:02:11I, you know, the most sack yards, I just, it's gotta look better.
01:02:16And it's gotta be, you gotta feel a lot different going into year three.
01:02:20I just, the expectation is, do we have the coach?
01:02:22Do we have the quarterback?
01:02:23And can our left tackle be our left tackle?
01:02:27You find at least two of those, you're much better spot as a Panthers fan going into 2025.
01:02:31All I could think of quickly on young was like, that year was so bad.
01:02:35It was like a Josh Rosen, you know, you want to go back?
01:02:41David Carr, if you want to stick to the team, Jimmy Clawson, like they sort of,
01:02:47Clawson was, I don't believe the first round pick might've been second, but like,
01:02:49just, it was bad.
01:02:51And there has to be huge signs of growth.
01:02:53Or like I said, there has to be, then there has to be consideration to just, yeah, I know
01:02:57we spent a ton of capital on this player, but it ain't working.
01:03:00He ain't it.
01:03:01We got to move on.
01:03:02I'll give them credit.
01:03:04You mentioned Lewis and Hunt sort of building huge inside.
01:03:09Yeah, they're trying because you've got the little quarterback and this is the New Orleans
01:03:12with Drew Brees, right?
01:03:13This is the, look, the Drew's biggest concern was, can I see through the Giants?
01:03:19And what do we got to do?
01:03:20We got to protect him up the middle so that he has throwing lanes and they're going to,
01:03:25they invested a crap ton of money in those guys.
01:03:27So hopefully they get the production.
01:03:29And that should, in theory, help Rice Young take a step forward this year.
01:03:34But like you said, it's, it could be ugly.
01:03:38And Carolina has sort of been twisting in the wind here for several years as they've
01:03:42kind of at the bottom of the food chain here for the entire NFL.
01:03:48All right, that's going to put a wrap on the All 32 pod.
01:03:50Will, always a pleasure.
01:03:52We'll be back next week where I think we're, well, I think we're Wednesday, Friday again
01:03:56next week.
01:03:56We'll see.
01:03:57But then, like I said, as we get into the regular season, we'll settle.
01:04:01Seems like it's going to be a Monday, Friday schedule.
01:04:03We still have not totally firmed that out yet, but we will let you know when we figure
01:04:07it out.
01:04:08As always, thank you for watching and listening wherever you get your podcast, wherever you
01:04:12watch your podcast.
01:04:14Don't forget to like, subscribe and leave the reviews where, you know, we need some
01:04:18more reviews.
01:04:19We got to get some way more advertising dollars in this thing and let this thing take off
01:04:23the way Will and I want it to, the way we feel like it can.
01:04:26We like working with each other and we hope you guys can see that as we, as we go through
01:04:30this process here.
01:04:31So thank you as always.
01:04:33And we'll see you soon.
